Technical Notes For Skylight
Technical Notes For Skylight
Technical Notes For Skylight
Facade TecNotes Series
Executive Summary 1
Vocabulary of Transparency 8
Case Studies
51 Louisiana 12
Station Place 18
Strength of Geometry 22
Casting Process 28
Shure Headquarters 30
NYU Kimmel 38
Deloitte Building 42
Marriott Canopy 44
Glass Umbrella 46
Enclos can provide complete
turnkey solutions to your most
challenging facade require-
ments, regardless of size, com-
plexity, product or building pro-
gram considerations. We are
highly experienced in the var-
ied special conditions involving
commercial construction, rang-
ing from design through site
installation, and including both
BIM and LEED qualifications.
Executive Summary
Glass in overhead applications brings conflicting attributes of natural light and other emerging technology hold the
special opportunities and equally special solar heat gain. Passive design consid- promise of turning building skins into
considerations. Among its predominant erations include siting and orientation energy producers — facade system
exterior wall applications, Enclos has of the glass structure, as well as other power plants. Smart materials and con-
produced a great many novel, fully- factors related to the solar geometry of trol systems can integrate the skylight or
glazed overhead structures: skylights the skylight or glass roof design. Interior glass roof with other building systems.
and glass roofs. The focus has been on or exterior louver and shading systems Enclos can assist in the effective analy-
expressive structural systems and long can be incorporated into the design to sis of these many variables with respect
span applications. The opportunity to reduce glare and direct solar penetration to any specific application.
flood interior spaces with natural light at key times of the day.
not only enlivens the enclosed space, The backbone of any custom skylight or
but the increased daylight levels can Glass technology presents another set glass roof system, however, will be the
lead to significant reductions in energy of variables to consider. Glass makeup structural system developed to support
consumption from artificial lighting and can be a powerful ally in the control the facade enclosure, and that is the fo-
the reduction of the accompanying heat- of unwanted solar heat gain. Thin- cus of this document. We have included
ing loads. film glass coatings, such as the now select examples of the many projects
ubiquitous low-e coatings, can improve we have been involved with over the
The solar heat gain resulting from a the thermal performance of glass quite years involving the use of glass in over-
large horizontal glass exposure can significantly. Glass body tints, PVB in- head applications, glass constructs with
easily offset any gain in energy effi- terlayers, and ceramic frits applied to a a unique and singular attribute: skylight.
ciency from daylighting, however. It is glass surface can all be used separately
important to understand and explore in combination to fine tune glass perfor-
the active and passive tools at the mance to a specific application. Building
designers disposal to balance the often integrated photovoltaic systems and
Enclos Corp - 1
Introduction to Enclos
Enclos Corp - 3
Service and Technology
4 - Skylight
Fabrication Quality Assurance Site Operations
Curtainwall fabrication and assembly is Design or material supply problems Enclos has been awarded many of its
a critically important part of the project surfacing in manufacturing are a frus- projects over its competitors because
development process. Enclos Corp trating and costly annoyance; design or of its reputation for performance on the
maintains dedicated manufacturing manufacturing problems surfacing on building site.
operations in key geographic locations the building site are a disaster. There
capable of providing fabrication services is far too much at stake in the build- Everyone involved in the construction
for the most complex designs and the ing process to settle for anything less process knows the critical importance
most challenging project schedules. Our than top quality and the programs that of the building site, the playing-field for
facilities incorporate state-of-the-art consistently deliver it. Effective qual- the contracting teams. This is where
equipment and processes for curtainwall ity programs garner the participation the myriad complexities of a construc-
unit fabrication and assembly. In addi- of everyone in the organization from tion project converge and coalesce into
tion, to provide adequate capacity for top to bottom while reaching through- architecture. The building site must be
the fluctuating demands typical of the out the web of company operations a particular focus for systems such as
building marketplace, we have devel- and activities. We have developed and the building skin where a large part of
oped a network of outside fabrication refined our quality assurance and quality the process takes place off site; design,
sources, all of whom have been rigor- control programs over the span of many engineering, fabrication and assembly
ously trained and qualified in all aspects years and hundreds of diverse proj- all precede the delivery of material to
of Enclos systems materials, fabrication ect experiences, another way that our the site and the commencement of field
and assembly, and all of whom have deep experience works for you. These installation. Yet the site is where all must
successfully provided services on prior programs are robust and all embrac- come together. These preceding activi-
Enclos projects. ing, ranging from management systems ties must be accomplished with a keen
and procedures to the minutia of in-line eye to the site, anticipating unique site-
quality verification processes. In addi- specific requirements and developing
tion, we develop a specific quality plan effective installation strategy to assure
for each new project based on an analy- an efficient and effective performance.
sis that identifies and accounts for any
unique aspect of the project whether it Field operations are a core strength of
be material type, location, site condi- Enclos Corp, and the attribute for which
tion, performance requirement or design we are most widely recognized by the
detail. building community.
Enclos Corp - 5
Structural Glass
Facades and Enclosures
6 - Skylight
Grid Shells Glass Fin Systems All-Glass Systems
Grid Shell structural systems are This is the earliest form of structural Glass facades are comprised of a glass
another means to minimize the visual glass facade dating back to the 1950s system supported by some form of
mass of structure. Configurations can and the French Hahn system used at structural system (except glass fin-
be vaulted, domed and double-curved. the Maison de la Radio in Paris in 1953. supported walls in which the glass is
Systems can be welded, bolt-up, Here 2-story glass plates were suspend- hung and braced laterally with fins). As
or some combination of each. Grid ed and laterally stiffened by the use of the pursuit of transparency is a frequent
shell structures with integrated cable glass fins set perpendicular to the plates reason for the use of structural glass
bracing can produce a highly efficient at the vertical joints between them. This facade technology, point-fixed (frame-
structure with a refined aesthetic. technology was popularized by the Willis less) glass systems are most often
Cable pre-tensioning may be required Faber & Dumas Building, Ipswich, Eng- integrated into the facade design. These
on such systems. Grid shells can be land circa 1972. In this curving facade can be systems where the glass is
used in vertical and overhead appli- designed by Foster Associates, multiple perforated and bolted or non-perforated
cations, as well as to form complete plates of reflective glass are suspended and clamped. Such systems typically
building enclosures. to provide one of the first examples of provide optimum transparency and de-
an entire building facade in frameless sign elegance. However, the structural
glass. This project inspired a diffusion of systems employed in structural glass
glass fin technology in numerous appli- facades can easily be designed to ac-
cations throughout Europe and America commodate any type of glass system. In
starting in the 1970s and continuing some applications framed systems can
today. Glass fin-supported facades still provide certain practical or economical
represent one of the most transparent advantage.
forms of structural glass facades and an
economical solution especially at lower Enclos is capable of developing and
spans. providing any type of custom glazing
system for structural glass facade ap-
Enclos provides custom fin-supported plications.
facade designs for any application.
Enclos Corp - 7
A Vocabulary of
Castings, Cables and
Machined Fittings
8 - Skylight
Rods Castings Machined Components
The use of steel rods as a substitute for Casting is an ancient process with a In many respects, structural glass
cable in the design of structural glass longtime role in the construction indus- facade technology is more closely akin
facades was a practice borrowed from try, including the naming of a “cast- to the automotive industry than it is to
the yacht racing industry, and popular- iron architecture” during the industrial conventional construction. Spider fit-
ized in the Louvre Pyramid designed by revolution resulting from a dramatic tings are about as far from the brick as
IM Pei. The rods are most commonly increase in the availability of low cost a building component can be. Structural
fabricated from ASTM A316 stainless cast materials. Castings were much glass facades are highly engineered
steel because of the material’s combina- later used to spectacular affect in the structures built to very high tolerances.
tion of strength and corrosion resis- gerberettes and other components for There is also an important visual aspect
tance. In high load applications or when the Center Pompidou by architects Rog- to the components because of their
super thin profiles are desired, there are ers and Piano. The casting of structural use in exposed structural systems.
other higher strength stainless options. components however, demands a high Despite a widespread pursuit of facade
The rod terminations are often custom level expertise in both the design and transparency, many designers choose
designed and can be quite refined, with fabrication process. Cast nodes for the to express this exposed structure in
the intent of minimizing or eliminat- space frame structure on the Javits dramatic fashion, sometimes even at the
ing any exposed threads, turnbuckle Convention Center in New York were expense of ultimate transparency. These
or other tensioning mechanism. Rod famously discovered during construc- factors and considerations make the
fabrication typically involves slipping tion to contain cracks, requiring the use of machined components a frequent
the end fittings over the rod and upset- disassembly of nearly half the structure and effective choice. We design custom
ting the rod ends through a process and a project delay of nearly two years. components or specify off-the-shelf
called cold-heading. Alternately, equally While most of the castings utilized in parts as appropriate, and source both
elegant threaded fittings have also been structural glass facades are glass-fixing from our network of vendor/partners.
developed. Depending upon the design components of stainless steel, such as
of the structure, cable systems can have the “spider” fittings that attaché point-
significant advantages over rod sys- fixed glass to the supporting structure,
tems, particularly with respect to cost. many options exist in both material and
However, some feel that the refined process depending upon the component
appearance of a rod system is worth a size, design and application.
premium cost.
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Research &
Thermal Performance
10 - Skylight
Acoustical Performance New System Development Testing and Prototyping
We have recently crossed an important Enclos facade and curtainwall systems Testing is a key component of any R&D
threshold in the evolution of civiliza- are of known and proven performance, program. Testing activities as part of the
tion. For the first time in history, the having been tried and tested in numer- Enclos program have involved explosive
majority of earth’s people reside within ous mockups and hundreds of custom testing on blast-resistant designs, struc-
our urban cities. This is reflected in the building applications over many years. tural testing to hurricane wind loads,
increasing density of these urban areas They have consistently conformed to re- acoustical and thermal testing, and
and evidenced by the many residential quired specifications for water penetra- many others. In addition, most of our
tower projects which have sprung up in tion and air infiltration, as well as other custom curtainwall designs for particular
cities around the world. Along with the demanding specification requirements. building projects require some program
increasing density has come escalat- of mockup testing, and we have per-
ing noise pollution. These factors However, increasing urban density, ris- formed many dozens of such tests over
have combined to produce a growing ing fuel costs, and concerns over rapid the years.
concern among developers, architects climate change are resulting in escalat-
and building occupants regarding ing demands on the performance of the Enclos Corp has its own dedicated in-
the acoustical performance of urban building skin. Anticipating this trend, house test facility augmented by several
habitats. Enclos has been hard at work develop- major certified testing facilities across
ing new facade and curtainwall systems the nation. The later facilities are used
In recognition of this, Enclos launched with improved behavior in all key areas when special capabilities are needed
an R&D initiative intended to identify the of performance. We are confident that and independent confirmation of perfor-
key variables in the acoustical perfor- we can and will continue to provide mance is a requirement.
mance of its facade and curtainwall technically superior systems at competi-
systems. The program involved testing tive prices.
inter-story as well as outside-to-inside
acoustical behavior, and has resulted
in refinements to basic systems as well
as new premium curtainwall framing
systems with superior acoustical perfor-
Enclos Corp - 11
51 Louisiana
Washington, DC
51 Louisiana and 300 New Jersey Av- atrium structure, supports a trapezoidal
enue is a state-of-the-art office building flying roof of glass, and carries exposed
project in Washington, D.C., located just HVAC and other building system com-
one block from the U.S. Capitol. The ponents. Multiple levels of skybridges
project includes the construction of a tie the complex together. As all structure
new glass-enclosed office building that and systems are exposed, the highest
will serve as an extension of two exist- level of craftsmanship was required for
ing office buildings, all connected by the every aspect of the project. The project
new centerpiece atrium. is the first office building by London-
based Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners
Enclos was responsible for the chal- and Pritzker Prize winning Principal
lenging facade program that encloses Richard Rogers.
the new 10-story atrium space. A yellow
tree-like steel construct provides the
12 - Skylight
1 The vertical wall is 90’ tall by 40’ wide
2 Stainless steel tension rods tie back to
primary structure to stabilize the wall
3,4 The yellow truss supports the skylight roof
Enclos Corp - 13
51 Louisiana
Washington, DC
The wall that forms the entry to the new row design covering 12,500 square
complex climbs vertically over 90 feet feet in plan area. The glass module is
and then slopes back nearly 14 feet approximately 4 feet by 12 feet and
to join the glass roof. The entire wall incorporates a full perimeter supported
is hung from above, with a series of insulated-laminated glass panel with a
suspended horizontal trusses providing ceramic frit and low-e coating.
the minimal structure. Point fixings tie
the glass to the trusses at the end of The glass enclosure actually ties
2-foot truss armatures. Spring connec- together three separate buildings of 1 top of wall detail at slope
tions at the base and sides of the wall different construction and constructed 2 wall/skylight transition
accommodate movement under design during different time periods when 3 skylight plan with wind load map
loading. building practices and code require- 4 top of wall truss detail
ments varied. The result is considerably 5 3d model view
6-8 interior photos
The skylight is a low ridge and fur- different movement behavior between
14 - Skylight
them during design loading. Of course, commodate these movements with an commodate it. Spring mechanisms were
even identical buildings will not move in efficient and minimal structure. A high designed into the structural system that
phase when subject to identical loading level of transparency combined with a allows the structure to absorb relatively
conditions. The Enclos team built a 3-D minimal but expressive structure was high deflections and relative build-
digital model of the glass enclosure particularly important in the design of ing movement without inducing high
and surrounding buildings as a tool for the glass wall. compressive stresses into the structural
studying the relative building movement. components. A network of stainless
The intent was to develop a design for Rather than designing to limit move- steel rods are used to stabilize the top
the roof and wall that could fully ac- ment, the structure is designed to ac- of the wall.
6 7 8
Enclos Corp - 15
Clark Construction, with 40 subcontrac-
tors and an average of 200 site workers
each day, constructed the project over
51 Louisiana a 3-year period. Space was very limited
on the dense urban site, and office
Washington, DC buildings immediately adjacent to the
site were operational throughout con-
struction. An Enclos project manage-
ment and site operations team worked
closely with Clark and other subcontrac-
tors to assure optimum site logistics and
minimal disruption to nearby building
1 2 3
16 - Skylight
5 6 7
Enclos Corp - 17
Station Place
Securities &
Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C.
18 - Skylight
The vertical and horizontal cables are
clamped at their intersections with
custom stainless steel node assemblies,
which in turn receive the hardware by
which the glass is fixed to the net. The
slight radius the wall structure follows
in plan provides the curvature in the
horizontal direction. Opposing curvature
in the vertical direction is provided by
embedded cable connections within the
concrete super columns. The opposing
curvatures give the cable net its saddle
shaped surface and stability.
Enclos Corp - 19
Node detail
Station Place
Securities &
Exchange Commission
Washington, D.C.
Analysis of relative amount of warp in glass panels; left geometry hyperbolic paraboloid; middle geometry hybrid; right geometry torus.
20 - Skylight
In this project Enclos first optimized the
cable-net geometry to achieve minimum
distortion while maintaining enough
curvature to control the skylight and wall
Installation Sequence
1 In order to achieve the proper shape 5
in the double-curved nets, the clamps
must be accurately positioned on the
net, and the tensioning of the net must
be accomplished with all cables, vertical
and horizontal, simultaneously. This re-
quires rigorous methodology frequently
involving sophisticated hydraulic jacking
gear. Enclos utilizes special survey
techniques to map the position of each
node. Compensating adjustments in
the tensioning of the net can then be
computed and implemented. The trick,
then, with the cable-net structures is in
the tension: first, determining appropri-
ate theoretical cable pre-tensions with
2 respect to boundary conditions, so as 6
to yield the most efficient shape of the
net. The following Sequence was used
at SEC:
Enclos Corp - 21
Strength of Geometry
22 - Skylight
Effect of sag ratio (ratio of prescribed
boundary curvature to the boundary span)
on the deflection of double curve cable wall
and maximum cable forces.
Enclos Corp - 23
San Jose Civic Center
24 - Skylight
testing extensive mockup testing of
dome glass system: including seismic,
water and air infiltration
installation strategy cable truss system
required pre-tensioning to forces rang-
ing up to 22,000 lbs; a detailed installa-
tion method statement was developed
to facilitate assembly and installation;
hydraulic equipment was used to
achieve prestress forces
Enclos Corp - 25
quired in one direction only. Compound dating the large inelastic building drifts
curved glass to provide true curvature required by the new California Building
to the dome surface was considered, Code in areas of high seismic activity.
San Jose Civic Center but ultimately rejected for budgetary Conventional point-fixed systems can
reasons, so the dome surface is faceted be inadequate in these applications,
with flat panel shapes hung from the thus Enclos developed a new sys-
cable trusses. The rotunda enclosure is tem involving a custom spider design
unusual in its use of an exterior struc- capable of providing for large in-plane
tural system to support the glass. Stain- movement. The system allows for up to
less steel cable trusses span horizon- 3 inches of in-plane movement at each
tally between structural steel columns in fixing. A custom spider component was
the rotunda and the arched beams that required to accommodate this move-
form the dome. The sole compression ment. Enclos developed a custom spi-
elements in the system are the stainless der that is investment cast of a special
steel spreaders that, along with ap- heat-treated stainless steel alloy with
proximately 2.5 miles of stainless steel mechanical properties well beyond the
specification was included in the project cable, comprise the trusses. Spider-type 316 stainless alloy typical to conven-
tender documents. Enclos was ultimate- fittings attach to the inside end of the tional spider fittings.
ly the successful tender for curtainwall spreaders, providing the point fixings
contractor. that secure the glass. An extensive testing and mockup pro-
gram was undertaken for the spiders
Curved glass is used in the lower barrel Arguably the most challenging design and dome structure. Additional informa-
of the rotunda, with simple curvature re- aspect of this project was accommo- tion is available upon request.
26 - Skylight
5 4
Enclos Corp - 27
Casting Process for 1 2
Spider Fittings
The investment casting process is a
8 7
complex, multi-step process. The basic
steps are illustrated here.
28 - Skylight
1 Wax injection
Wax replicas of the desired castings
are produced by injection molding.
these replicas are called patterns.
2 Assembly
The patterns are attached to a central
wax stick, called a sprue, to form a
casting cluster or assembly.
3 4 3 Shell building
The shell is built by immersing the
assembly in a liquid ceramic slurry and
then into a bed of extremely fine sand.
6 5 up to eight layers may be applied in
this manner.
4 Dewax
Once the ceramic is dry, the wax is
melted out, creating a negative impres-
sion of the assembly within the shell.
5 Casting
In the conventional process, the shell
is filled with molten metal by gravity
pouring. as the metal cools, the parts
and gates, sprue and pouring cup
become one solid casting.
6 Cut-off
The parts are cut away from the central
sprue using a high speed friction saw.
7 Knockout
When the metal has cooled and solidi-
fied, the ceramic shell is broken off by
vibration or water blasting.
8 Finished castings
After minor finishing operations, the
metal castings—identical to the origi-
nal wax patterns—are complete.
Enclos Corp - 29
owner CenterPoint Properties glass exterior low-iron insulated lami-
nated with custom frit for roof glass,
architect Murphy/Jahn
insulated glass with low-e coating for
Shure Corporate engineer Peller & Associates glass fin walls, laminated glass fins, all
gc Harbour Contractors, Inc. glass point-fixed non-perforated, sup-
Headquarters plied by Eckelt; interior glass low-iron
completion 2000
Chicago tempered monolithic
program 7-story; 65,000 sqft description this building rises like a
building type office jewel box above its neighbors in a Chi-
cago suburb
facade design/build program including
custom vaulted glass roof and glass fin
wall of over 30,000 sqft; interior glass
elevator enclosure, handrail, stairs,
wash basins, ceilings
30 - Skylight
In granting an AIA Design Excellence
Award (Chicago, 2005), jurors agreed
that this building is at the leading edge
of design and technology, in the best
Chicago tradition. The seven-story box
is overlaid with triangular screens that
form loggias to the street and serve as
projection screens for the company’s
logo. The exterior wall is a single-shell,
insulating glass facade between the
slab edges. Concrete ceilings are ex-
posed, with mechanical systems placed
beneath raised floors. The interior is
organized around a full-height atrium
with three glass elevators and topped
by an innovative glass roof. At the top
two levels the atrium connects to a
two-story light-flooded showroom for the
company’s products.
2 3
Enclos Corp - 31
Shure Corporate
3 4
32 - Skylight
Brain Power vs Crane Power
Enclos Corp - 33
Airport: Airside 2
developer Greater Orlando Aviation
architect HOK
structural engineer Walter P. Moore
gc Clark Construction Group
completion 2000
program 3-storys; 305,000 sqft
building type airport
facade a centralized glass skylight and
custom glass fin wall create a highly
transparent hub
glass insulated, point fixed
description three dramatic tension truss
skylight systems act as the focal point
of Florida’s busiest airport
The HOK aviation design team wanted into the compression members of the
to modernize an existing hub design cable trusses.
strategy for the new Airside 2 Termi-
nal at Orlando International Airport. A The Airport General Tram enclosure
conventional heavy steel truss backer makes use of the ASI Vanderbilt LS
structure supporting boxy aluminum system, the long span version of this el-
framed skylights and curtain wall egant and highly economical glass wall
systems was to be avoided. Modifica- structural system comprised of steel
tions to the building shell involved the tension trusses and integrated glazing
application of cutting edge design and system. In this custom application the
building technology. trusses were curved to provide a radius
section to the glass wall enclosure.
At the hub itself, lightweight stainless
steel cable trusses support 3 ellipti- There is lightness to the resulting enclo-
cal long-span skylights. The skylight sure enhanced by the effect of transpar-
system utilizes an integrated cladding ency achieved with the tension based
strategy comprised of insulated, point- structural systems, and the systems
supported glass with stainless steel detail and use of material are compli-
fittings and hardware that tie directly mentary to the contextual aeronautical
34 - Skylight
technology. The architect’s design
goals were thus achieved. However, the
advantages of advanced building tech-
nology do not end with the aesthetic;
the building team provided the owner
with extended warranties covering the
long-term performance of the enclosure
systems and materials.
1 skylight plan
2 skylight showing cable trusses span-
ning between perimeter fabricated
steel trusses
3 glass fin spanning between cable
4,5 hydraulic jacking system for tensioning
cable trusses
6 glass fin and spider attachment detail
7 typical glass truss drawing
6 7
Enclos Corp - 35
Lloyd D. George United
States Courthouse
Las Vegas
2 3
36 - Skylight
1 The facade designs for this courthouse
were the first in the country to be
tested to blast performance criteria,
with testing performed at White Sands
Missile Base.
2 The dome caps the entry lobby of the
3 Stainless steel struts are wrapped dur-
ing installation to protect finish.
4 Articulating spider custom designed
to accommodate the performance
requirements of this dome.
5 3-D rendering of dome with section
diagram at truss.
Advanced structural silicone and lami- maintain fundamental integrity and act
nated glass were combined in inventive to mitigate the risk of injury in the event
ways to meet the blast requirements. of an attack.
Testing took place at the Department of
Defense’s Large Blast Thermal Simulator Weidlinger Associates conducted the
in White Sands, New Mexico. blast engineering.
Enclos Corp - 37
Helen and Martin
Kimmel Center NYU
owner New York University Seven custom beam elements float in a Facing Washington Square Park at
architect Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo & sea of tension, suspended and stabi- Greenwich Village, the Kimmel Cen-
Associates lized in a net of stainless steel tension ter includes a 1,000 seat theater, the
elements. The tension structure is clad largest performing arts facility south of
engineer Dewhurst Macfarlane and with laminated point-fixed glass creating 42nd Street, and a 600 seat auditorium.
Partners, in association with Goldreich an effective transparency of gem qual- Student club lounges, conference and
Engineering, PC ity. Upon entering the foyer of the New catering hall, music practice space and
gc LF Driscoll Helen and Martin Kimmel Center for Uni- offices complete the building program.
versity Life at NYU, visitors are greeted
completion 2001
by an unusual tensegrity structure creat-
program entry lobby ing the entrance enclosure. The vaulted
enclosure reaches an extraordinary level
building type education
of transparency and dematerialization
glass laminated point-fixed with the primary roof beams seemingly
description the Helen and Martin Kim- floating in mid air. The canopy structure
mel Center is NYU’s center of activity required pre-stressing of the cables to
for its diverse campus of over 50,000 achieve its structural integrity.
2 4
38 - Skylight
5 6
8 9
Enclos Corp - 39
Davis Brody Bond was designing a
22-story luxury residential building
located in Manhattan’s Upper East Side
86 Street Canopy neighborhood. The intent was to con-
vey a contemporary, elegant image yet
compliment its more traditional neigh-
bor, and the building’s design featured a
canopy that was entirely unconventional
yet very sophisticated.
40 - Skylight
Museum of Arts
Enclos Corp - 41
Deloitte Building
Costa Mesa
developer Segerstrom
architect Murphy / Jahn
gc Matt Construction
completion 1997
program 15,000 sqft skylight
building type commercial
facade a centralized glass skylight and
custom glass wall create a highly trans-
parent entrance
glass insulated, low-e coating, 70%
ceramic frit, point-fixed
description three dramatic tension truss
skylight systems act as the focal point
of the building entrance
42 - Skylight
4 5 6
These adjacent structures in Costa
Mesa were developed during the 1970’s,
originally as the Imperial Bank Tower. A
late 1990’s renovation included tie-
ing the structures together by utilizing
state-of-the-art facade technologies
to modernize the buildings. The new
glass lobby connects the tower with
the neighboring building to the south,
providing entrances from the east and
west. The overhead and vertical glazed
surfaces on the vaulted structure are
70% opaque fritted glass with low-e
coating, producing a highly transparent
building skin capable of mitigating solar
heat gain.
Enclos Corp - 43
Marriott Canopy
owner Marriott International
The challenge of implementing a sical masonry forms of the existing
architect Perkins Eastman Architects modern entrance canopy on an older facade, to provide a striking and distinc-
completion 2000 building was to balance the historical tive entranceway to the 35-story tower
charm of the original 1920s facade with at Lexington Avenue. The hotel recently
program canopy entrance to a 35-story the contemporary aesthetic desired by completed a $24 million renovation, and
early 20th century tower the architect and owner. The minimal- the new canopy welcomes guests to
building type hospitality ist canopy design was developed as a the Marriott’s 629 rooms and 17 suites.
study in contrast, the ultramodern steel The hotel hosts a variety of NYC events
facade design/build custom steel and
and glass against the arched neoclas- in its 21,000 square foot event space,
glass cable-supported canopy
44 - Skylight
3 4
convenient because of its close proxim- structure. The suspended frame sup- to dramatic effect during the evening
ity to Central Park, Rockefeller Center, ports a glass “shell” that is comprised hours.
Broadway theaters and 5th Avenue’s of laminated glass panels that appear to
retail district. The hotel is readily ac- float between the Corinthian columns of Interfacing a new cable-supported
cessible from Grand Central and Penn the existing building. Suspended beam structure with an existing building with
Stations, the subway, and NYC’s three elements incorporate a glass fin at their a masonry facade is an art form rooted
major aviation hubs. outboard tip in a finger-nail like fashion in fine craftsmanship. The installation of
to further minimize the structural profile. the structure required scaffolding over
The inspiration for the canopy derived the entire sidewalk and entrance area to
from the remarkable iron and glass can- The steel structure was fabricated and the hotel to create a work platform for
opies of late 19th Century Paris. Enclos test assembled off-site to assure fit-up the Enclos installation crew. Penetra-
designers worked closely with the ar- in the field, where a narrow window for tions were carefully cut through the
chitect to develop a concept that would canopy installation allowed no room for masonry facade to reach to steel struc-
meet the aesthetic and pragmatic goals error. Custom stainless steel cable and ture concealed within. Anchor assem-
of this project. The primary structure fittings were used throughout. The tem- blies were designed to facilitate quick
is a fabricated and painted steel frame pered and laminated glass panels are and easy assembly of the structural
with a novel support system of upper tied to the structure by stainless steel components. The canopy was ultimately
and lower stainless steel catenary ca- point fixings. Architectural lighting is completed on schedule and with only
bles that tie back to the existing building supported from the structure and used minimal disruption to hotel operations.
5 6 7
Enclos Corp - 45
The Glass Umbrella
Culver City, CA
The Glass Umbrella canopy is a small nate, cut, transport and install.
experimental art project. It is comprised
of 17 unique glass panels cascading The 17 panels were mapped and mod-
over an exterior stairway in a small of- eled per the architect’s specifications.
fice building, accessible only through Stress analysis revealed the distribu-
a locked interior door. It is prominently tion of forces through each panel and
visible from the exterior of the building, verified adequacy. A molding technique
and intended as a feature element of the was conceptualized and steel molds
architecture. The path to implementation designed to facilitate the slumping pro-
of this innovative structure traversed a cess. Unavoidable inaccuracies in the
landscape of questions: how to design, slumping process created the require-
fabricate and install something never ment for a clamping device capable of a
attempted before, and how to define, wide range of adjustability.
describe, quantify, analyze, mold, lami-
46 - Skylight
Bending the Rules deep, double-curved surfaces. Even
in the plastic state glass remains
By all accounts, the Glass Umbrella relatively stiff. Single curvature bends
marks the first time large sheets of are easy. The double-curvature forms
float glass have been subject to such act to further stiffen the glass locally
extreme curvature. (Frank Gehry used as a function of the geometry, and the
similar but less extreme bent glass in material resists slumping in certain
a vertical orientation on the interior of areas. It was impossible to predict the
the Conde Naste project, in the same exact deformations attainable through
approximate timeframe.) However, to this slumping process. It was thus im-
regard the project as high-tech, as in the possible to predict the exact footprint
application of cutting-edge technology, or edge profile resulting in the slumped
would be a gross misunderstanding of panels. For this reason, the glass
the story of the Glass Umbrella, which, was initially cut oversized, slumped,
like many such innovative architectural laminated, and finally the edges were
designs, is much more a tale of high- trimmed to get as close as possible to
craft than high-tech. the desired footprint.
Prior to our involvement, the design- In the slumping process, the mold sur-
ers identified an interested fabricator, a face was covered with fiberglass blan-
local family-owned second generation kets. Two identical oversized pieces
operation specializing in glass bending. of glass were then balanced upon the
They were introduced to us as a pos- mold surfaces, one atop the other. The
sible fabrication source and displayed molds were rolled into the furnace, the
both an understanding of the glass doors closed, and the furnace fired,
requirements and optimism that the generating a temperature that carried
panels could indeed be fabricated. Their the glass through the transition zone
initial concern was with the molds, as and into the plastic state.
each of the 17 required a unique mold
of complex geometry. We developed Parameters based upon empirical ex-
an egg crate approach that allowed perimentation were developed, allow-
us to map a section curve of the glass ing us to approximate the magnitude
surface and translate that into a draw- of possible slumping. When these were
ing that could easily be flame cut from overlaid against the required shapes,
steel plate. Plates fabricated from the many areas were identified where the
incremental x and y sections were curvature exceeded these parameters,
simply slotted together and tack welded especially with the 3/8 inch composite
to create a stable mold base with the glass panels. The architect was quite
required surface. 17 unique molds were insistent upon attaining the curvatures
constructed in this manner. The glass as originally designed with the hair
was to be heated and slumped over blower. We thus made extraordinary
these molds. efforts to achieve these curvatures as
closely as possible, experimenting with
Glass slumping is not a high tolerance variables of te mperature and time,
process, especially when attempting and whatever technique we could
Enclos Corp - 47
identify that might improve the process. panel subjected to heat and pressure,
In many instances this required extreme bonding the PVB to the adjacent glass
measures, including pushing on the hot surfaces. The process requires approxi-
The Glass Umbrella glass with long rods inserted through mately 4 hours at 280°F (138°C) within
small openings in the furnace sides in an autoclave to provide the required
Culver City, CA an attempt to force it into conformance pressure and facilitate the bond. The
with the mold surface. The next step primary advantages of laminated glass
in the process was laminating. Glass involve the redundancy provided by the
laminating technology derived from re- composite panel comprised of multiple
search conducted by the glass industry glass ply, and include safety and secu-
in the 1930’s with the primary intent of rity. When one glass ply of a laminated
providing a safer product for automotive panel breaks, the panel remains intact.
glass. Decades of development have Most laminated glass is 2-ply, however
resulted in a laminating technology for multiple ply are possible and are finding
architectural glass that finds exten- increasing application in structural ap-
sive use in the building arts today. The plications, as in stair treads, landings,
most typical practice involves the use and even stringers, as well as beam and
of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) in thin sheet column components. Laminated glass
form. The PVB is sandwiched between also provides enhanced performance
panes of glass, and the composite in extreme loading events, such as
48 - Skylight
blast and high-impact loads. Laminates
intended for extreme loading applica-
tions will sometimes include an inner ply
of polycarbonate. In addition, laminated
glass is an effective sound dampening
material and is finding increasing ap-
plication for its acoustic properties. An
important consideration for the Glass
Umbrella project was that the glass pan-
els could be trimmed to their final profile
as a final fabrication step, something
not possible with heat-treated glass.
Enclos Corp - 49
ferences were great enough they would
result in a bubble in the laminate where
the PVB was unable to bridge the gap
The Glass Umbrella between the panels and would adhere
only to one side. Lesser differences
Culver City, CA simply resulted in some magnitude of
residual stresses as discussed above.
slumping marking
50 - Skylight
problem is that the grinding process
can generate small cracks at the edges
that weaken the panel. Under stress,
it is from these microscopic edge
defects that the crack will propagate.
We ultimately took to polishing the
edges, a process which removes many
of the cracks rendering the glass panel
stronger, but this was a tedious and time
consuming process that further added
to the increasing burdens of glass fab-
Enclos Corp - 51
and to the adjacent panel atop the first,
while providing for the exceedingly large
variations in entry angles due to the
The Glass Umbrella poor tolerances of the slumped glass.
Culver City, CA Much of our work is rooted in the study
of natural form. Here, an articulated
arm was conceived to reach from the
steel pipe support and cradle the panel
edges, rather like the palm support of
a hand with fingers folding around the
edge and over the top to restrain the
glass from uplift. It was a complex prob-
lem requiring many design iterations. We
learned from hard experience the critical
requirement of mockups when develop-
ing such a unique system. The first two
mockups were great successes in dem-
onstrating to us just how to assure the
breaking of the glass panels, how easy
it was to break them by inducing just
small local moment forces into the area
of support. These mockups informed the
development of a design that provided
full rotation at the connection point,
minimizing or eliminating any moment
transfer into the glass. But by this time
we had broken a number of panels and
accumulated quite a number of stain-
less steel plate components of various
52 - Skylight
configurations, all destined for the scrap
heap and a recycled future.
Enclos Corp - 53
Enclos Press Inter-Story Acoustical Evaluation of
Publications Unitized Curtainwall Systems - 2008
1 Skylight
2 Double Skin
4 Airports
5 Healthcare
7 Cable Nets
8 Security
9 LEED Skins
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@ Enclos Corp 2009 I I 888.234.2966 I