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The manual describes safety procedures and operating instructions for a forklift. Special attention should be given to checking the condition of the forklift before operation and following safety precautions while operating it.

Operators should be trained, check the condition of the forklift before use, give attention to safety devices, operate only from the designated position, follow traffic rules and use care when lifting loads or traveling.

The main components described include the mast, lifting mechanism, controls, brakes, steering, battery and electrical system.



Repair Parts List

Big Lift LLC MANUAL NO. BL-C22-1010 10/29/2010

Do not operate this truck unless you have been autho- Do not overload truck. Check nameplate for capacity
rized and trained to do so, and have read all warnings and load center information.
and instructions in Operator’s Manual and on this
When using forks, space forks as far apart as load will
permit. Before lifting, be sure load is centered, forks
Do not operate this truck until you have checked its are completely under load, and load is as far back as
condition. Give special attention to tires, horn, battery, possible against load backrest.
controller, lift system (including forks or attachments, Do not handle unstable or loosely stacked loads. Use
chains, cables and limit switches), brakes, steering special care when handling long, high or wide loads, to
mechanism, guards and safety devices. avoid losing the load, striking bystanders, or tipping
Operate truck only from designated operating position. the truck.
Never place any part of your body into the mast struc-
Do not handle loads which are higher than the load
ture or between the mast and the truck. Do not carry backrest or load backrest extension unless load is
passengers. Keep feet clear of truck and wear foot secured so that no part of it could fall backward.
Elevate forks or other lifting mechanism only to pick up
Observe applicable traffic regulations. Yield right of
or stack a load. Watch out for obstructions, especially
way to pedestrians. Slow down and sound horn at
cross aisles and wherever vision is obstructed.
Do not lift personnel except on a securely attached
Start, stop, travel, steer and brake smoothly. Slow
specially designed work platform. USE EXTREME
down for turns and on uneven or slippery surfaces that
could cause truck to slide or overturn. Use special
mast is vertical, place truck controls in neutral and
care when traveling without load as the risk of overturn
apply brakes. Lift and lower smoothly. Remain in oper-
may be greater.
ating position or immediate vicinity as long as person-
Travel with lifting mechanism as low as possible. nel are on the work platform. Never transport
Always look in direction of travel. Keep a clear view, personnel on forks or work platform.
and when load interferes with visibility, travel with load Do not allow anyone to stand or pass under load or lift-
trailing. ing mechanism.
Use special care when operating on ramps travel
When leaving truck, neutralize travel control, fully
slowly, and do not angle or turn. Travel with load
lower lifting mechanism and set brake. When leaving
truck unattended, also shut off power.

Section Page Section Page

1 DESCRIPTION ............................................................1-1 5-2. STEERING ARM ............................................. 5-4
1-1. INTRODUCTION. .............................................1-1 5-2.1. RETURN AIR SPRING REPLACEMENT. ....... 5-4
1-2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION...............................1-1 5-2.2. STEERING ARM REMOVAL. .......................... 5-5
1-3. SAFETY FEATURES. ......................................1-1 5-2.3. STEERING ARM INSTALLATION. .................. 5-5
5-3. COMPARTMENT COVERS............................. 5-5
2 OPERATION ...............................................................2-1 5-3.1. FORWARD COMPARTMENT. ........................ 5-5
2-1. GENERAL. .......................................................2-1 5-3.2. REAR COMPARTMENT.................................. 5-6
2-2. OPERATING PRECAUTIONS. ........................2-1 5-3.3. INSTALLATION. .............................................. 5-6
2-3. BEFORE OPERATION.....................................2-2
2-4. GENERAL CONTROL OPERATION................2-4 6 BRAKE SERVICING ................................................... 6-1
2-5. DRIVING AND STOPPING PROCEDURES. ...2-4 6-1. BRAKES. ......................................................... 6-1
2-6. BELLY-BUTTON SWITCH. ..............................2-4 6-1.1. AIR GAP ADJUSTMENT. ................................ 6-1
2-7. STEERING ARM GAS SPRING.......................2-5 6-1.2. STOPPING DISTANCE ADJUSTMENT. ......... 6-2
CONTROLS. ....................................................2-5
2-9. LOADING AND UNLOADING. .........................2-5 7 TRANSMISSION, DRIVE WHEEL, LOAD WHEEL .... 7-1
2-10. PARKING. .......................................................2-5 7-1. DRIVE WHEEL. ............................................... 7-1
7-2. TRANSMISSION. ............................................ 7-1
3 PLANNED MAINTENANCE ........................................3-1 7-3. LOAD WHEEL. ................................................ 7-3
3-1. GENERAL. .......................................................3-1 7-3.1. REMOVAL ....................................................... 7-3
3-2. MONTHLY AND QUARTERLY CHECKS. .......3-1 7-3.2. REPAIR .......................................................... 7-3
3-3. BATTERY CARE. ............................................3-1 7-3.3. LOAD WHEEL INSTALLATION....................... 7-3
3-3.1. GENERAL ........................................................3-1
3-3.2. SAFETY RULES ..............................................3-2 8 ELEVATION SYSTEM SERVICING ........................... 8-1
3-3.3. BATTERY CARE AND CHARGING .................3-2 8-1. GENERAL........................................................ 8-1
3-3.4. BATTERY CLEANING......................................3-2 8-2. LIFT CHAIN LENGTH ADJUSTMENT............. 8-1
3-3.5. MAINTENANCE FREE BATTERIES................3-3 8-3. LIFT CHAIN WEAR INSPECTION................... 8-2
3-4. CHARGING BATTERIES .................................3-3 8-4. LIFT CHAIN REPLACEMENT. ........................ 8-2
3-5. LUBRICATION. ................................................3-4 8-5. LIFT CYLINDER. ............................................. 8-3
3-6. LIFT CHAIN MAINTENANCE...........................3-4 9 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SERVICING........................... 9-1
4 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................4-1 9-1. LINES AND FITTINGS .................................... 9-1
4-1. GENERAL ........................................................4-1 9-2. HYDRAULIC PUMP, AND MOTOR ASSY ...... 9-2
4-2. CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING............4-4 9-2.1. REMOVAL ....................................................... 9-2
4-2.1. FAULT DETECTION. .......................................4-4 9-2.2. DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY ............. 9-2
4-2.2. HAND HELD PROGRAMMER (OPTIONAL)....4-4 9-2.3. INSTALLATION ............................................... 9-2
4-2.3. FAULT RECORDING. ......................................4-4 9-2.4. LIFT CYLINDERS ............................................ 9-3
4-2.4. FAULT RECOVERY. ........................................4-4 9-2.5. TILT CYLINDERS ............................................ 9-5
4-2.5. GENERAL CHECKOUT. ..................................4-4 10 ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS ................................. 10-1
4-2.6. DIAGNOSTIC HISTORY ..................................4-6 10-1. ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL ................. 10-1
4-2.7. TEST THE FAULT DETECTION CIRCUITRY .4-6 10-1.1.MAINTENANCE............................................. 10-1
4-2.8. PROGRAMMABLE PARAMETERS .................4-6 10-1.2.CLEANING .................................................... 10-1
4-2.9. DIAGNOSTICS AND TROUBLESHOOTING. 4-30 10-1.3.PANEL REMOVAL. ....................................... 10-1
4-2.10.PROGRAMMER DIAGNOSTICS ...................4-31 10-1.4.PANEL DISASSEMBLY................................. 10-1
5 STEERING ARM, CONTROL HEAD AND 10-1.5.PANEL INSTALLATION. ............................... 10-1
COMPARTMENT ........................................................5-1 10-2. HORN REPLACEMENT ................................ 10-2
5-1. CONTROL HEAD .............................................5-1 10-3. PUMP MOTOR. ............................................. 10-4
5-1.1. CONTROL HEAD REMOVAL ..........................5-1 10-4. DRIVE MOTOR. ............................................ 10-4
5-1.2. BELLY-BUTTON SWITCH REPLACEMENT. ..5-1 10-4.1.MOTOR REMOVAL....................................... 10-4
5-1.3. LIFT, LOWER AND HORN SWITCH 10-4.2.MOTOR INSTALLATION............................... 10-4
REPLACEMENT...............................................5-2 10-5. LIMITATION SWITCH ................................... 10-4
5-1.4. DIRECTIONAL SWITCH REMOVAL AND 10-6. DEADMAN SWITCH...................................... 10-5
ADJUSTMENT. ................................................5-2 10-6.1.REPLACEMENT............................................ 10-5
5-1.5. POTENTIOMETER REMOVAL TESTING 11 OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT ......................................... 11-1
AND ADJUSTMENT.........................................5-3
5-1.6. CONTROL HEAD INSTALLATION. .................5-4 12 ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN .................... 12-1

BL-C22-1010 i

Figure Page Figure Page

1-1 NAME PLATE..................................................... 1-1 10-1 FRAME ............................................................. 10-2
1-2 PDS LIFT TRUCK .............................................. 1-2 10-2 ELECTRICAL PANEL ....................................... 10-3
2-1 LOAD CENTER .................................................. 2-1 10-3 TRANSMISSION, MOTOR, BRAKE
2-2 SAMPLE OF OPERATOR CHECK LIST............ 2-3 ASSEMBLY....................................................... 10-4
2-3 FORWARD/REVERSE CONTROL .................... 2-4 10-4 STEERING SYSTEM........................................ 10-5
2-4 PUSHBUTTON SWITCHES............................... 2-4 12-1 STEERING SYSTEM........................................ 12-2
2-5 BRAKE ACTUATION.......................................... 2-4 12-2 HANDLE ASSEMBLY ....................................... 12-3
2-6 BELLY-BUTTON SWITCH ................................. 2-5 12-3 SWITCH BOX ASSEMBLY............................... 12-4
3-1 LUBRICATION DIAGRAM.................................. 3-5 12-4 SWITCH BOX ................................................... 12-5
4-1 CONTROLLER LED ........................................... 4-4 12-5 TRANSMISSION, MOTOR, BRAKE
4-2 CONTROLLER TERMINALS ............................. 4-5 ASSEMBLY....................................................... 12-6
4-3 HAND HELD PROGRAMMER ........................... 4-5 12-6 TRANSMISSION, ASSEMBLY ......................... 12-7
5-1 STEERING ARM ................................................ 5-1 12-7 COMPARTMENT.............................................. 12-8
5-2 CONTROL HEAD ............................................... 5-2 12-8 COVER ASSEMBLY......................................... 12-9
5-3 SWITCH BOX..................................................... 5-3 12-9 FRAME ........................................................... 12-10
5-4 STEERING SYSTEM ......................................... 5-4 12-10 CASTER ......................................................... 12-11
5-5 COMPARTMENT ............................................... 5-5 12-11 LOAD WHEEL ................................................ 12-12
6-1 BRAKE ASSEMBLY ........................................... 6-1 12-12 OUTER MAST ................................................ 12-13
6-2 TRANSMISSION, MOTOR, BRAKE 12-13 INNER MAST.................................................. 12-14
ASSEMBLY ........................................................ 6-2 12-14 LIFT CARRIAGE............................................. 12-15
6-3 STEERING SYSTEM ......................................... 6-3 12-15 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ................................... 12-16
7-1 TRANSMISSION, MOTOR, BRAKE 12-16 PUMP & MOTOR ASSY ................................. 12-17
ASSEMBLY ........................................................ 7-1 12-17 PUMP ASSEMBLY ......................................... 12-18
7-2 FRAME ............................................................... 7-2 12-18 VALVE ASSEMBLY ........................................ 12-19
7-3 STEERING SYSTEM ......................................... 7-2 12-19 VALVE -B ASSEMBLY ................................... 12-20
7-4 LOAD WHEEL .................................................... 7-3 12-20 LIFT CYLINDER ............................................. 12-21
8-1 OUTER MAST .................................................... 8-1 12-21 TILT CYLINDER ............................................. 12-22
8-2 INNER MAST ..................................................... 8-2 12-22 FORCING CYLINDER .................................... 12-23
9-1 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM ....................................... 9-1 12-23 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM .................................. 12-24
9-2 PUMP AND MOTOR ASSEMBLY...................... 9-2 12-24 BRAKE ASSEMBLY ....................................... 12-25
9-3 OUTER MAST .................................................... 9-3 12-25 DRIVE MOTOR............................................... 12-26
9-4 LIFT CYLINDER ................................................. 9-4 12-26 HYDRAULIC MOTOR..................................... 12-27
9-5 TILT CYLINDER ................................................. 9-5 12-27 BATTERY ....................................................... 12-28
Table Page Table Page
2-1 OPERATOR CHECKS......................................... 2-2 4-3 FAULT CATEGORIES ....................................... 4-29
AND SERVICE CHART ....................................... 3-1 DRIVER (PIN 8) ................................................. 4-30
3-2 RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS ........................ 3-4 4-5 LED CODES....................................................... 4-31
3-3 LUBRICATION CHART ....................................... 3-5 4-6 TROUBLESHOOTING CHART.......................... 4-32
4-1 TROUBLESHOOTING CHART ........................... 4-1
4-2 PROGRAMMABLE PARAMETERS .................... 4-7

ii BL-C22-1010

This publication describes the 24 volt transistor
C22 lift truck distributed by Big Lift LLC. Included are MODEL NO. SERIAL NO.

operating instructions, planned maintenance instruc-

tions, lubrication procedures, corrective maintenance MAX CAP LB/ KG LOAD CTR IN/ MM LIFT HGT IN/ MM

procedures and a complete parts list with part location


Users shall comply with all requirements indicated in TRUCK WT LESS BATTERY LB/ KG BATTERY MIN WT LB/ KG

applicable OSHA standards and current edition of

A.N.S.I. B56.1 Part II. By following these requirements TRUCK WT WITH BATTERY LB/ KG BATTERY MAX WT LB/ KG

and the recommendations contained in this manual,

you will receive many years of dependable service TRUCK BATTERY
from your C22 lift truck.



The self-propelled C22 truck, Figure 1-2, lifts and U.S. PATENT NO. 4,444,284

transports payloads up to 2200 pounds on adjustable BIG LIFT LLC


The forward and reverse motion is controlled by either
of two controller levers mounted on the control head. Figure 1-1 Name Plate
Stopping and turning is controlled by the steering arm. • High speed limit switch to restrict speed when lift
Lift, Lower and Tilt are controlled by pushbuttons on carriage is raised above the preset limit.
the control head. The battery powered lift truck is quiet
and without exhaust fumes. • All control functions automatically return to “OFF”
when released.
The reversible AC motor propels the lift truck in for-
ward or reverse direction throughout the available • Externally accessible quick-disconnect battery plug
speed range. The C22 lift truck can be driven with within operator's reach.
forks raised or lowered; however, the speed is • Separately fused control circuits and power circuits.
restricted when the platform is raised above a preset
limit. • Readily accessible horn button.

The model number will be found on the name plate • Lift carriage backrest to help stabilize the load.
(Figure 1-1) along with the serial number, lifting capac- • Handle to provide a firm hand hold for operator.
ity, and load center. Figure 1-2 shows the locations of
• Flow control valve regulates maximum lowering
the truck’s main components and controls.
speed within prescribed limits.
1-3. SAFETY FEATURES. • Relief valve maintains hydraulic pressure within pre-
scribed limits.
The C22 is designed and engineered to provide maxi-
mum safety for operator and payload. Some of the • High visibility color scheme of truck provides visual
safety features incorporated into the design are: alert of truck’s presence.
• Dead-man brake to apply the brake and cut off drive • Battery Indicator.
power when the steering arm is released. • Casters.
• Belly-button switch to reverse truck should the oper-
ator accidentally pin himself against a wall or
obstruction when backing up in slow speed.

BL-C22-1010 1-1

Figure 1-2. C22 Lift Truck

1-2 BL-C22-1010

2-1. GENERAL. • Be sure that mast is vertical - do not operate on a

side slope.
This section gives detailed operating instructions for
• Be sure the truck has a firm and level footing.
the C22 lift truck. The instructions are divided into the
various phases of operations, such as operating lift, • Avoid overhead wires and obstructions.
driving, and stopping. Routine precautions are • Check for obstructions when raising or lowering the
included for safe operation. lift carriage.
• Do not handle unstable or loosely stacked loads.
Use special care when handling long, high, or wide
2-2. OPERATING PRECAUTIONS. loads to avoid tipping, loss of load, or striking
WARNING: Improper operation of the lift truck may
• Center and carry the load as far back as possible
result in operator injury, or load and/or lift toward the lift carriage back rest. The center-of-grav-
truck damage. Observe the following ity of the load must not exceed the load center listed
precautions when operating the C22 lift on the nameplate. See Figure 2-1 for load center
• Pick up loads on both forks. Do not pick up on only
The following safety precautions must be adhered to one fork.
at all times. • When traveling, always lower the load as far as pos-
• Do not operate this truck unless you have been • When stacking pallets in racks and it is necessary to
trained and authorized to do so. move the load in a raised position, use caution.
• All warnings and instructions must be read and Operate truck smoothly.
understood before using the equipment.
• Observe applicable traffic regulations. Yield right of
• Equipment must not be altered in any way. way to pedestrians. Slow down and sound horn at
cross aisles and wherever vision is obstructed.
• Equipment must be inspected by a qualified person
on a regular basis. • Operate truck only from designated operation posi-
• Do not exceed the rated capacity. Overloading may tion. Never place any part of your body between the
result in damage to the hydraulic system and struc- mast uprights. Do not carry passengers.
tural components. • Do not allow anyone to stand or pass under load or
lifting mechanism.
• Be certain that the lifting machine is operating
smootly throughout its entire height, both empty and • When leaving truck, neutralize travel control. Fully
loaded. lower lifting mechanism and set brake. When leaving
truck unattended, turn off key switch, remove key
and disconnect battery.


Figure 2-1 Load Center

BL-C22-1010 2-1
2-3. BEFORE OPERATION proper lubrication, proper fluid levels,
brake maintenance, motor maintenance
Table 2-1 covers important inspection points on the
and other areas specified in the SEC-
C22 lift truck which should be checked prior to opera-
tion. Depending on use, some trucks may require
additional checks. WARNING: If the truck is found to be unsafe and in
Figure 2-2 shows a sample format for an Operator need of repair, or contributes to an
Checklist, which can be modified as necessary to fit unsafe condition, report it immediately to
your operation. the designated authority. Do not operate
it until it has been restored to a safe
WARNING: Periodic maintenance of this truck by a operating condition. Do not make any
QUALIFIED TECHNICIAN is required. unauthorized repairs or adjustments. All
service must be performed by a qualified
maintenance technician.
should check the truck monthly for

Table 2-1 Operator Checks

Transmission Check for signs of fluid leakage. Wheels Check drive wheel for cracks or
and hydraulic damage. Move truck to check
systems. load for freedom of rotation.
Forks Check for cracks and damage; Hydraulic Check operation of lift and lower
and, that they are properly controls to their maximum positions.
secured. Brakes Check that brakes actuate when
Chains, cables Check that they are in place, steering arm is raised to upright
and hoses secured correctly, functioning position, and when lowered to
properly and free of binding or horizontal position.
damage. Deadman/ Check that steering arm raises to
Guards and load Check that safety guards are in Parking brake upright position when released
backrest place, properly secured and not and brake applies.
damaged. Battery Check that battery can be
Safety signs Check that warning labels, disconnect disconnected and recon-
nameplate, etc., are in good nected. Check for connector
condition and legible. damage.
Horn Check that horn sounds when Battery charge Check the battery indicator.
operated. High speed limit Allow for enough space to oper-
Steering Check for binding or looseness in switch ate truck in high speed. Elevate
steering arm when steering. forks approximately two feet,
Travel controls Check that speed controls on then test drive truck to check if
control head operate in all high speed is cut out.
speed ranges in forward and
reverse and that belly button
switch functions.

2-2 BL-C22-1010
Electric Truck
Big Joe Manufacturing Company Daily Operator Check-Off List

Date Operator

Truck No. Model No.

Dept. Shift
Hour Meter
Reading Drive Hoist

Check O.K. ( ) Need Maintenance

Load Wheels
Lift Lower Control
Attachment Operation
Forward & Reverse Controls

Hydraulic Leaks, Cylinders,
Valves, Hoses, Etc.


Figure 2-2 Sample of Operator Check List

BL-C22-1010 2-3
The speed control (See Figure 2-3) located on each
side of the control head provides fingertip control for
driving the truck. Rotate the control in the direction you
want to travel. The farther you rotate the control from
the neutral position, the faster the truck will travel.


Figure 2-5. Brake Actuation


1. Be sure the emergency stop button is up.
2. Connect the batteries and turn on the key switch.
Grasp the grips of the steering head so that the
Figure 2-3. Forward/Reverse Control speed control can be comfortably operated by
either thumb.
The pushbutton switches (See Figure 2-4), located on
the front of the control head activate the lift, lower, fast 3. Lower the steering arm to a comfortable position
lower, tilt, and horn. above horizontal to disengage the brake and to
energize the electrical circuits. If the truck is not
moved, the electrical circuits will time out and will
deenergize. See Figure 2-5.
4. To move forward (with load in front), slowly press
the speed control forward. See Figure 2-3. Press
the forward speed control farther to increase
5. To slow down or stop, release the speed control
and lower or raise the steering arm to the horizon-
tal or vertical position. See Figure 2-5. In those
positions, the brake engages, slowing or stopping
the truck.
6. Procedures for movement in reverse are the
same as in the forward direction except slowly
press the speed control backward. See Figure 2-
Figure 2-4. Pushbutton Switches
The brake is fully applied by lowering or raising the 2-6. BELLY-BUTTON SWITCH.
steering arm. (See Figure 2-5) All traction control The belly-button switch (Figure 2-6) minimizes the
power is shut off when the brake is engaged. When possibility of the driver being pinned by the steering
the steering arm is in the upright position, the brake arm while driving the lift truck in slow speed. If the
acts as a parking brake. Deadman braking occurs switch presses against the operator while the lift truck
when the handle is released and spring action raises is being driven toward the operator, the switch
steering arm to the upright position. changes the direction of the lift truck.

2-4 BL-C22-1010
lower or the fast lower button and hold until forks
descend to desired height.


1. Approach the load slowly.
2. Stop truck when the forks are just in front of the
3. Adjust the forks to the maximum practical width to
support the load.
4. Raise or lower and tilt the forks until they are
properly aligned with the pallet opening.
5. Move the truck slowly into position so forks are
within pallet or skid, and the load is centered over
R6689 the forks and as far back as possible.
Figure 2-6. Belly-Button Switch 6. Raise forks to lift load.
7. Drive to area where load is to be placed.
8. Move truck to align load with its new position.
The steering arm gas spring automatically raises the 9. Lower and tilt the load until it rests squarely in
steering arm to the upright position when the steering place and the forks are free.
arm is released. If the steering arm does not return
fully, the steering arm gas spring requires replace- 10. Slowly move the truck out from under the load.
ment. Return truck to maintenance for repair.
2-10. PARKING.
2-8. LIFT, LOWER AND FAST LOWER CONTROLS. When finished with moving loads, return the truck to its
Lift, lower and fast lower control buttons are located on maintenance or storage area. Turn off the key switch
the steering control head. (Figure 2-4) and disconnect the batteries. Charge batteries as nec-
essary. Refer to battery care instructions, SECTION 3.
To lift forks, push in the lift button and hold until forks
reach desired height. To lower forks, push in either the

BL-C22-1010 2-5

2-6 BL-C22-1010

3-1. GENERAL. CAUTION: Gases produced by a battery can be

Planned maintenance consists of periodic visual and explosive. Do not smoke, use an open
operational checks, parts inspection, lubrication, and flame, create an arc or sparks in the
scheduled maintenance designed to prevent or dis- vicinity of the battery. Ventilate an
cover malfunctions and defective parts. The operator enclosed area well when charging.
performs the checks in SECTION 2, and refers any CAUTION: Batteries contain sulfuric acid which may
required servicing to a qualified maintenance techni- cause severe burns. Avoid contact with
cian who performs the scheduled maintenance and eyes, skin or clothing. In case of contact,
any required servicing. flush immediately and thoroughly with
clean water. Obtain medical attention
3-2. MONTHLY AND QUARTERLY CHECKS. when eyes are affected. A baking soda
Table 3-1 is a monthly and quarterly inspection and solution (one pound to one gallon of
service chart based on normal usage of equipment water) applied to spilled acid until bub-
eight hours per day, five days per week. If the lift truck bling stops, neutralizes the acid for safe
is used in excess of forty hours per week, the fre- handing and disposal.
quency of inspection and service should be increased
Leakage voltage from battery terminals to battery case
accordingly. These procedures must be performed by
can cause misleading trouble symptoms with the truck
a qualified service technician or your Big Lift LLC Ser-
electrical system. Since components of the truck elec-
vice Representative.
trical system are insulated from truck frame, leakage
voltage will not normally affect truck operation unless a
short circuit or breakdown of circuit wire insulation to
3-3.1. General truck frame occurs.

The C22 may be equipped with maintenance free or A voltage check from battery connector terminal to
industrial wet cell batteries. battery case should indicate near zero volts. Typically,
however, the sum of the voltages at both terminals will
The care and maintenance of the battery is very equal battery volts. This leakage voltage will discharge
important to obtain efficient truck operation and maxi- the battery. As battery cleanliness deteriorates, the
mum battery life. usable charge of the battery decreases due to this self
Table 3-1 Monthly and Quarterly Inspection and Service Chart
Monthly Check mechanical brake for proper operation.
Monthly Check load wheels for wear. A poly load wheel must be replaced if worn to within 1/16 inch
of hub. Check for separation from hub.
Monthly Check drive wheel for wear. A poly drive wheel must be replaced if worn to within 3/4 inch
of hub. Check for separation from hub.
Monthly Inspect wiring for loose connections and damaged insulation.
Monthly Inspect contactors for proper operation.
Monthly Check deadman brake switch for proper operation.
Monthly Check lift chain tension, lubrication & operation (see paragraph 3-6.)
Quarterly Check lift and tilt cylinders for leakage.
Quarterly Check for excessive jerking of steering arm when stopping or starting.
Semi-annually Inspect for chain wear (See SECTION 8)

BL-C22-1010 3-1
Although a leakage voltage reading of zero volts may 1. Charge the battery only in areas designated for
not be possible, a cleaner battery will have more that use.
usable charge for truck operation and not affect opera- 2. Make certain the charger being used matches the
tion of electronic devices on the unit. voltage and amperage of the truck battery.
3-3.2. Safety Rules 3. Before disconnecting or connecting batteries to a
charger, make sure the charger is “OFF”. If an
• Wear protective clothing, such as rubber apron,
attempt is made to do this while the charger is
gloves, boots and goggles when performing any
“ON”, serious injury to you, the battery and the
maintenance on batteries. Do not allow electrolyte to
charger could result.
come in contact with eyes, skin, clothing or floor. If
electrolyte comes in contact with eyes, flush immedi- 4. Before connecting the battery cable to the trucks
ately and thoroughly with clean water. Obtain medi- receptacle, make sure the key switch is off. The
cal attention immediately. Should electrolyte be battery cable must be fully connected before the
spilled on skin, rinse promptly with clean water and truck is used. If the plug is not making good con-
wash with soap. A baking soda solution (one pound tact, heat will weld the two parts of the battery
to one galleon of water) will neutralize acid spilled on connector together, making it difficult to remove
clothing, floor or any other surface. Apply solution and necessary to replace.
until bubbing stops and rinse with clean water. 5. Battery terminals should be checked and cleaned
• If truck is equipped with wet cell batteries, keep vent of corrosion regularly. Good battery terminal con-
plugs firmly in place at all times except when adding tact is essential not only for operation, but also for
water or taking hydrometer readings. Do not allow proper charging of the battery.
dirt, cleaning solution or other foreign material to 6. The charging requirements will vary depending on
enter cells. Impurities in electrolyte has a neutraliz- the use of the truck. The battery should be given
ing effect reducing available charge. as equalizing charge on a weekly basis. This
• Do not bring any type of flame, spark, etc., near the charge should normally be an additional three
battery. Gas formed while the battery is charging, is hours at the finish rate.
highly explosive. This gas remains in the cells long 7. Make certain battery used meets weight and size
after charging has stopped. requirements of truck. NEVER operate truck with
• Do not lay metallic or conductive objects on battery. an undersized battery.
Arcing will result. 3-3.4. Battery Cleaning
• Do not touch non-insulated parts of DC output con- Always keep vent plugs tightly in place when cleaning
nector or battery terminals to avoid possible electri- battery. When properly watered and charged, the bat-
cal shock. tery will remain clean and dry. All that is necessary is
• De-energize all AC and DC power connections to brush or blow off any dust or dirt that may accumu-
before servicing battery. late on them. However, if electrolyte is spilled or over-
flows from a cell, it should be neutralized with a
• Do not charge a frozen battery.
solution of baking soda and water, brushing the soda
• Do not use charger if it has been dropped or other- solution beneath the connectors and removing grime
wise damaged. from the covers. Then rinse the battery with cool water
from a low pressure supply to remove the soda and
3-3.3. Battery Care and Charging loosen dirt. If batteries stay wet consistently, they may
CAUTION: Never smoke or bring open flame near be either overcharged or over filled. This condition
the battery. Gas formed during charging should be investigated and corrected.
is highly explosive and can cause seri-
ous injury.

3-2 BL-C22-1010
Some trucks may be equipped with maintenance free Charging requirements will vary depending on depth
batteries. These batteries are completely sealed, will of discharge and temperature. Follow safety rules
not require any watering and have a full 80% dis- when placing a battery on charge.
charge available.
Proceed as follows:
Sealed Maintenance Free batteries contain a pressure 1. Park truck at charging station with carriage low-
release valve and under normal operating conditions ered and turn the key switch off.
do not require any special ventilation.
2. Check the condition of the AC cord, the battery
CAUTION: Do not try to open this battery or remove connector and battery cables. If there are any
the pressure release valve. cuts in the cable, any exposed wires, loose plugs
or connectors, DO NOT attempt to charge the
Only under severe overcharging, such as connected
batteries. Contact appropriate personnel for
to an improperly sized charger, will any significant
repairs to be made.
amount of gasses be released from the battery. Also,
being a valve regulated battery, it never requires 3. Disconnect the batteries from the truck and con-
watering. nect the batteries to the charger. Make sure con-
nectors are mated properly.
4. Connect the charger to the appropriate power
5. Follow the instructions for the charger being used.

BL-C22-1010 3-3
3-5. LUBRICATION. Table 3-2 Recommended Lubricants
(See Table 3-3 for Application)
Refer to Table 3-2 for the recommended types of
grease and oil. Table 3-3 in conjunction with Figure 3- No. 1 Transmission oil—EP SAE 80W-90
1 identifies the items requiring lubrication. Transmission oil—EP SAE 10W-30 (Note)

3-6. LIFT CHAIN MAINTENANCE. No. 2 Grease—Lithium base, general purpose.

Fully raise and lower lift carriage while observing
chains as they move over chain sheaves. Ensure No. 3 Hydraulic oil-Heavy duty with a viscosity of
chain is aligned and tracking properly and all links are 150 SUS foam suppressing agent and
pivoting freely. With lift carriage fully lowered, spray or rust and oxidation inhibitors
brush on a film of SAE 30 or 40 engine oil. Hydraulic oil-Heavy duty with a viscosity of
100 SUS foam suppressing agent and
rust and oxidation inhibitors (Note)

No. 4 SAE 30 or 40 Engine lubricating oil


3-4 BL-C22-1010

Figure 3-1 Lubrication Diagram

Table 3-3 Lubrication Chart
1 Transmission Can No. 1 Fill to level plug opening
Capacity 2 pints
2 Lift Chain Brush or Spray No. 4 See Paragraph 3-6.
3 Mast Brush No. 2 Full length of channel where rollers
4 Lift Carriage Brush No. 2 Light coating where forks slide
5 Hydraulic Reservoir Can No. 3 With lift carriage fully lowered, fill
Capacity-1 quarts reservoir with hydraulic oil to 1
inch below opening

BL-C22-1010 3-5

3-6 BL-C22-1010

4-1. GENERAL Operate: Truck Does Not Operate Forward orReverse:

Use Table 4-1 as a guide to determine possible Trouble With Braking: Trouble With Lifting Or Lower-
causes of trouble. The table is divided into five main ing, and Miscellaneous malfunctions.
categories: Truck and Hydraulic System Will Not
Table 4-1 Troubleshooting Chart
Truck will not travel nor will lift sys- a. Fuse (8 or 13, Figure 12-23) Check fuse and replace if
tem operate. blown. necessary.
b. Battery dead or disconnected. Check battery quick-disconnect
plug and check battery voltage.
c. Keyswitch (6, Figure 12-7) Bypass keyswitch to determine if it
defective. is malfunctioning.
d. Defective wiring. Check for open circuit. Repair as
Truck does not travel forward or a. Check all wiring. A loose con- Tighten all loose connections
reverse. All other functions nection may be the cause of before further troubleshooting.
operate normally. malfunction.
b. Defective deadman switch (20, Check and replace switch if
Figure 12-1). defective.
c. Defective main contactor (4, Check for proper operation and
Figure 12-23). replace if necessary.
d. Defective potentiometer (14, Check and replace potentiometer
Figure 12-4). if defective.
Truck travels forward but not in Defective potentiometer (14, Fig- Check and replace potentiometer
reverse. ure 12-4) in control head. if defective.
Truck travels reverse but not in Defective potentiometer (14, Fig- Check and replace potentiometer
forward. ure 12-4) in control head. if defective.
Truck travels forward and in Defective potentiometer (14, Fig- Check and replace potentiometer
reverse at lower speeds; will ure 12-4) in control head. if defective.
not travel at high speed.
Truck does not slow with brake, or a. Defective deadman switch (20, Check deadman switch for
brake does not engage. Figure 12-1). continuity. If none found when
the control arm is in the brake
position, replace switch.
b. Defective electric brake (3, Fig- Adjust or replace brake.
ure 12-5).

BL-C22-1010 4-1
Table 4-1 Troubleshooting Chart - Continued
Brake will not release. a. Air gap more than 0.01 in Adjust.
b. Brake temperature above Allow to cool and check air gap.
281° F (140° C).
c. Open brake circuitry or wiring. Make voltage checks.
Brake drags. a. Air gap less than 0.01 in Adjust.
b. Defective electric brake (3, Fig- Replace.
ure 12-5).
Brake grabs. a. Incorrect stopping distance Adjust (refer to Table 4-2).
b. Defective electric brake (3, Fig- Replace.
ure 12-5).
Abnormal noise and chatter when Defective electric brake (3, Figure Replace.
brake is applied. 12-5).
Oil sprays or flows from the top of Defective packing in lift cylinder Repair lift cylinder.
the lift cylinder.
Squealing sounds when lifting a. Oil level too low. Identify oil leak.
forks. b. Dry channels in mast. Apply grease.
c. Defective mast or carriage roll- Replace rollers
Forks do not lift to top. a. Oil level too low. Add oil to reservoir.
b. Load larger than capacity. Refer to I.D.plate for capacity.
Weak, slow or uneven action of a. Defective pump or relief valve. Check pressure. Adjust as
hydraulic system. necessary.
b. Worn lift cylinder. Replace cylinder.
c. Load larger than capacity. Refer to I.D.plate for capacity.
d. Defective lift motor solenoid. Replace coil (20, Figure 12-19).
e. Battery charge low. Charge battery.
Forks do not lift, pump motor does a. Battery is dead or discon- Check and recharge if required.
not run. nected.
b. Defective wiring. Check and repair as required.
c. Defect in electrical system for Check lift switch in control head,
operating pump motor. as well as the coil (20, Figure

4-2 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-1 Troubleshooting Chart - Continued
LOWERING - Continued
Forks do not lift, motor runs. Defect in hydraulic system. Check the oil level in the reservoir
and the oil lines to the lift cylin-
der, and repair as required. If
normal, check the hydraulic
pump, and relief valve. Repair,
or adjust.
Forks lift, but will not go down. Defect in hydraulic system Check lowering control switch in
control head and lowering coils
(7, Figure 12-18). Replace as
Load will not hold a. Oil bypassing internally in con- Replace or repair valve assembly
trol valve (3, Figure 12-16).
b. Worn lift cylinder. Replace cylinder.
Platform does not lift to top. Pump a. Oil level too low. Add oil to reservoir.
motor runs. b. Load larger than capacity. Refer to nameplate on side of
mast for maximum load capac-
c. Batteries need charging. Change batteries.
Forks creep downward under load Leak in hydraulic system, lift cylin- Check for leaking fitting in hydrau-
when in a raised position. der or lowering valve. lic line and repair as required.
Repack lift cylinder or replace
or repair valve assembly (3,
Figure 12-16).
Steering arm does not return to a. Week return spring. Replace spring.
the upright position.
b. Binding. Check and free the binding item.
Verify that the cable has not
been damaged. Repair or
replace as needed.
Truck moves forward when arm is a. Belly-button switch defective. Check for short, and repair or
pulled down. replace as necessary.
b. Short in control head. Check wiring and repair as
Steering arm jerks excessively Drive wheel worn. Replace drive wheel if worn to
starting or stopping the truck. within 3/8 inch of hub.
Drive motor is jerky. Motor internally damaged or worn. Replace motor.

BL-C22-1010 4-3
4-2. CONTROLLER TROUBLESHOOTING 4-2.2. Hand Held Programmer (Optional)

4-2.1. Fault Detection. The hand held programmer is available that is

designed specifically for use with the controller. It
The controller provides diagnostics information to serves dual functions of reading diagnostic data pro-
assist technicians in troubleshooting drive system vided by the controller and adjusting certain perfor-
problems. When a fault is detected, the appropriate mance values of the controller. There are two
fault code is signaled via the LED, externally visible on versions, User and OEM. The User version can adjust
the side of controller (See Figure 4-1 for LED location only those parameters with User access rights. The
on controller). The diagnostic codes flashed by the OEM programmer can adjust all the parameters. The
LED are listed in Table 4-5. programmer is available through your Big Lift LLC

4-2.3. Fault Recording.

Fault events are recorded in the controller's memory.
However, multiple occurrences of the same fault are
recorded as one occurrence.
The fault event list can be loaded into the programmer
for readout. The Special Diagnostics mode provides
access to the controller's diagnostic history file. The
history file contains the entire fault event list created
since the diagnostic history file was last cleared. The
standard Diagnostics mode provides information
about only the currently active faults.

4-2.4. Fault Recovery.

Almost all faults require a cycling of the KSl (Key
Figure 4-1. Controller LED Switch Input) or brake input to reset the controller and
If the fault is critical, the controller is automatically dis- enable operation. Refer to Table 4-6 for fault clear-
abled. Faults can be caused internally (e.g. shorted ance requirements.
transistors) or externally (e.g., wrench or hardware 4-2.5. General Checkout.
dropped across controller terminals).
Carefully complete the following checkout procedure.
To recover from a fault, the F/R switch must be turned If you find a problem during the checkout, refer to
off and back on again. If the fault has been corrected, paragraph 4-2.9. for further information.
the controller will turn back on.
The checkout can be conducted with or without the
The automatic fault detection system includes: handheld programmer (See Paragraph 4-2.2.). How-
• Contactor coil open / shorted driver ever, the checkout procedure is easier with a program-
mer. To evaluate the system without a programmer,
• Contactor driver over-current / contactor coil short
observe the LED and note the flashing pattern and
• Contactor welded refer to Table 4-5 for the code description.
• Emergency reverse circuit check CAUTION: Put the vehicle up on blocks to get the
• M- output fault drive wheel off the ground before begin-
ning these tests.
• Memory checks upon start-up
• Over-voltage cutback Turn the keyswitch off and make sure
the brake is applied, the throttle is in
• Power supply out of range (internal) neutral, and the forward/reverse
• Throttle fault switches are open.
• Under-voltage cutback Do not stand, or allow anyone else to
• Watchdog (external and internal) stand directly in front of or behind the
vehicle during the tests.

4-4 BL-C22-1010
1. Connect the programmer to the programmer con- side of the Navigation key again to display the list
nector (Figure 4-2) on the controller. of System Faults. The display should indicate "No
Known Faults."

Release the brake by pulling down the steering

arm into the operating position. The controllers
LED should continue blinking a single flash and
the programmer should continue to indicate no
faults. If there is a problem, the LED will flash a
diagnostic code and the programmer will display a
diagnostic message. If you are conducting the
checkout without a programmer, look up the LED
diagnostic code in Table 4-5.
When the problem has been corrected, it may be
necessary to cycle the brake in order to clear the
R6491 fault code.
Figure 4-2. Controller Terminals 4. With the brake released, select a direction and
operate the throttle. The motor should begin to
2. Turn the lift truck key switch to the ON position.
turn in the selected direction. If it does not, verify
The programmer should "power up" with an initial
the wiring to the forward/reverse switches and
display (2, Figure 4-3), and the controllers Status
motor. The motor should run proportionally faster
LED should begin steadily blinking a single flash.
with increasing throttle. If not, refer to Paragraph
If neither happens, check for continuity in the key
switch circuit and controller ground.
5. Put the controller into the test mode by using the
Navigation key (1) to select the "Monitor" menu.
Select the Monitor mode by pressing the "Right"
arrow on the Navigation key. Press the Navigation
key "Down" arrow to scroll down to observe the
status of the forward, reverse, brake, emergency
reverse, and mode switches. Cycle each switch in
turn, observing the programmer. Each input
should show the correct state on the programmer.
6. Check the controller's fault detection circuitry as
described in Paragraph 4-2.6.
7. Take the vehicle off the blocks and drive it in a
clear area. It should have smooth acceleration
and good top speed.
8. Test the plug braking of the vehicle. The vehicle
should smoothly slow to a stop and reverse direc-
tion, with the audible plugging tone.
9. Verify that all options, such as high pedal disable
I7090 (HPD), static return to off (SRO), and anti-tie-
down, are as desired.
Figure 4-3. Hand Held Programmer
10. Check to see whether the emergency reverse
3. Put the controller into the diagnostic mode by (belly button) feature is working correctly. Verify
pressing the "Menu Navigation Key" (1, Figure 4- that the circuit is operational by momentarily dis-
3). Using the Navigation key, select the Faults connecting one of the emergency reverse wires.
menu. Display the Faults menu by pressing the The vehicle should be disabled and a fault indi-
Right side of the Navigation key. Press the Right cated.

BL-C22-1010 4-5
4-2.6. Diagnostic History 6. Cycle the key switch off and on. Release the
brake and apply the throttle. The vehicle should
The handheld programmer can be used to access the
now operate normally.
controller's diagnostic history file. When the program-
mer is connected to the unit, the error log file is auto- 4-2.8. Programmable Parameters
matically uploaded into the handheld programmer.
The controller has a number of parameters that can be
To see the present status of the unit, use the Menu programmed using the handheld programmer. These
Navigation Key (1, Figure 4-3) to select: programmable parameters allow the vehicle’s perfor-
Faults->System Faults. mance characteristics to be customized to fit the
needs of individual vehicles or vehicle applications.
To access this log, use the Menu Navigation Key to
select: The OEM can specify the default value for each
parameter and can also designate whether a parame-
Faults->Fault History
ter will have User or OEM access rights. Accordingly,
The faults are shown as a code and descriptive text. If programmers are available in User and OEM versions.
there are multiple faults, you have to scroll through the The User programmer can adjust only those parame-
list using the Up and Down Buttons on the Menu Navi- ter with User access rights, whereas the OEM pro-
gation Key grammer can adjust all the parameters.
The faults may be intermittent faults, faults caused by The MultiModeTM feature of the controller allows oper-
loose wires, or faults caused by operator errors. Faults ation in four distinct modes. These modes can be pro-
such as HPD or over-temperature may be caused by grammed to provide four different sets of operating
operator habits or by overloading. characteristics, which can be useful for operating in
After a problem has been diagnosed and corrected, different conditions, such as slow precise indoor
clearing the diagnostic history file is recommended. maneuvering in Mode 1; faster, long distance, outdoor
This allows the controller to accumulate a new file of travel in Mode 4; and application-specific special con-
faults. By checking the new diagnostic history file at a ditions in Modes 2 and 3. Eight parameters can be
later date, you can quickly determine whether the configured independently in each of the four modes:
problem has been completely fixed. • acceleration rate (M1-M4)
To clear the diagnostic history file, select: • braking current limit (M1-M4)
Faults->Clear Fault History. • braking rate (M1-M4)
You will be asked to confirm your actions. Use the • deceleration rate (M1-M4)
"plus" arrow (+) for yes to clear the menu and the
"minus" arrow (-) (3) to cancel your selection and not • drive current limit (M1-M4)
clear the Fault History. • maximum forward speed (M1-M4)
4-2.7. Test the Fault Detection Circuitry • maximum reverse speed (M1-M4)
1. Put the vehicle up on blocks to get the drive wheel • restraint (M1-M4)
off the ground. To change a parameter (Table 4-2) using the program-
2. Disconnect the battery and make sure the key- mer, use the Navigation key (1, Figure 4-3) to select
switch is in the "OFF" position. the "PROGRAM" menu. Press the Right key to display
a listing of program settings. Scroll down the Program
3. Using an inline fuse holder fitted with a 10 amp
Listing until the desired parameter is highlighted on the
fuse and alligator clips, connect the controller's M
display. Press the Right key to display the settings for
and B- terminals.
the item selected. Press the Increase/Decrease key
4. Reconnect the battery and turn the key switch to ("+" or "-") (3) until the desired value setting is
the "ON" position. Release the brake and apply reached. The parameter is now set at the desired
the throttle. The motor should not operate. value. All programming occurs in real time. That
5. Leave the key switch on and remove the in-line means the parameter can be changed while the vehi-
fuse wire. The vehicle status should continue to cle is in operation.
remain off.

4-6 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters
Parameter Factory Setting Description
VOLTAGE 2 Normal battery voltage, in volts.

The battery voltage parameter sets the overvoltage and und-

ervoltage protection thresholds for the controller and bat-
tery. Overvoltage protection cuts back regenerative braking
to prevent damage to batteries and other electrical system
components due to overvoltage; undervoltage protection
prevents systems from operating at voltages below their
design thresholds. The battery voltage parameter can be
set at 2 or 3, and should always be set to the system’s nom-
inal battery pack voltage:

2 = 24V
M1 DRIVE C/L 150 Mode 1 drive current limit, in amps.

The drive current limit parameter allows adjustment of the

maximum current the controller will supply to the motor dur-
ing drive operation. This parameter can be limited to reduce
the maximum torque applied to the drive system by the
motor in any reduced performance mode. The drive current
limit is adjustable from 50 amps up to the controller’s full
rated armature current.
M2 DRIVE C/L Not Used
M3 DRIVE C/L Not Used
M4, DRIVE C/L Not Used
M1 BRAKE C/L 150 Mode 1 braking current limit, in amps.

The braking current limit parameter adjusts the maximum

current the controller will supply to the motor during regen
braking. The braking current limit is adjustable from 50
amps up to the controller’s full rated braking current.
M2 BRAKE C/L Not Used
M3 BRAKE C/L Not Used
M4 BRAKE C/L Not Used
M1 ACCEL RATE 2 Mode 1 acceleration rate, in seconds.

The acceleration rate defines the time it takes the controller

to accelerate from 0% drive output to 100% drive output. A
larger value represents a longer acceleration time and a
gentler start. Fast starts can be achieved by reducing the
acceleration time, i.e., by adjusting the accel rate to a
smaller value. The acceleration rate is adjustable from 0.1
to 3.0 seconds.

BL-C22-1010 4-7
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
M1 DECEL RATE 25 Mode 1 deceleration rate, in seconds.

The deceleration rate defines the time it takes the controller

to reduce its output to the new throttle request when the
throttle is reduced or released. A lower value represents a
faster deceleration and thus a shorter stopping distance.
The decel rate defines the vehicle’s braking characteristic
for any reduction in throttle, including to neutral, that does
not include a request for the opposite direction. The decel
rate is adjustable from 0.1 to 10.0 seconds.
THROTTLE DECEL 04 Time for transition to braking mode, in seconds

The throttle deceleration rate parameter adjusts the rate at

which the vehicle transitions to braking when throttle is first
reduced. If the throttle decel rate is set low, deceleration is
initiated abruptly. The transition is smoother if the throttle
decel rate is higher; however, setting the throttle decel
parameter too high can cause the vehicle to feel uncontrol-
lable when the throttle is released, as it will continue to drive
for a short period. The throttle decel rate is adjustable from
0.1 to 1.0 second, with a value of 0.3 or 0.4 working well for
most vehicles.

When the armature current goes negative (i.e., at the point

when positive torque transitions to negative torque), the
normal decel rate goes into effect.
M1 BRAKE RATE 2 Mode 1 braking rate, in seconds.

The braking rate defines the time it takes the controller to

increase from 0% braking output to 100% braking output (as
defined by the corresponding mode specific brake current
limit) when a new direction is selected. A larger value repre-
sents a longer time and consequently gentler braking.
Faster braking is achieved by adjusting the braking rate to a
smaller value. The braking rate is adjustable from 0.1 sec-
ond to 3.0 seconds.

Note: The variable braking parameter must be programmed

Off for the braking rate parameter to apply; if variable brak-
ing is On, the braking rate will be determined by throttle
position rather than the programmed braking rate.
M2 BRAKE RATE 2 Not Used
M3 BRAKE RATE 2 Not Used
M4 BRAKE RATE 2 Not Used

4-8 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
INT BRAKE RATE 0.3 Interlock braking rate, in seconds

The interlock braking rate defines the time it takes the con-
troller to increase from 0% to 100% braking output (as
determined by the max regen current setpoints) when inter-
lock braking is initiated. The interlock braking rate is adjust-
able from 0.1 to 3.0 seconds.
QUICK START 1 Quick-start throttle factor

Upon receiving a sudden high throttle demand from neutral,

the quick start function causes the controller to momen-
tarily exceed its normal acceleration rate, in order to over-
come vehicle inertia. The quick start algorithm is applied
each time the throttle passes through neutral and the con-
troller is not in braking mode. If the controller is in braking
mode, the quick start function is disabled, allowing normal
braking to occur. Quick start is adjustable from 0 to 10.
Increasing the value will “liven” the vehicle’s acceleration
response to fast throttle movements.

NOTE: Quick start is not a MultiMode TM parameter, and its

value will therefore affect all four operating modes.
TAPER RATE 1 Threshold affecting end of regen during direction reversal: 1 to

The taper rate affects direction-reversal at the very end of

braking, just before the vehicle stops moving in the original
direction. Low taper rate values result in faster, more abrupt
direction transitions. Higher taper rate values result in
slower and smoother direction transitions. The taper rate is
adjustable from 1 to 20.
M1 MAX FWD SPD 100 Mode 1 maximum forward speed, as % drive output

The maximum forward speed parameter defines the maximum

controller voltage output at full throttle, in the forward direc-
tion. The maximum forward speed parameter is adjustable
from the programmed creep speed up to 100%.

BL-C22-1010 4-9
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
M1 MAX REV SPD 100 Mode 1 maximum reverse speed, as % drive output

The maximum reverse speed parameter defines the maxi-

mum controller voltage output at full throttle, in the reverse
direction. The maximum reverse speed parameter is adjust-
able from 0% to 100%.
CREEP SPEED 5 Creep speed, as % drive output

The creep speed parameter defines the initial controller out-

put generated when a direction is first selected. No applied
throttle is necessary for the vehicle to enter the creep mode,
only a direction signal. The controller maintains creep
speed until the throttle is rotated out of the throttle dead-
band (typically 10% of throttle).

Creep speed is adjustable from 0% to 25% of the controller

output; it cannot be set higher than the lowest programmed
M1–M4 maximum forward speed. The specified creep
speed is not displayed as the throttle percent in the pro-
grammer’s Test Menu when a direction is selected and zero
throttle is applied; only the 0% throttle command is dis-
THROTTLE TYPE 1 Type of throttle input

The controller accepts a variety of throttle inputs. The throttle

type parameter can be programmed to 1, 2, 3, or 4. The
standard throttle input signal type options are:

1 = 5kW - 0 potentiometer
2 = single-ended 0 - 5V, 3-wire pot, current sources, and
electronic throttles
3 = 0 - 5kW potentiometers
4 = wigwag 0 - 5V and 3-wire pot throttles

4-10 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
THRTL DEADBAND 12 Throttle neutral deadband, as %

The throttle deadband parameter defines the throttle pot

wiper voltage range that the controller interprets as neutral.
Increasing the throttle deadband setting increases the neu-
tral range. This parameter is especially useful with throttle
assemblies that do not reliably return to a well-defined neu-
tral point, because it allows the deadband to be defined
wide enough to ensure that the controller goes into neutral
when the throttle mechanism is released.

The throttle deadband parameter is adjustable from 0% to 40%

of the nominal throttle wiper range; the default setting is
10%. The nominal throttle wiper voltage range depends on
the throttle type selected.
THROTTLE MAX 95 Throttle input req’d for 100% drive output, as %

The throttle max parameter sets the wiper voltage or resis-

tance required to produce 100% controller output. Decreas-
ing the throttle max setting reduces the wiper voltage or
resistance and therefore the full stroke necessary to pro-
duce full controller output. This feature allows reduced-
range throttle assemblies to be accommodated.

The programmer displays the throttle max parameter as a per-

centage of the active throttle range. The active throttle
range is not affected by the throttle deadband setting. The
throttle max parameter can be adjusted from 100% to 60%;
the default setting is 90%. The nominal throttle wiper range
depends of the throttle type selected.

BL-C22-1010 4-11
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
THROTTLE MAP 45 Drive output at 50% throttle input, as %

The throttle map parameter modifies the vehicle’s response

to the throttle input. The throttle map parameter’s default
setting of 50% provides a linear output response to throttle
position. Values below 50% reduce the controller output at
low throttle, providing enhanced slow speed maneuverabil-
ity. Values above 50% give the vehicle a faster, more
responsive feel at low

The throttle map setting can be programmed between 20%

and 80%. The setting refers to the PWM output at half throt-
tle, as a percentage of the throttle’s full active range. The
throttle’s active range is the voltage or resistance between
the 0% modulation point (the throttle deadband threshold)
and the 100% modulation point (the throttle max threshold).

With creep speed set at 0 and maximum speed set 100%, a

50% throttle map setting will give 50% output at half throttle.
A throttle map setting of 80% will give 80% output at half

Changing either of the speed parameters changes the charac-

teristics of the controller output relative to the throttle input
and hence the throttle response. Controller output is always
a percentage of the range defined by the speed parameters
(the range between the creep speed and maximum speed
settings). This means that controller output will begin to
increase above the set creep speed as soon as the throttle
exceeds the neutral deadband threshold. Controller output
will continue to increase as the throttle input increases and
will reach maximum output when the throttle input reaches
the throttle max threshold. The maximum controller output
at this point is defined by the value of the maximum speed
FIELD MIN 3 Minimum field current, in amps

The minimum field current limit parameter defines the mini-

mum allowed field current, thus determining the vehicle’s
maximum speed. Field Min can be adjusted from 1.6 amps
up to the lowest programmed M1–M4 Restraint value.
FIELD MAX 13 Maximum field current, in amps

The maximum field current limit parameter defines the max-

imum allowed field current. The maximum field current limit
setting determines the vehicle’s maximum torque and the
maximum power that the field winding will have to dissipate.
Field Max can be adjusted from the programmed Field Min
value up to the controller’s full rated field current.

4-12 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
FLD MAP START 50 Armature current at which field map takes effect, in amp

The field map start parameter defines the armature current at

which the field map starts to increase from the programmed
Field Min value. This parameter is adjustable from 25 amps
up to the full rated armature current value.

The field map start parameter is used to equalize the vehicle’s

maximum speed when loaded and unloaded. Increasing the
field map start parameter value will increase the maximum
load weight that the vehicle can carry while maintaining
maximum speed on a level surface.
FIELD MAP 50 Field current map setting, as %

The field map defines the relationship between armature cur-

rent and field current under steady-state drive conditions.
The shape of the field map is determined by the pro-
grammed Field Min, Field Max, Field Map, Field Map Start,
and M1-M4 Drive C/L settings.
The field map parameter adjusts the field current at the Field
Map Midpoint, which is located halfway between the pro-
grammed Field Map Start and the programmed M1-M4
Drive C/L. With the field map parameter set at 50%, the
motor’s field current increases linearly with increasing arma-
ture current—thus emulating a series wound motor.
Decreasing the field map parameter reduces the field current
at a given armature current. As the field current is reduced,
the motor will be able to maintain speeds closer to the max-
imum speed value as its load increases; however, the
motor’s capability to produce torque at these higher speeds
will decrease. With the Field Map reduced to 20%, the field
current at the Field Map Midpoint will exceed Field Min by
20% of the range between Field Min and Field Max.

BL-C22-1010 4-13
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
CURRENT RATIO 1 Current ratio: factor of 1, 2, 4, or 8

The current ratio parameter defines how much of the pro-

grammed drive current will be available to the motor at
reduced throttle requests. The current ratio parameter can
be set to 1, 2, 3, or 4. These settings correspond to the fol-
lowing ratios:
1 = 1:1
2 = 2:1
3 = 4:1
4 = 8:1

For example, with the current ratio set at 1 with 20% throttle
requested, 20% of the battery voltage and 20% of the drive
current will be allowed to flow in the motor (assuming a 50%
throttle map setting). If the current ratio is set at 2 under
these same conditions, 40% of the current will be available;
if it is set at 3, 80%. The controller will not allow more than
the programmed drive current to flow in the motor. If the cur-
rent ratio is set at 4 with 20% throttle requested, the control-
ler will allow only 100% of the drive current and not 160%.

High current ratio values will allow quicker startup response

and improved ramp climbing with partial throttle, but may
cause too much jumpiness.

Note: Current ratio is only effective in drive; it does not affect


4-14 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
M1 RESTRAINT 10 Mode 1 restraint braking, in amps

Because the controller is configured to provide regenerative

braking, overspeed causes the controller to create a braking
current and thus limit or “restrain” the overspeed condition.
The restraint parameter determines how strongly the con-
troller tries to limit the vehicle speed to the existing throttle
setting. It is applicable when throttle is reduced or when the
vehicle begins to travel downhill.

At zero throttle, the restraint function tries to keep the motor at

zero speed, which helps hold the vehicle from running away
down ramps. The higher the restraint parameter value, the
stronger the braking force applied to the motor and the
slower the vehicle will creep down ramps. This creeping
speed depends on the restraint setting, the steepness of the
ramp, and the vehicle load weight. The restraint feature can
never hold a vehicle perfectly stationary on a ramp and is
not intended to replace a mechanical or electromagnetic
brake for this purpose.

The restraint parameter establishes a linear mapping of field

current to braking current, and is adjustable from the pro-
grammed minimum field (Field Min) up to the controller’s full
rated field current. It is limited by the programmed maximum
field (Field Max). Setting the restraint parameter to a high
value will cause strong braking, in an effort to bring the vehi-
cle speed down to the requested speed. Extremely high val-
ues may cause the vehicle speed to oscillate (“hunt”) while
in ramp restraint.
LOAD COMP 0 Load compensation: 0 to 25% drive output

The load compensation parameter actively adjusts the

applied motor voltage as a function of motor load current.
This results in more constant vehicle speeds over variations
in driving surface (ramps, rough terrain, etc.) without the
vehicle operator constantly adjusting the throttle position; it
also helps equalize loaded and unloaded vehicle speeds.
The load compensation parameter is adjustable from 0% to
25% of the controller’s PWM output. High values will cause
the controller to be more aggressive in attempting to main-
tain vehicle speed. However, too much load compensation
can result in jerky vehicle starts and speed oscillation
(“hunting”) when the vehicle is unloaded.

BL-C22-1010 4-15
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
HPD 2 High pedal disable (HPD)

The high pedal disable (HPD) feature prevents the vehicle from
driving if greater than 25% throttle is already applied upon
startup. In addition to providing routine smooth starts, HPD
also prevents accidental sudden starts if problems in the
throttle linkage (e.g., bent parts, broken return spring) give a
throttle input signal to the controller even with the throttle

HPD requires the controller to receive a KSI input and an inter-

lock input (HPD Type 1)—or simply a KSI input (HPD Type
2)—before receiving a throttle input greater than 25%; if the
inputs are not received in the proper sequence, the control-
ler will inhibit output to the motor. An HPD fault can be
cleared by reducing the throttle demand to less than 25%.

HPD fault detection can be turned off by setting the HPD Type
to 0. To meet EEC requirements, HPD must be pro-
grammed to Type 1 or Type 2.

Note: The conditions for HPD faults are not affected by

whether the main contactor interlock parameter is On or Off.

HPD Type 0: No HPD fault detection

HPD Type 1: KSI+interlock

To drive the vehicle, the controller must receive both a KSI

input and an interlock input before receiving a >25% throttle
input. Any other sequence will result in an HPD fault that will
prevent the vehicle from being driven.

With HPD Type 1, the sequencing delay parameter can be

used to prevent HPD faults that would otherwise occur from
momentary opening of the interlock switch while driving. If
the interlock switch is opened and then quickly closed
before the programmed sequencing delay elapses, no HPD
fault will be declared and operation will not be interrupted.

HPD Type 2: KSI only

To drive the vehicle, the controller must receive a KSI input

before receiving a throttle input greater than 25%. Violation
of this sequence will result in an HPD fault that will prevent
the vehicle from being driven. With HPD Type 2, if throttle is
applied after the KSI input has been received but before the
interlock switch is closed, the vehicle will accelerate to the
requested speed as soon as the interlock switch is closed.

4-16 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
SRO 3 Static return to off (SRO)

The static return to off (SRO) feature prevents the vehicle

from being started when “in gear,” i.e., with a direction
already selected. SRO checks the sequencing of the KSI
and interlock inputs relative to a direction input. SRO faults
can result from using an incorrect sequence, or from using a
correct sequence with less than 50 msec between steps. If
an SRO fault is declared, the controller will inhibit output to
the motor until the fault is cleared by using an acceptable

The sequencing delay can be used to prevent SRO faults that

would otherwise occur from momentary opening of the
interlock switch while driving. If the interlock switch is
opened and then quickly closed before the programmed
delay time elapses, no SRO fault will be declared and oper-
ation will not be interrupted.

Note: The conditions for SRO faults are not affected by

whether the main contactor interlock parameter is On or Off.

Three types of SRO are available, along with a “no SRO”


SRO Type 0: No SRO fault detection

SRO Type 1: KSI and Interlock before direction input

To drive the vehicle, the controller must receive both a KSI

input and an interlock input before receiving an input from
either direction switch. The order in which the KSI and inter-
lock inputs are received does not matter, only that they are
both received before a direction input.

SRO Type 2: KSI before Interlock before direction input

To drive the vehicle, the controller must receive a KSI input

and then an interlock input before receiving an input from
either direction switch.

SRO Type 3: KSI before Interlock before forward input

Type 3 SRO is useful for walkie vehicles that frequently oper-

ate on ramps. To drive the vehicle in the forward direction,
the controller must receive the KSI, interlock, and forward
inputs in that order, as in SRO Type 2. However, this
sequence is not required for operation in reverse. With SRO
Type 3, a reverse input is allowed at any place in the
sequence: i.e., before interlock, or even before KSI.

BL-C22-1010 4-17
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
SEQUENCING DLY 0 Sequencing delay, in seconds

The sequencing delay feature allows the interlock switch to

be cycled within a set time—the sequencing delay—without
activating HPD or SRO. This feature is useful in applications
where the interlock switch may bounce or be momentarily
cycled during operation. However, it is important to bear in
mind that the same sequencing delay also delays the initia-
tion of interlock braking.

The sequencing delay can be programmed from 0.0 to 3.0

seconds, with 0.0 corresponding to no delay.
MAIN CONT INTR ON Main contactor uses interlock input: On or Off

The main contactor interlock parameter allows the OEM to

define a dual switch requirement to operate the vehicle.
When this parameter is programmed On, the controller
requires that both KSI (Pin 16) and the interlock input (Pin
15) be pulled high (to B+) before the controller will engage
the main contactor. The main contactor will open after the
interlock switch is opened and the sequencing delay
expires. If this parameter is programmed Off, only the KSI
input is required for the main contactor to be engaged.

After changing the main contactor interlock setting, KSI must

be cycled for the new setting to take effect.
MAIN OPEN DLY 5 Main contactor open delay: On or Off

The main contactor open delay parameter is applicable only

if the main contactor driver interlock has been programmed
On. The delay can then be set to allow the contactor to
remain engaged for a period of time after the interlock
switch is opened. The delay is useful for preventing unnec-
essary cycling of the contactor and for maintaining power to
auxiliary functions, such as a steering pump motor, that may
be used for a short time after the interlock switch has
opened. The main contactor open delay is programmable
from 0 to 40 seconds.

After the interlock switch is opened, the programmed sequenc-

ing delay must expire before the main contactor open delay
timer starts counting. Therefore, the time between the inter-
lock switch opening and the main contactor disengaging is
the sum of the sequencing delay and the main contactor
open delay.

4-18 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
CONT DIAG ON Contactor diagnostic: On or Off

The main contactor diagnostics parameter, when pro-

grammed On, enables two checks to verify that the main
contactor is present and that it has not welded closed. Each
time the main contactor is commanded to engage, the con-
troller first performs a main contactor welded test to verify
that it is not already closed. The controller then engages the
contactor and performs a missing contactor test to confirm
that the contactor successfully engaged.

These checks are not performed if the main contactor diagnos-

tics parameter is programmed Off. The main contactor
driver, however, is always protected from overcurrents,
short circuits, and overheating.
AUX TYPE 1 Auxiliary driver type

The auxiliary driver type parameter configures the low side

driver at Pin 8. The auxiliary driver can be programmed to
operate in any of the configurations (i.e., Types 1 through 5)
described in Table 4-4. Types 1 through 4 are various ways
of configuring the driver for an electromagnetic brake; Type
5 is a non-EM-brake option. If no auxiliary device will be
connected to Pin 8, the auxiliary driver should be pro-
grammed to Type 0.
AUX DELAY 0.2 Auxiliary driver open delay, in seconds

The auxiliary driver delay parameter allows a delay before

the electromagnetic brake is engaged (Pin 8 driver opened)
after the vehicle reaches the neutral state (throttle in neu-
tral, both direction switches open, motor speed approxi-
mately zero). The Aux Delay is adjustable from 0 to 30
seconds. When set to zero, there is no delay and the brake
is engaged as soon as the vehicle reaches the neutral state.
This parameter does not apply to Aux Type 1 (see Table 4-

For Aux Type 5, the device connected to Pin 8 will be off when
the Pin 8 driver is open, and on when the driver is closed.
The aux delay could be used to allow the auxiliary device to
keep running for a short while after the vehicle reaches the
neutral state.
EMR REV C\L 150 Emergency reverse current limit, in amps

When emergency reverse is activated, the emergency

reverse current limit parameter defines the maximum
braking current during deceleration and the maximum drive
current after the vehicle switches direction. The emergency
reverse current limit is adjustable from 50 amps up to the
controller’s full rated braking current.

BL-C22-1010 4-19
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
EMR REV CHECK Off Emergency reverse wiring check: On or Off

The emergency reverse check parameter is applicable only

when the emergency reverse feature is being used in the
application. If emergency reverse is not being used, this
parameter should be set to Off.

When enabled (programmed On), the emergency reverse

check tests for continuity from the emergency reverse
check output (Pin 10) to the emergency reverse input (Pin
13). Therefore, the emergency reverse wiring should be
connected as closely as possible to the controller side of the
emergency reverse switch.
EMR DIR INTR Off Emergency reverse direction interlock: On or Off

In applications that use the emergency reverse feature, the

emergency reverse direction interlock parameter defines
the requirements for resuming normal operation after using
emergency reverse. After emergency reverse has been
used, the controller sets the output drive to zero regardless
of whether a direction or throttle is being requested. With
the emergency reverse direction interlock parameter set to
On, the operator can either open both direction switches or
cycle the interlock switch to enable normal operation. With
the emergency reverse direction interlock parameter set to
Off, the only way for the operator to resume normal opera-
tion is by cycling the interlock switch.
VARIABLE BRAKE Off Variable braking: On or Off

The variable braking parameter defines how the controller

will apply braking force when direction-reversal braking is
requested. If the variable braking parameter is programmed
On, the amount of braking current applied by the controller
will be a function of the throttle’s position when braking is
requested. With variable braking, the operator can use the
throttle to control the amount of braking force applied to a
moving vehicle. Increasing throttle in the direction opposite
to the vehicle’s motion will apply increasing amounts of
regen braking current to the motor, slowing the vehicle more

If a fixed amount of braking force is preferred, the variable

braking parameter should be programmed Off. With vari-
able braking Off, the controller applies the full braking cur-
rent specified as soon as braking is requested.

4-20 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
ANTI-TIEDOWN Off Anti-tiedown: On or Off

The anti-tiedown feature prevents operators from taping or

“tying down” the mode select switches in order to operate
permanently in Mode 2 or Mode 4 (which are typically the
higher speed modes). Each time the interlock switch closes,
the anti-tiedown feature checks which mode is selected. If
the mode select switches are requesting Mode 2 or Mode 4
(Mode Select 1 switch closed), the controller will default to
Mode 1 or Mode 3, depending on the position of the Mode
Select 2 switch, and an anti-tiedown fault will be declared.
The controller will then remain in Mode 1 or Mode 3 until the
Mode Select 1 switch is released and reactivated. The anti-
tiedown feature can be programmed On or Off.
POT LOW FAULT Off Pot Low Fault: On or Off

The pot low fault parameter allows the controller’s pot low
fault detection to be disabled. This is useful when single-
wire, ground (B-) referenced voltage throttle inputs are
used. Setting the pot low fault parameter to Off disables the
fault detection at the pot low input (Pin 7). It is recom-
mended that the pot low fault parameter be set to On in any
application where a resistive throttle is used. This will pro-
vide the most comprehensive throttle fault detection and
provide the safest possible vehicle operation.

Note: The programmer’s display name for the pot low fault is
“Throttle Wiper Lo.”
FULL VOLTS Voltage considered 100% state of charge, in volts

The full voltage parameter sets the battery voltage that will be
considered 100% state-of-charge. When a loaded battery
drops below this voltage, it begins to lose charge. The full
voltage value can be set from the programmed Empty Volts
value up to the programmed Reset Volts value, in 0.01 VPC

After adjusting Full Volts, KSI must be cycled for the new set-
ting to take effect.
EMPTY VOLTS Voltage considered 0% state of charge, in volts

The empty voltage parameter sets the battery voltage that will
be considered 0% state-of-charge. When the battery
remains under this voltage consistently, the battery dis-
charge indicator will read 0% state of charge. The empty
voltage value can be set from 1.50 up to the programmed
Full Volts value, in 0.01 VPC increments.

After adjusting Empty Volts, KSI must be cycled for the new
setting to take effect.

BL-C22-1010 4-21
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
RESET VOLTS Voltage at which state of charge resets to 100%, in volts

The reset voltage parameter sets the battery voltage used to

detect the 100% state-of-charge point on a battery with no
load. Whenever the programmed Reset Voltage is present
for 2 seconds (except during regenerative braking), the bat-
tery discharge indicator % will automatically reset to 100%.
The reset voltage value can be set from the programmed
Full Volts value up to 3.00 VPC, in 0.01 VPC increments.
BATTERY ADJUST Battery discharge indicator algorithm adjustment to compen-
sate for battery capacity, in secs

The battery adjustment parameter is used to adjust the bat-

tery discharge indicator algorithm to compensate for battery
capacity. Higher capacity batteries can spend more time
below the Full Volts setting before beginning to lose charge.
The battery adjustment parameter sets the number of sec-
onds of droop required before the battery state of charge is
decremented by 1%. It is adjustable from 0.1 to 20.0 sec-
BDI LOCKOUT Off Fault 2 output high when battery discharge indicator (BDI)
%=0: On or Off

When the BDI lockout parameter is programmed On, the

Fault 2 output (at Pin 3) can be used as an interface to an
external auxiliary enable circuit. When BDI%=0, the Fault 2
output will be high; when BDI%.1, the Fault 2 output will be

When BDI lockout is programmed Off, the Fault 2 output is

determined by the setting of the Fault Code parameter.
BDI DISABLE Off Battery s-o-c <1% invokes battery discharge indicator (BDI)
Limit Speed: On or Off

The BDI disable parameter, when programmed On, limits the

vehicle’s maximum speed to the BDI Limit Speed when the
battery state-of-charge is 0%.
ADJ HRS LOW Hourmeter preset low byte: 0-99

The adjust hours low parameter is used to adjust the lowest

two digits, from 00 to 99. It is not possible to set tenths.
ADJ HRS MID Hourmeter preset middle byte: 0-99

The adjust hours middle parameter is used to adjust the mid-

dle two digits, from 00 to 99.
ADJ HRS HIGH Hourmeter preset high byte: 0-99

The adjust hours high parameter is used to set the highest

two digits, from 00 to 99.

4-22 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
SET TOTL HRS Off Apply preset values to total hourmeter: On or Off

The set total hours parameter is used to apply the preset

high, middle, and low values to the total (i.e., KSI on-time)
hourmeter. First, adjust the preset values as desired for the
total hourmeter. Then, program the Set Total Hours param-
eter On, which automatically loads the preset values.

Once the preset values have been loaded, the Set Total Hours
parameter should be programmed Off.
SET TRAC HRS Off Apply preset values to traction hourmeter: On or Off

The set traction hours parameter is used to apply preset

high, middle, and low values to the traction hourmeter. First,
adjust the preset values as desired for the traction hourme-
ter. Then, program the Set Traction Hours parameter On,
which automatically loads the preset values. Once they
have been loaded, the Set Traction Hours parameter should
be programmed Off.
HOURMETER TYPE Off Total hourmeter is default display: On or Off

The Spyglass gauge displays hourmeter data for 5 seconds

each time the keyswitch is turned on. The hourmeter type
parameter defines whether the total hourmeter or traction
hourmeter data will be displayed. When this parameter is
programmed On, the total hourmeter is displayed; when
programmed Off, the traction hourmeter is displayed.
SRVC TOTL HRS Total service timer setting, in hundreds of hours

The total service hours parameter is used to set the timer for the
next scheduled overall maintenance. The service interval
can be up to 5,000 hours. The total service timer is adjust-
able between 0.0 and 50.0, in 0.5 increments, with 25.0
being equivalent to 2,500 hours (25.0 X 100).

Setting the parameter to 0 means that the timer will never

expire - i.e., there will be no overall maintenance reminder.
SRVC TRAC HRS Traction service timer setting, in hundreds of hours

The traction service hours parameter is used to set the timer

for the next scheduled traction motor maintenance. The ser-
vice interval can be up to 5,000 hours. The traction service
timer is adjustable between 0.0 and 50.0, in 0.5 increments,
with 25.0 being equivalent to 2,500 hours (25.0 X 100).

Setting the parameter to 0 means that the timer will never

expire - i.e., there will be no motor maintenance reminder.

BL-C22-1010 4-23
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
SRVC TOTL Off Reset total service timer: On or Off

When the total service timer expires, the controller automati-

cally sets the service total parameter On. The Service
Total parameter must then be programmed Off to indicate
the appropriate service has been performed.

If a vehicle is brought in for service before a service warning is

issued, you can check the accumulated total service hours.
Plug in the hand held programmer and go to the Monitor
menu. Multiply the “Tot Srvc X25” value by 25 and add the
“+Tot Srvc” value; this is how many total hours have
elapsed since the total service timer was last reset.

When service is performed before the total service timer

expires, the Service Total parameter must be programmed
On and then Off to reset it.
SRVC TRAC Off Reset traction service timer: On or Off

When the traction service timer expires, the controller auto-

matically sets the service traction parameter On. The Ser-
vice Traction parameter must then be programmed Off to
indicate the appropriate service has been performed.

If a vehicle is brought in for service before a service warning is

issued, you can check the accumulated traction service
hours. Plug in the hand held programmer and go to the
Monitor menu. Multiply the “Trac Srvc X25” value by 25 and
add the “+Trac Srvc” value; this is how many traction hours
have elapsed since the traction service timer was last reset.

When service is performed before the traction service timer

expires, the Service Traction parameter must be pro-
grammed On and then Off to reset it.
DIS TOTL HRS Total disable timer setting, in hours

The total disable hours parameter is used to set the total dis-
able timer; it can be adjusted between 0 and 250 hours, in 1
hour increments. If the total disable timer expires, the trac-
tion fault speed goes into effect.

Setting the parameter to 0 means that the total disable timer

will never expire and therefore never invoke the traction
fault speed.

4-24 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
DIS TRAC HRS Total traction timer setting, in hours

The traction disable hours parameter is used to set the trac-

tion disable timer; it can be adjusted between 0 and 250
hours, in 1 hour increments. If the traction disable timer
expires, the traction fault speed goes into effect.

Setting the parameter to 0 means that the traction disable

timer will never expire and therefore never invoke the trac-
tion fault speed.
TRAC FAULT SPD Max. drive speed if disable timer expires, as %

The traction fault speed parameter sets the maximum drive

speed in the event the traction disable timer expires or the
total disable timer expires; it can be adjusted between 0–
100% of drive output, and applies to all modes.
BDI LIMIT SPD Max. drive speed upon battery discharge indicator (BDI) dis-
as %

The BDI limit speed parameter sets the vehicle’s maximum

allowed speed when the BDI disable parameter is pro-
grammed On and the battery state of charge is 0%. The BDI
limit speed is adjustable from 0 to 100% of drive output.

If the BDI disable parameter is programmed Off, the BDI limit

speed will not be in effect.
WARM SPEED Max. drive speed if Mot Wrm resistance exceeds setpoint, as

The warm speed parameter defines the maximum drive

speed output when the motor field resistance is at or above
the Motor Warm Resistance setpoint. The warm speed is
adjustable from 0 to 100% of drive output.
MOT WRM X10 mΩ Field resistance setpoint for Warm Speed, in 10-milliohm units

The motor warm resistance parameter defines the field resis-

tance setpoint at which a motor warm fault will occur and
the maximum speed will be controlled by the Warm Speed

Note: The parameter value is in ten-milliohm units. If you want

to program the Motor Warm Resistance setpoint to 900 mΩ
(0.9 Ω), you would enter 90 for the MOT WRM x10 mΩ value.
The Motor Warm Resistance setpoint is adjustable from 100
mΩ (MOT WRM x10 mΩ =10) up to the Motor Hot Resistance

BL-C22-1010 4-25
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
MOT HOT X10 mΩ Field resistance at which no drive output, in 10-milliohm units

The motor hot resistance parameter defines the field resis-

tance setpoint at which a motor hot fault will occur and no
drive output will be allowed. It is adjustable from the Motor
Warm Resistance setpoint up to 2500 mΩ (2.5 Ω). The
value entered is in ten-milliohm units, which means the
maximum Motor Hot Resistance value is one-tenth of 2500
(i.e., MOT HOT x10 mΩ =250).
MOTOR Ω COMP Off Enable cutback/cutoff response to motor overtemp.: On or Off

The motor resistance compensation parameter is used (pro-

grammed On) to enable the motor overtemperature protec-
tion feature.
MAX REV REGEN 150 Max. intk braking regen current fr. rev., max. load, in amps

The maximum reverse regen parameter defines the maxi-

mum regenerative current at maximum load while traveling
in the reverse direction. The max reverse regen current is
adjustable from 100 amps up to the controller’s full rated

If a load sensor is not used, this will be the single maximum

regen current in the reverse direction.
MAX FWD REGEN 150 Max. intk braking regen current fr. fwd., max. load, in amps

The maximum forward regen parameter defines the maxi-

mum regenerative current at maximum load while traveling
in the forward direction. The max forward regen current is
adjustable from 100 amps up to the controller’s full rated

If a load sensor is not used, this will be the single maximum

regen current in the forward direction.
MIN REV REGEN 150 Max. intk braking regen current fr. rev., min. load, in amps

The minimum reverse regen parameter defines the maxi-

mum regenerative current at minimum load while traveling
in the reverse direction. The Min Rev Regen current is
adjustable from 25 amps up to the controller’s full rated cur-
rent. The reverse regen current increases linearly from Min
Rev Regen to Max Rev Regen as the load sensor input var-
ies from Min Load Volts to Max Load Volts.

Note: If the load sensor’s voltage is out of range (less than 0.2
V or greater than 4.8 V) during interlock braking while the
vehicle is driving in reverse, the regen current will default to
the programmed Max Rev Regen value.

4-26 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
MIN FWD REGEN 150 Max. intk braking regen current fr. fwd., min. load, in amps

The minimum forward regen parameter defines the maxi-

mum regenerative current at minimum load while traveling
in the forward direction. The Min Fwd Regen current is
adjustable from 25 amps up to the controller’s full rated cur-
rent. The forward regen current increases linearly from Min
Fwd Regen to Max Fwd Regen as the load sensor input var-
ies from Min Load Volts to Max Load Volts.

Note: If the load sensor’s voltage is out of range (less than 0.2
V or greater than 4.8 V) during interlock braking while the
vehicle is driving forward, the regen current will default to
the programmed Max Fwd Regen value.
MAX LOAD VOLTS Voltage on load sensor for max. regen current, in volts

The maximum load volts parameter defines the load sensor

input voltage at the maximum load. It is adjustable from 0.2
V to 4.8 V.
MIN LOAD VOLTS Voltage on load sensor for min. regen current, in volts

The minimum load volts parameter defines the load sensor

input voltage at the minimum load. It is adjustable from 0.2
V up to the programmed Max Load Volts.
INT BRAKE DLY Delay before E-M brake applied after intk switch opens, in

The interlock brake delay parameter allows a delay before

the electromagnetic brake is engaged after the interlock
switch opens; during this time, interlock braking is in effect.
The electromagnetic brake is engaged when the delay has
expired or when the motor speed approaches zero, which-
ever occurs first. The Interlock Brake Delay is adjustable
from 0.0 to 8.0 seconds. When set to zero, there is no delay
and the brake is engaged as soon as the interlock switch
opens. Interlock braking will still occur until the motor speed
hits zero.

For Aux Type 5, the interlock braking delay does not apply.

BL-C22-1010 4-27
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
FAULT CODE Off Fault code: On or Off

The controller has two fault outputs, at Pins 2 and 3, which can
be used to transmit signals to LEDs located on the display
panel or on any remote panel. The fault outputs can be con-
figured to display faults in two different formats: Fault Code
format or Fault Category format. The fault code parameter
is used to select the preferred format.

In Fault Code format (fault code parameter On), the two fault
outputs operate independently. When a fault is present, the
Fault 1 driver (Pin 2) provides a pulsed signal equivalent to
the fault code flashed by the controller’s built-in Status LED;
the fault codes are listed in Table 4-5. The Fault 2 driver
(Pin 3) will steadily pull low (to B-) when any fault is present,
and can be used to drive a fault/no-fault LED. When no
faults are present, the Fault 1 and Fault 2 outputs will both
be high.

In Fault Category format (fault code parameter Off), each com-

bination of the two fault outputs defines one of four fault cat-
egories. Table 4-3 lists the possible faults included in each

Note: Alternatively, Pin 2 can be used as a pump meter input,

and Pin 3 can be used to interface an external auxiliary
enable circuit.
EM BRAKE PWM On Enables modulation of brake driver output: On or Off

The auxiliary driver output (at Pin 8) can be modulated if you

are using an EM brake (or other auxiliary device) whose coil
voltage rating is lower than the battery voltage. If the elec-
tromagnetic brake PWM parameter is programmed On,
the brake will pull in at 100% PWM (full current up to 3
amps) for 500 ms and then pull back to 62.5% PWM (.2
amps max) at a frequency of about 250 Hz and continue at
this level until released. If programmed Off, the auxiliary
driver output will remain steadily at 100% PWM.
FIELD CHECK Off Fault will register if open detected in field: On or Off

The field check parameter determines whether the field diag-

nostics will be active. When programmed On, the controller
checks for field open and field shorted faults. This parame-
ter is typically programmed On except in series motor appli-
cations, or where the motor resistance is too high to provide
valid fault data.

4-28 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-2 Programmable Parameters - Continued
Parameter Factory Setting Description
PUMP METER Off Enables use of pin 2 as input for a pump hourmeter: On or Off

The pump meter parameter, when programmed On, config-

ures the Fault Output 1 line (at Pin 2) to function as an input
to measure the hours a pump is running. The pump is con-
sidered to be running when Pin 2 is at the battery voltage.
When the pump meter parameter is programmed On, the
traction hourmeter serves as a combination traction/pump
hourmeter, and all the above “TRAC” hourmeter parameters
apply to both traction hours and pump hours. The traction/
pump hourmeter counts the hours when a direction is
selected and the hours when the pump is running.

Table 4-3 Fault Categories

Fault Fault 1 Fault 2 Possible Existing Faults

Category Output Output
0 HIGH HIGH (no faults present)
1 LOW HIGH Current Shunt, HW Failsafe, M- Shorted, Throttle Wiper High or Low,
Emergency Reverse Wiring Fault, Field Winding Open, Contactor
Coil or Field Shorted, Main Contractor Welded or Missing
2 HIGH LOW Low Battery Voltage, Overvoltage, Thermal Cutback
3 LOW LOW Anti-Tiedown, HPD, SRO, Expired Service Timer or Disable Timer,
Motor Too Hot

BL-C22-1010 4-29
Table 4-4 Configuration Options:
Auxiliary Driver (Pin 8)

TYPE Description of Operation

0 Aux driver disabled
1 Electromagnetic brake used like a parking brake.
• The brake is released when the interlock switch closes.
• The brake is engaged as follows:
Interlock The aux driver engages the brake when the interlock switch opens and (a)
the programmed Sequencing Delay and Interlock Brake Delay expire or (b) the motor
speed nears zero, whichever happens first.
Neutral State * The aux driver does not respond to neutral state; there is no therefore
no Aux Delay.
Emerg. Rev. The aux driver does not respond to emergency reverse.
2 Electromagnetic brake used to prevent rolling when stopping on a hill.
• The brake is released when the interlock switch closes and either a direction switch
or the emergency reverse switch closes.
• The brake is engaged as follows:
Interlock Same as Type 1.
Neutral State * When the vehicle reaches the neutral state, the aux driver engages the
brake as soon as the programmed Aux Delay expires.
Emerg. Rev. After the emergency reverse switch has been applied and released, the
aux driver engages the brake as soon as the programmed Aux Delay has expired. The
Aux Delay timer starts when motor speed nears zero.
3 Electromagnetic brake functions as in Type 2 except during Emerg. Rev.
Emerg. Rev. (a) If both direction switches are open when the emergency reverse
switch is released, same as Type 2. (b) If a direction switch is closed when the emer-
gency reverse switch is released, the Aux Delay timer starts when the emergency
reverse switch is released.
4 Electromagnetic brake functions as in Type 1 except during Emerg. Rev.
Emerg. Rev. Same as Type 3, except in situation (a), where the aux driver does not
respond, and the brake therefore remains released.
5 Auxiliary device other than an electromagnetic brake.
This option is appropriate if the aux driver will be used for a brush or pump motor con-
tactor, for example, or for hydraulic steering assist. The aux driver will be energized
when the interlock switch and either a direction switch or the emergency reverse
switch are closed. The aux driver will turn off when the programmed Aux Delay has
expired after the interlock switch opens, or both direction switches are opened while
the vehicle is driving, or the emergency reverse switch is released. The Aux Delay
timer starts when motor speed nears zero.
* The neutral state is reached when, during normal operation, the throttle is in neutral, no direction is selected
(both direction switches open), and motor speed is approximately zero.
• Reading the appropriate display on the programmer
4-2.9. Diagnostics and Troubleshooting.
• Observing the fault codes issued by the Status LED.
The motor controller provides diagnostics information The Status LED is located on the side of the control-
to assist in troubleshooting drive system problems. ler. See Figure 4-1 for location of the LED on the
The diagnostics information can be obtained in two controller.

4-30 BL-C22-1010
4-2.9.1. LED Diagnostics 4-2.10.Programmer Diagnostics
During normal operation with no faults present, the With a programmer, diagnostics and troubleshooting is
Status LED flashes a single flash at approximately 1 more direct than with the LED alone. The programmer
flash/second. If the controller detects a fault, a 2-digit presents complete diagnostic information in plain lan-
fault identification code is flashed continuously until guage - no code to decipher. Faults are displayed in
the fault is corrected. For example, three flashes fol- the Diagnostic Menu, and the status of the controller
lowed by two flashes is code "3,2" appears in the LED inputs/outputs is displayed in the Test Menu.
code table as:
The following 4-step process is generally used for
000 00 000 00 000 00 diagnosing and troubleshooting an inoperative vehicle
using the programmer:
(3,2) (3,2) (3,2)
1. Visually inspect the vehicle for obvious problems:
The codes are listed in Table 4-5. The "0" 's in Table 4-
5 indicate an illuminated LED. For suggestions about 2. Diagnose the problem:
possible causes of the various faults, refer to Table 4- 3. Test the circuitry with the programmer:
6 Troubleshooting Chart.
4. Correct the problem.
Operational faults, such as an over-temperature situa- Repeat the last three steps as necessary until the
tion, are cleared as soon as the operation is brought vehicle is operational.
within range. Non-operational faults, such as a throttle
fault, usually requires the brake or key switch to be Refer to the Table 4-6 for suggestions covering a
cycled after the problem is remedied. wide range of possible faults.
Table 4-5 LED Codes

LED Code Explanation

LED Off Not illuminated No power or defective controller
Solid On Always on Defective controller
Single Flash 0 Controller operational, no faults
1-2 0 00 Hardware fail-safe error
1-3 0 000 M- fault or motor output short
1-4 0 0000 Sequencing fault (SRO)
2-1 00 0 Throttle wiper high
2-2 00 00 Emergency reverse circuit check fault (BB wiring)
2-3 00 000 High-pedal-disable fault (HPD) or expired timer
2-4 00 0000 Throttle wiper low
3-1 000 0 Contactor driver over current or field winding short
3-2 000 00 Welded main contactor
3-3 000 000 Field winding open
3-4 000 0000 Missing contactor
4-1 0000 0 Low battery voltage
4-2 0000 00 Overvoltage
4-3 0000 000 Thermal cutback, due to over/under temp
4-4 0000 0000 anti-tiedown fault, or overheated motor

NOTE: Only one fault is indicated at a time and faults are not queued up.

BL-C22-1010 4-31
Table 4-6 Troubleshooting Chart
1,1 CURRENT SHUNT 1. Abnormal vehicle operation causing Cycle KSI. If problem persists, replace
FAULT high current spikes. controller.
2. Current sensor out of range.
3. Controller failure.
1,2 HW FAILSAFE 1. Noisy environment. Cycle KSI. If problem persists, replace
2. Self-test or watchfault. controller.
3. Controller failure.
1,3 M- SHORTED 1. Internal or external short of M- to B-. Check wiring; cycle KSI. If problem per-
2. Incorrect motor wiring. sists, replace controller.

3. Controller failure.
1,4 SRO 1. Improper sequence of KSI, brake, Follow proper sequence; adjust throttle if
interlock, and direction inputs. necessary; adjust programmable
2. Interlock or direction switch circuit parameters
open. if necessary.

3. Sequencing delay too short.

4. Wrong SRO or throttle type selected.
5. Misadjusted throttle pot.
2,1 THROTTLE WIPER HI 1. Throttle input wire open or shorted to When Throttle Wiper High input returns
B+. to valid range.
2. Defective throttle pot.
3. Wrong throttle type selected.
2,2 EMR REV WIRING 1. Emergency reverse wire or check wire Re-apply emergency reverse or cycle
open. interlock.
2,3 HPD 1. Improper sequence of KSI, interlock, Follow proper sequence; adjust throttle if
and throttle inputs necessary; adjust programmable
2. Misadjusted throttle pot. parameters
if necessary.
3. Sequencing delay too short.
4. Wrong HPD or throttle type selected.
5. Misadjusted throttle pot.
SRVC TOTAL 1. Total maintenance timer expired. Reset with programmer.
SRVC TRAC 1. Traction maintenance timer expired. Reset with programmer.
TOTAL DISABLED 1. Total disable timer expired. Reset with programmer.
TRAC DISABLED 1. Traction disable timer expired. Reset with programmer.
2,4 THROTTLE WIPER LO 1. Throttle pot wire open or shorted to When Throttle Wiper Low input returns
B+. to valid range.
2. Wrong throttle type selected.
3. Defective throttle pot.

4-32 BL-C22-1010
Table 4-5 Troubleshooting Chart - Continued
3,1 FIELD SHORT 1. Main contactor soil shorted. Check contactor soil and field winding;
2. Field winding shorted to B+ or B-. cycle KSI.

3. Field resistance too low.

3,2 MAIN CONT WELDED 1. Main contactor stuck closed. Check wiring and contactor; cycle KSI.
2. Main contactor driver shorted.
3,3 FIELD OPEN 1. Field winding connection open. Check wiring and cycle KSI.
2. Field winding open.
3,4 MISSING CONTAC- 1. Main contactor coil open. Check wiring and cycle KSI.
TOR 2. Main contactor missing.
3.Wire to main contactor open.
4,1 LOW BATTERY VOLT- 1. Battery voltage < undervoltage cut- When voltage rises above undervoltage
AGE back. cutoff point.
2. Corroded battery terminal.
3. Loose battery or controller terminal.
4,2 OVERVOLTAGE 1. Battery voltage > overvoltage shut- When voltage falls below overvoltage
down limit. cutoff point.
4,3 THERMAL CUTBACK 1. Temperature >85°C or <-25°C. Clears when heatsink temperature
2. Excessive load on vehicle. returns to within acceptable range.

3. Improper mounting of controller.

4,4 ANTI-TIEDOWN 1. Mode switches shorted to B+. Release Mode Select 1.
2. Mode Select 1:”tied down” to select
Mode 2 or Mode 4 permanently.
MOTOR HOT 1. Field resistance > motor hot setpoint. When resistance < setpoint.
MOTOR WARM 1. Field resistance > motor warm set- When resistance < setpoint.

BL-C22-1010 4-33

4-34 BL-C22-1010

5-1. CONTROL HEAD 5-1.2. Belly-Button Switch Replacement.

5-1.1. Control Head Removal 1. Remove the control head as described in para-
graph 5-1.1.
1. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 5-5) and discon-
nect the batteries. 2. Place the control head on a clean work bench.
3. Trace the belly-button switch leads down to the
2. Remove the six outer screws (10, Figure 5-1) and
control head connector and remove the leads
lift off cover (11).
from the connector.
NOTE: The seventh inner screw (10) and nut (14) 4. Remove two screws (5, Figure 5-1) and two screw
secure support plate (13) to cover (11). (6).
3. Remove the six screws (17, Figure 5-2) and cover 5. Lift button (1) with mounting bracket (4) out of the
(16) to gain access to electrical connectors. control head.
6. Remove button (1) from mounting bracket (4)
WARNING: Once cover (16) is removed, air spring
being careful not to loose springs (2).
(11) can fall free of socket (9) if the con-
trol arm (7) is lowered and raised. 7. Install button (1) with springs (2) on mounting
bracket (4) and check for proper operation.
NOTE: When removing the control head in the fol-
8. Position button (1) with mounting bracket (4) in
lowing step, be sure to hold it in place until
the control head.
the control cable is disconnected.
9. Install two screws (5) and two screw (6).
4. Working inside the control head, remove two
screws (2) and two washers (3), being careful not 10. Install the switch leads in the control head con-
to drop control head (1). nector.
11. Install the control head as described in paragraph
5. Lift up control head (1) and unplug the electrical


Figure 5-1. Steering Arm

BL-C22-1010 5-1

Figure 5-2. Control Head

5-1.3. Lift, Lower and Horn Switch Replacement. 7. Place plate (13) into position and temporariy
secure with a clamp. Install nut (14) and screw
1. Remove the control head as described in para-
(10). Then remove the clamp.
graph 5-1.1.
2. Place the control head on a clean work bench. 8. Check buttons for proper operation.
9. Install the switch leads in the control head con-
3. Trace the leads of the defective switch down to
the control head connector and remove the leads
from the connector. 10. Install the control head as described in paragraph
NOTE: When center screw (10, Figure 5-1) and nut
(14) are removed, springs (8) will fall out. 5-1.4. Directional Switch Removal and Adjust-
4. Use a small clamp to hold plate (13) and cover
(11) together. Remove screw (10) and nut (14). 1. Remove the control head as described in para-
Slowly remove the clamp and separate plate (13) graph 5-1.1.
from cover (11) being careful not to lose springs 2. Place the control head on a clean work bench.
3. Remove two screws (11, Figure 5-3) and lift
5. Remove the button with the defective switch. mounting bracket (8) out of the control head.
6. Place buttons (7, 9 and 12) with springs (8) in 4. Remove two nuts (10) and two washers (9) from
position in cover (11). two screws (5).

5-2 BL-C22-1010

Figure 5-3. Switch Box

5. Remove the two screws (5) with switches (6) and 4. Remove gear (12) from potentiometer (14).
block (7). 5. Remove the potentiometer mounting nut and
6. Remove the switch leads from the control head remove potentiometer (14) from mounting bracket
connector. (13).
7. Position the new switches (6) and block (7) on 6. Remove the potentiometer leads from the control
mounting bracket (8) and secure with two screws head connector.
(5), two washers (9) and two nuts (10). 7. Position the new potentiometer (14) on mounting
8. Position mounting bracket (8) in the control head bracket (13) and secure with potentiometer
and install two screws (11). mounting nut.
9. Check that rollers on both switches (6) contact the 8. Position mounting bracket (13) in the control head
surface of cam (4) but do not engage the switches and install two screws (11).
in the neutral position. If required, loosen screw 9. Set an ohmmeter to the RX1K (1000) scale and
(11) and adjust position of bracket (8) to obtain connect across the potentiometer leads.
proper operation.
10. Slowly press the control knob (18) in the forward
10. Install the switch leads in the control head con- direction until a click indicating forward switch clo-
nector. sure is heard and record the ohmmeter reading.
11. Install the control head as described in paragraph 11. Repeat step 10. while pressing control lever in
5-1.6. reverse direction. Meter readings should be the
same as for the forward direction (±200 ohms). If
5-1.5. Potentiometer Removal Testing and Adjust-
meter readings are not the same, adjust position
of bracket (13) as necessary to obtain the same
1. Remove the control head as described in para- values. Adjust the potentiometer again if neces-
graph 5-1.1. sary.
2. Place the control head on a clean work bench. 12. Install the potentiometer leads in the control head
3. Remove two screws (11, Figure 5-3) and lift connector.
mounting bracket (13) out of the control head. 13. Install the control head as described in paragraph

BL-C22-1010 5-3
5-1.6. Control Head Installation. 2. Remove two screws (23) and two washers (24)
and plate (25).
1. Position control head (1, Figure 5-2) on arm (7)
and feed the electrical harness into arm (7). 3. Remove two screws (14) and move switch (20)
2. Working inside the control head, install two with mounting plate (17) out of the way. Steel ball
screws (2) and two washers (3). (19) will fall free.
4. Secure the steering arm (1) in the upright posi-
3. Connect the electrical harness and position it
along side the air return spring (11)
5. Remove screw (16), shaft (11) and rubber sleeve
4. Install cover (16) and secure with six screws (17).
5. Install cover (11, Figure 5-1) and secure with six
screws (10) 6. Remove the six screws (17, Figure 5-2) and cover
6. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
(6, Figure 12-7) and switch (4). WARNING: Once cover (16) is removed, air spring
(11) can fall free of socket (9) if the con-
5-2. STEERING ARM trol arm (7) is lowered and raised.

5-2.1. Return Air Spring Replacement. 7. Tilt the steering arm (7) forward to free air return
spring (11) to free it from socket (9).
The steering arm air return spring (11, Figure 5-2) is
replaced while the steering arm (7) is in the upright 8. Remove snap ring (12) and free air return spring
position. (11) from screw (14).

1. Remove two screws (4, Figure 5-4), two washers 9. Position the new air return spring (11) on screw
(3) and plate (2). (14) and secure with snap ring (12).


Figure 5-4 Steering System

5-4 BL-C22-1010
10. While moving the steering arm (7) back, position 4. Remove the steering arm from socket (26).
the air return spring (11) inside socket (9).
5-2.3. Steering Arm Installation.
11. Install cover (16) and secure with six screws (17).
1. Position the steering arm from socket (26, Figure
12. Install shaft (11, Figure 5-4) and rubber sleeve
(12) and secure with screw (16).
2. Install shaft (9) and roll pin (8).
13. Reposition switch (20) with mounting plate (17)
and steel ball (19) and install two screws (14). 3. Install the steering arm air return spring (11, Fig-
ure 5-2) as described in paragraph 5-2.1.
14. Check for proper operation of switch (20).
4. Install the control head as described in paragraph
15. Tuck in wires of switch (20) to prevent pinching
and install plate (25), two screws (23) and two
washers (24).
16. Install plate (2) and secure with two screws (4)
and two washers (3). 5-3.1. Forward Compartment.

5-2.2. Steering Arm Removal. 5-3.1.1.Removal.

1. Remove the control head as described in para- 1. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 5-5) and discon-
graph 5-1.1. nect the batteries.
2. Remove the steering arm air return spring (11, 2. Remove four screws (27) and top cover (28).
Figure 5-2) as described in paragraph 5-2.1. 3. Remove four screws (27) and front covers (25).
3. Remove roll pin (8, Figure 5-4) and shaft (9). 4. Remove four screws (27) and front covers (26).


Figure 5-5 Compartment

BL-C22-1010 5-5
5-3.1.2.Installation. 2. Remove two screws (22) and two screws (20) and
lift off cover (19) with panel (2).
1. Position front covers (25 and 26, Figure 5-5) on
the frame. 3. Remove two screws (22) and two screws (20) lift
2. Install eight screws (27). off cover (21) with panel (3).
4. Remove nuts (17) and washers (18) to separate
3. Install top cover (28) and secure with four screws
panels (2 and 3) from covers (19 and 21).
4. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch 5-3.3. Installation.
(6) and switch (4).
1. Position panels (2 and 3, Figure 5-5) on covers
5-3.2. Rear Compartment. (19 and 21) and secure with nuts (17) and wash-
ers (18).
5-3.2.1.Removal. 1. Position front covers (19 and 21) on the frame.
1. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 5-5) and discon- 2. Install four screws (22) and four screws (20).
nect the batteries.
3. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
(6) and switch (4).

5-6 BL-C22-1010

6-1. BRAKES. f. Lift magnetic body (1) with rotor plate

The brake system consists of a drive motor mounted attached and adjust shims (4) to obtain the
brake. This brake is spring applied and electrically proper gap.
released. Should it become necessary to move a dead g. Install the three mounting screws.
truck, the brake is equipped with an adjusting nut (Fig-
h. Recheck the gap.
ure 6-1) that may be manually loosened to release the
brake. 9. Remove load wheel blocks and check operation.
10. Install the rear compartment covers as described
WARNING: Before returning the truck to operation,
in paragraph 5-3.
be sure to return the brake adjusting nut
to its original position and check for
proper braking function. Failure to return
adjusting nut to its original position
results in truck having no braking ability.

6-1.1. Air Gap Adjustment.

The “air gap” is the distance between the magnet body
and the rotor plate with the brake applied. As the brake
pads and rotor wear normally, the air gap will increase
and should be readjusted when it measures more than
0.25 mm.

NOTE: If the air gap measures more than 0.25 mm,

the brake may not release properly. Air gap
adjustment can be performed as long as the
brake pads and rotor function properly or until
the adjustable spacer threads are fully
engaged (adjustment limit reached).

1. Block load wheels.

2. Remove the rear compartment covers as
described in paragraph 5-3.
3. Using low pressure air, remove any dirt between
armatures and magnet body.
4. Using standard feeler gauges, check the gap
between the rotor plate (6, Figure 6-1) and rotor
(11). The gap should be 0.25 mm.
5. If necessary, refer to Figure 6-1 and adjust the
gap as follows: R6677

a. Remove the three mounting screws.

Figure 6-1 Brake Assembly

BL-C22-1010 6-1
6-1.2. Stopping Distance Adjustment. 16. Position new bushings (7) and shims (4) over the
three brake mounting holes in the motor.
The stopping distance of the truck should require mini-
mal adjustment. However, this distance should be 17. Place magnet body (1) on bushings (7) and
checked with each planned maintenance. secure with the three screws (1, Figure 6-2) and
three washers (2).
Using an unloaded truck, run truck to its top speed on
an even dry concrete surface. Move control handle 18. Finally tighten the three mounting screws to 52 in-
into the lower braking position. Measure length of lb (6 Nm).
braking path from the actuation point of the brakes 19. Reconnect electric brake to the harness.
until the truck has stopped. The actual length of the
20. Install socket (35, Figure 6-3) and secure with
braking path should be between approximately 1.5 -
three screws (36).
2.5 ft (0.5-0.7 m).
21. Install pressure block (34) and secure with four
To adjust stopping distance, proceed as follows:
screws (33)
1. Block load wheels. 22. Install the steering arm as described in paragraph
2. Remove the rear compartment covers as 5-2.3.
described in paragraph 5-3. 23. Remove load wheel blocks and check operation.
3. Adjust the brake (Refer to Table 4-2). 24. Install the rear compartment covers as described
4. Remove load wheel blocks and check operation. in paragraph 5-3.
5. Install the rear compartment covers as described 25. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
in paragraph 5-3. (6, Figure 12-7).

6-1.3. Brake Assembly Replacement

1. Block load wheels.
2. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 12-7) and dis-
connect the batteries.
3. Remove the rear compartment covers as
described in paragraph 5-3.
4. Remove the steering arm as described in para-
graph 5-2.2.
5. Remove four screws (33, Figure 6-3) and pres-
sure block (34).
6. Remove three screws (36) and remove socket
7. Disconnect electric brake from the harness.
8. Remove three screws (1, Figure 6-2), three wash-
ers (2).
9. Lift off magnet body (1, Figure 6-1) with rotor plate
(6) attached.
10. Remove bushings (7) and shims (4).
11. Remove rotor (11) from hub (9).
12. Remove snap ring (8), hub (9), key (10) and bush-
ing (12) from the drive motor.
13. Install new bushing (12), key (10), hub (9) and
snap ring (8) on the drive motor.
14. Install new rotor (11) on hub (9).
15. Assembly magnet body (1), springs (5), rotor (6), Figure 6-2 Transmission, Motor, Brake Assembly
and install two screws (3) and nuts (2).

6-2 BL-C22-1010

Figure 6-3 Steering System

BL-C22-1010 6-3

6-4 BL-C22-1010

7-1. Drive Wheel. 8. Remove screw (4, Figure 7-2) and remove plate
1. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 12-7) and dis- (5) with tension spring (13).
connect the batteries. 9. Remove the screws securing forcing cylinder (Fig-
ure 12-22) to bracket (10, Figure 7-1).
2. Remove the rear compartment covers as
described in paragraph 5-3. 10. Remove two nuts (32, Figure 7-2) two washers
(33) and two screws (36) securing bracket (35) to
3. Loosen but do not remove the five nuts (28, Fig-
bottom of bracket (10).
ure 7-1).
4. Jack up the truck so the drive wheel is off the 11. Disconnect the two links (20) on each side of the
ground; then securely block the truck to prevent transmission by remove screws (22) and pins (21)
from frame (10).
12. Slowly lower the transmission out the bottom of
5. Remove the five nuts (28) and drive wheel (27)
the frame.
from the transmission (25).
6. Install new drive wheel in reverse order of 13. Install new transmission by reversing the steps
removal. above.

7. Install the rear compartment covers as described

in paragraph 5-3.
8. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
(6, Figure 12-7).

7-2. Transmission.
The transmission floats on bracket (35, Figure 7-2)
and two links (20). Two springs (13, Figure 7-1) supply
a downward pressure for maintaining traction. A forc-
ing cylinder (Figure 12-22) is mounted between
bracket (10, Figure 7-1) and bracket (35, Figure 7-2) to
provide additional traction when carrying heaver loads.
The heavier the load, the greater the hydraulic pres-
sure to the forcing cylinder.
1. Remove the rear compartment covers as
described in paragraph 5-3.
2. Remove the steering arm as described in para-
graph 5-2.2.
3. Remove the brake (3, Figure 7-1) as described in
paragraph 6-1.3.
4. Remove four screws (33, Figure 7-3) and pres-
sure block (34).
5. Remove the drive motor (6, Figure 7-1) as
described in paragraph 10-4.1.
6. Remove the drive wheel (27) as described in R6656
paragraph 7-1.
Figure 7-1 Transmission, Motor, Brake Assembly
7. Support the transmission (25).

BL-C22-1010 7-1

Figure 7-2 Frame


Figure 7-3 Steering System

7-2 BL-C22-1010
7-3. Load Wheel. 7-3.2. Repair

7-3.1. Removal 6. Remove snap rings (3, Figure 7-4) and bearings
(4) from wheels (5).
1. Raise forks.
7. Inspect bearings (4) and replace if necessary.
2. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 12-7) and dis-
connect the batteries. 8. Reassemble bearings (4) and snap rings (3) in
wheels (5).
3. Block the drive wheel to prevent the truck from
rolling. 7-3.3. Load Wheel Installation
4. Jack up the frame to raise the load wheels off the 1. Position load wheel assembly (5, Figure 7-4) in
floor. Securely block the frame in the raised posi- frame.
2. Install shaft (2) and secure with snap rings (1).
NOTE: When shaft (2, Figure 7-4) is removed, load 3. Remove blocking from under the truck.
wheel assembly (5) will drop free.
4. Lower the truck.
5. Remove snap rings (1) securing shaft (2) and 5. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
remove shaft (2) and load wheel assembly (5). (6, Figure 12-7).
NOTE: Inspect the load wheel assembly. If the load
wheel is worn within 1/8" of the metal sleeve,
or is cracked or damaged, replace the entire
load wheel and bearing assembly. Big Lift
LLC recommends that both load wheel
assemblies be replaced at the same time.
This ensures level and safe operation of the
lift truck.


Figure 7-4. Load Wheel

BL-C22-1010 7-3

7-4 BL-C22-1010

8-1. GENERAL. 4. Thread the top jam nut (12, Figure 8-2) up adjust-
The elevation system includes the outer mast, inner ing bolt (8) to allow for adjustment of middle jam
mast, lift linkage, lift chains, lift cylinder and tilt cylin- nut (12).
der. 5. Take up slack in both lift chains with middle jam
nut (12). Strive for equal tension on both chains.
8-2. LIFT CHAIN LENGTH ADJUSTMENT. 6. Align adjusting bolts (8) so each clevis pin (10) is
1. Fully lower the lift carriage. parallel to the mast.
2. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 12-7) and dis- CAUTION: At least 3 full threads must be present
connect the batteries. below lower nut (12) after adjustment.
WARNING: Before attempting any adjustment, make 7. Tighten jam nuts securely while maintaining align-
certain power is disconnected. ment of clevis pin (10).
3. Loosen the bottom jam nut (12, Figure 8-2) on 8. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
adjusting bolt (8) located at the top crossmember (6, Figure 12-7).
of the outer mast (8, Figure 8-1). 9. Test chain by operating carriage. If slack is still
apparent, repeat above procedure.


Figure 8-1 Outer Mast

BL-C22-1010 8-1
Both lift chains should be replaced when either chain 1. With the lift truck wheels securely blocked, raise
is worn enough to increase it’s length by 3% or more. the forks approximately three feet from floor and
To make this determination proceed as follows. position blocks or strong supports under the lift
Using a section of chain that sees the most frequent
operation over the chain sheaves, isolate a vertical 2. Lower the carriage onto the support. Check that
portion under tension from the weight of carriage and arrangement is secure before proceeding and the
forks. lift chains are slack.
Measure the distance between pin centers on 20 verti- 3. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 12-7) and dis-
cal links. If the section measures 12.88” or more, the connect the batteries.
chain should be replaced.
WARNING: Before attempting any replacement,
New chain anchor pins should be installed when make certain power is disconnected.
chains are replaced. Never replace a partial section of
chain and never repair chain. Refer to paragraph 8-4. 4. Remove cotter pin (9, Figure 8-2) and clevis pin
when installing new chain. (13) connecting chain (5) to the lift carriage.


Figure 8-2 Inner Mast

8-2 BL-C22-1010
5. Remove cotter pin (9) and clevis pin (10) connect- 10. Adjust the chains according to paragraph 8-2.
ing chain (5) to adjusting bolt (8) at the outer 11. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
mast. (6, Figure 12-7).
6. Remove chain from sheave (6).
7. Position new chain on sheave (6). 8-5. LIFT CYLINDER.
8. Secure chain to adjusting bolt (8) at the outer NOTE: Removal and repair of lift cylinder is covered
mast with clevis pin (10) and cotter pin (9). in SECTION 9.
9. Connect the opposite end of chain to the lift car-
riage with clevis pin (10) and cotter pin (9).

BL-C22-1010 8-3

8-4 BL-C22-1010

9-1. LINES AND FITTINGS CAUTION: Hydraulic oil can damage parts. Wipe off
any oil immediately. Provide a container
WARNING: When forks are raised, pressure exists in under the line or fitting before discon-
the hydraulic system lines and fittings. necting.
To ensure release of pressure, forks
must be fully lowered and the batteries 4. Refer to Figure 9-1 and remove leaking line or fit-
disconnected before performing any ting and replace it with a new line or fitting.
maintenance on the hydraulic system. 5. Check level of hydraulic oil. If required, add
NOTE: Leaking hydraulic fittings may be remedied by hydraulic oil to bring to proper level. Use hydraulic
simply tightening fittings. If this does not rem- oil listed in Table 3-2.
edy the leak, the fittings or line must be 6. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
replaced. (6, Figure 12-7).

1. Lower forks fully. 7. Operate the lift and lower buttons to refill the
cylinder and lines with hydraulic oil.
2. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 12-7) and dis-
connect the batteries. 8. Check level of hydraulic oil. If required, add
hydraulic oil to bring to proper level. Use hydraulic
3. Remove the front compartment covers as oil listed in Table 3-2.
described in paragraph 5-3.
9. Install the front compartment covers as described
in paragraph 5-3.


Figure 9-1 Hydraulic System

BL-C22-1010 9-1
9-2. HYDRAULIC PUMP, AND MOTOR ASSY 2. Install tube assy (17) with two fittings (18) and
four washers (20)
WARNING: When forks are raised. pressure exists in
the hydraulic system lines and fittings. 3. Connect electrical leads to motor (1, Figure 9-2).
To ensure release of pressure, forks 4. Fill the hydraulic reservoir. Use hydraulic oil listed
must be fully lowered and the batteries in Table 3-2.
disconnected before performing any 5. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
maintenance on the hydraulic system. (6, Figure 12-7).
9-2.1. Removal 6. Operate the lift and lower buttons to refill the
cylinder and lines with hydraulic oil.
1. Lower forks fully.
7. Check level of hydraulic oil. If required, add
2. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 12-7) and dis-
hydraulic oil to bring to proper level. Use hydraulic
connect the batteries.
oil listed in Table 3-2.
3. Remove the front compartment covers as
8. Install the front compartment covers as described
described in paragraph 5-3.
in paragraph 5-3.
4. Tag and disconnect electrical leads from motor (1,
Figure 9-2).

NOTE: Place a container under the pump assembly

to catch any hydraulic oil.

5. Remove two fittings (18, Figure 9-1), four washers

(20) and tube assy (17).
6. Remove four screws (24) and four washers (23).
7. Remove the pump and motor assembly (25).
8. Remove all material of gasket (4, Figure 9-2) from
the mating surfaces.

9-2.2. Disassembly and Reassembly

1. Remove two screws (7, Figure 9-2) and remove
motor (1) and sleeve (2) from valve assy (3).
2. Remove two screws (6) and remove pump (5)
from valve assy (3).
3. Refer to Figure 12-16 for disassembly and reas-
sembly of the pump.
4. Refer to Figure 12-18 for disassembly and reas-
sembly of the valve.
5. Refer to Figure 12-26 for disassembly and reas-
sembly of the motor.
6. Position pump (5) on valve assy (3) and secure
with two screws (6).
7. Position sleeve (2) and motor (1) on valve assy
(3) and secure with two screws (7).

9-2.3. Installation R6667

1. Install pump and motor assy (25, Figure 9-1), with

new gasket (4, Figure 9-2) on reservoir (12, Fig- Figure 9-2 Pump and Motor Assembly
ure 9-1) and secure with four screws (24) and four
washers (23).

9-2 BL-C22-1010
9-2.4. Lift Cylinders WARNING: Before attempting any replacement,
make certain power is disconnected.
CAUTION: Hydraulic oil can damage parts. Wipe off
1. With the lift truck wheels securely blocked, raise
any oil immediately. Provide a container
the forks approximately three feet from floor and
under the line or fitting before discon-
position blocks or strong supports under inner
2. Lower inner mast onto the support. Check that 4. Disconnect hoses (4 and 6, Figure 9-1) from the
arrangement is secure before proceeding and bottom of the lift cylinders.
that the lift cylinders are free of the inner mast. 5. Remove two screws (4, Figure 9-3), clamp (5) and
3. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 12-7) and dis- plate (6).
connect the batteries. 6. Carefully raise lift cylinder (3) from the outer mast
7. Repeat steps 5. and 6. for the remaining cylinder.


Figure 9-3 Outer Mast

BL-C22-1010 9-3
9-2.4.2.Repair 11. Operate the lift and lower buttons to refill the
cylinder and lines with hydraulic oil.
CAUTION: To prevent damage, use proper pipe
clamp vise. The cylinder will be distorted 12. Check level of hydraulic oil. If required, add
if the vise is tightened too much. hydraulic oil to bring to proper level. Use hydraulic
oil listed in Table 3-2.
1. Secure the lift cylinder in a vise, clamping lightly 13. Install the front compartment covers as described
at the base of the cylinder. in paragraph 5-3.
2. Remove bolt (5, Figure 9-4) and washer (4).
3. Remove snap ring (7).
4. Pull out piston rod (6).
5. Remove dust seal (1) and seal (2) from cylinder
body (3).
6. Coat all parts with hydraulic oil (Table 3-2).
7. Install new seal (2) and dust seal (1) in cylinder
body (3).
8. Insert rod (6) in cylinder body (3).
9. Reinstall snap ring (7).
10. Reinstall bolt (5, Figure 9-4) and washer (4).

1. Position one cylinder (3, Figure 9-3) on outer
mast (8).
2. Secure the cylinder with plate (6), clamp (5) and
two screws (4).
3. Repeat steps 1. and 2. for the opposite cylinder.
4. Reconnect hoses (4 and 6, Figure 9-1) to the bot-
tom of the cylinders.
5. Using a suitable lifting device, raise the inner
mast and remove the supports.
6. Slowly lower the inner mast while lining up the lift
cylinders with the top of the inner mast.
7. Adjust the chains according to paragraph 8-2.
8. Remove the front compartment covers as
described in paragraph 5-3.
9. Fill the hydraulic reservoir. Use hydraulic oil listed R6670

in Table 3-2.
Figure 9-4 Lift Cylinder
10. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
(6, Figure 12-7).

9-4 BL-C22-1010
9-2.5. Tilt Cylinders 4. Disconnect hoses (3 and 26, Figure 9-1) from the
bottom of the tilt cylinders.
5. Support the tilt cylinder and remove pin (20, Fig-
WARNING: Mast must be supported by a hoist ure 9-5) and shaft (19) from the cylinder.
before removing the tilt cylinders. 6. Carefully raise tilt cylinder from the truck.
1. Secure mast with a hoist. 7. Repeat steps 5. and 5. for the remaining cylinder.
2. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 12-7) and dis- 9-2.5.2.Repair
connect the batteries.
CAUTION: To prevent damage, use proper pipe
WARNING: Before attempting any replacement, clamp vise. The cylinder will be distorted
make certain power is disconnected. if the vise is tightened too much.
CAUTION: Hydraulic oil can damage parts. Wipe off 1. Remove snap ring (10, Figure 9-5).
any oil immediately. Provide a container
under the line or fitting before discon- 2. Pull out piston rod (4).
necting. 3. Remove nut (9), washer (8), piston (6), O-ring (5)
and cover (13) from rod (4).
3. Remove the front compartment covers as
described in paragraph 5-3. 4. Remove seals (7) from piston (6).


Figure 9-5 Tilt Cylinder

BL-C22-1010 9-5
5. Remove O-ring (15), seal (14), ring (12) and wear 9-2.5.3.Installation
ring (11) from cover (13).
1. Position one cylinder between the outer mast and
6. Remove snap rings (17) and bearing (21) from the truck frame.
cylinder body (16). 2. Secure the cylinder with two shafts (19, Figure 9-
7. While holding clevis (1), loosen nut (3). 5) and two pins (20).
8. Remove clevis (1), washer (2) and nut (3) from 3. Secure the opposite cylinder to the truck frame
rod (4). with one shaft (19) and pin (20).
9. Remove snap rings (17) and bearing (21) from 4. Adjust clevis (1) so that the mounting hole aligns
clevis (1). with the mounting hole of the outer mast.
10. Coat all parts with hydraulic oil (Table 3-2). 5. Secure the cylinder to the mast with one shaft
11. Install bearing (21) in clevis (1) and secure with (19) and pin (20).
two snap rings (17). 6. Secure nuts (3) against clevises (1).
12. Install nut (3), washer (2) and clevis (1) on rod (4). 7. Reconnect hoses (3 and 26, Figure 9-1) to the
The clevis will be adjusted during installation of bottom of the tilt cylinders.
the cylinder.
8. Fill the hydraulic reservoir. Use hydraulic oil listed
13. Install bearing (21) in cylinder body (16) and in Table 3-2.
secure with two snap rings (17).
9. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
14. Install O-ring (15), seal (14), ring (12) and wear (6, Figure 12-7).
ring (11) on cover (13). 10. Operate the tilt buttons to refill the cylinder and
15. Install seals (7) on piston (6). lines with hydraulic oil.
16. Install cover (13) on rod (4). 11. Check level of hydraulic oil. If required, add
17. Install O-ring (5), piston (6), washer (8), and nut hydraulic oil to bring to proper level. Use hydraulic
(9) on rod (4). oil listed in Table 3-2.
18. Install piston rod (4) in cylinder body (16). 12. Install the front compartment covers as described
in paragraph 5-3.
19. Remove snap ring (10).

9-6 BL-C22-1010

10-1.ELECTRICAL CONTROL PANEL moist rag. Allow it to dry before reconnecting the
4. Make sure the connections to the buss bars are
NOTE: Erratic operation of the truck may be caused tight. Use two well insulated wrenches for this
by defective controller components. Before task in order to avoid steering the buss bars.
removing the electrical panel, perform trou-
bleshooting procedures per SECTION 4, to 10-1.3.Panel Removal.
determine corrective action to be taken. 1. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 12-7) and dis-
connect the batteries.
There are no user-serviceable parts inside the control-
ler. No attempt should be made to open the controller. 2. Remove the front compartment covers as
Opening the controller may damage it and will void the described in paragraph 5-3.
warranty. 3. Tag and disconnect all electrical cables which
The controller is programmed at the factory specifi- connect to the control panel (37, Figure 10-1).
cally for the truck model on which it is equipped. It is 4. Remove four screws (38) and control panel (37).
important to replace the controller with the correct pre-
programmed unit to assure proper performance set- 10-1.4.Panel Disassembly.
tings intended for that particular truck. See Figure 12- Refer to Figure 10-2 for location and identity of the
23 for the preprogrammed controller number. major replacement components mounted on the panel
It is recommended that the controller exterior be and remove defective parts.
cleaned periodically, and if a Handset is available, this NOTE: Contactors (6 and 7) are not repairable and
periodic cleaning provides a good opportunity to check must be replaced if defective.
the controller’s diagnostic history file. It is also recom-
mended that the controller’s fault detection circuitry be 10-1.5.Panel Installation.
checked whenever the vehicle is serviced.
1. Install the control panel (37, Figure 10-1) and
10-1.2.Cleaning secure with four screws (38).
1. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 12-7) and dis- 2. Connect all electrical cables to the control panel
connect the batteries. as noted during removal.
2. Remove the front compartment covers as 3. Install the front compartment covers as described
described in paragraph 5-3. in paragraph 5-3.
3. Remove any dirt or corrosion from the buss bar 4. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
area. The controller should be wiped clean with a (6, Figure 12-7).

BL-C22-1010 10-1


Figure 10-1 Frame

10-2.HORN REPLACEMENT 4. Remove the mounting hardware and horn.

1. Turn off the key switch (6, Figure 12-7) and dis- 5. Install horn and secure with the mounting hard-
connect the batteries. ware.
2. Remove the front compartment covers as 6. Install the front compartment covers as described
described in paragraph 5-3. in paragraph 5-3.
3. Tag and disconnect all electrical connections from 7. Reconnect the batteries and turn on the keyswitch
horn. (6, Figure 12-7).

10-2 BL-C22-1010


Figure 10-2 Electrical Panel

BL-C22-1010 10-3
10-3.PUMP MOTOR. 7. Install the brake as described in paragraph 6-1.3.
Refer to paragraph 9-2. 8. Install the steering arm as described in paragraph
10-4.DRIVE MOTOR. 9. Remove the rear compartment covers as
The drive motor exposed surfaces should be cleaned described in paragraph 5-3.
at least once a month to assure proper cooling of
motor. Use an air hose to blow bust off of motor sur- 10-5.LIMITATION SWITCH
faces. 1. Disconnect harness from the limitation switch (17,
Figure 12-12).
10-4.1.Motor Removal
2. Remove switch (17) from socket (18).
1. Remove the rear compartment covers as
described in paragraph 5-3. NOTE: The switch must be positioned so that it is
2. Remove the steering arm as described in para- operated when the lift carriage is up.
graph 5-2.2.
3. Secure the new switch (17) on socket (18).
3. Remove the brake as described in paragraph
4. Reconnect harness to switch.
4. Remove four screws (33, Figure 10-4) and pres-
sure block (34).
5. Note routing of cables to ensure proper installa-
6. Tag the cables connected to the drive motor; then
disconnect these cables from the drive motor.
7. Remove the ten screws (4 Figure 10-3) and lock
washers (5).
8. Lift motor (6) from bearing (7).
9. Remove nut (24), gear (23), and key (22) from
motor (6).
10. Remove snap rings (20 and 21), sleeve (18),
bearing (17) and seal (16) from the motor (6).

10-4.2.Motor Installation
1. Position seal (16, Figure 10-3), bearing (17),
sleeve (18) and on motor (6) and secure with
snap rings (20 and 21).
2. Position key (22) and gear (23) on the shaft of
motor (1) and secure with nut (24).
3. Install drive motor onto transmission. Make sure
to align gear (23) with the gear inside the trans-
4. Reinstall the ten screws (4) and lock washers (5)
to secure the motor to the transmission.
5. Position cables as noted in removal and recon-
nect cables to the drive motor. Make sure to
match the cable label to the terminal.
6. Reinstall pressure block (34) and secure with four
screws (33).
Figure 10-3 Transmission, Motor, Brake Assembly

10-4 BL-C22-1010
10-6.DEADMAN SWITCH 5. Position the new switch (20), sheet (18) and ball
(19) on bracket (17) and secure with the two
10-6.1.Replacement screws (20) and washers (21).
1. Remove two screws (4, Figure 10-4), two wash- 6. Reconnect the deadman switch wiring.
ers (3) and plate (2).
7. Check for proper operation of switch (20).
2. Remove two screws (23) and two washers (24)
8. Tuck in wires of switch (20) to prevent pinching
and plate (25).
and install plate (25), two screws (23) and two
3. Disconnect wiring for deadman switch (20). washers (24).
4. Remove the two screws (22), washers (21), 9. Install plate (2) and secure with two screws (4)
switch (20) and sheet (18) from bracket (17). Ball and two washers (3).
(19) will drop out.


Figure 10-4 Steering System

BL-C22-1010 10-5

10-6 BL-C22-1010

BL-C22-1010 11-1

11-2 BL-C22-1010

Following is an illustrated parts breakdown of assemblies and parts associated with the C22 Lift Truck.

BL-C22-1010 12-1

Figure 12-1 Steering System


(FIGURE 12-2) 20 2000517004 DEADMAN SWITCH 1
2 2000508001 OUTER COVER PLATE 1 21 2000537003 WASHER 2
3 2000537002 WASHER 4 22 2000541001 SCREW 2
4 2000541002 SCREW 2 23 2000541003 SCREW 2
5 2000534004 RUBBER SLEEVE 2 24 2000537001 WASHER 2
6 2000534005 RUBBER SLEEVE 1 25 2000508002 INNER COVER PLATE 1
7 2000512002 BUSHING, LUBRICATED 2 26 2300502001 HANDLE SOCKET 1
8 2000536001 ROLL PIN 1 27 2700513001 CONNECTING SHAFT 1
9 2000513001 SHAFT 1 28 4000536001 ROLL PIN 1
10 2000534003 RUBBER WASHER 1 29 4001220001 BEARING 2
11 2000513003 SHAFT 1 30 4000231002 SCREW 4
12 2000534002 RUBBER SLEEVE 1 31 4000502004 BLOCK, POSITIONING 1
13 2000231001 SCREW 2 32 4000534001 PROTECTION SLEEVE 1
14 2000541004 SCREW 2 33 1000741001 SCREW 4
15 2000334001 PLUG 1 34 4001102001 PRESSURE BLOCK 1
16 2000525004 SCREW 1 35 4000501001 LINK SOCKET 1
17 2000535004 MOUNTING PLATE 1 36 1000342001 SCREW 3
18 2000509002 FASTENING SHEET 1 37 4000525003 SCREW 1

12-2 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-2 Handle Assembly


— 2700500001 HANDLE ASSEMBLY 1 9 6000502002 • AIR SPRING SOCKET 1
(FIGURE 12-3) 10 2000525012 • • HEAD 1
2 2000931008 • SCREW 2 11 6000519001 • • AIR SPRING 1
3 2000537001 • WASHER 2 12 2000527002 • • SNAP RING 1
4 2000517001 • HANDLE 1 13 2000525008 • • JOINT 1
5 1000536001 • ROLL PIN 1 14 2000525006 • • SCREW 1
6 1000538002 • SCREW 1 15 1000527001 • • SNAP RING 1
7 2000501006 • CONTROL ARM 1 16 2000502001 • COVER 1
8 2000442001 • SCREW 4 17 2000542001 • SCREW 6

BL-C22-1010 12-3

Figure 12-3 Switch Box Assembly


— 2700500002 SWITCH BOX ASSEMBLY 1 8 2000519003 • SPRING 6
— 1000540001 • EMERGENCY REVERSE 1 9 3200540002 • FAST LOWER/HORN 1
1 2000540007 • • EMERGENCY REVERSE 1 10 2000542003 • SCREW 7
BUTTON 11 2000509003 • COVER 1
2 2000519002 • • SPRING 4 12 2700502001 • TILT BUTTON 1
3 2000540001 • • RUBBER CONTACT 1 13 3200518001 • SUPPORT PLATE 1
4 2000518001 • • FASTENING PLATE 1 14 2000539001 • NUT 1
5 2000542003 • • SCREW 2 15 — • SWITCH BOX 1
6 2001141005 • SCREW 2 (FIGURE 12-4)
7 3200540001 • LIFT/LOWER BUTTON 1

12-4 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-4 Switch Box


1 2000501004 RACK 1 — 1000500004 POTENTIOMETER ASSY 1
2 2000519004 SPRING 1 12 2000521001 • GEAR 1
3 2000536011 ROLL PIN 1 13 2000518004 • MOUNTING BRACKET 1
4 2000501005 CAM 1 14 2000507007 • POTENTIOMETER 1
— 1000500003 SWITCH ASSEMBLY 1 15 1000529001 SWITCH BOX 1
5 2000538005 • SCREW 2 16 2000512001 COPPER BUSHING 2
6 2000507003 • SWITCH 2 17 2000513002 CAM SHAFT 1
7 2000535001 • ISOLATE BLOCK 1 18 2000540005 CONTROL KNOB 2
8 2000518003 • MOUNTING BRACKET 1 19 2000535003 CONNECTING WASHER 2
9 1000504001 • WASHER 4 20 2000534001 COVER 2
10 2000539002 • NUT 2 21 2000536012 ROLL PIN 2
11 2001141005 SCREW 4

BL-C22-1010 12-5

Figure 12-5 Transmission, Motor, Brake Assembly


1 2001031001 SCREW 3 15 2700313001 SPRING SOCKET 2
2 2001437001 WASHER, LOCK 3 16 2001405001 SEAL WASHER 1
3 4001000001 BRAKE (FIGURE 12-24) 1 17 2001420001 BEARING 1
4 2000131002 SCREW 10 18 2001212003 POSITION SLEEVE 1
5 2001037001 WASHER, LOCK 4 19 2001228001 O-RING 1
6 1201400005 DRIVE MOTOR 1 20 2001227003 SNAP RING 1
(FIGURE 12-25) 21 2001427001 SNAP RING 1
7 4000220001 BEARING 1 22 2001435001 KEY 1
8 4000231002 SCREW 6 23 2000121005 GEAR 1
9 4000812001 BEARING 2 24 2001425002 NUT 1
10 4000318001 BRACKET 1 25 — TRANSMISSION REF
11 4000325001 BOLT 2 (FIGURE 12-6)
12 2700313002 SPRING SOCKET 2 26 2000325001 STUD 5
13 2700319001 SPRING 2 27 4000332001 DRIVE WHEEL 1
14 2700312001 TUBE 2 28 2000325002 NUT 5

12-6 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-6 Transmission, Assembly



— 2300200001 TRANSMISSION 1 12 2000135001 • WASHER 1

1 2000120002 • SCREW 4 13 2000121002 • GEAR 1

14 2000120002 • BEARING 1
2 4000111001 • TOP COVER 1
3 2000125001 • NUT 1 15 2000137001 • WASHER 2

4 2000121001 • GEAR 1 16 2000137002 • WASHER 2

17 2000121004 • GEAR 1
5 2000120003 • BEARING 2
6 2000141001 • SCREW 8 18 2001037001 • WASHER, LOCK 8

7 2000625001 • BOLT 2 19 2000731003 • SCREW 8

20 2000120001 • BEARING 1
8 2000603010 • WASHER 2
9 2000111002 • SIDE COVER 1 21 2000105001 • SEAL 1

10 2000128002 • O-RING 1 22 2000121003 • SPLINE SHAFT 1

23 2000126001 • HOUSING 1
11 2000130001 • BOLT 1

BL-C22-1010 12-7

Figure 12-7 Compartment


1 — COVER ASSEMBLY REF 14 2000931003 SCREW 2
(FIGURE 12-8) 15 2000913001 SHAFT 2
2 2000908001 RIGHT PANEL 1 16 2000931004 SCREW 2
3 2000908002 LEFT PANEL 1 17 2000939001 NUT 8
4 2000407001 EMERGENCY STOP 1 18 2000935001 WASHER 8
(NO CALCULAGRAPH) 20 2000925001 SCREW 4
5 2001116002 BATTERY INDICATOR 1 21 2300900001 LEFT COMPARTMENT 1
6 2000507008 KEY SWITCH 1 22 2000924001 SCREW 4
7 2000908003 MIDDLE PANEL 1 23 2301129002 RIGHT BATTERY COVER 1
8 2000931001 SCREW 2 24 2301129001 LEFT BATTERY COVER 1
9 2000937001 WASHER 6 25 2700909002 LEFT FRONT COVER 1
10 2000941001 SCREW 4 26 2700909002 RIGHT FRONT COVER 1
11 2302013021 SUPPORT 1 27 1000441002 SCREW 12
12 2000937002 WASHER 2 28 2700909003 TOP FRONT COVER 1
13 2000937003 WASHER, LOCK 2

12-8 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-8 Cover Assembly


— 2301100001 COVER ASSEMBLY 1 4 2001118001 • COVER FRAMEWORK 1
1 2001108001 • PLASTIC COVER 1 5 2000939001 • NUT 2
2 2001137001 • WASHER 4 6 2000937001 • WASHER 2
3 2001141005 • SCREW 4 7 2701118001 • COVER FRAMEWORK 1

BL-C22-1010 12-9

Figure 12-9 Frame


1 6000642001 SCREW 8 21 6000813001 PIN 2
2 2300700001 COVER PLATE 1 22 6001442001 SCREW 2
3 2700418001 LEFT BALANCING WEIGHT 1 23 2301112001 ROLLER 7
4 4000730002 BOLT 1 24 2301113001 ROLLER SHAFT 7
5 4000702001 PRESSURE PLATE 1 25 2300713002 PIN SHAFT 2
6 1000139001 NUT 1 26 2300702003 PLATE 2
7 2000725001 PIN 2 27 2300713003 PIN SHAFT 2
8 4000231002 SCREW 8 28 — LOAD WHEEL ASSY REF
(FIGURE 12-11)
9 2300902001 SUPPORT SEAT 1
29 2001427001 SNAP RING 2
10 2700724001 FRAME 1
30 2000827001 SNAP RING 4
11 2700704002 SCREW 4
31 2700513003 SHAFT 2
12 2000937002 WASHER 2
32 2000839001 NUT 2
13 2000931004 SCREW 2
33 4000837001 WASHER 2
14 2700709001 HOOK 2
34 2300713001 SHAFT 1
15 2700709001 SUPPORT 1
35 2700202001 BRACKET 1
16 2700718002 RIGHT BALANCING 1
WEIGHT 36 4000825001 BOLT 2
(FIGURE 12-23)
18 4000737001 WASHER 2
38 1001031003 SCREW 4
19 1001036001 ROLL PIN 2
20 2300701001 LINK 2

12-10 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-10 Caster


— 2700300001 CASTER 2 7 2300312001 • BUSHING 2
1 4000227001 • SNAP RING 1 8 1000320002 • BEARING 2
2 4000320001 • BEARING 1 9 2700332001 • WHEEL 1
3 4000320002 • BEARING 1 10 4000312002 • SLEEVE 1
4 2300302001 • WHEEL BRACKET 1 11 2000737003 • WASHER, LOCK 1
5 2300330001 • BOLT 1 12 2001239001 • NUT 1
6 2000305001 • SEAL 2

BL-C22-1010 12-11

Figure 12-11 Load Wheel


— 2700300001 LOAD WHEEL ASSY 2 3 2700327001 • SNAP RING 2
1 2000827001 • SNAP RING 2 4 2700304001 • BEARING 2
2 2701213001 • SHAFT 1 5 2700332002 • LOAD WHEEL 1

12-12 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-12 Outer Mast


1 2000820001 ROLLER 2 10 2000835004 MOUNTING PLATE 1
2 2000837001 WASHER 4 11 2000835003 MOUNTING PLATE 1
(FIGURE 12-20) 13 2001437001 WASHER, LOCK 4
4 2000800001 SCREW 4 14 2000939001 NUT 4
5 2000835002 CLAMP 2 15 2000742001 SCREW 4
6 2000835001 PLATE 2 16 2000824003 LIMITATION BLOCK 2
7 2700812001 BEARING 2 17 2000407005 LIMITATION SWITCH 1
8 2700824001 OUTER MAST (3.3m) 1 18 2000809001 SWITCH SOCKET 1
8 2700824002 OUTER MAST (3.0m) 1 19 2000941001 SCREW 2
9 2000834001 PROTECTIVE SCREEN 1

BL-C22-1010 12-13

Figure 12-13 Inner Mast


1 2000827001 SNAP RING 4 14 2000809002 SPACER 2
2 2000837002 RING 4 15 2000834003 BUMPER BLOCK 2
3 2000827002 SNAP RING 4 16 2000831001 SCREW 2
4 2000820002 BEARING 4 17 2000820001 ROLLER 2
5 2000804001 LIFT CHAIN 2 18 2000837001 WASHER 12
6 2000801001 CHAIN SHEAVE 2 19 2000834004 LIMITATION BLOCK 2
7 2000812001 SHAFT 2 20 2000837003 WASHER 2
8 2000825001 ADJUSTING BOLT 2 21 2001037001 WASHER, LOCK 2
9 2000804002 COTTER PIN 6 22 2000931005 SCREW 2
10 2000813001 CONNECTING PIN 2 23 2000835005 BLOCK 2
11 2000804003 COTTER PIN 2 24 2000442001 SCREW 1
12 2000839001 NUT 6 25 2000800013 INNER MAST (3.3M) 1
13 2000825002 PIN 2 25 2000800014 INNER MAST (3.0M) 1

12-14 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-14 Lift Carriage


1 2701318001 BACKREST 1 4 2701300001 CARRIAGE 1
2 2000830002 BOLT 1 5 2001302002 FORK 2
3 2000820001 ROLLER 4

BL-C22-1010 12-15

Figure 12-15 Hydraulic System


1 — TILT CYLINDER REF 15 1000603004 WASHER 1
2 1000628002 O-RING 11 (FIGURE 12-22)
3 2700614003 HOSE ASSEMBLY 2 17 2700603001 TUBE ASSEMBLY 1
4 2700603004 TUBE ASSEMBLY 1 18 2000603016 FITTING 2
5 2000603014 T-FITTING 1 19 2000615001 FITTING 1
6 2700603003 TUBE ASSEMBLY 1 20 2500612001 WASHER 4
7 2000603010 WASHER 2 21 2000612008 PIPE 1
8 2300614001 FITTING 1 22 2000600019 PIPE COVER 1
9 2700614002 HOSE ASSEMBLY 1 23 2001037001 WASHER, LOCK 4
10 — VALVE ASSEMBLY REF 24 2000631003 SCREW 4
11 1001031003 SCREW 4 (FIGURE 12-16)
12 2700609001 OIL RESERVOIR 1 26 2700614004 HOSE ASSEMBLY 2
13 2000625001 SCREW 1 27 2800631003 SCREW 4
14 4000614001 HOSE ASSEMBLY 1

12-16 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-16 Pump & Motor Assy


— 2800600001 PUMP & MOTOR ASSY 1 4 2000605005 • GASKET 1
(FIGURE 12-26) (FIGURE 12-17)
2 2000612004 • CONNECTING SLEEVE 1 6 2800631002 • SCREW 2
3 — • VALVE ASSEMBLY REF 7 2800631001 • SCREW 2
(FIGURE 12-18)

BL-C22-1010 12-17

Figure 12-17 Pump Assembly


— 2800600002 PUMP ASSEMBLYY 1 9 2800621001 • DRIVE GEAR 1
1 2000628001 • O-RING 1 10 2800621002 • DRIVEN GEAR 1
2 2000605001 • SEAL 1 11 2000633001 • PIN 4
3 2000628002 • O-RING 1 12 2800629001 • PUMP BODY 1
4 2000611005 • COVER 1 13 2000611006 • COVER 1
5 2000628016 • O-RING 2 14 2000628019 • O-RING 1
6 2000628017 • O-RING 2 15 2000614009 • OIL SUCTION TUBE 1
7 2000605002 • BACKUP RING 2 16 2000603020 • SIEVE 1
8 2000612007 • DISCHARGE BLOCK 2

12-18 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-18 Valve Assembly


— 2800600004 VALVE ASSEMBLY 1 15 2000628009 • O-RING 1
1 2800603001 • VALVE BODY 1 16 2000619003 • SPRING 1
2 2000609001 • SPRING 2 17 2000613001 • SPRING SOCKET 1
3 2000603003 • CORE 2 18 2000604001 • STEEL BALL 2
4 2000628007 • O-RING 4 19 2000603004 • VALVE SLEEVE 1
5 2000603002 • SLEEVE 2 20 2000628010 • O-RING 1
6 2000628008 • O-RING 2 21 2000634001 • BACKUP RING 1
7 2000603018 • ELECTROMAGNETIC 2 22 2000603009 • SPRING SOCKET 1
COIL 23 2000619002 • SPRING 1
8 2000630001 • BOLT 2 24 2000603007 • PRESSURE ADJUSTING 1
9 2000637001 • WASHER 2 BOLT
10 2000625002 • PLUG 1 25 2000637002 • WASHER 1
11 2000628013 • O-RING 1 26 2000603008 • NUT 1
12 2000637005 • WASHER 1 27 2000628014 • O-RING 1
13 2000634002 • FILTER 1 28 2000625003 • PLUG 1
14 2000603005 • CAP 1

BL-C22-1010 12-19

Figure 12-19 Valve -B Assembly


— 2700603002 VALVE-B, ASSEMBLY 1 11 2000619002 • SPRING 1
1 2700604002 • ELECTROMAGNETIC 1 12 2900603001 • FITTING 2
COIL 13 2000628010 • SEAL 1
2 2300614001 • FITTING 5 14 2700628001 • SEAL 1
3 2000603010 • WASHER 7 15 2700603006 • VALVE BODY 1
4 2000637002 • WASHER 3 16 2000637001 • WASHER 9
5 2000603007 • PRESSURE ADJUSTING 3 17 2000630001 • BOLT 9
BOLT 18 1000304002 • STEEL BALL 3
6 2000603008 • NUT 3 19 2700609001 • SPRING 2
7 2700602001 • VALVE SLEEVE 1 20 2700604009 • ELECTROMAGNETIC 1
8 2000628014 • O-RING 1 COIL
9 2000604001 • STEEL BALL 1 21 6000131006 • BOLT 1
10 2000603009 • SPRING SOCKET 1

12-20 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-20 Lift Cylinder


— 2000600005 LIFT CYLINDER (3.3M) 1 4 2000637003 • WASHER 1
— 2000600010 LIFT CYLINDER (3.0M) 1 5 2000630002 • BOLT 1
1 2000605003 • DUST SEAL 1 6 2000613002 • PISTON ROD (3.3M) 1
2 2000605004 • SEAL 1 6 2000613006 • PISTON ROD (3.0M) 1
3 2000614007 • CYLINDER BODY (3.3M) 1 7 2000627001 • SNAP RING 1
3 2000614013 • CYLINDER BODY (3.0M) 1

BL-C22-1010 12-21

Figure 12-21 Tilt Cylinder


— 2700600002 TILT CYLINDER 2 11 2700612001 • WEAR RING 1
1 2701201001 • CLEVIS 1 12 2700612003 • RING 1
2 2700604003 • WASHER 1 13 2700612003 • CYLINDER BODY 1
3 2700604004 • NUT 1 14 2700605002 • SEAL 1
4 2700613001 • PISTON ROD 1 15 2700628002 • O-RING 1
5 2700604002 • O-RING 1 16 2700614005 • CYLINDER BODY 1
6 2700603007 • PISTON 1 17 2700604001 • SNAP RING 2
7 2700605001 • SEAL 2 18 1000312008 • GREASE FITTING 2
8 2700604005 • WASHER 1 19 2700513002 • SHAFT 2
9 2700604006 • NUT 1 20 2700604008 • PIN 2
10 2700604007 • SNAP RING 1 21 2700620001 • BEARING 2

12-22 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-22 Forcing Cylinder


— 2700600003 FORCING CYLINDER 1 6 4000605003 • DUST SEAL 2
1 2300718001 • BRACKET 1 7 2000731002 • SCREW 3
2 4000619001 • SPRING 1 8 2000737003 • WASHER, LOCK 3
3 4000630001 • BOLT 1 9 4000613002 • PISTON ROD 1
4 2300600004 • CYLINDER BODY 1 10 2300602002 • TOP PLATE 1
5 4000605004 • SEAL 1

BL-C22-1010 12-23

Figure 12-23 Electrical System


1 3500400002 BOARD 1 5 2000407010 FUSE 1
2 2000406002 CONTROLLER 1 6 4300407002 DRIVE CONTACTOR 1
3 2000507006 HORN 1 7 4300407001 HYDRAULIC CONTACTOR 1
4 1000400025 BOARD 1

12-24 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-24 Brake Assembly


— 4001000001 BRAKE ASSEMBLY 1 7 4301035001 • BUSHING 3
1 2001010006 • MAGNET BODY 1 8 4000227001 • SNAP RING 1
2 2001439001 • NUT 2 9 2001021001 • HUB 1
3 2001431001 • SCREW 2 10 4001404001 • FLAT KEY 1
4 4301037001 • SHIM 6 11 2001010008 • ROTOR 1
5 2001019001 • SPRING 7 12 2001012001 • BUSHING 1
6 2001010005 • ROTOR 1

BL-C22-1010 12-25

Figure 12-25 Drive Motor


— 1201400005 DRIVE MOTOR 1 6 2001427002 • SNAP RING 1
1 2001400009 • DUST SHIELD 1 7 2001419001 • SPRING 4
2 2001430001 • SCREW 8 8 2001407001 • CARBON BRUSH 4
3 2001437001 • WASHER, LOCK 8 9 2001400003 • STATOR 1
4 2001400008 • TOP COVER 1 10 2001400002 • ROTOR 1
5 2001420001 • BEARING 1

12-26 BL-C22-1010

Figure 12-26 Hydraulic Motor


— 1001400001 HYDRAULIC MOTOR 1 10 2001419002 • SPRING 8
1 2001409002 • DUST SHIELD 1 11 2001407002 • CARBON BRUSH 8
2 2001430003 • SCREW 4 12 2001430004 • SCREW 4
3 201437006 • WASHER, LOCK 12 13 2001400006 • STATOR 1
4 2001439001 • NUT 4 14 2001400007 • ROTOR 1
5 2000537002 • WASHER 4 15 2001402001 • FAN 1
6 2001411003 • REAR COVER 1 16 2001420003 • BEARING 1
7 2001437007 • WAVE WASHER 1 17 2001437008 • WASHER 1
8 2001420002 • BEARING 1 18 2001411004 • MOTOR COVER 1
9 2001100005 • BRUSH SOCKET 1 19 2001430005 • SCREW 4

BL-C22-1010 12-27

Figure 12-27 Battery


1 2001100004 CHARGER (110V) 1 2 2001100006 BATTERY 1
1 2001100005 CHARGER (220V) 1

12-28 BL-C22-1010
Big Lift LLC

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