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Child Safety

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The key takeaways are that Save the Children works globally and across 17 states in India to protect children's rights through programs in education, health, nutrition, child protection and humanitarian response. They have benefitted over 8.5 lakh children in India.

The different child protection systems and services mentioned are District Child Welfare Committee, State Secretary for Women and Child Welfare, District Juvenile Justice Board, District and Ward level Child Protection Committees, NGOs, Childline, Special Juvenile Police Unit and Child Welfare Officers.

According to the document, children have the right to be protected against physical and sexual abuse, hurtful words, and discrimination based on caste, color, religion, disability or any other reason.

Every Child Safe and Secure

Save the Children works in 120

countries globally and across 17 states
in India for children’s rights

Save the Children is India’s leading independent child rights organization

which is working in 17 states to make a difference in the lives of the most
socially-excluded children of India. Our work in the areas of Child Edu-
cation, Health & Nutrition, Child Protection and Humanitarian Response
& Disaster Risk Reduction has benefitted lakhs of children in India. We
reached over 8.5 lakh children through our programmes.
Save the Children works for Children’s rights. We deliver immediate and
lasting improvements to children lives worldwide.

This publication is protected by copyright. It may be reproduced by any

method without fee or prior permission for teaching purposes, but not
for resale. For use in other circumstances, prior written permission must
be obtained from the publisher.

© 2015 Save the Children

Contributors: Sandhya Krishnan, State Programme Manager,

Save the Children
Alpha Sahoo, Project Coordinator- Child Protection,
Save the Children
Rupali Goswami, Advocacy, Campaign & Communications
Coordinator, Save the Children

Content Writer: Sumitra Ashtikar, Consultant

Illustration and Design: Sudipto Sengupta, Anurag Bose, Zivanta Analytics

Production In-charge: Rupali Goswami, ACC Coordinator, Save the Children

Who this guidebook is
intended for?
The guidebook can be used by any care giver who comes in contact
with children on a daily basis and who have the primary or secondary
responsibility of taking care of the children. Parents, teachers, anganwadi
workers, child care institutions, hospitals can use this guidebook to help
a child who is in need of care and protection.
This guidebook can also be used by those who meet a child by accident
who is in need of protection immediately.They can follow the steps men-
tioned in the guidebook that can be followed to help the child in need.
Paragraph about the child protection systems with an objective of cre-
ating a safe and safe environment of children, the state has established
systems at center and district level which one can go to for provid-
ing protection of children. These systems contains various bodies, units,
schemes and law which create a safety net for children.
Child Abuse is a reality and it is up
to the adults (citizens, caregivers, par-
ents etc) to ensure that children are
protected from harm and abuse.
This guide on child protection is an
easy reference on the actions re-
quired if a child is found in need for
FOREWORD protection. It lays out steps for citi-
zens and care providers on how to
reach out to an abused child. It is ex-
pected that this guide will help create
an enabling environment for children
so that they feel safe and protected.
This guide contains information
which is practical and doable for all
adults and concerned citizens and is
based on Save the Children’s expe-
rience in addressing issues of Child
“World will not be destroyed by
those who do evil, but by those who
watch them without doing anything”,
so said Albert Einstein. So please
join us in the endeavor to make our
homes, institutions, towns, cities and
villages safe for all children

Sandhya Krishnan
State Programme Manager,
What is Child poor governance. Across contexts,
children face systemic protection
Protection? threats that arise at family, commu-
nity, and societal levels.
Impact of child vulnerability and
All children can be vulnerable by marginalization can be short term
virtue of their young age and evolv-or long term depending on the ex-
ing capacities.They can be ‘open to’tent, nature and severity, and oth-
harm, injury, violence, and abuse. er factors. The damage can also be
Due to different circumstances permanent. The impact can be on
and/or factors children can also be the physical, emotional, social, psy-
chological and mental health and
vulnerable to adverse influences
well being of the child.
and ‘at risk’ behavior. Marginaliza-
tion further exacerbates vulnera- The State and society has the
bility. In development settings like crucial responsibility and legal
India, the burden of risk and vul-
obligation to reach out to chil-
nerability falls disproportionately
on children. Risks include family
separation, displacement, attack,
sexual exploitation and abuse, traf-
ficking, disability, HIV and AIDS, and
child labour, among many others.
Children’s exposure to multiple,
accumulating risks, shatters chil-
dren’s rights, impedes children’s
healthy development and well-be-
ing, and causes enormous suffering.
Children are also vulnerable due
to chronic poverty and inability to
meet basic needs together with
structures of social exclusion and

dren to ensure that every child ers, child labourers etc. are more
is able to access resources, grow vulnerable than others and need
up in safety, and amidst caring special attention.
and nurturing adults.
Child Protection is relevant for all
Child Protection is: settings-home, school, neighbour-
hood, community, and institutional/
Any measure or initiative that ad-
residential care.
dresses or prevents children from
situations of violence, abuse, ne- A Child is safe and protected
glect and exploitation. It refers to when
protecting children from or against
• A child is loved, cared for and
any perceived or real danger/risk.
looked after: Healthy emotional
It helps to reduce their vulnera-
bonds with parents and strong re-
bility in harmful situations. It also
lationships can have a lifelong im-
means protecting children against
pact on a child’s safety. Child safety
social, psychological and emotional
is ensured to large extent when a
insecurity and distress.
child can speak to parents without
Child Protection must ensure that having any inhibitions or doubts
no child falls out of the social secu- and when a child is accepted and
rity and safety net and those who respected by his/her parents and
do, receive necessary care and family.
protection to be brought back into
• A child is nurtured when a child
the safety net. gets required food and nourish-
While protection is a right of every ment, health facilities and edu-
child, some children like street cation, when a child gets healthy
children, children with disabilities, and peaceful environment, when a
children of commercial sex work- child gets opportunities for his/her
growth and development.
• Safety measures in terms of phys-
ical safety of the child are in place.
For e.g. fire safety measures are
established, electrical cables and
wires and plug points are covered,
School windows have lockable grills, hav-

ing compound walls and security ity, religion or in any other form.
guards for big structures like soci-
3. A child is physically abused. OR
eties and schools, safety measures
witnesses physical abuse and vio-
are in place in elevators, drainage
gutters are covered/closed, wells
and bore wells are covered etc. 4. A child is mentally tortured,
Additionally human supervision harassed. OR when child lives
and monitoring is ensured. in a situation which is stress-
• A child is not abused physically, ful. OR witnesses mental tor-
emotionally and sexually.
• When a child knows how to 5. A child experiences OR wit-
protect himself or herself. When nesses substance abuse.
parents or society build a child’s 6. A child experiences OR wit-
confidence by providing expo- nesses verbal abuse.
sure, knowledge and information
about personal safety. When a 7. A child is sexually abused. OR
child knows whom and where to witnesses sexual abuse.
approach in case of emergencies 8. A child is exploited or cheated.
related to their safety.
As a society we are responsi-
• When a child has faith in the ble to ensure that every child in
structures, systems and people our family, locality, community,
who are responsible for providing region, state and nation is safe
protection to children. When such and feels safe.
structures and systems are set-up
and are functional. Child Protection Framework
A Child is unsafe when…… Child Protection framework con-
sists of various duty bearers such
1. A child is neglected, not loved
as departments of the govern-
or cared for, has no one to talk to.
ments, schools, civil society who all
Even the thought of being deprived
have roles to play to ensure that a
of love and care can make children
child is protected and in case re-
feel unsafe.
quired violator be brought to jus-
2. A child is discriminated in terms tice and care be provided to the
of gender, ability, intelligence, col- child. Child protection is more than
our, looks, language, race, national- treatment a preventive action. This
framework is not a single ministry • Police and Legal System: Police
or single government department Stations, Child Welfare Officer at
but it is interlinking functions of all Police Station, Railway Police, Cy-
ministries and sectors. Important ber Crime Branches, Special Ju-
Ministries and Government/ Non venile Police Unit. Ensuring road
Government departments respon- safety and vehicle safety on road
sible for child safety can be: by traffic police system.
• Ministry of Women and Child • Judicial System: Priority disposal
Welfare, Ministry of Social Justice of cases involving child safety and
and Empowerment: Including In- abuse. Sensitive handling of judicial
tegrated Child Protection Scheme procedures. Ensuring justice.
at National, State and District lev-
els; Juvenile Justice System includ- • Education System (including Mu-
ing structures like Child Welfare nicipal, Zilla Parishad,Aided, Private
Committees and Juvenile Justice and Tribal Residential Schools): En-
Boards, Special Juvenile Police Unit, suring child safety in each school.
Childline, Shelter Homes, Children Setting up structures and systems
Homes, Adoption Centers etc. for child protection at school lev-
(Information of these structures els.
and systems is given in the next • Health System: Ensuring child
chapter) safety in terms of priority treat-
ment, during treatment, during af-
ter care, reporting abuse if any and
networking with government and
non government organizations for
any support needed for child safe-
• Transport System: Ensuring child
safety measures and monitoring
child’s safety especially in the pub-
lic transport vehicles.
• Labour Departments: Ensuring
child safety and wellbeing in set-
tings where children are allowed
to work under Child labour laws,
Ensuring rescue and rehabilitation • Civil Society: Such as social and
of children working in the prohib- religious groups, women self help
ited settings, Ensuring that owners groups, youth groups to serve as
and other responsible adults are watch dogs and to provide support
booked under the crimes. needed. These structures can also
play major role in creating aware-
• Telecommunication system: En- ness and public opinion for child
suring that child helplines, all police safety.
and emergency help lines are func-
tional. Reporting crimes if any. • NGO Networks: To provide any
support needed in terms of aware-
• Cyber Safety System: Ensuring ness creation, rehabilitation, coun-
that children are not victimized seling, treatment, legal aid, spon-
while using any cyber slights and sorship etc.
services. Ensuring that proper
guidelines and safeguards are in • Legislatures and Elected Rep-
place in terms of any matter/ma- resentatives: Making laws/policies
terial which is harmful to children. and ensuring proper enforcement
to safeguard children from any vio-
• Media: To create awareness and lence, abuse or neglect. Giving pri-
public opinion for child protection ority to children’s issues in terms
and safety. Also to ensure respon- of planning and budgeting.
sible reporting, follow-up.
Child protection framework has three major roles: a. Prevention b. Intervention c.
Rehabilitation. Each role is performed by various systems and stake holders and each
role has its own importance and relevance. These roles and responsibilities can be
summarized in the following table.

Stake Holders Prevention Intervention Rehabilitation

Family Ensure that your house is Provide immediate Helping child

physically safe for e.g. locks assistance in terms of overcome
and safety checks, power medical assistance, care trauma.
point covers, out-of-reach and counseling. Providing addi-
cupboards for dangerous Accepting child and letting tional support,
chemicals, medicines, fertiliz- child know that he/she is love and care in
ers etc. not at fault. order to rebuild
Ensuring that family is Ensuring that violators child’s confi-
nurturing and caring and are punished, for which dence.
that child is loved. Ensuring contacting CWC/child Helping child
peaceful-happy environment. protection committees/ to move ahead
Family provides all the basic DCPU/police/child line. without keeping
needs including food, health, Educating child about any mental
nutrition and recreation. child protection. scars.

Stake Holders Prevention Intervention Rehabilitation

Family Child does not experience

or witness abuse, violence in
the family.
Educating children about
child protection.
Community/ Creating safe places for chil- Helping any child who Providing re-
Neighbour- dren to play, walk, and move needs protection and quired support
around. care. If possible, removing
hood child from risky situa- to families to
Creating structures for chil- help child.
dren’s safety like compound tions.
walls, covered electric cables, Provide immediate Ensuring that
covered drainage system, assistance in terms of child is not
covered wells-bore wells se- medical assistance, care stigmatizing or
curity guards etc. and counseling. discriminated.
Keeping eye on children. Calling parents. Helping child to
Contacting police, CWC, live normal life.
Childline, ward child
protection committees,
Helping legal systems to
punish violators.
Schools (Pri- Establishing safety measures Providing immediate Helping child
vate, Aided, in the school such as: Secu- relief in terms of medical overcome
rity guard, safe washrooms, help, counseling and care. trauma.
Government, safe buildings, safe play spac- If possible, remove child
Tribal Ash- Providing addi-
es, safe laboratories, having from risk situations. tional support,
ram, Residen- first-aid box, fire extinguish- Contacting Parents love and care in
tial boarding ers, compound walls etc. order to rebuild
Having trained and sensitized Contacting police, CWC,
schools) childline, CPC, DCPU- child’s confi-
staff with respect to child dence.
protection and care. DCPO
Ensure that child is not Helping child
Ensuring that children are to move ahead
not physically and emotion- stigmatized and discrim-
inated. without keeping
ally abused in the school any mental
especially in terms of pun- Educate children about scars.
ishments and discrimination child protection.
based on scholastic achieve- Helping legal systems to
ments. punish violators.
Having redress system/prop- Reflecting on the causes
er communication system and developing preven-
in place such as complained tive guidelines.
boxes or teacher’s/children’s
representatives who can be
Educating children about
their rights and about their
Establishing child protection
committees including teach-
ers, children and parents
Stake Holders Prevention Intervention Rehabilitation

Schools (Pri- for school.

vate, Aided, Ensuring that exam and
curriculum related stress is
Government, handled at school levels.
Tribal Ash-
ram, Residen-
tial boarding

Society/ Creating Safe places for Ensuring that legal and Providing re-
Elected rep- children Sensitizing people protection systems work quired support
about child protection, efficiently to rescue and to legal systems
resentatives/ safety help child in need. and families to
Legislatures/ help child.
Ensuring that laws, policies, Ensuring that child is
Financial structures and systems are not stigmatized and/or
Institutions/ created to protect children. discriminated.
Private Com- Ensuring safety measures in Ensuring that violators
panies relation to children are punished.
Ensuring that children will Reflecting on the causes
be protected on priority and developing preventive
basis in case of emergencies. guidelines.
Allocating adequate funds
for child protection to all
the departments and NGOs.
Government Implementing laws, Policies Ensuring that legal and Forming and
Establishing procedures and protection systems work executing long
protocols efficiently to rescue and term care plan
Creating awareness about help child in need. for child.
child protection Ensuring that violators Helping families
Creating structures for child are punished. to help child.
protection Reflecting on the causes Helping families
Establishing systems like and developing preventive in legal follow-up
police, child welfare systems, guidelines. if any.
children’s homes to provide In case required,
protection and care to providing for
children. institutional care.
Monitoring all systems and

Media Creating Awareness and Responsible coverage Creating public

Sensitization of children, Ensuring support for all pool for required
parents, community, gov- stake holders. support for reha-
ernment, legislatures and Ensuring that all the stake bilitation.
people’s representatives. holders are working in
Creating public opinion for co-ordination to support
child protection. victim and to ensure
Creating pressure for law justice.
enforcement in terms of Ensuring that violators
ensuring justice and estab- are punished.
lishing preventive measures
in the society.

Important Indian Laws to safe- G. Pre-conception and Pre-Natal
guard Child Protection: Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation
A. Juvenile Justice (Care and Pro- and Prevention of Misuse) Act,
tection of Children) Act 2000
H. Persons with Disabilities (Equal
B. Protection of Children from
Opportunities, Protection of
Sexual Offence Act (POCSO) 2012 Rights and Full Participation) Act
C. The Prohibition of Child Mar- 1995
iage Act, 2006 What is Child Abuse? How to
D. Child Labour (Prohibition and identify Abuse?
Regulation) Act 1986 Child Abuse can be defined as
harming (whether physically, emo-
E. The Right of Children to Free
tionally, or sexually), ill-treatment,
and Compulsory Education Act,
abuse, neglect or deprivation of
any child.
F. Immoral Traffic (Prevention) Act It is not always easy to recognise
1986 that a child is being hurt or is at
risk, Some form of protection is-
sues are visible and obvious such
as a child begging on the street
or child labour or physical abuse
at home or substance abuse etc.
In such circumstances, a child may
or may not speak to you about the
abuse but since it is obvious, you
can immediately help the child.
Steps to follow for helping such
children are given in the following
Some protection issues tend to go
undetected such as neglect, sexual
abuse or emotional abuse which
can be just as damaging, if not
more, as physical abuse. Because of

ignorance and dependency on the The effects of this form of abuse
abusers, children often are unable are not always immediate or vis-
to express that they are abused. ible. The long-lasting effects of
As adults, it is our responsibility emotional abuse may only become
to observe child behaviour and evident as a child becomes older
encourage them to speak up. Fol- and begins to show difficult or dis-
lowing are indicators (signs, symp- turbing behaviours or symptoms.
toms or clues) that when found,
Physical indicators in a child :
either on their own or in various
combinations, can point to pos- • Bed-wetting or bed soiling that
sible abuse, neglect or violence. has no medical cause
These indicators do not neces- • Frequent psychosomatic com-
sarily prove that a child has been plaints (eg. Headaches, nausea, ab-
harmed. They alert us to the pos- dominal pains)
sibility of abuse having occurred
and therefore that the concerned • Has not attained significant de-
child may require help or protec- velopmental milestones
tion. Sometimes these indicators
Indicators in a child’s behavior:
can result from life events that do
not involve abuse, such as divorce, • Suffers from severe developmen-
accidental injury, the arrival of a tal gaps
new sibling etc. • Severe symptoms of depression,
Emotional Abuse anxiety, withdrawal or aggression

Emotional abuse occurs when a

child’s emotional, psychological
or social well-being and sense of
worth is continually battered. It
can include a pattern of criticizing,
rejecting, discriminating, degrading,
ignoring, isolating, corrupting, ex-
ploiting and terrorizing a child. It
may result from exposure to fami-
ly violence or involvement in illegal
or anti-social activities. Emotion-
al abuse is almost always present
when other forms of abuse occur.
• Severe symptoms of self de- Neglect
structive behaviour – self harming, Neglect is the failure to provide
suicide attempts, engaging in drug for a child’s basic needs. Neglect
or alcohol abuse may be: Physical - failure to pro-
• Displays attention seeking be- vide necessary basic needs of food,
haviours or displays extreme inhi- shelter or clothing etc. Medical
bition in play - failure to seek, obtain or follow
through with medical care for the
• When at play, behaviour may child or Abandonment - leaving a
model or copy negative behaviour child in any situation without ar-
and language used at home ranging necessary care for them
and with no intention of returning.
Indicators in adult behaviour:
It can also be neglectful supervi-
• Constantly labels the child or sion and/or refusal to assume pa-
publicly humiliates the child rental responsibility.
• Continually threatens the child Behavioural indicators in a Child:
with physical harm or forces the • Be developmentally delayed
child to witness physical harm in- • Be sick or tired most of the
flicted on a loved one time
• Has unrealistic expectations of • Inadequately supervised or left
the child alone for unacceptable periods of
• Malnourished: Underweight
• Improper care or lack of hy-
Behavioural indicators in a Child:
• Demonstrates severe lack of
attachment to other adults
• Poor school attendance or scho
-ol performance
• Poor social skills
• Is very demanding of affection
or attention
• Has no understanding of basic
Behavioural indicators in an Adult: punching, beating, kicking, shak-
ing, biting, burning or throwing
• Fails to provide for the child’s
the child. Physical abuse may also
basic needs, such as housing, nu-
result from excessive or inappro-
trition, medical and psychological
priate discipline or violence within
care welts or bite marks, major
the family. Injuries to a child may
fractures of the long bones or
vary in severity and range from mi-
skull, to its most extreme form, the
nor bruising, burns, welts or bite
death of a child.
marks, major fractures of the long
• Fails to enroll a child in school bones or skull, to its most extreme
form, the death of a child.
• Leaves the child home alone
Physical indicators in a Child:
• Is overwhelmed with own prob-
lems and puts own needs ahead of • Unexplained bruises, welts, cuts,
the child’s needs abrasions, Unexplained burns, Un-
explained fractures
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse can be caused from • Injuries to areas of the body that
is usually protected /covered.
• Delay in seeking medical atten-
tion for a child
Behavioural indicators in a Child:
• Is wary of adults or of a par-
ticular individual
• Is violent to animals or other
• Tries to hide bruises or other
• May be extremely aggressive or
extremely withdrawn
• Cannot recall how the injuries
occurred or gives inconsistent

Sexual Abuse Physical indicators in a child :
Sexual abuse includes acts where • Torn, stained or bloody under-
an adult uses a child for a sexu- clothing
al purpose. While it may involve
a stranger, most sexual abuse is • Bruises, lacerations, redness,
perpetrated by someone the child swelling or bleeding in genital, vagi-
knows and trusts. It includes, any nal or anal area
touching for sexual purpose, fon- • Blood in urine or faeces
dling of breasts, buttocks, genitals,
oral sex, sexual intercourse, an • Unusual or excessive itching or
adult exposing themselves to the pain in the genital or anal area
child, or seeking to have a child • Difficulty in sitting and/or walk-
touch them for a sexual purpose. ing
It also includes voyeurism, photo-
• Signs of sexually transmitted dis-
graphing children inappropriately,
involving the child in pornographic
activities or prostitution or using Indicators in a child’s behaviour:
the internet and phone to initiate • Age-inappropriate sexual play
sexual conversations with children. with toys, self, others
• Sophisticated or unusual sexual
• Nightmares, sleeping problems
• Becoming withdrawn or very
• Becoming unusually secretive
• Sudden unexplained personality
changes, mood swings and seeming
• Regressing to younger behav-
iours, e.g. bedwetting
• Fear of certain places or per-
sons e.g. bedroom or bathroom,
• Eating disorders dren for free or take children on
overnight outings alone.
• Outburst of anger
• Buy children expensive gifts or
• Self-harm (cutting, burning or give them money for no apparent
other harmful activities) reason.
Indicators in adult behaviour: • Frequently walk in on children/
• Insist on physical affection such teenagers in the bathroom.
as kissing, hugging or wrestling
even when the child clearly does • Treat a particular child as a fa-
not want it. vourite, making them feel ‘special’
compared with others in the fam-
• Are overly interested in the ily.
sexual development of a child or
teenager. • Pick on a particular child.

• Insist on time alone with a child Sometimes child sexual abuse is

with no interruptions. in the form of one child (gener-
ally older) abusing another child
• Spend most of their spare time (generally younger). It is important
with children and have little inter- here to note that older child in this
est in spending time with people context is also a possible victim
their own age. of some kind of abuse and needs
• Regularly offer to baby-sit chil-

protection in most of such cases. • Insists on hugging or kissing a
We can help both the children to child when the child does not want
rebuild their lives to rebuild their to
lives if we are alert to the early
• Tells you they do not want to be
warning signs that something is go-
alone with a child or becomes anx-
ing wrong. Indicators in the behav-
ious when a particular child comes
ior of abuser are:
to visit
• Seeks out the company of young-
er children and spends an unusual • Frequently uses aggressive or
amount of time in their company sexual language about adults or
• Takes younger children to ‘se-
cret’ places or hideaways or plays • Shows sexual material to young-
‘special’ games with them (e.g. doc- er children
tor and patient, removing clothing • Makes sexually abusive tele-
etc.) especially games unusual to phone calls
their age
• Shares alcohol or drugs with
younger children or teens
• Views child pornography on the
internet or elsewhere
• Exposes his or her genitals to
younger children
• Forces sex on another adoles-
cent or child
Child exploitation is the act of
using child for profit labour sexu-
al gratification or for some other
personal or financial advantages.
A Child’s exploitation is visible in
the form of physical, emotional and
sometimes even in terms of sexual
What can I do? Step-3: Provide emergency support
such as medical aid, clothing, food
We often see children begging on and transportation to safe places.
the road or being physically abused Make sure that you handover this
in the community or sometimes child to responsible adults from
come across missing child or above mentioned list only.
street child who seems unwell. We Step-4: Help authorities with what-
have simple but an important role ever information and evidence you
to play in such situations. Always have as regards abuse of the child
put child first (give priority over to make sure that the abuser is
all other important work), do not punished. If possible give written
ignore the situation. Take following information.
steps to help child in need:
Caution: You need not be com-
If it’s an Emergency: plainant in the case if you do not
If it’s an emergency and you sus- want to. Do not hesitate to sup-
pect a child is at serious risk, or port because of the fear of time re-
a crime against a child has been quirement for the legal procedures
committed then POCSO says in case of sexual of-
fense it is mandatory reporting.
Step-1: Immediately contact par-
ents if child is not abused by par-
ents and if child can give informa-
tion of his/her parents,
Step-2: Contact any one of the
following agencies to provide re-
quired support to parents and
child: DCPU, SJPU, Childline, CPCs,
Police or CWC. You can also take
help from credible NGOs working
on Child Rights in your area.

Step-5: Maintain privacy to ensure By lending a hand or a listening ear
that the name of the child is not at an early stage you may prevent
disclosed to media or public in any something more serious:
• Learn to recognize the signs
When it’s not an Emergency:
• Provide a listening ear
A lot of the time it may not be ob-
vious that a child is at risk, you may • Offer help
need to rely on a hunch or feeling • Give helpful information
uncomfortable about a situation.
Don’t wait until you are certain, al- • Explain that violence is not OK
ways put a child first. Taking action
to protect a child doesn’t always 2. Look for community systemic
mean extreme measures. There support for the family: If you feel
are lots of things you can do which that you cannot personally help,
may help to prevent abuse even you can contact Childline (1098) to
talk over your concerns confiden-
occurring or stop it very early.
tially with a trained social worker.
1. Do something personally to They will give you advice on what
help: It is not easy at any time to to do. There are also many other
get involved, especially when your organisations (annexure1) that
concerns are with family or friends. support children and families You
can contact any of them.
3. Contact CWC.: If a child needs
support and help in terms of res-
cue, rehabilitation, shelter, educa-
tion, counseling, legal aid, protec-
tion, transfer to place of residence
or safety; foster care then contact
DCPU or CWC or Child Welfare
officer at Police Station
When you are in authority position
where child protection is at stake,
it is your primary responsibility to
provide support needed and to re-
port authorities. In fact under Sec.

21 Protection of Children from • Build public opinion for child
Sexual Offence Act (POCSO), if protection so that child protec-
you do not report sexual abuse of tion will get priority in planning
the child (which is known to you) and budgeting.
then you can also be booked under
How to prepare children for pro-
the law. tection?
To Prevent Child Abuse: • Teach the child his/her name,
• Create Safe places for children address and basic contact details:
in community, neighbourhood and The Child should also know basic
society: Safe places for children
landmarks of his/her home. This
are those where children feel
secure and protected. They are should be done for all the children
nurtured, looked after and cared irrespective of their age (excluding
for. children who are not yet ready to
talk) and ability. Special children
• Create Structures and Systems
where children can express their should be taught special ways to
feelings and emotions freely with- communicate his/her basic con-
out any inhibitions. tact details. For e.g. they can write,
can draw pictures, indicate their
• Create Structures and Systems
to ensure safety and to ensure
that children are supervised.
• Educate children about safety
measures. Provide information
about the emergency contact
• Create awareness: About child
protection systems and networks.
Keep this information handy.
• Build network of concern
individuals and groups to help
children. Develop support systems
for children.

location with the help of pictures/ blast, terrorist attacks, violent
sounds/gestures etc. fights, war etc.
• Give children information about • Teach Road Safety rules: How
safe places and people to seek help and from where to cross, who
from or to go to for help if needed. can support if lost, not to talk to
Make a list of safe people and plac- strangers, teach children not to eat
es in your locality. For e.g. grand- anything given by stranger. Talk to
parents, social workers, teachers, children about dangers of eating
child care centers etc. This can be food that is given by strangers.
termed as ‘Child’s Safety Net.’
• Teach internet Safety rules:
• Teach children dangers involved Which are safe sights, which are
in : Playing or experimenting with inappropriate and unsafe sights,
fire, Playing or experimenting with which information should be dis-
electric gadgets and power con- closed-to whom on net.
nections/wires, Playing in water,
• Teach travel Safety Rules: How
Playing on roads, Handling knifes
to board into buses, trains, taxis
or other harmful items, Teach elec-
etc. Not to talk to strangers, Not
tric appliance safety
to eat anything given by strangers,
• Teach basic safety rules in nat- who to contact in case needed.
ural or manmade calamities such
• Teach about good touch and bad
as earth quake, fire, floods, bomb
touch and that no one is allowed
to touch your body against your
• Teach your child to say NO. If
anything makes him/her uncom-
fortable, he/she should not do it.
• Teach your child to shout for
• At the appropriate age give sex
• At the appropriate age give infor-
mation about ill-effects of smoking,
drugs, gutaka, tobacco etc.
• Teach the child that he/she should
never keep secretes from parents,
never go anywhere with a stranger
without parents knowledge.
• Keep time for children and assure
them that they can talk about ANY-
THING and EVRYTHING with you.
• Give fundamental strategies such
as :
a. Run Away to Safe Places/People if
you find that there is risk
b. Shout for help and keep shouting
unless someone helps
c. Contact parents, emergency help-
line numbers, Childline (1098)
d. Contact Police
e. You can also teach basic self de-
fense to older children.

ANNEXURE 1.A : Child Protection Systems at National and State Levels
Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS): is a scheme of the GOI, bringing all
initiatives taken for child protection (CP) under one umbrella so far. Under the scheme
each State has established State Child Protection Society (SCPS) at State and District
Child Protection Units (DCPU) at District levels.
National and State Commissions for Protection of Child Rights: (NCPCR and
SCPCR): are established as per the provisions of the Commissions for Protection of
Child Rights Act, 2005, to protect, promote and defend child rights.
State Secretary, Women and Child Welfare and Commissioner Women and
Child Welfare Maharashtra State: Are overall responsible for ensuring smooth func-
tioning of all the structures and systems providing child protection at state level.

ANNEXURE 1.B : Child Protection Systems and Services at District Level

District Child Protection Unit (DCPU): Responsible for effective implementation
of all child protection policies and programmes at district levels. District child Protec-
tion Officer functions as head of the DCPU.
District Child Welfare Committee (CWC): As per the JJ Act section-29, CWCs
are set up in every district. The CWC has the powers of a judicial magistrate
of the first class. A child can be brought before the committee any citizen or by
the child himself/herself. CWC has authority to handle cases for care, protec-
tion, treatment, development and rehabilitation of the children and to provide
for their basic needs and human rights.
District Juvenile Justice Board (JJB): JJBs are set up in every district. The JJB has
the powers of a judicial magistrate of the first class. A child can be brought
before the committee by the police or person from special Juvenile Police Unit
(SJPU). JJB has the authority of socio-legal rehabilitation of the children.
District and Ward level Child Protection Committees: Under ICPS, these
Committees are established at district and ward level in city.
Special Juvenile Police Unit (SJPU): As per JJ Act Section: 63, SJPUs are consti-
tuted to co-ordinate and function as watch dog for providing legal protection
against all kinds of cruelty, abuse and exploitation of children. Every police sta-
tion has designated Child Welfare Officer. He/she is sensitized and equipped to
handle cases and issues related to child protection.
Childline: is India’s first 24-hour, free, emergency phone service for children in
need of aid and assistance. Adult or a child can dial 1098, the toll free number
to access emergency needs as well as long-term care and rehabilitation.
NGOs: There are many NGOs who provide specific services to children such
as Shelter, Care, treatment, rehabilitation, education, foster care, counseling etc.

DO learn about your rights. You have a right
to be protected againt:
. People hitting you and hurting your body
. People abusing you sexually
. People saying hurtful things to you
. People treating you badly because of your caste, colour, religion,
disability or for any other reason

DO share worries with a person you kow and trust - a

parent, relative, teacher or friend

DO support your friend, who is being treated badly and

encourage them to seek help

DO respect the rights of other children

DO work together with your friends and teachers to make
your school a safe. child-friendly place to learn and play

DO join with other children to help your families and com-

munities to learn about children’s rights

DON’T keep frightening and troublesome secrets inside

yourself. Ask for help from someone you know and trust

DON’T ever go off with adults you dont’t know -

whatever they may promise you

DON’T bully or be unkind to other children - they

have the same rights as you to be protected
State Office | 30,Vandan Bunglow, Shivaji Cooperative Housing Society,
Senapati Bapat Road, Pune – 411016, Maharashtra
Head Office | 1st & 2nd Floor, Plot No 91, Sector- 44, Gurgaon – 122003
Landline :+91 -124-4752000

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