Immunology: Microbiology
Immunology: Microbiology
Immunology: Microbiology
- a specialized area of biology that deals order to treat existing diseases and prevent
with living things future outbreaks.
ordinarily too small to be seen without
3. Immunology
- microscopic organisms, microorganisms or This branch studies the complex web of
microbes protective substances and cells produced in
- germs, viruses, agents, bugs response to infection. It includes such diverse
- major groups: bacteria, algae, protozoa, areas as vaccination, blood testing and allergy.
helminths and viruses
4. Industrial Microbiology
1. Medical Microbiology
5. Agricultural Microbiology
This branch deals with microbes that cause
diseases in humans and animals. Researchers This branch is concerned with the
examine factors that make the microbes relationships between microbes and
virulent and mechanisms for inhibiting them. domesticated plants and animals. Plant
specialists focus on plant diseases, soil fertility
2. Public Health Microbiology and and nutritional interactions. Animal specialists
Epidemiology work with infectious diseases and other
associations animals have with
These branches monitor and control the
spread of diseases in communities.
6. Environmental Microbiology
Epidemiologists are scientists who study
diseases within populations of people. In These microbiologists study the effect of
essence, these public health professionals microbes on the earth’s diverse habitats.
Whether the microbes are in freshwater or • a disease caused by HIV or human
saltwater, topsoil or earth’s crust, they have immunodeficiency virus.
profound effects on our plant. Environmental • passed from one person to another
microbiology is the study of the composition through sexual contact.
and physiology of microbial communities in another mode of transmission is through
the environment. The environment in this case body fluids such as:
means the soil, water, air and sediments a. blood
covering the planet and can also include the b. semen
animals and plants that inhabit these areas. c. vaginal secretions
d. breast milk
- is the invasion of an organism’s body PREGNANCY, CHILD BIRTH, &
tissues by disease-causing agents eventually BREASTFEEDING
multiplying and the reaction of host tissues to OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE
the infectious agents and the toxins they BLOOD TRANSFUSION/ ORGAN
1. Streptococcus pneumonia
2. Group B Streptococcus
3. Neisseria meningitides(severe)
4. Haemophilus influenzae
5. Listeria monocytogenes
Viral meningitis
2. Herpes Simplex
3. Varicella-zoster
Lyme Disease
Whooping Cough
Lamarck’s Theory
2. Bioremediation