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Immunology: Microbiology

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Microbiology analyze what causes disease outbreaks in

- a specialized area of biology that deals order to treat existing diseases and prevent
with living things future outbreaks.
ordinarily too small to be seen without
3. Immunology
- microscopic organisms, microorganisms or This branch studies the complex web of
microbes protective substances and cells produced in
- germs, viruses, agents, bugs response to infection. It includes such diverse
- major groups: bacteria, algae, protozoa, areas as vaccination, blood testing and allergy.
helminths and viruses
4. Industrial Microbiology

This branch safeguards our food and water

and also includes biotechnology, the use of
microbial metabolism to arrive at a desired
product, ranging from bread making to gene
therapy. Microbes can be used to create large
quantities of substances such as amino acids,
beer, drugs, enzymes, vitamins and antibiotics

1. Medical Microbiology
5. Agricultural Microbiology
This branch deals with microbes that cause
diseases in humans and animals. Researchers This branch is concerned with the
examine factors that make the microbes relationships between microbes and
virulent and mechanisms for inhibiting them. domesticated plants and animals. Plant
specialists focus on plant diseases, soil fertility
2. Public Health Microbiology and and nutritional interactions. Animal specialists
Epidemiology work with infectious diseases and other
associations animals have with
These branches monitor and control the
spread of diseases in communities.
6. Environmental Microbiology
Epidemiologists are scientists who study
diseases within populations of people. In These microbiologists study the effect of
essence, these public health professionals microbes on the earth’s diverse habitats.
Whether the microbes are in freshwater or • a disease caused by HIV or human
saltwater, topsoil or earth’s crust, they have immunodeficiency virus.
profound effects on our plant. Environmental • passed from one person to another
microbiology is the study of the composition through sexual contact.
and physiology of microbial communities in another mode of transmission is through
the environment. The environment in this case body fluids such as:
means the soil, water, air and sediments a. blood
covering the planet and can also include the b. semen
animals and plants that inhabit these areas. c. vaginal secretions
d. breast milk
- is the invasion of an organism’s body  PREGNANCY, CHILD BIRTH, &
tissues by disease-causing agents eventually BREASTFEEDING
multiplying and the reaction of host tissues to  OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE
the infectious agents and the toxins they  BLOOD TRANSFUSION/ ORGAN


- also known as transmissible disease, 1. Blood Services Act of 1994 or Republic Act
communicable disease, contagious disease 7719
where tissues of the host are being destructed - this law is to promote blood donation
and damaged by organisms such as bacteria, through continuous public education campaign
viruses, fungi or parasites. headed by the Blood Coordinating Council
(PBCC) and Philippine National Red Cross
TOP INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF THE MILLENIUM: (PNRC). These two leading agencies, all
1. HIV/AIDS medical organizations and health-related
2. Tuberculosis institutions including private and public
3. Influenza hospitals will help in ensuring a clean blood
4. Malaria supply to prevent issues and problems related
5. Measles to sexuality.
6. Ebola Virus Disease
7. Hepatitis C
8. Meningitis
9. Lyme Disease
10. Hepatitis B
11. Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
12. Whooping Cough


• means Acquired Immunodeficiency


- This can be transmitted through sexual

- Chlamydia Trachomatis
- In newborn, it can be transmitted
through infected birth canal


- Caused by a bacterium Neisseria

- Transmitted through sexual contact


Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease

caused by bacteria called
Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The
bacteria usually attack the lungs, but
they can also damage other parts of
the body. TB spreads through the air
when a person with TB of the lungs or
throat coughs, sneezes, or talks.
MEASLES Hepatitis C

Measles is a contagious respiratory childhood Is a viral infection that causes liver

infection caused by a virus. Once quite inflammation, sometimes leading to serious
common, measles can now almost always be liver damage. The hepatitis C virus (HCV)
prevented with a vaccine. spreads through contaminated blood.

Also called rubeola or morbilli, measles can be No symptoms

serious and even fatal for small children.
Caused by Hepatitis C Virus
Causes body skin rash and flu-like symptoms.
Long-term infection with the hepatitis C virus
Types: is known as chronic hepatitis C. Chronic
hepatitis C is usually a "silent" infection for
a. Measles – standard form caused by
many years, until the virus damages the liver
rubeola virus enough to cause the signs and symptoms of
liver disease.
b. Rubella or German Measles – caused by
Hepatitis B
rubella virus
Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the
Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) liver and can cause both acute and chronic
is a rare and deadly disease most commonly disease.
affecting people and nonhuman primates The virus is most commonly transmitted from
(monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees). It is mother to child during birth and delivery, as
caused by an infection with a group of viruses well as through contact with blood or other
within the genus Ebolavirus: Ebola virus body fluids.
(species Zaire ebolavirus).
Highly infectious and fatal marked by fever and
severe internal bleeding Inflammation of the meninges caused by viral
or bacterial
Spread though contact with infected body
fluids by a filovirus. Bacterial meningitis:

1. Streptococcus pneumonia

2. Group B Streptococcus

3. Neisseria meningitides(severe)

4. Haemophilus influenzae

5. Listeria monocytogenes

Viral meningitis

1. West Nile virus

2. Herpes Simplex

3. Varicella-zoster
Lyme Disease

also known as Lyme borreliosis, is an

infectious disease caused by a
bacterium named Borrelia spread by
ticks. The most common sign of
infection is an expanding area of
redness on the skin, known as
erythema migrans, that appears at the
site of the tick bite about a week after
it occurred.

Whooping Cough

Whooping is an infectious bacterial illness that

affects the respiratory passages. First
described in the 1640s, whooping cough got its
name due to its spasms of coughing that are
punctuated by a characteristic high-pitched
"whoop" sound when the child inhales deeply
after a coughing spell.
Subdisciplines of Environmental Microbiology:

1. Aquatic Microbiology is the study of

microbes in the earth’s surface water.

2. Soil Microbiology is the study of

microbes in terrestrial parts of the

3. Geomicrobiology is the study of Based on the organization of their cellular

microbes in the earth’s crust. structures, all living cells can be divided into
two groups: prokaryotic and eukaryotic (also
4. Astrobiology or Exobiology is the
spelled procaryotic and eucaryotic). Animals,
search for or study of microbial and
plants, fungi, protozoans, and algae all possess
other life in places off of our planet.
eukaryotic cell types. Only bacteria have
In biology, evolution is any change across prokaryotic cell types.
successive generations in the heritable
characteristics of biological populations.

• In biology, evolution is the change in

the characteristics of a species over
several generations and relies on the
process of natural selection. The
theory of evolution is based on the
idea that all species are related and
gradually change over time.

Lamarck’s Theory

- Jean Baptist de Lamarck (1809) who

believed that acquired traits can be inherited.

- his theory proposed that organisms

change as their environment changes.
DNA molecule is inserted into a host
organism to produce new genetic
combinations that are of value to
science, medicine, agriculture, and

2. Bioremediation

- the use of either naturally

Microbes are involved in shaping our planet occurring or deliberately introduced
through: microorganisms or other forms of life to
1. flow of energy and food through the earth’s consume and break down
ecosystem by the invention of photosynthesis environmental pollutants, in order to
or anoxygenic photosynthesis which later clean up a polluted site.
evolved into oxygenic photosynthesis for
aerobic respiration. Photosynthetic organisms
(bacteria and algae) account for more than 70%
of the earth’s photosynthesis, contributing the
majority of the oxygen to the atmosphere.

2. keeping the earth in balance through the

process of biological decomposition and
nutrient recycling. Decomposition involves the
breakdown of dead matter and washes into
simple compounds that can be directed back
into the natural cycles of living things.

Human Use of Microorganisms

1. Genetic Engineering

- an area of biotechnology that

manipulates the genetics of microbes,

plants and animals for the purpose of

creating new products and GMOs.

- refers to the direct manipulation of DNA

to alter an organism's characteristics

(phenotype) in a particular way.

- recombinant DNA technology

• Recombinant DNA technology is the

joining together of DNA molecules from
two different species. The recombined

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