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Masterkure 260-V1-Asean-0614 - Concrete - Building Engineering

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11/5/2019 masterkure 260-v1-asean-0614 | Concrete | Building Engineering

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MasterKure  260 
Hardening, sealing and dustproofing compound

DESCRIPTION * Application to fresh mortar. Abrasion resistance

measured at 7 days, 23 and 50% relative humidity.
MasterKure 260 is a non-coloured, water soluble Test results are averages obtained under
inorganic and silicate based curing, hardening, laboratory conditions. Reasonable variations can
sealing and dustproofing compound. It is used for be expected.
freshly placed and finished concrete and in
renovation of aged concrete. It contains no VOCs.
Surface preparation
New Concrete
MasterKure 260 is recommended for the following Freshly finished concrete surfaces do not require
application : surface preparation if MasterKure 260  is to be
  Concrete floors and pavements applied immediately after the final finishing
  Curing of fresh concrete operation in place of a resin or acrylic curing
compound. On areas where forms have been
  Renovation of aged concrete
recently removed, all form oil or breaking
  Industrial, processing and brewing plants compound residue must be removed.
  Educational, medical and nursing facilities Existing Concrete (Cured for 28 days or more)
  Utility, public and residential buildings Install joint sealants before application of
PROPERTIES MasterKure 260. If not possible, test first for
   Projects floors during construction  – Cost To remove all dust and dirt, sweep all areas to be
efficient treated with a fine-bristled broom or hose off with
   Easy application, quick drying - Saves on water and let stand until completely dry. The
labour; minimises downtime. surface must be free from all contaminates that will
inhibit the penetration of MasterKure 260  into the
   Water based - Has no VOCs, environmentally
pores of the concrete.
friendly, easy to clean up.
 Any curing, scaling or coating agents must be
    Ai d fo r cu ri ng new co ncret e - Minimises chemically or mechanically removed before
shrinkage cracking; improves strength MasterKure 260  is applied. If acid is used to
development. remove surface coatings, the surface must be
   Concrete hardener – Withstands light to flushed sufficiently and neutralized before
moderately heavy duty traffic. application of MasterKure 260. A floor buffing
   Improved abrasion resistance  – Extends machine with an aggressive pad can be used
wearability. along with Citrus Degreaser (see Form ANO.
1017985) or other cleaners to remove existing
Comparative abrasion resistance, gloss Protect metal, glass, wood, paint and brick from
1,000g load; 1,000 revolutions contact with MasterKure 260. If accidentally
Taber Abraser CS-17 Wheel misapplied to these surfaces, wash with clean
water within 30 minutes.
   Untreated sample 8g (100%)
 Ap pl ic ati on
MasterKure 260 treated*: 6g (78%)
MasterKure 260is not a film forming product but
20% increase in abrasion resistance over should fully saturate the concrete for maximum
untreated samples. effect. Perform enough applications for
Moisture retention, gloss MasterKure 260 to saturate the concrete.
 ASTM C156 New Concrete
1,000g load; 1,000 revolutions Spray apply undiluted MasterKure 260 on the
concrete surface with a low pressure sprayer
   Untreated sample : 87
following final finishing operation and after all
  MasterKure 260 treated* : 66

surface water has evaporated and the concrete
24% improvement in moisture retention. surface is hard. To ensure proper performance 1/4
11/5/2019 masterkure 260-v1-asean-0614 | Concrete | Building Engineering

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MasterKure  260 
apply MasterKure 260 to entire surface area as   Application method and concrete porosity will
soon as the surface can bear foot traffic. Keep affect final appearance of MasterKure 260.260.
entire surface wet for 30 minutes by spraying White residue signifies too strong a mix or the
MasterKure 260 or by broom sweeping away the surfaces reaching maximum hardness.
excess material from low spots to saturate dry  Applications should stop and the surface be
spots. Failure to remove all excess material from flushed with clean hot water, swept with stiff-
floor surfaces may result in unsightly white stains. bristled broom and allowed to dry. If any
Keep MasterKure 260 from
260 from drying out on surface applications remain, a dilution may be required
for a full 30 minutes to ensure full penetration. As to avoid further problems.
MasterKure 260 260  begins to penetrate into the Note: Allow at least 7 days interval before applying
surface, lightly sprinkle the surface with water to tile or floor covering adhesives over MasterKure
aid penetration. 260..
When MasterKure 260  260  begins to dry a second
time, flush the surfaces with water and squeegee
the surface to remove any excess material and Clean the tools and equipment first with clean
other impurities that were brought to the surface. water immediately after use.
On exterior applications, environmental factors, ESTIMATING DATA
such as wind and heat may greatly reduce the
effectiveness of   MasterKure 260 as
260 as a curing aid. MasterKure 260 is applied generally at coverage
To improve sheen, dry buff with a nonYou're Reading
aggressive a Preview
of 3.68 – 4.9 m2/L.
pad the following day. Coverage may vary with application method,
surface conditions and porosity.
Upload your documents to download.
If applications with pozzolanic additives in the
concrete, additional MasterKure 260 is
260 is required. PACKAGING
Existing Concrete (28 days or more) OR MasterKure 260 is available in 18.93L pails
Saturate the surface with undiluted MasterKure
260 by
260 by sprayer, squeegee, or broom. SHELF LIFE
Become a Scribd member for full access. Your
If dry spots appear, move excess material onto The shelf life of MasterKure 12 months in
them firstthe
or respray them immediately so that 30 days are unopened
free. original containers if stored in a cool
entire surface is wet with MasterKure 260 
260  for a place at temperature between 3 – 25ºC in original
minimum of 30 minutes. tightly sealed containers. If found to be frozen,
Continue for
Complete job using one of the following finishing Free
thaw it and reconstitute by stirring. However, if
separation persists, discard MasterKure 260.
260. Do
not apply.
  If after 30 to 40 minutes,
minutes, the majority of
MasterKure 260 has been absorbed into the PRECAUTIONS  
surface, use broom or squeegee to remove For the full health and safety hazard information
any excess material from the low spots and how to safely handle and use this product,
  Use a floor buffing
buffing machine with a non please make sure that you obtain a copy of the
aggressive pad to help work MasterKure 260  260  BASF Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) from
into fully cured concrete during application. our office or our website.

® = registered trademark of BASF group in many countries MasterK ure_260 v1 asean-0614
The technical information and application advice given in this BASF publication are based on the present state of
STATEMENT OF our best scientific and practical knowledge.
knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature,
nature, no assumption can be
RESPONSIBILITY made as to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or
completeness either expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for
checking the suitability of products for their intended use.
Field service where provided does not not constitute sup
ervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF
NOTE Construction Chemicals either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or 2/4
11/5/2019 masterkure 260-v1-asean-0614 | Concrete | Building Engineering
contractor since they, and not BASF Construction Chemicals, are responsible for carrying out procedures
appropriate to a specific application.
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BASF Construction Chemicals offices in ASEAN

Singapore Malaysia Indonesia Thailand Vietnam  

Vietnam  Philippines
Tel :+65-6861-6766 Tel :+60-3-5628-3888 Tel: +62-21-2988-6000 Tel :+66-2769-8564 Tel :+84-650-3743-100 Tel : +63-2-811-8000
Related titles Fax: +62-21-2988-5935 

Fax :+65-6861-3186 Fax :+60-3-5628-3776 Fax :+66-2769-8584 Fax :+84-650-3743-200 Fax : +63-2-838-1025

Website :

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