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Melamine Formaldehyde: Curing Studies and Reaction Mechanism

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Polymer Journal (2013) 45, 413–419

& 2013 The Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ) All rights reserved 0032-3896/13


Melamine formaldehyde: curing studies and reaction

Dyana J Merline, Sulafudin Vukusic and Ahmed A Abdala

Melamine formaldehyde (MF) resin was synthesized by the reaction between melamine and formaldehyde under alkaline
condition in tetrohydrofuran medium with 1:3 melamine to formaldehyde molar ratio. The synthesized resins were characterized
by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermal gravimetric analysis
(TGA). Curing and reaction mechanism was studied by thermal and spectroscopic analysis. Two exothermic peaks were observed
in the DSC analysis indicating a two-step crosslinking reaction process was correlated to TGA analysis. FTIR studies at different
temperatures explained the two-stage curing mechanism which is concurring with the DSC data. At a temperature range of
140–160 1C, reversible demethylolation is dominating to the crosslinking reaction. At temperature 4160 1C, the crosslinking
reaction dominates. On the basis of DSC and FTIR data, a possible crosslinking reaction route was derived and explained.
The first stage of curing is the conversion of methylol groups to primary amine and the second stage is the crosslinking of
methylol groups to the final product, methylene bridges. The thermal stability of the methylol groups, methylene bridges and
the triazine ring, as well as the evaporation of effluents at different stages of curing, are also discussed based on combined
TGA and DSC results.
Polymer Journal (2013) 45, 413–419; doi:10.1038/pj.2012.162; published online 17 October 2012

Keywords: curing; melamine formaldehyde; thermal properties; thermosetting resin

INTRODUCTION profiles during resin preparation.9,10 Thus, curing studies of MF resins

Melamine (1, 3, 5-triamino-2, 4, 6-triazine) formaldehyde (MF) is finds immense importance.
one of the hardest and stiffest thermosetting polymers, which Several research groups have studied the reaction of melamine with
provides good properties and performance. It is an amino resin and formaldehyde. Studies on the addition reaction between melamine
has various material advantages, such as transparency, better hardness, and formaldehyde by means of reversed-phase liquid chromatography
thermal stability, excellent boil resistance, scratch resistance, abrasion has been reported.11 All of the nine methylol melamines could be
resistance, flame retardant, moisture resistance and surface smooth- assigned and the technique can also be applied to the quantitative
ness, which lead MF to large industrial applications.1 These polymers analysis of methylol melamines in the reaction mixtures. Several
were originally used as wood adhesives and have now found appli- authors12–14 have studied the reactions and structures of soluble MF
cations in flooring and decorative laminates, molding compounds, resins by means of 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The
coatings and adhesives.2,3,4 MF resins are incorporated in wide variety structure elucidation of melamine–formaldehyde–polyvinylpyrrolidone
of products that are valued for its toughness and relative ease of by 1H NMR and 13C NMR has been reported.15 The methylol,
manufacture.5 The curing behavior and the degree of crosslinking methylene and methylene ether structures were assigned. Several
of MF resin determine the tailored product properties such as studies on the kinetics of the addition reaction between melamine
mechanical, thermal and electrical properties.6 Cured MF polymers and formaldehyde in aqueous phase during the initial stage of resin
are sufficiently hard and exhibit high resistance against temperature, formation have also been explained.11,16,17
chemicals and hydrolysis, making them suitable for interior working Cured resins are, because of their insolubility, more difficult
surfaces.7 If the resin is not cured properly, MF will lack mechanical to characterize chemically. Cross-polarization magic angle spinning
strength and surface finishes. For example, MF impregnated papers (CP-MAS) 13C NMR, CP-MAS 15N NMR and Fourier transform
will lack hardness, durability, brilliance and resistance to hydrolysis infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy have already been utilized
and chemical agents.8 The condensation reaction and the resulting for the investigation of the chemical reactions that occur during
structure of MF resins vary significantly with the reaction conditions condensation. Curing studies of MF resins by high-resolution solid
such as molar ratios of the reactants, pH and reaction temperature state 13C NMR spectra indicate the conversion of free methylo1

Department of Chemical Engineering, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Correspondence: Dr AA Abdala, Department of Chemical Engineering, The Petroleum Institute, PO Box 2533, Abu Dhabi 2533, UAE.
Received 8 April 2012; revised 9 July 2012; accepted 12 July 2012; published online 17 October 2012
Curing of melamine formaldehyde
DJ Merline et al

groups to methylene linkages throughout curing. However, the to characterize chemically. Even though the curing processes of MF
methylene ether links overlap with the residual methylol groups, so resins are well understood on an empirical basis, there is scope for
it is not clear from these spectra whether or not there are many methods that will provide a more detailed understanding of the
residual unreacted methylol groups.13,8 Information concerning the chemical reactions that occur during condensation. Research work
relative proportions of methylol groups, methylene and methylene that has been carried out so far mainly explains the elucidation of
ether linkages could be obtained more rapidly from CP-MAS 13C methylolmelamines and its reaction path. Only few attempts have
NMR. FTIR spectroscopy has been shown to have only limited been done on the crosslinking reaction mechanism. The crosslinking
capabilities in this regard due to the high number of slightly different reaction of MF resin in water that leads to the formation of ether
structures in the MF resins which result in very broad and overlapping bridge has been explained.31 The crosslinking mechanism of fully
absorption bands.18 Thermogravimetry/infrared coupling analysis has alkylated and partially alkylated MF resin with catalyst has been
also been carried out to determine the effluents during the curing studied by Blank.32 Author found the mechanism by analyzing the
process.19–21 MF polycondensate with high molecular weight and volatiles formed during the crosslinking reaction by gas chromato-
high processing thermostability was prepared with variable melamine: graphy. Specific acid catalyst was found to be the catalyzing mecha-
formaldehyde ratios ranging from 1:1.33 to 1:4, which acts as the nism for fully alkylated MF resin, whereas for the partially alkylated
formaldehyde absorbent by the addition reaction of the hydrogen MF resin, the level of formaldehyde content in the reaction volatiles
on the amine groups with the formaldehyde produced by the indicated a demethylolation and subsequent catalysis was found to
decomposition of polyoxymethylene under oxygen and heat.22 be the crosslinking mechanism. Anderson et al.33 studied the initial
Lower crosslinking degree of MF polycondensate was observed at methylolation and the subsequent thermally induced condensation
lower formaldehyde ratio (melamine: formaldehyde ratio of 1: 1.33), reaction involves the formation of ether links that readily decomposes
which was unstable and decomposed during the thermal weight loss into methylene link at above 135 1C and this reaction sequence is also
analysis. On the other hand, at very high formaldehyde content, the accompanied by a demethylolation yielding free amine. Still studies
unreacted hydrogen on the MF molecules was not sufficient to have are progressing to find a complete reaction mechanism of MF resin.
the role as formaldehyde absorbent of polyoxymethylene. Even though the reversible demethylolation occurring during the cure
The MF resin formation consists of two stages: methylolation reaction of MF resin has been cited with the presence of a catalyst and
and condensation. The first attempt to investigate the methylolation without the presence of a catalyst, still there is no clear idea at what
and condensation reactions was by Okano and Ogata.9 In the first temperature range demethylolation dominates to the crosslinking
step of methylolation reaction, melamine reacts with formaldehyde reaction and also the temperature where crosslinking reaction
producing a series of nine distinct methylol melamine from mono- dominates to demethylolation for a pure non-alkylated MF resin.
hexamethylol melamine. The second step of condensation reaction Even though many research works have been done so far related to
leads to the formation of large number of different oligomers the curing studies of MF, we proposed clarity in the reaction
containing methylene and methylene ether bridges.4,8,10,23,24 mechanism by thermal and spectroscopic tools that simplify the
The ratio of formation of two bridges during condensation reaction doubts of MF reaction stages, temperatures and the reaction route.
depends on the pH of the reaction medium. If the pH is relatively low, Nowhere in the literature explains the two exothermic peaks observed
7–8, methylene bridges dominate whereas at high pH values above 9, in differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), even though it is known
ether bridges are favored.25 The cure chemistry and the network that the reaction mechanism of MF proceeds in two steps cited by
formation of two acrylic copolymer resins crosslinked with different several authors.31–33 We systematically explains the exact temperature
MF-based crosslinkers have been studied by Bauer and Dickie26 using at which the each reaction step is taking place for a non-alkylated MF
infrared spectroscopy (IR) spectroscopy, which gives the extent of resin without a catalyst proved by FTIR and consequently a perfect
reaction of the hydroxy and carboxy groups of acrylic copolymer with reaction mechanism route has been put forward. The main focus of
the methylol group of the MF crosslinker as function of resin this paper is to correlate the DSC, spectral and thermal gravimetric
composition, melamine type, concentration, cure temperature and analysis (TGA) thermograms of MF resin that are cured thermally for
cure time. With the data obtained and using a statistical model, the curing studies. The synthesis and characterization of MF resin are
effective crosslink density was calculated. The crosslinking chemistry, also explained. Characterization techniques such as DSC, FTIR and
network formation and degradation of melamine-crosslinked high TGA were used for the studies. Correlating the DSC and TGA
solids coating have been studied by David.27 Author proposed a thermograms highlights the novelty in the present work.
specific acid-catalyzed mechanism for fully alkylated melamine and a
general acid-catalyzed mechanism for partially alkylated melamine. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
Crosslinking reaction of a highly substituted methylated MF resin Materials
with hydroxyl functional polyester analyzed by FTIR has been Melamine (Fluka, Ronkonkoma, NY, USA) and formaldehyde solution 35% by
reported.28 Early stage of cure leads to the formation of ether weight (Sigma Aldrich, Munich, Germany) were used to synthesize the MF
crosslinks before the consumption of all hydroxyl groups and the resin. Tetrohydrofuran (THF, Fluka) was used as solvent.
formation of methylene bridges proceeds through an ether inter-
mediate. FT-Raman spectroscopy in combination with 13C NMR MF resin synthesis
and liquid chromatography has been used for the elucidation of MF resin was prepared by the condensation of melamine and formaldehyde.
methylolation and ether–methylene-bridge formation in MF resin.29 Aqueous solution of formaldehyde (35% by weigh) was used in this study.
Before reaction, pH value of the formaldehyde solution was maintained to
Crosslinking of the polyurethane dispersions with MF resin leads
8.5–9 by using 1 N NaOH solution. 1:3 Molar ratio of melamine/formaldehyde
to co-condensation reaction has been studied by Mequanint and was used for the reaction. Eight grams (0.064 mol) melamine and 15 ml THF
Sanderson.30 were taken in a round-bottomed flask equipped with magnetic stirrer.
The reaction mechanisms and the pathways involved in the The reaction bath was kept at 65 1C. Fifteen milliliter (0.192 mol) formalde-
crosslinking of MF resins and the resulting chemical structures are hyde was added to the above mixture and stirred until melamine is completely
complex. Cured resins are, because of their insolubility, more difficult dissolved which is recognized by a color change from a white suspension to

Polymer Journal
Curing of melamine formaldehyde
DJ Merline et al

a clear solution. Then the reaction was continued for further 15 min. The clear
solution was cool down. Cooling was carried out at room temperature for

30 min. Solvent was removed by rotary evaporator and further by heating at

50 1C under vacuum overnight. The resulting uncured powder sample was

used for further studies.

Preparation of partially and fully cured samples
To study the structure at different crosslinking stages, three methylolmelamine

samples, 1 g each, were heated in a convection oven from room temperature to

160, 170, and 195 1C at a heating rate of 5 1C min 1. Once the corresponding
temperatures have been reach each sample has been taken out from the oven,
air dried to room temperature, and used for the FTIR study.

Characterization methods 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Differential scanning calorimetry. DSC analysis was carried out in a Wavenumber (cm-1)
NETZSCH (Selb, Germany) DSC 204 F1 instrument to study the cure
properties of MF resin. Aluminum pans were used as the crucibles for the Figure 1 FTIR spectra of melamine, methylolmelamine and cured MF. A full
DSC run. Sample size of between 5–10 mg was used for the analysis. Dynamic color version of this figure is available at Polymer Journal online.
scans were made from 50 to 200 1C at a constant heating rate. Heating rates of
2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 1C min 1 were used to study the curing properties of MF
resin. For the DSC run, aluminum pans are pierced in order to evaporate any
effluents coming out during the scan. All DSC runs were carried out in an
aliphatic C–N vibration. The absorbance at 1110 cm 1 corresponds to
inert atmosphere of N2.
C–O stretching vibration. The peak at 1060 cm 1 corresponds to the
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. FTIR studies were performed in a stretching vibration of ether group. The absorptions at 994 and
Thermo Scientific (Barrington, IL, USA) Nicolet IS10 spectrophotometer. The 590 cm 1 correspond to C–H out of plane deformations. Bending
samples were scanned in the form of KBr pellets containing 1 mg of the sample vibration of triazine ring was found at 810 cm 1. From this spectrum
and 100 mg of KBr powder. Spectrum was recorded in the wavenumber range of MF resin, it is understood that the melamine has reacted to
of 4000–500 cm 1 by signal averaging of 32 scans at a resolution of 4 cm 1. methylol groups and there is no residual melamine and formaldehyde
The spectra were recorded as percentage transmittance versus wavenumber. remains. Spectra of cured MF (Figure 1) show the N–H stretching
frequency of secondary amine at 3416 cm 1. Methylene C–H bending
Thermogravimetric analysis. Thermogravimetric analysis was performed in a
Netzsch STA 409 thermobalance apparatus. Dynamic temperature scan was vibration appeared at 1456 cm 1. And there occurs a generation of
performed from 50 to 600 1C at a constant heating rate of 5 1C min 1. Analysis new strong peak at 2338 cm 1 that corresponds to the stretching
was carried out in an inert atmosphere of nitrogen gas with a flow rate of vibration of bridged CH2 group, which gave a strong evidence for
20 ml min 1. About 15–25 mg of the sample was placed in a ceramic crucible methylene bridge formation.15 And also there is a decrease in the
to perform the TGA analysis. intensity of the peaks at 1556 and 1437 cm 1 that corresponds to the
methylene bending vibrations. This decrease in intensity may possibly
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION due to the extent of crosslinking. From this FTIR interpretation, it
Polymerization and formulation of MF resin was confirmed that the melamine has reacted and crosslinked during
Polymerization (curing) of melamine to formaldehyde occurs in two the thermal curing process. IR spectral data of the methylolmelamine
stages. The first step of methylolation is the addition reaction of and cured MF are compiled in Table 1.
formaldehyde to melamine that can be carried out in an aqueous To study the curing of MF resins, DSC analysis was carried out by
phase under neutral or basic conditions or under solvent medium.34 performing dynamic scans were made from 50 to 200 1C at variable
The second stage of curing mainly consists of two types of heating rates of 2, 5, 10, 15 and 20 1C min 1.
condensation reactions leading to the formation of methylene and Figure 2 shows the DSC thermograms of an MF resin at different
methylene ether bridges that can be cured either thermally or under heating rates. The initial increase in the exothermal enthalpy indi-
acidic/alkaline conditions.21,23,30 During curing, chain extension and cates the start of the resin crosslinking. After reaching a maximum,
crosslinking takes place to form an insoluble and infusible three- the enthalpy decreases revealing some kind of reaction completion
dimensional network. In this study, stoichiometric ratio of melamine: and then again the enthalpy increases and then decreases until
formaldehyde was chosen as 1:3. The first step of methylolation was the resin crosslinking reaction completes. Hence, the DSC thermo-
carried out in solvent THF. Resulted methylolmelamine was cured grams exhibit two exotherms, indication of two steps of reaction
thermally at 195 1C for 45 min. occurring during the thermal curing process. Indication of two-step
reaction is further supported by FTIR analysis, which will be discussed
Curing studies later.
FTIR analysis was carried out to identify the first stage and the second Table 2 shows the peak temperatures with variable heating rates for
stage reaction completion. Figure 1 shows the FTIR spectra of the MF resin. As the heating rate increased, the two peak temperatures
melamine, methylolmelamine and the cured resin. The spectra of of MF resin also increased indicating a slower cure rate of the resin.
methylolmelamine (Figure 1) show absorbances at 3330 cm 1 and The evolution of two exothermic peaks implies that the crosslinking
3190 cm 1 correspond to the stretching vibrations of secondary of melamine to formaldehyde proceeds in a two-step reaction process.
amine. The peak at 2960 cm 1 is due the C–H stretching vibration The first exotherm may be attributed to the reversible reaction of
of methylol group. –C ¼ N ring vibration is observed at 1530 cm 1. methylolmelamine whereas the second exotherm corresponds to the
The peak at 1456 and 1388 cm 1 corresponds to the methylene C–H crosslinking of methylol to methylene bridges during the thermal
bending vibrations. The absorbance at 1182 cm 1 corresponds to curing process.

Polymer Journal
Curing of melamine formaldehyde
DJ Merline et al

Table 1 IR spectral data of melamine, methylolmelamine and MF resin at variable temperatures

Melamine Methylolmelamine MF at 162 1C MF at 170 1C MF at 195 1C

Group Vibration (cm 1) (cm 1) (cm 1) (cm 1) (cm 1)

N–H (primary amine) Stretching 3467 3464

N–H (primary amine) Stretching 3416 3423
N–H (primary amine) Bending 3321 3337
N–H (primary amine) Bending 3120 3125
N–H (secondary amine) Stretching 3330 3330 3416
N–H ( secondary amine) Stretching 3190 3190
C–H (aliphatic) Stretching 2985 2985 2951
C–H (bridged Stretching 2338
CH2 group)
N–H (primary amine) Bending 1625
C ¼ N (ring vibration) Stretching 1525 1530 1530 1530 1530
C–H (methylene) Bending 1456 1437 1456 1460
C–H (methylene) Bending 1388 1331 1388 1323
C–O (aliphatic) Stretching 1160 1160 1130
C–O–C (ether group) Stretching 1060 1064
C–H Bending 955 994 992 994 994
triazine 809 809 816 809 808

Abbreviation: MF, melamine formaldehyde.

Heating rate °C/min


Transmission (%)

MF 160°C

Heat flow (mW/mg)

MF 170°C



100 120 140 160 180 200
Temperature (°C) 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Wavenumber (cm-1)
Figure 2 DSC thermograms of MF resin at different heating rates. A full
color version of this figure is available at Polymer Journal online. Figure 3 FTIR spectra of melamine, MF resin at 1601C, and MF resin at
1701C. A full color version of this figure is available at Polymer Journal

Table 2 Variation of peak temperatures with heating rates from 140 to 160 1C, to some extent the reaction proceeds in a
reversible way by converting methylol groups to melamine and thus
Heating rate (1C min 1) Peak T1 (1C) Peak T2 (1C) from the IR data; it is also confirmed that there is no crosslinking
2 153.6 166.5
reaction taking place at this temperature range, rather, the reverse
5 160.2 168.7
reaction is taking place. Rest of the absorptions remains the same as
10 168.5 173.4 methylolmelamine.
15 174.1 177.7 Spectra of MF at 170 1C are shown in Figure 3. It shows the
20 176.5 181.5 absorbance is the same as methylolmelamine (Figure 1). Spectral data
of MF at two different temperatures are also compiled in Table 1.
From this IR study at two different temperatures, we attribute the first
To support the DSC investigation for evolution of two exotherms exotherm observed in DSC to the reverse demethylolation reaction
observed, FTIR studies were carried out for the samples cured at two and the second exotherm to the crosslinking reaction of MF resin.
different temperatures 160 1C and 170 1C, respectively. Figure 3 shows It is evident that the crosslinking mechanism of MF proceeds in
the spectral characterization of MF at two temperatures. Spectral two different steps as indicated by DSC analysis. Although reported
characterization of MF at 160 1C (Figure 3) shows several distinct mechanism for the condensation step for the curing of MF is
peaks. The spectral frequencies between 3464 and 3125 cm 1 suggested to involve methylene and ether bridges as intermediate
corresponds to the primary amine groups of melamine. For compar- condensation products and these intermediates transform to desired
ison, FTIR spectrum of melamine is also shown in Figure 3. Hence, insoluble and infusible MF resins during the final curing process.35
compiling DSC and FTIR studies it suggests that at temperature range However, this mechanism cannot explain the presence of melamine as

Polymer Journal
Curing of melamine formaldehyde
DJ Merline et al

an intermediate product as confirmed by the presence of –NH2 As discussed in the previous sections, melamine is formed by the
groups in the FTIR spectrum for sample heated from 140 to 160 1C decomposition of methylolamine at a temperature above 140 1C as
and disappearance of these groups from the spectrum of the samples shown in Scheme 2.
heated above 160 1C. Therefore, based on the DSC and the FTIR This reaction step is confirmed by the presence of the -NH2 groups
results, which are in agreement, we propose a modified mechanism as in the FTIR spectrum for the partially cured sample (To160 1C).
discussed in the following below.

Methylolation step. This step is well studied and involves direct Correlating DSC and TGA analysis. Figure 4 shows the TGA and the
reaction between melamine and formaldehyde to form methylolamine DSC thermograms of MF resin in the temperature range from 50 to
as follows. 600 1C. We can define four temperature ranges where the weight
losses appeared, from 100 to 180, 180 to 350, 350 to 390 and 390 to
NH OH 600 1C, respectively. Correspondingly two exotherms were observed in
the DSC thermograms. The first exotherm in the temperature region
+ 3 H2C O 100–180 1C corresponds to the curing reaction of MF resin splits into
H2N N NH2 HO NH N NH OH two, as in the DSC study, which gave support for the cure reaction,
and also the weight loss is related to the thermal curing process.
Melamine Formaldehyde Methylol melamine

Condensation step. This step is more complex and involves multiple

reactions that lead to intermediate ether-linkage-containing com- HN OH
pounds. These ether linkages are transformed into methylene linkages reaction at 140-160°C
N N + 3H2C O
by the elimination of formaldehyde as described by Scheme 1. N N

However, we suggest the existence of another reaction that leads to HO NH N NH OH

the formation of the methylene bridges in the final cured product
Methylol melamine Melamine Formaldehyde
through reaction between methylolamine formed in the methylolation
reaction and melamine. Scheme 2 Formation of melamine by decomposition of methylolamine.

Ether bridge


HN OH NH2 Methylene bridge
–H2O N N
N N + N N
Additional proposed reaction step




Scheme 1 Reaction mechanism of thermal curing of MF resin.

Polymer Journal
Curing of melamine formaldehyde
DJ Merline et al

100 which gave evidence of two-stage curing process. Subsequent FTIR

90 TGA studies at two exothermic peak temperatures observed in DSC reveal
the two-stage crosslinking reaction mechanism. The first step of
thermal curing at temperature range of 140–160 1C is the reverse

70 reaction of methylol groups to melamine and second step occurring
60 at temperature 4160 1C is the crosslinking reaction. Hence, by the
Weight %


Heat flow
50 mutual agreement of DSC and FTIR studies, a possible reaction route
was derived for the thermal curing process. The TGA characterization
clearly shows four successive mass losses in the temperature range of
30 50–600 1C, which is correlated to the DSC thermogram. Correlation
20 of the DSC and TGA clearly explains the weight loss during the curing
process due to the evaporation of water and formaldehyde. As in the
DSC study, DSC–TGA thermogram supports the two-step process of
0 the cure reaction by exhibiting two peaks in the same temperature
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Temperature (˚C) region. First peak at 160 1C corresponds to the weight loss due to the
elimination of formaldehyde due to the reverse reaction of MF resin,
Figure 4 TGA and DSC thermograms of MF resin. A full color version of this and the second peak corresponds to water elimination due to the
figure is available at Polymer Journal online.
condensation reaction. Methylene bridges are stable up to 350 1C, and
the thermal degradation of triazine ring begins at 400 1C.
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