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Discussion Paper Brasilia, september 2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY



Rodrigo M. Pereira
Researcher in the Department of Macroeconomic
Policies and Studies (Dimac) at Ipea.

In the first decade of this century there was a large I use a panel of 760 Amazon municipalities through
expansion on the demand of a number of commodities. a period of 15 years. The results suggest that
With the increases in prices, commodity exporters were municipal populational growth, cattle herding, total
largely benefited, resulting in a run for iron ore, oil, permanent and temporary crop areas, and soybean
cattle, and agricultural land. In spite of the favourable crops significantly affect deforestation. Besides that,
consequences for economies based in the production of the new environmental policy significantly reduced
primary products, such as the Brazilian economy, some the deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon. The
environmental concerns were raised, mostly due to the policy also made the deforestation less sensitive to
pressure on tropical rainforests, such as the Amazon. fluctuations in crop areas and on the sizes of cattle
herds in the Amazon.
This relation between commodity expansion
and deforestation is in the forefront of the empirical The deforestation data were obtained with INPE
literature on the deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon. (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisa Espacial). The data on
Specifically, soybean crops and cattle herding have been deforestation areas by municipalities are available for the
highlighted in a number of studies as the main driving year 2000 and after. Since the deforestation is equal to
forces behind the Amazon deforestation. the first difference of deforested areas (regeneration of
the forest and reforestation are impossible in a tropical
Recent data on the Amazon deforestation suggest
rainforest in the shor-run), the data set starts effectively
the possibility of a change in how the deforestation process
in 2001. The rest of the data are obtained with IBGE
relates to commodity market fluctuations. Specifically, after
(Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística). These
2004 there was a strong and persistent reduction in the
data are annual and municipal, which generates a large
deforestation rates of the Brazilian Amazon, in spite of
panel structure. Only the populational data, obtained
a hefty increase in the prices of all major commodities.
on the 2000 and 2010 censuses, are not available
Precisely when one would expect an increase in deforestation,
with annual periodicity. In these cases, the variables
what happened was exactly the opposite. Not surprisingly,
that are based on populational data are considered
in that same year of 2004 the Brazilian government
as cross-sectional variables in a panel data model.
launched a federal plan for the conservation of the Brazilian
Amazon, the PPCDAM (Plano de Prevenção e Controle The estimation of a deforestation equation allows
do Desmatamento da Amazônia Legal). us to perform an interesting exercise of policy evaluation.
In this exercise I answer the question of how effective
The PPCDAM was based on subsidies to sustainable
was the PPCDAM in reducing the Brazilian Amazon
agriculture, on land use planning, on the creation
deforestation. The model predicts that a much higher
of conservation areas, and most importantly, on the
level of deforestation would have happened between
enforcement of environmental laws with the use of new
2005 and 2015, had the plan not been implemented.
technologies of instant detection of new deforested
Our estimate is that the policy avoided a cummulative
areas. A new system called DETER allowed an almost
deforestation of 196 thousand square kilometers of
instant detection of areas in which the forest was cleared.
forest in the 11 years from 2005 to 2015. This value is
In this paper I investigate the determinants of almost twice the value that was effectively deforested
the deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon, with a in this period, and approximately 4.9% of what is left
particular emphasis on the role played by PPCDAM. of the Brazilian Amazon forest.

Since we have a panel structure, this counterfactual

exercise can be refined in two directions. The first one
aggregates the data on the cross-section dimension. We
have two time series that together capture the effect
of the policy. One of them is the observed aggregate
deforestation. The other one is the counterfactual, or
the predicted deforestation without the policy. The
second direction aggregates the data on the time
series dimension. So, for every municipality we calculate
the difference between the deforestation effectively
observed, and the deforestation that would have
happened without the policy, predicted by the regression
equation. Then, we sum the values for all the periods
in which the policy was present, from 2005 to 2015.
The result is the accumulated ammount of forest saved
by the PPCDAM in each municipality of the Brazilian
Amazon. By that means, we construct a map of areas
saved by the enviromental policy during the period.
The Brazilian Amazon encompasses an area of
approximately 4 milion square kilometers. It has roughly
13% of all world´s biota. Around the mid 2000´s it
was being deforested at an annual rate of 0.65%. The
number was reduced for something around 0.15%, a
remarkable result that seemed to be possible only if
coupled with a deep reduction in the Amazon economic
activity. Surprisingly, this reduction in deforestation
was achieved amidst a major worldwide expansion
in commodity markets, including major commodities
produced in the Amazon region.
The results of this paper suggest that a well-designed
conservation policy can be very effective in curbing the
deforestation process in tropical rainforests. In fact, the
recent experience in the Brazilian Amazon should be
analyzed and improved. The main structure of PPCDAM
could be replicated in other tropical rainforests of the
planet that are going through deforestation processes.


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