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3 Class The Clever Little Bird

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The clever little bird.

A little bird comes and sits under a tree. A big grey cat comes to the tree, too. He sees a little bird.

“I am hungry”, the cat says and comes near the bird. But the little bird is very clever. She sees the
cat and jumps into the tree.

“Hello, little Bird,” says the cat.

“Good news!” says the cat.

The cat says, “Very good news! All animals are friends now! Come to me. I want to speak to you. I
like you very much.”

“Yes’, the bird says. “ You are my friend, I know it. You like me and I like you. But from this tree I
can see the forest”

“And what can you see in the forest?” says the cat. The bird says, “I see many dogs and they are
near the tree”.

“Dogs!” says the cat and wants to run away.

“Don’t run away. The dogs know that all animals are friends,” says the bird.

“I know the news, you know the news, but the dogs don’t know the news,” says the cat and runs

1. Отметь правильный ответ.

1) Who comes and sits under a tree?

a) A dog b) a bird c) A duck

2) What colour is the cat?

a) Black b) White c) Grey

3) What does the bird do when she sees the cat?

a) She jumps into the tree

b) She comes to the cat.

c) She comes to the dogs.

4) Why does the cat come near the bird?

a) He likes the bird and wants to be her friend .

b) He wants to speak to the bird. c) He is hungry.

5) What is the good news?

a) The bird likes the cat.

b) All animals are friends now. c) The dogs are near the tree.

6) What can the bird see from the tree?

a) A house b) The forest c) a river

7) Why does the cat want to run away?

a) He doesn’t like the bird.

b) He wants to speak about the news with all animals.
c) He doesn’t want to see dogs.

8) What does the cat say when he runs away?

a) “The dogs know the news”

b) “The dogs don’t know the news.” c) “I am hungry”

2. Отметь утверждения, соответствующие содержанию рассказа , знаком (+), не

соответствующие - знаком (-)

1. A little bird comes and sits under a tree.

1. A big cat sees the bird.

1. The cat is hungry.

1. The bird is not very clever.

1. The bird sees the cat and jumps into the tree.

1. The cat has got good news.

1. The news is that all animals like the bird.

1. The cat says to the bird, “Come to me. I want to speak to you.”

1. The bird sees many cats near the tree.

1. “Run away!” the bird says to the cat.

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