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FR-A800 Plus For Roll To Roll

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FR-A800 Plus
The optimum functions for roll to roll applications are added.

for Roll to Roll

• System simplification
• Wide range of applications
• Easy startup and adjustment
Global Player


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Features 6 1
Standard specifications 22 2
Outline dimensions 27 3
Roll to roll function related parameters 29 4
Warranty 34 5
Support 35 6


Pursuing optimum functions

to meet our customers' needs

A new lineup of dedicated inverters for specialized fields are born!
The optimum functions for each dedicated field are added to the already
high performance and high functionality FR-A800 series inverter.

for Roll to Roll


Roll to Roll
In roll to roll applications, control is necessary for machining of elongated products such as paper, film, and
thread. Processing types include printing, slitting, coating, and twisting. High productivity can be achieved by
stable tension control.
The FR-A800-R2R inverter can be used in a wide variety of systems with various dedicated functions.
System simplification

Stable winding/unwinding can be achieved by the

Roll to roll inverter alone.

dedicated model with Wide range of applications

The FR-A800-R2R inverter enables the use in various
functions optimum for system applications such as winding/unwinding in the
wire drawing machines and printers.
Easy startup and adjustment
Parameters can be used for mechanical adjustment
according to applications.


Winding/unwinding shaft Intermediate shaft
Tension control (speed control / The line speed is controlled by driving
torque control) is enabled by input- the intermediate shafts such as a
ting the dancer roll position or the reference shaft with a constant
feedback from the tension sensor. winding diameter or the feeding shaft.
Stable control can be achieved
by winding diameter calculation,
even with a large difference be-
tween the maximum and mini-
mum diameters.


System simplification
The FR-A800-R2R inverter has various dedicated functions such as winding diameter calculation, providing
stable winding/unwinding control independently.


Winding diameter calculation Winding diameter calculation function selection

The winding diameter calculation method can be selected in order to improve the
The present winding diameter for
tension control performance.
the winding/unwinding shaft is
calculated from the actual line •Actual line speed calculation method
speed or the actual motor speed. The winding diameter is calculated d

from the line speed and the main

D: Diameter
Line speed command speed (actual motor speed). n: Motor speed D
input selection / actual D=
V d: Material thickness
line speed input selection π×n×Z V: Line speed
N: Number of rotations

The line speed command and actual line •Thickness calculation method Z: Reduction ratio
speed required for calculating the winding The material thickness is added up to
diameter can be input through the analog find the overall winding diameter.
input terminal or plug-in option. D = Initial diameter ± 2 × d × N × Z

Dancer feedback speed control Tension PI gain tuning Dancer roll malposition detection
Tension sensor feedback speed control By automatically adjusting the tension When material rupture (break) occurs and
PI gain for PID control, time required for the sensor feedback value (dancer/tension
PID control is performed using feedback adjustment is significantly cut down. feedback) is held at the upper/lower limit
of the detected dancer roll position or Anyone can start the system easily. for a certain period of time, the break
feedback from the tension sensor. Stable detection signal is output.
control can be achieved in combination tension
with the winding diameter calculation. Dancer roll
Vibrated dancer roll
Speed control proportional
gain compensation Start

By adjusting the speed control Constant Break

tension detection
proportional gain according to the Stab
signal Break detection
winding diameter, the response ilize
d Stabilized
dancer roll Example of dancer feedback control (winding)
8 level can be kept constant.

Initial winding diameter calculation Winding diameter /
When the winding diameter changes after the material change or others, the present winding diameter is calculated in the following two ways. winding length storage
•The present winding diameter is calculated based •The present winding diameter is calculated from The present value of winding diam-
on the dancer roll movement at a start from the the line speed and the actual motor speed. (The eter and winding/unwinding length
lower limit position to the target position. system must be started at low speed.) can be stored.
The winding diameter and winding
Dancer roll Line speed at
target position winding diameter length values are stored in the in-
Dancer roll
Actual line
speed activation verter even during power-OFF.
Start signal
Start signal

Line speed Winding

Initial winding
diameter Winding
calculation diameter

Tension sensorless torque control Inertia compensation function Taper function

During acceleration/deceleration, the ten- By adjusting the tension on the work-
Tension sensor feedback torque control
sion applied to the material is maintained piece, it is possible to avoid imperfec-
The output torque of a motor is constant by adjusting the variable tension tions such as wrinkles or deformation
controlled so that the tension applied on the winding and unwinding sides. caused by the increase in diameter.
to a material is constant by calculat-
Acceleration Tension
ing the winding diameter of a roll.

Mechanical loss Commanded

Taper ratio
compensation function

The tension applied to the material is main- Winding

Line speed Minimum Maximum diameter
tained constant by raising a commanded winding
Diameter at
taper start
torque to compensate mechanical loss
caused by factors such as friction on the Tension command cushion time
dancer roll or winding/unwinding shaft. The cushion time is set for the tension command to avoid sudden change in tension. 9

Wide range of applications

The FR-A800-R2R inverter offers four types of control functions which enable the use in various system applications such
as winding/unwinding in the wire drawing machines and printers.

Dancer feedback Tension sensor Tension sensorless Tension sensor feedback

speed control feedback speed control torque control torque control

During dancer feedback speed control, speed is controlled for keeping a constant tension on the workpiece
(winding/unwinding shaft) by using the dancer roll position and line speed data.
Further stable speed control is possible by performing PID control and winding diameter calculation in the inverter.
Tension sensor feedback speed control is a control function to keep the tension constant using feedback from the tension
sensor, instead of the dancer roll position.

Dancer roll Speed detector

Functions integrated into the inverter

PID control
set point

Dancer roll
position PID calculation

Actual line Winding diameter Speed control

speed calculation

Line speed Acceleration/

command deceleration

Actual line speed

Motor speed
Dancer roll position
Line speed command

Example of dancer feedback speed control


Wire drawing machine

Dancer feedback The control function is useful for winding in the wire drawing machine. High-
speed control speed winding is offered for high-inertia loads.

Wire drawing section Reference shaft Winding shaft

Actual line speed Motor speed Dancer roll position Line speed command

The wire drawing section pulls the wire at a constant speed to

make the wire thinner. For the winding shaft, the inverter pro- Inverter FR-A800-R2R Encoder-equipped motor SF-PR-SC
(with the FR-A8AP*1 installed)
vides dancer feedback speed control to keep the dancer roll Dancer roll
position, achieving constant tension winding. Inverter FR-A800-R2R
(with the FR-A8AP* and FR-A8AZ* installed)
1 2 Speed detector
In addition, using the winding diameter calculation function,
the circumferential speed of the winding reel is kept constant. The products in the parentheses *1 Used for vector control.
are plug-in options. *2 Used for the line speed output.
Some systems require peripheral devices such as regenerative options.

Relevant functions
Dancer feedback Winding diameter Initial winding
speed control calculation function diameter calculation
The unwinding shaft rotation speed is The circumferential speed of the winding The present winding diameter is calcu-
controlled to keep the dancer roll shaft is kept constant by calculating the lated based on the dancer roll move-
position constant. The wire tension is winding diameter of the winding shaft. Hunt- ment at a start from the lower limit
kept constant. ing can be reduced in dancer roll control. position to the target position.
Speed control proportional Tension PI gain tuning
gain compensation By automatically adjusting the tension
By adjusting the speed control proportional PI gain, time required for adjustment is 11
gain according to the winding diameter, the significantly cut down. Anyone can
response level can be kept constant. start the system easily.

Wide range of applications

The FR-A800-R2R inverter offers four types of control functions which enables the use in various system applications such
as winding/unwinding in the wire drawing machines and printers.

Dancer feedback Tension sensor Tension sensorless Tension sensor feedback

speed control feedback speed control torque control torque control

The torque is controlled for keeping a constant tension on the workpiece (winding/unwinding shaft) by using the tension
sensor and line speed information.
Further stable torque control is possible by changing the torque command according to the acceleration/deceleration
torque calculation at a speed change (inertia compensation) and the mechanical loss torque compensation, as well as the
compensation determined by the winding diameter calculation.
Tension sensor feedback torque control can be used when the PLC function is enabled. (Refer to page 18.)

Nip roll Speed


Functions integrated into the inverter

Actual Winding diameter Acceleration/

line speed deceleration torque
calculation (inertia compensation)

command Taper setting Tension control Torque control

Mechanical loss
Motor speed torque calculation

Actual line speed

Motor speed
Inertia compensation acceleration/deceleration signal
Tension command (programmable controller)

Example of tension sensorless torque control


Printing machine

Tension sensorless The control function is useful for winding in the printer. The paper can be rolled up
torque control without using dancer rolls or tension controllers.

Reference shaft Winding shaft

Actual line speed Motor speed Inertia compensation acceleration/deceleration signal

When the paper feed speed of the printer is increased

Inverter FR-A800-R2R Printing unit
(or decreased), the inverter changes the torque com- (with the FR-A8AP*1 installed)
mand value according to the inertia of the paper roll to Nip roll
Inverter FR-A800-R2R
give the acceleration (or deceleration torque) to keep (with the FR-A8AP*1 and FR-A8AZ*2 installed) Speed detector
a constant tension. Also, the taper setting can be
used to avoid imperfections such as wrinkles or Encoder-equipped motor SF-PR-SC
deformation caused by the increase in diameter. *1 Used for vector control.
The products in the parentheses are plug-in options. *2 Used for the thermistor input.
Some systems require peripheral devices such as regenerative options.

Relevant functions
Tension sensorless Taper function Mechanical loss
torque control By adjusting the tension on the work- compensation function
The winding diameter is calculated piece, it is possible to avoid imperfec- The torque command value is increased
from line speed information, and the tions such as wrinkles or deformation for mechanical loss compensation to
torque is controlled for keeping a con- caused by the increase in diameter. prevent the tension from changing.
stant tension on the winding shaft.
Inertia compensation
Even if the paper feed speed increases 13
or decreases, the tension applied to
the paper is maintained constant.

Easy startup and adjustment

Parameters can be used for mechanical adjustment according to applications, useful for the startup and adjustment work
of the system.


Before Before
Setting and adjusting multiple devices including There was a worry about the compatibility with the
controllers were required for dancer control, and it existing system.
took much time to start up the system.

• Complex position control of the dancer roll can be achieved by the inverter alone by setting parameters.
• By setting mechanical specifications, optimum control can be performed according to the system and the application.
• Analog/pulse signal input method is selectable at the discretion of the customer. Input via communication is also
• PID control enables and simplifies complex control using only the inverter.
• Automatic tension PI gain adjustment enables easy startup. (Tension PI gain tuning)


Example of startup procedure

The following procedure shows the parameter setting example for the dancer feedback speed control.

STEP 1 Basic parameter setting and control method selection

Set the value for each parameter according to the control method and the motor type.
Basic setting of the inverter (Speed control gain adjustment or offline auto tuning is required according to the control method.)

Perform setting according to the motor

type and the control method.
Applied motor
Rated motor frequency
Motor inertia (integer)*2
Electronic thermal O/L relay 9 Control method selection*1 800 Motor inertia (exponent)*2 724

Motor capacity 80 Torque limit input method selection 810 Encoder option selection 862
Number of motor poles 81 Encoder rotation direction 359
Rated motor voltage 83 Number of encoder pulses 369
*1: For the control method, vector control is recommended. *2: Setting is required for a motor other than a Mitsubishi motor (the SF-PR, SF-JR,
SF-HR, SF-JRCA, SF-HRCA, or SF-V5RU (1500 r/min series) motor).

STEP 2 Mechanical specifications setting Control accuracy improvement by

Basic setting of
Set the mechanical specifications accord- the winding diameter calculation
ing to application.
mechanical specifications Pr. Name Intermediate
By calculating the winding diameter of the
winding/unwinding shaft, the tension is
1235 Maximum winding diameter 1
Set the mechanical specifications. always optimized even if it changes along
1236 Minimum winding diameter 1
1230 Winding/unwinding selection with the winding diameter change.
645 Winding diameter storage selection
Winding diameter change V N
increment amount limit
1243 Gear ratio numerator (follower side)
1244 Gear ratio denominator (driver side)
7 Acceleration time
8 Deceleration time D: Diameter
First acceleration time n: Motor speed D
for line speed command d: Material thickness n
First deceleration time Z
395 V: Line speed
for line speed command
N: Number of rotations
Second deceleration time
101 Z: Reduction ratio
for line speed command
Line speed command
acceleration/deceleration reference
1231 Material thickness d1
1252 Dancer lower limit position
1255 Accumulated amount

Analog/pulse input Input method selection for the line speed command,
method selection dancer signal, and actual line speed
The line speed command input method can be selected from the following: analog input
Select the input method and the input
through a terminal (2, 4, 1, 6, etc.), single-phase pulse train input, encoder pulse input, and
terminal function for the line speed input via communication (CC-Link IE Field Network communication, DeviceNet™,
command. PROFIBUS-DPV0, etc.).

STEP 4 Dancer roll target position setting PI gain automatic adjustment

PID control adjustment Set the target position, upper limit, and The PI gain is automatically adjusted by
lower limit values for the dancer roll. tension PI gain tuning. The time required for
(Dancer roll target position,
gain adjustment can be reduced.
tension PI gain tuning) Item Pr.
Set point 133 Tuning in progress
Set parameters to control the dancer Upper limit 131 70
Lower limit 132
roll and adjust the tension PI gain. PID action selection 128 Before tuning After tuning
Dancer roll position [%]

Dancer roll
upper limit Dancer roll position
Pr.131 Dancer roll position fluctuates a little
Dancer roll fluctuates significantly
target position
Pr.133 30
0 10 20 30 40 50
Dancer roll
Time [s]
lower limit
Pr.132 Fluctuation of the dancer roll position
before and after tension PI gain tuning

Turn ON the X114 signal for using dancer feedback speed control and the winding diameter calculation function.

Unparalleled Performance.
Uncompromising Quality.
High performance and high quality new inverter of the highest level.

1 With the enhanced drive performance and usability, the inverter is compliant with applicable safety standards.

Approach to the leading drive performance


Fast response 170ms

The improved speed response ensures a
minimal speed fluctuation when the load fluctuates.
The improved speed response ensures a 80ms
minimal speed fluctuation to maintain a FR-A700
constant speed when the load fluctuates. Speed

Speed (r/min)
Torque (%)
• Speed response
Real sensorless vector control
50 Hz*1 (A700: 20 Hz) 100
0 0
Vector control Load torque
130 Hz*2 (A700: 50 Hz) Time (s) 100ms/div
*1: At 3.7 kW with no load Differs depending on the load [Example of the speed change when an impact load is applied]
conditions and motor capacity. ( When the SF-PR 4P motor (3.7 kW) is used under Real sensorless vector control )
*2: The option (FR-A8AP, FR-A8AL, or FR-A8TP) is required.

• Torque accuracy
Real sensorless vector control Vector control
Torque control range 1:20 1:50
Absolute torque accuracy*3 ±20% ±10%*5
Repetitive torque accuracy*4 ±10% ±5%*5
*3: Difference between the actual torque and the torque command
*4: Fluctuation between the average of the actual torque and the actual measured torque (repeatability of the torque)
*5: When online auto tuning (adaptive magnetic flux observer) enabled

System support
Compatibility to various open networks Selection of optimum capacity
A controller can control and monitor an inverter via network. As well as a standard
to suit the application
RS-485 interface, communication options are also available for the CC-Link IE Five ratings of different rated current
Field Network, DeviceNet™, and PROFIBUS-DPV0. and overload capacity (SLD rating
(Not compatible with the SSCNET III(/H) or FL remote communication.) (super light duty), LD rating (light duty),
SND rating (super normal duty), ND
Inverter Inverter
rating (normal duty), HD rating (heavy
duty)) can be selected with param-
Up to 120 units
can be connected.
eters. The optimal inverter rating can
interface (HMI) Programmable
controller be chosen in accordance with the ap-
( When plication.
are connected )
only inverters

If using an inverter with capacity of 75K

FR-A800-R2R FR-A800-R2R
or higher, or motor with capacity of 75
kW or higher, always select and install
cable CC-Link IE network the inverter based on the capacity of
the motor with DC reactor.

Environmental adaptability

Global compatibility Improved environmental resistance

• The inverters are compatible with UL, [Measures against dust, dirt, and corrosion]
cUL, EC Directives (CE marking). This The inverters with PCB coating (IEC60721-
product is also certified for compliance with the Eurasian Conformity (EAC). 3-3 3C2/3S2) and conductive plating are
16 (The Radio Waves Act (South Korea) (KC mark) will be supported soon.) available for improved environmental resis-
• Being RoHS compliant, the FR-A800-R2R series inverters are friendly to people tance. ("-60" or "-06" is affixed to the end of
and to the environment. the inverter model name.)

Inverter by rating
• 200 V class
Inverter model
SLD (Super light duty)
Motor capacity Rated current Motor
LD (Light duty)
capacity Rated current
SND (Super normal duty) ND (Normal duty initial value)
Motor capacity Rated current Motor capacity Rated current
HD (Heavy duty)
Motor capacity Rated current 1
(kW)*1 (A) (kW)*1 (A) (kW)*1 (A) (kW)*1 (A) (kW)*1 (A)

0.4K 00046 0.75 4.6 0.75 4.2 0.75 4.2 0.4 3 0.2 1.5
0.75K 00077 1.5 7.7 1.5 7 1.5 7 0.75 5 0.4 3
1.5K 00105 2.2 10.5 2.2 9.6 2.2 9.6 1.5 8 0.75 5
2.2K 00167 3.7 16.7 3.7 15.2 3.7 15.2 2.2 11 1.5 8
3.7K 00250 5.5 25 5.5 23 5.5 23 3.7 17.5 2.2 11
5.5K 00340 7.5 34 7.5 31 7.5 31 5.5 24 3.7 17.5
7.5K 00490 11 49 11 45 7.5 36 7.5 33 5.5 24
11K 00630 15 63 15 58 15 58 11 46 7.5 33
15K 00770 18.5 77 18.5 70.5 18.5 70.5 15 61 11 46
18.5K 00930 22 93 22 85 22 85 18.5 76 15 61
22K 01250 30 125 30 114 22 102 22 90 18.5 76
30K 01540 37 154 37 140 30 126 30 115 22 90
37K 01870 45 187 45 170 45 170 37 145 30 115
45K 02330 55 233 55 212 45 190 45 175 37 145
55K 03160 75 316 75 288 55 259 55 215 45 175
75K 03800 90/110 380 90 346 90 346 75 288 55 215
90K 04750 132 475 110 432 90 388 90 346 75 288

• 400 V class
SLD (Super light duty) LD (Light duty) SND (Super normal duty) ND (Normal duty initial value) HD (Heavy duty)
Inverter model
FR-A84- Motor capacity Rated current Motor capacity Rated current Motor capacity Rated current Motor capacity Rated current Motor capacity Rated current
(kW)*1 (A) (kW)*1 (A) (kW)*1 (A) (kW)*1 (A) (kW)*1 (A)
0.4K 00023 0.75 2.3 0.75 2.1 0.75 2.1 0.4 1.5 0.2 0.8
0.75K 00038 1.5 3.8 1.5 3.5 1.5 3.5 0.75 2.5 0.4 1.5
1.5K 00052 2.2 5.2 2.2 4.8 2.2 4.8 1.5 4 0.75 2.5
2.2K 00083 3.7 8.3 3.7 7.6 3.7 7.6 2.2 6 1.5 4
3.7K 00126 5.5 12.6 5.5 11.5 5.5 11.5 3.7 9 2.2 6
5.5K 00170 7.5 17 7.5 16 7.5 16 5.5 12 3.7 9
7.5K 00250 11 25 11 23 11 23 7.5 17 5.5 12
11K 00310 15 31 15 29 15 29 11 23 7.5 17
15K 00380 18.5 38 18.5 35 18.5 35 15 31 11 23
18.5K 00470 22 47 22 43 22 43 18.5 38 15 31
22K 00620 30 62 30 57 30 57 22 44 18.5 38
30K 00770 37 77 37 70 37 70 30 57 22 44
37K 00930 45 93 45 85 45 85 37 71 30 57
45K 01160 55 116 55 106 55 106 45 86 37 71
55K 01800 75/90 180 75 144 55 129 55 110 45 86
75K 02160 110 216 90 180 90 180 75 144 55 110
90K 02600 132 260 110 216 90 194 90 180 75 144
110K 03250 160 325 132 260 132 260 110 216 90 180
132K 03610 185 361 160 325 160 325 132 260 110 216
160K 04320 220 432 185 361 185 361 160 325 132 260
185K 04810 250 481 220 432 220 432 185 361 160 325
220K 05470 280 547 250 481 250 481 220 432 185 361
250K 06100 315 610 280 547 280 547 250 481 220 432
280K 06830 355 683 315 610 315 610 280 547 250 481
315K 07700 400 770 355 683 355 683 315 610 280 547
355K 08660 450 866 400 770 400 770 355 683 315 610
400K 09620 500 962 450 866 450 866 400 770 355 683
450K 10940 560 1094 500 962 500 962 450 866 400 770
500K 12120 630 1212 560 1094 560 1094 500 962 450 866

• Overload current rating

SLD 110% 60 s, 120% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 40°C
LD 120% 60 s, 150% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
SND 150% 60s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
ND 150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
HD 200% 60 s, 250% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
*1: The applicable motor capacity is the maximum applicable capacity of a Mitsubishi 4-pole standard motor.

Control the machines as you desire

PLC function

1 Inverter operation sequence customized for the machine


Inverter control such as inverter operations triggered by input signals, signal output based on inverter operation status, and
monitor output can be freely customized based on the machine specifications. Control programs can be created in
sequence ladders using the inverter setup software (FR Configurator2) (to be supported soon). Also, the sample ladders will
be available for downloading from the Mitsubishi Electric FA Global Website.
Tension sensor feedback torque control
The control function is used for raising accuracy of the tension control using feedback from the tension detector.
PI control is used for compensating the tension value errors arising from errors with the winding diameter or mechanical loss
(caused by the temperature change / aging degradation).

PI control by the PLC function

PLC function
(integrated in the inverter)


Tension PI
feedback calculation

Tension sensorless torque control

Actual Winding Acceleration/

diameter deceleration torque
line speed calculation (inertia compensation)
command Torque
Taper setting Tension control
Actual line speed
Mechanical loss
Motor speed Motor speed torque calculation
Tension feedback

Die schedule function

Combination of the dies can be
automatically changed using the PLC
function of the inverter by setting values Capstan
such as the gear ratio or the ratio
between the wire diameters at each
capstan and after the final die, and
calculating the rotation speed of each
capstan according to the material.

Wire drawing die

Delivering a comfortable
inverter operating environment
FR Configurator2 (to be supported soon)

Easy USB cable connection
A USB connector (mini B connector) is
Mini B
provided as standard. The connection connector
with a personal computer can be estab-
FR Configurator2
lished easily without using a converter.
Remote operation
Importing trace data or parameter set-
tings that have been copied in a USB
memory device to FR Configurator2 Inverter
USB cable
enables analysis or adjustment at a
remote place.

Intuitive user interface Tree view Tab change

Connected inverters are displayed in
a tree view. Windows of each function
can be switched using tabs, facilitating

Efficient startup settings Easy pre-operation adjustment Easy-to-follow platform

• System setting
and operation check facilitates easy maintenance
Automatic recognition of connected • Parameter list • Graph function
inverters can also be set. The station Parameters for selected station num- Inverter data can be sampled and
number, model, capacity, and any bers can be displayed and changed. displayed in a graphical format. Trace
plug-in options of the connected invert- I/O signals can be assigned using data can also be read and displayed in
ers can also be set manually. settings by function. a graph.


Standard model

1 F R - A 8 2 0 - 0.4K - 1 - R2R

Symbol Voltage class Symbol Structure/function Capacity*1 Description Symbol Type*2 Symbol Circuit board coating Plated Symbol Dedicated function
2 200 V class 0 Standard model Inverter SLD 1 FM (IEC60721-3-3 3C2/3S2 compatible) conductor Roll to roll
00023 to 06830 rated current (A) None Without Without R2R
4 400 V class 2 CA dedicated model
Inverter ND rated 60 With Without
0.4K to 280K capacity (kW) 06*3 With With

Three-phase 00046 00077 00105 00167 00250 00340 00490 00630 00770 00930 01250 01540 01870 02330 03160 03800 04750
200 V class 0.4K 0.75K 1.5K 2.2K 3.7K 5.5K 7.5K 11K 15K 18.5K 22K 30K 37K 45K 55K 75K 90K
00023 00038 00052 00083 00126 00170 00250 00310 00380 00470 00620 00770 00930 01160 01800 02160 02600
0.4K 0.75K 1.5K 2.2K 3.7K 5.5K 7.5K 11K 15K 18.5K 22K 30K 37K 45K 55K 75K 90K
400 V class
FR-A840-[]*4 03250 03610 04320 04810 05470 06100 06830
110K 132K 160K 185K 220K 250K 280K

Separated converter type

F R - A 8 4 2 - 315K - 1 - R2R

Symbol Voltage class Symbol Structure/function Capacity*1 Description Symbol Type*2 Symbol Circuit board coating Plated Symbol Dedicated function
4 400 V class 2 Separated converter type Inverter SLD 1 FM (IEC60721-3-3 3C2/3S2 compatible) conductor Roll to roll
07700 to 12120 None Without Without R2R
rated current (A) 2 CA dedicated model
Inverter ND rated 60 With Without
315K to 500K 06 With With
capacity (kW)

Three-phase 07700 08660 09620 10940 12120

400 V class 315K 355K 400K 450K 500K

*1 Models can be alternatively indicated with the inverter rated current (SLD rating).
*2 Specification differs by the type as follows.
*3 Available for the 5.5K or higher.
*4 For the 75K or higher inverter, or whenever a 75 kW or higher motor is used, always connect a DC reactor (FR-HEL), which is available as an option.

Initial setting
Type Monitor output
Built-in EMC filter Control logic Rated frequency Pr.19 Base frequency voltage
FM Terminal FM: pulse train output 9999
OFF Sink logic 60 Hz
(terminal FM equipped model) Terminal AM: analog voltage output (0 to ±10VDC) (same as the power supply voltage)
CA Terminal CA: analog current output (0 to 20mADC) 8888
ON Source logic 50 Hz
(terminal CA equipped model) Terminal AM: analog voltage output (0 to ±10VDC) (95% of the power supply voltage)


Mitsubishi high-performance energy-saving motor with encoder

S F - P R F O B - S C 7K 4P H A 1

Symbol Installation method Symbol Classification Symbol Classification Symbol Output Symbol Output Symbol Classification Symbol Protective equipment
None Foot mounting type None Indoor type (IP44) None Without brake 1K 1.5 kW 18K 18.5 kW None 200 V class None Without
F Flange type O Outdoor type (IP44) B With brake 2K 2.2 kW 22K 22 kW H 400 V class T Thermostat
Dustproof/waterproof 3K 3.7 kW 30K 30 kW A Thermistor
type (IP55) 5K 5.5 kW 37K 37 kW
7K 7.5 kW 45K 45 kW
11K 11 kW 55K 55 kW
15K 15 kW

Enables a constant-torque operation in a low-speed range

Excellent speed accuracy

Speed fluctuation ratio:
Continuous SF-PR-SC
±0.01% (for power driving) operation torque

Wide range of speed control 100%

(60 Hz reference)
Speed control range:
1:1800 (for power driving)

(60 Hz reference)

0 3 60 100
Frequency [Hz]
Torque characteristic diagram

* The reference torque differs from that of the SF-V5RU series motor.

Fast-response / high-accuracy Energy saving / Improved environmental

vector control CO2 emission reduction resistance
Fast-response and high-accuracy vector The premium efficiency motor with • Environmental resistance was improved
control can be performed by the use in encoder (compatible with IE3) meets due to the change from the fan cooled
combination with the general-purpose the Top Runner Standard in Japan and type to the blower cooled type. The
FR-A800-R2R inverter, plug-in option the Energy Independence and Secu- IP55 compatible motor with an encoder
(FR-A8AP/A8AL), and control terminal rity Act (EISA) in the United States. is now also available.
option (FR-A8TP). • With the wire-saving design, improved
Compatibility with the inverter reliability can be obtained.
Wide range of constant- The motor is used in combination with
• Anti-corrosive coating (type 3) is also
torque characteristics an inverter of the same capacity.
By selecting vector control, constant-
torque continuous operation can be
performed in the range from 0 Hz to 60
Hz (zero speed control and servo lock
are available). 21
Standard specifications

Standard specifications
 Rating (Standard model)
 200 V class
00046 00077 00105 00167 00250 00340 00490 00630 00770 00930 01250 01540 01870 02330 03160 03800 04750
Model FR-A820-[ ]-R2R
0.4K 0.75K 1.5K 2.2K 3.7K 5.5K 7.5K 11K 15K 18.5K 22K 30K 37K 45K 55K 75K 90K
SLD 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 132
Applicable LD 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110
SND  0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 7.5 15 18.5 22 22 30 45 45 55 90 90
(kW)  0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90
(initial setting)
HD 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75
SLD 1.8 2.9 4 6.4 10 13 19 24 29 35 48 59 71 89 120 145 181
Standard specifications

LD 1.6 2.7 3.7 5.8 8.8 12 17 22 27 32 43 53 65 81 110 132 165

SND  1.6 2.7 3.7 5.8 8.8 12 14 22 27 32 39 48 65 72 99 132 148
(kVA)  ND 1.1 1.9 3 4.2 6.7 9.1 13 18 23 29 34 44 55 67 82 110 132
(initial setting)
HD 0.6 1.1 1.9 3 4.2 6.7 9.1 13 18 23 29 34 44 55 67 82 110
SLD 4.6 7.7 10.5 16.7 25 34 49 63 77 93 125 154 187 233 316 380 475
LD 4.2 7 9.6 15.2 23 31 45 58 70.5 85 114 140 170 212 288 346 432
SND  4.2 7 9.6 15.2 23 31 36 58 70.5 85 102 126 170 190 259 346 388
(A) ND
3 5 8 11 17.5 24 33 46 61 76 90 115 145 175 215 288 346
(initial setting)
HD 1.5 3 5 8 11 17.5 24 33 46 61 76 90 115 145 175 215 288

SLD 110% 60 s, 120% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 40°C

LD 120% 60 s, 150% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
SND  150% 60 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
d current
rating  ND 150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
(initial setting)
HD 200% 60 s, 250% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
Rated voltage  Three-phase 200 to 240 V
Brake transistor Built-in FR-BU2 (Option)
Maximum 150% torque/3%ED 100% torque/ 100% torque/ 10% torque/
20% torque/continuous
Regener brake torque  3%ED  2%ED  continuous
ative FR-ABR
braking (when the 150% torque/
100% torque/10%ED 100% torque/6%ED ― ― ― ― ― ―
option is 10%ED
Rated input
Three-phase 200 to 240 V 50 Hz/60 Hz
AC voltage/frequency
Permissible AC voltage
170 to 264 V 50 Hz/60 Hz
Permissible frequency
SLD 5.3 8.9 13.2 19.7 31.3 45.1 62.8 80.6 96.7 115 151 185 221 269 316 380 475
Power supply

Rated LD 5 8.3 12.2 18.3 28.5 41.6 58.2 74.8 90.9 106 139 178 207 255 288 346 432
input SND  5 8.3 12.2 18.3 28.5 41.6 49 74.8 90.9 106 130 166 207 233 304 346 388
current ND
(A)  3.9 6.3 10.6 14.1 22.6 33.4 44.2 60.9 80 96.3 113 150 181 216 266 288 346
(initial setting)
HD 2.3 3.9 6.3 10.6 14.1 22.6 33.4 44.2 60.9 80 96.3 113 150 181 216 215 288
SLD 2 3.4 5 7.5 12 17 24 31 37 44 58 70 84 103 120 145 181
Power LD 1.9 3.2 4.7 7 11 16 22 29 35 41 53 68 79 97 110 132 165
supply SND  1.9 3.2 4.7 7 11 16 19 29 35 41 50 63 79 89 116 132 148
capacity ND
(kVA)  (initial setting) 1.5 2.4 4 5.4 8.6 13 17 23 30 37 43 57 69 82 101 110 132
HD 0.9 1.5 2.4 4 5.4 8.6 13 17 23 30 37 43 57 69 82 82 110
Protective structure
Enclose type (IP20) Open type (IP00)
(IEC 60529) 
Cooling system Self-cooling Forced air cooling
Approx. mass (kg) 2.0 2.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 6.7 6.7 8.3 15 15 15 22 42 42 54 74 74
 The applicable motor capacity indicated is the maximum capacity applicable for use of the Mitsubishi 4-pole standard motor.
 For the SND rating, the carrier frequency is always 2 kHz.
 The 0.2 kW motor capacity is applicable under V/F control only.
 The rated output capacity indicated assumes that the output voltage is 220 V for 200 V class.
 The % value of the overload current rating indicated is the ratio of the overload current to the inverter's rated output current. For repeated duty, allow time for
the inverter and motor to return to or below the temperatures under 100% load.
 The maximum output voltage does not exceed the power supply voltage. The maximum output voltage can be changed within the setting range. However, the
maximum point of the voltage waveform at the inverter output side is the power supply voltage multiplied by about .
 Value for the built-in brake resistor
 Value for the ND rating
 The rated input current indicates a value at a rated output voltage. The impedance at the power supply side (including those of the input reactor and cables)
affects the rated input current.
22  The power supply capacity is the value when at the rated output current. It varies by the impedance at the power supply side (including those of the input
reactor and cables).
 FR-DU08: IP40 (except for the PU connector section)
Standard specifications

 400 V class
00023 00038 00052 00083 00126 00170 00250 00310 00380 00470 00620 00770 00930 01160 01800 02160 02600 03250 03610 04320 04810 05470 06100 06830
Model FR-A840-[ ]-R2R
0.4K 0.75K 1.5K 2.2K 3.7K 5.5K 7.5K 11K 15K 18.5K 22K 30K 37K 45K 55K 75K 90K 110K 132K 160K 185K 220K 250K 280K
SLD 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 110 132 160 185 220 250 280 315 355
Applicable LD 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 185 220 250 280 315
SND  0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 55 90 90 132 160 185 220 250 280 315
(kW)  ND
0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 185 220 250 280
(initial setting)
HD 0.2 0.4 0.75 1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90 110 132 160 185 220 250
SLD 1.8 2.9 4 6.3 10 13 19 24 29 36 47 59 71 88 137 165 198 248 275 329 367 417 465 521
LD 1.6 2.7 3.7 5.8 8.8 12 18 22 27 33 43 53 65 81 110 137 165 198 248 275 329 367 417 465
SND  1.6 2.7 3.7 5.8 8.8 12 18 22 27 33 43 53 65 81 98 137 148 198 248 275 329 367 417 465
(kVA)  ND
(initial setting)
1.1 1.9 3 4.6 6.9 9.1 13 18 24 29 34 43 54 66 84 110 137 165 198 248 275 329 367 417 2
HD 0.6 1.1 1.9 3 4.6 6.9 9.1 13 18 24 29 34 43 54 66 84 110 137 165 198 248 275 329 367

Standard specifications
SLD 2.3 3.8 5.2 8.3 12.6 17 25 31 38 47 62 77 93 116 180 216 260 325 361 432 481 547 610 683
LD 2.1 3.5 4.8 7.6 11.5 16 23 29 35 43 57 70 85 106 144 180 216 260 325 361 432 481 547 610
SND  2.1 3.5 4.8 7.6 11.5 16 23 29 35 43 57 70 85 106 129 180 194 260 325 361 432 481 547 610
(A) ND
1.5 2.5 4 6 9 12 17 23 31 38 44 57 71 86 110 144 180 216 260 325 361 432 481 547
(initial setting)
HD 0.8 1.5 2.5 4 6 9 12 17 23 31 38 44 57 71 86 110 144 180 216 260 325 361 432 481

SLD 110% 60 s, 120% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 40°C

LD 120% 60 s, 150% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
SND 150% 60 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
rating  ND 150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
(initial setting)
HD 200% 60 s, 250% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
Rated voltage  Three-phase 380 to 500 V
Brake transistor Built-in FR-BU2(Option)
Maximum brake
100% torque/2%ED  20% torque/continuous 10% torque/continuous
Regener torque 
ative FR-ABR
braking (when the 100% torque/
100% torque/10%ED ―  ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ― ―
option is 6%ED
Rated input
Three-phase 380 to 500 V 50 Hz/60 Hz 
AC voltage/frequency
Permissible AC voltage
323 to 550 V 50 Hz/60 Hz
Permissible frequency
SLD 3.2 5.4 7.8 10.9 16.4 22.5 31.7 40.3 48.2 58.4 76.8 97.6 115 141 180 216 260 325 361 432 481 547 610 683
Power supply

Rated LD 3 4.9 7.3 10.1 15.1 22.3 31 38.2 44.9 53.9 75.1 89.7 106 130 144 180 216 260 325 361 432 481 547 610
input SND  3 4.9 7.3 10.1 15.1 22.3 31 38.2 44.9 53.9 75.1 89.7 106 130 154 180 194 260 325 361 432 481 547 610
current ND
(A)  2.3 3.7 6.2 8.3 12.3 17.4 22.5 31 40.3 48.2 56.5 75.1 91 108 134 144 180 216 260 325 361 432 481 547
(initial setting)
HD 1.4 2.3 3.7 6.2 8.3 12.3 17.4 22.5 31 40.3 48.2 56.5 75.1 91 108 110 144 180 216 260 325 361 432 481
SLD 2.5 4.1 5.9 8.3 12 17 24 31 37 44 59 74 88 107 137 165 198 248 275 329 367 417 465 521
Power LD 2.3 3.7 5.5 7.7 12 17 24 29 34 41 57 68 81 99 110 137 165 198 248 275 329 367 417 465
supply SND  2.3 3.7 5.5 7.7 12 17 24 29 34 41 57 68 81 99 117 137 148 198 248 275 329 367 417 465
capacity ND
(kVA)  (initial setting) 1.7 2.8 4.7 6.3 9.4 13 17 24 31 37 43 57 69 83 102 110 137 165 198 248 275 329 367 417
HD 1.1 1.7 2.8 4.7 6.3 9.4 13 17 24 31 37 43 57 69 83 84 110 137 165 198 248 275 329 367
Protective structure
Enclose type (IP20) Open type (IP00)
(IEC 60529) 
Cooling system Self-cooling Forced air cooling
Approx. mass (kg) 2.8 2.8 2.8 3.3 3.3 6.7 6.7 8.3 8.3 15 15 23 41 41 43 52 55 71 78 117 117 166 166 166
 The applicable motor capacity indicated is the maximum capacity applicable for use of the Mitsubishi 4-pole standard motor.
 For the SND rating, the carrier frequency is always 2 kHz.
 The 0.2 kW motor capacity is applicable under V/F control only.
 The rated output capacity indicated assumes that the output voltage is 440 V for 400 V class.
 The % value of the overload current rating indicated is the ratio of the overload current to the inverter's rated output current. For repeated duty, allow time for
the inverter and motor to return to or below the temperatures under 100% load.
 The maximum output voltage does not exceed the power supply voltage. The maximum output voltage can be changed within the setting range. However, the
maximum point of the voltage waveform at the inverter output side is the power supply voltage multiplied by about .
 Value for the built-in brake resistor
 Value for the ND rating
 The rated input current indicates a value at a rated output voltage. The impedance at the power supply side (including those of the input reactor and cables)
affects the rated input current.
 The power supply capacity is the value when at the rated output current. It varies by the impedance at the power supply side (including those of the input
reactor and cables).
 FR-DU08: IP40 (except for the PU connector section)
 For the power voltage exceeding 480 V, set Pr.977 Input voltage mode selection.
 The braking capability of the inverter built-in brake can be improved with a commercial brake resistor. For the details, please contact your sales representative.
Standard specifications

 Rating (Separated converter type)

 400 V class
• Inverter
07700 08660 09620 10940 12120
Model FR-A842-[]-R2R
315K 355K 400K 450K 500K
SLD 400 450 500 560 630
LD 355 400 450 500 560
Applicable motor capacity
SND  355 400 450 500 560
(kW) 
ND (initial setting) 315 355 400 450 500
HD 280 315 355 400 450

SLD 587 660 733 834 924
LD 521 587 660 733 834
Rated capacity (kVA)
SND  521 587 660 733 834
Standard specifications

ND (initial setting) 465 521 587 660 733

HD 417 465 521 587 660
SLD 770 866 962 1094 1212
LD 683 770 866 962 1094
Rated current (A) SND  683 770 866 962 1094
ND (initial setting) 610 683 770 866 962

HD 547 610 683 770 866

SLD 110% 60 s, 120% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 40°C
LD 120% 60 s, 150% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
Overload current rating
SND  150% 60 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
ND (initial setting) 150% 60 s, 200% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
HD 200% 60 s, 250% 3 s (inverse-time characteristics) at surrounding air temperature of 50°C
Rated voltage  Three-phase 380 to 500 V
brakingtorque  Maximum brake
10% torque/continuous
(When the converter torque
unit (FR-CC2) is used)
DC power supply voltage 430 to 780 VDC
Input power

Control power supply auxiliary input Single phase 380 to 500 V 50 Hz/60 Hz 
Permissible control power supply auxiliary
Frequency ±5%, voltage ±10%
input fluctuation
Protective structure (IEC 60529)  Open type (IP00)
Cooling system Forced air cooling
Approx. mass (kg) 163 163 243 243 243
 The applicable motor capacity indicated is the maximum capacity applicable for use of the Mitsubishi 4-pole standard motor.
 For the SND rating, the carrier frequency is always 2 kHz.
 The rated output capacity indicated assumes that the output voltage is 440 V.
 The % value of the overload current rating indicated is the ratio of the overload current to the inverter's rated output current. For repeated duty,
allow time for the inverter and motor to return to or below the temperatures under 100% load.
 The maximum output voltage does not exceed the power supply voltage. The maximum output voltage can be changed within the setting range.
However, the maximum point of the voltage waveform at the inverter output side is the power supply voltage multiplied by about .
 ND rating reference value
 FR-DU08: IP40 (except for the PU connector section)
 For the power voltage exceeding 480 V, set Pr.977 Input voltage mode selection.

• Converter unit (FR-CC2)

Model FR-CC2-H[] 315K 355K 400K 450K 500K 560K 630K

Applicable motor capacity (kW) 315 355 400 450 500 560 630
150% 60 s, 120% 60 s, 110% 60 s,

Overload current rating  200% 60 s, 250% 3 s

200% 3 s 150% 3 s 120% 3 s
Rated voltage  430 to 780 VDC 
Rated input AC voltage/frequency Three-phase 380 to 500 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz
Power supply

Permissible AC voltage fluctuation Three-phase 323 to 550 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz

Permissible frequency fluctuation 5%
Rated input current (A) 610 683 770 866 962 1094 1212
Power supply capacity (kVA)  465 521 587 660 733 833 924
Protective structure (IEC 60529) Open type (IP00)
Cooling system Forced air cooling
DC reactor Built-in
Approx. mass (kg) 210 213 282 285 288 293 294
 The % value of the overload current rating indicated is the ratio of the overload current to the inverter's rated output current. For repeated duty,
allow time for the converter unit and the inverter to return to or below the temperatures under 100% load.
 The converter unit output voltage varies according to the input power supply voltage and the load. The maximum point of the voltage waveform at
the converter unit output side is approximately the power supply voltage multiplied by .
24  The power supply capacity is the value when at the rated output current. The impedance at the power supply side (including those of the input
reactor and cables) affects the rated input current.
 The permissible voltage imbalance ratio is 3% or less. (Imbalance ratio = (highest voltage between lines - average voltage between three lines) /
average voltage between three lines  100)
Standard specifications

 Common specifications
Soft-PWM control, high carrier frequency PWM control (selectable among V/F control, Advanced magnetic flux vector control, Real
Control method
sensorless vector control), Optimum excitation control, and vector control 
0.2 to 590 Hz (The upper-limit frequency is 400 Hz (200 Hz for the SND rating) under Advanced magnetic flux vector control, Real
Output frequency range
sensorless vector control, and vector control.)
0.015 Hz/60 Hz (0 to 10 V/12 bits for terminals 2 and 4)
Analog input 0.03 Hz/60 Hz (0 to 5 V/11 bits or 0 to 20 mA/approx. 11 bits for terminals 2 and 4, 0 to ±10 V/12 bits for terminal 1)
0.06 Hz/60 Hz (0 to ±5 V/11 bits for terminal 1)
Control specifications

Digital input 0.01 Hz

Frequency Analog input Within ±0.2% of the max. output frequency (25°C ± 10°C)
accuracy Digital input Within 0.01% of the set output frequency
Base frequency can be set from 0 to 590 Hz. Constant-torque/variable-torque pattern or adjustable 5 points V/F can be selected.
SLD Rating:120% 0.3 Hz, LD Rating:150% 0.3 Hz, SND Rating:150% 0.3 Hz, ND Rating:200% 0.3 Hz, HD Rating:250% 0.3 Hz
Starting torque
Torque boost
(Real sensorless vector control, vector control)
Manual torque boost
Acceleration/deceleration 0 to 3600 s (acceleration and deceleration can be set individually), linear or S-pattern acceleration/deceleration mode, backlash
time setting countermeasures acceleration/deceleration can be selected.

Standard specifications
DC injection brake
Operation frequency (0 to 120 Hz), operation time (0 to 10 s), operation voltage (0 to 30%) variable
(induction motor)
Stall prevention Activation range of stall prevention operation (SLD rating: 0 to 120%, LD rating: 0 to 150%, SND rating: 0 to 220%, ND rating: 0 to 220%,
operation level HD rating: 0 to 280%). Whether to use the stall prevention or not can be selected. (V/F control, Advanced magnetic flux vector control)
Torque limit level Torque limit value can be set (0 to 400% variable). (Real sensorless vector control, vector control )
Terminals 2 and 4: 0 to 10 V, 0 to 5 V, 4 to 20 mA (0 to 20 mA) are available.
Frequency Analog input
Terminal 1: -10 to +10 V, -5 to +5 V are available.
Input using the setting dial of the operation panel or parameter unit
signal Digital input
Four-digit BCD or 16-bit binary (when used with option FR-A8AX)
Start signal Forward and reverse rotation or start signal automatic self-holding input (3-wire input) can be selected.
Low-speed operation command, Middle-speed operation command, High-speed operation command, Second function selection,
Input signals Terminal 4 input selection, Jog operation selection, Selection of automatic restart after instantaneous power failure, Flying start, Output
(twelve terminals) stop, Start self-holding selection, Forward rotation command, Reverse rotation command, Inverter reset
The input signal can be changed using Pr.178 to Pr.189 (input terminal function selection).
Operation specifications

Pulse train input 100 kpps

Dancer feedback speed control, tension sensor feedback speed control, tension sensorless torque control, tension sensor feedback
torque control, winding diameter calculation, initial winding diameter calculation, actual line speed detection, reduction ratio setting,
maximum/minimum winding diameter setting, winding diameter / winding length storage, line speed acceleration/deceleration function,
dancer roll break detection, tension PI gain tuning, speed control proportional gain compensation, reel change function, taper function,
inertia compensation function, mechanical loss compensation function, maximum and minimum frequency settings, multi-speed
operation, acceleration/deceleration pattern, thermal protection, DC injection brake, starting frequency, JOG operation, output stop
Operational functions
(MRS), stall prevention, regeneration avoidance, DC feeding, frequency jump, rotation display, automatic restart after instantaneous
power failure, retry function, carrier frequency selection, fast-response current limit, forward/reverse rotation prevention, operation
mode selection, slip compensation, droop control, speed smoothing control, auto tuning, applied motor selection, gain tuning, RS-485
communication, dancer control, cooling fan operation selection, stop selection (deceleration stop/coasting), power-failure deceleration
stop function, PLC function, life diagnosis, maintenance timer, current average monitor, multiple rating, speed control, torque control,
pre-excitation, torque limit, test run, 24 V power supply input for control circuit, safety stop function
Open collector output
Output signal

Inverter running, Up to frequency, Instantaneous power failure/undervoltage, Overload warning, Output frequency detection, Fault
(five terminals)
The output signal can be changed using Pr.190 to Pr.196 (output terminal function selection).
Relay output
Fault codes of the inverter can be output (4 bits) from the open collector.
(two terminals)
Pulse train output
50 kpps
(FM type)
Pulse train output Max. 2.4 kHz: one terminal (output frequency)
(FM type) The monitored item can be changed using Pr.54 FM/CA terminal function selection.
For meter

Current output Max. 20 mADC: one terminal (output current)

(CA type) The monitored item can be changed using Pr.54 FM/CA terminal function selection.

Max. 10 VDC: one terminal (output voltage)

Voltage output
The monitored item can be changed using Pr.158 AM terminal function selection.
Operating Output frequency, Output current, Output voltage, Frequency setting value
status The monitored item can be changed using Pr.52 Operation panel main monitor selection.
A fault record is displayed when a fault occurs. Past 8 fault records and the conditions immediately before the fault (output voltage/
(FR-DU08) Fault record
current/frequency/cumulative energization time/year/month/date/time) are saved.
Overcurrent trip during acceleration, Overcurrent trip during constant speed, Overcurrent trip during deceleration or stop,
Regenerative overvoltage trip during acceleration, Regenerative overvoltage trip during constant speed, Regenerative overvoltage
trip during deceleration or stop, Inverter overload trip (electronic thermal relay function), Motor overload trip (electronic thermal relay
function), Heatsink overheat, Instantaneous power failure, Undervoltage, Input phase loss, Stall prevention stop, Brake
transistor alarm detection, Output side earth (ground) fault overcurrent, Output short circuit, Output phase loss, External thermal
relay operation, PTC thermistor operation, Option fault, Communication option fault, Parameter storage device fault, PU
Protective/ function
disconnection, Retry count excess, Parameter storage device fault, CPU fault, Operation panel power supply short circuit/RS-485
terminals power supply short circuit, 24 VDC power fault, Abnormal output current detection, Inrush current limit circuit fault,
Communication fault (inverter), Analog input fault, USB communication fault, Safety circuit fault, Overspeed occurrence, Speed
deviation excess detection, Signal loss detection, Encoder phase fault, 4 mA input fault, PID signal fault, Option fault,
Opposite rotation deceleration fault, Internal circuit fault, Encoder pulse number setting error, Overload trip
Fan alarm, Stall prevention (overcurrent), Stall prevention (overvoltage), Regenerative brake pre-alarm, Electronic thermal relay
function pre-alarm, PU stop, Speed limit indication, Parameter copy, Safety stop, Maintenance signal output, USB host error,
Operation panel lock, Password locked, Parameter write error, Copy operation error, 24 V external power supply operation
Surrounding air -10°C to +50°C (non-freezing) (LD, SND, ND, HD ratings)
temperature -10°C to +40°C (non-freezing) (SLD rating)

95% RH or less (non-condensing) (With circuit board coating (conforming to IEC60721-3-3 3C2/3S2)
Surrounding air humidity
90% RH or less (non-condensing) (Without circuit board coating)
Storage temperature  -20°C to +65°C
Atmosphere Indoors (without corrosive gas, flammable gas, oil mist, dust and dirt, etc.)
Altitude/vibration Maximum 1000 m above sea level , 5.9 m/s2  or less at 10 to 55 Hz (directions of X, Y, Z axes)
 Available only when a vector control compatible option is installed.
 In the initial setting of the FR-A820-00340(5.5K) or higher and the FR-A840-00170(5.5K) or higher, it is limited to 150% by the torque limit level.
 This protective function is not available in the initial status.
 Enabled only for standard models. 25
 Temperature applicable for a short time, e.g. in transit.
 For the installation at an altitude above 1,000 m up to 2,500 m, derate the rated current 3% per 500 m.
 2.9m/s2 or less for the FR-A840-04320(160K) or higher.
Standard specifications

 Differences in the functions from the standard inverter

• The following functions of the FR-A800 standard inverter are deleted in the FR-A800-R2R inverter. Parameters, I/O signals, and
monitors relative to the deleted functions are also deleted or used differently in the FR-A800-R2R inverter.
Function Parameter Input signal Output signal Monitor
Pr.373, Pr.702, Pr.706, Pr.711, Pr.712, Pr.717, Pr.721,
Pr.725, Pr.738 to Pr.743, Pr.746, Pr.747, Pr.788,
Pr.791, Pr.792, Pr.998, Pr.1002, Pr.1105
PM sensorless vector
Pr.71 setting range change ("330, 333, 334, 8090, — IPM (57) —
8093, 8094, 9090, 9093, and 9094" are deleted.)
Pr.450 setting range change ("330, 333, 334, 8090,
8093, 8094, 9090, 9093, and 9094" are deleted.)
Y50 (50)
Second PID set point (92)
Y52 (52)
Second PID measured value
Y54 (54)
2 Second PID Pr.753 to Pr.758, Pr.765 to Pr.769, Pr.1136 to Pr.1149
X73 (73)
X78 (78)
X79 (79)
FDN2 (200)
FUP2 (201)
Second PID deviation (94)
Second PID measured value 2
RL2 (202)
X80 (80) (95)
PID2 (203)
Standard specifications

Second PID manipulated

SLEEP2 (204)
amount (96)
Y205 (205)
PID control

Set point / deviation /

measured value Pr.609, Pr.610 X14 (14)
input selection
Y49 (49)
PID pre-charge
Pr.760 to Pr.764 X77 (77) Y51 (51) —
Y53 (53)
Pr.759, C42 (Pr.934), C43 (Pr.934), C44 (Pr.935),
PID display unit — — —
C45 (Pr.935)
Pr.575 to Pr.577
SLEEP function Pr.554 setting range change ("10 to 13" are deleted.) — SLEEP (70) —
Pr.1015 setting range change ("10 and 11" are deleted.)
Y36 (36) Position pulse (19)
Pr.419 to Pr.421, Pr.423 to Pr.427, Pr.429, Pr.464 to
NP(68) MEND (38) Position command (lower) (26)
Pr.494, Pr.1220 to Pr.1290, Pr.1292 to Pr.1297
CLR (69) ZA (56) Position command (upper) (27)
Pr.451 setting range change ("3 to 5, 13, 14, 103 to
Position control X76 (76) FP (60) Current position (lower) (28)
105, 113, and 114" are deleted.)
X84 (84) PBSY (61) Current position (upper) (29)
Pr.800 setting range change ("3 to 5, 13, 14, 103 to
X87 (87) ZP (63) Droop pulse (lower) (30)
105, 113, and 114" are deleted.)
RDY (84) Droop pulse (upper) (31)
Pr.350 to Pr.358, Pr.360 to Pr.366, Pr.393 to Pr.399, ORA (27)
Orientation function X22 (22) Orientation status (22)
Pr.829 ORM (28)
Cumulative pulse (71)
Cumulative pulse overflow
times (72)
X52 (52)
Cumulative pulse monitor Pr.430, Pr.635 to Pr.638 — Cumulative pulse
X53 (53)
(control terminal option) (73)
Cumulative pulse overflow times
(control terminal option) (74)
Pr.100 to Pr.109
Adjustable 5 points V/F — — —
Pr.71 setting range change ("2" is deleted.)
Remote function Pr.59 — — —
Automatic acceleration/
Pr.61 to Pr.64, Pr.292, Pr.293 — — —
BRI (15) BOF (20)
Brake sequence control Pr.278 to Pr.284, Pr.639 to Pr.648, Pr.650, Pr.651 —
BRI2 (45) BOF2 (22)
Electronic bypass
Pr.135, Pr.136, Pr.138, Pr.139, Pr.159 — — —
Stop frequency function Pr.522 — — —
Stop-on-contact control Pr.270, Pr.275, Pr.276 — — —
Load torque high-speed
Pr.271 to Pr.274 X19 (19) — —
frequency control
Anti-sway control function Pr.1072 to Pr.1079 — — —
Traverse function Pr.592 to Pr.597 X37 (37) — —
Strengthened excitation
Pr.660 to Pr.662 — — —
Self power management Pr.248, Pr.254 — — —
SSCNET III communication
communication Pr.379, Pr.449, Pr.499 X88 (88) —
status (39)
(FR-A8NS) X89 (89)
Torque control by variable- Pr.451 setting range change ("6 and 106" are deleted.)
— — —
current limiter control Pr.800 setting range change ("6 and 106" are deleted.)
Second motor control Pr.451 setting range change
— — —
method selection ("0 to 2 and 100 to 102" are deleted.)
Pr.573 setting range change ("4" is deleted.)
4 mA input check — — —
Pr.777 is deleted.
Stop mode at Pr.502 setting range change ("3" is deleted.)
— — —
communication error Pr.779 is deleted.
Online auto tuning Pr.574 setting range change ("2" is deleted.) — — —
 The Pr.178 to Pr.189 (input terminal function selection) setting is shown in the parentheses.
 The Pr.190 to Pr.196 (output terminal function selection) setting is shown in the parentheses.
 The monitor selection parameter setting is shown in the parentheses.

 Option compatibility
• The FR-A8NS or FR-A8NF plug-in option cannot be used in the FR-A800-R2R inverter.
Outline dimensions

Outline dimensions
 Standard model
FR-A820-00046(0.4K) to 04750(90K)-R2R
FR-A840-04320(160K) to 06830(280K)-R2R
FR-A840-00023(0.4K) to 03610(132K)-R2R



Outline dimensions
W1 W1 W1
(Unit: mm)

 200 V class
Inverter model W W1 H H1 D C
FR-A820-00046(0.4K)-R2R 110
110 95
FR-A820-00077(0.75K)-R2R 125
FR-A820-00167(2.2K)-R2R 150 125 260 245 140
FR-A820-00490(7.5K)-R2R 220 195
FR-A820-00630(11K)-R2R 300 285
FR-A820-00930(18.5K)-R2R 250 230 400 380
FR-A820-01540(30K)-R2R 325 270 530 195
FR-A820-01870(37K)-R2R 550
435 380 525
FR-A820-02330(45K)-R2R 250
FR-A820-03160(55K)-R2R 410 700 675 12
FR-A820-03800(75K)-R2R 465
400 740 715 360

 400 V class
Inverter model W W1 H H1 D C
FR-A840-00052(1.5K)-R2R 150 125 140
FR-A840-00083(2.2K)-R2R 260 245
FR-A840-00126(3.7K)-R2R 6
220 195
300 285
250 230 400 380
FR-A840-00620(22K)-R2R 10
FR-A840-00770(30K)-R2R 325 270 530 195
FR-A840-01160(45K)-R2R 435 380 525 250
620 595 300
465 400
740 715 360 12
498 200 985
FR-A840-05470(220K)-R2R 1010 380 27
FR-A840-06100(250K)-R2R 680 300 984
Outline dimensions

 Separated converter type

FR-A842-07700(315K), 08660(355K)-R2R

185 23
3-φ12 hole 8-φ25 hole

Outline dimensions


12 4.5 4.5

70 200 200 (70) 185
540 440
(Unit: mm)

FR-A842-09620(400K), 10940(450K), 12120(500K)-R2R

185 23
3-φ12 hole 8-φ25 hole



12 4.5 4.5

100 240 240 (100) 185

680 440
(Unit: mm)
Roll to roll function related parameters

Roll to roll function related parameters

Pr. denotes parameter numbers, GROUP denotes group parameter numbers.

 Parameter list
The following parameters are dedicated to the roll to roll functions. Set the parameters according to application.
For the parameter details, refer to the FR-A800-R2R Instruction Manual (Roll to Roll Function Manual).

Initial Customer
Pr. GROUP Name Setting range setting
value setting
0, 5 to 14, 17 to 20, 22 to 36, 38,
52 M100 Operation panel main monitor selection 40 to 46, 50 to 57, 61, 62, 64, 67, 1 0
81 to 91, 97, 98, 100
1 to 3, 5 to 14, 17 to 19, 21, 22, 24,
54 M300 FM/CA terminal function selection 26 to 28, 30, 32 to 34, 36, 46, 50, 1 1
61, 62, 70, 81, 82, 87 to 90, 97, 98

71 C100 Applied motor

0, 1, 3 to 6, 13 to 16, 20, 23, 24, 30,
33, 34, 40, 43, 44, 50, 53, 54, 70, 1 0 4
73, 74

Roll to roll function related parameters

Second acceleration time for line speed
100 R253 0 to 3600 s 0.1 s 15 s
Second deceleration time for line speed
101 R254 0 to 3600 s 0.1 s 15 s
Third acceleration time for line speed
102 R255 0 to 3600 s 0.1 s 15 s
Third deceleration time for line speed
103 R256 0 to 3600 s 0.1 s 15 s
128 PID action selection 0, 40, 41 1 0
129 PID proportional band 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 100%
130 PID integral time 0.1 to 3600 s, 9999 0.1 s 1s
131 A601 PID upper limit 400 to 600%, 9999 0.1% 9999
132 A602 PID lower limit 400 to 600%, 9999 0.1% 9999
133 PID action set point 400 to 600% 0.01% 500%
134 PID differential time 0.01 to 10s, 9999 0.01 s 9999
135 R161 Integral clamp (positive polarity) 0 to 100%, 9999 0.1% 9999
136 R162 Integral clamp (negative polarity) 0 to 100%, 9999 0.1% 9999
1 to 3, 5 to 14, 17 to 19, 21, 22, 24,
26 to 28, 30, 32 to 34, 36, 46, 50,
158 M301 AM terminal function selection 1 1
52 to 54, 61, 62, 67, 70, 81 to 84,
87 to 91, 97, 98
159 R450 DA1 output sign selection 0 to 2 1 0
0 to 13, 16 to 18, 20, 23 to 28,
42 to 44, 46 to 48, 50, 51, 60, 62,
178 T700 STF terminal function selection 64 to 67, 70 to 72, 74, 81, 92 to 96, 1 60
100 to 109, 111 to 117, 120 to 126,
0 to 13, 16 to 18, 20, 23 to 28,
42 to 44, 46 to 48, 50, 51, 61, 62,
179 T701 STR terminal function selection 64 to 67, 70 to 72, 74, 81, 92 to 96, 1 61
100 to 109, 111 to 117, 120 to 126,
180 T702 RL terminal function selection 1 0
181 T703 RM terminal function selection 1 1
182 T704 RH terminal function selection 1 2
183 T705 RT terminal function selection 1 3
0 to 13, 16 to 18, 20, 23 to 28,
184 T706 AU terminal function selection 42 to 44, 46 to 48, 50, 51, 62, 1 4
185 T707 JOG terminal function selection 64 to 67, 70 to 72, 74, 81, 92 to 96, 1 5
186 T708 CS terminal function selection 100 to 109, 111 to 117, 120 to 126, 1 6
187 T709 MRS terminal function selection 1
188 T710 STOP terminal function selection 1 25
189 T711 RES terminal function selection 1 62


Refer to the FR-A800-R2R Instruction Manual (Roll to Roll Function Manual) for the instructions to set each parameter.
Roll to roll function related parameters

Initial Customer
Pr. GROUP Name Setting range setting
value setting
190 M400 RUN terminal function selection 0 to 8, 10 to 19, 25, 26, 30 to 35, 1 0
191 M401 SU terminal function selection 39 to 48, 55, 64, 67, 68, 79, 85, 1 1
90 to 99, 100 to 108, 110 to 116, 2
192 M402 IPF terminal function selection 125, 126, 130 to 135, 139 to 148, 1
155, 164, 167, 168, 179, 185, 9999
193 M403 OL terminal function selection 190 to 199, 206 to 208, 231 to 239, 1 3
194 M404 FU terminal function selection 306 to 308, 331 to 339, 9999 1 4
0 to 8, 10 to 19, 25, 26, 30 to 35,
195 M405 ABC1 terminal function selection 39 to 48, 55, 64, 67, 68, 79, 85, 90, 1 99
91, 94 to 99, 100 to 108,
110 to 116, 125, 126, 130 to 135,
139 to 148, 155, 164, 167, 168,
179, 185, 190, 191, 194 to 199,
196 M406 ABC2 terminal function selection 1 9999
206 to 208, 231 to 239, 306 to 308,
331 to 339, 9999
252 T050 Override bias 0 to 1000% 0.1% 50%
253 T051 Override gain 0 to 1000% 0.1% 150%
Acceleration/deceleration time during stall
270 R342 0 to 3600 s 0.1 s 15 s
4 271 R537
Second acceleration time for inertia
0 to 3600 s 0.1 s 15 s
Roll to roll function related parameters

Second deceleration time for inertia

272 R538 0 to 3600 s 0.1 s 15 s
276 R400 Line speed monitoring reference 0 to 6553.4 0.1 1000
278 R051 Actual line speed voltage/current gain 0 to 100%, 9999 0.1% 9999
279 R052 Actual line speed gain 0 to 6553.4, 9999 0.1 9999
280 R053 Actual line speed voltage/current bias 0 to 100%, 9999 0.1% 9999
281 R054 Actual line speed bias 0 to 6553.4, 9999 0.1 9999
282 R055 Actual line speed pulse input bias 0 to 500, 9999 0.01 9999
283 R056 Actual line speed pulse input gain 0 to 500, 9999 0.01 9999
284 R057 Actual line speed input filter time constant 0 to 5 s 0.01 s 0.02 s
350 R210 Line speed command voltage/current bias 0 to 100% 0.1% 0%
351 R211 Line speed command bias 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
352 R212 Line speed command voltage/current gain 0 to 100% 0.1% 50%
353 R213 Line speed command gain 0 to 6553.4, 9999 0.1 1000
354 R220 Line speed command pulse input bias 0 to 500 0.01 0
355 R221 Line speed command pulse input gain 0 to 500 0.01 100
356 R222 Line speed command digital input bias 0 to 65535 1 0
357 R223 Line speed command digital input gain 0 to 65535 1 65535
358 R201 Line speed unit 0 to 3 1 0
360 R202 Line speed command value 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
361 R200 Line speed command input selection 0 to 8, 9999 1 9999
362 R050 Actual line speed input selection 0 to 7, 9999 1 0
Dancer signal / tension feedback input
363 R102 3 to 6, 9999 1 9999
364 R411 Dancer tension setting input selection 3 to 6, 9999 1 9999
365 R302 Tension command value (RAM) 0 to 100 0.01 0
366 R303 Tension command value (RAM, EEPROM) 0 to 100 0.01 0
Line speed command acceleration/
393 R250 1 to 6553.4 0.1 1000
deceleration reference
First acceleration time for line speed
394 R251 0 to 3600 s 0.1 s 15 s
First deceleration time for line speed
395 R252 0 to 3600 s 0.1 s 15 s
Dancer position / tension feedback
423 R422 0 to 100% 0.01% 10%
detection level
424 R104 Dancer / tension feedback input offset 400 to 600% 0.01% 500%
425 R160 Break detection waiting time 0 to 100 s, 9999 0.01 s 9999
426 R412 Dancer tension setting bias 0 to 200% 0.1% 0%
427 R413 Dancer tension setting gain 0 to 200% 0.1% 100%
430 R410 Dancer tension setting 1 to 100, 9999 0.1 100
0, 1, 3 to 6, 13 to 16, 20, 23, 24, 30,
450 C200 Second applied motor 33, 34, 40, 43, 44, 50, 53, 54, 70, 1 9999
73, 74, 9999
451 G300 Second motor control method selection 10 to 12, 20, 110 to 112, 9999 1 9999
PID proportional band for values below set
464 R113 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 9999
465 R114 PID integral time for values below set point 0.1 to 3600 s, 9999 0.1 s 9999
PID differential time for values below set
466 R115 0.01 to 10 s, 9999 0.01 s 9999
30 467 R116 Second PID proportional band 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 9999
468 R117 Second PID integral time 0.1 to 3600 s, 9999 0.1 s 9999
469 R118 Second PID differential time 0.01 to 10 s, 9999 0.01 s 9999

Refer to the FR-A800-R2R Instruction Manual (Roll to Roll Function Manual) for the instructions to set each parameter.
Roll to roll function related parameters

Initial Customer
Pr. GROUP Name Setting range setting
value setting
Second PID proportional band for values
470 R119 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 9999
below set point
Second PID integral time for values below
471 R120 0.1 to 3600 s, 9999 0.1 s 9999
set point
Second PID differential time for values
472 R121 0.01 to 10 s, 9999 0.01 s 9999
below set point
473 R122 Third PID proportional band 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 9999
474 R123 Third PID integral time 0.1 to 3600 s, 9999 0.1 s 9999
475 R124 Third PID differential time 0.01 to 10 s, 9999 0.01 s 9999
Third PID proportional band for values
476 R125 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 9999
below set point
Third PID integral time for values below
477 R126 0.1 to 3600 s, 9999 0.1 s 9999
set point
Third PID differential time for values below
478 R127 0.01 to 10 s, 9999 0.01 s 9999
set point
479 R128 Fourth PID proportional band 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 9999
480 R129 Fourth PID integral time 0.1 to 3600 s, 9999 0.1 s 9999
481 R130 Fourth PID differential time
Fourth PID proportional band for values
0.01 to 10 s, 9999 0.01 s 9999
482 R131 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 9999
below set point

Roll to roll function related parameters

Fourth PID integral time for values below
483 R132 0.1 to 3600 s, 9999 0.1 s 9999
set point
Fourth PID differential time for values
484 R133 0.01 to 10 s, 9999 0.01 s 9999
below set point
485 R149 Integral control activation 0 to 3 1 0
486 R140 Deviation A 400.1 to 600% 0.1% 600%
487 R141 Deviation B 400 to 599.9% 0.1% 400%
488 R142 Deviation C1 400.1 to 599.9%, 9999 0.1% 9999
489 R143 Deviation C2 400.1 to 599.9%, 9999 0.1% 9999
490 R144 PID gain A 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 9999
491 R145 PID gain B 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 9999
492 R146 PID gain C1 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 9999
493 R147 PID gain C2 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 9999
494 R148 PID gain D 0.1 to 1000%, 9999 0.1% 9999
Stop mode selection at communication
502 N013 0 to 2 1 0
554 A604 PID signal operation selection 0 to 3 1 0
570 E301 Multiple rating setting 0 to 3, 12 1 2
573 4 mA input check selection 1 to 3, 9999 1 9999
574 C211 Second motor online auto tuning 0, 1 1 0
620 R570 Line speed bias for reel change 0 to 2000 0.1 1000
621 R423 Allowable deviation from target line speed 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
622 R204 Line speed command for starting 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
Speed control proportional term applied
639 R030 1 to 99%, 9999 1% 9999
diameter 1
Speed control proportional term applied
640 R031 1 to 99%, 9999 1% 9999
diameter 2
641 R032 Speed control proportional gain 1 0 to 1000%, 9999 1% 9999
642 R033 Speed control proportional gain 2 0 to 1000%, 9999 1% 9999
643 R034 Speed control proportional gain 3 0 to 1000%, 9999 1% 9999
644 R035 Speed control proportional gain 4 0 to 1000%, 9999 1% 9999
645 R004 Winding diameter storage selection 0, 1 1 0
646 R003 Stored winding diameter 1 to 6553 mm 1 mm 1 mm
Operation time with stored winding
647 R041 0 to 100 s 0.01 s 0s
648 R420 Target winding diameter 1 to 6553 mm 1 mm 1 mm
650 R270 Terminal 4 input compensation selection 0, 1 1 0
774 M101 Operation panel monitor selection 1 1 to 3, 5 to 14, 17 to 20, 22 to 36, 1 9999
775 M102 Operation panel monitor selection 2 38, 40 to 46, 50 to 57, 61, 62, 64, 1 9999
776 M103 Operation panel monitor selection 3 67, 81 to 91, 97, 98, 100, 9999 1 9999
0 to 2, 9 to 12, 20, 100 to 102,
800 G200 Control method selection 1 20
109 to 112
Taper ratio setting input filter time
829 R504 0 to 5 s 0.01 s 0.02 s
0 to 3, 5 to 14, 17 to 20, 22 to 36,
Operation panel setting dial push monitor
992 M104 38, 40 to 46, 50 to 57, 61, 62, 64, 1 0
67, 81 to 91, 97, 98, 100
1015 A607 Integral stop selection at limited frequency 0, 1 1 0

Refer to the FR-A800-R2R Instruction Manual (Roll to Roll Function Manual) for the instructions to set each parameter.
Roll to roll function related parameters

Initial Customer
Pr. GROUP Name Setting range setting
value setting
1027 A910 Analog source selection (1ch) 201
1028 A911 Analog source selection (2ch) 202
1029 A912 Analog source selection (3ch) 1 to 3, 5 to 14, 17 to 20, 22 to 24, 203
1030 A913 Analog source selection (4ch) 26 to 36, 40 to 42, 46, 52 to 54, 61, 204
1031 A914 Analog source selection (5ch) 62, 64, 67, 81 to 91, 97, 98, 205
1032 A915 Analog source selection (6ch) 201 to 213, 230 to 232, 235 to 238 206
1033 A916 Analog source selection (7ch) 207
1034 A917 Analog source selection (8ch) 208
1072 R304 Tension reverse selection 0, 1 1 0
1113 H414 Speed limit method selection 0 to 2, 10 1 0
1114 Torque command reverse selection 0, 1 1 0
1211 R171 Tension PI gain tuning timeout time 1 to 9999 s 1s 50 s
1215 R172 Limit cycle output upper limit 0 to 100% 0.1% 0%
1217 R173 Limit cycle hysteresis 0.1 to 10% 0.1% 1%
1219 R170 Tension PI gain tuning start/status 1, 8(0, 2, 3, 9, 12, 13, 90 to 96) 1 0
4 1222
Target amplitude
Manipulated amount for operation
0 to 100%, 9999
0 to 10%
Tension PI gain tuning response level
Roll to roll function related parameters

1226 R176 1 to 7 1 2
Dancer / tension feedback input filter time
1227 R103 0 to 5 s 0.01 s 0s
1230 R002 Winding/unwinding selection 0, 1 1 0
1231 R010 Material thickness d1 0 to 20 mm, 9999 0.001 mm 9999
1232 R011 Material thickness d2 0 to 20 mm 0.001 mm 1 mm
1233 R012 Material thickness d3 0 to 20 mm 0.001 mm 1 mm
1234 R013 Material thickness d4 0 to 20 mm 0.001 mm 1 mm
1235 R020 Maximum winding diameter 1 1 to 6553 mm 1 mm 2 mm
1236 R021 Minimum winding diameter 1 1 to 6553 mm 1 mm 1 mm
1237 R022 Maximum winding diameter 2 1 to 6553 mm 1 mm 2 mm
1238 R023 Minimum winding diameter 2 1 to 6553 mm 1 mm 1 mm
1239 R024 Maximum winding diameter 3 1 to 6553 mm 1 mm 2 mm
1240 R025 Minimum winding diameter 3 1 to 6553 mm 1 mm 1 mm
1241 R026 Maximum winding diameter 4 1 to 6553 mm 1 mm 2 mm
1242 R027 Minimum winding diameter 4 1 to 6553 mm 1 mm 1 mm
1243 R600 Gear ratio numerator (follower side) 1 to 65534 1 1
1244 R601 Gear ratio denominator (driver side) 1 to 65534 1 1
Sampling time for winding diameter
1245 R042 0.01 to 1 s, 9999 0.01 s 9999
Line speed at winding diameter calculated
1246 R040 0 to 6553.4 0.1 1
value activation
Winding diameter change increment
1247 R000 0 to 9.998 mm, 9999 0.001 mm 9999
amount limit
Winding diameter change limit disable
1248 R001 0 to 100 s 0.01 s 0s
Number of averaging for winding diameter
1249 R043 0 to 10 1 4
Winding diameter compensation speed
1250 R260 0 to 100 s 0.01 s 0s
filtering waiting time
Winding diameter compensation speed
1251 R261 0 to 100 s 0.01 s 0s
filter time constant
1252 R070 Dancer lower limit position 400 to 600% 0.01% 400%
Initial winding diameter calculation
1253 R071 0 to 50% 0.1% 1%
Initial winding diameter calculation
1254 R072 0 to 50%, 9999 0.1% 9999
deadband 2
1255 R073 Accumulated amount 1 to 5000, 8888, 9999 1 9999
1256 R074 Speed control P gain at start 0 to 1000% 1% 60%
1257 R075 Speed control integral time at start 0 to 20 s 0.001 s 2s
1258 R076 Integral term limit at start 0 to 100% 0.1% 2.5%
1259 R077 PID term limit at start 0 to 100% 0.1% 2.5%
1262 R005 Winding length increment 0 to 3 1 3
1263 R006 Stored winding length 0 to 9999 1 0
1264 R421 Winding length detection 0 to 9999 1 1000
1265 R230 Line multi-speed setting (high-speed) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1266 R231 Line multi-speed setting (middle-speed) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1267 R232 Line multi-speed setting (low-speed) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1268 R233 Line multi-speed setting (speed 4) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1269 R234 Line multi-speed setting (speed 5) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1270 R235 Line multi-speed setting (speed 6) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0

Refer to the FR-A800-R2R Instruction Manual (Roll to Roll Function Manual) for the instructions to set each parameter.
Roll to roll function related parameters

Initial Customer
Pr. GROUP Name Setting range setting
value setting
1271 R236 Line multi-speed setting (speed 7) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1272 R237 Line multi-speed setting (speed 8) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1273 R238 Line multi-speed setting (speed 9) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1274 R239 Line multi-speed setting (speed 10) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1275 R240 Line multi-speed setting (speed 11) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1276 R241 Line multi-speed setting (speed 12) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1277 R242 Line multi-speed setting (speed 13) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1278 R243 Line multi-speed setting (speed 14) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1279 R244 Line multi-speed setting (speed 15) 0 to 6553.4 0.1 0
1280 R401 Winding diameter monitoring reference 1 to 6553 mm 1 mm 1000 mm
1281 R402 Commanded tension monitoring reference 0 to 100 N 0.01 N 100 N
1282 R320 Tension command cushion time 0 to 360 s 0.01 s 0s
1283 R321 Cushion time reference tension 0.01 to 100 0.01 100
1284 R500 Taper mode selection 0 to 4 1 0
1285 R501 Taper setting analog input selection 3 to 6, 9999 1 9999
1286 R503 Winding diameter at taper start 0 to 6553 mm, 9999 1 mm 9999
Taper ratio setting
Data table winding diameter 1
0 to 100%, 9999
0 to 6553 mm, 9999
1 mm
1289 R511 Data table taper ratio 1 0 to 100% 0.1% 0%

Roll to roll function related parameters

1290 R512 Data table winding diameter 2 0 to 6553 mm, 9999 1 mm 9999
1291 R513 Data table taper ratio 2 0 to 100% 0.1% 0%
1292 R514 Data table winding diameter 3 0 to 6553 mm, 9999 1 mm 9999
1293 R515 Data table taper ratio 3 0 to 100% 0.1% 0%
1294 R516 Data table winding diameter 4 0 to 6553 mm, 9999 1 mm 9999
1295 R517 Data table taper ratio 4 0 to 100% 0.1% 0%
1296 R518 Data table winding diameter 5 0 to 6553 mm, 9999 1 mm 9999
1297 R519 Data table taper ratio 5 0 to 100% 0.1% 0%
1401 R301 Tension command increment 0 to 2 1 0
1402 R310 Tension command input voltage bias 0 to 100% 0.1% 0%
1403 R311 Tension command bias 0 to 100 N 0.01 N 0N
1404 R312 Tension command input voltage gain 0 to 100% 0.1% 100%
1405 R313 Tension command gain 0 to 100 N 0.01 N 100 N
Commanded tension reduction scaling
1406 R340 0 to 200% 0.1% 20%
factor during stall condition
1407 R341 Speed limit during stall condition 0 to 60 Hz 0.01 Hz 1 Hz
Tension command cushion time during
1409 R343 0 to 360 s, 9999 0.01 s 9999
stall condition
2 2
1410 R530 Motor inertia 0 to 500 kg·m 0.01 kg·m 0 kg·m2
1411 R531 Empty reel inertia 0 to 500kg·m2 0.01 kg·m2 0 kg·m2
1412 R532 Roll width 0 to 5000 mm 1 mm 0 mm
1413 R533 Material specific gravity 0 to 20 g/cm3 0.001 g/cm3 0 g/cm3
First acceleration time for inertia
1414 R535 0 to 3600 s 0.1 s 15 s
First deceleration time for inertia
1415 R536 0 to 3600 s 0.1 s 15 s
1418 R534 Inertia compensation cushion time 0 to 360 s 0.01 s 0s
1419 R550 Mechanical loss setting frequency bias 900 to 1100% 0.1% 1000%
1420 R551 Mechanical loss setting frequency 1 0 to 400 Hz, 9999 0.01 Hz 9999
1421 R552 Mechanical loss 1 900 to 1100% 0.1% 1000%
1422 R553 Mechanical loss setting frequency 2 0 to 400 Hz, 9999 0.01 Hz 9999
1423 R554 Mechanical loss 2 900 to 1100% 0.1% 1000%
1424 R555 Mechanical loss setting frequency 3 0 to 400 Hz, 9999 0.01 Hz 9999
1425 R556 Mechanical loss 3 900 to 1100% 0.1% 1000%
1426 R557 Mechanical loss setting frequency 4 0 to 400 Hz, 9999 0.01 Hz 9999
1427 R558 Mechanical loss 4 900 to 1100% 0.1% 1000%
1428 R559 Mechanical loss setting frequency 5 0 to 400 Hz, 9999 0.01 Hz 9999
1429 R560 Mechanical loss 5 900 to 1100% 0.1% 1000%
 The initial value is for standard models.
 The initial value is for separated converter types.
 The setting varies with the Pr.1401 setting.


Refer to the FR-A800-R2R Instruction Manual (Roll to Roll Function Manual) for the instructions to set each parameter.

When using this product, make sure to understand the warranty described below.

1. Warranty period and coverage

We will repair any failure or defect (hereinafter referred to as "failure") in our FA equipment (hereinafter referred to as the
"Product") arisen during warranty period at no charge due to causes for which we are responsible through the distributor from
which you purchased the Product or our service provider. However, we will charge the actual cost of dispatching our engineer
for an on-site repair work on request by customer in Japan or overseas countries. We are not responsible for any on-site
readjustment and/or trial run that may be required after a defective unit are repaired or replaced.

The term of warranty for Product is twelve months after your purchase or delivery of the Product to a place designated by you
or eighteen months from the date of manufacture whichever comes first ("Warranty Period"). Warranty period for repaired
Product cannot exceed beyond the original warranty period before any repair work.

(1) You are requested to conduct an initial failure diagnosis by yourself, as a general rule. It can also be carried out by us or our
service company upon your request and the actual cost will be charged.
However, it will not be charged if we are responsible for the cause of the failure.
(2) This limited warranty applies only when the condition, method, environment, etc. of use are in compliance with the terms

5 and conditions and instructions that are set forth in the instruction manual and user manual for the Product and the caution
label affixed to the Product.
(3) Even during the term of warranty, the repair cost will be charged on you in the following cases;
1) a failure caused by your improper storing or handling, carelessness or negligence, etc., and a failure caused by your

hardware or software problem

2) a failure caused by any alteration, etc. to the Product made on your side without our approval
3) a failure which may be regarded as avoidable, if your equipment in which the Product is incorporated is equipped with a
safety device required by applicable laws and has any function or structure considered to be indispensable according to
a common sense in the industry
4) a failure which may be regarded as avoidable if consumable parts designated in the instruction manual, etc. are duly
maintained and replaced
5) any replacement of consumable parts (condenser, cooling fan, etc.)
6) a failure caused by external factors such as inevitable accidents, including without limitation fire and abnormal
fluctuation of voltage, and acts of God, including without limitation earthquake, lightning and natural disasters
7) a failure generated by an unforeseeable cause with a scientific technology that was not available at the time of the
shipment of the Product from our company
8) any other failures which we are not responsible for or which you acknowledge we are not responsible for

2. Term of warranty after the stop of production

(1) We may accept the repair at charge for another seven (7) years after the production of the product is discontinued. The
announcement of the stop of production for each model can be seen in our Sales and Service, etc.
(2) Please note that the Product (including its spare parts) cannot be ordered after its stop of production.

3. Service in overseas
Our regional FA Center in overseas countries will accept the repair work of the Product; however, the terms and conditions of
the repair work may differ depending on each FA Center. Please ask your local FA center for details.

4. Exclusion of loss in opportunity and secondary loss from warranty liability

Regardless of the gratis warranty term, Mitsubishi shall not be liable for compensation to:
(1) Damages caused by any cause found not to be the responsibility of Mitsubishi.
(2) Loss in opportunity, lost profits incurred to the user by Failures of Mitsubishi products.
(3) Special damages and secondary damages whether foreseeable or not, compensation for accidents, and compensation for
damages to products other than Mitsubishi products.
(4) Replacement by the user, maintenance of on-site equipment, start-up test run and other tasks.

5. Change of Product specifications

Specifications listed in our catalogs, manuals or technical documents may be changed without notice.

6. Application and use of the Product

(1) For the use of our product, its applications should be those that may not result in a serious damage even if any failure or
malfunction occurs in product, and a backup or fail-safe function should operate on an external system to product when any
failure or malfunction occurs.

(2) Our product is designed and manufactured as a general purpose product for use at general industries.
Therefore, applications substantially influential on the public interest for such as atomic power plants and other power
plants of electric power companies, and also which require a special quality assurance system, including applications for
railway companies and government or public offices are not recommended, and we assume no responsibility for any failure
caused by these applications when used.
In addition, applications which may be substantially influential to human lives or properties for such as airlines, medical
treatments, railway service, incineration and fuel systems, man-operated material handling equipment, entertainment
machines, safety machines, etc. are not recommended, and we assume no responsibility for any failure caused by these
34 applications when used.
We will review the acceptability of the abovementioned applications, if you agree not to require a specific quality for a
specific application. Please contact us for consultation.

 Global FA Center

Europe FA Center
Russia FA Center
Beijing FA Center
Tianjin FA Center
UK FA Center
Germany FA Center Shanghai FA Center North America FA Center
Korea FA Center
Czech Republic FA Center Guangzhou FA Center
Turkey FA Center
Taipei FA Center
India Ahmedabad FA Center Mexico FA Center
Taichung FA Center
India Gurgaon FA Center
India Pune FA Center Hanoi FA Center
India Bangalore FA Center Ho Chi Minh FA Center
India Chennai FA Center

Thailand FA Center
Brazil FA Center
ASEAN FA Center Brazil Votorantim FA Center
Indonesia FA Center

● Shanghai FA Center ● Indonesia FA Center ● Mexico FA Center

No.1386 Hongqiao Road, Mitsubishi Electric Automation Center, Jl. Kenari Raya Blok G2-07A Delta Silicon 5, Lippo Cikarang - Mariano Escobedo #69, Col. Zona Industrial, Tlalnepantla Edo,
Shanghai, China Bekasi 17550, Indonesia C.P.54030, Mexico
TEL. 86-21-2322-3030 FAX. 86-21-2322-3000 (9611#) TEL. 62-21-2961-7797 FAX. 62-21-2961-7794 TEL. 52-55-3067-7511

● Beijing FA Center ● Hanoi FA Center ● Brazil FA Center 6

Unit 901, 9F, Office Tower 1, Henderson Centre, 18 Jianguomennei Branch LTDA.

Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China 6 - Floor, Detech Tower, 8 Ton That Thuyet Street, My Dinh 2 Ward, Avenida Adelino Cardana, 293, 21 andar, Bethaville, Barueri SP,
TEL. 86-10-6518-8830 FAX. 86-10-6518-2938 Nam Tu Liem District, Hanoi, Vietnam Brasil CEP 06401-147
TEL. 84-24-3937-8075 FAX. 84-24-3937-8076 TEL. 55-11-4689-3000 FAX. 55-11-4689-3016
● Tianjin FA Center
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AUTOMATION (CHINA) LTD. Tianjin Office ● Ho Chi Minh FA Center ● Brazil Votorantim FA Center
China Unit 01-04, 10th Floor, Vincom Center, 72 Le Thanh Ton Street, Dis- Av. Gisele Constantino,1578, Parque Bela Vista, Votorantim-SP,
TEL. 86-22-2813-1015 FAX. 86-22-2813-1017 trict 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Brasil CEP 18.110-650
TEL. 84-28-3910-5945 FAX. 84-28-3910-5947 TEL. 55-15-3023-9000
● Guangzhou FA Center
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AUTOMATION (CHINA) LTD. Guangzhou ● India Pune FA Center ● Europe FA Center
Room 1609, North Tower, The Hub Center, No.1068, Xingang East Emerald House, EL -3, J Block, M.I.D.C Bhosari, Pune - 411026, ul. Krakowska 50, 32-083 Balice, Poland
Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou, China Maharashtra, India TEL. 48-12-630-47-00 FAX. 48-12-630-47-01
TEL. 86-20-8923-6730 FAX. 86-20-8923-6715 TEL. 91-20-2710-2000 FAX. 91-20-2710-2100
● Germany FA Center
● Korea FA Center ● India Gurgaon FA Center MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. German Branch
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC AUTOMATION KOREA CO., LTD. MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC INDIA PVT. LTD. Gurgaon Head Office Mitsubishi-Electric-Platz 1, 40882 Ratingen, Germany
7F to 9F,Gangseo Hangang Xi-tower A, 401, Yangcheon-ro , Gang- 2nd Floor, Tower A & B, Cyber Greens, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase TEL. 49-2102-486-0 FAX. 49-2102-486-1120
seo-Gu, Seoul 157-801, Korea - III, Gurgaon - 122002 Haryana, India
TEL. 82-2-3660-9630 FAX. 82-2-3663-0475 TEL. 91-124-463-0300 FAX. 91-124-463-0399 ● UK FA Center
● Taipei FA Center ● India Bangalore FA Center Travellers Lane, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 8XB, UK.
SETSUYO ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC INDIA PVT. LTD. Bangalore Branch TEL. 44-1707-28-8780 FAX. 44-1707-27-8695
3F, No.105, Wugong 3rd Road, Wugu District, New Taipei City Prestige Emerald, 6th Floor, Municipal No. 2, Madras Bank Road
24889, Taiwan, R.O.C. (Lavelle Road), Bangalore - 560001, Karnataka, India ● Czech Republic FA Center
TEL. 886-2-2299-9917 FAX. 886-2-2299-9963 TEL. 91-80-4020-1600 FAX. 91-80-4020-1699 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. Czech Branch
Avenir Business Park, Radlicka 751/113e, 158 00 Praha5, Czech
● Taichung FA Center ● India Chennai FA Center Republic
No.8-1, Industrial 16th Road, Taichung Industrial Park, Taichung City “Citilights Corporate Centre” No.1, Vivekananda Road, Srinivasa
40768 Taiwan, R.O.C. Nagar, Chetpet, Chennai - 600031, Tamil Nadu, India ● Russia FA Center
TEL. 886-4-2359-0688 FAX. 886-4-2359-0689 TEL. 91-44-4554-8772 FAX. 91-44-4554-8773 MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC EUROPE B.V. Russian Branch St.Peters-
burg office
● Thailand FA Center ● India Ahmedabad FA Center Piskarevsky pr. 2, bld 2, lit "Sch", BC "Benua", office 720; 195027,
CO., LTD. B/4, 3rd Floor, Safal Profitaire, Corporate Road, Prahaladnagar, Sat- TEL. 7-812-633-3497 FAX. 7-812-633-3499
12th Floor, SV.City Building, Office Tower 1, No. 896/19 and 20 ellite, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380015, India
Rama 3 Road, Kwaeng Bangpongpang, Khet Yannawa, Bangkok TEL. 91-79-6512-0063 FAX. 91-79-6512-0063 ● Turkey FA Center
10120, Thailand MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC TURKEY AS Umraniye Branch
TEL. 66-2682-6522?31 FAX. 66-2682-6020 ● North America FA Center Serifali Mahallesi Nutuk Sokak No:5, TR-34775 Umraniye, Istanbul,
● ASEAN FA Center 500 Corporate Woods Parkway, Vernon Hills, IL 60061, U.S.A. TEL. 90-216-526-3990 FAX. 90-216-526-3995
MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC ASIA PTE. LTD. TEL. 1-847-478-2334 FAX. 1-847-478-2253
307, Alexandra Road, Mitsubishi Electric Building, Singapore 159943
TEL. 65-6470-2480 FAX. 65-6476-7439

Mitsubishi Electric FA products
Roll to roll application
Mitsubishi Electric offers a line-up of optimum products for each manufacturing process.
When the inverter is used along with other suitable Mitsubishi products, efficient and highly reliable control can be performed for more large-scale facilities.

Unwinding section Feeding section

Winding section

Unwinding section Reference shaft Winding section

The unwinding shaft rotation speed is con- The reference shaft determines the line High precision torque control is enabled by
trolled to keep the dancer roll position con- speed from the measured value of the using feedback from the tension sensor.
stant, by which in turn a constant film tension dancer roll position. It also sends commands Tension change due to mechanical loss
is maintained. Also, the unwinding shaft can to each section. can be prevented. Even if the film feed
be changed without stopping the line. speed increases or decreases, the tension
Accumulator applied to the film is maintained constant.
Feeding section By installing the accumulator in the pro- By adjusting the tension on the workpiece,
cessing line, the reserve portion of the ma- it is possible to avoid imperfections such
The feeding section feeds the workpiece at as wrinkles or deformation caused by the
terial can be temporarily accumulated, and
a constant speed using feedback from the increase in winding diameter.
the roll on the winding shaft can be replaced
tension sensor.
without stopping the unwinding shaft.

Accumulator Reference shaft Unwinding section

Inverter AC servo Tension controller

The torque/speed control function of the Using the material tension measured by
Motor with encoder AC servo enables stable line speed control. the tension detector, a constant tension
The rotation speed of the motor with is kept for winding by automatic control.
encoder can be changed easily and flexibly Tension detector
by the inverter according to the commands The tension detector is used with the
Human-machine interface (HMI)
sent from a programmable controller or the The HMI units are used to operate the
full-automatic tension controller or a ten-
winding diameter calculation unit. connected devices, visualize the line
sion meter to calculate the tension signal.
condition, or indicate the faults.
Programmable controller
The programmable controller is used for Powder clutch Winding diameter calculation unit
administration of the winding/unwinding con- Torque is controlled for unwinding the material Highly accurate winding diameter calcu-
trol of the material, data collection, inverter according to the tension controller output. lation is performed, which enables the
operation command transmission, parameter control of the taper tension or the slip
change, and other operations. rotation speed of the powder clutch.

Safety Warning
To ensure proper use of the products
38 •Trademarks
DeviceNet™ is a registered trademark of ODVA (Open DeviceNet Vender Association, INC).
listed in this catalog, please be sure to
PROFIBUS® is a registered trademark of PROFIBUS User Organization. read the instruction manual prior to use.
Other company and product names herein are the trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Automation solutions


Low-voltage Circuit Breakers, Motor Starters

High-voltage Circuit Breakers, High-voltage Contactors

Energy Saving Supporting Devices, Power Monitoring Products

Mitsubishi Electric offers a wide range of automation equipment from PLCs and HMIs to
CNC and EDM machines.

Programmable Controllers, HMIs (Human-Machine Interfaces)

A NAME TO TRUST This is why you can rely on Mitsubi-

shi Electric automation solution - AC Servos, Three-phase Motors, IPM Motors
Since its beginnings in 1870, some Inverters, Geared Motors
45 companies use the Mitsubishi because we know first hand about
name, covering a spectrum of the need for reliable, efficient,
finance, commerce and industry. easy-to-use automation and control
in our own factories.
The Mitsubishi brand name is Computerized Numerical Controllers (CNCs)
recognized around the world as a As one of the world’s leading
symbol of premium quality. companies with a global turnover of
over 4 trillion Yen (over $40 billion),
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is employing over 100,000 people,
active in space development, Mitsubishi Electric has the resource
Industrial Robots
transportation, semi-conductors, and the commitment to deliver the
energy systems, communications ultimate in service and support as
and information processing, audio well as the best products.
visual equipment and home
electronics, building and energy Electrical Discharge Machines, Laser Processing Machines,
management and automation Electron Beam Machines

systems, and has 237 factories and

laboratories worldwide in over 121

Distribution Transformers


* All products are not available in all countries. Pressurized Ventilation Fans, Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Nagoya Works is a factory certified for ISO14001 (standards for
environmental management systems)and ISO9001(standards for quality assurance management systems)


L(NA)06101ENG-A (1603) MEE

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