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Kerygma Aug 2019

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Kerygma | August 2019 A

No. 352 VOL. 30 AUGUST 2019

Sam Oh
Road On the
from Heartbreak
to Peace

Listen to God’s Message

of the
Pau s e
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B August 2019 | Kerygma
The Boss | Kerygma | August 2019 1


Bo’s outfit courtesy of Verses PH

any years ago, I wanted to dispose a massive, percent of the weight, and I carried one percent. And we
heavy wooden cabinet. I asked my friend, Joe carried the cabinet out of my house.
Dean Sola, one of the strongest men I know, to Do you know what I think? I believe we get into a
help me carry it out of the house. (Joe Dean is the founder lot of emotional trouble when we try to carry more than
of He Cares Mission, which takes care of street children.) what God designed us to carry. How? We try to control
My plan to get the cabinet out of the house was what we cannot control. That’s why we get crushed by
simple. I told Joe Dean, “I'll carry one end and you’ll worry. And depression. And fear. And anger.
carry the other end.” Friend, God is telling you, “We tried your way. It
We got into our positions. I said, “One . . . two . . . hasn’t worked. Let’s do it My way. Don’t try to carry your
three!” burdens by yourself. I’m here beside you. I will carry
Obviously, he lifted his side easily. I, on the other hand, ninety-nine percent of the weight of your burdens. You
managed to produce a lot of noise, “Arrrggghhhhhhhhh!” carry one percent. Because ninety-nine percent of the
But as hard as I tried, I couldn’t lift that thing even an things in the universe are beyond your control. What you
inch off the floor. can’t control, give it to Me. Focus on the one percent that
That was when Joe Dean said, “Bo, we tried your way. you can control.”
Let’s do it my way.” God is bigger—trust Him.
He bent down and told me, “Push the cabinet—let it So, no matter what happens, at the end of the day,
lean on my back.” you can say, I will still praise Him.
His idea? Make that gigantic thing his backpack. I
pushed the cabinet, let it lean on his back, and Joe Dean May your dreams come true,
promptly moved forward, lifting the entire cabinet all by
Actually, I was carrying it with him. I was doing all I
could to help him. Sort of. He was carrying ninety-nine
2 August 2019 | Kerygma | Mailroom

Kerygma magazine helped strengthen me in my spiritual

journey. The articles and testimonials taught me lessons
that I can apply to my daily life. They also taught me
to be patient and trust in God’s timing. Thank you for Isabella Medina
producing materials that are good for the mind and food Marikina City
for the soul. May God continue to bless each and every
member of your team. More power!

Mariz Umali’s testimony in Kerygma June 2019 reminded

me that work shouldn’t be a hindrance in serving the
Lord. I can relate to her. Every Sunday, aside from being
a lector, I also help broadcast the Mass in our local radio Rodel Dorado
station. Every Sunday night, I also have a radio program Taytay, Palawan
with The Feast Light youth servants in our place. No
excuses in serving the Lord wholeheartedly!


OR SEND TO: The Editor, 60 Chicago St., Cubao, Quezon City


Mobile: 0933-817-3635 (Sarah Discutido)
Telephone number: 725-9999 locals 101 to 108

Telephone number: 725-9999 local 302
Mobile: 0917-773-2435

Just Breathe | Kerygma | August 2019 3

How Do You
Fall in Love Again?
An exercise from courage to trust
By Rissa Singson Kawpeng
Rissa’s outfit courtesy of Elite Garments/Freeway
Photo by Daniel Soriano
Hair and makeup by Ara Fernando

here are people who find it hard to fall in love again.
After bleeding through a difficult relationship and
surviving an even more painful breakup, they just want
to give their hearts a rest.
I can’t blame them. Only a masochist would want to inflict
herself with pain over and over again. But as we’ve already
heard, everything must have an expiry date. Something that’s
healthy for you can also turn poisonous if consumed after its
best-before date.
The same goes for grief, anger, and brokenness. After a bad
relationship, go ahead and withdraw. Grieve. Get mad. But don’t
stay in that situation forever. Give negative feelings an expiry
date. Because after that, they won’t help you heal any longer.
For those who want to love again, but find it hard to, let me
give you a prescription. You need a healthy dose of courage to
love again. Courage for what? Courage to trust. Some people
find it hard to fall in love again because they’re afraid to trust
again. They’re afraid to get hurt again. So what happens? They
let fear overwhelm their capacity to love.
If you’ve just come from a bad breakup or an abusive
relationship, it’s just natural that you don’t want to trust first.
Give yourself that gap. You need time to heal. You start by
trusting God.
In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus and His disciples cross a lake on a
boat. But a squall breaks out and waves batter the boat. Water
begins to fill the vessel. The disciples are worried. But Jesus
is asleep at the stern of the boat. Comfortably, on a cushion.
Oblivious. Uncaring. Out of touch with the fear gripping His
I look at the definition of “stern.” It’s the back part of the feel Him or not—is enough. His presence is my safety and
boat or ship. But its Old Norse origin catches my attention. salvation.
It’s akin to the steering or rudder. Jesus sleeps but He’s by the Devotional writer Oswald Chambers said, “Unless we
steering or rudder of the boat. Should this make the disciples can look the darkest, blackest fact full in the face without
feel more secure—that He is near the controls even as He sleeps? damaging God’s character, we do not yet know Him.”
Or should this make them even more indignant—because He’s We need the courage to trust God. K
sleeping on the job?
The big message for me is that God’s presence is enough. There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear
Whether the waves batter me from all sides or frightening waters because fear has to do with punishment, and so one who
threaten to sink me, knowing that Jesus is with me—whether I fears is not yet perfect in love. (1 John 4:18)
4 August 2019 | Kerygma | About the Writers

Dr. Allan and Maribel Dionisio are Chichi Barba is the author of Eat
sought-after speakers and resource Well, Get Well: Find Out How
persons on workshops, radio and Ordinary Food Can Heal You,
television programs on parenting, available at Shop.KerygmaBooks.
marriage, and family. E-mail them com. E-mail her at chichibarba@
at maribelandallandionisio@gmail.

Chai Santiago is a Certified Michele Alignay, PhD is a speaker

Financial Educator (CFEd) and a and training consultant, specializing
financial coach. She is also an active on family life, parenting, and
servant at The Feast Bay Area’s relational well-being. She wrote the
worship and youth ministries. books, Family Goals: Embracing the
E-mail her at chaiiisantiago@gmail. Imperfection of Family Life, and The
com. Beauty of 40: Unwrapping the Gift of

Ariel Driz is a certified Lean Six Sam Oh is an events host, a proud

Sigma Master Blackbelt. He has Catholic, and a passionate foodie.
over twenty-five years of experience E-mail her at sambohblogs@gmail.
in high-technology industries, com or follow her on Instagram
with expertise in Lean Six Sigma, @iamsamoh.
Design for Six Sigma, and Process
Improvement. E-mail him at

Velden Lim is a motivational Elaine Marie Factor is a nurse and

speaker, vlogger, and writer. He is teacher by profession. She is the
also the builder of The Feast Bicutan author of Finding You: A Memoir on
in Taguig City. He wrote the book, Dreams, Detours, and Destiny and
Bakit Single Ka Pa Rin? available at Gentle Words, a poetry collection. E-mail E-mail her at elainemariefactor@
him at
Kerygma | August 2019 5

1 The Boss
2 Mailroom
3 Just Breathe
6 Daily Pause
8 New You
9 Real Stuff
10 KFam Insider
13 Dear K 23
14 Family Seasons
16 Health & Home
18 Wealth & Wisdom
20 K-techism
23 It Happened 38
29 Introduction to Teaching
32 Teaching
38 Testimony
43 Faith @ Work
K Preacher
One Last Story
48 Point of Contact

chairman of the board and publisher BO SANCHEZ •

editor in chief RISSA SINGSON KAWPENG • editorial
consultant TESS V. ATIENZA • managing editor KRIZELLE
R. TALLADEN • creative director MIKE CORTES •
creative consultant PAOLO S. GALIA • graphics director
REY DE GUZMAN • assistant layout designer LEAH
KIM S. RECTO • contributing writers DR. MICHELE S.
6 August 2019 | Kerygma | Daily Pause with Pope Francis

1 2
“Many Christians, who are
“It is the Spirit who
killed and persecuted for
makes us arise from our
the love of Christ, give their
limitations, from our
lives in silence. . . . Yet there
deaths. . . . The message of
are more Christian martyrs
the Resurrection is this: we
today than in the early
must be reborn.”

7 8
“The peace of Jesus is a “Let us always safeguard
gift. We cannot obtain it life, God’s gift, from its
through human means. beginning until its natural
The peace of Jesus is end. Let us not give in to a
something else: it teaches throwaway culture.”
us to endure.”

13 14
“Promoting the development
“God proposes Himself;
of the family means
He never imposes
supporting and caring for
Himself; He enlightens
every human person and for
us, but never blinds us.”
all of creation.”

Pause and reflect on the words

of Pope Francis every day of
the month and let each nugget 19 20
of wisdom inspire you to live a “Faith must lead us “May each of us,
wherever we may be, in
truly holy and blessed life. believers to see other
persons as our brothers all that we do, be able
and sisters whom we need to say: ‘Lord, make me
to support and love.” an instrument of Your

25 26 27
“God is the light that “Although the life of a
illuminates the darkness, person is in a land full of “God always has
even if it does not dissolve thorns and weeds, there is patience.”
it, and a spark of divine always a space in which the
light is within each of us.” good seed can grow. You
have to trust God.”
Daily Pause with Pope Francis | Kerygma | August 2019 7

3 4 5 6
“Mary . . . walks with the “Every creature has a
“Mercy shown to those grace and the tenderness of “God does not reside in function, none is superfluous.
who can only receive, a mother; she unties all the the greatness of that which The whole universe speaks
without giving anything knots of the many problems we accomplish, but in the language of God’s love, of
in return, is precious in we manage to create, and she the littleness of the poor His boundless affection for
the eyes of God.” teaches us to stand upright in persons we meet.” us: soil, water, mountains,
the midst of storms.” everything is God’s caress.”

9 10 11 12
“Let yourself be transformed
“Let us remain united to “It is the Spirit who is the “‘The Word of God is alive’
and renewed by the
the Lord Jesus through protagonist of Christian (Hebrews 4:12); it does not
Holy Spirit, in order to
listening to the Word, life; the Holy Spirit, who die or get old, but remains
bring Christ into every
through the sacraments, is with us, accompanies forever.”
environment and to give
a life of fraternity, and us, transforms us, is
witness to the joy and
service to others.” victorious with us.”
youthfulness of the Gospel!”

15 16 17 18
“Mary, Virgin of Fatima, we
“God has placed this plan
are certain that each one of
in our hearts and in all “This is the time of mercy; “If we live like children of
us is precious in your eyes
creation: to love Him, our this is the time of the God and we let ourselves be
and that nothing in our
brothers and sisters, and Lord’s compassion. Let us guided by the Holy Spirit,
hearts has estranged you.
the whole world, and to open our hearts so that He we do good to all creation
Guard our life with your
find true happiness in this may come to us.” as well.”
embrace, guide us all on the
path to holiness.”

21 22 23 24
“If we open our hearts
“Every morning, God “Let us welcome Christ’s
to mercy and we seal
comes to find us where we “The Lord seeks everyone, victory over sin and death
forgiveness with a
are. He summons us to rise He wants everyone to feel into our lives. In this way, we
fraternal embrace, we
at His Word, to look up the warmth of His mercy will draw His transforming
proclaim before the
and to realize that we were and His love.” power upon all creation as
world that it is possible to
made for heaven.” well.”
overcome evil with good.”

28 29 30 31
“God is waiting for you. “Jesus is our hope.
“You cannot be in And if you were a great “God loves us. May we Nothing—not even
a position of power sinner, He is waiting for discover the beauty of evil or death—is able
and destroy the life of you even more and waiting loving and being loved.” to separate us from the
another person.” for you with great love, saving power of His
because He is first.” love.”
8 August 2019 | Kerygma | New You

Biggest N
Startups Must
owadays, startups have been a main thing especially with
the fast-growing technology, which plays a vital role
for entrepreneurs. Startups bring excitement and new
opportunities, but with potential success come challenges. Here
are some of the barriers to watch out for:

1. Cash Flow and Raising Funds. Cash flow funds your product
development, office space, and workforce. Avoid cost cutting
as this may lead to shedding of staff, compromised quality,
and profit loss. To address this, have a clear picture of the
costs you’ll incur, so you know the total budget you’ll need to
jumpstart your whole operations.

2. Tight Competition. You’ll have always have competition in a

crowded marketplace. Prepare yourself with the right strategy
and make sure you’ll be able to adapt to the changing industry
environment. If you find a niche market and differentiate
yourself from competitors, you’ll certainly have an edge.

3. Lack of Mentorship. Most startups begin with big ideas, but

they are useless if not given the right execution. In order to
do so, you need guidance from an experienced individual.
A mentor with broad knowledge and market experience can
help you formulate effective strategies. Learn from successful
entrepreneurs in order to become a top performer in your

Real Stuff | Kerygma | August 2019 9

One K
ristin Reilly, a working mom with seven children, is
leading thousands of people in praying the rosary
every morning at 6:45 a.m. Central Time, live on
her Instagram @onehailmaryatatime.

This prayer movement aims to build an online
community that prays regularly. Kristin believes that
praying publicly allows others to open up more about their
faith and develop stronger relationships centered on God.

“The rosary is like a ladder to heaven on earth. After
you pray it, you see God in everything. It’s a bonding ritual
that brings forth authenticity and community. It also allows
me to surrender all worries,” said Kristin in an interview.

at a
Kristin was raised Catholic, and even if her family just
started praying the rosary seven years ago, it has brought
tremendous peace and optimism to their life struggles. It
was Kristin’s mom who suggested they start praying the
rosary for Lent. When the Holy Week ended, Kristin’s

children insisted they should continue their practice.
Years passed, the Reilly family went through continued
challenges and transitions, but the only constant thing that
remained is their daily praying of the family rosary.
Kristin felt the tug of the Holy Spirit during the month

An Online Prayer of the rosary, and decided to curate a prayer group online.
Her account has now over 36,000 followers.

Movement Source:

10 August 2019 | Kerygma | KFam Insider

Stories around the table:

Kerygma Mission Partners
and Their Faith By Elle Z. Silvestre
Photos by Eldren Subito

erygma magazine has been helping build the Center (PICC). Thirteen people from all walks of life
Kingdom of God for twenty-nine years. A history gathered around the table to share their personal stories
in the making, Kerygma has helped reunite families, with Bo and with each other.
heal lives, and transform destinies of its devoted readers. Marie Loresto, along with his father, Ricardo Loresto,
This magazine is called the “publishing miracle of Asia” not courageously opened up about her recovery from addiction.
only because it’s the one magazine left without paid ads, She is deeply thankful to her supportive father who has
but also for its powerful teaching articles and life-changing been with her throughout her healing journey.
stories that will touch your heart and nourish your soul. Couple Nelson and Angelita Sequitin recounted the
Kerygma wouldn’t be where it is today if not for the lowest point of their lives. In 2011, Angelita was diagnosed
generous people who have financially supported the with breast cancer. They went through financial and
magazine. These givers are called Kerygma Mission Partners emotional burdens, but it was during those depressing times
(KMP). Their one-year subscription of Kerygma has helped that they discovered The Feast. “[The Feast] affected us in
the magazine to keep on sharing the Good News; plus, they a positive way because it uplifted our spirit, [strengthened]
have also blessed various mercy ministries. our relationship, and renewed our relationship with [God].”
Now on its 29th anniversary, Kerygma has been holding His wife has now beaten cancer for seven good years.
an annual raffle to express gratitude to its subscribers. One Kit Panlilio, a pediatrician, battles nervousness every
gesture of appreciation is the “Coffee with Bo” project, time she has to speak in public, but little did she know
which started in 2014. that it is her sincerity that makes people listen to her. God
Platinum subscribers got a chance to meet and bond always gives Kit many opportunities to grow as she is often
with Bo Sanchez, the founder of Light of Jesus Family, on invited as a speaker for different organizations. Even if she
June 2, 2019 at the Philippine International Convention belittles herself, there are always people who believe in her.
KFam Insider | Kerygma | August 2019 11

Sisters Loveleah Mallari and Loralyn Malig show the someone took advantage of the profits from their duck
unbreakable bond they have even if they are miles apart. farm. Despite this, her loss became her strength to overcome
Loveleah is a real estate entrepreneur in Las Piñas City, while other trials in life and taught her about forgiveness and
Loralyn is a special education teacher in Las Vegas, Nevada. perseverance to continue reaching for her dreams.
They are like best friends, willing to support each other both Other mission partners present are Ma. Christina Arce
in good and bad times. who sponsored the trip to Coron, Palawan for the KMP raffle
In Sylvania Biso’s ob-gyn clinic, there are stacks of promo in 2015; and Angeline Chang who is an engineer.
Kerygma magazines for her waiting patients. When some of Toward the end, everyone was prayed over by Bo and
her patients get hooked over an issue of the magazine, she was given Light of Jesus mugs.
freely gives it to them because it is her way “to evangelize These people walked into the room as strangers, and
other people [and] bring them closer to God.” bid goodbye as good acquaintances, as they get a glimpse of
Lily Chan resides in Santa Rosa, Nueva Ecija, but one another’s life through their stories. God brought them
distance doesn’t matter to her as long as she is able to have together for an hour of inspiration with Bo Sanchez, but
a divine appointment with the Lord through The Feast what is beyond amazing is the way He used these people to
Bay Area or Valle Verde. Lily looks forward to experience bring His Word to others through Kerygma.
spiritual nourishment and to see and bond with her children Be the hope. Be the light. Be a Kerygma Mission Partner
who are in Manila. today. K
Athena Co knows the beauty of tithing, as she dreams
to give a one-million-peso tithe someday. She also wants to Like them, you can get a chance to have coffee with Bo Sanchez
help other people by teaching them financial literacy. by becoming a Kerygma Mission Partner. Just fill out the KMP
Lucita Macatula experienced business failure when forms on pages 42-43 and follow the specified guidelines.
12 August 2019 | Kerygma
Dear K | Kerygma | August 2019 13

The Widower Suitor

After her two failed relationships and being single for a long time, my elder sister finally told me about how kind
and sweet her new suitor is. I was already somehow impressed until she said her suitor is a widower and the urn that
contains the ashes of his ex-wife is still in his house. I told her my concern that maybe, just maybe, her suitor hasn’t
really moved on and might be pursuing my sister as a rebound. But she seems to have fallen head over heels for him.
What can I do to help her discern on this matter?

Maria T.

Dear Maria T,
Your concern about your sister is understandable. Sisters definitely want the best for one another. However, I
would suggest that you do not antagonize her by verbalizing why you do not like the guy for her. Help her open her
eyes to possible complications which may arise if she gets into a relationship with him.
If I may share, I married a widower who has four kids. Prior to marriage, we had very in-depth discussions
about how to handle the children, our finances, relatives from both our sides and those of his first wife, even how
to spend holidays and other topics which we felt could eventually affect our relationship. Encourage your sister to
discuss these topics which you both feel relevant. Show her you love her and you just want her to be happy.
Regarding the urn which contains the ashes of his wife, the Catholic Church has allowed cremation since 1963
but the ashes have to be buried and not kept at home, more so scattered or kept in pieces of jewelry distributed
among loved ones. If and when your sister is in a relationship with her suitor may be the best time to discuss this
with him.
Most importantly, encourage her to pray about it before committing to a relationship. Assure her that you will
be her prayer partner in seeking God’s direction for her.

God bless you,


Reng Morelos gave up her corporate job to become a full-time wife and mom. She now supports her
husband, Hermie, in his ministry as one of the Council of Servant Leaders of the Light of Jesus (LOJ)
Family. She has been with LOJ since 1981 and once handled the group of single sisters of the community.
14 August 2019 | Kerygma | Family Seasons

The ART of H ow can a couple fight constructively?

Is there such a thing? Or better not
fight at all?

Let’s get things straight first. Fighting
between husband and wife is inevitable. The
only difference is whether you fight well or
badly. Fighting well means being able to
reach an amicable win–win agreement on
differences. Fighting badly—well, you don’t
want to go there.
This column is too short to cover
everything about fighting but we can
emphasize one point at least for this issue:
Fighting well means getting to the root of the
problem. One of the roots of marital disputes
is that one or both have needs that aren’t
being fulfilled. One of my mentors, Fr. Nilo
Tanalega, SJ, said that marriage is about the
mutual fulfillment of each other’s needs. So the
key is to fill those needs—even just partially.
But to fill the other’s needs, you have to know
what those needs are in the first place­—and
the process of finding out what those needs are
can be a journey full of misadventures.
Ever heard of the line: “If he really loves
me, then he should know. I don’t need to tell
him”? There seems to be a reluctance to tell
the other person what you need. And while
we used the pronouns “he” and “him” in the
previous statement—because this line is more
associated with women than with men—the
reluctance to reveal the needs transcends the
sexes. It’s because revealing that you need
something from your spouse makes you feel
vulnerable. For instance, when you feel jealous
because someone at the office seems too close
to your spouse, you feel embarrassed to admit
that you are jealous and you feel insecure,
and you need your spouse’s reassurance that
you are loved above all others. So instead of
saying directly (and truthfully) that “I need
your reassurance because I am feeling jealous
and insecure with your officemate,” you say
instead, “Why aren’t you home more often?
You’re always working! You’re never around
Family Seasons | Kerygma | August 2019 15

when I need you to help with the kids!” Or

you use hints, or parinig and paramdam in
Filipino, to deliver your message—hoping
that your partner will decode everything
appropriately, then getting frustrated because
it doesn’t happen. By Dr. Allan and Maribel Dionisio
So the formula to share your feelings and
thoughts, is:
BEHAVIOR: When you . . . (describe the
FEELING: I feel . . . (mad, sad, glad, or
CONTEXT: Because . . . (effect of behavior
on you)
When you speak using the I-message,
you describe your feelings and the effects of
the behavior on you. This will help the other
person respond to you appropriately. This style
of speaking does not judge or blame; instead,
this makes it easier for the person to listen and
meet your needs.
The problem with being human is that
mind reading isn’t one of our innate skills.
But that doesn’t stop us from believing that
our spouses are gifted. It’s an expectation that
makes a fertile ground for even more fighting.
So why not give it a try? Stop all the
guessing games, and just say directly what
you need from your spouse. It saves time
and energy from quarreling about symptoms
rather than roots. Also, asking directly
increases your chances of getting what you
need. At least, if you fight, you will be fighting
about the right thing and not about the
wrong one. In addition, you can be happier as
a couple. Keep loving! K

You may read more information on

communicating and fighting in our book,
Thinking of Marriage. We also invite you to
attend our Art of Fighting seminars on July
8 and September 7, 2019 at 2 to 4 p.m. at
St. Camillus Pastoral Center. E-mail us at
16 August 2019 | Kerygma | Health & Home

Your Way
Out of the
Ditching Brain Fog with 4 Easy Habits

By Chichi Barba
Health & Home | Kerygma | August 2019 17

ou walk into a room and suddenly stop to think, when your work is sedentary (e.g., spending six hours or
“Now why did I come in here? What am I supposed more in your office chair). Exercise is important because
to do?” Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever it helps our blood flow and more oxygen reaches brain.
felt so lost, you can’t recall what tasks you need to accomplish Movement exercises that can make our heart pump more
for the day? I have. There are days when I wake up in the can increase brain volume and improve memory and focus;
morning—and I can’t even recall what day of the week it is. thus, we actually make better plans. One exercise I would
Over time, I have learned that this is my body’s way of telling suggest is jumping on a trampoline or rebounder, because
me that I am working too much and forgetting to care for it is low-impact, can be done at home, and takes only a few
my body. minutes. It can get your blood pumping and stimulates the
Brain fog is one of the ways our body warns us about the lymphatic system, plus it can also reduce body fat.
state of our brain health and our digestive health. Whenever One of the simplest steps you can do if you really want
brain fog happens to me—I don’t just try to shake it off, to improve your digestive health and banish your brain fog
try to “super focus” on all the tasks I have, or get a cup of is to make your own fermented food. It’s actually easy and
brewed coffee (black, grande). No. I shake myself from my won’t take up much of your time. I am sharing below one
complacency and inaction—and work at freeing myself from of my favorite recipes for pickling cucumbers. Store-bought
my brain fog. How? Here are a few things I do. pickled cucumbers are usually made with vinegar, which
Eat fermented food. I eat kimchi and drink kombucha. doesn’t lead to natural fermentation, so you miss out on the
Sometimes, I choose to have miso soup or tempeh (similar probiotic bacteria good for your digestion.
to tofu). What’s the connection between brain fog and eating
fermented food? The health of your gut is connected to the Fermented Pickles
health of your brain. So when there is an inflammation in Ingredients:
your digestive system—when you always feel bloated or you 1.5 cups filtered water
often get indigestion—your response should be to take steps 1.75 tablespoons sea salt
toward reducing inflammation. Eating fermented food is a 6 to 8 small cucumbers (3 to 4 inches long), washed well
great step. 2 to 3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
Stick to a sleeping schedule. I get bogged down with 3/4 teaspoon peppercorns
deadlines and endless work tasks, and I get less sleep hours. 1 bayleaf
It’s either because I go to bed past midnight, or I have restless 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
sleep and wake up in the middle of the night and my mind 1 siling labuyo (optional)
just keeps on running. And, of course, sleep loss affects
memory (and it also makes my skin look old—yikes!) Instructions:
So what do I do? I try to keep my regular sleep-wake For the brine solution, combine salt and water. Mix until the
schedule for at least five nights straight—asleep by 10 p.m. salt dissolves.
and awake by 6 a.m. To do this, aside from discipline, I make Prepare the cucumbers by slicing into spears or
sure to avoid drinking coffee or anything with caffeine by 5 chopping in half (I like pickling it whole, chopping off the
p.m., and start on my favorite calming activities by 9 p.m., blossom part). Get your clean glass jar and put in the garlic
like doing breathing exercises or spending time talking to my cloves, peppercorns, mustard seeds, and bayleaf. Then pack
husband about our day. in the cucumbers in the jar. To make sure the cucumbers are
Avoid sugary, processed food. Eating sugary, processed covered in brine, you can cut one cucumber in half and place
food (like choco chip cookies or fudgy brownies) causes our it horizontally on top. Place in the siling labuyo (if you want
blood sugar to spike up and down, and creates inflammation it spicy). Now, pour brine solution in the jar until it covers all
in the body and brain. The sugar gives us energy to go on, the cucumbers. Cover the jar with the lid, but not too tightly
even when we should be stopping to rest. So we literally burn (air is needed for fermentation).
ourselves up until we drop from exhaustion or confusion. Keep your glass jar on a countertop. You should see
Move your body and exercise. When I lack sleep, I don’t bubbles rising to the top of the jar if it is already fermenting.
have the energy to go on my regular walk or do morning When the days are unusually warm, my fermented pickles
movement routines. Sometimes, it’s not just because I don’t take three to four days before it is ready. But on cooler days,
have the energy, but mainly because I am in a rush and need it can take a week. You can taste the brine throughout the
to get ready for work. But having a good exercise routine— process to check if you are happy with its sourness. Once you
whether it’s in the morning upon waking or in the evening, are OK with the taste of your handiwork, place the glass jar
after work—is something our body needs most, especially in the refrigerator to slow down the fermentation process. K
18 August 2019 | Kerygma | Wealth & Wisdom

By Chai Santiago Fears
Wealth & Wisdom | Kerygma | August 2019 19

ave you been letting fear hold Here’s the thing, it’s normal to feel
you back from living life to the fear, scientifically speaking, that’s our
full? brain’s natural reaction to things that are
Many people miss out on great quite unfamiliar to us. But just because
opportunities because of fear. In the past it’s natural or normal doesn’t mean we’ll
five years of being a financial coach, I just let it be. That’s such a lousy excuse.
realized that this is also very true when it So, how do we reduce our fears about
comes to investing. Many people are still investing?
very much afraid to get into investing. My one big message: You’ve got to
Why? learn your way out of your fears. You
They fear losing money. need to invest on financial education.
They fear being scammed. Let me liken this to taking an exam.
They fear they might get into the When you take an exam and you know
wrong kinds of investments. that you’ve studied and you’ve prepared
They fear not knowing a thing or for it, chances are, you’re more confident
two about investing. to take it compared to those who did
They fear letting their family down. not study at all. Your chances of failing
They fear being judged as “mukhang is much leaner. This is very much the
pera.” same when it comes to investing. When
They fear risks. you educate yourself, you reduce your
. . . and a whole lot of other reasons. chances of making mistakes.
Little do they realize, that because of The best thing about educating
these fears, they also miss out on the great ourselves is that little by little, we start to
opportunity of growing their wealth realize what our goals are and we start to
through investments that can eventually look for options that will help us reach
fund their children’s education, give those goals.
them the capacity to travel to their dream Investing is not as complicated as
destination, sustain them during their you think it is, especially if you really
retirement years, protect their family make an effort to learn about it. But, of
from sudden loss of income due to course, it’s not enough that we just learn;
death or major illness, help and support we need to act on the things that we
charitable organizations, etc. learn, as they say, “Experience is the best
Because of fear, people miss their teacher.” Just do it!
chance of having a better future. Before I end this, let’s just do a quick
Because of fear, you might actually exercise: I want you to identify one
be robbing yourself and your family the thing that you will already start doing
gift of a more abundant life. so you can reduce your fears about
Let’s have a quick reality check: investing. Perhaps read a book, sign up
How many 13th month pays, bonuses, and attend a financial coaching class,
incentives, 15th and 30th’s, or maybe talk to a financial coach, etc. Before
even weekly commissions have already the day ends, make sure that you’ve
passed through your fingers, and still already accomplished something. Time
you haven’t done anything about your is ticking. Make sure you start doing
plan to invest because you’re just so something.
afraid to do something about it? How Always remember this: Keep on
long has it been like that? Have you tried learning. Keep on growing. K
computing the total amount of money
that has come and gone in your bank
20 August 2019 | Kerygma | K-techism

Conscience: The

By Dina Pecaña

y cousin shared a story about her missing It is the same voice that is “always summoning us to love
luggage during one of her trips abroad. As she the good and avoid evil” (CFC 701).
struggled to keep panic at bay, she heard two But our conscience is not automatic. We need to
“voices” speaking in her head—an angel’s voice and a educate it, and this is a lifelong task. Many factors help
creature’s voice. The angel said, “No need to panic. You’ll develop and shape our conscience as we mature as
find your luggage. Maybe you’re just hungry.” But the Christians­ . Factors such as “family upbringing, basic
creature butts in and insists, “Of course, you’re hungry. education and catechesis in the faith, cultural attitudes
That’s why you have the license to get mad at losing and values, the friends we grow with in school, and the
your luggage.” As her blood reached the boiling point, larger social environment of the community” contribute
she moved to the carousel again and voila! Her missing to the development of conscience (704).
luggage was right there on the floor. Someone must have As we face challenges and make difficult decisions, we
picked it up by mistake but forgot return it to the carousel. need to form the right conscience. Today, moral judgments
So the angel began to speak again, “How kind of that are more difficult to make due to new sensitivities
person to help you lift that heavy bag from the carousel.” (e.g., solidarity, social justice, peace) and new demands
Surprisingly, the creature remained silent. and hopes (e.g., equal rights, liberation movements,
Do you experience the same thing, hearing the good feminism). In these situations, be careful not to identify
and bad voices of your conscience? According to the opinion with the authority of the Church. We need to
Catechism for Filipino Catholics (CFC), conscience is the have “enlightened and informed” consciences (705). Not
“inner voice [that] guides us in our moral life” (CFC 701). only do we need to form a right conscience but also a
K-techism | Kerygma | August 2019 21

Inner Voice saint

St. Jeanne Delanoue
Feast Day: August 17
Birth: 1666
Death: 1736

orn in Saumur, France, Jeanne
worked in the family business at an
early age. After her parents’ death,
she took over their shop. She was known to
be smart and hardworking yet self-centered
and greedy.
In 1698, on Pentecost Day, Jeanne
received pious commentaries from Frances
Souchet, a  pilgrim  from Rennes,  France,
who claimed Jeanne would one day devote
her life for the poor. This changed Jeanne’s
heart. She turned away from her worldly
desires by closing her shop and began
to serve the destitute, the sick, and the
Once, a famine and an earthquake
caused misery and shortage to the people.
Christian one. This is done through “Christ and His Spirit, experienced Jeanne helped many by finding them a
within Christ’s community” (707). The formation of a Christian conscience comfortable shelter. Her sacrifice made her
“takes place in faith and through prayer, by attending to the Word of God often sleep in dirty clothes, which earned
and the teachings of the Church, and by responsiveness to the gifts of the her the name “the pig of Jesus Christ.”
Holy Spirit. Critical reflection on the events and experiences of our life Jeanne’s conversion inspired many
helps us in forming moral judgments. It is in living out the faith that we young women to join her service. She soon
form our Christian consciences” (707). founded the congregation of Saint Anne of
Remember the story earlier? This tells us about the two types of Providence in 1704. Today, the congregation
consciences—the good and the bad. Saint Paul in his letter to Timothy feeds the poor in France, Madagascar, and
writes: “Hold fast to faith and a good conscience. Some, by rejecting the Sumatra.
guidance of conscience, have made shipwreck of their faith” (1 Timothy Source:
1:19). There are times, however, that we make a mistake in judging
something good as evil or something evil as good. Thus, part of forming a
Christian conscience is “correcting any errors in conscience by instruction
in the relevant moral values and precepts which provide a correct vision of
Christ’s moral witness” (709).
Have you been listening to your inner voice? What does your conscience
tell you? Listen closely. Conscience, after all, is the “voice of God in the
soul.” K
22 August 2019 | Kerygma
It Happened | Kerygma | August 2019 23

remember reading through
my Facebook friends’ year-
end posts in 2016. The
general consensus was that it
was a bad year, and my response
to it all in my head was, “Hold
my beer.” Jokes aside, 2016 felt
like the worst year of my life. My
heart was completely shattered
and I didn’t understand how I
ended up so broken.

On the Road from Heartbreak to Peace:

A Deep Encounter
with God in the Catholic
Faith By Sam Oh
24 August 2019 | Kerygma | It Happened

I wasn’t one of those girls who grew up fantasizing about their wedding
day. I entered into romantic relationships hoping for the best but was that
marriage? I wasn’t sure. Marriage seemed like a faraway and lofty thing.
Besides, I had a fun and exciting career. I actually wrote on my high school
yearbook that I was gonna be a VJ on MTV in ten years. But I ended up on a
local cable channel instead, which was the start of a now fourteen-year hosting
career. My dreams were coming true and although romance was nice, it wasn’t
my priority.
Then 2016 rolled around. I turned thirty-six and decided that I wanted to
marry, have kids, the whole nine yards, yes chop chop let’s do this! I started
dating in earnest but to my confusion, and later, unbearable pain, all my
relationships fell apart. I wasn’t new to heartbreak but what happened that
year is made for some next-level hugot material. So when an older cousin
randomly asked how I was, I spilled about my dating woes.

Cousin: Hahaha! You know God’s doing that so you’ll start praying, right?
Me: *eye roll* Whatever . . . OK, which prayer?

A little background. I’m not a cradle Catholic. I was baptized when I was
ten years old. It was my mother’s idea who’s the most devout Catholic woman
I know and who was the only seriously practicing Catholic in my family at
the time and for a long time to come. I went to a Catholic school and went to
“I realized that I had been church when I was younger (to see friends, of course) so I had some general
doing romantic relationships knowledge about the faith but I didn’t have a relationship with God. I didn’t
even know what people meant when they said that. I was agnostic for most
wrong my entire life . . . of my life but even the word “agnostic” was something I learned later in life.
Learning about the faith also Religion was just not something I was interested in, and in the few moments
that I gave it any thought, I thought it was silly.
completely revolutionized my Halfway into my Year of Heartbreak, I was ready to grasp at straws for
understanding of marriage.” answers and comfort, and the straw my cousin offered was The 15 Prayers of
St. Bridget—a little hardcore, but I was in such a bad place that I even threw in
the rosary. Did I understand what I was doing? Not really. But I kept at it and
things got worse over the next six months (yes, worse!). But one afternoon,
which I now recognize as my rock bottom, I felt an overflowing peace and joy
in my heart in the middle of praying the rosary which didn’t make any sense.
It was the weirdest thing. But also the most amazing thing. I know now
that peace and joy are telltale signs of God, but at the time, I took it as my
cue to dig deeper. I wasn’t interested in a blind faith. My heart was there but I
needed my brain to be there, too. So I did what any person would do in 2017
in the quest for knowledge—I went on YouTube. And there I found Bishop
Robert Barron, everyone at Ascension Presents, Leah Darrow—intelligent,
rational, bold, passionate defenders of the faith. I began to understand that
Catholicism is a reasonable and beautiful faith. And when I heard Fr. Mike
Schmitz say, “Your wounds are God’s access points to your heart,” I felt like he
was speaking directly to me.
I realized that I had been doing romantic relationships wrong my entire
life. I had been impulsive, shallow, selfish, and worldly. Learning about the
faith also completely revolutionized my understanding of marriage. Marriage
isn’t some box I had to tick off on my to-do list. It’s a vocation, a calling, just
like religious life is a calling, the purpose of which is to die to myself to serve
another so I may be made more like Christ.
It Happened | Kerygma | August 2019 25

Sam Oh’s solo photos by Daniel Soriano

26 August 2019 | Kerygma | It Happened

As I woke up to the truth of Catholicism, I

needed to step back and reexamine not only my
romantic life but my entire way of living. In April
2018, I quit my radio show and flew to France with
a backpack to walk the Camino de Santiago. It
wasn’t an easy decision and I knew full well what
I was risking career-wise but I had enough trust
in God by then to leave that to Him. I walked
799 kilometers in six weeks through breathtaking
landscapes in the spring when everything was in
full bloom. I consecrated myself to Jesus through
Mary during this time and it was the trip of a
lifetime. I like to call it my honeymoon with God.
It’s been a little over a year since. Is everything
suddenly crystal clear to me now? No, and I don’t
think that’s the point. I take it one day at a time and
consult God about my plans. Life truly feels like an
adventure as I try to discern how God reveals His
will for me through Scripture and the daily events
of my life. Do I think God orchestrated my Year of
Heartbreak to teach me a lesson? No. He allowed it
obviously, but I managed to get into that mess all
by myself through my awful decisions. But He is
such a good God who will bring good out of a bad
situation. He used my brokenness to bless me. I’m
in awe and in authentic love.
Striving to live the faith and having a relationship
with God gives me an otherworldly peace and joy,
and my experiences so far have convinced me
that Catholicism is the truth. Perhaps the most
surprising discovery for me is this—practicing the
faith is not constricting or boring as I once thought
it would be. It’s quite the opposite! I’ve never felt
freer, happier, more alive, and more like myself!
As for marriage, I still desire it in my heart
but because I’m so much more aware now of the
sacrament’s gravity and my frailties as a human
being, I’m a lot more careful about asking for it. I
used to pray for a husband but I now pray that God
molds my heart to desire what He desires for me
and to please give me the grace and strength to live
out His will. But just in case my future husband is From her baptism, to her hosting career, to her
reading this, please don’t propose to me in public trek to Camino, Sam’s life proves that God allows
and please don’t put the ring in my food. Unless it’s detours and comebacks to show how a deeper
pizza. All is forgiven with pizza. K encounter with Him can give so much peace and
joy like no other. (Photo credits to Sam Oh)
It Happened | Kerygma | August 2019 27

“Perhaps the most

surprising discovery for
me is this—practicing the
faith is not constricting or
boring . . . I’ve never felt
freer, happier, more alive,
and more like myself!”

Kerygma magazine would like to thank:

187 N. Averilla St., Brgy. Sta. Lucia, San Juan City
Instagram @flossomkitchencafe
28 August 2019 | Kerygma
SPECIAL SECTION: Introduction to Teaching | Kerygma | August 2019 29

ne day, a man came to me and said he had a heart I looked at him, eyeball to eyeball, and said, “Look. Your
condition. Doctors told him he needed a bypass heart disease was a message from God. If you don’t listen to
operation. From the way he looked, he was totally the message, the message will keep coming back. You only
desperate. have two choices. You either listen to that message or you
On the spot, I prayed over him. And I asked him to die.”
continue attending The Feast, our weekly spiritual gathering. The real problem was not his heart condition. That was
A few weeks later, he came up to me with his face beaming just the surface problem. The source problem was his work
with joy. I didn’t even recognize him from that desperate man habits. He can’t tell his heart problem to go away without
I met some time ago. He said that all the medical tests showed telling his job stress to go away. He may not need to get rid of
zero blockages in his heart. I was very happy for him. his job, but he needs to get rid of how he works at his job. He
But a few months later, I caught up with him. I was needs the power of the pause.
shocked that the smile was gone. He told me the sad news Can you relate to this man? Maybe God is calling you
that he’s been having chest pains again. His wife was beside to slow down and reassess your busy life. Maybe you have
him. With anger in her voice, she said, “Bo, his problem isn’t to choose yourself this time. In this issue, allow God to love
his heart. His problem is workaholism. He works fifteen you simply by being still in His presence. Turn the page and
hours a day. He travels almost every week. He’s abusing God’s be blessed. K

Listen to God’s Message

By Bo Sanchez
30 August 2019 | Kerygma | SPECIAL SECTION

The Restful Reading List

ooking for a book to help you take that much-needed
break? Here are some suggestions from your life-
changing source, Kerygma Books.

The Beauty of 40: Unwrapping Whole Again: Restore Your Body

the Gift of Midlife to Its Original Design
By Michele S. Alignay, PhD By Bo Sanchez and Dr. Didoy Lubaton
This book is a call to clarity, reflection, In this book, Bo and Dr. Didoy team up
and sensible response to what is Grace Anatomy: Life Strategies to encourage you to listen to and love
happening within us sometime around for Life Tragedies your body. They share practical, simple,
age forty and beyond. In this deeply By Rissa Singson Kawpeng and natural ways of achieving not only
personal book, Dr. Ichel talks about the wellness but wholeness of body, mind,
beauty and pains of growing up and the In this bittersweet account, Rissa bares and spirit by consulting the Seven
early adult years, and how these integrate her soul, her grief, and her victory Doctors of the Body: Dr. Sleep, Dr.
in an inner process during the season of as she stared at death—in the face of Breath, Dr. Drink, Dr. Food, Dr. Move,
midlife. Drawing on her experience and loved ones and in her own body. As she Dr. Sun, and Dr. Green.
expertise, she dissected through candid, wrestles with life’s burning questions
down-to-earth yet soulful insights and regarding sickness, suffering, and
practical points the crucial areas of the death, she finds her answers in the most
self in this book. elemental truth of the universe: God’s
unconditional love.

These life-changing titles are available at in paperback and e-book formats.
SPECIAL SECTION | Kerygma | August 2019 31

The Camino and Daily Prayer Time:

My Big and Small
Pauses By Sam Oh

know that not everyone we were allowed to
is able to get away cook, there was always
for weeks at a time more than enough when
but if you are, I highly a group of us shared
recommend the Camino de Santiago! This was my what little we had and it
“big pause” before surrendering everything to God made everything taste so
and it helped me to step away from the familiarity of much better.
my life. And there are so many insightful parallels to The Camino de
life on the trail! Santiago is a metaphor
Living out of a backpack made me realize for life. I went to get
that I really didn’t need all that much. If anything, some time away to
unnecessary and excessive material goods only contemplate and pray,
weighed me down. I had certain ideas about how and I did get to do that
I wanted my pilgrimage to go but there were some but I also met a ton of
unforeseen events that I just had to roll with and people from all over
reminded me to stop trying to control everything. the world, enjoyed
The sense of camaraderie on the trail reminded me overflowing Spanish
of the Church’s call to community—pilgrims greet wine (there is literally a wine fountain along the
each other all the time and even ask after each other’s trail), feasted my eyes on the magnificent beauty of
journey which is what we are called to do as brothers nature, knelt in some of the most beautiful churches
and sisters in I’ve ever seen. As usual, God’s plans surpassed
Christ. I didn’t get anything I could have imagined for myself.
along with every In my daily life back home, I like to take my pause
single person I in the morning before I face the day. I open The Feast
encountered but app and go through the day’s readings along with the
was thankfully Didache reflection. Doing this gives me a sense of
nice enough to how I should proceed with the things on my mind
everyone so I wasn’t and the events of the day ahead of me. This isn’t to
embarrassed about say that I don’t forget what I read throughout the
seeing any of them day, I do all the time! But I trust that God is always
down the road leading me to where I’m supposed to be. And while
which was pretty I set aside time for silent prayer (the daily rosary, my
much inevitable. fave!), I just talk to God all through the day like I
In kitchens where would to my dad because He’s my Father. K
32 August 2019 | Kerygma | SPECIAL SECTION: Teaching
SPECIAL SECTION: Teaching | Kerygma | August 2019 33

The Power
of the Pause
By Michele S. Alignay, PhD, RP, RGC

hen you feel stressed, what do you do? to cope.” Take note that stress is not about the
What happens to you? Do you pause or external things, but about what happens to us due
do you push some more? to these stressors or matters that contribute to our
When was the last time you paused? As in, you experience of anxiety.
stopped and left whatever you had on your plate You see, what we think is mere stress that seems
with reckless abandon? part of our daily lives has a bigger impact on our
Have you ever totally surrendered to the present well-being. We go through life unaware of how they
moment without other thoughts and matters eat us up and affect us so much. Researches, both
fluttering in your head? in physiology and psychology, have established
What does stress, pausing, being in the moment, how stress affects us physically, mentally, and
and all these thoughts inside our head have to do emotionally. It even affects our relationships with
with each other? others, ourselves, and God.
Well, a lot! They are basically connected to the Our body is connected to our thoughts and our
fiber of each one. mind processes. The physio and the psycho are in
sync even without us being aware of it. The best way
Stress and Our Dailies to understand how stress impacts us is to listen to the
Psychologist Pamela Hays, PhD described stress as signals of our bodies. A pain, discomfort, infection,
the “internal feeling or condition when we believe or disease is a signal to ask ourselves, “What is my
that the demands of situation are beyond our ability body telling me?”
34 August 2019 | Kerygma | SPECIAL SECTION: Teaching

Years ago, there was a time when I suffered from demands of life and allowed ourselves be swept away
severe vertigo, sinusitis, tonsillitis, allergic rhinitis, and with whatever life brought us.
other ear-nose concerns that lasted for almost a year. Stress causes disconnection between our body
They were sicknesses that rotated in the ear-nose-throat and our mind. When we’re caught up in a stressful
area, so I found myself visiting my ENT doctor once or situation, we think too much that we tend to overlook
twice a month. Looking at my life then, I was working the negativity that our body absorbs. We are swallowed
full-time as a school counselor, had a toddler, and was by it all and hope that the stress will simply go away
finishing my master’s degree. I didn’t have house help, on its own, even without actively doing something to
too. Then my husband had severe allergies rooted in an address it.
unbalanced immune system. It was triggered by heavy
demands of work and the responsibilities of a growing Martha’s Pause
family, and the many marital fights due to a deadlock in The story of Martha of Bethany in the Bible gives us a
a major decision we had to make. He didn’t discuss his good lesson on the need of taking a pause. She must
problems with anyone nor did he know what to do. He have been so excited over Jesus coming to their home
got stuck in what was happening, and before he knew it, that she wanted everything to be perfect. So she was
his worries manifested in his health condition. distracted, troubled, and stressed about her concerns to
Like many, we thought that ignoring our issues be hospitable to her guests. She ended being cranky and
would make it go away. We thought that we were sick feeling that others owed her help. Luke 10:40 says, “But
simply because our bodies were weak. So we popped Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had
the pills for the sickness to go away, but never really to be made. She came to him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t You
changed how we did and dealt with things. We didn’t care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?
acknowledge that we were tired, that we were going Tell her to help me!’”
through tough times. Instead, we plodded on with the Have we become Martha? How many occasions
SPECIAL SECTION: Teaching | Kerygma | August 2019 35

made us feel that nobody cares that we care?

Have we ever reached that point that we want
to rest, but we feel that we cannot because we
need to do so many other things? Have we
become too anxious that if we don’t do it, no
one will?
In Luke 10:41, Jesus said, “Martha,
Martha, why are you worried and troubled
about so many things. But one thing is needed”
(italics mine).
We disregard that we are human “beings”
not just human “doings!” We have become
too anxious with the unending to-do lists,
mastering the art of multitasking, glorifying
being a busybody and having a full life, and
faking the I-need-a-stress-reliever posts in
social media. We look busy on social media
and seemingly having it all.
Yet inside, a sickness is looming—our
body is speaking (or even screaming) at
us. The true status of our family life and
relationship may look good in our newsfeed,
but we may already be failing within the walls
of our home. We are not intentional with the
time and effort we give to emotionally connect
with the important people in our lives. We go
to war over every issue and are ruled by our To pause is to rest. The power
emotions in the matter at hand. We’re irritable of pause is to harness our inner
because we feel that others demand too much
from us and there’s nothing we can do about composure and ability to accept
the situation.
Since stress brings the disconnection
things as is and find new ways of
of our body and mind, pause is a means doing things—in healthier and
to reconnect them. When life disappoints,
pause for a moment. How does pause, rest, or much peaceful routes.
learning to “be” affect us?
Pause deliberately allows us to breathe
and rest. It works wonders when we do so.
It’s a chance to make our bodies rest. It lets us
declutter our head and become mindful of our
psycho-emotional state. Deliberate moments
of pause are essential for total well-being.
Pausing is the route to learn to mindfulness
or being present in the moment. It allows us
to be aware of our state without judgment. It
assists us to be more objective, as we take a
step back and just let the influx of our thoughts
and emotions happen all the same time. After
a while, the more important matters surface
and the unnecessary feelings dissipate.
Pause is a way of caring for ourselves. It is
not selfish to rest or give yourself permission
36 August 2019 | Kerygma | SPECIAL SECTION: Teaching

to be. We need this for our well-being and sanity. good and appropriate, some of these unconscious
To pause is temporary, but knowing how to do it precepts result to unhealthy ways of living at certain
brings a multitude of benefit. When we go back to situations or seasons in our life. It affects even how
our tasks, and we connect with the people around we act and behave as a person and how we relate.
us after a moment of pause, the better side of us One of the best things that pause can bring is
emerges. to catch the actual thought patterns and learn how
Pause, importantly, must be deliberately done. we respond to them. There are situations when
No one will make us pause. We cannot pay anyone to we react to a person and it’s good to ask, “Where
do it for us. We cannot even blame other people if we did that reaction come from?” Other times, when
keep going, because the power of pause is inherently we’re irked by a situation, we realize that we were
in our very being. You read it right: We have inside reprimanded as a child whenever we did that thing.
us the power to choose to pause, to rest, and take Situations that bring unpleasant feelings point us
the needed break from all of life’s happenings. That’s to our inner life. From there, we discern where our
why our inner Martha must learn to harness the energy goes.
power of the pause. In Luke 10:41-42, Jesus said, “Martha, Martha,
Buddhist teacher Haemin Sunim said it well: you are worried and upset about so many things, but
“The world will keep turning even without you. Let few things are needed—or indeed only one. . . . Mary
go of the idea that your only way is the only way, has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken
that you are the only one who can make it happen.” away from her.” Mary chose to spend her energy
that day just resting and listening at the feet of Jesus.
The Power to Choose Where Our Energy Goes No one can take away her choice that moment, as
Dr. Pamela Hays pointed out, “Many people lose she was content with it.
their battles outside, because they waste their energy Martha chose to be her hospitable self. She was
inside.” How we cope with life inside us is connected fretting and fussing and couldn’t contain herself,
to how we cope outside. The more important thing likely because she failed to pause and rest. This
we need to learn if we want to be healthy in mind, caused her to be unhappy that she was doing it all
body, and spirit is to learn to choose our thoughts. and not getting any help. Martha made the choice,
We go through life bringing unconscious a noble one—but since she was doing everything
thought patterns that are the basis of our words and and sizing up what her sister was doing, she coped
actions. While many of our thought patterns are with her situation by comparing herself to Mary’s
SPECIAL SECTION: Teaching | Kerygma | August 2019 37

ways. There is no wrong or right path when it comes to make steps to find solutions and create helpful actions
where we put our energy into, but we simply need to be to make things better. There are things that we really
content with the choice we take. cannot do anything about. But learning how to respond
When we pause, it is the chance to reflect where our is also creating new possibilities on how we can let go
energy goes. This is important. When confronted with of things beyond us and be at peace with the choice we
concerns such as having too much, not knowing what make.
to prioritize, or the competing demands of life, does our To pause is to rest. The power of pause is to harness
energy go to reacting or to responding? We can choose our inner composure and ability to accept things as is
to go either. and find new ways of doing them—in healthier and
Reacting is when we defend old beliefs. Reacting much peaceful routes. It doesn’t mean we bypass our
happens as an inner response, either consciously emotions or we don’t get affected by what is pinning us
and unconsciously. We can actually choose to react down. But it is accepting and doing what we can to be
outwardly. When things happen, do we keep justifying better, to grow, and be well in all aspects—including our
things and make excuses? Do we say, “I am like this spiritual growth.
because this is how I really am”? Do we project and Allowing ourselves to pause and “be” is something
blame others for our emotions and situations? Then we owe to ourselves. It is choosing the better path, “the
what? We aren’t able to grow from the situation and better portion,” being content with our decision, then
change; instead, we bank on old beliefs that may not being at peace with it.
be useful at certain points in life. So we waste time and Life will go on. The world will revolve. That is why
energy by making juvenile excuses for how we are—we harnessing the power of pause is one deliberate choice
choose to react. we must consciously do—to be totally well in mind,
Responding is when we find new possibilities and body, and spirit. K
act on them. Responding means taking thoughtful time
to pause and reflect—then let go of unnecessary belief Join Martha’s Pause: Redefining Midlife Workshop
patterns and actions that are not helpful in the now. It is by Dr. Michele Alignay on September 21, 2019 in
our choice not to fret over spilled milk, or play the blame Miriam College. For more details, visit
game, or spend precious energy on matters beyond our michelealignay, follow on Instagram, or
control. Responding is choosing to use our energy well, e-mail
that despite the ugliness of a situation, we deliberately
38 August 2019 | Kerygma

The Healing of the Superwoman:

How I Discovered
the Beauty of

By Mailyn Borillo
SPECIAL SECTION: Testimony | Kerygma | August 2019 39

t was two years ago when I began having a midlife crisis. operation to remove my myoma. At the age of forty-five, I had
That was also when I was experiencing the menopausal a full hysterectomy. For women, we know what that means—
effects, such as hot flushes and mood swings. I didn’t forced menopause. They say that menopause is gradual. But
understand what was going on until I met a number of in my case, it was abrupt, causing my breakdown.
holistic doctors in Dr. Didoy Lubaton’s healing retreat. One I became very cranky during that time. A month after
of them is Dr. Michele “Ichel” Alignay. After our retreat and my operation, a very close friend died in a tragic accident.
heeding their advice, helping other women in this season of The month after, another friend died. And another one. I felt
life also became my personal advocacy. that all the deaths, the separations, and everything that was
happening in our office were all about me.
The Superwoman I was too sad and too tired.
Prior to my crisis in 2017, I was a self-proclaimed During that time, I also wanted to separate from my
superwoman. I was proud to be very busy—I was always husband. Good thing, he didn’t allow it, or else, I would be
working, taking care of our company, my family, and my in deeper crisis today. It was difficult for my daughter as
friends. well. She loves me so much that despite her own challenging

Mailyn with her daughter Janna and husband Mailyn and Joy on vacation Mailyn with Anna Santos (left), her healing
Joy during her birthday celebration in 2017 retreat batchmate, and Dr. Ichel Alignay (right)

I was too strong for everybody. The people in my office season of studying Medicine, she still managed to put humor
know this. I was too strong even for my husband who has on our family’s “midlife and med-life” season.
been very patient and loving. I almost resigned from my work, too, because I thought
I rose from being an assistant to becoming the head of I couldn’t handle it anymore. I was again so lucky to be
the company. I started working when I was eighteen years surrounded by wonderful colleagues who supported me
old. By the age of thirty, I was a deputy general manager. during this season.
By the age of thirty-nine, I was already the president of the
company. From living in a slum area, my family and I now The Healing
live comfortably in a better community. I was very proud of God is my healer as He directed me to the right path and to
these accomplishments. the right people, which I faithfully obliged to follow.
The healing started when my husband accompanied me
The Breakdown to Dr. Didoy Lubaton, a holistic doctor and preacher at The
The inevitable happened when one day in 2017, I had to be Feast Mall of Asia. Doc Didoy patiently guided me and my
rushed to the hospital for an emergency. I had a six-hour family through our healing journey.
40 August 2019 | Kerygma | SPECIAL SECTION: Testimony

Eventually, I went to his healing retreat where seafarers. Ichel and I came up with programs about
Ichel was one of the speakers. family dynamcis and how to have a better family life.
Of all the speakers in the healing retreat, Ichel When I have friends in their forties who are
made an impact when she said that midlife is where going through what I did before, I now share to them
your body catches up with your spirit. I felt like my what I did and the lessons I learned in my healing
body was already in Aparri while my spirit was still journey.
in Manila. I realized that I rushed everything in my
life. I took care of a lot of people except myself. Dear Midlifers
Eventually, I understood that this is not about My favorite quote from Bo Sanchez is this: “You are
me. It’s about the season of my life. Everyone will go called to a life far bigger than you can imagine.” We
through midlife but we will experience it differently. I must not let midlife crisis stop us from achieving
realized that there was nothing wrong with me; I was our purpose. It’s a season all of us will go through,
just going on a journey. and we must treat it as an opportunity to reflect and
I started taking care of myself—eating the right calibrate—physically, relationally, professionally, and
food, getting enough sleep, and having meaningful spiritually.
connections. I also started serving in a ministry at I have never been this excited in my life, in
The Feast Mall of Asia and joined a Light Group. achieving more, with mandatory pauses in between,
Right now, one purpose that my experience not for title or position, but for something more
of midlife has led me to is to help the families of meaningful—for God’s glory. K
Yes, I want to be a Kerygma Mission
| August 2019 41

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42 August 2019 | Kerygma
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Faith @ Work | Kerygma | August 2019 43

Reflections of
a Gun-For-Hire
any are saying, “This is the age of the self-
employed!” Anyone with an Internet connection
with some skills can get employed online.
Anyone with specialized skills can be a consultant for major
corporations. Anyone retired with great credentials can be a
corporate trainer and an executive coach. Anyone who has
something to sell or offer can go into social media marketing.
Anybody who has a hobby and is good at it can create a
by Ariel Driz

my life. Thinking, praying, and doing. Connecting, selling,

and closing. Activity by itself will not earn anything (unlike
employment). Only results matter. It was crazy.
Through it all, God’s grace entered in. I was tired but
not really exhausted. I was on fire but not burned out. I had
nowhere to go but doors would open. When worry creeps
in, God’s momentum takes over. Resources run low but
provisions do come in abundance. Hard work alone cannot
community and enjoy its returns. cut it. His anointing completes it.
Welcome the “Gun-for-Hires”—a term used by a client If you want to be the boss, makes sure He wants you to be
for us consultants. No boss. No employees. Your time. Your one. He’s the real Boss.
life. Isn’t that great?
I just completed a ten-year transition from corporate Reflection #2: You’re Building Your Brand
employment to being self-employed. Today, I offer three Whether you like it or not, you’re under surveillance.
reflections to celebrate this: Somebody is posting your video, capturing a moment of
weakness or folly. So don’t do anything foolish!
Reflection #1: You’re the Boss! Your brand is your identity. It is who you are. A brand is
That’s the good news and the bad news. You have no one to your promise of what you’ll deliver. What you are in private
boss you, but you also have no one to boss! You do all the is what they’ll in see in public eventually. Social media has a
work (at least, initially) or no one else will. Being your own way to magnify who we are. Without you knowing it, people
boss is hard work if you want to succeed.  do follow you. It is a powerful tool to promote you or to
After twenty-five years of corporate life, I made a change. embarrass you. It can build your brand or make it irrelevant.
I was working round the clock. I’ve never worked harder in So be careful of what you post on your social media accounts.
Continued on page 44
44 August 2019 | Kerygma
Continued from page 43
God’s grace empowers us to be authentic. He encourages Invitations to give of oneself freely are an invitation to
us to be truthful to Him and ourselves. Integrity is in us be blessed.
and is reflected on the outside. Our identity is true and At the time of giving, God’s grace will allow one to focus
authentic—offline and online. God’s Spirit showers us with on it. And it is the same grace that will allow you to see God’s
wisdom, patience, and prudence. When we want to react abundant payback.
hastily, His Spirit pacifies us. When we want to post in folly, A request was extended to us to teach a group of nuns
He reminds us. When people stalk us, He promises that no and NGO volunteers on methods to improve their efficiency.
weapon formed against us will prosper (Isaiah 54:17). God’s grace prompted us to oblige. We enjoyed the sessions
and we gained godly friendships. That in itself was a great
Reflection #3: Give Constantly reward.
When you give your service freely, soon enough, people will But the Lord cannot be outdone. Soon enough, blessings
pay you for it. When things are slow, hasten your giving. started to flow, a major contract was renewed, a new one was
When you want to stop, don’t quit! signed, another one was in the pipeline, and recently, a new
When I started to focus on my Lean Six Sigma engagement abroad just started! “Siksik, liglig, at umaapaw!”
consulting, I began to teach almost for free. I poured my (Pressed down, shaken together, and running over!)
heart into every session regardless. This principle never grows old. God is good!
Soon enough, I experienced the Lord’s promise: “Give, It seemed like yesterday when all of the doors were
and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, closed for me. I couldn’t understand it. Now I realize when
shaken together and running over, will be poured into your God allows you to be hurt deeply, He has a plan. My job is
lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to to seek to trust Him, to plan, and to keep on shooting. K
you” (Luke 6:38).
K Preacher
K Preacher
| Kerygma
| | August 2019 45

By Velden Lim


e all know that prayer is a nonnegotiable complete with our timelines and our preferred manner.
aspect of our Christian life. But how do you And we get impatient and upset if it doesn’t go our way.
approach God in prayer? I noticed that we Do you catch yourself praying like this?
sometimes approach Him, thinking that our manner of We sometimes think that our manner of praying
praying can actually persuade God to do things in our affects God’s decision whether to grant our request or
favor. Here are three common approaches. not. The truth is, our prayer does not change God’s
First, we pray like a desperate beggar. We say, “Lord, decision. Adding more reasons to pity you, more
have mercy on me, I am so pitiful. Bless me, pretty compelling reasons to bless you, more technicalities,
please.” We pray as if we are the most disadvantaged novenas, rosaries, etc. do not affect His decision.
person in the world. We try to give God compelling But here’s the good news: “Your Father knows what
reasons why He should bless us based on the level of our you need before you ask him” (Matthew 6:8). We can
misfortune. pray with confidence that no matter what happens, God
Second, we pray like a deliberate businessman. We will give us what we need because He is our Father.
say, “Lord, bless me for I have done good things for You Why don’t we start praying like a trusting child?
and I have sinned less. I have done my part, please do Approach God in prayer with an attitude of “Lord, here’s
Your part of the deal.” We think God will answer our what I think I need and want, but I surrender fully to
prayers and grant our requests based on the merits that Your wisdom for You are my Father and You know and
we earned. We try to give Him a list of our misfortunes, want what’s best for me.”
and a list of our good works as basis for Him to bless us. Remember, the value of prayer is not in its ability to
We treat God as a business partner who should always make our desires to be granted. We pray not to change
operate on fairness. After all, shouldn’t God repay our God’s mind. We pray because it changes our hearts.
faithfulness? Whenever we pray, that Father-and-child relationship
Third, we pray like a demanding boss: “Lord, this is is nurtured and deepened. In prayer, may we see Him
how You should bless me . . . my way, my timeline. OK?” more clearly, love Him more dearly, so we can follow
We don’t give God a list of our sufferings or a list of our Him more nearly. K
good works; we simply give Him a to-do list to finish,
46 August 2019 | Kerygma
One Last Story | Kerygma | August 2019 47

A Vehicle Crash to Remember

By Elaine Marie Factor

t was a ambulance came
Saturday at the intersection.
when it People signaled for
happened. it to stop and it did.
I headed out The ambulance
at 12 noon to team placed me
go to a friend’s on the pat slide
house. When and heaved me
I reached into the vehicle.
the two-lane Papa hopped in
street, I found too while the
the jeep that I policeman and
needed to ride my uncle headed
parked on the to the police
other side. I didn’t try to cross the street yet since another station to interrogate the driver.
jeep passed and pulled over in front of me. Another jeep
followed it but left me a wide path to tread in between. I Three-Day Hospital Stay
stood between the two jeepneys, looking left and right. The In the hospital, they found my joints abraded and swollen.
road was clear. In my periphery, the jeep at my left was at a X-rays showed a fracture in my right ankle, torn tissues,
halt, so I made a step forward. Then, everything went hazy. and a crack at the distal portion of my tibia. On Sunday,
I underwent an operation. They burrowed screws into my
The Crash bones to keep them in place.
I was living in my head. Everything was a silent whirl. No The doctors and nurses took good care of me. My
image, no sensation. I thought, Maybe I got hit. I had no idea family, relatives, and friends visited me, fed me, and looked
how and who hit me, though. Suddenly, reality kicked in as I after me. God showed me how valued I was, so much that
recognized a moving thing above me. I didn’t dare move for I can never question it again. I was all grateful that I forgot
I was aching all over. I anticipated the tire to crush me and the pain, the trauma, and the fear.
wished it would be fast and not as painful. I thought, Maybe Elsewhere, witnesses told the police that the jeep at my
I am meant to die young. I thought I might go to purgatory left was overtaking and the force made me roll under the
since I had not loved enough, and knew that slipping to “the vehicle. They couldn’t imagine how I wasn’t run over. Even
other side” would feel the same as I felt when I was living my bag was unscathed. My eyeglasses got a tiny scratch.
in my head. “Oooouuuccchhh!” I shouted in advance as I
sensed the wheel nearing. It, however, whirred some inches Road to Recovery
away from the top of my head. The sun found me. I lay on On Tuesday, I was discharged. I was advised to use crutches
the asphalt, frozen and relieved. People crowded over me, for three months. My schedule was disturbed, my routine
asking where I was hurting. broken. Self-care became a chore. I feared going to places
My left leg throbbed in pain while my right leg was without sidewalk chairs. Every day, I fought the comfort of
numb. A woman handed me my bag. I fumbled for my the bed so I could be productive.
phone and called my parents and aunt. No answer. It only took weeks for me to get used to the crutches.
“Malapit lang po bahay ko dito (I live nearby),” I told the My arms and left leg became stronger. I did my best to catch
crowd my address. Somebody confirmed the house number up where I left off, and tried to live this life that Jesus saved.
and went off. I felt like He emphasized, “My dear, live.” I thought, How
My uncle and Papa found me a few minutes later. many times does Jesus have to save me for me to truly live?
The policeman called an ambulance, but was told that it From that Saturday on, each time I catch myself wasting my
would take long before it gets there. Miraculously, a stray life, I have a vehicle crash to remember. K
48 August 2019 | Kerygma

point I Pray That You

Receive Your Miracles
in Jesus’ Name!

pray that God lift your
trials, heal your diseases, bless your
problems, and direct you to the path
He wants you to take. I pray that God
remove your fears and give you the courage
to surrender your burdens to Him.
So place your hand over my hand,
and let’s pray with trust, together with our
prayer team of intercessors praying for you
right now . . .

This page is our Point of Contact, our

spiritual connection.
Say after me . . .

In the Name of the Father, of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, I surrender to You my worries
and anxieties. I surrender to You my needs,
my problems, my trials. I place them all in
Your big hands. And I open myself to all
that You want to give to me. On this day, I
say yes to Your love, to Your blessings, to
Your healing, to Your miracles. And Lord,
specifically, I ask for the following miracles
for my life . . .
I believe that You answer my prayer
in the best way possible! And I thank You
in advance for the perfect answers to my
prayers. I also ask for the special intercession
of Mama Mary. I pray all this in the Name
of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit, Amen!


E-mail your prayer requests
Heavenly Father, we thank You for blessing us with our jobs, our businesses, and our to me at bosanchez@
ministries. But above all these, we thank You for providing us with many ways to rest or write
and just be still in Your presence. Help us to trust more and worry less when things to me at Shepherd’s Voice
become overwhelming. May we remember to love ourselves the way You love us, so that Publications, 60 Chicago
in turn, we can love more people and bless their lives. In Jesus’ name. Amen. St., Cubao, Quezon City,
Philippines 1109.
Kerygma | August 2019 49
50 August 2019 | Kerygma

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