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Keenly Lesson Plan

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Instructional Plan (iPlan) Grade

Name of Teacher Keenly T. Sumagaysay Level: 8

Learning Area MATHEMATICS Quarter: 1

Factors completely different types of polynomials (polynomials with common monomial
Competencies Module No.
factor), M8AL-Ia-b-1

Iplan No. Date November 7, 2019 Duration: 1 hr.

•The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of polynomials (Polynomials with common
monomial factor)
Key Understandings to •The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of polynomials (with common monomial factor)
Develop Factors completely different types of polynomials (polynomials with common monomial factor), M8AL-Ia-b-1

Knowledge • Identifies the common monomial factor of the given polynomials

Learning Objectives Skills • Factors polynomial with common monomial factor.
Attitude • Appreciates the importance of factoring in real-life situation.
• Learner’s Module (LM) in Math 9, pp. 30 – 32
• Our World of Math (Textbook) in math 8, pp. 10 – 13,
• Moving Ahead With Mathematics 8, pp. 194 – 195
Resources Needed • Elementary Algebra, pp. 182 – 184
• Pictures
• Manila paper

Elements of iPlan Methodology

Preparations Intruductory Prayer
•How will I make the Checking of attendance
Learners ready? Activity Reading of the objectives
•How do I prepare the • The teacher will provide at least three pictures.
Learners for the new • Divide the class into five groups (each group will use THINK, PAIR and SHARE strategy).
lesson? • Provide each group with pictures.
•How will I connect my • Let the learners identify the difference of the pictures
new lesson with the past • Guide the students to answer the following:
lesson?  What is/are the picture?
 What have you observed on the picture?
 Did you find any common?

Pressentation ACTIVITY: Identify the common term of each polynomial through prime factorization.
•How will I present the Do we have a 1. 2ab + 2ac – 2a
lesson? common? Ans. 2a
•What materials will I 2. 20x2 – 12
use? Ans. 4
•What generalization/ 3. x(a-b) + y(a-b)
concept/ conclusion/ Ans. (a-b)
abstraction should the Ask the following:
learners arrive at?  What are the prime factors of each term?
 What is the common factor?
 How did you identify the common factor?

Analysis Common monomial factoring is the process of writing a polynomial as a product of two
polynomials, one of which is a monomial that factors each term of the polynomial. Every
expression has itself and the number 1 as a factor. These are called the trivial factors. If a
monomial is the product of two or more variables or numbers, then it will have factors other
than itself and 1.
Example: Find the area of a rectangle whose width is 2x – 3 and the length is 5
more than the width.
Ans. 20x2 – 60x + 45

Abstraction • What is a polynomial?

(Expected answer: Polynomial is an expression of one or more algebraic terms.)
• How can we obtain the factors of polynomials using common monomial factor?
(Expected answer: through the GCF.)
• What concepts have you learned from factoring that can be applied in your daily living?
(answer may vary)

Practice Application
•What practice exercise/ Group Activity
application activities will Instructions: Match the polynomial in column A to its factors in column B.
give to the learners?
A. B.

1. x3y2 +xy3 + 2x2y3 a. xy2(x2 + y + 2xy)

Ans. a
2. x3 + x2y + xy2 b. 3(y2 – 5y – 4)
Ans. c
3. 3y2 – 15y – 12 c. xy(x2 + x + y)
Ans. b
Cite one real-life situation that demonstrates polynomial with common monomial factor.

Assessment Assment Matrix

Level of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I Score?
Process or Skills
Understanding Individual Work Instructions: 1 point for each
Find the GCF of the following correct answer
1. ax4, -a2x6, a3x2 Ans. ax2
2. 56x2, -4x, -12 Ans. 4
3. abx2, -axz, bxy Ans. bx
Factor the following polynomials.
4. 5y2 + 10 Ans. 5(y2 + 2)
14p2 + 21 Ans. 7(2p2 + 3)

nce (Transfer of

Reinforcing the
day's Lesson
Enriching the
day's Lesson
Enhancing the
day's Lesson

Preparing for the

new Lesson

Wrap Up
Concluding Activity
Instructional Plan (iPlan)
Name of Teacher
Keenly T. Sumagaysay Level:
Learning Area English Quarter:

Competencies • Use reflexive pronouns correctly. Identify the reflexive pronouns in the story. Module No.

Iplan No. Date November 7, 2019 Duration: 1 hr.

Key Understandings to • Use reflexive pronouns correctly. Identify the reflexive pronouns in the story.

Knowledge • Identifies the reflexive pronoun

Learning Objectives Skills • Factors to use reflexive pronouns correctl
Attitude • Appreciates the importance of factoring in real-life situation.
PELC 7.2 p. 141, Fun in English Language 5, PP. 83-85.
Resources Needed

Elements of iPlan
Preparations Intruductory Prayer
•How will I make the Checking of attendance
Learners ready? Activity Have you ever heard about Carlos P. Romulo? When you hear his name, what comes up to
•How do I prepare the your mind?
Learners for the new
•How will I connect my
new lesson with the past

Pressentation ACTIVITY: Have the pupils read the story "Carlos P. Romulo", Fun in Reading English 5, p. 83-84
•How will I present the (reading activity)
•What materials will I
•What generalization/
concept/ conclusion/
abstraction should the
learners arrive at?
Analysis Read this sentence from the story: "My Most revered colleague may consider himself big
and think of me as little". What is the underlined word? Who does it refer to? Study the
following sentences
a. I find myself getting more interested in it.
b. The dog saw itself in the pond of water.

Abstraction What are Reflexive Pronouns?

a. Why did Carlos P. Romulo feel uncomfortable of his height?
b. With whom did he have a discussion?

Practice Application a. Guided Practice:

•What practice exercise/ Encircle the Reflexive pronoun in each sentence and underline the noun or pronoun it
application activities will refers to.
give to the learners? 1. Many people women of today know themselves well.
2. They make something• of themselves

b. Independent Exercise:
Fill in the blanks with the correct reflexive pronouns.
1. Our heroes did not think of saving ______________.
2. Lea Salonga found _______________ an international celebrity.
Assessment Assment Matrix
Level of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I Score?
Process or Skills
Understanding Individual Work Choose the correct reflexive 1 point for each
pronoun to complete the sentence. correct answer
Then write the pronoun it refers to.
1. You can do (yourself, itself,
himself) a good turn.
2. The Filipino technicians found
(himself, themselves, herself) in
demand abroad.

e (Transfer of

Reinforcing the
day's Lesson
Enriching the day's
Enhancing the day's

Preparing for the

new Lesson

Wrap Up
Concluding Activity


s name, what comes up to

g English 5, p. 83-84

may consider himself big

s it refer to? Study the

the noun or pronoun it

ow will I Score?

1 point for each

correct answer
Instructional Plan (iPlan)
Name of Teacher
Keenly T. Sumagaysay Level:
Learning Area Science Quarter:

Competencies  Describe static electricity Module No.

Iplan No. Date November 7, 2019 Duration: 1 hr.

Key Understandings to A static electricity is an electricity that does flow. It stays fixed on a location until a conductor provides a route through
Develop which the charges can escape.

Knowledge Identify ways of producing static electricity.

Learning Objectives Skills Observe the effect of static electricity
Attitude Appreciates the importance of factoring in real-life situation.
Tissue papers, plastic sheet, comb

Resources Needed
Module in Science & Health V, 152-153; Manual of Enhancement Activities and Experiments p. 93; Into the Future:
Science and Health V, pp. 136-138 BEC

Elements of iPlan
Preparations Intruductory Prayer
•How will I make the Checking of attendance
Learners ready? Activity What is electricity? What appliances do you have at home that can be operated by
•How do I prepare the electricity?
Learners for the new
•How will I connect my
new lesson with the past
Pressentation ACTIVITY: Do you know what will happen to the plastic sheet when you rub it?
•How will I present the (reading activity) The pupils will be grouped into 4 and they will do an activity using the materials to be given
lesson? by the teacher.
•What materials will I
•What generalization/
concept/ conclusion/
abstraction should the
learners arrive at?
Analysis By using the plastic sheet and the tiny bits of tissue papers the pupils will rub the plastic
sheet with a sheet of paper and put it above the tiny bits of tissue papers.
The pupils will experiment other ways of producing static electricity.

Abstraction What happens when the charged plastic sheet is brought near the tiny bits of tissue paper?
We can produce static electricity by _______, _________ and __________.
What are some ways of producing static electricity?

Practice Application Do the same activity using a comb to be rubbed in your hair. :
•What practice exercise/ The pupils will report by group. The leader will lead the group.
application activities will What other ways did you find/do to produce static electricity?
give to the learners?
Assessment Assment Matrix
Level of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I Score?
Process or Skills
Understanding Individual Work Describe what a static electricity is 1 point for each
using a simple sentence. correct answer
What are some ways of producing
static electricity?

e (Transfer of

Reinforcing the
day's Lesson
Enriching the day's
Enhancing the day's

Preparing for the

new Lesson

Wrap Up
Concluding Activity

provides a route through

s p. 93; Into the Future:

an be operated by

g the materials to be given

upils will rub the plastic


e tiny bits of tissue paper?

ow will I Score?

1 point for each

correct answer
Instructional Plan (iPlan)
Name of Teacher
Keenly T. Sumagaysay Level:
Learning Area Social Science Quarter:

Competencies The Babylonian Civilization Module No.

Iplan No. Date November 7, 2019 Duration: 1 hr.

Key Understandings to Develop a sense of appreciation of what was in history and it’s implications
Develop to the present. Valuing the contributions of civilization to the present society.

Knowledge : Identify the society and contributions of Babylonian civilization

Learning Objectives Skills Create a reflective paragraph about impacts of Babylonian civilization to the present society
Attitude Appreciates the importance of factoring in real-life situation.
World History and Civilization (Unknown)
Chapter XXII: The Fertile Crescent Pages 209-216
Resources Needed Manila Paper, Pentel Pen, Pictures

Elements of iPlan
Preparations Intruductory Prayer
•How will I make the Checking of attendance
Learners ready? Activity Did you already hear about Fertile Crescent? Anyone?”
•How do I prepare the “ At the south-western corner of Asia lies the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates.Rivers which
Learners for the new like the Nile Valley, was the scene of mankind’s triumphant ascent from barbarism to
lesson? civilization. Known as Mesopotamia, meaning “land between rivers,” it was also called the
•How will I connect my Fertile Crescent because of its shape.
new lesson with the past what are the two valleys in south-western corner of Asia?”

Pressentation ACTIVITY: what is the meaning of Mesopotamia? What are the two districts of Mesopotamia?
•How will I present the (reading activity) Mesopotamia was divided into two geographical districts, Babylonia in the south at the
lesson? mouth of the Tigris and Euphrates and Assyria in the___________?
•What materials will I
•What generalization/
concept/ conclusion/
abstraction should the
learners arrive at?
After several centuries of strife, the Amorites emerged victorious. Hammurabi (1948-
1905BC), Amorite king of Babylon, combine Akkad and Sumer into one country which came
to be known as Babylonia after the capital city of Babylon

Abstraction How many districts did Mesopotamia has?

who was the king that starts to lead Babylon? How
is the Babylonian society during the time of King Hammurabi?

Practice Application “If we will recall our lesson in about India, Babylonian social stratification is the same with
•What practice exercise/ the Caste system. So, who among you can enumerate the structure of the Caste system?”
application activities will Would you like to have a social classification in the Philippines like of India and Babylonia?
give to the learners? what was the main industry of the Babylonians?”
“the greatest contribution of Babylonia to civilization was the famous......?”
How many zodiac signs did the Babylonians devised?”
“the greatest contribution of Babylonia to civilization was the famous......?”
How many zodiac signs did the Babylonians devised?”

Assessment Assment Matrix

Level of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I Score?
Process or Skills
Understanding Individual Work What are the contribution of 1 point for each
bobilonians in the society? Ans. correct answer
Contributions of Babylonian
civilization are:
2. Code of Hammurabi
3. Astrology
4. Sexagesimal system
5. The Epic of Gilgamesh”

e (Transfer of

Reinforcing the
day's Lesson
Enriching the day's
Enhancing the day's

Preparing for the

new Lesson

Wrap Up
Concluding Activity


ation to the present society

nd Euphrates.Rivers which
t from barbarism to
rs,” it was also called the

of Mesopotamia?
nia in the south at the

Hammurabi (1948-
o one country which came


fication is the same with

ure of the Caste system?”
e of India and Babylonia?

ow will I Score?

1 point for each

correct answer
Instructional Plan (iPlan)
Name of Teacher
Keenly T. Sumagaysay Level:

Competencies Masustansiyang Kakanin na Mapagkakakitaan Module No.

Iplan No. Date November 7, 2019 Duration: 1 hr.

Key Understandings to Matukoy ang mga masustansiyang pagkain.
Develop Batayang Aklat dahon 209-214; ELC 6.1-6.2.3

Knowledge identify the different food classification according to food pyramid

Learning Objectives Skills Value the importance of Good Nutrition and good health.
Attitude Appreciates the importance of factoring in real-life situation.
Tsart ng mga kakanin sa iba’t ibang lalawigan, mga larawan
Resources Needed Batayang Aklat dahon 209-214; ELC 6.1-6.2.3

Elements of iPlan
Preparations Intruductory Prayer
•How will I make the Checking of attendance
Learners ready? Activity – Pagtatala ng mga kakanin na kilala na ng mga bata
•How do I prepare the Anu-ano ang iba’t ibang paraan ng paghahanda ng pagkain?
Learners for the new Kakanin espesipikasyon resipi
•How will I connect my
new lesson with the past

Pressentation ACTIVITY: Pagpapakita ng mga larawan ng mga kakanin na maganda ang pagkakaayos sa mga
•How will I present the (reading activity) handaan at ilang halimbawa ng kakanin: suman, puto, palitaw, at iba pa.
•What materials will I
•What generalization/
concept/ conclusion/
abstraction should the
learners arrive at?
Analysis 1. Pagpapakita ng mga larawan ng mga kakanin na maganda ang pagkakaayos sa mga
handaan at ilang halimbawa ng kakanin: suman, puto, palitaw, at iba .

Abstraction Pasagutan ang mga tanong sa “AlaminMo,” dahon 213 ng Batayang Aklat pagkatapos ng

Practice Application 4.1 Itala ang mga kakaning karaniwang kinakain sa meryenda at itala ang sustansiyang
•What practice exercise/ dulot nito.
application activities will Ipabasa ang “TandaanMo,” dahon 212 ng Batayang Aklat.
give to the learners?
Assessment Assment Matrix
Level of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I Score?
Process or Skills
Understanding Individual Work Lagyan ng tsek () kung ang 1 point for each
isinasaad ng pangungusap ay mga correct answer
salik sa pagpili ng kakanin at ekis
(x) kung hindi.
______ 1. Ang sangkap ay
matatagpuan sa karatig baryo.
______ 2. Madaling lutuin.
______ 3. Wala na sa panahon ang
mga sangkap na gagamitin.
______ 1. Wala na sa panahon ang
mga sangkap na gagamitin.
______ 2. Mahal ang halaga
______ 3. May mga kasangkapang

e (Transfer of

Reinforcing the
day's Lesson
Enriching the day's
Enhancing the day's

Preparing for the

new Lesson

Wrap Up
Concluding Activity


pagkakaayos sa mga
iba pa.

ng pagkakaayos sa mga
iba .

ang Aklat pagkatapos ng

itala ang sustansiyang

ow will I Score?

1 point for each

correct answer
Instructional Plan (iPlan)
Name of Teacher
Keenly T. Sumagaysay Level:
Learning Area Information and communication technology Quarter:
Pagtukoysamgaopportunidadnamaaaringmapagkakitaan (products
Competencies and services) satahanan at pamayanan Module No.

Iplan No. Date November 7, 2019 Duration: 1 hr.

Sa araling ito, matutukoy natin ang mga oportunidad na maaaring pagkakitaan at
Key Understandings to Mga kaalaman at kasanayan na dapat taglayin upang maging matagumpay na entrepreneur at mapahusayv ang isang
Develop produkto upang maging iba sa iba

1. Natututukoy ang mga oportunidad na maaaring mapagkakitaan( products and services)

Knowledge sa tahanan at pamayanan.
Learning Objectives
Skills Spotting opportunities for products and services
Attitude Napahahalagahanangwastongpaggamitngpera o kinita.
Sanggunian: K to 12 – EPP5IE-a-1, TG. dd._____, LM.dd .______
Resources Needed Kagamitan:larawanngmgamatagumpayna entrepreneur at mgatingiang
tindahan, tsart, tarpapel, pentel pen, manila paper
Elements of iPlan
Preparations Intruductory Prayer
•How will I make the Checking of attendance
Learners ready? Activity Alam mo ba ang mga kasanayan at kaalaman na dapat taglayin upang
•How do I prepare the Maging matagumpay na entrepreneur?
Learners for the new Ano-anoangmgamaaaringpagkakitaankahitnasatahanan o pamayanan?
lesson? Itanongsamgabata kung anoangpinagkakakitaanngkanilangmgamagulang.
•How will I connect my
new lesson with the past

Pressentation ACTIVITY: a. Pagmasdangmabutiangmgalarawansapuno.

•How will I present the (reading activity) Piliinkungalinsamgalarawanangmgapwedengpagkakitaansatahanan o pamayanan.
•What materials will I Pumilinglarawan at sabihinkungbakititoangnapilinapwedengpagkakiktaan.
•What generalization/
concept/ conclusion/
abstraction should the
learners arrive at?
Analysis (Tingnansa LM) Tukuyin at suriinangmganegosyo o
pinagkakakitaan.Isulatangmgakasanayan o
kaalamannadapatisagawaupangmagingmatagumpayna entrepreneur.

Abstraction • Ano-ano ang mga oportunidad na maaaring mapagkakitaan sa tahanan at

Paano kaya ito magtatagumpay?
Ano ang dapat gawin sa mga kita o kinita?

Practice Application Masdanangmgalarawansaibaba.

•What practice exercise/ Tukuyinangmgalarawannamaaaringpagkakitaan.Lagyanngtsek.
application activities will
give to the learners?
Assessment Assment Matrix
Level of Assessment What will I assess? How will I assess? How will I Score?
Process or Skills
Understanding Individual Work Magmasid sa inyong barangay. 1 point for each
Kapanayamin ang isang correct answer
entrepreneur kung
Paano nila napagyaman at
nagpagtagumpayan ang kanilang
tingi ang tindihan.
I ulat ito sa klase.

e (Transfer of

Reinforcing the
day's Lesson
Enriching the day's
Enhancing the day's

Preparing for the

new Lesson

Wrap Up
Concluding Activity


r at mapahusayv ang isang

n( products and services)



nan o pamayanan.



tahanan at
ow will I Score?

1 point for each

correct answer

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