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Models For The Dynamic Simulation of Tank Track Components: Cranfield University

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Paul Allen

Models for the Dynamic Simulation of Tank Track Components

Defence College of Management and Technology


Academic Year 2005-2006

Paul Allen


Dr Amer Hameed
Dr Hugh Goyder

Date of original submission

January 2006

© Cranfield University 2005. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
reproduced without the written permission of the copyright owner.

The author acknowledges the excellent support and guidance he has received
throughout this project from his supervisors, Dr Amer Hameed and Dr Hugh Goyder.
They have both given many hours of their time to the project. Dr Hameed has been an
outstanding supervisor, always supportive and encouraging. Dr Goyder has given
specialist support and expert advice freely. The contributions made by both Dr Amer
Hameed and Dr Hugh Goyder has been invaluable and I owe them many thanks.

I must acknowledge the support provided by Cranfield University, Engineering

Systems Department (ESD) and the staff at the Defence College of Management and
Technology (DCMT). The University and College have provided excellent facilities.
Members of staff have been helpful and professional throughout their standard of
work has also excellent. Particular departments at DCMT which have provided
support for this project are the Engineering Dynamics Centre, Library Resources,
Reprographics and the Mechanical Workshop.

I also wish to acknowledge the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
(EPSRC), QinetiQ Limited (QinetiQ)and Cranfield University DCMT, for providing
financial support for this project and specifically, Dr Mark French of QinetiQ’s Future
Systems Technology division and Professor John Hetherington of DCMT, who have
both been supportive throughout.

A final thanks to David Boast of AVON Materials Development Centre who has
freely given advice and information which cleared much of the fog.


This project has been sponsored by QinetiQ Limited (QinetiQ); whose aim it is to

model the dynamics of a prototype high-speed military tracked vehicle. Specifically

their objective is to describe the mechanism by which force inputs are transmitted

from the ground to the vehicle’s hull.

Many track running gear components are steel and can be modelled as simple lumped

masses or as linear springs without internal damping. These present no difficulty to

the modeller. However tracked vehicle running gear also has nonlinear components

that require more detailed descriptions. Models for two rubber components, the road

wheel tyre and track link bush, and a model for the suspensions rotary damper, are

developed here. These three components all have highly nonlinear dynamic responses.

Rubber component nonlinearities are caused by the materials nonlinear elastic and

viscoelastic characteristics. Stiffness is amplitude dependent and the material exhibits

a significant amount of internal damping, which is predominantly Coulombic in

nature but also relaxes overtime. In this work, a novel method for measuring the

elastic and viscoelastic response of Carbon Black Filled Natural Rubber components

has been devised and a ‘general purpose’ mathematical model developed that

describes the materials response and is suited to use in multibody dynamic analysis


The vehicle’s suspension rotary damper model describes three viscous flow regimes

(laminar, turbulent and pressure relief), as a continuous curved response that relates

angular velocity to damping torque. Hysteresis due to the compression of entrapped

gas, compliance of the dampers structure and compression of damper oil is described

by a single non-parametric equation. Friction is considered negligible and is omitted

from the model.

All components are modelled using MSC.ADAMSTM multibody dynamic analysis

software. The models are shown to be easily implemented and computationally

robust. QinetiQ’s requirement for ‘practical’ track running gear component models

has been met.

Lists of contents


Models for the Dynamic Simulation of Tank Track Components ------------------------b



List of Contents----------------------------------------------------------------------------------iv

List of tables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ix

List of Figures -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------x

List of abbreviations--------------------------------------------------------------------------xvii

Nomenclature for Chapters 1 to 8 ----------------------------------------------------------xvii

Nomenclature for Chapters 9 to 13--------------------------------------------------------xviii

Chapter 1: The background and objectives of this study ------------------------------1

1.0 Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------------1

1.1 The Warrior APC---------------------------------------------------------------- 3

Chapter 2: Literature review of high-speed tracked vehicle dynamic models ----5

2.0 Introduction -----------------------------------------------------------------------6

2.1 Robertson, B.----------------------------------------------------------------------6

2.2 Ma, Perkins, Scholar and Assanis et. al.,--------------------------------------7

2.3 Ryu, Bae, Choi and Shabana----------------------------------------------------8

2.4 Slattengren ------------------------------------------------------------------------9

Chapter 3: The characteristic behaviour of Carbon Black Filled Natural rubber-


3.0 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------11

3.1 Frequency and temperature dependence-------------------------------------11

3.2 Stress relaxation (Viscous flow)----------------------------------------------15

3.3 Characteristic hysteresis loop shape------------------------------------------16

3.4 Summary-------------------------------------------------------------------------17

Chapter 4: Literature review of models developed for Carbon Black Filled

Natural Rubber----------------------------------------------------------------18

4.0 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------------18

4.1 Descriptions for the Elastic stress component ------------------------------19

4.2 Descriptions for the viscous stress component------------------------------24

4.3 Summary ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 38

Chapter 5: Test rig design, experimental procedure and measurement for rubber

components ---------------------------------------------------------------------40

5.0 Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------40

5.1 Warrior APC track rubber components--------------------------------------42

5.2 Test rigs design and experimental procedure -------------------------------44

5.3 Measurement I: Low amplitude displacement with various preloads, 1Hz

sinusoidal displacement--------------------------------------------------------47

5.4 Measurement II: Constant preload at various amplitudes,1Hz sinusoidal


5.5 Measurement III: Constant amplitude and constant preload at various


5.6 Measurement IV: Stress relaxation: Force response to a stepped

displacement over time---------------------------------------------------------60

5.7 Track bush torsional response at various radial loads----------------------62

5.8 Track bush torsional response to duel-sine displacement -----------------63

Chapter 6: Development of a model for rubber components -----------------------64

6.0 Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------64

6.1 The simplified Haupt and Sedlan model-------------------------------------65

6.2 The time dependent viscoelastic element -----------------------------------67

6.3 Stress relaxation and the response to duel-sine motion--------------------75

6.4 Final model for carbon black filled natural rubber components----------83

6.5 Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 86

Chapter 7: Comparison between measured and simulated rubber component

response -------------------------------------------------------------------------87

7.0 Introduction----------------------------------------------------------------------87

7.1 Implementation of the final model in ADAMS software------------------87

7.2 Comparison between measured and simulated response plots------------89

7.3 Summary-------------------------------------------------------------------------96

Chapter 8 Summary of the rubber components investigation --------------------97

8.0 Summary-------------------------------------------------------------------------97

Chapter 9: The Warrior APC rotary damper --------------------------------------100

9.0 Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------100

9.1 Design of the Warrior APC rotary damper --------------------------------101

Chapter 10: Literature review of automotive suspension damper models ------107

10.0 Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------107

10.1 Linear equivalent models ----------------------------------------------------107

10.2 Restoring force maps---------------------------------------------------------109

10.3 Parametric or physical models ----------------------------------------------110

10.4 Spring and dashpot models --------------------------------------------------112

Chapter 11: Rotary damper test rig design and experimental procedure -------113

11.0 Test rig design and instrumentation -----------------------------------------113

11.1 Data processing-----------------------------------------------------------------114

11.2 Test settings---------------------------------------------------------------------117

Chapter 12: Measured damper response and model development ---------------118

12.0 Measured damper response---------------------------------------------------118

12.1 Friction and laminar flow-----------------------------------------------------120

12.2 Laminar to turbulent flow transition----------------------------------------121

12.3 Pressure relief valve characteristics (Blow-off)---------------------------123

12.4 Hysteresis due to entrapped air, oil compression and chamber

compliance ---------------------------------------------------------------------125

12.5 Model implementation--------------------------------------------------------128

12.6 Damper rotor inertia ----------------------------------------------------------129

Chapter 13: Comparison between measured and modelled rotary damper

response ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 130

13.0 Introduction---------------------------------------------------------------------130

13.1 Measured and modelled results for the rotary damper--------------------131

13.2 Predicted response at high velocity------------------------------------------133

Chapter 14: Rotary damper: Conclusion and Further work ----------------------135

14.0 Conclusion and further work -------------------------------------------------135

Chapter 15: Conclusion and further work ---------------------------------------------137

15.0 Overview------------------------------------------------------------------------137

15.1 Rubber component models ---------------------------------------------------137

15.2 Suspension damper model ---------------------------------------------------139

15.3 Further work--------------------------------------------------------------------139


Appendix 1: Time independent force-displacement relationship for the Haupt and

Sedlan viscoelastic element --------------------------------------------------1

Appendix 2: Response of the Haupt and Sedlan viscoelastic element to a stepped

input -----------------------------------------------------------------------------4

Appendix 3: Test rig frequency response for rubber component measurement ------6

Appendix 4a: The ‘Four viscoelastic element’ model

Values for the track bush torsional model -----------------------------------------11

Appendix 4b: The final ‘three viscoelastic-element’ model

Values for the road wheel tyre model-----------------------------------------------12

Values for the track bush torsional model------------------------------------------13

Values for the track bush radial model ---------------------------------------------13

Appendix 5: Compression of damper oil, entrapped air and compliance of oil the

chamber -----------------------------------------------------------------------14

Appendix 6: Torque-Angular velocity relationship for the Warrior APC rotary

damper model (excluding hysteresis) -------------------------------------19

Appendix 7: Test rig design and instrumentation --------------------------------------22

List of tables

Table 4.1-1: A Summary of recent Elastic Stress models developed for Carbon

Black Filled Natural Rubber -----------------------------------------------23

Table 10.3-1: A summary of the various physical phenomena that are described in a

selection of parametric models ------------------------------------------111

Table 11.2-1: Rotary damper test settings -----------------------------------------------117

Table A6-1: Numeric data for the damper torque verses angular velocity response


Table A7-1: Data acquisition channel assignment for both random and sinusoidal

drive signals-------------------------------------------------------------------23

List of figures

Figure 1.0-1: Qinetiq’s prototype plastic tank, The Advanced Composite Armoured

Vehicle Platform (ACAVP) ---------------------------------------------------2

Figure 1.1-1: The Warrior Armoured Personnel carrier (APC) ------------------------3

Figure 1.1-2: Warrior APC running gear: Track, road wheels and support roller --4

Figure 3.1-1: Relationship between, In-phase modulus and Tan delta ----------------12

Figure 3.1-2: Effect of temperature on in-phase modulus. Avon Rubber [2] ---------13

Figure 3.1-3: Tan delta over the temperature range -80 → +40°C showing different

glass transition temperatures for various polymers

Avon Rubber [2] -------------------------------------------------------------13

Figure 3.1-4: Frequency dependency of in-phase modulus for a variety of

compounds at 20°C. Avon Rubber [2] ------------------------------------14

Figure 3.1-5: Frequency dependency of tan delta for a variety of compounds at

20°C. Avon Rubber [2] ------------------------------------------------------14

Figure 3.2-1: Typical stress relaxation response for Carbon Black Filled Natural

Rubber (CBFNR)- ------------------------------------------------------------15

Figure 3.3-1: Characteristic CBFNR hysteresis loops. Reproduced from Coveney

and Johnson [8] --------------------------------------------------------------16

Figure 3.3-2: Typical response for CBFNR. Showing amplitude dependent stiffness

(a) and amplitude independent loss angle (b). Reproduced from

Coveney and Johnson [8] ---------------------------------------------------17

Figure 4.2.1-1: Schematic representation of Berg’s model ------------------------------24

Figure 4.2.2-1: Schematic representation of the Triboelastic model -------------------26

Figure 4.2.3-1:Schematic representation of the Rate Dependent Triboelastic (RT)

model --------------------------------------------------------------------------28

Figure 4.2.3-1: Illustration showing the requirement for a linear viscous relationship

at low velocity to prevent rapid changes in the force vector -----------29

Figure 4.2.4-1: Schematic representation of the Bergstrom and Boyce model -------30

Figure 4.2.5-1: Schematic representation of the Miehe and Keck model --------------31

Figure 4.2.7-1: A one-dimensional and simplified schematic representation of the

Haupt and Sedlan model (with a single viscoelastic element only)----34

Figure 4.2.7-2: A one-dimensional schematic representation of the Haupt and Sedlan

strain-history dependent viscosity model (with a single viscoelastic

element only) -----------------------------------------------------------------37

Figure 5.1-1: Warrior APC rubber track components; (A) A single Track link (B)

Track bush sections removed from the track link casting (C) Road

wheel tyres --------------------------------------------------------------------42

Figure 5.2-1: (A) Measurement of track bush torsional characteristics by rotation

about the track bush axis (B) Measurement of Track bush radial force

and displacement (C) Measurement of road wheel tyre radial force and

compression ------------------------------------------------------------------44

Figure 5.3.1-1: Track bush torsional elastic-force response -----------------------------50

Figure 5.3.1-2: Track bush radial elastic-force response --------------------------------50

Figure 5.3.1-3: Road wheel tyre elastic-force response ----------------------------------51

Figure 5.3.2-1: Track bush torsional geometric factor -----------------------------------53

Figure 5.3.2-2: Track bush radial geometric factor ---------------------------------------53

Figure 5.3.2-3: Road wheel tyre radial geometric factor --------------------------------54

Figure 5.4-1: Track bush torsional force-displacement response --------------------56

Figure 5.4-2: Track bush radial force-displacement response ------------------------57

Figure 5.4-3: Road wheel tyre radial force-displacement response ------------------57

Figure 5.5-1: Road wheel tyre force-displacement response at several

Frequencies ------------------------------------------------------------------58

Figure 5.5-2: Track bush radial force-displacement response at several

Frequencies -------------------------------------------------------------------59

Figure 5.6-1: Track bush torsional stress relaxation ------------------------------------60

Figure 5.6-2: Road wheel tyre stress relaxation -----------------------------------------61

Figure 5.7-1: Track bush torsional response at varying radial loads -----------------62

Figure 5.8-1: Track bush torsional response to duel-sine displacement --------------63

Figure 6.1-1: Schematic representation of the simplified Haupt and Sedlan carbon

black filled natural rubber component model ----------------------------66

Figure 6.2-1: Rising and falling exponential curves produced by

Equation 4.2-10 --------------------------------------------------------------68

Figure 6.2-2: Track bush torsional viscoelastic force. Modelled using a single

viscoelastic Element (Equations 4.2-10) ----------------------------------69

Figure 6.2-3: Track bush torsional viscoelastic force. Modelled using two parallel

viscoelastic elements (Equations 4.2-10) --------- -----------------------70

Figure 6.2-4: Track bush radial viscoelastic force. Modelled using two parallel

viscoelastic elements (Equation 4.2-10) ----------------------------------72

Figure 6.2-5: Road wheel tyre viscoelastic force. Modelled using two parallel

viscoelastic elements (Equation 4.2-10) ----------------------------------72

Figure 6.2-6: Quarter model of the tyre contact showing von Mises strain. Tyre

compression is 8mm. Produced using ANSYS FEA software ----------74

Figure 6.3-1: Measured track bush torsional response to duel-sine displacement – 76

Figure 6.3-2: Simulation of track bush torsional response to duel-sine displacement

produced by ADAMS simulation of the simplified Haupt and

Sedlan -------------------------------------------------------------------------77

Figure 6.3-3: Four-element model: Two non-linear viscoelastic elements each with a

nested rapidly decaying non-linear stiffening viscoelastic element ---79

Figure 6.3-4: Simulated track bush torsional response to duel-sine displacement

produced by ADAMS simulation of the four-element viscoelastic

model --------------------------------------------------------------------------80

Figure 6.3-5: Measured and simulated track bush torsional stress relaxation

produced by ADAMS simulation of the four-element viscoelastic

Model --------------------------------------------------------------------------81

Figure 6.4-1: Final model containing three non-linear viscoelastic elements -------83

Figure 6.4-2: Simulated track bush torsional response to duel-sine displacement.

Produced by ADAMS simulation of the final three-viscoelastic element

model --------------------------------------------------------------------------84

Figure 6.4-3: Measure and simulated track bush torsion stress relaxation, produced

by ADAMS simulation of the final three viscoelastic element model -85

Figure 7.1-1: Implementation of the ‘final model’ in ADAMS software so that

x B ≈ x A -------------------------------------------------------------------------87

Figure 7.2-1: Simulated Track bush radial force-displacement ------------------------89

Figure 7.2-2: Simulated track bush torsional force-displacement response ----------90

Figure 7.2-3: Simulated road wheel tyre radial force-displacement response -------91

Figure 7.2-4: Simulated road wheel tyre displacement-force response ---------------92

Figure 7.2-5: Simulated road wheel tyre force-displacement response at several

frequencies --------------------------------------------------------------------93

Figure 7.2-6: Measure and simulated road wheel tyre stress relaxation -------------94

Figure 7.2-7: Measure and simulated track bush torsion stress relaxation ----------94

Figure 7.2-8: Simulated track bush torsional response to duel-sine displacement –95

Figure 9.0-1: Warrior Armoured Personnel Carrier running gear (Horstman

Defence Systems Ltd) ------------------------------------------------------ 101

Figure 9.1-1: Section through rotary damper -------------------------------------------102

Figure 9.1-2: Sectioned view of the rotary damper -------------------------------------102

Figure 9.1-3: Design specification showing the allowable range of damper

Torque ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 104

Figure 9.1-4: Characteristic graph of torque verses angular velocity, produced by

Horstman Defense Systems Ltd -------------------------------------------105

Figure 10.4-1: A physical damper model represented by non-linear dashpot and

nonlinear spring in series -------------------------------------------------112

Figure 11.0-1: Schematic drawing of the rotary damper test rig --------------------113

Figure 11.1.2-1: Comparison between normalised hydraulic ram and rotary damper

motion ----------------------------------------------------------------------115

Figure 11.1.3-1: Schematic drawing of rotary damper test rig mechanism ----------116

Figure 12.0-1: Torque verses angular displacement (Work diagram) ----------------118

Figure 12.0-2: Torque verses angular velocity (Characteristic diagram) ------------119

Figure 12.1-1: Torque angular velocity for the low frequency (0.1Hz) test ----------120

Figure 12.2-1: Torque angular velocity for the mid-range frequencies up to

0.5Hz -------------------------------------------------------------------------122

Figure 12.2-2: Laminar and turbulent flow regions of the viscous force -------------123

Figure 12.3-1: Data supplied by Horstman Defense Systems Ltd ---------------------124

Figure 12.3-2: Rotary damper torque-angular velocity response without

hysteresis --------------------------------------------------------------------125

Figure 12.4-1: Schematic diagram illustrating the compression and expansion of

entrapped gas ---------------------------------------------------------------126

Figure 12.5-1: The rotary damper, modelled by a non-linear dashpot and non-linear

spring in series --------------------------------------------------------------128

Figure 13.1-1: Modelled torque verses angular displacement (Work diagram) ----131

Figure 13.1-2: Modelled torque verses angular velocity (Characteristic

diagram) --------------------------------------------------------------------132

Figure 13.2-1: Modelled torque verses angular displacement in response to high

frequency sinusoidal motion ----------------------------------------------133

Figure 13.2-2: Modelled torque verses angular velocity in response to high frequency

sinusoidal motion -----------------------------------------------------------134

Figure A1-1: The viscoelastic Sedlan and Haupt element--------------------------------1

Figure A2-1: Response to stepped displacement-------------------------------------------4

Figure A3-1a: Road wheel tyre test rig ------------------------------------------------------8

Figure A3-1b: Road wheel tyre test rig FRF-------------------------------------------------8

Figure A3-2a: Track bush radial force test rig ---------------------------------------------9

Figure A3-2b: Track bush radial force test rig FRF ---------------------------------------9

Figure A3-3a: Track bush torsional response test rig-------------------------------------10

Figure A3-3b: Track bush torsional response test rig FRF ------------------------------10

Figure A4a-1: Four viscoelastic element model ------------------------------------------ 11

Figure A4b-1: Three viscoelastic element model ------------------------------------------12

Figure A5-1: Schematic representation of the damper showing how entapped air is

compressed and expanded as oil flows from one chamber into the other


Figure A5-2: Response described by Equation A5-15 for C1 =1 and C2 =2 ---------18

Figure A6-1: The rotary damper viscous force-velocity response implemented in

ADAMS software as a splined curve --------------------------------------21

Figure A7-1 Test rig control and instrumentation set up for random drive signal

Figure A7-2 Test rig for the measurement of Track Bush Radial Response

Figure A7-3 Test rig for the measurement of the Track Bush Torsional Response

Figure A7-4 Test rig for the measurement of the Road Wheel Tyre Response

Figure A7-5 Test rig for the measurement of the rotary damper’s Response

List of abbreviations

ACAVP Advanced Composite Armoured Vehicle Platform

APC Armoured Personnel Carrier

CBFNR Carbon Black Filled Natural Rubber

LVDT Linear Variable Displacement Transducer

Tan Delta Tangent of phase angle between stress and strain

Nomenclature for Chapters 1 to 8

A, B, C, P, Q Constants (Units vary depending on function)

c Damping Coefficient. Units for this parameter vary depending on the

material model. The units are most often either (Ns/m) or (N), however

a power term may be require such as (Ns/m)n where n is the fractional

power term.

E Youngs Modulus (MPa)

F Force (N)

k Elastic stiffness (N/m)

t Time (s)

x Displacement (m)

x& Velocity (m/s)

β Constants (No units)

γ Strain

ε Strain

ε& Strain rate

η Coefficient of viscosity (Ns/m)

λ Ratio of deformed length to original length

ξ Constant (m/s)

σ Stress (MPa)

τ Time constant (s)


e Elastic

0 Absolute displacement of rubber component

K, N Integer

v Viscoelastic


n Power term

Nomenclature for Chapters 9 to 14

A Amplitude of linear displacement (m)

B, C, D Constants (NoUnits)

C1, C2 Constants (Units Vary depending on usage)

c Damping Coefficient (Ns/m)

F Force (N)

I Inertia (kg.m2)

k Elastic stiffness (N/m)

m Mass (kg)

P Pressure (N/m2)

R Gas Constant (J/kg.K)

r Radius arm length (m)

T Torque (Nm)

t Time (s)

V Volume (m3)

x Displacement (m)

x& Velocity (m/s)

&x& Acceleration (m/s2)

θ Rotary damper Angle (Rads)

Θ Amplitude of rotary motion (Rads)

φ Drive signal phase angle (Rads)

ω Frequency (Hz)


d Dashpot

eq Equivalent lineatized value

gb Gas bubble

gs Gas in solution

gt Total quantity of gas

oil Damper oil

s Spring

Chapter 1

The background and objectives of this study

1.0 Introduction

The objective of the work presented here is to develop models for Warrior Armoured

Personnel Carrier (APC) running gear components for use in multibody dynamic


There are two driving motivations for this work. Firstly; there is a requirement for

reduced vehicle weight to optimise the transport of armoured fighting vehicles by air

to regions of conflict. Secondly; there is a requirement to reduced noise and vibration

for the comfort of personnel within the vehicle. To these ends Qinetiq Limited is

investigating the practicality of replacing the Warrior’s aluminium hull with a

composite material. A prototype plastic tank has been built: the Advanced Composite

Armoured Vehicle Platform (ACAVP, Fig. 1.0-1). The hull is constructed from

moulded E-Glass fibre composite but the vehicle runs on standard Warrior APC

tracks. Qinetiq has initiated a study of running gear dynamics so that the transmission

of ground inputs to the hull can be modelled. The work presented here is part of this

study, it aims to measure the dynamic response and validate models for individual

components of the Warrior’s track running gear.

Models for three track running gear components are developed: these are the ‘road

wheel tyre’ the ‘suspensions rotary damper’ and the ‘track link bush’. Models for the

‘road wheel tyre’ and the ‘track link bush’ are developed jointly in Chapters 3-8, since

both are made from carbon black filled natural rubber (CBFNR). In chapters 9-14 a

model for the Warrior’s suspension rotary damper is developed. In each case

measurements show that these components have significantly nonlinear dynamic

response and it is important that these nonlinearities are described in the component

models if the full vehicle simulation is to be accurate. However it is also important

(for computational efficiency) that component models are no more detailed than is


Fig. 1.0-1: Qinetiq’s prototype plastic tank, The Advanced Composite Armoured
Vehicle Platform (ACAVP)

With regard to implementation in the simulation software: component models should

be robust and should be compatible with the software’s algorithm. In the work

presented here models have been developed and tested using MSC.ADAMSTM 2003

software. This type of implicit algorithm finds the solution to initial value problems

by incrementing forward in time, making initial estimates of position, velocity, force

and acceleration then correcting these values by repeated iterations until the systems

equations of motion and geometric constraints equate to within a given accuracy. If

the algorithm fails to find a solution within a given number of iterations the time

increment is automatically reduced and another attempt made. However, the time

increment is also given a minimum value: so it is possible under certain circumstances

for the simulation to fail to find a solution. The Newton-Raphson Predictor-Corrector

algorithm is complex and is not discussed within the scope of this work; but detailed

descriptions can be found in the following references [41, 42, 43, 44]. The significant

point to appreciate when developing component models for use in this type of

software is that the algorithm is susceptible to discontinuities, multiple or ill-defined

solutions and sudden step changes, all of which may cause a simulation to fail [41,

44]. It is important therefore that component descriptions are ‘smooth’, continuous

and unambiguous. This point is restated throughout this report when discussing how

component models have been derived.

1.1 The Warrior APC

Fig. 1.1-1: The Warrior Armoured Personnel carrier (APC)

The Warrior Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) is primarily designed as an armoured

troop carrier although variations for, recovery, reconnaissance, command post, etc.

are built. The Warrior is designed to have the speed and performance to keep up with

Challenger 2 main battle tanks, and the firepower and armour to support infantry in an


The Warrior runs on single pin rubber bushed track, driven by sprockets at the front of

the vehicle. A single roller supports the tracks top span. The twelve road wheels have

torsion bar suspension with rotary dampers at the 1st, 2nd and 6th wheel stations. Road

wheels, idler wheel and support roller all have moulded rubber tyres.

Fig. 1.1-2: Warrior APC running gear: Track, road wheels and support roller

As stated above; three components from the Warriors running gear are modelled in

this study. These are the track link bush, the road wheel tyre and the suspensions

rotary damper. These have been chosen because they have significant nonlinear

stiffness and damping characteristics and it is important that these nonlinearities are

described if a simulation of the complete vehicle is to be accurate. The suspensions

torsion bar is simply a linear elastic element with very little internal damping and so

does not require detailed study.

In summary the objectives of this work are:

1. Develop models for the Warrior APC track running gear components for use

in multibody dynamic simulation software.

2. Validate the models by comparing them with the measured response of

individual track components.

3. Describe significant nonlinear behaviour, but produce models that are no more

detailed then necessary for full tracked vehicle running gear simulation.

4. Develop models that are, robust, computationally efficient and compatible

with the software’s algorithm. Models that do not produce discontinuities,

multiple or ill-defined solutions or sudden stepped changes.

Chapter 2

Literature review of high-speed tracked vehicle dynamic models

2.0 Introduction

In this chapter a number of models developed for tank tracks and full tracked vehicle

simulation are reviewed. In each case discussion focuses on how the stiffness and

damping characteristics of the running gears nonlinear components (suspension

damper, track bush and tyres) are described.

2.1 Robertson, B.

Robertson, B. (1980) [1] built a full-scale tank track test rig (Scorpion) and developed

analytical models in an attempt to predict the transverse vibration of the tracks top

span. This work was done prior to the development of automatic dynamic analysis

software and high-specification personnel computers. The four models developed

were based on, a string with axial velocity, an elastic beam and a viscoelastic beam

with internal hysteretic damping and/or viscous damping. This work illustrates the

limitations of the analytical approach and why it is only now using numerical multi-

body dynamic analysis software that progress is being made. Robertson’s analytical

formula did not predict the resonant frequencies that he measured. The mechanical

system Robertson attempted to model was too complex to be described by the track

top span resonance alone. It was found that resonant frequencies occurred at multiples

of drive sprocket and track revolution speed. Resonance of the track span was not

detected by measurement. The dynamics of the system were a complex interaction

between track, test rig structure and drive system that could not be predicted by an

analytical track description alone. With regard to component descriptions for the

analytical model: the track was described as a continuous string or beam; Robertson

was aware that the internal damping of the rubber track bush was ‘hysteretic’ or

‘Coulombic’ in nature not viscous (that is; frequency independent not frequency

dependent. See section 3.1) but could not show that this type of damping best

described the frequency response when stationary track was excited by swept

sinusoidal motion. Robertson therefore concluded that viscous damping best

described the frequency response he measured.

2.2 Ma, Perkins, Scholar and Assanis et. al.,

Ma, Perkins, Scholar and Assanis et. al., [4, 38, 39] develop a two-dimensional full

vehicle model of the M1A1 tank. Here a hybrid model is used where the track span is

described as a continuous uniform elastic rod connected kinematically to discrete

models for sprocket, wheels and rollers. The objective is to model track vibration and

track interaction with other components but reduce the large number of bodies in the

model, thereby reducing the computational effort required.

Track response is linearized in the spans between wheels and rollers by assuming

small deformation. Track force-displacement and force-velocity response is therefore

described by parallel ‘linear stiffness’ and ‘linear viscous damping’ respectively.

Detailed measurements of and descriptions for components such as tyres, track

bushes, track footpads and suspension dampers are not included in this work because

it is the vehicles general overall interaction between engine, track, terrain and hull;

and the development of an efficient modelling algorithm that is of interest. Modelling

inertial interactions and improved computational efficiency by the development of a

hybrid model are the primary objectives. This approach developed by Ma, Perkins,

Scholar and Assanis et. al., [4, 38, 39] is successful in achieving its objective; track

vibration, track-terrain and track-discrete body interactions are described and over

limited frequency and amplitude range this may produce accurate predictions but

more comparison with experimental data is required to validate this approach.

2.3 Ryu, Bae, Choi and Shabana

Ryu, Bae, Choi and Shabana [40] (2000) develop a three-dimensional multibody

high-speed military tracked vehicle model with compliant track. That is; the joint

between each track link is described by stiffness and damping values. This lumped

mass model has 189 bodies and 954 degrees of freedom.

The suspensions torsion bar and Hydro-pneumatic unit are modelled as linear and

non-linear spring elements respectively but suspension damping is not described.

Contact stiffness between road wheel and track link and between adjacent track links

are described ‘for the sake of simplicity’ by a splined curve based on static tests.

Contact force damping is described as a linear viscous force where the ‘effective

damping coefficient’ is determined from measurements of the amplitude of hystersis.

This contact force model [40] is further developed by Ryu, Huh, Bae and Choi [5]

(2003) for a three-dimensional non-linear multi-body dynamic (MBD) simulation of a

military high-speed tracked vehicle for the particular purpose of studying the

feasibility and possible advantages of using an active track tensioner. This lumped

mass model has 191 ridged bodies and 956 degrees of freedom. In this model the

predominantly frequency independence characteristic of carbon black filled natural

rubber is appreciated and rubber components hysteresis are modelled using ‘Bergs’

method [6] (see section 4.2.1). However the hydro-pneumatic suspension unit and

torsion bar descriptions are unchanged from the earlier work [40] being described by

a splined curve only; suspension damping is not included. This is a more accurate

description of running gear components than the previous model [40] but Berg’s

method of describing rubber hysteresis requires the storage of force and displacement

values at turning points and how this was implemented is not described in detail.

2.4 Slattengren

Slattengren [41] (2000): ‘This paper describes the features and use of the commercial

multibody simulation program ADAMS (Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical

Systems) in the simulation of tracked vehicle applications.’

A tracked system created by the ADAMS add-on ‘Tracked Vehicle Toolkit’ (ATV)

can be modified/extended in anyway ADAMS allows. Parameters for each building

element in the tracked system are user defined. The building elements being: hull,

track, road surface, road wheel, suspension and idler/track tensioner. The user also

defines the description for compliance between elements such as track links and at

points of contact such as tyres. Compliance is described by a parallel spring and

damper (Kelvin) element, which may be either linear or nonlinear. Once all the

vehicle’s elements have been defined they are automatically assembled by the

software to produce the full tracked vehicle model.

Slattengren’s paper [41] is written as a guide to using the ATV software and offers

advice for running successful simulations. As a general rule Slattengren states that,

‘experience has clearly shown that it is extremely hard to get successful simulations

out from guessed data. The better the data is, the better the simulation will run’. This

comment emphasises the importance of using measured data for each component

description. But Slattengren also discusses special considerations concerning the

description of, damping, contact and friction, emphasising that modelling the contact

force and friction presented particular difficulty. ‘In order to be able to simulate the

type of complex systems which are not only dominated by contact phenomenon and

friction, but also show very large penetration due to the large masses and forces in

the system, certain special functions were developed. The most important changes

compared to the standard ADAMS functions are without question the impact and

friction formulations’.

Chapter 3

The characteristic behaviour of Carbon Black Filled Natural Rubber

3.0 Introduction

All rubber components of the Warrior APC track running gear are made from Carbon

Black Filled Natural Rubber (CBFNR). The benefits of using CBFNR in this

application are that it reduces impact forces, increases track-life, damps noise and

vibration and allows the track to run at higher speeds then is possible with metal-to-

metal contact. Specifically CBFNR is chosen for its durability and low heat build up

[2]. It is a material commonly used for high dynamic load applications such as truck

or aircraft tyres, engine mountings and machine isolation.

In this chapter the characteristic dynamic behaviour of CBFNR is discussed. Models

proposed by various researchers for describing this materials response are reviewed

and their suitability for use in the simulation of Warrior Armoured Personnel Carrier

(APC) running gear components assessed.

3.1 Frequency and temperature dependence

The first consideration when modelling an elastomeric component for dynamic

simulations is the materials variation in stiffness (material modulus) and damping

(phase or loss angle) over the relevant temperature and frequency operating range.

Precise data for the rubber compounds used in Warrior APC track components, (40

and 60 parts per hundred rubber by weight (pphr)) are not available but similar highly

filled natural rubber compounds are used in ‘Truck Tread’. Data for truck tread

(AVON rubber [2]) are presented in Figs. 3.1-2, 3.1-3, 3.1-4 and 3.1-5, which show

‘In-phase modulus’ and ‘Tan delta’ verses temperature and frequency. Where Tan

delta is the tangent of the phase angle (δ) between stress and strain when measured in

response to sinusoidal motion and in-phase modulus is the in-phase component of the

measured modulus, i.e. the dynamic modulus multiplied by the cosine of delta (Figure


Out of phase
modulus Dynamic


Fig. 3.1-1: Relationship between, In-phase modulus and Tan delta

Figures 3.1-3 and 3.1-5 show that for Truck Tread, Tan delta does not vary

significantly over the temperature range 0º-20ºC and the frequency range 1-100Hz.

Assuming that strain amplitude has been kept constant over this range; the

predominantly frequency independent loss angle of Figure 3.1-5 suggests that a

suitable damping model maybe a frictional or Coulombic description.

By contrast; the value of Tan Delta for unfilled Polyurethane Acoustic Absorber in

Figure 3.1-5 shows significant frequency dependence suggesting a velocity depended

(or viscous) damping model.

Various Compounds ≈ 0.2% peak-to-peak amplitude 10Hz


Temperature (°C)

Fig. 3.1-2: Effect of temperature on in-phase modulus. Avon Rubber [2]

Various Compounds ≈ 0.2% peak-to-peak amplitude 10Hz


Temperature (°C)

Fig. 3.1-3: Tan delta over the temperature range -80 → +40°C showing different
glass transition temperatures for various polymers. Avon Rubber [2]


Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 3.1-4: Frequency dependency of in-phase modulus for a variety of compounds

at 20°C. Avon Rubber [2]


Frequency (Hz)

Fig. 3.1-5: Frequency dependency of tan delta for a variety of compounds at 20°C.
Avon Rubber [2]

Figure 3.1-2 shows the in-phase modulus of Truck Tread varying between ≈32MPa

and ≈20MPa in the range 0°C to 20°C and figure 3.1-4 shows in-phase modulus

varying between ≈14MPa and ≈20MPa in the range 1Hz to 100Hz. These variations

in modulus are approximately 50% and maybe significant enough to be included in a

model of CBFNR. However as a first approximation frequency and temperature

effects over these ranges could be excluded for the sake of simplicity.

3.2 Stress relaxation (Viscous flow)

As mentioned in Section 3.1; the predominately frequency independent Truck Tread

plot (Fig. 3.1-5) leads us to conclude that a Frictional or Coulombic description would

approximate the damping force characteristic of CBFNR. However, when the material

is subjected to a stepped strain history the initial stress response reduces rapidly at

first then continues to decay slowly over time (Fig. 3.2-1). Measurements have shown

that the material has almost total stress relaxation at infinite time [19]. This ‘stress

relaxation’ is assumed to be equivalent to the viscous force component (out-of-phase

stress) and the stress at infinity equivalent to the elastic force component (in-phase

stress). However, relaxation (or viscous flow) is not described in a purely frictional

model and so presents a problem to the ‘modeller’, to produce a predominately

frequency independent damping force that also has stress relaxation.


Initial rapid Slow decay over

200 fall in force long time period

Force (N)



0 5 10 15 20 25

Time (seconds)

Fig. 3.2-1: Typical stress relaxation response for Carbon Black Filled Natural
Rubber (CBFNR)

3.3 Characteristic hysteresis loop shape

A further characteristic of CBFNR is that the response to steady state cyclic

displacement in the time domain produces hysteresis loops that are not elliptical, but

have an asymmetric shape. This characteristic is independent of frequency. The rate

of change of stress after a turning point is initially high but reduces to a lower level as

the strain amplitude increases. This characteristic response has been reported many

times by different researcher for both CBFNR material tests [7, 8] and CBFNR

component tests [6, 11]. The stress-strain plots of Fig 3.3-1 shows the typical

asymmetric hysteresis loop shape developing as amplitude increases.

Plot of shear stress (σ) against shear strain (γ) for sinusoidal strain history at 1Hz

Fig 3.3-1: Characteristic CBFNR hysteresis loops. Reproduced from Coveney

and Johnson [8]

This characteristic hysteresis loop shape results in amplitude-dependent stiffness

(since the major axis changes with amplitude) while maintaining an almost constant,

amplitude independent, loss angle (Fig 3.3-2).

Shear Loss
Stress Angle
(MPa) (deg)

Strain Strain

Fig 3.3-2: Typical response for CBFNR. Showing amplitude dependent stiffness (a)
and amplitude independent loss angle (b). Reproduced from Coveney
and Johnson [8]

3.4 Summary

To describe the dynamic behaviour of CBFNR a model should have the following

four traits:

1. Two independent components: one representing the in-phase elastic force, the

other representing out-of-phase damping force.

2. Predominately frequency independent hysteresis (Coulomic type damping).

3. The characteristic asymmetric hysteresis loop shape; resulting in amplitude

dependent stiffness.

4. Viscous damping that produces a rapid initial stress relaxation followed by

slow decay over a long time period.

Chapter 4

Literature review of models developed for

Carbon Black Filled Natural Rubber

4.0 Introduction

In this chapter various models that have been developed in recent years for modelling

the dynamic response of Carbon Black filled Natural Rubber (CBFNR) are discussed.

Beginning with the simplest ‘time independent models’ then describing the more

complicated ‘power’ and ‘exponential function’ models. All of the models discussed

describe total stress as the sum of an elastic (in-phase) stress and a damping (out-of-

phase stress) where each element responds independently of the other. Because the

two elements respond independently, discussion of each is presented in separate

subsections. In Section 4.1 the various types of elastic force description are compared.

In Section 4.2 the various types of damping force description are compared. Some

models have a third element, which is described as a, ‘plasto-elastic stress’ ‘weak

equilibrium hysteresis stress’ or a ‘friction force’. However, this element could also

be interpreted as a second ‘parallel’ damping element with very high viscosity and a

resulting long relaxation time and so will be included in discussion on the damping

component (section 4.2).

4.1 Descriptions for the Elastic stress component

Elastic stress (as described in Section 3.1) is the in-phase component of the materials

force response. This elastic component is also referred to as the ‘equilibrium stress’

by some researchers because it is the component of the force that remains at infinite

time when the viscous damping component has totally relaxed.

Here in Section 4.1 the functions used to describe the elastic stress in six different

CBFNR models are discussed. These models are: Berg [6], Triboelastic [8, 9, 12],

Bergstrom and Boyce [13, 14], Miehe and Keck [16], Lion [18], Haupt and Sedlan

[19]. The functions are not all dissimilar, so it is possible to group these models

together by the type of elastic function used. However it is also interesting to group

the models by the method used to determine the parameters that define their

respective functions. This is because determining parameters from experimental data

requires significant data processing techniques. Also, if a precise measurement of the

elastic component can be made independently of the viscoelastic component, it can be

subtracted from the total response and a model for the viscoelastic component

developed with confidence.

Firstly, if the models are grouped by the type of elastic function used, two groups

emerge. Berg’s model [6] and the Triboelastic model [8, 9, 12] are grouped together

because both have the simplest of constitutive relationships; a one-dimensional linear

Hookean model at the component level described by the function: F=kx, where F is

elastic force, k is a constant and x is displacement (extension or compression). In this

model, the coefficient ‘k’ may be linear because of the components geometry or it

may be an indication of relatively low strain (it is well documented that the elastic

modulus of CBFNR is non-linear above 1% strain [45, 46]).

Similarly, Bergstrom and Boyce [13, 14], Miehe and Keck [16], Lion [18] and Haupt

and Sedlan [19], are grouped together by the type of function used. All are three-

dimensional constitutive material models that use ‘finite strain energy functions’ to

describe the elastic element. These are functions that satisfy the following three


1. They are invariant to the axis orientation (x, y & z) i.e. the material is isotropic

2. At small strains the function reduces to a Hookean description, i.e. σ = Eε

3. Strain energy = 0 when λx= λy= λz= 1

Where E = Young’s Modulus, σ = stress, ε = strain and λ = ratio of deformed length

to original length in each orthogonal axis x, y & z. The strain energy functions used in

these four models are the standard and modified, Neo-Hookean, Mooney-Rivlin and

Ogden types [47]. The purpose of these functions is simply to introduce into the

elastic description enough parameters so that the non-linear response of the elastomer

at high strain is described. These four material models describe the materials elastic

response up to 200% strain.

Alternatively, grouping the six models by considering the method used to determine

the coefficients for the elastic functions results in three distinct groups. Firstly we can

define a group that uses computer algorithms to determine coefficients from the total

hysteretic stress-strain response. Here the fundamental in-phase modulus and phase

angle are found by Fourier analysis of the response to sinusoidal strain histories at a

number of frequencies. A minimisation algorithm is then used matches the models

response to this result thereby determining values for the functions coefficients. In

this group we have the Triboelastic models [8, 9, 12].

A second group can be defined where coefficients are determined by extracting

‘specific points on’ and/or ‘tangents to’ the CBFNR’s characteristic hysteresis loop

(see Section 3.3). In this group we have, Berg [6], Bergstrom and Boyce [13, 14].

This leaves, Miehe and Keck [16], Lion [18] and Haupt and Sedlan [19] in a third

grouping where points on the elastic force response curve are determined by direct

measurement. Each element of the model (elastic, viscous and plastic) is described

independently and so each can be measured independently by performing suitable

tests. The coefficients for the strain energy function are found by a minimisation

algorithm fit to a measure of relaxed strain at a number of points. The material is first

strained by increasing deformation in steps, at each step the strain is held constant for

a long time period; the strain is then decreased in steps, again holding the strain

constant for a long period at each step. In this way the elastic stress response is

approached from a positive and negative value of visco-elastic stress. The

measurements made by, Miehe and Keck [16] and Lion [18] have a constant strain

hold time of one hour. Haupt and Sedlan [19] held strain constant for 20,000 seconds

(more then five hours). Haupt and Sedlan [19] assumed for their model that at a very

long time period the value measured for steps of increasing strain would be identical

to values measured for steps of decreasing strain, so the mean of the two values at

20,000 seconds is taken as a point on the elastic stress response line. Lion [18]

includes elastic hysteresis in his model, Miehe and Keck [16] include plasto-elasticity

in their model but both use stress relaxation to determine coefficient values for the

elastic strain energy function.

Finally it should be mentioned that three of the six elastic force models discussed here

include a description of the Mullins or Damage effect where the level of stress

decreases in successive cycles; rapidly for the first few cycles on virgin material then

by a small amount over many cycles asymptotically to a stable response. This effect is

described in, Haupt and Sedlan [18], Lion [17, 18], Miehe and Keck [16].

For comparison, the six CBFNR models discussed here are listed in Table 4.1-1 with

a brief description of the function used to describe elasticity and the method by which

coefficients for the function are determined.

Model name Type of elastic Method by which the coefficients for the
and Reference description elastic function are determined

Berg Approximated as being the tangent to a large

Linear coefficient
[6] amplitude-damping loop.

Dynamic stiffness and phase angle are

Linear coefficient determining by Fourier analysis of response
[8, 9, 12]
to sinusoidal excitation

Neo-Hookean Three material coefficients are required for

Bergstrom and
based this model. They are estimated from ‘points
hyperelastic on’ and ‘tangents to’ the hysteresis loop
[13, 14]
model. [14].

The elastic component for this model has 5

Two term Ogden
Miehe and Keck parameters, which are found by computer
strain energy
[16] minimisation algorithm, fitting the function
to relaxation points.

Modified 3 term
The three coefficients required are estimated
Lion Mooney-Rivlin
[18]. Relaxation points are used to
[18] strain energy
determine equilibrium stress.

The 5 coefficients are found by a least

Haupt and Generalised 5
squares fit to relaxation points. These points
Sedlan term Mooney-
are approached both by applying strain and
[19] Rivlin model
by removing strain [19].

Table 4.1-1: A Summary of recent Elastic Stress models developed for Carbon Black
Filled Natural Rubber

4.2 Descriptions for the viscous stress component

4.2.1 Berg’s model

Berg’s model [6] is predominantly time independent, the majority of damping loss

being described by a non-linear friction force. A time dependent Maxwell element is

used, but only to modify the models response to match small frequency dependent

changes in the hysteresis loop shape. The model replicates the amplitude dependent

stiffness (known as the Payne effect [17]) and the almost constant damping loss angle,

which are characteristic features of CBFNR. Total force is described as the sum of

three parts; an elastic force; a ‘viscous’ force and a friction force, shown

schematically in Fig. 4.2.1-1.

F = k x1+ c x 2+ FFriction

k F Friction

Fig. 4.2.1-1: Schematic representation of Berg’s model

The elastic force is described by a linear stiffness (k), the viscoelastic force is

described by a linear Maxwell element (dashpot and spring in series) and friction

force described by a function that is zero at turning points (where velocity is zero) and

increase non-linearly (taking the sign of velocity) to a constant value at infinity.

Damping loss is predominantly described by the friction force, which is time

independent and has the following basic form.

( x1 − xo )
FFriction ∝ . sgn( x&1 )
β + ( x1 − xo ) Equation 4.2.1-1

Where, FFriction is the friction force, β is a constant, xo is the displacement at the

previous turning point and x1 is the current displacement.

Berg’s function has an additional scaling factor not shown in Equation 4.2.1-1 that

changes the form of the friction function depending on the ratio of friction force at the

previous turning point (xo) to the maximum possible value of friction force at infinite

strain. This element of the function has been excluded in Equation 4.2.1-1 for


The benefits of using Berg’s friction force function are that the asymmetric hysteresis

loop shape commonly reported for CBFNR stress strain plots [6, 7, 8, 11] is easily

replicated and coefficients for the function are easily determined by comparison with

measured data by varying the constant β; but the model has limited application.

Hysteresis is predominantly described by the time independent friction force, which

means that realistic stress relaxation response is not well represented. Also, as Berg

mentions himself, at high frequency the viscoelastic force described by a single linear

Maxwell element tends to zero so that damping is described by the friction force

function only.

The difficulty with a model of this type, where damping is described by a function

that rises monotonically taking the sign of velocity, is its application in dynamic

analysis software that uses the implicit Newton-Raphson Predictor Corrector method.

The model requires storage of force and displacement values at each turning point.

Turning points must be detected and then new values must be ‘assigned’ as described

by Equations 4.2.1-2 and 4.2.1-3.

At a turning points; Fo = Fo + ∆F Equation 4.2.1-2

And; Xo = Xo + ∆X Equation 4.2.1-3

Where Fo and Xo are force and displacement at the previous turning point

respectively, ∆F and ∆X are change in force and displacement since the previous

turning point respectively.

Assigning values to variables is not a standard operation in dynamic analysis software

that uses the Newton-Raphson Predictor Corrector method and if attempted will cause

the algorithm to fail. It may be possible to overcome this difficulty by modifying the

algorithm but this would require advanced programming and mathematical

knowledge, and if it where achieved the result is likely to be inefficient; since turning

points must be detected and the simulation halted, then restarted with the reassigned

turning point values.

4.2.2 Triboelastic model

The Triboelastic model, introduced by Turner [7] and further developed by Coveney

and Johnson [8] is a time independent model.

F= k x + F 1 Damping

x 1

k F Damping

Fig. 4.2.2-1: Schematic representation of the Triboelastic model

Total force is described by the sum of two parts (Fig 4.2.2-1), a linear elastic element

and an element that describes the shape of a velocity independent hysteresis curve that

is zero at turning points (at zero velocity) and increases non-linearly (taking the sign

of velocity) to a constant value at infinity.

The Triboelastic model is based on a phenomenological description that ‘imagines’ a

large number of microscopic, one dimensional, Coulombic elements, linked by

springs, resulting in an square root relationship between force and displacement that

has the following form:

FDamping ∝ ( x − xo ) 2 . sgn( x& )

Equation 4.2.2-1

Where, FDamping is damping force, x is current displacement and xo is displacement at

the previous turning point.

The Triboelastic model however has the same limitation as Berg’s model. Being time-

independent stress relaxation is not modelled and the describing function requires

values of force and displacement at the previous turning point to be stored and

reassigned causing difficulty in implementation in automatic dynamic analysis


4.2.3 Rate dependent Triboelastic models

Coveney and Johnson [9] explore two possible modifications to the Triboelastic

model described above. These are the ‘Triboelastic visco-solid model’ (TVS) and the

‘Rate dependent Triboelastic model’ (RT). For the TVS model a Maxwell element is

added to the standard Triboelastic model making it almost identical to Berg’s model

(described in section 4.2.1). Since the TVS model is very similar to the Berg model it

has the same limitations; limited ability to describe stress relaxation, no viscous

damping component at high frequency and a requirement for assigned variable values

at turning points.

The RT approach is to replace the Triboelastic element with a non-linear Maxwell

element that uses a ‘power’ relationship to achieve the predominantly rate

independent damping force; this is shown schematically in Fig. 4.2.3-1.

F = k x1+ c x 2 The value of ‘n’ is
approx. 0.11 to 0.15


Fig. 4.2.3-1: Schematic representation of the Rate Dependent Triboelastic (RT)

The RT model however has two failings; by describing damping with a power law the

Triboelastic inverse square relationship, which approximates the asymmetric

hysteresis loop shape of CBFNR, is lost and being a function of velocity only it does

not have the flexibility of Berg’s friction function which is easily adjusted, (by

varying the constant β) to describe the measured hysteresis loop. Secondly when ‘n’

has a low value, which is required to describe the materials almost time-independent

damping, sudden changes in the force vector at zero velocity (where = ∞ ) causes

simulation difficulty. Numerical simulations using the Newton-Raphson Predictor

Corrector method require smooth functions for trouble free operation [41, 44]. To

achieve this in the RT model the power relationship must be changed to a standard

linear Maxwell element at low velocity, i.e. below some value of x&2 , n=1. Although

this is easily implemented the question of…‘at what velocity do we change the

function from linear to non-linear so that a given simulation does not fail but the

model still represents the components damping properties’…is an additional

complication for a modeller to consider. Fig 4.2.3-2 illustrates this problem. The

continuous line shows the form of a non-linear damping function dependent on xn

where ‘n’ has a low value. The dashed line represents linear damping where ‘n = 1’.


-x2 +x2


Fig. 4.2.3-1: Illustration showing the requirement for a linear viscous relationship at
low velocity to prevent rapid changes in the force vector

4.2.4 Bergstrom and Boyce model

Bergstrom and Boyce [13] discussed the micro-mechanical behaviour of CBFNR and

developed a constitutive model that is the sum of two parts, an equilibrium response

(elastic force) and a ‘time-dependent deviation from equilibrium’ (visco-elastic force).

This model is similar to the Triboelastic RT model (described above) with just two

differences; equilibrium response is described by a hyperelastic model (see section

4.1) and time dependent response is a function of both velocity and displacement

raised to a power; this is shown schematically below in Fig. 4.2.4-1.

Bergstrom and Boyce described the elastic force (FElastic) by a Neo-Hookean based

hyperelastic function (see section 4.1) and the viscous force by a function that has the

following form:
FViscous = c( x x& )

Equation 4.2.4-1
Where Fviscous is the damping force, x is displacement across the visco-elastic

element, x& is velocity across the viscoelastic element, ‘c’ is a damping coefficient

and ‘n’ the power term is approx. 0.25

F=F +F
Elastic Viscous

F Elastic


Fig. 4.2.4-1: Schematic representation of the Bergstrom and Boyce model

In their report [13] Bergstrom and Boyce show good correlation with measured data.

The addition of displacement or strain dependence x may help with the functions

ability to fit measured data i.e. achieve the asymmetric hysteresis loop shape, but the

description suffers from the same drawback as the rate dependent Triboelastic RT

model regarding its application in dynamic analysis software. Where the Newton-

Raphson Predictor Corrector method is used a non-linear Maxwell element using a

power law with a value of n = 0.25 results in rapid changes in the force vector at low

velocity causing computational difficulties.

4.2.5 Miehe and Keck

A one-dimensional interpretation of the constitutive model developed by Miehe and

Keck [16] is shown schematically in Fig 4.2.5-1 with the relevant descriptive

functions (Equations 4.2.5-1 & 4.2.5-1). This is similar to the ‘Berg’ and ‘Triboelastic

viscous solid (TVS)’ models described above. Here though the visco-elastic and

plasto-elastic elements are described by exponential functions of strain, which have a

larger number of parameters and therefore give the model greater ability to match

trends in the measured data.


Felastic Fplastoelastic x2


Fig. 4.2.5-1: Schematic representation of the Miehe and Keck model

F visco-elastic = A exp [Bx 1 + Cx 2 ] x& 2 Equation 4.2.5-1

F plasto-elastic = P exp[Qx1 ] Equation 4.2.5-2

Where, Fvisco-elastic is the visco-elastic damping force Fplasto-elastic is the plasto-elastic

damping force A, B, C, P & Q are constants.

Miehe and Keck [16] showed good correlation between measured and modelled strain

responses up to 200% in their report. The model describes elasticity using a two-term

Ogden function, also ‘Mullins effect’: stress softening during the first loading cycles

is described, giving the model a total of 20 parameters. However, a description of

Mullins effect is not required in a vehicle model because the rubber components

undergo many strain cycles at all levels early in their long life, so that the stress

softening effect becomes insignificant.

The nonlinear plasto-elastic and visco-elastic stress descriptions give this model the

ability to match a wide range of data measurements, but the large number of

parameters means that a computer minimisation algorithm is required to determine

values for these functions.

4.2.6 Lion

Lion [18] presented a phenomenological model for carbon black filled natural rubber

that described, non-linear elasticity, non-linear elastic hysteresis (plasto-elasticity),

non-linear visco-elasticity and Mullins stress softening. This model has the same

modular components as the Miehe and Keck model described above (Fig. 4.2.5-1),

however the functions differ. Each element is described by a strain dependent

function. Polynomial functions that include ‘Neo-Hookean’ and ‘Mooney-Revlin’ as

special cases are used as non-linear multiplying terms in the description of each

component i.e., elasticity, plasto-elasticity and visco-elasticity are all non-linear

functions of strain. For the viscoelastic element this strain magnitude dependent term

is combined with an exponential relationship that describes non-linear rate

dependence, so that:

σ v = f( ε ,ε&) Equation 4.2.6-1

Where, σ v ,ε and ε& are viscoelastic stress, strain and strain rate respectively.

The constitutive equations and viscoelastic description for this model given by Lion

[18] are difficult to interpret and translate into a simple descriptive function that can

be implemented as discrete components in computer software or described by discrete

components in a schematic representation. Because of its complexity this model has

not been implemented and it is not possible to comment on its suitability for one-

dimensional modelling of vehicle components in automatic dynamic analysis


4.2.7 Haupt & Sedlan

The model developed by Haupt & Sedlan [19] has elastic and viscoelastic elements

only (referred to as ‘equilibrium stress’ and ‘over stress’ elements respectively). The

Mullins effect is not described and experimental measurements show that plasto-

elasticity is not significant. The final Haupt and Sedlan constitutive model has 15

parameters describing non-linear equilibrium stress in parallel with three visco-elastic

elements that have strain-history dependent viscosity.

There are two features of this model that are not present in any of the models

described above. These are the viscoelastic element, which naturally produces an

asymmetric stress-strain response and is weakly time-dependent and ‘strain history’

dependent visco-elasticity. It was found that the non-linear Maxwell element used in

this model reproduces the basic features of CBFNR and is easily described by discrete

components and implemented in automatic dynamic analysis software. However, the

‘strain-history’ element of the Haupt and Sedlan model is complex and requires a

great deal of experimental data to determine values for its coefficients. An

interpretation of the ‘strain-history’ dependent function is given below in Equation

4.2.7-4 and a diagram showing how it could be implemented using discrete

components in automatic dynamic analysis software given in Fig.4.2.7-2. A

simplified model of the Haupt and Sedlan model with only a single visco-elastic

element and without strain-history dependent viscosity is shown schematically in Fig



Felastic x2


Fig. 4.2.7-1: A one-dimensional and simplified schematic representation of the

Haupt and Sedlan model (with a single viscoelastic element only)

The elastic element is described by a five-term Mooney-Revlin function. The

viscoelastic force is described by the following function:

c x& 2
F viscoelastic =
x& 1 + ξ Equation 4.2.7-1

Where ‘c’ and ‘ξ’ are constants (the symbols used in this expression are not the same

as those used by Haupt and Sedlan [19]). Strain-history dependence is not described;

this function is a simplification of the Haupt and Sedlan model. The form used here is

simply a standard linear Maxwell element where the viscous force is divided by the

magnitude of strain rate ( x&1 ) plus a constant (ξ). In Haupt and Sedlan model ‘ξ’ is a

‘process dependent variable’ that has a low value at low strain rate and a high value at

high strain rate to simulate strain history dependent viscoelasticity.

For a small value of ξ and/or high value of x&1 Equation 4.2.7-1 produces an

exponential response described by the following function (derivation given in

Appendix 1):

⎛ k .sgn ( x&1 ) ⎞
F viscoelastic = c.sgn ( x&1 ) − (c.sgn (x&1 ) − F0 ).Exp⎜⎝ − c
.( x1 − x0 )⎟

Equation 4.2.7-2

And in response to a stepped input the visco-elastic element relaxes exponentially in

the following way, (derivation given in Appendix 2):

⎡ − ξ .k .t ⎤
F viscoelastic = F o . Exp ⎢ ⎥⎦ Equation 4.2.7-3
⎣ c

For Equations 4.2.7-1, 4.2.7-2 and 4.2.7-3, ξ is a constant, c is maximum possible

visco-elastic damping force, x&1 total strain velocity, x& 2 strain velocity across the

dashpot, Fo and x0 viscoelastic damping force and displacement at the previous

turning point respectively, x1 is displacement, k stiffness coefficient and t time.

Equation 4.2.7-2 and 4.2.7-3 show that at high velocity this viscoelastic element

produces a stable hysteresis loop enclosed by rising and falling exponential curves

(see Fig 6.2-1) and at zero velocity the damping force decays exponentially. Thus the

fundamental features of CBFNR are described. These are; an asymmetric hysteresis

loop, predominately frequency independent damping and stress relaxation. In addition

to this, the function is easily understood and easily implemented, it is also ‘smooth’

and continuous making it ideal for implementation in automatic mechanical system

simulation software that uses the implicit Newton-Raphson predictor corrector


The Haupt and Sedlan model [19] uses three viscoelastic elements in parallel to

achieve the required fit to measured data and in addition to this, values for ‘ξ’ are

made ‘strain-history’ dependent so that stress relaxation measurements, (which

showed differing decay rates depending on preceding strain history) could be

modelled. We see in Equation 4.2.7-3 that rate of stress relaxation is partly

determined by the constant ξ. In the Haupt and Sedlan model ‘ξ' is made variable so

that when stationary the value of ξ decrease over time to a constant low value,

simulating high viscosity. As velocity ( x&1 ) increases the value of ξ increases to a

constant high value, simulating low viscosity. The model prevents maximum and

minimum values of ξ from being exceeded and the rate at which ξ changes depends

on an independent relaxation time. This behaviour can be described schematically as

discrete components by the use of an independent Kelvin element, which behaves as

an exponentially decaying memory of strain rate ( x&1 ). The visco-elastic function

(Equation 4.2.7-1) is modified as follows:

c x&
F viscoelastic = x& + Ax

Kelvin + ξ
Equation 4.2.7-4

Where c, A and ξ are constants, xKelvin is displacement of the Kelvin element to

which the force applied (Fk) is equal to x&1 ; x&1 is total strain velocity; x& 2 strain

velocity across the dashpot. This model is described schematically for a single

viscoelastic element in Figure 4.2.7-2.

Fk = x&1
x1 x Kelvin

Felastic x2 kK cK

Fig. 4.2.7-2: A one-dimensional schematic representation of the Haupt and Sedlan

strain-history dependent viscosity model (with a single viscoelastic
element only)

In this interpretation (Equation 4.2.7-4) the viscosity variable has a range from ‘ ξ ’

minimum to ‘ A.xKelvin + ξ ’ maximum and the ‘rate of change of viscosity’ is

determined by . To make this viscoelastic model identical to the Haupt & Sedlan

model, force acting on the Kelvin element (Fk) would be given an upper limit thereby

limiting the lowest possible viscosity.

The concept of ‘strain history dependent viscosity’ is further developed in a second

paper by Haupt and Lion [20]; demonstrating that the description may need to be

more complex then is represented here by the single linear Kelvin element shown in

Fig 4.2.7-2.

4.3 Summary

1. Six models developed in resent years for modelling the dynamic response of

Carbon Black filled Natural Rubber (CBFNR) have been reviewed. These are,

Berg [6], Triboelastic [8, 9, 12], Bergstrom and Boyce [13, 14], Miehe and Keck

[16], Lion [18], Haupt and Sedlan [19]. All these models describe total stress as

the sum of an elastic (in-phase) stress and a damping (out-of-phase stress) where

each element responds independently of the other.

2. ‘Mullins’ or ‘Damage’ effect is included in some of the models discussed here

but this material behaviour is not relevant to vehicle components, which

undergo many cycles in their long life.

3. We are able to group the various descriptions for elastic stress described in these

six models in two ways. Either by the type of function used. Resulting in two

groups: Linear elastic, and Nonlinear strain energy function. Or by the method

used to determine coefficients for the elastic stress function. Resulting in three

groups: Fourier analysis, ‘Points on’ and/or ‘tangents to’ the hysteresis loop, and

a method where damping force is allowed to relax over a long period of time.

4. Models that describe damping by storing values of force and displacement at

turning points (Berg [6] and Triboelastic [8, 9]) are not suited to use in dynamic

analysis software simulations that use the Newton-Raphson Predictor Corrector

method, as the algorithm does not allow for this operation.

5. Models that use a ‘fractional power’ to describe the predominately rate

independent damping force of CBFNR (Triboelastic [12], Bergstrom and Boyce

[13, 14]), are also not suited to this type of software because the rapid change in

force vector at zero velocity can cause the algorithm to fail.

6. The models proposed by Miehe and Keck [16], and Lion [18] have a large

number of parameters in their descriptive functions and as a result measured and

modelled responses correlate over a wide range of strain (up to 200%). However

the large number of constants means that a computer minimisation algorithm is

required to determine their values. Also the descriptions can be complex and

difficult to implement as discrete components in multibody dynamic analysis


7. Of the models reviewed here the most appropriate for the simulation of CBFNR

components is that proposed by Haupt and Sedlan [19], since it is easily

implemented as discrete components in dynamic analysis software and is

computationally robust. It also reproduces the fundamental features of CBFNR

which are; an asymmetric hysteresis loop, predominately frequency independent

damping and stress relaxation.

However, the strain history dependent viscosity described in this model is

complex and requires a great deal of experimental data to determine values for

its coefficients.

Chapter 5

Test rig design, experimental procedure and measurement

for rubber components

5.0 Introduction

The characteristics of two Carbon black filled natural rubber components (CBFNR)

from the Warrior Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) Track Running Gear were

measured. These two components were the ‘road wheel tyre’ and the ‘track link

bush’. Road wheel tyre measurements are simply radial force-displacement responses

where the load is applied perpendicular to the wheel’s circumference by a ridged flat

steel surface to simulate contact with the tracks links. The wheel does not rotate;

measurement and analysis of a rolling solid rubber tyre would be the subject of further

work. The track link bush was measured in two directions, radial (perpendicular to the

bush axis) and torsional (about the track bush axis). Of the six degrees of freedom,

these two bush dimensions are the most relevant to the simulations of track motion

and frequency response. These two track bush dimensions (radial and torsional) are

treated here as two separate components; a three dimensional constitutive material

model is not developed. This simplification can be justified because the objective here

is to create a simple one-dimensional model that captures the components basic

stiffness and damping characteristics. Therefore the responses of three carbon black

filled natural rubber (CBFNR) components are investigated. These are; tyre radial

characteristics; track bush radial characteristics and track bush torsional


These three components have been chosen firstly because of their importance in any

track running gear simulation but also because they provide good data for developing

a generic model that could describe any other rubber component in the Warrior APC

running gear. Tyre measurements exercise the material in compression only but its

geometric cross-section changes considerably as it is compressed against the flat

surface. The track bush torsion measurement exercises the material predominantly in

shear and the track bush radial measurement exercises the material predominantly in

compression. A model that describes these three track components will be ‘general


The response of each component to steady sinusoidal displacements with small

amplitude and varying preloads, and with a varying amplitude and constant preload,

has been measured to determine parameters for, elastic, geometric and viscoelastic

descriptions. In addition to this, measurements were made at frequencies ranging from

0.1Hz to 20Hz to illustrate the components insensitivity to varying strain rate and

stress relaxation to determine values for time-dependent parameters. Also the track

bush torsional response to a dual-sine displacement history was measured for

comparison with the response reported by Coveney and Johnson [8] and to simulate

the type of strain history (combined high-frequency low-amplitude and low-frequency

high-amplitude displacement) a component might experience on the vehicle.

Temperature effects are not studied since Warrior APC track components operate well

above the materials glass transition temperature where modulus and loss angle are

almost constant. The glass transition temperature for carbon black filled natural

rubber occurs at around -40°C (see Figs. 3.1-2, 3.1-3).

5.1 Warrior APC track rubber components


Fig. 5.1-1: Warrior APC rubber track components; (A) A single Track link (B) Track
bush sections removed from the track link casting (C) Road wheel tyres

5.1.1 Road wheel Tyre

Road wheel tyres are made from a solid layer of CBFNR moulded onto the wheel’s

aluminium wheel hub. Road-wheel tyre material is 60phr (parts per hundred rubber by

weight) N550 natural rubber (AVON compound code: 4X59). Tyre dimensions are;

inside diameter = 538mm; outside diameter = 613mm; width = 128mm. Figure 5.1-C

shows three road wheels on the vehicle. A wheel is made from an assembly of two

identical cast aluminium hubs each with a moulded rubber tyre. These ‘half-wheels’

are bolted back-to-back so that the tyres run either side of the track horn. It is the tyre

of one ‘half-wheel’ that is the subject of this study. The vehicle has twelve road

wheels and weighs approximately 27 tonne therefore when stationary each tyre carries

a load of around 11kN. The road wheel tyre measurements carried out in this study

range up to 40kN, more then three times the tyres static load.

5.1.2 Track bush

Track bush material is 40pphr N200 natural rubber and when fitted into the track link

casting its dimensions are; inside diameter = 31mm; outside diameter = 42mm;

combined length of all five bushes (i.e. joint length) = 425mm. The joint between

adjacent tracks links is made up of five individual sections of bush (Fig. 5.1-1B) each

moulded onto a steel sleeve with an octagonal centre that engages with the track pin.

The response of individual bush sections is not measured in this investigation; it is the

response of the joint assembly that is measured. Therefore for the purpose of this

study the term, ‘track bush’ refers to the assembly of five individual rubber sections.

Before being fitted to the track link casting the bush sections have an outside diameter

of 47mm. The material therefore has a high degree of pre-compression when the track

is unloaded, being compressed from its relaxed state of 47mm diameter to 42mm

diameter. It is assumed that the bush has been designed so that the material is under

compression even when it experiences the maximum amount of torsion (approx 23°)

when passing around the vehicles driving sprocket and idler wheel. This design

ensures that the outer diameter of the bush does not rotate relative to the track link

casting under normal operating conditions. Figure 5.1A shows the assembled track

link casting and bush sections. All motion between adjacent links (neglecting pin

clearance and small amount of strain in metal components) is possible only by

torsional, radial and longitudinal motion of the track bush rubber.

Track link joints have a designed static equilibrium angle of 10°; this is commonly

referred to as the tracks ‘live-angle’ and is the angle between adjacent track links at

which there is no torsional strain about the track pin. The purpose of the ‘live-angle’

is to minimise the maximum amplitude of torsional strain in the bush rubber. So that

maximum rotational amplitude occurs in one direction as the track joint passes over

drive sprocket and idler wheel, and in other direction as it is traverses the top span and

ground contact.

When the track is assembled on the vehicle it is tensioned to approximately 13kN.

Radial bush measurements carried out in this study range up to 50kN, more than three

times static bush load.

5.2 Test rigs design and experimental procedure


Fig. 5.2-1: (A) Measurement of track bush torsional characteristics by rotation about
the track bush axis (B) Measurement of Track bush radial force and
displacement (C) Measurement of road wheel tyre radial force and

Test rigs were constructed to measure each of the three track components: track bush

torsion, track bush radial and road wheel tyre radial characteristic, shown above in

Figures 5.2-1 A, B and C respectively. Each component was exercised by a

displacement-controlled hydraulic cylinder. For drawings detailing test rig design,

data acquisition and control see Appendix 7. In each case the effect of four variables

were investigate, preload, amplitude, frequency and time. The four tests were as


(I) Low amplitude at various preloads, 1Hz sinusoidal displacement

(II) Constant preload at various amplitudes, 1Hz sinusoidal displacement

(III) Constant amplitude and constant preload at, 0.1Hz, 1Hz, 10Hz and 20Hz

sinusoidal displacement.

(IV) Stress relaxation: Response to a stepped displacement over time.

In addition to the tests listed above, two further measurements where taken. A

measurement of the track bush torsional response at various radial loads has been

made to investigate the degree of interaction between these two components, this

result is presented in Section 5.7. Also the track bush torsional response to dual-sine

displacement has been measured. This replicates the dual-sine test reported by

Coveney and Johnson [8]. The frequency ratio between secondary and primary sine

waves is 15:1, amplitude ratio 10:1. The dual-sine measurement is presented in

Section 5.8.

Before the time domain measurements described above where conducted, components

were allowed to normalise to room temperature (17° - 20°C).

Also the frequency response of each test rig was measured so that resonance effects

would be avoided. These test rig frequency response measurements (and a short

discussion of methodology and associated issues) are presented in Appendix 3. Track

components time domain response measurements are shown to be valid up to the

following frequencies:

• Track bush torsional force measurement (Fig. 5.2-1A) : 6Hz

• Track bush radial force measurement (Fig. 5.2-1B) : 75Hz

• Tyre radial force measurement (Fig. 5.2-1C) : 20Hz

5.2.1 Data Acquisition and Signal Processing

The following points cover the issues associated with data acquisition and signal


• Force is measured by strain gauge load cell, displacement by Linear Variable

Displacement Transducer (LVDT), acceleration by piezoelectric transducers.

• Calibrated force, displacement and acceleration signals were recorded to computer

memory via a standard data acquisition board that has a maximum acquisition rate

of 100kHz.

• Inline low-pass filters set to one quarter the sample rate frequency where used to

prevent aliasing. For example: A 1Hz strain cycle was collected at a rate of 400

samples per second and the low pass filters set to 100Hz.

• Five cycles where averaged to ‘smooth’ cycle-to-cycle variation and sample rate

set to collect 400 samples per cycle. Therefore the maximum sample rate required

was 8000 samples per second for a 20Hz strain cycle frequency; well within the

data acquisition board’s specifications.

• Particular care was taken to compensate for force due to the acceleration of test rig

components that connect load cell and track component. This source of error is

proportional to the amplitude of displacement and the square of acceleration. An

accelerometer was attached to the load cell. Then the true force applied to the

component measurement was found simply by subtracting the product of

acceleration and the mass of components connecting load cell and component.

• Before taking measurements, the components where exercised through 20-30

cycles at maximum load to remove the stress softening (Mullins effect) seen on

the first loading cycles of new unstrained rubber.

Attention to the above points enabled repeatable measurements to be made.

5.3 Measurement I:

Low amplitude displacement with various preloads, 1Hz sinusoidal displacement

The purpose of this measurement was to determine coefficients for polynomials that

describe, elastic force and visco-elastic force relative to absolute strain (or absolute

deformation) of the rubber component.

For a CBFNR model it is assumed that, in response to stable cyclic motion, the elastic

force lays equidistance between the maximum and minimum damping force values.

This assumption is best illustrated in the measured response of Figure 5.3.1-2, where

the elastic response is taken as the ‘mean’ of two lines drawn through the turning

points of small amplitude hysteresis loops of differing preload.

This assumption is common to all elastic stress models discussed in Section 4.1 and is

an outcome of their descriptions for viscoelasticity, which have the same magnitude

in both directions i.e. there are not differing damping coefficient depending on the

direction of motion since the previous turning point.

Here the experimental method used to find a function that describes the elastic force

differs from that used by, Mieche and Keck [16], Lion [18] and Haupt and Sedlan

[19], who found equilibrium stress by a series of stress relaxation measurements

(Table 4.1-1). It is assumed here that the effect of stress relaxation on the measured

mean position of a small amplitude hysteresis loops can be removed by first setting

the preload level then increasing the amplitude of a sinusoidal displacement so that a

high level of both increasing and decreasing viscoelastic force is generated, then

reducing the displacement to the small amplitude. It is assumed that this process

stabilizes the hysteresis loop so that its mean value is stable from cycle to cycles (does

not relax further) and lies on elastic force line. By this method the time required to

collect data to determine the elastic force response is reduced from more then a day to

less then 60 minutes. However, this method has not been thoroughly validated.

Validation would require careful measurement and would be the subject of further


This method of determining a polynomial relating force to displacement by taking the

mean point through small amplitude hysteresis loops of varying preload has a

secondary benefit. The measurements also provided data that enables the

determination of a viscoelastic ‘geometric multiplier’ or ‘strain function’. Changing

geometry as in the case of the radial compression of a solid rubber tyre not only

produces a non-linear elastic component; viscoelastic force is also dependent upon

absolute deformation. It is assumed here that the change in viscoelastic force due to a

components changing cross-section can be measured by comparing the amplitude of

hysteresis loops that have the same displacement amplitude but have different

preloads. The effect of changing geometry is then modelled simply by multiplying the

viscoelastic elements response by a function of displacement.

The procedure for the low-amplitude, varying displacement measurement was as


• The preload was applied.

• The amplitude of a 1Hz sinusoidal motion was increased to a large value so

that the viscoelastic force approaches a constant value in both the forward and

reverse directions i.e. a fully developed hysteresis loop.

• Amplitude was slowly reduced to a low value and after a short settling time

the data for five cycles was recorded.

This sequence of operations was repeated at each preload setting, with care taken each

time to ensure that the low amplitude displacement was identical within the limits of

the measurement and control system.

5.3.1 Elastic force description

The elastic force is taken as the least mean square fit to the mean of two lines; one

connecting the maximum turning point of each low amplitude hysteresis loop, the

other connecting the minimum turning points (Figures. 5.3.1-1, 5.3.1-2 and 5.3.1-3).

Figures 5.3.1-1 and 5.3.1-2 show the track bush response in each of the two

dimensions, torsional and radial respectively. A linear fit has been used in both cases

as this gives a good approximation and is sufficient for vehicle component simulation.

Notice that the response in torsion (Fig.5.3.1-1) is close to zero at 10° as it should be

since the Warrior APC track links have a ‘live-angle’ (static equilibrium angle) of ten

degrees. Also notice that the least mean square linear fit to the radial response (Fig.

5.3.1-2) does not pass though zero force at zero displacement. A possible explanation

for this is that these measurements where taken early in the research before the ‘long

relaxation time’ behaviour of CBFNR was fully appreciated. The procedure described

above which removes this effect was not used in this case but it is expected that if

these measurement where repeated with care the linear fit would pass through zero

force at zero displacement.


Torque (Nm)

0 y = 12.4x - 130.4

0 10 20 30 40
Track angle (Degrees)

Fig. 5.3.1-1: Track bush torsional elastic-force response



Force (N)

y = 8.18E+07x + 1.81E+03


0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006
Displacement (m)

Fig. 5.3.1-2: Track bush radial elastic-force response

y = 1.82E+11x3 - 2.14E+08x2 + 2.17E+06x + 1.21E-09

Radial Force (N)



0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006

Tyre compression (m)

Fig. 5.3.1-3: Road wheel tyre elastic-force response

Figure 5.3.1-3 shows the road wheel tyre response to small amplitude sinusoidal

displacements at varying preload but identical amplitude. In this case the elastic force

response is described by a cubic polynomial. It is significant that the least mean

square fit does pass through zero, since this gives confidence in this method of

determining the elastic-force response.

In summary, from these measurements we have the following three functions, which

describe the elastic force response of each component:

1. For track bush torsional elastic Torque:

Fe = 12 .4 θ − 130 .4 Nm Equation 5.3.1-1

Where, Fe is the elastic torque component and θ is the angle between adjacent tracks.

2. For track bush radial elastic force:

Fe = 81.8 × 10 6 x N Equation 5.3.1-2

Where: Fe is elastic force and x is track bush radial displacement.

3. For road wheel tyre radial elastic:

Fe = 1.82 × 10 11 x 3 - 2.14 × 10 8 x 2 + 2.17 × 10 6 x N

Equation 5.3.1-3

Where: Fe is elastic force and x is tyre compression.

5.3.2 Geometric multiplying function

It is particularly noticeable in Figure 5.3.1-3 that the amplitude of the viscoelastic

response increases with preload (hysteresis loops are larger at higher preloads). This

is a geometric effect causes by the changing cross section of the tyre. A multiplying

function that describes this effect for each of the three components was found by

subtracting the elastic response (Equations, 5.3.1-1, 5.3.1-2, 5.3.1-3) from each low-

amplitude varying-preload measurement (Figures, 5.3.1-1, 5.3.1-2, 5.3.1-3) then

fitting a least mean square line to the maximum and minimum turning points. The

result is shown below in Figures, 5.3.2-1, 5.3.2-2, and 5.3.2-3.


y = 0.64x + 19.14

Torque (Nm)

0 10 20 30 40

Track angle (Degrees)

Fig. 5.3.2-1: Track bush torsional geometric factor


Force (N)


0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006

Displacement (m)

Fig. 5.3.2-2: Track bush radial geometric factor

y = 3.24E+05x + 5.97E+02

Force (N)


0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006
Tyre compression (m)

Fig. 5.3.2-3: Road wheel tyre radial geometric factor

We see from these graphs that the track bush radial response (Fig.5.3.2-2) does not

show any significant geometric effect but that both the track bush torsional response

and the road wheel tyre response do. To determine coefficients for these two

geometric functions the hysteresis loops have been simply bound by a linear function.

The multiplying function in each cases is therefore a linear scalar, so that

mx 0 + c
f (x 0 ) = , where f (x 0 ) is the multiplying function, x0 is the components absolute

displacement. ‘m’ and ‘c’ are constants. This function can be simplified to,

f (x 0 ) = h.x 0 + 1 ,
where x0 is the components absolute displacement and h = .

Therefore from the measurements shown in Fig.5.3.2-1 and Fig.5.3.2-3 we have the

following two functions describing change in visco-elastic force due to geometry:

1. Track bush torsional geometric multiplier.

f ( x0 ) = 0.033 x0 − 10 + 1 Equation 5.3.2-1

In Equation 5.3.2-1 the reference angle (x0 = 0) is taken as being the position where

adjacent track link castings are inline. The addition of ‘10’ in this equation is

therefore to correct the function for track bush ‘live-angle’.

2. Road wheel tyre geometric multiplier.

f (x0 ) = 543.x0 + 1 Equation 5.3.2-2

In both Equations 5.3.2-1 and 5.3.2-2, f (x 0 ) is the geometric multiplying function and

x0 is the components absolute displacement.

5.4 Measurement II:

Constant preload at various amplitudes, 1Hz sinusoidal displacement

Each of the Warrior APC components was exercised at various amplitudes but

constant preload by a 1Hz sinusoidal displacement. The purpose of this measurement

is to produce data from which coefficients for the viscoelastic elements of the

component model can be determined.

Measurements are presented below in Figs 5.4-1, 5.4-2 and 5.4-3. The elastic-force

line (as determined in Section 5.3.1) is show on these charts so that the relationship

between the viscous and elastic forces can be seen.

As was mentioned above, measurements of track bush radial response were carried

out early in this research before the ‘long relaxation time’ characteristics of CBFNR

where appreciated. It is believed that this is the reason that the measured response

plots of Figure 5.4-2 do not lie equidistant about the elastic-force line.



Torque (Nm)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Track angle (Degrees)

Fig. 5.4-1: Track bush torsional force-displacement response


Force (N) 40000




0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005

Displacement (m)

Fig. 5.4-2: Track bush radial force-displacement response


Radial load (N)




0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006
Tyre compression (m)

Fig. 5.4-3: Road wheel tyre radial force-displacement response

An important and consistent feature of these graphs (Fig 5.4-1, 5.4-2 & 5.4-3) is that

at high amplitude the viscoelastic force response is not parallel with the elastic force

line. The viscoelastic force continues to increase.

5.5 Measurement III:

Constant amplitude and constant preload at various frequencies

The object of this measurement is to demonstrate the insensitivity of carbon black

filled natural rubber components to frequency variation. Measurements at constant

amplitude and constant preload at 0.1Hz, 1Hz, 10Hz and 20Hz are presented in

Figures 5.5-1 and 5.5-2. Measurements at higher frequencies where not possible due

to the high force generated by accelerating test rig masses and test rig resonance.

Figures 5.5-1 and 5.5-2 show that the response of carbon black filled natural rubber

components do not significantly change over the frequency range 0.1Hz to 20Hz. This

is an expected result, agreeing with the frequency response of ‘Truck Tread’ shown in

Figures. 3.1-4 and 3.1-5. We see here though that in detail the characteristic

asymmetric shape shown in Figure 5.5-2 is unaltered by the changing frequency.



Force (N)



10000 0.1 Hz
1.0 Hz
8000 20 Hz

0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004
Tyre compression (m)

Fig. 5.5-1: Road wheel tyre force-displacement response at several frequencies



Force (N)


10000 1 Hz
10 Hz
20 Hz
0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005
Displacement (m)

Fig. 5.5-2: Track bush radial force-displacement response at several frequencies

This result brings us to the conclusion that, as a first approximation damping would

be represented by a frictional description not a viscous (velocity dependent)

description. However, we will see in the next Section (5.6) that this material also

exhibits stress relaxation; a feature that contradicts the frictional damping model.

5.6 Measurement IV: Stress relaxation:

Force response to a stepped displacement over time

Figure 5.6-1 shows the track bush response to a stepped torsional displacement, both

total force and the elastic-force (determined by Equation 5.3.1-1) are shown for

comparison. Only a few stress relaxation measurements were made: a comprehensive

and detailed investigation of each track component’s response to a variety of stepped

inputs has not been undertaken. The reason for this is that it has been shown by Haupt

and Sedlan [19] that stress relaxation response depends upon strain history and a

‘strain history dependent viscosity model’ is needed to describe it. This level of

complexity is excessive for a Warrior APC track component model.



Force (N)


Total force
Elastic force only
0 5 10 15 20 25

Time (seconds)

Fig. 5.6-1: Track bush torsional stress relaxation

Figure 5.6-1 shows the characteristic features of a CBFNR stress relaxation response.

These are an immediate rapid fall in force in a short time followed by a slow fall in

force at long time. This response is not described by a single decaying exponential



Force (N)



0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Time (Seconds)

Fig. 5.6-2: Road wheel tyre stress relaxation

Figure 5.6-2 shows a stress relaxation measurement for the road wheel tyre, again a

typical carbon black filled natural rubber response

5.7 Track bush torsional response at various radial loads


Torque (Nm)


0 10 20 30 40
Track angle (Degrees)

Fig. 5.7-1: Track bush torsional response at varying radial loads

Figure 5.7-1 shows the effect that changing track bush radial load has on the track

bush torsional response when subject to stable sinusoidal motion at 0.2Hz. At each

setting the radial load was applied with the bush stationary at a track angle of 10°; the

tracks ‘live-angle’ where the bush is not strained in torsion.

This measurement shows that although these two track link bush dimensions are

modelled and measured as independent components they do interact, but that the

interaction is not so excessive that its exclusion from the model will produce an

unrepresentative description. The measurement shows that for steady sinusoidal

motion and constant radial preload, torque about the bush axis decreases slightly by a

constant value as track tension (radial load) increases but also that stiffness and

damping are not significantly affected.

An equivalent measurement showing the effect on radial response of changing

torsional load has not been made but this could be the subject of further work.

5.8 Track bush torsional response to duel-sine displacement


Torque (Nm)


5 10 15 20 25 30
Track link angle (Degrees)

Fig. 5.8-1: Track bush torsional response to dual-sine displacement

Figure 5.8-1 shows track bush torsional response to duel-sine displacement. The

amplitude and frequency ratios are taken from Coveney and Johnson [8] so that a

comparison could be made with this work. Secondary to primary frequency ratio is

15:1; secondary to primary amplitude ratio is 10:1.

Primary frequency = 0.1Hz, Primary amplitude = 7.5°, Secondary frequency = 1.5Hz,

Secondary amplitude = 0.75°.

The purpose here is to simulate the type strain history (combined high-frequency low-

amplitude and low-frequency high-amplitude) a component might experience on a


Chapter 6

Development of a model for rubber components

6.0 Introduction

The literature review of models developed for carbon black filled natural rubber

(CBFNR) components (Chapter 4) showed that a viscoelastic model based on the

work of Haupt and Sedlan [19] best describes the characteristics of (CBFNR) and is

suited to software that uses the Newton Raphson Predictor Corrector method. In

Chapter 5 functions that describe the elastic force and the increase in viscoelastic

force due to changing geometry where found.

The objective here in Chapter 6 is to develop a generic model that can describe the

behaviour of all CBFNR components in the Warrior Armoured Personnel Carrier

(APC) running gear by simulating one-dimensional force-displacement response. It is

important to note that the model developed here is a phenomenological description

and therefore cannot be guaranteed to simulate the response to stain rates or strain

amplitudes that have not been measured.

It is response at the component level that is described by the model; material is not

considered at the micro-mechanical level and constitutive equations are not

developed. Hyper-elastic constitutive models, which describe the nonlinear elastic

behaviour of rubber, are not used; elasticity is described by a polynomial fit to

measured data (Section 5.3.1). Damage; the reduction in viscoelasticity over time

(also known as the Mullins effect) is not modelled nor are thermal effects or plasto-

elasticity (also known as equilibrium stress hysteresis). The model is deliberately

simplified as far as possible but retains elements that are important for vehicle

component simulations so that it describes the force-displacement response to high

amplitude, low amplitude, multiple frequency and transient strain histories.

Coefficients for descriptive mathematical functions used in the model developed here

are found by manually changing their values and by visual comparison matching the

modelled response to the measured response. Computer algorithms are not used other

then ‘least mean square fit polynomials’ common to most standard graphical software


6.1 The simplified Haupt and Sedlan model

The viscoelastic elements of the CBFNR model developed here are based on the work

of Haupt and Sedlan described in Section 4.2.7. Haupt & Sedlan use three parallel

visco-elastic elements to describe the response of CBFNR in their model [19] but at

this stage (before comparing the models response with experimental data) it must be

assumed that any number of these elements maybe required for the Warrior Armoured

Personnel Carrier (APC) track components.

The simplified model used here differs from that used in the Haupt & Sedlan [19]

model in two ways. Firstly, the viscoelastic element does not including a description

of ‘strain history dependent viscosity’ and secondly; the elastic force (Fe) and a

viscoelastic geometric multiplying term f (x0 ) are described by polynomial fits to

direct measurements, whereas in Haupt and Sedlan’s model, elasticity is described by

a strain energy function and geometric effect by a three-dimensional constitutive

material model.

The use of a geometric multiplier means that the model developed here has two parts

(Fig 6.1-1), one part that sums the elastic and viscoelastic force (Equation 6.1-1), the

other that models viscoelastic behaviour only. The reason for this is that the geometric

multiplier multiplies the viscoelastic force (Equation 6.1-3) before it is added to the

elastic force (Equation 6.1-1). The total response (F) is constructed in reverse to the

way that it was deconstructed in the measurements of Sections 5.3.1 and 5.3.2.

x0 x0

k 1 k 2
k K

x1 x2 xK
Fe Fv
η 1 η 2 η K

Fig. 6.1-1: Schematic representation of the simplified Haupt and Sedlan carbon
black filled natural rubber component model

F = Fe + Fv Equation 6.1-1

ηK =
x& 0 + ξ K Equation 6.1-2

( )∑ η
Fv = f x 0 K x& K Equation 6.1-3
K =1

Where, K = 1, 2, …N and f ( x0 ) is the geometric multiplying function

Fe = Ax03 + Bx02 + Dx0 + x0

Equation 6.1-4

Where, A, B and D are coefficients for the elastic force polynomial. η is the

coefficient of viscosity, ξk and ck, are the viscoelastic element constants, x0 is

displacement across the component and ‘F’ is applied and reaction force, Fe is elastic

force and Fv is viscoelastic force.

6.2 The time dependent viscoelastic element

The non-linear Maxwell element use to describe time depended viscoelastic response

is a simplified version of that used by Haupt and Sedlan [19]. Viscoelasic force is

described by the following function:

F viscoelastic =
c x& 2
Equation 4.2.7-1
x& 1 + ξ

Where ‘c’ and ‘ξ’ are constants, x&1 is strain rate across the viscoelastic element and

x& 2 strain rate across the dashpot (see Fig 4.2.7-1).

It was shown in Sections 3.3, 5.4 and 5.5 that CBFNR components produce an

asymmetric hysteresis loop in response to stable cyclic strain and although the

material has almost total stress relaxation at infinite time [19], it is insensitive to

frequency and velocity variation over a wide range (Figs. 3.1-4, 3.1-5, 5.5-1 and 5.5-

2). A Maxwell type element where the viscous part is described by Equation 4.2.7-1

has these same features when ‘ξ’ has a low value. But for a small value of ξ or a high

value of x&1 a Maxwell element where the viscous force is described by Equation

4.2.7-1 produces a time-independent exponential response of the following form

(derivation given in Appendix 1):

⎛ k sgn(x&1 )
F viscoelastic = c sgn(x&1 ) − (c sgn(x&1 ) − F0 ).Exp⎜ − (x1 − x0 )⎞⎟
⎝ c ⎠

Equation 4.2.7-2

Where, ‘c’ is maximum possible viscoelastic damping force, ‘Fo’ and ‘x0’ viscoelastic

damping force and displacement at the previous turning point respectively, ‘k’ is the

stiffness coefficient for the Maxwell spring, x1 displacement and x&1 velocity of


Equation 4.2.7-2 produces a loop enclosed by exponentially rising and falling curves

centred about the, zero displacement, zero viscous force point (Fig 6.2-1).

Visco-elastic force


-17.0 0.0

Fig. 6.2-1: Rising and falling exponential curves produced by Equation 4.2.7-2

Coefficients ‘c’ and ‘k’ in Equations 4.2.7-1 and 4.2.7-2 are determined by comparing

measured data (where the elastic and geometric components of the response have

been removed) with a plot produced by Equation 4.2.7-2 (Fig 6.2-2).

This method of determining ‘c’ and ‘k’ is evidently an approximation because it is

assumed that ξ is small, but if it were not then Equation 4.2.7-1 becomes time-

dependent and simple visual comparison between the measured and modelled

viscoelastic force component would not be possible. Also the integration required to

determine Equation 4.2.7-2 (see Appendix 1) would be far more complex.

When the predominately time independent behaviour of carbon black filled natural

rubber is considered the additional accuracy achieved by developing a ‘true’

descriptive time dependent function and the effort required to measure and match data

to this type of function cannot be justified since some approximation is adequate for

vehicle component simulation.

The coefficient ξ is determined separately by comparing Equation 4.2.7-3 with stress

relaxation measurements.

⎡−ξ k t⎤ Equation 4.2.7-3

F viscoelastic = F o Exp ⎢ c

⎣ ⎦

In figure 6.2-2 the viscoelastic response of four track bush torsional measurements of

constant preload and varying amplitude (see Fig 5.4-1) are compared with plots

produced by Equation 4.2.7-2. Viscoelastic response has been determined by

removing the elastic component and the geometric multiplying component then

offsetting the hysteresis loops so that their mean displacement and viscous force are at


Viscoelastic damping force (N)


Measured response
Modelled response
-20.0 0.0 20.0
Anglular displacement (degrees)

Fig. 6.2-2: Track bush torsional viscoelastic force. Modelled using a single
viscoelastic Element (Equations 4.2.7-2)

The values of constants ‘k’ and ‘c’ are the same in each of the four plots and have

been adjusted by visually comparing the measured and modelled response to achieve

the ‘best fit’ to both small and large amplitude displacements.

Figure 6.2-2 illustrates two difficulties that are encountered when trying to match the

function for a single viscoelastic (N=1) element to measured hysteresis loops of

varying amplitude. Firstly, the modelled response is a compromise between

describing a ‘rounded loop’ at small amplitude, which requires a high stiffness

coefficient (k) value and a ‘flatter loop’ at high amplitude, which requires a low

stiffness coefficient value. Secondly, it is qualitatively evident that the measured

viscoelastic damping force continues to increase as amplitude increases and is not

constant relative to the X-axis at high amplitude, but the modelled response does

approach a constant value at high amplitude. These two points are important if we are

to develop a general purpose CBFNR model for vehicle components that describes

damping and stiffness over a range of amplitudes.

A better fit is possible by the addition of a second (parallel) viscoelastic element of

(the same non-linear type described by Equation 4.2.7-2) but that has lower stiffness.

The result is shown in Figure 6.2-3.

Viscoelastic damping force (N)


Measured response
Modelled response
-20.0 0.0 20.0
Anglular displacement (degrees)

Fig. 6.2-3: Track bush torsional viscoelastic force. Modelled using two parallel
viscoelastic elements (Equations 4.2.7-2)

With the additional viscoelastic element the model has twice as many coefficients;

two stiffness values (k), two damping force values (c) and two time-dependent

parameters (ξ). Again these values have been found by manual adjustment and visual

comparison between modelled and measured hysteresis loops. The values found by

this method are subjective but the method is not excessively time consuming, values

that produce a ‘good’ match are easily found. The result achieved by using two

parallel viscoelastic elements (Figure 6.2-3) are qualitatively an improvement over

those in Figure 6.2-2, representing the measured response much better over the range

of amplitudes measured. The additional complexity is justifiable but adding further

parallel elements would not significantly improve the match. Two parallel time-

dependent viscoelastic elements are sufficient to model the response to steady cyclic

motion. Therefore for the proposed model (Figure 6.1-1), the value of ‘N’ in

Equations 6.1-3 is two.

Equivalent two-element viscoelastic force response plots are presented for the track

bush radial and road wheel tyre, Figures 6.2-4 and 6.2-5 respectively.


Viscoelastic damping force (N)

Measured response
Modelled response
-0.0003 0.0000 0.0003
Dislplacement (m)

Fig. 6.2-4: Track bush radial viscoelastic force. Modelled using two parallel
viscoelastic elements (Equation 4.2.7-2)

Viscoelastic damping force (N)

Measured response
Modelled response
-0.003 0.000 0.003
Tyre compression (m)

Fig. 6.2-5: Road wheel tyre viscoelastic force. Modelled using two parallel
viscoelastic elements (Equation 4.2.7-2)

It is evident that at large amplitudes the modelled road wheel tyre viscoelastic force

(Fig. 6.2-5) represents the measured response less well then either the track link bush

torsional or radial viscoelastic force models (Figs. 6.2-3 and 6.2-4, respectively). The

reason for this is likely to be due to one of the following characteristics, which are

unique to the tyre.

1. The tyre is unique among the components investigated here because of its

‘contact’ with the flat steel surface. The track bush is compressed into the track link

casting so that its outer diameter cannot slip under normal operating conditions and its

inner surface is moulded to a steel insert, whereas contact between the tyre and the

flat steel surface compressing it is likely to have some slip. As the tyre is loaded and

unloaded the contact patch size and the distribution of stress in the tyre depends on

the coefficient of friction between the two surfaces. Slip and stiction between these

surfaces may explain the change in hysteresis loop shape at large amplitude


2. The tyres highly non-linear geometric shape may also contribute to the changing

hysteresis loop form.

3. Also compression between the rigid round wheel hub and rigid flat steel surface

cause some regions to be highly strained while others are unstrained. The track bush

is compressed into the track link so that is it highly strained before any load is

applied. The tyre is not preloaded; the tyre is totally unstrained before it makes

contact with the ridged flat surface so that the relative change in strain is large.

It should be emphasised though that it is only at the very larges amplitude

displacement that the tyres damping loop is poorly represented in its detail. In general

and over a wide range of amplitudes, the damping loops are well represented. At

maximum amplitude displacement the tyre load varies from approximately 1,300N to

45,000N (see Figure 5.4-3). This is large variation in load but the method being used

to describe damping is simply the sum of two exponential curves.

To study tyre contact and material strain a simple finite element analysis (FEA) was

undertaken. For simplicity hyper-elasticity strain energy material functions, which

describe non-linear elastic behaviour at large strains, were not used. The material is

simply described by a constant modulus, E = 20Mpa. Poisson ratio (ν) = 0.499

(G=6.67) and coefficient of friction between steel and rubber (µ) = 0.8.

Fig. 6.2-6: Quarter model of the tyre contact showing von Mises strain. Tyre
compression is 8mm. Produced using ANSYS FEA software.

Figure 6.2-6 illustrates the type of tyre deformation we might expect at high load

(approx 60kN). Strain within the tyre ranges from zero to 60%. The FEA model has

not been investigated in detail, its purpose here is to aid understanding, but it is clear

that the contact patch size and consequently the stress-strain relationship are partly

dependent on the contact surface coefficient of friction.

6.3 Stress relaxation and the response to dual-sine motion


In Section 6.2 a time-independent approximation (Equation 4.2.7-2) was compared

with the response to stable sinusoidal motion to determine stiffness and damping

coefficients k and c for the model. This was possible because of the predominantly

time-independent behaviour of CBFNR. Here in Section 6.3 the model is further

developed to describe the materials response to stepped displacement and duel-sine

motion. These very different strain histories are discussed together because it was

found that the variable ‘ξ’, that partly determines the rate of stress relaxation

(Equation 4.2.7-3) is also important in the description of duel-sine response.

It is shown that it is possible to closely simulate the response to both duel-sine motion

and a stepped displacement (stress relaxation) by momentarily stiffening each of the

parallel viscoelastic elements of the simplified Haupt and Sedlan model (Fig. 6.1-1)

using ‘nested’, rapidly decaying, viscoelastic elements of the same type. But by doing

this the models response to stable sinusoidal motion developed in Section 6.2 is

compromised. The solution to this problem would be to introduce a ‘strain velocity

dependence’ that describes; high viscosity at low velocity and low viscosity at high

velocity similar to that used by Haupt and Sedlan [19] (see Section 4.27). It is

suggested here though that this complexity is not necessary for the simulation of

Warrior APC CBFNR track components in a full vehicle model, where the individual

component models should be simple track and easy to apply and some approximation

to real behaviour can be justified. Therefore the final model presented in Section 6.4

is a compromise. It has only a single stiffened viscoelastic element that is not strain

history dependent. This model approximates the response to, sinusoidal, dual-sine and

stepped displacements.

To study time dependence, the model was implemented in dynamic analysis software.

Measurements of the CBFNR response to dual sine and stepped displacement motion

were compared with equivalent simulations using MSC.ADAMSTM (Automatic

Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Systems). The details of how the model was

implemented in this software are discussed in Section 7.1.

Model development

Fig 6.3-1 shows the measured track bush torsional response to a stable dual-sine

displacement history (see Section 5.8).


Torque (Nm)


5 10 15 20 25 30
Track link angle (Degrees)

Fig. 6.3-1: Measured track bush torsional response to dual-sine displacement.

This response (Fig 6.3-1) agrees (qualitatively) with measurements reported by

Coveney and Johnson [8]. The loops produced by the secondary sinusoidal waveform

are a feature of carbon black filled natural rubber that cannot be describe by the

simplified Haupt and Sedlan model.



Torque (Nm)


5 10 15 20 25 30
Track link angle (Degrees)

Fig. 6.3-2: Simulation of track bush torsional response to dual-sine displacement

produced by ADAMS simulation of the simplified Haupt and Sedlan

Figure 6.3-2 shows the response of the Simplified Haupt and Sedlan model

(developed in Section 6.2) when simulating the dual-sine measurement of Fig. 6.3-1.

Evidently the correlation between Figs. 6.3-1 and 6.3-2 is poor. It is not possible for a

model that has viscoelastic elements of the type used in the proposed model, to

produces the characteristic enclosed loops we see in dual-sine measurements. The

model must be modified. This becomes evident when considering Equation 4.2.7-2.

⎛ k sgn(x&1 )
Fviscoelastic = c sgn(x&1 ) − (c sgn(x&1 ) − F0 )Exp⎜ − (x1 − x0 )⎞⎟
⎝ c ⎠

Equation 4.2.7-2

Where, ‘c’ is maximum possible viscoelastic damping force, ‘Fo’ and ‘x0’ viscoelastic

damping force and displacement at the previous turning point respectively, ‘k’ is the

stiffness coefficient for the Maxwell spring, x1 displacement and x&1 velocity of


The first term in Equation 4.2.7-2, (c sgn( x&1 ) ) , determines maximum possible

damping force and has constant magnitude. The multiplying term; (c sgn( x&1 ) − F0 ) ;

⎛ k sgn( x&1 )
and the exponential, Exp⎜ − (x1 − x0 )⎞⎟ , are both variable, dependant on F0
⎝ c ⎠

and x0 respectively. This dependence on F0 and x0 ‘scales’ the exponential so that

this function (Equation 4.2.7-2) could not produce the loops that we see in the dual-

sine measurement. The only possible solution is to make the coefficient ‘k’ variable

so that the exponentially described viscoelastic force increases more rapidly under

certain circumstances. This can produce the loops we see in Figure 6.3-1 and to do

this additional nonlinear viscoelastic elements have been introduced into the model;

the same type as those used in the simplified Haupt and Sedlan model where

viscoelastic force is described by the following function:

c x& 2
F visco-elastic =
x& 1 + ξ Equation 4.2.7-1

‘c’ and ‘ξ’ are constants, x&1 is the magnitude of velocity across the Maxwell element

and x& 2 is velocity across the dashpot.

A simple dashpot and a linear Maxwell elements were also considered as possible

ways to increase the stiffness coefficient momentarily. However the same type of

nonlinear viscoelastic element has been used because it is limited to a maximum

possible force (unlike a simple dashpot), it does not reduce to a spring element at high

frequency (like a linear Maxwell element) and its decay rate is controllable by ‘ξ’.

These additional stiffening elements are placed in parallel with each spring and are

given a relatively high value of ‘ξ’ so decay is rapid and its influence has short

duration. A schematic representation of this ‘four-element model’ for duel-sine

simulation is shown below in Figure 6.3-3.

Fig. 6.3-3: Four-element model: Two nonlinear viscoelastic elements each with a
nested rapidly decaying nonlinear stiffening viscoelastic element

As for the Simplified Haupt and Sedlan model (fig. 6.1-1) the following equations


F = Fe + Fv Equation 6.1-1

ηK =
x& K + ξ K Equation 6.1-2

( )
Fv = f x 0 (x&1η1 + x& 3η 3 ) Equation 6.1-3

Fe = Ax03 + Bx02 + Dx0 + x0 Equation 6.1-4

Where, K = 1, 2, 3 and 4, x& K is the velocity across viscoelastic element K, f (x0 ) is the

geometric multiplying function. c K , ξ , A, B and D, are constants.

Tests have shown that this four-element viscoelastic model represents the response of

CBFNR to dual-sine motion and stepped displacement very well (Figures 6.3-4 and

6.3-5). Values for the variables used in these simulations are given in Appendix 4a.


Torque (Nm)


5 10 15 20 25 30
Track angle (Degrees)

Fig 6.3-4: Simulated track bush torsional response to dual-sine displacement

produced by ADAMS simulation of the four-element viscoelastic model



Force (N)


0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (Seconds)

Fig. 6.3-5: Measured and simulated track bush torsional stress relaxation produced
by ADAMS simulation of the four-element viscoelastic model

The model has four stress relaxation variable parameters and is therefore able to very

closely simulate the stress relaxation plot but it is the nested element that has

produced the very rapid, almost instantaneous relaxation that is a feature of CBFNR,

being observed by Haupt and Sedlan [19] and Lion [18]. This stress relaxation

response is not so easily achieved if the nested elements are not used.

We have shown that the ‘four element model’ (Fig.6.3-3) simulates dual-sine

response and stress relaxation well but the model has a drawback that prevents its

implementation in this simple form. The same stiffening that produces the ‘looped’

response to dual-sine histories and rapid relaxation in response to stepped

displacement ‘corrupts’ the response to stable sinusoidal motion that was developed

in Section 6.2. By stiffening the viscoelastic elements at high velocity, the additional

nested elements change the models so that a simulation of the ‘constant amplitude

varying frequency’ measurement (Section 5.5) produces damping loops of changing

shape. Not the constant profiles shown in Figures 5.5-1 and 5.5-2.

It may be possible to produce a ‘compromise’ or ‘best fit’ to all data by determining

coefficients using a computer minimisation algorithm but it appears from tests that the

next step in the development of this model should be to make the coefficients k2 and

k4, in Figure 6.3-3, dependent upon stain rate. This is a process (or history)

dependence of the type suggested by Haupt and Sedlan [19]. This has not been

pursued however. A model of this type requires extensive development and would be

the subject of further work.

The approach taken here is to develop a compromise model. The final model

presented in Section 6.4 has a single stiffening element only, so that each of the strain

histories (dual-sine, single sine, and stress relaxation) is approximated. It is

considered that this compromise is sufficient for a vehicle component model where

each rubber component is a small part of a complex system. In addition to this an

effort has been made to simplify the model and make it ‘general purpose’ by using

constant ratios between variables in the viscoelastic force elements and by using

identical time constants in each of the three track components. This has reduced the

number of variables that have to be found for the viscoelastic component of the model

to just four. The final model for Warrior APC CBFNR components is presented in

Section 6.4.

6.4 Final model for carbon black filled natural rubber components

The final model (presented in Figure 6.4-1) describes viscoelastic damping using

three non-linear viscoelastic elements. Geometric non-linearity is described by a

multiplying function and elastic force by a polynomial. As for the ‘four-element’

model described in Section 6.3, Equations, 6.1-1, 6.1-2, 6.1-3 and 6.1-4 apply.

Fig. 6.4-1: Final model containing three non-linear viscoelastic elements

This model is a compromise between the simplified Haupt and Sedlan model

described in Section 6.1 and the ‘four-element’ model describe in Section 6.3 In this

model the coefficients, ‘k2’ and ‘η2’ are given the same values as ‘k1’ and ‘η1’

respectively. It was found that this allowed some stiffening so that dual-sine response

and stress relaxation are approximated but the effect is not sufficient to significantly

change the response to sinusoidal strains of differing frequency. Values for k1, k2, c1

and c2 are found by the method described in Section 6.2.

A further simplification has been achieved by giving the time constant of each

viscoelastic element an identical value in each of the three component models, i.e. the

tyre, the track bush radial response and the track bush torsional response.

Equation 4.2.7-3 shows that the time constant (τ) of the viscoelastic elements τ = .
k .ξ

By empirical investigation; comparing simulated relaxation and dual-sine response

with measured response it has been found that suitable values for τ1, τ2 and τ3 in each

of the models three nonlinear viscoelastic elements are 100, 0.1 and 1.0 respectively.

The result is that the number of variables in the viscoelastic model have been reduced

from nine to four: k1, c1, k3 and c3. Values for each of the three component models are

given in Appendix 4b.


Torque (Nm)


5 10 15 20 25 30
Track angle (Degrees)

Fig 6.4-2: Simulated track bush torsional response to dual-sine displacement.

Produced by ADAMS simulation of the final three viscoelastic element


Torque (Nm)



0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (Seconds)

Fig. 6.4-3: Measure and simulated track bush torsion stress relaxation, produced
by ADAMS simulation of the final ‘three viscoelastic element’ model

Figures 6.4-2 and 6.4-3 show the final three-element model response to dual-sine

motion and stress relaxation respectively.

Evidently the three-element model does not describe the measured response to dual-

sine and stepped displacement as well as the four-element model. Large loops are not

formed in the dual-sine simulation and stress relaxation does not show the

characteristic initial rapid relaxation. However we do see a number of small loops in

Figure 6.4-2 and the dual-sine response is significantly ‘better’ then that produced by

the simplified Haupt and Sedlan model (Fig 6.1-1).

6.5 Summary

The model developed here for simulation of Warrior APC, carbon black filled natural

rubber components is a compromise between the simplified Haupt and Sedlan model

described in Sections 6.1 and the four-element model developed in Section 6.3 The

final model has three nonlinear Maxwell elements. These are two parallel elements

and one that is nested.

Parameters for the time-dependent viscoelastic component are found by the method

described in Section 6.2 where coefficients are adjusted to fit measured damping

loops by visual comparison.

The number of coefficients required for the three nonlinear viscoelastic elements in

the final model have been reduced from nine to four by two methods. Firstly, the

‘nested’ Maxwell element is given identical values to the element to which it is

applied. Secondly, the time constant of each nonlinear Maxwell element is

predetermined, having the same value in each component model.

Coefficients for the ‘four-element’ and ‘three-element’ models are given in Appendix

4a and 4b respectively.

Chapter 7

Comparison between measured and simulated

rubber component response

7.0 Introduction

Here the ‘final model’ developed in chapter 6 is implemented in MSC.ADAMSTM

software and simulations compared to the measured response for each of the three

Warrior APC CBFNR components. Parameter values for each of the component

models are given in Appendix 4b.

7.1 Implementation of the final model in ADAMS software

Various measured force-displacement graphs are presented in Section 7.2 with their

respective simulations. These simulations are produced by implementation of the

‘final model’ for CBFNR components (presented in Section 6.4) using

MSC.ADAMSTM software. However, because of a technical difficulty caused by the

software’s algorithm it is not possible to describe the ‘final model’ as show in Figure

6.4-1. Instead it is implemented as show here in Figure 7.1-1.

Fig 7.1-1: Implementation of the ‘final model’ in ADAMS software so that x B ≈ x A .

The model has these two separate parts because the viscoelastic response is multiplied

by a geometric factor (see Sections 5.3.2 and 6.1). The difficulty is that it is not

possible to describe a motion in ADAMS software as being equal to a variable. A

function that describes motion must be time dependent. This causes a problem

because the model is made up of two parts that have the same displacement, x A and

x B (Fig 7.1-1). But x B = x A , is not an allowable definition of motion.

The solution used here is to add an extremely stiff spring element (kP) in parallel with

the viscoelastic part of the model and apply a force equivalent to displacement x A

multiplied by this stiffness coefficient. The displacements of both parts are then the

k1 k
same to within a small error which depends on the ratio and 3 . For the
kP kP

simulations presented below in Section 7.2 the highest value ratio is 0.001.

7.2 Comparison between measured and simulated response plots

For all graphs presented in this section the grey line represents the elastic force (as

described in Section 5.3.1) and the black lines represent total force.


Force (N)




0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005

Displacement (m)

Fig 5.4-2: Measured track bush radial force-displacement response



Force (N)



0 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005
Displacement (m)

Fig 7.2-1: Simulated Track bush radial force-displacement.



Torque (Nm)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Track angle (Degrees)

Fig 5.4-1: Measured track bush torsional force-displacement response



Torque (Nm)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Track angle (Degrees)

Fig 7.2-2: Simulated track bush torsional force-displacement response, (Several of

the loops have been omitted here for clarity).



Force (N)



0.000 0.002 0.004 0.006
Tyre compression (m)

Fig 5.4-3: Measured road wheel tyre radial force-displacement response



Force (N)



0 0.002 0.004 0.006
Tyre compression (m)

Fig 7.2-3: Simulated road wheel tyre radial force-displacement response


Force (N)



0 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.006
Tyre compression (m)

Fig 5.3.1-3: Measured road wheel tyre displacement


Force (N)



0 0.002 0.004 0.006
Tyre compression (m)

Fig 7.2-4: Simulated road wheel tyre displacement-force response



Force (N)



0.1 Hz
8000 1.0 Hz
20 Hz
0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004
Tyre compression (m)

Fig 5.5-1: Measured road wheel tyre force-displacement response at several





Force (N)


8000 1.0Hz
0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0.004
Tyre compression (m)

Fig 7.2-5: Simulated road wheel tyre force-displacement response at several



Force (N)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time (Seconds)

Fig. 7.2-6: Measure and simulated road wheel tyre stress relaxation


Torque (Nm)



0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (Seconds)

Fig.7.2-7: Measure and simulated track bush torsion stress relaxation



Torque (Nm)

5 10 15 20 25 30
Track link angle (Degrees)

Fig. 5.8-1: Measured track bush torsional response to dual-sine displacement


Torque (Nm)


5 10 15 20 25 30
Track angle (Degrees)

Fig. 7.2-8: Simulated track bush torsional response to dual-sine displacement

7.3 Summary

The comparisons between measured and simulated responses show that the model

closely approximates the response to steady sinusoidal motion and that damping and

stiffness are described sufficiently accurately for used in vehicle component models.

Stress relaxation and the response to dual-sine displacement are less well described

but this has been justified in Sections 6.3 and 6.4 by the requirement for a reasonably

simple model. A more precise simulation would require strain history dependence

(as described in Section 6.3), where the coefficients values k2 and k4 in Figure 6.3-3

would be variable. A model of this type would be the subject of further work if a high

degree of accuracy were required. The results presented here shows that the model is

satisfactory for simulation of Warrior APC CBFNR components in the first instance,

where the development of a full vehicle model is at an early stage.

Chapter 8

Summary of the rubber components investigation

8.0 Summary

A ‘general purpose’ time-dependent model for carbon black filled natural rubber

components has been developed for implementation in ‘dynamic simulation software’

that uses the Newton-Raphson Prediction Corrector algorithm. No attempt has been

made to describe the materials microstructure. Force-displacement measurements

have simply been deconstructed into three elements, an elastic force, a viscoelastic

force and geometric multiplier.

A number of models developed in recent years for carbon black filled natural rubber

have been reviewed and the response of three Warrior Armoured Personnel Carrier

components to various displacement histories presented. These components are, the

track link bush radial response, track link bush torsional response and road wheel tyre

radial response.

A novel method has been used to determine values for a polynomial that describes

elasticity and a function describing the effect of changing geometry. This depends

upon the assumption that by following careful measuring methodology; the magnitude

of viscoelastic force in response to small amplitude sinusoidal displacement lies

equidistant about the elastic force line.

It has been shown that for dynamic simulation software that uses the Newton-

Raphson Predictor Corrector algorithm; viscoelasticity is best described by a non-

linear Maxwell element based on that presented by Haupt and Sedlan [19]. Primarily

this is because values at turning points do not have to be stored, the element naturally

reproduces an asymmetric shape and the element has ‘stress relaxation’. The Haupt

and Sedlan model has been significantly changed though by the addition of a ‘stiffing

element’ producing a model that better describes dual-sine motion and stress

relaxation. The viscoelastic description developed requires only four parameter values

that are found simply by manually changing values of a time-independent function

and visually comparing the damping loop produced with measured data. Computer

minimisation algorithms are not used. The final model developed here is a

compromise. It is satisfactory for use in vehicle models, being able to describe the

three fundamental features of carbon black filled natural rubber response, these are

its; predominantly frequency independent damping, asymmetric hysteresis loop shape

and stress relaxation. Also viscoelasticity is described by a ‘smooth’ continuous

function that is easily implemented in automatic dynamic analysis software. The

model has been implemented using ADAMS software and results show good

correlation with the measured response to stable sinusoidal motion. However, dual-

sine motion and stress relaxation are less well described.

The model could be further developed by introducing ‘strain history dependent

parameters’ such as strain-rate dependence similar to that used by Haupt and Sedlan

[19] and Haupt and Lion [20] which would improve the dual-sine and stress

relaxation simulations but this would be the subject of further research. Other possible

areas for further work are:

• The development of a three-dimensional constitutive material model based on the

one-dimensional model developed here.

• An investigation into road wheels response when rolling over a surface.

• Further validation of the technique used here to determine the elastic force

response and a geometric multiplier by taking a line through the mean point of

small amplitude hysteresis loops.

• Investigate the effect of temperature on the dynamic response of CBFNR and how

the model developed here could describe this behaviour. For simplicity

temperature effects were not studied in this work; all measurements were made at

room temperature (approx. 20°C).

• Further work is required to determine whether the model developed here (for the

purpose of describing CBFNR components in simulation software that uses the

Newton-Raphson Predictor-Corrector algorithm) has wider range of applications.

Answering the following questions: Is the model suitable for use in other types of

simulation software? Does the model describe internal damping in materials other

than CBFNR?

• Another important area of study for further work is CBFNR response to transient

vibration. This has not been explored in depth in this study; only a few

measurements of the rubber component’s response to a stepped displacement

where made. This is an area where further work is required to developed the

model and understand the materials behaviour.

• The CBFNR component models developed here should be applied in a full vehicle

simulation and the results assessed by comparison with measured data to

determine whether the use of these models improves the accuracy of the full

vehicle simulation.

Chapter 9

The Warrior APC rotary damper

9.0 Introduction

The objective here is to develop a model of the Warrior Armour Personnel Carrier

(APC) suspension rotary damper for use in a full vehicle simulation. The model will

be implemented in multi-body simulation software such as MSC.ADAMSTM that

computes response by the implicit Newton-Raphson, Predictor-Corrector method. An

important feature for robust and trouble free operation in this type of software is that

the descriptive function produces smooth and continuous; force, displacement and

velocity responses. The damper model is one component in the complex multi-body

mechanical system and it is important that it functions well.

The Warrior’s rotary damper is designed and manufactured by Horstman Defence

Systems Limited and has been proven on test rigs and in the field to fulfil all

performance and endurance requirements. The damper has remained unchanged

throughout the Warrior’s production history from 1979 to the present day. In general

the purpose of a suspension damper is to dissipate energy imparted to the road wheels

by undulating road surfaces, vehicle acceleration and turning. But for the Warrior

APC the primary purpose is to minimise the vehicle’s pitching motion. Tracked

vehicles are particularly susceptible to pitching motion because of their high pitching

inertia and relatively high suspension compliance. Pitch mode natural frequencies are

typically very low (circa 1.0Hz) and are a main source of ride discomfort, severely

reducing the vehicles off-road performance if not damped [21].

The Warrior has twelve road wheels (six on either side of the vehicle) each mounted

on a 400mm trailing wheel arm. Transverse horizontal torsion bars allow the wheel

arm to rotate in response changing ground profiles. Rotary dampers act in parallel

with torsion bars at six of the twelve wheel stations. Numbering pairs of wheel

stations from 1 to 6 along the vehicle from the front to rear (Fig 9.0-1), dampers are

installed at stations 1, 2 and 6. The three central stations (3, 4 and 5) are undamped. It

is damping at the stations furthest from the centre of gravity that offer most resistance

to pitching motion.

The 3D solid model of a Warrior’s APC running gear (Fig 9.0-1) shows the drive

sprocket at the front of the vehicle, six pairs of road wheels, six pairs of torsion bars,

idler wheels, support rollers and the track.


Fig. 9.0-1: Warrior Armoured Personnel Carrier running gear (Horstman Defence
Systems Ltd). Wheel stations are numbered 1 to 6 from front to rear

9.1 Design of the Warrior APC Rotary damper

In principle the Warrior’s rotary damper has the simplest possible design. It is an un-

pressurized passive device with a single simple orifice determining the resistance to

flow between chambers in both directions. Pressure relief valves restrict damping

force to maximum compression and rebound values.

For its purpose, the damper requires a maximum rotation angle of approximately 90°

(±45°). Therefore, to optimise space, the design has two identical chambers 180°

apart. The chambers have identical, vane pistons, orifice and pressure relief valves

(see Figure 9.1-1).

Pressure Orifice
relief valve restrictor



Tip seals

Fig. 9.1-1: Section through rotary damper

Passageways connect the chambers labelled ‘A’ and the chambers labelled ‘B’ so that

oil pressure is balanced. The damper’s rotor is connected directly to the road wheel

arm and torsion bar so that it rotates at the same angular velocity.

Fig. 9.1-2: Sectioned view of the rotary damper

Damper resistance is caused by the restriction to oil flow through both orifices and

seals. ‘The damping rate is determined by the rate at which fluid is allowed to leak

from the pressurised chambers across the rotor vanes, via seals orifices and

valves…perfect sealing is not of paramount importance’…[21].

Although the principle behind the damper is simple its design in detail and its

construction are not. The sectioned 3D image (Fig 9.1-2) illustrates this. The damper

incorporates wheel arm bearing and is designed to withstand high torsional and radial

loads. Rotating components are mounted in a cast-steel housing, which supports the

bearings outer race and the dampers stator.

A complex labyrinth of channels is necessary to connect the chambers, to fill the

damper with oil and purge it of entrapped air. Priming is a lengthy procedure

requiring, specialist tools, hydraulic pump and heavy lifting equipment that can rotate

the damper into various orientations.

Because damping force is generated by oil flowing through a single simple orifice the

damping rate is the same in both bounce and rebound up to where the pressure relief

valves operate. This is unusual in damper design. It is more common for damping rate

in compression to be higher than the rate in rebound.

Figure 9.1-3 shows the envelope to which the damper has been designed. The upper

and lower bounds allow for nonlinearities such as, variation in valve coefficient,

transition from laminar to turbulent flow, flow past seals, mechanical backlash,

friction, viscosity variation and expansion due to temperature change.

In response to exceptionally rapid motion in bounce the pressure relief valves acts to

restrict maximum force transmitted to the hull. In rebound following a bump when the

only restoring force is that of the torsion bar the relief valve allows the road wheel to

return quickly to its normal position.


Torque (Nm)


-8 0 8
Angular velocity (rad/sec)

Fig. 9.1-3: Design specification showing the allowable range of damper torque

An additional design requirement for the damper is that low displacement amplitudes

have low resistance. This is so that the transmitablity of high frequencies to the

Warrior’s hull is low. As explained here in an excerpt taken from Holman [21].

‘The main source of ride discomfort is vehicle pitching. This results from excitation of

the pitch mode natural frequency of the vehicle. This is typically very low (c 1 Hz).

Oscillations of this type must be adequately damped. However, it is undesirable that a

damper should respond positively to the higher frequency, small amplitude oscillation

induced by passage over cobblestone surfaces (or, in the case of tracked vehicles,

track links). Response to these would result in unwanted energy dissipation’ [21].

Holman goes on to state that this requirement has been satisfied: ‘Frequency response

testing has shown that, although the damper responds very effectively to frequencies

normally associated with pitch oscillation, energy dissipation at high frequencies

(30Hz) is very low’ [21].

Data from test conducted by Horstman Defence Systems Limited show that the

damper satisfies the requirements. Torque lies within the limits specified in Figure

9.1-3 and power dissipation falls at low amplitude as required.

The results produced by Horstman Defense Systems Ltd however are not ideal for the

development of a damper model for vehicle simulation. The Horstman characteristic

torque verses angular velocity graph is produced by constant velocity excitation

(triangular waveform) producing an individual point on the graph for each

measurement (Fig. 9.1-4) rather then the continuous plot produced in response to

sinusoidal excitation, which would show nonlinearity and hysteresis in detail.

Fig. 9.1-4 Characteristic graph of torque verses angular velocity, produced by

Horstman Defense Systems Ltd

To investigate the nonlinearities and hysteresis for the development of a damper

model a test rig was built, measurements of torque versus angular velocity in response

to sinusoidal excitation have been undertaken and these are presented in Chapter 12.

However because the test rig that was built has limited range, the Horstman data (Fig

9.1-4) is used to develop the model at high velocities.

Chapter 10

Literature review of automotive suspension damper models

10.0 Introduction

Many papers have been published on the topic of automotive damper modelling [22-

36] and although each may describe a different damper design (monotube, dual tube

or gas pressurized) all agree that damper response is significantly non-linear.

Physical models attributed non-linearity primarily to, turbulent flow, gas

compressibility and friction. Although other nonlinearities that may also be described

are: pressure relief (blow-off), temperature/viscosity variation, cavitation, aeration

and mechanical backlash.

Here in Chapter 10 four descriptive techniques for vehicle damper models are

discussed. These are: equivalent linearization, restoring force method, physical

models and models which use discrete spring, damper and friction elements.

10.1 Linear equivalent models

Linearization is effectively an averaging technique where parameters for a linear

single degree of freedom mass-spring-damper system are determined from the true

non-linear damper response. This type of model is described by the following linear


meq &x& + ceq x& + k eq x = F Equation 10.1-1

Where, meq is the equivalent mass of reciprocating parts, ceq is the equivalent damping

coefficient, keq is equivalent spring coefficient, F is the reaction force, x, x& and &x& are

displacement, velocity and acceleration, respectively. The coefficients ceq and keq

maybe derived by harmonic excitation or by a broadband excitation that simulates the

motion the damper will experiences as a vehicle component. But whichever type of

excitation is used when testing the damper, the experimental method by which the

coefficients are determined is the same (requiring measurements of

F (t ), x(t ) and x& (t ) ). However due to the dampers non-linearity, the coefficients in

each case are likely to have different values.

The theory of ‘linearization of nonlinear systems’ is covered in detail by Worden and

Tomlinson [50]; who in turn refer to the work of Hagegorn and Wallaschek with

regard to determining linearised coefficients by experimental methods. Hagedorn and

Wallaschek [24] derive linearised equations for an automotive damper that equate the

coefficients ceq and keq to measured, force F (t ) , displacement x(t ) and velocity x& (t ) .

These equations can be interpreted as Equations 10.1-2 and 10.1-3 below, where the

‘bar’ notation f (t ) , has been used to indicate ‘mean value’ rather then ‘expected

value’ E [ f (t )] as in Hagegorn and Waklaschek.

Linerarized damping coefficient c eq =

(F (t ) − F (t ) )x& (t ) Equation 10.1-2
x& 2 (t )

‘Equation 10.1-2 describes a power balance: In the mean all power provided by

external force (F) is dissipated in the damper of the linearized system’ [24].

F (t ) x(t ) + m x& (t ) + F (t ) x(t )

Linearized stiffness coefficient k eq = 2
x 2 (t ) − x(t )

Equation 10.1-3

‘Equation 10.1-3 can be interpreted as an energy balance stating that in the mean

kinetic and potential energy of the linearized system are equal to each other’ [24].

Hagedorn and Wallaschek [24] compare the equivalent linearized harmonic and

broadband coefficients for a monotube automotive damper and recognise that the

result is dependant upon the test signal, suggesting that motion of the damper while

on the vehicle should be recorded and used to determine these coefficients. But

Hagedorn and Wallaschek suggest that a linearized model is most useful in

comparative tests where the effect of design changes or ageing are explored.

Assessing linear and bilinear models, Hall and Gill [22] compare the ride performance

predicted by a physical model that described both non-linearity and hysteresis with a

model that excluded hysteresis and a linearized model. The conclusion was that

models that do not describe hysteresis or which linearize the data ‘are inappropriate

and lead to over-optimistic estimates of ride performance’.

10.2 Restoring force maps

A restoring force map is a three dimensional plot with force response on the vertical

axes, displacement and velocity on the horizontal axes. Values for the map are most

often determined by damper tests at constant frequency of varying amplitude. The

map maybe described by either a grid of flat surfaces connecting measured points or a

continuous smooth surface profile produced by a three-dimensional curve fitting

technique. When used to simulate damper response data is retrieved from the stored

map for the given displacement and velocity conditions.

The restoring force map method has limited application because of damper non-

linearities, which produce a frequency dependent response.

Examples of restoring force maps are given by, C.Surace. et. al. [26] and Duym [33].

Duym states that restoring force maps are unsuccessful for broadband excitation but

that they are useful in modelling the response to harmonic motion. C.Surface. et. al.

simply use the restoring force map method to compare measured response with the

response produce by a physical model. The map is not used for damper simulation.

10.3 Parametric or physical models

The most common type of damper model is the physical or parametric model. This

method describes damper response by equating formulas for physical phenomena and

the kinematics of the mechanism. For example: laminar flow through an orifice is

proportional to pressure drop, turbulent flow approximately proportional to pressure

drop squared. Flows are equated to volumetric change, displacement and compliance.

Gas laws are applied where appropriate and friction is described by a suitable


This modelling method produces a set of non-linear differential equations that are

suited to Newton-Raphson Predictor Corrector numerical simulation, however a

drawback is that precise parameter identification for the many values requires

repeated simulation and automated minimisation algorithm techniques. A number of

papers, which use physical parametric damper models, are: [22, 26, 27, 30, 31, 34, 35

and 36]. These models are all very similar in principle, however they differ in some

details. Summaries of their characteristics are listed in Table 10.3-1. But this table

presents only an overview of the physical phenomena described in each model; the

detailed description of any component may differ in each case. For instance, turbulent

flow maybe described by ∆ P ∝ V& 2 or ∆ P ∝ V& 1.75 ; friction may be described as

Coulombic, include stiction or be a function of displacement and/or velocity.

Hall Surace Kwang Purdy Yung Duym Duym Duym
Author/s & Gill et. al. -jin &
& [22] [26] [27] [30] Cole [36] [34] [35]
Reference [31]
(1986) (1991) (1997) (2000) (2002) (1997) (1998) (2000)
Type of
Dual- Mono- Mono- Dual- Mono- Dual- Dual- &
tube tube tube tube tube tube tube Dual-

Friction √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Oil and
chamber √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
gas √ √ √ √ √ √
Cavitation /
Vapour √ √ √
solubility - √
Henry’s law

√ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
relief √ √ √ √
√ √

Table 10.3-1: A summary of the various physical phenomena that are described in a
selection of parametric models

10.4 Spring and dashpot models

The parametric models described above in Section 10.3 can also be represented as a

nonlinear spring in series with a nonlinear dashpot, plus a frictional element.

Turbulent flow through an orifice is then represented by the nonlinear dashpot and the

nonlinear spring represents, chamber compliance, compression oil and compression of

entrapped gas. This approach suits the implementation of a physical model in

software packages such as MSC.ADAMS where discrete components are assembled

to represent the mechanical system. Figure 10.4-1 illustrates this approach.


Fs = f ( x1 − x 2 )
Where Fs = Spring force

Fd = f ( x& 2 ) and Fd = Dashpot force

Fig. 10.4-1: A physical damper model represented by non-linear dashpot and non-
linear spring in series.

Karadyi and Masada (1986) [23] use a linear spring and dashpot and included

backlash in an early attempt to produce a computer simulation of an automotive

damper. Duym [33] implements a model that has a cubic spring and tri-linear damper

but reports that accuracy was lower when compared to other modelling methods such

as a physical model or restoring force map.

Chapter 11

Rotary damper test rig design and experimental procedure

11.0 Test rig design and instrumentation

A test rig was built which could rotate the damper through ±0.4 radians at a maximum

angular velocity of 4 rads/sec. The limiting factors being, maximum displacement and

velocity of the hydraulic ram that provided the motive force. Driving motion was

transmitted from the hydraulic ram to the rotary damper by a connecting rod and the

apparatus mounted on a test bed. A schematic drawing of the arrangement is

presented in Figure 11.0-1.

Rotary damper

Load cell Hydraulic ram

Connecting rod

Fig. 11.0-1: Schematic drawing of the rotary damper test rig

Although the test rig arrangement allows a maximum displacement of ±0.4 radians

and angular velocity of 4 rad/sec, due to flexibility of the test bed the limits were

restricted to a maximum displacement of ±0.2 rads and maximum angular velocity of

1.0 rad/sec.

All tests where conducted by displacement controlled sinusoidal motion of the

hydraulic ram. The hydraulic ram’s position was measured by an internal Linear

Variable Displacement Transducer (LVDT) and the dampers angular displacement by

a rotary potentiometer at its axis. A strain gauge load cell mounted on the hydraulic

ram measured the force applied to the connecting rod. An accelerometer mounted on

the hydraulic ram allowed for force correction due to the accelerating mass of the

connecting rod. The four signals (linear ram displacement, angular rotary damper

displacement, force and acceleration) were passed through a low pass filters and

stored via an A-to-D interface board in computer memory. For drawings detailing test

rig design, data acquisition and control see Appendix 7.

11.1 Data processing

11.1.1 Angular displacement measurement

A voltage proportional to angular displacement was produced by the rotary

potentiometer mounted at the dampers axis. The voltage was multiplied by a

calibration factor after storage in the computer.

11.1.2 Angular velocity measurement

To avoid differentiation of the potentiometer signal with respect to time, which would

amplify noise, it was assumed that the angular displacement of the damper was

sinusoidal. Angular displacement of the rotary damper is then described by:

θ = Θ . sin(φ ) Equation 11.1-1

where θ is the dampers angular displacement, Θ is the dampers maximum angular

displacement and φ is the angle of the drive signal (or angle of the hydraulic ram


The angular velocity is then simply found from:

θ& = Θ .2π . f . cos(φ ) Equation 11.1-2

The assumption that the dampers angular displacement is sinusoidal introduces a

small error due to the connecting rod mechanism because it is the linear motion of the

hydraulic ram that is displacement controlled, not the rotary motion of the damper. To

demonstrate that this error is negligible the measured hydraulic ram and rotary

damper displacements for the maximum amplitude (±0.2 rads) have been normalised

and compared in Figure 11.1.2-1. Evidently the two motions are the same to a very

small degree.

Rotary damper displacement

Hyraulic ram displacement

Normalised signal


1 51 101 151 201 251 301 351 401
Sample number

Fig. 11.1.2-1 Comparison between normalised hydraulic ram and rotary damper

11.1.3 Determining the torque at the damper

Torque applied to the damper is calculated by subtracting the force due to accelerating

components from the measured load cell force then correcting for the angle between

connecting rod and torque arm.

Referring to Figure 11.1.3-1: The mass of reciprocating components (load cell, pivot

assembly and connecting rod) is 12 kg. Rotating inertia of the radius arm (which links

connecting rod with damper) is 0.039 kg.m2. Inertial force due to the rotation of the

connecting rod is considered negligible because its angular displacement is small.

Torque applied to the damper is then calculated as follows:

⎡ ⎛ I .Θ 2 ⎞⎤
( )
T = ⎢ F − 12. A.ω 2 . sin(ω .t ) − ⎜ .ω . sin(ω .t ) ⎟⎥ × r × cos(θ ) × cos(φ )
⎣ ⎝ r ⎠⎦

Equation 11.1.3-1

Where, ‘T’ is torque. ‘F’ is the force measured by the load cell. ‘A’ is the amplitude of

the input linear displacement. ω = 2πf where ‘f’’ is frequency of sinusoidal input. ‘I’

is the radius arm inertia; ‘Θ’ is amplitude of damper rotation. ‘r’ is radius arm length.

‘θ’ is radius arm angle and ‘φ’ is connecting rod angle.

Inertia of
radius arm = 0.039 kg.m 2

Input displacement
A. sin(wt)


Mass of load cell and

Mass of piviot assembly = 3 kg
Connecting rod = 9 kg

Fig. 11.1.3-1: Schematic drawing of rotary damper test rig mechanism

Because the connection rod is long, ‘φ’ is always small and cos 0 is 1, Equation

11.1.3-1 becomes:

⎡ ⎛ I .Θ 2 ⎞⎤
( )
T = ⎢ F − 12. A.ω 2 . sin(ω .t ) − ⎜ .ω . sin(ω .t ) ⎟⎥ × r × cos(θ )
⎣ ⎝ r ⎠⎦

Equation 11.1.3-2

The characteristic plot ‘torque versus angular velocity’ and the work diagram ‘torque

versus angular displacement’ can then be produced.

11.2 Test settings

The following four test (A, B, C, & D) were carried out (Table 11.2-1). The amplitude

of sinusoidal excitation remained constant; frequency was varied.

Test A Test B Test C Test D

Hydraulic ram amplitude (mm) ± 37.0 ± 37.0 ± 37.0 ± 37.0

Rotary damper amplitude

± 0.21 ± 0.21 ± 0.21 ± 0.21

Drive signal frequency (Hz) 0.75 0.5 0.25 0.1

Samples per cycle 400 400 400 400

Sample rate (Hz) 300 200 100 40

Low pass filter –3dB point (Hz) 100 50 25 10

Table 11.2-1: Rotary damper test settings

Chapter 12

Measured damper response and model development

12.0 Measured damper response

Figures 12.0-1 and 12.0-2 show the damper response to four sinusoidal displacement

measurements of the same amplitude at 0.1Hz, 0.25Hz 0.5Hz and 0.75Hz. Higher

frequency tests where not possible due to test rig structural limitations. Both Figure

12.0-1 and 12.0-2 show typical vehicle damper responses, however particular features

are unique to this rotary damper.

Figure 12.0-1, referred to as the ‘work diagram’, shows energy dissipation increasing

as frequency increases (as expected) but its asymmetric shape is evidence of non-

linearity. A similar asymmetric work diagram shape is reported by Drum et. al. [36],

who attribute this it to aeration where entrapped air in the oil chamber is compressed

and expanded.

Torque (Nm)

-0.3 0.0 0.3
Angular displacement (Rads)

Fig. 12.0-1: Torque versus angular displacement (Work diagram)


Torque (Nm)

c = 3.0kNS/m
-1.5 0.0 1.5
Angular velocity (rad/sec)

Fig. 12.0-2: Torque versus angular velocity (Characteristic diagram)

Figure 12.0-2, referred to as the ‘characteristic diagram’, is broadly typical of those

reported for vehicle dampers showing hysteresis due to the compression of air, oil and

compliance of the oil chamber (see Table 10.3-1). There is also a typical non-linear

relationship between force and angular velocity, attributed to the turbulent flow

relationship, ∆ P ∝ V& α , where ∆P is pressure across the orifice, V& is flow velocity

and the power ‘α’ ranges from 1.7 to 2.0 [48]. Although these featured are common to

all characteristic graphs, the degree to which the effect of each component is seen is

unique to a given damper.

As a general observation it can said that except for a slight discrepancy in negative

velocity where there is a discontinuity or ‘step’ at around 500 –1000Nm, damping

force is the same in both forward and reverse velocity as expected for this design of

damper. Also that the general slope of the torque versus angular velocity

characteristic plot is approximately 3.0kNm/rad (indicated by the diagonal line in Fig.

12.0-2), laying within the specified design requirements shown in Figure 9.1-3.

The measurements presented in Figures 12.0-1 and 12.0-2 allows the examination of

low velocity phenomena such as; friction, laminar to turbulent flow transition and the

compression of entrapped gas. However, due to the test rigs structural limitations

measurements presented here are taken at a relatively low torque (up to 4kNm). The

designed pressure relief (blow-off) torque in compression is approximately 12kNm

and in rebound 6kNm (see Fig. 9.1-3), so evidence of the relief valve beginning to

open is not seen. The characteristics of the pressure relief value are therefore taken

from Horstman Defence Systems Limited test data (Fig. 9.1-4).

12.1 Friction and laminar flow

Non-linearity due to friction and the laminar flow through orifice and passages is seen

in the low frequency measurement (0.1Hz).

Torque (Nm)


-0.3 0.0 0.3
Angular velocity (rad/sec)

Fig. 12.1-1: Torque versus angular velocity for the low frequency (0.1Hz) test

Cole and Yung [32] demonstrated that the performance of a damper model at high

frequencies (low amplitude) could be improved by changing the description of

friction from a Coulombic model to one base on Berg’s friction model [6]. This

illustrates that the description of friction in a model improves its accuracy. However,

the initial step at zero velocity in Figure 12.1-1 indicates that the friction force in this

damper is less then 50Nm. This is small compared to the viscous force that the rotary

damper generates, therefore for simplicity; a description of the friction force will be

omitted from the dampers model.

This low value of friction is likely to be due to the dampers ‘high quality’ bearings,

which also provide the main suspension support and are designed to withstand high

off-axis loads.

We also see in Figure 12.1-1 that at low angular velocity the force-velocity

relationship is linear. A straight line overlaying the plot shows that this relationship is

approximately 1 kNms/rad. This laminar flow relationship at low velocity could

explain the low energy dissipation at high frequency (low amplitude) reported by

Holman [21].

12.2 Laminar to turbulent flow transition

The torque-velocity graph (Fig. 12.2-1) indicates three flow regimes: a low velocity

region where flow is laminar, a transitional region and a region at high velocity where

the flow is turbulent and the relationship non-linear.

We see in Figure 12.2-1 that laminar to turbulent flow transition occur at around 0.25

rad/sec where the response is unstable and begins to rise more steeply. However,

laminar to turbulent transition is not modelled in any of the physical models listed in

table 10.3-1. Yung & Cole [31] and Duym [34, 35] use the relationship ∆ P ∝ V& 1.75 to

describe turbulence that is not ideal, other models describe turbulent flow simply

using the squared relationship (∆ P ∝ V& 2 ) but in all cases this relationship begins at

zero velocity.

Torque (Nm)

-0.75 -0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75

Angular velocity (Rads/sec)

Fig. 12.2-1: Torque versus angular velocity (for frequencies up to 0.5Hz only)

It is proposed here that viscous force is modelled as laminar ( T = A.ω ) up to 0.25

rad/sec, and above 0.25 rad/sec as turbulent ( T = B.ω 1.75 + C ), where ‘T’ is torque,

‘A’, B and ‘C’ are constants and ‘ω’ is angular velocity.

By fitting a straight line (Fig. 12.1-1) the constant ‘A’ was found to be 1kNm and by

fitting the equation for turbulence to the transition point (250Nm at 0.25 rad/sec) and

the peak measured viscous force (3250Nm at 1rad/sec) The constants B and C are

found. This is shown graphically in Figure 12.2-2.


Torque (Nm)

Laminar to turbulent
transition point
Viscous force (Fd)

-1.2 0 1.2
Angular velocity (rad/sec)

Fig. 12.2-2: Laminar and turbulent flow regions of the viscous force

12.3 Pressure relief valve characteristics (Blow-off)

Duym [34, 35] merges the transition between turbulent flow and opening of the

pressure relief valve using a ‘smoothing function’. Pressure relief valve blow-off is

not seen in Figure 12.0-2 because the damper test rigs cannot generate the required

torque. However, Horstman Defense Systems Limited has supplied test data showing

the response of 49 damper units to constant velocity excitations. Figure 12.3-1 shows

this Horstman data where curves have been drawn by hand through the upper and

lower limits. The dampers viscous force is taken as the mean point through this plot,

midway between the upper and lower limits. This line is merged with the measured

viscous force (Fd) response (Fig. 12.2-2) assuming laminar flow up to 0.25 rad/sec

and turbulent flow above this velocity up to where the turbulent response merges with

the Hostman data.

Fig. 9.2-3 Characteristic graph: Torque verses angular velocity

Fig. 12.3-1 Data supplied by Horstman Defense Systems Ltd

Equivalent data to Figure 12.3-1 for the pressure relief valve opening in rebound is

not available from Horstman Defense Systems Limited. Therefore the data for

compression is assumed to be representative and applied to rebound.

The complete force verses angular velocity viscous force showing, laminar, turbulent

and pressure relief in both compression and rebound is presented in Figure 12.3-2.

Also shown are the upper and lower design specification limits.


Torque (Nm)

Torque verses angular

velocity response
Design specification limits

-12 0 12
Angular velocity (rad/sec)

Fig. 12.3-2: Rotary damper torque - angular velocity response without hysteresis

12.4 Hysteresis due to entrapped air, oil compression and chamber compliance

The characteristic graph of torque versus velocity (fig. 12.0-2) shows significant

hysteresis at 0.75Hz that could be caused by entrapped air, compression of oil or

expansion of the oil chamber. However, the shape of the hysteresis loops indicates

that it is predominantly due to the compression of air. The loop is ‘broad’ and

‘rounded’ at low velocity, becoming ‘narrow’ and ‘pointed’ at high velocity

indicating non-linear compression; not the linearity expect for oil compression and

chamber compliance. Oil compressibility and expansion of the chamber must make

some contribution to this hysteresis but these effects will not be modelled

independently a function is developed here which describes a range of compliance

from isothermal compression of air to linear elastic compression of oil and chamber,

depending on the value of its constants. Therefore these phenomena are ‘lumped’

together in the model, being described by a ‘non-physical’ function.

As described in Section 9.0, the Warriors rotary damper has a labyrinth of

passageways connecting various chambers making the procedure for purging air from

the system elaborate. We therefore might expect some entrapped air in the oil

chamber. A model which includes the effect of entrapped air in the oil chamber,

where Henry’s law is applied, has been developed by Duym, et. al. [36]. Henry’s law

states that, ‘The mass of gas that dissolves in a volume of liquid is directly

proportional to the pressure’ and is described by the relationship:

H .m gs
P= Equation 12.4-1

Where, ‘P’ is pressure, ‘H’ is Henry’s constant, ‘mgs’ is mass of gas dissolved in

solution and ‘Voil’ is volume of oil.

The application of Henry’s law influences the understanding of the physical process

active in the damper with the conclusion that compression and expansion of entrapped

gas should be modelled as an isothermal process. This is illustrated in the schematic

diagram, Fig. 12.4-1.

Piston motion

Fig. 12.4-1: Schematic diagram illustrating the compression and expansion of

entrapped gas

Air on the compressed side of the piston dissolves in the oil under pressure and come

out of solution on the low pressure side in the from of small bubbles. Duym, et. al.

[36] showed that due to oil viscosity and low buoyancy the expected velocity that

these bubbles rise due to gravity is approximately 0.001 m/s; Negligible relative to

piston velocity. Because these bubbles are small and have insufficient time to collect

and form a large volume of air, heat transfer to the oil is rapid and the process

isothermal. Therefore from the ideal gas law ( P.V = mRT ) the following equation

applies to the air bubbles either side of the piston:

P0 .V0 P1 .V1
= Equation 12.4-2
m gb 0 m gb1

Where, P0 is initial pressure, P1 current pressure, V0 initial volume, V1 current volume,

mgb0, initial mass of gas bubble and mgb1, current mass of gas bubble. It is shown in

Appendix 5 that from Equations 12.4-1 and 12.4-2 force acting on the piston can be

described by the following function:

⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 1 1 ⎥
F = C1 − Equation 12.4-3
⎢ xd x ⎥
⎢1 + C 1− d ⎥
⎣ 2 C2 ⎦

Where, F is force acting on the piston, C1 and C2 are constants and xd is change in gas


It is possible to produce an almost linear relationship by setting the value of C2 so that

C 2 >> x d . This would suit a model where the mass of entrapped air is small

12.5 Model implementation

The model has only two components. A non-linear viscous force described by

laminar, turbulent and blow-off regions (Fig. 12.3-2) and compression of entrapped

gas (described by Equation 12.4-3). Friction is negligible. The model is implemented

as a non-linear spring and non-linear dashpot in ADAMS software as shown below in

Figure 12.5-1


⎡ ⎤
⎢ 1 1 ⎥
Fs = C1 ⎢ − ⎥
⎢1 + x d 1 − x d ⎥ X2
⎢ C C 2 ⎥⎦
⎣ 2

Fd = Splined response curve

Where, Fs = Spring force, Fd = Dashpot force. C1 and C2 are constants and Gas
compression, xd =X1-X2. The damper force-velocity response (Fd) is described
by the splined curve presented in Appendix 6, Figure A6-1.

Fig. 12.5-1: The rotary damper, modelled by a non-linear dashpot and non-linear
spring in series

Because the dampers torque-velocity characteristic (Fd) has three regions (laminar,

turbulent and blow-off) it is convenient to describe the response using a ‘splined’

curve. The curve is fitted to data points rather then using three functions, one for each

region. It is important for robust and trouble free implementation in Newton-Raphson

Predictor-Corrector based simulation software that the curve is smooth at the

transition between regions and this is more easily achieved using a splined curve.

Numerical values for the torque-velocity response are given in Appendix 6 and the

smoothed splined response presented above in Figure A6-1.

12.6 Damper rotor inertia

The model requires a value of inertia for the dampers rotating mass. To find this value

a damper was dismantled and the inertia of its rotating parts measured by means of

‘bifilar suspension’. The damper rotor’s inertia was found to be 0.118 kg.m2.

Chapter 13

Comparison between measured and modelled rotary damper response

13.0 Introduction

The rotary damper model is presented in Figure 12.5-1.


⎡ ⎤
⎢ 1 1 ⎥
Fs = C1 ⎢ − ⎥
⎢1 + x d 1 − x d ⎥
⎢ C C 2 ⎥⎦ X2
⎣ 2

Fd = Splined response curve

Where, Fs = Spring force, Fd = Dashpot force. C1 and C2 are constants and Gas
compression, xd =X1-X2. The damper force-velocity response (Fd) is described
by the splined curve presented in Appendix 6, Figure A6-1.

Fig. 12.5-1: The rotary damper, modelled by a non-linear dashpot and non-linear
spring in series

The derivation of the viscous force (Fd) is described in Sections 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 and

Appendix 6. Values for the constants C1 and C2 are found by trial and error, i.e.

simulations are run repeatedly and the values adjusted manually to achieve ‘best fit’

by visual comparison. The values for C1 and C2 used for the results presented in

Figures 13.1-1 and 13.1-2 are: C1 = 0.8 x 106 Nm, C2 = 0.03 rads.

13.1 Measured and modelled results for the rotary damper

Torque (Nm)

-0.3 0 0.3
Displacement (Rads)

Fig. 12.0-1: Measured torque versus angular displacement (Work diagram)

Torque (Nm)

-0.3 0 0.3
Angular displacement (Rads)

Fig. 13.1-1: Modelled torque versus angular displacement (Work diagram)


Torque (Nm)

-1.5 0.0 1.5
Angular velocity (rad/sec)

Fig. 12.0-2: Measured torque versus angular velocity (Characteristic diagram)

Torque (Nm)

-1.5 0 1.5
Angular velocity (Rads/sec)

Fig. 13.1-2: Modelled torque versus angular velocity (Characteristic diagram)

13.2 Predicted response at high velocity

It is interesting to predict the dampers response to high frequency sinusoidal

displacements that are beyond the limits of the test rig to measure. Also, the rapid

changes in force and direction will test the models computational robustness for use in

full vehicle simulations. The results are presented below in Figures 13.2-1 and 13.2-2.

Torque (Nm)

-0.3 0 0.3
Angular displacement (rads)

Fig. 13.2-1: Modelled torque versus angular displacement in response to high

frequency sinusoidal motion

Figure 13.2-1 shows that the predicted response to high frequency sinusoidal motion

is a rapid increase and decrease in torque to the limiting pressure relief valve settings.

This would probably be found to be incorrect if the damper where tested at these

high-frequency settings because flow through the pressure relief valve would become

non-linear (turbulent) and damping force would increase. However, most importantly

the simulation runs ‘trouble free’ without computational failure.

Torque (Nm)

-15 0 15
Angular velocity (rad/sec)

Fig. 13.2-2: Modelled torque versus angular velocity in response to sinusoidal


Figure 13.2-2 shows the predicted response to high frequency sinusoidal motion

generating a high degree of hysteresis due to air compression.

Chapter 14

Rotary damper: Conclusion and Further work

14.0 Conclusion and further work

The modelled response presented above in Figure 13.1-1 and 13.1-2 shows that the

main damper characteristics (non-linear force-velocity response and non-linear

compliance) are described. The same trends are seen in both the modelled and

measured data but in detail there are some differences between the plots. Possible

causes of these differences are as follows:

1. For simplicity laminar to turbulent transition has been modelled as instantaneous

and occurring at the same value when velocity is increasing and when decreasing.

This is not ‘realistic’. It is known that the transition from laminar to turbulent flow

is not instantaneous and occurs at a higher velocity when moving from a laminar

flow regime to a turbulent flow regime then in the reverse direction [37, 38] but

modelling this behaviour would be complex and would introduce many more

parameters for little improvement in the models accuracy.

2. Torque due to friction is less then 50Nm (see Section 12.1) and for simplicity has

not been included in the model. If this effect where modelled correlation between

measured and modelled response would improve.

3. It is possible that the restriction to flow presented by the pressure relief valve and

the seals, is not constant with pressure. The ‘step’ we see in the measured

response in one direction only between 500Nm and 1000Nm may be caused by

reverse flow through pressure relief valves and/or seals, which has a step change

as chamber pressure increases.

In conclusion the model developed here represents the measured response to a close

degree using only a simple splined curve and an isothermal description of entrapped

air. An important objective was to produce a simple and robust model that could

represent the rotary damper in a full vehicle simulation and includes nonlinearities,

which reproduce the low damping at high frequency (low amplitude) reported by

Holman [21]. These objectives have been achieved.

Further work

Areas for further work that would improve the damper model developed here are:

1. Strengthening the test rig for measurements at high force. It could then be

determine whether the predicted response presented in Figs.13.2-1 and 13.2-2 is


2. It is known that damper model accuracy at high frequency and low amplitude can

depend upon the description of friction [31, 32]. Further work in this area may be

required for use in vehicle vibration models that operate up to 30Hz.

3. Investigate the effect of temperature on the dampers response and how the model

developed here could describe this behaviour. For simplicity temperature effects

were not studied in this work; all measurements were made at room temperature

(approx. 20°C).

4. The damper model should be applied in a full vehicle simulation and the results

assessed by comparison with measured data.

Chapter 15

Conclusion and further work

15.0 Overview

The objective set out at the beginning of this report was to develop models for

Warrior Armoured Personnel Carrier running gear components for use in multibody

dynamic simulations of the full vehicle. This objective has been achieved for three

components. In Chapters 3-8 models for two Carbon Black Filled Natural Rubber

(CBFNR) track components were developed. These were the Track Link Bush and the

Road Wheel Tyre. In Chapters 9-14 a model for the Warrior’s suspension rotary

damper was developed. These models are shown to be computationally robust and

compatible with software that uses the Newton-Raphson Predictor Corrector method.

For simplicity the models have been developed with a minimum number of

parameters and it is shown that their response is adequate for vehicle simulations in

the first instance where the development of a full vehicle model is at an early stage.

The models have been implemented using ADAMS software and the results show

good correlation with measured response but they are phenomenological in nature.

That is: they reproduce the response that has been measured. They are not guaranteed

to describe the response to force and displacement inputs at amplitudes and

frequencies that have not been measured.

15.1 Rubber component models

The model developed for CBFNR in this work describes dynamic response at the

component level. There has been no attempt to describe the materials microstructure,

its micro-mechanical behaviour or develop constitutive equations. The measured

response is simply reproduced by combining three functions; an elastic force

description, a viscoelastic force description and a geometric multiplier.

A novel method has been developed for measuring the CBFNR components elastic

response and determining a geometric multiplier for its viscoelastic response where

the component is exercised by small amplitude sinusoidal motion at varying preloads.

The assumption being; that by applying a preload, then exercising the component first

at large amplitude, then steadily reducing to a small amplitude; the hysteretic response

becomes steady about its mean point and that this point lies on the elastic force line.

The elastic force is then taken as a polynomial fit to successive measurements at

varying preload and by subtracting the elastic force from the total response a

viscoelastic multiplying function is determined from the change in amplitude of

hysteresis loops at varying preloads.

The models viscoelastic description is based on a nonlinear Maxwell element used by

Haupt and Sedlan [19]. This element is used primarily because values of force and

displacement at turning points do not need to be stored (as in some other methods [6,

7, 8]) and is therefore suitable for use in dynamic simulation software that uses the

Newton-Raphson Predictor Corrector method. But the element also naturally

reproduces the fundamental features of CBFNR. These are an asymmetric hysteresis

loop shape, a predominately frequency independent response and stress relaxation.

The model developed here for CBFNR components is a compromise though; it does

not describe ‘strain history dependent viscosity’, which Haupt and Sedlan [19] and

Haupt and Lion [20] include in their models. A ‘nested’ stiffening element has been

added to better describe the materials response to dual-sine motion and stress

relaxation but an attempt to describe strain history dependent viscosity has not been

made for the sake of simplicity. The final CBFNR model has also been rationalised so

that many of the coefficient values and time constants are the same in both the Track

Link Bush and Road Wheel Tyre models. This has reduced the number of parameter

values required in each case to just four.

15.2 Suspension damper model

The Warrior APC rotary suspension damper model developed in this work shows

good correlation with the measured response. The dampers main characteristics are a

nonlinear torque-velocity response and nonlinear compliance that is predominately

due to entrapped air in the oil chamber.

The viscous force developed by the flow of oil through orifices and past seals is

described by a continuous torque-velocity curve that represents regions of, laminar

flow, turbulent flow and pressure relief. Compliance due to entrapped air in the oil

chamber is described by applying Henry’s Law, the Ideal Gas Law and assuming

isothermal compression and expansion. Coefficients for this description have been

‘lumped’ together where possible to produce a simple non-parametric function that

has only two unknown constants and is therefore easily matched to measured data.

The damper model developed here is simple and computationally robust fulfilling its

requirements as a component in full vehicle simulations.

15.3 Further work

Areas for further work on CBFNR component models are as follows:

1. Validate the novel measuring technique developed in this work, which determines

the elastic force component, the viscoelastic force component and a geometric

multiplier. Where the elastic force component is taken as a line drawn through the

centre of small amplitude hysteresis loops at varying preloads.

2. Introduce ‘strain history dependent parameters’ such as strain-rate dependence

similar to that used by Haupt and Sedlan [19] and Haupt and Lion [20].

3. Develop a three dimensional constitutive material model based on the elastic,

viscoelastic and geometric descriptions presented in this work.

4. Determine whether a rolling Road Wheel model is required and if so develop one.

5. Investigate the effect of temperature on the dynamic response of CBFNR and how

the model developed here could describe this behaviour. For simplicity

temperature effects were not studied in this work, all measurements were made at

room temperature (approx. 20°C).

6. Further work is required to determine whether the model developed here for

describing CBFNR components in simulation software that uses the Newton-

Raphson Predictor-Corrector algorithm has wider applications. Answering such

questions as: Is the model suitable for use in other types of simulation software?

And, does the model describe the internal damping of other materials?

7. An important area of study for further work is the CBFNR response to transient

vibration. This has not been explored in depth in this study; only a few

measurements of the rubber component’s response to a stepped displacement

where made. This is an area where further work is required to developed the

model and understand the materials behaviour.

8. The CBFNR component models developed here should be applied in a full vehicle

simulation and the results assessed by comparison with measured data to

determine whether the use of these models improves the accuracy of the full

vehicle simulation.

Areas for further work on the Warrior suspension rotary damper are as follows:

1. The test rig should be strengthened so that measurements can be made at higher

frequency and higher amplitude to further validate the damper model.

2. Friction is not described in the model because it is considered negligible but this is

a possible area for further work if in the future the transmission of high-frequency

low-amplitude force from ground to hull via the damper is considered significant

for full vehicle simulations of the full Warrior APC. (see papers by Yung and

Cole [31,32]).

3. Investigate the effect of temperature on the dampers response and how the model

developed here could describe this behaviour. For simplicity temperature effects

were not studied in this work, all measurements were made at room temperature

(approx. 20°C).

4. As for the rubber model; the damper model should be applied in a full vehicle

simulation and the results assessed by comparison with measured data.


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Appendix 1: Time independent force-displacement relationship for the Haupt
and Sedlan viscoelastic element

F xA


Fig. A1-1 The viscoelastic Sedlan and Haupt element

The Sedlan and Haupt viscoelastic element [19] is a modified Maxwell element where

the dashpot viscosity coefficient ‘η’ is a function of xA as follows:

x& A + ξ (A1.1)

Where; ‘F’ is force applied to the viscoelastic element, ‘c’ is maximum possible

damping force, ‘ξ’ is a constant, xA is displacement across the viscoelastic element

(i.e. relative to ground) and xB is displacement across the dashpot. So that:

cx& B
x& A + ξ (A1.2)

F = kxA − kxB (A1.3)

And = kx& A − kx&B (A1.4)

1 dF
Rearranging (A1.4) x&B = x& A − (A1.5)
k dt

Substituting (A1.5) into (A1.2)

⎛ c.x& A ⎞ ⎛ c ⎞⎛ 1 ⎞ dF
F = ⎜⎜ ⎟ − ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎟ ⎝ k ⎠⎜ x& + ξ ⎟ dt
⎝ A + ξ ⎠ ⎝ A ⎠

Dividing the numerator and denominator of the right hand side by x& A :

⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
F =⎜
c ⎟ − ⎛⎜ c ⎞⎟⎜ 1 ⎟ dF
⎜ ξ ⎟ ⎝ k ⎠⎜ ξ ⎟ dx A
⎜ sgn ( x& A ) +
⎟ ⎜ sgn( x& A ) + ⎟
⎝ x& A ⎠ ⎝ x& A ⎠

Notice that the differential is now expressed in terms of dxA not dt. Assuming that ‘ξ’

has a small value so that as the velocity ‘ x& A ’ increases; tends to zero. Then we
x& A


c dF
F = c.sgn( x& A ) − .sgn( x& A ). (A1.8)
k dx A

Rearranging (A1.8):

F1 xA1
∫ ∫
− .dF = . sgn( x& A ).dx A (A1.9)
c. sgn( x& A ) − F c
Fo x A0

Where, F0 and xA0 are force and displacement at the previous turning point

respectively; F1 and xA1 are current force and displacement respectively.

Integrating (A1.9):

[− ln c.sgn( x& A ) − F ] F1
⎡ k .x A
⎤ A1
. sgn( x A ) ⎥
& (A1.10)
⎣ c ⎦ xA0


⎛ k . sgn( x& A ) ⎞
F1 = C . sgn( x& A ) − (C . sgn( x& A ) − F0 ).Exp⎜ − .( x A1 − x A0 ) ⎟
⎝ c ⎠


Appendix 2: Response of the Haupt and Sedlan viscoelastic element to a
stepped input


t0 time
k x1

t0 time

Fig. A2-1: Response to stepped displacement

The Sedlan and Haupt viscoelastic element [19] is a modified Maxwell element where

the dashpot coeffiecient ‘η’ is a function of x&1 as follows:

x&1 + ξ (A2.1)

So that:
c.x& 2
F= = k ( x1 − x2 )
x&1 + ξ (A2.2)

Where, ‘F’ is applied force, ‘c’ is the maximum possible damping force, ‘ξ’ is a

constant, x1 is total displacement of the element and x 2 is displacement across the

dashpot. So that:

From (A2.2), when x&1 = 0 , ξ .F

x&2 = (A2.3)

Also from (A2.2), = k .x&1 − k .x& 2 (A2.4)

Substituting (A2.3) into (A2.4) we have:

dF ξ .F
= k .x&1 − k .
dt c (A2.5)

For the stepped input at, t > t0 , x&1 = 0 . Therefore:

1 dF ξ.
− . = F (A2.6)
k dt c

F1 t1
∫ ∫
1 (A2.7)
.dF = − .dt
F c
F0 t0

Therefore the response to a stepped input is an exponential function dependent upon,

ξ, k, and c, as follows:

⎡ ξ .k .t ⎤
F1 = F0 .Exp ⎢ −
⎣ c ⎥⎦ (A2.8)

Where, F0 is force at t0 and F1 is force at time ‘t’.

Appendix 3: Test rig frequency response for rubber component measurement

The ‘dynamic compliance frequency response’ for each rubber component test rig

was determined before time domain measurements were taken and the lowest test rig

resonant frequency determined. The track running gear component time domain

measurements where then taken less then 50% of this value to avoid the effect of test

rig resonance.

Dynamic compliance is also known as, receptance, admittance or dynamic flexibility

[49]; it is the inverse of ‘dynamic stiffness’ and defined as:

X (ω )
H (ω ) = (A3.1)
F (ω )

Where, H(ω) is dynamic compliance, X(ω) is complex displacement and F(ω)

complex force. Dynamic compliance and phase angle are plotted against frequency in

Figures, A3-1b, A3-2b and A3-3b. These response plots have been produced by

random excitation. The frequency response is then found as follows:

S dx (ω )
H (ω ) = (A3.2)
S df (ω )

Where, Sdx(ω) is ‘cross spectral density’ (CSD) of the random drive signal and

displacement, and Sdf(ω) is CSD of the random drive signal and force and H(ω) the

frequency response function (FRF).

CSD is the Fourier transforms of the cross correlation (or product) in the time domain

of two signals, averaged for many sections (or lengths) of data. Details of this method

can be found in Ewins [49], Worden and Tomlinson [50] and Cartwright [51].

Essentially, the random drive signal is used as a ‘reference’ and by averaging a

number of frequency response plots (more then 100), the effect of noise and spurious

signals is reduced. The random drive signal component is cancelled in the division of

Equation A3.2 and the plot of dynamic compliance and phase angle determined in the

frequency domain. Software supplied by ‘Prosig Limited’ was used to record and

process the test data. In this software, the algorithm for determining Cross Spectral

Density is pre-programmed and is simply applied to the time domain measurements.

The broadband random excitation method used here has the advantage that it quickly

produces an FRF over a wide frequency range but the method has limitations

regarding the analysis of nonlinear systems. These limitations are discussed in detail

both by Ewins [49], and Worden and Tomlinson [50]. However for the purpose of

identifying the test rigs resonant frequency the method is adequate.

The graphs (A3-1b, A3-2b and A3-3b) show large spikes at zero frequency, which

should be ignored as they are due to the DC components of the signal. But we also see

that compliance below the first resonant frequency tends to increase as zero hertz is

approached (Fig A3-2b) and does not stay level as would be expected for a linear

system. This is likely to be due to the rubbers amplitude dependant stiffness, as

discussed in Section 3.3, which reduces as amplitude increases. The ‘random drive

signal’ results in higher amplitude displacements across the rubber component at low

frequency then at high frequency due to the acceleration of test rig masses and so

lower frequencies show higher compliance.

Fig. A3-1a: Road wheel tyre test rig


Spike at low frequency cause

Dynamic compliance (m/N)

1.5E-07 by a DC component in the

measured data component


0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency (Hz)

Phase (Degrees)



0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency (Hz)

Fig. A3-1b: Road wheel tyre test rig FRF

The tyre test rig shows the first significant resonance occurring at approximately

40Hz. Therefore measurements of the road wheel response in the time domain will

not be taken at frequencies above 20Hz .

Fig. A3-2a: Track bush radial force test rig

Dynamic compliance (m/N)

8.0E-08 Rising dynamic

compliance at low
6.0E-08 frequency, indicating
rubber bush non-
4.0E-08 linearity.


0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency (Hz)

Phase (Degrees)

0 100 200 300 400 500
Frequency (Hz)

Fig. A3-2b: Track bush radial force test rig FRF

The track bush radial force test rig does not show significant resonant effects below


Fig. A3-3a: Track bush torsional response test rig

Dynamic compliance (m/N)




0 25 50 75 100
Frequency (Hz)

Phase (Degrees)



0 25 50 75 100
Frequency (Hz)

Fig. A3-3b: Track bush torsional response test rig FRF

The track bush torsional force test rig shows significant resonance at approximately


Appendix 4a: The ‘Four viscoelastic element’ model

Fig. A4a-1: Four viscoelastic element model

Values for the track bush torsional model

Nm/Degree Nm Degrees/sec τ=
k .ξ

k1 = 10 c1 = 20 ξ1 = 0.02 τ1 = 100

k2 = 20 c2 = 20 ξ2 = 20 τ2 = 0.05

k3 = 3 c3 = 40 ξ3 = 13.3 τ3 = 1.0

k4 = 40 c4 = 40 ξ4 = 20 τ4 = 0.05

Elastic force: Fe = 12.4 θ + 130.4 Nm/Degree Equation 5.3.1-1

Geometric multiplier: f ( x0 ) = 0.033 x0 − 10 + 1 Equation 5.3.2-1

Appendix 4b: The final ‘three viscoelastic-element’ model

Fig. A4b-1: Three viscoelastic element model

Values for the road wheel tyre model

N/m N m/sec τ=
k .ξ

k1 = 1500 c1 = 1000 ξ1 = 0.0067 τ1 = 100

k2 = 1500 c2 = 1000 ξ2 = 6.67 τ2 = 0.1

k3 = 150 c3 = 500 ξ3 = 3.33 τ3 = 1.0

Note: The four variable parameters (k1, k3, c1 and c3) are highlighted in bold.

Elastic force: Fe = 1.82 × 10 11.x 3 - 2.14 × 10 8 .x 2 + 2.17 × 10 6 .x N/m

Equation 5.3.1-3

Geometric multiplier: f (x0 ) = 543.x0 + 1 Equation 5.3.2-2

Values for the track bush torsional model

N/m N m/sec τ=
k .ξ

k1 = 10 c1 = 20 ξ1 = 0.02 τ1 = 100

k2 = 10 c2 = 20 ξ2 = 20 τ2 = 0.1

k3 = 3 c3 = 40 ξ3 = 13.3 τ3 = 1.0

Note: The four variable parameters (k1, k3, c1 and c3) are highlighted in bold.

Elastic force: Fe = 12.4 θ + 130.4 Nm/Degree Equation 5.3.1-1

Geometric multiplier: f ( x0 ) = 0.033 x0 − 10 + 1 Equation 5.3.2-1

Values for the track bush radial model.

N/m N m/sec τ=
k .ξ

k1 = 60,000 c1 = 3,800 ξ1 = 0.00063 τ1 = 100

k2 = 60,000 c2 = 3,800 ξ2 = 0.63 τ2 = 0.1

k3 = 17,000 c3 = 100,000 ξ3 = 5.9 τ3 = 1.0

Note: The four variable parameters (k1, k3, c1 and c3) are highlighted in bold.

Elastic force: Fe = 81.8 × 10 6 .x N/m Equation 5.3.1-2

Geometric multiplier: f ( x0 ) = 1

Appendix 5: Compression of damper oil, entrapped air and compliance of oil
the chamber

Piston motion

Fig. A5-1: Schematic representation of the damper showing how entapped air is
compressed and expanded as oil flows from one chamber into the other

Figure A5-1 illustrates a possible physical mechanism where entrapped air is

dissolved in oil on the high pressure side of the piston and comes out of solution as

small bubbles on the low pressure side according to Henry’s law which states: ‘The

mass of gas that dissolves in a volume of liquid is directly proportional to the

pressure’. Henry’s law is described by the following relationship:

H .m gs
P= (N/m2) (A5-1)

Where, ‘P’ is pressure, ‘H’ is Henry’s constant (m2/s2 ), ‘mgs’ is mass of gas dissolved

in solution and ‘Voil’ is volume of oil.

The mass of gas in solution (mgs) and mass of gas in bubble (mgb) are related by:

m gt = m gs + m gb (A5-2)

Where mgt is the total mass of gas in the chamber.

Combining equation A5-1 and A5-2 we have:

m gb = m gt − (A5-3)

Since, mgt, Voil and H are all constants equation A5-3 can be rewritten as:

m gb = c1 − c 2 .P (A5-4)

Because the gas bubbles are small we can assume rapid heat transfer between air and

oil and therefore constant temperature. Applying the ideal gas law, P.V = mRT , to the

entrapped air on one side of the piston we have:

P0 .V0 P1 .V1
= (A5-5)
m gb 0 m gb1

Where, P0 is initial pressure (atmospheric), P1 instantaneous pressure, V0 initial

volume, V1 instantaneous volume, mgb0, initial mass of gas bubble and mgb1,

instantaneous mass of gas bubble.

Equation A5-5 applies up to the point where all entrapped air is dissolved in oil after

which we have compression of the oil and compliance of the chamber only.

Substituting Equation A5-4 in to Equation A5-5 we have:

P0 .V0 P1 .V1
= (A5-6)
c1 − c 2 .P0 c1 − c 2 .P1

Rearranging Equation A5-6:

c1 .Po .V0
P1 = (A5-7)
c1 .V1 − c 2 .P0 .V1 + c 2 .P0 .V0

Because piston and cylinder areas are constant we can substitute ‘volume of entrapped

air’ for ‘piston displacement’ and ‘chamber pressure’ for ‘force acting on the piston’

so that:

V0 → x 0 (A5-8)

V1 → x0 − x d (A5-9)

P0 → F0 (A5-10)

and P1 → F1 (A5-11)

Where, x0 represents the initial volume of entrapped gas, xd is change in gas volume,

F0 is force on piston at x0 and F1 is the dampers reaction force. The units of c1 remain

as (kg) the units for c2 become (s2/m). This substitution gives:

Fo .x0 .c1
F1 = (A5-12)
c1 .x 0 − c1 x d − c 2 .F0 .x0 + c 2 .F0 .x0 + c 2 .F0 .x0

dividing through by x0 .c1 Equation A5-12 reduces to:

F1 = (A5-13)
x c x
1 − d + 2 .F0 . d
x0 c1 x0

Letting F0 = c , where c and rearranging equation A5-13 we have:

F1 = (A5-14)
1 − d (1 + c )

Since both F0 and x0 are constants Equation A5-14 reduces to:

F1 = (A5-15)
1− d

Where the unit for C1 are Newtons (N) and C2 meters (m).

It is worth noting the following points regarding equation A5-15.

1. The following condition applies: 0 < <1

2. It is possible to produce an almost linear relationship by setting the value of C2

so that C 2 >> x d . This would suit a model where the mass of entrapped air is

small and compressibility primarily due to oil bulk modulus and chamber


3. Equation A5-15 relates piston force to displacement (xd) with only two

‘tuneable’ parameters, C1 and C2, but we have lost the physical meaning of these

constants. The model has become ‘non-physical’ or ‘non-parametric’. Henry’s

constant, initial volume of oil, initial volume of gas, initial mass of gas and initial

pressure are ‘lumped’ together because all these values are unknown constants.

Equation A5-15 relates the force exerted on the piston by gas pressure in one chamber

only. But the damper has chambers either side of the piston. Therefore the dampers

reaction force (F1) is described by the following equation (A5-16).

⎡ ⎤
⎢ 1 1 ⎥
F1 = C1 ⎢ − ⎥ (A5-16)
⎢1 + x d 1 − x d ⎥
⎢ C C 2 ⎥⎦
⎣ 2

Figure A5-2 illustrates how Equation A5-16 behaves, summing the force on either
side of the piston.

Right hand chamber
Force acting on pistion

Left hand chamber


-1.5 0.0 1.5
Displacement (xd)

Fig. A5-2: Response described by Equation A5-15 for C1 =1 and C2 =2

In figure A5-2: for the purpose of demonstration, C1 and C2 have been given the

values ‘1’ and ‘2’ respectively, but in the damper model, C1 and C2 are set to match

experimental data. This was achieved by repeatedly running simulations and visually

comparing the measured and modelled characteristic force-velocity graphs.

Appendix 6: Torque-Angular velocity relationship for the Warrior APC rotary

damper model (excluding hysteresis)

In chapter 12, points on the dampers characteristic response plot where found which

represented three viscous flow regimes, laminar, turbulent and pressure relief (Blow-

off). These values are presented in the first and second columns of Table A6-1. The

table shows ‘smoothed’ values in the third column (highlighted by a heavy boarder)

that have been corrected manually to produce a smooth transition between the

turbulent flow region and the pressure relief valve opening.

Figure A6-1 shows this ‘smoothed’ curve implemented in ADAMS software as a

‘splined curve’ for uses in the damper model.

Angular Measured Smoothed
velocity response curve
(rad/sec) (Nm) (Nm)

-14.0 -8050 -8050

-13.0 -8050 -8050
-12.0 -8050 -8050
-11.0 -8050 -8050
-10.0 -7950 -7950
-9.0 -7950 -7950
Blow-off -8.0 -7800 -7800
-7.0 -7600 -7600
-6.0 -7400 -7400
-5.0 -7250 -7250
-4.0 -7000 -7000
Rebound -3.0 -6500 -6500
-2.0 -6000 -6000
-1.8 -9091 -5800
-1.6 -7398 -5550
-1.4 -5856 -5200
Turbulent flow -1.2 -4471 -4471
-1.0 -3250 -3250
-0.8 -2186 -2186
-0.6 -1306 -1306
-0.4 -622 -622
-0.2 -194 -194
-0.1 -100 -100
Laminar flow 0.0 0 0
0.1 100 100
0.2 194 194
0.4 622 622
0.6 1306 1306
0.8 2186 2186
1.0 3250 3250
Turbulent flow 1.2 4471 4471
1.4 5856 5856
1.6 7398 7200
1.8 9091 8000
2.0 10932 8500
Compression 3.0 10300 10300
4.0 11600 11600
5.0 12100 12100
6.0 12600 12600
7.0 12850 12850
Blow-off 8.0 13000 13000
9.0 13200 13200
10.0 13400 13400
11.0 13550 13550
12.0 13550 13550
13.0 13650 13650
14.0 13650 13650

Table A6-1: Numeric data for the damper torque verses angular velocity response

Appendix 7: Test rig design and instrumentation

Test rigs were built to measure the dynamic response of each rubber track

components. These were; track bush radial response, track bush torsional response

and road wheel tyre radial response. A test rig was also built to measure the rotary

damper’s response. Drawings depicting each of these test rigs are presented in

Figures, A7-2, A7-3, A7-4 and A7-5 respectively.

Figure A7-1 is a schematic drawing of the data acquisition and control system setup

for a measurement of Track Link Radial response to random excitation. This is shown

as an example since the main features of this setup remained the same in all tests.

Two types of test were conducted on each component; sinusoidal excitation and

random excitation. The instrumentation and channel allocations for each case are

listed in Table A7-1.

Hydraulic ram
Signal generator
Control unit

Programable amplifiers

anti-aliassing filters

A-D Converers and memory


DATS signal processing software

Fig. A7-1: Test rig control and instrumentation set up for random drive signal
(Transducer power supplies and amplifiers have not been shown for clarity)

Measurement 1 Measurement 2
1 Random drive signal Sinusoidal drive signal
2 Hydraulic ram LVDT Hydraulic ram LVDT
3 Load cell Load cell
4 Accelerometer LVDT
5 Accelerometer
6 Accelerometer
7 Accelerometer
8 Test rig base motion accelerometer

Table A7-1: Data acquisition channel assignment for both random and sinusoidal
drive signals

940mm 1400mm

Hydraulic ram force

The Linear Variable Displacement Transducer

is positioned across the Track Links to
measure relative displacement
LVDT positioned across the
track links

Fig. A7-2: Test rig for the measurement of Track Bush Radial Response

Hydraulic ram

Hydraulic ram

1,200 2500

Fig. A7-3: Test rig for the measurement of the Track Bush Torsional Response

Figure A4-3 shows the two hydraulic rams required to measure Track Bush Torsional
response. The vertical hydraulic ram applies a constant radial load; simulating track
tension. The horizontal hydraulic ram rotates the lower link about the track bush axis.

Hydraulic ram
Road Wheel Tyre

1,200 2500

Fig. A4-4: Test rig for the measurement of the Road Wheel Tyre Response

Figure A7-4 shows the Linear Variable Displacement Transducer positioned to

measure distance across the Tyre only. Flexing of the wheels aluminium hub or the
test rig does not effect the measurement.

Rotary damper

Hydraulic ram

1,200 2500

Fig. A4-5: Test rig for the measurement of the rotary damper’s Response


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