Finish The Following Sentences As in The Example: 3p
Finish The Following Sentences As in The Example: 3p
Finish The Following Sentences As in The Example: 3p
No. 1
1. Turn the following sentences into the Passive Voice in two ways (personal and impersonal
constructions). 3p
1. People say that money brings happiness.
2. People believe that dogs are clever animals.
3. People say that the earth goes round the sun.
4. They believe that he is living in Paris.
1. Turn the following sentences into the Passive Voice in two ways (personal and impersonal
constructions). 3p
1. Everybody knew that Sally was telling him lies.
2. The police believe that the thieves are hiding somewhere in the town.
3. They expect that the Prime Minister will come tomorrow.
4. They report that the Tower caught fire.