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Written HW 7: CS 188 Fall 2018 Introduction To Artificial Intelligence

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CS 188 Introduction to

Fall 2018 Artificial Intelligence Written HW 7

Due: Monday 10/22/2018 at 11:59pm (submit via Gradescope).
Leave self assessment boxes blank for this due date.
Self assessment due: Monday 10/29/2018 at 11:59pm (submit via Gradescope)
For the self assessment, fill in the self assessment boxes in your original submission (you can
download a PDF copy of your submission from Gradescope – be sure to delete any extra title pages
that Gradescope attaches). For each subpart where your original answer was correct, write “correct.”
Otherwise, write and explain the correct answer. Do not leave any boxes empty.
If you did not submit the homework (or skipped some questions) but wish to receive credit for the self-
assessment, we ask that you first complete the homework without looking at the solutions, and then
perform the self assessment afterwards.
Policy: Can be solved in groups (acknowledge collaborators) but must be written up individually
Submission: Your submission should be a PDF that matches this template. Each page of the PDF should
align with the corresponding page of the template (page 1 has name/collaborators, question 1 begins on page
2, etc.). Do not reorder, split, combine, or add extra pages. The intention is that you print out the
template, write on the page in pen/pencil, and then scan or take pictures of the pages to make your submission.
You may also fill out this template digitally (e.g. using a tablet.)

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Last name



Q1. Variable Elimination
(a) For the Bayes’ net below, we are given the query P (A, E | +c). All variables have binary domains. Assume we
run variable elimination to compute the answer to this query, with the following variable elimination ordering:
B, D, G, F .

Complete the following description of the factors generated in this process:

After inserting evidence, we have the following factors to start out with:

P (A), P (B|A), P (+c), P (D|A, B, +c), P (E|D), P (F |D), P (G| + c, F )

When eliminating B we generate a new factor f1 as follows:

f1 (A, +c, D) = P (b|A)P (D|A, b, +c)

This leaves us with the factors:

P (A), P (+c), P (E|D), P (F |D), P (G| + c, F ), f1 (A, +c, D)

When eliminating D we generate a new factor f2 as follows:

This leaves us with the factors:

When eliminating G we generate a new factor f3 as follows:

This leaves us with the factors:

When eliminating F we generate a new factor f4 as follows:

This leaves us with the factors:

Self assessment If correct, write “correct” in the box. Otherwise, write and explain the correct answer.

(b) Write a formula to compute P (A, E | +c) from the remaining factors.

Self assessment If correct, write “correct” in the box. Otherwise, write and explain the correct answer.

(c) Among f1 , f2 , f3 , f4 , which is the largest factor generated, and how large is it? Assume all variables have binary
domains and measure the size of each factor by the number of rows in the table that would represent the factor.

Self assessment If correct, write “correct” in the box. Otherwise, write and explain the correct answer.

(d) Find a variable elimination ordering for the same query, i.e., for P (A, E | +c), for which the maximum size
factor generated along the way is smallest. Hint: the maximum size factor generated in your solution should
have only 2 variables, for a size of 22 = 4 table. Fill in the variable elimination ordering and the factors
generated into the table below.

Variable Eliminated Factor Generated

For example, in the naive ordering we used earlier, the first row in this table would have had the following two
entries: B, f1 (A, +c, D).
Self assessment If correct, write “correct” in the box. Otherwise, write and explain the correct answer.

Q2. Bayes Nets: Sampling
Consider the following Bayes Net, where we have observed that B = +b and D = +d.

P (D|A, C)
+a +c +d 0.6
P (B|A) P (C|B) +a +c −d 0.4
P (A) +a +b 0.8 +b +c 0.1 +a −c +d 0.1
A B C D +a 0.5 +a −b 0.2 +b −c 0.9 +a −c −d 0.9
−a 0.5 −a +b 0.4 −b +c 0.7 −a +c +d 0.2
−a −b 0.6 −b −c 0.3 −a +c −d 0.8
−a −c +d 0.5
−a −c −d 0.5

(a) Consider doing Gibbs sampling for this example. Assume that we have initialized all variables to the values
+a, +b, +c, +d. We then unassign the variable C, such that we have A = +a, B = +b, C = ?, D = +d.
Calculate the probabilities for new values of C at this stage of the Gibbs sampling procedure.

P (C = +c at the next step of Gibbs sampling) =

P (C = −c at the next step of Gibbs sampling) =

Self assessment If correct, write “correct” in the box. Otherwise, write and explain the correct answer.

(b) Consider a sampling scheme that is a hybrid of rejection sampling and likelihood-weighted sampling. Under
this scheme, we first perform rejection sampling for the variables A and B. We then take the sampled values for
A and B and extend the sample to include values for variables C and D, using likelihood-weighted sampling.
(i) Below is a list of candidate samples. Mark the samples that would be rejected by the rejection sampling
portion of the hybrid scheme.
2 −a −b
2 +a +b
2 +a −b
2 −a +b

Self assessment If correct, write “correct” in the box. Otherwise, write and explain the correct answer.

(ii) To decouple from part (i), you now receive a new set of samples shown below. Fill in the weights for these
samples under our hybrid scheme.

−a +b −c +d

+a +b −c +d

+a +b −c +d

−a +b +c +d

+a +b +c +d

Self assessment If correct, write “correct” in the box. Otherwise, write and explain the correct answer.

(iii) Use the weighted samples from part (ii) to calculate an estimate for P (+a| + b, +d).

The estimate of P (+a| + b, +d) is

Self assessment If correct, write “correct” in the box. Otherwise, write and explain the correct answer.

(c) We now attempt to design an alternative hybrid sampling scheme that combines elements of likelihood-weighted
and rejection sampling. For each proposed scheme, indicate whether it is valid, i.e. whether the weighted samples
it produces correctly approximate the distribution P (A, C| + b, +d).
(i) First collect a likelihood-weighted sample for the variables A and B. Then switch to rejection sampling for
the variables C and D. In case of rejection, the values of A and B and the sample weight are thrown
away. Sampling then restarts from node A.
# Valid # Invalid
(ii) First collect a likelihood-weighted sample for the variables A and B. Then switch to rejection sampling for
the variables C and D. In case of rejection, the values of A and B and the sample weight are retained.
Sampling then restarts from node C.
# Valid # Invalid
Self assessment If correct, write “correct” in the box. Otherwise, write and explain the correct answer.

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