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Boots - Management and Marketing Strategy - Analyse

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Boots – Management and Marketing Strategy – Analyse

Name of the student:

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Place of Study: University of Suffolk

Date of Submission:
Table of Contents

Introduction ......................................................................................... 3
About the Business – Boots .............................................................. 4
Boots - Mission and Objectives ..................................................... 4
SWOT Analysis for Boots........................................................... 5
PESTLE Analysis ..................................................................... 6
Management style .............................................................................. 8
The Boots Relationship with Clients...................................... 9
Recommendations on Boots Management .......................... 9
Conclusion ..................................................................... 10
References ................................................................... 10
This report deals with the Boots retailer, one of the largest in the UK. The most
descriptive description of the company, its mission and its objectives will be considered. Then
a SWOT analysis of this retailer will be carried out as well as the analysis of the Marketing and
Management Strategy for Boots. The last part of the report will contain recommendations and
concluding remarks about this retailer.

Keywords: Boots, management, mission, PESTLE analysis, retailer.


The business world is one that changes from day to day, from second to second. The
common element of all the economic activities of the companies is represented by the client.
This is the factor for which companies create, supply goods, services, products. The customer
is the one who determines what he wants to buy at the price that suits him, and the companies
come with the offer. Of course, this rule is not one that applies all the time. There are times in
this economic space where demand is too high and offer too low or sometimes even nonexistent
and there are times when supply is diverse and demand too low. Nowadays, it's easy to get a
customer, make him want every time the products of the same manufacturer, but on the other
hand it's very hard to bring new customers. Competition is fierce and companies must come up
with offers to attract customers. The easiest way to keep customers is by loyalty through various
methods and tools: discounts, loyalty cards, some gift products and more. For a company to
stay on the business market it must consider several factors and the most important element,
the client. (Manhattan Associates, 2010)
About the Business – Boots

Boots is a retailer located in Great Britain, Ireland, Thailand, South Korea. It has as main
activity the sale of beauty products for both men and women as well as pharmaceuticals. This
company has a British origin, being founded in 1849. It has had several collaborations since the
beginning with various other companies. Conform the history of this company was called Boots
the Chemists Ltd. at the beginning. Now its name is simple and easy to remember: Boots.

The name of Boots comes from John Boots of Nottingham who make medicinal herbs.
Seeing that he succeeded in this, he first opened a small store selling such remedies for a long
time. Then associating himself, he formed the Boots, which in the beginning was called B & J.

According to the financial analysis provided by this company, it is one of the UK's
largest retailers in terms of beauty products. The number of stores that this company has exceeds
2000. The location of these stores is a strategic one, being established on the main streets of the
cities of Great Britain as well as in the big shopping centers. In recent years, it has improved its
activity, while also providing optic services within its own stores. For customer loyalty, this
company offers customers loyalty cards. Through these cards, customers have large discounts
on a wide range of products. (Girdhar, 2010)

Boots - Mission and Objectives

From the very beginning, Boots has set clear goals that he respects today. These concern
profit, loyalty to customers, product quality and market presence for as long as possible.
satisfying demand as it manifests, depending on the downstream market signal (because you
sell what you produced, but you will still produce what is required and especially what was
sold) - reduce costs, but not by lowering quality - increase flexibility production (by
benchmarking and operations standardization), for rapid adaptation to environmental
conditions, - increasing the reliability and quality of production, and producing goods and
services superior to those on the market, according to the market opinion.

At the management level, according to statistics and analyzes made in this sphere, Boots
acknowledges that management is a good one and the results are in place. As far as the
relationship with the employees is concerned, this is a good one. There is an excellent
communication between employees and the employer. In turn, employees provide quality
services to their clients. These issues stem from feedback that customers provide for Boots.
Compared to other retailers of this type, Boots offers a wide range of products and a range of
services for its customers.

SWOT Analysis for Boots


Boots' strengths have made this company a market leader. A first aspect illustrating the
superiority of Boots is the wide range of products it sells. At the same time, the quality ratio is
another important point for Boots. Compared to competition, the cost of Boots is lower. The
location of these stores is another bonus for the company. They are in crowded areas, intensely
circulated, and in large shopping centers being frequently frequented by customers. At this
level, the way the shop is designed is another bonus point. Thus, stores are designed with an
attractive design, offering customers a wide range of products and the ability to choose
according to their requirements. In addition to products, Boots also provides consulting services
in medicine Boots is one of the leading pharmaceutical products distributors for Western
Europe. This strong point makes the company become an international retailer, not just a local


Regarding the weaknesses, the Boots are the following. At expansion level, Boots still
has work. Although it is an old-age firm on the market, it still has insufficient resources to
become a world leader in the medical and beauty products sector. Another weak point is
competition. These days, there is a multi-tune business with the same mission as Boots. At this
level, you need to work on marketing strategies to attract your customers. And in health
surveillance. (Girdhar, 2010).


The opportunities that Boots can benefit from are the very strengths it has. Thus, given
the multitude of products it sells, it can expand its business scope. In this sense, Boots can
develop new products by employing new specialists as required by customers. This would mean
an extra investment, but it has benefits over a long period of time.

Ending new partnerships would lead to global expansion, which would make Boots a
global retailer in this area. This would lead to market resilience and a recognition of the seniority
and consistency and quality that Boots has demonstrated for hundreds of years on the British
market and then in other countries. These partnerships would climb up and out of the


As far as threats are concerned, they are countless and all the way especially for a
company like Boots. Other companies come with products of the same category that are at
lower prices. These are more desirable to clients and so threats for Boots. In this sense,
supermarkets are a threat to Boots, as they offer a wide range of products in the same space. At
the same time, certain rules and laws imposed by the state could destabilize the Boots policy
and market the products. Economic factors such as economic crises or inflation are, in their
turn, real threats to Boots. (Girdhar 2010)

PESTLE Analysis

To see the marketing strategy and Boost management is necessary to analyze PESTLE
considering the most important factors the book influences the company Boots and its activity.

Economic factors

Economic Factors play a key role in making Boots a successful business. It is recognized
that Boots has managed and managed the business in a more efficient way, regardless of the
economic events it has encountered over time. One good point for Boots is that its main activity
is related to man and his health. On the other hand, beauty products can be changed as people
can give up certain products of this kind in different economic stages. At the same time, people
can choose other stores with the same object according to their preferences. (Girdhar, 2010)
Social factors

At this level, it is possible to bring into discussion everything that means lifestyle, the
population's ventilation, the environment from which people come from. The more educated
the population, the healthier it is. Being an educated population, she realizes that health is first
and tries to use quality and appropriate products. Boots being a retailer with this object of
activity, the segment of the population that chooses its products is quite large. Being a retailer
providing quality products, it is chosen by most of the population, both in the UK and the
visiting tourists. (Girdhar, 2010)

Technological factors

Technological factors in turn, play an essential role in Boots management. Through

various technological implementations, Boots has increased its efficiency in terms of services.
In the last four years, Boots has improved its logistics system. This system has helped Boots to
measure customers as well as those satisfied and unsatisfied, which has led to the identification
of the problems that existed at the time. Also, on this occasion, Boots has signed a partnership
with IBM, through which it has been able to effectively monitor its services, performance,
inventory and loss-making. (Manhattan Associates, 2010)

Political factors

Political factors just as important for Boots have a definite impact. The new rules on the
economic side brought new competitors to Boots. Lately, several chain stores have been
opened, market stores and a supermarket. They tried to introduce pharmacies and room with
beauty products in their inbred. They have been and still are an important competitor for Boots
and its entire range of products. (Girdar, 2010)

Environmental factors
Marketing markets are different and most have their own rules. Before it grows in an
environment, a retailer needs to know some environmental factors that can occur and can affect
it during its evolution such as weather, climate change, laws and rules on environmental
pollution, ecological nature, with this in view, it will be much easier to manage the possible

Legal Factors

Each territory and country have different rules and laws. As with the environmental
factor, legal factors are equally important and must be considered from the beginning. Among
the most important legal elements to be considered include laws of discrimination, labor law,
labor protection, copyright, data protection.

Management style

Even if it seems that Boots is doing business and doing business only in the
pharmaceutical field, this is not entirely real. Boots is also active in other areas of activity. Boots
management is represented by strong ideas of development and evolution. The basis of the
Boots management is the "value-based leadership" principle. Within this retailer, the manager
is the one who supervises the employees, analyzing their particularities and using it in favor of
the brand. Value management, as Thomson says, is a high-level model in the sense that the
enterprise receives the raw material, modulates it according to the market requirement and then
puts them on sale. This style of management has only one goal, that of getting a maximum
profit, and when it comes to boots this chair reacts. (Manhattan Associates, 2010)

At the cultural and perceptual level, Boots looks at staff well-being, the quality of the
products traded, the relationships with suppliers. At the same time, the heads of business
divisions have a freedom at consultative and decisional level. This implies that Boots has a very
well-centralized organizational structure. For the proper development of the business, it is
essential to have the right databases on which to make the most appropriate decisions. One thing
that has been done by Boots in recent years has been the establishment of a system called "Retail
Engineering", which aimed at continuously managing the product range and reorganizing the
stores to maximize both margins and consider consumer preferences and the observation of

The Boots Relationship with Clients

In what concerns the relationship between Boots and its customers, it is noted that it has
given interest in meeting the needs of its customers. Boots analyzed consumer behavior about
certain products. If the product was purchased and was useful, Boots tried to find out how the
product was used and if it could be recommended to other people. On the other hand, if the
consumer was unhappy with a product, Boots attempted to analyze the market that was the
cause and tried to remedy the situation to some extent. The company's representatives tried to
offer advice to the consumer, whether it was a woman or a man, or in relation to the most
frequently bought items. The results of the analyzes led to a collaborative relationship between
clients and stores. Boots tried to get feedback from customers every time they bought one of
the products sold by Boots. Obtaining these feedbacks even results, improving both service
quality and customer-seller relationship. (Girdhar, A, 2010)

Recommendations on Boots Management

The last time has shown that Boots has turned their attention to the younger generation
and cartridges the requirements they have, which is a very good thing. The fact that Boots keeps
their loyalty cards is a positive factor, as it attracts customers and offers them discounts on the
products they want to buy. A differentiation of customers would help Boots to create new sales
strategies. Boots should classify their customers into valuable, valuable, and regular customers.
This classification would only make them loyal to them and offer them the best services
according to their requirements. Customer loyalty is not just an economic part that Boots
exploits very well, but also has a psychological role in keeping it as close to brand as possible.
In fact, the strategy, besides being an economic one, is also a psychological one. You first must
be in the consumer's skin to know what to create and sell. (Girdhar, A., 2010)

It is worth mentioning that Boots or Alliance Boots after is named as this retailer is one
of the leading pharmaceutical and beauty leaders in the UK. According to market analyzes
lately, Boots is among the companies that will know a degree of growth for the next period.
This is due both to the seniority of the Boots market and to the management and leadership it
controls. Although competition has increased, this is not even a real threat to Boots, as new
technologies can compete. By using the new marketing strategies, Boots can once again be the
leader in the UK pharmaceutical market with ease. These new technologies would make Boots
a conscious and globally known brand. With a high market share for a long time, Boots could
become a world leader soon.


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