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Technology Update No. 3: SSPC: The Society For Protective Coatings

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March 1, 2017

SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings

Technology Update No. 3


1. SCOPE Embrittled coating:Coating that has degraded to a

friable condition but still has enough elasticity to adhere to the
1.1 This technology update discusses the risks associated substrate or underlying coating.
with the maintenance painting practice known as overcoating. Encapsulation:The process of enclosing a surface,
Factors affecting overcoating application, service and costs especially one containing hazardous materials, on all sides.
are discussed. Encapsulants include drywall, fiber-filled coatings, wood, or
other materials.
1.2 This document is intended to serve as a resource Flaking: The detachment of small pieces of the coating
for facility owners and others charged with developing and film, usually preceded by cracking, checking or blistering.
implementing maintenance painting programs. Loose coating: Coating that has delaminated and
disbonded from the substrate or other coats, but has not fallen
1.3 Overcoating is one of several maintenance painting off.
options. This document is not intended to provide a detailed Marginally adherent coating: A coating that exhibits
description or comparison of the relative merit and cost tape adhesion of 2A or less (per ASTM D 3359) such that the
considerations of overcoating versus other maintenance overcoating risk is moderate or high.
painting options. For a more complete and detailed discussion Overcoating: Application of coating materials over an
of maintenance painting practices, the reader should refer to existing coating in order to extend its service life, including
SSPC-PA Guide 5, Guide to Maintenance Painting Programs. use of the appropriate cleaning methods. The procedure
includes preparation of rusted or degraded areas, feathering
1.4 This document focuses primarily on overcoating of edges of existing paint, light cleaning by pressure washing
existing coating systems applied to steel substrates. (SSPC-SP WJ-4/NACE-WJ 4) of the entire structure to
remove contaminants, application of a full intermediate coat
over repaired areas, and optional application of a full topcoat
over the entire structure. Overcoating may be a cost effective
alternative to complete coating removal and repainting.
When the old coating contains lead, cadmium, or chromium,
2.1.1 This document contains discussions of the risks
overcoating may be a particularly attractive option due to
associated with overcoating, methods of assessing risk, and
economic considerations. Overcoating presents certain risks
means by which risks may be managed and reduced.
as well.
Repaint: Complete removal of the existing coating system
2.1.2 Overcoating is generally defined as the practice
followed by application of a new coating system (including
of painting over (not encapsulating) an existing coating as a
appropriate cleaning methods.)
means of extending its useful service life. Overcoating may be
Risk: As used herein, “risk” refers to the chance that the
a cost-effective alternative to complete coating removal and
overcoated system (old paint plus newly applied overcoat) will
repainting. When the old coating contains lead, cadmium, or
either fail catastrophically (e.g., delamination of the system)
chromium, overcoating may be a particularly attractive option
or will not provide the desired period of protection (e.g., early
due to economic considerations. Overcoating presents certain
rust back).
risks as well (see risk definition below).
Spot repair: A procedure entailing surface cleaning of
2.2 DEFINITIONS isolated corrosion or paint breakdown areas using appropriate
cleaning methods, and subsequent coating of these areas.
For the purposes of this document, the following definitions Zone painting: A procedure entailing surface preparation
will be used: using appropriate cleaning methods and painting of a defined
Coating stress:The tension that a coating has, which area of a structure. Zone painting may involve (a) many spot
is capable of being imparted to the steel substrate or other repairs within a defined area or (b) removal of all coating in a
coating. defined area, followed by application of a new coating system
to that area.

March 1, 2017

3. DISCUSSION systems for the expected exposure and conditions are proven
tools in assessing the risk.
3.1 RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH OVERCOATING Existing Coating System Type (Oil, Alkyd,
3.1.1 Delamination: A primary risk associated with Vinyl, Epoxy, Urethane): It is important to be able to determine
overcoating is that the overcoating system could cause if multiple coating system types exist on the structure and to
delamination. If a delamination failure occurs, the overcoating identify them in order to determine basic chemical composition,
investment is lost. Delamination is difficult to predict; however, so that the proper overcoat system can be selected and special
an understanding of the underlying principles will help the hazardous conditions can be identified.
coatings engineer to reduce the chance of a delamination
failure. Thickness: Thicker, aged coatings tend to be more
Delamination is primarily the result of internal stresses highly stressed. Strong peeling forces can be generated during
in the overcoat material being transferred to underlying or curing and aging of the overcoat. When overcoated, thicker,
existing coating layers. Internal stress occurs as the applied more highly stressed coatings are more likely to delaminate than
paint shrinks during drying and curing. Several factors affect thinner coatings with lower internal stress. Thermal cycling
the degree of internal stress in the overcoat material, including that may disrupt the integrity of thick, aged coatings that
the type of coating, the formulation, the film-forming conditions, have been overcoated may also cause delamination. Rapid
the temperature and the coating’s age and thickness. A good thermal cycling may accelerate system deterioration. Thicker,
example of an increased internal stress is the oxidative curing more highly stressed coatings are also more likely to sustain
of alkyds. Temperature fluctuations may also affect the level damage from blast media or other mechanical processes. This
of internal stress. Brittle coatings are more apt to crack during often results in a subsequent loss of adhesion that may affect
temperature changes. The application of an overcoat may the performance of the overcoat system.
also affect the internal stress of the existing coating because Number of Coating Layers: Many layers of paint
the stress present in the overcoat is transmitted to the existing
increase the chance of poor intercoat adhesion and may lead
to delamination.
The internal stress of the overcoat is counteracted
by its adhesion to the existing coating. A loss of adhesion of Coating Age: Depending on the curing mechanism,
the existing paint system at either the steel/coating interface or
certain coatings tend to embrittle more with age than others.
within the layers of the existing coating may result in failure of
Alkyds are particularly susceptible to embrittlement with age.
the overcoat system.
Good overcoating systems should be designed so that Chalking and Erosion: Epoxy and alkyd coatings
there is higher tensile strength and rigidity in the existing or may chalk and erode with prolonged exposure. Generally this
original coating than in the overcoat. does not present a problem for overcoating as long as the
loose chalk is removed prior to painting. Even severely eroded
3.1.2 Early Rust Back or Poor Coating Performance: coatings with exposed primer may be good candidates for
Another primary risk involved in overcoating is that the system overcoating, provided the remaining coating has good adhesion
will not provide an adequate period of service. The overcoat and rusting is nominal.
may not experience a catastrophic failure, such as delamination,
but nonetheless may fail prematurely because of the severity Delaminated Paint Films: Paint films that exhibit
of the service environment. This type of degradation may be delamination or other undesirable characteristics, such as
manifested by pinpoint rust, undercutting at small breaks in the cracking, are not good candidates for overcoating.
coating system, or blistering. The amount and type of surface
preparation used prior to applying the overcoat and the thickness Coating Brittleness: Embrittled coatings tend to
of the overcoat system can also affect the degree of protection crack, providing sites for stress-induced peeling.
afforded by the overcoat material. Coating Adhesion: The adhesion of the existing
3.2 FACTORS AFFECTING RISK IN OVERCOATING coating to itself and to the substrate is a critical factor. However,
it is difficult to precisely define a satisfactory adhesion value.
3.2.1 Influential Factors: The risk of delamination or other At present, adhesion is generally evaluated by ASTM D3359,
coating failure described in 3.1 is influenced by the condition ASTM D6677, or ASTM D 4541. Systems exhibiting low
of the existing coating, substrate factors, compatibility of adhesion values in these tests are more likely to delaminate
new and old system, the type of structure and the exposure when overcoated than are aged coatings with higher adhesion
environment, etc. values. Generally, the aged coating system will fail at its
weakest point. Coating type, age, thickness, and surface
3.2.2 Condition of Existing Coating
preparation all affect the adhesion of the aged coating system. Existing Conditions: Visual and physical
3.2.2 Substrate Factors and Corrosion Pattern: The
inspections, patch testing, and previous experience with similar
condition and type of the substrate under the existing coating

March 1, 2017

system must be determined. For steel, mill scale, because it 3.2.6 Exposure Environment: The coating selected must
is smooth and slick, generally presents the weakest point of be able to withstand the environmental conditions to which it
adhesion of the coating, even if the mill scale itself is tightly will be exposed, as well as the surface conditions over which it
adherent to the steel. Filiform rust or undercutting could is applied. Rapid thermal cycles tend to stress aged coatings,
continue beneath the film unless the source is removed. The causing delamination at the weaker interfaces.
condition of the substrate may affect the performance of the
overcoat system. Generally, the more corrosion present, the 3.3 APPLICATION, SERVICE AND COST CONSIDER-
higher the degree of surface preparation required. This may ATIONS: The items below should be considered when
cause localized problems on structures that were not cleaned determining whether overcoating is the most appropriate
uniformly prior to receiving the original coating. Localized maintenance strategy for a particular situation.
rusted areas may dictate a different strategy than would
3.3.1 Application Considerations
general corrosion over the entire surface area. There is a point
at which it may no longer be cost-effective to overcoat. Limitations on Surface Preparation Methods: In
some locations, because of noise or emission considerations, Surface Preparation: The performance of the
some methods of surface preparation cannot be used. As a
system is influenced by surface preparation prior to initial
result, complete removal and replacement of existing coating
coating application. A surface that was previously blast
may not be an option. The preferred treatment would then be a
cleaned is more likely to have satisfactory adhesion values,
limited surface preparation and overcoating.
and is generally a better overcoat candidate, than a smooth
surface or a surface with existing mill scale. Limitations on Application Methods: Some
environmental or local restrictions prohibit certain application Surface Contaminants: Surface contaminants,
methods or coating products, due to their characteristically
such as chloride and sulfates, can lead to decreased coating
low transfer efficiency and/or potential to damage adjacent
life and vastly accelerated corrosion, while grease and oil
property by overspray. It must be determined if the permissible
can result in poor wetting and adhesion of the overcoating
application methods (e.g., brushing and rolling) are suitable for
system. Coatings differ widely in their ability to protect under
the overcoating product selected or considered.
these conditions. The problems associated with surface
contaminants are not necessarily specific to overcoating; Overcoatability of the Coating: Certain existing
however, contaminants are less likely to be removed during coatings can only be overcoated after major surface preparation
overcoating because typically much less surface preparation is such as scarifying the surface by sweep blasting or power tool
done. Less surface preparation holds down costs and reduces cleaning. This situation may reduce or eliminate the economic
environmental and worker exposures to hazardous dusts. and environmental advantages of the overcoat strategy.
Extensive surface preparation is also more likely to cause
mechanical damage to an old, marginally adherent, embrittled 3.3.2 Service Considerations
coating that may later delaminate
. Expected Remaining Service Life of the Pitting: Pits in steel often contain active corrosion Structure: The specifier should determine the remaining
cells (due to chlorides or sulfates), which can cause early service life (in years) of the structure. The cost of overcoating
failure of overcoat materials (including surface preparation, containment, materials,
. application, etc.) may not be justified for a structure to be
3.2.4 Coating Compatibility: Patch testing is a good replaced or decommissioned in a short time.
method of determining whether the new coating is compatible
with the existing one. The test should be performed so that the Expected Life of the Overcoat System (in
worst-case exposure to the patch is achieved. A method for patch years): The expected service life of the overcoat system is
testing is described in SSPC-PA Guide 5 and ASTM D 5064. also a critical factor. Unfortunately there is a high degree of
(See Appendix A.1.2 for an example utilizing a test patch.) uncertainty in these projections. This uncertainty can be
conveyed by assigning a range of years for the overcoating
3.2.5 Type of Structure system lifetime (e.g., 4-12 years). NACE International Paper
Number 7422, “Expected Service Life and Cost Considerations Configuration of Surfaces: Wide planar areas for Maintenance or New Construction Protective Coating Work”
may delaminate first, particularly if the coating is applied over provides information on the expected service life of coating
mill scale. systems that have been overcoated. Flexing: The rigidity of the coated surface affects Risk Threshold of Failure: The specifier must
how the internal stresses in the coating are translated to recognize that there is some chance of a catastrophic or
interfaces. Flexible beams and wide planar areas tend to premature failure of an overcoat system. Overcoating may
contribute more stress to a coating system than more angular, not be a viable option if the risk of a coating failure cannot be
smaller planar areas.

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tolerated. While the decision to use an overcoating strategy is on types of coating, number of coating layers, coating
independent of the lead paint issue (lead may not be present), thickness, surface preparation, periodic maintenance, and
the presence of lead makes all the options more costly. If the periodic inspections. It should be determined if lead or any
overcoat causes a catastrophic failure, the environmental risks other hazardous material is present in order to properly
are significantly increased. There are various means to reduce assess the risks. If other structures have been painted in a
the risk of a catastrophic failure. For example, total removal similar or identical manner and subsequently overcoated, this
of a poor to marginally adhered existing coating, with new information may also be useful. Information specific to the
coatings subsequently applied, provides less risk than some structure’s exposure environment such as the presence of acid
overcoat strategies. precipitation, chemical splash or vapors, or wind-borne or de-
icing salts, may also be useful.
3.3.3 Cost Considerations If no historic records of coating types exist, infrared
spectroscopic analysis of paint chip samples can be used Comparing Cost of Overcoating and Full
to determine the types of coatings on the structure. The
Removal: The specifier should estimate the cost of overcoating
original surface preparation and substrate condition may be
versus the cost of total removal of coating versus replacement
determined by using a chemical paint stripper to remove the
of the steel. Assessment of these options, along with expected
aged coating from a small area. The presence of mill scale,
coating lifetimes and risks of failure, will aid in determining if
underfilm corrosion, and/or an abrasive blast profile can then
overcoating is the most cost-effective option. If the overcoat
be visually assessed.
option causes a catastrophic failure, not only is the cost of the
investment lost, additional costs for repair and environmental
3.4.2 Visual Inspection: A quantitative visual inspection of
cleanup could be incurred.
the aged coating system should be conducted to determine the
extent of degradation including underfilm corrosion, chalking, Continued Presence of Hazardous Coatings:
peeling, flaking, cracking, checking, rusting, and blistering.
Another important difference between overcoating and full
Visible surface contaminants including mildew, debris, grease,
removal is that full removal permanently eliminates the heavy
and oil should be identified. Representative components or
metal hazard. If the structure is coated with material that
areas of the structure should be individually evaluated. ASTM
must be treated as a hazardous waste, such as a lead-based
D 5065 provides a detailed description of the visual inspection
coating, a latent hazard will exist (whether or not an overcoating
techniques that should be utilized.
system is applied) until the hazardous coating is removed. In
cases requiring elimination of potential hazards resulting
3.4.3 Physical Inspection: A physical inspection of
from disturbance of hazardous coatings, overcoating is not a
the structure and aged coating system should be conducted
feasible maintenance strategy.
to determine the film thickness, number of layers of paint,
adhesion, underlying substrate condition, coating type, and Necessity of Structural Preservation: The
presence of soluble salt contamination. The number of test
specifier should determine if the structure is still needed
locations examined must be enough to provide a representative
or whether demolition or abandonment is a possibility. This
picture of all major conditions existing on the structure.
option will also entail costs; in particular, there would be a
Table 1 in Appendix A.1 contains a simple algorithm for
need to address worker handling of the lead coated structure
assessing the risk of overcoating based on film thickness and
adhesion of an existing coating system on steel. Coatings are Cost and Logistics of Structural Replacement: categorized by thickness in three ranges: 0 to <10 mils (0 to
Depending on where a structure is in its design life, it may be 254 micrometers), 10 to 20 mils (254 to 508 micrometers),
more cost-effective to replace the structure than to repaint or and >20 mils (>508 micrometers). Adhesion is measured in
overcoat it. Factors such as usage, alternate traffic routes (for accordance with ASTM D 3359 or D6677 and film thickness
bridges), and the availability of alternate structures can affect by ASTM D7091. The algorithm works on the principle that
this decision. The costs for demolition must also be considered. the risk of failure increases with increasing film thickness and
decreasing adhesion. Risk is categorized as OK (essentially Urgency of Action: The specifier should also no risk), LR (low risk), MR (moderate risk), HR (high risk), and
determine if maintenance could be put off for a period of time. NO (not a candidate for overcoating). See Appendix A, section
3.4 Assessing Risk in Overcoating: The coatings Alternatively, ASTM D 4541 can be used to assess the
engineer may assess the risk associated with overcoating adhesion of the aged coating. In a survey of SSPC member paint
by compiling historical data, performing visual and physical manufacturers, minimum tolerable pull-off adhesion values
inspections, and by applying coating test patches. of 50 to 300 psi (340 to 2040 kPa) were cited as necessary
for overcoating. Lenhart and El-Naggar have suggested the
3.4.1 Coating History and Previous Overcoat pull-off adhesion values of 100 to 200 psi (680 kPa to 1360
Experience: The designer should compile as much historical kPa) are marginal for overcoating and that adhesion of 250 to
information on the aged coating, surface preparation, and 600 psi (1700 to 4080 kPa) is acceptable for overcoating. The
structure as possible. Historic data is commonly available thickness of the aged paint system may also be determined

March 1, 2017

using ASTM D 4138. The method is convenient for assessing 3.5.2 Coating Selection: Coating materials with a high
the number and thicknesses of individual coating layers. degree of internal stress should not be used for overcoating.
Various methods can be used to determine the level of Overcoat materials should have good penetration and
soluble salt contamination on steel structures. The percent wetting characteristics. They should have relatively low film
retrieval is dependent on the method of retrieval, degree of thicknesses, good flexibility, and should not contain strong
contamination, the presence of pitting/section loss and the solvents. Some commercially available coatings have been
length of time the salt has been on the surface (see SSPC specifically formulated for overcoating. Some products have
Guide 15). Ionic surface concentrations may be determined been validated in use as overcoats and should be considered
by measuring the conductivity of the extracted fluid, or using as candidates. Many types of products are sold for overcoating
ion-specific test strips, tubes and meters. including acrylic latex, calcium sulfonate alkyd, epoxy, oil and
oil modified alkyd, polyurethane, polyester, wax, petrolatum
3.4.4 Conducting a Patch Test: One or more patch tape, urethane-latex, and epoxy-urethane coatings. The epoxy
tests should be performed to assess the risk of overcoating. coatings are predominant in terms of the number of coatings
Representative areas or components of the structure should be available. Within this class there are thicker film epoxy mastics
selected for testing. It is important that any test patch include and the relatively low-build unpigmented penetrating epoxy
the feathered edges of the existing paint at prepared rusted sealers. Overcoating materials should also afford adequate
or degraded areas. Areas in poorer condition as well as areas corrosion protection in the intended service environment. The
that typify the overall condition of the aged coating should be coating system(s) selected for test patch installation that
selected for evaluation. The condition of areas to be evaluated performed well should be specified.
should be characterized using the visual and physical methods
described in Sections 3.4.2 and 3.4.3. Surface preparation 3.5.3 Surface Preparation and Coating Inspection: As
methods and overcoating materials should be selected with any painting job, a thorough inspection of the prepared
for evaluation. The selected overcoat materials should be and painted surfaces should be conducted. The removal of
applied to the prepared test areas, inspected after cure, and soluble salts and other surface contaminants should be verified,
documented. The test patches should be inspected a second in compliance with contract documents or a mutually agreed-
time after 6 to 12 months of exposure. The test exposure upon procedure. A maximum permissible level of soluble salt
period should span at least one winter season. ASTM D 5064 contamination should be specified. Special attention should be
and SSPC-Guide 9, Section 6.2.2, provide more detailed paid to wet film thickness application to ensure that the DFT is
descriptions of patch testing. See Appendix A, Section. A.1.2, within the specified range. The adhesion of the overcoat system
Method B for a procedure utilizing a patch test. should be determined and compared to the values obtained
Interpretation of patch test results is rather straightforward. from the patch tests.
Delaminated test patches imply a very high risk. Poor or
reduced levels of intercoat or substrate adhesion indicate 3.5.4 Risk Management: Risk management involves
intermediate levels of risk. Signs of early rusting or blistering determining which of the factors listed in Sections 3.2 and 3.3
may also indicate a high risk associated with overcoating. Other apply to the maintenance situation in question, determining
warning signs include wrinkling, cracking, lifting, and peeling. their relative importance, and balancing these factors with the
considerations described in Section 3.4.
3.5 Mitigating Risk in Overcoating: The methods In many cases overcoating has been used inappropriately.
described above in sections 3.4.1 through 3.4.4 are useful in Because of the potentially large initial cost savings associated
assessing the degree of risk associated with overcoating. If with overcoating, when compared to containment and complete
the risks associated with overcoating are deemed acceptable removal, the temptation to overcoat is high. The large initial cost
to the owner, then specific actions can further mitigate the difference between these maintenance options has meant that
risks associated with the process. Surface preparation, coating owners are more tolerant of the risks involved in overcoating.
selection, and inspection are key elements in reducing the risk Owners should first properly assess the risks associated with
associated with overcoating. overcoating. If overcoating risks are deemed acceptable, then
the facility owner should take additional steps to mitigate the
3.5.1 Surface Preparation: Surface preparation methods risk of overcoating.
should be selected to minimize damage to the aged coating
while providing a clean surface free of contaminants, corrosion, 4. Conclusion
and poorly adherent coating. Sweep and brush-off blasting may
disrupt the adhesion or fracture the aged coating, leading to
When considering whether to overcoat, factors affecting the
failures of the overcoat system. Similarly, when spot or area
internal stresses of the original coating and the overcoat must be
cleaning using an abrasive method, care should be taken
considered, as should alternatives to overcoating. The lowest risk
not to allow blast media to impinge on areas adjacent to the
is likely to be associated with the highest cost, due primarily to
cleaning zone. The cleaning method indicated during patch
the surface preparation and containment required. The highest
testing should be specified.
risk will probably be associated with lower cost options due to

March 1, 2017

the lower surface preparation costs. The specifier is urged to 6.2 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF TESTING AND
consider preventive maintenance programs in which surfaces MATERIALS (ASTM) STANDARDS:1
are painted when they first show signs of degradation. At this
stage, little or no surface preparation is needed, the existing Standard Method for
paint exhibits good adhesion and all risks are minimized. D610-08 (2012) Evaluating Degree of Rusting
on Painted Steel Surfaces
Standard Test Method for
5.1 This technology update is for information purposes Evaluation of Painted or
only. It is neither a standard nor a recommended practice. Coated Specimens Subjected
to Corrosive Environments
While every precaution is taken to ensure that all information
furnished in SSPC technology updates is as accurate, Standard Test Methods for
complete, and useful as possible, SSPC cannot assume Measuring Adhesion by Tape Test
responsibility nor incur any obligation resulting from the use of
any materials, coatings, or methods specified herein, or of the Standard Test Method for
Measurement of Dry Film
technology update itself.
D4138-07a (2013) Thickness of Protective Coating
Systems by Destructive,
5.2 This technology update does not attempt to address
Cross-Sectioning Means
problems concerning safety associated with its use. The
user of this specification, as well as the user of all products Standard Test Method for Pull-Off
or practices described herein, is responsible for instituting D4541-09e1 Strength of Coatings Using
appropriate health and safety practices and for ensuring Portable Adhesion Testers
compliance with all governmental regulations. Standard Practice for Assessing
D5065-13 the Condition of Aged
6. REFERENCED STANDARDS Coatings on Steel Surfaces

Standard Practice for

The date of the referenced standard in effect at the date of D5064-16a Conducting a Patch Test to
publication of this technology update is shown below. Assess Coating Compatibility

6.1 SSPC AND JOINT STANDARDS: Standard Test Method for

D6677-07 (2012)
Evaluating Adhesion by Knife
Guide to Maintenance Coating of Standard Practice for
PA Guide 5
Steel Structures in Atmospheric Nondestructive Measurement
Service of Dry Film Thickness of
D7091-13 Nonmagnetic Coatings Applied to
SSPC-Guide 9 Guide for Atmospheric Testing of Ferrous Metals and Nonmagnetic,
(2004) Coatings in the Field Nonconductive Coatings Applied
to Non-Ferrous Metals
SP 1 (2015) Solvent Cleaning
SP 3 (2004) Power Tool Cleaning

SP 6/NACE AASHTO, Guide for Painting Steel Structures, 1994.

Commercial Blast Cleaning
No. 3 (2007) Appleman, B. R., “Overcoating Vs. Removing Lead Paint
Comparative Analysis,” Journal of Protective
Near-White Blast Cleaning Coatings and Linings, Vol. 10, No. 11 (November,
No. 2 (2007)
1993), pps. 60-83.
SP 11 (2013) Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Meal Byrnes, Geoffrey, “Delamination by Design”, Materials
Performance, Volume 32, No. 2 (February, 1993),
SSPC-SP pps. 45-47.
WJ-4/NACE Light Waterjet Cleaning Boocock, Simon K., “SSPC Research on Performance
WJ 4 (2012) Testing of Abrasives and Salt Retrieval Tech-
niques, “Journal of Protective Coatings and Lin-
SSPC-SP Commercial Grade Power
15 (2013) Tool Cleaning ings, Vol. 11 No. 3 (March, 1993), pps. 28-44.
Combatting Adhesion Problems When Applying New
Guide 15 Field Methods for Extraction and Onto Existing Finish Coats of Paint, NACE Pub-
(2012) Analysis of Soluble Salts on Steel lication 6H194, (Houston: NACE International,
and Other Nonporous Substrates

ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. For
referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, <> For Annual
Book of ASTM Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary
page on the ASTM website.

March 1, 2017

Effect of Surface Contaminants on Coating Life, (Pitts- A. APPENDICES

burgh: SSPC, 1991), SSPC Publication 91-07.
Sampling and Analyzing Soluble Salts on Steel Sur- A.1 METHODS FOR ASSESSING OVERCOATING RISK
faces: A Comparative Study,” Journal of Protec-
tive Coatings and Linings, Vol. 11 No. 3 (March, A.1.1 Method A: Assessing Risk Based on Adhesion
1993), pps. 76-83. and Thickness. This method assesses the risk of failure from
Hare, Clive H., “Adhesive and Cohesive Failure: Defini- overcoating using a combination of adhesion and film thickness
tions and Fundamental Macro-Effects,” Journal of of the existing coating. The thickness is categorized as less
Protective Coatings and Linings, Vol. 12, No. 10 than 254 µm (10 mils), 254 to 508 micrometers (10 to 20 mils),
(October, 1995), pps. 102-104. and greater than 508 micrometers (20 mils). The degrees of
Kline, Eric, and William D. Corbett, “Beneficial Procras- adhesion are based on ASTM D 3359 (ASTM D6677 may
tination” Journal of Protective Coatings and Lin- also be used). The principle is that the risk of failure is greater
ings, Vol. 9 No. 3 (March, 1992), pps. 48-56. for thicker films and lower adhesion. The data are organized
Korobov, Yuly, and Linda Salem, “Stress Analysis as a into a matrix shown in Table 1. The risks are categorized as:
Tool in Coatings Research,” Materials Perfor- OK = essentially no risk, LR = low risk, MR = moderate risk,
mance, Vol. 29, No. 4 (April, 1990), pps. 30-35. HR= high risk, NO = integrity too poor to salvage. This method
Lenhart, Charles F., and Kareem S. El-Naggar, “Evaluat- is intended primarily for oil and alkyd coatings. The method has
ing Lead-Based Paint for Overcoating,” Journal of not been independently verified, but is believed to represent
Protective Coatings and Linings, Vol. 12, No. 7 good practice based on field experience.
(July, 1995), pps. 91-112. See Section A.2.1 for an example of the use of this table.
NACE International Paper Number 7422, “Expected
Service Life and Cost Considerations for Main- A.1.2 Method B: Assessing Risk of Overcoating Using
tenance or New Construction Protective Coating a Patch Test and Other Parameters. This method features a
Work,” Jason L. Helsel, and Robert S. Lanterman, patch test to assess the compatibility of the new overcoat with
KTA-Tator, Inc. the existing coating. This method is used when the specifier
Sandler, Melvin H. and Sam Spring, “Chemical Clean- has identified one or more candidate systems (including
ing,” in SSPC Painting Manual, Volume 1, Good surface preparation and coating material) that are to undergo
Painting Practice, 3rd ed., 1993, pps. 90-97. field evaluation on a small area of the structure.
Trimber, Kenneth A., Industrial Lead Paint Removal The following steps are typically followed:
Handbook, Second Edition. (Pittsburgh, KTA- 1. Identify structures to be evaluated for the potential of
Tator, Inc., 1993), SSPC Publication 93-02. overcoating.
Trimber, Kenneth A., and Thomas W. Neal, Jr., “New 2. Identify representative portions of the structure for
Procedure for Field Classification of Paint Condi- locating patch tests.
tion,” Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings, 3. Assess condition of existing coatings using one
Vol. 4, No. 11 (November, 1987). or more of the methods described previously (e.g.,
adhesion, film thickness, age, number of layers,




ASTM D3359 LESS THAN 254 µm 254 to 508 µm GREATER THAN
ASTM D6677
METHOD A (10 MILS) (10 to 20 mils) 508 µm (20 mils)
10 5A OK OK OK

OK = essentially no risk
LR = low risk
MR = moderate risk
HR = high risk
NO = integrity too poor to salvage

March 1, 2017

coating type, physical condition, presence of 4. Environmental Factors: Determine whether there
contaminants). are any special environmental considerations that
4. Select method or methods of surface preparation. should be addressed (e.g., proximity to sensitive
5. Select overcoat material and method of application. water body or residences).
6. Conduct and document patch testing (e.g., based on It is possible to develop a strategy based on the amount
ASTM D 5064 or SSPC-Guide 9, Section 6.2.2). of rust and paint to be removed. This strategy is based on the
7. Assess condition of existing coating/overcoat cleaning of rusty areas to an SSPC-SP 6 and the removal of
system using similar techniques (adhesion, coating loose or non-adherent coatings. The strategy is keyed to the
degradation, appearance). percentage of surface area that is rusted and degraded.
8. Analyze results.
• Determine which existing condition or conditions 0–1% Rust: If the coating, based on its adhesion rating
are appropriate for being overcoated. and thickness, has an OK risk based on the risk table (Table1,
• Assign relative ratings to surface preparations Section A.1.1), overcoating will be most successful. This is a
and overcoat material. “paint when it doesn’t need re-painting” situation, and should
• Determine adequacy of test procedure and be the lowest-cost option with the least amount of risk. The
results. use of a surface-tolerant coating with washing of the surfaces
9. Select maintenance-painting strategy. is very viable in such an instance.
• Decide on overcoating, full removal, or other If the rating is NO, this is not a likely candidate for
option. overcoating or any coating. This is a possible “do-nothing”
• If overcoating is decided upon, determine surface situation. Because the existing coating is providing excellent
preparation and material to use. corrosion protection, although poorly adhered, there is no
imminent danger of section loss except (possibly) in localized
A.2 PAINTING SCENARIOS: The following two areas, and some type of spot or zone repair may be considered.
hypothetical examples outline how the decision to overcoat The coating work needs to be deferred until a total removal is
can be made. The first example describes the criteria for warranted or replacement of the structure is viable during a
deciding whether or not to overcoat a simple bridge. The major rehabilitation.
second example describes the decision-making process for a If the risk rating is MR or LR, the decision-maker’s attitude
water tank overcoat, based on field evaluation of test patches. toward risk will enter into the scenario. Spot or zone painting is
It is assumed, in both cases, that overcoating the structure an option, but full overcoating has to be questioned.
is economically feasible (i.e., the overcoating is significantly
less expensive than removal of the existing lead paint 1-15% Rust: The amount of surface preparation has just
coating). It is also assumed that the structures will not be gone up, and so has the cost. If the adhesion and thickness
demolished, decommissioned, or undergo a major structural ratings are OK, overcoating of this structure is an excellent
rehabilitation for at least 10 years. In the bridge example, it alter- native. A decision will have to be made as to the type of
is assumed that the structure cannot be taken out of service surface preparation needed, e.g., minimal scraping or blasting.
(i.e., that replacement is not a possibility at this point), and that If the risk rating is NO, the coating job needs to be deferred
preservation has been presumed. until a total removal is done or replacement of the steel is viable
under a rehabilitation.
A.2.1 Bridge Painting Using Risk Table: This example If the risk rating is MR or LR, spot or zone coating may be
uses a simple bridge and presents the criteria for deciding less risky than a full overcoat, depending on rust distribution.
whether or not to overcoat. The service life remaining has to be weighed against the cost
1. Structural factors: Determine where the structure is of a total removal now or in the future.
in its life expectancy. Is any major rehabilitation, such
as a deck repair or widening, scheduled to take place? 16+% Rust: At this amount of surface preparation,
Can the structure be taken out of service completely, the cost of spot or zone painting is approaching that of full
or does overcoating have to be performed while removal of the existing paint. The AASHTO Bridge Painting
maintaining traffic flow? Is the structure historically Guide indicates that, whenever the surface preparation area
significant? Does the location of the structure affect exceeds15 to 20 percent of the surface area, the economics
the choice of removal method? are such that a total removal of the lead paint is the most viable
2. Condition of Steel: Determine the condition of option.
the steel surface from both a coatings aspect and Overcoating may not be as viable an alternative,
a structural aspect. Are there fatigue-prone areas depending on the type of surface preparation specified. The
that must be addressed? Has there been excessive overcoating of a structure having such extensive corrosion
section loss? should probably be limited to structures with less than 10 years
3. Condition of Coating: What is the adhesion rating of of expected remaining service life. Otherwise, do nothing until
the existing coating? How much rust is present and a full removal or replacement is an option.
how is it distributed (is it localized or spread over the
entire structure?) What is the thickness of the existing A.2.2 Water Tank Painting Using Test Patch Method:
coating? This example is of a potable water tank with a lead containing

March 1, 2017

coating system, requiring repair of the coating system. The Metal.” A two coat waterborne acrylic would then
owner wishes to repaint the structure with minimal impact be applied to the prepared surface.
on the surrounding sensitive area. The owner has agreed to C. Full Removal and Abrasive Blast Cleaning
conduct a patch test to determine the viability of proposed Option. This option would require full
overcoating systems. The following procedure has been containment and ventilation, and would cause
utilized to determine a recommended course of action. major disruptions to the tank operation and the
nearby area. This option was eliminated prior to
1. Structure and Coating History the patch testing.
A. The structure is a potable water tank (elevated).
B. The tank has been coated with a three-coat alkyd 4. Patch Testing
system using a lead-containing primer. A. Three areas representative of the coating and steel
C. The tank was last painted 18 years ago. condition were selected for patch testing. The areas
were approximately 2 x 3 ft (610 cm x 914 cm).
2. Evaluation of Existing Coating System B. The patches were prepared using the methods
A. The coating thickness of the existing coating was identified above:
measured and determined to be between 9 and • No precleaning
12 mils (229 and 305 micrometers). • Solvent cleaning
B. Adhesion testing was performed on representative • Detergent cleaning
areas of the structure, using ASTM D 4541. C. The penetrating primer and the two-coat waterborne
The tensile adhesion was determined to be acrylic were applied by conventional spray application
satisfactory on the intact portion of the coating. over the areas in B.
C. Chips were taken from the structure for analysis D. The patches were allowed to weather for
of the existing coating. approximately five months, running from October to
D. Analysis revealed that the generic type of the March.
coating was oil-containing alkyd.
E. Analysis determined the presence of 11% lead by 5. Patch Test Evaluation
weight in the total film. No cadmium or chromium A. Tensile adhesion tests (ASTM D 4541) were
was detected. conducted on the patch test areas.
B. The adhesion increased from an average of 300 psi
3. Selection of Maintenance Options to 800 psi (2040 to 5440 kPa) compared to the testing
A. Overcoating Options. In this example, before the application of the penetrating sealer. The
the recommended coating was a two-coat adhesion of the surfaces cleaned by solvent cleaning
waterborne acrylic, which was claimed to be and detergent cleaning were about equal (i.e., 300 psi
compatible over existing alkyd paint and over [2040 kPa] in both cases) and were slightly greater
tight rust and mill scale. A penetrating sealer than the area which received no cleaning (e.g., 200
to improve wetting and adhesion of the acrylic psi [1360 kPa]).
coating was also recommended. Three alternate C. There was no visible delamination or cracking of the
precleaning methods were selected as follows: existing coating.
• No precleaning
• Solvent cleaning per SSPC-SP 1 6. Decision
• Detergent cleaning per SSPC-SP 1 On the basis of the above information, the owner decided
The visibly degraded and rusted areas would on the following system:
be cleaned by power tool cleaning according • Detergent cleaning of the entire surface
to SSPC-SP 3. • Power tool cleaning (SSPC-SP 3) of the visibly
B. Removal Option. With this option, the entire degraded or peeling coating and the rusted areas.
surface would be prepared according to SSPC- • Penetrating sealer over the entire surface.
SP 15, Commercial Grade Power Tool Cleaning • Two coats of waterborne acrylic over the entire
or SSPC-SP 11, “Power Tool Cleaning to Bare surface.

SSPC standards, guides, and technical reports are copyright-
ed world-wide by SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings.
Any photocopying, re-selling, or redistribution of these stan-
dards, guides, and technical reports by printed, electronic,
or any other means is strictly prohibited without the express
written consent of SSPC: The Society of Protective Coatings
and a formal licensing agreement.

March 1, 2017


Original Coating First Maintenance Coating System Second Maintenance

System Coating System

Year Applied




Indicate how coating systems were identified:

¨ Historical Records
¨ Infrared Spectroscopy
¨ Other (specify)

Risk Assessment (See Table 1):

¨ Essentially No Risk
¨ Low Risk
¨ Moderate Risk
¨ High Risk
¨ Integrity too poor to salvage



Inspector: Date:
Hazardous Coating Present? (circle one) YES NO
Describe Overall Environment:

Structure Component

Describe Local Environment

Rust per SSPC-VIS 2

Underfilm Corrosion ASTM D1654



ASTM D660/D661
ASTM D4214
Film Thickness
ASTM D7091,ASTM D6132, or
ASTM D4138 (report method used)
ASTM D3359,ASTM D6677, or
ASTM D4541, (report method used)
Level of Salt Contamination
(report method used)
Condition of Underlying Substrate
March 1, 2017

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