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Increase Your Value - Sam Adeyemi

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Sam Adeyemi Coaching Programme

-Course Series-
(Level 01)

Increase Your
By Sam Adeyemi
Success Power Media Limited

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“You grow in wealth in proportion to the value that you
add to people’s lives. The quality of your work is the
deciding factor on how much your services are valued by
the world”.

Charles Kettering1 of General Motors once said, “I tell my people that I don’t
want any fellow who has a job working for me; what I want is a fellow
whom the job has. And I want the job to get a hold of this young man so
hard that no matter where he is; the job has got him for keeps. I want that
job to have him in its clutches when he goes to bed at night, and in the
morning I want that job to be sitting at the foot of the bed telling him, ‘It’s
time to get up and go to work!’ And when a job gets a fellow that way, he’s
sure to amount to something.”

You grow in wealth in proportion to the value that you add to people’s lives.

The quality of your work is the deciding factor on how much your services
are valued by the world.

If you desire increase in wealth, then increase the value of your work.
Increase the quality of products and services that you offer others. Be the
best in your field. Give each assignment your best shot.

Then you will increase in wealth.

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“Each of us is a living magnet. We attract success or
failure, wealth or poverty depending on what we have
built inside of us”

Why is the income of a Managing Director higher than that of a gateman in a

company? The Managing Director is contributing more value to the
company than the gateman.

Then how can the gateman get to increase his salary to the level of the
Director’s salary? I think he should develop himself to the level where he
can contribute as much to the company as the Director.

You will attract wealth to yourself to the degree of the value you have built
inside you.

“For as he thinks in his heart so is he.”1

Each of us is a living magnet. We attract success or failure, wealth or

poverty depending on what we have built inside of us.

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as
your soul prospers.”2

The law of success says, “First within, then without.”

Today, add value to yourself. Become rich inside. Increase your skills and
develop yourself.

You will rise to the top.

To achieve your desired success, visit:

“The quality of our thoughts determines the quality of
our lives. To increase our value therefore, we must
increase the quality of our thoughts”.

“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the

renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and
acceptable and perfect will of God.”1

The quality of our thoughts determines the quality of our lives. To increase
our value therefore, we must increase the quality of our thoughts.

Dear reader, how high do you desire to go in life? How wealthy do you want
to be?

Now, begin to introduce more challenging ideas into your mind. Get more

Dream greater dreams. As your thoughts appreciate in quality, everything

around you will begin to appreciate.

Read books that can move you forward in your career, business, family and
finances. Then associate with those who are already successful. Rub minds
with them.

Ask them questions. Also listen to tapes. By all means, acquire superior
knowledge because to be more is to know more. As you alter your thoughts,
God will alter your circumstances. Think like a successful person. Dismiss
thoughts of failure, poverty and mediocrity from your mind.

You will rise to the top.

To achieve your desired success, visit:

“Success begins from the inside. Your worth inside
determines the value of material blessings that will
come towards you. Take time to build your value inside”

Success is who you are and not just what you have. Who you are determines
what you do, and what you do ultimately decides what you have.

Success begins from the inside. Your worth inside determines the value of
material blessings that will come towards you. Take time to build your
value inside. Watch your emotions. There are emotions which reduce our
value. There are some that prosper us. For example, sadness, frustration,
depression and envy are emotions that subtract rather than add to us.

“All the days of the afflicted are evil, but he who is of a merry heart has a
continual feast.”1

Joy attracts wealth to you. You have to be enthusiastic to prosper on your

job. If your job bores you and gets you depressed, it is very difficult to
breakthrough on that job.

What do you love to do with a passion? What are you excited about?
Conquer fear, anger, sadness and depression today.

You will rise to the top.

To achieve your desired success, visit:

“Where there is increase in the quality of words we
speak, there will be a corresponding increase in the
quality of lives we live. A man cannot rise beyond the
level of his confession”.

“A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth;

from the produce of his lips he shall be filled.”1

Where there is increase in the quality of words we speak, there will be a

corresponding increase in the quality of lives we live.

A man cannot rise beyond the level of his confession. Words of doubt and
defeat diminish a man’s value. That is why God’s word says, “You are
snared by the words of your mouth;
you are taken by the words of your mouth.” 2

If you want to succeed you must talk like a winner.

Finally, your actions affect your value. You increase your value through the
following actions:

1. Your worship: When you worship and obey God, He adds value to
your life.

2. Your work: When you work, you create value. As you increase the
quality of your skill, you increase in value.

3. Your giving: When you give, it will be given back to you, good
measure pressed down, shaken together shall others give to you. 3

Increase your value every day.

You will rise to the top.

To achieve your desired success, visit:


1. Kettering, Charles Franklin August 29, 1876 – November 24 or

November 25, 1958 was an American inventor, engineer,
businessman, and the holder of 186 patents. He was a founder
of Delco, and was head of research at General Motors from 1920 to


1. Proverbs 23:7

2. 3 John 1:2


1. Romans 12:2


1. Proverbs 15:15


1. Proverbs 18:20

2. Proverbs 6:2

3. Luke 6:38

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Let’s Relate!


Sam Adeyemi is unarguably Nigeria’s No 1 success coach and one of the
country’s leading experts on personal development and self mastery.
Thousands of lives have been transformed through his inside-out
coaching programme.

Out of frustration over what looked like a complex financial problem,

Adeyemi once contrived plans to get out of the country and be gone for
good. By God’s divine arrangement, however, all those plans fell over. In
less than 15 years, having accepted God’s verdict, Adeyemi has been able
to build a motivational outfit- Success Power International with
influences that cut across the globe. Of note is the fact that only few
personal brands in this country have been able to command such an
across-the-board influence laced with integrity that appeal to secular
and non-secular audiences as Sam has been able to do. Quite a number of
young professionals long to acquire the stability that has accompanied
his organizations; businessmen are desirous of how to integrate the
values he teaches and practices in running their enterprises and, of
course, many youngsters see him as their role model.

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Adeyemi is a Civil Engineer by training but by election he has been a
motivational speaker reaching out weekly to millions of people through
his radio and television broadcasts tagged Success Power.

Sam Adeyemi is also the presiding pastor of Daystar Christian Centre,

Ikeja, Lagos State Nigeria, a purpose-driven mega church of above
20,000 that many pastors want to model their ministries after.

He is married to Nike and they are blessed with three lovely kids.

To find more, visit:

Phone: 234-1-8084444466

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