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Summative Test: Music

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S.Y. 2018-2019 c. koto d. shamisen
16. Which of the following does not belong in the group?
Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the question carefully a. erhu b. pipa
and choose the best answer on the given choices. c. yueqin d. yunluo
17. How will you describe Yueqin?
MUSIC a. A 13-21 string zither.
1. What is the message and the function of the song Mo Li b. A fiddle.
Hua? c. A four-stringed fretted lute and a pear-shaped
a. love song b. parting song body.
c. song for spring d. welcome song d. A moon-shaped lute with shorter neck and four
2. What meter is used in the Japanese song “Sakura”? strings.
a. Compound b. Duple 18. It is also called a Chinese mouth organ and looks like a
c. Quadruple d. Triple set of panpipes with 12-36 bamboo pipes.
3. How is the “Arirang” song classified? a. dizi b. pipa
a. love song b. parting song c. sheng d. yunluo
c. song for spring d. welcome song 19. Which Chinese instrument literally means cloud of
4. What is the message and the function of the song gongs?
Sakura? a. erhu b. pipa
a. love song b. parting song c. yueqin d. yunluo
c. song for spring d. welcome song 20. Which of the following statements about the changgo
5. What melody is used in the folk song “Mo Li Hua”? is correct?
a. diatonic b. harmonic a. An hour glass-shaped double headed drum made
c. melodic d. pentatonic from animal skin.
6. How will you describe shamisen? b. It is a Japanese drum that has become the central
a. A 13-string zither. instrument of percussion ensemble
b. A fiddle c. It is a single headed drum whose tone is altered by
c. A long-necked fretless lute squeezing its laces.
d. A short-necked fretted lute d. It is large hanging barrel drum
7. How will you differentiate kayagum & geomungo? 21. Which of the following is the traditional Chinese flute?
a. Kayagum have 12 string while geomungo have 6 a. Dizi b. pengling
strings. c. sheng d. yueqin
b. kayagum is a zither while geomungo is a lute. 22. How is Japanese music described?
c. kayagum is an idiophone while geomungo is a a. It is gentle and lyrical.
chordophone. b. It is meditative and highly ritualized.
d. kayagum is chordophone while geomungo is an c. It is slow and melancholy.
idiophone d. It is slow in tempo and is very peaceful.
8. Which of the following does not belong in the group? 23. Which Korean music category literally means “right or
a. changgo b. odaiko correct music’?
c. taiko d. tsuzumi a. a-ak b. chong-ak
9. Which Japanese instrument is called the ”dragon c. sog-ak d. tang-ak
flute”? 24. Which Korean music category is traditionally
a. hichiriki b. ryuteki associated with the lower class?
c. shakuhachi d. shimobue a. a-ak b. chong-ak
10. How will you describe tsuridaiko? c. sog-ak d. tang-ak
a. A big drum. 25. Which does not belong to the group?
b. A Japanese drum in various sizes. a. geomungo b. Haegum
c. A large hanging barrel drum. c. Kayagum d.Piri
d. An hourglass-shape drum.
11. Which of the following are Japanese chordophones? ARTS
a. Koto, Shamisen, Biwa 1. What is the common theme used in Chinese paper
b. Odaiko, Tsuzumi, Tsuridaiko, Taiko cutting?
c. Sakuhachi, Nokan, Hichiriki a. Chinese animals b. Chinese flowers
d. Sho, Shinobue, Ryuteki c. Chinese horoscope d. Chinese zodiac
12. Which Japanese instrument is the counterpart of the 2. Chinese paper cutting is also known ______.
kayageum? a. Chuang hua b. Jianzhi
a. geomungo b. koto c. Jingju Lianpu d. origami
c. shamisen d. zheng 3. Which of the following was regarded as the highest
13. Which of the following statements is haegum is form of Chinese painting?
wrong? a. flowers & birds b. landscape paintings
a. It has a hollow wooden box. c. Minhwa d. palaces & temples
b. It has a rod-like neck. 4. Why do origami butterflies were used during the
c. It is a two-string fiddle. celebration of Shinto weddings?
d. It is played by plucking. a. it represent health
14. Who conceived music in the highest sense of calming b. it represent heaven and earth
the passion and of dispelling unrest & lust, rather than c. it represent the bride and the groom
as a form of amusement? d. it represent the love & prosperity
Chuang Chua 5. Why do origami paper crane it the best known
Confucius Japanese origami?
Joselito a. it can grant you a wish.
Leviticus b. it is pleasing to the eyes.
15. Which of the following is one of China’s most popular c. to banish evil spirits.
instruments? d. to scare other people.
6. Which does not belong to the group? 23. Yuanbao is a Chinese paper folding similar to what?
a. Dorae b. hanamusubi a. Origami b. Ori
c. Jianzhi d. Zhongguo c. Kami d. Sycee
7. What do Yin-Yang means? 24. It is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding.
a. Air, Land, & People a. Origami b. Ori
b. Heaven, Earth, & Humankind c. Kami d. Sycee
c. Heaven, Earth, & Water 25. What do you call the objects or items that are usually
d. Love, hatred, & sacrifice put into paintings?
8. The art of beautiful handwriting. a. subject b. medium
a. baybayin b. calligraphy c. animals c. people
c. lettering d. painting
9. Which of the following types of roofs that have two or
more sections inclined
a. Multi-inclined b. roof guard
c. Straight inclined d. Sweeping
10. A technique for printing text, images or patterns used
widely throughout East Asia and originating in China
in antiquity as a method of printing on textiles and
a. hand painting b. Silkscreen printing
c. text printing d. woodblock printing
11. The best known type of Japanese woodblock art print
a. Jiaguwen b. Jingju Lianpu
c. tal
d. Ukiyo-e
12. What other kind of canvas do East Asian people use for
their painting aside from paper, silk, & wood?
a. bags b. cotton
c. face d. Leather
13. It is also known as Jingju Lianpu that is done with
different colors in accordance with the performing
characters’ personality and historical assessment
a. Kabuki Makeup
b. Korean Mask
c. Mascara painting
d. Peking Opera face painting
14. Why do Kabuki makeup composed of very dramatic
lines and shapes?
a. they just want it.
b. to be more attractive to the viewers.
c. to honor God’s.
d. to represent certain qualities
15. What is the other term for Korean mask?
a. Cai Lun b. Jingju Lianpu
c. Kesho d. Tal or T’al
16. Why Koreans do used mask during funeral services?
a. to banish evil spirits.
b. to hide their faces.
c. to mourn.
d. to scare other people.
17. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a. Huang Pang b. kumadori
c. Lian Po d. Zhang Fei
18. Which of the following best describe Jiaguwen?
a. first writing b. shell script
c. shell-and-bone script d. bone script
19. Why do East Asian temples have sweeping roofs?
a. It is attractive to their eyes.
b. It is because they want the sweeping design.
c. It will protect them from the elements of water,
fire, & wind.
d. Scientist believed it help ward off evil spirits.
20. Who invented paper?
a. Cai Lun b. Cai Lin
c. Cai Cai d. Lun lun
21. What is the earliest documented paper folding?
a. Boat b. Butterfly
c. Crane d. water bomb
22. The art that is considered as one of the oldest and
most highly refined among the arts of Japan.
a. dancing b. Painting
c. sculpture d. sketching
SUMMATIVE TEST 18. This basic skill is your ability to jump with power to
S.Y. 2018-2019 gain possession of the ball as it bounces to the rim
after a failed shot before it touches the floor?
Multiple Choice: Read and analyze the question carefully a. dribbling b. rebounding
and choose the best answer on the given choices. c. running d. shooting
19. ______________is the fielder designated to deliver the
PHYSICAL EDUCATION pitch to the batter.
1. The term used to refer to the officiating official in a. batter b. catcher
basketball. c. pitcher d. umpire
a. player b. point gaurd 20. How many players play defense on a baseball
c. referee d. umpire diamond?
2. A free throw is worth how many points? a. 9 b. 10
a. 1 b. 2 c. 11 d. 12
c. 3 d. 4 21. In what year was the game basketball invented?
3. How many players are allowed on the court for each a. 1765 b. 1901
team? c. 1867 d. 1891
a. 4 b. 5 22. Baseball is a professional sport in the United States of
c. 6 d. 7 America.
4. Which of the following does not belong to the group? a. true b. false
a. baseball bat c. baseball glove c. maybe true d. maybe false
d. catcher’s mitt d. fielder 23. How is a game started?
5. _________________ is a team sport, wherein the objective is a. Kick-off
to shoot a ball through a basket horizontally b. The ball is bounced by the referee in between one
positioned to score points while following a set player from each team
of rules. c. The ball is thrown up in the air by the referee in
a. baseball b. basketball between one-player from each team, and they
c. softball d. volleyball have to try and knock it to their team-mates
6. Who invented basketball? d. none of the above.
a. James Bond b. James Johnson 24. This is the act of throwing the ball with an intention of
c. James Naismith d. James Reed getting into the ring or basket to earn points.
7. A kind of pass originates from the chest to the a. dribbling b. rebounding
receiver’s chest level. c. running d. shooting
a. bounce pass b. chest pass 25. A _______________is a batted ball that rolls or bounces
c. overhead pass d. rebound close to the ground.
8. A kind of pass originates from the forehead. a. batted ball b. catch ball
a. bounce pass b. chest pass c. ground ball d. pitch ball
c. overhead pass d. rebound
9. A ________________is a ball delivered to the batter by the HEALTH
pitcher. 1. Why is having a small family important?
a. catch b. pitch a. Ensures community’s progress
c. thrown d. toss b. Provides for the basic needs of children for quality
10. This equipment in basketball is an inflated sphere with life
an outer covering. c. Requires lesser economic needs
a. basketball b. court d. Secures the future of the children
c. ring d. rubber shoes 2. The place of pregnancy that starts from week 13 to 27.
11. The kind of pass in basketball wherein the ball a. 2nd and 3rd trimester b. First trimester
is thrown to the floor so that it bounces to the c. Second Trimester d. Third Trimester
intended receiver. 3. The admiration for someone that may include the
a. bounce pass b. chest pass desire to get to know that person better.
c. overhead pass d. rebound a. attraction b. courtship
12. The basketball basic skill that allows you to move c. dating d. marriage
around the court while you’re in possession of the ball. 4. Which of the following is a courtship practices at the
a. dribbling b. rebounding age of technology?
c. running d. shooting a. Harana b. Palabas
13. How many innings are in a standard MLB (Major c. pasaguli d. social media
League Baseball) game? 5. Why is it important for couples to undergo courtship?
a. 6 b. 8 a. It allows couple to hold hands together.
c. 9 d. 10 b. It allows couple to spend money together.
14. Who is usually in-charge of the team? c. It develops hatred.
a. coach b. parents d. It gives a person time to know better the character
c. referee d. umpire and background of someone being considered as
15. The ______ calls the balls or strike. one’s future lifetime partner.
a. coach b. parents 6. A period of agreement entered between two people in
c. referee d. umpire love for them to be able to know each other and their
16. What do you call the team at bat? families well enough.
a. batter b. defense a. courtship b. dating
c. offense d. pitcher c. engagement d. marriage
17. A ____________is an offensive player who takes his 7. It is the lifelong partnership of a man and a woman.
position in the batter's box and attempts to hit a ball a. courtship b . dating
thrown to him by the pitcher. c. engagement d. marriage
a. batter b. pitcher
c. umpire d. catcher
8. Which of the following does not belong to factors to 23. The reproductive process wherein the male gamete
consider in choosing lifetime partner? and female gamete unite to form a new single cell.
a. Commitment b. Economic Readiness a. Fertilization b. Gestation
c. Good Character d. Immaturity c. Implantation d. Ovulation
9. The fertilized egg develops into a baby in the _______. 24. A stage of not simply knowing the person but also a
a. Ovaries b. Fallopian tube test of compatibility between two persons.
c. Uterus d. Stomach a. attraction b. courtship
10. The developing human is called ______. c. dating d. marriage
a. Baby b. Embryo 25. Why do couples want to have children?
c. Fetus d. Zygote a. Children are considered wealth of parents
11. The phase of pregnancy that lasts from week to birth b. Religious institutions require it
a. 2nd and 3rd trimester b. First trimester c. Society expects couples to have offsprings
c. Second Trimester d. Third Trimester d. Strengthens the bond between husband and wife
12. The process of birth wherein the doctor removes the
baby from the womb.
a. Caesarian section b. Normal delivery
c. Painless Delivery d. surgical operation
13. The behavioral development of a healthy baby
wherein he/she learns to vocalize and controls
movement of the head.
a. 0-1 month b. 2-3 months
c. 4-5 months d. 6-7 months
14. Which of the following is not important about dating?
a. Know one another better
b. Spend quality time with each other
c. Strengthen the relationship
d. Use of illegal drugs
15. The best and ideal form of infant feeding is through
a. Bottle feeding b. Breastfeeding
c. Mix feeding d. All of the above
16. The period when couples are ready to embrace their
responsibilities to care for the children bringing them
quality life.
a. Engagement b. parenthood
c. Marriage d. pregnancy
17. Which among the statements given below upholds the
responsibility of parents to their children?
a. Choose their course in college
b. Choose their husband or wife
c. Teach them religion
d. Teach them values in the ABC’s of life
18. The developing human is fed in the woman’s womb
a. Bladder b. Mammary gland
c. Placenta d. Uterus
19. The state of being completely carried away by
unreasoning passion or love is _________.
a. attraction c. infatuation
c. love d. marriage
20. Which do you think is the family structure of extended
a. Includes members such as parents, grandparents,
and cousins
b. Includes one or more children who were born into
other families
c. Includes one parent and at least one child
d. Includes the combination of two families, like two
single parent marriage
21. Which of the following do not belong to the duties and
responsibilities of parents?
a. inculcate discipline
b. provide education
c. provide physical care and love
d. teach children to depend on them
22. Which is a wrong reason for having children?
a. Children are gifts from God.
b. Children make married couples happy.
c. Parents’ security in the future.
d. The sole purpose of marriage.

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