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Day 3

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1. The sides of a triangle lot are 130 m, 180 m and 190 m. This lot is to
be divided by a line bisecting the longest side and drawn from the
opposite vertex. Find the length of the line.
A. 110 m B. 115 m C. 120 m D. 125 m
2. A flagpole 20 m high stands on top of a tower which is 100 m high. At
what distance from the base of the tower will the flagpole subtended an
angle of 4°? The height of instrument is 4 meters.
A. 46.48 m B. 50.32 m C. 83.1 m D. 66.75 m
3. What is the equivalent expression for sin (2x) ?
A. 0.5 sin x cos x B. 2 sin x cos (x/2) C. -2 sin x D. 2 sin x / sec x
4. Calculate the length of an arc which subtends a central angle of 60° in
a circle of radius 10 cm.
A. 10.47 cm B. 12.24 cm C. 13.83 cm D. 14.45 cm
5. Solve for the value of x: sin (15°−2 x )= cos (7 x+10°) .
A. 10° B. 11° C. 12° D. 13°
6. An observer found the angle of elevation of the top at the tree to be
27°. After moving 10 m closer (on the same vertical and horizontal plane
in the tree), the angle of elevation becomes 54°. Find the height of the
A. 8.65 m B. 6.25 m C. 7.02 m D. 8.09 m
7. Station A and B are placed 1000 m apart on a straight road running East
and West. From A the bearing of the tower is 32° west of north and from
B the bearing is 26° north of east. Find the shortest distance from the
tower to the road.
A. 462.76 m B. 382.43 m C. 421.62 m D. 373.81 m
8. The acute angles of a right triangle are congruent and one of the
congruent sides has length 14. What is the area of the triangle?
A. 49 B. 98 C. 196 D. 28
9. The sides of a triangle are 195, 157, and 210, respectively. What is the
area of the triangle?
A. 73,250 sq. units
B. 10,250 sq. units
C. 14,586 sq. units
D. 11,260 sq. units
10. The sides of a triangle are 5, 12 and 13 units respectively. Find
the area of the largest circle that can be inscribed in the triangle.
A. 12.57 sq. units
B. 15.28 sq. units
C. 17.6 sq. units
D. D. 18.5 sq. units
11. A tin plate (rectangular) whose area is 480 sq. cm is cut 3 cm
along each corner, then the sides folded upward generating a volume of
504 cm3. What is the dimension of the rectangular tin plate?
A. 48 cm x 10 cm
B. 24 cm x 20 cm
C. 40 cm x 12 cm
D. D. 60 cm x 8 cm
12. A horizontal cylindrical tank with flat ends is used to store
gasoline. The tank dimensions are D=2 m, L=5 m, when the level in the
tank is 0.5 m, the content of the tank is
A. 2.50 m3 B. 3.07 m3 C. 5.00 m3 D. 3.43 m3
13. What is the equation of the line through the point (3,-2) and
perpendicular to the line 2 x+3 y+4=0 ?
A. 2 y−3 x+13=0
B. 3 y−2 x+13=0
C. 2 y+3 x+12=0
D. 2 x+3 y+13=0
14. The equation of a circle with the center at (0,0) and a diameter of
10 cm is
A. x2+ y2=25
B. x+ y=5
C. x2+ y2=10
D. x2+ y2=100
15. At a point A that is 50 m from the base of a tower, the angle of
elevation to the top of the tower is twice as large as the angle of
elevation from a point B that is 150 m from the tower. Assuming that
the base of the tower and the points A and B are in the same line in the
level ground, find the height of the tower.
A. 40√3 m B. 25√3 m C. 50√3 m D. 45√3 m


1. Find the slope of the line tangent to the curve y=2 x2+1 at the point (1,
A. 1 B. ½ C. 1/3 D. ¼
2. What is the slope of the graph y=−x at x=-2?

A. 3 B. -4 C. -2 D. 4
3. Given the equation y=x3−4x2+4, find the point of inflection.
A. (4/3, -20/27) B. (3/4, 4/5) C. (3/2, 8/27)
D. (3/4, 2/3)
4. A statue 5 ft tall stands on a pedestal 9 ft high. If an observer’s height
is 5 ft above the ground, how far from the pedestal should he stand so
that the angle subtended in his eye by the statue will be maximum?
A. 36 B. 6 C. 9 D. 49
5. A box used for shipping goods is required to have the sum of its width
and length not to exceed 2,400 mm. What is the length of the box with
square ends of greatest volume that can be sent?
A. 900 mm B. 800 mm C. 700 mm D. 600 mm
6. The distance s, of a moving body from its original position is defined by
the equation: s=4t2+3t+2 , where s is in meters and t is in seconds.
When the velocity of the body is 35 m/s its position s is
A. 78 m B. 80 m C. 75 m D. 70 m
7. A body moves so that during the first part of its motion its distance
travelled in inches from the starting point is given by the expression
s=6.8 t3−10.8t (t in seconds). The acceleration in 3 seconds in units of
in/sec2 would be
A. 172.8 B. 122.4 C. 61.2 D. 212.4
8. The net income from the sales of a certain product is defined by the
equation: l=1000x−2x2−800. Where x is the number of units sold. To
attain maximum revenue, x should be
A. 250 B. 450 C. 500 D. 200
9. An open top rectangular parallelepiped with square base is to have a
volume of 10 m3. The material for its bottom cost P150 per square meter
and that for the sides is P60 per square meter. The most economical
height is
A. 1 m B. 2 m C. 2.5 m D. 3 m
10. A kite flying at a constant height of 60 feet is moving horizontally
at 5 ft/sec away from a boy. How fast is the cord being paid out when
100 ft of cord are out.
A. 3 ft/s B. 4 ft/s C. 5 ft/s D. 6 ft/s
11. A liquid is flowing into a vertical cylindrical tank of radius 6 ft at
the rate of 8 cu.ft/min. How fast in ft/min is the surface rising?
A. 2/(9 π ) B. 3/(8 π ) C. 3/(4 π ) D.
2/(7 π )
12. The radius of a circle is to be measured and its area computed. If
the radius can be measured to 0.001 cm, and the area must be accurate
to 0.10 cm2, find the maximum radius which this process can be used.
A. 64 cm B. 65 cm C. 66 cm D. 67 cm

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