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BLAZE Blaze Limba Modernă 1 Intensive Engleză Clasa A VII A Teacher S Book

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Clasa a VII-a

Teacher’s Book

Jenny Dooley

Uniscan Grup Educaţional

Published by Express Publishing

Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury,

Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom
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© Jenny Dooley, 2019

Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 2019

First published 2019

Made in EU

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or otherwise, without the
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This book is not meant to be changed in any way.

ISBN 978-1-4715-8313-1
Introduction to the Teacher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 4

A Student’s Book
Module 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 9
Module 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 21
Module 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 34
Module 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 47
Module 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 59
Module 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 73
Module 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 86
Module 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 100
Writing Skills Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 112
Evaluations Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 116
Student’s Book Audioscripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 119
Evaluations (Student’s Self Assessment Forms and Progress Report Cards) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 125

B Workbook
Workbook Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 141
Workbook Audioscripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 149
Teacher Guidlines – Presentation Skills Key . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p. 155

Introduction to the Teacher
Blaze Limba modernă 1 – intensive engleză Clasa a-VII-a is a Reading sections as well as the Pronunciation sections in
modular course for learners studying British English for the Student’s Book, and the material for all listening tasks in
Grade 7 Intensive. It allows flexibility of approach which the Workbook.
makes it suitable for classes of all kinds, including large or
mixed ability classes. Digibooks applications
The applications contain all the materials in the Student’s
The course consists of eight modules. Each module consists Book, Teacher’s Book, Workbook and Audio CDs and aim
of six lessons plus CLIL/Culture Corner sections. The to facilitate lessons in the classroom. They also contain
corresponding module in the Workbook provides the grammar presentation of all the grammar structures in the
option of additional practice. Student’s Book as well as videos tightly linked to the texts
in the course and activities for Ss to further practise their
English and expand their knowledge.
Student’s Book (Writing Skills section included) ELEMENTS OF THE COURSEBOOK
The Student’s Book is the main component of the course. Each module begins with a spread that contains: a brief
Each of the eight modules is based on specific themes and overview of what will be covered in the module, pictures
the topics covered are of general interest. All modules and words/phrases related to the theme of the module,
follow the same basic structure. (see Elements of the and exercises to practise the vocabulary presented.
Each module contains a selection of the following:
The Workbook is in full colour and contains modules Vocabulary is introduced in a functional and meaningful
corresponding to those in the Student’s Book containing context. It is practised through a variety of exercises such as
practice in all language skills. It also contains Skills Practice picture-word association and completing set phrases in
Sections for students to have extra practice on reading order to help students use everyday English correctly.
and listening skills.
The Presentation Skills section helps learners develop their Reading
public speaking skills. Public speaking is more than just a Throughout each module, there is a wide variety of reading
talent. It is a skill that can be learnt and improved upon. texts, such as: dialogues, articles, blog entries, emails etc.
Presentation Skills ensures that students become These allow skills, such as reading for gist and reading for
memorable speakers. It contains age-appropriate models specific information, to be systematically practised.
and effective techniques to help students develop and
organise their presentations as well as useful tips to support Grammar
and guide them. The grammar items taught in each module are first presented
The Workbook can be used either in class or for in context, then highlighted and clarified by means of clear,
homework upon completion of the relevant module in the concise theory boxes. Specific exercises and activities
Student’s Book. methodically reinforce students’ understanding and mastery
of each item. The Workbook contains a variety of exercises
Teacher’s Book on taught grammar material from the Student’s Book.
The Teacher’s Book contains step-by-step lesson plans
and suggestions on how to present the material. It also Listening
includes a complete Key to the exercises in the Student’s Students develop their listening skills through a variety of
Book, the Workbook, the audioscripts of all the listening tasks which employ the vocabulary and grammar practised
material, suggested speaking and writing models as well as in the module in realistic contexts. This reinforces students’
evaluation sheets. understanding of the language taught in the module.
Class Audio CDs Speaking
The Class Audio CDs contain all the recorded material Controlled speaking activities have been carefully
which accompanies the course. This includes the designed to allow students guided practice before leading
monologues/dialogues and texts in the Listening and them to less structured speaking activities.
Everyday English Evaluations
Functional dialogues set in everyday contexts familiarise This is an evaluation section for every two modules, for Ss
students with natural language. The dialogues also present to revise vocabulary, grammar and functional language
useful expressions so that students can practise everyday taught. This section is found at the end of the book and
English. can be used upon completion of the respective module.

Pronunciation Irregular Verbs

Pronunciation activities help students to recognise the This provides students with a quick reference list for verb
various sounds of the English language, distinguish forms they might be unsure of at times.
between them and reproduce them correctly.
There are writing activities throughout the modules, based A Presenting new vocabulary
on realistic types and styles of writing, such as blog Most of the new vocabulary in the course is presented
comments, stories, emails etc. through pictures. (See Student’s Book, Module 1, p. 9, Ex. 1)
Further techniques that you may use to introduce new
CLIL/Culture Corner vocabulary include:
Each module is accompanied by a CLIL/Culture Corner • Miming. Mime the word you want to introduce. For
section. instance, to present the verb sing, pretend you are
• In each Culture Corner section, Ss are provided with
singing and ask Ss to guess the meaning of the word.
cultural information about aspects of English-speaking • Synonyms, opposites, paraphrasing, and giving
countries that are thematically linked to the module. definitions. Examples:
Ss are given the chance to process the information – present the word strong by giving a synonym:
they have learnt and compare it to the culture of their ‘powerful’.
own country. – present the word strong by giving its opposite:
• Each CLIL section enables Ss to link the themes of the
module to a subject from their school curriculum, thus – present the word weekend by paraphrasing it:
helping them contextualise the language they have ‘Saturday and Sunday’.
learnt by relating it to their own personal frame of – present the word famous by giving its definition:
reference. Lively and creative tasks stimulate Ss and ‘very well-known (person or thing)’.
allow them to consolidate the language they have • Example. Examples place vocabulary into context and
learnt throughout the module. consequently make understanding easier. For
instance, introduce the words city and town by
Self-Check Test referring to a city and a town in the Ss’ country:
This section appears at the end of each module, and ‘Bucharest is a city, but Borsec is a town.’
reinforces students’ understanding of the topics, • Sketching. Draw a simple sketch of the word or
vocabulary and structures that have been presented in words you want to explain on the board. For instance:
each module. A Competences marking scheme at the end
of every Self-Check section allows students to evaluate
their own progress and identify their strengths and tall
Writing Skills
The Writing Skills provides systematic development of
writing skills giving learners step-by-step guidance. It also
contains models, useful writing tips, paragraph plans and • Flashcards. Flashcards made out of magazine or
Useful Language boxes as well as a Checklist to help newspaper pictures, photographs, ready-made
learners edit their pieces of writing. drawings, and any other visual material may also serve
as vocabulary teaching tools.

• Use of L1. In a monolingual class, you may explain D Speaking
vocabulary in the Ss’ native language. This method, • Speaking activities are initially controlled, allowing for
though, should be employed in moderation. guided practice. (See Student’s Book, Module 1, p. 9,
• Use of Dictionary. In a multilingual class, Ss may Ex. 2 where Ss use the same structures to act out a
occasionally refer to a bilingual dictionary. dialogue.)
• Ss are led to free speaking activities. (See Student’s
The choice of technique depends on the type of word or
expression. For example, you may find it easier to describe Book, Module 2, p. 35, Ex. 9 where Ss are provided with
an action verb through miming than through a synonym or the necessary lexical items and structures and are asked
definition. to act out their dialogue.)

E Writing
Note: Check these words sections can be treated as All writing tasks in the course have been carefully designed
follows: Go through the list of words after Ss have read to closely guide Ss to produce a successful piece of writing.
the text and ask Ss to explain the words using the context They are all further analysed in the Writing Skills section at
they appear in. Ss can give examples, mime/draw the the back of the Student’s Book.
meaning, or look up the meaning in their dictionaries.
• Always read the rubric and model text provided and
deal with the tasks that follow in detail. Ss will then
B Choral & Individual repetition have acquired the necessary language to deal with
Repetition will ensure that Ss are thoroughly familiar with the final writing task. (See Student’s Book, Module 1,
the sound and pronunciation of the lexical items and p. 13, Ex. 9, Your turn.)
structures being taught and confident in their ability to • Make sure that Ss understand that they are writing for
reproduce them. a purpose. Go through the writing task in detail so
Always ask Ss to repeat chorally before you ask them to that Ss are fully aware of why they are writing and
repeat individually. Repeating chorally will help Ss feel who they are writing to. (See Student’s Book, Module 2,
confident enough to then perform the task on their own. p. 29, Ex. 9. Ss are asked to write an email of invitation.)
• It would be well-advised to actually complete the task
C Listening & Reading orally in class before assigning it as written homework.
You may ask Ss to read and listen for a variety of purposes: Ss will then feel more confident with producing a
• Listening for detail. Ss listen for specific information. complete piece of writing on their own. Refer Ss to
(See Student’s Book, Module 3, p. 53, Ex. 8) the Writing Skills section at the back of the Student’s
• Listening and reading for gist. Ask Ss to read or Book for model analysis and practice.
listen to get the gist of the dialogue or text being
dealt with. (See Student’s Book, Module 2, p. 30, Ex. 3b. F Assigning homework
Tell Ss that in order to complete this task successfully, When assigning writing tasks, prepare Ss as well as possible
they do not need to understand every single detail in in advance. This will help them avoid errors and get
the dialogue.) maximum benefit from the task.
• Reading for detail. Ask Ss to read for specific
information. (See Student’s Book, Module 1, p. 14, Commonly assigned tasks include:
Ex. 4a. Ss will have to read to the text in order to do the Copy – Ss copy an assigned extract;
task. They are looking for specific details in the text and Dictation – Ss learn the spelling of particular words
not for general information.) without memorising the text in which they appear;
Vocabulary – Ss memorise the meaning of words and
Note: VIDEOS phrases or use the new words in sentences of their own;
Main texts in the Student’s Book are accompanied by Reading Aloud – Ss practise at home in preparation for
videos that are included in the application. The videos can reading aloud in class using their digital resource (the
be watched after Ss have read the text or if there are Digibook for the Student’s book contains all main texts
Presentation Skills tasks that ask Ss to use the relevant recorded.);
video. Activities that accompany the videos can be done in Writing – After thorough preparation in class, Ss are asked
class or assigned as HW. to produce a complete piece of writing.

G Correcting students’ work • Stages of pairwork
All learners make errors – it is part of the learning process. – Put Ss in pairs.
The way you deal with errors depends on what the Ss are – Explain the task and set time limit.
doing. – Rehearse the task in open pairs.
– In closed pairs, get Ss to do the task.
• Oral accuracy work: – Go around the class and help Ss.
Correct Ss on the spot, either by providing the – Open pairs report back to the class.
correct answer and allowing them to repeat, or by
indicating the error but allowing Ss to correct it. • Group work
Alternatively, indicate the error and ask other Ss to Groups of three or more Ss work together on a task or
provide the answer. activity. Class projects or role play are most easily
done in groups. Again, give Ss a solid understanding of
• Oral fluency work: the task in advance.
Allow Ss to finish the task without interrupting, but
make a note of the errors made and correct them • Rolling questions
afterwards. Ask Ss one after the other to ask and answer questions
based on the texts.
• Written work:
Do not over-correct; focus on errors that are directly I Using L1 in class
relevant to the point of the exercise. When giving
Use L1 in moderation and only when necessary.
feedback, you may write the most common errors on
the board and get the class to attempt to correct
Remember that rewarding work and praising Ss is of great Abbreviations used in the Student’s Book and Teacher’s
importance. Post good written work on a display board in
T Teacher p(p). Page(s)
your classroom or school, or give ‘reward’ stickers. Praise
S(s) Student(s) e.g. For example
effort as well as success.
HW Homework i.e. That is
H Class organisation L1 Students’ native etc Et cetera
• Open pairs language sb Somebody
The class focuses its attention on two Ss doing the set Ex(s). Exercise(s) sth Something
task together. Use this technique when you want your
Ss to offer an example of how a task is done. (See Ex. 2
on p. 28 of the Student’s Book.)
• Closed pairs
Pairs of Ss work together on a task or activity while
you move around offering assistance and suggestions.
Explain the task clearly before beginning closed
pairwork. (See Ex. 9 on p. 35 of the Student’s Book)

1 Me & the others

Topic mum, cousin, niece, dad, nephew, aunt, grandma, wife,

daughter); Verb (support); Nouns (sibling, twins); Adjectives
In this unit Ss will learn about people’s appearance & character, (alike, cheeky, talented); Phrases (fashion icon, social media
abilities, friends & friendship, family members and duties & celebrity, do projects, come and go)
responsibilities. They will learn to be, have and can, adverbs of
degree, pronouns, possessive adjectives, possession, the 1.4 Character 16-17
present simple, adverbs of frequency, comparisons – adverbs Lesson Objectives: Learning about personalities, reading for
of degree, the gerund, phrasal verbs with look, wh-questions & key information, learning/revising the superlative, making
Yes/No questions in present simple and prepositions. They will comparative characterisations
describe physical appearance & character, make comparative Vocabulary: Personalities (mature, intelligent, caring, fun-loving,
characterisations, agree/disagree, identify people, express responsible, rebellious, independent, sociable)
opinions discuss pros & cons and pronounce /s /, /S /. They will
write a description of their friends, about their personal profile, 1.5 Duties & responsibilities 18-19
a blog comment and a list of duties.
Lesson Objectives: Learning about chores, reading
Module page 9 comprehension, learning/revising the gerund, learning phrasal
Lesson Objectives: Learning about appearance, identifying verbs with look, listening for specific information, talking and
people and getting an overview of the module writing about your duties for this week
Vocabulary: Appearance (Age: young, in his [early/mid/late] Vocabulary: Chores (take out the rubbish, clean the bathroom,
twenties/thirties; Height: short, of medium height, tall; Weight: wash the dishes, take out the recycling, mow the lawn, look after
thin, slim, plump, overweight; Hair: short, long, straight, wavy, younger brother/sister, dust the furniture, mop the floor, make a
curly, fair, red, brown, black; Other: moustache, glasses, beard) packed lunch, tidy your room, water the plants, make your bed,
put the washing on, wash the car, lay the table); Nouns
1.1 Show me your friends 10-11 (mealtime, chore, housework); Adjective (responsible); Phrases (a
helping hand, household task)
Lesson Objectives: Learning about abilities, reading for gist,
reading comprehension, learning/revising pronouns- 1.6 Keep in touch 20-21
possessive adjectives, possession, talking and writing about Lesson Objectives: Learning about e-communicating,
online friends talking about your favourite way of communicating with
Vocabulary: Abilities (fly a plane, cook, act, windsurf, sing, play your friends, listening for key information, reading for gist,
the piano, skateboard, speak Japanese, play the violin, juggle); learning/revising the present simple – wh- questions &
Nouns (blogging, idea); Adjective (cool); Phrases (crazy about, yes/no questions, learning prepositions, pronouncing /s /, /S /,
online friends, good listener) agreeing/disagreeing, discussing pros & cons of using the
1.2 Special friends 12-13 Internet
Vocabulary: e-communicating (send and read text messages,
Lesson Objectives: Learning about qualities of a friend, make video calls, chat online, post comments on social media, call
reading for gist, reading for specific information, sb on landline/mobile phone, share pictures on social media,
learning/revising the present simple – adverbs of frequency, share videos on social media)
talking about what makes someone a good/bad friend, writing
a comment on a blog Culture Corner 22
Vocabulary: Qualities of a friend (funny, sensitive, generous, Lesson Objectives: Reading for gist, listening and reading for
friendly, honest, helpful, loyal, polite, patient, caring); Verbs key information, reading for key information, summarising a
(gossip, argue); Phrasal verbs (hang out, make up); Nouns (social text, writing an article about the ethnic groups in Romania
media, secret, truth) Vocabulary: Nouns (origin, curry, cuisine, population, jerk
1.3 My family, my best friends 14-15 chicken, cod); Adjectives (multicultural, spicy); Phrases (melting
pot, dozens of, ethnic community)
Lesson Objectives: Learning about family members, reading
for gist, reading for specific information, learning comparisons – Self-Check Test 1 23-24
adverbs of degree, comparing your friends, write about your
personal profile
Vocabulary: Family members (granddad, uncle, son, husband,
What’s in this module?
Background information
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss that
Mr Spock & Captain Kirk are characters from the
these are the topics, skills and activities this module will cover.
1960s television series of Star Trek and later the film
series. Mr Spock is from the planet Vulcan and he is
1 Presenting vocabulary for appearance the chief science officer. Captain Kirk is from Earth
• Go through the vocabulary box and explain/elicit and he is the captain. They are very good friends and
the meanings of any unknown words. their roles are played by Leonard Nimoy and William
• Then ask Ss to read the questions a-f and look at Shatner.
the pictures and complete the task. Monica, Phoebe & Rachel are characters from the
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. sitcom TV series ‘Friends’. They are in their late
Answer Key twenties and they are close friends. They are played
a Mr Spock c Phoebe e Harry by Courtney Cox, Lisa Kudrow and Jennifer Aniston.
b Obelix d Hermione f Asterix Ron, Harry & Hermione are the three main
characters in the Harry Potter book and film series.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at They become friends when they start school together
the end. at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and
their friendship endures many ordeals and they
2 Practising vocabulary for appearance remain friends for all their lives.
• Explain the task and remind Ss to use the verb to
be/have got in the interrogative. 1.1 – Show me your friends
• Then have Ss ask and answer questions in pairs to
guess the person in the class one of them chose 1 Presenting vocabulary relating to abilities
and then swap roles. • Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
Suggested Answer Key • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
A: Is it a girl? chorally and/or individually.
B: Yes. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
A: Is she short?
B: Yes. 2 Practising vocabulary for abilities and
A: Has she got dark hair? can/can’t
B: No. • Read out the theory box. Then have Ss work in pairs
A: Is it Maria? and ask and answer about the abilities following the
B: Yes. etc example.
• Ask various pairs to tell the class.
Background information Suggested Answer Key
A: Can you cook?
Asterix & Obelix are characters from a series of
B: No, I can’t cook at all. Can you sing?
French comics in which the Gauls resist Roman
A: Yes, I can sing quite well. etc
occupation by René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo.
There have been several live action films with stories
from the comics. The roles of best friends Asterix and 3 Listening/reading for gist
Obelix in the films are played by Christian Clavier and • Ask Ss to look at the pictures and guess where
Gérard Depardieu. Charlie’s friends are from.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
find out.

Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
Lisa is from the UK. 1 yours, mine 4 my
Carl is from America. 2 his 5 yours, his
Zara is from Australia. 3 her, they 6 them, Their, our
Daniel is from Romania.
7 Learning/revising possession
4 a) Reading comprehension • Go through the theory box with Ss and read out
• Ask Ss to read the text again and then read the the examples.
sentences and correct them in their notebooks. • Elicit any similar structures in Ss’ L1 from Ss around
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. the class.
Answer Key • Then elicit examples in the text.
1 Charlie is 12 years old. Answer Key
2 Lisa can skateboard extremely well. Example: Carl’s idea
3 Carl lives in the USA.
4 Zara can’t sing. 8 Practising possession
5 Daniel can speak German quite well.
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and
6 Daniel is very clever.
then check their answers.
b) Developing critical thinking Answer Key
skills 2 brother’s birthday 5 Emma’s sisters
3 Matt’s friends 6 Emma’s phone number
Give Ss time to consider their answers and then 4 Matt and Katie’s cousins 7 parents’ car
elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Answer Key 9 Talking and writing about online friends
Lisa is special to Charlie because she’s a lot of fun.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to write a few
Carl is special to Charlie because he has brilliant ideas.
sentences about their online friends and find
Zara is special to Charlie because she listens to all his
• Ask various Ss to present them to the class.
Daniel is special to Charlie because they talk about
football together for hours. Suggested Answer Key
John is from the USA. He can skateboard
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
very well.
in the Check these words box.
Lisa is from Australia. She can dance very
5 Learning/revising pronouns – possessive well.
• Go through the theory box with Ss and read out 1.2 – Special friends
the examples.
1 Presenting vocabulary
• Elicit any similar structures in Ss’ L1 from Ss around
relating to qualities of a friend
the class. Then elicit examples in the text.
Answer Key • Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
Examples: I, them, she, he, my, her, we
chorally and/ or individually.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
6 Practising pronouns – possessive • Elicit the L1 equivalents.
(Ss’ own answers)
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and
then check their answers.
2 Practising vocabulary relating to qualities 5 Learning/revising the present simple –
of a friend adverbs of frequency
• Explain the task and read out the example. • Read out the grammar theory and the examples.
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and complete the • Explain any points Ss are unsure of.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 6 Practising the present simple
Answer Key • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
2 Elaine is patient. 7 Becky is loyal. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
3 Paul is friendly. 8 Alex is generous.
Suggested Answer Key
4 Amy is honest. 9 Olivia is polite.
1 Do you know, see
5 Susie is sensitive. 10 Martin is helpful.
2 doesn’t wear
6 Ron is caring.
3 don’t think, gossips
4 Do Max and Peter go
3 Listening/reading for gist 5 Do your sisters speak, have
• Ask Ss to look at the blog. 6 doesn’t tell
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
answer the question. 7 Practising adverbs of frequency
• Check Ss’ answers. and expressing an opinion
Answer Key • Explain the task and read out the example.
Her best friends are loyal and caring. • Give Ss time to complete the task following the
example and then elicit answers from Ss around
4 Reading for specific information the class.
• Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-5) and then read the Suggested Answer Key
text again and mark them according to what they True friends …
read. 1 are always there for their friends.
• Check Ss’ answers and then ask Ss to use their 2 often do things together.
dictionaries to explain the words in bold. 3 always help each other.
Answer Key 4 always keep their promises.
1 NS 2 F 3 NS 4 T 5 F 5 often make you feel special.
6 are never jealous.
Suggested Answer Key 7 never tell lies.
social media: websites that allow people to communicate 8 never tell others your secrets.
and share information 9 rarely argue with their friends.
loyal: sb who supports you forever 10 are always honest.
gossip: a conversation about other people’s private
8 Deciding/talking about what
polite: sb who has good manners
makes a good/bad friend
argue: to speak angrily to sb when you don’t agree
with them • Ask Ss to write the headings into their notebooks
make up: to be friends again with sb and list the ideas from Ex. 7 under the headings.
disagree: to not have the same opinion • Then give Ss time to add two more ideas of their
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words • Then ask various Ss around the class to use their
in the Check these words box. lists to talk about what makes a good/bad friend.

Answer Key/Suggested Answer Key caring. She looks after me. My dad is funny. He always
Good friends: are there for their friends, do things makes me laugh.
together, help each other, keep their promises, make you
feel special, are honest (listen to your problems, give good 3 Listening/reading for gist
• Direct Ss’ attention to the photos and the text.
Bad friends: are jealous, tell lies, tell others your secrets,
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
argue with their friends (pressure their friends, let their
answer the questions.
friends down)
• Check Ss’ answers.
A good friend is there for their friends. They do things
together and help each other. They keep their promises Answer Key
and make you feel special. They are honest. They also They look alike. They are the same height. They’ve both
listen to your problems and give you good advice. got brown eyes and a cheeky smile. They’re both
A bad friend is jealous, tells lies and tells others your singers, actors, fashion icons and social media
secrets. They argue with their friends and pressure their celebrities. They are not jealous of each other. They are
friends. They also let their friends down. both very talented. Willow is serious, and sensitive, but
Jaden is funny.
9 Writing a comment on a blog
4 a) Reading for specific information
• Explain the task and refer Ss to the Writing Skills
section for guided help with the writing task. • Give Ss time to read the sentences (1-6) and
• Check Ss’ answers. then give them time to read the text again and
mark them according to what they read.
Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Hi, Jenny! Carmen here! Love your blog! My best friend
is Corina. She is in my class at school and we see each Answer Key
other every day. She’s funny, patient and caring. She’s 1 T 2 F 3 NS 4 F 5 T 6 T
always there for me and supports me in good and bad
times. We’re best friends forever! Looking forward to b) Developing critical thinking
your new post! skills
Read out the rubric and give Ss time to consider
1.3 – My family, my best friends their answers and then elicit answers from Ss
1 Presenting vocabulary for family members around the class.
• Have Ss read the lists of family members and Suggested Answer Key
match them. The saying is related to the text because Jaden and
• Check Ss’ answers. Willow are siblings because they were born into the
same family, but they choose to be best friends.
Answer Key
1 E 3 G 5 A 7 C • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the
2 D 4 F 6 B words in the Check these words box.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
2 Talking about family members’ characters
5 Learning/revising comparison – adverbs
• Explain the task and read out the example.
of degree
• Then ask Ss to work in pairs and complete the
task. • Read out the theory and explain any points Ss are
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class. unsure of.
Suggested Answer Key • Then elicit answers to the questions.
I’m friendly. I make friends easily. My brother is
generous. He always shares his things. My mum is
Answer Key 8 Comparing friends
We form the comparative of one-syllable and two- • Explain the task and read out the example.
syllable adjectives by adding -er. We form the Explain/ Elicit the meanings of any unknown words
comparative of adjectives with three or more syllables and then ask Ss to work in pairs and take turns
with more. Some two-syllable adjectives (e.g. narrow, comparing their friends using the adjectives in the
clever, stupid, gentle, etc) take either –er or more in list.
their comparative form. • Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class.
With one-syllable adjectives ending in -e, we add -r in
the comparative (e.g. simple – simpler). With one- Suggested Answer Key
syllable adjectives ending in a vowel + a consonant, we Anna is slimmer and fitter than Maria. Maria is more
double the last consonant and add -er (e.g. fat – fatter). fashionable and more sociable than Anna. They are
With two-syllable adjectives ending in -ly or -y, we both funny and patient.
change the -y to -i and add -er (e.g. happy – happier).
9 Presenting your personal profile
Background information • Give Ss time to prepare a presentation.
Jaden and Willow Smith are the children of actor and • Ask various Ss to present their profile to the class.
singer Will Smith and actress Jada Pinkett Smith. They Suggested Answer Key
have been in showbusiness since they were young Hello, I’m Claudia. I’m 12 years old. I’ve got dark brown
children. Jaden Smith has acted in the film The Pursuit hair and green eyes. I love singing and playing the
of Happiness and After Earth and the remakes of The piano. My friends say that I’m funny and helpful.
Day the Earth Stood Still and The Karate Kid. Willow
Smith has appeared in the films I Am Legend and Kit 1.4 – Character
Kittredge: An American Girl. She has also had hit
singles with ‘Whip My Hair’ and ‘21st Century Girl’. 1 Presenting vocabulary relating to
• Direct Ss’ attention to the pictures.
6 Practising the comparative
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and chorally and/or individually.
then check Ss’ answers. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
Answer Key
1 older 5 heavier 2 Practising vocabulary relating to
2 taller 6 longer personalities
3 tall 7 fashionable • Explain the task and read out the example.
4 slim 8 more expensive • Give Ss time to complete the task and then check
their answers.
7 Practising comparison and adverbs of Suggested Answer Key
B 7 Todd is independent. He rarely needs others’
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and help or money.
then check their answers. C 8 Jim is sociable. He enjoys talking to people and
Answer Key making new friends.
1 polite 5 patient enough D 4 Tom is fun-loving. He tries to enjoy himself all
2 too tall 6 bigger the time.
3 old enough 7 too late E 2 Ned is intelligent. He is always top of the class at
4 more important 8 worse school.
F 6 Ann is rebellious. She never does what others tell
her to do.

G 3 Helen is caring. She is very kind and helpful to b) Identifying superlative forms
• Give Ss time to read the dialogue again and
H 5 Fiona is responsible. People can trust her to do
find superlative forms.
things properly.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
3 Describing friends
the best, the most popular
• Explain the task and read out the example.
• Have Ss complete the task in pairs and then ask
6 Reading comprehension
various Ss to share their answers with the class.
Suggested Answer Key • Give Ss time to read the dialogue again and
answer the questions.
… Adina is fun-loving and tries to enjoy herself all the
• Check Ss’ answers.
time. She is also caring and is very kind and helpful to
others. Answer Key
1 Pete 2 She’s in his class. 3 Sixteen/16
4 Learning/revising the superlative
7 Practising the superlative
• Ask Ss to study the theory and explain any points
Ss are unsure of. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Then elicit answers to the questions from Ss • Check Ss’ answers.
around the class. Answer Key:
Answer Key 1 the best 4 the quickest
We form the superlative of one-syllable and two- 2 the most generous 5 the most beautiful
syllable adjectives by adding the + -est. We form the 3 the easiest 6 the least popular
superlative of adjectives with three or more syllables
with the most/ least. Some two-syllable adjectives (e.g. 8 Practising the comparative and the
narrow, clever, stupid, gentle, etc) take either the + -est superlative
or the most/least in their superlative form.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
With one-syllable adjectives ending in -e, we add -st in
• Check Ss’ answers.
the superlative form (e.g. simple –simplest). With one-
syllable adjectives ending in a vowel + a consonant, we Answer Key
double the last consonant and add -est (e.g. fat – 1 the tallest 4 more polite
fattest). With two-syllable adjectives ending in -ly or -y, 2 better 5 the most intelligent
we change the -y to -i and add -est (e.g. happy – 3 the most honest
9 Comparing people
5 a) Listening/reading for specific • Explain the task and read out the example. Then
information give Ss time to complete the task using the
• Ask Ss to look at the people in the pictures. adjectives in the list and their own ideas.
• Play the recording and give Ss time to listen • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
and read the dialogue to identify them. Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Bianca is shorter than Anna. Ilinca is the shortest of all.
Suggested Answer Key Lidia is funnier than Irina.
A Dan C Laura E Amanda Monica is more caring than Stela. Vera is the most
B Eve D Pete caring of all. etc

1.5 – Duties & responsibilities 5 Practising the gerund and the infinitive
1 Presenting and practising vocabulary for
chores Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and
then check their answers.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the
captions. Read out the adverbs of frequency and Answer Key
the example. 1 to mop 4 camping, to come
• Then ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest 2 helping, watching 5 going, to tidy
of the class how often they do these activities. 3 to learn
Suggested Answer Key
I sometimes take out the rubbish. I rarely clean the 6 Presenting and practising phrasal verbs
bathroom. I usually wash the dishes. I always take out with look
the recycling. I never mow the lawn. I often look after • Ask Ss to read the box and then complete the
my younger brother. I never dust the furniture or mop sentences with the correct particle.
the floor. I rarely make a packed lunch. I always tidy my • Check Ss’ answers.
room. I never water the plants. I usually make my bed. Answer Key
I often put the washing on. I never wash the car. 1 for 2 up 3 after 4 out
I sometimes lay the table.
7 Listening for specific information
2 Reading comprehension
• Ask Ss to read through the gapped schedule and
• Give Ss time to do the quiz and then ask various Ss then play the recording.
around the class to share their results with the rest • Ss listen and complete the gaps.
of the class. • Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
Mostly A 1 rubbish 3 recycling 5 mow
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words 2 brother 4 car
in the Check these words box.
8 Writing about duties for the week at a
3 Expressing an opinion camp
Give Ss time to consider their answers and then ask • Give Ss time to write a similar schedule of duties
various Ss to tell the class. like the one in Ex. 7 for themselves and then have
Suggested Answer Key Ss compare it with their partner’s.
• Ask various Ss to tell the class.
I agree with the results. I can be more responsible by
helping out more at home. Suggested Answer Key
Monday: make the beds
4 Learning/revising the gerund Tuesday: wash the dishes
Wednesday: lay the table
• Read out the theory box and explain any points Ss Thursday: take out the recycling
are unsure of. Friday: mop the floor
• Then elicit examples in the text and any similar Saturday: take out the rubbish
structures in Ss’ L1. Sunday: water the plants
Answer Key
A: So, what duties are there for this week?
Examples: I hate cleaning, I’d prefer to do, I don’t mind B: Well, on Monday we make the beds. etc

1.6 – Keep in touch 5 Reading for gist
1 Presenting and talking about e- • Ask Ss to read the headings and then read the text
communicating; expressing an opinion and match the headings to the paragraphs.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then check
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and ask two Ss to their answers.
model the example exchange.
• Then ask Ss to discuss in pairs how technology Answer Key
helps friends communicate, expressing their 1 E 2 D 3 B
opinion and giving reasons.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask 6 Revising the present simple wh-questions
various Ss to share their views with the class. and yes/no questions
Suggested Answer Key • Explain the task and read out the example.
A: Technology helps us to communicate because you • Then give Ss time to complete the task.
can chat online with your friends. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
B: Yes, and you can make video calls, too. Answer Key
2 A: Do you have a laptop?
2 Talking about one’s favourite way of B: Yes, I do.
communicating 3 A: What do your friends post online?
Explain the task and read out the examples and then B: They post pictures on social media sites.
ask various Ss to share their answers with the class 4 A: Does your mum chat online?
using the adjectives in the list. B: Yes, she does.
5 A: How often does your best friend send emails?
Suggested Answer Key
B: Not very often.
I contact my friends through social media. It’s quick and
I make video calls to my friends because it’s free. 7 Presenting and practising prepositional
3 Listening for key information Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and
then check their answers.
• Ask Ss to read the statements (A-E) and then play
the recording. Ss listen and match the speakers to Answer Key
the statements. 1 on 2 by 3 of 4 on
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 8 Pronouncing /s/, /S/
1 D 2 B 3 A 4 C • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/or individually.
4 Talking about the results of a survey • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Explain the situation and ask Ss to read the
phrases and look at the bar chart. 9 Discussing how one uses the Internet –
• Read out the example and then elicit further agreeing/disagreeing
sentences from Ss around the class. • Ask two Ss to model the example exchanges. Then
Suggested Answer Key ask Ss to look at the graph in Ex. 4 and use the
… them prefer using messaging apps. Half of them use ideas as well as ideas of their own to talk about
social media sites. Some of them make video calls. A few how they use the Internet and agree/disagree
contact their friends using instant messaging. Few call using the phrases in the example exchanges.
their friends on their mobile phones and very few use • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
email. some Ss to share their exchanges with the class.

Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
A: I like using social media sites and posting pictures 1 spicy 3 colourful costumes
online. 2 London 4 Chinese takeaway
B: So do I. It’s fun.
A: I don’t like using chatrooms. It’s dangerous. You 3 Summarising a text
never know who you’re talking to. • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
B: I don’t like it either. I prefer reading people’s blogs • Ask Ss to copy and complete the table in their
and writing comments on them. notebooks referring to the text as necessary.
A: Me too. • Then ask various Ss around the class to use the
completed table to give a summary of the text to
10 ICT Debating about the pros and cons of the class.
using the Internet Answer Key
• Read out the task. Divide the class into two teams Suggested Answer Key
to debate about the use of the Internet. Team A There are 1.4 million Indian people in the UK. Their
can talk about the pros while team B can talk national dishes include chicken curry. People celebrate
about the cons. Diwali.
• Give Ss time to research the pros and cons of There are 600,000 Caribbean people in the UK. Their
using the Internet. Ss can take notes to use while dishes include jerk chicken and salted cod. People
debating. celebrate the Notting Hill Carnival.
• Have Ss debate about the use of the Internet. There are 433,000 Chinese people in the UK. Their
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and have the dishes include fried rice and sweet and sour chicken.
class debate in the next lesson. People celebrate Chinese New Year.
Suggested Answer Key
Team A (S1): One of the pros of using the Internet is 4 ICT Writing a short article
that you can have access to a lot of information.
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and research online
Team B (S2): Yes, but one of the cons is that information
to collect information about the ethnic groups in
from the Internet is not always true.
Team A (S3): I agree with you, but using the Internet is
• Tell Ss to make notes under the headings and
a good thing because you can contact people who live
then give them time to use their notes to write a
short article similar to the one in the text.
• Ask various Ss to read their article to the class.
Culture Corner
Answer Key
1 Reading a pie chart Ethnic groups: Romanians, Hungarians, Germans
Population: Romanians 83.4%, Hungarians 6%,
Ask Ss to read the pie chart and then ask various Ss to Ukrainian 0.3%, Germans 0.2%, other 0.7%
make sentences following the example. Food: Hungarian gulys leves and somloï-galuska,
Suggested Answer Key German Schweinshaxe
3.9% are other Asian. 2.3 % are Indian. 2% are mixed Events & festivals: n/a
ethnicity. 1.9% are African. 1.5% are Caribbean. 1% are In Romania, 83.4% of the population is Romanian.
from other ethnic groups. There are some other ethnic groups, though. The
Hungarians make up 6% of the population. Ukrainians
2 Reading/listening for key information make up 0.3% of the population. The Germans make
up 0.2% of the population. Other groups make up 0.7%.
• Give Ss time to read the sentence stubs. You can find Hungarian restaurants everywhere and
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text and dishes like gulys leves and somloï-galuska are now
complete the sentences. part of Romanian culture. There are also a few German
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
restaurants and the German dish of Schweinshaxe, a 3 Consolidating vocabulary from the module
pork dish, which is very popular in Romania. However, I
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
am not aware of any ethnic festivals.
• Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
Background information
1 grandma 3 aunt 5 nephew
India is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh- 2 cousins 4 son
largest country by area and the second-most
populous country with over 1.3 billion people. The
capital city is New Delhi. The largest city is Mumbai. 4 Consolidating everyday English from the
The people speak Hindi and English. module
Diwali is the Hindu festival of lights celebrated every • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
year in autumn. It signifies the victory of light over • Check Ss' answers.
darkness and the celebration includes millions of Answer Key
lights shining on housetops, outside doors and 1 b 2 a 3 b
windows, around temples and other buildings in the
communities and countries where it is observed.
5 Consolidating grammar from the module
The Caribbean is a region that consists of the
Caribbean Sea, its islands and the surrounding coasts. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
It is southeast of the Gulf of Mexico and the North • Check Ss' answers.
American mainland, east of Central America, and Answer Key
north of South America. There are different ethnic 1 Have 3 has 5 is
groups, religions and languages in this area, but the 2 are 4 Can
people have a shared culture in some ways
particularly in terms of cuisine.
6 Consolidating grammar from the module
China, (also called The Republic of China) is a large
country in Asia. It is the most populous country in the • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
world with a population of 1.4 billion people. The • Check Ss' answers.
capital city is Beijing. The language is Chinese and the Answer Key
currency is the yuan. 1 He 4 parents’
2 mine 5 Isla and Ian’s
Self-Check Test 1 3 her

1 Consolidating vocabulary from the module 7 Consolidating grammar from the module
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss' answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 speak 3 fly 5 play 1 watering 3 tidies
2 cook 4 act 2 Does she mow 4 don’t make

2 Consolidating vocabulary from the module 8 Consolidating grammar from the module
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 rebellious 3 caring 5 loyal 1 the most generous 3 more independent
2 intelligent 4 honest 2 faster

9 Reading for specific information 11 Writing a presentation of yourself
• Give Ss time to read the article and then ask them • Explain the task and give Ss time to write their
to read the sentences (1-5) and mark them as true, presentation.
false or not stated. • Check Ss' answers.
• Check Ss' answers. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key Hello everyone. My name is Carmen. I’m 12 years old.
1 T 2 F 3 T 4 NS 5 T I love acting, singing and dancing. I also know how to
play the piano. I am friendly because I always like
10 Listening for specific information making new friends and I am caring, because I like
helping others.
• Ask Ss to read the gapped text.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and fill the gaps
according to what they hear.
• Check Ss' answers. Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the module by
Answer Key ticking the items according to how competent they feel for
each of the listed activities.
1 pictures and videos 4 25%
2 50% 5 emails
3 text messages

2 My interests

Topic Vocabulary: Books (action & adventure, fairy tale, science

fiction, biography, mystery & suspense, horror, articles in
In this module Ss will learn about teens’ interests, music, films, newspapers/magazines, fables, legends); Nouns (criminal,
books, mass media, theatre, technology icons and desires & fog, ground, track, fear); Adjective (still)
preferences. They will learn the present continuous,
compare the present simple and the present continuous, 2.4 Mass media 32-33
learn proper/common nouns, singular/plural number, Lesson Objectives: Learning about types of mass media,
irregular plurals, prepositions and phrasal verbs with check. listening and reading for gist, reading for key information,
They will discuss interests, express reasons, express learning singular – plural nouns, preparing a class magazine,
likes/dislikes, express opinion, make offers & suggestions and writing an email
agree/disagree. They will write an email inviting a friend to Vocabulary: types of mass media (books, leaflets, newspapers
watch a film, an email expressing their opinion a class & magazines, billboards, radio, TV, Internet, CDs, e-readers,
magazine, and a technology alphabet. smartphones); Nouns (tip, gamer, option); Adjectives (old-
Module page 25 fashioned, up-to-date, endless); Adverb (online); Phrases (be
into sth)
Lesson Objectives: Learning teens’ interests, expressing
preferences, getting an overview of the module. 2.5 On stage 34-35
Vocabulary: Teens’ interests (go to dance classes, go
skateboarding, go paintballing, play online games, make car Lesson Objectives: Learning about the theatre, reading for
models, play in a school band, use social networking sites, gist, reading comprehension, listening for specific information,
make jewellery, record a vlog, go sailing, act in school theatre booking tickets for a performance, talking and writing about
productions) one’s ideal theatre
Vocabulary: Theatre (aisle, seat, row, box, orchestra, stage,
2.1 Music to the ears 26-27 curtain); Verbs (notice, leak); Nouns (stage, roof, wooden
puppet, bamboo screen, string, orchestra, floodlight, light,
Lesson Objectives: Learning about musical instruments, seat, row); Adjective (wet); Phrase (on their own)
expressing reasons, listening and reading for gist, reading
comprehension, learning about types of music, expressing 2.6 Digital detox 36-37
likes/dislikes, learning/revising the present continuous, Lesson Objectives: Learning about technology icons,
talking and writing about famous musicians from Romania reading for gist, reading for specific information, learning
Vocabulary: Musical instruments (accordion, clarinet, drum, prepositions, learning phrasal verbs with check, pronouncing
flute, guitar, keyboard, piano, saxophone, trumpet, violin); /U/, /j/, creating a technology alphabet
Types of music (reggae, classical, pop, disco, folk, heavy Vocabulary: Technology icons (apps, Bluetooth, camera,
metal, rock, country) download, email, flight mode, GPS, headphones, Internet,
2.2 Box office 28-29 Java, key lock, loudspeaker, messages, notes, offline, phone,
QWERTY keyboard, radio, settings, tweet, USB, video, Wi-Fi,
Lesson Objectives: Expressing preferences, reading for close window, Yahoo, zip file); Actions (send a text, go online,
specific information, reading for key information, watch a video, listen to the radio, get directions, take a photo,
comparing the present simple and the present continuous, type questions into a search engine, write an email, save a
listening for gist and key information, talking about a film picture from the Internet to your phone, change your
idea, writing an email ringtone); Verbs (update, stare at, concentrate); Phrasal
Vocabulary: Nouns (superhero, supervillain, army, Oscar- verb (turn off); Adjectives (time-consuming, up-to-date)
winner, crime, plot, genre); Adjectives (star-studded, Phrases (crazy about, addicted to, nuts about, digital detox)
talented, impressive); Phrase (face the danger)
CLIL (Literature) 38
2.3 Favourite reads 30-31
Lesson Objectives: Talking about comedies and tragedies,
Lesson Objectives: Learning about types of books, reading for gist, talking and writing about books by
reading for specific information, reading comprehension, Romanian authors
learning proper/common nouns, learning singular/plural
number – irregular verbs, listening for specific information, Self-Check Test 2 39-40
writing an email
What’s in this module? 2.1 – Music to the ears
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss that 1 Presenting vocabulary for musical
these are the topics, skills and activities this module will cover. instruments
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
1 Presenting vocabulary for teens’ interests
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
• Go through the list of activities and explain/elicit chorally and/or individually.
the meanings of any unknown words. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Then ask Ss to look at the pictures and say which
ones from the list they can see. 2 Identifying musical instruments from their
• Then give Ss time to categorise them according to sound
the categories given.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and identify the
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
musical instruments they hear.
Answer Key • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
A record a vlog Answer Key
B go to dance classes
accordion, flute, keyboard, piano, violin
C make jewellery
D go paintballing
E play in a school band 3 Listening and reading for gist
sports & exercise: go to dance classes, go skateboarding, • Ask Ss to look at the dialogue and the advert and
go paintballing, go sailing guess how they are related.
the arts: go to dance classes, act in school theatre • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
productions find out.
technology and social media: play online games, use Answer Key
social networking sites, record a vlog
The speakers are talking about the talent show in the
art and crafts: make car models, make jewellery
music: play in a school band
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at 4 Reading comprehension
the end.
• Ask Ss to read the sentence stems and then give
them time to read the text again and complete
2 Expressing preferences them.
• Read out the example. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Ask Ss to talk in pairs about which of the activities Answer Key
in Ex. 1 they like/don’t like doing and why, 1 students perform music, comedy, circus skills and
following the example. Tell Ss to use the dance
adjectives provided. 2 The Icebreakers
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask 3 rock band (Queen)
some Ss to share their answers with the class. 4 Mitchell, Ryan and Rachel White
Suggested Answer Key
I like going skateboarding. It’s fun and exciting. I don’t 5 Learning about types of music
like making jewellery. It’s boring.
• Ask Ss to read the types of music in the list and
I like going sailing. It’s thrilling. I don’t like playing online
explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown words.
games. It’s tiring.
• Then play the recording. Ss listen and identify the
types of music they hear.
• Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 C 3 F 5 A 7 E 2 A: Who is performing at the stadium tonight?
2 B 4 H 6 D 8 G B: Katy Perry.
3 A: Are Claire and Sarah going to the theatre tonight?
6 Expressing likes/dislikes B: Yes, they are.
4 A: When are you going to the concert hall?
• Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the
B: On Sunday.
example dialogue.
• Ask Ss to talk in pairs about the types of music
they like listening to using the language in the 10 Preparing a poster or giving a presentation
Functions box and following the example. about famous musicians from Romania
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask • Explain the task and give Ss time to research online
various Ss to share their answers with the class. and find out information about famous musicians
Suggested Answer Key from Romania and prepare a poster or a
A: Do you like pop music? presentation.
B: I love it. It’s cool. • Then ask various Ss to present their poster or
presentation to the class.
A: Do you like folk music?
B: I hate it. It’s boring. etc Suggested Answer Key
Morandi is a Romanian Europop group. They sing pop
music. Their best-known songs are ‘Angels’, ‘Save me’
7 Learning/Revising the present continuous
and ‘Colors’.
• Ask Ss to read the theory and explain any points
Ss are unsure of. Inna is a Romanian pop-rock singer. Her best-known
• Then find examples in the dialogue. songs are ‘Hot’, ‘Amazing’ and ‘Club Rocker’.
• Check Ss’ answers.
2.2 – Box office
Answer Key
Are you going, ’m practising, Are you playing, ’m playing, 1 To generate topic-related vocabulary
’re playing, is playing, is singing • Set a one-minute time limit and ask Ss to write
down as many types of films as they can think of.
8 Practising the present continuous • Then ask various Ss around the class to share their
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and list with the rest of the class.
then check their answers around the class. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key comedy, animated film, drama, thriller, horror, action,
1 are you going, am/’m going, are getting adventure, sci-fi, historical, mystery, western, crime, etc
2 isn’t coming, is/’s lying
3 Is Adam having, isn’t enjoying 2 Expressing preferences
4 Are Daisy and Faith watching, are/’re waiting • Ask two Ss to model the example exchange.
5 am/’m not recording • Ask Ss to talk in pairs about which types of films
6 are you travelling, are always causing they like/don’t like and why, following the
example. Tell Ss to use the adjectives provided.
9 Practising the present continuous • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
• Explain the task and read out the example. some Ss to share their answers with the class.
• Then give Ss time to complete the task. Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. A: I like animated films because they are funny and
B: Me too. I also like action films because they are
3 Listening/reading for gist
Gal Gadot is an Israeli actress and model. She was
• Read out the question. born and raised in Israel. At age 18 she was crowned
• Play the recording. Give Ss time to listen and read Miss Israel 2004. She then served two years in the
the text to find out. Israel Defense Forces as a combat instructor. Gadot
• Elicit an answer from the class. has achieved wide recognition for portraying Wonder
Woman starting with Batman v Superman: Dawn of
Answer Key
Justice (2016), and then the solo film Wonder Woman
Steppenwolf is a powerful evil villain in the film ‘Justice and the ensemble Justice League (both 2017).
League’. Ezra Miller is an American actor and singer. He plays
Barry Allen/The Flash in Batman v Superman: Dawn of
4 Reading for specific information Justice (2016) and in Justice League (2017). He also
played Credence Barebone in Fantastic Beasts and
• Give Ss time to read the review again and then Where to Find Them (2016).
complete the fact file in their notebooks.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Answer Key Expressing an opinion
1 Justice League Give Ss time to consider their answers and then elicit
2 action film answers from various Ss around the class.
3 Zack Snyder
Suggested Answer Key
4 Chris Terrio, Joss Whedon
I would watch this film because it seems to be an
5 three Oscar-winners, Gal Gadot and Ezra Miller
entertaining action film with a great cast. I like
The writer’s attitude is exciting and entertaining. superhero films so I think I would enjoy it.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
Background information in the Check these words box.
Zack Snyder is an American filmmaker and producer. • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
His first film was Dawn of the Dead. He has also made a
number of comic book and superhero films, including
300 (2006) and Watchmen (2009), as well as Man of 5 Consolidating new vocabulary
Steel (2013) and its follow-ups, Batman v Superman: • Read out the words in the list and elicit/explain the
Dawn of Justice (2016) and Justice League (2017). meanings of any unknown ones and then give Ss
Chris Terrio is an American screenwriter and film time to use them to compete the sentences.
director. He is best known for writing the screenplay • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
for the 2012 film Argo, for which he won an Academy
Award. He also wrote the screenplay for Batman vs Answer Key
Superman: Dawn of Justice and co-wrote the 2017 film, 1 plot 5 box office
Justice League. 2 sequel 6 cast
Joss Whedon is an American screenwriter, director, 3 series 7 character
producer, comic book writer and composer. He is 4 director 8 soundtrack
best known as the creator of several television series,
including Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003),
Angel (1999–2004), Firefly (2002), Dollhouse (2009– 6 Comparing/practising the present simple
10), and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (from 2013). He wrote and the present continuous
and directed the Marvel superhero films The • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
Avengers (2012) and its sequel Avengers: Age of and then check their answers.
Ultron (2015). He co-wrote the script for Justice
League (2017), for which he also served as director on Answer Key
reshoots. 1 are always staying (these days: action happening
around now, always: to express annoyance)
2 Does he go (permanent state), is filming (now: action
happening now)
3 is always using (always: to express annoyance), Plot: Mr Incredible has to look after Jack-Jack while his
am watching (at the moment: action happening wife, Elastigirl, goes off to save the world.
Hi Chris,
4 Are you going, are watching (tonight: fixed future
How are things? I’m planning to see ‘Incredibles 2’ at
the cinema next Saturday. Do you want to join me? It
5 takes place, plays, fights, saves (review)
looks amazing!
6 use (general truth)
It’s an animated comedy from famous director Brad
Bird. The film tells the story of how Mr Incredible has to
7 Listening for gist and specific information
look after Jack-Jack while his wife, Elastigirl, goes off to
• Play the recording. Elicit what it is about from Ss save the world. It stars Holly Hunter and Craig T. Nelson.
around the class. I really hope you can come!
• Explain the task and ask Ss to read the gapped Bye for now,
text. Then play the recording again. Ss listen and Violeta
complete the gaps.
• Check Ss’ answers. Hi Violeta,
Thank you for the invitation. I would love to go to the
Answer Key cinema with you. I really like animated films and
The recording is about The Last Jedi, a Star Wars film. ‘Incredibles 2’ sounds very funny and interesting.
1 The Last Jedi 4 Luke Skywalker Bye,
2 galaxy 5 action scenes Chris
3 Carrie Fisher
2.3 – Favourite reads
8 Talking about a film idea 1 Presenting vocabulary relating to books;
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and think of a film Categorising vocabulary relating to books
idea. Tell them to consider all the points in the rubric. • Direct Ss' attention to the pictures.
• Then ask various Ss to present their film idea to • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
the class. chorally and/or individually.
• After all the groups have presented their ideas, • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
have the class vote for the one they like the most. • Ask Ss to write the categories in their notebooks
Suggested Answer Key and then give them time to write each one under
Murder in the Dark is my idea for a film. The location is the correct category.
an old hotel in a quiet town in the middle of nowhere. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
The main characters are John, Stacy, Helen, James and Answer Key
Alice. They are staying in the hotel and one by one they Fiction: fairy tale, science fiction, mystery & suspense,
go missing and John has to find them and escape from horror, fables, legends
the hotel alive. Non-fiction: biography, articles in newspapers/magazines
(Ss’ own answers)
2 Expanding the topic
9 Writing an email Ask Ss to look in the school library or at home and then
• Explain the task and refer Ss to the Writing Skills tell the class some fiction and non-fictions books they saw.
section for guided help with the writing task.
(Ss’ own answers)
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key 3 a) Reading for specific information
Name of film: Incredibles 2
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and give Ss time to
Type: animated comedy
read the first paragraph and answer the questions.
Director: Brad Bird
• Elicit answers around the class.
Stars: Holly Hunter, Craig T. Nelson.
Answer Key Answer Key
‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’ is about a family who is Examples: proper nouns – Baskerville Hall, Dartmoor,
in danger from an enormous dog. Sherlock Holmes and England, Sir Charles, Sir Henry, Sherlock Holmes, Dr
Dr Watson try to find out if the legend of the hound is Watson, Stapleton;
true and solve the mystery of who is trying to kill Sir common nouns – house, secret, hound, fire, family,
Henry. It’s a mystery and suspense story. nephew, owner, mystery, man, criminal, dinner, thing,
plan, life, ground, idea, mile, sound, creature, shape,
b) Reading/listening for specific information mouth, track, path;
• Explain the task. singular nouns – fog, ground;
• Elicit Ss’ guesses as to what happens. Play the plural nouns – eyes, steps, shadows
recording. Ss listen and read the text to find out.
Suggested Answer Key 7 Practising plural nouns
I think that on the way back to his house, an enormous • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
hound chases Sir Henry. • Then check Ss’ answers
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class.
4 Reading comprehension Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task. 1 books 4 photos 7 superheroes
• Allow Ss time to read the text again and complete 2 children 5 people 8 lives
the task. 3 abilities 6 beaches
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 8 Listening for specific information
1 T 2 NS 3 T 4 F 5 NS • Ask Ss to read the gapped advert then play the
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words recording.
in the Check these words box. • Ss listen and fill in the gaps.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
5 Developing critical thinking 1 March 3 assembly hall 5 tablet
• Explain the task and the adjectives. 2 3 pm 4 £5
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and answer the questions
from Watson’s point of view. 9 Writing an email
• Monitor the activity around the class.
• Ask some pairs to present their answers to the class. • Give Ss time to think about a famous author, then
ask them to write an email inviting the author to
Suggested Answer Key their school.
I feel very nervous when I am waiting outside the house, • Check Ss’ answers.
because the fog can ruin Holmes’ plan. I feel really
Suggested Answer Key
scared when I hear the noise in the fog. When I see the
hound, I feel terrified because it is huge, there is fire in its Dear Mrs J.K. Rowling,
mouth and its eyes are burning in the darkness. Finally I We love reading your books. They are full of action and
feel curious to find out who the criminal is. adventure. This week we are reading your latest book
for a school project and we are having a lot of fun.
Our school would like to invite you to come and talk to
6 Learning about proper/common nouns –
us about your latest book ‘Fantastic Beasts’. It is
singular/plural number – Irregular plurals
interesting how you create amazing creatures for the
• Ask Ss to read the theory and explain any points magical world you write about in your stories.
Ss are unsure of. We are looking forward to seeing you.
• Then elicit examples from the text in Ex. 3 from Ss Grade 7, Landville School
around the class.
2.4 – Mass media 4 Reading comprehension
1 a) Presenting vocabulary relating to • Ask Ss to read the questions and then give them
types of mass media time to read the blog entries again to answer the
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/or individually. Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. 1 Steve 2 Paul 3 Paul 4 Steve
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
b) Categorising types of mass media in the Check these words box.
• Ask Ss to write the headings in their notebooks • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
and give them time to write the types of mass
media under the correct headings. 5 Reading comprehension
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Read the question aloud and give Ss time to consider
Answer Key their answers and then elicit answers from Ss around
Print: books, leaflets, newspapers & magazines, billboards the class.
Electronic: billboards, radio, TV, Internet, CDs, e-readers, Answer Key
smartphones Paul likes reading magazines because it helps him relax
Interactive: Internet, e-readers, smartphones and find information. He believes that he can find out
everything he needs to know about blogging from
2 Talking about types of mass media magazines. Steve prefers the Internet because he can
do anything online. But sometimes he might spend
• Ask Ss to talk in pairs about the types of mass
hours on the Internet and not learn anything.
media and which ones they use for what and how
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class. 6 Learning about singular – plural nouns
Suggested Answer Key Ask Ss to read the theory and explain any points Ss
are unsure of. Then elicit examples in the blog.
I usually learn the news from TV. I always find out
information for homework from the Internet. I Answer Key
sometimes watch films on TV and the Internet. I Examples: news, clothes
sometimes listen to music on the radio. I usually listen to
music on the Internet. I sometimes watch TV shows on 7 Practising singular – plural nouns
TV. I usually watch TV shows on the Internet. I never Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and
read leaflets for entertainment. then check their answers.
Answer Key
3 Listening/reading for specific information
1 are 3 is 5 are 7 are
• Explain the task. 2 is 4 are 6 is 8 is
• Elicit Ss’ guesses and play the recording.
• Ss listen and read the blog entries to find out 8 Designing a class magazine
which types of mass media Paul and Steve like and
why. • Explain the task and ask Ss to work in small groups
• Elicit answers from the class. and design a class magazine including all the
points listed and assigning roles for each section.
Answer Key
• Assign as a HW project and then ask various
Paul likes reading magazines. It helps him relax and find groups of Ss to present their section of the class
information. Steve likes the Internet because he can do magazine to the rest of the class.
anything online, from reading to shopping.
(Ss’ own answers)
9 Writing an email Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to write an email. Inside a theatre there are rows of seats. The seats are
• Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read out divided by an aisle. On the side there are boxes. In front
their emails to the class. of the rows is the orchestra and in front of the orchestra
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’ is the stage. There is a curtain that opens at the
answers in the next lesson. beginning of the show and closes at the end.
Suggested Answer Key
3 Introducing the topic of a text
Hi Peter!
through audio-visual cues
Great to hear from you! Hope you are OK.
My favourite magazine is about football. It’s called • Ask Ss to look at the picture in the text and then
Goal! It’s for anyone who is crazy about football. My play the recording. Ss listen to the sounds and
favourite section is the one with player profiles. What I look at the picture.
really like about it, though, is that it includes articles • Ask various Ss around the class to share their
about football in lots of different countries. answers with the rest of the class.
Do you go to football matches at all? I’m going to one • Encourage Ss to use their imaginations.
on Sunday! Suggested Answer Key
All the best, I am at a water puppet theatre somewhere in Asia. I
John can see an Asian temple, a girl puppet in the water and
some male puppets in a boat with a dragon’s head. I
2.5 – On stage feel happy and excited because I am about to watch a
water puppet performance.
1 a) Presenting vocabulary relating to the
4 Listening/reading for gist
• Ask Ss to read the words in the list and then
give them time to match them to the numbers • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text.
in the picture. • Then elicit how the theatre in the text is different
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. to an ordinary theatre from various Ss around the
Answer Key
1 curtain 4 stage 7 row Suggested Answer Key
2 seat 5 orchestra The theatre in the text differs from an ordinary theatre
3 box 6 aisle because the stage is in a pool of water and the show is
with puppets instead of actors.
b) Confirming information and
presenting vocabulary 5 Reading comprehension
• Play the recording for Ss to check their • Give Ss time to answer the questions referring to
answers. the text as necessary.
• Then play the recording again with pauses for • Elicit answers from various Ss around the class.
Ss to repeat chorally and/or individually. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. 1 Because there is water on the stage.
2 Because the strings are under the water.
2 Describing a theatre; practising new • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
vocabulary in the Check these words box.
Ask various Ss to use the words in Ex. 1a to describe • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
the inside of a theatre, following the example.

5 That would be fine.
Background information 6 How much do the tickets cost?
Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam and the country's
second most populous city with around 7.7 million 9 Roleplaying a dialogue
people. The city lies on the right bank of the Red River.
Vietnam is the easternmost country on the Indochina • Ask Ss to look at the advert in Ex. 7 again and
Peninsula in Southeast Asia. It has a population of explain the situation. Ask Ss to take roles and act
around 97.3 million people. Vietnam’s neighbours are out a dialogue similar to the one in Ex. 8 using
China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, the Philippines, language from the Functions box.
Malaysia and Indonesia. Its capital city is Hanoi and Ho • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
Chi Minh City is the most populous city. some Ss to act out their dialogue in front of the
6 Expressing an opinion Suggested Answer Key
A: Hello. The Unicorn Theatre. How can I help you?
• Give Ss time to consider their answers and then
B: Hi. I’d like two tickets for ‘The Tempest’, please.
tell their partners.
A: OK. When for?
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class.
B: This Saturday at 8 pm.
Suggested Answer Key A: I’m sorry but it’s sold out for 8 pm. Would you be
I think an evening in this theatre would be very special. interested in the 2:30 pm show?
Telling a story with songs is interesting and the B: That sounds OK. How much are the tickets?
traditional music sounds nice. I think this would be a A: They’re £20 each.
great way to learn about Vietnamese culture and you B: Right, I’d like two, please.
might get a bit wet. A: Can I have your name, please?
B: Radka Matilova.
7 Listening for specific information A: Right, Ms Matilova. You can pick up your tickets at
• Ask Ss to read the gapped text and think about the box office half an hour before the show starts.
what information may be missing. B: Thank you very much.
• Then play the recording. A: Enjoy the show!
• Ss listen and fill the gaps.
• Check Ss’ answers. 10 Researching about performances in
Answer Key
1 Unicorn 4 2:30 Give Ss time to research online and collect
2 The Tempest 5 £12 information about performances someone can attend
3 William Shakespeare this month in London.
(Ss’ own answers)
8 Substituting functional language for
suitable alternatives 11 Presenting your ideal theatre
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the dialogue. • Ask Ss to work in small groups and discuss what
• Then ask Ss to look at the underlined phrases and their ideal theatre would be like covering all the
select suitable alternatives from the Functions box. points provided.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class • Then ask various groups of Ss to tell the rest of the
Suggested Answer Key class about their ideal theatre.
1 How can I be of help? Suggested Answer Key
2 I want to book two tickets for… Our ideal theatre is one we start ourselves in our school.
3 I’m afraid there aren’t any left for… We call it The Students’ Theatre because the students
4 Would you be interested in the 9 pm show? run it. When it comes to shows, we vote to see what is

most popular among the students such as: physical 4 Consolidating comprehension of the text
theatre, musical theatre, comedy, drama and so on.
• Give Ss time to answer the questions in their
Any of the students can audition to act in the plays we
notebooks referring to the text as necessary.
put on. Our theatre has enough seats for all the
• Ask various Ss to share their answer with the class.
students and staff, as well as family and friends, so
about 500 seats. We do one show a month. Suggested Answer Key
1 A digital detox is not using electronic devices at all
2.6 – Digital detox for a short period of time.
2 Frankie mentions sleeping better at night and
1 Presenting technology icons concentrating more during the day as well as having
• Ask Ss to look at the icons and then ask them to more free time as benefits of doing a digital detox.
read the actions in the list. 3 Susan argues that a digital detox means she has to
• Elicit from various Ss which icons they should tap spend a lot of time in the library and she can’t find
for each action in the list. up-to-date information.
Suggested Answer Key • Elicit explanations of the words in the Check these
You should tap the messages icon to send a text. words box.
You should tap the Internet icon to go online.
crazy about: to be very interested in sth
You should tap the video icon to watch a video.
addicted to: to be attached to sth, unable to stop
You should tap the radio icon to listen to the radio.
nuts about: to be very enthusiastic about sth
You should tap the GPS icon to get directions.
update: to give sb more recent information
You should tap the camera icon to take a photo.
stare at: to look at sth for a long time
You should tap the QWERTY keyboard icon to type
digital detox: when you stop using modern technology
questions into a search engine.
for a while
You should tap the email icon to write an email.
turn off: to close sth
You should tap the download icon to save a picture
concentrate: to focus
from the Internet to your phone.
time-consuming: it takes a long time
You should tap the settings icon to change your ringtone.
up-to-date: recent

2 Talking about gadgets • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
Read out the rubric and the example and elicit
5 Talking about digital detox
answers from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key Explain the situation and ask Ss to discuss the question
in small groups and then ask various Ss to share their
I use my smartphone to send texts to my friends and
answers with the class.
download apps. I use my tablet to watch videos and surf
the Internet. Answer Key
A: I think it would be awful to be offline for a whole
3 Listening/reading for gist week. I’m a real Internet addict! I’d really miss it.
B: Oh, come on. It wouldn’t be that bad. Just think of all
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text and the things you could get done that you don’t
then elicit an answer to the question. normally have time for because you’re too busy
• Check Ss’ answers. surfing the Net.
Answer Key C: Yes, but if I were offline for a week, how would I
Tara is planning to go on a digital detox and turn off contact my friends? I’d never be able to arrange to
her smartphone and tablet for a week. meet up with them.
A: That’s not quite true. You have a home telephone,
don’t you? You could ring them on the landline.

B: For me, not having Internet access would be difficult 9 Creating a technology alphabet
because I rely on the Internet a lot to do my
homework and other school projects. • Ask Ss to work in small groups and think of five
C: Well, apart from the problem of keeping in touch other technology icons that they can add to the
with my friends, I don’t think I would mind. I think it technology alphabet.
would feel rather peaceful and I’d probably sleep • Ask various Ss around the class to share their
better at night, too! I wouldn’t have my phone answers with the rest of the class.
buzzing in the middle of the night! Suggested Answer Key

6 a) Presenting prepositional phrases

• Ask Ss to read the questions and complete
them with the prepositions in the list.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Anti-virus My Files Browser
Answer Key
1 about 3 about 5 on
2 to 4 at 6 at

b) Practising prepositional
phrases; expressing opinions Games Planner
• Discuss the question in the rubric. An antivirus app can keep my phone free of viruses.
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the I can keep my files in a folder on my home screen to find
class. them easily. I can use my favourite Internet browser if
Suggested Answer Key I have the icon on my home screen. I can access all my
A: I think that technology has changed our lives for games with one tap and I can see my schedule for the
better and for worse. I think we all use our electronic week or month with the planner icon.
devices far too much and have become too CLIL (Literature)
dependent on them, but it is great to get up-to-date
information quickly and easily. 1 Introducing the topic
B: I agree. I think technology makes us a bit anti-social,
too. We socialise less in the real world. Ask Ss to read the definitions and then elicit examples
C: I think people make too much fuss about being of tragedies and comedies from Ss around the class.
addicted to electronic devices. I don't think it makes Suggested Answer Key
that much difference. etc Tragedies: ‘Wuthering Heights’ by Emily Bronte, ‘Tess
of the D’Urbervilles’ by Thomas Hardy, ‘The Picture of
7 Presenting and practising phrasal verbs Dorian Gray’ by Oscar Wilde
with check Comedies: ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ by Oscar
• Ask Ss to read the box and then complete the Wilde, ‘Right Ho, Jeeves’ by PG Wodehouse, ‘Lucky Jim’
sentences with the correct particle. by Kingsley Amis
• Check Ss’ answers.
Background information
Answer Key
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was a poet,
1 out 2 up on 3 in 4 out playwright and actor. He is said to be the greatest
dramatist in the world and the best writer in the
8 Pronouncing /U/, /j/ English language. His works include 38 plays and 154
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat sonnets and much more. Some of his plays are Hamlet,
chorally and/or individually. A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice,
Othello and Romeo and Juliet.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
2 Reading for gist • Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to read the outlines and then decide Answer Key
in pairs whether each one is a comedy or a 1 science fiction 3 adventure 5 mystery
tragedy. 2 horror 4 biography
• Ask various pairs of Ss to tell the class and give
their reasons. 3 Consolidating vocabulary from the
Answer Key module
I think 'Hamlet' is a tragedy because it mentions death • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
and murder and these are dark topics. • Check Ss' answers.
I think 'As You Like It' is a comedy because dressing up is Answer Key
1 orchestra 3 aisle 5 row
I think 'Romeo and Juliet' is a tragedy because it is about
2 stage 4 box
love and hate.
• Play the video and elicit Ss’ comments. 4 Consolidating vocabulary from the
3 Developing creative thinking • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Give Ss time to think about the play and how they • Check Ss' answers.
would put it on stage. Answer Key
• Ask various Ss to tell the class. 1 D 2 C 3 E 4 A 5 B
(Ss’ own answers)
5 Consolidating grammar from the module
4 ICT Writing about books by Romanian • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
authors • Check Ss' answers.
• Give Ss time to research online and collect Answer Key
information about Romanian authors and their books. 1 is playing 4 opens
• Then ask various Ss to present their information to 2 Do they live 5 are you waiting
the class. 3 isn’t going
(Ss’ own answers)
6 Consolidating grammar from the module
Self-Check Test 2 • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
1 Consolidating vocabulary from the
Answer Key
1 phones 4 buses 7 boys
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. 2 leaves 5 berries 8 aircraft
• Check Ss' answers. 3 mice 6 teeth 9 children
Answer Key
1 piano 3 violin 5 saxophone 7 Consolidating grammar from the module
2 flute 4 accordion
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
2 Consolidating vocabulary from the
Answer Key
1 is 2 are 3 is 4 are
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.

8 Consolidating everyday English from the
module Idris Elba is an English actor, producer, musician and
DJ. He is best known for playing DCI John Luther on
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. the BBC One series Luther as well as Stringer Bell in
• Check Ss' answers. the HBO series The Wire, and Nelson Mandela in the
Answer Key biographical film Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom
(2013). He has been nominated four times for a
1 b 2 a 3 a
Golden Globe Award for Best Actor – Miniseries or
Television Film, winning one, and was nominated five
9 Reading for specific information times for a Primetime Emmy Award.
• Give Ss time to read the gapped fact file and then
ask them to read the text and then complete it.
10 Listening for specific information
• Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key • Ask Ss to read the gapped text.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and fill the gaps
1 The Jungle Book 4 Shere Khan
according to what they hear.
2 Fantasy adventure 5 Neel Sethi
• Check Ss' answers.
3 Jon Favreau
Answer Key
1 Culture 3 7:30 5 2387 912
Background information
2 June 4 25
Jon Favreau is an American actor and filmmaker. As
an actor, he is best known as Happy Hogan in the Iron
Man films. He has directed the films Elf (2003), 11 Writing an email
Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005), Iron Man (2008), • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Iron Man 2 (2010), Cowboys & Aliens (2011), and The • Check Ss’ answers.
Jungle Book (2016), and served as an executive
producer on The Avengers (2012), Iron Man 3 (2013), Suggested Answer Key
and Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015). Hi Jane,
Neel Sethi is a young American actor. The Jungle Book How’s things? Do you fancy going to see Bastille live in
was his first film. He was chosen for the role of Mowgli concert at the National Palace of Culture with me on
from thousands who auditioned around the world. Also, 15th or 16th June?
he is the only human character in the film with everyone The show starts at 8 pm, but the doors open at 7:30 pm.
else providing voices for the animal characters. The support act is Grizfolk. The tickets cost £25-65. I
Bill Murray is an American actor, comedian and writer. think it sounds good. What do you think? Let me know.
He first gained exposure on Saturday Night Live, and
later starred in comedy films – including Meatballs
(1979), Caddyshack (1980), Stripes (1981), Tootsie
(1982), Ghostbusters (1984), Scrooged (1988), and Competences
Groundhog Day (1993). In his career, he has earned Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the module by
two Emmy Awards, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA ticking the items according to how competent they feel for
Award for Best Actor, as well as many nominations. each of the listed activities.

3 My future job

Topic 3.4 Future careers 48-49

In this module Ss will learn about jobs & characteristics, Lesson Objectives: Learning about careers, talking about
volunteering & travelling and future careers. They will learn, jobs, reading for gist, reading for cohesion & coherence,
will – be going to, question words, prepositions, present learning present continuous/present simple (future meaning),
continuous (future meaning), present simple (future role playing an interview, writing about themselves in 10 years
meaning), time clauses and phrasal verbs with bring. They Vocabulary: Careers (vet, newsreader, tutor, firefighter,
will express desires & preferences and discuss jobs and police officer, plumber, surgeon, chef, receptionist, lawyer,
preferences, they will act out a job interview, they will hairdresser, electrician); Verbs (download, rent, queue up);
express an opinion, make assessments and draw conclusions, nouns (success, app); Phrases (pass time, take a break)
plan mutual activities and express approval/disapproval.
They will write an email about a job, fill in an application 3.5 Helping hands 50-51
form, write a CV, write about themselves in 10 years, write a Lesson Objectives: Learning about volunteer jobs, reading
blog post about a volunteer job and write a blog comment for gist, reading for specific information, learning
about future predictions and a text about public holiday. prepositional phrases, learning questions in the future simple
Module page 41 or be going to, learning phrasal verbs with bring, making
assessments & drawing conclusions, writing a blog post
Lesson Objectives: Learning jobs & qualities, expressing Vocabulary: Volunteer jobs (construction worker, English
desires and preferences teacher, sports camp supervisor, underwater researcher,
Vocabulary: Jobs (circus acrobat, cruise ship entertainers, wildlife conservationist, medical volunteer); Verb (protect);
snake milker, stuntman, dog trainer) Noun (creature); Adjective (fascinating); Phrases (in danger,
get fit, stay out of trouble)
3.1 A hard day’s work 42-43
3.6 Education 52-53
Lesson Objectives: Learning about careers at sea, reading
for gist, reading for specific information, learning words Lesson Objectives: Learning about stages of life, reading
easily confused (work-job), roleplaying an interview, writing for gist, reading comprehension, learning adverbs of
an email describing a job probability/possibility, talking about activities for a careers
Vocabulary: Careers at sea (marine biologist, captain, day, listening for key information, writing a comment on a
oceanographer, underwater photographer, marine archaeologist); blog
Verbs (create, erupt, sculpt, twist, cool, destroy, share); Phrasal Vocabulary: Stages of life (start school, go to university,
Verb (pour out); Nouns (sculpture, volcano, ocean floor, fishing move out, get a job, buy a motorcycle/car, rent a flat, start my
hook, welding gloves, risk); Adjectives (professional, award- own business, buy a house, have a family); Nouns
winning); Adverb (constantly) (responsibility, studies, licence); Adverb (instead); Phrase
(wish me luck)
3.2 A job for me 44-45
Culture Corner 54
Lesson Objectives: Learning about part-time jobs, reading
for gist, reading for specific information, learning will – be Lesson Objectives: Reading for gist, reading for key
going to, listening for specific information, expressing an information, presenting May Day, writing about a public
opinion, writing a comment on a forum holiday in Romania
Vocabulary: Part-time jobs (pizza delivery boy, car park
attendant, fast food server, dog walker, babysitter, Self-Check Test 3 55-56
supermarket assistant); Verb (expect); Nouns (skills, wages,
cash); Phrase (go travelling)
3.3 Job interviews 46-47
Lesson Objectives: Reading for gist, reading for specific
information, learning question words, acting out an
interview, expressing approval/disapproval, listening for
specific information, pronouncing /eI /, /œ /, writing a CV

What’s in this module? 3.1 – A hard day’s work
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss that 1 Presenting vocabulary for careers at sea
these are the topics, skills and activities this module will cover.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
1 Presenting vocabulary for jobs
chorally and/or individually.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/or individually. 2 Matching descriptions to jobs
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Explain the task and read out the example.
• Ask Ss to read the descriptions and complete the
2 Presenting and practising vocabulary for task.
jobs & qualities • Elicit answers from the class.
• Explain the task and read the example. Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the qualities and match them to the 2 He’s a captain.
jobs and then make sentences following the 3 He’s an underwater photographer.
example. 4 She’s a marine archaeologist.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 5 He’s a marine biologist.
Answer Key
1 A 2 E 3 D 4 C 5 B 3 Reading for gist
Suggested Answer Key • Ask various Ss to describe the picture in the text
Cruise ship entertainers need to be funny because they and elicit their guesses as to the person’s job.
make people laugh. • Then play the recording. Ss listen and read the
Snake milkers need to be careful because they work text to find out.
with poisonous snakes. Suggested Answer Key
Stuntmen need to be fit because they do risky stunts.
The picture shows an underwater scene in the sea.
Dog trainers need to be patient because they train
There is a man using scuba equipment. He is near hot
lava which is coming from the sea floor and he is
wearing welding gloves and holding a fishing hook. I’m
3 Expressing desires & preferences not sure what his job is. Maybe he is an oceanographer
• Explain the task and read out the example. and he is studying how the volcano affects the ocean.
• Ask Ss to talk in pairs about their job desires and Suggested Answer Key
preferences following the example. The man is a professional diver and an underwater
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask artist who makes sculptures from lava.
various Ss to share their answers with the class.
Suggested Answer Key 4 Reading for specific information
I’d like to work as a circus acrobat because I like the
• Ask Ss to read the statements and give them time
idea of performing dangerous acts high up. I wouldn’t
to read the text again and mark them accordingly.
like to be a cruise ship entertainer because I don’t like
• Check Ss’ answers.
the idea of making people laugh.
Answer Key
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at
1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F
the end.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
in the Check these words box.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at
the end.
b) Imagining a new job
Background information
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and use their
Hawaii is the 50th state of the USA and it is an
imaginations to think of a new job that doesn’t
archipelago of hundreds of islands in the Pacific
Ocean spread over 2,400 km. The biggest island is
• Then ask various Ss to share their answers with
also called Hawaii. It a popular destination for tourists,
the class.
surfers, biologists, and volcanologists.
Kilauea is an active volcano in the Hawaiian Islands on Suggested Answer Key
the southern shore of Hawaii. It is between 300,000 A robot specialist. This is someone who looks after
and 600,000 years old. robots and repairs them when they break down.

7 Learning about words easily confused

5 a) Consolidating new vocabulary (work-job)
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
referring to the text if necessary. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 job 2 work 3 job, work 4 job
1 diving 3 red-hot 5 fishing
2 amazing 4 ocean 6 professional
8 Role playing an interview
b) Practising new vocabulary • Explain the task.
• Then give Ss time to take roles and role play an
• Give Ss time to make sentences using the interview in pairs following the example.
collocations in Ex. 5a. • Monitor the activity around the class and have Ss
• Then elicit answers from Ss around the class. exchange roles.
Suggested Answer Key • Then ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in
1 Bud takes people on diving tours in Hawaii. front of the class.
2 Bud’s lava sculptures are an amazing sight. Suggested Answer Key
3 He uses red-hot lava to make sculptures. ...
4 Near Kilauea volcano, lava comes up from the ocean B: In Hawaii.
floor. A: What do you do at work?
5 Bud uses a fishing hook to open lava tubes. B: I’m a professional diver. I take people on diving
6 Bud is a professional diver. tours to see lava from Kilauea volcano erupting
through the ocean floor. I’m also an artist and I
6 a) Consolidating information in a create sculptures from red-hot lava.
text A: What do people call you?
• Read out the question and have Ss discuss B: Lava Man.
their answers in pairs. A: How do you create the sculptures?
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class. B: I use a fishing hook to open lava tubes so the lava
can pour out, then I make it into different shapes.
Suggested Answer Key
A: Do you use special equipment?
Bud and Doug think their jobs are worth the risk B: I wear welding gloves so the lava doesn’t burn me.
because, by creating and photographing Bud’s lava A: Do you work alone?
sculptures, they can show everyone how beautiful B: No. My partner is the award-winning underwater
nature is. photographer, Doug Perrine. He takes pictures of
my sculptures.

A: What happens when the lava cools down? 6 I think the job of car park attendant is ideal for
B: When the lava cools it destroys the sculptures. someone who is calm and likes working outside.
A: Is it dangerous work?
B: Yes, it is, but we love it. 3 Reading for gist
• Direct Ss’ attention to the text. Read out the task.
9 Writing an email describing what you do • Play the recording and ask Ss to read through the
and see forum quickly and then elicit what job each
• Explain the task and tell Ss they are writing in the person intends to do.
voice of Doug Perrine. Answer Key
• Give Ss time to complete the task in class or assign Jen – sales assistant
as HW. Mark – dog walker
• Ask various Ss to read out their emails. Peter – sales assistant
Suggested Answer Key
Hi Craig, 4 Reading for specific information
How’s things? I’m on a diving trip with Bud Turpin, in
• Give Ss time to read the text again and then read
Hawaii. He’s a professional diver and an artist. He
the statements and mark them accordingly.
creates sculptures from red-hot lava over 40 metres
• Check Ss’ answers.
underwater. He uses a fishing hook to open lava tubes
and makes the lava into different shapes. I dive with him Answer Key
to take photos with my special camera before the lava 1 T 2 F 3 NS 4 T
cools and destroys the shapes he makes. It’s dangerous
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
work, but I love it. Check out the website!
in the Check these words box.

3.2 – A job for me 5 Expressing preference

Read out the question. Give Ss time to consider their
1 Presenting vocabulary for part-time jobs answers and then elicit answers from Ss around the
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. class.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat Suggested Answer Key
chorally and/or individually. I would prefer Mark’s job because I love animals.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
6 Learning/revising will – be going to
2 Practising vocabulary for part-time jobs
• Ask Ss to read the theory and explain any points
• Explain the task and read out the example. they are unsure of.
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and give them time • Then elicit examples in the forum.
to complete the task following the example.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Answer Key
Examples: Are you going to work...? What are you
Suggested Answer Key
going to do? I’m going to work, it’ll be hard work, I’ll
2 I think the job of pizza delivery boy is ideal for learn some new skills, I’m going to save, It’s going to be,
someone who works quickly and has a car or a bike. I’m going to earn, I’m going to get fit, it won’t rain, I’m
3 I think the job of dog walker is ideal for someone going to ask, I’ll go
who is fit and likes animals.
4 I think the job of fast food server is ideal for someone
who is helpful and likes working under pressure. 7 Practising will – be going to
5 I think the job of supermarket assistant is ideal for • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
someone who likes variety and can work shifts. • Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key 2 Reading for specific information
1 Are you going to apply, won’t ask • Ask Ss to read the questions (1-3) and then give
2 am going to look after them time to read the adverts again and answer
3 won’t be, is going to work them.
4 are not going to go, are going to help • Check Ss’ answers.
5 will need, is going to put
Answer Key
1 C 2 B 3 A
8 Listening for specific information
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the 3 Expressing a job preference
gapped job descriptions.
• Then play the recording. Ss listen and complete Read out the question and give Ss time to consider
the gaps. their answers and then elicit answers from Ss around
• Check Ss’ answers. the class.
Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 sales assistant(s) 5 Marco’s restaurant I would choose the cashier job because it is part-time
2 1 pm 6 midnight and I am friendly and hard-working and I like meeting
3 polite 7 shops people.
4 3645 8 Mill
4 a) Learning/Revising question words
9 Expressing opinions on jobs Read out the box and then give Ss time to read
Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss the dialogue and complete the gaps with the
around the class using the useful phrases provided. correct question words.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
I think that a job as a babysitter would be ideal for me 1 What 4 Where 7 When
because I love working with children. I don’t think I 2 What 5 What
would be good as a fast food server because I don’t like 3 How old 6 Which
working under pressure.
b) Listening for confirmation and gist
10 Writing a comment on a forum Play the recording. Ss listen and check their
Give Ss time to complete the task and then ask various answers to Ex. 4a. then elicit which of the adverts
Ss to read out their comments to the class. in Ex. 1 the dialogue is about.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
mihaela@peterpiper: I’m Mihaela and I’m going to A – the sales assistant
work as a babysitter this summer. My neighbour wants
someone to look after her children while she is at work so 5 Completing notes
I’m going to do it. I know I’m going to enjoy it because • Give Ss time to read the completed dialogue and
they are great kids and I love working with children! then complete the notes.
• Check Ss’ answers.
3.3 – Job interviews
Answer Key
1 Reading for gist 1 Lucy Stevens
Give Ss time to read the adverts quickly and elicit 2 Student
what job each one is for. 3 16
4 27 North Road
Answer Key 5 07938592748
A sales assistant B cashier C gardener 6 friendly, hard-working and enthusiastic
38 7 afternoon
6 Role playing a dialogue 8 a) Preparing for a listening task
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and choose one of the • Ask Ss to look at the CV and think about what
adverts in Ex. 1 and take roles and act out a information is missing and what part of speech it
dialogue of an interview similar to the one in Ex. is.
4a. Monitor the activity around the class and have • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Ss swap roles. Answer Key
• Ask some pairs to act out their dialogues in front 1 noun/surname 4 number/phone number
of the class and record them. 2 noun/town 5 noun/ type of job
Suggested Answer Key 3 number/date
A: Hello and welcome to our store. Come in and sit
down. b) Listening for specific information
B: Thank you. • Play the recording. Ss listen and fill the gaps.
A: What’s your full name? • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
B: Alina Dalca.
A: What do you do, Alina? Answer Key
B: I’m a student. 1 Evans 3 15 5 marketing
A: How old are you? 2 Brighton 4 07555387259
B: I’m 16.
A: Where do you live? 9 Pronouncing /eI/, /œ/
B: At 42 Lipscani Street. • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
A: What’s your phone number? chorally and/or individually.
B: 359 2471 0942. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
A: Do you think you have the right qualities for this job?
B: I do. I’m friendly, hard-working and enthusiastic.
10 Writing a CV
A: It’s good to hear your enthusiasm! When can you
start? • Give Ss time to complete it in class.
B: Next Saturday. • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and then ask
A: OK. There are a number of other candidates, but I'll various Ss to read out their CVs to the class.
call you tomorrow and let you know our decision. Suggested Answer Key
B: Thank you for your time. I’m looking forward to Name/Surname: Nicolae Ungur
hearing from you. Address: 163 George Georgescu, Bucharest
Date of birth: 03/09/03
7 Expressing approval/disapproval Tel: 359 88 866 4211
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the Mobile: 3433 878 7845
example and the useful language in the Functions EDUCATION
box. Qualifications: High School Diploma from Jean Monet
• Have Ss work in pairs and take turns expressing High School
approval/disapproval for the situations provided
following the example and using the useful language. WORK EXPERIENCE
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class. KFC fast food restaurant, Regina Elisabeta Street,
Suggested Answer Key Position: Part-time fast food server
A: I disapprove of teens working at night.
B: Personally, I think it’s worth it as long as it’s not too PERSONAL QUALITIES
late. hard-working, reliable, polite, friendly

A: I’m totally against low wages for teens.

B: Me, too.
3.4 – Future careers work under pressure. They wear a uniform. They earn
an average salary.
1 Presenting vocabulary for careers Plumbers work indoors. They work full-time, long hours
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat and at the weekends. They sometimes work under
chorally and/or individually. pressure. They wear special clothes. They earn an
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. average salary.
Surgeons work indoors. They work shifts and long
2 Presenting and practising vocabulary for hours. They wear special clothing. They earn a high
work responsibilities salary.
Chefs work indoors. They work long hours and under
• Explain the task and read the example. pressure. They earn an average salary.
• Ask Ss to read the qualities and match them to the Receptionists work part-time, full-time or 9-5. They work
jobs and then make sentences following the under pressure. They don’t wear a uniform. They earn a
example. low salary.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Lawyers work indoors. They work full-time and under
Suggested Answer Key pressure with a team. They earn a high salary.
A newsreader reads the news on TV or the radio. Hairdressers work indoors. They work long hours and at
A tutor gives private lessons. weekends. They usually work with a team. They wear a
A firefighter puts out fires. uniform. They earn a low salary.
A police officer makes sure people obey the law. Electricians work indoors or outdoors. They work full-
A plumber fixes broken water pipes. time and at the weekends. They sometimes work under
A surgeon performs operations. pressure. They wear special clothing. They earn an
A chef cooks delicious food. average salary.
A receptionist receives calls and welcomes visitors.
A lawyer advises people on the law. 4 Introducing the topic; reading for specific
A hairdresser cuts and styles people’s hair. information
An electrician fixes electrical problems.
• Ask Ss to read the title and look at the picture and
guess what Ben Pasternak does for a living.
3 Presenting and practising vocabulary • Then elicit questions from Ss around the class and
relating to work write three of them on the board.
• Explain the task and read the example. • Give Ss time to read the text and see if the
• Ask Ss to read the phrases and then make questions are answered.
sentences following the example. • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key Ben Pasternak designs mobile phone apps for a living.
Newsreaders work indoors. They work long hours. They What job do you do? (He designs smartphone apps.)
don’t wear a uniform. They usually earn a high salary. How much do you earn? (not answered – probably a lot
Tutors work indoors. They usually work part-time and judging on his lifestyle)
at the weekends. They can usually work at their own How many hours do you work? (not answered)
pace. They don’t wear a uniform. They earn a low
salary. 5 Reading for cohesion & coherence
Firefighters work outdoors. They work shifts and
• Ask Ss to read the sentences (A-E) and then give
overtime and at the weekends. They work with a team.
them time to read the text again and fill the gaps
They wear special clothing. They usually earn an
with the missing sentences.
average salary.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Police officers work indoors and outdoors. they work
shifts and overtime and at the weekend. They often

Answer Key 9 Talking about future plans and intentions
1 B 2 E 3 A 4 C Ask Ss to tell their partner about their future plans
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words and intentions using the correct verb forms and
in the Check these words box. then ask various Ss to tell the class.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at (Ss’ own answers)
the end.
10 Writing about future plans
6 Consolidating information in a
text; developing critical thinking skills • Ask Ss to think of themselves in 10 years’ time and
then give them time to prepare a collage/drawing.
• Read out the question, play the recording and • Invite various Ss to present their collage/drawing
give Ss time to consider their answers. to the rest of the class.
• Then ask various Ss around the class to share their
answers with the rest of the class. (Ss’ own answers)
Suggested Answer Key
3.5 – Helping hands
Ben’s job is special because he is a teenage businessman.
He earns a living doing something he enjoys. He makes 1 Presenting vocabulary for volunteer jobs
a lot of money and he finds his job exciting.
Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the poster, read the
list of jobs, and say which ones they can see in the
Background information photos.
Sydney, Australia is the largest city in the country, but Answer Key
not the capital. It is a top financial and business centre wildlife conservationist, construction worker, English
and is home to the famous Sydney Opera House. teacher, underwater researcher
New York is the most populous city in the USA with over
8.6 million people. It is also a popular tourist destination
and around 47 million visitors visit every year. 2 Expressing preference for volunteer jobs
Read out the question and elicit answers from various
Ss around the class using the useful phrase provided.
7 Learning/Revising present continuous/ Suggested Answer Key
present simple (future meaning) I would like to work as a wildlife conservationist because
Give Ss time to read the theory and explain any points I love animals and I care about the environment.
they are unsure of.
3 Reading for gist
8 Practising will-be going to – present Give Ss time to read through the blog entries and
continuous/present simple (future meaning) then elicit which jobs from Ex. 1 each person will do.
Give Ss time to complete the gaps with the correct Suggested Answer Key
verb forms and then check their answers. John – underwater researcher
Answer Key Karen – sports camp supervisor
1 is going to run out, ’ll/will find Matt – wildlife conservationist
2 Are you going to go, starts
3 Is your brother going to be, will/’ll take 4 Reading for specific information
4 am meeting, will/’ll earn
• Ask Ss to read the statements (1-5) and then give
5 will/’ll make, are going to release
them time to read the text again and mark them
6 is not going to apply, will become
• Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key
1 T 2 F 3 F 4 NS 5 T Background information
Thailand is an Asian country in Southeast Asia. The
capital city is Bangkok and the population is 69 million
Background information people. The language is Thai and the currency is the
Madagascar is an island country in the Indian Ocean, Baht. It is known for its natural beauty, its many
off the coast of East Africa. The country is the fourth- historical sites and its cuisine.
largest island in the world. It is a biodiversity hotspot; Koh Phangan is an island in the Gulf of Thailand in
over 90% of its wildlife is found nowhere else on southeast Thailand in Surat Thani Province. Ko
Earth. The capital and largest city is Antananarivo. Phangan has two sister islands: the larger Ko Samui to
South Africa is the southernmost country in Africa. It the south and the smaller Ko Tao to the north.
has got three capital cities. Pretoria is the
administrative capital and national capital, Cape Town
7 Learning and practising questions in the
is the legislative capital and Bloemfontein is the judicial
future simple or be going to
capital. The largest city, though, is Johannesburg. The
population is around 53 million people. • Explain the task and read out the example.
Greece is in southern Europe. The capital city is • Give Ss time to complete the task in pairs asking
Athens and the population is around 11 million and answering the questions.
people. It is the birthplace of democracy, Western • Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class.
philosophy, the Olympic Games, Western literature, Answer Key
political science, major scientific and mathematical 2 A: Will Jason get the job?
principles, and Western drama. B: Yes, he will.
3 A: Are they going to volunteer in Africa?
B: Yes, they are.
5 Developing critical thinking skills
4 A: Who is going to come with us?
Read out the question and give Ss time to consider B: Tony and his sister.
their answers. Then ask various Ss to share their 5 A: Will we be back by 6 o’clock?
answers with the class. B: No, we won’t.
Suggested Answer Key
Volunteers can benefit from their work because they 8 Presenting and practising phrasal verbs
can learn a new skill. They can also meet new people with bring
and they can help other people and the environment. • Ask Ss to read the box and then complete the
sentences with the correct particle.
6 Presenting and practising prepositional • Check Ss’ answers.
phrases Answer Key
• Give Ss time to read the text and then fill the gaps 1 out 2 up 3 about 4 out
with the prepositions in the list.
• Elicit answers from various Ss around the class. 9 Making assessments and drawing conclusions
Answer Key • Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the
1 in 3 of 5 with example.
2 at 4 for 6 on • Then give Ss time to work in pairs and act out
similar dialogues using the useful language in the
Functions box.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
some pairs of Ss to act out their dialogues in front
of the class.

Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
A: I think being a wildlife conservationist worker would Kevin doesn’t think he will start a business.
be a good summer job for someone who wants to Maria doesn’t think she will buy a car.
be a vet one day. Alan doesn’t think he will go to university.
B: Personally, I’d like to volunteer as a wildlife
conservationist because I like animals and I want to 4 Reading comprehension
help the environment.
• Ask Ss to read the questions (1-4).
A: I think being an English teacher is a good summer • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the blog
job for someone who likes children. again and complete the task.
B: I think it would be a good choice for me then as I like • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
children. Answer Key
1 Maria 2 Alan 3 Kevin 4 Maria
10 Writing a blog post
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. in the Check these words box.
• Then ask various Ss to read out the blog post to
the class.
5 Talking about one’s future job
Suggested Answer Key
Read out the questions and give Ss time to consider their
answers and then elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Hey guys! Guess what! I’m going to volunteer at a local
nursery school this summer. I’m going to teach English to Suggested Answer Key
young children. I’m going to play games with them and I think my future job will be a nurse. I don’t think I’ll start
read stories to them. I think it will be fun. I can’t wait! What my own business because nurses don’t often do that. I
about you? What are you going to do this summer? think I’ll go to university and get a degree and then I’ll
work in a hospital.
3.6 – Education
6 Learning time clauses
1 Presenting vocabulary for stages of life
• Ask Ss to read the theory box and explain any
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
points Ss are unsure of.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
• Give Ss time to complete the task and check their
chorally and/or individually.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
Answer Key
2 Making predictions 1 will/’ll wait, gets 5 don’t know, will/’ll be
2 start, will/’ll try 6 rents, will/’ll buy
• Explain the task and read out the example. 3 will/’ll move, finishes 7 see
• Then ask various Ss around the class to make 4 will you buy
predictions about their lives in the future using
the phrases in Ex. 1 and following the example.
7 Planning mutual activities for a Careers Day
Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and discuss what
I think I’ll move out at 18. I think I’ll buy a car. I don’t
events they might do on a Careers Day.
think I’ll buy a house. I think I’ll rent a flat.
• Give them time to consider them and decide on
three of them and present them to the class.
3 Reading for gist
Suggested Answer Key
Ask Ss to scan the text quickly and then elicit what A: I think it’s a good idea to invite a speaker.
each person doesn’t think they will do in the future. B: Yes, but it’s probably a good idea to have more
than one speaker to tell us about different jobs.
C: Perhaps we could ask any parents who have 2 Reading for specific information
interesting jobs to come to the school and talk to us
• Ask Ss to read the sentence stems and then give
about them.
them time to read the text again and complete them.
A: We could possibly show videos of different jobs, too.
• Check Ss’ answers.
B: Yes, we should probably get some information
leaflets on university courses to hand out to students, Answer Key
too. 1 the first Monday of May
C: I think they are three great ideas. 2 some villages
3 the May Queen and the Green Man
For the Careers Day, we have decided to ask students’ 4 special dances
parents with interesting jobs to come to the school and
talk about their jobs. We also think it’s a good idea to Suggested Answer Key
show videos about other interesting jobs. Finally, we will traditional: belonging to the customs of a society for a
have various leaflets from different universities about long time
the courses available to hand out on the day. lead: to be in front of a group of people
costume: a set of special clothes worn to look like
someone/something else
8 Listening for key information
perform: to do an action
• Ask Ss to read the future plans. Then, play the holding: taking and keeping sth in your hands
recording. treats: biscuits or other items of sweet food
• Ss listen and match the speakers to their plans.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
in the Check these words box.
Answer Key
1 D 2 A 3 E 4 C
3 Presenting May Day

9 Writing a comment on a blog • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
• Ask Ss to copy the headings into their notebooks
• Explain the task and refer Ss to the Guided and make notes under them and then use their
Writing section for help with this task. notes to help them prepare a presentation.
• Give Ss time to complete it and then ask various Ss • Give Ss time to complete the task and then ask
to read their blog comment to the class. various Ss to give their presentation to the class.
Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
Sophia539_20:33 Name of festival/holiday: May Day
Hi, Kevin! Great blog! I think in the future I will be a Date: 1st Monday in May
nurse. As soon as I finish university, I will get my degree Why it is a special day: Spring festival
and then I hope I’ll work in a hospital. Activities: a May Queen and a Green Man lead the
parade, Morris Dancers with bells around their knees
Culture Corner and flowers on their hats, special dances, Maypole,
children dance around it holding ribbons, funfair with
1 Reading for gist rides, stalls selling sweet treats
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the title of On the first Monday in May, people in the UK celebrate
the text. Elicit Ss’ guesses as to what people May Day. This is a traditional spring festival. There is a
celebrate on this day. parade. May Queen and Green Man lead the parade.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read through the It also has Morris Dancers with bells around their knees
text to find out. and flowers on their hats. They perform a special
Answer Key dance. There is a Maypole and children dance around
People celebrate spring on May Day. it holding ribbons. There is often a funfair with rides as
well as stalls selling sweet treats.
4 ICT Writing a short text about a public Answer Key
holiday in Romania 1 volunteer 3 researcher 5 worker
• Explain the task and give Ss time to research online 2 conservationist 4 supervisor
and collect information about a public holiday in
Romania. Give Ss time to make notes under the 4 Consolidating vocabulary from the module
headings in Ex. 3 and then use their notes to write • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
a short text. • Check Ss' answers.
• Ask various Ss to read out the text to the class.
Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key 1 start 3 have 5 go
Name of festival/holiday: Women’s Day 2 buy 4 move
Date: 8th March
Why it is a special day: official celebration of women
5 Consolidating grammar from the module
Activities: a special meal with family or friends, give
flowers, cards, chocolate & other gifts to women, some • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
men do all chores, concerts and performances across • Check Ss’ answers.
country Answer Key
On March the 8th people in Romania celebrate 1 are going to volunteer 4 will get/’ll get
Women’s Day. People have a special meal with family 2 will stay/’ll stay 5 Are we going to close
or friends. People give flowers, cards, chocolate and 3 won’t work
other gifts to their mothers, wives, grandmothers, sisters
and daughters. Some men do all the household chores 6 Consolidating grammar from the module
so women can have a day of rest. Also, there are • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
various concerts and performances in honour of women • Check Ss’ answers.
across the country.
Answer Key
Self-Check Test 3 1 finishes 3 are leaving
2 are going, starts 4 will he be
1 Consolidating vocabulary from the module
7 Consolidating prepositional phrases from
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. the module
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers.
1 E 3 G 5 H 7 C
Answer Key
2 D 4 F 6 B 8 A
1 of 2 out 3 for
2 Consolidating vocabulary from the module
8 Consolidating everyday English from the
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. module
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers.
1 receptionist 3 plumber 5 chef
Answer Key
2 lawyer 4 surgeon
1 a 2 b
3 Consolidating vocabulary from the module
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.

9 Reading for specific information 11 Filling in an application form
• Give Ss time to read the statements (1-5) and then • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
ask them to read the text and then mark them • Check Ss' answers.
accordingly. Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers. 1 Daniela Albu
Answer Key 2 20/07/01
1 T 2 NS 3 F 4 F 5 F 3 Sales assistant
4 I am friendly, polite, hard-working and helpful.
Background information 5 I was a supermarket assistant at OK Market last
Tanzania is a country in eastern Africa. The summer.
population is around 55.5 million people. It borders 6 I would like to earn some extra money.
Kenya and Uganda to the north; Rwanda, Burundi, and
the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west; Competences
Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique to the south; and Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the module by
the Indian Ocean to the east. Mount Kilimanjaro,
ticking the items according to how competent they feel for
Africa's highest mountain, is in north-eastern Tanzania.
each of the listed activities.

10 Listening for specific information

• Ask Ss to read the gapped text.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and fill the gaps
according to what they hear.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 sales assistant 4 restaurant
2 6 pm 5 New
3 hard-working

4 Vacation & Travelling

Topic 4.4 Holiday trouble 64-65

In this module Ss will learn about places of entertainment, Lesson Objectives: Learning about holiday problems,
sights, food festival activities, means of transport, holiday reading for gist, reading comprehension, learning
problems and eco-living. They will learn a/an – the, there prepositions, learning/revising the past continuous, narrating
is/there are, there – this/these – that/those – some/any/no, the an experience, writing a comment on a blog
past simple, learn prepositions, the past continuous, phrasal Vocabulary: Holiday problems (miss a flight, get a flat tyre,
verbs with stand, compare the past simple and the past get food poisoning, get lost, get sunburnt, passport expires,
continuous, learn prepositions of movement/direction and lose luggage, have bad weather, spend all money); Noun
form adverbs. They will give an opinion, talk about a food (rest); Verb (share); Phrases (taxi ride, pour down, soaking
festival, narrate & describe a holiday experience and retell a wet, look on the bright side, full of life, stomach cramps, catch
story. They will write a summary, an article, a letter, a blog a flight)
comment, a podcast and a story.
4.5 Another way of life 66-67
Module page 57
Lesson Objectives: Learning about eco-living, reading for
Lesson Objectives: Learning about places of entertainment gist, reading for specific information, designing a floating
and getting an overview of the module village, learning phrasal verbs with stand, comparing the
Vocabulary: Places of entertainment (theatre, amusement past simple and the past continuous, preparing a podcast
park, concert hall, opera house, skating rink, waterpark) Vocabulary: Eco-living (They go fishing. They trade fish for
food. They collect rubbish from the sea. They live in houses
4.1 Travel ideas 58-59
floating on wooden rafts.); Noun (backpacker); Verbs
Lesson Objectives: Learning about sights, reading for gist, (preserve, succeed); Adverb (certainly); Phrases (jump at the
reading for key information, learning/revising a/an-the, chance, way of life, next stop)
talking about Singapore, writing a summary of a text
4.6 Travel stories 68-69
Vocabulary: Sights (a hotel with a rooftop pool, a giant Ferris
wheel, a fountain, beautiful gardens, crowded streets, busy Lesson Objectives: Reading for order of events, reading
shopping malls, night markets, a zoo); Nouns (city-state, comprehension, learning prepositions of movement/direction,
landmark, paradise, safari); Adjectives (must-see, breathtaking, forming adverbs, listening for specific information, writing a
trendy, top-class, air-conditioned, antique, narrow); Phrases (on story
the top of, come alive) Vocabulary: Nouns (wetsuit, surfboard, wave, shore); Verbs
(grab, reach, dig, kick, release, save); Phrasal verbs (put on,
4.2 Taste the world 60-61 look forward to, shoot out of, keep away); Adjectives (sharp,
Lesson Objectives: Learning about food festival activities, alive); Adverb (excitedly); Phrase (full recovery)
reading for specific information, reading for key
CLIL (Literacy) 70
information, learning there is/there are – some – any – no –
there – this/these – that/those, talking about a food festival, Lesson Objectives: Reading for gist, reading for specific
presenting the Mistura Food Fest, writing an article about a information, retelling a story, finding stories related to
food festival in Romania weather
Vocabulary: Food festival activities (try regional dishes, Vocabulary: Nouns (tribe, ancestor, spirit, warmth); Adjective
treat yourself to sweets, try different types of bread, take part (exhausted)
in a cookery contest); Nouns (passion, capital city, mixture,
highlight, cookery); Adjective (unique); Phrase (feast for the Self-Check Test 4 71-72
4.3 Exploring the world 62-63
Lesson Objectives: Learning about means of transport,
expressing preference, reading for gist, reading comprehension,
learning/revising the past simple, writing a letter while on

What’s in this module?
Sydney, Australia, is the largest city in the country,
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss that but not the capital. It is a top financial and business
these are the topics, skills and activities this module will cover. centre and is home to the famous Sydney Opera
1 Presenting vocabulary for places of London is the capital city of England and the UK. It is a
entertainment leading financial centre as well as a cultural centre and
• Go through the vocabulary in the list and explain/ a popular tourist destination. It has a population of
elicit the meanings of any unknown words. 9 million people.
• Then ask Ss to look at the pictures and complete Ottawa is the capital city of Canada. It is in Ontario.
the gaps in the sentences for each one. The population is around 965,000 in the city and 1,3
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. million in the surrounding area. It is home to a number
of universities and cultural institutions and numerous
Answer Key
national museums.
1 Waterpark 4 Theatre Ohio is a Midwestern state in the USA. Ohio is the 7th
2 Concert Hall 5 Skating Rink most populous of the 50 United States. The state’s
3 Opera House 6 Amusement Park capital and largest city is Columbus.
2 Forming sentences with relative clauses;
practising new vocabulary 4.1 – Travel ideas
• Explain the task and read out the example. 1 Presenting vocabulary relating to
• Then elicit similar sentences for the remaining Singapore
pictures from Ss around the class.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
Suggested Answer Key
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
Walt Disney Concert Hall is a concert hall in Los Angeles, chorally and/ or individually.
USA where people can attend classical concerts. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
Sydney Opera House is an opera house in Sydney, • Ask Ss to close their books and then elicit how
Australia where people can see performances. many sights they can remember.
Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre is a theatre in London, UK
where people can watch plays. (Ss’ own answers)
Rideau Canal Skating Rink is an ice rink in Ottawa,
Canada where people can ice skate. 2 Listening/reading for gist
Cedar Point Amusement Park is an amusement park in • Ask Ss to look at the pictures and guess what
Ohio, USA where people can go on rides. makes Singapore an exciting destination.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
the end. find out.
• Then elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Background information Suggested Answer Key
Alberta is a western province of Canada. Its There is a lot to see and do, there are lots of shops and
population is around 4 million people. The capital city there is exciting nightlife in Singapore.
is Edmonton, but the largest city is Calgary.
Los Angeles is the largest city in California in the USA. 3 Reading for key information
The population is 3.8 million people in the city and
• Ask Ss to read the text again and then read the
around 13 million people in the region. It is a centre for
questions and answer them in their notebooks.
business, trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion,
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
sports and technology. It is also home to Hollywood
where many films and TV programmes are produced.

Answer Key 6 Practising a/an - the
1 It’s a fountain with a lion’s head and fish’s body. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
2 There is a 150-metre-long rooftop pool in the SkyPark. • Then check Ss’ answers around the class.
3 You can shop in Orchard Road and Chinatown.
4 You can try local food at the night markets. Answer Key
1 a, –, the, the 4 an, –, the, –, the, –
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words 2 –, –, the 5 the, the, –
in the Check these words box. 3 –, –, the
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.

4 a) Consolidating new vocabulary 7 Expressing an opinion; talking

about Singapore
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
and then check their answers around the class. Read out the questions and give Ss time to consider
their answers. Then elicit answers from Ss around the
Answer Key class.
1 island 6 air-conditioned
Suggested Answer Key
2 famous 7 narrow
3 rooftop 8 cheap I would definitely visit the giant Ferris wheel to see the
4 trendy 9 local whole city. I would also definitely visit Orchard Road
5 top-class 10 night and Chinatown because I like shopping. I would also
visit the night markets to try delicious local food. I think I
b) Consolidating new vocabulary and would have a fantastic time.
information in a text
• Give Ss time to use the completed phrases in 8 Writing a summary of the text
Ex. 4a to make sentences about Singapore • Explain the task and refer Ss to the Writing Skills
referring to the text if necessary. section for guided help with the writing task.
• Elicit sentences from Ss around the class. • Ask various Ss to read their summary to the class.
Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
The Merlion Fountain is a famous landmark. name\location: Singapore, Southeast Asia
The SkyPark has a rooftop pool. things to do/see: Merlion Fountain, breathtaking
Singapore is a shopping paradise with trendy shops, views and rooftop pool at Skypark, Singapore Flyer,
top-class restaurants and air-conditioned malls. giant Ferris wheel, shopping in Orchard Road and
In Chinatown in Singapore there are narrow streets and Chinatown
cheap souvenirs. nightlife: the Gardens at the Bay, night markets, night
Singapore comes alive at night and you can find safari at the zoo
delicious local food at the night markets.
Singapore is in Southeast Asia. It’s a great holiday
destination and has something for everyone. You can
5 Learning/revising a/an – the
see the Merlion Fountain and enjoy breathtaking
Ask Ss to read the theory and explain any points Ss views from the rooftop pool at SkyPark. You can go on
are unsure of. Then elicit examples in the text. the Singapore Flyer, a giant Ferris wheel and go
Answer Key shopping in Orchard Road and Chinatown. The
Examples: a small island, an exciting holiday destination, nightlife in Singapore is exciting, too. You can visit the
the most famous, the Merlion Fountain, a lion’s, a fish’s, Gardens at the Bay and the night markets. You can
the SkyPark, the top, the Marina, a 150-metre-long, the also go on a night safari at the zoo.
Singapore Flyer, a giant, a shopping paradise, the
crowded, the place, a music and lights show, the
Gardens by the Bay, an exciting night safari, the zoo

4.2 – Taste the world Answer Key
1 food
1 Presenting vocabulary relating to food
2 Lima, Peru
festival activities
3 mixture
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. 4 the Amazon Rainforest and the Andes Mountains
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat 5 a big market with 400 stalls
chorally and/or individually.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
in the Check these words box.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
2 Describing pictures
• Explain the task and read out the example.
Background information
• Then ask Ss to describe the pictures to their
partners and talk about what people can do and Brazil is the largest country in South America. The
capital city is Brasilia and the population is 210 million
see at the festival.
people. The people speak Portuguese and they are
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the rest known for their love of soccer.
of the class. Colombia is a country in South America. 49 million
Suggested Answer Key people live there and the capital city is Bogotá. The
Picture 1 shows a man cooking meat outside on a people speak Spanish and they have a president.
barbecue. Peru is a country on the west coast of South America.
The capital city is Lima and it has a population of 32
Picture 2 shows a man preparing some kind of sweet or
million people. The people speak Spanish. Peru’s
cake. neighbours are Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, and
Picture 3 shows a group of cooks or chefs making bread. Brazil. Some of the oldest civilisations in the world
Picture 4 shows two chefs preparing some food. started here such as the Inca Empire.
They can try regional dishes. They can treat themselves
to sweets. They can try different types of bread.
5 Learning/revising there is/there are – there
3 Listening/reading for specific information – this/these – that/those
• Ask Ss to read the first and the last paragraphs Ask Ss to read the theory and explain any points they
and then elicit where and when the festival takes are unsure of. Then elicit examples in the text from Ss
place. around the class.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the whole Answer Key
text to find out about it. Then elicit the writer’s Examples: this festival, this is a big market, There are
attitude. also demonstrations
Suggested Answer Key
The Mistura Food Fest takes place in Lima, Peru in 6 Practising there is/there are
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Then
The writer’s attitude is persuasive and exciting.
check Ss’ answers.

4 Reading for key information Answer Key

1 Is there, there are
• Ask Ss to read the sentence stems and then give 2 There aren’t, There is
them time to read the text again and complete them. 3 Are there, there isn’t
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
7 Practising there – this/that – these/those
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Then
check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 This 3 That 5 There bike, bus, plane, train, tram, helicopter, boat, ferry, ship,
2 those 4 these motorbike, cable car, etc

8 Developing critical thinking skills 2 Expressing preference

• Read out the question and give Ss time to • Read out the question and then ask Ss to express
consider their answers and then tell their partners. preferences in pairs using the adjectives in the list
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class. and following the example.
Suggested Answer Key • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
The Mistura Food Fest is special because it is the largest some Ss to share their answers with the class.
food festival in South America. There is a huge market Suggested Answer Key
with 400 stalls. I prefer travelling by car. It’s fast and comfortable. I don’t
like travelling by plane. It’s expensive and noisy. etc
9 ICT Writing an article about a food
festival in Romania 3 Listening/reading for gist
• Give Ss time to research online and find out • Ask Ss to look at the pictures and elicit Ss guesses
information about a food festival in Romania and as to which country the means of transport are
make notes under the headings. from.
• Then give Ss time to use their notes to write their • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
article. find out and elicit the answers.
• Tell Ss to follow the plan. Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key You can see a gondola in Italy. You can see a rickshaw
Name of festival: Toamna La Ceaun Festival in China.
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Date: a weekend in late October 4 Reading comprehension
Activities: delicious Romanian food prepared by local
• Ask Ss to read the questions and then give them
people, traditional music, handmade gifts and crafts
time to read the texts again and answer them.
funfair for children
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Recommendation: a fun festival
Answer Key
Toama la Ceaun Festival
Toama la Ceaun Festival takes place in Bucharest, 1 They went on a gondola ride.
Romania over a weekend in late October. 2 He sang traditional Italian songs.
Visitors can try a wide range of delicious Romanian 3 He travelled by rickshaw.
food prepared by local people. There is traditional 4 The driver stopped and waited for him whenever he
music and handmade gifts and crafts. There is also a wanted to take a look around.
funfair for children. • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
This festival is a lot of fun and a great day out for the in the Check these words box.
family. If you get the chance, you should go. • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.

4.3 – Exploring the world Background information

1 Generating topic-related vocabulary Venice is a city in northern Italy. It has a population of
• Set a one-minute time limit and ask Ss to write as over 260,000 people. It is built on small islands in a
many means of transport as they can think of in lagoon and canals run through the city. It is a popular
their notebooks. tourist resort and it has a reputation as one of the
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. most romantic cities in the world.

• Monitor the activity around the class and check Ss’
Beijing, is the capital city of China. 21.5 million people intonation. Then have Ss swap roles.
live there. It is also called Peking. It is a very ancient city
Suggested Answer Key
and dates back to prehistoric times. There are many
temples and palaces there including the famous imperial 1 A: Where did you go on holiday last year?
palace known as the Forbidden City. B: I went to Constanța.
2 A: Who did you go with?
B: I went with my family.
5 Expressing an opinion
3 A: Did you enjoy it?
Read out the question and give Ss time to consider B: Yes, I had a great time.
their answers and then elicit answers from Ss around
the class. 4 A: Did you go by plane?
Suggested Answer Key B: No, we went by car.
I would like to go on a gondola ride because I think 5 A: When did you arrive?
Venice is a beautiful city and I would love to travel up B: We arrived on 12th July.
and down the canals.
6 A: What did you do?
B: We went to the beach and swam in the sea. We
6 Practising prepositional phrases sunbathed and did water sports.
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and
then check their answers. 9 Talking about holidays
Answer Key • Read out the question and then ask Ss to talk
1 by 2 on 3 by 4 in about their last year’s holiday.
• Ask some Ss to share their answers with the class.
7 a) Presenting/revising the past simple Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the theory. I went on holiday to Constanța last year. I went to the
• Explain any points Ss are unsure of and then beach and swam in the sea. I also sunbathed and did
elicit examples from the text and whether they water sports there. It was amazing.
are regular or irregular past forms.
Answer Key 10 Writing a letter
Regular: travelled, passed, arrived, Did you travel, • Explain the task and give Ss time to write a letter
didn’t cost, stopped, waited, wanted about their holiday to their friend including all the
Irregular: went, was, sang, took, were, got, went, saw points mentioned.
• Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read
b) Practising the past simple their letters to the class.
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it Suggested Answer Key
and then check Ss’ answers around the class. Dear Sam,
Answer Key Hi. How are you? I’m in Constanta and I’m having a
brilliant time. I’m here with my family. We arrived on
1 Did you visit 4 saw 7 didn’t see
Saturday by car. Yesterday, we went to the beach and
2 went 5 didn’t get 8 bought
swam in the sea. We sunbathed and did water sports. It
3 loved 6 thought
was wonderful!
Talk soon,
8 Practising the past simple Elena
• Ask Ss to use the prompts to form questions and
ask their partners who then answer them.

4.4 – Holiday trouble
Background information
1 Presenting vocabulary relating to holiday Rome is the capital and largest city of Italy. Its historic
problems centre is listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site.
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures. Its nickname is The Eternal City and 2.8 million people
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat live there.
chorally and/or individually. Bogotá is the capital and largest city of Colombia. It is
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. the political, economic, administrative, industrial,
artistic, cultural, and sports centre of the country. Its
2 Practising vocabulary relating to holiday nickname is The South American Athens and 8 million
problems people live there.
Ask Ss to talk in pairs about what happened to the
people in the pictures following the example. 5 Making a judgement
Answer Key • Give Ss time to consider the answers to the
1 She got a flat tyre. questions and then tell their partners.
2 He got food poisoning. • Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class.
3 She got lost. Suggested Answer Key
4 She got sunburnt.
I think food poisoning is worse than getting wet, getting
5 His passport expired.
lost and getting a flat tyre because those things are
6 He lost his luggage.
minor and easy to change. Getting food poisoning is
7 They had bad weather.
8 He spent all his money.
Other holiday problems: delayed flight, lose passport,
lose money, have an accident, dirty hotel, small hotel
3 Listening/reading for gist room, etc
• Ask Ss to look at the blog and guess the answers
to the questions. 6 Practising prepositional phrases
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out.
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and
Answer Key then check their answers.
Katy had bad weather, the taxi driver got lost and the Answer Key
taxi got a flat tyre. She felt terrible.
1 at 2 in 3 on 4 of 5 By
Sara got food poisoning. She was disappointed.
7 a) Learning/revising the past continuous
4 Reading comprehension
• Ask Ss to read the theory.
• Ask Ss to read the sentence stems and then give
• Explain any points Ss are unsure of and then
them time to read the text again and complete
elicit examples in the text.
• Check Ss’ answers. Answer Key
Examples: was pouring down, was changing, was
Answer Key
standing, was having
1 Rome
2 she was standing in the rain
3 Bogotá, Colombia b) Practising the past continuous
4 food poisoning • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
• Check Ss’ answers.
in the Check these words box.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
Answer Key • Ask various Ss to read out their blog comment to
1 Was John buying, wasn’t, was posting the class.
2 Were they eating, weren’t, were taking Suggested Answer Key
3 Were you exploring, were
Petru_2004, 17:35
4 you were sleeping, was reading, wasn’t sleeping,
was organising Hi Katy! I remember last year when I went to Spain on
5 Was Emma walking, was, was hiking holiday with my parents. The weather was lovely. We
6 Were you searching, was booking, wasn’t, was looking checked into the hotel and went to the beach and
I spent all day there. I got sunburnt and in the evening,
I was bright red all over. It was very painful. I felt a bit
8 Practising the past continuous
silly for not putting on sunscreen, and I had to spend the
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. next couple of days in the shade.
• Monitor the activity around the class and check Ss’
intonation. 4.5 – Another way of life
Answer Key
1 Presenting vocabulary relating to eco-
2 Were they driving to the beach at 4 o’clock living
yesterday afternoon? No, they weren’t.
3 Where were you going at 9 o’clock this morning? • Direct Ss' attention to the pictures.
I was going sightseeing. • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
4 Were you sleeping when the plane landed? Yes, chorally and/or individually.
I was. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
5 Who were you talking to on the phone at 11 o’clock
last night? I was talking to my cousin. 2 Practising vocabulary relating to eco-living
6 Was he visiting the museum at lunchtime yesterday? Ask various Ss to look at the pictures and say the
No, he wasn’t. phrases following the example.
Suggested Answer Key
9 Narrating an experience
They trade fish for food.
Ask various Ss to narrate a bad holiday experience to They collect rubbish from the sea. They live in houses
the class including all the points mentioned. floating on wooden rafts.
Suggested Answer Key
When & where I went: Spain, last year 3 Listening/reading for gist
Who I went with: my parents • Read out the questions and elicit Ss’ guesses.
What happened: got sunburnt • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
How I felt: in pain, silly find out.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
I went on holiday to Spain last year with my parents.
Suggested Answer Key
The weather was lovely. We checked into the hotel and
went to the beach and I spent all day there. I got It is easy because they can catch fish to eat or trade for
sunburnt and in the evening, I was bright red all over. It food. It is difficult because it is hard work collecting
was very painful. I felt a bit silly for not putting on rubbish from the sea.
sunscreen. I had to spend the next couple of days in the
shade. 4 Reading for specific information
• Ask Ss to read the questions.
10 Writing a comment on a blog • Then give them time to read the text again and
• Explain the task and ask Ss to use their answers in answer them.
Ex. 9 to help them. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.

wildlife and keep the lake free from pollution. They
Answer Key invite groups of local schoolchildren to come and learn
1 It was the best place he visited in Vietnam. about the local wildlife, too. The islanders sail to the
2 He felt excited. mainland to sell their fish and buy water and supplies.
3 They trade them for something else.
4 They collect rubbish to make sure it will be a nice 7 Presenting and practising phrasal verbs
place to live in the future. with stand
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words • Ask Ss to read the box and then complete the
in the Check these words box. sentences with the correct particle.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Background information
1 for 2 out 3 up for
Vietnam is the easternmost country on the Indochina
Peninsula in Southeast Asia. It has a population of
around 94.6 million people. Vietnam’s neighbours are 8 Practising the past simple and the past
China, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, the Philippines, continuous
Malaysia and Indonesia. Its capital city is Hanoi and Ho • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Chi Minh City is the most populous city. • Then check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
5 Consolidating new vocabulary 1 didn’t go, travelled
• Give Ss time to explain the words in bold using 2 were you doing, was eating
their dictionaries as necessary. 3 was driving, remembered
• Then elicit answers from Ss around the class. 4 did you arrive, took, checked in, changed
5 wasn’t waiting, landed, was still trying
Suggested Answer Key
6 was playing, were sailing
activity: sth that people do
trade: swap
9 Talking about a previous trip
preserve: keep sth in the same condition
succeed: be successful • Explain the task and give Ss time to consider their
6 Designing a floating village • Monitor the activity around the class and ask
various Ss to share their partners’ answers with the
• Ask Ss to work in groups and design a floating village rest of the class.
in a lake considering all the points mentioned.
• Then ask various groups to present their floating (Ss’ own answers)
village to the class.
Suggested Answer Key 10 Preparing a podcast
Location: Lake Baikal, Russia • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
What the houses look like: wooden houses made of logs • Then ask various Ss to present their podcast to the
What people do there: fishing, sailing and diving, class.
protect the local wildlife and keep the lake free from (How to make a podcast: It’s like audio blogging)
pollution, teach local schoolchildren about the local • Choose a name, topic, music and design for your
wildlife, sail to mainland to sell their fish and buy water podcast.
and supplies • Pick a podcast host to stream your podcast.
Our floating village is on Lake Baikal in Russia. The • Write down what you want to say and record it.
island is a large floating raft made of wood with wooden • Then edit your podcast.
houses made of logs. The people spend their time • Finally post it and promote it.
fishing, sailing and diving. They also protect the local (Ss’ own answers)

4.6 – Travel Stories Answer Key
1 summer 4 huge 7 sandy
1 Presenting vocabulary relating to a story 2 favourite 5 sharp 8 full
• Direct Ss' attention to the pictures. 3 excitedly 6 quickly
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/or individually. 5 Learning and practising prepositions of
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. movement/direction
2 Listening/reading for order of events • Ask Ss to study the key and then give them time to
complete the sentences with the correct
• Explain the task and elicit what Ss think happened prepositions.
from the pictures. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the story to
put the events in the pictures into the correct order. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers. 1 out of 4 along 7 across
2 towards 5 over 8 on
Suggested Answer Key
3 off, into 6 down 9 through
I think a shark attacked Todd while he was surfing, but
some dolphins helped him and he managed to reach
the shore and then his friends took him to the hospital. 6 Forming adverbs

Answer Key • Read out the theory and explain any points Ss are
unsure of.
1 D 2 B 3 E 4 F 5 A 6 C
• Then elicit examples in the text.
3 Reading comprehension • Then give Ss time to read the text and form
adverbs from the adjectives in brackets.
• Give Ss time to read the questions and the text • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
again to answer them.
Answer Key
• Then look at the pictures to tell the story.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. Examples: excitedly, quickly, immediately
1 comfortably 4 angrily
Answer Key 2 brightly 5 quickly
1 He went with his friends. 3 accidentally
2 His leg.
3 A group of dolphins.
7 Listening for key information
4 Todd lift himself onto his board and a wave carried
him to the shore. • Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and take
notes about what happened.
One day Todd and his friends were at the beach
• Ask various Ss to tell the class.
surfing. Todd was having fun surfing when a shark
attacked him. Then a group of dolphins swam around Suggested Answer Key
Todd and protected him. After a while he reached the Australia, fishing, Great Barrier Reef, one morning, set
shore. Finally Todd’s friends took him to the hospital. sail, warm and sunny, two hours, caught something
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words heavy, pull it out, giant barracuda, uncle called
in the Check these words box. newspaper, took photo, felt proud, saw it the next day
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
8 Writing a story
4 Identifying adjectives/adverbs • Ask Ss to read the rubric and underline the key
• Ask Ss to look back through the story and find the words.
adjectives/adverbs the writer has used for the • Then ask Ss to use their notes from Ex. 7 to write
nouns listed and write them in their notebooks. their story following the plan.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask various Ss to read their stories to the class. time. I was exhausted. My ancestors' spirits lifted me to
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to the sky. I slept for a long time. I woke up and made a
read out their stories in the next lesson. campfire. I looked down on my tribe and saw my
• Ss swap papers and evaluate each other. people were sad and cold. I made a campfire in the sky.
Suggested Answer Key The people were happy and warm. I lit a fire every
morning to keep them warm. The people called the
An amazing experience warmth and light the Sun.
John got on his boat that warm summer morning and
set sail. It was his first visit to the Great Barrier Reef in ICT Researching stories related to
Australia and he was excited to go fishing.
After two hours, he caught something. It was so heavy.
He pulled it out. It was a giant barracuda. • Ask Ss to work in small groups and research stories
He showed his uncle. He called the local paper and they on the Internet related to weather.
took a photo. • Assign the task as HW and ask groups to present
John felt very proud when he saw it in the paper the their stories and pictures in the next lesson.
next day. (Ss’ own answers)

CLIL (Literacy) Self-Check Test 4

1 Listening/reading for gist 1 Consolidating vocabulary from the

• Ask Ss to read the title and look at the pictures. module
• Elicit their guesses as to how the Sun came to be. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text and • Check Ss' answers.
find out.
Answer Key
Answer Key 1 E 2 C 3 F 4 B 5 D 6 A
The Sun came to be when a young Aboriginal woman
lit a big campfire in the sky.
2 Consolidating vocabulary from the
2 Reading for specific information
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Give Ss time to read the questions and answer • Check Ss’ answers.
choices and then read the text again and answer
Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers. 1 rooftop 2 regional 3 crowded 4 cookery
Answer Key
3 Consolidating vocabulary from the
1 B 2 C 3 A
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
in the Check these words box. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
Answer Key
1 expensive 3 noisy 5 slow
3 Retelling a story from another
2 fast 4 safe
point of view
Explain the task and ask various Ss around the class to 4 Consolidating grammar from the module
retell the story from the woman’s point of view.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
I argued with my tribe and I left. I walked for a long

Answer Key 9 Writing a story
1 did you wake up, took, ate, planned • Explain the task and give Ss time to write their
2 didn’t come, wasn’t feeling/didn’t feel, stayed story using the introductory sentence provided.
3 were you going, saw, were driving • Check Ss’ answers.
4 Was Mike sleeping, called
5 were playing, was packing Suggested Answer Key
Adventure in the desert
5 Consolidating grammar from the module One hot and sunny afternoon, Lily and her friends set
off on a trek across the Sahara Desert.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
When they reached camp, they had a delicious dinner.
• Check Ss’ answers.
After dinner, Lily went for a walk, but she got lost. The
Answer Key sand dunes all looked the same and she started to
1 There is 3 There isn’t 5 There isn’t panic.
2 There aren’t 4 There are Just then she heard a friendly voice. It was her guide.
She got back to the camp and her friends laughed. She
6 Consolidating everyday English from the just felt relieved to be safe.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Competences
• Check Ss’ answers. Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the module by
Answer Key ticking the items according to how competent they feel for
1 E 2 A 3 D 4 B 5 C each of the listed activities.

7 Reading for specific information

• Give Ss time to read the questions and answer
choices and then read the article and choose their
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 A 2 B 3 B

8 Listening for specific information

• Ask Ss to read the gapped notes.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and fill the gaps
according to what they hear.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 Sahara 3 sunny 5 guide
2 friends 4 camp

5 My everyday life

Topic Vocabulary: Sports & venues (air sports, ball games,

extreme sports, winter sports, rink, ring, pitch, court, pool,
In this module Ss will learn about hobbies & free-time course); Nouns (mixture, martial art); Adjective (loose)
activities, chores, teen problems, sports & venues, healthy
food & drinks, sections, clothes & accessories, and places to 5.4 Healthy food & drinks 80-81
shop. They will learn the imperative, the gerund, Lesson Objectives: Reading for gist/key information,
conditional type 1, quantifiers, prepositions and phrasal categorising food & drinks, listening for specific
verbs with take. They will talk about hobbies and free-time information, learning/revising conditional type 1, preparing
activities, ask for/give advice, invent a sport, talk about a poster about healthy food/drinks
healthy/unhealthy eating habits, buy/sell clothes, make Vocabulary: Food & drinks (potato, broccoli, tomato,
offers & requests, describe an open-air market in Romania coffee, milk, wholewheat bread, brown rice, lentil, turkey
and pronounce /s/, /z/. They will write a text about their breast, cola, egg, seafood, pea, chocolate, tuna, salmon,
weekend activities, an email of advice, a note, a poster, and biscuit, pizza, ice cream, cabbage, mushroom, tea, cake,
blog posts. bean, celery, grape, fig, lettuce, water, aubergine, carrot,
Module page 73 strawberry, burger); Verbs (reduce, increase); Nouns
(vitamin, substance, heart disease); Phrase (burst with)
Lesson Objectives: Learning about activities, talking about
activities and getting an overview of the module 5.5 Clothing & Fashion 82-83
Vocabulary: Activities (aikido, weightlifting, Pilates, squash,
Zumba, aerial yoga, boxing, rugby, swimming) Lesson Objectives: Learning about sections, clothes &
accessories, listening/reading for specific information,
5.1 Hobby & Free time 74-75 learning/revising quantifiers, learning phrasal verbs with
take, role playing buying/ selling clothes in a shop
Lesson Objectives: Learning about hobbie/free-time Vocabulary: Sections (menswear, ladieswear, swimwear,
activities & chores, reading for gist/specific information, sportwear, footwear, accessories); Clothes & accessories
learning prepositional phrases, listening for key information, (high heels, tie, sandals, hat, football shirt, boots, cycling
writing a short text about weekend activities shorts, tracksuit, skirt, belt, tuxedo, suit, dress, scarf, swimsuit,
Vocabulary: Activities (dust the furniture, mop the floor, go leggings, hairband, flip flops, gloves); Nouns (winter sale,
skateboarding, do archery, cooking, do the laundry, go discount, credit card); Phrasal verb (try on)
dancing, play baseball, play music, make a podcast,
vlogging, go camping, collect stamps, go rafting, collect 5.6 Shopping 84-85
action figures, hang out with friends, go on a picnic, go Lesson Objectives: Learning about places to shop, reading/
fishing, have a barbecue, play board games); Phrases (cool listening for gist, learning/revising quantifiers, talking/writing
area, window shopping, crazy about) a blog post about an open-air market in Romania
5.2 Teen healthy lifestyle 76-77 Vocabulary: Places to shop (flea market, plant and flower
market, seafood market, antiques market, farmers’ market,
Lesson Objectives: Learning about teen problems, car boot sale) Products (carnations, prawns, lemons,
listening for key information, reading for gist/specific sardines, used toys, used books, roses, potatoes, old furniture,
information, revising the imperative, learning prepositional art [paintings], jewellery, collectables, second-hand clothes);
phrases, pronouncing /s/, /z/, asking for/giving advice, Verb (recommend); Noun (street performer); Adjective
writing an email giving advice (talented); Phrase (feel right )
Vocabulary: Teen problems (lack of sleep, exam stress,
bullying, family problems, loneliness); Verbs (snooze, Culture Corner 86
concentrate, boost); Nouns (stress, brain); Phrases (catch Lesson Objectives: Reading for specific information,
some zzzs, alarm goes off, on average, sleep in, suffer from) presenting schools in Australia; writing a blog post about
5.3 Sports 78-79 schools in Romania
Vocabulary: Nouns (break, policy, preschool, primary school,
Lesson Objectives: Learning about sports & venues, secondary school, certificate); Adjective (senior)
reading/listening for specific information/key information,
learning/revising the gerund, inventing a sport, writing a Self-Check Test 5 87-88
short note
What’s in this module? The pictures show: do the laundry, mop the floor, do
archery, have a barbecue
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss that
these are the topics, skills and activities this module will cover.
b) Generating vocabulary
1 Presenting vocabulary relating to activities • Ask Ss to discuss in pairs and think of more
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/ or individually. Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. Hobbies/Free-time activities: play online games, play
football, go swimming, etc
Chores: make the bed, tidy my room, do the washing-
2 Talking about activities
up, etc
Read out the questions and elicit answers from Ss
around the class. 2 Listening/reading for gist
Suggested Answer Key • Ask Ss to read the title of the text and then guess
I like swimming. I would like to try aerial yoga because it what the teens do at the weekends. From the
looks fun. pictures.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read to find out.
3 Categorising activities Answer Key.
Ask Ss to discuss in pairs and decide which activities Sally goes window shopping, goes to coffee shops and
are for groups and which are for individuals. Elicit plays basketball.
answers from Ss around the class. Neil hangs out with his friends, walks around Central
Answer Key Park, sails model boats, goes for coffee or eats pizza.
Group activities: Pilates, Zumba, rugby
Individual activities: aikido, weightlifting, squash, 3 Reading for specific information
aerial yoga, boxing, swimming • Ask Ss to read the statements (1-4) and then give
them time to read the text again and mark them
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at
the end.
Answer Key
1 NS 2 W 3 R 4 W
5.1 – Hobby & Free time
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
1 a) Categorising activities in the Check these words box.
• Ask Ss to write the headings in their notebooks • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
and give them time to list the activities under
the correct headings. Background information
• Check Ss’ answers.
New York is the most populous city in the USA with
• Then elicit which activities the pictures show.
over 8.6 million people. It is also a popular tourist
Answer Key destination and around 62 million visitors visit every
Hobbies/Free-time activities: go skateboarding, do year.
archery, go dancing, play baseball, play music, make a East Village is a neighbourhood in the New York City
podcast, vlogging, go camping, collect stamps, go borough of Manhattan. It is known for its diverse
rafting, collect action figures, hang out with friends, go community, vibrant nightlife and artistic nature.
on a picnic, go fishing, have a barbecue, play board Tompkins Square Park is a 10.5-acre public park in
games the Alphabet City section of East Village.
Chores: dust the furniture, mop the floor, cooking, do
the laundry
Answer Key
Central Park is a park in Manhattan. It covers 843 1 B 2 C 3 B
acres and it is the most visited urban park in America,
with up to 40 million visitors a year. It is also one of the 8 Talking about free-time activities
most filmed locations in the world.
Ask Ss to talk in pairs about what they like doing in
their free time in different types of weather. Ask
4 Talking about weekends various Ss to share their answers with the class and see
who else in the class enjoys the same activities.
Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the example
Suggested Answer Key
exchange. Then ask Ss to discuss in pairs why they
love weekends. Then ask various Ss to tell the class. I like going ice skating when it’s cold and snowy. I like
going rafting when it’s cool and windy. I like going
Suggested Answer Key
swimming and hanging out at the beach when it’s hot
A: I love weekends because I hang out with my friends.
and sunny. I like playing computer games when it’s
B: Me too. We usually go shopping or for a coffee.
cloudy and rainy.
5 Consolidating information in a text
9 Planning an ideal weekend
• Ask Ss to think of and write down four questions
based on the text and then exchange papers with • Explain the task and give Ss time to consider their
their partner and answer their questions. answers.
• Ask various Ss to share the questions and answers • Ask various Ss around the class.
with the class. Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key We will get up and go cycling at the park. Then we’ll
1 What is there in the East Village? (Cool shops and have lunch at my house and we’ll also play video
fantastic coffee shops) games. In the afternoon we’ll go to the cinema and also
2 Where is the basket ball court? (Tompkins Square go out for pizza.
3 Where does Neil meet his friends? (Central Park) 10 Writing a short text about one’s preferred
4 What is the name of the pizzeria they sometimes go weekend activities
to? (Terry’s) • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Ask various Ss to read out their piece of writing to
6 Practising prepositional phrases the class
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and Suggested Answer Key
then check their answers. At the weekends, I like hanging out with my friends. We
Answer Key often go to the park and play football on Saturday
1 at 3 for 5 on mornings. On Saturday nights, we sometimes go to the
2 about 4 to cinema or we go for pizza. On Sundays, I spend time
Suggested Answer Key with my family. We have lunch, watch a film together
and eat popcorn.
1 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. 4 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
2 Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 5 Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
3 Once or twice a week.
5.2 – Teen healthy lifestyle
1 Listening for key information and
7 Listening for key information presenting vocabulary relating to teen problems
• Explain the task and ask Ss to read the questions. • Ask Ss to read the problems (A-E) and look at the
Then play the recording and Ss listen and choose pictures.
the correct answer. • Then play the recording. Ss listen and match the
• Check Ss’ answers. problems to the speakers.
• Check Ss’ answers. 61
Answer Key 4 Reading for specific information
1 E 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 B • Ask Ss to read the questions and the answer
choices and then give them time to read the text
2 Ranking problems in order of again and complete the task.
seriousness • Check Ss’ answers and explain the words in bold.
• Explain the task and read out the example. Then Answer Key
give Ss time to rank the problems in order of 1 C 2 A 3 B
seriousness to them.
• Tell Ss to compare with their partners and give snooze (v): to sleep lightly for a while
reasons. longer (adj): continuing for a large amount of time
• Ask various Ss around the class to share their harder (adj): difficult to deal with
answers with the rest of the class. solution (n): the answer to a problem
right (adj): suitable
Suggested Answer Key bright (adj): full of light
1 family problems 4 exam stress tips (n): information
2 bullying 5 lack of sleep
3 loneliness • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
in the Check these words box.
A: I think family problems are the most serious. Living in • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
an unhappy home environment can affect all the
other areas of your life and make you very unhappy.
5 Revising the imperative
B: I agree. I also think bullying is a very serious
problem because it can affect your self esteem and Elicit examples of the imperative in the text and then
you may stop going to school and you can become elicit from Ss how we form the imperative and the
extremely unhappy and ill because of it. negative imperative.
A: Yes, that’s true. I think loneliness is less serious but it’s Answer Key
still quite serious. If you are lonely, you feel sad and Examples: go to bed …, don’t use, make sure
you miss out on lots of activities and social events. We form the imperative with the base form of the main
B: That’s right. Exam stress can be serious for some verb and the negative with do not and the base form of
people because it can make them ill with headaches the main verb.
and anxiety.
A: I agree. So, we both think the least serious problem
6 Practising prepositional phrases
is lack of sleep.
B: Yeah, because apart from anything else, it is the Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Then
easiest to fix … just get some early nights. check their answers.
Answer Key
3 Listening/reading for gist 1 on 2 to 3 for 4 from
• Ask Ss to read the title and the first sentence in
each paragraph and then guess what the text is 7 Pronouncing /s/, /z/
about. • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to chorally and/or individually.
find out. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation
Answer Key
The text is about lack of sleep. 8 a) Substituting situational language for
suitable alternatives
• Ask Ss to read the dialogue and then refer them
to the Functions box. Give them time to replace

the underlined phrases with appropriate 5.3 – Sports
alternatives form the box.
• Check Ss’ answers. 1 Generating vocabulary for sports
Suggested Answer Key • Ask Ss to copy the headings into their notebooks
What do you think I should do? – What should I do? and then set a one-minute time limit and ask Ss to
Why don’t you …? – Have you thought of …? think of as many sports as they can and write them
You should also .. – Another thing you can do is … under the headings.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
b) Role playing a dialogue asking Suggested Answer Key
for/giving advice Air sports: kite surfing, paragliding
Ball games: football, rugby, baseball, cricket,
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and act out a dialogue
basketball, golf
similar to the one in Ex. 8a for the situation
Extreme sports: kite surfing, paragliding, rock climbing,
provided and using the ideas.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then
Winter sports: skiing snowboarding, ice skating
ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in
front of the class.
2 Presenting and practising vocabulary for
Suggested Answer Key
sports venues
A: I can’t sleep well. What should I do?
B: Have you thought of having a hot drink before • Ask Ss to read the words in the list and
going to bed? You can feel more relaxed that way. explain/elicit the meanings of any that are
A: That’s a good idea! unknown.
B: Another thing you can do is avoid using electronic • Then give Ss time to use them to complete the
devices late at night because they wake your brain sentences.
up. • Check Ss’ answers.
A: I’ll do that! Thanks for your help. Answer Key
B: You’re welcome. 1 pitch 3 rink 5 court
2 pool 4 ring 6 course
9 Writing an email giving advice
• Explain the task and refer Ss to the Writing Skills 3 Listening/reading for specific information
section for guided help with the writing task. • Ask Ss to look at the photos and then elicit
• Check Ss’ answers. questions from various Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key! • Write two of them on the board.
Hi Ann, • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
Sorry to hear you can’t sleep well. I have a couple of see if they are answered.
ideas that may help. Answer Key
First, have you thought of having a hot drink before I don’t know anything about these sports.
going to bed? You can feel more relaxed that way. What are they called? (Capoeira, aikido)
Another thing you can do is avoid using electronic What equipment do you need? (loose clothes, a uniform
devices late at night because they wake your brain up. and a stick)
I hope my advice helps. Let me know.
Best wishes, 4 Reading comprehension
• Ask Ss to read the questions and then give them
time to read the text again and answer them.
• Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key 8 Listening for key information
1 aikido 3 capoeira • Ask Ss to read the lists and then play the
2 capoeira 4 aikido recording and ask Ss to fill in the gaps.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words • Check Ss’ answers.
in the Check these words box. Answer Key
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. 1 2009 3 Michael 5 tennis
2 400 4 1959
Background information
Brazil is the largest country in South America. The
9 Inventing a sport
capital city is Brasilia and the population is 210 million
people. The people speak Portuguese and they are • Ask Ss to discuss in pairs and invent a sport and
known for their love of soccer. consider all the points mentioned.
London is the capital city of England and the UK. It is a • Then ask various Ss to present the sport to the
leading financial centre as well as a cultural centre and class.
a popular tourist destination. It has a population of Suggested Answer Key
over 9 million people. Name of sport: tableball
Number of players: two
Place: in a sports hall or large room
5 Improving understanding and Rules: two players use their legs or upper body to hit a
consolidating information in a text football over a net on a table. If the other player doesn’t
Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss return the ball, the first player gets a point. The winner
around the class in their own words to help improve is the player with the most points.
their understanding. Good morning everyone. My name's Darren and today
Suggested Answer Key I'd like to talk about a sport I invented. I call it tableball.
I think capoeira suits me the best because I like martial Tableball is an indoor sport. You can play it in a sports
arts and I like dance. Also, you don’t need any hall or anywhere inside where there’s enough room.
equipment to do it. Two people can play this sport. It’s like table tennis, but
with a football. You score points every time the other
6 Learning/revising the gerund player does not return the ball. Players use their legs or
upper body but not their hands to hit the football over
Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain any points Ss the net.
are unsure of and then elicit examples in the text. Tableball isn't a real sport, but I think it should be! Are
Answer Key there any questions? […] Thanks for listening.
Examples: love doing
10 ICT Developing research skills
7 Practising the gerund and infinitive forms Ss research online about more sports records. Then
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Then ask various Ss to present their findings to the class.
check their answers. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key Person Year Record
1 to meet, jogging
2 to teach, to relax Deng Wei 2016 Heaviest Weightlifting
3 playing, to go (female) 147 kg
4 borrow, to return Serena 2017 Longest span of Grand Slam
5 to get, exercising, swimming Williams Singles in tennis 17 years and
6 to invite, to join 139 days
7 to try, to come
Good morning everyone. My name is George and 3 Walnuts are good for brain development.
today I’d like to talk to you about more sports records. 4 You need to eat a few walnuts every day.
Deng Wei is a female athlete from China, who broke 5 Beans are not good for people with kidney
the record of heaviest weightlifting, 147  kg, in 2016. problems.
Another amazing female athlete Serena Williams broke
contain (v): to have sth inside sth else
the record for the longest span of Gran Slam Singles in
raw (adj): not cooked
tennis, which was 17 years and 13 days back in 2017.
develop (v): to grow
Are there any questions? … Thank you for listening.
diet (n): the food sb eats every day

11 Writing a note • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words

in the Check these words box.
• Explain the situation and give Ss time to write a • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
note following the directions.
• Then Ss swap their notes and respond.
• Check Ss’ answers by asking various Ss to read out 3 Consolidating information in a text
their notes to the class. Elicit answers to the question from Ss around the
Suggested Answer Key class.
Ben, Suggested Answer Key
Gone to basketball practice, back at 6. Fancy going to I  learnt that carrots help our bodies make vitamin  A.
the cinema later? I learnt that tomatoes reduce the risk of heart disease.
John I learnt that walnuts are good for the brain and I learnt
Suggested response to partner’s note that beans are good for your kidneys.
I’d love to go to the cinema later John.
Ben 4 a) Categorising vocabulary for food &
5.4 – Healthy food & drinks • Ask Ss to write the headings into their
1 Listening/reading for gist
• Then give them time to write the words under
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. Read out the the correct headings.
questions and elicit Ss’ guesses. • Explain/Elicit the meanings of any unknown
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text and words and then play the recording for Ss to
find out. check their answers.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
Walnuts look like brains. Healthy: potato, broccoli, tomato, milk, wholewheat
Carrots are good for your eyes. Tomatoes are good for bread, brown rice, lentil, turkey breast, egg, seafood,
your heart. Walnuts are good for you brains. Beans are pea, tuna, salmon, cabbage, mushroom, tea, bean,
good for your kidneys. celery, grape, fig, lettuce, water, aubergine, carrot,
2 Reading comprehension Unhealthy: coffee, cola, chocolate, biscuit, pizza, ice
cream, cake, burger
• Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-5). Then give them
time to read the text again and correct the
sentences in their notebooks. b) Categorising nouns as countable or
• Check Ss’ answers and explain the words in bold. uncountable and practising plurals
Answer Key • Explain the task and give Ss time to categorise
1 Carrots help our bodies make Vitamin A. the nouns in Ex. 4a and then write the plurals
2 Cooked tomatoes are better for your heart than of the countable nouns in their notebooks.
raw ones.
• Check Ss’ answers on the board and elicit we use it to talk about a real or probable situation
which words we use to form the plural number in the future.
of an uncountable noun. • Explain that we form type 1 conditional with if/when
Answer Key + present simple +will/can + infinitive without to.
Countable: potatoes, tomatoes, lentils, turkey breasts, • Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain any points
eggs, peas, cabbages, mushrooms, beans, grapes, figs, Ss are unsure of. Then elicit how we form
lettuces, aubergines, carrots, strawberries, biscuits, conditional sentences type1 and elicit examples in
cakes, burgers the text.
Uncountable: broccoli, milk, wholewheat bread, brown Answer Key
rice, seafood, tuna, salmon, tea, celery, water, coffee, We form type  1 conditional with if/when + present
cola, chocolate, pizza, ice cream simple + future simple.
We use some to form the plural number of an Examples: if you eat carrots, you’ll see better at night, if
uncountable noun. you eat a handful a day, you’ll get all the goodness you
need, if you already have a kidney problem, beans
5 Talking about food/drinks won’t help
• Ask Ss to talk about which food/drinks they eat
and when in pairs. 8 Practising conditionals type 1
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class. Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and
Suggested Answer Key then check their answers.
I drink water every day. I eat carrots and tomatoes once Answer Key
or twice a week. I never eat walnuts and I sometimes eat 1 don’t finish
beans. 2 don’t brush (comma after properly)
3 find (comma after purse)
6 Listening for confirmation 4 won’t pass
5 won’t have (comma after shopping)
• Ask Ss to read the menu and label the sections in
6 won’t win
their notebook.
7 arrive (comma after midday)
• Play the recording for Ss to check their answers.
• Then ask Ss to decide what to eat in pairs.
• Ask various Ss to tell the class. 9 Practising conditionals type 1 with
personal examples
Answer Key
1 starters 3 side dishes 5 drinks • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the
2 main courses 4 desserts sentences with their own ideas,
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
I will have the leek and potato soup to start, followed by
the lentil burgers for main course and a salad as a side 1 will put on weight
dish. For dessert, I’d like the chocolate brownie and I’d 2 will be thirsty
like fresh juice to drink. 3 we don’t go to bed early
4 will be late
5 don’t eat more healthily
7 Learning/Revising Conditionals type 1 6 will stay in
• Say then write on the board: If you call me, I  will
answer. A conditional sentence and that it contains 10 ICT Preparing a poster on
and if-clause and a main clause. Ask Ss to identify healthy/unhealthy food/drinks
the if-clause (If you call me) and which tense we use
(the present simple). Ask Ss to identify the main • Explain the task and ask Ss to work in pairs and do
clause (I will answer) and the tense used (the future some online research to prepare a poster of
simple). Explain that this is a Type 1 conditional and healthy/unhealthy food/drinks.
• Give Ss time to complete the task in class or assign Biscuits, crisps cake, sweets and chocolate are
as HW. unhealthy. They contain a lot of sugar and fat. It’s OK to
• Put the posters up around the classroom. eat chocolate or sweets sometimes, but don’t eat them
Suggested Answer Key every day!
Unhealthy Food/Drinks It’s easy to have a good diet! Give it a try! Are there any
questions? … Thank you for listening.

5.5 – Clothing & Fashion

1 Presenting vocabulary for sections in a
department store
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/or individually.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.

2 a) Presenting and practising vocabulary

Healthy Food/Drinks for sections, clothes & accessories
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and categorise the
items in the list under the correct section from
• Check Ss’ answers and then elicit more items
for each section from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
Menswear: tie, tuxedo, suit (trousers, shirt)
Ladieswear: skirt, dress, leggings (blouse, top)
Sportswear: football shirt, cycling shorts, tracksuit,
leggings (trainers, jogging pants)
Swimwear: swimsuit, flip flops (swimming trunks,
11 Giving a presentation on goggles)
healthy/unhealthy eating habits Footwear: high heels, sandals, boots (slippers, court
• Tell Ss to use their research from Ex.  10 to help
Accessories: hat, belt, scarf, hairband, gloves (bag,
them prepare a presentation on healthy/unhealthy
eating habits.
• Give Ss time to complete the task in class or assign
as HW. b) Asking about location of items in a
• Ask various Ss to give their presentations to the department store
class. • Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the
Suggested Answer Key example exchange.
Good morning, my name is Radka. Our eating habits • Then have Ss work in pairs and act out similar
are important. We can help our bodies to be healthy by exchanges using the vocabulary in Exs. 1 & 2a.
eating healthy food and not eating unhealthy food. • Monitor the activity around the class and then
Bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and cereal are healthy and ask some pairs to act out their exchanges in
give us energy. Beans, fish and eggs help us grow strong front of the class.
and milk, yoghurt and cheese are good for our bones Suggested Answer Key
and teeth. Eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every A: Excuse me, where can I find a tie?
day to stay healthy and get lots of vitamins. B: In the menswear department.

A: Excuse me, where can I find a hat? 6 Presenting and practising phrasal verbs
B: In the accessories department. with take
A: Excuse me, where can I find a football shirt? • Ask Ss to read the box and then complete the
B: In the sportswear department? sentences with the correct particle.
• Check Ss’ answers.
A: Excuse me, where can I find a skirt?
B: In the ladieswear department. Answer Key
1 to 2 after 3 off 4 off
A: Excuse me, where can I find a swimsuit?
B: In the swimwear department. etc
7 Listening for gist
3 Listening and reading for key information • Ask Ss to read the options (A-C). then play the
recording and have Ss choose the one which
• Read out the question. Play the recording. Ss
matches the content of the announcement.
listen and read to find out the answer.
• Check Ss’ answer.
Answer Key
Answer Key
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
in the Check these words box. 8 Role playing a dialogue buying/selling
4 Substituting situational language in a • Ask Ss to work in pairs and take roles and act out a
dialogue for suitable alternatives dialogue according to the situation using the
• Explain the task and give Ss time to read the useful language in the Functions box and following
Functions box and replace the underlined the model in Ex. 3.
sentences in the dialogue with other appropriate • Have Ss use the pictures and the diagram to help
ones from the box. them.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
Suggested Answer Key various pairs of Ss to act out their dialogues in
front of the rest of the class.
How can I help you, sir? – Can I help you with
something? Suggested Answer Key
Well, I’m looking for a jacket. – Could you help me pick A: Can I help you with something?
a jacket out? B: Well, I’m looking for some trousers.
It looks really nice on you. – It really suits you. A: Our winter sales starts today, so all our trousers are
25% off.
5 Learning/Revising quantifiers B: That sounds great! Have you got anything in grey?
A: What size are you?
• Ask Ss to read the theory. Explain any points Ss are B: A medium.
unsure of. Then have Ss read the sentences and A: How about these wool trousers here?
choose the correct items. B: Hmm, they look nice.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. A: Why don’t you try them on?
Answer Key
B: They’re just right. They also match the shirt I plan to
1 a number of 5 some
2 much 6 any
A: They look really nice on you. With the discount,
3 no 7 a lot of
they’re just £22.
4 much
B: OK, I’ll take them.
A: Great. How would you like to pay?
B: By cash.
A: Can I help you with something? You can buy old furniture, art (paintings), jewellery and
B: Well, I’m looking for a jumper. collectables at an antiques market. You can also find
A: Our winter sales starts today, so all our jumpers are old books there.
25% off. You can buy lemons and potatoes at a farmers’ market
B: That sounds great! Have you got anything in and you can find lots of other fruit and vegetables
purple? there.
A: What size are you? You can buy used toys, used books and second-hand
B: A medium. clothes at a car boot sale. You can also find used
A: How about this one here? household items, there.
B: Hmm, it looks nice.
A: Why don’t you try it on? 3 Listening/reading for gist
B: It’s just right. It also matches the trousers I  plan to • Ask Ss to look at the pictures in the text. Then elicit
wear. their guesses as to what makes these markets
A: It really suits you. With the discount, it’s just £15. unique.
B: OK, I’ll take it. • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
A: Great. How would you like to pay? find out.
B: By cash. Suggested Answer Key
Camden Market is unique because it has got music,
5.6 – Shopping
handmade accessories, unique fashion and a few art
1 Presenting vocabulary relating to places shops as well as delicious food to try. Portobello Road is
to shop unique because it is the world’s largest antiques market
and there are talented street performers there.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/or individually.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation 4 Reading comprehension
• Then give Ss time to match the phrases to the • Give Ss time to read the questions and then read
pictures (A-F). the text again and answer them. Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers. Answer Key
Answer Key 1 Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London and the
1 E 3 D 5 C Globe Theatre
2 F 4 A 6 B 2 music, handmade accessories, unique fashion, art
and delicious food
2 Matching products to places to shop 3 pizza
4 It is the world’s largest antiques market.
• Ask Ss to read the items in the list and
5 Street performers – actors and saxophone players
explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown words.
• Read out the example and then give Ss time to • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
complete the task in their notebooks. in the Check these words box.
• Elicit sentences from Ss around the class. • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
Answer Key
You can buy old furniture, jewellery, used toys, used 5 Expressing an opinion
books and second-hand clothes at a flea market. You Give Ss time to consider their answers and then and
can also find antiques there. then elicit answers from Ss around the class with their
You can buy roses and carnations at a plant and flower reasons.
market. You can also find shrubs and herbs there. Suggested Answer Key
You can buy prawns and sardines at a seafood market.
I’d like to visit Camden Market because I like music and
You can also find crab and mussels there.
unique fashion.
6 Listening for key information Cascadelor in Bucharest and it has a huge variety of
used clothes, used toys, used household goods,
• Explain the task and ask Ss to read the list of appliances and many other goods for sale. It’s open
places. from 6  am – 1  pm so there’s plenty of time to have a
• Play the recording and then have Ss match the look around.
adverts to the places in the list. So next time you are in Bucharest, why not pop by and
• Check Ss’ answers. check it out? I’m sure you’ll find something there you like
Answer Key and if you don’t have any money, you can still look at
1 D 2 E 3 A 4 C the stalls for something for another time and enjoy the
atmosphere of this bustling flea market. That’s all from
7 Learning quantifiers me. Thank you for listening.
Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain any points Ss
are unsure of. Then elicit examples in the text. b) Writing a blog post
Answer Key • Give Ss time to use their answers in Ex. 10a to
help them write a blog post about an open-air
Examples: a few art shops, a little entertainment
market in Romania.
• Ask various Ss to read out their blog posts to
8 Practising quantifiers the class.
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Then Suggested Answer Key
check their answers. Maria345, 21:09
Answer Key Hi everyone! Anyone visiting Romania who likes open-air
1 few, a few 3 little markets should visit Valea Cascadelor open-air flea
2 a few, a little 4 a few, a little market. It’s in Strada Valea Cascadelor in Bucharest and
it has a huge variety of used clothes, used toys, used
9 a) ICT Presenting an open-air market in household goods, appliances and many other goods for
Romania sale. It’s open from 6 am – 1 pm so there’s plenty of time
to have a look around.
• Give Ss time to research online and collect
information about an open-air market in
Culture Corner
Romania and make notes under the headings.
• Then give Ss time to use their notes to
prepare a presentation. 1 Predicting information
• Ask various Ss to give their presentation to the • Ask Ss to look at the pictures and then ask various
class. Ss to predict what school is like an Australia.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss • Elicit answers to the other question in the rubric
to give their presentations in the next lesson. from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
Name: Valea Cascadelor I think school in Australia starts around January,
Location: Strada Valea Cascadelor, Bucharest because the seasons are different there.
What to buy: used clothes, used toys, used household I don’t think school in my country is similar to Australia’s.
goods, appliances and many other goods
Opening hours: 6 am – 1 pm 2 Listening/reading for specific information
Good morning. My name is Camelia Vasilescu and • Play the recording. Ss listen to the text.
today I am going to tell you all about a great open-air • Ask Ss to read the statements (1-5) and then give
flea market. After all, who doesn’t like to shop outdoors? them time to read the text and mark them
Well, if that sounds like you, you should visit Valea accordingly.
Cascadelor open-air market. It’s in Strada Valea • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 4 ICT Writing a blog post on Romanian
1 T 2 F 3 NS 4 F 5 F schools
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words • Give Ss time to research online and collect
in the Check these words box. information about Romanian schools and make
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. notes under the headings in Ex. 3. Then give Ss
time to write a short blog post.
3 Presenting school in Australia • Ask various Ss to read out their blog posts to the
• Play the video again and give Ss time to read the • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
text again. read out their blog posts in the next lesson.
• Ask Ss to write the headings into their notebooks
and make notes under them and then give them (Ss’ own answers)
time to prepare a presentation.
• Ask various Ss to give their presentation to the Self-Check Test 5
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to 1 Consolidating vocabulary from the module
give their presentations in the next lesson. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Suggested Answer Key • Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
school starts end of January –
year: 1 go 4 have 6 collect
ends middle December
2 do 5 play
school 9 am – 3:30 pm, short break in the
day: morning, longer break for lunch midday 2 Consolidating vocabulary from the module
types preschool (ages 3 – 5) • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
of school:
Primary School • Check Ss’ answers.
(year 1 – year 6 [ages 6 –11]) Answer Key
Secondary School 1 football 3 ice 5 basketball
(year 6 – year 10 [ages 12 –16]) 2 golf 4 boxing

Senior Secondary School 3 Consolidating vocabulary from the module

(year 11 – year 12 [ages 17 –18])
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
In Australia school starts in the end of January and • Check Ss’ answers.
finishes in the middle of December. A typical school day Answer Key
starts at 9 am and finishes at 3:30 pm. Students have one 1 flower and plant 4 flea
short break in the morning and a longer break for lunch 2 seafood 5 farmers’
at midday. In Australia they have four types of school. 3 antiques
Preschool for children 3-5 years old. Primary School,
which is for children 6-11 years old and the classes are 4 Consolidating grammar from the module
Years 1-6. Then they go to Secondary School, which is
for teens 12-16 years old and the classes are Years 6-10. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Finally they go to Senior Secondary School which is for • Check Ss’ answers.
teens 17-18 years old and the classes are Years Answer Key
11 and 12. 1 to come 3 dancing 5 going
2 swimming 4 to play

5 Consolidating grammar from the module 9 Listening for specific information
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Ask Ss to read the gapped text. Play the recording.
• Check Ss’ answers. Ss listen and fill the gaps according to what they
Answer Key hear.
1 doesn’t improve 4 will call • Check Ss' answers.
2 are 5 will go Answer Key
3 join 1 cheese 4 5/five
2 chocolates 5 London Bridge
6 Consolidating grammar from the module 3 Monday
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss' answers. 10 Writing a blog post
Answer Key • Explain the task and give Ss time to write their
1 many 3 any 5 hundreds report.
2 little 4 A number • Check Ss' answers.
Suggested Answer Key
7 Consolidating everyday English from the Sophia453, 17:33
module Hi everyone! There’s lots of markets in London, but
Borough Market is the oldest. It’s 1,000 years old! It sells
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
fish, meat, cheese fruit and vegetables. It also has
• Check Ss' answers.
special treats such as handmade chocolates. If you’re
Answer Key not interested in ingredients, then there’s lots of hot and
1 What do you think I should do? cold food available to buy, too. It’s open Monday to
2 Have you thought of Fridays from 10-5 and Saturdays from 8 am. Just get the
3 Why don’t you bus or the train to London Bridge and you can’t miss it!
4 What else should I do?
5 You should Competences
Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the module by
8 Reading for specific information ticking the items according to how competent they feel for
• Give Ss time to read the article and then ask them each of the listed activities.
to read the questions and answer choices and
choose their answers.
• Check Ss' answers.
Answer Key
1 B 2 B 3 A

6 Unique experiences

Topic information, learning phrasal verbs with give, learning the

present perfect with since, for, ever, never, already, yet, just,
In this module Ss will learn about geographical features, how long, writing a message from holiday
outdoor activities, flora & fauna, eco-tourism, holiday Vocabulary: Holiday activities (go rock climbing, try an
activities, natural phenomena, landmarks and feelings. They escape room experience, go kayaking, go snorkelling, go
will learn the present perfect, the present perfect with caving); Verbs (carve, erupt); Phrasal verb (give up); Nouns
since, for, ever, never, already, yet, just, how long, the (gorge, escape room); Phrase (rough sea)
present perfect continuous vs the present continuous,
adverbs, position of adverbs, prepositions and phrasal 6.4 Natural phenomena 96-97
verb with give. They will talk about outdoor activities, talk Lesson Objectives: Learning about types of phenomena,
about a reserve, talk about natural landmarks, request/offer reading for key information, reading comprehension,
help, narrate an experience, express preference and learning the present perfect continuous, writing an entry
pronounce /ea /, /ee /. They will write a letter about an for the school blog about a phenomenon
experience, an email making/refusing an offer, a message, a Vocabulary: Phenomena (the Northern Lights, moonbows,
blog entry about a phenomenon, a letter of request and an earthquake lights); Verbs (capture, predict); Nouns (access,
email about an experience. particles, gas, atmosphere, nature reserve, memory card);
Module page 89 Phrases (go backpacking, remind of, mistake for)
Lesson Objectives: Learning about geographical features, 6.5 Natural landmarks II 98-99
getting an overview of the module
Vocabulary: Geographical features (falls, mountains, Lesson Objectives: Learning about landmarks, reading for
canyon, lake, cliffs, rainforest) gist, reading for key information, comparing the present
perfect continuous and the present continuous, requesting
6.1 Eco-tourism I 90-91 help, writing a letter of request, writing stories
Vocabulary: Landmarks (cove, loch, causeway, falls, cave);
Lesson Objectives: Learning about outdoor activities, Verb (release); Phrasal verb (turn into), Nouns (moor,
reading for gist, reading for specific information, learning hunter, hare, cauldron, potion, stream, stone); Adjective (icy);
the present perfect (affirmative & negative), talking about Phrase (cast a spell)
outdoor activities, writing a letter about an experience
Vocabulary: Outdoor activities (see meadows with 6.6 Once in a lifetime 100-101
multicoloured wild flowers, see a black bear, hike along Lesson Objectives: Learning about feelings, expressing
stunning trails, spot moose, explore an area on horseback, go feelings, reading for gist, reading comprehension, learning
birdwatching, try snowshoeing, fish in a river); Nouns adverbs and position of adverbs, pronouncing /ea /, /ee /,
(national park, species, cross-country skiing) reporting a person’s experience, writing an email
6.2 Eco-tourism II 92-93 describing an experience
Vocabulary: Feelings (scared, nervous, anxious, frightened,
Lesson Objectives: Learning about flora & fauna, reading terrified, sad, depressed, unhappy, happy, excited, glad,
for gist, reading for key information, learning prepositions, satisfied, pleased, relieved, bored, tired, fed up, angry, upset,
learning the present perfect (interrogative & short mad, furious, annoyed, surprised, shocked, amazed,
answers), learning have been – have gone, listening for embarrassed, ashamed, uncomfortable, confused); Verb
specific information, presenting the Danube Delta reserve, (bang); Phrasal verb (put up); Nouns (scenery, bobcat, tent
writing an email making/refusing an offer pole); Phrase (stamp feet)
Vocabulary: Flora & Fauna (eagle, water lily, oak tree, deer,
wolf, wildcat, tortoise, willow, heron, vines, swan, tree frog); CLIL (Geography) 102
Nouns (coast, marsh, ecosystem, trunk); Verbs (glimpse, Lesson Objectives: Reading for gist, reading for specific
twist); Adjectives (natural, rare) information, talking about the Great Barrier Reef and
6.3 Natural landmarks I 94-95 expressing opinion, comparing and contrasting the Great
Barrier Reef with a natural feature in Romania
Lesson Objectives: Learning about holiday activities,
expressing preference, reading for gist, reading for key Self-Check Test 6 103-104

What’s in this module? on horseback and hike along stunning trails. You can
spot moose, coyotes and black bears. You can go
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss that
birdwatching. In the winter you can try snowshoeing
these are the topics, skills and activities this module will
cover. and cross-country skiing.

3 Reading for specific information

1 Presenting vocabulary for geographical
features • Ask Ss to read the questions and answer choices
and then give them time to read the text again and
• Read out the words in the list and explain/elicit
answer them.
their meanings. Then ask Ss to look at the pictures
• Ask Ss to look at the words in bold in the text and
and read the names and then fill in the gaps.
explain them.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
• Check Ss’ answers.
chorally and/or individually.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. Answer Key
1 C 2 B 3 A
Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
A Mountains C Rainforest E Cliffs
B Canyon D Falls F Lake multicoloured = colourful ideal = perfect
great = very big opportunity = chance
stunning = very beautiful
2 Talking about well-known
geographical features • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
in the Check these words box.
Give Ss time to consider their answers and then ask
various Ss to share their answers with the class. Background information
Suggested Answer Key Colorado is a state in the western United States. The
I’d like to visit the Grand Canyon and the Amazon state capital is Denver and the population is 5.6 million
Rainforest. people. It is known for its natural beauty including
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. mountain, forests, canyons, plains and rivers.

6.1 – Eco-tourism I
4 Consolidating information in a text
1 Presenting vocabulary for outdoor Give Ss time to consider their answers referring to the
activities text as necessary and the elicit answers from various
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. Ss around the class.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat Suggested Answer Key
chorally and/or individually. You should visit the reserve to see nature and wild
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. animals in their home and try lots of outdoor activities,
like hiking and horse riding.
2 Reading for gist
• Ask Ss to read the definition and the first sentence 5 Learning the present perfect
of the letter and look at the pictures. • Say, then write on the board: I have worked hard
• Elicit Ss’ guesses about what someone can see and today. Tom hasn’t worked hard today. Underline:
do in Rocky Mountain National Park. have worked and hasn’t worked.
• Then play the recording. Ss listen and read the • Explain that this verb is in the present perfect and
text to find out. elicit the form (affirmative – have/has + past
Answer Key. participle, negative – haven’t/hasn’t + past
You can see meadows with multicoloured wild flowers, participle).
forests, mountains and lakes. You can explore the area

• Explain that the past participles of regular verbs 8 Talking about activities using the present
are formed by adding -ed to the end of the verb perfect
and that irregular verbs have their own forms.
Give Ss time to read through the text again and write
• Explain that we use the present perfect to talk
down everything Daniel has and hasn’t done and then
about actions that happened at an unstated time
ask various Ss to tell the class.
in the past and for actions that started in the past
and continue to now. Ask Ss to read the theory Answer Key
box and explain any points Ss are unsure of. Daniel has visited Rocky Mountain National Park. He
• Then elicit how we form the present perfect has explored on horseback and hiked along some trails.
affirmative/negative from Ss around the class and He has spotted some moose, coyotes and a black bear.
how we use the present perfect. He hasn’t seen everything yet.
• Then elicit examples in the text.
Suggested Answer Key 9 Writing a letter describing an experience
We form the present perfect affirmative/negative with • Explain the task and allow Ss time to complete it.
have/has (not) + the past participle of the main verb. • Check Ss’ answers.
Examples: I’ve been, it’s been, I’ve explored, I’ve also Suggested Answer Key
spotted, I’ve just seen, I haven’t see, I’ve heard Hi Katy,
I’m in the Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado,
6 a) Practising past participles USA. It’s an amazing place full of natural beauty. There
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it are meadows with wild flowers, forests, mountains and
and then check their answers around the class. lakes.
Answer Key I’ve explored on horseback and I’ve hiked along
stunning trails. I’ve also spotted moose and a black bear
1 F 3 A 5 B 7 J 9 G
and lots of different birds.
2 I 4 H 6 C 8 E 10 D
I’m having a really great time. I’ll show you my photos
when I get back.
b) Practising past participles Crina
Give Ss time to complete the sentences with the
6.2 – Eco-tourism II
past participles from Ex. 6a and then check their
answers. 1 Presenting vocabulary for flora & fauna
Answer Key
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
1 have read 5 have done • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
2 have travelled 6 have slept chorally and/or individually.
3 has lived 7 have swum • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
4 have visited 8 have written
2 Reading/Listening for gist
7 Practising the past perfect negative
Read out the question and play the recording. Ss
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. listen and read the text to find out.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key herons, eagles, wildcats, tortoises, water lilies, willows,
1 hasn’t visited 4 hasn’t driven oak trees, vines
2 haven’t climbed 5 haven’t eaten
3 haven’t tried 6 haven’t left

3 a) Reading for key information; Answer Key
understanding the author’s attitude We form the present perfect interrogative with
• Ask Ss to read the sentence stems and then have/has + personal pronoun + past participle of the
give them time to read the text again and main verb.
complete the task. Examples: Have you ever been ...? Have you ever tried ...?
• Check Ss’ answers around the class and then
elicit the author’s attitude to the reserve. 6 Practising the present perfect
interrogative and short answers
Answer Key
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and
1 the Danube River 4 Letea Forest
then check their answers.
2 natural ecosystems 5 312 species of birds
3 grey wolves Answer Key
1 Have they come, haven’t
The author’s attitude to the reserve is that it is an
2 Have you seen, haven’t
amazing place that people should visit.
3 Has he stayed, has
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the 4 Has Julia tried, hasn’t
words in the Check these words box. 5 Have we packed, have
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. 6 Has Mike bought, hasn’t
7 Has she booked, has
b) Consolidating information in a
text; expressing an opinion 7 a) Presenting have been – have gone
Give Ss time to consider their answers and then Ask Ss to read out the theory box and explain any
elicit answers from Ss around the class. points Ss are unsure of.
Suggested Answer Key
People should visit the Danube Delta because it’s the b) Practising have been – have gone
perfect place to see Romania’s wild natural beauty as Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
well as many rare plants and interesting animals. and then check their answers.
4 Learning prepositional phrases Answer Key
1 has gone 3 hasn’t gone
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete the task 2 haven’t been 4 have been
and then check their answers.
Answer Key 8 Listening for specific information
1 in 2 of 3 on 4 for 5 to
• Ask Ss to read the statements (1-5) and play the
5 Learning the present perfect recording.
(interrogative & short answers) • Ss listen and mark the statements according to
what they hear.
• Ask Ss to read the theory box. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Explain that we form questions in the present
Answer Key
perfect with have/has + personal pronoun + past
participle. Explain/Elicit that we form short answers 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 NS 5 NS
with Yes/No + personal pronoun + have/has/
haven’t/ hasn’t. 9 ICT Researching and presenting the
• Then elicit examples from the text. Danube Delta Biosphere reserve
• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in groups to
complete it. Encourage Ss to research online for
more information about the reserve.

• Invite various groups to present the reserve to the Thanks again for inviting me. Perhaps, I will be able to
class. come another time after my exams have finished.
Suggested Answer Key Best wishes,
The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve Ann
General information: on the coast of Romania, flows
into the Black Sea, home to hundreds of species of birds 6.3 –National landmarks I
and fish, has a great number of lakes and marshes 1 Presenting vocabulary for holiday
Interesting facts: second largest biosphere in Europe activities
(after the Volga Delta), popular tourist destination in
Romania • Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
Activities: go birdwatching, go fishing, take a boat trip • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/or individually.
The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve is on the coast of • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
Romania and flows into the Black Sea. The reserve is
very important because it is home to hundreds of 2 Expressing preference
species of birds and fish, and has a great number of
• Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the
lakes and marshes. It is also the second largest
example exchange. Then have Ss work in pairs and
biosphere reserve in Europe after the Volga Delta. The
use the phrases in the Functions box to act out
Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve is a popular tourist
similar exchanges using the vocabulary in Ex. 1.
destination in Romania and the best place to see the
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
country’s natural beauty. Visitors can explore the nature
some pairs to act out their exchanges in front of
and do activities like birdwatching and fishing and even
the rest of the class.
take a boat trip in the Delta.
Suggested Answer Key
10 Writing an email making/refusing an offer A: Do you prefer trying an escape room experience or
going kayaking?
• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in pairs to B: I prefer going kayaking to trying an escape room
complete the task. experience.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key A: Which do you prefer: going snorkelling or going
Hi Ann,
B: I prefer going snorkelling to going caving.
Guess what? This Saturday, I am visiting the Danube
Delta Biosphere Reserve with my family. It is the perfect
place for all nature lovers. There are 23 natural 3 Reading for gist
ecosystems with different animal and plant species. Read out the question and ask Ss to read through the
Why don’t you come with us? My dad can pick you up in texts quickly and find out.
the morning. Let me know if you can make it. It’s going Suggested Answer Key
to be a fantastic experience!
Both the places are natural features. Both the places
are in the UK. Both the places are very old.
Hi Elena, 4 Reading/Listening for key information
Thank you so much for inviting me to go to Danube • Ask Ss to read the questions and then play the
Delta Biosphere Reserve. It was very kind of you. It recording. Ss listen and read the text again. Give
sounds like an amazing place. Ss time to complete the task.
Unfortunately, I am unable to go. I am sitting my exams • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
soon and I have to study.

Answer Key 8 Practising the present perfect with since,
1 Cheddar Gorge 4 Fingal’s Cave for, ever, never, already, yet, just, how long and
2 Fingal’s Cave 5 Cheddar Gorge personal examples
3 Fingal’s Cave • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it in
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words their notebooks.
in the Check these words box. • Elicit a variety of answers from Ss around the class.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
Suggested Answer Key
I haven’t travelled abroad since 2016.
5 Describing a scene using musical cues I have already booked the tickets.
• Explain the task and play the recording. Have you ever stayed at a hotel?
• Give Ss time to consider their answers and think I have never camped by a river.
about all the points listed. I haven’t found my passport yet.
• Play the recording again if necessary and then ask I have just spoken to the travel agent.
various Ss around the class to describe the scene I have never tried caving.
to the class. I haven’t caught a fish since last summer.
Suggested Answer Key
I am at Fingal’s Cave. I am with my parents. The 9 Writing a short message
weather is warm and sunny and the sea is calm. We are • Explain the situation and the task and give Ss time
in a kayak inside the cave. I feel excited and happy. to complete it including all the points mentioned.
• Ask various Ss to read their messages to the class.
6 Presenting and practising phrasal verbs Suggested Answer Key
with give Cezara_457, 20:03
• Ask Ss to read the box and then complete the Hi Harry, I’m at Cheddar Gorge, England with parents.
sentences with the correct particle. Arrived last week. Amazing place! Have already tried
• Check Ss’ answers. rock climbing and caving and climbed 322 steps to top.
Answer Key View was incredible. Haven’t tried an escape room
1 off 2 up 3 in 4 out experience yet. Going to try that tomorrow. I love it
here! Talk soon.
7 a) Presenting the present perfect with
6.4 – Natural phenomena
since, for, ever, never, already, yet, just, how long
Ask Ss to read the theory box and explain any points 1 Reading/Listening for key information
Ss are unsure of. Then elicit examples in the texts. • Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the
Answer Key questions (1-3). Elicit guesses from Ss around the
Examples: Have you ever tried, You’ve never seen, have class.
been here since • Then play the recording. Ss listen and read
through the text to answer the questions.
• Check Ss’ answers.
b) Practising the present perfect with
since, for, ever, never, already, yet, just, how long Answer Key
1 C 2 B 3 A
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
and then check their answers around the class.
2 Reading comprehension
Answer Key
1 never 5 ever 9 never • Give Ss time to answer the questions referring to
2 yet 6 just 10 yet the text as necessary.
3 already 7 since • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
4 for 8 already
• Ask Ss to look at the words in bold in the text and like a rainbow at night. I felt very excited and very lucky
explain them. to see it.
• Check Ss’ answers. I saw earthquake lights once. They happen before and
Answer Key during earthquakes. It’s an amazing phenomenon –
1 Particles from the Sun mix with gases in the Earth’s balls of light in the sky. I felt very excited and very lucky
atmosphere. to see it.
2 At night during a full moon near waterfalls.
3 They can be many different colours. 4 Learning the present perfect continuous
Suggested Answer Key Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain any points Ss
noticed = saw are unsure of. Then elicit examples in the text.
capture = record Answer Key
awesome = very impressive Examples: I’ve been backpacking, I’ve been trying, have
especially = particularly been studying
images = pictures
remind = bring to memory 5 Practising the present perfect continuous
shape = the form of the outer edges of sth
predict = to say that sth will happen in the future • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Give Ss time to look up the meaning of the words
Answer Key
in the Check these words box.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. 1 have you been doing, have been exploring
2 Have they been waiting
Background information 3 have been hiking
4 hasn’t been swimming
Iceland is an island country in the North Atlantic 5 has Mike been learning, has been living
Ocean. It is part of Europe and the capital city is 6 have been going
Reykjavik. It has a population of 347,050 people. It is
famous for its volcanoes and glaciers.
6 Practising time words/adverbs used with
Zambia is a country in southern Africa. The capital
the present perfect, the present perfect
city is Lusaka. It used to be called Rhodesia and it was
continuous and the past simple
a British colony. That's why the official language is
English. The economy depends on mining, agriculture • Ask Ss to make sentences using the time words/
and tourism and it is a popular safari destination. adverbs and the present perfect, the present
perfect continuous or the past simple and tell
their partner.
3 Describing a phenomenon • Elicit sentences from Ss around the class.
• Ask Ss to imagine they saw one of the phenomena Suggested Answer Key
in the text and give them time to consider their I haven’t been on holiday since last May.
answers including all the points mentioned. I last rode my bike two weeks ago.
• Ask various Ss to tell the class. I went to the cinema last week.
Suggested Answer Key My family and I went to Spain last summer.
I have been writing on my blog since 2016.
I saw the Northern Lights once. It happens when
I haven’t eaten meat for three months.
particles from the Sun mix with gases in the Earth’s
I have already finished my homework.
atmosphere. It’s an amazing phenomenon – nature’s
I played football in the park last Saturday morning.
own fireworks display with red and green lights in the
I haven’t learnt to drive yet.
sky. I felt very excited and very lucky to see it.
I have been studying French for two years.
I saw a moonbow once. It happens at night during a full
moon near a waterfall. It’s an amazing phenomenon –

7 Writing an entry for the school blog 3 Reading/Listening for specific information
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and research online • Ask Ss to read the questions and answer choices.
and collect information about light pillars and Then play the recording. Ss listen and read the
make notes under the headings provided. Then text again to answer the questions.
give Ss time to write a short entry for the school • Check Ss’ answers.
blog about an imaginary time that they saw this Answer Key
phenomenon using their notes to help them. 1 B 2 A 3 C
• Ask various Ss to read out their texts to the class.
Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
various Ss to read out their texts in the next lesson. in the Check these words box.
Suggested Answer Key 4 Developing critical thinking skills
name: light pillars
Give Ss time to consider their answers and then elicit
what they look like: light beams reaching into the sky
answers from Ss around the class.
where and when you can see them: in very cold places
when there are ice crystals in the air, the light from the Suggested Answer Key
moon or from streetlights bounces into the sky I think there is a legend about the lakes because when a
place is very beautiful it can seem magical. So, people
Mario_2008, 17:35
make up stories to add some mystery to the place.
Hi everyone! I saw an amazing phenomenon when
I was on holiday in Canada last year. It was light pillars.
5 Comparing the present perfect
They look like light beams reaching into the sky. It only
continuous and the past simple
happens in very cold places when there are ice crystals
in the air. The light from the moon or from streetlights Ask Ss to read the theory. Explain any points Ss are
bounces into the sky. I took lots of cool photos. It was unclear on and elicit examples in the text.
amazing! Answer Key
Examples: present perfect continuous: have been
6.5 – Natural landmarks II standing, have been waiting present continuous: Are
you planning
1 Presenting vocabulary for natural
landmarks; Listening for confirmation
6 Practising present perfect continuous vs
• Read out the words in the list and explain/elicit present continuous
their meanings. Then ask Ss to look at the pictures
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
and read the names and then fill in the gaps.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Play the recording for Ss to check their answers.
Answer Key
Answer Key
1 am making, have been waiting
1 Loch 3 Causeway 5 Cave
2 Are you using, am booking
2 Falls 4 Cove
3 are you buying, have been staying
2 Reading for gist 4 are aching, have been staring
5 have been standing, isn’t working
Read out the questions and then give Ss time to read
through the text and find out. 7 Completing a dialogue
Suggested Answer Key • Ask Ss to read the dialogue and complete the
The rocks look like a man. The story local people tell is gaps with phrases from the Functions box.
about a hunter and his hounds. Some witches cast a • Check Ss’ answers.
spell on them and turned them into stone.

Suggested Answer Key • Ask Ss to make a collection of stories which they
1 What do you want to know 4 Can you tell me can update regularly.
2 do you know how to (Ss’ own answers)
3 Of course/Certainly 5 You have to
6.6 – Once in a lifetime
8 Role playing a dialogue requesting help
1 Presenting vocabulary for feelings
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and act out a dialogue
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
using the phrases in the Functions box and the
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
dialogue in Ex. 7 as a model.
chorally and/or individually.
• Monitor the activity around the class and have Ss
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
swap roles.
• Then ask some pairs to act out their dialogue in 2 Expressing feelings
front of the rest of the class.
• Ask two Ss to model the example dialogues.
Suggested Answer Key
• Then ask Ss to work in pairs and act out similar
A: Hello. Could you give me some information about dialogues using the adjectives in Ex. 1 and the
the Bucegi Nature Park Tour, please? language in the Functions box following the
B: What do you want to know? examples.
A: Do you know when the next tour is? • Monitor the activity around the class and ask
B: Certainly. The next available tour is on the 4th May various pairs to act out their dialogues in front of
and then they are every day after that. the class.
A: Thanks. Can you tell me how to book tickets?
B: You have to visit our website. It’s a very popular Answer Key
tour, though, so it’s a good idea to book a few days A: What’s up? You look nervous.
in advance. B: I am. I’ve got my driving test in an hour.
A: I’m sure you’ll be alright.
9 Writing a letter of request A: Are you alright? You look furious.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. B: Someone just stole my bike.
• Ask various Ss to read out their letters to the class. A: That’s terrible!
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’ A: What’s the matter? You look shocked.
answers in the next lesson. B: I just heard that I won a competition.
Suggested Answer Key A: Well done!
Dear Sir/Madam, A: Are you alright? You look a bit fed up.
I am interested in taking part in the Dartmoor Tour B: I’ve just had a really boring history lesson.
I heard advertised on the radio. I am writing to ask for A: Poor you!
some more information. A: What’s wrong? You look embarrassed.
First, of all, could you tell me when the next available B: I just called my teacher ‘Mum’ by mistake.
tour is? Also, I would like to know how to book tickets for A: Cheer up! I’m sure she saw the funny side.
the tour for myself and three friends.
Thank you for your help.
3 Reading/Listening for gist
Yours faithfully,
Dumitra Popescu • Ask Ss to read the first and last sentences in the
email and guess what happened to Alan.
10 Writing stories • Then play the recording. Ss listen and read the
email to find out.
• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in small groups.
• Ss find stories about places and write the stories in
their own words.

Answer Key 6 Learning adverbs and position of adverbs
A bear came into their camp when Alan was on a Ask Ss to read out the theory box. Explain any points
camping trip with his family and he got scared. They Ss are unsure of and then elicit examples in the email.
scared the bear away, but they didn’t sleep that night.
Answer Key
4 Reading comprehension Examples: suddenly, quietly, slowly, luckily
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer 7 Practising adverbs and order of adverbs
comprehension questions based on the text.
• Monitor the activity around the class. • Explain the task and read out the example.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Then check
Suggested Answer Key their answers.
A: Where did Alan go?
Answer Key
B: On a camping trip to Yosemite National Park. Who
did he go with? 2 They never go camping.
A: He went with his family. What did he do there? 3 We will be safe if we stay inside. / If we stay inside,
B: He went hiking, birdwatching and rock climbing. we will be safe.
What animals did he see? 4 The forest was extremely quiet.
A: He saw deer, a few coyotes and a bobcat. What 5 He shouted loudly at the bear.
happened on his last night? 6 The bear will come back soon.
B: They were putting out their tent when a bear came
into their camp. What did they do? 8 Pronouncing ea, ee
A: They made a lot of noise to scare the bear away. • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
How did Alan feel? chorally and/or individually.
B: He was terrified. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
9 Reporting an experience
in the Check these words box.
Read out the words/phrases in the list and then ask
Background information various Ss around the class to use them to summarise
Yosemite National Park is in the western Sierra Nevada Alan’s experience.
of California, USA. It covers 3,026.87 km2 and it is a World Suggested Answer Key
Heritage Site. Almost 95% of the park is designated Alan went on a camping trip with his family to Yosemite
wilderness and it has got granite cliffs, waterfalls, clear National Park. He saw lots of wildlife. On their last night,
streams, giant sequoia groves, lakes, mountains, meadows, they were putting up their tent when his brother saw a
glaciers, and it is known for its biological diversity. bear, they all shouted and banged the tent poles and
stamped their feet to scare the bear away. It worked
5 Developing creative writing skills and the bear left.

Give Ss time to consider their answers and write a new 10 Writing an email about an experience
ending to the email. Then ask various Ss to share their
answers with the class. • Explain the task and refer Ss to the Writing Skills
section for guided help with the writing task.
Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
We made as much noise as we could, but the bear
didn’t leave. In fact, it came closer. We ran into the Suggested Answer Key
woods and hid. After about half an hour the bear left Hi Maria,
and we went back to our camp. We didn’t sleep at all I’ve just returned from the Rila Lakes. I had a great time!
that night! We saw some beautiful scenery and lots of wildlife.
On the last day, we had an amazing experience. We
were walking by a lake when we saw a mother bear
with two cubs playing in the water. I was very excited
and happy! Background information
After a while, the bear family left, but I got some great Australia is the largest country in Oceania and the sixth
photos. I have never seen something so amazing! largest country in the world. The capital city is Canberra
Ecaterina and the largest city is Sydney. The population is over 25
million people. It has a wide variety of landscapes, with
CLIL (Geography) tropical rainforests in the north-east, mountain ranges in
the south-east, south-west and east, and dry desert in
1 Reading/Listening for gist the centre. The Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest
• Ask Ss to read the dictionary definition and then coral reef, is a short distance off the north-east coast and
elicit Ss’ guesses in answer to the questions in the extends for over 2,000 km.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
find out. 4 Expressing an opinion and
consolidating information in a text
Answer Key
The Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in • Give Ss time to consider their answers referring to
the world. It faces the problems of climate change, over- the text as necessary and write in their notebooks.
fishing and water pollution. • Then elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key
2 Reading for specific information I agree that people should not visit any part of the
• Ask Ss to read the sentences (1-5) and then give Great Barrier Reef in order to protect it from any more
them time to read the text again and mark them damage. Human activity is what has caused most of the
accordingly. damage to the reef so this should stop. The reef needs
• Check Ss’ answers. time to recover otherwise we will lose one of the most
amazing eco-systems on Earth.
Answer Key
1 T 2 NS 3 T 4 F 5 F
5 ICT Comparing the Great Barrier Reef
and a natural feature in Romania
3 Reading comprehension
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and research
• Read out the numbers in the list and give Ss time
online, collect information about a natural feature
to refer back to the text and find out what they
in Romania and make notes under the headings
refer to. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Answer Key • Then have Ss use their notes to compare and
2,300 – the length of the Great Barrier Reef in kilometres contrast the Romanian natural feature with the
20,000 – the number of years ago that the Great Great Barrier Reef.
Barrier Reef started growing • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
1,500 – the number of species of fish that live there present their comparisons in the next lesson.
134 – the number of species of sharks and rays that live Suggested Answer Key
The Great Barrier Reef vs The Danube Delta
30 – the number of species of marine mammals that live
Biosphere Reserve
name: the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve
1985 – the year when the coral reef was at its maximum
location: coast of Romania
wildlife: 45 freshwater fish species, over 300 bird
33% – the amount of the reef that is off limits to visitors
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words threats: climate change, water pollution
in the Check these words box. action taken: environmental groups have managed to
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. monitor the number of tourists
The Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve and the Great Answer Key
Barrier Reef are both UNESCO World Heritage Sites. 1 are going 4 aren’t coming
Also, the threats to both places centre around human 2 have been hiking 5 has been skiing
activity, climate change and water pollution. However, 3 have you been playing
the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve is one of the most
well-preserved natural sites, whereas the Great Barrier 6 Consolidating grammar from the module
Reef is at risk.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Self-Check Test 6 • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
1 Consolidating vocabulary from the 1 Rachel walked carefully along the icy path.
module 2 I love sleeping outside in the forest.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. 3 I’m extremely confused.
• Check Ss' answers. 4 He went on a tour yesterday.
5 Ben often travels to a foreign country.
Answer Key
1 falls 3 cave 5 cliffs
2 cove 4 mountains 7 Consolidating everyday English from the
2 Consolidating vocabulary from the • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
module • Check Ss' answers.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Answer Key
• Check Ss' answers. 1 a 2 b 3 a
Answer Key
1 hike 3 see 5 spot 8 Reading for key information
2 go 4 explore • Give Ss time to read the article and then ask them
to read the questions and answer them.
3 Consolidating vocabulary from the • Check Ss' answers.
module Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. 1 Kilauea 3 Death Valley
• Check Ss' answers. 2 Crate Lake 4 Crate Lake
Answer Key
1 anxious 3 surprised 5 satisfied Background information
2 embarrassed 4 fed up California is a US state in the Pacific Region with 39.5
million residents. The state capital is Sacramento.
4 Consolidating grammar from the module California is bordered by Oregon to the north,
Nevada and Arizona to the east, and Baja California to
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. the south. Its diverse geography ranges from the
• Check Ss' answers. Pacific Coast in the west, to the Sierra Nevada
Answer Key mountain range in the east, and from the forests in the
1 yet 2 just 3 since 4 for 5 ever northwest to the Mojave Desert in the southeast.

5 Consolidating grammar from the module

• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss' answers.

10 Writing an email about an experience
Hawaii is the 50th state of the USA and it is an
archipelago of hundreds of islands in the Pacific • Explain the task and give Ss time to write their
Ocean spread over 2,400 km. The biggest island is email.
also called Hawaii. It is a popular destination for • Check Ss' answers.
tourists, surfers, biologists, and volcanologists. Suggested Answer Key
Oregon is a state in the Pacific Northwest region of Hi Lisa,
the United States. The capital city is Salem and the I’ve just returned from Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
population is over 4 million people. Oregon is one of I had a great time! We saw some amazing scenery.
the most geographically diverse states in the US, with One day, I had a scary experience. I took a helicopter
volcanoes, many bodies of water, dense evergreen tour and the clouds rolled in fast and suddenly it was
and mixed forests, as well as deserts and shrublands. impossible to see. The pilot tried to fly under the clouds,
but below us was red-hot lava. I was terrified!
Luckily, we took a different route and landed safely. I
9 Listening for specific information felt very relieved.
• Ask Ss to read the gapped text. Bye for now.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and fill the gaps Dorina
according to what they hear.
• Check Ss' answers. Competences
Answer Key Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the module by
1 Volcanoes 3 clouds 5 relieved ticking the items according to how competent they feel for
2 helicopter 4 lava each of the listed activities

7 Tourism & the Environment

Topic 7.4 Eco-holidays 112-113

In this module Ss will learn about means of transport, eco- Lesson Objectives: Learning/Talking about types of holidays,
destinations & features, holiday activities, souvenirs, types of reading for gist/specific information, learning can – may –
holidays, environmental issues and crime. They will learn could (permission), listening for specific information, asking
modals: can/could/be able to (ability/ possibility/probability); for giving/refusing permission
mustn’t (prohibition); must/have to (obligation); should(n’t)/ Vocabulary: Types of holidays (sightseeing holiday, cruise,
must (advice, recommendation); can/may/could (permission), safari, beach holiday, package holiday, road trip, camping
and adjectives ending in -ed/-ing. They will ask for prices, holiday, adventure holiday, volunteer holiday, backpacking
make a speech, compare places, give advice, ask for/give/ holiday); Adjectives/Phrases relating to holidays (interesting,
refuse permission, give bad news–express sympathy, present stress-free, expensive, tiring, close to nature, experience local
places, present an issue and pronounce /oo /. They will write a culture, great way to meet people, boring, get away from the
postcard, an article, a poster, leaflets and an advert. hustle and bustle of city life, help others, broaden your
horizons, helps you to become open-minded, cheap, explore
Module page 105
amazing places, exciting, relaxing); Verbs (disturb, share);
Lesson Objectives: Learning about means of transport and Phrasal verb (check out); Nouns (cave, stalactite, stalagmite,
getting an overview of the unit fossils, bat, glacier); Adjectives (uneven, slippery)
Vocabulary: Means of transport (suspension railway, coco
taxi, maglev train, Terra Bus, seaplane) 7.5 Environmental issues 114-115
Lesson Objectives: Learning about environmental issues,
7.1 Magical Madagascar 106-107
reading for gist/specific information, learning prepositions,
Lesson Objectives: Learning about eco-destinations & pronouncing /oo /, listening for specific information, making a
features, reading for gist/specific information, learning can – poster
could – be able to (ability/possibility/probability), mustn’t Vocabulary: Environmental issues (acid rain, air pollution,
(prohibition), comparing Madagascar and Romania, deforestation, loss of endangered species, light and noise
presenting Madagascar, preparing a leaflet on Romania pollution, plastic waste); Verbs (estimate, launch, remove,
Vocabulary: Eco-destinations & features (beautiful scenery, trap, reduce); Phrasal verbs (break down, wash up); Nouns
reptiles, variety of birds, orchids, national park, lemurs); Phrasal (current, galaxy, solution); Phrase (get tangled); Number
verb (break away); Nouns (coast, mainland, match, destination); (trillion)
Adjectives (magical, perfect); Phrase (huge variety)
7.6 Safe & Sound 116-117
7.2 Eco-destinations 108-109 Lesson Objectives: Learning about crime, reading for
Lesson Objectives: Learning about holiday activities, gist/key information, giving bad news/expressing sympathy,
reading for gist/for key information, learning adjectives learning phrasal verbs with break, listening for specific
ending in -ed/-ing/ prepositional phrases, presenting places, information, giving advice to tourists, preparing a leaflet for
writing a postcard tourists on holiday in Romania
Vocabulary: Holiday activities (go manatee watching, go Vocabulary: Crime (burglary/robbery, mugging, pickpocketing,
scuba diving, go cliff jumping, go monkey spotting, go shoplifting, car theft); Verb (mug); Nouns (pickpocket, wallet,
snorkelling); Nouns (coast, manatee, coral reef, palm tree, attacker, belongings, passer-by, contents, valuables, overhead
jungle); Adjectives (tiny, delicious, stunning); Phrase (get lost) locker); Adjectives (skilful, safe, fake); Phrases (doze off, on your
7.3 Things to remind us 110-111
Culture Corner 118
Lesson Objectives: Learning about souvenirs, reading for
gist/key information, learning must(n’t) – (not) have to – Lesson Objectives: Reading for gist/key information,
should(n’t), making a speech, talking/writing an article about presenting Kakadu Park, writing about a national park in
how to protect animals from illegal hunting Romania
Vocabulary: Souvenirs (leather mask, silk scarf, multicoloured Vocabulary: Verbs (soar); Nouns (treasure, swamp,
wooden bracelet, cotton T-shirt, metal keyring, cloth teddy helicopter, wetlands, surface); Adjectives (ecological, truly);
bear, ceramic mug, silver necklace); Verbs (trade, support, Phrases (bird’s-eye view, be home to)
shrink); Phrasal verb (break off); Nouns (tusk, poacher,
Self-Check Test 7 119-120
extinction, comb, fate); Phrases (be to blame)
What’s in this module?
Canadian Rockies The Rocky Mountains, commonly
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss that known as the Rockies, are a major mountain range in
these are the topics, skills and activities this module will western North America. They stretch more than 4,800
cover. km from the northernmost part western Canada, to
the Southwestern United States.
1 Generating topic-related vocabulary Fiji is an island country in the South Pacific about 2,000
• Set a one-minute time limit and ask Ss to think of km northeast of New Zealand. Fiji is an archipelago of
as many means of transport as they can and write more than 330 islands and it has an abundance of
them in their notebooks. forest, mineral, and fish resources.
• Then have Ss compare their lists with their
partners. Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Suggested Answer Key 7.1 – Magical Madagascar
car, bus, tram, bike, motorbike, taxi, boat, ship, ferry,
plane, helicopter, train, cable car, metro, etc 1 Presenting vocabulary relating to
2 Practising new vocabulary • Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and then read the
chorally and/ or individually.
texts. Read out the example and then give Ss time
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
to write similar sentences in their notebooks.
• Elicit sentences from Ss around the class.
2 Practising new vocabulary
Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures again and use the
… a yellow coco taxi.
phrases in sentences following the example.
If you go to Shanghai in China, you can ride on the
• Elicit sentences from Ss around the class.
Maglev train.
If you go to the Canadian Rockies, you can ride on a Suggested Answer Key.
Terra Bus. Madagascar has beautiful scenery. Tourists can see
If you go to the Yasawa Islands in Fiji, you can go on a lemurs and reptiles and a variety of birds as well as
seaplane. beautiful plants including orchids. There is also a
national park.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at
the end.
3 Reading for gist
Background information • Read out the question and elicit Ss’ guesses.
Wuppertal is a city in Germany in and around the • Then give Ss time to read the text and find out.
Wupper Valley, east of Dusseldorf. It has got a • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
population of around 350,000 people. It is known for Suggested Answer Key
its steep slopes, woods, parks and its suspension The wildlife in Madagascar is unique because over 80%
railway. of it only lives on Madagascar.
Havana is the capital city and the largest city of Cuba.
It is a major port, and leading commercial centre. The 4 Reading/Listening for specific information
population is 2.1 million people and the city attracts
over a million tourists every year. • Ask Ss to read the statements (1-5).
Shanghai is the largest city in China with a population • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text
of over 24 million people. It is also a global financial again and mark the sentences according to what
centre and transport hub, with the world’s busiest they read.
container port. • Check Ss’ answers around the class and elicit
corrections for the false statements.
Answer Key 7 Practising can – could – be able to
1 T 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 F (ability/possibility/probability), mustn’t
3 Rugby is a popular sport in Madagascar.
5 You can’t buy animals as souvenirs in Madagascar. Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Then
check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
in the Check these words box. Answer Key
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at 1 could/was able to 5 can
the end. 2 could 6 could
3 mustn’t 7 could
Background information 4 was able to 8 can
Madagascar is an island country in the Indian Ocean,
off the coast of East Africa. It has an estimated 8 Comparing Madagascar and
population of 18.5 million. It is one of the most Romania
isolated nature reserves in the world. • Give Ss time to consider their answers and then
make comparative characterisations between
Madagascar and Romania for the points listed.
5 a) Consolidating new vocabulary • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
• Ask Ss to read out the words in the list and the Suggested Answer Key
gapped phrases and complete them referring Madagascar is off the coast of Africa, but Romania is in
to the text as necessary. Europe.
• Check Ss’ answers. Madagascar has a population of 25 million people, but
Answer Key Romania only has a population of 20 million people.
1 guided 3 tourist 5 beautiful You can see wildlife, take a guided tour of a national
2 historic 4 crystal-clear 6 unique park and see historic buildings and go snorkelling or
scuba diving in Madagascar. You can do all these
b) Practising new vocabulary things in Romania, too. You can’t see a rugby match in
Romania, but you can in Madagascar.
• Give Ss time to make sentences using the
phrases in Ex. 5a in their notebooks.
• Elicit sentences from Ss around the class. 9 Presenting Madagascar
Suggested Answer Key • Ask Ss to copy the headings into their notebooks
It is the perfect tourist destination. You can see historic and make notes under them while watching the
buildings such as the Royal Palace. video and then use their notes to help them
You can go snorkelling in the crystal-clear waters. prepare a presentation. Play the video for the Ss.
You can see beautiful scenery and unique species such • Give Ss time to complete the task and then ask
as the lemur. various Ss to give their presentation to the class.
Suggested Answer Key
6 Learning can – could – be able to Place: Madagascar
(ability/possibility/probability), mustn’t Location: off the coast of Africa
(prohibition) Population: 25 million
Special features: unique wildlife, Masoala National
Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain any points Ss Park
are unsure of and then elicit examples in the text. What to see/do: take a guided tour of the national
Answer Key park, see a rugby match at Maki Stadium, visit historic
Examples: can take, can see, can also visit, can’t take buildings like the Royal Palace, go snorkelling, go scuba

Good morning everyone! My name is Georgiana Albu 2 Discussing holiday activities/preferences
and today I’d like to talk to you about Madagascar.
• Ask Ss to work in pairs. Ask two Ss to model the
This is an island off the coast of Africa. It has got a
example exchange, then give Ss time to act out
population of 25 million people and it has got a whole
exchanges following the example.
host of special features including unique wildlife and
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
the Masoala National Park. There is so much to see and
various Ss to share their exchanges with the class.
do there, you will be amazed. To start with, you can
take a guided tour of the national park. You can also Suggested Answer Key
see a rugby match at Maki Stadium. If you prefer A: Do you prefer going scuba diving or cliff jumping?
culture, you can visit historic buildings like the Royal B: I prefer going scuba diving to cliff jumping, / I’d
Palace in the capital city. Finally, for beach lovers, you rather go scuba diving than go cliff jumping.
can go snorkelling or you can go scuba diving. A: Which do you prefer: going manatee watching or
Madagascar is a fantastic tourist destination! Are there going monkey spotting?
any questions? … Thank you for listening. B: I prefer to go manatee watching.

10 ICT Preparing a leaflet on Romania 3 Reading/Listening for gist

• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in small groups. • Ask Ss to read the title and the introduction. Then
Give Ss time to research online and collect elicit Ss’ guesses as to how the places are related.
information about a place in Romania. • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
• Ask Ss to use the headings in Ex. 9 to make notes find out and then elicit their answers.
about the place in Romania.
• Then ask Ss to use their notes to prepare a leaflet Answer Key
promoting Romania as a tourist destination. The places in the brochure are related because they
• Ask various Ss to read their leaflets to the class. are all car-free.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and have Ss
read out their leaflets in the next lesson. 4 Reading for key information
Suggested Answer Key • Ask Ss to read the questions (1-5) and then give
Hunedoara in Romania is an ideal tourist destination. It them time to read the text again and answer them.
has so much to offer its visitors. • Check Ss’ answers.
You can visit the Retezat National Park and see glacial Answer Key
lakes and beautiful mountain peaks. 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A
You can see over 120 different bird species and nearly
1.200 plant species. • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
You can visit historic buildings like Humyad Castle. in the Check these words box.
You can go bird watching. You can also go camping, • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at
cross-country skiing or mountain biking. the end.
You can go hiking, walking or trekking in the national
Background information
park and enjoy the wildlife. You can also go rock
climbing. The choices are endless! Caye Caulker is a small island off the coast of Belize in
the Caribbean Sea. The population of Caye Caulker is
7.2 – Eco-destinations approximately 2,000 people. The island is accessible
by high-speed water taxi or small plane. The island is a
1 Presenting vocabulary for holiday popular destination for backpackers.
activities Belize is an independent Commonwealth realm on
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. the eastern coast of Central America. The population
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat is 387,879 and it has a diverse society that reflects its
chorally and/ or individually. rich history. Belize is known for its large coral reefs.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
Suggested Answer Key
Ko Phi Phi is the second largest island of the Phi Phi
Caye Caulker, Ko Phi Phi and Little Corn Island don’t
archipelago in Thailand. It is part of Hat Noppharat
have traffic jams.
Thara-Mu Ko Phi Phi National Park. It is a popular
They are perfect places for a summer holiday.
tourist resort and it was also the location for the film
Ko Phi Phi has lots of sandy beaches.
‘The Beach’. Ko Phi Phi Don is the largest island in the
You can try delicious food in local restaurants on Caye
Ko Phi Phi archipelago, but it is not as popular a Caulker.
destination as Ko Phi Phi Le. Little Corn Island is a great place for scuba diving.
Thailand is an Asian country in Southeast Asia. The
capital city is Bangkok and the population is 68 million
people. The language is Thai and the currency is the 6 Identifying and generating vocabulary
Baht. It is known for its natural beauty, its many • Give Ss time to scan the text again and find any
historical sites and its cuisine. means of transport mentioned.
Little Corn Island is one of the two Corn Islands • Check Ss’ answers and then elicit other means of
about 70 kilometres east of the Caribbean coast of transport from Ss around the class.
Nicaragua. It is 2.9 km2 in size and has a population of Answer Key
about 7,500 people. car, on foot, by bicycle, boats, walk
The Caribbean Sea is a sea of the Atlantic Ocean in
the tropics of the Western Hemisphere. At its edges Suggested Answer Key
are Mexico and Central America to the west and south Jet ski, yacht, motor boat, taxi, etc
west, Cuba to the north and South America to the
south. 7 Learning about adjectives ending in -ed/-
Nicaragua is the largest country in Central America. ing
The capital city and largest city is Managua. The Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain any points Ss
population is 6 million people and they speak are unsure of. Then elicit examples in the text.
Spanish. It is home to the second-largest rainforest of
the Americas and the biological diversity, warm Answer Key
tropical climate and active volcanoes make Nicaragua Examples: annoyed, relaxing, interested
a popular tourist destination.
8 Practising adjectives ending in -ed/-ing
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
5 a) Consolidating new vocabulary • Check Ss’ answers.
• Read out the words in the list and give Ss time Answer Key
to use them to complete the phrases in their
1 interesting 5 frightened
notebooks referring to the text as necessary.
2 surprised 6 boring
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
3 exciting 7 disappointing
Answer Key 4 tired 8 worried
1 traffic 3 sandy 5 local
2 summer 4 delicious 6 scuba 9 Learning/Practising prepositional phrases
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
b) Practising new vocabulary • Check Ss’ answers.
• Explain the task and read out the example Answer Key
sentences. Then give Ss time to make their
1 for 2 on 3 off 4 for 5 with
own sentences using the phrases in Ex. 5a.
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.

10 Presenting places watch some people cliff jumping. This is the best holiday
ever! Bye for now.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to make notes
about each place under the headings provided.
• Then explain the situation and ask various Ss to
7.3 –Things to remind us
use their notes to present the places as if they are
talking to a group of tourists. 1 Learning new vocabulary relating to
Suggested Answer Key souvenirs and practising order of adjectives
name: Caye Caulker • Revise order of adjectives and elicit/remind Ss that
location: off the coast of Belize, Central America adjectives follow a set order (opinion, size/weight,
activities: manatee watching, trying delicious food in age, shape, colour, origin, material).
local restaurants • Then explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown
name: Ko Phi Phi words.
location: Thailand • Read out the example and elicit answers from Ss
activities: take boats, monkey watching, cliff jumping around the class.
name: Little Corn Island Answer Key
location: near Nicaragua in the Caribbean Sea It’s a brown Italian leather mask.
activities: fishing, scuba diving, snorkelling, walk along It’s a multicoloured Indian wooden bracelet.
the beach It’s a red American cotton T-shirt.
It’s a French metal Eiffel Tower keyring.
Hello everyone! I want to tell you about three amazing
It’s a British cloth teddy bear.
car-free places to go for a relaxing summer holiday.
It’s a Bulgarian ceramic mug.
First is Caye Caulker off the coast of Belize in Central
It’s a Greek silver necklace.
America. Here you can go manatee watching and try
delicious food in local restaurants.
Next, there is Ko Phi Phi. This is an island in Thailand. 2 Asking about prices of souvenirs
Here you can take boats and go monkey watching or • Explain the task and read out the example
cliff jumping. exchange.
Finally, I’d like to tell you about Little Corn Island. This is • Give Ss time to complete the task in pairs and then
an island near Nicaragua in the Caribbean Sea. You ask various pairs to share their answers with the
can go fishing, go scuba diving, go snorkelling or simply class.
walk along the beach. Suggested Answer Key
So, I hope I’ve given you something to think about.
B: … £20.
Thanks for listening.
A: Excuse me, how much is this leather mask?
B: It’s £35.
11 Writing a postcard A: Excuse me, how much is this wooden bracelet?
• Explain the task and refer Ss to the Writing Skills B: It’s £5.
section for guided help with this task. A: Excuse me, how much is this cotton T-shirt?
• Give Ss time to complete it and then ask various Ss B: It’s £15.
to read their postcard to the class. A: Excuse me, how much is this metal keyring?
Suggested Answer Key B: It’s £6.
A: Excuse me, how much is this cloth teddy bear?
Hi Rachel.
B: It’s £15.
Greetings from Ko Phi Phi in Thailand. I’m having an
A: Excuse me, how much is this ceramic mug?
amazing time here with my family. We arrived last week
B: It’s £4.50.
and the place is beautiful. There are sandy beaches,
A: Excuse me, how much is this silver necklace?
coral reefs and stunning scenery. Today we are taking
B: It’s £99.
a boat to go monkey spotting. Later, we are going to

3 Reading/Listening for gist Answer Key
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the title of Examples: what must tourists avoid, must stop, you
the text. Then elicit their guesses as to why they shouldn’t buy
think the souvenirs in the pictures are illegal.
• Then play the recording. Ss listen and read the 7 Practising modals must(n’t) – (not) have to-
text to find out. should(n’t)
• Ask various Ss to tell the class. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
Suggested Answer Key • Then check Ss’ answers.
I think these souvenirs are illegal because they come Answer Key
from animals that are endangered. 1 should 4 have to
2 mustn’t 5 shouldn’t
4 Reading for key information/Identifying 3 must 6 don’t have to
writer’s attitude
• Ask Ss to read the questions and then give them 8 Making a speech
time to read the text again and answer them. • Explain the task and give Ss time to prepare a
• Ask various Ss around the class to share their speech using the pictures and the text.
answers with the rest of the class. • Ask various Ss to make their speeches in front of
• Elicit from Ss to writer’s attitude. the class.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 They often think they are supporting local tribesmen. Good morning everyone. Today I want to talk to you
2 Combs, masks and jewellery. about illegal souvenirs. First, ivory. Ivory comes from
3 Global warming and coral poaching. elephant tusks and it is illegal to trade ivory. Elephants
The writer tries to raise people’s awareness of the are endangered and poachers take their tusks to make
problem of illegal souvenirs. jewellery. For this reason, we must never buy anything
made of ivory.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words Secondly, turtle shell. Sadly, turtle shell is popular for
in the Check these words box. souvenirs such as combs, masks and jewellery. There
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at are 90% fewer turtles today than 100 years ago, so we
the end. mustn’t buy anything from turtle shell.
Finally, there is coral. Some coral jewellery is legal, but a
5 Consolidating new vocabulary; reading lot of it isn’t. To make sure, we shouldn’t buy any coral
for cohesion and coherence jewellery so we can protect the coral reefs. Are there
• Explain/Elicit the meanings of the words in the list any questions? … Thanks for listening.
and then give Ss time to complete the gaps in the
text with the words in the list. 9 ICT Talking or writing an article about
• Check Ss’ answers. protecting animals from illegal hunting
Answer Key • Ask Ss to work in small groups and research online
1 Trading 3 shrunk 5 poaching and collect information about how to protect
2 extinction 4 protect 6 legally animals from illegal hunting using the key phrase
6 Learning/Revising modals must(n’t) – (not) • Then give Ss time to prepare a talk or write an
have to – should(n’t) article on the topic.
• Ask various groups to give their talk or read out
Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain any points Ss their article to the class.
are unsure of and then elicit examples in the text. • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
share their answers in the next lesson.
Suggested Answer Key B: I agree. I think it can broaden your horizons and it’s
Stop illegal hunting cheap, relaxing and stress-free.
You may think that there is not a lot you can do to stop A: I think backpacking is a great way to experience
illegal hunting, but there is. local culture.
To start with, you can sign a petition. Petitions can B: I agree. I think it’s a great way to meet people, too.
make governments make new laws if enough people A: I prefer volunteer holidays to camping holidays.
sign them. You can also write letters to the heads of They help you to become open-minded.
governments in Africa asking them to make new laws B: Yes, and they are a great way to help others, but a
against illegal hunting. camping holiday is cheap and you can get close to
Secondly, you can donate money to projects and funds nature. I think a cruise is boring and expensive.
that help stop illegal hunting. There are some that A: I agree. I think a package holiday is cheap and
protect animals and others that pay for park rangers stress-free.
who try to stop the poachers. If you can’t donate, you B: I prefer a beach holiday to a package holiday. They
can help through fundraising events. are so relaxing.
Finally, you can promise never to buy illegal animal A: I think they are boring.
products. You can also ask everyone you know to do the
same. 3 Reading for gist and identifying text types
We should all do whatever we can to protect animals
• Ask Ss to look at the texts and elicit which type
from illegal hunting.
each one is. Then elicit Ss guesses as to how they
are related.
7.4 – Eco-holidays • Give Ss time to read them and find out.
1 Presenting vocabulary for types of Answer Key
holidays A email
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. B a notice
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat C a social media post
chorally and/or individually. They are related because they are all about caves.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
4 Reading for specific information
2 Discussing types of holidays • Ask Ss to read the questions and answer choices
• Go through the words/phrases in the list and and then give them time to read the texts again
explain/elicit the meanings of any unknown words. and answer them.
Then ask two Ss to model the example exchange. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Then have Ss discuss the types of holidays in Ex. 1 Answer Key
using the words/phrases in the list following the 1 C 2 A 3 B
• Monitor the activity around the class. • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
• Ask various Ss to share their exchanges with the in the Check these words box.
Answer Key 5 Learning/Revising/Practising can – may –
could (permission)
A: A sightseeing holiday really appeals to me. I think
it’s exciting and interesting. • Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain any points
B: I prefer safaris to sightseeing holidays. I think they Ss are unsure of.
are the best way to bring you close to nature and • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it
explore amazing places. and then check their answers.
A: Yes, but they are expensive. I think a road trip is a
great way to get away from the hustle and bustle of
city life.
Answer Key 3 Listening/Reading for gist
1 May, may 3 Could, may not • Read out the question and elicit Ss’ guesses in
2 Can, can’t 4 can, can answer to it.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
6 Listening for specific information find out.
• Ask Ss to read the gapped text and think about Answer Key
the missing words. Then play the recording. Ss The text is about plastic waste. We can stop pollution
listen and complete the gaps. and we can reuse and recycle plastic.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 4 Reading for specific information
1 coach 3 1 hour 5 photos • Ask Ss to read the text again and fill in the gaps
2 10 4 English according to what they read.
• Check Ss’ answers.
7 Asking for/Giving/Refusing permission Answer Key
• Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the 1 1,000 4 Boyan slat
example exchanges. 2 9 5 001
• Then give Ss time to act out similar exchanges for 3 1.8 trillion 6 waste
the situations using the language in the Functions
box. • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask in the Check these words box.
some pairs to act out their exchanges in front of
the rest of the class. 5 Developing critical thinking
Suggested Answer Key Give Ss time to consider their answers and then ask
A: Mum, can I go to the theme park with my friends? various Ss around the class to share their answers with
B: Of course you can. / No, you can’t. the rest of the class.
A: May I leave the classroom, Mr Green? Suggested Answer Key
B: That’s fine. / No, I’m afraid you may not. Our school could have plastic recycling bins to collect
plastic waste. Another thing our school could do is
7.5 – Enviromental issues organise beach or park clean-ups to reduce rubbish
and plastic waste.
1 Presenting vocabulary for environmental
issues 6 Practising prepositions
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat then check their answers.
chorally and/ or individually.
Answer Key
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
1 on 2 to 3 up
2 Discussing environmental issues
7 Pronouncing oo
• Explain the task. Then ask Ss to talk to their
partners about the environmental issues in Ex. 1. • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
• Ask various Ss to share their answers with the class. chorally and/or individually.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
Suggested Answer Key
To me, loss of endangered species is the most serious,
because this affects the food chain. The least serious is
light and noise pollution, because it mostly affects our
94 power resources.
8 Listening for specific information Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the questions and answers and then
Environment Day
play the recording.
• Ss listen and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
Cherry Bloom School vs Deforestation
Did you Know?
Answer Key
It takes about 20-30 years for a new tree to grow.
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C Trees are natural air filters.
Our school is ready to take action!
9 ICT Developing research skills This Monday, 22nd April we are going to
• Explain the task. have a lesson on Saving Our Planet!
• Tell Ss to include all the points listed. Programme
• Then ask various Ss to present their issue in front 9:00 Watch a documentary about deforestation,
of the class. in the assembly hall
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’ 10:45 Break
answers in the next lesson. 10:30 Students learn how to make recycled paper
• Check Ss’ answers. 12:30 Field trip to the local park to plant trees and
clean-up rubbish
Suggested Answer Key
3:30 Return to school
causes: cut down trees to make paper, furniture & 7.6 – Safe & Sound
effects: climate change, loss of animal species & natural 1 Presenting vocabulary for crime
habitats • Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
what we can do: plant more trees, reduce paper usage, • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
recycle and buy recycled items chorally and/or individually.
Hello everyone. My name is Claudia and I will talk to • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
you about deforestation. When people want to make
paper, furniture and homes, they need wood. Wood 2 Describing pictures
comes from trees and by cutting down many trees, we • Read out the phrases and explain/elicit the
cause deforestation. meanings of any unknown words.
This environmental issue can cause climate change and • Read out the example and then elicit further
loss of animal species and their natural habitats. descriptive sentences using the phrases for the
We can try to help our environment, though. We can pictures from Ss around the class.
plant more trees, reduce our paper usage, recycle and
buy recycled items more often. Do you have any Answer Key
questions?... In picture 2 someone is taking a woman’s bag.
Thank you for listening. In picture 3 someone is stealing a purse from a woman’s
In picture 4 someone is stealing clothes from a shop.
10 Making a poster
In picture 5 someone is breaking into a car.
• Explain the task and assign the task as HW and
check Ss’ answers in the next lesson.
3 Listening/Reading for gist
• Ask various Ss to present their posters to the class.
• Ask Ss to read the title of the leaflet and the
• Then elicit their guesses in answer to the questions.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
find out.

Suggested Answer Key A: Something really shocking happened to me last
It is about staying safe while on holiday. I think it is for week. Someone broke into my car.
tourists. B: What? Oh no!

4 Reading comprehension 7 Learning phrasal verbs with break

• Ask Ss to read the questions and then give them • Ask Ss to read the box and then complete the
time to read the text again and answer them. sentences with the correct particle.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
1 Don’t take all your money with you. Leave it in the 1 up 3 in 5 down
hotel safe instead. Also have a ‘fake wallet’ with a 2 down 4 out
little money inside.
2 Passers-by. 8 a) Listening for specific information
3 Don’t store them in the overhead lockers keep
• Ask Ss to read the statements (1-5) and then
important things on your person.
play the recording.
The writer’s attitude is informative. • Ss listen and complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
5 Learning phrases for giving bad Answer Key
news/expressing sympathy 1 T 2 T 3 F 4 F 5 T
• Play the recording and ask Ss to listen to and read
the exchange, then give Ss time to replace the b) Consolidating information in a
underlined phrases with suitable alternatives from listening task
the Functions box. • Ask Ss to talk in pairs and tell each other what
• Check Ss’ answers. happened to John.
Suggested Answer Key • Ask some Ss to tell the class.
You won’t believe what happened to me – You’ll never Suggested Answer Key
guess what happened to me John was on holiday in Thailand when he got lost. He
Oh, dear! – What? Oh no! was looking at his map when two locals asked if he
needed help. While he was talking to them, they stole
6 Giving bad news/Expressing sympathy his money and his passport.
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and take roles and act out a
dialogue using one of the situations in Ex. 1. 9 Giving advice
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask • Play the video for Ss again and ask them to make
various pairs to share their exchanges with the notes under the headings provided in their
class. notebooks.
Suggested Answer Key • Then ask various Ss to use their notes to give
A: Something really awful happened to me last week. advice, as if to a group of tourists, on how to be
Someone broke into my house. safe during their holiday.
B: Oh no! You must be very upset. Suggested Answer Key
A: You won’t believe what happened to me yesterday. on the street: pickpockets, leave money in the hotel
Someone took my bag. safe, use a fake wallet
B: I’m so sorry to hear that. in the car: don’t leave belongings in the car, watch out
A: You’ll never guess what happened to me last if car breaks down, passer-by could have friend helping
weekend. Someone stole clothes from my shop. himself to your stuff
B: Oh, dear!
on the coach: don’t store valuables in overhead lockers, Money: It’s a good idea to wear a money belt, but
keep important things on person better still don’t carry a lot of cash when you are out
and about.
Hello everyone. I hope you are having a great holiday. I
Transport: Don’t use your smartphone on public
just want to remind of a few safety tips for while you are
transport. A thief may grab it and get off at the next
First, watch out for pickpockets on the street. Leave most
of your money in the hotel safe. You can even use a fake
Culture Corner
wallet to fool muggers.
Secondly, if you hire a car, don’t leave your belongings
in the car. Also, watch out if your car breaks down. A 1 Introducing the topic through audio visual
friendly passer-by could have a friend helping himself material
to your stuff. Ask Ss to look at the pictures and play the recording.
Finally, if you take a coach trip, don’t store your Ask Ss to use the sounds they hear and the pictures
valuables in the overhead lockers. Keep important they see to imagine what they can see at Kakadu
things on your person. National Park and ask various Ss to tell the class and
That’s all! Enjoy your holiday, but keep these tips in say how they feel.
mind. Suggested Answer Key
In Kakadu National Park, I can see forests and rivers. A
10 ICT Preparing a leaflet on being safe jabiru bird is flying overhead and pink lotus flowers are
while on holiday floating on the water. It is very peaceful and I feel calm
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and give them time and relaxed.
to watch a TV programme about how to be safe
on holiday and collect information under the 2 Listening/Reading for gist
headings provided. • Read out the question and elicit Ss’ guesses in
• Then give them time to use the information to answer to it.
prepare a leaflet on how to be safe while in • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
holiday for tourists visiting Romania. find out the answer.
• Assign the task as HW and check Ss’ answers in the
next lesson. Answer Key
Kakadu National Park has been made a UNESCO
Suggested Answer Key
World Heritage Site because it has got forests, swamps,
holiday accommodation: try to choose a hotel with a rivers and waterfalls. It has also got cave paintings from
keycard that doesn’t have the room number on it, if you 20,000 years ago.
lose it, thieves will not know which room to rob
sightseeing: dress like the locals, don’t wear a camera
around your neck 3 Reading for key information
money: wear a money belt, don’t carry a lot of cash Ask Ss to read the sentence stems (1-6). Then give
transport: don’t use your smartphone on public them time to read the text again and complete them.
transport, a thief may grab it and get off at the next Check Ss’ answers around the class.
stop Answer Key
Staying Safe on Holiday 1 Australia
Accommodation: Try to choose a hotel with a keycard 2 forest, swamps, rivers and waterfalls
that doesn’t have the room number on it. This way, if 3 20,000 years old
you lose it, thieves will not know which room to rob. 4 a helicopter
Sightseeing: Don’t dress like a tourist – dress like the 5 the wetlands
locals. This way, you won’t stand out as a target. Also, 6 who want to spend time in one of the last wild
don’t wear your camera around your neck. It might places on Earth
tempt a thief to grab it.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words 6 ICT Writing an advertisement for a
in the Check these words box. national park in Romania
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and use the headings
the end.
in Ex. 5 to research online and make notes in their
notebooks about a national park in Romania.
4 Consolidating information in a text • Then give them time to use their notes to write an
Read out the question. Give Ss time to consider their advertisement for the park.
answers. Then elicit answers from Ss around the class. • Ask various Ss to read their advertisements to the
Suggested Answer Key class.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’
I was impressed that Kakadu National Park is almost
answers in the next lesson.
half the size of Switzerland. I was also impressed that
you can take a tour of the park by helicopter. I was also Suggested Answer Key
impressed that the park has 280 species of birds. name: Maramures Mountains Natural Park
location: Romania
5 Presenting Kakadu National Park what to see: mountains, forests, caves, river, lakes
waterfalls, many rare plant species, lots of wildlife
• Ask Ss to read the text again and make notes in including Carpathian bears, wolves, minks, wild boars,
their notebooks under the headings provided. otters, eagles, hawks
Then give Ss time to use their notes to prepare a what to do: go hiking, stay in a tourist shelter or tent, go
presentation on Kakadu National Park. mountain climbing, go cycling or kayaking
• Ask various Ss to give their presentation to the what makes it special: UNESCO World Heritage Site,
class in the role of a personal guide. Biosphere Reserve, breathtaking scenery, amazing wildlife
Suggested Answer Key
Visit Maramures Mountains Natural Park in Romania
name: Kakadu National Park
• See mountains, forests, caves, rivers, lakes, waterfalls,
location: Australia
many rare plant series.
what to see: forests, swamps, rivers, waterfalls, cave
• Catch glimpses of an amazing variety of wildlife
paintings, wetlands, huge termite mounds, pink lotus
including Carpathian bears, wolves, minks, wild
flowers, eagles, magpie goose, jabiru bird, saltwater
boars and otters. If you are lucky, you may even get
to see eagles and hawks.
what to do: go hiking, hire a guide, get a bird’s-eye
• Go hiking, mountain climbing, cycling or kayaking.
view from a helicopter, take a boat trip
• Stay in a tourist shelter or tent.
what makes it special: UNESCO World Heritage Site,
Come and see this incredible national treasure, which is
one of the last truly wild places on Earth
also a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a Biosphere
Good morning everyone and welcome to Kakadu reserve due to its breathtaking scenery and amazing
National Park here in Australia. There is so much to see wildlife.
here. There are forests, swamps, rivers, waterfalls and
wetlands. You will have the unique opportunity to see Self-Check Test 7
20,000-year-old cave paintings as well as a wide variety
of wildlife including huge termite mounds, pink lotus 1 Consolidating vocabulary from the module
flowers, eagles, the magpie goose, the jabiru bird and
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
maybe even the saltwater crocodile.
• Check Ss’ answers.
We have a wide range of activities for you to do as well.
You can go hiking or hire a guide. If you are really Answer Key
adventurous, you can get a bird’s-eye view from a 1 suspension 5 tourist 9 national
helicopter. You can also take a relaxing boat trip. 2 coconut 6 historic 10 scenery
So, once again, welcome to this amazing UNESCO World 3 coach 7 mainland
Heritage Site – one of the last truly wild places on Earth. 4 seaplane 8 monster
2 Consolidating vocabulary from the Answer Key
module 1 Madrid
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. 2 Marc Granen
• Check Ss’ answers. 3 a special foam (on the roof)
4 they clean the city air and reduce pollution
Answer Key 5 there will be even more green spaces in cities on the
1 for 2 for 3 off 4 on 5 up walls of buildings and inside

3 Consolidating grammar from the module Background information

• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Madrid is the largest city and the capital city of Spain.
• Check Ss’ answers. It has a population of 3.3 million people. It is a
modern city with many historic landmarks and it is a
Answer Key popular tourist destination.
1 shouldn’t 4 couldn’t
2 May 5 Could
3 don’t have to 8 Listening for specific information
• Ask Ss to read the gapped text.
4 Consolidating grammar from the module
• Play the recording. Ss listen and fill the gaps
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. according to what they hear. Check Ss' answers.
• Check Ss’ answers. Answer Key
Answer Key 1 coach 3 50 minutes 5 café
1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 b 2 10 4 Warm

5 Consolidating grammar from the module 9 Writing an email

• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss' answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 exciting 4 tired Hi Sophie,
2 shocked 5 interesting I’ve just come back from a trip to Ceahlau National Park
3 boring with my parents. We saw mountains, forests, caves,
waterfalls, and lakes.
6 Consolidating everyday English from the The wildlife was amazing. I saw deer and wild goats
module and I was lucky enough to see a peregrine falcon.
We went hiking in the mountains and we stayed in a
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
mountain refuge. I had a fantastic time and I felt very
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Talk to you soon,
1 a 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b Daniela

7 Reading for specific information Competences

• Give Ss time to read the questions (1-5) and then Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the module by
ask them to read the text and answer them. ticking the items according to how competent they feel for
• Check Ss' answers. each of the listed activities.

8 Celebrations & Traditions

Topic Vocabulary: Celebrations (Shrove Tuesday, Easter, Halloween,

Bonfire Night, Thanksgiving, Christmas); Greetings (Happy
In this module Ss will learn about history curiosities, Pancake Day!, Happy Easter! Happy Halloween!, Happy
celebrations, national holidays, traditions & customs and Bonfire Night!, Happy Thanksgiving!, Merry Christmas!); Verbs
superstitions. They will learn prepositions of time, period (flip, whisk, melt, sprinkle); Phrasal verb (roll up); Nouns
of time, prepositions of possession & instrument, make – (cookbook, batter)
do, cardinal – ordinal numbers, some, any, no, every &
compounds, prepositions of place, compound sentences 8.4 Traditions & Customs 128-129
(and, but, or, so), and phrasal verbs with put. They will Lesson Objectives: Reading for gist, reading for specific
discuss historic landmarks and materials, present a historic information, learning some-any-no-every & compounds,
landmark, apologise/accept apologies, express thanks, give listening for key information, giving instructions, writing
instructions, invite, accept & refuse, greet, say farewell, instructions
introduce people/ourselves, make acquaintances, retell a Vocabulary: Verbs (fold, unfold, repeat, pinch); Nouns
story, learn holiday greeting & wishes and pronounce /u /. (sheet of paper, crease, section, corner)
They will write an advert about a historic landmark, an
email of invitation, an email refusing an invitation, an email 8.5 Time to celebrate 130-131
giving information, instructions, an email of apology and a
presentation about superstitions. Lesson Objectives: Reading about national holidays,
traditions & customs, inviting – accepting/refusing, reading
Module page 121 for key information, learning prepositions of place, learning
Lesson Objectives: Learning about historic curiosities and phrasal verbs with put, listening for specific information,
getting an overview of the module writing an email refusing an invitation/apologising
Vocabulary: Historic curiosities (Warwick Castle, Vocabulary: Nouns (saint, kilt, bagpipes, fancy-dress,
Monitcello, Mount Rushmore National Monument) daffood); Adjective (private)
8.6 Superstitions 132-133
8.1 History curiosities I 122-123
Lesson Objectives: Learning about superstitions, listening
Lesson Objectives: Learning about materials, describing for specific information, reading for gist, reading for key
historic landmarks, reading for gist, reading comprehension, information, pronouncing /u /, learning greetings/farewells/
learning prepositions of time, learning prepositions of introductions/making acquaintances, retelling a story,
possession & instrument, listening for specific information, presenting superstitions in Romania
talking about the Statue of Liberty, preparing an advert Vocabulary: Superstitions (scattering rose petals, greeting a
about a historic landmark in the USA or UK single magpie, planting a rowan tree, seeing a black cat,
Vocabulary: Materials (iron, steel, concrete, glass, marble, hearing the call of the cuckoo, eating roast goose); Verbs
sandstone bricks); Verb (drag); Nouns (landmark, purpose, (defeat, declare, copy, lack); Phrasal verb (fall on); Nouns
monument, temple, marvel, fortress, prison, jail, Crown (navy, Spanish Armada, victory, debts); Phrase (according to)
Jewels); Adjectives (iconic, true, man-made, royal)
CLIL (Literacy) 134
8.2 History Curiosities II 124-125
Lesson Objectives: Reading for gist, reading for key
Lesson Objectives: Reading for key information, listening for information, ordering events, summarising a story, writing a
specific information, learning make – do, apologising/accepting story
apologies, writing an email inviting a friend on a tour Vocabulary: Verbs (escape, bloom, rise); Nouns (tassel,
Vocabulary: Verb (trade), Nouns (crew, pirate, goods, snowdrop); Phrase (surrounded by sth)
colony, property); Adjective (advanced); Phrase (set sail)
Self-Check Test 8 135-136
8.3 Traditions I 126-127
Lesson Objectives: Learning about celebrations, learning
holiday greetings & wishes, reading for gist, reading for key
information, learning/revising cardinal – ordinal numbers,
expressing thanks, listening for specific information, writing
an email
What’s in this module? Suggested Answer Key

Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss that Good morning, everyone. Today, I’m going to talk to
these are the topics, skills and activities this module will you about some history curiosities in Romania and
cover. around the world.
Firstly, the Iulia Hasdeu Castle in Câmpina, Romania is
1 Introducing the topic; reading for specific a small building with a strange design. Bogdan
information Petriceicu Hasdeu started building it in 1893 after his
daughter Iulia died when she was 19. Bogdan said that
Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the information his daughter gave him the plans for the castle by talking
for each. Elicit which is the oldest landmark and elicit to him after she died.
the answers to the questions for each monument. On Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean, there are
Answer Key hundreds of statues of people with large faces. These
Warwick Castle is the oldest landmark. are called moai, and people built them sometime
between 1250 and 1500. They are really big and
2 Expanding the topic; reading for cohesion heavy, and even today, we aren’t sure how people built
& coherence and moved them around the island.
In Ireland there is an ancient monument called
• Ask Ss to read the words in the list and explain/elicit
Newgrange. People built it around 3200 BC, so it is
the meanings of any that are unknown.
older than the pyramids in Egypt. Every winter solstice,
• Give Ss time to read the sentences and complete
on the shortest day of the year, sunlight comes into the
the gaps with the correct words.
monument and lights up the inside room. It’s the only
• Check Ss’ answers.
time in the year when this happens.
Suggested Answer Key Are there any questions? ... Thank you for listening.
1 ghosts 3 secret
2 notes 6 second-largest 8.1 – History Curiosities I
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at 1 Presenting vocabulary relating to materials
the end.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
Background information • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
William the Conqueror was the first Norman King of chorally and/ or individually.
England, reigning from 1066 until his death in 1087. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
Thomas Jefferson was a Founding Father of the USA and
Background information
the main author of the Declaration of Independence.
Gutzon Borglum was an American artist and sculptor. France is a country in western Europe that spans from
He created a number of public monuments. the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and
from the Rhone to the Atlantic Ocean. The
population is 67.15 million people. The capital city is
3 ICT Developing research skills Paris. It is also the country's largest city and main
cultural and commercial centre.
• Give Ss time to research online and collect
UAE (United Arab Emirates) is a country in Western
information about history curiosities and prepare
Asia at the southeast end of the Arabian Peninsular on
a presentation.
the Persian Gulf. Its neighbours are Oman, Saudi
• Then ask various Ss to read out their presentations
Arabia, Qatar and Iran. The population is around 9.2
to the class.
million people. The country is a federation of seven
emirates which was established on 2nd December
1971. The capital is Abu Dhabi.

3 Reading for gist
India is a country in South Asia. It is the seventh-
largest country by area and the second-most Ask Ss to look at the adverts and elicit what each one
populous country with over 1.2 billion people. The advertises.
capital city is New Delhi. The largest city is Mumbai. Answer Key
The people speak Hindi and English. A – a monument
Cambodia is a country in the southern portion of the B – a castle
Indochina Peninsula in Southeast Asia next to Thailand,
Laos and Vietnam. The capital city is Phnom Penh and 4 Listenign/reading comprehension
the population is around 15.5 million people.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the adverts.
• Ask two Ss to model the example exchange and
2 Describing landmarks then ask Ss to ask and answer questions about the
places following the example.
• Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen to and read the • Monitor the activity around the class.
• Then ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the Suggested Answer Key
landmarks following the example dialogue and A: What is the purpose of the monument?
using the information in Ex. 1. B: No one is sure, but most think it was an ancient
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask temple. Where did the stones come from?
some pairs to discuss the landmarks in front of the A: Some of the stones are from 250 km away. How did
rest of the class. they get them to Stonehenge?
B: They probably moved them by boat and then
Suggested Answer Key.
dragged them across the land. Who built the Tower
A: Where is the Burj Khalifa? of London?
B: In the United Arab Emirates (UAE). A: William the Conqueror. When did he build it?
A: When did they build it? B: In the 11th century. What else has it been?
B: Between 2004 and 2009. A: It has been a fortress, a royal castle and a prison.
A: What materials did they use? Who has spent time in the jail there?
B: They used steel and concrete. B: Guy Fawkes and Elizabeth I. What can people see
A: Where is the Louvre Pyramid? there today?
B: In France. A: The Crown Jewels or they can go on a tour and hear
A: When did they build it? stories about the Tower’s history.
B: Between 1984 and 1989. • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
A: What material did they use? in the Check these words box.
B: They used glass. • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at
A: Where is the Taj Mahal? the end.
B: In India.
A: When did they build it? Background information
B: Between 1632 and 1653. Elizabeth I (1533-1603) was Queen of England and
A: What material did they use? Ireland from 17th November 1558 until her death on
B: They used marble. 24th March 1603.
Guy Fawkes (1570-1606) was a member of a group of
A: Where is Angkor Wat? provincial English Catholics who planned the failed
B: In Cambodia. Gunpowder Plot of 1605.
A: When did they build it?
B: In the 12th century.
A: What material did they use?
B: They used sandstone bricks.

5 Expressing a desire Suggested Answer Key
Give Ss time to consider their answers and then elicit Hello everyone. In a few minutes we will arrive at Liberty
answers from Ss around the class. Island. Let me take this time to tell you a bit about Lady
Liberty. The full name of the Statue of Liberty is the
Suggested Answer Key Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World. It was a gift
I would like to visit the Tower of London because I would from France to the people of America in 1886. The
like to see the Crown Jewels and I am interested in British monument is metal and it is a symbol of freedom. When
history. we arrive on the island, there are 215 steps to the base
of the statue. You can choose to take the stairs or the lift
6 Learning prepositions of time – period of for the best views of New York, though you should climb
time the stairs to the crown. There are 377 steps so be
• Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain any points Ss prepared, but trust me – it’s worth it.
are unsure of and then ask Ss to read the sentences Does anyone have any questions?
and choose the correct preposition.
• Check Ss’ answers. 10 ICT Writing an advert for a historic
Answer Key landmark
1 between 4 for 7 by • Give Ss time to research online and collect
2 at, in 5 after 8 on information about another historic landmark in
3 at 6 at the USA or UK and prepare an advert similar to
the ones in the texts in Ex. 3.
7 Learning/practising prepositions of • Then ask various Ss to read out their adverts to
possession & instrument the class.
Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain any points Ss
are unsure of. Edinburgh Castle is an iconic landmark in Scotland.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Built in the 12th century, it has been a royal castle and a
Then check their answers. military barracks. It was once the home of Queen
Margaret and Mary Queen of Scots. Today visitors can
Answer Key see the oldest crown jewels in the British Isles there, or
1 by 3 with 5 with go on a tour and see actors in costumes.
2 with 4 by, by
8.2 – History Curiosities II
8 Listening for specific information
1 Introducing the topic
• Ask Ss to read the gapped advert and think about
what the missing information can be. Ask Ss to read the title and the introduciton. Elicit if Ss
• Play the recording. Ss listen and write the missing know about historical mysteries.
information in their notebooks. (Ss’ own answers)
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 2 Listenign/reading for key information
1 Liberty 3 the World 5 377 • Ask Ss to read the questions (1-3) and then give them
2 metal 4 France time to read the itinerary again and answer them.
• Check Ss’ answers.
9 Presenting the Statue of Liberty
Suggested Answer Key
Ask various Ss to take the role of a tour guide and 1 Ten people. Captain Benjamin Briggs, his wife, his
present the Statue of Liberty to the class as if they are a daugther and seven crew members.
group of tourists. 2 John White.
3 It started to break up.
3 Consolidating new vocabulary 6 Learning make – do
• Explain the task and give Ss time to match the Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain any points Ss
words in the lists to form collocations found in the are unsure of.
text. Then ask various Ss to use the collocations to
make sentences following the example. 7 Practising make – do
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Then
Answer Key check their answers.
1 F 3 C 5 B
Answer Key
2 D 4 A 6 E
1 make 3 make 5 did
Suggested Answer Key 2 did 4 done
1 Written records help people learn about events in
the past. 8 Practising everyday English for
2 Folk stories can give us information about the past. apologising/accepting apologies
3 People in the Indus Valley had a water system by
2000 BCE. • Ask Ss to read the dialogue and then read the
4 Most people don’t believe that a local tribe Functions box and replace the underlined phrases
attacked the village. with other appropriate ones from the box.
5 The crew of the Mary Celeste went missing. • Check Ss’ answers.
6 Captain Benjamin Briggs set sail for Genoa on 17th Suggested Answer Key
November 1872. You didn’t come on – You missed
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words I’m terribly sorry. – I’m really sorry.
in the Check these words box. I overslept. – I missed the bus.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at Never mind. – That’s alright.
the end.
9 Apologising/accepting apologies
4 Developing critical thinking • Ask Ss to work in pairs and act out short exchanges
Give Ss time to consider their answers and then elicit for the situations given similar to the one in Ex. 8
answers from Ss around the class. using the language in the Functions box.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
Suggested Answer Key some pairs to act out their exchanges in front of
I  think people are still interested in these mysterious the rest of the class.
today because they are still unsolved. Some people
Suggested Answer Key
might be interested in finally finding out what
happened. A: Hey, Anna! You didn’t buy me a map!
B: I’m sorry. I forgot.
A: That’s OK.
5 Listening for specific information
A: You are late for the boat tour!
• Ask Ss to read the gapped timetable. Then play
B: I’m awfully sorry. I didn’t hear my alarm.
the recording and Ss listen and write the missing
A: Don’t worry about it.
information in their notebooks.
• Check Ss’ answers.
10 Writing an email inviting a friend on a tour
Answer Key
1 coach 3 lunch 5 Lake • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
2 10:30 4 2:30 Then check their answers.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’
answers in the next lesson.

Suggested Answer Key 2 a) Learning holiday greetings & wishes
Hi Mary, Ask Ss to read the wishes (A-F) and give them time
How’s things? I’m going to go on a tour of the ruins at to match them to the greetings (1-6) in Ex. 1. Check
Mohenjo Daro this summer. Do you fancy coming with Ss’ answers.
me? The tour costs £599 per person and it lasts for five
days. We will fly to Hyderabad first and then travel to Suggested Answer Key
the ruins. We’ll also go to Larkana, visit a museum there, A 5 C 3 E 4
and stop at Manchar Lake, too. We’ll see lots of B 1 D 2 F 6
interesting sights and learn a lot about the Indus Valley
Civilisation. b) Talking about celebrations
I think it sounds good. What do you think? Let me know. Read out the questions and elicit a variety of
Elena answers from Ss around the class.
8.3 – Traditions Suggested Answer Key
We celebrate Easter and Christmas in Romania. At
1 Learning/talking about celebrations Easter, we eat a sweet bread called ‘cozonac’. At
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and ask two Ss to Christmas, we eat ‘colac’, a different sweet bread, which
model the example exchange. Then ask Ss to work is braided. We greet people with ‘Hristos a înviat!’
in pairs and act out similar exchanges for the (Christ has risen) at Easter and with ‘Crăciun Fericit!’
remaining pictures. (Happy Christmas) at Christmas.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
some pairs to act out their exchanges in front of 3 Listening/reading for gist
the class. • Read out the question.
Answer Key • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text to
A: When do the British celebrate Easter? find out. Elicit the answer.
B: In March or April. Answer Key
A: What do they eat? The British came to eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday
B: Hot cross buns. because they wanted to stop eating nice food during
A: When do Americans celebrate Halloween? Lent. They used up all their eggs, milk and butter by
B: On 31st October. making pancakes.
A: What do they eat?
B: Toffee apples. 4 Reading for key information
A: When do the British celebrate Bonfire Night? • Ask Ss to read the sentence stems and then give
B: On 5th November. them time to read the text again and complete
A: What do they eat? them in their notebooks.
B: Parkin. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
A: When do Americans celebrate Thanksgiving? Answer Key
B: On the fourth Thursday in November. 1 40 days 3 cookbook from 1439
A: What do they eat? 2 milk and butter 4 and lemon juice
B: Pumpkin pie. • Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
A: When do the British celebrate Christmas? in the Check these words box.
B: On 25th December. • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments at
A: What do they eat? the end.
B: Christmas pudding.

5 Expressing an opinion 8 Listening for specific information
Read out the question and give Ss time to consider • Ask Ss to read the gapped invitation card and
their answers and then ask various Ss to share their think about what the missing information might
opinions with the class. be.
Suggested Answer Key • Then play the recording. Ss listen and write the
Yes, I think pancakes are easy to make because they missing information in their notebooks.
only need a few ingredients and they don’t take long to • Check Ss’ answers.
cook. Answer Key
1 Saturday 3 Green 5 2346852
6 Revising/practising cardinal – ordinal 2 8 pm 4 Rachel
• Ask Ss to read the theory box and then give Ss 9 ICT Writing an email giving information
time to find the cardinal and ordinal numbers in about a celebration
the text. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Ask various Ss to say a number and its • Ask various Ss to read out the emails.
corresponding cardinal/ordinal number. • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’
Answer Key answers in the next lesson.
40 – fortieth/40th Suggested Answer Key
first – one/1 Hi Amy!
1439 – one thousand, four hundred and thirty Great to hear from you! Of course, I will help you with
ninth/1439th your class project. My favourite celebration is Easter. In
1619 – one thousand, six hundred and Romania, we eat a traditional sweet bread called
nineteenth/1619th ‘cozonac’. We make it with milk, yeast, eggs, sugar,
100 – one hundredth/100th butter and flour. Different areas in Romania add other
2 – second/2nd ingredients like raisins, walnuts, vanilla and lemon zest.
300 – three hundredth/300th It’s not easy to make, but it’s worth it. It’s delicious!
30 – thirtieth/30th Good luck with your project!
7 Expressing thanks
8.4 – Traditions & Customs
• Explain the task and read out the example
exchange. 1 Reading for gist
• Then ask Ss to work in pairs and use phrases from
Give Ss time to read the text and then elicit how we
the Functions box and act out similar exchanges
can make paper stars.
for the situations given.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ask Answer Key
some pairs to act out their exchanges in front of We can make paper stars by folding and cutting paper
the class. in the way described in the instructions.
Suggested Answer Key
A: Thanks a lot for the biscuits. 2 Reading for specific information
B: My pleasure! • Ask Ss to read the statements (1-4) and then give
Ss time to read the text again and mark them
A: I just wanted to thank you for helping me make the
according to what they read.
• Check Ss’ answers.
B: Don’t mention it.
Answer Key
1 NS 2 T 3 F 4 F
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words 7 Giving instructions
in the Check these words box.
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and act out a similar
dialogue to the one in Ex. 6 using the information
3 Learning some-any-no-every & compounds in Ex. 5 on Christmas crackers and using the
Ask Ss to read the theory box. Explain any points Ss language in the Functions box.
are unsure of and then elicit examples from the text. • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
some pairs to act out their dialogues in front of
Answer Key the class.
Examples: everywhere, anyone Suggested Answer Key
A: Hi Lisa! Mary here. I was reading about Christmas
4 Practising some-any-no-every & compounds crackers and I’d like to try to make one. Can you tell
Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it and me how?
then check their answers. B: Sure! It’s easy! You just need a cardboard tube,
Answer Key wrapping paper, ribbon, a cracker snap and a
surprise to put inside.
1 everyone, some 4 anyone
A: Do you mean a small toy?
2 nothing 5 something
B: Yes, a small toy, a joke or a paper hat. You fix a
3 any, somebody
cracker snap inside a cardboard tube and fill the
tube with your surprise. Got it?
5 Listening for key information A: Yes. Got it.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and explain what a B: Then, wrap the tube in pretty paper, twist the ends
cracker is. (A decorated paper cylinder which, when and tie with a ribbon.
pulled apart, makes a sharp noise and releases a A: I’m sorry, what did you say?
small toy or other novelty.) B: Twist the ends and tie with a ribbon. That’s all there
• Then play the recording and ask Ss to put the is to it.
pictures into the correct order. A: Great! Thanks!
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 8.5 – Time to celebrate
1 C 2 A 3 D 4 B 1 Learning/talking about national
celebrations & traditions
6 Practising everyday English phrases for
• Ask Ss to read the webpage and then ask Ss to
giving instructions
work in pairs and ask and answer questions
• Ask Ss to read the dialogue and the Functions box. following the examples.
Then give them time to replace the underlined • Monitor the activity around the class and then ask
phrases with suitable alternatives from the some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class.
Functions box. Suggested Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
A: When do the Northern Irish celebrate St Patrick’s
Suggested Answer Key Day?
Do you mean – So, … B: On 17th March.
Is that clear? – I hope this is clear. A: How do they celebrate it?
I’m sorry, what did you say? – Could you say that again, B: There are parades in Belfast and in other towns
please? with people in fantastic costumes. Also, people wear
lots of green, listen to live music, and do Irish

A: When do the Welsh celebrate St David’s Day? Answer Key
B: On 1st March. 1 in 3 opposite 5 behind
A: How do they celebrate it? 2 between 4 on 6 next to
B: People go to a big parade in Cardiff, wave Welsh
flags and dress up in fancy-dress and traditional 6 Practising phrasal verbs with put
costumes. Also, people wear a daffodil and some
schools hold events with poetry, songs and dances. • Ask Ss to read the box and then complete the
sentences with the correct particle.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words • Check Ss’ answers.
in the Check these words box.
Answer Key
1 up with 2 up 3 by 4 off
2 Listening and reading for specific
7 Listening for specific information
Play the recording and have Ss listen and read the
dialogue. Then elicit an answer to the question. • Ask Ss to read the gapped text and think about
what information may be missing.
Answer Key • Then play the recording. Ss listen and complete
St David’s Day the gaps in their notebooks.
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit what it is about.
3 Inviting – Accepting/Refusing Answer Key
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and act out a dialogue 1 Mike 4 7:30
inviting a friend to the Surva Festival and 2 birthday party 5 Redwood
accepting/ refusing. 3 20th
• Tell Ss to use the dialogue in Ex. 2 as a model and
It is about a birthday party that Sarah is having and she
use language from the Functions box to help
is inviting Mike to.
• Monitor the activity around the class and ask Ss to
swap roles. Then ask some pairs to act out their 8 Writing an email refusing an invitation
dialogue on front of the class. • Explain the task and refer Ss to the Writing Skills
Suggested Answer Key section for guided help.
A: Hi, Paula. Have you got any plans for next • Give Ss time to complete the task and then ask Ss
weekend? to read out the emails to the class.
B: Hey, Claudia. No, I haven’t. Why? • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and check Ss’
A: How do you fancy coming to the Surva Festival with answers in the next lesson.
me and my family? Suggested Answer Key
B: I’m afraid I can’t. Hi Sarah!
Thanks for the invitation to your birthday party. It was
4 Reading for gist nice of you to invite me.
I’m very sorry, but I can’t come. I am staying with my
Ask Ss to read the SMS messages and look at the map
grandparents that weekend and they live far away. It’s
and then elicit where the event is.
been arranged for ages. I hope you have a great time.
Suggested Answer Key I’m sorry to miss it. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun.
The event is at Redfern Secondary School. Best wishes,
5 Learning/revising prepositions of place
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and give them time
to complete them with the prepositions in the list.
• Check Ss’ answers.
8.6 – Superstitions Suggested Answer Key
Yes, I believe in superstitions. I think they exist for a
1 Presenting vocabulary relating to reason./No, I don’t believe in superstitions. I think
superstitions people believed them in the past because they didn’t
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. understand the world as we do today.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/or individually. 6 Pronouncing u /ju:/, /u:/
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/ or individually.
2 Listening for key information • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
Read out the rubric and play the recording. Then
elicit from Ss which of the superstitions in Ex. 1 7 Learning phrases for greetings/ farewells/
answers to the questions. introductions/making acquaintances
Answer Key • Ask Ss to read the Functions box and then read
1 can help you meet your true love the dialogues. Give Ss time to replace the
2 brings good luck underlined phrases with suitable alternatives from
3 gives protection the Functions box.
4 brings bad luck • Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
5 brings good luck
Suggested Answer Key
6 brings good luck and money
It’s a pleasure to meet you – Pleased to meet you
Take care! – See you later!
3 Reading for gist This is Fiona – I’d like to introduce you to
• Elicit Ss’ guesses as to how Queen Elizabeth  I is How are you today? How do you do?
related to Goose Day. How’s it going? – What’s up
• Then play the recording. Ss listen and read the
text to find out. 8 Retelling a story
Suggested Answer Key Explain the task and then ask various Ss around the
Queen Elizabeth I is related to Goose Day because she class to retell the story in Ex. 3 using their own words.
started the tradition.
Suggested Answer Key
When Queen Elizabeth I heard about her navy
4 Reading for key information defeating the Spanish Armada, it was Michaelmas Day
• Ask Ss to read the sentence stems and then give and she was eating goose. She declared that she would
them time to read the text again and answer them. always eat roast goose on Michaelmas day to
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. remember the victory. The British people copied the
Answer Key Queen and it became a tradition to eat roast goose on
1 St Michael 4 Goose Day Michaelmas Day. A superstition also started that eating
2 Spanish Armada 5 rich goose on this day would make you rich. These days, not
3 eating roast goose many people keep the tradition, but there are some
goose fairs around the country at this time of year.
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words
in the Check these words box. 9 ICT Presenting Romanian superstitions
• Ask Ss to copy the headings into their notebooks
5 Expressing opinion
and research online and make notes under them
Give Ss time to consider their answers and write them and then use their notes to help them prepare a
down. Then ask various Ss around the class to share presentation.
their answers with the rest of the class.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then ask 3 Summarising a folk tale
various Ss to give their presentation to the class.
• Ask Ss to use their answers from Ex.  2 to give a
Suggested Answer Key summary of the story to the class.
Good morning, everyone. Today, I’m going to talk to Suggested Answer Key
you about Romanian superstitions that are related to
Long ago, the Sun came down to Earth to dance. Then,
though, a dragon caught the Sun and put him in a cave.
First, you should be careful what you wear at Easter in
Without the Sun, the birds stopped singing, the flowers
Romania. Superstitious Romanians always wear new
stopped blooming and everyone was miserable. Then,
clothes for this celebration. They believe that this will
a brave young man went on a journey to find the
bring them a year of good luck.
dragon. The young man fought the dragon and won.
At Christmas, Romanians love visiting houses and
Now, the Sun could rise again and spring arrived. The
singing carols, and some of these have superstitions.
people were happy again, but the young man died
One carol called ‘Mascatii’ involves people wearing
because he was hurt in the fight. The villagers found
scary masks and ringing large bells. They do this to
him on the ground, surrounded by snowdrops.
scare off the old year and bring in a lucky new year.
Romanians also have lots of superstitions for New Year’s
Eve. On New Year’s Eve, Romanians believe that you 4 Writing a story
should have some money with you, for example, in your • Explain the task and give Ss time to make notes
wallet or purse, when the clock strikes midnight. This will under the headings provided. Then give Ss time
stop you from having money problems in the new year. to write a story using the beginning provided.
Are there any questions? ... Thank you for listening. • Ask various Ss to read out their stories to the class.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and ask Ss to
CLIL (Literacy) read out their stories in the next lesson.
(Ss’ own answers)
1 Introducing the topic/Listening and
reading for specific information Self-Check Test 8
Ask Ss to look at the picture and elicit answers to the
question from Ss around the class. 1 Consolidating vocabulary from the module
Suggested Answer Key • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
The white flowers are called snowdrop flowers. The • Check Ss’ answers.
white tassel is for the snowdrop flowers that grew Answer Key
around the man.
1 glass 3 Sandstone 5 Iron
2 marble 4 concrete
2 Ordering events
• Ask Ss to read the list of events and then read the 2 Consolidating vocabulary from the module
text again and put the events into the correct
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
1 written 3 folk 5 local
1 C 3 H 5 G 7 F
2 set 4 go
2 E 4 B 6 A 8 D
• Give Ss time to look up the meanings of the words 3 Consolidating vocabulary from the module
in the Check these words box.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.

Answer Key 9 Listening for specific information
1 see 3 Plant 5 hear • Ask Ss to read the gapped text.
2 Scatter 4 greet • Play the recording. Ss listen and fill the gaps
according to what they hear.
4 Consolidating grammar from the module • Check Ss' answers.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers. 1 21st 3 women 5 firework
Answer Key 2 village 4 stalls
1 make 2 do 3 do 4 make
10 Writing an email of apology
5 Consolidating grammar from the module • Explain the task and give Ss time to write their
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. email.
• Check Ss' answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
1 in, for 3 of 5 with 7 at Hi Sarah!
2 in 4 on 6 from, to 8 by Thanks for the invitation to the Maiden Fair Festival. It
was nice of you to invite me.
I’m very sorry, but I can’t come. I am studying for my
6 Consolidating grammar from the module
exams and I can’t take a break because they are very
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. important and I really want to pass them all. I hope you
• Check Ss’ answers. have a great time. I’m sorry to miss it. It sounds like it will
Answer Key be a lot of fun.
1 anyone 3 somewhere 5 someone Best wishes,
2 everywhere 4 nothing Daniela

7 Consolidating everyday English from the Competences

module Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the module by
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. ticking the items according to how competent they feel for
• Check Ss' answers. each of the listed activities.
Answer Key
1 b 2 a 3 b

8 Reading comprehension
• Ask Ss to read the questions and then give them
time to read the test and answer them.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
Answer Key
1 because of its natural beauty, ancient cities and
delicious cuisine
2 special herbs and spices
3 paprika
4 cumin
5 a packet of Romanian lovage

Writing Skills Key
1.2 – A blog comment about your best friend 8 Suggested answer
(pp. 138-139) Hi, Jenny! Ivanka here! Love your blog! My best
1 1 a blog comment friend is Velina. She is in my class at school and we see
2 readers of and English blog each other every day. She’s funny, patient and caring.
3 my best friend She’s always got time for me and she’s always there
for me and supports me in good times and bad. I
2 a) couldn’t imagine a better friend. We’re best friends
forever! Looking forward to your next post!
about him/her
2.2 – An informal email of invitation
always knows what name
(pp. 140-141)
I’m thinking, makes Ana
me laugh when I’m My best 1 Key words: planning to go to the cinema, email to
sad, listens to my friend your English friend, inviting him/her to come with you
problems, best to watch a film, 80 words, name of film, type, director,
friends forever personal how do you
stars, plot
know him/her
qualities 1 an email of invitation
generous & loyal, lives in the house 2 my English friend
never tells lies next door
3 name of film, type, director, stars, plot
Ana is generous and loyal and never tells lies. 2 a) Suggested Answer Key

b) Examples of informal language: Hi, I’m, and, doesn’t, plot

but, we hang out, she’s, we’re, can’t wait for
the Avengers, the name
3 Suggested Answer Key Guardians of the
And I really enjoy your blog – Love your blog! Galaxy and Dr Avengers:
Strange fight against Film Infinity War
Can’t wait for your next post! – Looking forward to
the evil Thanos
your next post!
4 1 but 2 and 3 so 4 or action,
Anthony & Joe Russo science fiction
5 1 generous 4 patient 7 caring
2 loyal 5 honest 8 funny b) How’s it going? – How are things?
3 sensitive 6 polite Let me know if you can come. – I really hope you
can come.
6 1 life 3 better 5 different
2 loves 4 smile 3 Suggested Answer Key
The directors – famous
7 Suggested Answer Key comments/feeling Benedict Cumberbatch – talented actor
about him/her the heroes of the film – brave
always got time for me, Thanos – evil
always there for me and name
supports me in good 4 Suggested Answer Key
times and bad, couldn’t Velina
My best 1 amazing 4 complicated
imagine a better friend, 2 impressive 5 evil
best friends forever friend
how do you 3 award-winning 6 talented
know him/her
personal 5 1 place 3 role 5 star
funny, patient, qualities in my class at
caring school 2 story 4 character
Writing Skills Key
6 Suggested Answer Key 6 Suggested Answer Key
Famous landmarks – Merlion Fountain, SkyPark, rooftop
Mr Incredible has name pool, Singapore Flyer – giant Ferris wheel, breathtaking
to look after views
Jack-Jack while his Incredibles 2 Shopping paradise, Orchard Road, trendy shops, top-
wife, Elastigirl, Film class restaurants, air-conditioned malls, Chinatown –
saves the world souvenirs, clothes, antiques
director(s) Nightlife, music and lights show – Gardens by the Bay,
animated, comedy delicious local food – night markets, night safari at the
Brad Bird zoo

7 Suggested Answer Key 7 1, 3, 7, 8

Hi Dawn,
How are things? I’m planning to see ‘Incredibles 2’ at 8 Suggested Answer Key
the cinema next Saturday. Do you want to join me? It Singapore is in Southeast Asia. It’s a great holiday
looks amazing! destination and has something for everyone. You can
It’s an animated comedy from famous director Brad Bird. see the Merlion Fountain and enjoy breathtaking
The film tells the story of how Mr Incredible has to look views from the rooftop pool at SkyPark. You can go
after Jack-Jack while his wife, Elastigirl, goes off to save on the Singapore Flyer, a giant Ferris wheel and go
the world. It stars Holly Hunter and Craig T. Nelson. shopping in Orchard Road and Chinatown. The
I really hope you can come! nightlife in Singapore is exciting, too. You can visit the
Bye for now, Gardens at the Bay and the night markets. You can
Violeta also go on a night safari at the zoo.

4.1 – A summary of a text 5.2 – An informal email of advice

(pp. 142-143) (pp. 144-145)
1 1 a summary of a text 1 1 an email
2 the article in Ex. 2 2 my English-speaking friend, Lisa
2 Paris 3 my advice

3 1 B 2 B 3 A 4 B 2 Suggested Answer Key

problem: not feeling good
4 1 Dublin Zoo has a lot of visitors every day so it’s a advice I: stop comparing yourself to other people
good idea to get there early. expected result: you’ll feel better about yourself
2 Don’t forget your camera because there are advice II: start a new class or hobby
fantastic views from the top of the Eiffel Tower. expected result: you’ll feel more confident
3 Every visitor to Rome must visit the Colosseum
because it is spectacular. 3 Suggested Answer Key
4 Greenwich Market has lot of shops so it’s a good 1 Sorry to hear – I’m sorry to learn about
place to buy souvenirs. 2 I think I can help – I’d be happy to help
3 If I were you – In your place, I’d
5 Suggested Answer Key 4 That way – This will mean that
2 Spring is the perfect time to go to Milan. 5 You could also – Another idea is to
3 There is lots to do and see. 6 If you do this – This way
4 Eat tasty traditional dishes in restaurants. 7 Hope my advice helps. – Let’s hope all goes well.
5 Walk around the beautiful gardens.

Writing Skills Key
4 Suggested Answer Key 4 Suggested Answer Key
opening: Just read your email. – Thanks for your email. My uncle and I went to South America last month.
closing: Let me know what happens. – Write back and One sunny morning, we were leaving our guest house
tell me how things are going. with our backpacks for a hike in the Amazon
Rainforest. We were so excited.
5 email, friend, Tim, can’t sleep, advice, 80 words
1 email 5 1 D 2 E 3 B 4 A 5 C
2 Tom
3 advice on how to sleep well 6 Suggested Answer Key
Hi Amy!
6 Suggested Answer Key My uncle and I went to South America last month.
problem: not able to sleep well at night One sunny morning, we went for a hike in the Amazon
advice I: be more active during the day Rainforest. We were so excited.
expected result: you’ll feel tired when you go to bed We walked until we reached a waterfall. Then we realised
advice II: don’t use electronic devices for a few hours we were lost. My uncle lit a fire and we fell asleep.
before sleeping Suddenly, a loud noise woke me and I saw a helicopter.
expected result: you’ll feel more relaxed when it’s The helicopter crew rescued us. I’ve never felt so
bedtime relieved in my life. Next time we’ll take a guide.
7 Suggested Answer Key
Hi Tom, 7.2 – A postcard
Thanks for your email. Sorry to hear you can’t sleep (pp. 148-149)
well. I’d be happy to help.
First, why don’t you be more active during the day? 1 1 keywords: holiday, postcard, English-speaking
This way, you’ll feel tired when you go to bed. friend, where, who with, when, place is like, what
Another idea is not to use any electronic device three do, what doing now, how like it
hours before sleeping. This will mean that you’ll feel 1 postcard
more relaxed when it’s bedtime. 2 my English-speaking friend
I hope my advice helps. Let me know what happens. 3 where I am, who with, when I arrived, what the
Yours, place is like, what I do, what I am doing now, how I
Rumjana like it.

6.6 – An email narrating an experience

2 Suggested Answer Key
(pp. 146-147)
1 Hope you’re well. – How are things?
1 Key words: Amy, email, asking about your holiday, tell 2 Having a great time here in – Greetings from
her about an experience you had, where you went, 3 We’re having the time of our lives here! – Having
your experience, how you felt the time of my life!
1 an email 4 See you when I get back! – Talk to you soon.
2 Amy
3 an experience I had on holiday 3 1 E 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 B
4 where you went, your experience, how you felt
4 Paul Pitchford
2 1 C 2 A 3 E 4 D 5 B 56 Woodview Terrace
Main event: The avalanche covered Mike. Birmingham
B37 7UH
3 1 in the Alps last month 3 Mike UK
2 sunny 4 confident
Writing Skills Key
5 a) 2 Really enjoying myself. 3 Suggested Answer Key
3 Look forward to seeing you. 1 Lovely to hear from you. – Great to hear from you
4 Leaving next Saturday. again.
5 Locals are very friendly. 2 It sounds like it's going to be fun; you can
definitely count me in! – I'd love to come.
6 Suggested Answer Key 3 I'm really looking forward to Saturday! – Can't
wait to see you.
opening where you are 4 See you soon – See you then
closing remarks remarks
See you when I Ko Phi Phi,
How’s Thailand 4 a) 1 A, B 2 R, E 3 R, B 4 A, E
get back! things?
who with b) Suggested Answer Key
how you like the
holiday Holiday 1 Great to hear from you again.
my family
2 I’m sorry but I can’t make it.
the best
holiday ever 3 but I'm afraid I can't come
what the when you
arrived 4 Can't wait to see you!
what you are doing place is like
last week 5 four spelling mistakes: There, tikets, sory, realy
monkey spotting, amazing, sandy
beaches, coral reefs, two punctuation mistakes: grandparents'
cliff jumping
stunning scenery (grandparents), sometime soon? (sometime soon.)
five grammar mistakes: to hearing, in Saturday, My
sister and I am going, we have already book
7 Suggested Answer Key
6 Key words: invitation; English-speaking friend;
Hi Rachel, birthday party; Sarah; refusing; apologising;
How’s things? Greetings from Ko Phi Phi in Thailand. 1 an email
I’m having an amazing time here with my family. We 2 Sarah
arrived last week and the place is beautiful. There are 3 refusing the invitation to her birthday party and
sandy beaches, coral reefs and stunning scenery. apologising
Today we are taking a boat to go monkey spotting.
Later, we are going to watch some people cliff 7 Suggested Answer Key
jumping. It’s the best holiday ever! See you when I get
Hi Sarah!
Thanks for the invitation to your birthday party. It was
nice of you to invite me.
I’m very sorry, but I can’t come. I am staying with my
8.5 – An informal email accepting/refusing
grandparents that weekend and they live far away. It’s
an invitation
been arranged for ages. I hope you have a great time.
(pp. 150-151) I’m sorry to miss it. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun.
1 1 an email Best wishes,
2 Bob Emilija
3 accepting his invitation to his pool party

2 1 B 2 C 3 A

Evaluation Key
Evaluation 1 (Modules 1-2) 10 2 are staying 8 eat
1 1 tall 5 medium 3 live 9 walk
2 slim 6 long 4 is shining 10 are visiting
3 short 7 straight 5 are having 11 are planning
4 late twenties 8 glasses 6 swim 12 do you spend
7 goes
2 a) 1 honest 4 sensitive
2 generous 5 patient 11 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 B
3 funny
Evaluation 2 (Modules 3-4)
b) Suggested Answer 1 1 scuba 3 hot 5 risk
My sister is short and thin with long fair hair. She is 2 underwater 4 ocean
in her early twenties. She is honest and always tells
the truth. 2 a) 1 Address 4 Work experience
My father is tall and plumb with short brown hair. 2 Date of birth 5 Personal qualities
He is in his late fifties. He is funny and knows how 3 Qualifications
to make me laugh.
b) (Ss’ own answers)
3 1 stage 3 rows 5 boxes
2 orchestra 4 seats 3 1 have a family 4 buy a house
2 buy a car 5 get a job
4 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 E 5 A 3 go to university

5 1 out 5 out 9 in 4 1 feast 3 take part 5 unique

2 up 6 about 10 out 2 try 4 treat
3 after 7 out
4 for 8 to 5 1 C 2 D 3 E 4 A 5 B

6 1 brother’s 4 Lisa’s and Mary’s 6 1 out 3 up 5 of 7 out

2 Jane’s 5 women’s 2 for 4 in 6 in 8 for
3 dogs’ 6 leg of the chair
7 1 B: ’ll pour
7 1 B: the most popular 2 A: leaves
2 A: faster B will collect
B: the most talented 3 A: Are you going to see
3 A: early B: are meeting
B: better 4 A: are going
4 A: quieter B: Is John coming
B: more exciting 5 B: I’ll get, am going to go

8 1 sleep 4 collecting 8 1 A: Were your friends watching

2 singing 5 talking B: they weren’t
3 open 6 to have 2 A: Was Ann reading
B: she was
9 1 are 3 is 5 are 3 A: Was it raining
2 are 4 is 6 are B: it was
4 A: Were the kids sleeping
B: they weren’t
Evaluation Key
5 A: Was he having 7 1 to try 4 to get 7 wear
B: he wasn’t 2 to come 5 borrow 8 to meet
3 to join 6 to return
9 a) 2 Did you enjoy 8 wasn’t raining
3 did 9 was shining 8 1 If I have free time tonight, I will go to the cinema.
4 had 10 looked 2 If she books online, she will find special offers.
5 was visiting 11 sparkled 3 If I drive to work, I won’t get much exercise.
6 saw 12 was 4 If I am always on time for meetings, I will please my
7 noticed boss.
5 If I set my alarm early, I won’t be late for class.
b) (Ss’ own answers)
9 1 Have you ever travelled
10 1 E 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 C 2 has never been
3 have lived, for
Evaluation 3 (Modules 5-6) 4 haven’t heard, yet
1 a) 1 dust 4 have
2 mop 5 make 10 a) 1 B: took, went
3 do 2 A: Have you ever been
B: visited
b) (Ss’ own answers) 3 A: Did you ride
B: didn’t have
2 1 C 2 E 3 F 4 A 5 D 6 B 4 A: came
B: has travelled
3 1 tuxedo, suit
2 skirt, dress b) (Ss’ own answers)
3 high heels, boots
4 scarf, tie 11 2 many 7 little
5 swimsuit, swimming shorts 3 a few 8 a few
6 tracksuit, cycling shorts 4 few 9 How much
5 a little 10 much
4 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 E 5 A 6 a lot of

5 a) 1 sad 4 furious 12 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 a 5 b
2 fed up 5 terrified
3 surprised Evaluation 4 (Modules 7-8)
1 1 variety 4 destination
b) Suggested Answer 2 park 5 mainland
I felt furious when my sister lost my MP3 player. 3 scenery
I felt sad when I didn’t pass my exams.
I felt surprised when I won the song contest. 2 1 mugging 4 car theft
I felt terrified when I watched a thriller last night. 2 shoplifting 5 pickpocketing
I felt fed up when I had to do chores at the 3 burglary
3 a) 1 Shrove Tuesday 4 Halloween
6 1 off 3 off 5 after 2 Bonfire Night 5 Easter
2 to 4 on 6 up 3 Thanksgiving

Evaluation Key
b) (Ss’ own answers) 9 1 A some
B: any
4 1 costume 4 trick 2 A: anything
2 stalls 5 breakfast B: Everyone/Everybody
3 parade 3 A: anywhere
B: somewhere
5 1 down 3 into 5 off 4 A: something
2 up 4 for 6 on B: some
5 A: nothing
6 1 interesting 6 amazing B: any
2 excited 7 disappointed 6 A: anything
3 tiring 8 frightened B: no
4 worried 9 shocked
5 boring 10 a) 1 opposite 4 beside
2 across 5 on
7 1 You/We mustn’t 3 next to 6 behind
2 You/We mustn’t
3 You don’t have to b) (Ss’ own answers)
4 You must
5 You/We mustn’t 11 1 a 2 b 3 a 4 a 5 b
6 Can I
7 You should
8 May I

8 1 at 5 in 9 in
2 in 6 after 10 during
3 on 7 at
4 on 8 at

Student’s Book Audioscripts
Module 1 Module 2
1.5 – Exercise 7 (p. 19) 2.2 – Exercise 7 (p. 29)
I go to school from Monday to Friday, but I still help out The Last Jedi is director Rian Johnson's first Star Wars film.
around the house. I make my bed every morning and on It continues the story from The Force Awakens, with Adam
Mondays I take out the rubbish. On Tuesdays I clean the Driver playing Kylo Ren, a Jedi that turns to the Dark Side
bathroom and on Wednesday afternoons I look after my and helps the evil First Order take over the galaxy. But
younger brother while my mum is at the gym. I take out the fighting against them is the Resistance!
recycling on Thursdays before school and I wash the car on Carrie Fisher plays Leia Organa, the leader of the Resistance,
Friday evening after my dad gets back from work. On and Mark Hamill plays her brother, the great Jedi Luke
Saturdays, I've got football practice in the morning, but I Skywalker. We also see the heroes Rey, Poe and Finn from
tidy my room afterwards. If I don't, I can't hang out with my The Force Awakens again, as they fight the First Order in
friends! On Sundays, we do chores in the garden. My some exciting action scenes.
brother waters the plants and I mow the lawn. But who is the last Jedi? Is it Luke? Kylo Ren? Rey? Or is it
someone else? Watch this fantastic film and find out!
1.6 – Exercise 3 (p. 20)
Speaker 1 2.3 – Exercise 8 (p. 31)
I usually use my mobile phone to send text messages. It's Boy: Hi, Sally! What are you doing?
quite cheap to send texts, and you don't need Internet Girl: Hi, Tom! I'm putting up posters for the school Book Fair.
access to send and receive them. Boy: When is it?
Speaker 2 Girl: It's on Saturday the 15th March from 11 am until 3 pm.
A lot of my friends text each other, but I prefer messaging Boy: Is it here in the school?
apps. They're free and it's easy to share pictures and Girl: Yes, it's taking place in the assembly hall.
videos. You need an Internet connection, but there are Boy: How much does it cost?
Wi-Fi hotspots everywhere! Girl: It's free to come to the fair, and the books cost
Speaker 3 between one and five pounds. There's also a raffle.
I like calling my friends on my mobile phone or, if I've got Boy: What's that?
my laptop, I video call them. It's nice to listen to them Girl: Well, people buy tickets for 50 pence each. Every
rather than reading words on a screen. ticket has a number on it, and at the end of the fair, we pick
Speaker 4 a number. The person with that number on their ticket
A lot of my friends use smartphones, but I prefer my wins a prize!
computer. I usually post comments on social media – it's Boy: Cool. What's the prize?
the quickest way to get in touch. Girl: It's a tablet.
Boy: That's a great prize! I'm definitely coming to the Book
Self-Check Test 1 – Exercise 10 (p. 24) Fair!
Hi. I’m Kate Franklin from TechWise and I’m here to share Girl: See you there!
the results of our latest survey with you. The survey uses
data from a group of 1,600 young people, 13 to 19 years 2.4 – Exercise 3 (p. 33)
old. All the teenagers have smartphones and access to the Paul’s blog
Internet. The results show that 83% of those teenagers Hi, guys! These days, I’m reading lots of posts about how
post pictures and videos on social media sites, while 75% teenagers are crazy about their smartphones. Are you? I
post messages on social media sites. 50% of them send sometimes use mine, but reading magazines is my favourite
messages using apps and 44% send text messages. Only way to relax and find information.
25% make phone calls from their smartphone, and just 9% I find out everything I need to know about blogging from
say they use their smartphone to check emails. The results magazines – they’re full of great tips. Also, I’m really into
clearly show that social media is the most popular way computers and I read a few magazines for gamers, too.
teens use their smartphones. Are there any questions? What about you?

Student’s Book Audioscripts
Hey, Paul! This is a really interesting post, but I think Marco's Restaurant is looking for waiters and waitresses.
magazines are a bit old-fashioned. I prefer the Internet – Our restaurant is open from 6 pm until midnight Tuesday
you can do anything online! My mum uses it to shop to Saturday, and our staff are there from opening till
because clothes are cheaper online, and my dad likes it closing. You need to be sociable and energetic. We
because the news is always up-to-date. I use it to learn how welcome all applicants, especially those who have
to play the guitar and speak Spanish. On the Internet, the experience of working in restaurants or shops. Pick up an
options are endless! … But that isn’t always a good thing – application form from our restaurant on Mill Street.
I sometimes spend hours online and never learn anything!
Steve, 19:57 3.3 – Exercise 8 (p. 47)
F: Hello. Are you Sam Evans?
2.5 – Exercise 7 (p. 35) M: Yes, I am.
Thanks for joining me. You're listening to Good Morning, F: Pleased to me you, Sam. Can you tell me your address?
Gloucester with me, Emily Harris. Let's take a look at what's M: Yes, it's 16 Groves End, Brighton.
happening in our local area this month. Personally, I F: And your date of birth?
recommend a trip to the theatre. There's a place on M: The 15th of September, 2003.
Madison Street called The Unicorn Theatre that's well F: And a phone number?
worth visiting. This month, they're showing The Tempest M: My home phone is 773726. My mobile is 07555 387 259.
by William Shakespeare. The cast isn't famous, but the F: Sorry. Can you repeat that?
acting is brilliant! There are performances every weekday M: Sure. 07555 387 259.
at half-past seven, and on Saturdays at two-thirty and eight F: Thank you. What qualifications do you have, Sam?
o'clock. Tickets are £20, with a discount of £5 for over 65s. M: I've got 10 GCSEs from Falmer High School.
And if you're under 16, it's just £12. So get yourselves F: And have you got any work experience?
down there for a fabulous show! Now, let's move on to the M: Yes. A school placement at Chester and Barnes
music scene. … Advertising. I was a junior marketing assistant.
F: Excellent. And what qualities do you have?
Self-Check Test 2 – Exercise 10 (p. 40) M: I'm hard-working, reliable and polite. I'm also friendly.
This year, don’t miss the chance to see Bastille live at the F: Great! Now, let's talk about the job ...
National Palace of Culture. The great British rock band are
performing two shows on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th 3.6 – Exercise 8 (p. 53)
June. Doors open at seven thirty and the concert starts half Speaker 1
an hour later at 8 pm. With a fantastic support act, Grizfolk, Most people rent flats when they move out, but it's very
this concert is for anyone who enjoys amazing rock music expensive. I'm going to live at home until I've got enough
by talented and energetic musicians. Tickets range in price money to buy my own house.
from twenty-five pounds to sixty-five. To book or to find Speaker 2
out further information call: 020 2387 912. That’s I love children, but I don't think I'll have my own family. I
020 2387 912. really want to start my own business and that will probably
take up most of my time.
Module 3 Speaker 3
A lot of my friends want fast cars, big houses or their own
3.2 – Exercise 8 (p. 45)
businesses, but that's not really important to me. One day,
Longbridge Supermarket is looking for three part-time I want to have a family. That's what I hope the future holds.
sales assistants for our Bristol store. The job is on Mondays, Speaker 4
Wednesdays and Fridays from 1 o'clock until 8 pm. I'm lucky. My parents are giving me a flat, so I won't have to
Applicants need to be friendly, polite and hard-working, pay rent and I can save up money for a new car instead.
with experience of working in a shop or supermarket . For
more information, call Mrs Emma Gray on 020 3645 894.

Student’s Book Audioscripts
Self-Check Test 3 – Exercise 10 (p. 56) Module 5
A part-time job is available at Martin's Department Store. 5.1 – Exercise 7 (p. 75)
We are looking for a sales assistant to work on Saturdays
A: Hi Jane. How are you?
and Sundays from 10 am until 6 pm. You should be
B: Hi Steve. I’m fine thanks. I’m going bowling. Do you want
friendly, polite, hard-working and helpful. Experience of
to come?
working in a shop or restaurant is good, but not necessary
A: You’re always going bowling. No, thanks. I’m off to play
as we are going to give you training in the store. To apply,
baseball in the park. I prefer to be outdoors.
ask for an application form from our shop on New Street.
B: OK. Well, Monica is at the park, too. You might see her
Module 4 A: What’s she doing there?
4.6 – Exercise 7 (p. 69) B: She’s riding her bike of course.
A: Yeah, she’s never off it. She’s worse than Helen. Helen
Lisa: How was Australia, John?
goes to the lake every weekend with her canoe.
John: Great! I stayed with my uncle and went fishing on the
B: Well, I suppose it’s good that everyone has a hobby and
Great Barrier Reef.
finds time to do it.
Lisa: Did you catch any big fish?
A: That’s true. Ok, well, see you later.
John: Yes. I was in the local newspaper!
B: Yeah, have fun!
Lisa: No way! What happened?
A: You, too.
John: Well, one morning, I set sail alone. I was wearing
shorts because it was warm and sunny, and I felt excited. It
was two hours before I caught something. It was so heavy! I
5.2 – Exercise 1 (p. 76)
had to use all my strength to pull it out of the water. Speaker 1
Lisa: What was it? I don't have anyone to talk to or hang out with. It's no fun
John: A giant barracuda! being on your own all the time.
Lisa: Wow! What did you do? Speaker 2
John: I showed my uncle. He called the newspaper and I hate it. I don't even want to go to school anymore. They call
they took my photo with the fish. I felt really proud when I me names and push me around when the teacher isn't looking.
saw it the next day. Speaker 3
Lisa: Cool! Most days, I go into my room and close the door so I can't
hear them arguing and shouting. It's even worse since my
Self-Check Test 4 – Exercise 8 (p. 72) dad lost his job.
Speaker 4
I recently went trekking across the Sahara Desert with my
I chat online to my friends in the evenings, but usually it's
friends. We set off one afternoon on camels, wearing loose
really late when we log off, so I'm tired in the morning.
clothing because it was hot and sunny. I felt excited, but I
Speaker 5
was glad when we reached camp. Camels are not
I’m completely freaking out! I need to get good grades, but
there’s so much to study and I’m panicking about failing.
After a delicious dinner, I went for a walk. But after five
minutes I was lost! I couldn't see our camp and the sand
dunes all looked the same! I started to panic, until I heard a
5.3 – Exercise 8 (p. 79)
friendly voice. It was our guide! He was watching all the A: Hello and welcome back to The Big Quiz – the quiz
time, but couldn't tell if I was lost or just looking at the show with big questions and even bigger prizes! Today
stars! My friends laughed, but I felt relieved not to be Renee from Bristol is with us. Renee, this round is all about
alone at night in the desert. sports. Are you ready?
B: I'm ready, Peter.
A: OK! Let's begin. First question: They call him “the fastest
man on Earth” but when did Jamaican Usain Bolt run the
100 metres in only 9.58 seconds?
B: In 2009 in Berlin, Germany.
Student’s Book Audioscripts
A: Right! Now, to cricket. Brian Lara from Trinidad is Advert 2
famous for scoring the most runs in one section of a cricket Visitors to our market will be amazed at what they can find.
test match, but how many runs did he score? We've got all the usual fish, as well as shrimps, mussels,
B: Umm … 400? squid and even octopus!
A: That's correct! He scored 400 runs for the West Indies Advert 3
team when they played against England in 2004. Now for Roses for love, carnations for beauty, daffodils for
an easy one: name the American swimmer that has the happiness. Whatever the occasion, we've got the perfect
most Olympic gold medals. gift for you!
B: That's Michael Phelps. Advert 4
A: Right again! He's the owner of 23 Olympic gold medals, Are you looking for something special for your home?
won between 2004 and 2016. Now to football. In 2012, Why not come and view our vintage pieces, from the
Lionel Messi scored 91 goals in one year. Pretty impressive, 1960s right back to the fifteenth century?
right? But, Brazilian footballer Pele did better. He scored
127 but what year was it? Self-Check Test 5 – Exercise 9 (p. 88)
B: I think it was 1959. London’s oldest food market is Borough Market – it’s 1,000
A: Yes, that's correct! 127 goals for his club, Santos F.C. in years old! But it’s not an antiques market – it’s the place to
1959. What a player! Finally, players Isner and Mahut set a go for the best ingredients in the city. In fact, some of our
record for the longest match ever played at 11 hours and 5 customers are chefs from the capital’s top restaurants!
minutes, but what sport were they playing? They come to choose from our selection of fish, meat,
B: That's tennis, Peter. In 2010 at Wimbledon. cheese, fruit and vegetables. We also have stalls selling
A: Great job, Renee! You scored five out of five, which special treats, such as handmade chocolates. And if you get
means you go through to the next round: film and TV! hungry while you’re walking around, there’s hot and cold
food available, too. Borough Market is open Monday to
5.4 – Exercise 6 (p. 81) Friday, from 10 in the morning until five in the afternoon,
Good afternoon. I'm Abby and I'm your waitress. Today, and on Saturdays from 8 am. So come along and explore!
we've got Caesar salad or leek and potato soup for The nearest bus and train stations are at London Bridge.
starters. Then, for the main course, you can choose from
roast beef, seafood risotto or our vegetarian option, lentil Module 6
burgers. You can also order a side dish, such as chips or
6.2 – Exercise 8 (p. 93)
salad. We've got some delicious desserts today too: lemon
tart or chocolate brownie. For drinks, we've got fresh juice, Hi, Louise! It's Anna. I guess you've gone to the beach. You
lemonade or cola. So, what would you like to order? always go on Sundays in the summer, right? It's actually
winter here in Sweden. It's really cold, but it's amazing! I've
5.5 – Exercise 7 (p. 83) explored the capital Stockholm and been to lots of
Dear customers, we would like to inform you that Madison interesting museums. I've also just been to Skuleskogen
Sportswear is moving to a new shop on Queen Street at National Park and seen incredible views of the islands and
the end of the month. So this week only, all our swimwear is the ocean. I'd like to go on a boat tour before I leave and
50% off and all footwear an incredible 70% off! Don't miss see the coastline from the other side.
this fantastic sale! Our Queen Street store is opening on I'm going even further north next week. I'm hoping to see
Saturday the 31st with a bang. There is going to be a book the Northern Lights. I've seen so many pictures of them,
signing by famous football player Marshall Higgins and lots but it would be wonderful to see the real thing! I'll call you
of our trademark great offers! We hope to see you there! again in a few days. Bye!

5.6 – Exercise 6 (p. 85) Self-Check Test 6 – Exercise 9 (p. 104)

Advert 1 My trip to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park was amazing!
Do you like reading? We have a huge selection of second- There's nothing like the sight of lava flowing into the
hand and new works by famous authors, both fiction and ocean! I did have one scary experience, though – the day I
non-fiction. decided to take a helicopter tour of the park. Actually,
Student’s Book Audioscripts
there were quite a lot of clouds that day, but the view was also reduce the amount of electricity we use, or switch to
still beautiful! Then, the clouds started rolling in off the green energy if we can.
ocean and suddenly it was impossible to see! The pilot
tried to fly underneath the clouds, but below us was red- 7.6 – Exercise 8 (p. 117)
hot lava. I was terrified! Luckily, he soon changed his mind Matt: Just back from Thailand, John?
and flew us back by a different route. I felt very relieved to John: Yes, I flew in from Bangkok yesterday. It’s an interesting
have both feet on solid ground again! city, but it’s easy to get lost there.
Matt: I never go anywhere without a map when I’m on
Module 7 holiday.
7.4 – Exercise 6 (p. 113) John: It was the map that caused the trouble.
Matt: How’s that?
Welcome to the Spring Hotel in Oradea! We offer our
John: I was looking at my map when two locals asked if I
visitors the chance to go on several interesting day trips.
needed help. They offered to show me round, but they
The most popular of these is our coach trip to Bear Cave,
just needed to tell their friends, and they’d be back in a
just an hour and a half away. The cost is 10 euros for adults
and six euros for children, including entrance to the cave.
Matt: And you never saw them again!
Once inside, you can go on a guided tour. It lasts for
John: Yep! My money and my passport were gone! One of
around one hour and the tour guides speak both
the men took them while we were talking. I felt so stupid!
Romanian and English. Visitors are allowed to take photos
Matt: But you learnt an important lesson – be careful who
in the cave, but they must pay an extra three euros, and
you trust!
this is not included in our ticket price. Are you interested?
Book a place at reception. Our next Bear Cave day trip
Self-Check Test 7 – Exercise 8 (p. 120)
takes place tomorrow!
Here’s an announcement about tomorrow’s day trip to the
7.5 – Exercise 8 (p. 115) Blue John Cavern – one of the UK’s most famous caves. The
coach will be in the hotel car park from 9.30. That gives
OK, everyone, in today’s lesson we’re discussing acid rain.
everyone half an hour to get on before we set off at 10.
Rain is naturally a bit acidic, but science shows us that since
The journey takes forty-five minutes and the tour of the
people started using machines in the 18th century, the
cave takes about fifty. Dress in something warm because it
amount of acid in our rain has become much higher. Of
can be cold. Be careful when walking down the steps – they
course, acid rain looks just like ordinary rain, but its effects
can be slippery. There’s a gift shop and café outside the
can be very serious.
cave for drinks and snacks, so you don’t have to take
Acid rain occurs because of air pollution, mainly from
anything for lunch. You can also get some souvenirs there
vehicles and factories. The chemicals in the polluted air mix
made from the famous Blue John rock. Look forward to
with the water drops in the clouds and make them acidic.
seeing you all tomorrow!
But the wind can blow the clouds hundreds, even
thousands, of kilometres from the site of the pollution
before the rain falls. This is why countries like Norway and Module 8
Sweden have a lot of acid rain, even though they don’t 8.1 – Exercise 8 (p. 123)
produce much pollution. Standing tall on Liberty Island, looking out over New York
So what does acid rain do? Well, it damages plants and Harbour, Lady Liberty holds up her torch for all to see.
trees, poisons soil and pollutes water. Lakes often get the The full name of this amazing metal monument is 'The
worst effects because the polluted water in them can’t go Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World'. It was a gift to
anywhere. For example, in the Adirondack Mountains in the people of the USA from France in 1886, and it's a
New York State, all the fish in 300 lakes have died because symbol of freedom and America's most iconic statue.
of acid rain. Visitors arrive on the island by ferry boat from New York.
So what are some solutions to reduce acid rain? Well, the There are 215 steps up to the statue's base, but you can
most obvious one is to use our cars less often. We should take the lift and save yourself the climb. However, if you

Student’s Book Audioscripts
want the best views of New York City, you should visit the 8.5 – Exercise 7 (p. 131)
Crown. This involves climbing 377 steps, but it's worth it! F: Hi, Mike! It's Sarah.
M: Hi, Sarah! How was your New Year's Eve party?
8.2 – Exercise 5 (p. 125) F: It was great! It's a shame you couldn't come. But I'm
Hello and thank you for choosing the Secrets of the Indus calling to invite you to my next party, for my birthday.
Valley Tour tomorrow. We're going to explore Mohenjo M: Cool. When is it?
Daro, the largest city and possible capital of the great F: Sunday 20th February.
Indus Valley civilisation. The ruins are 4,500 years old and M: In the afternoon?
the whole city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, so this is F: No, in the evening. It starts at 7:30.
a trip of a lifetime for history-lovers! M: Is it at your house?
We're leaving the hotel here in Hyderabad at 6 am. I know F: Yes – 16 Redwood Gardens, just like last year.
it's an early start, but it takes four and a half hours to travel M: I remember. That was a great party.
to Mohenjo Daro by coach! We'll be there at 10:30 and F: Well, this year's will be even better!
you'll have plenty of time to explore the ruins before we
have lunch in the nearby town of Larkana at 1 o'clock. At 8.6 – Exercise 2 (p. 132)
2:30, we'll visit the museum and see the amazing pots, tools Hi, listeners! Today we're discussing superstitions! We all
and jewellery from the site. Make sure you're all outside know that seeing black cats and single magpies bring bad
the museum by 4 o'clock to catch the coach back. On the luck, but if you greet a magpie, that stops the bad luck! I've
drive home, we'll stop at Manchar Lake around 7 o'clock to been taking your calls about a few more unusual
watch the sunset and have some dinner. We'll drop you superstitions.
back at the hotel in Hyderabad at 11:30 pm. It's a long day, We heard from Mavis in Bath that a rowan tree protects
but well worth it! your house from black magic. Roger in Liverpool told us
hearing the cuckoo's call on 14th April can bring us good
8.3 – Exercise 8 (p. 127) luck. And we've just heard from Annie in Truro that, if you
Hi, Emma! It’s Claire. I’m calling to invite you to our New scatter the petals from a red rose on Midsummer's Eve,
Year’s Eve party – it’s going to be great! It’s on 31st you'll meet your true love the next day. I might try that
December, of course, which is a Saturday this year. It starts myself! Do you know any other superstitions? Call in and
at 8 o’clock at our house: 27 Green Gardens. My mum, tell us!
Gayle, is making food and my sister, Rachel, is planning
some party games. Let me know if you can come! Call my Self-Check Test 8 – Exercise 9 (p. 136)
house on 2346852 because my mobile phone isn’t working The Maiden Fair is one of the oldest traditional festivals in
very well. Speak to you soon. Bye! Romania. It lasts for two days, and this year it takes place
from 21-22 July. The festival takes place around Găina
8.4 – Exercise 5 (p. 129) Mountain in western Romania, and most events are in the
Do you want to celebrate Christmas with a bang? Why not village of Avram Iancu. Visitors can see experts making
try making your own Christmas crackers? All you need is traditional Romanian crafts, and there is a photography
some old cardboard tubes, wrapping paper, ribbon and exhibition. Also, on the second day, a group of local
something to put inside your crackers. Oh, and don't women play the tulnic, a traditional instrument. There are
forget the cracker snaps – they're the small pieces of paper also traditional dance performances, food and drink stalls,
that make your crackers go bang when you pull them! First, and amazing fireworks displays at night. The festival goes
fix a cracker snap inside a cardboard tube. Next, fill the back around 200 years, and today it keeps many Romanian
tube with surprises for your family and friends: a joke, a traditions alive. It’s the perfect way to explore Romania’s
paper hat or a small toy are just some ideas. Then, wrap traditions and have fun, too! Don’t miss it!
the tube in pretty paper, twist the ends and tie with
ribbon. And that's all there is to it: your cracker is ready!

Formative Evaluation Chart

Name of game/activity: ....................................................................................................................

Aim of game/activity: .......................................................................................................................
Module: .............................................. Unit: ........................................... Course: ........................

Students’ names: Mark and comments


© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 125

Cumulative Evaluation
Student’s Self Assessment Forms


**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self Assessment Form Module 1

Go through Module 1 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• identify people
• talk about abilities
• read for gist
• listen for key information
• present my online friends
• read for specific information
• talk about what makes a good/bad friend
• describe appearance & character
• talk about duties & responsibilities
• listen for specific information
• talk about my favourite way of communicating
• read for key information
• agree–disagree

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a description of my friends
• write a blog comment about your best friend
• write about my personal profile
• write a list of duties
• write a short article about the ethnic groups in my country

126 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self Assessment Form Module 2

Go through Module 2 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• express preference for interests
• listen and read for gist
• read for comprehension
• express likes/dislikes
• discuss interests
• read for specific information
• listen for specific information
• talk about a film idea
• read for gist
• design a class magazine
• book tickets for a performance
• present my ideal theatre
• talk about technology
• talk about going offline/doing a digital detox

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• prepare a poster/presentation on Romanian musicians
• write an email inviting a friend to watch a film
• write an email inviting a famous author to my school
• write an email about my favourite magazine
• create a technology alphabet
• write outlines about Romanian books

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 127


**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self Assessment Form Module 3

Go through Module 3 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• express desires & preferences
• read for gist
• read for specific information
• discuss jobs
• listen for specific information
• express an opinion
• act out a job interview
• express approval/disapproval
• read for cohesion and coherence
• plan mutual activities for a Careers Day
• present May Day

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write an email about a job
• write a comment about my future plans
• write a CV
• write a text about myself in 10 years
• write a blog post about my summer plans
• write a comment on a blog about predictions for my future
• write a text about a Romanian public holiday

128 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self Assessment Form Module 4

Go through Module 4 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• read for gist
• read for key information
• talk about travel destinations
• talk about a food festival
• read for comprehension
• talk about holiday problems
• narrate a holiday experience
• read for specific information
• read for order of events
• listen for key information

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a summary
• write an article about a food festival in Romania
• write a letter from my holiday
• write a comment on a blog about a bad holiday experience
• make a podcast about my city/town/village
• write a story

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 129


**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self Assessment Form Module 5

Go through Module 5 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• discuss hobbies & free-time activities
• read for gist
• read for specific information
• listen for specific information
• rank problems
• ask for/give advice
• read for comprehension
• listen for key information
• present an invented sport
• talk about healthy/unhealthy eating habits
• act out a dialogue buying/selling clothes
• listen for gist
• talk about places to shop
• describe an open-air market in Romania
• present school in Australia
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a text about my weekend activities
• write an email giving advice
• write a note
• make a poster on healthy/unhealthy food/drinks
• write a blog post about an open-air market in Romania
• write a short post for a blog about school in Romania

130 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE


**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self Assessment Form Module 6

Go through Module 6 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about geographical features
• read for gist
• read for specific information
• talk about outdoor activities
• read for key information
• listen for specific information
• talk about the Danube Delta
• express preference for holiday activities
• present Cheddar Gorge and Fingal’s Cave
• talk about the past
• request/offer help
• express feelings
• narrate an experience
• compare and contrast two natural features

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a letter about an experience
• write an email refusing an offer
• write a short message from my holiday
• write a comment on a blog about a natural phenomenon
• write a letter of request
• write an email about an experience

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 131


**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self Assessment Form Module 7

Go through Module 7 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• talk about Madagascar
• read for gist
• read for specific information
• compare two countries
• express preference for holiday activities
• talk about holiday destinations
• ask about prices
• make a speech about illegal souvenirs
• discuss types of holidays
• listen for specific information
• ask for/give/refuse permission
• talk about an environmental issue
• read for comprehension
• give bad news/express sympathy
• give advice on staying safe on holiday
• present Kakadu Park to tourists

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a leaflet promoting a place in Romania
• write a postcard from my holiday
• write an article about protecting animals from illegal hunting
• make a poster for Environment Day
• write a leaflet giving advice to tourists
• write an advertisement for a national park in Romania
132 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

**** Excellent *** Very Good ** OK * Not Very Good

Student’s Self Assessment Form Module 8

Go through Module 8 and find examples of the following. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• discuss/describe history curiosities
• read for gist
• listen for specific information
• present the Statue of Liberty to tourists
• read for specific information
• apologise/accept apologies
• talk about celebrations
• express thanks & respond
• listen for key information
• give instructions
• invite – accept/refuse
• express opinion on superstitions
• greet/farewell/introduce/make acquaintances
• retell a story
• summarise a folk tale

Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write an advert about a historic landmark
• write an email inviting a friend to come on a trip
• write an email about a Romanian celebration
• write an email refusing an invitation
• write a presentation on superstitions
• write a story

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 133

Progress Report Cards

Progress Report Card

.............................................................. (name) can: Module 1
very well OK not very well
identify people
talk about abilities
read for gist
listen for key information
present your online friends
read for specific information
talk about what makes a good/bad friend
describe appearance & character
talk about duties & responsibilities
listen for specific information
write a description of my friends
talk about your favourite way of communicating
read for key information
write a blog comment about your best friend
write about your personal profile
write a list of duties
write a short article about the ethnic groups in your country

134 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress Report Card
.............................................................. (name) can: Module 2
very well OK not very well
express preference for interests
listen and read for gist
read for comprehension
express likes/dislikes
discuss interests
read for specific information
listen for specific information
talk about a film idea
read for gist
design a class magazine
book tickets for a performance
present your ideal theatre
talk about technology
talk about going offline/doing a digital detox
prepare a poster/presentation on Romanian musicians
write an email inviting a friend to watch a film
write an email inviting a famous author to your school
write an email about your favourite magazine
create a technology alphabet
write outlines about Romanian books

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 135

Progress Report Card
.............................................................. (name) can: Module 3
very well OK not very well
express desires & preferences
read for gist
read for specific information
discuss jobs
listen for specific information
express an opinion
act out a job interview
express approval/disapproval
read for cohesion and coherence
plan mutual activities for a Careers Day
present May Day
write an email about a job
write a comment about my future plans
write a CV
write a text about yourself in 10 years
write a blog post about your summer plans
write a comment on a blog about predictions for your future
write a text about a Romanian public holiday

Progress Report Card

.............................................................. (name) can: Module 4
very well OK not very well
read for gist
read for key information
talk about travel destinations
talk about a food festival
read for comprehension
talk about holiday problems
narrate a holiday experience
read for specific information
read for order of events
listen for key information
write a summary
write an article about a food festival in Romania
write a letter from your holiday
write a comment on a blog about a bad holiday experience
make a podcast about your city/town/village
write a story

136 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress Report Card
.............................................................. (name) can: Module 5
very well OK not very well
discuss hobbies & free-time activities
read for gist
read for specific information
listen for specific information
rank problems
ask for/give advice
read for comprehension
listen for key information
present an invented sport
talk about healthy/unhealthy eating habits
act out a dialogue buying/selling clothes
listen for gist
talk about places to shop
describe an open-air market in Romania
present school in Australia
write a text about your weekend activities
write an email giving advice
write a note
make a poster on healthy/unhealthy food/drinks
write a blog post about an open-air market in Romania
write a short paragraph for a blog about school in Romania

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 137

Progress Report Card
.............................................................. (name) can: Module 6
very well OK not very well
talk about geographical features
read for gist
read for specific information
talk about outdoor activities
read for key information
listen for specific information
talk about the Danube Delta
express preference for holiday activities
present Cheddar Gorge and Fingal’s Cave
talk about the past
request/offer help
express feelings
narrate an experience
compare and contrast two natural features
write a letter about an experience
write an email refusing an offer
write a short message from your holiday
write a comment on a blog about a natural phenomenon
write a letter of request
write an email about an experience

138 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Progress Report Card
.............................................................. (name) can: Module 7
very well OK not very well
talk about Madagascar
read for gist
read for specific information
compare two countries
express preference for holiday activities
talk about holiday destinations
ask about prices
make a speech about illegal souvenirs
discuss types of holidays
listen for specific information
ask for/give/refuse permission
talk about an enivronmental issue
read for comprehension
give bad news/express sympathy
give advice on staying safe on holiday
present Kakadu Park to tourists
write a leaflet promoting a place in Romania
write a postcard from your holiday
write an article about protecting animals from illegal hunting
make a poster for Environmental Day
write a leaflet giving advice to tourists
write an advertisement for a national park in Romania

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 139

Progress Report Card
.............................................................. (name) can: Module 8
very well OK not very well
discuss/describe history curiosities
read for gist
listen for specific information
present the Statue of Liberty to tourists
read for specific information
apologise/accept apologies
talk about celebrations
express thanks & respond
listen for key information
give instructions
invite – accept/refuse
express opinion on superstitions
greet/farewell/introduce/make acquaintances
retell a story
summarise a folk tale
write an advert about a historic landmark
write an email inviting a friend to come on a trip
write an email about a Romanian celebration
write an email refusing an invitation
write a presentation on superstitions
write a story

140 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE

Workbook Key
Module 1 2 2 Mr Lovell’s 4 Harry and Ann’s
3 girls’ 5 sisters’
Vocabulary Practice
1 2 slim 5 straight 8 curly 3 1 goes
3 beard 6 young 2 Does Tom play, doesn’t like, enjoys
4 medium 7 thin 3 do you do, meet

2 2 cook 3 speak 4 play 5 sing 4 2 ✓, – 3 –, ✓ 4 –, ✓, – 5 ✓, – 6 ✓, –

3 2 funny 4 sensitive 5 2 bigger 6 too sociable

3 loyal 5 caring 3 as clever 7 friendly as
4 responsible enough 8 comfortable
4 2 uncle 6 daughter 10 nephew 5 more expensive
3 niece 7 cousin 11 son
4 mum 8 grandma 6 2 more 4 enough 6 so
5 husband 9 aunt 3 as 5 than 7 too

5 2 D 4 G 6 F 8 E 7 1 the best
3 H 5 A 7 B 2 the most popular, the most intelligent
3 the tallest, the heaviest
6 2 look 5 dust 8 make 4 the politest, the cheekiest
3 mow 6 tidy 5 the worst
4 clean 7 water 6 the most interesting, the least
7 the longest, the most beautiful
7 2 chats 4 posts 6 shares
3 sends 5 calls 8 2 relaxing 5 coming 8 to see
3 to play 6 walking
Vocabulary Practice & Skills 4 swimming 7 skiing
8 2 dozens 5 multicultural 8 curry
9 2 Do you watch sports on TV?
3 communities 6 cuisine
3 What time does your dance class start?
4 melting 7 cod
4 What is your favourite sport?
5 Do you play ice hockey?
9 2 by 3 of 4 on
Skills Practice
10 2 for 3 out 4 up
1 1 A 3 B 5 A
11 C 2 A 4 A 6 A

12 1 c 2 f 3 e 4 h 5 a 2 1 B 3 C 5 A 7 D 9 B
2 B 4 D 6 C 8 C 10 C
13 a) 1 sociable 2 rebellious 3 intelligent
3 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B5 A 6 C
b) 1 T 2 F 3 DS
4 1 No 3 Yes 5 Yes
14 1 F 2 F 3 DS 4 T 5 T 2 No 4 No 6 Yes

Grammar Practice 5 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 B
1 2 her 3 their 4 I 5 mine
Workbook Key Workbook Key
Module 2 16 1 a 2 b
Vocabulary Practice
17 1 B 2 A 3 E 4 C 5 D
1 a) 2 record 4 act 6 use 8 go
3 make 5 go to 7 play Grammar Practice
b) A 8 C 3 E 2 G 6 1 2 Anna isn’t walking to college. She is recording a vlog.
B 1 D 7 F 5 H 4 3 Jack isn’t doing his homework. He is playing the
2 1 guitar 3 trumpet 5 drum 4 They aren’t jogging. They are dancing.
2 keyboard 4 violin 6 accordion
2 1 am going
3 2 heavy metal 4 pop 6 rock 2 Is Richie studying, is taking, is watching
3 classical 5 folk 3 Are Sam and Holly meeting, is dropping
4 are you doing, am booking
4 2 fantasy 5 director 8 character 5 Are you reading, am not using
3 fiction 6 soundtracks 9 plot
4 entertaining 7 sequels 3 2 A: When are Mike and Tom meeting us?
B: (They are meeting us) at 4 o’clock.
5 2 D 3 E 4 B 5 C 3 A: Who is Julie bringing to the cinema?
B: (She is bringing) Jason.
6 2 smartphone 4 TV 6 newspaper 4 A: Are you coming with us?
3 tablet 5 book B: No, I’m not.

7 2 row 4 stage 6 orchestra 4 2 f – present continuous

3 aisle 5 puppets 3 e – present simple
4 a – present simple
8 2 F 3 E 4 B 5 C 6 A 5 h – present continuous
6 c – present continuous
Vocabulary Practice & Skills 7 g – present simple
8 b – present continuous
9 2 C 3 C 4 T
5 2 listens 5 are always turning off
10 2 at 3 on 4 about 5 to
3 are not recording 6 Does Beth go
4 don’t use
11 2 up 3 in 4 out
6 2 house C, London P
12 2 a 3 a
3 Alex P, guitar C
4 Lewis P, (science fiction) books C
13 2 When for?
5 Wolves C, Romania P
3 I’m afraid it’s sold out.
4 How much are the tickets?
7 1 are 3 isn’t 5 are
5 Can I have a name, please?
2 aren’t 4 is 6 is
14 a) 1 an adjective 2 a number 3 a verb
8 2 videos 4 leaves 6 stories 8 feet
b) 1 rock 2 six 3 meet 3 people 5 dresses 7 fish

15 1 Ryder 2 8th 3 12:00 4 Larry 5 Lord

Workbook Key
9 1 are reading 5 want 9 plays 7 2 download 4 businessmen 6 take
2 books 6 people 10 babies 3 apps 5 secret 7 success
3 lives 7 am watching
4 children 8 stars Vocabulary Practice & Skills
8 2 medical volunteer 5 sports camp supervisor
Skills Practice 3 wildlife conservationist 6 underwater researcher
1 1 D 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 B 4 construction worker

2 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B 9 2 university 3 school 4 business

3 1 to 4 about 7 make 10 social 10 2 treats 4 stalls

2 at 5 posting 8 watch 3 funfair 5 parade
3 hand 6 off 9 listen
11 2 of 3 for 4 in 5 in
4 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 e
12 2 about 3 out
5 1 King 3 7:30 5 25
2 Fridays 4 10 6 westsidedance 13 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 C

6 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 C 14 2 favour 4 against
3 worth 5 disapprove
Module 3
15 1 receptionist 3 15th April 5 third/3rd
Vocabulary Practice 2 Smith 4 9:30
1 a) 2 d 3 a 4 c
16 1 T 3 T 5 F 7 T 9 F
b) 1 patient – dog trainer 2 F 4 T 6 F 8 T 10 F
2 funny – cruise ship entertainer
3 brave – circus acrobat Grammar Practice
4 careful – snake milker 1 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 B

2 2 oceanographer 4 photographer 2 2 will call

3 biologist 3 won’t go, is going to volunteer
4 won’t feel
3 2 job 3 sculpts 4 scuba 5 am going to spend

4 2 babysitter 4 assistant 3 2 How 4 What 6 Which

3 walker 5 attendant 3 Where 5 when 7 How

5 2 address 5 education 8 placement 4 2 f 3 d 4 e 5 a 6 b

3 date 6 qualifications 9 qualities
4 mobile 7 experience 5 2 will be, will return 4 are going to break
3 have 5 is going to travel, will see
6 a) B plumber D hairdresser F electrician
C vet E chef 6 2 they will call 4 will she be
3 are you going to take
b) 2 F 3 A 4 C 5 E 6 B
7 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 C
Workbook Key
Skills Practice 13 a) C
1 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B
b) 1 D 2 A 3 C 4 B
2 1 C 3 B 5 C 7 B 9 D
2 A 4 D 6 A 8 A 10 D Grammar Practice
1 2 an 6 – 10 the 14 –
3 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A 3 the 7 – 11 – 15 a
4 – 8 the 12 –
5 the 9 an 13 the
Module 4
Vocabulary Practice 2 1 no 2 any, some 3 any, There 4 any
1 a) B waterpark E theatre
C opera house F amusement park 3 2 Are there 4 There aren’t
D skating rink 3 There are 5 Is there

b) 2 A 3 E 4 D 5 B 6 C 4 2 These 4 This 6 That

3 This 5 Those
2 2 crowded 5 rooftop 8 alive
3 delicious 6 breathtaking 5 2 Did you climb 4 didn’t swim
4 souvenirs 7 paradise 3 didn’t come

3 2 take 3 treat 4 buy 5 try 6 1 was talking, wasn’t sleeping

2 were you doing, was reading
4 2 unique 4 highlight 3 were flying, were waiting, were sitting
3 mixture 5 passion
7 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 E
5 2 slow 4 comfortable
3 cheap 5 crowded 8 1 was watching
2 were relaxing, appeared, Was anyone swimming
6 2 tyre 4 lost 6 luggage 3 did you hurt, burnt, was cooking
3 flight 5 poisoning
9 1 into 2 of, onto 3 across, over
7 2 live 4 trade 6 succeed
3 go 5 preserve 10 2 quickly 5 lazily 8 carefully
3 straight 6 accidentally 9 Unfortunately
Vocabulary Practice & Skills 4 happily 7 terribly
8 2 grabbed 4 shot 6 kicked
3 looking 5 dug 7 released Skills Practice
9 2 ancestors 4 spirits 1 1 D 3 B 5 A 7 D
3 warmth 5 exhausted 2 A 4 B 6 B 8 C

10 2 on 4 by 6 of 2 1 in 3 have 5 the 7 comes 9 a

3 at 5 in 7 in 2 than 4 of 6 out 8 out 10 by

11 2 up for 3 out 4 for 3 1 F 3 F 5 T 7 F

2 F 4 T 6 F 8 T
12 1 rocky 3 light 5 donkeys
2 2,000 4 ferry
Workbook Key
4 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 B 13 2 up 3 off 4 to 5 after

5 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 5 F 14 1 b 2 a 3 a

6 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 B 15 2 thought about 4 don’t you

3 can I do 5 could learn about
Module 5 16 1 T 3 F 5 T 7 F 9 T
Vocabulary Practice 2 T 4 F 6 T 8 F 10 F
1 2 A 3 D 4 E 5 F 6 C
17 1 c 2 e 3 f 4 b 5 d
2 2 archery 4 camping 6 rafting
3 dancing 5 picnic 18 1 farmers’ 3 Square 5 train station
2 50 4 9 am
3 2 do 4 mop 6 dust 8 collect
3 make 5 have 7 go Grammar Practice
1 2 Don’t be 3 Switch off 4 Don’t eat
4 2 problems 4 suffering 6 lack
3 stress 5 loneliness 7 solution 2 2 to try 4 to help 6 to stay
3 swimming 5 ask
5 2 pool 4 ring 6 court
3 rink 5 pitch
3 1 to invite 5 learning, dancing, join
6 2 vitamins 4 powers 6 disease 2 to book, to go 6 playing, watching
3 substance 5 reduce 7 raw 3 seeing, to have 7 writing, making, to be
4 ask, to come, doing 8 cleaning, dusting
7 Danny’s Diner Menu 4 2 C 3 A 4 B
Starters Caesar salad, carrot soup
Main courses pasta and sauce, burger, pizza 5 2 will have 3 won’t 4 have 5 will be
Side dishes garlic bread, chips
6 2 changes 4 will be 6 will drive
Desserts ice cream, chocolate tart
3 is 5 will love
Drinks coffee, cola, fresh juice
8 2 accessories 4 footwear 6 swimwear 7 2 any 4 many
3 menswear 5 sportswear 3 much 5 no

9 2 E 3 B 4 F 5 A 6 D 8 2 little 4 few 6 a few

3 a little 5 a few
Vocabulary Practice & Skills
10 2 books 4 sales 9 2 few 5 many 8 a lot
3 performers 5 handmade 3 much 6 a lot 9 some
4 some 7 lots 10 little
11 2 preschool 4 senior
3 secondary 5 certificate Skills Practice
1 1 H 2 E 3 G 4 B 5 D
12 2 in 5 at 8 at
3 from 6 on 9 for 2 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 C
4 with 7 to 10 to
3 1 (would like to start – phrasal verb)
Workbook Key
4 1 I’ll 3 if you buy Grammar Practice
2 go swimming 4 few people 1 2 broken 5 fallen 8 met
3 found 6 written
5 1 B 2 C 3 C 4 A 4 taken 7 heard

6 1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 2 2 have bought 6 haven’t slept

3 have known 7 has started
Module 6 4 haven’t finished 8 hasn’t done
5 have booked
Vocabulary Practice
1 2 mountains 4 waterfall 6 cliff 3 2 Has your best friend ridden a horse? Yes, he/she
3 lake 5 canyon has./No, he/she hasn’t.
3 Have you stayed in a hotel? Yes, I have./No, I
2 2 explore 5 multicoloured 8 hike haven’t.
3 ideal 6 spot 9 opportunity 4 Have your parents visited a nature reserve? Yes,
4 See 7 Go they have./No, they haven’t.

3 1 water lily 3 willow 5 tree fog 4 2 been 3 gone 4 gone 5 been

2 deer 4 eagle
5 2 has gone 4 hasn’t gone
4 2 carved 4 climbing 6 kayaking 3 Have you been
3 caving 5 seas 7 snorkelling
6 2 yet 3 already 4 for
5 1 fireworks, the Northern Lights
2 predict, earthquake lights 7 2 for 4 already 6 How long 8 ever
3 waterfalls, moon, moonbows 3 never 5 yet 7 since

6 2 causeway 3 caves 4 range 8 2 have you been using

7 2 shocked 4 fed up 6 glad 3 have you been living
3 angry 5 confused 4 have been working
5 has been studying
8 2 variety 5 reduce 8 fishing
3 sea 6 emissions 9 2 is watering
4 growing 7 protect 3 have been watching
4 is studying
9 2 of 3 for 4 in 5 off
10 2 M 3 PR 4 PL 5 T 6 D
10 2 off 3 in 4 up
11 1 loudly 4 happily
11 2 can you tell 4 Can you help me with 2 certainly 5 absolutely
3 Do you know 5 You have to 3 extremely 6 ridiculously

Vocabulary Practice & Skills Skills Practice

12 C (living there - having their home there) 1 a) 1 over 2 move

13 1 C 2 C 3 A 4 D b) 1 B (under 2 million)
14 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 2 A (moving from place to place)

Workbook Key
2 1 B 3 B 5 A 7 B 9 A 12 2 b 3 b
2 B 4 B 6 A 8 A 10 A
13 2 can 4 means 6 ahead
3 1 B 3 A 5 A 7 C 9 D 3 May 5 possible 7 problem
2 D 4 B 6 C 8 A 10 C
Vocabulary Practice & Skills
4 1 90 3 canyons 5 400 14 1 A 3 B 5 B 7 A
2 Sydney 4 rock climbing 2 C 4 C 6 A
5 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 15 1 Florida 3 nightlife 5 coral
2 West 4 Bay
Module 7
16 1 F 2 T 3 T 4 T 5 F
Vocabulary Practice
1 a) 2 E 3 A 4 C 5 B Grammar Practice
1 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 B
b) 1 suspension railway 4 Terra Bus
2 sea plane 5 maglev train 2 2 were able to 3 could 4 can
3 coco taxi
3 2 mustn’t 4 are able
2 2 park 3 tour 4 waters 3 can 5 can

3 2 coast 4 variety 6 species 8 magical 4 2 amazed 4 annoyed 6 exciting

3 perfect 5 reptiles 7 orchids 3 fascinating 5 frightened

4 2 coral 4 snorkelling 6 monkey 5 2 lack of necessity 4 necessity

3 cliff 5 manatee 3 recommendation 5 strong obligation

5 2 tusks 6 blame 10 extinction 6 2 don’t have to 4 mustn’t 6 can’t

3 trade 7 souvenirs 11 endangered 3 shouldn’t 5 has to
4 ivory 8 support 12 protect
5 illegal 9 jewellery 7 2 should try the local food
3 must report this
6 2 package holiday 4 beach holiday 4 mustn’t fish in the river
3 backpacking holiday 5 adventure holiday 5 don’t have to bring snorkels
6 shouldn’t go on the boat trip
7 2 air pollution
3 plastic waste 8 2 Can 3 Could 4 can’t
4 light and noise pollution
5 loss of endangered species 9 2 C 4 A 6 B 8 A 10 A
6 acid rain 3 B 5 A 7 C 9 C

8 2 D 3 B 4 A Skills Practice
1 1 A 2 C 3 B 4 B 5 A
9 2 view 5 wetlands 8 goose
3 ride 6 home 2 2 diving 5 of 8 guide
4 mounds 7 bird 3 clear 6 out 9 creatures
4 to 7 parks 10 coral
10 2 to 3 for 4 on 5 off 6 for

11 2 out 3 up 4 into 5 up 6 out

Workbook Key
3 1 F 3 T 5 F 7 F 9 F 16 1 W 2 W 3 DS 4 R 5 R
2 T 4 F 6 T 8 T 10 T
17 2 Canada 4 chocolate 6 square
4 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 C 3 biscuits 5 bonfire

Module 8 18 A 5 B 3 C 6 D 2 E 1 F 4

Vocabulary Practice Grammar Practice

1 2 fortress 4 marvel 1 2 by 3 on 4 at 5 in 6 on
3 royals 5 landmark
2 2 from 4 before 6 after
2 2 glass 4 concrete 6 marble 3 during 5 for
3 steel 5 sandstone
3 2 in 4 on 6 for 8 by
3 2 landmark 4 jewels 6 monument 3 on 5 at 7 on
3 purpose 5 haunts 7 marvel
4 2 by 3 with 4 of 5 by
4 2 tribe 4 sail 6 story
3 system 5 record 5 2 do 3 make 4 do 5 make

5 2 pancakes 4 parkin 6 pudding 6 2 second 4 thirty-fourth

3 buns 5 apples 3 fifteen 5 a hundred and ninety-third

6 2 cookbook 4 Whisk 6 flip 7 2 everybody, nobody 3 no 4 something

3 simple 5 melt
8 2 anywhere 3 nothing 4 Someone
7 2 sheet 5 Repeat 8 pinch
9 2 everything 3 somewhere 4 anything
3 half 6 Turn
4 unfold 7 crease 10 1 anything
2 everywhere, somewhere
8 2 holiday 3 kilts 4 bagpipes
3 anything, everything
9 2 greet 4 see 6 eat 4 someone, no one/nobody
3 plant 5 hear
11 1 between 3 next to 5 under
Vocabulary Practice & Skills 2 on 4 behind
10 2 escape 4 tassels 12 2 in 3 between 4 next 5 behind
3 rise 5 blooming
Skills Practice
11 2 up 3 up 4 by
1 1 B 2 C 3 A 4 B
12 2 b 3 b
2 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 A 5 C
13 2 A 3 D 4 B
3 1 between 3 for three 5 everyone
14 2 C 3 E 4 B 5 A 2 from 7:30 4 12th

15 2 mine 5 introduce 8 Take 4 1 D 2 G 3 H 4 F 5 C

3 met 6 meet
5 1 F 2 F 3 T 4 F 5 T
4 know 7 See

Workbook Audioscripts
Module 1 Max: Exactly. When I started helping around the house,
everyone got a lot happier. Now, Mum and Dad have time
Exercise 12 (p. 9) to hang out with us in the evenings. It's actually pretty nice.
Hi! I'm Ron and I'm twelve years old. My dad is a pilot and
he flies all over the world. My mum is a French teacher at
Exercise 5 (p. 13)
the local school. Her dad plays the violin and her mum is a 1 Which man is Ben?
singer, so she loves music. That's why she wants me to have M: My brother Ben is tall like my dad. He's got my
piano lessons, but I prefer windsurfing. I practise every dad's black hair, too, but he doesn't wear glasses. My
weekend and I'm quite good. My sister, Sarah, doesn't dad has got glasses, a beard and a moustache. Ben has
want to play the piano either. She's too busy only got a beard. Ben likes wearing black T-shirts and
skateboarding with her friends. They hang out at the skate jeans when he's not at work.
park every day. My other sister, Daisy, is only seven. She's 2 What can Lisa do?
the only one who has piano lessons. I think she likes them, F: My dad is a chef. He can cook the most amazing
but what she really wants is to learn to juggle like a clown! food! My older sister, Lisa, loves acting. She's really
Exercise 3 (p. 13) good, and she's even in a play at a proper theatre
right now! I don't like being on stage because I'm
Carl: Becky! You missed hockey practice. Are you OK?
quite shy, but I do love skateboarding. One day, I
Becky: Not really. I argued with Anna.
want to learn to windsurf. I think I'd be pretty good at
Carl: Your best friend?
Becky: Yes. She's hanging out with some rebellious people.
I tried to talk to her. 3 What is Tom like?
Carl: Good. That shows you care. F: Thanks for coming round, Tom. You're a loyal
Becky: But she got angry. She's so sensitive! She acts like I friend.
want to upset her. M: I know you'd do the same for me, Emma, and I hate
Carl: Try thinking about her good qualities. seeing you so upset.
Becky: OK ... well, she's funny. F: I hate feeling this upset. Julie always seemed like
Carl: So are people on TV. Think harder. She's loyal, right? such an honest person. I can't believe she lied to me
Becky: Yes, and honest. about this!
Carl: Exactly! It's not easy to find a friend who understands
4 What does the boy do on Sundays?
you like Anna does. You only argued because you care. I bet
M: On Saturdays, I usually go out with my family, but
she's hanging around those people to seem popular and
on Sundays, everyone helps with the housework. My
fun-loving, but they're not her real friends. She needs you.
sister cleans the bathroom and I dust the furniture.
Becky: You think so?
My parents mow the lawn and wash the car, and we all
Carl: Absolutely.
tidy our rooms and make our own beds.
Exercise 4 (p. 13)
5 How do the girls usually communicate?
Ellen: See you at Rachel's party, Max! A: I've got to go home now, Lizzie. But I can video call
Max: I'm not going, Ellen. I have to look after my brother, you later like I usually do.
Charlie. B: Oh, I forgot to tell you – my parents took my
Ellen: Oh no! Why don't your parents get a babysitter? laptop away. I'm only allowed to have it at the
Max: Charlie doesn't like strangers, so it's better for me to weekends now. I can use my mobile phone only when
look after him. I go to football practice.
Ellen: Well, I'd be mad if I had to miss a party to look after A: Oh, right. Well, I guess I can call you on your
my sisters! landline, then.
Max: I honestly don't mind. My parents need to go out B: OK! Talk to you later!
sometimes, too!
Ellen: My parents both work, and when they're at home,
they do chores. They never have fun. No wonder they're
so grumpy!
Workbook Audioscripts
Module 2 F: I love his comedies, but his tragedies are also popular.
Which are you performing?
Exercise 15 (p. 17) M: Neither! Our play isn't one of Shakespeare's – it's about
Fans of science fiction should stop by Pettigrew's him. I play another famous writer from Shakespeare's time,
Bookshop on Ryder Road this Saturday, the eighth of Christopher Marlowe. In our play, they're enemies, but no
March. Between ten o'clock in the morning and midday, one knows – in real life, perhaps they were friends!
the famous author Larry Granger is signing copies of his F: So where can listeners get tickets?
new book, The Last Elf Lord. As a special gift to customers, M: They have to check our website,
Pettigrew's is selling this novel for just £5.99 on the day,, to find their closest venue.
and not the usual price of £11.99. That's quite a saving! Then, they can call the venue directly.
And when you consider that you get to meet the author as
well, we think you'll agree it's an event you shouldn't miss! Module 3
Exercise 4 (p. 21) Exercise 15 (p. 25)
Joe: Hi, Laura! Are you going to your dance class? M: Hi, Claire! How is your job hunt going?
Laura: Hey, Joe! No, not today. I've got tickets to the Katy F: Hello, Paul. It's going great. I've got an interview for a job
Perry concert at Wembley Arena! as a receptionist next week.
Joe: No way! Is Anna going with you? M: Really? Where?
Laura: No, she's going to the theatre with her parents. F: At Barrington & Smith. It's a big lawyers' office.
Joe: Wow! You guys are busy! I sometimes go paintballing, M: When is your interview?
but right now I'm just going to the skate park. F: Next Monday, 15th April. It's at 9:30 in the morning,
Laura: But you love skateboarding, so that's great, right? which is good because I won't feel nervous all day!
Plus, your friends go there, too. M: Where do you have to go?
Joe: Mitch usually does, but today he's got band practice, F: A meeting room on the third floor of Babbage House.
and Alex goes sailing on Wednesdays. But my other friends M: On King's Road? That's where I work! Do you want me
will be there. to give you a lift?
Laura: Good. By the way, what are you doing on Friday? F: That would be brilliant. Can you pick me up at 9 o'clock?
I'm going to the cinema. Would you like to come? M: Sure!
Joe: Thanks! I'd love to.
Exercise 3 (p. 29)
Exercise 5 (p. 21)
You may think you're not interested in dancing, especially if M: I think your job is really dangerous, Kelly.
you're a teenage boy. In fact, the word 'dancing' probably F: I guess it can be. But I only put myself in danger to save
brings to mind images of ballet and ballroom. Well, forget other people. I'm not doing it for fun, like a stuntman or a
all that! At West Side Studios, 84-89 King Street, we teach circus acrobat.
something modern, cool and fun: street dance. Classes take Two
place on Mondays and Fridays, from 7:30 until 9 o'clock. M: I love diving down to the ocean floor – it's like another
Anyone between the ages of 10 and 17 can join, and the world. My pictures of old shipwrecks and amazing
cost is just £25 a month! If you've got rhythm, you're underwater creatures often appear in magazines and on
physically fit and strong, and you've got real passion for websites. At the moment, I'm making a book using photos
music, this is the class for you! Contact us by email from my trip to the Galapagos Islands. That's Three
Exercise 6 (p. 21) F: I can't believe how much money I'm making babysitting!
And I'm really enjoying it, too.
F: Now, we welcome actor, Brad Sullivan. Brad, you're from
M: That's great! I don't enjoy my job as a pizza delivery
West Wycombe, aren't you?
boy at all.
M: Yes, my old school is on Liverpool Street! But I studied
F: Why don't you apply for the part-time assistant job at
acting in London. I usually work in the theatres there, but this
the local supermarket?
summer I'm travelling around the country doing Shakespeare.
Workbook Audioscripts
Four Exercise 5 (p. 37)
M: Hey, Anna. Do you know they're looking for sales M: Hi, Lucy! Where are you? I'm waiting outside the
assistants in Caitlin's Clothes at the moment? That's the airport.
perfect job for you! F: Hi, Dad! I'm really sorry I'm late!
F: It is. I love that shop! Do I have to call them to arrange an M: What happened? Did you miss your flight?
interview? Or take my CV into the shop? F: No, no – I'm here! It's lucky I am, though. My passport
M: No, you can apply online. Just visit their website. expires next week and the airline almost didn't let me fly!
Five M: Oh, Lucy! Is that why you're late?
F: Hi, Mark, it's Beth. I'm just calling to see how you are. I F: No. The airline can't find my suitcase. I have to wait here
hope you're enjoying your new job. When are you moving while they check the plane again.
out of your parents' house? Let me know if you need any M: You're joking!
help. I'm moving into my new flat today, and so I've got lots F: I know! Why do these things always happen to me?
of boxes if you need them! Call me back when you get this. M: Don't worry, I'm sure it'll turn up. Do you want me to
Bye! come inside and wait with you?
F: Thanks, Dad. That would be nice.
Module 4
Exercise 6 (p. 37)
Exercise 12 (p. 32)
1 Where will they go on holiday?
Many people go to Greece for the beaches. However, the
W: We still haven’t decided where we’ll go for our
island of Hydra has very few. It’s dry and rocky with hills
holiday in May. What about going to London?
and forests. The island has a population of less than 2,000
M: Okay. I know there’ll be lots to see there, but we
people, but it is very popular with tourists. You might
live in a big city. Isn’t it better to go to the seaside?
wonder why, if there are no good beaches, but there are
W: I don’t think it will be warm enough in May. Why
many other reasons to visit this island paradise: peace,
don’t we visit a mountain village?
quiet, clean air and water, and no light pollution to hide
M: That’s a good idea. We can take our mountain
the shimmering stars at night. Also, it’s easy to get to. It’s
bikes in the car, and there’ll be plenty of other
just a short ferry trip from Athens – but don’t try and bring
activities, too.
your car! No cars are allowed on the island. People get
2 What’s the best way to see Amsterdam, according to
around by bike, or on one of the island’s many donkeys.
the speaker?
Exercise 4 (p. 37) M: Amsterdam is a very popular tourist destination.
F: Hi, James! How was Singapore? Visitors often ask what the best way to get around is.
M: Hello, Laura. It was brilliant! Walking is an excellent choice, but not everyone likes
F: Did you stay at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel? this. You could go along the canals on a barge, but
M: No, but we visited the SkyPark on the roof and went they’re slow and can become boring. Of course, some
swimming in the pool. people like to drive, but the tourist areas can be quite
F: Did you see the Merlion Fountain? crowded. So why not do what the local people do?
M: Of course. And I took some great photos from the giant Cycle!
Ferris wheel.
F: Did you go shopping? 3 What was Janet doing yesterday?
M: Yes. My sister loved that, but I preferred stopping to M: I’m going surfing with some friends tomorrow. You
eat some delicious Singapore food! The best thing for me should come too, Janet.
was visiting the zoo. We went at night! You can walk W: I can’t. I’ve got a scuba diving lesson in the
around, or see a show, but we decided to take a tram. It morning.
was quiet, so it didn't scare the animals away. Some of them M: But we won’t go until after lunch.
came right up to us. W: OK, but I hurt my leg a bit playing tennis last night,
F: That's amazing! so I probably won’t surf for long.
4 Where was Eric’s wallet?
M: I heard that Eric lost his wallet.
Workbook Audioscripts
W: Yes, but he’s found it. He thought he’d lost it on Exercise 5 (p. 45)
the bus. He was sure he’d put it in his coat pocket M: Hi, Susie! ... Wow! What's that?
before he left the house. F: It's a century egg, a popular snack in China. My mum
M: So where was it? makes them with ordinary eggs from the supermarket.
W: He found it when he got home. It was on the M: How?
kitchen table. He hadn’t taken it out with him at all! F: You put the eggs into a mixture of tea, clay, salt and
5 What did Mark do on the plane? ashes and leave them there for weeks.
M: Did you watch the in-flight film when you were on M: Don't they go bad?
the plane? F: No. They taste great.
W: Well, Mark was hoping to see that new western M: Well, that one looks a bit funny ...
about the Texan cowboys, but there was a kids’ F: I know, a green and brown egg seems a bit strange, but
animated film on instead! it's fine. Here – try a bit.
M: What was it like? M: No, thanks. I don't want you to get hungry later.
W: I don’t know – neither of us watched it. Mark read F: Sure, Peter, you just don't like the look of it!
his detective book and I watched a wildlife documentary M: Actually, it's the smell.
on my laptop. F: I guess it's a bit odd. But I'm used to it.
Module 5 M: Well, enjoy your egg, then!

Exercise 17 (p. 41) Exercise 6 (p. 45)

M: Mum, can I go over to Colin's house tonight? Nobu Matsuhisa grew up in Japan, where he learned to be
F: Sure, Tom, but you have to do the laundry first. a chef. When he was 24, he went to work in Lima, Peru. He
M: I thought Becky was doing that. couldn't find a lot of the ingredients he needed for
F: No, she's mopping the floors. The laundry is your Japanese cooking there, so he started making up recipes
responsibility. that tasted a little bit Japanese, and a little bit Peruvian.
M: OK, but why doesn't Paul have any chores? Later, he opened his own restaurant in California, USA
F: He does, but he's got an important aikido competition selling his new dishes. It was so popular that a famous
today, so he's doing his chores tomorrow. actor, Robert De Niro, asked Nobu to open another one in
M: Oh, I thought he was just skateboarding or playing New York. He now has restaurants all over the world.
baseball with his friends. Anyway, can you give me a lift to Nobu loves cooking, but his talents don't end in the
Colin's tonight? kitchen. He also appears in films, including a crime drama
F: I'm afraid not. I've got my archery lesson at 7. You should directed by Martin Scorsese!
ask Dad.
M: Where is he? Out watching the rugby match? Module 6
F: No, he's upstairs in his office, but don't disturb him now;
he's making a podcast. Exercise 14 (p. 49)
F: Hi, Paul! I'm so excited! My parents have just booked a
Exercise 18 (p. 41)
holiday to Crete. We're leaving in two weeks!
Since the old flea market closed down in 2005, there M: That's great, Diane.
wasn't a good open-air market in Greenville. But things are F: Hey – what's up? Are you alright?
about to change! Farm Fresh is a new farmers' market with M: Not really. It's my dog, Billy: he's missing.
over 50 stalls selling fresh fruit and veg, meat, fish and F: That's terrible! When did you last see him?
homemade baked goods. It takes place in Graves Square, M: In the park. I was taking him for his usual walk, and he
in the centre of Greenville, every Saturday from 9 am until got off the lead and ran away. I'm nervous about telling my
2 pm. Even if you're not a local, Farm Fresh is easy to get to: parents. I think they'll get mad at me.
it's just a short walk from the train station, or on bus routes F: Of course they won't! It wasn't your fault Billy escaped.
14 and 19B. Look, I'll wait here while you call them, and then we can go
back to the park together and look for Billy.
M: Thanks, Diane. You're a great friend.
Workbook Audioscripts
Exercise 4 (p. 53) Exercise 16 (p. 57)
Australia's Blue Mountains really do look blue from far Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime?
away. That's because of the oil that comes from the trees Here at Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserve, we offer a
that grow on their slopes. But their strange and beautiful wide variety of activities to suit all ages and interests. High
colour isn't the only amazing thing about this UNESCO up in the mountains, the reserve is an amazing place with
World Heritage Site, which is just a 90-minute drive from beautiful scenery all around. If you feel brave enough, try
Sydney. The Blue Mountains also has valleys, swamps and our Night Walk guided tour and experience the reserve
canyons, which visitors can explore by hiking, mountain like never before! It can be quite frightening but most
biking or on horseback. Adventure-seekers can try rock people say it is the best part of their holiday, too! Our
climbing or rafting, too. Whatever you do, keep your eyes facilities contain a gift shop and a traditional Costa Rican
open for some of the 400 species of animals that live in the restaurant. When you are ready to relax, you can stay in
Blue Mountains, including the cute and cuddly koala bear! our hotel and fall asleep calmly to the sounds of the
Exercise 5 (p. 53)
Book now to experience this one-of-a-kind holiday
F: Hi, Brad! How was your trip? Was it nice to get away destination for yourself!
from the crowds for a while?
M: It was amazing! Kamchia was so peaceful, but there was Exercise 4 (p. 61)
lots to do, so we never got bored.
1 How did Bob see the coral reef?
F: Like what? I know it's beautiful, but I thought it was just
F: Hi, Bob! How was your holiday in Thailand?
plants and trees.
M: It was great! Seeing the coral reef was an amazing
M: There's lots of wildlife, too, but what I really enjoyed
was exploring.
F: Did you go scuba diving, then?
F: Did you go hiking?
M: No. We went on a boat trip out to the reef and
M: Yes, but only on the marked paths. A lot of the forest is
went snorkelling to see it up close.
off limits to preserve the natural environment. We also
went on a boat trip, and I even tried kayaking! 2 How much does the teddy bear cost today?
F: Was it difficult? M: Excuse me, how much is this T-shirt?
M: Well, it was quite tiring when we were paddling F: It's 10 pounds.
upstream, but then we turned around and let the river take M: Oh, OK. How about this teddy bear?
us all the way down to the sea. We stopped for a rest on F: It was 8 pounds, but today it's on sale for 5.
the beach – it was so relaxing. I'm glad I went. M: Thanks, I'll take it.
3 How is Mark getting to his holiday destination?
Module 7 F: Hi, Mark, guess what! My parents have just booked
Exercise 15 (p. 57) a three-week cruise to the Mediterranean – I'm so
All aboard for the holiday of your dreams on board the excited!
Pride of the Caribbean! On Day 1, we set sail from Miami M: That's great! We're going to the Mediterranean,
in Florida and head for the Bahamas. Don't miss our day too. My dad wanted to drive across Europe to get
trip to West Side National Park! On Day 2, we sail towards there, but luckily my mum convinced him to fly and
the Dominican Republic, arriving in time for you to enjoy just hire a car when we get there.
the fantastic nightlife. On Day 3, relax on the stunning 4 What did the girl's father bring her?
Dominican beaches, then head to Jamaica at sunset, where F: Wow, Jason, that mask is really cool!
you'll spend Day 4 exploring Montego Bay. Our final island M: Thanks. My uncle brought it back from Italy. He
stop, on Day 5, is the Cayman Islands, home of the most also got me this keyring from Paris in France.
beautiful coral reefs in the Caribbean. We return via F: That's nice. My dad gave me this necklace when he
Mexico, stopping on Day 6 to see the amazing Mayan ruins went on a business trip to Athens in Greece.
at Chichen Itza.

Workbook Audioscripts
5 What kind of holiday is the girl going on? M: Well, he's American, so we celebrate Thanksgiving. He
F: Every year, we go on a beach holiday. It's good, but really enjoys that.
this year we're doing something a bit different. We F: What about your brother, Adam? I bet he likes Shrove
like having adventures, but we don't really enjoy Tuesday; I know he loves pancakes!
rafting and rock climbing, so we're going on a safari in M: He loves all food, especially those 3D birthday cakes.
Africa to see the wild animals! He wants a super hero one for his next birthday. But his
favourite celebration is Halloween.
Module 8
Exercise 5 (p. 69)
Exercise 17 (p. 65)
M: I can't believe you made all your Christmas presents
Hello and welcome to Cook with Katie. I'm Katie Driver yourself this year, Demi!
and today we're making those delicious Bonfire Night F: It was fun! It wasn't cheap, though. I thought I'd save
treats: s'mores! Never heard of a s'more? It's a tradition some money, but it ended up being quite expensive.
that started around campfires in the USA and Canada, and M: I expect it took a long time, too.
it's perfect for 5th November, too! All you need is a packet F: Yes, it did, but I didn't mind. I like spending time on the
of biscuits, a bar of chocolate and a bag of marshmallows. people I care about.
First, heat a marshmallow on a stick over your bonfire. M: So are you going to do it again next year?
Then, make a sandwich with the marshmallow and a square F: Of course! I think handmade presents mean so much
of chocolate in between two biscuits. The marshmallow will more than the ones we buy in shops.
be all warm and gooey from the fire and it'll taste great! M: Well, I'm afraid your present from me isn't handmade.
But remember, it's not a good idea to eat s'mores often, or Sorry.
you'll have to visit your dentist! F: Don't apologise! I'm sure you put a lot of effort into
finding something nice.
Exercise 18 (p. 65) M: I did! I was out shopping for hours!
Mother's Day is nearly here, and we've got the perfect
handmade gift for you to give to your mum! All you need is
some card in different colours, a stapler and some ribbon.
First, cut a strip, 20 centimetres long, from a sheet of card,
and fold it in half. Then, pinch the ends together to form a
heart shape and staple them together. Repeat with card of
different colours until you have at least 10 hearts. Lay them
in a circle shape and staple them together. Next, staple the
ribbon on so that your mum can hang her ring of hearts
wherever she likes. It's that simple!
Exercise 4 (p. 69)
F: Hi, Paul. You look happy.
M: I am! It's nearly Christmas! It's my favourite celebration
of the year!
F: Really? I prefer Easter.
M: That's because you love chocolate, Grace!
F: I guess so. Are your whole family excited about Christmas?
M: Yes, but they're rushing around organising our New
Year's Eve party.
F: Is that your parents' favourite celebration?
M: Actually, no. My mum loves Bonfire Night. She's crazy
about fireworks.
F: And your dad?

Teacher Guidelines
Teaching students how to prepare a presentation is a lot like teaching them how to write a composition. Here are the steps
you can follow:

Step 1 Step 6
Decide on the presentation topic. Remember to take into Ask students to write their presentation script and submit it
account the situation and the target audience. It is also to you for feedback. Check for language (correct use of
important to decide on the type and purpose of the grammar and lexis), clear organisation of ideas, appropriacy,
presentation, as this will determine the style and the style and flow.
language used.
Step 7
Step 2 Encourage students to use presentation software (such as
Divide the class into work groups, so that they can PowerPoint, Prezi or Keynote) if they wish, to support and
collaborate and give each other feedback as they create the highlight their points and make their whole presentation
presentation. You can help them decide which role each more lively.
student will take: Who will do the research? Who will write [In most types of presentation software, there are functions
the presentation? Who will look for visuals, quotations etc? that help with the flow of the presentation. Students can
include some animation but should maintain consistency
Step 3 from slide to slide (the same colours, logo, types of
Tell the students to read the texts assigned, watch the video animation, etc on each slide). Warn students about an
and/or research online. Discuss their ideas in class and excess of annoying effects. They can also write a few notes
students make notes in their notebooks. under each slide to help them talk about their topic.]
Step 4 Step 8
Remind your students about the importance of a well- Show how important it is for students to rehearse first in
organised presentation, which consists of an introduction, a front of a mirror, family members, friends and/or you. One
main body and a conclusion. At this point, students should of the best methods is by filming themselves. This will help
start organising their notes into spidergrams or diagrams. them feel more confident when delivering the final
presentation in front of an audience. Make sure you remind
Step 5 them of the useful dos and don’ts while giving a presentation
Have the students start working on the content of the (p. 73).
presentation (expanding their spidergrams/diagrams into
paragraphs), using appropriate opening, closing and Students are now ready to deliver their presentations.
feedback (if applicable) techniques and including visuals,
music, quotations, etc.

Note: You can decide how many and which presentations your students will prepare and present in front of an audience,
depending on their level and the number of teaching hours.

Presentation Skills Key
Culture Corner 3 7 Suggested Answer

1 Type/Purpose of presentation: informative/to describe Good afternoon, everyone! Picture this … It’s a warm
a celebration sunny spring day and the flowers are blooming. On the
grass you notice some men in strange costumes doing
2 date some kind of old-fashioned dance. Nearby, there’s a tall
white pole decorated with long ribbons. You’re really
Thanksgiving • fourth Thursday in curious about what’s going on! Well … it’s May Day in
Day November the UK!
This celebration takes place on the first Monday in May
activities and it’s a traditional spring festival – full of flowers and
why it is a colour. It’s great to have a day off work or school and
• playing football special day enjoy the spring sunshine outdoors.
• playing board There is a parade led by a May Queen and a Green
• huge family feast
games Man. The Morris Dancers have got bells around their
• roast turkey, sweet
• watching TV knees and flowers on their hats. They are the ones doing
• Turkey Trot fun run
potatoes, stuffing, mashed
potatoes, cranberry sauce the special old-fashioned dance. The Maypole is also
• pumpkin pie for dessert
part of the celebrations. Children dance around it
holding ribbons. Afterwards, they can often go to a
funfair with rides as well as stalls selling sweet treats.
3 a) Opening technique: using a rhyme
The May Day festival has something for people of all
Closing technique: asking a rhetorical question
ages. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate the new life of
spring and prepare for whatever the rest of the year
b) Feedback technique: game
may bring. As naturalist Edwin Way Teale said, “All
things seem possible in May.”
Now it’s over to you. Please get into groups of three and
• first Monday of discuss what you like most about the May Day festival
May Day May and why.
activities in the UK
Would anyone like to ask a question? … Thank you for
why it is a your attention.
• parade with May Queen special day
and Green Man
• groups of Morris Dancers • traditional spring
• children dance around the festival
Maypole • day off work and
• funfair with rides and stalls school

5 a) 1 B 2 A

b) 1 A 2 B

6 Ss should look for pictures of May Day celebrations in

the UK

Presentation Skills Key
Module 4.2 b) 1 Location
• Lima, Peru
1 Type/Purpose of presentation: informative/
to describe a festival

2 The name of the festival: Salon du Chocolat

Its location: Paris, France
Activities you can do there: tasting chocolate,
cooking demonstrations with top chefs inventing 2 Activities
chocolate creations, special cookery workshops for • Gran Mercano market – 400 stalls –
young children, fashion show – dresses made of strange Amazon fruit
chocolate • demonstrations – famous chefs
What makes it special: special tastes, fun activities, • cookery contests
happy day out • traditional music & dancing

3 Why special
• largest food festival in South America
Mistura • Lima, Peru • feast for the senses
Food Fest

what makes
it special activities
• largest food • Gran Mercado with 400 6 Suggested Answer
festival in market stalls that sell
South America food from all over Peru Good morning. Please take a look at these pictures of
• feast for all the including strange fruit exotic fruits. Some of them look quite weird, don’t they?
senses from the Amazon They’re certainly not something you usually see in your
• demonstrations by local supermarket or greengrocers’! But they are just
famous chefs some of the colourful produce you can see on display at
• cookery contests the Mistura Food Fest.
• traditional music and ‘Mistura’ means ‘mixture’ and this interesting festival gets
dancing its name because there is food from all over Peru there.
It takes place in Lima, Peru’s capital city.
4 Quotation A would be appropriate for the introduction The highlight of the festival is the Gran Mercado. This is
or conclusion of my presentation. Quotation B is not a market with 400 stalls that sell food from the different
appropriate because, although it is brief, it is still not areas of Peru … and that includes strange fruit from the
relevant. Amazon Rainforest like the ones we saw in the pictures.
There are also demonstrations by famous chefs, cookery
5 a) 1 Prompt card b is not appropriate because it contests, and traditional music and dancing. This festival
does not use key words. It uses a whole sentence. is the largest food festival in South America and a real
2 Prompt card a is not appropriate because the feast for all the senses.
font is not very clear and easy to read. All in all, the Mistura Food Fest is the place to go to try a
3 Prompt card b is not appropriate because huge variety of Peruvian dishes and find out all about
there is no heading and the main ideas are not the culture. Who wouldn’t enjoy a fabulous experience
made to stand out with bullet points. like that?
Are there any questions?... Thanks for listening.

Presentation Skills Key
Module 6.3 Fingal’s
what special
1 The speaker introduces himself at the beginning of Cave
the presentation because he is a travel agent speaking Natural
to a group of tourists and his audience have not met • formed 60 Landmarks
him before. million years ago
• strange six-sided
2 1 F rocks location
• Mount Snowdon, Snowdonia National Park, Wales • only reached by activities
2 D boat Scotland
• explore the cave
• height: 1,085 metres
in a kayak
• formed: 450 million years ago during volcanic
• try snorkelling
3 B 4 Suggested Answer
• rock climbing
I could invite the audience to request more
• trekking
information about the two landmarks by giving them
• a train ride
the email address of the travel agency I represent, so
4 A they could book tickets etc. I could also give them the
• Cliffs of Moher on the west coast of Ireland
agency’s telephone number so they could call the
5 E agency about any questions they thought of after the
• hiking
• birdwatching
• surfing
5 Suggested Answer
6 C
• height: up to 214 metres
Good morning everyone. I’m Ivanka Anev from
• length: 14 kilometres
TourTravel. Have you ever fancied exploring some of
• formed: 300 million years ago during floods
Britain’s famous landmarks? Then, I’d like to introduce
you to a couple of very special natural ones.
3 First, there is Cheddar Gorge in England. Here you can
Cheddar try rock climbing, caving or an escape room experience.
what special
Gorge You can also visit the Lookout Tower. It is a special place
Natural because it formed 1.2 million years ago. It is 120 metres
• formed 1.2 million Landmarks deep and there are 322 steps to the top, but it is worth it
years ago for the amazing view.
• 120 metres deep Another amazing place to visit is the British Isles is Fingal’s
• 322 steps location Cave in Scotland. Here you can explore the cave in a
• amazing view activities kayak or try snorkelling. This cave formed 60 million
England years ago. It has strange six-sided rocks that look like the
• rock climbing
set of a science-fiction film. It is only reached by boat so it
• caving
isn’t somewhere you can go every day.
• an escape room
Wherever you choose to go, you won’t be disappointed.
Both places are well worth visiting. As a travel agent, I’ve
• visit the Lookout Tower
sent lots of people to these places and they come back
with amazing reviews!
For more information, please take one of our travel
brochures. Thank you.

Presentation Skills Key
Module 7.1 5 a) 1 B 2 A
1 Type/Purpose of presentation: informative/to describe b) 1 A 2 B
a place
6 a) Feedback technique: focus groups
2 Mauritius
what to
see/do b) Suggested Answer
location Alternative feedback technique: polling questions
• go windsurfing, off the southeast (How many of you would like to go to Madagascar?)
kitesurfing or coast of Africa (in
parasailing the Indian Ocean) 7 Ss should look for pictures of Madagascar and the
• go on hiking special features/activities that are mentioned in their
trips in national presentation.
park special features
• try African, • white sandy beaches 8 Suggested Answer
Creole and • Black River Gorges 1.3 million
Indian dishes in National Park (rare birds, Good morning everyone! What is your dream holiday
the capital of bats, lizards) destination? Somewhere with beautiful beaches and
Port Louis • Seven Coloured Earths interesting wildlife? Then, you’ll love Madagascar! Let’s
(multi-coloured sand dunes) take a closer look at this exotic faraway destination.
Madagascar is an island off the coast of Africa. Its
3 a) Opening technique: narrating a general story population is 25 million people and it offers a variety of
Closing technique: asking a rhetorical question special features including unique wildlife and Masoala
National Park.
b) Feedback technique: pop quiz style questions in There is so much to see and do in Madagascar, you will
teams be amazed. To start with, you can take a guided tour of
Suggested Answer the national park and see the lemur as well as many other
Alternative feedback technique: game with unique birds, reptiles and orchids. You can also see a
Yes/No questions (Mauritius is located in the rugby match at Maki Stadium. If you prefer culture, you
Indian Ocean. Yes, it is. … 10 million people live can visit historic buildings like the Royal Palace in the
on the island. No, the population is 1.3 million. etc) capital city. Finally, for beach lovers, there are popular
water sports such as snorkelling or scuba diving.
4 With its natural beauty, unique wildlife and fun activities,
Madagascar Madagascar is a fantastic destination! In fact, filmmaker
what to David Douglas said that Madagascar “might as well be
see/do location another planet”.
• take a guided tour Faraway off the coast Now let me ask you: what impressed you most about
of the national park Islands of Africa Madagascar?
• see a rugby match
at the Maki Stadium Any questions? … Thanks for listening.
• visit historic
buildings like the special features
25 million
Royal Palace • unique wildlife
• go snorkelling & • Masoala National
scuba diving Park

Presentation Skills Key
Module 8.6 5 Suggested Answer
1 Type/Purpose of presentation: informative/to describe
superstitions in the UK what they
believe will
2 happen Superstitions
the UK
• to avoid bad what
what they
luck people do
believe will when they
• cancel the
happen Superstitions do it
bad luck of • odd number
• their true seeing the • when they give of flowers
love would black cat a them to • turn around
when people do
visit them on fight in the someone and choose
Midsummer’s they do it family will • when they see a another path
• girls scattered
Day rose petals in start black cat • try not to spil
• at midnight
• protect them front of them • when salt
from evil and • families planted somebody spils
keep witches a rowan tree in salt on the
away garden dining table
• when they
• avoid bad • actors say “Break
moved to a
luck a leg!” instead of 6 Suggested Answer
new house
• your wish will “Good luck!”
• before a
come true • make a wish and Good morning everyone. Today, I’m going to talk about
performance blow out all the Romanian superstitions. I have never been very
• when it’s your candles at once superstitious myself. I might knock on wood to avoid bad
birthday on a cake luck, but that’s about it. However, plenty of Romanians do
believe in them.
3 a) Opening technique: One superstition is about flowers. When you want to give
Suggested Answer flowers to a Romanian you must be careful of how many
The speaker uses an amusing fact in the flowers you give. Romanians only give an odd number of
introduction of the presentation. They explain flowers to someone to avoid bad luck. Another interesting
how some people try to avoid bad luck when they Romanian superstition is when you see a black cat. Then,
walk under a ladder. It sounds like a lot of trouble you have to turn around and choose another path. This will
and not worth doing! cancel the bad luck of seeing the black cat.
Closing technique: making a statement A common superstition is about trying not to spil salt. When
somebody spils salt on the dining table then there will be a
b) Feedback technique: make a list fight in the family.
Suggested Answer As we can see, Romania has some interesting superstitions.
Alternative feedback technique: pop style quiz Some people take them very seriously indeed, while others
questions in teams (Team A: When did young girls agree with Andrew W. Mathis that “It’s bad luck to be
scatter rose petals in front of them? … Yes, on superstitious!”
Midsummer’s Eve. Team B: What did Scottish
people plant in their garden when they moved Now, how many of you think that you are superstitious in
house? … No, not a rose tree, a rowan tree. etc) some way? Please raise your hands.
Any questions? … Thank you for listening.
4 Extract B gives reliable information on superstitions.
The information is based on scientific research in the
form of a survey. Extract A is simply a blogger’s opinion.

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