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Bir Form - 1701

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Individuals who are engaged in trade or business or the practice of profession including those mixed
income earners (i.e., those engaged in the trade/business or profession who are also earning
compensation income) are required to file an annual income tax in accordance with Sec. 51 of the Code, as
amended. The annual income tax return summarizes all the transactions covering the calendar year of the

This Form is to be accomplished by the taxpayer in three (3) copies. The first two (2) copies upon filing will
be submitted to BIR for its File and Encoding Copies, while the third copy is retained by the taxpayer for
his/her/its File Copy.

This Form is required to be filed, whether or not resulting in taxable income or loss or no

The following are the general instructions in accomplishing this Form:

(1) All applicable spaces must be filled in;
(2) All information required by the Form must be written in capital fonts (CAPITAL LETTERS);
(3) Mark with an “X” all applicable circles.

(A) Contents and Instruction/Description of the Fields of Information/Data Required by the Form.

Item No. Information/Data Description

Part 1 Background Information
1 For the year (YYYY) Indicate the taxable year covered by the return.
2018 Individual taxpayers are always on a calendar
year basis (i.e. 2012).

2 Amended Return? Mark the applicable circle with an “X”. This item
O Yes O No shall indicate whether or not the tax return being
accomplished and filed for the year is a
correction or an amendment to a previously
filed income tax return covering the same year .

3 Joint Filing? Mark the applicable circle with an “X”. This item
O Yes O No shall indicate whether or not the return to be
accomplished, in the case of spouses, shall be a
joint return of both their income. If no spouse,
mark the No circle with an “X”.


4 Taxpayer Identification Number Fill in the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
(TIN) 22615118000 issued to the taxpayer evidencing his/her/its
registration with the Bureau. The TIN comprises
of a nine to thirteen (9 to 13) digit numeric code
where the first nine (9) digits is the TIN proper
and the last four (4) digits is the branch code. The
branch code shall always be 0000.

5 RDO Code Indicate the Revenue District Office Code,

040 comprising of three (3) digits numeric or
alphanumeric code, where the taxpayer’s head
Page 1 of 22
office is registered. For example: 001 for Laoag
City, 43A for East Pasig.

6 Taxpayer’s Name Write the name of the individual taxpayer

Last Name ARESPACOCHAGA beginning with the surname/last name followed by
First Name MARK STEVEN the first name and lastly the middle name.
Middle Name CAOILE

7 Registered Address Write the registered address of the principal place

Unit/Room Number/Floor of business of the taxpayer. All applicable spaces
Building Name must be filled in.
Number 61
Street Name YALE
Municipality/City CUBAO, QUEZO N CITY
Zip Code 1901

8 Date of Birth Write the taxpayer’s date of birth indicating the

(MM/DD/YYYY) month, day and year. In case of estate or trust,
10/16/1978 the date of birth is the day when it was registered
in the BIR. For example: If the birthday is January
5, 1970, write 01 05 1970.

9 Gender (Sex) Mark the applicable circle with an “X”. This refers
O Male O Female to the gender of a person, either a male or female,
at the time of birth in accordance with the Civil
Code. For estate and trust, leave this item

10 Civil Status Mark the applicable circle with an “X”. This refers
O Single O Married to the civil status of the taxpayer. The estate or
O Separated O Widow/er trust is considered to be single.

11 Contact Number Write the telephone or cell phone number of the

09216007482 taxpayer where the taxpayer can be contacted in
case there is a need to validate certain
information/data contained in the return filed.

12 E-mail address Write the existing official email address of the taxpayer wherein BIR will be able to communicate
electronically in case there is a need to validate
certain information/data contained in the return

13 Line of Business Indicate the nature of the business/profession the

TRANSPORT SERVICES taxpayer is engaged in as indicated in the
Certificate of Registration (BIR Form No. 2303).

Page 2 of 22
14 Alphanumeric Numeric Code Mark the applicable circle with an “X”.
II 011 Compensation Income O
II 012 Business Income/Income
from Profession O
II 013 Mixed Income O

15 Method of Deduction Mark the applicable circle with an “X” the method
O Itemized Deduction [Secs. 34 of deduction employed by the taxpayer in
(A to J), NIRC] claiming the deductions for the taxable year
O Optional Standard Deduction whether itemized or optional standard
(OSD)-40% of Gross deduction. The chosen method of deduction used
Sales/ in the first quarter of the year shall be consistently
Receipts/Revenues/Fees applied throughout the year.
[Section 34 (L), NIRC, as
amended by R.A. No.

16 Claiming for Additional Mark the circle Yes with an “X” if the taxpayer/filer
Exemption? is the one claiming the additional exemption/s for
O Yes qualified child/ren, otherwise mark with “X” the
O No circle No. If there is no child to be claimed as
additional exemption, leave the space unmark.

17 If yes, number of Qualified If yes to Item 16, write 1, 2, 3 or 4 on the box

Dependent Children depending on the number of qualified dependent
child/ren listed in Item 29.

18 Spouse’s Name Write the name of the spouse of the individual
Last Name taxpayer beginning with the surname/last name
First Name followed by the first name and lastly the middle
Middle Name name.

19 Taxpayer Identification Number Fill in the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)

(TIN) issued to the spouse of the taxpayer evidencing
his/her registration with the Bureau, if applicable.

20 RDO Code Indicate the Revenue District Office Code,

comprising of three (3) digits numeric or
alphanumeric code, where the spouse of the
taxpayer is registered, if applicable.

21 Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) Write the date of birth of the spouse of the
taxpayer indicating the month, day and year. For
example: If the birthday is January 5, 1970, write
01 05 1970.

22 Contact Number Write the telephone or cell phone number of the

spouse of the taxpayer where the spouse can be
contacted in case there is a need to validate
certain information /data contained in the return

Page 3 of 22
23 E-mail Address Write the existing official e-mail address of the
spouse of the taxpayer wherein BIR will be able to
communicate electronically in case there is a need
to validate certain information/data contained in
the return filed.
24 Line of Business Indicate the nature of the business/profession the
spouse of the taxpayer is engaged in, if

25 Alphanumeric Numeric Code Mark the applicable circle with an “X”.

II 011 Compensation Income O
II 012 Business Income/Income
from Profession O
II 013 Mixed Income O

26 Method of Deduction Mark the applicable circle with an “X” the method
O Itemized Deduction [Secs. 34 of deduction employed by the spouse of the
(A to J), NIRC] taxpayer in claiming the deductions for the
O Optional Standard Deduction taxable year whether itemized or optional
(OSD)-40% of Gross standard deduction. The chosen method of
Sales/ deduction used in the first quarter of the year shall
Receipts/Revenues/Fees be consistently applied throughout the year.
[Section 34 (L), NIRC, as
amended by R.A. No.

27 Claiming for Additional Mark the circle Yes with an “X” if the spouse is the
Exemption? one claiming the additional exemption/s for
qualified child/ren, otherwise mark with “X” the
circle No. If there is no child to be claimed as
additional exemption, leave the space unmark.

28 If yes, number of Qualified If yes to Item 28, write 1, 2, 3 or 4 on the box

Dependent Children depending on the number of qualified dependent
child/ren listed in Item 29.

29 Qualified Dependent Children Write the surname/last name, first name(s),

middle name, date of birth, (month, day, and year)
of the child/ren, and mark the circle with an “X” if
physically or mentally incapacitated. In the case of
married individuals where only one of the spouses
is deriving gross income, only such spouse shall
be allowed the personal exemption. An individual,
whether single or married, shall be allowed an
additional exemption of P25,000.00 for each
qualified dependent child, not exceeding four (4).
The additional exemption for dependents shall be
claimed by the husband, who is deemed the
proper claimant unless he explicitly waives his
right in favor of his wife.

Dependent child means a legitimate, illegitimate or

legally adopted child chiefly dependent upon and
living with the taxpayer if such dependent is not
Page 4 of 22
more than twenty one (21) years of age,
unmarried and not gainfully employed or if such
dependent, regardless of age, is incapable of self-
support because of mental or physical defect.

30 Are you availing of tax relief Mark the applicable circle with an “X”. The yes
under Special Law or circle is applicable to those who are availing of
International Tax Treaty? preferential tax rates/incentives and privileges/
O Yes exemptions granted by special law, international
O No agreement or treaty.

If the answer to this query is yes, the taxpayer is

required to fill in Part VII (Items 91 to 98) the
specific details to indicate the required
information/data to which the particular incentive/
exemption/preferential tax rate is being availed,
otherwise, mark the circle No with an “X”.

NOTE: In case any information in the income tax return differs from the registered information,
the taxpayer shall immediately inform/notify in writing the Revenue District Office where
the taxpayer is registered using BIR Form No. 1905 in order to effect the necessary
change/update on any background information in the registration.
Part II Computation of Tax
(NOTE: The tax shall be computed per column for Taxpayer or Spouse)

Before filling in Part II, fill in first Part V of this form (Items 51 to 71)
31 Income Tax Due under Regular Write the amount of income tax due under
Rate Regular Rate by copying the amount reflected in
Item 69C/69D of Part V.

32 Add: Income Tax Due under Write the amount of income tax due under Special
Special Rate rate by copying the amount reflected in Item
69A/69B of Part V.

33 Total Income Tax Due Write the amount of Total Income Tax Due which
is the sum of Items 31A and 32A/31B and 32B.

34 Aggregate Income Tax Due Write the amount of aggregate income tax due of
the taxpayer and spouse which is the sum of
Items 33A and 33B.

35 Less: Tax Credits/Payments This refers to the amount of tax credits/payments

(attach proof) of the taxpayer/spouse during the year allowed to
be deducted from the tax due. Proof is required to
be attached.

35A/B Prior Year’s Excess Credits This refers to the amount of excess
payments/withholding in prior year/s which are
carried forward in the current year and allowed to
be applied against the income tax due.

35C/D Tax Payment for the 1st Three Write the amount of the income tax payments
Quarters made for the first three (3) quarters of the current

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35E/F Creditable Tax Withheld for the Write the amount of the creditable income tax
1st Three Quarters withheld by payor/s on the income payments
made to the taxpayer/spouse in the first three
quarters of the current year.

35G/H Creditable Tax Withheld per BIR Write the creditable income tax withheld by
Form No. 2307 for the 4th quarter payor/s on the income payments made to the
taxpayer/spouse in the fourth (4th) quarter of the
current year. Attach BIR Form No. 2307 issued by
the payor/s.

35I/J Tax withheld per BIR Form No. Write the amount of withholding tax on
2316 compensation withheld by the employer/s on the
compensation income of the taxpayer/spouse and
remitted to the BIR. Attach BIR Form No. 2316
issued by the employer/s.

35K/L Tax Paid in Return Previously Indicate the amount of income tax paid in the
Filed, if this is an Amended previous return filed. Attach the previous return
Return filed and proof of income tax payment.

36M/N Foreign Tax Credits Write the amount of final tax or income tax
withheld by a foreign country. Ex: Income tax
withheld by the U.S. government to the prize of
Manny Paquiao after his fight or the income tax
withheld by a U.S. corporation(s) wherein he
endorsed its/their products.

35O/P Other Payments/Credits, specify Indicate the amount/s of any other payments/tax
credits allowed to be applied against the tax due.

35Q/R Total Tax Credits/ Payments Write the amount of the total tax credits/payment
claimed (Sum of Items 35A, C, E, G, I, K, M and
O/35B, D,F, H, J, L, N and P)

36 Net Tax Payable/(Overpayment) Indicate the difference between the tax due in
Item 33A/33B and the total payments/credits in

37 Aggregate Tax Payable/ Indicate the aggregate tax payable/ (overpayment)

(Overpayment) of taxpayer and spouse which is the sum of Items
36A and 36B.

38 Penalties 38A/38E Surcharge (25% or Indicate the amounts which are additions to the
50% of tax due) tax that serve as civil penalties imposed upon the
taxpayer in cases of violations committed with
38B/38F Interest (20% per year respect to the filing of the income tax return and/or
of tax due) payment of the tax due thereon.

38C/38G Compromise (basis is There shall be imposed and collected as part of

RMO 19-2007) the tax:
1. A surcharge of twenty five percent (25%) for
38D/38H Total penalties (sum of each of the following violations:
Items 38A, 38B and a) Failure to file any return and pay the
38C/38E, 38F and amount of tax or installment due on or

Page 6 of 22
38G) before the due dates;
b) Unless otherwise authorized by the
Commissioner, filing a return with a person
or office other than those with whom it is
required to be filed;
c) Failure to pay the full or part of the amount
of tax shown on the return, or the full
amount of tax due for which no return is
required to be filed, on or before the due
d) Failure to pay the deficiency tax within the
time prescribed for its payment in the
notice of assessment.
2. A surcharge of fifty percent (50%) of the basic
tax or of the deficiency tax shall be imposed in
case of willful neglect to file the return within
the period prescribed by the Tax Code and/or
by rules and regulations or in case of a false
or fraudulent return is filed.
3. Interest at the rate of twenty percent (20%) per
annum on any unpaid amount of tax, from the
date prescribed for the payment until it is fully
4. Compromise Penalty, pursuant to
existing/applicable revenue issuances.

39 Aggregate Penalties Indicate the aggregate penalties of taxpayer and

spouse which is the sum of Items 38D and 38H.

40 Total Amount Payable/ Indicate the total amount payable/ (creditable/

40A/40B (Creditable/Refundable) refundable) which is the sum of Items 36A &
38D/36B and 38H.

41 Aggregate Amount Payable/ Indicate the aggregate amount payable/

(Creditable/Refundable) (creditable /refundable) of taxpayer and spouse
which is the sum of Items 40A and 40B.

42 Less: Portion of Tax Payable Indicate the amount/ portion of tax payable
42A/42B Allowed for 2nd Installment allowed for 2nd installment payment to be paid on
Payment to be paid on or before or before July 15.
July 15
When the tax due is in excess of P 2,000.00, the
taxpayer may elect to pay the tax in two (2) equal
installments in which case, the first installment
shall be paid at the time the return is filed and the
second installment, on or before July 15 following
the close of the calendar year.

43 Amount of Tax Required to be Indicate the amount of tax required to be paid

43A/43B Paid Upon Filing this Return upon filing which is the difference between the
total amount payable in Item 40 and portion of tax
payable allowed for 2nd installment in Item 42.

44 Net aggregate amount of tax Indicate the net aggregate amount of tax required
required to be paid/ (creditable/ to be paid by taxpayer and spouse which is the
refundable) upon filing of this sum of Items 43A and 43B.
Page 7 of 22

If overpayment , mark “X” one An excess of the total tax credits/payments over
circle only the actual income tax due computed in the final
adjusted return may be refunded or issued with
O To be refunded the Tax Credit Certificate to the taxpayer or
credited against his/her estimated income tax
O To be issued a Tax Credit liabilities for the quarters of the succeeding
Certificate (TCC) taxable years. The taxpayer shall exercise its
option by marking with an “X” the appropriate
O To be carried over as tax circle. Thus, once the taxpayer opted to carry-
credit for next over and apply the excess income tax against
year/quarter income tax due for the succeeding taxable year,
no application for cash refund or issuance of a tax
credit certificate shall be allowed. In case the
taxpayer fails to signify his/her choice, the excess
payment shall be automatically carried-over to the
next taxable period.

Part III Availment of Tax Income Incentives/Exemptions

45 Total Tax Relief/Savings Indicate the amount of total tax relief by copying
the amount in Item 98J/98K of Part VII

46 Aggregate Amount of Tax Indicate the aggregate amount of tax

Relief/Savings relief/savings of taxpayer and spouse which is the
sum of Items 45A and 45B.

Part IV Details of Payment

A – Drawee Bank/Agency Space to indicate the details of the payment and
B – Number the mode of payment (whether by cash/bank debit
C – Date (MM/DD/YYYY) memo, check, TDM, others) identifying the
D – Amount bank/agency; number, if any; date; and amount.
Only the applicable spaces must be filled in.

47 Cash/Bank Debit Memo For cash payment, indicate the amount in column
46D and write “N/A” (Not Applicable) in columns
A, B and C. For Bank Debit Memo (BDM), indicate
the name of the bank, number, date of BDM and
amount in the appropriate columns (A, B, C and

48 Check Indicate the name of drawee bank, check number,

date of check and amount in the appropriate
columns (A, B, C and D).

49 Tax Debit Memo Indicate the Tax Debit Memo (TDM) number, date
and amount in the appropriate columns (A, B and
50 Others Specify other modes of payment. Indicate “N/A” or
fill in appropriate columns, if applicable.
Ex. Special Allotment Release Order (SARO)
Tax Subsidy Debit Memo (TSDM)
Tax Remittance Advice (TRA)
Tax Subsidy Availment Certificate (TSAC)
Direct Crediting

Page 8 of 22
Receiving Portion Space provided for stamping and affixing the
initials of the revenue officer or bank teller, as
Stamp of Receiving Office/AAB the case maybe, evidencing the date of receipt of
and Date of Receipt the return from the taxpayer/authorized
(RO’s Signature/Bank Teller’s representative.

Part V Breakdown of Income (attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

This part shall be filled in first before filling in Part II (Items 31 to 44)
(NOTE: The tax shall be computed per tax regime per column of taxpayer and spouse.)
A – Exempt; B – Special Rate; C – Regular/Normal Rate
51 Gross Compensation Income Indicate the gross compensation income earned
(from schedule 1) during the calendar year. This can be taken from
Item 75A and/or 75C of Part VI, Schedule 1.
52 Less: Non-Taxable/Exempt Indicate the total non-taxable/exempt
Compensation compensation such as, contributions to PAG-IBIG,
PHILHEALTH, SSS, GSIS, Union dues and other
non-taxable/exempt compensation as reflected in
BIR Form No. 2316-Certificate of Compensation
and Taxes Withheld issued by the employer/s.
53 Gross Taxable Compensation The difference between Gross Compensation
Income Income (Item 51) and Non-Taxable/Exempt
Compensation (Item 52).
Taxpayer: 53A = 51A less 52A; Spouse: 53B =
51B less 52B
54 Less Deductions This refers to allowable deductions under the

54A/B Premium on Health and/or Indicate the amount of actual health and/or
Hospitalization Insurance (not to hospitalization insurance premium but not to
exceed P 2,400/year) exceed P 2,400.00 Provided, that, the family gross
income is P 250,000.00 or less in a taxable year.
Provided, finally, that in case of married
taxpayers, only the spouse claiming for additional
exemption for dependents shall be entitled to this

54C/D Personal Exemption/Exemption Indicate the amount of P 50,000.00 allowed for

for Estate or Trust each individual taxpayer, whether single or
married. For Estate or Trust, the personal
exemption is P 20,000.00.

54E/F Additional Exemptions Indicate the amount claimed by individual,

whether single or married, which shall be P
25,000.00 for each qualified dependent child, not
exceeding four (4). For example: with 1 qualified
dependent child P 25,000.00; with 5 qualified
dependent children, only P 100,000.00 is allowed
(4 x P 25,000.00).
54G/H Total Deductions Write the Sum of Items 54A, C & E/54B, D & F.

Page 9 of 22
55 Total Compensation Income/ Indicate the amount which is Item 53A less 54G/
(Excess of Deductions) Item 53B less 54H.
56 Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees Write the amount of Sales/Revenues/Receipts/
(net of sales returns, allowances Fees (net of sales returns, allowances and
and discounts) discounts) of the taxpayer/spouse during the
taxable year from trade/business or practice of
profession segregated into corresponding
columns of exempt, special rate or regular rate.
For example: BMBE–exempt, PEZA–special rate.

57 Add: Other Taxable/Exempt Indicate the amount of other taxable/exempt

Income from Operation, not income from operation, which was not subjected
subject to final tax to final tax. For example: scrap sale.

58 Total Indicate the amount of sales

Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees /receipts/revenues/fees and other taxable income
which is the sum of Items 56A & 57M, 56B & 57N
for exempt, 56C & 57O, 56D & 57P for special
rate and 56E & 57Q, 56F & 57R for regular rate.

59 Less: Cost of Sales/Services Indicate the amount of direct cost incurred in

generating the sales from goods/services.

60 Net Write the amount of net sales/revenues/

Sales/Revenues/Receipts/Fees receipts/fees which is Item 58A less 59A, 58B less
59B for exempt, 58C less 59C, 58D less 59D for
special rate and 58E less 59E, 58F less 59F for
regular rate.

61 Add: Non-Operating Taxable Indicate the amount of Non-operating Taxable

Income Income. For example: Interest income from
advances to employees.

62 Gross Income Write the amount of gross income which is the

sum of Net sales/revenues/receipts/fees and non-
operating taxable income (Item 60 plus Item 61).

Gross income shall refer to gross sales or gross
revenue derived from registered business activity
within the zone, net of sales discounts, sales
returns and allowances minus cost of sales or
direct costs but before any deductions for
administrative, marketing, selling, operating
expenses or incidental losses during a given
taxable period.

Gross income shall refer to gross sales or gross
revenue derived from registered business activity
within the zone, net of sales discounts, sales
returns and allowances minus cost of sales or
direct costs but before any deductions for
administrative, marketing, selling, operating
expenses or incidental losses during a given
Page 10 of 22
taxable period. For financial enterprises, gross
income shall include interest income, gains from
sales and other income net of costs of funds.

63 Less: Deductions Refers to allowable deductions.

63A/B Optional Standard Deduction Indicate the amount of computed OSD if the
(OSD) option to use OSD is exercised. The amount of
OSD is forty percent (40%) of the Total
Sales/Revenues/Receipts/fees (Item 58E/58F x
40%). This type of deduction shall not be allowed
for non-resident aliens engaged in trade or
business. Once this option is availed of, the
OR taxpayer need not submit the Account Information
Form (AIF)/ Financial Statements (FS).

63C/D/E/F/G/H Regular Allowable Itemized Indicate the amount of allowable expenses

Deductions incurred during the taxable year. This is the total
amount reflected in the Mandatory Attachment to
BIR Form No. 1701.

63I/J/K/L/M/N Special Allowable Itemized Write the amount of allowable deductions

Deductions provided under existing regular and special laws,
63O/P/Q/R/S/T rules and issuances such as but not limited to
Description Rooming-in and Breastfeeding Practices under
RA 7600, Adopt-a-School Program under RA
Legal Basis 8525, Expanded Senior Citizens Discount under
RA 9994, and Free Legal Assistance under RA

63U/V/W/X/Y/Z Allowance for NOLCO Write the amount of the applied portion of Net
(from Item 83) Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) computed in
Item 83 of Part VI, Schedule 2A.

63AA/AB/AC/ Total Allowable Itemized Indicate the sum of the regular and special
AD/AE/AF Deductions allowable itemized deductions, and allowance for
NOLCO (Sum of Items 63C, I, O & U/ 63D, J, P &
V/ 63E, K, Q & W/ 63F, L, R & X/ 63G, N, S & Y/
63H, N, T & Z).

64 Net Income Indicate the amount of net income which is the

difference between gross income and total
deductions. (For taxpayers who opted to avail of
OSD – Item 62E less 63A/ 62F less 63B). For
taxpayers who opted for itemized deductions -
Item 62A less 63AA/ 62B less 63AB/ 62C less
63AC/ 62D less 63AD/ 62E less 63AE/ 62F less

65 Less: Excess of Deductions over Indicate the amount of excess of Deductions over
Taxable Compensation Income Taxable Compensation Income (from Item
(from Item 55A/55B) OR the 55A/55B) OR the Total Deductions (from Item
Total Deductions (from Item 54G/54H), if there is no Compensation Income.
54G/54H), if there is no
Compensation Income

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66 Taxable/Exempt Business Indicate the amount of Taxable/Exempt Business
Income/ Income from Profession Income/Income from profession which is Item 64
(Item 64 less 65) less Item 65.

67 Total Taxable Income (Sum of Indicate the amount of Total Taxable Income
Items 55 and 66) which is the sum of Items 55 and 56. However, if
Item 55 (Total Compensation Income/ (Excess of
Deductions) shows negative amount, simply copy
the amount in Item 66.

68 Applicable Tax Rate (i.e. special For special rate, indicate special rate under
rate/regular rate) existing laws. For example: PEZA 5%

For regular rate, indicate the applicable tax rate

under Section 24 as shown below:

If taxable income is:

Not over P10,000 = 5%
Over P10,000 but not over P30,000 = P500 + 10%
in excess of P10,000
Over P30,000 but not over P 70,000 = P2,500 +
15% in excess of P30,000
Over P70,000 but not over P140,000 = P8,500 +
20% in excess of P70,000
Over P140,000 but not over P250,000 = P22,500
+ 25% in excess of P140,000
Over P250,000 but not over P500,000 = P50,000
+ 30% in excess of P250,000
Over P 500,000 = p125,000 + 32% in excess of

69 Income Tax Due Indicate the amount of tax due by multiplying the
total taxable income (Item 67) by the applicable
tax rate (Item 68).

70 Less: Share of Other Agencies Indicate the portion of the income tax computed
under the special rate due to the other agencies.
For example: 2% share of LGU for PEZA

71 Income Tax Due to National Indicate the difference between the income tax
Government under Special Rate due (Item 69) and share of other agencies (Item

Part VI Schedule 1 Gross Compensation Income and Tax Withheld (attach additional sheet/s, if
72 to 74 Names of Employer/s Write the name(s) of employer/s or employers if
more than 1 during the taxable year.

A/B/C/D/E Taxpayer Identification Numbers Write the TIN(s) of employer or employers if more
(TINs) than 1 during the taxable year.

Compensation Income - Write the compensation income or compensation

Taxpayer/Filer or Spouse incomes of taxpayer/spouse, if more than 1
employers during the year.

Page 12 of 22
Tax Withheld – Taxpayer/Filer or Write the tax withheld or taxes withheld of
Spouse taxpayer/spouse if more than 1 employers during
the year.

75 Total Compensation Income/Tax Sum of the compensation income(s)/tax/es

Withheld withheld of the taxpayer/spouse (Sum of Items 72
to 74).

Schedule 2 Computation of Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO)

76 Gross Income Copy the amount of gross income in Item 60

77 Less: Total Deductions Exclusive Copy the amount of regular allowable itemized
of NOLCO & Deductions under deductions in Item 63E/F/G/H
Special Laws

78 Net Operating Loss Carry Over Indicate the difference between Item 76 and 77.

Schedule 2A Computation of Available Net Operating Loss Carry Over (NOLCO) (attached
additional sheet/s, if necessary)
A schedule which is an integral part of the form detailing the computation of available NOLCO (applied
and unapplied portion). Only net operating losses incurred by the qualified taxpayer may be carried over
to the next three (3) immediately succeeding taxable years following the year of such loss.
79 to 82 Net Operating Loss Indicate the year incurred in 79 to 82 and the
Year Incurred amount in 79A to 82A for net operating loss.
A/B/C/D/E A - Amount

Net Operating Loss Carry Over Indicate the amount for net operating loss carry
B - Applied Previous Year over applied for the previous year (Items 79B to
C - Applied Current Year 82B), applied for the current year (Items 79C to
D - Expired 82C) and the expired portion (Items 79D to 82D).

E - Net Operating Loss Indicate the unapplied amount of net operating

(Unapplied) loss (Items 79E to 82E).

Total(Sum of Items 79C, 80C, Write the sum of available net operating loss carry
83 81C & 82C) over applied to the current year (Sum of Items
(to Item 63W/X/Y/Z) 79C, 80C, 81C & 82C)

Schedule 3 Reconciliation of Net Income per Books Against Taxable Income (attached additional
sheet/s, if necessary)
84 Net Income/(Loss) per Books Net Income(Loss) before Income Tax

85 Add: Other Taxable Income/Non- Indicate the amount of Non-operating Taxable

deductible Expenses Income. For example: Interest income from
advances to employees.

Indicate the amount of non-deductible expenses.

Example: Depreciation Expense arising from
increase in valuation as a result of appraisal.

Write the total amount of all non-deductible

expenses and taxable other income under the
appropriate column whether at the regular or
special rate columns.

Page 13 of 22
For taxpayer subject to regular rate, fill up the
regular/normal rate column with the non-
deductible expenses such as: allowance for bad
debts not actually written off, amortization and
others which are not deductible for taxation
purposes. Also, add other taxable income such
as: recovery of bad debts previously written off,
adjustment to retained earnings, and other
adjustments that are considered as income for tax

For taxpayer subject to special rate, fill up the

special rate column with the non-deductible
expenses for tax purposes such as:
administrative, marketing, selling, operating
expenses or incidental losses during a given
taxable period. Further, all other items considered
as income for tax purposes should be added-

86 Total Item 84 less item 85= Item 86

87 Less: Total Non-taxable Income Example of non-taxable income: Retirement

and Income Subjected to Final benefits pursuant to Section 32(B)(6)(a). Example
Tax of income already subjected to final tax: Interest
income from bank deposit wherein the 20% final
tax was withheld by the bank.

88 Special Deductions Write the amount of special deductions such as

deductions under the Adopt-a-School Program,
free legal assistance, senior citizens discounts,
Indicate the sum of 63K & Q, 63L & R, 63M & S
and/or 63N & T in the corresponding column of tax

89 Total Sum of Items 87 and 88.

90 Net Income Indicate the resulting difference of the Total

Income and Total Deductions (Item 86A less
89A/86B less 89B/86C less 89C/86D less 89D).
This should equal the amount reflected as Net
Income from Item 64C & 64D/64E & 64F.

Part VII Details of Income Tax Incentives/Exemptions (attach additional sheet/s, if necessary)

91A to 97A Certificate of Registration/BIR Write the registered activity/program as shown in

Ruling/MOA/Others the registration certificate issued by the concerned
IPA which granted the exemption/incentive/
preferential tax rate, for example Board of
Investment (BOI), Philippine Economic Zone
Authority (PEZA), Subic Bay Metropolitan
Authority (SBMA), Cooperative Development
Authority (CDA), Department of Foreign Affairs,
etc. Indicate the registration number, if applicable.
Page 14 of 22
91B to 97B Legal Basis (Special Law/ R.A. Write the specific special law, international
No.) agreement or treaty which is the legal basis for the
grant of the tax exemption/ incentive/preferential
tax rate. For example, EO 226 – Omnibus
Investment Code, RA 7196 - PEZA Law, in the
case of regular/normal rate (special tax relief) RA
8525– Adopt-a-School Program or RA 9257
Senior Citizens Act, etc.

Effectivity Date of Incentive

91C to 97C
From (MM/DD/YYYY) Indicate the start date of the effectivity on the
grant of tax exemption/incentive/preferential tax
rate as shown in the certificate of registration
issued by the concerned IPA by writing the month,
day and year. For example: May 1, 2011 as the
start date, write 05 01 2011.
91D to 97D
To (MM/DD/YYYY) Indicate the end date of the effectivity on the grant
of tax exemption/incentive/preferential tax rate as
shown in the certificate of registration issued by
the concerned IPA by writing the month, day and
year. For example: April 30, 2014 as the end
date, write 04 30 2014.
91E to 97E
Nature and Extent of Incentive/ For example: ITH

Amount of Income Tax Payable Indicate the regular income tax otherwise due by
91F to 97F under Regular Rate first getting the sum of special allowable itemized
91G to 97G Taxpayer/Filer deductions in Items 63I to 63T and the net taxable
Spouse income in Item 67, then multiply by the applicable
tax rate (refer to tax table).

91H to 97H Amount of Actual Income Tax Copy the computed income tax due in Item 69.
91I to 97I Paid

91J to 97J Amount of Tax Relief/Savings Difference between column F and column
91K to 97K Taxpayer H/column G and column I.

98 Total Sum of Items 91J to 97J/91K to 97K which shall

be forwarded to item 45

Part VIII – For Estate and Trust (Engaged in Trade and Business)
Payments to Heirs/Beneficiaries (attached additional sheet/s, if necessary)
99 to 101 Name Indicate the Name/s of Heir/s or Beneficiary/ies.

99A to 101A Taxpayer Identification Number Indicate the TIN/s of Heir/s or Beneficiary/ies.

99B to 101B Amount Write the amount of income payment/s to heir/s or

Page 15 of 22
99C to 101C Tax Withheld Write the amount of tax/es withheld from the
income payment/s to heir/s or beneficiary/ies.

102 Total Payment to Write the total income payment/s to the heir/s of
Heirs/Beneficiaries the estate or to the beneficiaries of the trust. (Sum
of Items 99B to 101B)

Jurat Clause
I declare under the penalties of perjury, that this annual return has been made in good faith,
verified by me, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true and correct, pursuant to the
provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the regulations issued under
authority thereof.
103 Name of the Taxpayer/ Portion requiring the signature of the taxpayer or
Authorized Representative/ any person filing on his/her/its behalf such as
Accredited Tax Agent his/her/its authorized representative or
accredited tax agent (ATA) attesting to the
truthfulness and correctness of the information
contained in the return.

Position and TIN of Authorized In case the return is filed by an authorized

Representative/ATA representative, the TIN of the authorized
representative must be indicated and an
authorization letter from the taxpayer must be

Tax Agent Accreditation No./ All returns filed by an accredited tax agent on
Atty’s Roll No. (if applicable) behalf of a taxpayer shall bear the following
Issue Date information:
Date of Expiry A. For CPAs and others (individual practitioners
and members of GPPs):
a.1 TIN; and
a.2 Certificate of Accreditation Number, Date
of Issuance, and Date of Expiry (which is
within three [3] years from date of expiry).
B. For members of the Philippine Bar (individual
practitioners and members of GPPs);
a.1 TIN; and
a.2 Attorney’s Roll Number or Accreditation
Number, if any.

104 to 107 Community Tax Certificate No. Space to indicate the details of the Community
Place of Issue Tax Certificate issued by the Local Government
Date of Issue Unit.

Part IX Supplemental Information (attached additional sheet/s, if necessary)

Gross Income/Receipts Subjected to Final Withholding
108 Interest Refers to interest from any currency bank deposit and
yield or any monetary benefit from deposit substitute
and from trust funds and similar arrangements.

108A/108D Actual Amount Write the actual amount of interest income.

108B/108E Final Tax Withheld/Paid Write the final tax withheld/paid.

Page 16 of 22
108C/108F Exempt Write the amount of exempt interest income which is
the interest income from long-term deposit substitutes
or investment in the form of savings, common or
individual trust funds, deposit substitutes, investment
management accounts and other investments
evidenced by certificates prescribed by the BSP.

109 Royalties Refers to royalties, except on books, as well as other

literary works and musical composition.

109A/109C Actual Amount/Fair Market Write the actual amount of royalty income.
Value/Net Capital Gains

109B/109D Final Tax Withheld/Paid Write the amount of tax withheld/paid

110 Dividends Refers to Cash and/or Property Dividends actually or

constructively received by an individual from a
domestic corporation or from a joint stock company,
insurance or mutual fund companies and regional
operating headquarters of multinational companies, or
on the share of an individual in the distributable net
income after tax of a partnership (except GPP) of which
he is a partner, or on the share of an individual in the
net income after tax of an association, a joint account,
or joint venture or consortium taxable as a corporation
of which he is a member or co-venturer.

110A/110C Actual Amount/Fair Market Indicate the actual amount of Cash Dividends or Fair
Value/Net Capital Gains Market Value of Property Dividends.

110B/110D Final Tax Withheld/Paid Indicate the amount of final tax withheld/paid based on
zonal valuation of real property or FMV if goods or

111 Prizes and Winnings Refers to prizes [except P10,000 or less which is
subject to the progressive rates under Section 24(A)(1)]
and winnings (except Philippine Charity Sweepstake
and Lotto winnings) received by an individual.

111A/111C Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/ Indicate the actual amount of prizes or winnings, if the
Net Capital Gains prize is cash or fair market value, if the prize is a real
property like car or personal property like goods.

111B/111D Final Tax Withheld/Paid Indicate the amount of final tax withheld/paid based on
zonal valuation of real property or FMV if goods or

112 Fringe Benefits Refers to any good, service or other benefit furnished
or granted in cash or in kind by an employer to an
individual employee (except rank-and-file employees).

112A/112C Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/ Indicate the actual amount of the fringe benefit, if the
Net Capital Gains benefit is in cash or FMV of the fringe benefit, if the
benefit is a real property like car or personal property
like goods.

112B/112D Final Tax Withheld/Paid Indicate the amount of final tax withheld based on
zonal valuation of real property or FMV if goods or
inventory. The formula of computing the final tax of
Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT): Actual monetary value of
expense account of P50,000.00 received by the CEO

Page 17 of 22
of the corporation, is to be divided by 68% to be
multiplied by 32% in order to arrive to the Gross-up
Monetary Value of the fringe benefit.

113 Compensation Subject to 15% Refers to Filipinos employed by Regional Operating

Preferential Rate Headquarters or Regional/Area Headquarters in a
managerial or technical position receiving an annual
gross taxable compensation of at least P975,000.00.

113A/113C Actual Amount/Fair Market Value/ Indicate the actual amount of the gross compensation
Net Capital Gains income (whether or not this actually received).
113B/113D Final Tax Withheld/Paid – Indicate the amount of final tax withheld/paid on
Taxpayer/Filer compensation income.

114 Sale/Exchange of Real Properties Refers to the sale, exchange, or other disposition of
real property located in the Philippines, classified as
capital assets, including pacto de retro sales and other
forms of conditional sales, by individuals, including
estates and trusts.

114A/114H Description of Property Indicate whether the property is a land, building and
improvement, condominium.

114B/114I OCT/TCT/CCT/Tax Declaration Indicate the OCT or TCT or CCT or the tax declaration
Number number of the property issued by the city or municipal

114C/114J Certificate Authorizing Registration Indicate the CAR number issued by the BIR who has
(CAR) Number jurisdiction over the real property sold/transferred.
114D/114K Actual Amount/Fair Market Indicate the amount which is either the selling price or
114F/114M Value/Net Capital Gains the current fair market value as determined in
accordance with Section (6) of the tax code, whichever
is higher.

114E/114L Final Tax Withheld/Paid Indicate the amount of final tax withheld/paid (6%
114G/114N capital gains tax based on the selling price or the zonal
value whichever is higher).

115 Sale/Exchange of Shares of Stocks Refers to the net capital gains realized during the
taxable year from the sale, barter, exchange or other
disposition of shares of stock in a domestic corporation,
except shares sold, or disposed of through the PSE.

115A/115J Kind of Stocks Indicate whether it is a common or preferred or

treasury stock.

115B/115K Stock Certificate Series Number Indicate the Stock Certificate Series.

115C/115L Certificate Authorizing Registration Indicate the CAR number issued by the BIR who has
(CAR) Number jurisdiction over the seller of the stock certificate.

115D/115M Number of Shares Indicate the number of Shares sold by a corporation.

115E/115N Date of Issue (MM/DD/YYYY) Indicate the date of the issuance of the shares of stock
sold by a corporation.

115F/115O Actual Amount/Fair Market Indicate the actual amount of cash paid by the buyer
115H/115Q Value/Net Capital Gains while the FMV is the book value of the shares of stock

Page 18 of 22
at the time of sale using the latest FS of the

115G/115P Final Tax Withheld/Paid Indicate the amount of final tax withheld/paid.
116 Other Income Subject to Final Tax Refers to the income that cannot be classified as
Under Sec. 57(A) of the Tax Code, cash/property dividend, interest on deposit substitute,
as amended (specify) royalty, prize or winning that fall as Other Income
subject to Final Tax under Section 57(A). Example:
Director’s Fee.

116A Description Indicate the nature of income.

116B116D Actual Amount/Fair Market Indicate the actual amount of the income received.
Value/Net Capital Gains

116C/116E Final Tax Withheld/Paid Indicate the final tax withheld/paid.

117 Total Final Tax Withheld/Paid Write the total final tax withheld/paid by adding Items
108B-113B, 114E, 114L, 115G, 115P and 116C/ 108E,
117A Taxpayer/Filer 109D-113D, 114G, 114N, 115I, 115R and 116E.
117B Spouse

Gross Income/Receipts Exempt from Income Tax

118 Proceeds of Life Insurance Policy Refers to the proceeds of life insurance policies paid to
the heirs or beneficiaries upon the death of the insured,
whether in a single sum or otherwise.
Actual Amount/Fair Market Value
Spouse Indicate the actual amount received, as legal heirs or
118A beneficiaries, from the Insurance Company based on
118B the Life Insurance

119 Return of Premium Refers to the amount received by the insured, as a

return premiums paid by him under life insurance,
endowment, or annuity contracts, either during the term
or at the maturity of the term mentioned in the contract
or upon surrender of the contract.

119A Actual Amount/Fair Market Value Indicate the actual amount received as a return of
119B Taxpayer/Filer premium paid under the life insurance.

120 Retirement Benefits, Pensions, Refers to the retirement benefits received under RA
Gratuities, etc. 7641 or from the reasonable private benefit plan
maintained by the employer; any amount received from
the employer as a consequence of separation from the
service because of death, sickness or other physical
disability or for any cause beyond the control of the
official/employee; benefits received from SSS or GSIS;
benefits due or to become due to any person residing
in the Philippines under the laws of the United States
administered by the US Veterans Administration.

Actual Amount/Fair Market Value Indicate the actual amount received from retirement
120A Taxpayer/Filer benefits, pension and gratuities.
120B Spouse

121 Personal/Real Properties Received Refers to the property acquired by gift, bequest, devise,
thru Gifts, Bequests, and Devises or descent.

Page 19 of 22
121A Description of Property Indicate whether the property is a land, building and
improvement, condominium, car or cash

121B Mode of Transfer Indicate the mode of transfer either through donation or

121C Certificate Authorizing Registration Indicate the CAR number issued by the BIR who has
(CAR) Number jurisdiction over the real/personal property.

Actual Amount/Fair Market Value Indicate the actual amount received by the donee in the
121D Taxpayer/Filer case of gift and legal heirs in cases of bequests and
121E Spouse devises, or the FMV/ book value of the shares of stock
at the time of donation using the latest FS of the
corporation or the zonal valuation of the real property at
the time of donation or death of the decedent in case of
bequests and devises.

122 Other Exempt Income/Receipts Refers to exclusion from Gross Income pursuant to
Under Sec. 32 (B) of the Tax Code, Section 32(B). They are compensation or injuries,
as amended (specify) income exempt under Treaty like the salary of a Filipino
working in a foreign embassy based in the country.

122A Description Indicate the nature of exempt income/receipts.

Actual Amount/Fair Market Value Indicate the amount of income exempt under Treaty
122B Taxpayer/Filer like the salary of a Filipino working in a foreign
122C Spouse embassy based in the country.

123 Total Income/Receipts Exempt from Write the Total Income/Receipts Exempt from Income
Income Tax by adding Items 118A-120A, 121D and 122B/ 118B-
120B, 121E and 122C).
123A Taxpayer/Filer
123B Spouse

(A) Attachments.

(1) Duly accomplished Account Information Form if the taxpayer’s quarterly gross sales/
earnings/receipts do not exceed P150,000.00;

(2) Certificate of independent CPA and audited financial statements if the taxpayer’s quarterly
gross sales/receipts/earnings exceed P 150,000.00;

(3) Certificate of Income Tax Withheld on Compensation (BIR Form No. 2316);

(4) Certificate of Income Payments not Subjected to Withholding Tax (BIR Form No. 2304);

(5) Certificate of Creditable Tax Withheld at Source (BIR Form No. 2307) issued by the income
payor/s, on which basis the SAWT has been prepared;

(6) Duly approved Tax Debit Memo (TDM) issued by the Bureau to be used for the payment of
the tax due, if applicable;

(7) Waiver of husband’s right in favor of wife to claim additional exemptions, if applicable;

(8) Proof of prior year’s excess credits, if applicable;

Page 20 of 22
(9) Proof of foreign tax credits, if applicable;

(10) Proof of payment and copy of previously filed return, if the return being accomplished is an
amended return;

(11) Authorization letter, in case the return is filed and signed by a representative on behalf of
the taxpayer;

(12) Proof of other payments/credits Waiver of husband in favor of wife to file consolidated
income tax return;

(13) Proof of tax payments in the first three (3) quarters;

(14) Summary Alphalist Withholding Agents of Income Payments Subjected to Withholding

Tax (SAWT) - A summary list required to be submitted by the taxpayer in cases
where tax credit is being claimed on the return. This summary list contains among
others, total amounts of income/gross sales/gross receipts and claimed tax credits
taken from all the Certificates of Creditable Withholding Tax at Source (BIR Form No.
2307) issued by the payors/withholding agents of the income. This summary list must
contain all the information required and must be submitted in the format prescribed by
Revenue Regulations No. 2-2006 and Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 3-2006;

(15) Statement of Management’s Responsibility (SMR) for Annual Income Tax Return;

(16) Photocopy of the Tax Credit Certificate against which the TDM is drawn, if applicable;

(17) Schedules of the following which must be part of the notes to the audited Financial

(a) Sales /Receipts /Fees

Nature of Sales Amount

Sales from Goods/Properties Pxxxx
Sales from Services Xxxx
Lease from Properties Xxxx
Fees from GPPs Xxxx
Gross Sales/Receipts/Fees Pxxx
Less : Sales returns and discounts (xxx)
Sales/Receipts/Fees Pxxxx

(b) Other Taxable Income

Nature of Non-operating other taxable Amount

Xxxx Pxxxx
Total Other Taxable Income Pxxx

Page 21 of 22
( c) Cost of Sales (Trading/Manufacturing)

Beginning Inventory, Pxxxx
Add : Purchases of Goods Xxxx
Merchandise Available for Sale PXxxx
Less : Ending Inventory (Xxxx)
Cost of Sales Pxxx

(d) Cost of Services

Direct charges on salaries, wages and
benefits Pxxx
Direct charges on materials, supplies,
facilities Xxx
Direct charges, on depreciation Xxx
Direct charges on rental Xx
Direct charges on outside services Xx
Direct charges – others Xx
Cost of Services Pxxxx

( e) Schedule of Taxes and Licenses

Nature of Taxes and Licenses Amount

xxxx Pxxxx
Total Taxes and Licenses Pxxxx

( f) Other information prescribed to be disclosed in the Notes to FS.

(B) Deadline for Submission of Attachments. –

(1) Non-EFPS Taxpayers. - For Non-EFPS taxpayers, these must submitted at the same
time the return is filed.

(2) EFPS Taxpayers. - In the case of those EFPS taxpayers, these attachments must be
submitted within fifteen (15) days from the filing of the return. Schedules 15 (a) to (e)
shall be submitted using the e-submission facility of the Bureau. For those other
attachments required to be physically submitted , the same shall be submitted with
the printed copy of the e-filed return together with the Filing Reference Number in
accordance with Revenue Memorandum Order No. 10-06.

(C) Penalty of Incomplete Submission of Attachments - Failure to submit any of the

attachments applicable to the taxpayer shall be imposed with a penalty in the amount/s
provided for under the existing revenue issuances for each such failure provided that such
failures during the calendar year shall not exceed P25,000 pursuant to Section 250 of the
Code, as amended.

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