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RFTPS4 Evaluation

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Evaluation & Key Competences

Evaluation overview 1 Vocabulary record

Introduction to formative and Starter unit 105

summative evaluation 2 Unit 1 106

Evaluation grids 3 Unit 2 107

Unit 3 108
Standard tests
Unit 4 109
Unit 1 5
Unit 5 110
Unit 2 7
Unit 6 111
Unit 3 9
Unit 4 11 Course certificate 112

Unit 5 13 Introduction to the

Unit 6 15 Key Competences 113

Term 1 17 Social Tasks

Term 2 21
Term 3 25
End of year 29

Challenge tests
Unit 1 33
Unit 2 37
Unit 3 41
Unit 4 45
Unit 5 49
Unit 6 53
Term 1 57
Term 2 61
Term 3 65
End of year 69

Tests Teacher’s Notes

Marking grids 73

Transcripts and answers 78

Introduction to the Portfolio 102

‘I can …’ statements 103

Oxford Rooftops 4   © Oxford University Press

Evaluation overview
Welcome to the evaluation and Key Competences Portfolio
section of this Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM for As a method of self-evaluation and a source of
Oxford Rooftops 4. This CD-ROM contains motivation for the children, we have included
material that will help you to evaluate what your several photocopiable pages for the development
children have learnt. It is divided into three parts: of an Oxford Rooftops Portfolio, personalized for
formative and summative evaluation, each child.
suggestions for how to use the European
Language Portfolio with Oxford Rooftops and
Key Competences
evaluation in terms of the Key Competences.
Key Competence-based evaluation is being
recognized as increasingly important in the
Formative and summative evaluation foreign language classroom. At the end of this
From the beginning of Primary education, section you will find a more detailed description
evaluation should be integrated into the of the Key Competences, which you can use
teaching–learning process, combining formative together with the formative evaluation grids, to
assessment with more formal summative help you assess your children’s skills and
evaluation. A proper evaluation requires competences in English.
observation and measuring tools, which combine
In addition, you will find a separate Social Tasks
to give both information about the children and
section with activities, notes and an evaluation
an assessment of the evaluation process. As part
grid. This is an optional and discrete
of this process, we need to take into consideration
communicative project to help you assess
the development of the Key Competences and the
children’s mastery of the Key Competences in
children’ own self-evaluation.
your classroom.
On this CD-ROM we offer three types of
evaluation tool.

• Formative evaluation grids

These can be used to record the progress of each
pupil, both in relation to the linguistic objectives
of learning a foreign language and the non-
linguistic objectives, such as classroom behaviour
and development of the Key Competences.

• Summative tests
In terms of summative evaluation, there is an
extensive range of tests, along with answers,
transcripts and marking schemes. There are six
unit tests, three term tests and one end of year
test at two levels. Depending on the ability of
your children, please choose either the Standard
or Challenge level test.

• Self-evaluation pages
These contribute to the creation of an ‘English
Portfolio’ by children, based on the guidelines of
the European Language Portfolio.

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Introduction to formative and summative evaluation

Evaluation for the teacher and

Formative evaluation grids
The evaluation grids are photocopiable. They are
based on generic evaluation criteria appropriate
to the course level and they reflect current
educational thinking. Evaluation grid 1 focuses
on the ability of children to understand and use
language when completing course-related tasks,
the skills and strategies they might use to do this
and their attitude to learning a language.
Evaluation grid 2 focuses on classroom behaviour
and also provides a grid specific to the Key
Competences. Together evaluation grids 1 and 2
form a record of each child’s progress, strengths
and weaknesses throughout the year.
Aim to evaluate a few children at a time over a
few sessions. Plan which lessons / activities you
will use to evaluate the children and which
children are to be evaluated. Complete the grids
for each child, filling in the name, class, unit and
activity. Then monitor the children as they
complete an activity, recording your impressions
of each child by ticking the boxes as appropriate.
We recommend that you aim to evaluate
children three times a year.

Summative tests
The tests on this CD-ROM reflect the target
language of the course and the types of activities
that the children usually do. They have also been
developed in accordance with the Key
Competences. You will find the transcripts,
marking scheme and answers to all activities in
the pages that follow.
In addition, marking grids are provided so that
you may easily record test results and keep a
record of each child’s strengths and / or areas for
improvement throughout the year.

Elements of self-evaluation for the

Self-evaluation (Activity Book)
Lesson 9 of each unit gently introduces the
children to the concept of self-evaluation – a key
part of the learning process. It is important that
the children realise that when they are
evaluating themselves, you are not testing them.
In these lessons, the children review the unit and
remember what they have learnt. To finish, they
colour the balloon that they think best reflects
their effort throughout that unit. In this way they
are able to keep a record of their own progress.

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Evaluation grid 1

Name       Class       Unit / Activity       Date

Oxford Rooftops 4  

Communication skills and use of language Needs work Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent
Recognizes and can say the key vocabulary from the unit.
Writes the key vocabulary from the unit.

Identifies and says vocabulary from earlier units.

Oxford University  
Listens to and watches attentively short and simple stories and animations.

Responds verbally and non-verbally to the instructions and simple questions from the
teacher and the audio recording.
Adequately reproduces aspects of rhythm, stress, pronunciation and intonation.
Participates in songs, chants and games.
Shows interest in reading and learning to read.

© Oxford University Press

Shows interest in writing in English.
Shows interest in making a mini-book and playing with it.
Understands the main idea of each Cross-curricular lesson.
Understands and uses simple learning strategies like using the Picture Dictionary or
completing a review or self-evaluation activity.

Attitude to learning a language Needs work Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent
Shows a positive attitude to their own ability to learn a language.
Recognizes and uses basic social expressions.
Shows curiosity and interest in a culture other than their own.
Shows interest in learning a foreign language through a variety of mediums e.g. film,
digital media etc.
Shows an open attitude to speakers of a foreign language.

Evaluation grid 2

Name       Class       Unit / Activity       Date

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Classroom behaviour Needs work Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent
Responds politely to the teacher.
Brings school equipment to class.

Behaves well in class.

Oxford University  
Works well independently or in pairs / groups.

Leaves their table, classroom, etc. clean and tidy.
Shows willingness to cooperate with the teacher.

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Key Competences Needs work Satisfactory Good Very good Excellent
Linguistic communication
Social and civic competences
Cultural awareness and expression
Learn to learn
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship
Digital competence
Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology

Name Unit 1  Standard Test

1 Listen and circle A or B. $ CD4
01  / 8 marks

1 2 3


4 5 6


7 8


2 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

1 2




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Name Unit 1  Standard Test

3 Read and match. / 8 marks

1 He’s going to the a b c 5 Look! This is his

hospital. dictionary.

2 Is this their parcel? 6 Is he going to the
Yes, it is. d e f train station?
Yes, he is.
3 She isn’t going to ✗
the hotel. She’s
going to the bank. 7 Is this their ladder?
g h No, it isn’t.
4 Is she listening to
music? 8 Look! This is her
No, she isn’t. watch.

4 Write the questions and answers. / 4 marks

1 fl∫ ∫he going to ? ¥e∫,

2 ?

3 ?

4 ?

5 Write sentences. / 4 marks

1 †hi∫ i∫ hi∫ 2

3 4

Total for test / 32 marks

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Name Unit 2  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $ CD4
02  / 8 marks

a b c

d e f

g h

2 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

1 2

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Name Unit 2  Standard Test

3 Read and number. / 8 marks

a b 1 I play tennis at school. It’s fun.

2 Are you good at swimming? Yes, I am.
3 I play basketball. I’m in the team.
c d 4 I do archery at the sports centre.
5 I’m not very good at waterskiing. Look!
6 I ski with my family in winter.
e f
7 Are you good at kayaking? No, I’m not.
8 I cycle in the park with my friends.
g h

4 Write the questions and answers. / 4 marks

1 ∂o you play ? ¥e∫,

2 ?

3 ?

4 ?

5 Write the questions and answers.  / 4 marks

1 åre you good at ? ¥e∫,

2 ?

3 ?

4 ?

Total for test / 32 marks

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Name Unit 3  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $ CD4
03  / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

2 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks




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Name Unit 3  Standard Test

3 Read and circle. / 8 marks

1 This is Joe. He likes / 5 Sarah’s got a cough /

doesn’t like Maths. cold .

2 Kate’s got a headache / 6 What’s the matter? He’s got

stomach ache . earache / a headache .

3 This is Maria. She likes 7 Max doesn’t like Science /

Art / Geography . History .

4 Harry likes / 8 Billy’s got a stomach ache /

doesn’t like Music. toothache .

4 Write the questions and answers. / 4 marks

1 ∂oe∫ he like ? ˙o,

2 she ?

3 he ?

4 she ?

5 Write sentences. / 4 marks

1 2
1 ™e’∫ got
3 4 3

Total for test / 32 marks

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Name Unit 4  Standard Test

1 Listen and circle A or B. $ CD4
04  / 8 marks

1 10
11 12 1
2 10
11 12 1
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

2 10
11 12 1
2 10
11 12 1
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

3 10
11 12 1
2 10
11 12 1
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

4 10
11 12 1
2 10
11 12 1
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5


2 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

1 2

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Name Unit 4  Standard Test

3 Read and write True or False. / 8 marks

1 5
She has breakfast at half It’s a deer. It drinks water. 
past seven. 

2 6
He gets up at quarter It’s a chicken. It doesn’t
to eight.  eat seeds. 

3 7
She has lunch at quarter It’s a sheep. It eats
past twelve.  insects. 

4 8
He goes to work at half It’s a fox. It lives on
past ten.  a farm. 

4 Write the questions and answers. / 4 marks

1 2
1 ∂oe∫ it eat ? ˙o,

3 4 3

5 Write sentences. / 4 marks

1 2 3 4

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

1 ‡he get∫ up at 3
2 4

Total for test / 32 marks

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Name Unit 5  Standard Test

1 Listen and circle A or B. $ CD4
05  / 8 marks

1 2 3


4 5 6


7 8


2 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

1 2

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Name Unit 5  Standard Test

3 Read and write the number. / 8 marks

1 Harvey wants to watch an a b

adventure film.
2 Cameron doesn’t want to watch
a scary film.
3 These are rocks and that is a cave.
4 Sarah wants to watch a cartoon. c d e
5 This is a boat and those are trees.

6 Ben wants to watch a science
fiction film.
7 This is a map and that is treasure.
8 Suzie doesn’t want to watch a f g h
fantasy film. ✗

4 Write sentences. / 4 marks

1 2
™e want∫ to ‡he
✓ ✗
3 4
™e ‡he

✗ ✓

5 Write. Use This, These, That or Those. / 4 marks

> †ho∫e are the rock∫. 3

1 4

Total for test / 32 marks

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Name Unit 6  Standard Test

1 Listen and circle A or B. $ CD4
06  / 8 marks

1 A B  2 A B  3 A B  4 A B  5 A B  6 A B  7 A B  8 A B


2 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

A B Sarah
Mary Ethan


Tim Harry Luke

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Name Unit 6  Standard Test

3 Read and match. / 8 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 What are they doing? a No, there aren’t. There are some bees.
2 What are Lucy and Katie doing? b They’re feeding the birds.
3 Are there any ants? c They’re digging up the potatoes.
4 Are there any grasshoppers? d They’re watering the roses.
5 What are the boys doing? e Yes, there are some butterflies.
6 What are the girls doing? f No, there aren’t. There are some spiders.
7 Are there any ladybirds? g No, there aren’t. There are some snails.
8 Are there any butterflies? h They’re washing the lettuces.

4 Write the questions. Look at the picture and answer. / 4 marks

åre there any





5 Look at the picture in Activity 4. What are they doing? Write sentences. / 4 marks

1 †hey’re

Total for test / 32 marks

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Name Term 1  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $ CD4
07  / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

2 Listen and circle A, B or C. $ CD4

08  / 6 marks

1 2


3 4


5 6


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Name Term 1  Standard Test

3 Answer.  / 4 marks

Is she going to the museum?

Is this their ladder?

Do you play tennis? Are you good at swimming?

4 Look and answer.  / 5 marks

1 Is he going to the train station?

2 He’s got a bike. Do you cycle?
3 Look at the poster. Do you play golf?
4 Are you good at surfing?
5 Look at the woman. Is this her parcel?

5 Point and ask your teacher questions. / 5 marks

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Name Term 1  Standard Test

6 Read and circle A or B. / 5 marks

1 2 3

1 Jack is going to the 2 This isn’t her watch. 3 I don’t play tennis.
theatre. It’s her torch. I play basketball.
4 5


4 I’m not good at surfing. 5 This isn’t their pot.

I’m good at kayaking. It’s their parcel.

7 Read and write the letter.  / 4 marks

a b 1 He’s going to the hospital.

2 He hasn’t got a parcel. This is his dictionary.

c d 3 I don’t do archery. I do judo. 

4 I’m not good at waterskiing. I’m good at rafting. 

8 Read and circle. / 5 marks

1 Is he going to the train station? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

2 Is this their pot? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

3 Do you do gymnastics? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

4 Are you good at cycling? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

5 Is she going to the petrol station? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

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Name Term 1  Standard Test

9 Write answers. / 4 marks

1 Is this his parcel?

2 Is this his dictionary?

3 Is this her watch?

4 Is this their cat?

Write sentences. / 5 marks

1 1 ‡he’∫ going
4 2

2 3

5 4

3 5

Write questions and answers about you.  / 5 marks

> 1 2 3 4 5

> ∂o you play ba∫ketball?

3 åre

Total for test / 56 marks

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Name Term 2  Standard Test

1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $ CD4
09  / 8 marks

1 2 3 4

5 10
11 12 1
6 10
11 12 1
7 8
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

2 Listen and circle A, B or C. $ CD4

10  / 6 marks

1 2 10
11 12 1
2 10
11 12 1
2 10
11 12 1
9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5


3 4


5 6


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Name Term 2  Standard Test

3 Answer.  / 4 marks

Does she like Art?

There’s a deer.
Does it eat grass?

What’s the matter? Has Look at the clock. What

she got a headache? time does she go home?

4 Look and answer.  / 5 marks

1 What times does she go home?

2 What’s the matter?
3 Does he like History?
4 There’s a squirrel. Does it eat nuts?
5 There’s a fox. Does it live on a farm?

5 Point and ask your teacher questions. / 5 marks

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Name Term 2  Standard Test

6 Read and circle A or B. / 5 marks


1 Lucy’s going home. 2 Ben likes Maths. It’s his 3 It doesn’t eat insects.
She’s got a headache. favourite subject. It eats nuts.
11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5


4 What’s the matter? 5 She goes to work at

He’s got earache. quarter to nine.

7 Read and write the letter.  / 4 marks

a 10
11 12 1
2 b
7 6 5
1 She lives on a farm. She doesn’t like Music.

2 He has dinner at seven o’clock.

c 10
11 12 1
2 d
8 4
3 It lives on a farm. It drinks water.
7 6 5

4 It’s seven o’clock. He’s got a cough and

he’s going home.

8 Read and circle. / 5 marks

1 What’s the matter? She’s got She’s got a

toothache. stomach ache.

2 Does he get up at half past six? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

3 Does he like PE? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

4 Does it eat seeds? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.

5 Does it live on a farm? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.

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Name Term 2  Standard Test

9 Write answers. / 4 marks

2 1 Does she like Science?

3 4
2 Does it drink water?
3 Does it eat grass?

4 Does he like Geography?

Write sentences. / 4 marks

> 1 2 3 4

> ™e’∫ got a headache. 3

1 4

Write answers and questions.  / 6 marks
11 12 1
10 2
9 3
11 12 1 11 12 1 8 4
10 2 10 2
7 6 5
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
9 3 11 12 1
8 4 10 2
7 6 5 9 3
8 4
7 6 5
11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

1 Does he get up at seven o’clock?

2 Does he get dressed at quarter past seven?
3 Does he have lunch at quarter to one?
4 What time ? At four o’clock.
5 At half past six.
6 At quarter past nine.

Total for test / 56 marks

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Name Term 3  Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $ CD4
11  / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

2 Listen and circle A, B or C. $ CD4

12  / 6 marks

1 2


3 4


5 6


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Name Term 3  Standard Test

3 Answer.  / 4 marks

What are they doing? Does she want to watch

a wildlife film?

Are there any

Are those rocks? snails in the garden?

4 Look and answer.  / 5 marks

1 What are the girls doing?

2 Are there any bees in the garden?
3 Are there any ants in the garden?
4 Look at the little boy. Is that a map?
5 Does he want to watch a science
fiction film?

5 Point and ask your teacher questions. / 5 marks

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Name Term 3  Standard Test

6 Read and circle A or B. / 5 marks


1 This is treasure and 2 She wants to watch 3 Look at the boys! They’re
those are rocks. a fantasy film. watering the roses.


4 Are there any bees? 5 What are they doing?

Yes, there are. They’re feeding the birds.

7 Read and write the letter.  / 4 marks

a b
1 That’s a boat and these are shells.

2 They’re planting the seeds.

c d
3 There are lots of bees in the boat.

4 The birds are eating the seeds.

8 Read and circle. / 5 marks

1 2 3 4 5

1 Is that a boat? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

2 Are they watering the roses? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
3 Are there any ladybirds? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
4 Are they feeding the birds? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
5 Are there any snails? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.

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Name Term 3  Standard Test

9 Write answers. / 4 marks
> What are the birds doing?

†hey’re eating the ∫eed∫.

1 What are the girls doing?

2 What are the boys doing?

3 Are there any worms?

4 Are there any ants?

Write. Use This, These, That or Those.  / 4 marks
> †hese are the rocks.
3 1

> 2

Write sentences. / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

✓ ✓ ✗ ✗ ✓ ✗

1 He wants to
2 She

3 He

4 She

5 He

6 She

Total for test / 56 marks

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Name End of Year Standard Test

1 Listen and number. $ CD4
13  / 7 marks

a b c d

e f g

2 Listen and match. $ CD4

14  / 7 marks

Lewis Daniel Toby Freya Matt and Alfie Maria Erin


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Name End of Year Standard Test

3 Answer. / 4 marks

Is she going to the sports centre? What time does

she have lunch?

Do you play tennis? Are you good at swimming?

4 Look and answer.  / 5 marks

1 Does Mum want to watch

a fantasy film?
2 What are the boys doing?
3 There’s a squirrel. Does it
eat nuts?
4 What’s the matter with Dad?
5 Are there any snails?

5 Point and ask your teacher questions. / 5 marks

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Name End of Year Standard Test

6 Read and circle A or B. / 5 marks

1 He’s going to the 2 These are shells and 3 Is this her watch?
train station. that’s a boat. Yes, it is.


4 It drinks water and it 5 There are spiders and

doesn’t live on a farm. ladybirds in the garden.

7 Read and write the letter.  / 4 marks

a b 1 This is Matthew. He has breakfast

at half past seven. 

2 Matilda is going home. She’s got

a headache.
c d 3 She’s got a cough. She’s helping in
the garden.

4 Ryan lives on a farm. He has dinner

at half past seven.

8 Read and circle. / 5 marks

1 Do you play golf? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

2 Are you good at skiing? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

3 Does he like Maths? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

4 What are they doing? They’re planting They’re digging up

the seeds. the potatoes.

5 What’s the matter? He’s got earache. He’s got a stomach ache.

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Name End of Year Standard Test

9 Write answers. / 4 marks
1 What time does he go home?

2 What are they doing?

2 3 Is he going to the hospital?


4 What’s the matter?

Write sentences. / 4 marks

†hat i∫ their ladder .
1  4 
‡he †hi∫


Write questions and answers. / 6 marks

1 4 1 ∂o ? Yes, I do.

✓ 2 Yes, I am.

2 5
3 Does it eat meat?

✓ 4 Are there any ants?

3 6
5 She’s got a headache.

6 Is this their parcel?

Total for test / 56 marks

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Name Unit 1  Challenge Test

1 Listen and match. $ CD4
15  / 8 marks

> Tom ​
1 Anna ​
2 Arun ​
3 Lucy ​4 Hasan ​
5 Harry ​
6 Rocco ​
7 Jake ​8 Claire

a c

g h

2 Listen and number. $ CD4

16  / 8 marks

a ✗ b c d

e ✗ f g h

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Name Unit 1  Challenge Test

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks




4 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

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Name Unit 1  Challenge Test

5 Read and number. / 8 marks

a b c 1 He isn’t going to the bank. He’s going to

the theatre.
2 This isn’t his ladder. He hasn’t got a ladder.
3 She isn’t sunbathing. She’s listening
d e f to music.
4 He isn’t here. He’s at the train station.
5 Look! This is my friend’s watch.

6 She’s going to the bank. Can you see her?
g h 7 She’s at the museum. She isn’t at
the theatre.
8 This isn’t her pot. I can’t see her name.

6 Look, read and circle.  / 8 marks

1 Is he going to the petrol station? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

2 Is she at the hotel? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

3 Is he going to the theatre? Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.

4 Is she at the hospital? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.

5 Is this her watch? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

6 Is this his pot? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

7 Is this their ladder? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

8 Is this her torch? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

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Name Unit 1  Challenge Test

7 Write the vocabulary.  / 4 marks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 at the 5 a
2 6
3 7
4 8

8 Write. Use his, her or their. / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 †hi∫ i∫ 4
2 5
3 6

9 Where are children 1–3 going? What are children 4–6 doing? Write. / 6 marks

1 ‡he’∫


1 3


Total for test / 64 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 36

Name Unit 2  Challenge Test

1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $ CD4
17  / 8 marks

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8

2 Listen and circle A or B. $ CD4

18  / 8 marks

1 5

2 6

3 7

4 8


Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 37

Name Unit 2  Challenge Test

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

4 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 38

Name Unit 2  Challenge Test

5 Read and circle. / 8 marks

1 ✓ I play tennis / basketball , but I don’t play tennis / basketball .

2 ✗ I play / do golf with my dad at the weekend. I do / don’t do archery.

3 ✓ I’m good / not good at surfing. It’s easy. I like kayaking / rafting too.

4 I don’t do / do judo. I do gymnastics / archery .

5 ✗ I’m good / not good at swimming. I’m not good at diving / skiing .

✓ I
6 ✓ play / do tennis at school and in the park. I cycle / ski too.

7 ✓ I’m good at skiing / swimming . I’m good / not good at kayaking.

8 ✗ ✗ I do / don’t do golf. I’m not good at diving / waterskiing .

6 Read and circle. / 8 marks

1 Do you play tennis? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

2 Do you ski? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

✓ ✗

3 Do you play golf? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

4 Do you cycle? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

✗ ✓

5 Are you good at surfing? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

6 Are you good at kayaking? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

7 Are you good at swimming? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

8 Are you good at waterskiing? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 39

Name Unit 2  Challenge Test

7 Write the vocabulary.  / 4 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 5 play
2 6
3 7
4 8

8 Write questions and answers. / 6 marks

✗ Ðo you play tenni∫?



åre you good at water∫kiing?


9 Imagine you do these sports. Write about them.  / 6 marks

fl play ba∫ketball.

✓ ✗


✓ ✗

Total for test / 64 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 40

Name Unit 3  Challenge Test

1 Listen and number. $ CD4
19  /10 marks

a b c d e

f g h i j

2 Listen and match. $ CD4

20  / 6 marks

Sam  Daisy  Mike  Helen  Fred  Sarah

a b


e f

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 41

Name Unit 3  Challenge Test

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks




Sam Tess

Anna Luke

4 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 42

Name Unit 3  Challenge Test

5 Read and number. / 8 marks

a b c 1 He can’t do PE. He’s got a stomach ache.

2 She likes Art. It’s her favourite subject.
3 He likes Music. He plays the guitar.
4 She’s going to the nurse. She’s got a
d e f headache.
5 He doesn’t like Maths. It’s difficult.
6 Has he got a cold? No, he hasn’t.
He’s got earache.
g h 7 She’s going home. She’s got a cough.
8 He doesn’t like Science. It isn’t easy.

6 Read and match.  / 8 marks

> 2 4 6 8

1 3 5 7

> Does she like Music? a No, she doesn’t.

1 Has she got a stomach ache? b He loves Science.
2 What’s the matter? c No, he doesn’t. It’s difficult.
3 Does she like Geography? d Yes, she does. She plays the flute.
4 What’s his favourite subject? e No, she hasn’t. She’s got toothache.
5 Does he like Maths? f No, he hasn’t. He’s got a cough.
6 Has she got a headache? g Yes, she has. She’s going home.
7 Has he got a cold? h Yes, she does. She likes ball games.
8 Does she like PE? i He’s got a cold.

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 43

Name Unit 3  Challenge Test

7 Write the vocabulary.  / 4 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 5
2 6
3 7 a
4 8

8 Write questions and answers. / 6 marks

1 Ðoe∫ he like mu∫ic?

3 Æhat’∫ the matter?

9 Write about the children. / 6 marks

Anna ∆en like∫




Total for test / 64 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 44

Name Unit 4  Challenge Test

1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $ CD4
21  / 10 marks

1 2 3 4 5

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

6 7 8 9 10

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

2 Listen and number. $ CD4

22  / 6 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 45

Name Unit 4  Challenge Test

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

4 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 46

Name Unit 4  Challenge Test

5 Read and circle. / 8 marks

1 2 3 4
11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

5 6 7 8

1 Jack gets up / dressed at seven o’clock / half past seven .

2 Mum goes to work / home at quarter to nine / quarter past eight .
3 Dad has / gets lunch at quarter to one / quarter past one .
4 Lucy goes home / has dinner at four o’clock / half past four .
5 It lives / doesn’t live on a farm. It eats grass / nuts .
6 It can / can’t fly. It eats / doesn’t eat meat.
7 It lives / doesn’t live on a farm. It eats / doesn’t eat seeds.
8 It can / can’t fly. It eats insects / meat .

6 Read and circle.  / 8 marks

1 2 3 4

11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1 11 12 1
10 2 10 2 10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3 9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4 8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5 7 6 5

1 Does he get dressed at seven o’clock? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

2 Does she have lunch at half past seven? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
3 Does she go to work at quarter to nine? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
4 Does he go to bed at eight o’clock? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

5 6 7 8

5 Does it eat insects? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.

6 Does it drink water? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.
7 Does it eat meat? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.
8 Does it eat seeds? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 47

Name Unit 4  Challenge Test

7 Write the vocabulary.  / 4 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 get 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

8 Write questions and answers. / 6 marks

11 12 1

7 6 5

∑hat time doe∫   ™alf past one.
11 12 1

10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

3 ∂oe∫ it drink water?  

4 meat? 
9 Write about Charlie. / 6 marks

11 12 1

11 12 1

>  ™e get∫ up at half pa∫t ∫ix.
7 6 5 7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
11 12 1 9 3
10 2 8 4
9 3 7 6 5
8 4
7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
9 3 11 12 1
10 2
8 4 9 3
7 6 5
8 4
7 6 5

Total for test / 64 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 48

Name Unit 5  Challenge Test

1 Listen and match. $ CD4
23  / 8 marks

Joe  Alfie  Katie  Luisa  Stefan  Helen  Max  Zara

a b c d e f g h

2 Listen and number. $ CD4

24  / 8 marks

a b c d

e f g h

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 49

Name Unit 5  Challenge Test

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

4 Talk to your teacher. / 8 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 50

Name Unit 5  Challenge Test

5 Read and number. / 8 marks

1 Sam wants to watch an exciting a b

adventure film. He loves them.
2 Luke doesn’t want to watch a
wildlife film. He wants to watch a
scary film.
3 Look at the island. These are rocks c d e
and that’s a cave.
4 Sarah doesn’t want to watch a
fantasy film. She wants to watch a
5 There are trees on the island. And
look! This is a boat. f g h
6 Ben wants to watch a science
fiction film. They are his
favourite type of film.
7 This is a map of the island. Look!
That’s treasure.
8 Suzie wants to watch a fantasy film. She likes
fantasy films a lot.

6 Read and write True or False. / 8 marks

 e wants to watch a
This is a map.
1 musical. 5

 he doesn’t want to watch

Those are caves.
2 an adventure film. 6

 e doesn’t want to watch

That’s treasure.
3 a wildlife film. 7

 he wants to watch
These are shells.
4 a scary film. 8

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 51

Name Unit 5  Challenge Test

7 Write the vocabulary.  / 4 marks

> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

> a cartoon 5
1 a 6
2 7
3 8

8 Write. Use This, These, That or Those. / 6 marks

1 2


1 †hat i∫ the 4
2 5
3 6

9 Write sentences.  / 6 marks

> 1
> He doe∫n’t want to play ba∫ketball. (play)
✗ ✓ 1 She (watch)
2 3
2 He (find)
✓ ✗
✓ 3 She (get up)
4 5
4 He (go into)
✗ 5 She (watch)
6 6 He

(paint a picture)
Total for test / 64 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 52

Name Unit 6  Challenge Test

1 Listen and circle A or B. $ CD4
25  / 8 marks

1 A B ​2 A B ​3 A B ​4 A B ​5 A B ​6 A B ​7 A B ​8 A B

2 Listen and number. $ CD4

26  / 8 marks
a b c d

e f g h

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 53

Name Unit 6  Challenge Test

3 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

4 Talk to your teacher.  / 8 marks

Ben Sarah
Mary Ethan



Harry Luke

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 54

Name Unit 6  Challenge Test

5 Read and write T (True) or F (False). / 8 marks

 here are some worms.

T  here are some ladybirds.
1 5
They’re near the rocks. They’re near the herbs.

 hey’re near the shed.

 e’s helping in the garden.
2 They’re picking the 6
He’s watering the roses.

 hey’re in the garden.

 he ants are near the trees.
3 They’re digging up the 7
There are lots.

 here are some butterflies.

T S he’s in the garden.
4 8
They’re near the pond. She’s feeding the birds.

6 Read and circle. / 8 marks


Anna Sue



1 Are there any snails? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
2 Are there any ants? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
3 Are there any spiders? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
4 Are there any worms? Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
5 What are Ben and Tom doing? They’re digging up the potatoes / planting the seeds .
6 What is Rosie doing? She’s watering the roses / feeding the birds .
7 What is Ed doing? He’s digging up the potatoes / eating the raspberries .
8 What are Anna and Sue doing? They’re picking the raspberries / washing the lettuces .

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 55

Name Unit 6  Challenge Test

7 Write the vocabulary.  / 4 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 a 5
2 6
3 7
4 8

8 Write questions and answers. / 6 marks

> ∑hat are they doing?   †hey’re feeding the bird∫.

1   ¥e∫, there are lot∫.
2 ant∫? 
3 ∑hat are they doing?  


9 Write sentences about the garden.  / 6 marks

†hi∫ i∫ the ©ommunity arden.

Lucy James
†here are ∫ome gra∫∫hopper∫.

™arry and µax

Total for test / 64 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 56

Name Term 1  Challenge Test

1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $ CD4
27  / 4 marks

1 2 3 4

2 Listen and match. $ CD4

28  / 6 marks

Ashton  Simon  Luke  Alvaro  Ryan  Nico

3 Listen and circle A, B or C. $ CD4

29  / 6 marks

1 2


3 4


5 6


Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 57

Name Term 1  Challenge Test

4 Answer.  / 4 marks

Is she going to the museum?

Is this their ladder?

Do you play tennis? Are you good at swimming?

5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four questions.  / 9 marks

1 Is he going to the train station?

2 He’s got a bike. Do you cycle?
3 Look at the poster. Do you play golf?
4 Are you good at surfing?
5 Look at the woman. Is this her parcel?

6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher.  / 3 marks

> 1 2 3

How much is it? It’s five pounds ninety-five.

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 58

Name Term 1  Challenge Test

7 Read and write the letter. / 6 marks

1 This is Tom. He’s going into the train station.

2 Do you play tennis? Yes, I do. I’m good at
b playing sport.
c 3 Look at the men outside the hotel. Is this
a their ladder? Yes, it is.
f 4 There’s Billy. He isn’t going to the hotel.
d He’s going to the museum.
5 Are you good at surfing? No, I’m not.
e I’m good at skiing.
6 Look at Clara. Is this her parcel? Yes, it is.

8 Read and write True or False.  / 5 marks

1 Hannah does archery at school.
I’m Hannah. I love sport. I play tennis at the sports
centre. I do archery at the sports centre too. I do 2 She likes gymnastics.
gymnastics at school on Mondays and Wednesdays.
It’s fun. I like water sports. I’m good at surfing and 3 She’s good at skiing.
kayaking. I’m good at swimming too. I’m not good at
diving. I don’t like diving. I can cycle, but I can’t ski. 4 Sam is going to school.
I like watching skiing on TV.
I’ve got a brother. His name’s Sam. He’s going to the 5 Sam has got a new basketball.
sports centre with his friends now. He loves judo and
basketball. Look! This is his basketball. It’s new. What
about you? Do you do judo? Are you good at sports?

9 Read and match. / 5 marks

> 1 2 3 4 5

> Is he going to the petrol station? a  No, he isn’t. He’s going to the town hall.
1 Is this her torch? b  Yes, he is.
2 Is he going to the theatre? c  Yes, it is.
3 Are you good at surfing? d  No, it isn’t. It’s her watch.
4 Do you play tennis? e  No, I’m not.
5 Is this their ladder? f  No, I don’t. I play golf.

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 59

Name Term 1  Challenge Test

Write the children’s answers. / 4 marks

1 Do you play tennis? 3 Do you do archery?

2 Are you good at waterskiing? 4 Are you good at rafting?

Write answers. / 4 marks

1 Is this his watch?

2 Is this his dictionary?

3 Is this their dog?

4 Is this their ladder?

Write two sentences for each child. Use He isn’t / She isn’t and He’s / She’s. / 8 marks

1 2 3 4

1 (hospital / museum)

2 (bank / town hall)

3 (petrol station / train station)

4 (theatre / bank)

Total for test / 64 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 60

Name Term 2  Challenge Test

1 Listen and match. $ CD4
30  / 4 marks

Henry  Nathan  Arthur  Tobias

a b c d

2 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $ CD4

31  / 8 marks
1 11 12 1
2 3 4
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

5 6 7 11 12 1
8 11 12 1
10 2 10 2
9 3 9 3
8 4 8 4
7 6 5 7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

3 Listen and circle A, B or C. $ CD4

32  / 4 marks

1 2


3 4


Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 61

Name Term 2  Challenge Test

4 Answer.  / 4 marks

Does she like Art? There’s a deer.

Does it eat grass?

What’s the matter? Has Look at the clock. What

she got a headache? time does she go home?

5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four questions. / 9 marks

1 What times does she go home?

2 What’s the matter?
3 Does he like History?
4 There’s a squirrel. Does it eat nuts?
5 There’s a fox. Does it live on a farm?

6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher.  / 3 marks

> 1 2 3

What time is PE? It’s at quarter past ten.

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 62

Name Term 2  Challenge Test

7 Read and write the letter. / 6 marks

1 This is Jacob. His favourite subject is Maths.

But today, he’s got a toothache. He’s going
a b
c 2 That’s Alice. She loves Music and Geography,
but she doesn’t like History. It’s boring.
e 3 That’s Mr Green. He goes home at
two o’clock.
4 It doesn’t eat meat and it doesn’t
live on a farm. It eats grass.
f 5 There’s Dylan. He likes Geography. It’s fun.
6 It’s got four legs. It drinks water and
eats grass. It lives on a farm.

8 Read and write True or False.  / 5 marks

1 Henry gets up at seven o’clock.
I’m Henry. I’ve got a brother, Joseph, and a sister,
Leah. Joseph gets up at quarter to seven. Leah gets 2 Joseph loves Maths.
up at seven o’clock. I get up at half past seven.
Then we go to school! 3 Leah’s favourite subject is Geography.
Joseph likes English and History. He doesn’t like
Maths and Science. Leah likes Art and English. She 4 Henry likes PE.
doesn’t like Geography. It’s boring. I love PE. It’s
my favourite subject. I don’t like Music. It’s difficult. 5 Henry has got a headache today.
Today, I’m at home. I’ve got a cold. I’ve got a cough
too. Joseph and Leah are at school. What’s your
favourite subject? What time do you get up?

9 Read and match. / 5 marks

> 1 10
11 12 1
2 2 3 4 5
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

> Has she got a stomach ache? a No, he doesn’t.

1 Does he have lunch at quarter to twelve? b Yes, she does. It’s her favourite subject.
2 Does she like Art? c No, it doesn’t.
3 What’s the matter? d She loves Music.
4 What’s her favourite subject? e No, she hasn’t. She’s got a headache.
5 Does it eat nuts? f He’s got earache.

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 63

Name Term 2  Challenge Test

Write questions and answers.  / 6 marks

1 ∂oe∫ she like ‡cience?

1 2 ∂oe∫ it eat meat?



What’s the matter? Write sentences. / 4 marks

> 1 2 3 4

> ™e’∫ got a headache.


Write six sentences about Ben. 10
11 12 1
2 / 6 marks
9 3
8 4
11 12 1

7 6 5
∆en get∫
7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4 11 12 1
7 6 5 10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

Total for test / 64 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 64

Name Term 3  Challenge Test

1 Listen and number. $ CD4
33  / 4 marks

a b c d

2 Listen and match. $ CD4

34  / 6 marks

Jake and Mark   Kath and Ella   Ollie and David   Amy and Sue  

c d


Chris and Neil   Hannah and Abby

3 Listen and circle A, B or C. $ CD4

35  / 6 marks

1 2


3 4


5 6


Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 65

Name Term 3  Challenge Test

4 Answer.  / 4 marks

What are they doing? Are there any snails in the garden?

Does she want to watch

Are those rocks? a wildlife film?

5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four questions. / 9 marks

1 What are the girls doing?

2 Are there any bees in the garden?
3 Are there any ants in the garden?
4 Look at the little boy. Is that a map?
5 Does he want to watch a science
fiction film?

6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher.  / 3 marks

> 1 2 3

Would you like a

glass of lemonade?
Yes, please.

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 66

Name Term 3  Challenge Test

7 Read and write the letter. / 6 marks

1 Can you see Elsie and Lara? They’re

picking the raspberries.
2 There aren’t any grasshoppers, but
there are some worms. They’re near
b the rocks. Look!
3 This is Jason. Look! He’s a pirate.
He’s got a treasure map.
4 Harley doesn’t want to play in the garden.
He wants to watch an adventure film.
d 5 Frankie and Ed are helping in the garden
too. They’re digging up the potatoes.
6 There are lots of bees in the
e garden today. They’re near the shed.

8 Read and write True or False.  / 5 marks

1 Harriet’s friends are washing the
I’m Harriet and I love helping in the community lettuces. 
garden. My friends, Lily and Maria, are watering the 2 Her brothers are planting the
roses. My brothers, Alex and Austin, are planting the seeds. 
seeds. My sister, Sophie, isn’t here today. She’s at 3 Her sister is watching a film.
home. She's watching a wildlife film. She loves animals
and she loves films. 4 There are lots of bees in the
There are lots of insects in the garden. There are garden. 
snails and ants. There are butterflies and worms. 5 There are some ladybirds in the
There aren’t any bees, but there are some ladybirds. garden. 
They’re nice. Do you like helping in the garden?

9 Read and match. / 5 marks

> 1 2 3 4 5

> Are they washing lettuces? a Yes. That’s a cave and these are rocks.
1 What are they doing? b No, he doesn’t. He wants to watch a science
2 Does he want to watch a comedy? fiction film.
3 Are there any caves on the island? c Yes, there are. There are some grasshoppers too.
4 Are there any spiders? d No, there aren’t. There are some ants.
5 Are there any snails? e No, they aren’t. They’re watering the roses.
f They’re feeding the birds.

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 67

Name Term 3  Challenge Test

Write answers. / 6 marks

1 Are there any grasshoppers?

2 Are there any snails?

3 What are the boys doing?

4 What are the girls doing?

5 What are Mum and Dad doing?

6 Are there are any butterflies?

Write sentences. Use This, These, That or Those. / 5 marks

> > †ho∫e are tree∫.

2 2

4 5 4

Write questions and answers. / 5 marks

> Does he want to watch a comedy?

˙o, he doe∫n’t. ™e want∫ to watch a cartoon.
1 Does he ?  Yes, he does.

2 Does he want to watch a wildlife film?

3    Yes, he does.

4 Does he want to watch a cartoon?

5    Yes, he does.

Total for test / 64 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 68

Name End of Year  Challenge Test

1 Listen and number. $ CD4
36  / 4 marks

a b c d

2 Listen and match. $ CD4

37  / 6 marks

Tyler  Alicia and Daisy  Tony and Max  Henry  Elena  Megan



3 Listen and circle A, B or C. $ CD4

38  / 6 marks

1 2


3 4


5 6


Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 69

Name End of Year  Challenge Test

4 Answer. / 4 marks

Is she going to the sports centre? What time does

she have lunch?

Do you play tennis? Are you good at swimming?

5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four questions.  / 9 marks

1 Does Mum want to watch

a fantasy film?
2 What are the boys doing?
3 There’s a squirrel. Does it
eat nuts?
4 What’s the matter with Dad?
5 Are there any snails?

6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher.  / 3 marks

> 1 2 3

Can I borrow
a racket, please? Sorry, I haven’t got one.

Of course. Here you are.

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 70

Name End of Year  Challenge Test

7 Read and write the letter.  / 6 marks

a b c d e f

11 12 1
10 2
9 3
8 4
7 6 5

1 This is my friend. He’s in his bedroom. He gets dressed at quarter past seven.

2 This is Nathan. He’s carrying a parcel and going to the hospital.

3 Connor doesn’t want to watch a scary film. He wants to watch a musical.

4 The girls are helping in the garden. They’re washing the lettuces.

5 It doesn’t eat meat. It drinks water and it eats grass.

6 Look at the island. These are caves and those are trees.

8 Read and write True or False.  / 6 marks

1 Elliot likes
Hello. I’m Elliot. I’ve got a brother, Danny, and a sister,
Maisie. I like playing basketball and rollerblading. Danny
likes doing water sports. He’s good at waterskiing and 2 Danny isn’t good
rafting. Maisie does archery and judo at the sports at water sports.
centre. 3 Maisie loves
My favourite subject is Music. I can play the guitar and
the piano. Danny doesn’t like Music. He likes Maths and
Science. Maisie doesn’t like Maths. She likes Science 4 Elliot can play a musical
but Art is her favourite subject. instrument.
We live on a farm. We’ve got cows, sheep and chickens. 5 Maisie loves Art.
The cows and sheep eat grass. The chickens eat seeds.
6 There aren’t any chickens
I eat pizza. That’s my favourite food.
on the farm.

9 Read and match. / 4 marks

1 Is this her pot? a  She’s got toothache.

2 What’s the matter? b  Yes, I am. I love water sports.

3 Are you good at kayaking? c  Yes, I do. Now I’m watering the roses.

4 Do you help in the garden? d  No, it isn’t. It’s her torch.

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Name End of Year  Challenge Test

Write Lauren’s answers. / 4 marks

1 Do you play golf?

2 Are you good at surfing?

3 Do you do judo?

4 What’s the matter?

Write questions. / 6 marks

1 2 3 4 5 6

1 åre ? Yes, there are.

2 Ðoe∫ ? No, it doesn’t.
3 fl∫ ? Yes, she is.
4 fl∫ ? Yes, it is.
5 Ðoe∫ ? Yes, she does.
6 ∑hat ? He goes to bed at nine o’clock.

Write six sentences. / 6 marks

This is the Community Garden.

†he boy∫
†he girl∫
µum and ∂ad
†he bee∫
†he ∫nail∫
Total for test / 64 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 72

Marking Grids Standard Tests

Unit 1 Test Mark Max marks
Listening 1 Listen and circle A or B. 8
Speaking 2 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 3 Read and match. 8
Writing 4 Write the questions and answers . 4
5 Write sentences. 4
Total for test 32

Unit 2 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 8
Speaking 2 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 3 Read and number. 8
Writing 4 Write the questions and answers. 4
5 Write the questions and answers. 4
Total for test 32

Unit 3 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 8
Speaking 2 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 3 Read and circle. 8
Writing 4 Write the questions and answers. 4
5 Write sentences. 4
Total for test 32

Unit 4 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle A or B. 8
Speaking 2 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 3 Read and write True or False. 8
Writing 4 Write the questions and answers. 4
5 Write sentences. 4
Total for test 32

Unit 5 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle A or B. 8
Speaking 2 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 3 Read and write the number. 8
Writing 4 Write sentences. 4
5 Write. Use This, These, That or Those. 4
Total for test 32

Unit 6 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle A or B. 8
Speaking 2 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 3 Read and match. 8
Writing 4 Write the questions. Look at the picture and 4
5 Look at the picture in Activity 4. What are they 4
doing? Write sentences.
Total for test 32

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Standard Tests

Term 1 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 8
2 Listen and circle A, B or C. 6
Speaking 3 Answer. 4
4 Look and answer. 5
5 Point and ask your teacher questions. 5
Reading 6 Read and circle A or B. 5
7 Read and write the letter. 4
8 Read and circle. 5
Writing 9 Write answers. 4
10 Write sentences. 5
11 Write questions and answers about you. 5
Total for test 56

Term 2 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 8
2 Listen and circle A, B or C. 6
Speaking 3 Answer. 4
4 Look and answer. 5
5 Point and ask your teacher questions. 5
Reading 6 Read and circle A or B. 5
7 Read and write the letter. 4
8 Read and circle. 5
Writing 9 Write answers. 4
10 Write sentences. 4
11 Write answers and questions. 6
Total for test 56

Term 3 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 8
2 Listen and circle A, B or C. 6
Speaking 3 Answer. 4
4 Look and answer. 5
5 Point and ask your teacher questions. 5
Reading 6 Read and circle A or B. 5
7 Read and write the letter. 4
8 Read and circle. 5
Writing 9 Write answers. 4
10 Write. Use This, These, That or Those. 4
11 Write sentences. 6
Total for test 56

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Marking Grids Standard & Challenge Tests

End of year Test Mark Max marks
Listening 1 Listen and number. 7
2 Listen and match. 7
Speaking 3 Answer. 4
4 Look and answer. 5
5 Point and ask your teacher questions. 5
Reading 6 Read and circle A or B. 5
7 Read and write the letter. 4
8 Read and circle. 5
Writing 9 Write answers. 4
10 Write sentences. 4
11 Write questions and answers. 6
Total for test 56

Unit 1 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and match. 8
2 Listen and number. 8
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
4 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 5 Read and number. 8
6 Look, read and circle. 8
Writing 7 Write the vocabulary. 4
8 Write. Use his, her or their. 6
9 Where are children 1–3 going? What are children 6
4–6 doing? Write.
Total for test 64

Unit 2 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 8
2 Listen and circle A or B. 8
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
4 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 5 Read and circle. 8
6 Read and circle. 8
Writing 7 Write the vocabulary. 4
8 Write questions and answers. 6
9 Imagine you do these sports. Write about them. 6
Total for test 64

Unit 3 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 10
2 Listen and match. 6
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
4 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 5 Read and number. 8
6 Read and match. 8
Writing 7 Write the vocabulary. 4
8 Write questions and answers. 6
9 Write about the children. 6
Total for test 64

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Challenge Tests

Unit 4 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 10
2 Listen and number. 6
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
4 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 5 Read and circle. 8
6 Read and circle. 8
Writing 7 Write the vocabulary. 4
8 Write questions and answers. 6
9 Write about Charlie. 6
Total for test 64

Unit 5 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and match. 8
2 Listen and number. 8
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
4 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 5 Read and write the number. 8
6 Read and write True or False. 8
Writing 7 Write the vocabulary. 4
8 Write. Use This, These, That or Those. 6
9 Write sentences. 6
Total for test 64

Unit 6 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and circle A or B. 8
2 Listen and number. 8
Speaking 3 Talk to your teacher. 8
4 Talk to your teacher. 8
Reading 5 Read and write T (True) or F (False). 8
6 Read and circle. 8
Writing 7 Write the vocabulary. 4
8 Write questions and answers. 6
9 Write sentences about the garden. 6
Total for test 64

Term 1 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 4
2 Listen and match. 6
3 Listen and circle A, B or C. 6
Speaking 4 Answer. 4
5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four 9
6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher. 3
Reading 7 Read and write the letter. 6
8 Read and write True or False. 5
9 Read and match. 5
Writing 10 Write the children’s answers. 4
11 Write answers. 4
12 Write two sentences for each child. Use He isn’t / 8
She isn’t and He’s / She’s.
Total for test 64

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Challenge Tests

Term 2 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and match. 4
2 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. 8
3 Listen and circle A, B or C. 4
Speaking 4 Answer. 4
5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four 9
6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher. 3
Reading 7 Read and write the letter. 6
8 Read and write True or False. 5
9 Read and match. 5
Writing 10 Write questions and answers. 6
11 What’s the matter? Write sentences. 4
12 Write six sentences about Ben. 6
Total for test 72

Term 3 Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 4
2 Listen and match. 6
3 Listen and circle A, B or C. 6
Speaking 4 Answer. 4
5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four 9
6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher. 3
Reading 7 Read and write the letter. 6
8 Read and write True or False. 5
9 Read and match. 5
Writing 10 Write answers. 6
11 Write sentences. Use This, These, That or Those. 5
12 Write questions and answers. 5
Total for test 48

End of year Test Mark Max marks

Listening 1 Listen and number. 4
2 Listen and match. 6
3 Listen and circle A, B or C. 6
Speaking 4 Answer. 4
5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four 9
6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher. 3
Reading 7 Read and write the letter. 6
8 Read and write True or False. 6
9 Read and match. 4
Writing 10 Write Lauren’s answers. 4
11 Write questions. 6
12 Write six sentences. 6
Total for test 64

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Tests transcripts and answers Standard tests

There are six unit tests, three term tests and one end of Writing (8 marks)
year test. Depending on the ability of your class,
please choose either the Standard level test or the 4 Write the questions and answers. (4 marks)
Challenge level test. 1 Is she going to the hotel? Yes, she is.
2 Is he going to the museum? No, he isn’t.
Unit tests 1–6 Standard 3 Is she listening to music? No, she isn’t.
4 Is he having a drink? Yes, he is.
Unit 1 test (32 marks) Score: 1 mark for each correct question and answer.
Total: 4 marks
Listening (8 marks)
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
1 Listen and circle A or B. $  4.01 (8 marks)
1 Man: Is he going to the hospital? 5 Write sentences. (4 marks)
Woman: No, he isn’t. He’s going to the town hall. 1 This is his watch.
2 Woman: Is this his dictionary? 2 This is her flower pot.
Man: No, it isn’t. But this is his watch. 3 This is his dictionary.
3 Man: She isn’t going to the museum. She’s going to 4 This is their ladder.
the theatre.
4 Woman: Is this their ladder? Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
Man: Yes, it is. Total: 4 marks
5 Woman: Is he having a drink? Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Man: Yes, he is.
6 Man: This isn’t her torch, but this is her parcel.
7 Man: Is she talking to her friend? Unit 2 test (32 marks)
Woman: No, she isn’t. She’s going to the bank.
8 Woman: Is he going to the petrol station?
Listening (8 marks)
Man: No, he isn’t. He’s going to the train station. 1 Listen and number. $  4.02 (8 marks)
Answers: 1 Boy: Do you do judo?
1 B ​2  B ​3  A ​4  B ​5  A ​6  B ​7  A ​8  A Girl: Yes, I do. I love judo.
2 Girl: Are you good at diving?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks Boy: No, I’m not. I don’t like it.
3 Boy: Do you play tennis.
Speaking (8 marks) Girl: No, I don’t. But I play basketball.
4 Girl: I’m good at surfing. It’s fun.
2 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
5 Girl: Do you do gymnastics?
Look at picture 1 with the child.
Boy: Yes, I do.
Ask Is Luke going to the hotel? Is Sam listening to music?
6 Boy: Are you good at skiing?
Then say to the child Now ask me two questions.
Girl: No, I’m not. I’m really bad.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question. 7 Boy: I’m not good at rafting, but I’m good at
You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency kayaking.
and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark) 8 Girl: Do you do archery?
Boy: Yes, I do. It’s good.
Look at picture 2 with the child.
Point to the mini picture of the dog and ask Is this their
a 5 ​b  6 ​c  4 ​d  8 ​e  1 ​f  3 ​g  7 ​h  2
dog? Point to the mini picture of the pot and say Is this
her pot? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about
the picture.
Speaking (8 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency 2 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark) Look at picture 1 with the child.
Ask the child to circle any of the sports that they do.
Ask Do you cycle? Do you play golf?
Reading (8 marks) Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about
3 Read and match. (8 marks) the sports I do.
1 h ​2  a ​3  g ​4  b ​5  c ​6  e ​7  f ​8  d Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
Score: 1 mark for each correct match. Total: 8 marks You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency
and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark)

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Standard tests

Look at picture 2 with the child. Answers:

Ask the child to circle any of the sports that they are a 4 ​b  7 ​c  8 ​d  1 ​e  5 ​f  2 ​g  3 ​h  6
good at. Ask Are you good at swimming? Are you good
at diving? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about
the sports I’m good at. Speaking (8 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question. 2 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency Look at picture 1 with the child.
and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark) Ask Does Jack like geography? Does Luke like kayaking?
Then say to the child Now point and ask me two
Reading (8 marks) questions about the children.
3 Read and number. (8 marks) Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
a 3 ​b  2 ​c  4 ​d  6 ​e  5 ​f  7 ​g  8 ​h  1 You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency
and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Score: 1 mark for each correct match. Total: 8 marks
Look at picture 2 with the child.
Point to the boy with a toothache and ask What’s the
Writing (8 marks) matter? Point to the girl with earache and ask Has she
4 Write the questions and answers. (4 marks) got a stomach ache?
1 Do you play basketball? Yes, I do. Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about
2 Do you do archery? No, I don’t. the children.
3 Do you do gymnastics? Yes, I do. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
4 Do you play golf? No, I don’t. You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency
and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Score: 1 mark for each question and answer.
Total: 4 marks
Reading (8 marks)
5 Write the questions and answers. (4 marks)
1 Are you good at swimming? Yes, I am. ​ 3 Read and circle. (8 marks)
2  Are you good at skiing? No, I’m not. ​ 1 doesn’t like ​2  headache ​3  Art ​4  likes ​
3  Are you good at kayaking? Yes, I am. ​ 5  cough ​6  earache ​7  Science ​8  a stomach ache
4  Are you good at rafting? No, I'm not.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
Score: 1 mark for each question and answer.
Total: 4 marks Writing (8 marks)
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
4 Write the questions and answers. (4 marks)
1 Does he like Science? No, he doesn’t.
Unit 3 test (32 marks) 2 Does she like Maths? Yes, she does.
3 Does he like History? Yes, he does.
Listening (8 marks) 4 Does she like Art? No, she doesn’t.
1 Listen and number. $  4.03 (8 marks) Score: ½ mark for each correct question and answer.
1 Boy: Does Mark like Maths? Total: 4 marks
Girl: Yes, he does. He likes it a lot. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
2 Girl: I can’t do my homework. I’ve got a
stomach ache. 5 Write sentences. (4 marks)
3 Girl: Does your sister like Art? 1 He’s got toothache. ​2  She’s got a headache. ​
Boy: Yes, she does. It’s her favourite subject. 3  She’s got a stomach ache. ​4  He’s got earache.
4 Girl: What’s the matter?
Boy: I’ve got toothache. Score: 1 mark for each sentence. Total: 4 marks
5 Boy: Does Sarah like History? Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Girl: No, she doesn’t. History is difficult for her.
6 Boy: I’m going to the school nurse. I’ve got earache.
7 Girl: Does Kasper like Science?
Boy: No, he doesn’t. It’s boring.
8 Boy: What’s the matter?
Girl: I’ve got a headache.

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Standard tests

Unit 4 test (32 marks) Writing (8 marks)

4 Write the questions and answers. (4 marks)
Listening (8 marks)
1 Does it eat insects? No, it doesn’t.
1 Listen and circle A or B. $  4.04 (8 marks) 2 Does it eat seeds? Yes, it does.
1 Man: What time does Sam get up? 3 Does it drink water? Yes, it does.
Woman: He gets up at 7 o’clock. 4 Does it eat nuts? No, it doesn’t.
2 Woman: What time does she go to work?
Man: She goes to work at quarter to nine Score: 1 mark for each correct question and answer.
3 Man: What time does he have lunch? Total: 4 marks
Woman: He has lunch at quarter past one. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
4 Woman: What time does she go home?
Man: She goes home at half past four. 5 Write sentences. (4 marks)
5 Man: Does it eat seeds? 1 She gets up at half past six.
Woman: Yes, it does. 2 He goes to work at quarter past eight.
6 Woman: Does it eat nuts? 3 She has dinner at seven o’clock.
Man: No, it doesn’t. 4 He goes to bed at quarter to ten.
7 Man: Does it live on a farm?
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
Woman: Yes, it does. And it eats grass. Total: 4 marks
8 Man: Does it eat insects?
Woman: No, it doesn’t. It eats meat. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
1 B ​2  B ​3  A ​4  A ​5  B ​6  B ​7  B ​8  A Unit 5 test (32 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
Listening (8 marks)
1 Listen and circle A or B. $  4.05
Speaking (8 marks) 1 Man: Does she want to watch a comedy?
2 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks) Woman: No, she doesn’t. She wants to watch a
Look at picture 1 with the child. wildlife film.
Ask What time does he get up? What time does he have 2 Woman: Are there shells on the beach?
dinner? Man: Yes, there are. Look! These are shells.
Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about 3 Man: Does he want to watch a musical?
the boy. Woman: Yes, he does.
4 Woman: Is there a cave on the island?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to children who Man: Yes! Look! That’s a cave over there.
correctly say a time but do not produce a sentence. 5 Woman: Does she want to watch a fantasy film?
You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good Man: No, she doesn’t. She wants to watch an
fluency and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus adventure film.
mark) 6 Woman: Can you see the treasure on the beach?
Man: No, I can’t. But look, that’s a boat over there.
Look at picture 2 with the child. Maybe there’s treasure near the boat.
Point to the cow and ask Does it drink water? Point to 7 Woman: Does he want to watch a scary film?
the sheep and ask Does it eat meat? Man: No, he doesn’t. He wants to watch a science
Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about fiction film.
the animals. 8 Woman: Hurrah! The treasure!
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question. Man: Yes, this is the treasure! Great!
You may wish to award ½ marks to children who Answers:
correctly answer with yes or no but do not produce a 1 B ​2  B ​3  A ​4  B ​5  B ​6  A ​7  A ​8  B
sentence. You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark
for good fluency and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
(+1 bonus mark)
Speaking (8 marks)
Reading (8 marks) 2 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
3 Read and write True or False. (8 marks) Look at picture 1 with the child.
1 True ​2  False ​3  True ​4  False ​5  True ​6  False ​ Point to the girl looking at the adventure film and ask
7  False ​8  False Does she want to watch a fantasy film? Encourage the
child to say a full sentence No, she wants to watch an
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks adventure film. Point to the boy looking at the science
fiction film and ask Does he want to watch a science
fiction film?

Oxford Rooftops 4   © Oxford University Press 80

Standard tests

Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about Unit 6 test (40 marks)
the children.
Listening (8 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to children who can 1 Listen and circle A or B. $  4.06 (8 marks)
understand the types of film, but do not produce a 1 Man: Are there any butterflies in the garden?
sentence. You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark Woman: Yes, there are. Look!
for good fluency and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks 2 Woman: What are Thomas and Carlos doing?
(+1 bonus mark)
Man: They’re feeding the birds.
Look at picture 2 with the child. 3 Man: Are there any snails in the garden?
Ask Are there shells on the island? Encourage the child Woman: No, there aren’t.
to point to the shells and to reply Yes. These are shells. 4 Woman: Are there any bees near the trees?
Then ask Is there a cave on the island? Encourage the Man: Yes, there are. There are lots of bees.
child to point to the cave and to reply Yes. That’s a cave. 5 Man: What are the boys doing?
Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about Woman: They’re picking the raspberries.
the island. 6 Woman: Are there any grasshoppers in the garden?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question. Man: Yes, there are. Look!
You may wish to award ½ marks to children who 7 Man: What are Katie and Gianna doing?
correctly identify the objects, but do not produce a Woman: They’re digging up the potatoes.
sentence. You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark 8 Man: Are there any worms near the rocks?
for good fluency and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks Woman: Yes, there are.
(+1 bonus mark) Answers:
1 A ​2  B ​3  A ​4  B ​5  A ​6  A ​7  B ​8  A
Reading (8 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
3 Read and write the number. (8 marks)
a 3 ​b  5 ​c  7 ​d  1 ​e  8 ​f  2 ​g  6 ​h  4
Speaking (8 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks 2 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
Look at picture 1 with the child.
Writing (8 marks) Ask Are there any ants? Are there any ladybirds?
Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about
4 Write sentences. (4 marks)
the picture.
1 He wants to watch a science fiction film.
2 She doesn’t want to watch a scary film. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
3 He doesn’t want to watch a comedy. You may wish to award ½ marks to children who
4 She wants to watch a musical. correctly say the names of the creatures, but do not
produce a sentence. You may wish to award 1 bonus
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Total: 4
Total: 4 marks marks (+1 bonus mark)
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. Look at picture 2 with the child.
Ask What are Harry and Luke doing? What are Ben and
5 Write. Use This, These, That or Those. (4 marks) Mary doing?
2 This is the cave. Then say to the child Now ask me two questions about
3 These are the shells. the children.
4 This is the treasure.
5 That is the boat. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to children who
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. correctly say the activities, but do not produce a
Total: 4 marks sentence. You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for
good fluency and pronunciation. Total: 4 marks
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
(+1 bonus mark)

Reading (8 marks)
3 Read and match. (8 marks)
1 d They’re watering the roses.
2 h They’re washing the lettuces.
3 a No, there aren’t. There are some bees.
4 f No, there aren’t. There are some spiders.
5 c They’re digging up the potatoes.

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Standard tests

6 b They’re feeding the birds. 2 Listen and circle A, B or C. $  4.08 (6 marks)

7 g No, there aren’t. There are some snails. 1 Boy: Is he going to the hotel?
8 e Yes, there are some butterflies. Girl: No, he isn’t. He’s going to the museum.
2 Girl: Is this her parcel?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
Boy: No, it isn’t. But this is her dictionary.
3 Girl: Do you do judo?
Writing (8 marks) Boy: No, I don’t. But I do archery.
4 Write the questions. Look at the picture and 4 Boy: Are you good at swimming or diving?
answer. (4 marks) Girl: I’m good at diving.
1 Are there any ladybirds? Yes, there are. 5 Girl: Is she going to the petrol station?
2 Are there any snails? No, there aren’t. Boy: No, she isn’t. She’s going to the hospital.
3 Are there any ants? No, there aren’t. 6 Boy: Is this her pot?
4 Are there any butterflies? Yes, there are. Girl: Yes, it is.
Score: 1 mark for each correct question and answer. Answers:
Total: 4 marks 1 A ​2  C ​3  B ​4  B ​5  A ​6  C
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
5 Look at the picture in Activity 4. What are
they doing? Write sentences. (4 marks)
1 They’re watering the roses. Speaking (14 marks)
2 They’re planting the seeds.
3 Answer. (4 marks)
3 They’re feeding the birds.
Ask the questions on the page.
4 They’re picking the raspberries.
Point to the girl and ask Is she going to the museum?
Score: 1 mark for each sentence. Total: 4 marks Point to the ladder and ask Is this their ladder? Then
ask Do you play tennis? Are you good at swimming?
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
to award ½ marks to children who can answer but do
End of Term Tests 1–3 Standard not produce a sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Term Test 1 (64 marks)
Listening (14 marks) 4 Look and answer. (5 marks)
Look at the picture with the child.
1 Listen and number. $  4.07 (8 marks) Ask the child the questions on the page, pointing to
1 Boy: Is he going to the train station? the relevant person if necessary. 1 Is he going to the
Girl: No, he isn’t. He’s going to the town hall. train station? 2 He’s got a bike. Do you cycle? 3 Look at
2 Girl: Is this their ladder? the poster. Do you play golf? 4 Are you good at surfing?
Boy: Yes, it is. 5 Look at the woman. Is this her parcel?
3 Boy: Do you play golf? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
Girl: No, I don’t. But I play tennis. to award ½ marks to children who can answer but do
4 Girl: Are you good at surfing? not produce a sentence. You may also wish to award
Boy: Yes, I am! I like surfing. 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
5 Boy: Is she going to the bank? Total: 5 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Girl: No, she isn’t. She’s going to the theatre.
6 Boy: Is this her torch? 5 Point and ask your teacher questions.
Girl: No, it isn’t. But this is her watch. (5 marks)
7 Boy: Do you ski? Look at the picture with the child.
Girl: No, I don’t. But I cycle in the park. Say to the child Now ask me five questions.
8 Girl: Do you play basketball? Score: 1 mark for each correct question. You may wish
Boy: No, I don’t. I’m not good at basketball. to award ½ marks to children who can name as many
Answers: vocabulary items as they can see in the picture but do
a 5 ​b  6 ​c  2 ​d  3 ​e  8 ​f  1 ​g  4 ​h  7 not produce questions. You may also wish to award 1
bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Total:
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks 5 marks (+1 bonus mark)

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Standard tests

Reading (14 marks) 5 Boy: What time does Jamie get up?
Girl: He gets up at 7 o’clock.
6 Read and circle A or B. (5 marks)
6 Boy: What time does he have lunch?
1 B ​2  A ​3  B ​4  B ​5  A
Girl: He has lunch at quarter past one.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 5 marks 7 Boy: Does Juan like Maths?
Girl: Yes, he does. He likes it a lot.
7 Read and write the letter. (4 marks) 8 Girl: It’s got four legs and it eats meat.
1 b ​2  d ​3  a ​4  c Boy: Is it a dog?
Girl: Yes, it is.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 4 marks
8 Read and circle. (5 marks) 1 ✗ ​2  ✓ ​3  ✓ ​4  ✓ ​5  ✗ ​6  ✗ ​7  ✓ ​8  ✗
1 Yes, he is. ​2  No, it isn’t. ​3  Yes, I do. ​4  Yes, I am. ​ Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
5  No, she isn’t.

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 5 marks 2 Listen and circle A, B or C. $  4.10 (6 marks)
1 Girl: I can’t do my homework. I’ve got toothache.
2 Boy: What time does your brother go to bed?
Writing (14 marks) Girl: He goes to bed at eight o’clock.
9 Write answers. (4 marks) 3 Boy: Does it live on a farm?
1 Yes, it is. ​2  No, it isn't. ​3  Yes, it is. ​4  Yes, it is. Girl: Yes, it does. It eats grass.
4 Girl: What’s the matter?
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Boy: I’ve got a cough.
Total: 4 marks
5 Boy: Does Harry like History?
10 Write sentences. (5 marks) Girl: Yes, he does. He loves it.
1 She’s going to the theatre. 6 Boy: Does it eat insects?
2 He’s going to the hospital. Girl: No, it doesn’t. It eats grass.
3 She’s going to the town hall. Answers:
4 He’s going to the museum. 1 A ​2  C ​3  B ​4  C ​5  B ​6  B
5 She’s going to the bank. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence.
Total: 5 marks Speaking (16 marks)
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. 3 Answer. (4 marks)
Look at the picture with the child.
11 Write questions and answers about you.
(5 marks) Then ask the questions on the page. Does she like Art?
There’s a deer. Does it eat grass? What’s the matter? Has
1 Do you do archery? (children’s own answer)
she got a headache? Look at the clock. What time does she
2 Do you ski? (children’s own answer) go home?
3 Are you good at cycling? (children’s own answer)
4 Are you good at kayaking? (children’s own answer) Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
5 Are you good at swimming? (children’s own answer) to award ½ marks to children who can answer but do
not produce a sentence. You may also wish to award
Score: 1 mark for each correct question and answer. 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Total: 5 marks Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Deduct marks if spelling and structure is not
4 Look and answer. (5 marks)
Look at the picture with the child.
Ask the child the questions on the page, pointing to
Term Test 2 (56 marks) the relevant person if necessary. 1 What times does she
go home? 2 What’s the matter? 3 Does he like History?
Listening (14 marks) 4 There’s a squirrel. Does it eat nuts? 5 There’s a fox. Does
it live on a farm?
1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $  4.09 (8 marks)
1 Girl: I’m going home. I’ve got a headache. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
2 Girl: Does Katerina like Art? to award ½ marks to children who can answer but do
not produce a sentence. You may also wish to award
Boy: Yes, she does. She loves Art.
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
3 Boy: It’s a bird. Does it eat seeds? Total: 5 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Girl: Yes, it does.
4 Girl: What’s the matter?
Boy: I’ve got toothache.

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Standard tests

5 Point and ask your teacher questions. Term Test 3 (56 marks)
(5 marks)
Look at the picture with the child. Listening (14 marks)
Then say to the child Now ask me five questions.
1 Listen and number. $  4.11 (8 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct question. You may wish 1 Man: What they doing?
to award ½ marks to children who can name as many Woman: They’re feeding the birds.
vocabulary items as they can see in the picture but do 2 Man: He doesn’t want to watch a comedy. He wants
not produce questions. You may also wish to award 1 to watch a wildlife film.
bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Total: 3 Woman: Are there rocks on the island?
5 marks (+1 bonus mark) Man: Yes, there are. Look! These are the rocks.
4 Man: Are there any ladybirds in the garden?
Reading (14 marks) Woman: Yes, there are.
5 Woman: Does she want to watch a fantasy film?
6 Read and circle A or B. (5 marks)
Man: No, she doesn’t. She wants to watch a musical.
1 A ​2  B ​3  A ​4  A ​5  B
6 Man: Is there a cave on the island?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 5 marks Woman: Yes! Look! That’s a cave.
7 Man: Are there any bees in the garden?
7 Read and write the letter. (4 marks) Woman: No, there aren’t. But there are some
1 b ​2  c ​3  d ​4  a spiders.
8 Woman: What are they doing?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 5 marks Man: They’re watering the roses.
8 Read and circle. (5 marks) Answers:
a 6 ​b  8 ​c  4 ​d  2 ​e  3 ​f  5 ​g  1 ​h  7
1 She’s got toothache. ​2  Yes, he does. ​ Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
3  No, he doesn’t. ​4  Yes, it does. ​5  No, it doesn’t.
2 Listen and circle, A, B or C. $  4.12 (6 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 5 marks
1 Man: Does she want to watch a cartoon?
Woman: No, she doesn’t. She wants to watch a
Writing (16 marks) science fiction film.
9 Write answers. (4 marks) 2 Man: Are there any butterflies in the garden?
1 No, she doesn’t. ​2  Yes, it does. ​3  No, it doesn’t. ​ Woman: No, there aren’t. But look, there are some
4  Yes, he does. worms.
3 Woman: He doesn’t want to watch an adventure
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. film. He wants to watch a scary film.
Total: 4 marks 4 Woman: Are the boys digging up the potatoes?
Man: No, they aren’t. They’re picking the
10 Write sentences. (4 marks) raspberries.
1 She’s got a stomach ache. 5 Woman: Are there any grasshoppers in the garden?
2 He’s got a cough. Man: Yes, there are. Look!
3 She’s got earache. 6 Woman: Are there trees on the island?
4 He’s got a cold. Man: No, there aren’t. But look, there are shells.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Total: 4 marks Answers:
1 C ​2  B ​3  A ​4  C ​5  B ​6  A
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
11 Write answers and questions. (6 marks)
1 Yes, he does. Speaking (14 marks)
2 No, he doesn’t.
3 Answer. (4 marks)
3 Yes, he does.
Look at the picture with the child.
4 What time does he go home?
Then ask the questions on the page. Say What are they
5 What time does he have dinner?
doing? Are there any snails in the garden? Are those rocks?
6 What time does he go to bed? Does she want to watch a wildlife film?
Score: 1 mark for each correct question and answer. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
Total: 6 marks to award ½ marks to children who can answer but do
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. not produce a sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark)

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Standard tests

4 Look and answer. (5 marks) 11 Write sentences. (6 marks)

Look at the picture with the child. 1 He wants to watch a cartoon.
Ask the child the questions on the page, pointing to 2 She wants to watch an adventure film.
the relevant person if necessary. 1 What are the girls 3 He doesn’t want to watch a fantasy film.
doing? 2 Are there any bees in the garden? 3 Are there any 4 She doesn’t want to watch a scary film.
ants in the garden? 4 Look at the little boy. Is that a map? 5 He wants to watch a science fiction film.
5 Does he want to watch a science fiction film?
6 She doesn’t want to watch a wildlife film.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Total: 6 marks
to award ½ marks to children who can answer but do
not produce a sentence. You may also wish to award Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Total: 5 marks (+1 bonus mark)
End of Year Test (56 marks)
5 Point and ask your teacher questions.
(5 marks) Listening (14 marks)
Look at the picture with the child.
1 Listen and number. $  4.13 (7 marks)
Then say to the child Now ask me five questions.
1 Girl: Is that their ladder?
Score: 1 mark for each correct question. You may wish Boy: Yes, it is.
to award ½ marks to children who can name as many 2 Boy: Are you good at waterskiing?
vocabulary items as they can see in the picture but do Girl: No, I’m not. But I’m good at surfing.
not produce questions. You may also wish to award 1 3 Girl: Do you do judo?
bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Boy: No, I don’t. But I do archery.
Total: 5 marks (+1 bonus mark)
4 Boy: Does it eat meat?
Girl: No, it doesn’t. It eats nuts.
Reading (16 marks) 5 Girl: Is there a cave on the island?
6 Read and circle A or B. (5 marks) Boy: Yes, there is. Look! That’s a cave.
1 A ​2  A ​3  B ​4  A ​5  B 6 Boy: Are there any insects in the garden?
Girl: Yes, there are some grasshoppers. There are
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 5 marks some spiders too.
7 Girl: What are they doing?
7 Read and write the letter. (4 marks) Boy: They’re watering the roses.
1 b ​2  d ​3  a ​4  c Answers:
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 4 marks a 4 ​b  5 ​c  1 ​d  2 ​e  3 ​f  7 ​g  6
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 7 marks
8 Read and circle. (5 marks)
1 Yes, it is. ​2  No, they aren’t. ​3  No, there aren’t. ​ 2 Listen and match. $  4.14 (7 marks)
4  Yes, they are. ​5  Yes, there are.
1 Boy: Is Lewis going to the train station?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 5 marks Girl: No, he isn’t. He’s going to the town hall.
2 Boy: Does Daniel like History?
Girl: Yes, he does. It’s his favourite subject.
Writing (14 marks)
3 Girl: Does Toby want to watch a scary film?
9 Write answers. (4 marks) Boy: No, he doesn’t. He wants to watch a science
1 They’re washing the lettuces. fiction film.
2 They’re picking the raspberries. 4 Boy: What’s the matter with Freya?
3 No, there aren’t. Girl: She’s got a cold.
4 Yes, there are. 5 Girl: What are Matt and Alfie doing?
Boy: They’re feeding the birds.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Total: 4 marks
6 Boy: What time does Maria have lunch?
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. Girl: She has lunch at half past twelve.
7 Girl: Is Erin listening to music?
10 Write. Use This, These, That or Those. Boy: Yes, she is.
(4 marks)
1 This is the map. ​2  This is the parrot. ​
3  That is the boat. ​4  Those are the trees. 1 Lewis – a ​2  Daniel – e ​3  Toby – d ​4  Freya – c ​
5  Matt and Alfie – f ​6  Maria – b ​7  Erin – g
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Total: 4 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 7 marks
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.

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Standard tests

Speaking (14 marks) Writing (14 marks)

3 Answer. (4 marks) 9 Write answers. (4 marks)
Look at the picture with the child. 1 He goes home at nine o’clock.
Then ask the questions on the page. Say Is she going to 2 They’re feeding the birds.
the sports centre? What time does she have lunch? Do you 3 No, he isn’t.
play tennis? Are you good at swimming? 4 He’s got earache.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
to award ½ marks to children who can answer but do Total: 4 marks
not produce a sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark) Total: 5 marks

4 Look and answer. (5 marks) 10 Write sentences. (4 marks)

Look at the picture with the child. 1 She doesn’t want to watch a cartoon.
Ask the child the questions on the page, pointing to 2 They’re digging up potatoes.
the relevant person if necessary. 1 Does Mum want to 3 He doesn’t like geography.
watch a fantasy film? 2 What are the boys doing? 4 This is his dictionary.
3 There’s a squirrel. Does it eat nuts? 4 What’s the matter
with Dad? 5 Are there any snails? Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
Total: 4 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
to award ½ marks to children who can answer but do
not produce a sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. 11 Write questions and answers. (6 marks)
Total: 5 marks (+1 bonus mark) 1 Do you cycle?
2 Are you good at diving?
5 Point and ask your teacher questions. 3 No, it doesn’t.
(5 marks) 4 Yes, there are.
Look at the picture with the child. 5 What’s the matter?
Then say to the child Now ask me five questions. 6 No, it isn’t.
Score: 1 mark for each correct question. You may wish Score: 1 mark for each correct question and answer.
to award ½ marks to children who can name as many Total: 6 marks
vocabulary items as they can see in the picture but do
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
not produce questions. You may also wish to award 1
bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Total: 5 marks (+1 bonus mark)

Reading (14 marks)

6 Read and circle A or B. (5 marks)
1 A ​2  A ​3  B ​4  B ​5  B

Score: 1 mark for each correct match. Total: 5 marks

7 Read and write the letter. (4 marks)

1 c ​2  d ​3  a ​4  b

Score: 1 mark for each correct match. Total: 4 marks

8 Read and circle. (5 marks)

1 Yes, I do. ​2  Yes, I am. ​3  No, he doesn’t. ​
4  They’re planting seeds. ​5  He’s got a stomach ache.

Score: 1 mark for each correct circle. Total: 5 marks

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Challenge tests

Unit tests 1–6 Challenge 5 Woman: What else?

Boy: My friend can’t find his torch.
Unit 1 test (64 marks) Woman: His torch? Well … Is this his torch?
Boy: Yes, it is.
Listening (16 marks) 6 Boy: Also, my friend can’t find his school bag.
1 Listen and match. $  4.15 (8 marks) Woman: There’s a school bag on the table. Is this
Example his bag?
Girl: There are lots of people in the street today. Boy: No, it isn’t. It isn’t here.
Boy: Yes, there are. Can you see Tom? Is he at the 7 Woman: Anything else?
theatre? Boy: My brothers can’t find their trainers.
Girl: No, he isn’t. Look! He’s going to the museum. Woman: Are these their trainers?
Boy: Oh yes! Boy: Yes, they are.
1 Boy: Can you see Anna? 8 Woman: OK. Have you got everything now?
Girl: Yes, I can. Boy: Have you got my sister’s pencil case?
Boy: Is she listening to music? Woman: Is this her pencil case?
Girl: No, she isn’t. She’s having a drink. Boy: Yes, it is. Thank you!
2 Girl: Where’s Arun? Answers:
Boy: He’s at the train station. He’s going to London a 6 ​b  8 ​c  4 ​d  7 ​e  2 ​f  1 ​g  5 ​h  3
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
3 Girl: Is Lucy at the train station, too?
Boy: No, she isn’t. Look! She’s going to the theatre.
4 Boy: What about Hasan? I can’t see Hasan. Speaking (16 marks)
Girl: He’s at the hotel. He’s talking to his friend. 3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
Boy: Oh yes! Look at the picture with the child.
5 Boy: Where’s Harry? Ask Is Luke going to the hotel? Is Sam listening to music?
Girl: He’s listening to music. Can you see him? Is Sarah going to the town hall? Is Kate having a drink?
He’s with Anna. Look! Then say to the child Now ask me four questions.
6 Girl: Is Rocco at the hospital?
Boy: No, he isn’t. He’s going to the theatre. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
7 Boy: And what about Jake. Is he at home? You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency
Girl: Oh no. He’s at the hospital. Look! He’s having and pronunciation.
a drink. Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark)
8 Boy: And what about Claire. What’s she doing?
Girl: She’s reading a book. 4 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
Answers: Look at the picture with the child.
​1 Anna – h ​2  Arun – a ​3  Lucy – c ​4  Hasan – i ​ Point to the mini picture of the dog and ask Is this their
5  Harry – g ​6  Rocco – b ​7  Jake – f ​8  Claire – e dog? Point to the mini picture of the pot and ask Is this
her pot? Point to the mini picture of the dictionary and
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks ask Is this his dictionary? Point to the mini picture of
the ladder and ask Is this their ladder?
2 Listen and number. $  4.16 (8 marks) Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about
1 Woman: Hello, Peter. Can I help you? the picture.
Boy: Yes, please. I’m looking for some things.
My sister, Alice, can’t find her watch. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency
Woman: Is this her watch?
and pronunciation.
Boy: Oh yes, it is. Great.
2 Woman: What else? Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Boy: My brothers can’t find their ball.
Woman: Is this their ball? Reading (16 marks)
Boy: No, it isn’t. Their ball’s new.
5 Read and number. (8 marks)
3 Woman: OK. What else?
a 4 ​b  3 ​c  1 ​d  5 ​e  7 ​f  2 ​g  8 ​h  6
Boy: Well, they can’t find their dictionary.
Woman: Can you see it here? Score: 1 mark for each correct match. Total: 8 marks
Boy: Oh yes. Here it is. Great.
4 Woman: Anything else? 6 Look, read and circle. (8 marks)
Boy: Yes. My sister can’t find her pot. 1 Yes, he is. ​2  Yes, she is. ​3  No, he isn’t. 
Woman: Well, there are lots of pots here. ​4  No, she isn’t. ​5  Yes, it is. ​6  No, it isn’t. 
Is this her pot? ​7  Yes, it is. ​8  No, it isn’t.
Boy: Yes, it is. Look! Here’s her name.
Score: 1 mark for each correct match. Total: 8 marks

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Challenge tests

Writing (16 marks) Answers:

1 ✓ ​2  ✗ ​3  ✓ ​4  ✓ ​5  ✓ ​6  ✗ ​7  ✗ ​8  ✓
7 Write the vocabulary. (4 marks)
1 at the bank ​2  at the hotel ​3  at the hospital ​ Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
4  at the petrol station ​5  a ladder ​6  a dictionary ​
7  a parcel ​8  a torch 2 Listen and circle A or B. $  4.18 (8 marks)
1 Woman: Tell me about the sports you play, Owen.
Score: ½ mark for each correct answer. Total: 4 marks
Are you good at swimming?
Boy: Yes, I am. I love swimming. It’s my favourite
8 Write. Use his, her or their. (6 marks)
1 This is his watch. 4 This is her bag.
2 Woman: That’s good. What about diving? Are you
2 This is her pot. 5 This is their ball. good at diving?
3 This is their dog. 6 This is his picture. Boy: No, I’m not. I don’t like diving.
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence. Total: 6 marks 3 Woman: Can you waterski?
Boy: No, I can’t. I’m not good at waterskiing.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
4 Woman: Are you good at rafting?
9 Where are children 1–3 going? What are Boy: Rafting is easy. I’m very good at rafting.
children 4–6 doing? Write. (6 marks) I love it.
5 Woman: And are you good at surfing?
Suggested answers:
Boy: My sister’s good at surfing, but I’m not!
1 She’s going to the theatre.
6 Woman: What about kayaking on the river?
2 He’s going to the museum.
Boy: Well, I’m good at kayaking, but I don’t go on
3 She’s going to the town hall the river. I like kayaking inside.
4 He’s having a drink. 7 Woman: What about other sports. Are you good at
5 He’s eating (an ice cream). playing basketball?
6 She’s listening to music. Boy: Yes, I am. I’m in the school team.
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence. 8 Woman: What about tennis. Are you good at
Total: 6 marks playing tennis?
Boy: No, I’m not. I can’t play tennis.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
1 A ​2  B ​3  B ​4  A ​5  B ​6  A ​7  A ​8  B
Unit 2 test (64 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
Listening (16 marks)
1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $  4.17 (8 marks) Speaking (16 marks)
1 Girl: Do you like sport? 3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
Boy: Yes, I do. I love sport. Look at the picture with the child.
Girl: Do you play football? Ask Do you cycle? Do you play golf? Do you play tennis?
Boy: No, I don’t. But I play basketball. It’s my Do you do archery? Ask the child to circle the sports
favourite sport. that they do. Then say to the child Now ask me four
2 Boy: What about you? Do you like tennis? questions about the sports I do.
Girl: Yes, I do, but I don’t play tennis at school.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
3 Girl: I like judo. Do you do judo or gymnastics? You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency
Boy: I do judo, but I don’t do gymnastics. and pronunciation.
4 Girl: I love gymnastics. It’s my favourite sport.
Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Boy: Do you do gymnastics at school?
Girl: Yes, I do. It’s fun.
4 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
5 Girl: Do you ski?
Look at the picture with the child.
Boy: Yes, I do. I ski in winter with my family.
Ask Are you good at swimming? Are you good at diving?
Girl: That sounds great. Are you good at playing football? Are you good at cycling?
6 Boy: Do you play golf? Ask the child to circle the sports that they are good at.
Girl: Golf? No, I don’t. My dad loves golf, but I don’t Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about
like it. the sports I’m good at.
7 Girl: What about archery? That’s a good sport.
Boy: Yes, it is, but I don’t do archery. They don’t Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
have lessons at the sports centre. You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency
8 Boy: Do you have a bike? Do you cycle? and pronunciation.
Girl: Yes, I do. I cycle in the park with my friends. Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark)
I cycle to school too.

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Challenge tests

Reading (16 marks) 3 Woman: Now what about Tom? Does he like Art?
Boy: Oh, no. Tom isn’t good at Art. He doesn’t like
5 Read and circle. (8 marks) painting or drawing.
1 tennis / basketball ​2  play / don’t do  4 Woman: Tell me about Matt. Does he like Maths?
​3  good / rafting ​4  don’t do / gymnastics ​
5  good / diving ​6  play / cycle  Boy: Yes, he does. He likes numbers. He thinks
​7  skiing / not good ​8  don’t do / waterskiing Maths is easy.
5 Woman: How about Paul. Does he like Music?
Score: ½ mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks Boy: Yes, he does. He can play different instruments.
He’s very good.
6 Read and circle. (8 marks) 6 Woman: Who likes Geography?
1 Yes, I do. ​2  No, I don’t. ​3  No, I don’t. ​ Boy: Rosa loves Geography. It’s her favourite
4  Yes, I do. ​5  No, I’m not. ​6  Yes, I am.  subject.
​7  Yes, I am. ​8  No, I’m not. 7 Woman: Does Ben like History?
Boy: No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t like kings and
Score: 1 mark for each answer. Total: 8 marks
queens or castles.
8 Woman: What about Maria? Can she play an
Writing (16 marks) instrument?
Boy: No, she can’t. She doesn’t like Music.
7 Write the vocabulary. (4 marks)
9 Woman: And tell me about Alec. Is Science his
1 swimming ​2  kayaking ​3  rafting ​4  surfing ​
favourite subject?
5  play basketball ​6  do archery ​7  do gymnastics
8  play golf Boy: Oh no. Alec doesn’t like Science. It’s difficult
for him.
Score: ½ mark for each correct answer. Total: 4 marks 10 Woman: And what about you? Do you like PE?
Boy: No, I don’t. I watch sport on TV, but I don’t
8 Write questions and answers. (6 marks) like PE.
1 No, I don’t. Answers:
2 Do you do judo? Yes, I do. a 2 ​b  3 ​c  1 ​d  6 ​e  4 ​f  10 ​g  5 ​h  7 ​i  9 ​j  8
3 Yes, I am.
4 Are you good at diving? No, I’m not. Score: 1 mark for each answer. Total: 10 marks

Score: 1 mark for each correct question or answer. 2 Listen and match. $  4.20 (6 marks)
Total: 6 marks 1 Man: There are lots of children with the school
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. nurse today.
Woman: Yes, there are. Look! There’s Sam.
9 Imagine you do these sports. Write about Man: What’s the matter with Sam?
them. (6 marks) Woman: He’s got a headache.
Suggested answers: 2 Man: Look. There’s Daisy.
I don’t play golf. Woman: Has she got toothache?
I do archery. Man: No, she hasn’t. She’s got earache.
I don’t do judo. Woman: Poor Daisy.
I’m good at surfing. 3 Woman: What’s the matter with Mike?
I’m not good at kayaking. Man: He’s got a cold. Look. He’s got a red nose!
I’m good at diving. Woman: Oh yes.
4 Man: What’s the matter with Helen?
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence. Woman: She’s got toothache.
Total: 6 marks 5 Woman: What’s the matter with Fred? Has he
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. got toothache too?
Man: No, he hasn’t got toothache. He’s got a
stomach ache.
Unit 3 test (64 marks) 6 Woman: And what about Sarah? Has she got
a cough?
Listening (16 marks) Man: Yes, she has. Look! She’s got a bad cough.
1 Listen and number. $  4.19 (10 marks) Answers:
1 Woman: Hello, Lucas. Tell me about the children in 1 Sam – f ​2  Daisy – d ​3  Mike – e ​4  Helen – b ​
your class. Let’s start with John. Does he like English? 5  Fred – c ​6  Sarah – a
Boy: Yes, he does. He reads lots of books and he
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
writes lots of stories.
2 Woman: What about Kate. What’s her favourite
Boy: She likes Science. She’s very good at Science.

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Challenge tests

Speaking (16 marks) Score: 1 mark for each correct question or answer.
3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks) Total: 6 marks
Look at the picture with the child. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Ask Does Jack like Geography? Does Lucy like Art? Does
Sam like Maths? Does Kate like Science? 9 Write about the children. (6 marks)
Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about Ben likes Geography.
the children. Anna doesn’t like Art.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question. Max has got a cold.
You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency Sara has got toothache.
and pronunciation. Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark) Tim likes Maths.
Maria has got a headache.
4 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
Look at the picture with the child. Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence.
Total: 6 marks
Point to the boy with toothache and ask What’s the
matter? Point to the girl with a cold and ask What’s the Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
matter? Point to the boy with a cough and ask Has he
got a cough? Point to the girl with earache and ask Has
she got a stomach ache? Unit 4 test (64 marks)
Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about
the children. Listening (16 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question. 1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $  4.21 (10 marks)
You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency 1 Woman: Tell me about your brother. What time
and pronunciation. Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark) does he get up?
Boy: He gets up at seven o’clock.
2 Woman: What time does he have breakfast?
Reading (16 marks)
Boy: He has breakfast at quarter past seven. He has
5 Read and number. (8 marks) cereal and toast.
Answers: 3 
Woman: What about your sister? Does she have
a 5 ​b  4 ​c  2 ​d  3 ​e  7 ​f  6 ​g  8 ​h  1 breakfast at quarter past seven?
Boy: No, she doesn’t. She gets dressed at quarter
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks past seven.
4 Woman: What time does your dad go to work?
6 Read and match. (8 marks) Boy: He goes to work at eight o’clock. He works at
1 e No, she hasn’t. She’s got toothache. the fire station.
2 i He’s got a cold. 5 Woman: I have lunch at half past twelve. What
3 a No, she doesn’t. time does your dad have lunch?
4 b He loves Science. Boy: He has lunch at quarter to one. He has
5 c No, he doesn’t. It’s difficult. sandwiches for lunch.
6 g Yes, she has. She’s going home. 6 Woman: Does your mum work at the hospital?
7 f No, he hasn’t. He’s got a cough. Boy: Yes, she does. And she goes home at four
8 h Does she like PE? Yes, she does. She likes ball games. o’clock.
7 Woman: What time does your dad have dinner?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks Boy: He has dinner at seven o’clock.
8 Woman: What time does your sister go to bed?
Writing (16 marks) Boy: She goes to bed at half past eight.
9 Woman: What about you? Do you go to bed at half
7 Write the vocabulary. (4 marks) past eight?
1 Science ​2  Maths ​3  History ​4  Art ​5  earache ​ Boy: No, I don’t. I go to bed at half past nine.
6  toothache ​7  a headache ​8  a cough 10
Woman: And what about in the morning? What
Score: ½ mark for each correct word. Total: 4 marks time do you get up?
Boy: I get up at half past seven. Then I have my
8 Write questions and answers. (6 marks) breakfast.
1 Yes, he does. Answers:
2 Does he like Science? No, he doesn’t. 1 ✓ ​2  ✗ ​3  ✓ ​4  ✓ ​5  ✗ ​6  ✓ ​7  ✓ ​8  ✗ ​9  ✗ ​
3 She’s got a headache. 10  ✓
4 What’s the matter? He’s got earache. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer.
Total: 10 marks

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Challenge tests

2 Listen and number. $  4.22 (6 marks)

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
1 Girl: Let’s play a game. You may wish to award ½ marks to children who can
Boy: All right. understand and say some words, but do not produce
Girl: Choose an animal. … Does it live on a farm? a sentence. You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark
Boy: No, it doesn’t. for good fluency and pronunciation. Total: 8 marks
Girl: Does it eat meat? (+1 bonus mark)
Boy: Yes, it does. It’s got four legs too.
2 Boy: Your turn. Reading (16 marks)
Girl: OK. It lives on a farm.
Boy: Does it eat meat? 5 Read and circle. (8 marks)
Girl: No, it doesn’t. It eats grass. 1 up / half past seven ​2  to work / quarter to nine ​
3  has / quarter past one ​4  goes home / half past four ​
3 Girl: Your turn. Does it live on a farm?
5  doesn’t live / grass ​6  can’t / eats ​7  lives / eats ​
Boy: No, it doesn’t. It usually lives in the zoo! 8  can / insects
Girl: Does it eat seeds?
Boy: No, it doesn’t. It’s got big eyes and it eats fruit. Score: 1 mark for each correct name. Total: 8 marks
4 Girl: My turn. It lives on a farm and it drinks water.
Boy: Does it eat grass? 6 Read and circle. (8 marks)
Girl: No, it doesn’t. It eats seeds. 1 Yes, he does. ​2  No, she doesn’t. ​3  Yes, she does. ​
5 Boy: Right. It doesn’t live on a farm. It eats seeds. 4  No, he doesn’t. ​5  No, it doesn’t. ​6  Yes, it does. ​
7  No, it doesn’t. ​8  Yes, it does.
Girl: Has it got big ears?
Boy: No, it hasn’t. It can fly and it eats insects. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
6 Girl: My turn. It doesn’t live on a farm, but it eats
Boy: Can it fly? Writing (16 marks)
Girl: No, it can’t. It’s got big ears and four legs. 7 Write the vocabulary. (4 marks)
Answers: 1 get up ​2  have breakfast ​3  get dressed ​
1 fox ​2  sheep ​3  sugar glider ​4  chicken ​5  bird ​ 4  go to work ​5  insects ​6  nuts ​7  meat ​8  grass
6  deer
Score: ½ mark for each correct word. Total: 4 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
8 Write questions and answers. (6 marks)
1 What time does she have lunch?
Speaking (16 marks) 2 What time does he go to bed? Half past nine.
3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks) 3 Yes, it does.
Look at the picture with the child. 4 Does it eat meat? No, it doesn’t
Ask What time does he get up? and What time does he
have breakfast? Then point to the picture of the boy Score: 1 mark for each correct question or answer.
having dinner and ask What time does he have dinner? Total: 6 marks
Then point to the picture of the boy getting dressed Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
and ask Does he have breakfast at half past seven?
Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about 9 Write about Charlie. (6 marks)
the boy’s day. He gets dressed at quarter to seven.
He has breakfast at quarter past seven.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to children who He goes to work at eight o’clock.
correctly give a time or say an action, but do not He has lunch at quarter past one.
produce a sentence. You may also wish to award 1 He goes home at six o’clock.
bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. He goes to bed at half past ten.
Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
4 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks) Total: 6 marks
Look at the picture with the child. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Point to the cow and ask Does it drink water? Point to
the sheep and ask Does it eat meat? Point to the
squirrel and ask Does it live on a farm? Point to the fox
and ask Does it live in the woods?
Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about
the animals.

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Challenge tests

Unit 5 test (64 marks) 6 Woman: Look. I’ve got a map of a different island.
Man: Is there treasure on the map?
Listening (16 marks) Woman: No, I can’t see treasure. But look, there’s
a volcano.
1 Listen and match. $  4.23 (8 marks)
Man: Oh yes.
1 Woman: What do the children want to watch?
Let’s start with Joe. Does he want to watch a 7 Man: What about this island? Are there caves and
science fiction film? rocks?
Man: No, he doesn’t. He wants to watch an Woman: No, there aren’t.
adventure film. Man: Is there a boat?
2 Woman: What about Alfie? Does he want to watch Woman: Yes. This is a boat
a comedy? 8 Man: Look! There’s a volcano on this island. Is there
Man: Yes, he does. He likes comedies a lot. treasure?
3 Woman: Does Katie want to watch a cartoon? Woman: Yes, that’s treasure.
Man: No. She doesn’t like cartoons. She wants to Answers:
watch a science fiction film. a 5 ​b  2 ​c  6 ​d  1 ​e  8 ​f  4 ​g  3 ​h  7
4 Woman: I like wildlife films a lot. Does Luisa want
to watch a wildlife film? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
Man: Yes, she does. She loves films about animals.
5 Woman: What about Stefan? Does he like cartoons? Speaking (16 marks)
Man: Yes, he does. He wants to watch a cartoon
about a dog. 3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
6 Woman: Does Helen want to watch a scary film? Look at the picture with the child.
Man: No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t like scary films. Point to the boy looking at the science fiction film and
She wants to watch a fantasy film. ask Does he want to watch a wildlife film? Point to the
girl looking at the adventure film and ask Does she
7 Woman: Does Max want to watch a musical?
want to watch a fantasy film?
Man: Yes, he does. He likes musicals a lot.
Encourage the child to give a full answer No, she
8 Woman: And what about Zara? What does she doesn’t want to watch a fantasy film. She wants to watch
want to watch? an adventure film.
Man: She wants to watch a scary film. Look! It’s Point to the boy looking at the scary film and ask Does
about a scary castle. he want to watch a science fiction film? Point to the girl
Answers: looking at the comedy poster and ask Does she want to
1 Joe – c ​2  Alfie – a ​3  Katie – f ​4  Luisa – h ​ watch a comedy?
5  Stefan – e ​6  Helen – d ​7  Max – g ​8  Zara – b Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about
the children.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
2 Listen and number. $  4.24 (8 marks) You may wish to award ½ marks to children who
1 Man: Tell me about an island. Are there rocks on correctly say the types of film, but do not produce a
the island? sentence. You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark
Woman: Yes, there are. Look! These are rocks. for good fluency and pronunciation. Total: 8 marks
Man: Is there a cave? (+1 bonus mark)
Woman: Yes. That’s a cave.
4 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks)
2 Man: What about this island. Are there trees?
Look at the picture with the child.
Woman: Yes, there are. Those are trees.
Ask Are there shells on the island? Encourage the child to
Man: What about treasure? point to the shells and to reply Yes. These are shells.
Woman: That’s treasure. Look! Then ask Is there a boat on the island? Encourage the
3 Woman: Now, look at this map. child to point to the boat and to reply Yes. This is a boat.
Man: Is it a map of the island? Ask Are there rocks on the island? Encourage the child to
Woman: Yes, it is. There isn’t a volcano, but there point to the rocks and to reply Yes. Those are rocks.
are trees and caves on the island. Then ask Is there a cave on the island? Encourage the
Man: Yes, I can see them. child to point to the cave and to reply Yes. That’s a cave.
4 Man: Is there a boat on this island? Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about
Woman: No, there isn’t. the island.
Man: Are there shells? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
Woman: Yes. Look! These are shells. You may wish to award ½ marks to children who
5 Man: Are there caves on this island? correctly identify some objects, but do not produce a
Woman: Yes. Those are caves. And look! These are sentence. You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark
boats. Can you see them? for good fluency and pronunciation. Total: 8 marks (+1
Man: Yes, I can. bonus mark)

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Challenge tests

Reading (16 marks) 3 Boy: Are there any insects near the trees?
Girl: Yes, there are.
5 Read and number. (8 marks)
Boy: Are there any bees?
a 3 ​b  4 ​c  7 ​d  1 ​e  8 ​f  2 ​g  6 ​h  5
Girl: No, there aren’t.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks 4 Girl: Are there any ladybirds?
Boy: Yes, there are.
6 Read and write True or False. (8 marks) Girl: Are they near the pond?
1 True ​2  False ​3  False ​4  False ​5  True ​6  False ​ Boy: No, they aren’t. They’re near the herbs.
7  True ​8  False 5 Boy: Are there any snails in the garden?
Girl: Yes, there are.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
Boy: Where are they?
Girl: They’re near the rocks.
Writing (16 marks) 6 Girl: Are there any butterflies?
7 Write the vocabulary. (4 marks) Boy: Yes, there are. There are lots. They’re near the
1 a scary film ​2  a wildlife film ​ trees. Look!
3  an adventure film ​4  a fantasy film ​5  a map ​ 7 Boy: Are there any insects near the shed?
6  an island ​7  a boat ​8  a cave Girl: Well, they aren’t insects. Insects have got six legs.
Boy: Are they spiders?
Score: ½ mark for each correct word. Total: 4 marks Girl: Yes, they are.
8 Girl: Are there any worms?
8 Write. Use This, These, That or Those.
Boy: Yes, there are.
(6 marks)
Girl: Where are they?
1 That is the volcano.
Boy: They’re near the shed.
2 Those are the trees.
3 These are the rocks. Answers:
4 This is the treasure. 1 A ​2  B ​3  B ​4  A ​5  B ​6  B ​7  A ​8  B
5 These are the shells. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
6 Those are the boats.
2 Listen and number. $  4.26 (8 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
Total: 6 marks 1 Boy: There are lots of people in the Community
Garden today.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. Girl: Yes, there are. Look! There’s Enzo and Aiden.
Boy: What are they doing?
9 Write sentences. (6 marks)
Girl: They’re planting the seeds.
1 She wants to watch an adventure film.
2 Girl: Can you see Laura and Lucy.
2 He wants to find the treasure.
Boy: Yes, I can. Look!
3 She doesn’t want to get up.
Girl: What are they doing?
4 He doesn’t want to go into the cave.
Boy: They’re feeding the birds.
5 She wants to watch an adventure film.
3 Boy: What’s Gabriel doing? Can you see him?
6 He doesn’t want to paint a picture.
Girl: Yes, I can. He’s near the shed. He’s washing
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence. lettuces.
Total: 6 marks Boy: Oh yes. I can see him too.
4 Girl: Look! There’s Rosa and Sarah.
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Boy: Where? I can’t see them.
Girl: They’re digging up the potatoes. They’re putting
Unit 6 test (64 marks) them into the wheelbarrow. Can you see them now?
Boy: Oh yes, I can.
Listening (16 marks) 5 Boy: What’s Anika doing?
Girl: She’s picking raspberries with Ed.
1 Listen and circle A or B. $  4.25 (8 marks)
Boy: Oh yes. They’re near the shed.
1 Boy: Choose a garden, A or B.
6 Girl: What are Sarah and Carla doing? Are they
Girl: Alright. planting the seeds?
Boy: Now, are there any worms in the garden? Boy: No, they aren’t. They’re watering the roses.
Girl: Yes, there are. They’re near the rocks. 7 Boy: There are lots of roses. Is Camilla watering the
2 Girl: Your turn. Are there any grasshoppers in the roses too?
garden? Girl: Yes, she is. She’s using a big watering can. Look!
Boy: No, there aren’t. 8 Girl: And where’s Nicholas? I can’t see Nicholas.
Girl: Are there any ants? Boy: Look! There he is. He’s picking fruit.
Boy: Yes, there are. There are lots. Girl: Is he picking the raspberries too?
Boy: No, he isn’t. He’s picking the apples.

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Challenge tests

Score: 1 mark for each correct question or answer.
a 4 ​b  5 ​c  8 ​d  2 ​e  3 ​f  6 ​g  1 ​h  7 Total: 6 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.

9 Write sentences about the garden. (6 marks)

Speaking (16 marks)
Suggested answers:
3 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks) There are some butterflies.
Look at the picture with the child. There are some snails.
Ask Are there any ants? Are there any ladybirds? Are there There are some ladybirds.
any worms? Are there any bees?
Harry and Max are washing the lettuces.
Then say to the child Now ask me four questions about
Daisy is picking the raspberries.
the picture.
Lucy is feeding the birds.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
You may wish to award ½ marks to children who do Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence.
not produce a sentence. You may wish to award 1 Total: 6 marks
bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark)

4 Talk to your teacher. (8 marks) End of Term Tests 1–3 Challenge

Look at the picture with the child.
Ask What are Harry and Luke doing? What are Ben and Term Test 1 (64 marks)
Mary doing? What are Ed and Sarah doing? What are the
squirrels doing? Listening (16 marks)
Then say to the child Now ask me four questions.
1 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $  4.27 (4 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish 1 Woman: Hello, Kayden. Can I help you?
to award ½ marks to children who do not produce a Boy: Yes, please. I’m looking for my sister’s
sentence. You may wish to award 1 bonus mark for dictionary.
good fluency and pronunciation. Total: 8 marks Woman: Is this her dictionary?
(+1 bonus mark)
Boy: Oh yes, it is. Great! Thank you.
2 Woman: What else?
Reading (16 marks) Boy: My brothers can’t find their torch.
5 Read and write T (True) or F (False). (8 marks) Woman: Is this their torch?
1 T ​2  T ​3  F ​4  T ​5  F ​6  F ​7  F ​8  T Boy: No, it isn’t. This torch is small. Their torch
is big.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks 3 Woman: OK. What else?
Boy: Well, my friend can’t find his watch.
6 Read and circle. (8 marks) Woman: Can you see it here?
1 Yes, there are. ​2  No, there aren’t. ​3  Yes, there are. ​ Boy: Oh yes. Here it is. Great.
4  No, there aren’t. ​5  planting the seeds ​ 4 Woman: Anything else?
6  watering the roses ​​7  eating the raspberries ​ Boy: Well, my dad can’t find his ladder.
8  washing the lettuces
Woman: His ladder? Well, there isn’t a ladder here.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks Why don’t you look in the garden?
Boy: OK. Thanks.
Writing (16 marks)
1 ✓ ​2  ✗ ​3  ✓ ​4  ✗
7 Write the vocabulary. (4 marks)
1 a butterfly ​2  a worm ​3  an ant ​4  a ladybird ​ Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 4 marks
5  a grasshopper ​6  a snail ​7  a spider ​8  a bee
2 Listen and match. $  4.28 (6 marks)
Score: ½ mark for each correct word. Total: 4 marks 1 Woman: Look at the picture, Charlie. Can you draw
8 Write questions and answers. (6 marks) Boy: Yes, of course.
1 Are there any butterflies? Woman: Good, now, where’s Ashton? Is he going to
2 Are there any ants? No, there aren’t. the town hall?
3 What are they doing? They’re digging up the Boy: No, he isn’t. Look. He’s going to the museum.
4 What are they doing? They’re watering the roses.

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Challenge tests

2 Woman: What about Simon? Is he going to the Answers:

museum too? 1 A ​2  B ​3  C ​4  C ​5  B ​6  C
Boy: No, he isn’t.
Woman: Where’s he going? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Boy: He’s going to the town hall. Look! He’s
listening to music. Speaking (16 marks)
3 Woman: Where’s Luke? Is he having a drink?
4 Answer. (4 marks)
Boy: No, he isn’t. He’s eating a sandwich. Look!
He’s going to the bank with his mum. Ask the questions on the page.
Woman: Oh yes. Point to the girl and ask Is she going to the museum?
Point to the ladder and ask Is this their ladder? Then
4 Woman: Can you see Alvaro? Is he going to the
ask Do you play tennis? Are you good at swimming?
Boy: No. He isn’t going to the hospital. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
Woman: Where’s he going? to award ½ marks to children who can answer but do
Boy: He’s going to the theatre. Look! not produce a sentence. You may also wish to award
5 Woman: What about Ryan? Is he going to the 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
theatre too? Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Boy: No, he isn’t.
Woman: Where’s he going? 5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four
questions. (9 marks)
Boy: He’s going to the hospital. Look! He’s having a
drink too. Look at the picture with the child.
6 Woman: Now. Can you see Nico? Is he going to the Ask the child the questions on the page, pointing to
town hall? the relevant person if necessary. 1 Is he going to the
train station? 2 He’s got a bike. Do you cycle? 3 Look at
Boy: No, he isn’t. Look. He’s going to the hotel.
the poster. Do you play golf? 4 Are you good at surfing?
Woman: Great. Thank you. 5 Look at the woman. Is this her parcel?
Answers: Then say to the child Now ask me four questions.
1 Ashton – c ​2  Simon – a ​3  Luke – b ​
4  Alvaro – d ​5  Ryan – f ​ 6  Nico – e Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
to award ½ marks to children who understand and
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks can use the vocabulary, but do not produce a
sentence or a question. You may also wish to award 1
3 Listen and circle A, B or C. $  4.29 (6 marks) bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Total:
1 Girl: Do you do archery? 9 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Boy: No, I don’t. I don’t like archery.
Girl: What about kayaking? Do you like kayaking? 6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher.
Boy: No, I don’t. But I do gymnastics. (3 marks)
2 Boy: Do you like surfing? Look at the example picture and example speech
bubbles with the child. Read the first speech bubble
Girl: No, I don’t. I’m not good at surfing.
and point to the book. Encourage the child to read the
Boy: What about basketball? Do you play other speech bubble. Explain that the two of you will
basketball? now talk about the other three pictures. Start with
Girl: Yes, I do. It’s fun. picture 1 and point to the girl. Encourage the child to
3 Boy: Are you good at swimming? ask the question How much are they? Say They’re
Girl: Yes, I am! I like swimming. It’s fun. sixty-five pence. Repeat with picture 2. This time start
Boy: What about kayaking? Are you good at by saying How much is it? and encourage the child to
kayaking? say It’s three pounds fifty. Repeat with picture 3. This
Girl: No, I’m not. And I’m not good at diving. time encourage the child to ask the question How
4 Girl: Do you dive? much is it? Say It’s seventy pence.
Boy: No, I can’t dive well. But I can swim very well. Score: 1 mark for each correct response. You may
Girl: That’s good. Do you go rafting? wish to award ½ marks to children who can say some
Boy: No, I don’t. I’m not good at rafting. of the words but do not produce accurate sentences.
5 Boy: Are you good at skiing? You may also wish to award 1 bonus mark for good
Girl: No, I’m not. I can’t ski at all. I’m good at fluency and pronunciation. Total: 3 marks (+1 bonus
cycling. mark)
Boy: Really? What about tennis?
Girl: No. I’m not very good at tennis. Reading (16 marks)
6 Girl: Are you good at kayaking or waterskiing?
7 Read and write the letter. (6 marks)
Boy: No, I’m not.
1 b ​2  a ​3  d ​4  c ​5  e ​6  f
Girl: Do you like water?
Boy: Yes, I do. I’m good at surfing. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks

Oxford Rooftops 4   © Oxford University Press 95

Challenge tests

8 Read and write True or False. (5 marks) Answers:

1 False ​2  True ​3  False ​4  False ​5  True 1 Henry – c ​2  Nathan – b ​3  Arthur – d ​
4  Tobias – a
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 5 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 4 marks
9 Read and match. (5 marks)
1 d ​2  a ​3  e ​4  f ​5  c 2 Listen and tick ✓ or cross ✗. $  4.31 (8 marks)
1 Teacher: Hello Felix. Can you answer some
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 5 marks questions about your family?
Boy: Yes, of course.
Writing (16 marks) Teacher: Tell me about your brother, Josh. What
time does he get up in the morning?
10 Write the children’s answers. (4 marks)
Boy: He gets up at seven o’clock. He has breakfast
1 Yes, I do. ​2  Yes, I am. ​3  No, I don’t. ​ and goes to school.
4  No, I’m not.
2 Teacher: Does he like school?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 4 marks Boy: Yes, he does.
Teacher: What’s his favourite subject? Does he like
11 Write answers. (4 marks) Science and Maths?
1 Yes, it is. ​2  No, it isn’t. ​3  Yes, it is. ​4  No, it isn’t. Boy: He doesn’t like Science, but he loves Maths.
3 Teacher: Tell me about your sister, Marie. Does she
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 4 marks like Maths?
Boy: No, she doesn’t. And she doesn’t like Science.
12 Write two sentences for each child. Use Teacher: What about Art and Music?
He isn’t / She isn’t and He’s / She’s. (8 marks).
Boy: She likes Music. She plays the violin.
1 He isn’t going to the hospital. He’s going to the
4 Teacher: How old is Marie?
Boy: She’s young. She’s eight.
2 She isn’t going to the bank. She’s going to the
town hall. Teacher: Oh, what time does she go to bed?
3 He isn’t going to the petrol station. He’s going to Boy: She goes to bed at half past seven.
the train station. 5 Teacher: What about your brother, Julian. Does he
4 She isn’t going to the theatre. She’s going to the like English?
bank. Boy: No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t like poetry or books.
Teacher: What about Art? Does he like Art?
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence. You may Boy: Yes, he does. It’s his favourite subject.
wish to award 1 bonus mark for variety of sentence 6 Teacher: And does Julian go home at four o’clock
structure and accuracy. Total: 8 marks (+1 bonus mark) with you?
Deduct marks if spelling and structure is not Boy: No, he doesn’t. He plays football at school.
adequate. He goes home at five o’clock.
7 Teacher: Now, tell me about your mum. Does she
work at the hospital?
Term Test 2 (64 marks) Boy: Yes, she does.
Teacher: What time does she go to work?
Listening (16 marks) Boy: She goes to work at quarter to nine
1 Listen and match. $  4.30 (4 marks) 8 Teacher: Does she have lunch at the hospital?
1 Man: Look at the boys in the office. Can you see Boy: Yes, she does. She has sandwiches at half
Henry? past one.
Woman: Yes, I can. Teacher: And what about dinner?
Man: Has he got a headache? Boy: She has dinner at home.
Woman: No, he hasn’t. He’s got toothache. Look! Answers:
2 Man: What about Nathan? Has he got a headache? 1 ✓ ​2  ✗ ​3  ✓ ​4  ✗ ​5  ✓ ​6  ✗ ​7  ✓ ​8  ✓
Woman: No, he hasn’t. He’s got a cold. He’s going
home. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 8 marks
3 Man: What’s the matter with Arthur? Has he got
a cough? 3 Listen and circle A, B or C. $  4.32 (4 marks)
Woman: No, he hasn’t. He’s got earache. 1 Boy: Choose an animal.
Man: Is he going home too? Girl: OK.
Woman: Yes, he is. Boy: Does it live on a farm?
4 Man: Has Tobias got a headache? Girl: Yes, it does. It’s got two legs and it eats seeds.
Woman: Tobias? No, he hasn’t.
Man: Has he got toothache?
Woman: No. He’s got a stomach ache.

Oxford Rooftops 4   © Oxford University Press 96

Challenge tests

2 Girl: Your turn. Does it eat grass?

Score: 1 mark for each correct response. You may
Boy: No, it doesn’t. wish to award ½ marks to children who can name the
Girl: Does it eat insects? vocabulary items or say some of the words but do not
Boy: No, it doesn’t. It’s got four legs and it eats meat. produce accurate sentences. You may also wish to
3 Boy: It drinks water. It doesn’t live on a farm. award 1 bonus mark for good fluency and
Girl: Right. … Does it eat meat? pronunciation. Total: 3 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Boy: No, it doesn’t. It eats nuts.
4 Girl: OK. It doesn’t eat meat. Reading (16 marks)
Boy: Alright. … Does it eat grass?
Girl: No, it doesn’t. It eats seeds and it can fly. 7 Read and write the letter. (6 marks)
1 e ​2  d ​3  b ​4  a ​5  f ​6  c
1 C ​2  A ​3  A ​4  C Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 4 marks 8 Read and write True or False. (5 marks)
1 False ​2  False ​3  False ​4  True ​5  False
Speaking (16 marks)
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 5 marks
4 Answer. (4 marks)
Look at the picture with the child. 9 Read and match. (5 marks)
Then ask the questions on the page. Does she like Art? 1 a ​2  b ​3  f ​4  d ​5  c
There’s a deer. Does it eat grass? What’s the matter? Has
she got a headache? Look at the clock. What time does she Score: 1 mark for each correct match. Total: 5 marks
go home?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish Writing (16 marks)
to award ½ marks to children who can answer but do 10 Write questions and answers. (6 marks)
not produce a sentence. You may also wish to award
1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Suggested answers:
Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark) 1 No, she doesn’t.
2 No, it doesn’t.
5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four 3 Does it drink water? Yes, it does.
questions. (9 marks) 4 Does he like Geography? Yes, he does.
Look at the picture with the child.
Ask the child the questions on the page, pointing to Score: 1 mark for each correct question and answer.
the relevant person if necessary. 1 What times does she Total: 6 marks
go home? 2 What’s the matter? 3 Does he like History? Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
4 There’s a squirrel. Does it eat nuts? 5 There’s a fox. Does
it live on a farm? 11 What’s the matter? Write sentences.
Then say to the child Now ask me four questions. (4 marks)
1 She’s got a stomach ache.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
2 He’s got a cough.
to award ½ marks to children who understand and
can use the vocabulary, but do not produce a 3 She’s got earache.
sentence or a question. You may also wish to award 1 4 He’s got a cold.
bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Total:
Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.
9 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Total: 4 marks
6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
(3 marks)
Look at the example picture and example speech 12 Write six sentences about Ben. (6 marks)
bubbles with the child. Read the first speech bubble Ben gets up at seven o’clock.
and point to the clock. Encourage the child to read the He gets dressed at half past seven.
other speech bubble. Explain that the two of you will He has lunch at quarter to one.
now talk about the other three pictures. Start with He goes home at four o’clock.
picture 1 and point to the girl. Encourage the child to
He has dinner at half past six.
ask What time is English? Say It’s at half past nine.
Repeat with picture 2. This time start by saying What He goes to bed at quarter past nine.
time is Maths? and encourage the child to say It’s at
Score: 1 mark for each appropriate sentence.
quarter to one. Repeat with picture 3. This time point to
Total: 6 marks
the girl and encourage the child to ask What time is
Geography? Say It’s at two o’clock. Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.

Oxford Rooftops 4   © Oxford University Press 97

Challenge tests

Term Test 3 (64 marks) Answers:

1 Jake and Mark – c ​2  Kath and Ella – d ​
Listening (16 marks) 3  Ollie and David – f ​4  Amy and Sue – b ​
5  Chris and Neil – a ​6  Hannah and Abby – e
1 Listen and number. $  4.33 (4 marks)
1 Woman: What does George want to watch today? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Man: Well, he doesn’t want to watch a comedy. He
doesn’t like comedies. 3 Listen and circle A, B or C. $  4.35 (6 marks)
Woman: Does he want to watch this wildlife film 1 Woman: Are there caves on the island?
about insects? Man: Yes, there are. These are caves, and look, those
Man: Yes, he does. It looks good. are palm trees.
2 Man: What does Eva want to watch? There’s a scary Woman: Oh yes. There are lots of trees.
film and a fantasy film. 2 Man: Are there any ants in the garden?
Woman: Well, she doesn’t like fantasy films. Woman: Yes, there are. They’re near the shed.
Man: Does she like scary films? Man: Are there any grasshoppers?
Woman: Yes, she does. Look, this one’s about a Woman: No. I can’t see any grasshoppers.
castle. 3 Woman: Is there an island on the map?
3 Woman: What does Liam want to watch? Man: Yes, look. There’s treasure too.
Man: He wants to watch a musical. He likes singing Woman: Where?
and dancing. Man: Look! It’s near the trees.
Woman: What about a cartoon? 4 Man: What are the boys doing? Are they washing
Man: No, he doesn’t like cartoons. the lettuces?
4 Man: Does Jessica want to watch an adventure Woman: No, they aren’t. They’re near the trees.
film? Can you see them?
Woman: Is it about pirates? Man: Oh yes. They’re planting seeds. And look!
Man: Yes, it is. They’re on an island with some There are lots of bees.
treasure. 5 Woman: Are there any ladybirds in the garden?
Woman: Well she likes films about pirates, so yes. Man: Yes, there are some ladybirds and some snails.
Answers: Woman: Are there any spiders?
a 2 ​b  4 ​c  1 ​d  3 Man: No, there aren’t.
6 Woman: Are the girls digging up the potatoes?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 4 marks
Man: No, they aren’t. They’re watering the roses.
2 Listen and match. $  4.34 (6 marks) Woman: Oh yes. And look at the beautiful
1 Woman: There are lots of children in the garden
today. Answers:
Man: Yes, there are. Can you see Jake and Mark? 1 A ​2  C ​3  B ​4  C ​5  C ​6  B
What are they doing? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Woman: They’re digging up the potatoes. Look!
2 Man: What about Kath and Ella? Are they picking
the raspberries? Speaking (16 marks)
Woman: No, they aren’t. They’re near the shed. 4 Answer. (4 marks)
Look! They’re watering the roses. Look at the picture with the child.
Man: Oh yes. I can see them. Ask the child the questions on the page, pointing to
3 Woman: I can’t see Ollie and David. Can you? the relevant person if necessary. Say What are they
Man: Yes, I can. They’re near the shed. doing? Are there any snails in the garden? Are those rocks?
Woman: What are they doing? Does she want to watch a wildlife film?
Man: They’re feeding the birds.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
4 Woman: What are Amy and Sue doing?
to award ½ marks to children who can answer but do
Man: They’re picking the raspberries. Look! Can not produce a sentence. You may also wish to award
you see the bees? 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
Woman: Oh yes. There are lots of bees on the Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark)
5 Man: Are Chris and Neil planting the seeds? 5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four
Woman: No, they aren’t. They’re washing the questions. (9 marks)
lettuces today. Look at the picture with the child. Ask the child the
Man: Oh yes. I can see them. questions on the page. 1 What are the girls doing? 2 Are
6 Woman: What about Hannah and Abby? What are there any bees in the garden? 3 Are there any ants in the
they doing? garden? 4 Look at the little boy. Is that a map? 5 Does he
Man: They’re planting the seeds. There are lots of want to watch a science fiction film?
butterflies. Can you see them? Then say to the child Now ask me four questions.
Woman: Yes, I can. They’re very colourful.
Oxford Rooftops 4   © Oxford University Press 98
Challenge tests

11 Write sentences. Use This, These, That or

Score: 1 mark for each correct answer and question.
Those. (5 marks)
You may wish to award ½ marks to children who
understand and can use the vocabulary, but do not 1 That’s treasure. ​2  Those are rocks. ​3  That’s a
produce a sentence or a question. You may also wish boat. ​4  These are shells. ​5  This is a cave. ​
to award 1 bonus mark for good fluency and Score: 1 mark for each sentence. Total: 5 marks
pronunciation. Total: 9 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate.
6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher.
(3 marks) 12 Write questions and answers. (5 marks)
Look at the example picture and example speech 1 Does he want to watch an adventure film?
bubbles with the child. Read the first speech bubble 2 No, he doesn’t. He wants to watch a fantasy film.
and point to the lemonade. Encourage the child to 3 Does he want to watch a scary film?
read the other speech bubble. Explain that the two of 4 No, he doesn’t. He wants to watch a science fiction
you will now talk about the other three pictures. Start film.
with picture 1 and point to the girl. Encourage the 5 Does he want to watch a musical?
child to say Would you like a sandwich? Say No, thanks.
Repeat with picture 2. This time point to the boy and Score: 1 mark for each answer. You may wish to
say Would you like an apple? and encourage the child award 1 bonus mark for variety of sentence structure
to answer No, thanks. Repeat with picture 3. This time, and accuracy. Total: 5 marks (+1 bonus mark)
point to the girl and encourage the child to say Would
you like an ice cream? Say Yes, please. Deduct marks if spelling and structure is not
Score: 1 mark for each correct response. You may
wish to award ½ marks to children who can name the
vocabulary items or say some of the words but do not End of Year Test (64 marks)
produce accurate sentences. You may also wish to
award 1 bonus mark for good fluency and Listening (16 marks)
pronunciation. Total: 3 marks (+1 bonus mark)
1 Listen and number. $  4.36 (4 marks)
1 Boy: Is he going to the hospital?
Reading (16 marks) Girl: No, he isn’t.
7 Read and write the letter. (6 marks) Boy: Where’s he going?
1 f ​2  e ​3  c ​4  d ​5  b ​6  a Girl: He’s going to the theatre.
2 Boy: Do you play basketball.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks Girl: No, I don’t. I don’t like basketball.
Boy: What about judo?
8 Read and write True or False. (5 marks) Girl: Oh yes. I love judo. It’s fun.
1 False ​2  True ​3  True ​4  False ​5  True 3 Girl: Are there any trees on the island?
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks Boy: Yes! Those are trees.
Girl: Is there any treasure?
9 Read and match. (5 marks) Boy: Yes, there is. Look. This is treasure.
1 f ​2  b ​
3  a ​4  c ​5  d 4 Boy: Does your sister want to watch a science fiction
Score: 1 mark for each correct match. Total: 6 marks Girl: Yes, she does.
Boy: What about a cartoon?
Writing (16 marks) Girl: No. She doesn’t like cartoons.
10 Write answers. (6 marks)
a 4 ​b  1 ​c  2 ​d  3
1 Yes, there are.
2 No, there aren’t. Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 4 marks
3 They’re digging up the potatoes.
4 They’re planting the seeds. 2 Listen and match. $  4.37 (6 marks)
5 They’re washing lettuces. 1 Teacher: Hello, Sam. Can you draw some lines on
6 Yes, there are. the picture?
Boy: Yes, of course.
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks Teacher: Great. Can you find Tyler?
Deduct marks if spelling is not adequate. Boy: Yes, I can.
Teacher: What’s the matter?
Boy: He’s got a cold.

Oxford Rooftops 4   © Oxford University Press 99

Challenge tests

2 Teacher: What about Alicia and Daisy? Where are Answers:

they? 1 A ​2  C ​3  A ​4  C ​5  B ​6  A
Boy: They’re helping in the garden.
Teacher: What are they doing? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks
Boy: They’re picking raspberries. They’re eating
them too! Speaking (16 marks)
3 Teacher: What about Tony and Max?
Are they watering the roses? 4 Answer. (4 marks)
Boy: No, they aren’t. Look! They’re near the shed. Look at the picture with the child.
They’re digging potatoes. Then ask the questions on the page. Say Is she going to
4 Teacher: What’s Henry doing? Is he helping too? the sports centre? What time does she have lunch? Do you
play tennis? Are you good at swimming?
Boy: No, he isn’t.
Teacher: Oh, what’s he doing? Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
Boy: He’s listening to music. Look! to award ½ marks to children who can answer but do
5 Teacher: Where’s Elena? not produce a sentence. You may also wish to award
Boy: She’s near the flowers. Can you see the 1 bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation.
butterflies? Total: 4 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Teacher: Yes, I can. What’s Elena doing?
Boy: She’s having a drink. 5 Look and answer. Then ask your teacher four
questions. (9 marks)
6 Teacher: Is Megan having a drink too?
Look at the picture with the child.
Boy: No, she isn’t. She’s painting.
Ask the child the questions on the page, pointing to
Teacher: Does she like Art?
the relevant person if necessary. 1 Does Mum want to
Boy: Yes, she does. It’s her favourite subject. watch a fantasy film? 2 What are the boys doing?
Answers: 3 There’s a squirrel. Does it eat nuts? 4 What’s the
1 Tyler – d ​2  Alicia and Daisy – a  matter with Dad? 5 Are there any snails?
​3  Tony and Max – c ​4  Henry – e ​5  Elena – f ​ Then say to the child Now ask me four questions.
6  Megan – b
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. You may wish
Score: 1 mark for each correct answer. Total: 6 marks to award ½ marks to children who understand and
can use the vocabulary, but do not produce a
3 Listen and circle A, B or C. $  4.38 (6 marks) sentence or a question. You may also wish to award 1
1 Girl: Does your dad go home at five o’clock? bonus mark for good fluency and pronunciation. Total:
Boy: No, he doesn’t. He works at the hospital. 9 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Girl: So, what time does he go home?
Boy: He goes home at ten o’clock at night. 6 Act out scenes 1–3 with your teacher.
(3 marks)
2 Girl: Does it live on a farm?
Look at the example picture and example speech
Boy: No, it doesn’t.
bubbles with the child. Read the first speech bubble
Girl: Does it eat meat? and point to the smiling girl. Encourage the child to
Boy: No, it doesn’t. It eats insects and seeds. read the speech bubble: Of course. Here you are.
3 Boy: Does Suzie like History? Explain that the two of you will now talk about the
Girl: Yes, she does. other three pictures. Start with picture 1 and point to
Boy: What about Geography? the girl. Encourage the child to say Can I borrow an
Girl: No. She doesn’t like Geography and she arrow, please? Say Sorry, I haven’t got one. Repeat with
doesn’t like Science. picture 2. This time point to the boy and say Can I
4 Girl: Are you good at waterskiing? borrow a pencil, please? Encourage the child to say
Sorry, I haven’t got one. Repeat with picture 3. This
Boy: No, I’m not. But I’m good at kayaking.
time, point to the girl and encourage the child to say
Girl: What about rafting? Can I borrow a dictionary, please? Say Of course. Here
Boy: No. I don’t like rafting. you are.
5 Boy: Do you do archery?
Girl: No, I don’t. They don’t have archery lessons Score: 1 mark for each correct response. You may
at the sports centre. wish to award ½ marks to children who can name the
Boy: What about basketball and tennis? vocabulary items or say some of the words, but do
not produce accurate sentences. You may also wish to
Girl: I don’t play tennis, but I play basketball.
award 1 bonus mark for good fluency and
It’s fun.
pronunciation. Total: 3 marks (+1 bonus mark)
6 Boy: Are there any worms in the garden.
Girl: No, there aren’t.
Boy: Are there any ladybirds and ants?
Girl: There are some ladybirds, but there aren’t
any ants.

Oxford Rooftops 4   © Oxford University Press 100

Challenge tests

Reading (16 marks)

7 Read and write the letter. (6 marks)
1 c ​2  a ​3  f ​4  b ​5  d ​6  e

Score: 1 mark for each correct match. Total: 6 marks

8 Read and write True or False.

1 True ​2  False ​3  False ​4  True ​5  True ​6  False

Score: 1 mark for each correct match. Total: 6 marks

9 Read and match. (4 marks)

1 d ​2  a ​3  b ​4  c

Score: 1 mark for each correct match. Total: 4 marks

Writing (16 marks)

10 Write Lauren’s answers. (4 marks)
1 Yes, I do. ​2  No, I’m not. ​3  No, I don’t. ​
4  I’ve got a cold.

Score: 1 mark for each correct sentence.

Total: 4 marks

11 Write questions. (6 marks)

1 Are there any ladybirds?
2 Does it eat nuts?
3 Is she going to the theatre?
4 Is this their parcel?
5 Does she want to watch a scary film? / Does she like
scary films?
6 What time does he go to bed?
Score: 1 mark for each correct question and answer.
Total: 6 marks

12 Write six sentences. (6 marks)

Suggested answers:
The boys are digging up the potatoes.
The girls are feeding the birds.
Mum and Dad are planting the seeds.
Tom is listening to music.
The bees are near the tree.
The snails are near the rocks.
Score: 1 mark for each sentence. You may wish to
award 1 bonus mark for variety of sentence structure
and accuracy. Total: 6 marks (+1 bonus mark)
Deduct marks if spelling and structure is not

Oxford Rooftops 4   © Oxford University Press 101

Introduction to the Portfolio

What is the European Language Vocabulary record

Portfolio? These worksheets can form part of the Language
It is a way to keep a record of the experience of Passport or, if the children complete them as
learning a language. Each child has their own self-evaluation, they could form part of the
Portfolio, which will accompany them Linguistic Biography. The children put a ✓ in the
throughout their learning. box by each vocabulary item that they can
The Portfolio consists of three parts: understand, say and read. They then write the
word in the last box.
• The Language Passport, which offers a general
overview of the linguistic ability of each child Course certificate
in one, or several, languages. It includes This can form part of the Language Passport.
elements of self-evaluation along with
assessment by the teacher.
Additional ideas
• The Linguistic Biography, which intends that
The children can organize their Portfolios into
the child reflects on their own learning
sections, such as About me, My vocabulary,
process, to help them plan and evaluate their
(Linguistic Biography), My work in class and
learning in the future.
‘I can …’ (Language Passport). They can make an
• The Oxford Rooftops Box, which contains pieces Oxford Rooftops Box using a shoe box. They can
of work that illustrate the achievements, write their name, the name of their class and the
ability and experiences of the child, as name of their teacher on a label and attach it to
reflected in the two previous sections. the top of the box. Encourage the children to
include in their box the pieces of work of which
What is the Oxford Rooftops Portfolio? they feel especially proud.
The Oxford Rooftops Portfolio is an ‘English Encourage the children’s parents to take an
Portfolio’ that aims to familiarize the children interest in the experiences of their children. They
with the notion of the European Language could help them find English objects for their
Portfolio. It represents a useful tool for teachers of Portfolios (Linguistic Biography) such as stamps
subsequent levels as it allows them to see what and labels.
vocabulary and structures the children have You could create an ‘English corner’ in your
already learnt. classroom and encourage the children to bring in
Oxford Rooftops 4 offers you the following things related to English-speaking countries.
photocopiable materials for the English Portfolio.

‘I can …’ statements
This page forms part of the Linguistic Biography.
On the first page, the pupil writes the number of
the corresponding unit in the balloon if they
know how to do what the phrase says. On the
second page, the child puts a ✓ in each box if
they know how to do what the phrase says.

Oxford Rooftops 4   © Oxford University Press 102

I can … Portfolio

I can understand I can sing a

I can read a story. I can ask questions.
the teacher. song.

I can understand I can read

I can answer I can write
and use everyday and understand
questions. a short blog post.
language. a blog post.

I can repeat words I can watch and

in English with understand video I can complete I can evaluate my
acceptable clips about British phrases. own work.
pronunciation. culture.

I can think about I can listen to I can remember

I can play games. my local and understand words and phrases
community. dialogues. from earlier units.

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 103

I can … Portfolio

I can
say what is in the local community.

S ask my friends what they are doing.

tell my friends what I like doing.

I can

1  sk someone where they are and

what they are doing.

 sk someone if something belongs

to them.
I can

2 ask someone what sports they like.

 sk someone what sports they are

good at.

I can

3 ask about someone’s school day.

ask someone what the matter is.

I can
 sk someone about their daily

t alk about animals and ask where

they live.
I can

5 talk about the films I like to watch.

 sk and answer questions with a


I can

6 ask about insects in the garden.

 sk what someone is doing in the


Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 104

S My Portfolio Vocabulary record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

o c

e h


o e r
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Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 105

2 My Portfolio Vocabulary record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

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m s i
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Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 106

1 My Portfolio Vocabulary record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

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Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 107

3 My Portfolio Vocabulary record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

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a s a m h
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Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 108

My Portfolio Vocabulary record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

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Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 109

5 My Portfolio Vocabulary record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

r a f e l u
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t o o
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Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 110

6 My Portfolio Vocabulary record

Listening Speaking Reading Writing

n t

e e
t e u l
y t b f

p g s h r
a e
o p r s

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b a i
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Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press 111

I certify that

has completed Oxford Rooftops 4

Signed (teacher)

My favourite unit was …

Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3 

In Rooftops City At the Sports Centre At Rooftops School

Unit 4  Unit 5  Unit 6 

At the Fire Station At the Cinema In the Community Garden

Signed (pupil)

Oxford Rooftops 4   PHOTOCOPIABLE    © Oxford University Press

Introduction to the Key Competences

What are the Key Competences in the The theme of community is at the heart of Oxford
foreign language classroom? Rooftops and the city of Rooftops represents an
Key Competences describe a range of skills, identifiable community for children, in which
knowledge, attitudes and behaviour developed in learning English and behaviour compatible with
all subjects to serve children for life and learning being a good citizen, go hand in hand. Children
outside the classroom. learn how to be good citizens alongside the
course characters, and the community values
European legislation defines eight Key
themes explicitly explore positive behaviour.
Competences, distinguishing between
Values and citizenship, interpersonal and social
communication in the mother tongue and a
skills, codes of conduct, norms of behaviour and
foreign language; these two have been combined
customs in similar and different environments
to create seven Key Competences in the Spanish
are all positively modelled, helping children
educational system.
absorb socio-political concepts like equality and
Therefore the Key Competences are defined as the diversity and spark interest in other people’s
following: culture and customs.
• Linguistic communication
• Social and civic competences 3 Digital competence
This involves the confident and critical use of
• Digital competence
information and basic skills in information and
• Learn to learn communication technology (ICT).
• Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship The blend of digital and print material in Oxford
• Cultural awareness and expression Rooftops means that Digital competence is
developed on a day to day basis. Oxford Rooftops
• Mathematical competence and basic
recognizes that technology is a part of everyday
competences in science and technology
life inside and outside the classroom and
encourages children to be safe and responsible
1 Competence in Linguistic users whilst also providing opportunities to
communication develop the necessary IT skills to do this
This encompasses effective communication and effectively.
expression in a range of contexts, such as at
home, leisure or school, according to the children 4 Learn to learn
age and stage of development.
This competence encompasses the development
Throughout the six levels of Oxford Rooftops input of study skills and attitudes that help children to
of vocabulary and grammar essential for continue learning inside and outside the
effective communication is presented in classroom efficiently and autonomously.
motivating contexts and through a variety of
Lots of the activities in Oxford Rooftops are
mediums to fire children’s curiosity and
designed to get children thinking about how they
encourage a genuine desire for communication.
learn, what sort of learner they are and what
Every activity in Oxford Rooftops is designed with learning strategies they can adopt to become
a linguistic outcome for children, and the course more efficient learners.
has been specially developed to provide
Self-evaluation plays an important part in this as
challenging and motivating input alongside the
does the development of positive learning
development of the four skills of reading, writing,
attitudes and self-reliance as a learner.
listening and speaking.
All levels of Oxford Rooftops have explicit self-
evaluation, learning to learn and reference
2 Social and civic competences
materials to support the development of this
This competence describes the range of social, competence. For example, self-evaluation
interpersonal and intercultural skills and activities encourage children to review and
behaviour that equip individuals to participate evaluate the classroom activities and begin to
effectively and constructively in society. reflect on their personal learning style, while
Oxford Rooftops presents language to children in Picture Dictionaries at all levels, completed by
different everyday contexts in which they can the children involve them in creating their own
broaden their social and civic knowledge and personalized reference tools.

Oxford Rooftops 4   © Oxford University Press   Introduction to the Key Competences 113
Introduction to the Key Competences

5 Sense of initiative and many other language activities in Oxford Rooftops

entrepreneurship require some degree of mathematical thinking or
This competence is related to the competence of the application of scientific knowledge such as
‘Learn to learn’ and also describes values and conducting a survey, doing an experiment or
attitudes such as perseverance, self-esteem and identifying the stages of a living process such as
the capacity to calculate risks and identify plant reproduction.
solutions to problems, and the ability to turn
ideas into action. Evaluating the Key Competences in the
Many of the communicative activities in Oxford foreign language classroom
Rooftops contribute to the development of this In Oxford Rooftops, the material has been
competence, with children working carefully developed to ensure that the learning
independently, in pairs or in groups to achieve a that takes place in every lesson supports the
specific goal. These might include an interactive development of the Key Competences.
game, a performance of a song or chant or a In the Teacher’s Guide you will find suggestions
communication activity to name but a few. These as to how the material fulfils specific Key
activities require planning, cooperation and Competences.
organizational skills, such as time-management,
flexibility and determination, all of which serve You may use the Key Competences evaluation
as a foundation to the acquisition of more grid (part of evaluation grid 2) alongside these
specific skills and knowledge needed by those suggestions, to aid you in your assessment of
establishing or contributing to social or these Key Competences at any given point in a
commercial activity. lesson and as part of everyday classroom
practice. As you become more familiar with the
Key Competences and your classroom material,
6 Cultural awareness and expression you will feel more confident about choosing what
Oxford Rooftops offers plenty of opportunities to to assess. It might be easier to assess in small
develop an appreciation of the importance of the groups than as a whole class. You could think
creative expression of ideas, experiences and about setting aside some general competence
emotions in a range of media for example assessment time while children do a particular
through music and song, acting out stories, and activity. You can involve the children in the
literature and art activities. assessment by telling them what you are looking
Children are encouraged to creatively express for in any given session and what you would like
themselves through participation in such them to do better next time. After feedback give
activities as singing and performing songs and them another go to see if they have improved.
chants, the acting out of stories or rhymes and Get the children to review and monitor each
arts and crafts such as making mini-books or other if you think they are able (this is an
craft activities in the classroom, and through important part of learning to learn and is
learning about the culture of English-speaking motivating even to young children).
countries around the world. The many
You will also find more detailed descriptors of the
personalization tasks to be found in the course
Key Competences in the course ‘programaciones’.
material also build children’s confidence in their
own creative expression. In addition, there is an optional Social Tasks
project in a separate section.
7 Mathematical competence and basic The skills and Key Competences required to
competences in science and technology successfully complete the Social Tasks are all
Mathematical competence is the ability to apply skills that are developed and practised in Oxford
mathematical thinking to a range of situations Rooftops as part of everyday classroom practice.
with the emphasis being placed on process, However, as a discrete project, the Social Tasks
activity and knowledge, while science and give children an additional motivating and
technology refers to the mastery and the use and practical outcome to work towards, while at the
application of knowledge and methodologies same time providing teachers with a clear
which explain the natural world. opportunity for practical assessment of the
Oxford Rooftops brings in a wide range of concepts competences. You will find more information and
from across the curriculum including the Science teaching notes for the Social Tasks in the Social
and Maths curriculum in which these Task section that follows.
competences are directly applied. In addition,

Oxford Rooftops 4   © Oxford University Press   Introduction to the Key Competences 114
Integrating Key Competences in Class

Primary 4

Plácido Bazo Marcos Peñate

Integrating Key Competences in Class
Primary 4
Contents Page Contents Page

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Teaching Notes

My Social Tasks Diary . . . . . . . . . . 10
Social Tasks Objectives . . . . . . . . . . 4 Task 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Task 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Templates Task 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
My Social Tasks Diary . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Final Task . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Task 1 A Tourist Brochure . . . . . . . . . 6
Task 2 A Celebrity Profile . . . . . . . . . 7 Evaluation
Task 3 Autonomous Evaluation Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Community Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Evaluation Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Final Task Autonomous
Community Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Key Competences in What do the Social Tasks for Primary 4 provide?
In order to facilitate the use of Social Tasks in the Primary
classroom, we have developed this material, designed
Primary Education specifically for Primary 4 children. This material consists of the
objectives behind each Social Task, the worksheets for children,
and teaching and evaluation notes for teachers.
What is a Key Competence?
A Key Competence is the ability to integrate knowledge, To begin, please consult the Objectives (p. 4), which describe
skills and behaviour in a practical way to solve problems and the Social Task you will undertake with your children, including
react appropriately in a variety of contexts and situations. It the Key Competences and curriculum areas covered, as well
is the integration and application of theoretical and practical as the resources you will need. An important part of any Social
knowledge in settings outside the academic context. Task is that its relevance extends beyond the classroom; here
we also indicate which contexts the children will be moving in
European legislation defines eight Key Competences, when preparing this Social Task, i.e. school, family, community.
distinguishing between communication in the mother tongue
and a foreign language; these two have been combined to The Social Task we have presented is broken down into four
create seven Key Competences of reference in the Spanish enabling tasks, each a separate part of the final, cumulative
educational system: Linguistic communication, Mathematical Social Task. These enabling tasks are defined in the Objectives so
competence and basic competences in science and technology, that you can prepare and plan for each step in the performance
Digital competence, Learn to learn, Social and civic competences, of the Social Task.
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship, and Cultural awareness
and expression. The worksheets (pp. 5–9) for the children will help guide
their work in groups, and should be distributed to each child
individually. This is especially important as the five worksheets
How do the Key Competences work in the classroom?
that make up the Social Tasks will form an archive of their work.
Incorporating the Key Competences in the Primary classroom
For this reason, the first worksheet is called My Social Tasks
opens the door to communicative language work that
Diary; here the children must organise their group and their
completes and enriches the children’s knowledge and skills in
work, and when finished, this sheet will form the cover of their
the mother tongue.
complete archive of the Social Tasks. There is one worksheet
This implies changes in teaching methods, now focusing on:
for each enabling task, and at the bottom of each worksheet is
• Essential learning (from knowing to being competent). an area called ‘My Social Tasks Notes’, which is where children
• Constructive learning (understanding and applying) rather should record their thoughts and responses to the Social Task
than reproductive learning (repetition).
work. Recording and evaluating one’s own work is another
• Research and use of ICT. important part of the process of Social Tasks.
• Student autonomy.
• Group work. The Teaching Notes (pp. 10–14) provided will give you step-by-
• Transfer of learning. step instructions on how to carry out each of the enabling tasks.
• A transversal subject and content curriculum (horizontal They also remind you of the objectives of each task and include
and vertical).
the language that may be useful for developing the task, when
• Integration of formal and informal learning. appropriate, as well as the materials needed.
• Coordination between departments.
Finally, you will find the Evaluation Notes (p. 15), to help you
The Social Tasks presented here are activities that are based on
evaluate each pupil’s efforts and contribution to the Social Task.
these methods. Through group work on Social Tasks, children
This is followed by an Evaluation Grid (p. 16) so that you can
and teachers adhere to a programme that is focused on
easily assess the children’ work in terms of Key Competences
essential learning and one that is directed towards the practical
employed while carrying out this Social Task.
application of the knowledge acquired.

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 3


Social Task title

Autonomous Community Fair

Social Task description

To organise a fair with information about the children’s autonomous community. In each stand there will be a
tourist brochure, a profile of a celebrity and a map with a description of the autonomous community.

Level: Primary 4

This Social Task deals with the following Key Competences:

• Linguistic communication
• Digital competence
• Social and civic competences
• Cultural awareness and expression
• Learn to learn
• Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology
• Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Curriculum areas

English, Art, Geography, Social Sciences


School, family, community


Library books, the internet

Final product

A display of all materials prepared: a tourist brochure, a profile of a celebrity and a map.

Performance of the Social Task

Enabling tasks:
• A Tourist Brochure
• A Celebrity Profile
• Autonomous Community Map
• Autonomous Community Fair

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 4

My Social Tasks Diary

My Social Tasks Diary

Name of the group:
Members of the group:
Social Task Title:

Did you do it?

What are you going to do? When?
Yes No

My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

Add this page to your diary

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 5

Task 1

A Tourist Group:

Members of the group:

Welcome to: !

Things you can do

Stick a picture here

Places you can visit

Stick a picture here

My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

Add this page to your diary

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 6

Task 2

A Celebrity Group:

Members of the group:


Autonomous community:

Physical description:

Reason for being a celebrity:

Other important facts:

My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

Add this page to your diary

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 7

Task 3

Autonomous Group:

Members of the group:



Mountain Landmark
Forest City
River Capital citiy

My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

Add this page to your diary

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 8

Final Task

Autonomous Community Fair

Autonomous Community Fair

Group A Tourist Brochure
A Celebrity Profile
Date Community Map

My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

Add this page to your diary

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 9

Teaching Notes My Social Tasks Diary
Task objectives My Social Tasks Diary
Learn to: … work in a group.
Practise talking: … about your autonomous community.
My Social Tasks Diary
Language suggestions Name of the group:

Vocabulary: free-time activities, weather, locations, Members of the group:

prepositions 1.
Key phrases: My autonomous community is in the (south) 3.
Social Task Title:
of Spain. It’s very (sunny). There are lots of (beaches/ Date:
Did you do it?
What are you going to do? When?
Yes No
My Social Tasks Diary

• With this Social Task, children must work with several Key My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

Competences. The project involves preparing different

items to be displayed in an Autonomous Community Fair.
The display is going to include at least three documents: a Add this page to your diary

tourist brochure, a celebrity profile and a map with general Social Tasks for Primary 4 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 5
information about the autonomous community.

Step 3
• Tell your students that they are going to prepare different
things for a fair about their autonomous community for the • Finally explain that this page will become the cover of their
school hall and the public library (if possible). Ask them to talk Social Tasks Diary, so they should decorate it as they wish.
about their autonomous community and to say the things • Go round the class making sure that all the children in the
they most like about it. Have a discussion in L1. group are participating, and praise their work.
• Then ask them some questions in English: Do you like • When they have finished, collect their work and put it safely
(Catalonia)? Do you like (the weather)? What’s your favourite away, as they will use it for the next task.
(city/town)? I like (the weather). My favourite city is (Barcelona).
Do you go (to the countryside/museums)? Do you go (with your

Step 1
• Ask the class to form groups of three and give a name to each
group. You are group 1. Write One. Do the same with the other
• Hand out My Social Tasks Diary. Explain to the class that this
is called ‘My Social Tasks Diary’ and that each student has one.
They are going to use this page to record everything they
do related to the class project they are going to do, which is
called a ‘Social Task’.

Step 2
• Ask them to write the names of the members of their group
on their Social Tasks Diary. Encourage them to ask each other
questions: What’s your name? My name’s (Ana).
• Then ask them to write the name of this Social Task:
‘Autonomous Community Fair’. Write it on the board so that
they can copy it.
• Write the date on the board and ask them to copy it too.

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 10

Teaching Notes Task 1
Task objectives Task 1
Learn to: … work in a group; search for information in
different media.
A Tourist Group:

Practise talking: … about your autonomous community. Brochure

Members of the group:

Welcome to: !
Language suggestions Things you can do

Vocabulary: review key topics (free-time activities, weather,

locations, prepositions) Stick a picture here

Key phrases: My autonomous community is in the (south)

of Spain. It’s very (sunny). There are lots of (beaches/
mountains). This is (the Giralda in Seville). It’s in (Andalucia). Places you can visit

I’ve got a picture of (Gazpacho).

Stick a picture here

My Social Tasks Diary, Task 1, the internet

My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

• We suggest that you use three sessions to do the first part of
the Social Task (the tourist brochure): the first session for the Add this page to your diary

groups to discuss and choose what they are going to include, Social Tasks for Primary 4 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 6
the second session to find information and pictures about the
things they suggest doing / the places they suggest visiting
and to draw the flag, and the third session to present their
brochure to the class. Step 2
• Now hand out photocopies of Task 1 to each pupil and ask
Warmer them to write the name of their group and the names of each
• Distribute the Social Tasks Diaries from the last session to group member at the top. Ask each group to write the name
groups and remind them about the Autonomous Community of their autonomous community on Task 1 after ‘Welcome to:’.
Fair they are going to prepare for.
• Explain that one of the main sections of the fair is a tourist SESSION 2
brochure about their autonomous community and that Step 3
this is the part that you are going to prepare in the next few • Explain that they now have to find information and pictures
sessions. on the internet about the things they suggest doing / the
• Talk with the class about some Spanish regions, asking Do places they suggest visiting in their tourist brochure.
you like (Andalucia)? Have a brief discussion in L1 about their • They have to stick pictures on the worksheet and write about
region and the things they know about it, the places they the things they have chosen.
have been to, etc. • Ask children to complete the flag now, drawing the flag for
• Tell them that they are going to create their tourist brochures their autonomous community and colouring it in.
and that they have to get into their groups. Explain that the • Ask them to tell you what they have found, and to tell
brochure is intended for people who have never visited the you something about each picture in preparation for the
region before. next session: This is (the Giralda in Seville). I’ve got a picture of
Step 1 SESSION 3
• Ask groups to think about their autonomous community and Step 4
choose the things they are going to include in their brochure. • Ask each group to come to the front of the classroom and talk
• Write the following headings on the board: Things you can do; about their brochure: My autonomous community is (Madrid).
Places you can visit. Encourage them to discuss in their groups This is a picture of the (Santiago Bernabéu Football Stadium). You
what things they could include under these headings and can visit the museum from (half nine to half two).
decide together what to include in their tourist brochure. • Encourage the class to praise their work and congratulate
them and clap at the end.
• Ask the class to write the name of their autonomous
community and their suggestions in the first line of the table
in My Social Tasks Diary.

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 11

Teaching Notes Task 2
Task objectives Task 2
Learn to: … work in a group; search for information in
different media.
A Celebrity Group:

Practise talking: … about a celebrity from your Profile

Members of the group:

autonomous community.

Language suggestions Name:

Vocabulary: review key topics (free-time activities, jobs, Autonomous community:

physical descriptions, family, hobbies) Job:

Key phrases: (Iker Casillas) is a famous (footballer). He’s very Age:

(talented). Physical description:

Reason for being a celebrity:

Materials Hobbies:

My Social Tasks Diary, Task 2, library books, the internet Family:

Other important facts:

Introduction My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

• We suggest that you use three sessions to do the profile of

a celebrity section of the Social Tasks: the first session for the
groups to choose and discuss who they are going to talk Add this page to your diary

about, the second session to find information about this Social Tasks for Primary 4 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 7
person, and the third session to present it to the class.

• Distribute the Social Tasks Diaries from the last session to
groups and remind them about the Autonomous Community
Step 3
Fair they are going to prepare for. • Explain that they now have to find information and pictures
in their library books or on the internet about their chosen
• Explain that one of the main sections of the fair is a profile
of a celebrity from their autonomous community, and that
this is the part that you are going to prepare in the next few • They have to draw or stick a picture of the celebrity on the
sessions. worksheet and complete the information for each heading.
• Talk with the class about celebrities, asking Do you know any • Ask them questions about this person to help them fill in the
celebrities from (Asturias)? form: Is he/she (blond)? How old is (he/she)?
• Have a brief discussion in L1 about celebrities from their • Ask them to tell you what they have found, and to tell you
region, then ask them questions in English: What is (Fernando something about their celebrity in preparation for the next
Alonso)’s job? session: This is (Fernando Alonso). He’s a famous (Formula 1

Step 1 SESSION 3
• Ask the groups to choose a celebrity they would like to write Step 4
a profile for. • Ask each group to come to the front of the class and talk
about their celebrity: (Fernando Alonso) is a famous (Formula 1
• Ask each group, one by one, which person they have chosen.
driver) from (Asturias). He hasn’t got any children.
• Tell them to discuss in their groups what they know about
their chosen celebrity (e.g. age, appearance, hobbies, family),
• Encourage the class to praise their work and congratulate
them and clap at the end.
and decide together what to include.
• Ask the class to write the name of their celebrity from their
autonomous community in the relevant section of the table
Step 2 in My Social Tasks Diary.
• Now hand out photocopies of Task 2 to each pupil and ask
them to write the name of their group and the names of each
group member at the top. Ask each group to write the name
of the celebrity they have chosen on Task 2 after ‘Name:’.

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 12

Teaching Notes Task 3
Task objectives Task 3
Learn to: … work in a group; work individually; search for
information in different media.
Autonomous Group:

Practise talking: … about your autonomous community. Community

Members of the group:

Language suggestions
Vocabulary: review key topics (weather, places,
geographical features)
Key phrases: There are lots of mountains in (Aragon).
(Merida) has a very famous (Roman theatre). (Santiago de
Compostela) is a very famous city because of the (cathedral). Key

Lots of pilgrims walk there every year.

Mountain Landmark

Forest City

Materials River Capital citiy

My Social Tasks Diary, Task 3, library books, the internet Lake


My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

• We suggest that you use three sessions to do the
Autonomous Community Map section of the Social Tasks: Add this page to your diary

the first session for the groups to discuss and choose what Social Tasks for Primary 4 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 8
they are going to include, the second session to complete
their maps and write a short text, and the third session to
present their maps to the class.
Warmer Step 2
• Distribute the Social Tasks Diaries from the last session • Now hand out photocopies of Task 3 to each pupil and ask
to groups and remind them about the Autonomous them to write the name of their group and the names of
Community Fair they are going to prepare for. each group member at the top. Ask groups to write the
name of their autonomous community at the top and
• Explain that one of the main sections of the fair is a map of
colour in the region on the small map.
their autonomous community and that this is the part that
you are going to prepare in the next few sessions. • Now they draw a larger-scale map of their region, using the
symbols provided in the key. Encourage the groups to add
• Talk with the class about their autonomous community.
other symbols, if needed.
• Have a brief discussion in L1 about the cities they know
from their region and ask them questions in English: How
• Above this, ask the children to write a short text about the
weather, the population, the languages spoken, etc. in their
many cities do you know in (Galicia)?
• Explain that they are going to prepare a map showing
details about their autonomous community, and that they
have to now get into their groups. SESSION 3
Step 3
SESSION 1 • Ask each group to come to the front of the classroom and
talk about their region. (Santiago de Compostela) is a very
Step 1
famous city because of the (cathedral). Lots of pilgrims walk
• Ask the groups to find information about their autonomous there every year.
community and look at maps in library books or on the
• Encourage the class to praise their work and congratulate
them and clap at the end.
• Encourage them to discuss in their groups what they know
about the geography, the cities and the scenery of their
• Ask the class to write the name of their autonomous
community and their most famous cities / towns /
autonomous community, as well as the local languages, the
geographical features in the relevant section of the table in
weather, etc. Ask them to think about what information they
My Social Tasks Diary.
think they should include on a map of their region.

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 13

Teaching Notes Final Task
Task objective Final Task
Learn to: … work in a group; work individually; prepare
for a fair. Autonomous Community Fair
Language suggestions
Vocabulary: review key topics (weather, places,
geographical features)

My Social Tasks Diary, Final Task

• Distribute the My Social Tasks Diaries to groups and tell the Group
Autonomous Community Fair
A Tourist Brochure

class that they are going to do the last part: organise the With
A Celebrity Profile

Autonomous Community Fair.

Date Community Map

• Explain that each group will have the opportunity to show My Social Tasks Diary Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Final Task

the materials they have worked on to the Autonomous

Community Fair visitors (other classes and their parents).
Add this page to your diary

Step 1 Social Tasks for Primary 4 © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 9

• Distribute the Final Task to children and explain that they now
have to prepare an invitation to the fair to give to children in
other classes and to take home to their parents.
• Ask them to look at their My Social Tasks Diaries and to collate
all the materials they have been working on with their groups.

Step 2
• The children now have to complete the gaps in the invitation
and give it to children in other classes or take it home to their
parents so that they can come and see the fair.
• Ask them to write the name of the group, the team members’
names, and the date on which the fair will take place.
• Now ask them to complete the invitation with the details
of the materials they have been working on: the Tourist
Brochure (naming a few of the things they suggest doing /
the places they suggest visiting), the celebrity profile (writing
the name of the celebrity) and the map (including a few of
the important features/landmarks on their map).

Step 3
• Ask children to cut out the invitation following the dotted
lines. They can give it to children in other classes or take it
home to their parents.

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 14

Evaluation Notes
As presented in the Introduction (p. 3), these Social Tasks are
intended to provide you with a clear method to evaluate
your students’ acquisition of the Key Competences and
achievement of objectives with regard to linguistic content.
Here we present some guidelines to assess students’
• For the evaluation we suggest employing different tools
and descriptors in order to observe the use of the Key
Competences in the Social Task. We suggest the triangulation
method, using at least three tools when evaluating a Social
For example:
1. The students’ diaries
2. Your own observations and notes
3. A series of descriptors

• We have provided a table on the following page with

descriptors where you can evaluate each specific
competence or the general Key Competence. However, you
may wish to create your own table for the evaluation of this
Social Task.

• Tips that may help in your evaluation:

1. Take regular notes on your observation of students’
effort, collaboration and final tasks and performances.
2. Remember that the communicative aspect is more
important than the linguistic accuracy of the final tasks.
3. When correcting the students’ My Social Tasks Diaries,
give a code to the errors you find in them and give them
back to your students for them to correct.

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 15

Evaluation Grid
Name: Task:

Evaluation of Key Competences

Needs work Satisfactory Good Very Good Excellent

Linguistic communication
Understand vocabulary and structures associated with the
Social Task.
Use language appropriate for the Social Task.

Digital competence
Research and compile information about familiar topics in
digital format.
Use digital technology to learn the target language.

Social and civic competences

Value the target language as a means of communication with
other people and show curiosity and interest in people who
speak the target language.
Observe basic rules of exchange such as turn-taking and work
creatively and collaboratively in a group.
Cultural awareness and expression
Show curiosity and interest in finding information about the
people and culture of English-speaking countries.
Show creativity and a range of artistic techniques to fulfil a task
e.g. writing, singing, drawing, acting out a role play or story or
playing a game.

Learn to learn
Use basic learning strategies in preparing for the Social Task
such as using reference material e.g. Picture or Bilingual
dictionaries, or actively reviewing appropriate language, or
identifying language patterns.
Organise learning according to his or her needs in order to fulfil
the Social Task demonstrating a range of study skills.
Mathematical competence and basic competences in
science and technology
Identity and learn about different regions in Spain.

Use and draw maps with symbols.

Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship

Plan and check work for the Social Task and contribute to the
organisation of the Social task.
Put creative ideas into practice: participate in the development
and execution of the Social Task.

Social Tasks for Primary 4  © Oxford University Press Photocopiable 16

Oxford Rooftops Teacher’s Resource CD-ROM 4
© Oxford University Press 2015. All rights reserved.

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ISBN: 9788467393705

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Illustrations by: Adrian Barclay/Beehive Illustration (Evaluation & Key Competences p. 102); Judy Brown
(Pronunciation worksheets pp. 1 (t), 3 (b), 4 (m), 5 (b), 6 (m)); Jacqui Davis/Advocate Art (Reinforcement
and Extension worksheets pp. 8, 9 (t), 11 (br), 13 (t), 20, 21 (t), 23 (t), 24 (t)); Paul Gibbs (Reinforcement
and Extension worksheets pp. 1, 2 (t), 3 (t), 5 (b), 7 (b), 10 (t), 11 (t), 12 (t), 15 (t), 16 (b), 17 (b), 22 (t),
Culture worksheets p. 1, Story worksheets pp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Pronunciation worksheets p. 4 (b), Evaluation
& Key Competences pp. 1, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112); John Haslam (Reinforcement and
Extension worksheets p. 4, CLIL worksheets pp. 1, 2 (t, br), 3, 4, 5, 6); Andrés Martinez Ricci/The Organisation
(Reinforcement and Extension worksheets pp. 4, 5 (t), 6, 7 (t), 10 (b), 12 (b), 13 (b), 14, 17 (t, m), 18 (b), 19, 24
(b), 25 (m), 26 (t)), Pronunciation worksheets pp. 4 (t), 5 (t), 6 (t), Festival worksheets pp. 1, 2); Christos Skaltsas
(Reinforcement and Extension worksheets pp. 2 (b), 16 (t), 18 (t, m), 19 (music, paint brush and tube), 22 (b),
23 (b), 25 (t), 26 (b)); Ignatios Varsos (CLIL worksheets pp. 2 (bl), 11 (bl), Pronunciation worksheets pp. 1 (b), 2,
4 (t), 5 (t), 6 (t), Festival worksheets pp. 1, 2); Matt Ward/Beehive Illustration (Evaluation & Key Competences
pp. 5–72)

We would also like to thank the following for permission to reproduce the following photographs: Kobal (CLIL
worksheets p. 5 (Wallace and Gromit/ Dreamworks/Aardman Animations))

Social Tasks
Authors: Plácido Bazo, Marcos Peñate
Copyeditor: Stephen Longworth

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