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Storage Media A Neglected Variable For in Vitro ST

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ORIGINAL ARTICLE Storage Media: A Neglected Variable for in vitro Studies

Storage Media: A Neglected Variable for

in vitro Studies
Ranjit Kumar Reena, 2Saran Gill, 3Anil Miglani


Introduction: Various storage media have been used in orthodontic shear bond strength studies, however, the effect of the storage media
on human enamel has not been studied.
Aim: The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the effect of four commonly used storage media on the shear bond strength values
of orthodontic brackets bonded on extracted human teeth.
Materials and methods: A total of 60 freshly extracted noncarious premolars teeth were randomly divided into four groups. Group 1 was
stored in distilled water, samples of group 2 were stored in 10% formalin, group 3 were preserved in 70% ethanol and samples of group 4
were stored in isotonic saline solution. After a storage period of 30 days, the teeth were rinsed and brackets bonded with Transbond XT and
the specimens were evaluated for shear bond strength.
Results: The 10% formalin sample had statistically significant greater bond strength than the other test groups. The 70% ethanol group had
statistically lowest bond strength compared to other groups. The distilled water and isotonic saline solution group showed bond strength
which was comparable.
Conclusion: Storage media have an effect on bond strength results. Distilled water and isotonic saline storage produced comparable bond
strength. Formalin and ethanol storage produced extreme variation in SBS values.
Keywords: Storage media, Human enamel, Shear bond strength (SBS).

How to cite this article: Reena RK, Gill S, Miglani A. Storage Media: A Neglected Variable for in vitro Studies. J of Ind Ortho Soc 2011;45(1):5-8.

INTRODUCTION they need to be decontaminated before storage. Numerous

solutions for storage and disinfection/sterilization methods to
Technological advancements in the field of material sciences
treat extracted teeth are in practice. It is vital to remember that
necessitate various laboratory testing procedures before a
the reliability and success of bond strength studies and bonding
material is cleared and introduced commercially into clinical
procedures depend both on the integrity of enamel/dentin as
practice. The clinician is faced with an array of orthodontic
well as the bonding material used. The storage media usually
bonding adhesives flooded in the market. The researcher
provide adequate disinfection/sterilization of the teeth, however
provides valuable input into the range of bond strengths of the
the focus of concern is on the ability of these media to conserve
materials available to the clinician. Most of the orthodontic
the integrity of surfaces to be bonded, i.e. the enamel and/or
adhesives are tested for bond strength and biocompatibility
in vitro, as there are ethical and clinical issues involved with
Hence, the question arises, if these storage media have an
testing these materials in vivo. These difficulties in research adulterating effect on research studies assessing bond strength.
have led to the in vitro testing procedures on extracted human/ Therefore, it was decided to conduct this research on the effects
bovine teeth. of storage media, which may be considered as a neglected
The extracted teeth are a potential source for cross- variable in most of the in vitro bond strength studies.
contamination to laboratory equipments and personnel, hence
Professor and Head, 2Postgraduate Student, 3Professor The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of four
Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, DJ commonly used storage media (distilled water, 10% formalin,
College of Dental Sciences and Research, Modinagar, Uttar Pradesh 70% ethanol and isotonic saline solution) on the shear bond
strength values of orthodontic brackets bonded on extracted
Corresponding Author: Ranjit Kumar Reena, Professor and human teeth.
Head, Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial
Orthopedics, I-1724, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi, India MATERIALS AND METHODS
Sixty freshly extracted noncarious premolars obtained from
Received on: 28/1/11 therapeutic orthodontic extractions were used in the study. The
Accepted after Revision: 15/3/11 teeth were debrided by rinsing under running water followed

The Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society, January-March 2011;45(1):5-8 5

Ranjit Kumar Reena et al

Fig. 1: Samples mounted on color-coded acrylic testing cylinders

Fig. 2: Testing of SBS on an instron testing machine Fig. 3: Comparison of mean SBS values

by prophylaxis using EMSTM Piezon systems and polished with bond strength (SBS) on an Instron universal testing machine at
pumice rubber cups. The teeth were randomly divided into four a cross-head speed of 1 mm per minute (Fig. 2).
groups with 15 samples each. Group 1 was stored in distilled
water. Samples of group 2 were stored in 10% formalin. Group 3 RESULTS
were preserved in 70% ethanol and samples of group 4 were
The data collected was tabulated and subjected to one-way
stored in isotonic saline solution The teeth were stored in the
ANOVA for intergroup variability assessment. Samples stored
media for a period of 30 days prior to testing. They were then
in distilled water showed the maximum SBS of 7.4 MPa and
removed from their respective storage media and rinsed in
minimum of 6.5 MPa with a mean of 6.94 MPa. For the samples
distilled water and mounted in color-coded acrylic testing
stored in 10 % formalin, the SBS ranged from 7.6 to 8.2 MPa
cylinders for identification (Fig. 1).
with a mean of 7.88 MPa. The ethanol group showed a
The samples were bonded with brackets from 3M Unitek maximum SBS value of 6.9 MPa and a minimum of 6.2 MPa
(Gemini series) with Transbond XT (3M Unitek) as per the with a mean of 6.43 MPa. The sample stored in isotonic saline
manufacturer’s instructions, after acid etching for 30 seconds solution exhibited SBS values ranging from 6.5 to 7.4 MPa
with 37% orthophosphoric acid. The adhesive was cured with with a mean of 7.02 MPa (Table 1 and Fig. 3).
a halogen curing light (Blue LuxcerTM, M-855) for a total of 40 Comparison of the mean SBS values revealed that the
seconds, with 20 seconds on the mesial and 20 seconds on the formalin group exhibited the highest values followed by both
distal surfaces. All the samples were dipped in distilled water distilled water and isotonic saline solution showing comparable
at room temperature for a period of 24 hours prior to testing. values and the ethanol group showing the lowest SBS values
Subsequently, the samples were subjected to testing for shear (Fig. 3).


Storage Media: A Neglected Variable for in vitro Studies

Table 1: SBS values of one month storage. This is similar to the observations of
Sample Distilled 10% 70% Isotonic Retief et al2 when testing the effect of ethanol on dentin bonding
no. water formalin ethanol saline and Jaffer et al4 on bovine enamel. A plausible explanation for
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa) this effect could be due to the established desiccating action of
1 7.2 8.0 6.2 6.9 ethanol. The mean SBS of samples stored in isotonic saline
2 7.4 7.7 6.5 6.9 solution and distilled water were comparable at 7.02 MPa and
3 6.9 7.9 6.5 7.1 6.94 MPa respectively. These findings are in consonance with
4 7.1 7.8 6.3 7.0
the results of Jaffer et al.4
5 6.8 7.7 6.3 6.5
6 6.5 8.2 6.5 7.2 The 10% formalin group showed the highest SBS with a
7 7.0 7.9 6.4 7.0 mean value of 7.88 MPa, which was statistically significant
8 6.9 7.9 6.5 7.4 and similar to the results of Jaffer et al.4 Formalin has primarily
9 6.8 8.1 6.9 7.2
been used for fixing tissues for microscopy and histology, and
10 6.9 7.6 0.0 6.9
11 6.9 7.7 6.4 7.0 for embalming and temporarily preserving human and animal
12 7.0 7.9 6.5 6.9 remains. Formaldehyde fixes tissues and cells by crosslinking
13 6.8 7.8 6.2 7.1 primary amino-group with nearby nitrogen atoms in proteins
14 7.1 8.1 6.3 7.0 and DNA through –CH2– linkage while simultaneously acting
15 6.9 7.9 6.6 7.2
as a disinfectant of repute. This property of formaldehyde has
made it the most commonly used media of choice for
DISCUSSION disinfecting and storing extracted teeth prior to testing.
Research in the field of orthodontic material science focuses to However, this storage media seems to alter the structure of
a large extent on the bond strengths of adhesives. The bond bonding surfaces which no longer simulates the natural in vivo
strength values of orthodontic adhesives stand on a vivid platform conditions, thereby resulting in erroneous bond strength values.
which is remarkably different from the bond strength Cogent evidence of similar adulterating effect of formalin
requirements of material used in other fields. In orthodontics, has also been shown on bone specimen studies in medical field.
one would hardly appreciate the two extremes of the spectrum Wilke et al5 and Burkhart et al6 stated that formalin storage
altered biomechanical properties of bone. The specimens stored
but would rather concentrate at the more desirable optimum range
in formalin showed higher stiffness values of about 40% and
between 6 and 8 MPa. The success of in vitro bond strength testing
decreased range of motion by 80% as compared to fresh
has so far completely relied upon the close simulation of extracted
samples. The study concluded that formalin stored bone
teeth to near natural conditions. Bovine teeth have been used in
specimens were not representative of in vivo conditions. The
most studies as the radiodensity of human teeth is a close match
effect on stored extracted teeth could be further elucidated by
to that of the bovine teeth. The need for imperative sterilization
the physical property of high dielectric constant of formalin
and disinfection protocols of these extracted teeth are indeed
and the chemical property of stabilizing collagen by fixing and
unequivocal. However, stress has never been laid on the
crosslinking proteins, which prevents the network of decalcified
implications of the storage conditions on the structure of enamel
collagen fibrils from collapsing, thus resulting in higher bond
per se, which is usually presumed to be left intact.
strength values.
Literature evidences a few studies addressed to the effects
Shear bond strength tests though used widely in vitro have
of storage media on dentine by Kimura et al,1 Retief et al2 and
been criticized for their lack of standardization and consistency.
Goodis et al.3 However, the focus of concern in orthodontics is
Similarly, studies on effect of storage media are also replete
enamel, to which most of the orthodontic attachments are
with lacuna due to the lack of protocol standardization and
bonded. Due to the hardness, high inorganic and low organic
presence of numerous variables which can affect the outcome.
content, it has often been thought that the effect of storage media
To achieve highly conclusive results, studies should be
on enamel would be minimal. A thorough literature review
conducted with longer storage time on larger sample size with
revealed a singular study conducted to assess the effect of
variation in storage duration and test specimen incorporating
storage media on bovine enamel by Jaffer et al.4 However, the
young and old enamel. The disinfecting storage media, like
lacuna of information still existed in relation to the effects of Chloramine T, 0-1% Thymol, sodium hypochlorite and 2%
storage media on human enamel.This study was aimed to gluteraldehyde need to be evaluated as they would fulfill the
provide insights into the effect of commonly used storage media additional need for disinfecting the extracted teeth which will
on SBS of brackets bonded to human enamel. This is the first not be provided by isotonic saline or distilled water. Sterilization
reported study of its kind on human enamel. The storage media modalities like autoclaving, gamma radiation and cryo-
selected for the study were those most commonly used by technology would be worth studying supported by SEM and
researchers—distilled water, 10% formalin, 70% ethanol and Cone form microscopic studies to ascertain the changes in the
isotonic saline solution. structure of enamel caused by the storage media.
The results of the present study indicate variations in the
bond strengths of teeth stored in different media. The 70% CONCLUSION
ethanol group showed mean shear bond strength of 6.43 MPa, As storage media have an effect on bond strength, the proper
which was the lowest compared to other groups over a period selection of the storage media is imperative for realistic and

The Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society, January-March 2011;45(1):5-8 7

Ranjit Kumar Reena et al

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