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Advocacy Strategy PDF

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Advocacy is the strategic and deliberate process to bring about change in policies and practice. It can happen
through an advocacy strategy that seeks to achieve comprehensive change involving coordinated activity.

Advocacy can go beyond aiming simply to change policies, to challenge and change how people perceive their
ability to influence decision-making processes.

Advocacy should aim to directly and indirectly influence decision-makers and other stakeholders to support and
implement actions that contribute to the fulfilment of your objectives.


An advocacy strategy is a prescribed course of action to achieve your advocacy objectives. Being strategic in
advocacy is key to ensuring maximum impact and effectiveness.

Developing a strategy can help you to:

• Put resources (time, funds and skills) to their most effective use;
• Minimize risks and maximize opportunities;
• Identify opportunities for coordination and collaboration, and minimize duplication of efforts.

Building the foundations for successful advocacy

Understand the Agenda:

Do your Research and Gather your Evidence

Having a detailed understanding of the issues on which you will be building your advocacy strategy is critical in the
earliest planning stage. You need to decide what and who you want to influence by conducting research and analysis to
understand the context and to identify problems, priorities and target audiences, providing the necessary evidence to
back it up.
Research and analysis also supports many stages of the advocacy process, as gathering data and evidence enables you
to build messages, expand support, and monitor and evaluate progress. Your research can take many forms, for
example internet or desk-based research, conducting small focus group discussions or interviewing resource persons
already working on the agenda, and be as light or as in depth as your time and resources allow.

1. WHO?

You can be an advocate if you are passionate. Ready to get involved!

2. WHY?

Sometimes, passion alone is not enough. Advocacy involves getting powerful individuals or organizations to
make big changes that may not be in their short-term interest. Planning will help you: + Clarify goals + Make
active strategies to achieve goals + Increase your chance of success.

3. WHEN?

Complete a plan BEFORE you start advocating, because each part of the plan can affect the others. Plan your
goals, and be open to changing tactics to achieve those goals. When you plan everything together you can
both build support and make adjustments as you go.

4. HOW?

• Identify and Define Your Issues. Write a short statement of your problem. This will help you focus on
your plan.
• Prioritize Your G oals. What needs to change in order to affect the issue? Brainstorm any norms,
policies, procedures and/or laws that need to change.
• Research the Issue. (Facts and Figures, Resources, Community support, Summarize your research –
define the problem, define the solution, expected results
• Develop a Strategy. (Determine committee, Identify supporters, Choose a strategic style, Stay flexble,
Plan strategies)
• Establish a Plan of Action. (Clear message, Supporting material, Develop Tactics/Action steps)
• Build your Base of Support. (Communicate, Mobilize)
• Get to Know People and Key Players. (Research key players; Identify ways to contact key players)
• Monitor Activity. (Keep up information flow and use communication mechanisms; KEEP realistic

Complete a plan BEFORE you start advocating, because, each part of the plan
can affect the others. Plan your to changing tactics to achieve those goals. When
you plan everything together you can both build support
You can be an advocate! If you are passionate about Missouri CAN's vi sion - a state where all
people & communities thrive - get involved!

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