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Gravitational Radiation From A Rotating Magnetic Dipole: S. Hacyan February 20, 2018

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Gravitational radiation from a rotating

magnetic dipole
arXiv:1609.06296v2 [gr-qc] 13 Jan 2017

S. Hacyan
February 20, 2018

Instituto de Fı́sica, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,

A. P. 20-364, Cd. de México, 01000, Mexico.

The gravitational radiation emitted by a rotating magnetic dipole
is calculated. Formulas for the polarization amplitudes and the radi-
ated power are obtained in closed forms. A comparison is made with
other sources of gravitational and electromagnetic radiation, particu-
larly neutron stars with extremely powerful magnetic fields.

PACS: 04.30.Db; 04.30.Tv

Key words: gravitational waves; neutron stars

1 Introduction
Gravitational radiation is an important source of energy in many astrophys-
ical phenomena. A neutron star, for instance, radiates both electromagnetic
[1, 2] and gravitational waves [3, 4, 5]; the main sources of radiation are the
interior of the star (behaving as a magnetized fluid), the external magnetic
field and the corotating magnetosphere.
In the present article, we study the gravitational waves (GWs) generated
by one of these possible sources: a rotating magnetic dipole. In Section 2, the
radiated energy and the polarization amplitudes of the GWs are calculated
using the quadrupole formula and considering the electromagnetic field in

the near zone of the dipole, where most of the energy of the field is located.
The results are discussed in Section 3 and compared with other sources of
radiation, electromagnetic or gravitational, with a focus on stars such as
magnetars[6] that possess extremely powerful magnetic fields.

2 Near zone
Our starting point is the formula for the metric hTijT in the TT gauge (see
Maggiore [7] for notation and details),

1 2G
hTijT = Λij,kl(n̂)Q̈kl (t − r/c), (2.1)
r c4
where dots represent derivation with respect to time t,
Λij,kl (n̂) = Pik Pjl − Pij Pkl , (2.2)
Pij (n̂) = δij − n̂i n̂j (2.3)
is the projection tensor with respect to the unit vector n̂. The quadrupole is
defined as Qij = M ij − 13 δ ij M nn in terms of

M = 2 T 00 xi xj dV, (2.4)

where T 00 is the 00 component of the energy-momentum tensor.

The energy radiated in the form of GWs in the direction of n̂ is
Z ∞
dE r 2 c3
= dt ḣTijT ḣTijT . (2.5)
dΩ 32πG −∞

2.1 Magnetic dipole

Consider the field of a magnetic dipole of magnitude m. In the near zone,
the electric field can be neglected and the energy density of the magnetic
field is
1 m2  2

T00 = 1 + 3(r̂ · û(t)) , (2.6)
8π r 6

where û(t) is the unit vector in the direction of the dipole, and r̂ is a unit
radial vector. Further corrections to the electromagnetic field are of order
ωr/c with respect to Bi (where ω is the rotation frequency of the dipole).
For neutron stars of radius R ∼ 10 km, the approximation is valid for ω ≪
c/R ∼ 3 × 104 s−1 .
It follows with some straightforward algebra that

m2  i 1 ij 
Qij (t) = û (t)û j
(t) − δ , (2.7)
5Rc2 3
where R is a lower cut-off that can be identified with the radius of the star.
It is understood that the volume integral (2.4) covers the region r ≥ R.
The metric hTijT follows from the above formula and Eq. (2.1):

1 2Gm2 d2  k 
hTijT = Λ ij,kl û (tr ) û l
(tr ) , (2.8)
r 5Rc6 dt2
where tr = t − r/c.
Let us now take a coordinate system in which the rotation axis of the
dipole is in the z direction. Thus

û(t) = (u⊥ cos(ωt), u⊥ sin(ωt), uk), (2.9)

where uk is the constant component of û(t) along the rotation axis and u2⊥ =
1−u2k . In this same system of coordinates we can define the three orthonormal

n̂ = (sin θ cos φ, sin θ sin φ, cos θ), (2.10)

θ̂ = (cos θ cos φ, cos θ sin φ, − sin θ),
φ̂ = (− sin φ, cos φ, 0),

together with the useful formulas

θ̂i θ̂j Λij,kl = θ̂k θ̂l − Pkl ,
φ̂i φ̂j Λij,kl = φ̂k φ̂l − Pkl ,
φ̂i θ̂j Λij,kl = φ̂k θ̂l . (2.11)

2.2 Metric
The two metric potentials of the GW can be calculated from Eq. (2.8) and
the formulas (2.11). The result is
1 Gm2 d2 2
h+ ≡ hTijT φ̂i φ̂j = −hTijT θ̂i θ̂j = (u − u2θ )
r 5Rc6 dt2 φ
TT 1 2Gm2 d2
h× ≡ −hij θ̂i φ̂j = − (uθ uφ ), (2.12)
r 5Rc6 dt2
where uθ = û · θ̂ and uφ = û · φ̂, and (û · n̂)2 + u2θ + u2φ = 1. The above two
formulas can be written as
1 Gm2 d2
h+ + ih× = (uφ − iuθ )2 . (2.13)
r 5Rc dt
6 2

uφ = u⊥ sin(ωt′ )
uθ = u⊥ cos θ cos(ωt′) − uk sin θ, (2.14)
with ωt′ = ωtr − φ, from where it follows that
1 Gm2 2 n h
2 ′ ′
h+ + ih× = ω u⊥ 2u⊥ (1 + cos θ) cos(2ωt ) + 2i cos θ sin(2ωt )
r 5Rc6
h io
− 2uk sin(θ) cos(θ) cos(ωt′ ) + i sin(ωt′ ) . (2.15)
Accordingly, the spectrum of the GW has two lines, one at ω correspond-
ing to the uk component, and one at 2ω corresponding to the u⊥ component
(only the latter is present for a GW propagating along the rotation axis).
The amplitude of the wave is of order Gm2 ω 2 u⊥ /(Rc6 r).

2.3 Radiated energy

The radiated power can be calculated noticing that ḣTijT ḣTijT = |ḣ+ + iḣ× |2 .
The energy radiated per unit time follows from Eq. (2.5) performing the
integration over one period T = 2π/ω and dividing by T . The result is
dP Gm4 2 6 h 4 2 4 2
= u ω 1 − cos θ + u⊥ (5 cos θ + 24 cos θ + 3) . (2.16)
dΩ 200R2 c9 ⊥
Finally, an integration over solid angles yields the total power radiated:
πGm4 2 6
P = u⊥ ω (1 + 18u2⊥ ). (2.17)
75R c
2 9

3 Comparisons and conclusions
For the dipole field, we can set m = B0 R3 , where B0 is the average strength
of the magnetic field at the surface of the star. If B0 ∼ 1012 G and ω ∼ 1 s−1 ,
the power radiated in the form of gravitational radiation is
 B 4  R 10
P ∼ 106 (ω s)6 u2⊥ ergs/s
10 G
12 10 km
according to formula (2.17). Of course, for average pulsars, this is many
orders of magnitude below the power emitted in the form of electromagnetic
waves, which is typically 1028 ergs/s [1]. Nevertheless, for a millisecond
magnetar with B0 ∼ 1014 G, the power of the GWs could be of the order of
1032 ergs/s.
It is also instructive to compare our results with those obtained by Bonaz-
zola and Gourgoulhon [3] for the emission of GWs from the interior of a
rotating neutron star. These authors obtained a value for the amplitudes of
1 4G
|h+ + ih× | ∼ Iǫω 2 , (3.18)
r c4
where I is the moment of inertia and ǫ is the ellipticity of the star; typical
values of these parameters are ǫ ∼ 10−6 or smaller, and I ∼ 1045 g cm2 . If
we compare their result with our Eq. (2.15), we see that the amplitudes of
the GWs produced by the rotating fluid are larger by a factor

1013 ǫ (B0 /1012 G)−2

than the amplitudes of GWs produced by the rotation of the magnetic field.
Thus, for a usual neutron star with B0 ∼ 1012 G, the contribution of the
rotating dipole is comparatively negligible. However, it is not negligible
for magnetars having fields B0 ∼ 1014 G [6] and rather small deformations
ǫ < 10−6 .
In conclusion, the external magnetic field of a magnetar can make a sig-
nificant correction to the gravitational radiation produced by the internal
magnetized fluid.

[1] F. Pacini, Nature 216, 567 (1967).

[2] S. Hacyan, Phys. Rev. D 93, 044066 (2016).

[3] S. Bonazzola and E. Gourgoulhon, Astron. Astrophys. 312, 675 (1996).

[4] C. Cutler, Phys. Rev. D 66, 084025 (2002).

[5] D. I. Jones, Class. Quan. Grav. 19, 1255 (2002).

[6] S. A. Olausen and V. M. Kaspi, Astrophys. J., Supp. Series 212, 1


[7] M. Maggiore, Gravitational Waves (Oxford, Oxford U. Press, 2008),

Vol. 1. Sect. 3.1.

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