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Annex D: GAD-based iC CEBU Model Proforma

plar Template

GAD-based iC CEBU Model

Lesson Exemplar Template

Grade Level: Learning Area: Quarter: Duration:

Learning Area/s Integrated:

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary / Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

Communication Learning and Innovation Problem Solving

Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life and Career

II. II. Focused Learning Competencies (LC) (Use Curriculum Guide)

III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes





V. Learning Content/s





VI. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

1. Engage

2. Explore

3. Explain

4. Elaborate

5. Evaluate

VII. Learning

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by:

Lesson Exemplar

GAD-based iC CEBU

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Mathematics Quarter: I

Duration: 50 minutes Learning Area/s Integrated: Araling Panlipunan,
Arts & Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao

Integration Approach Used:

√ Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary

*Theme-based & Learning Centers

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

/ Communication Learning and Innovation / Problem Solving

/√ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology / Life and Career

II. √Focused Learning Competency:
√ M6NS-Id-109.2 create problems (with reasonable answers) involving addition and or subtraction of
decimals and mixed decimals

/ Integrated Learning Competencies:

AP6PMK-Id-6 nasusuri ang mga A6PR-Id create personal or EsP6PKP-Ia-i-37pagsang-ayon sa

pangyayari sa himagsikan laban class logo as visual pasya ng nakakarami kung
sa kolonyalismong Espanyol representation that can be used
gaya ng Sigaw sa Pugad-Lawin as a product, brand, or nakabubuti ito

III. Focus GAD Principle to be Integrated: promote the concept that men and women are partners in

community development and decision-making

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge discuss the steps on how to create word problems

Skills create word problems (with reasonable answer) involving addition and/or subtraction

of decimals

Attitude manifest cooperation in the decision of the majority

Values show respect to others’ opinion

V. Learning Creating word problems (with reasonable answers) involving addition and or subtraction of
Content decimals and mixed decimals

Concept In creating word problems, think of real life situations in forming word problems and decide the type of
problem you want to create such as one-step or two-step word problem, all the needed data and
information must be given, the answer of the word problem must be correct and reasonable, and keep in
mind the Rubrics in creating word problems.

References K to 12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide, TGs & LMs for Grade 6, Math Teacher’s Guide 6 (DepED RO 8),

pp. 55-56, Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan: 1896 Cry of Caloocan (2:47 mins.)

Theme Independence Day

DRRE identify necessary basic actions, such as protecting oneself, to cope with natural hazards

Learning speakers, multimedia, art materials, worksheets, activity cards, pictures, flash cards, manila, paper &
Materials pentel pen

VI. Learning Experiences

1. Engage A. Preliminary Activities

( 15 minutes) 1. Group the pupils according to their learning styles based on the following profile:

Group 1: logical/mathematical

Group 2: visual/spatial

Group 3: verbal/linguistic

Group 4: musical/kinesthetic

2. Answer drill on adding and subtracting decimals without regrouping through a game.

a. 1.5 + 2.2 = ___ b. 3.1 + 2 = ___ c. 5.7 – 2.5 = ___ d. 9.6 – 4.4 = ____

Possible Answers: a. 3.7 b. 5.1 c. 3.2 d. 5.2

3. Pre-test

Create a word problem from the given data.

1. A cedula of a Katipunero was torn into two triangles during the Cry of Balintawak.

 one side of the triangle was 3.75 cm

 another side measured 8.02 cm
 total measurement of the sides of the triangle

2. Joan bought some food in the school canteen.

 banana - Php 10.00
 juice - Php 12.00
 Joan’s money - Php 50.00
 change Joan received

Possible answers:

1. A cedula of a Katipuneo was torn into two triangles during the Cry of Balintawak. One
side of the triangle was 3.75 cm. Another side measured 8.02 cm. What is the total
measurement of the sides of the triangle?

2. Joan had Php 50.00. She bought banana for Php 10.00 and a glass of juice for Php
12.00 from the school canteen. How much change did Joan receive?

B. Motivation


1. What do we celebrate every June 12?

Possible Answer: Independence Day is celebrated every twelfth day of June.

2. Why do we celebrate Independence Day?

Possible Answer: This celebration is a way of paying tribute to the heroes who fought for our

3. Who were these heroes?

Answers may vary.

Share to the class the video clip on “Sigaw sa Pugadlawin” and assign each group to answer the motive

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

a. Why did the a. What were the a. What were the a. How did Bonifacio
Katipuneros fight logos utilized by the roles of women convince the Katipuneros
against the Katipuneros in Sigaw during the Sigaw ng to fight against the
Spaniards? ng Pugadlawin? Pugadlawin? Spaniards?

b. What did the b. If you were one of b. If you were alive b. What did the
Katipuneros do to the Katipuneros, what during the time of the Katipuneros do to ensure
express their anger other logos would you Katipuneros, would their safety before the
towards the design to represent you support them? Sigaw ng Pugadlawin
Spaniards? your group? Why? Why not? took place?

c. What do you think

were the
measurements of the
sides of the torn
cedulas of the
Katipuneros in

Possible Answers:

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

a.1 They were tired of Refer to the logo a. During the time of a. Bonifacio called for a
how the Spaniards shown in the video. Sigaw ng Pugad lawin, meeting with the
maltreated them. women became Katipuneros to point out
submissive and lost how the Spaniards
their courage to maltreated them.
express their feelings.
a. 2 The Spaniards
abused the Filipinos
by treating them as b. They grouped
slaves. b. Yes, women should themselves and planned to
support the revolt against the
Katipuneros because Spaniards.
men and women were
b. They tore their
partners in community
development and

c. One side is 3.45

cm. The other side is
4.23 cm.

A. Skill Preparation

2. Explore (15 Note: Teacher provides each group a replica of the Katipuneros’ cedula.
Directions: Tear the cedula into pieces.

a. Measure the size of each side of the torn pieces.

b. Complete the given sentences.

One side of the cedula is __________ cm.

Another side measures __________ cm.

The two sides of the cedula is__________ cm.

c. Read the word problem.

One side of the cedula was 4.02 cm.

What is the measurement of the remaining side?

The two sides of Bonifacio’s cedula had a total measurement of 12.36 cm.

Can you solve this word problem? Why? Why not? How will you arrange the statements to make
it easy to solve?

Answers may vary.

Note: Teacher presents the correct arrangement of the word problem.

The two sides of Bonifacio’s cedula had a total measurement of 12.36 cm.

One side of the cedula was 4.02 cm.

What is the measurement of the remaining side?

B. Development of the Skill

Directions: Create a word problem from the following data.

 Three torn cedulas had different sizes.

 One side measured 4.15 cm.
 Another side measured 2.36 cm.
 Third side had a measurement of 6.06 cm.
 Total measurement of the three cedulas
Group Activity. Create word problems and solve for the correct answers based on the provided
data. Rubric is provided.

Activity Card # 1 (Groups 1 & 2)

• Before the Sigaw ng Pugadlawin in 1896, a Katipunero had Php 100 and bought
some food for them.

• 1 sack of rice for Php 15.00

• 5 pieces of tinapa for Php 0.25

• change of the Katipunero’s money

10 | P a g e
•Sides of the torn cedula have measurements of 2.32 cm and 1.21 cm.

• Original measurement of the two sides of the cedula was 12.78 cm.

• measurement of the remaining sides of the cedula needed to form the original

Activity Card # 2 ( Groups 3 & 4)

Possible Answers:

Before the Sigaw ng Pugadlawin in 1896, a Katipunero had Php 100.

He bought one sack of rice for Php 15.00 and five pieces of tinapa for Php
0.25. How much was the change of his money?

The original measurement of the sides of the cedula was 12.78 cm.
The torn cedulas have measurements of 2.32 cm and 1.21 cm. What is the
measurement of the remaining side of the cedula?

3. Explain ASK:

(5 minutes) 1. How did you create word problems involving addition and/or subtraction of decimals?

What should you consider in creating word problems?

Possible Answer:

In creating word problems,

a. think of real life situations in forming word problems and decide the type of problem you
want to create such as one-step or two-step word problem;
b. all the needed data and information must be given;
c. the answer of the word problem must be correct and reasonable; and
d. keep in mind the Rubrics in creating word problems.

11 | P a g e
4.Elaborate (8 A. Perform the tasks in the activity cards/worksheets placed in assigned learning centers.

Logical/Mathemati- Visual/Spatial Musical/ Kinesthetic Verbal/Linguistic

cal Learning Center
Learning Center Learning Center Learning Center

Learners create a Design a visual

one-step word presentation or logo
problem or two-step expressing feelings Compose a Math Write three to five
word problem using song/jingle on how to sentences
the following data: or insights create word problems.
on how to create word
money in bank - on how to create word problems.

electric bill-

Php 2, 300.00

Food -

Php 5,175.00

money left in the bank


Category 5 4 3 2 1

Arrangement of The problem is The The idea in the No idea or There is no

the problems correctly arrangement problem
created. arranged and of the problem created is not thought can problem
coherent is less arranged. created.
be seen in
based from the coherent.
data given. the problem



1. Is it necessary to plan properly before making any decisions? Why? Why not?

2. What are the roles of men and women in community development?

12 | P a g e
5. Evaluate (5 Create word problems using the given data.

1. A pole was cut into two parts after the strong typhoon.

 Height of the pole was 25.75 meters.

 First part measured 12.05 meters
 measure of the remaining part

2. Myla bought some food in the school canteen.

 burger – Php 35.50
 soft drinks – Php 12.00
 fries – Php 30.00
 Myla’s money - Php 100
 change Myla received

Possible Answers:

1. A pole with a height of 25.75 meters was cut into two parts after the strong typhoon. First
part measured 12.05 meters. What is the measurement of the remaining part?

2. Myla had Php 100 . She bought some food in the school canteen. Burger cost Php 35.50,
soft drinks for Php 12.00 and fries for Php 30.00. How much change would she receive?

Category 5 4 3 2 1

Arrangeme The problem The The idea in No idea or There is no

nt of the is correctly arrangement the problem
problems arranged and of the created is not thought can problem
created. coherent problem is arranged.
be seen in created.
based from less
the data coherent. the problem

Accomplish the following tiered activities.

VII. Learning
Ready to Go Beyond Just Ready Not Yet Ready
(2 minutes)

13 | P a g e
Create a two- step word Create a one-step word
problem from this data and give
Create a one-step and two- the correct answer. problem on this data and
step word problems with
reasonable answers. - Mark had Php 1,000.00 give the correct answer.
- He spent Php 255.00
- Mr. Go had Php 500.00
for his water bills.
- He spent Php 200 to buy
- He paid Php 510.25 for
You and your sister/brother food.
his electric bill.
were given Php 2, 000.00 by - remaining money of
- remaining money of
your aunt/uncle last Mr. GO
Christmas. You and your
brother/sister plan to buy a toy
and save a portion of the

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 201)

References Andres Bonifacio and the Katipunan: 1896 Cry of Caloocan (2:47

Prepared by



14 | P a g e
GAD-based iC CEBU Model

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: Grade 6 Learning Area: English Quarter: I Duration: 50 minutes

Learning Area/s Integrated: Mathematics, Health and EsP

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary / Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

/ Communication / Learning and Innovation / Problem Solving

/ Critical Thinking / Information Media and Technology / Life and Career

II. Focused Learning Competencies (LC) (Use Curriculum Guide)

EN6G-Ic-3.3 Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate
grammatical structure :aspect of verbs

III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated:

use gender-sensitive language

III. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge classify information according to idea

Skills compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate

grammatical structure through GAD- based authentic
written work to convey information.

Attitude display humility with self confidence in defending written


Values respect the opinions of others in composing GAD-based

authentic written work

15 | P a g e
IV. Learning Content/s Composing Clear and Coherent Sentences Using
Appropriate Grammatical Structure-Aspect of Verbs

Concept To compose clear and coherent sentence one has to

observe correct use of aspects of verbs. The aspect of the
verb is determined by whether the action is on going or

DRRE enumerate safety measures/precautions during extremely hot


GAD use gender-sensitive language

Reference/s Curriculum Guide in English 6, Rainbows in English 6 by

Alicia R. Bambico pp. 155-158; English for Global
Communication Grade 6 by Jaquilyn T. Belagan pp.

IMs Pictures Whale Shark (Oslob), Fort San Pedro, Cebu City,
Kawasan Falls – (Badian), Cebu Safari ( Carmen), Tops
Cebu City, Pictures of the following amazing places in the
Philippines: Camiguin, Batanes, Tagaytay, Siquijor,
Catanduanes with demographics, statistics, cartolina, pair
of scissors, paste, ruler, information sheet/reading text

V. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

1. Engage (5 minutes) Picture Puzzle

Pupils are grouped into 5 having 5 members. They are to

choose a secretary and a prompter. The secretary writes
the group’s answer while the prompter raises the show-
me-board after 10 seconds. Teacher presents pictures of
beautiful places and tourist destinations of Cebu.Pupils are
to give the correct name of the place. The group with a
correct answer ears a point. The group with the most
number of correct responses wins the game.

Note:Pictures Whale Shark (Oslob), Fort San Pedro

(Cebu City) Kawasan Falls – (Badian), Cebu Safari (
Carmen), Tops (Cebu City)

16 | P a g e

1. What can you say about the places in the picture?

Possible Answer: The places shown are tourists

in Cebu.

2. Which of the places had you visited?

Possible Answer: I have visited Oslob last year.

3. Who among you would love to visit these places if

given the chance? Why?
Possible Answer: I would love to visit Oslob Whale

because I want to swim with the whales.

2. Explore ( Group activity)

(15 minutes)
Read the text in the activity cards for 10 mins. After
reading, supply the data needed to complete the table

Place/ Distance Land Average Average

from Area Tempera Number
Tourist Town ture of
Destinatio Proper Tourists

Oslob 10 km 117.00 28ºC 800-

(Whale km² 1,000

Tops 5 km Not 23ºC 1,900

Look out mentio

Kawasan 9.1 km Not 27.5ºC 1,300

Falls mentio

Cebu 6.2 km 170 27ºC- 2,000

Safari hectare 29ºC

17 | P a g e

Fort San In the city 2,025 29ºC- 400-500

Pedro center km 31ºC


( Answers must be in complete sentence.)

1. How do you find the activity?

Possible Answer:

We find the activity engaging.

2. Of all the places given, which one is the most visited

tourist destination? The least visited?
Possible Answer:

Cebu Safari and Adventure Park is the most visited

tourist destination.

Fort San Pedro is the least visited of them all.

3. Which one has the biggest land area? The smallest

land area?
Possible Answer:

Cebu Safari has the biggest land area.

Tops Cebu has the smallest land area.

4. How were you able to give the correct data asked for
in the table?

Possible Answer:

We classified the information with the big ideas in the


5. Which of the places has the lowest temperature?

Which one has the highest temperature?

Possible Answer:

Tops Cebu has the lowest temperature with a

temperature that can drop as low as 23ºC. Science

18 | P a g e
Fort San Pedro has the highest temperature of 29ºC to

6. What will happen to us if we are exposed to too

much heat of the sun?

Possible Answer:

We will get sunburned. We can suffer from heat stroke.

7. How can we protect ourselves from extremely hot

Possible Answer:

We should hydrate ourselves and increase water intake.

Apply sun screen when we go out.

8. Based on the data you have gathered from the

informative text, which place would you most likely visit?

Possible Answer:

The place I would most likely visit is Tops because of its

cool temperature and less number of tourists.

3. Explain (10 Publishing of Group Output

1. We find the activity engaging.
2. Cebu Safari is the most visited tourist

Fort San Pedro is the least visited of them all.

3. Cebu Safari has the biggest land area.

Tops Cebu has the smallest land area.

4.We classified the information with the big ideas in the

table. 5. Tops Cebu has the lowest temperature with a
temperature that can drop as low as 23ºC.

6.Fort San Pedro has the highest temperature of 29ºC to


Teacher asks the following questions:

19 | P a g e
1.What is the subject in sentence 1? 2? 3?4?5?6?

Possible Answers:

1. We
2. Cebu Safari
3. Cebu Safari
4. We
5. Tops Cebu
6.Fort San Pedro

2. How is the verb written? Does it agree with the


Possible Answers:

The verb is written in the simple present tense.

Yes it agrees with the subject.

3.Are the aspects of verbs consistent with the


Possible Answer: Yes because the verbs are in the

simple present aspect.

4. When can a sentence be structurally correct based

on the task given?
Possible Answer: A sentence is structurally correct if
the verb uses the correct aspect and agrees with the

5. What should we remember when writing

Possible Answer:

In writing clear and coherent sentences, we should

use the correct aspect of the verb.


Using the questions on top as guide, learners are to report and

defend their answers.

(Teacher’s input in writing clear and coherent

sentences using correct grammatical structure :)

4. Elaborate (10 Directions: Write 5 clear and coherent sentences with

20 | P a g e
minutes) appropriate grammar structure, using the data of tourist
destinations in the country given.

(Please see attached Appendix)

Pictures of the following amazing places in the Philippines:

Camiguin, Batanes, Tagaytay, Siquijor, Catanduanes with
demographics, statistics.

5. Evaluate A. Read each sentence carefully. Put Check (√) on the

(8 minutes) space if the sentence is clear and coherent with
appropriate grammar structure. While put an( X) if it
__1.Cebu was a province of the Philippines.
__2.Fort San Pedro, Basilica Minore del Sto. Nino and
Tops are just a few of tourist spots in Cebu.
__3.Cebu City retain landmarks from 16th century.
__4.Cebu were known as the “Queen City of the
__5.I went to Cebu every summer.

B. Write 5 sentences to promote your locality to

(authentic written work) using appropriate grammatical
structure: aspect of verb.

Possible Answers:

1. X
2. √
3. X
4. X
5. X
1. Discover our little island municipality of Bantayan.

2. It is situated to the west of the northern end of Cebu

Island, across the Tañon Strait.

21 | P a g e
VI. Learning Enablement Design a desk calendar, brochure or campaign poster on the
safety measures to follow during extremely hot weather.
(2 minutes)


Category 5 pts. 4 pts. 3 pts.

Content Mentioned at least 5 Mentioned at least 3 Mentioned at least 2

safety measures to safety measures to safety measures to
follow during follow during follow during
extremely hot extremely hot extremely hot
weather. weather. weather.

Aesthetics/Creativity The desk calendar, Thedesk calendar, The desk calendar,

brochure or campaign brochure or campaign brochure or campaign
poster is exceptionally poster is attractively poster is fairly

22 | P a g e
designed. designed. designed.

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by:


Education Program Supervisor-English

23 | P a g e

A. Pictures for Engage


24 | P a g e



25 | P a g e


B. Activity Cards/Information Sheet

26 | P a g e
C. Group Activity

27 | P a g e
Group 1

Group 2

28 | P a g e
Group 3

Group 4

29 | P a g e
Group 5

30 | P a g e
31 | P a g e

I. Pre-Test

Directions : Choose the correct idiomatic expression in the box to complete the given

body and soul from hand to mouth

make a name for themselves given the cold shoulder

take something to heart burn the candle at both ends

1. Rosa and Inting were born poor. Their parents were uneducated, had no permanent
jobs, and thus at the time Rosa and Inting were growing up, they were living

2. But while enrolled in an elementary public school, it became evident that the siblings
were gifted, and thus even then, they already__________.

3. Rosa and Inting both worked hard to support their studies.They worked as service
crew during daytime and studied at night. They really _________just so they can pursue
their dream of being a success.

4. They joined quiz bees in their school, and as they won each and everyone of them,
they began__________as someone who never quit and lose.

32 | P a g e
5. At their neigborhood however, Rosa and Inting were always_________by their
neighbors who saw them as too ambitious and stuck up to really belong their world.


Category 5 4 3 2 1

Arrangement The problem The arrange- The idea in No idea or There is no

of the is correctly ment of the the problem
problems arranged and problem is created is not thought can problem
created. coherent less arranged. created.
be seen in
based from coherent.
the data the problem

33 | P a g e

34 | P a g e
Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: Grade 6 Learning Area: English Quarter: I Duration: 50


Learning Area/s Integrated: Araling Panlipunan, Arts, Science & Mathematics

35 | P a g e
Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary √

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

/ Communication Learning and Innovation / Problem


/ Critical Thinking / Information Media and Technology / Life and


II. Focused Learning Competency(LC)

ENG6RC-Ic-6.5,6.6,6.7 determine tone, mood and purpose of the author

III. Focused GAD principle/s to be Integrated: promote safe and secure

communities for all regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or religion

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge explain the meaning of mood in a reading text

Skills determine the mood of the text given

Attitude manifest sensitivity to the feelings of others

Values show concern for others

V. Learning Content/s Determining the tone, mood, and purpose of the author

Concept Mood is the emotion a selection/text arouses in a

reader. Through words, an author may create moods of
despair, sadness, violence, peace, fear, happiness, and

References Curriculum Guide, Rainbows in English 6 by Alicia R.

Bambico, pp. 155-158, English for Global
Communication Grade 6 by Jaquilyn T. Belagan, pp.
94-105, An Integrated Reading and Language Series
English Links Grade 6, pp. 370-374

36 | P a g e

DRRE demonstrate disaster preparedness and mitigation actions

based on given situations (typhoon signals)

IMs flash cards, pictures & charts

VI. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

1. Engage Making Faces

(5 minutes) Note: Teacher shows video clips of the given situations.

SAY: Show your feelings through facial expressions

when you see the following situations.


fallen trees

raging sea

flooded streets

strong wind blowing

rainy day

ASK: What have you noticed to the situations you have

just viewed?

Possible Answer: I have noticed that the situations

show things that happen during a typhoon.

SAY: Today, we are going to read a story about a family

that experienced typhoon. But before reading the story, let
us first familiarize some words in the text.

37 | P a g e
Unlocking of Difficulties

Directions: Give the correct meaning of the words

on the table by filling it with the correct picture and

Vocabulary Picture Meaning

1. field an open area

with grass like a
park or farm

2. typhoon a severe
weather event
with rain and
violent whirling

3. string a strong thin

rope made by
twisting very thin
threads used for
fastening or tying

4. Amazed a feeling of being


The pictures and definition of the difficult terms are posted

on the board. The pupils are to choose the correct picture
and definition and place it on the table presented above.

2. Explore Group Activity

(15 minutes) Teacher distributes activity cards containing the reading
text and questions to be answered.

Directions: Read the story silently. Then answer the

questions given. Choose a reporter to present your
answers to the class.

In a small barangay of Cebu, there lived Jose and his

38 | P a g e
younger sister Pilar with their family. One Saturday
afternoon of November, Pilar and her brother Jose were
playing in the field near their house. Pilar and Jose spent
their weekend flying kites. Pulling the string of the kites as
they went up the sky gave them the thrill. Pilar helped her
Kuya in designing the kites with colorful materials. She
was amazed seeing them glide with the wind.

“Pilar! Jose!” shouted Pilar’s mother.

“Come, get inside the house!”

“Wait Mama, Kuya and I still want to fly kites,”

answered Pilar.

A barangay tanod, the Municipal Disaster-Risk

Reduction In-Charge and their Purok Leader went from
house to house announcing about the coming typhoon.
Signal Number 2 was raised in their municipality with
maximum sustained wind of 61-120 kph and was expected
within 24 hours.

Suddenly, a strong wind blew their kites away, tearing

them to pieces.

Then, drops of rain started to fall until a downpour

soaked the earth. Pilar and Jose rushed toward their

“Brrr…! I’m so cold,” trembled Jose.

“Come Pilar and Jose, let us pray for the safety of

everyone in our town,” exclaimed mother.

Answer the following questions:

1. Who are the characters in the story?

Answer: Pilar, Jose and mother

2. What is the setting of the story?

Answer: In a small barangay in Cebu, one Saturday in

3. How did Pilar and her Kuya spend their weekend?

39 | P a g e
Answer: Pilar and Jose spent their weekend flying kites.

4. Who were the community helpers mentioned in the

story? What was the information being passed around by
the community helpers?
Answer: The community helpers mentioned were
barangay tanod, Municipal Disaster-Risk Reduction In-
charge and Purok Leader.

The information being passed around was that

a typhoon signal number 2 was raised in their municipality
with maximum sustained wind of 61-120 kph and was
expected within 24 hours.

5. Why is it important to listen to our parents?

Possible Answer: We should listen to our parents
because they know what is best for us.

6. What should we do when a typhoon signal is raised in

our place?
Possible Answer: We should follow safety measures
before, during and after a typhoon.

(Please refer to attached appendix.)

Fill the table below with safety measures to be followed

before, during and after a typhoon. List at least 3 safety
measures in each column.

Safety Measures Safety Measures

Safety Measures
Before a During a
After a Typhoon
Typhoon Comes Typhoon

3. Explain Publishing of Group Outputs

(15 minutes) Pupils present their group answers on the questions given

40 | P a g e
during the exploration phase.


1. What emotion or mood is shown in the following

statements? (Let the pupils show the mood of the
statements through their facial expressions.)

a. “Pilar! Jose!” shouted Pilar’s mother.

Answer: worry/anxiety

b. Pulling the string of the kites as they went up

the sky gave them the thrill.
Answer: happiness/ excitement/thrill

c. She was amazed seeing them glide with the

Answer: amazement/happiness/thrill

d. A strong wind blew their kites away, tearing

them to pieces.
Answer: sadness

2. What then is a mood? How can we identify the

mood of a text read?

Possible Answer:

A mood is the emotion a selection/text arouses in a

reader. Through words, an author may create moods of
despair, sadness, violence, peace, fear, happiness and


Teacher helps pupils deepen understanding through

a lecturette on determining the mood of a given text and
typhoon signals and safety measures to observe before,
during and after a typhoon.

41 | P a g e
1. What are the 5 typhoon signals? What safety
measures should we observe if signal no.1 is raised
in our area? signal no. 2? signal no. 3? signal no.
4? signal no. 5?

2. How can we promote safe and secure

communities before, during and after a typhoon?

4. Elaborate Paint Me a Picture

(10 minutes)

Pupils are grouped into 5. They are to act out the

mood of the given situations while one member writes the
mood on the meta card. The group with the most
convincing and appropriate mood earns a point. First
group to score 3 points wins the game.

1. Strong wind shook the shanties and small nipa huts in

the barangay. Lightning and thunder seemed to run after
each other. The people prayed for the typhoon to pass.

The mood of the text is ________.

2. After the typhoon, Pilar’s family lost their house and

most of their belongings.

The mood of the text is________.

3. The people in the barangay helped each other rebuild

their houses after a strong typhoon destroyed them.

The mood of the text is________.

Possible Answers:

1. fear 2. sadness 3. hopefulness

5. Evaluate Identify the mood of the given selection. Choose the

appropriate mood from the box below.
(5 minutes)

42 | P a g e
excitement sorrow fear

surprise anger happiness

1. It was the first day of school. Alex and Jenny

packed their bags with the new school supplies
that their mother bought. They liked the color and
design of their new bags. They couldn’t wait to
see who their classmates would be.

2. It was Jose’s first time in kindergarten class.

Going up the stairs, Jose’s heart beat faster while
his knees trembled. He could not let go of his
mother’s hand.

3. Amy wanted to listen to their teacher during

class discussion but could not focus because
Anna kept pulling her hair.

4. Susan’s mother passed away last night. Susan

couldn’t help her tears from falling.

5. Sarah wanted to join the cooking contest in

school. She practiced with the help of her
mother. During contest day, Sarah could not wait
for the contest to start.

Possible Answers:

1. excitement 2. fear 3. anger 4. sadness

5. sorrow/sadness

VII. Learning Enablement Make a poster showing safety measures before, during
(2minutes) and after a typhoon.

Group 1- before a typhoon

43 | P a g e
Group 2- during a typhoon

Group 3- after a typhoon


Category 5 pts. 4 pts. 3 pts.

Content Showed at least 5 Showed at least 3 Showed at least 1-2

safety measures before, safety measures before, safety measures before,
during or after a during or after a during or after a
typhoon. typhoon. typhoon.

Aesthetics/Creativity The poster is The poster is attractively The poster is fairly

exceptionally designed. designed. designed.

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by


Master Teacher I

44 | P a g e
Cordova Central School, Cordova District


Master Teacher I

Maya National High School, Daanbantayan District II


Master Teacher I

San Remegio National High School, San Remigio I

45 | P a g e
GAD-based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: Grade 6 Learning Area: Filipino Quarter 1

Duration: 50 minuto

Learning Area/s Integrated: Science, Math, Araling Panlipunan, MAPEH & EsP
46 | P a g e
Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary √ √

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

√ Communication Learning and Innovation √ Problem Solving

√ Critical Thinking √ Information Media and Technology √ Life and Career

II. Focused Learning Competency

F6PB-Ib-5-4 napagsunod-sunod ang mga pangyayari sa kuwento sa tulong ng nakalarawang
III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated
naipapakita ang pantay na karapatan at pakinabang ng lahat sa mga sebisyong

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Kaalaman nakapagsunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari sa kuwento sa tulong ng nakalarawang


Kasanayan nakapagbubuo ng sitwasyong naglalahad ng pagsunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari

DRRE nakapaglilikha ng alternatibong aksiyon upang mabawasan ang malalang epekto

ng sakuna

Kaasalan nakapag-aambag ng mga solusyon kaugnay sa pagpapanatili sa balanse ng


Kahalagahan nakapagpapangalaga sa kalikasan sa pamamagitan ng pagtugon sa mga

suliraning kinaharap

IV. Learning Content/s

Concept Sa realidad ng buhay, kailangang may tamang istruktura o hakbang ang bawat
gawain ng isang tao upang maging komprehensibo at ng sa gayon matatamo ang
inaasahang resulta.

Theme pangangalaga sa kalikasan

DRRE maipapakita ang kahandaan sa panahon ng kalamidad

Reference/s Pinagyamang Pluma, ph. 7-12- Wika at Pagbasa Para sa Elementarya

IMs mga larawan, sipi ng kuwento, projector, slide decks, laptop, meta kards, manila

47 | P a g e
paper, pentel pen at masking tape

V. Learning Experiences

A.Panimulang Pagtataya

PANUTO: Basahing mabuti ang mga sumusunod na mga sitwasyon na nakikita

sa slide

decks at piliin ang tamang sagot at isulat sa kapat na papel.

1. Engage

Unang araw ng pasukan. Maagang gumising si Manuel dahil sabik na

sabik siyang makita ang bagong guro at mga kaklase sa paaralan.

1. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang unang ginawa ni Manuel pagkagising niya sa


bago pumasok sa paaralan?

a. naligo b. nag-almusal c. nagligpit ng higaan d. nagsuot ng


2. Ano naman ang kanyang huling ginawa bago siya pumunta sa paaralan?

a. naligo b. nag-almusal c. nagligpit ng higaan d. nagsuot ng


Masayang umuwi si Manuel galing sa paaralan. Sinabi niyang “Nanalo

ako sa paligsahan sa Math!, Makakatikim na naman ako ng paborito kong
adobo.” Ngumiti ang ina habang niyapos ito at hinalikan. “Siyempre,
ipagluluto kita anak,” sagot ng ina. Agad sinimulan ng ina ang pagluluto sa
paboritong ulam ng anak.

3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang unang ginawa ng ina sa pagluluto ng adobo?

a. Bumili ng mga sangkap. b. Hiwain ang karne.

c. Sindihan ang kalan. d. Simulan sa pagluto ang


48 | P a g e
4. Ano ang pangalawang hakbang sa pagluluto ng adobo?

a. Hiwain ang karne. b. Simulan sa pagluto ang


c. Bumili ng mga sangkap. d. Sindihan ang kalan.

Narinig ni Manuel ang balita na may paparating na malakas na bagyo

sa Cebu. Pinaghahanda ang lahat sa maaring masamang dulot nito.

5.Ano ang unang nararapat gawin ng mga mamamayan upang maging ligtas sa

ng bagyo?

a. Manatili sa bahay sa panahon ng bagyo.

b. Mag-imbak ng sapat na pagkain at tubig.

c. Ayusin ang mga marurupok na bahagi ng bahay.

d. Iligpit ang mga alagang hayop sa ligtas na lugar.

6. Alin ang hindi dapat gawin ng isang tao sa panahon ng bagyo?

a. Paghanda ng flashlight, kandila, at emergency light.

b. Makinig ng balita upang maging maagap sa mga pangyayari.

c. Lalabas ng bahay upang malaman ang kalagayan ng buong komunidad.

d. Maging mapagmatyag upang malaman ang dapat gawin kung lalakas ang

Naging maaliwalas na ang panahon pagkalipas ng malakas na

bagyo. Mga iilan lamang ang nasalanta dahil nakapaghanda nang mabuti
ang mga mamamayan. Pumasok muli si Manuel sa paaralan at nadatnan
niyang nasa hardin ang kanyang mga kaklase. Pinagtatanim sila ng mga
gulay at halaman.

49 | P a g e
Panuto: Lagyan ng bilang 1, 2, 3 at 4 ang mga kahon upang mabuo ang

pagkasunod-sunod ng mga paraan sa pagtatanim.

Ano ang tamang hakbang sa pagtatanim ng gulay at halaman?

7.Lagyan ng pataba upang maging mataba at maganda ang mga


8. Bungkalin ang lupa at alisin ang mga damo sa lugar na pagtamnan.

9. Alagaan at diligan araw-araw upang lumago ang mga pananim.

10.Ipunla ang sibol at lagyan ng pananggalang sa matinding init ng araw.

Inaasahang Sagot:

1. c

2. b

3. a
4. a
5. c
6. c
7. 2- blg.10
8. 3- blg. 9
9. 4- blg. 7
10. 1- blg. 8

B. Panimulang Gawain

PAALALA: Magpakita ng mga larawan tungkol sa manok at itlog. Tumawag

ng tatlong
50 | P a g e
mag- aaral upang sumagot at limitahan ng kahit isang pangungusap

ITANONG: Alin ang nauna, ang manok o ang itlog?

Inaasahang Sagot: Ayon sa Bibliya, manok ang nauna ngunit sa siklo ng

buhay ng

manok, siyempre itlog ang nauna.

SABIHIN: Sadyang may mga pangyayaring hindi maaring magkapalitan ng


at para malalaman natin, mayroon akong ipagagawa sa inyo.

C. Aktibiti

Pangkatang Gawain: Magbigay ng tig-lilimang larawan sa bawat pangkat.

Pagsunod-sunorin ang mga ginagawa sa bawat

Unang Pangkat: Pagkagising sa umaga bago pumunta sa paaralan

Ikalawang Pangkat: Mga ginagawa ng mga mag-aaral kapag lumilindol


nasa paaralan

Ikatlong Pangkat: Mga ginagawa pagkatapos kumain sa hapag-kainan

51 | P a g e
Unang Pangkat

Ikalawang Pangkat

52 | P a g e



53 | P a g e
1. Ano ang inyong naramdaman habang ginagawa ang aktibiti?
Inaasahang sagot: masaya/nahihirapan
2. Ano ang paksa ng mga larawang ipinagkasunod-sunod ng unang pangkat?
Inaasahang sagot:
unang pangkat: mga bagay na ginagawa pagkagising sa umaga ng isang

pangalawang pangkat: mga ginagawa ng mga mag-aaral tuwing may lindol

pangatlong pangkat: mga ginagawa pagkatapos kumain sa hapag-kainan

3. Tama kaya ang pagkakasunod-sunod nito? Bakit?

Inaasahang sagot: Tama, dahil malinaw na inilalahad sa larawan ang
pagsunod-sunod ng mga kilos.
4. Nahiharapan ba kayo sa gawain? Sa aling bahagi kayo nahirapan? Bakit?
5. Ganito rin ba ang ginagawa ninyo sa bahay? Sa pagliligpit at paghuhugas
ng pinggan at higaan, sino ang madalas gumagawa nito? Gumagawa din ba
nito ang mga lalaki?

Pokus na Tanong: Paano nakatutulong ang tamang pagsunod-sunod ng mga

pangyayari o hakbang sa pagkakaroon ng masagana at

ligtas na


54 | P a g e
A. Pag-alis ng Sagabal

Panuto: Ipapabasa ang mga pangungusap na nakasulat sa tsart. Mag-unahan


pagsagot ang mga mag-aaral sa kasingkahulugan ng mga salitang


1. Malaking suliranin ng mga magsasaka ang mga pesteng kumakain ng

3. Explore

a. kalungkutan b. kasiyahan c. pananagutan d. problema

2. Salamat at pinaunlakan niyo ang aking paanyaya. Masaya ako na dumating


a. tinupad b. tinanggihan c. tinapatan d. tinanggap

3. Naalimpungatan ang natutulog na si Kinay Kuwago nang magdatingan ang

kanyang mga kaibigan.

a. nabigla b. naingayan c. nasiyahan d. natakot

4. Mula kay Kinay Kuwago, dumako ang tingin ng mga hayop sa paparating pa

lamang na si Simang Sawa.

a. nagbago b. nalipat c. napadpad d. napansin

5. Napagtanto niya ang dahilan ng pagdami ng mga peste mula sa kanyang

mga kaibigan.

a. naliwanagan b. napag-alaman c. napagsabihan d. napagtanungan

Inaasahang Sagot: 1.d 2. d 3. a 4. b 5. b

SABIHIN: Mayroon tayong babasahing kuwento at babasahin ninyo ito na masining

sa paraang Reader’s Theater.

55 | P a g e
Panuto: Bigyan ng iba’t ibang kulay ng meta kard ang bawat pangkat. Kung itaas
ng guro

ang kulay asul, babasahin ito ng unang pangkat, berde babasahin ito ng

pangalawang pangkat, kayumanggi sa pangatlong pangkat, dilaw sa

ikaapat na

pangkat, pula sa ikalimang pangkat, kayumanggi para ikaanim na pangkat

at itim

sa ikapitong pangkat.

Ang Suliranin ni Kardong Kalabaw

TAGAPAGSALAYSAY: Isang araw, sa isang kagubatang malapit sa malawak na

taniman ng palay, ipinatawag ni Kardong Kalabaw ang kanyang mga kaibigang
hayop para sa isang pagpupulong. Gusto niyang hingin ang tulong ng mga ito.

ASUL: “Magandang araw sa inyong lahat, mga kaibigan. Salamat at pinaunlakan

n’yo ang aking paanyaya,” ang bati ni Kardong Kalabaw.

BERDE: “Ano ba ang ating pag-uusapan?” tanong ni Lira Lawin.

LILA: “Marahil ay tungkol ito sa suliranin ng mga amo,” ayon ni Mara Matsing.
“Hindi ba’t nababahala sila sa pagdami ng mga daga at kulisap na kumakain ng
kanilang tanim na palay?” dagdag niya.

ASUL: “Tama ang iyong tinuran, Mara Matsing. Iyon nga ang gusto kong ihingi ng
tulong sa inyo. Halos walang natitira kapag umaatake ang mga daga at kulisap sa
taniman ng aking mga amo. Doon pa naman nila kinukuha ang kanilang
ikinabubuhay. Nakaaawa sila. Maaari niyo ba akong matulungan sa paglutas ng
problemang ito?” ang nagmamakaawang sabi ni Kardong Kalabaw.

TAGAPAGSALAYSAY: Nagkatinginan ang mga hayop habang nag-iisip. Maya-

maya pa’y sabay-sabay silang napatingin kay Kiray Kuwago na noo’y natutulog.
Tila naramdaman niya ang mga matang nakatitig sa kanya, naalimpungatan ito.

DILAW: “B-b-bakit ganyan kayo makatingin? May nagawa ba akong mali?” ang
naguguluhang tanong nito.

LILA: “Hindi mali… kundi ano ang hindi mo ginagawa,” ang sagot ni Marang

DILAW: “Di ba’t katungkulan mo ng manghuli at kumain ng mga daga upang hindi

56 | P a g e
sila dumami at makapaminsala?” “aaa… pasensiya na. Napakabilis magparami ng
mga daga at kaunti na lang ang aming bilang kaya’t hindi na naming kayang
kontrolin ang dami ng mga ito,” nahihiyang paliwanag ni Kinay Kuwago. “E, teka
muna, Bakit ‘di n’yo rin tanungin si Simang Sawa?” Trabaho rin ni’ya ang
panghuhuli at pagkain ng mga daga.”

TAGAPAGSALAYSAY: Dumako ang tingin ng mga hayop sa paparating pa lamang

na si Simang Sawa. “Narinig ko ang sinabi ni Kinay Kuwago. Katulad nila ay hindi
na rin sapat ang dami namin upang mapigilan ang pagdami ng mga daga.” Hindi rin
napakali si Lira Lawin kaya’t nagwikang:

BERDE: “Humihingi rin ako ng paumanhin. Kaming mga lawin ay wala ring
magawa. Maliit na rin ang aming bilang at malayong-malayo na rin sa mga
kabahayan ang aming tirahan.”

TAGAPAGSALAYSAY: Natigilan at napaisip si Kardong Kalabaw.

ASUL: Bakit nga ba lumiit ang populasyon ng mga ibon at ahas na taga kain ng
mga daga, habang ang mga ito naman ay patuloy sa mabilis na pagpaparami?
Hindi naman ganito noon. Ano nga ba ang nangyari?

TAGAPAGSALAYSAY: Tahimik na nag-iisip ang lahat nang bigla na lamang may

batong muntik nang tumama sa ulo ni Kinay Kuwago. Sa pagkagulat ay mabilis na
lumipad palayo si Kinay Kuwago at Lara Lawin habang sina Simang Sawa at Mara
Matsing ay mabilis na nagtago sa makapal na dahon ng mga puno. Sa isang iglap
ay nawala sa paningin ni Kardong Kalabaw ang mga hayop na dumalo sa

KAYUMANGGI: “Sayang! Hindi mo tinamaan. Nakalipad tuloy,” ang naring na tinig

ni Kardong Kalabaw mula sa mga batang may mga hawak na tirador. “Halikayo,
baka marami pang ibang ibon o hayop na mahuhuli natin sa dako pa roon.”

TAGAPAGSALAYSAY: Nang tuluyan nang nakalayo ang mga bata ay saka pa

lamang naglabasan ang mga hayop na takot na takot.

ASUL: “Marahil ngayon ay alam mo na ang dahilan kung bakit ang populasyon
naming taga kain ng mga daga at kulisap ay lumiit na,” ang sabi ng mga hayop kay
Kardong Kalabaw.

PULA: “Hindi lamang ang mga ibon ang nakararanas ng kalupitan ng mga tao.”
Ang hinaing ni Simang Sawa. “Kaming mga ahas din ay pinapatay nila sa tuwing
kanilang makikita.”

LILA: Bukod sa pagbaril o pagtirador sa amin, sinisira din nila ang aming tirahan.
Kinakalbo nila ang kagubatan,” dagdag ni Mara Matsing.

57 | P a g e
BERDE: “O kaya naman nagsasabog sila ng mga kemikal na nakalalason din sa
amin,” dagdag ng iba pang hayop sa pulong. “Marami sa ating mga kasamahan
ang mga namamatay dahil sa kagagawan ng mga tao kaya paano namin sila
matutulungan kung sila mismo ang sumisira sa balanse ng kalikasan?”

TAGAPAGSALAYSAY: Walang nagawa at nasabi si Kardong Kalabaw nang isa-

isang nagpaalam sa kanya ang mga kaibigan. Napagtanto niyang totoo ang tinuran
ng mga ito. Paano ko kaya maipababatid ang lahat ng ito sa mga taong gusto kong
tulungan? Malungkot siyang naglakad pabalik sa tirahan ng kanyang mga amo.


1. Tungkol saan ang kuwento?

Inaasahang sagot: Ang kuwento ay tungkol sa paninira/panlalapastangan ng
tao sa kalikasan na humantong sa pagkasira sa balanse ng kalikasan.
2. Sino-sino ang mga tauhan sa kuwento?
Inaasahang sagot: Ang mga tauhan sa kuwento ay sina Kardong Kalabaw,
Mara Matsing, Simang Sawa, Lira Lawin at Kinay Kuwago
3. Ano ang ginagawa ng mga tao sa mga hayop at kalikasan?
Inaasahang sagot: Ang ginagawa ng mga tao sa kalikasan ay tinitirador ang
mga ibon at pinapatay ang ibang hayop
4. Ano ang kaibahan ng kuwentong ito sa iba pang uri ng kuwento?
Inaasahang sagot: Ang kaibahan ng kuwentong ito sa karaniwang kuwento
ay mga hayop ang tauhan at ito’y tinatawag na pabula.

SABIHIN: Ayusin ayon sa wastong pagkasunod-sunod ang larawan upang malinaw


mailalahad ang mahahalagang pangyayari sa kuwento gamit ang



PANUTO: Sundin ang Flow Chart na ito sa ayon sa pagkasunod-sunod na

lar awan.

58 | P a g e
Inaasahang sagot: ang tamang pagkasunod-sunod ng larawan ay larawan

larawan 1, larawan 4, larawan 2, at larawan 5

Larawan 1 Larawan 2

59 | P a g e
Larawan 3

Larawan 4

Larawan 4 Larawan 5

60 | P a g e
Explain Inter-aktibong pagtatalakay sa mga mahalagang pangyayari sa kuwento.
(5 minuto)


 Bakit mahalaga ang tamang pagkakasunod-sunod ng mga pangyayari sa


Inaasahang sagot: Sobrang napakahalaga ang tamang pagkasunod-

sunod ng mga

pangyayari sa kuwento upang maging malinaw ang nais iparating ng akda


61 | P a g e

 Ano ang mangyayari kung hindi napagkasunod-sunod nang tama ang mga
pangyayari sa isang kuwento?
Inaasahang sagot: Kung hindi maipagkasunod-sunod nang tama ang
mahahalagang pangyayari sa kuwento ay maaring hindi malinaw ang
paglalahad ng mga ideya kung kaya’y maaring malilito ang mga mambabasa
at hindi nila maintindihan ito. Bukod pa’y hindi makukuha ng may-akda ang
nais niyang iparating na resula o kaisipan.

PAALALA: Ipaunawa sa mga mag-aaral ang kahalagahan at kaugnayan ng

kuwento sa

totoong buhay.

SABIHIN: Sa tunay na buhay kailangang may tamang istruktura o hakbang


bawat gawain ng isang tao upang maging komprehensibo at

matatamo ang inaasahang resulta tulad ng paagliit ng

populasyon ng mga

hayop na nangangailangan ng madaliang solusyon.


Panuto: Mula sa mga nabanggit na mga dahilan sa pagliit ng populasyon ng hayop


nakababahala sa pagpapanatili na balanse ang ating kapaligiran, ano-

Elaborate anong mga
(12 minuto) hakbang ang magagawa natin upang masolusyonan ang suliraning ito?
Ilahad sa

pamamagitan ng malikhaing gawain sa loob ng limang minuto.

Unang Pangkat:

Pantomina ng isang sitwasyong naglalahad ng mga hakbang sa pagtugon sa

62 | P a g e
suliranin ng

pagliit ng populasyon ng mga hayop na pinakikinabangan ng mga tao.

Halimbawang Eksena:

1. Paninirador sa mga ibon

2. Pamamalo ng baboy, kambing, baka at kalabaw.

PAALALA: Bawat eksena ay may pupuna/sasaway sa mga ginagawa ng tao sa

mga hayop.

Ikalawang Pangkat:

Bumuo ng isang jingle na nananawagan sa pagpapatigil ng panlalapastangan

ng mga tao

sa kalikasan/kapaligiran.

PAALAALA: Pamantayan sa Paggawa at Paglalahad

1. Sikaping matugunan ang hinihingi sa tiyak na gawain.

2. Tiyaking angkop ang mga detalyeng ipapasok sa awtput.
3. Isasagawa ang gawain sa loob ng 5 minuto lamang at tig-iisang minuto ang

Pamantayan sa Pagmamarka

Pamantayan Puntos Natamong


Malinaw ang pagkalahad ng mga pangyayari 10

Kaangkupan ng mga ideya 10

Malikhaing pagganap 5

63 | P a g e
Kabuuang Marka 25

Pagbabahaginan ng kinalabasan ng pangkatang gawain

1. Pagbibigay ng napag-isahang marka sa bawat pangkat

2. Tanungin kung bakit binigyan ng ganoong marka.

Ipasasagot muli ang nasa paunang pagtataya.
Ipasasagot ang Pokus na Tanong: Paano nakatutulong ang tamang pagsunod-
sunod ng

mga pangyayari o hakbang sa pagkakaroon ng masagana at ligtas na


Learning Pagbuo ng mga plano o hakbang sa pagkakaroon ng masagana at ligtas na

Enablement pamayanan.


1. Mula sa mga nakalista sa ibaba, pumili ng isang paraan sa paglalahad na

angkop sa iyong kagustuhan at kakayahan.
(Gagawin ng 2. Tiyaking angkop ang mga detalyeng ipapasok sa gagawing awtput.
mga mag- 3. Para sa malawakang pagpapalaganap sa mga impormasyong inyong
aaral sa loob nabuo, ipost sa fb, twitter, Instagram at youtube.
ng dalawang
araw a. Jingle
lamang.) b. Pagguhit ng poster
c. Larawang Balangkas
d. Paggawa ng Video
e. Komiks
f. Islogan
g. Paggawa ng Babala
h. Larong naglalahad ng mga hakbang/plano

64 | P a g e
PAALALA: Mahalagang Tala

Mula sa gawaing ito, mapagtanto ng mga mag-aaral ang kahalagahan

ng hayop at kalikasan gayundin ang kahandaan sa mga sakuna/kalamidad na

dulot ng


Pamantayan sa Pagmamarka

Pamantayan Puntos Natamong


Malinaw ang pagkalahad ng mga pangyayari 10

Kaangkupan ng mga ideya 10

Malikhaing pagganap 5

Kabuuang Marka 25

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by


Teacher III

Arcelo Memorial National High School-Day Class

Liloan District

65 | P a g e GAD-based iC CEBU
Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Science Quarter 1 Duration : 50


Learning Area/s Integrated: English, MAPEH, Math, TLE

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary /

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

/ Communication Learning and Innovation
Problem Solving

/ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology / Life

and Career

II. Focused Learning Competencies (LC) (Use Curriculum Guide (CG)

S6MT-1d-f-2 discuss techniques in separating mixtures such as physical
manipulation or handpicking, decantation, evaporation, filtering, sieving and using
1.1 describe the ways of separating mixtures such as physical manipulation or
III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated
Everybody should be equally involved in decision making
IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge describe the process of physical manipulation or handpicking as

one way to separate mixtures

Skills separate materials from common and local products

apply knowledge on mixtures to real life context

Attitude display interest in the importance of separating mixture existing

in the surroundings like segregation of garbage

Values show care to surroundings by using recyclable materials

V. Learning Ways of Separating Mixtures through Physical Manipulation or

66 | P a g e
Content/s Handpicking

Concept Physical manipulation or handpicking is a technique used in

separating large solid components of a heterogeneous mixture

Reference/s Curriculum Guide, Science Textbook “The New Science Links

6”, pp. 83-92, by Evelyn Padpad

Theme Nutrition Month

DRRE Follow safety measures in handling sharp objects like knife in

preparing and separating mixtures

Materials Pictures, real objects, task cards, manila papers, pentel pens,
masking tapes, charts

Vl. Learning
Experiences (5

1. Engage A. Pre-test
(5 minutes)
Look at the list below, pick out the mixtures that can be
separated through picking.

pins and paper clips

hot coffee with milk

chocolate chips and raisins

orange juice

marbles and stones


soy sauce with calamansi

cheese and raisins

67 | P a g e
iced tea

peanut and cornick

Possible Answers :

Pins and paper clips

Chocolate chips and raisins

Marbles and stones

Cheese and raisins

Peanut and cornick

B. Show pictures of fruit salad, mixed nuts, and pizza to the

three groups. Let the learners make 2 questions out of
the given pictures. The representative of each group will
give the questions and anybody from other groups will
answer the questions.
Possible questions:

What are the ingredients of halo-halo? Pizza? Mixed


How many components are there in halo-halo? Pizza?

Mixed Nuts?

Can I separate the ingredients of halo-halo? Pizza? Mixed


NOTE: Try to surface the possible answers.

C. The mixed nuts contain seeds and nuts.


1. Are these foods healthy? Why?

Possible Answer : Yes, because they contain

vitamins and

68 | P a g e

2. What vitamins and minerals can you get from eating

these foods?

Possible Answers: Vitamin C, Vitamin A ,

Carbohaydrates and


The fruit salad contains different fruits.


3. Are fruits good for the body? Why?

Possible Answers: Yes, because fruits give vitamins and

minerals to our body

4. What vitamins and minerals can you get from eating

pineapple? Apple? Banana? Papaya?

Possible Answers: Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E,

Potassium, Carbohydrates

5. Can we separate the components or ingredients of

these mixtures? How?

Possible Answers: Yes, by physical manipulation or


2. Explore Distribute a task card for each group to perform.

minutes) Remind them of the Do’s and Don’ts while doing the activity.

a. Wash your hands.

b. Do the task carefully.

c. Do not eat.

d. Clean the area after the activity.

Groups 1 and 2

69 | P a g e
Materials: small bowl

peanuts, green peas, corn kernels and mongo


What to do:

Prepare a bowl.

Put the peanuts, green peas, corn kernels and


together in a bowl and shake.

Observe what happened.

Separate the components of mixture.

Groups 3 and 4

Materials: small bowl plastic knife

ripe banana, ripe mango and pineapple (cut into


What to do:

Prepare the bowl.

Put the cubed ripe banana, ripe mango and

pineapple in a

bowl and shake.

Observe what happened.

Separate the components of mixture.


1. What happened to the seeds and nuts after shaking?

Possible Answer: They are mixed.

2. What happened to the fruits after shaking?

Possible Answer: They are mixed.

70 | P a g e
3. Were you able to separate the mixtures of seeds or nuts?
different fruits? How ?

Possible Answers: Yes, by hand picking.

4. Why do you think you’re able to separate the components

of the mixtures easily ?

Possible Answer: We’re able to separate the components

of the mixtures because they are easily identified or

5. How could components of mixtures be separated ?

Possible Answer: The components of mixtures will be


through physical manipulation or handpicking.

3. Explain A. Group Reporting

B. The teacher will process the learners’ answers.


1. How do you describe a mixture you made in your group ?

Possible Answer: It has different components.

2. Identify the components of a mixture in your group.

Possible Answers: peanuts, peas, corn and chips

pineapple, mango and banana


Have you observed safety precautions in handling sharp

objects like knife in preparing the components of the

How? Why?

Possible Answers: Yes, by putting the sharp edge of the

plastic knife away from our classmates to avoid hitting
71 | P a g e

Be very careful in slicing the fruits to avoid accidents.

4. Elaborate Ask the group to mention other kinds of mixtures in the

(10 environment that can be separated by handpicking or physical
minutes) manipulation.

Suggested Answers: halo-halo, utan bisaya, binignit

Show a picture of a pile of garbage. Let the group members

discuss how this garbage can be separated. Have them write
down the steps on how they are going to do it. Publish the group
work and share it to the class.

Suggested Answers:

The garbage can be separated through physical manipulation or


Steps in separating the garbage :

Step 1: Identify the garbage as to biodegradable or non –


Step 2: Pick out the garbage that can rot and place in the
trashcan for biodegradable.

Step 3. Pick out the garbage that do not rot and place in the
trashcan for non-biodegradable.


Physical manipulation is a technique used in separating the

solid components of heterogeneous mixture. The components
of the mixture should be big enough to be seen and picked up by
hands or tongs. When you separate seeds and sands from
milled rice, you use your bare hands. You separated the
72 | P a g e
components through physical manipulation.

ASK: Why is it important to segregate garbage?

Possible Answers:

It is important to segregate garbage so that the environment will

become clean.

Proper disposal of garbage will keep the place free from


5. Evaluate l. Put a check mark (/) beside the mixtures that can be separated
(5 minutes) through hand picking.

1. powdered milk and water

2. coffee and sugar

3. mixed vegetables salad (/)

4. macaroni salad (/)

5. porridge

6. rice grains with stones and seeds (/)

7. apple juice

8. garbage in the landfill (/)

ll. Pepe and Pilar love to eat mixed vegetables (pinakbet). They
don’t get sick easily. Why do you think so? Explain in 3
sentences, observing the correct sentence structure, proper
grammar and correct spelling. (6 points)

Suggested Answer:

73 | P a g e
-Pepe and Pilar don’t get sick easily because vegetables supply
the body with vitamins and minerals that will boost the immune
system of our body. Squash is rich in Vitamin A for healthy

SAY: Let’s have a feeding project for the and we’ll now decide
what recipe we shall prepare.

1. What example of mixed vegetables you can prepare?

VIl. Learning
Possible Answer: Utan Bisaya
( 2 minutes)
2. List down all the ingredients and the cost.

4 bunches Malunggay – P 80.00

4 bunches Alugbati - P 80.00

3 kls Squash - P 90.00

1 kl Butig - P 25.00

Total - P 275.00

3. Discuss the procedures on how to cook it.

Step 1: Wash the vegetables with clean water, then cut the

vegetables into desired sizes

Step 2: Bring water to a boil.

Step 3: Put squash and butig. Cook for 5 minutes or until


Step 4: Add alugbati, cook for 2 minutes.

Step 5: Then add the malunggay, season to taste.

4. Ask your Feeding Teacher of the list of undernourished

children in grade six.

74 | P a g e
There are 30 undernourished learners in grade six.

5.Set date for the feeding

The date set for feeding will be on July 31, 2019

6.Let the learners bring the ingredients available at home.

Learners will bring malunggay, alugbati, butig, and squash.

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

References : Science Textbook “The New Science Links 6”, pp. 83 – 92, by Evelyn

Prepared by


Master Teacher ll

Balamban Central Elementary School, Balamban District l

75 | P a g e
76 | P a g e


Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Mathematics Quarter: I Duration: 50


Learning Area/s Integrated: HELE, Science and Health

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary √

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)`

√ Communication Learning and Innovation √ Problem Solving

√ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life and Career

II. Focused Learning Competencies (LC)

M6NS-Ia-86 add simple fractions and mixed numbers without or with

III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated : promote equality among men and women in performing
duties and


IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge discuss the steps in adding simple fractions and mixed numbers without or with

77 | P a g e
Skills add simple fractions and mixed numbers using number line, fraction bars and strips

Attitude manifest collaboration in performing assigned tasks

Values appreciate the value of cooperation in working with others

V. Learning
Adding Similar Fractions in Simple or Mixed Forms Without or With Regrouping

Concepts In adding similar fractions, add the numerators then copy the denominator. Reduce the
answer to lowest term.

In adding mixed numbers with similar fractions, add the fractional parts then add the
whole numbers. Reduce the answer to lowest terms.

DRRE demonstrate disaster preparedness and mitigation actions based on given varied
situations (too much exposure to sun’s heat)

Reference/s 21st Century Mathletes, pp. 3-15, Lesson Guides in Math 6, pp. 268-274, Math for All 6,
pp. 14-21

IMs tagboard, realia (calamansi, cups), fraction strips, bar models, number line, coloring pens


V. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

6. Engage A. Drill: Using Show-me-board, let the learners change the following improper fractions to
(15 mixed numbers.
a. 12/5 c. 13/7

b. 9/4 d. 21/4

B. Review: Pre-test on adding similar fractions and mixed numbers.

1. Draw a diagram in showing the sum of the following.

78 | P a g e




2. Add the following and express your answer in the lowest term.

a. The sum of 2 2/10 + 3 5/10 = _____

Possible Answer: 8 7/10

b. 3 5/8 more than 4 3/8 = _____

Possible Answer: 7 8/8 or 8

C. Skill Preparation


Frequency of Rain



ASK: 1. What months have frequent rain?

Possible Answer:

June - September

79 | P a g e
2. What usually happens during raining days?

Answers may vary.

3. Which do you prefer, sunny days or rainy days? Why?

Answers may vary.

4. What do boys and girls do during sunny days? Answers may vary.
How long do you stay under the sun? Answers may vary.

5. Is it good to stay under the sun for a prolonged period of time? Why?

Possible Answer: It is not good to stay under the sun for a prolonged period of

because of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays.

SAY: Jade and Jude were exposing themselves under the heat of the sun so they
were very


Father prepared calamansi juice for them to overcome their thirst. He mixed
1/10 cup

of calamansi juice and 8/10 cup of water. How many cups of juice did father mix in

Possible Answer: 9/10 cup


a. Who prepared the calamansi juice?

Possible Answer: father

b. At home, who usually prepares juices for the family?

Possible Answer: mother

80 | P a g e
c. Do your father and mother take turns in preparing juices? Why? Why not?

Answers may vary.

d. What kind of mixture did father use in preparing the juice?

Possible Answer: homogeneous mixture

e. How did father prepare the juice?

Possible answer:

He –

1. sliced the calamansi into two equal parts.

2.squeezed the calamansi to get the juice.

3. mixed the juice with a glass of water.

4. added sugar to the mixed juice and water.

5. stirred the mixture of water, juice and sugar

f. If you were Jade and Jude, how should you protect yourselves under the heat of
the sun?

How would you prevent sun burn?

Possible Answer: Apply sunblock and avoid too much exposure from the sun.

7. Explore A. Provide each group tiered activities on adding similar fractions and mixed numbers.
(10 minutes) Let each group solve the problem using the materials provided in each envelope.

Group 1: Not Ready

Find the sum of the given values. Illustrate fractions using the strips of

It took 3/6 minutes for father to slice the calamansi. He was able to mix the juice, with water
and sugar for 4/6 minutes. How many minutes did it take for father to prepare the juice?

Possible Answer:

3/6 + 4/6 = 7/6 or 1 1/6

81 | P a g e
Group 2: Just Ready

Solve the following problem. Illustrate the fractions by coloring the bar

Father has 2/5 kg of sugar. He bought 1 3/5 kg more for his calamansi juice.
How many kilograms of sugar does he have in all?

Expected Answer:

2/5 + 1 3/5 = 1 5/5 or 2

Group 3 : Ready to Go Beyond

Draw a number line using coloring pens to illustrate the given


Mother jogs 2/5 km and father jogs 1 4/5 km every Sunday. How far did they jog in

82 | P a g e
Possible Answer:

2/5 + 1 4/5 = 11/5 or 2 1/5

8. Explain ASK:
(10 minutes)
a. How did you find the activity?

Possible Answer: It was enjoyable and challenging.

b. What kind of fractions did you add?

Possible Answer: similar/proper fractions and mixed fractions with similar denominators

c. How did you add similar fractions?

Possible Answer: To add similar fractions, add the numerators then copy the denominator.
Express the answer to lowest term possible.

d. How did you add mixed fractions with similar denominators?

Possible Answer: To add mixed fractions with similar fractions, add the fractional parts, then
add the whole numbers. Reduce the answer to lowest term if possible.

Answer the following:

a. Find the sum of 3/10 and 8/10

b. 1/8 plus 2 5/8

c. 1 2/3 more than 5 2/3

83 | P a g e
4. Elaborate A. Tiered Activity. Accomplish the tasks for two minutes.
(10 minutes)
Not ready Just Ready Ready to go

Find the sum using bars. Solve the given problem. Find the sum using

1. 1 2/8 + 3/8 = _____ The Gr. VI learners

were asked about their 1. 2 2/5 + 3 4/5 = ___
favorite juice. The graph
shows the results. 2. 3 2/6 + 4 5/6 = ___
2. 2 5/10 + 6/10 = _____

Possible Answers: 4/8 Orange juice

Lemon juice Possible Answers:

Mango juice 1.5 6/5 or 1 1/5
2. 2 7/6 or 3 1/6

2. What part of the class

likes lemon and orange

Possible Answer:

4/8 + 2/8 = 6/8 or 1 ¼

5.Evaluate A. Draw a diagram to find the sum of the following:

(5 minutes)

1. 2/3 plus 1/3

84 | P a g e
2. 4/5 plus 3/5

3. 2 3/10 plus 1 5/10

B. Get the sum using algorithm.

1.) the sum of 2 5/6 and 3 4/6

2.) 7 5/9 more than 3 7/9

VI. Learning A. Complete each table. Answer in a ½ crosswise sheet of paper.

Add 5/8 to
(to be done at
4/8 5/8 7/8 6/8

Add 2/9 to

1 3/9 1 4/9 3 4/9 5 6/9

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

References: 21st Century Mathletes, pp.3-15

Lesson Guides in Math 6, pp.268-274

Math for All 6, by Gladys C. Nivera pp.14-21


85 | P a g e
Prepared by


Master Teacher I

Mantalongon Elementary School, Barili II

86 | P a g e
GAD - Based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Araling Panlipunan Quarter: I

Duration: 50 minuto

Learning Area/s Integrated: Math, English, Filipino & Science

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary √
/ /


87 | P a g e
I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

Communication √ Learning and Innovation √ Problem Solving

√ /
√/ Critical Thinking / √ Information Media and Technology// √ Life and Career
/ /
I. Focused Learning /Competency
AP6PMK-Ie-7 natatalakay ang mga ambag ni Andres Bonifacio, ang Katipunan at
Himagsikan ng 1896 sa pagbuo ng Pilipinas bilang isang bansa

II. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated

nakikilala ang pantay-pantay na ambag sa paglilingkod ng mga kalalakihan at
kababaihan para sa kalayaan

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Kaalaman nakapagsusuri sa mga ambag ni Andres Bonifacio sa himagsikan

Kasanayan nakapaggagawa ng malikhaing pagtatanghal na nagpapakita

ng mga ambag at buhay ni Andres Bonifacio

Kaasalan nakapagkikilala na may pagmalaki sa mga kontribusyon ni Andres Bonifacio

Kahalagah nakapagsasabuhay ng may-diin ang pagka bayani


V. Learning Content/s

Rebolusyong Pilipino ng 1896

Konsepto Ang mga ambag ni Andres Bonifacio ay higit na nagbibigay-linaw sa mga mag-
aaral tungkol sa pagkamit ng kalayaan.

Sanggunia K to 12 Curriculum Guide, p. 123

Kayamanan, p. 434

Yaman ng Pilipinas 6, pp. 138-139

88 | P a g e

DRRE nakapagpaplano ng alternatibong aksiyon na nakapagbawas sa epekto ng sakuna

dulot ng himagsikan

Kagamitan video clip, mga larawan, rubrik at gabay sa panayam

VI. Learning Experiences


Panuto: Piliin ang titik ng tamang sagot. Isulat sa kapat na papel.
(10 1. Sino ang tinaguriang “Ama ng Himagsikan at Rebolusyong Pilipino”?
a. Jose Rizal b. Emilio Aguinaldo c. Andres Bonifacio

2. Ang Katipunan ay naitatag dahil____

a. ito ay isang lihim na lipunan na nakatuon sa pakikipaglaban sa mga

Espanyol na sumakop sa Pilipinas.

b. layunin nitong pagkaisahin ang mga Pilipino upang magkaroon ng

maayos na edukasyon.

c. nais nitong turuan ang mga Pilipino sa mabuting pakikitungo sa mga

Espanyol upang makamtan ang kalayaan ng bansa.

3. Nakipaghimagsikan si Andres Bonifacio upang ____

a. mabihasa ang mga Pilipino sa pakikipaglaban.

b. makamtan ang tunay na kalayaan ng bansa.

c. makilala sa mga Pilipino at tawaging Supremo ng Katipunan.

4. Ang pangyayaring nakatulong sa kalayaan ng bansa ay ang ____

a. pakikipag-usap ni Andres Bonifacio

b. pagkakulong ni Andres Bonifacio

c. paghimagsik ni Andres Bonifacio

5. Ang mga sumusunod na sitwasyon ay nagpapakita ng kabayanihan maliban sa


a. pagbigay-tulong sa mga nangangailangan.

89 | P a g e
b. paglabag sa mga alituntuning itinakda sa paaralan.

c. pagsali sa mga organisasyong inilunsad sa barangay.

Inaasahang Sagot:

1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. B


Panoorin natin ang video clip tungkol sa isang himagsikan.

Pangganyak na Tanong: Paano kaya ipinaglaban ng mga bayani ang kalayaan ng

ating bansa?

Inaasahang sagot: Pinakita ng mga bayani babae o lalake man ang pantay-pantay
na paglilingkod para sa kalayaan sa pamagitan ng pag-alay ng
kanilang mga sarili hanggang kamatayan.


1. Batay sa inyong nakitang video clip, paano nakamtan ng ating bansa ang

Inaasahang sagot: Sa video clip nakikita ang iba’t-ibang ambag ng mga bayani
nakidigma, nagsulat, nakiusap, at marami pang iba na kahit
kamatayan ay di inalantana para sa minimithing kalayaan

2. Paano natin maipakita ang kahalagan ng kalayaan?

Inaasahang sagot: Sa pamamagitan ng paggawa ng makabubuti ng bansa gaya

ng pagiging isang mabuting mag-aaral, pagsunod ng batas, at
marami pang iba.

2. Explore SABIHIN:

(15 Maraming paraan ang pagpapakita ng kahalagahan ng kalayaan kagaya ni

minutes) Andres Bonifacio sabay paskil sa mga larawang nito sa pisara at itanong may
nalalaman ba kayo tungkol sa kanya?
Inaasahang sagot: Ama ng katipunan, namumuno sa himagsikan, at iba pang

90 | P a g e
kaugnay na sagot.

A. Pagpapakita ng mga larawan tungkol ni Andres Bonifacio

91 | P a g e

B. Pangkatang Gawain

Bawat pangkat ay magpapakita ng malikhaing gawain tungkol sa buhay at
ambag ni Andres Bonifacio gamit ang binigay na teksto. Bigyan ng limang

92 | P a g e
minuto sa paghahanda at dalawang minuto sa presentasyon.

Unang Pangkat: Pagsasalaysay sa pagkaulila ni Andres Bonifacio.


Pamantayan Puntos Natamong


Nilalaman 10

Wastong paggamit ng 5

Kaangkupan ng ideya 5

Istilo ng pagtalakay 5

Kabuuan 25
Pangkat: Pagsasadula
ng pagkakulong ni Andres Bonifacio.


Pamantayan Puntos Natamong Puntos

Nilalaman 10

Makatotohanang pagganap 5

Presentasyon 5

Dating sa mga manonood 5

Kabuuan 25

93 | P a g e
Ikatlong Pangkat: Pagbubuo ng islogan ukol sa pakikibaka ni Andres Bonifacio


Pamantaya 3 2 1 Nakukuhang

Mensahe Napakagaling May Hindi naging

40% ng nabuong kahusayan malinaw
mensahe at ang ang
lubhang nabuong mensahe at
naaayon sa mensahe at hindi
tema naaayon sa naaayon sa
tema tema

Pagsunod Lubusang Nakasunod Hindi

sa mga nakasunod sa ilang nakasunod
Panuntunan sa mga mga sa ilang
20% panuntunang panuntunan mga
itinakda sa g itinakda panuntunan
pagbuo ng sa pagbuo g itinakda
slogan ng slogan sa pagbuo
ng slogan

Kalinisan ng Napakalinis Malinis at Kulang sa

Gawa 20% at madaling nauunawaa kalinisan at
mauunawaan n ang bahagyang
ang pagkakasul nauunawaa
pagkakasulat at ng slogan n ang
ng slogan pagkakasul
at ng slogan

Dating sa Lubos na Nakapukaw/ Hindi ganap

Madla 20% nakapukaw nakaakit sa na
ng atensyon mga tao ang nakapukaw
sa mga tao nabuong o nakakuha
ang nabuong slogan ng atensyon
slogan sa mga tao

94 | P a g e

SABIHIN: Natutunghayan ang buhay ni Andres Bonifacio mula sa ginawang

malikhaing pagtatanghal, tingnan kung marami ba ang mapupulot na
impormasyon sa presentasyon ng bawat pangkat.

1. Ano ang nararamdaman ninyo habang ginawa ang pagsasadula?

Inaasahang sagot: nasiyahan, naawa, feeling bayani, at iba pangkaugnay na


2. Makukuha ba ang mga impormasyon sa buhay ni Andres

Bonifacio mula sa ginagawang presentasyon?

Inaasahang sagot: Nakukuha at nabigyang-diin ang buhay ni Bonifacio ng siya

ay bata pa at naulila, pakikipaglaban, kahinatnan ng kanyang
pakikibaka at ambag sa bayan.

3.Explain 3. Katanggap-tanggap kaya ang nararamdaman ni Andres Bonifacio ng siya ay

(5 minutes)
Inaasahang sagot: Hindi dahil mga magulang niya ang namatay, ngunit bilang
panganay na anak at may mga kapatid na dapat buhayin
pinagtibayan nya ang loob at nagkaroon ng positibong pananaw
at buong pusong pagtanggap bilang hamon sa buhay.

4. Bakit nakikipaghimagsikan ni Andres Bonifacio? Ibigay ang mga sanhi at

naging bunga nito?

Inaasahang sagot: Para sa kalayaan at mabuo ang Pilipinas bilang isang


5. Dapat bang kilalin at ipagmalaki si Andres Bonifacio bilang isang bayani?

Inaasahang sagot: Kahit sino kapag may ginawang pagsakripisyo at pag-alay

ng buhay para sa kapakanan ng bayan ay dapat ipagmalaki,
kagaya ni Andres Bonifacio na s’yang nagpasimula ng isang
labanan para mapalaya ang Pilipinas sa mga Kastila.

95 | P a g e
6. Mayroon ba kayong kilalang mga babae at lalaki na matatawag nating
mga makabagong bayani sa ating komunidad?

Inaasahang sagot: Oo, Sa bahaging ito, ipasasaisip sa mga bata na ang

kabayanihan ay walang pinipiling kasarian basta’t taglay
nila ang mga katangian ng isang bayani.

7. Gusto mo bang maging bayani? Bakit?

Inaasahang sagot: Para makatulong sa sariling komunidad o sa buong

bansa sa pangkalahatan.


Dahil gusto nyong maging bayani tunghayan natin ang buhay ni Andres
Bonifacio bilang halimbawa.

PAALAALA: Pagbibigay talakay ng guro gamit ang Power Point Presentation.

96 | P a g e

Mas higit niyong nasubaybayan at naintindihan ang buhay ni Andres Bonifacio

bilang isang bayani. Ngayon gamit ang parehang pangkat gawin ang sumusunod:

Unang Pangkat:

Gamit ang semantic web ibigay ang mga katangiang dapat taglayin ng isang



Ikalawang Pangkat:

Bumuo ng sitwasyon kung saan makapagplano kayo ng mga alternatibong

paraan na makapagbawas sa epekto ng sakuna dulot ng himagsikan at
maisabuhay ito ng may diin ang iyong pagkabayani.

Ikatlong Pangkat:

Bumuo ng “Hugot Lines” ukol sa kabayanihan ni Andres Bonifacio.

97 | P a g e

Andres Bonifacio ka ba?

Bakit? (magbibigay ng mga katangian ni Andres Bonifacio)

Ikaw ang ____________ ng buhay ko, eh.



Pamantayan Puntos Natatamong Puntos

Wastong paggamit ng 5

Kaangkupan ng 5
ideyang ginamit

Ginamit na biswal 5

Estilo ng pagtalakay 5

Kabuuan 20

98 | P a g e
PANUTO: Sumulat ng maikling talata na naaayon sa pamagat na, “ Paano mo
isasabuhay ang magandang katangian ni Andres Bonifacio? “


Pamantayan 5 4 3 2 1

Lahat ng
pangungusap ay
sumuporta sa
pangunahing ideya ng
5. talata
Tatlo o higit pang
pangungusap ang
sumuporta sa
pangunahing ideya ng

pangungusap ang
sumuporta sa
pangunahing ideya ng

Isang pangungusap
ang sumuporta sa
pangunahing ideya ng

Walang pangungusap
ang sumuporta sa

ideya ng talata

VI.Learnin Gamit ang questionnaire o interview guide ang mga mag-aaral ay

g makipagpanayam sa mga taong may pinakamahalaga, pinakamabuti,
Enableme pinakamaganda at makabayaning ambag sa pamayanang kinabibilangan.
Maaring anyayahan ang mga napiling modernong bayani sa komunidad na
(10 makilahok sa palatuntunan sa darating na Buwan ng Kasaysayan. Ipakilala sila sa
99 | P a g e
minutes) ibang mga bata at bigyan sila ng parangal o papuri ukol sa kanilang kabayanihang



Pangalan: __________________________________________________

Edad: _________ Kasarian: _____________ Kaarawan: _____________

Lugar ng Kapanganakan: ______________________________________

Trabaho: ___________________________________________________

Mga Natatanging Katangian:



100 | P a g e


Pangalan at

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)


Kto12 Curriculum Guide p. 123

Kayamanan, p. 434

Yaman ng Pilipinas 6, pp. 138-139

101 | P a g e
Prepared by


Master Teacher I

Sorsogon Elementary School, Malabuyoc District

102 | P a g e
103 | P a g e
Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Edukasyon sa

Pagpapakatao (EsP)

Learning Area/s Integrated: Filipino, DRRE, GAD Unang Markahan

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary

III. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

Communication Learning and Innovation Problem Solving

Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life and Career

II. Focused Learning Competencies (LC) (Use Curriculum Guide)

naisasagawa ang mga tamang hakbang na makatutulong sa pagbuo ng isang desisyon na

makabubuti sa pamilya

1.1 paggamit ng impormasyon EsP6PKP-Ia-i-37

III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated

mapapahalagahan ang pagkakapantay-pantay ng mga kasarian

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

naipapaliwanag ang kahalagahan ng media at ang makatotohanang pagkuha

ng impormasyon

nakagagawa ng poster/slogan para sa makatotohanang pagkuha ng

Skills impormasyon tungo sa tamang desisyon

naibabahagi ang nagawa sa buong paaralan

Attitude naipapakita ang katapatan sa pagmamahal sa katotohanan

104 | P a g e
Values napapahalagahan ang katotohanan sa totoong buhay (Love of truth)

V. Learning Pagpapaliwanag sa kahalagahan ng media at ang makatotohanang pagkuha

Content/s ng impormasyon

Ang pagmamahal sa katotohanan ay pagkuha ng datos sa tunay na

pangyayari at paghahanap ng katiyakan ng tamang impormasyon. Ang
pagsasabi ng katotohanan ay tamang hakbang na makakatulong sa pagbuo
Concept ng isang desisyon na makabubuti sa pamilya.

Mag-ingat upang mailigtas ang sarili sa sakuna. DRRE

K to 12 Gabay Pangkurikulum, Ugaling Pilipino sa Makabagong Panahon

Manwal ng Guro, pp. 6-8; Batayang Aklat, pp. 26-33

video clip,mga larawan, tunay na bagay, activity cards, pentel pens, meta
cards, masking tapes, kartolina, krayola

VI. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

I. Pagbibigay ng Paunang Pagsusulit. (Please refer to Appendix A.)

Sagutin ng Tama o Mali.

Isulat sa patlang ang Tama kung wasto ang pahayag at Mali kung hindi
1. Engage
(6 minuto)

________1. Sa pangangalap ng katotohanan, kinakailangan ang

mga datos

sa tunay na pangyayari at katiyakan ng tamang


105 | P a g e
________2. Maaaring hindi sabihin ng mga tao ang katotohanan

paminsan-minsan lamang naman.


________3. Katotohanan ang pangunahing panuntunan sa

paghahayag ng



________4. Ang pagkalito, takot, agam-agam, pagkagalit sa sarili,


pagsisisi ay ang mga maaaring maramdaman ng tao

sa tuwing

siya ay nagsisinungaling.


________5. Kapayapaan sa isip at damdamin, kagaanan at

kapanatagan ng

loob ang dulot ng pagsasabi ng katotohanan.


II.Pangkatang Gawain(Gallery Walk)

A. Pangkatin ang klase sa apat. Bawat pangkat ay titingin sa mga

nakapaskil na mga larawan o tunay na bagay ng mga uri ng media sa
bawat sulok ng silid-aralan. Magbalangkas ng 2 tanong ang bawat
pangkat sa mga nakitang larawan o tunay na bagay.(Please refer to
Appendix A.)

106 | P a g e
B. Pagkatapos ng gallery walk ay ipapasagot ang mga tanong na nabuo sa


C. Mga tanong:

107 | P a g e
1. Ano ang nararamdaman ninyo nang kayo ay nag gallery walk?

Masaya, nagagalak…atbp

2.Ano-ano ang mga sanggunian sa pagkuha ng impomasyon?

Internet, cellphone, radyo, telebisyon, pahayagan, aklat,atbp.

3. Naniniwala ba kayo sa mga impormasyon na inyong naririnig,

nakikita o

nababasa? Hindi, dahil mahalagang maglaan pa tayo ng sapat na

panahon sa

paghahanap ng impormasyon upang matiyak ang katotohanan.

4. Alin ang mas mahalaga, ang uri ng media o ang katotohanang hatid
nito sa

atin? Bakit?

Ang katotohanang hatid nito sa atin dahil ito ang nakatutulong sa


ng tamang desisyon.

5. Ano kaya ang maaaring maidudulot nito sa atin at sa ating kapwa?

Nagdudulot ito ng kabutihan sa ating pamilya at sa lahat ng tao.

 Pangkatang Gawain
 Basahin ang sitwasyon sa activity cards.
Alalahanin ang isang pagkakataong natukso at hindi magsasabi ng

2. Explore
(6 minuto)

108 | P a g e
(Please refer to Appendix B.)

 Gamit ang facebook, may nakapost na video ng mga mag-aaral na

gumagawa ng “initiation ng fraternity” sa loob ng paaralan
pagkatapos ng

kanilang klase.

 May katotohanan ba ang post na ito? Answers may vary

 Kung ikaw ang bata na nakakita ng post sa facebook, ano ang
iyong gagawin upang malaman ang katotohanan?Ipagpaalam
ko ito sa guro o principal upang magkaroon ng imbetigasyon
tungkol dito nang mabigyan sila ng kaukulang proseso at
mailabas ang katotohanan.
 Kung ikaw ang isa sa mga batang nasa video, ano ang iyong
Ako ay kusang haharap sa guro o principal at sasabihin ko ang
katotohanan upang makamit ko ang payapang isip at
damdamin, magaan at mapanatag na kalooban.

 Gamit ang cellphone, may kumalat na text sa paaralan na may ilang

mag-aaral sa ikaanim na baitang na nangongopya ng sagot sa

 Ano ang masasabi ninyo sa balitang ito? May katotohanan ba o

Answers may vary

 Kung ikaw ay isang batang mag-aaral na nakatanggap ng text,

ano ang
iyong gagawin upang malaman ang katotohanan? GAD

Ipagpaalam ko ito sa guro upang ipatawag ang mga batang


kinalaman sa pangyayari at bigyan sila ng pagkakataong


ang kanilang saloobin.

 Kung ikaw ang isa sa mga batang sangkot sa pangongopya, ano

109 | P a g e
ang iyong gagawin?
Ako ay kusang haharap sa klase upang magpapaliwanag na ang
mga nagkalat na balita ay pawang kasinungalingan lamang at
walang katuturan.

Ako ay haharap sa klase at aaminin ko ang aking nagawang

kasalanan upang hihingi ng paumanhin at nangakong hindi na
uulitin kailanman.

Tala para sa guro: Kailangan ang maiging patnubay sa pagbigay ng mga

sitwasyon o gawain sa mga bata.

Think-Pair Share

 Pumili ng kapareha at pag-usapan ang inyong mga sagot sa

sumusunod. Humanda sa pag-uulat ukol sa inyong napag- usapan.

 Mag-isip ng isang sitwasyon kung saan ginamit mo ang media sa

pagbibigay ng maling impormasyon. Gamit ang graphic organizer, itala
sa meta cards ang inyong mga sagot. (Please refer to Appendix C.)

Uri ng Sitwasyong Hindi

Bunga ng Mga Aral na
Nagsabi ng Nararamdaman
Media Pagsisinungaling Natutunan
3. Explain
(6 minuto)

 Magkaroon ng malalim na talakayan sa mga naging kasagutan ng

mga mag-aaral, lalo na sa mga maling sitwasyon na nakasulat at kung
paano nila ito itinama.

 Tatalakayin ng guro ang kahalagahan ng pagmamahal sa katotohanan

sa paggamit ng impormasyon bilang tamang hakbang sa pagbuo ng
110 | P a g e
isang desisyon na makabubuti sa pamilya.

 Itanong:
 Paano nakatutulong ang mga sanggunian sa pagkuha ng
mga impormasyon?
Nakatulong ito sa pagkuha ng mabilisang impormasyon.

 Bilang isang bata, ano ang iyong pagkaunawa sa

pagmamahal sa katotohanan?
Ang pagmamahal sa katotohanan ay ang pag-alam sa mga
tunay na pangyayari upang matiyak ang tamang

Ang pagsasabi ng totoo sa lahat ng bagay.

 Paano mo ito maipapakita sa anumang sitwasyon o

pagsubok na iyong mararanasan? Answers may vary
 Ano ang kabutihang maaaring idulot sa pagiging tapat sa
lahat ng bagay?
Makakatulong ang pagiging matapat upang makagagawa
tayo ng tamang desisyon para sa ikabubuti ng ating sarili at

Sasabihin ng guro:

Ang pagsisinungaling ay walang maidudulot na tama sa buhay ng isang

111 | P a g e tao. Maaari kang mapahamak o makakasakit ng ibang tao dahil sa hindi
pagsasabi ng totoo. Ang pagmamahal sa katotohanan ay pagkuha ng
datos sa tunay na pangyayari at paghahanap ng katiyakan ng tamang
impormasyon. Makakatulong din ito upang makagagawa tayo ng tamang
desisyon para sa ikabubuti ng ating sarili at pamilya. Ang bunga ng
Tala para sa guro: Magbigay ng mas malawak na impormasyon tungkol sa

pagpapahalagang pagmamahal sa katotohanan.

● Basahin ang sitwasyon.(Please refer to Appendix D.)

 May isang flash report sa radyo o telebisyon na may paparating na

bagyo na tatama sa inyong lugar.
 Bilang mapanuring mag-aaral, ano ang inyong mga
hakbang na gagawin upang malaman mo na ang balita o
impormasyon ay totoo o hindi?
4. Elaborat Ipagbigay alam ko sa aking magulang at guro.
(6 minuto) Hahanap ako ng katiyakan sa tamang impormasyon.

 Ano ang inyong gagawin upang maiwasan at mailigtas ang

sarili sa ganitong sakuna? DRRE
Ihanda ang mga kakailanganin tulad ng tubig, pagkain, first
aid, extra na baterya, flashlight, mga damit atbp.

Pag-usapan sa pamilya ang emergency plan.

Maghanda sa posibilidad na paglikas

112 | P a g e
Tumutok sa balita sa radio, TV at Internet.

Patayin ang main switch ng kuryente.

Tandaan ang mga mahahalagang numero gaya ng RED


Tala para sa guro: Maaaring gamitin ang mga video tungkol sa mga dapat
gawin bago dumating ang bagyo.

A. Sagutin ng Tama o Mali.

Isulat sa patlang ang Tama kung wasto ang pahayag at Mali kung hindi

________1. Sa pangangalap ng katotohanan, kinakailangan ang mga

5.Evaluate datos
(6 minuto) sa tunay na pangyayari at katiyakan ng tamang


________2. Maaaring hindi sabihin ng mga tao ang katotohanan


paminsan-minsan lamang naman.


________3. Katotohanan ang pangunahing panuntunan sa

paghahayag ng


113 | P a g e

________4. Ang pagkalito, takot, agam-agam, pagkagalit sa sarili, at

pagsisisi ay ang mga maaaring maramdaman ng tao sa


siya ay nagsisinungaling.


________5. Kapayapaan sa isip at damdamin, kagaanan at

kapanatagan ng

loob ang dulot ng pagsasabi ng katotohanan.


B.Pangkatin ang klase sa apat. Ipalabas ang mga ipinadalang kagamitan sa

paggawa ng Poster/Slogan. Sa pamamagitan ng brainstorming, gagawa ang
pangkat ng Poster /Slogan tungkol sa kanilang nabuong ideya ng
katotohanan. Hikayatin ang mga mag-aaral na maging malikhain sa paggawa.
Gagamit ng Rubrik sa pagmamarka ng gawa ng mag-aaral. May 5 puntos sa
pinakamataas na marka at 3 puntos sa pinakamababang marka. May 20
puntos sa sinumang makakuha ng perpektong gawain. (Refer to Appendix E.)

Tala para sa guro: Bukod sa poster, maaari ring magpagawa ng tula o awit
tungkol sa pagmamahal sa katotohanan. Gumawa ng Rubrik ukol dito.

Rubrik sa Paggawa ng Poster/Slogan

Pamantayan Deskripsiyon Lubhang Kasiya- Hindi
Kasiya- siya kasiya-
siya siya
(5puntos) (4puntos)

Konsepto Malinaw na
naipahayag ang
konseptong nais

114 | P a g e
Paksa May pangunahing
kaisipan kung
saan umiikot ang

Paliwanag Makabuluhan ang

Gumamit ng mga
akma at tamang
salita sa poster.

Pagkamalikha Angkop at kaaya-

in aya ang ginamit
na kulay, disenyo
at ang


Pagpapaskil ng kanilang proyekto sa loob ng paaralan.

VII. Learning Pangangampanya sa pagsasabi ng katotohanan sa pamamagitan ng
Enablement pagsasalita sa harap ng mga mag-aaral pagkatapos ng Flag Ceremony.
(hihingi ng pahintulot sa punong-guro)

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

References: K to 12 Gabay Pangkurikulum ,Ugaling Pilipino sa Makabagong Panahon

Manwal ng Guro, pp. 6-8; Batayang Aklat, pp. 26-33

115 | P a g e

Prepared by:

116 | P a g e

Master Teacher I

Pinamungajan Central School, Pinamungajan District I

APPENDIX A. 1. Engage

I. Paunang Pagsusulit

Sagutin ng Tama o Mali.

Isulat sa patlang ang Tama kung wasto ang pahayag at Mali kung hindi wasto.

________1. Sa pangangalap ng katotohanan, kinakailangan ang mga datos sa

tunay na

pangyayari at katiyakan ng tamang impormasyon.

________2. Maaaring hindi sabihin ng mga tao ang katotohanan kung


lamang naman.

________3. Katotohanan ang pangunahing panuntunan sa paghahayag ng


________4. Ang pagkalito, takot, agam-agam, pagkagalit sa sarili, at pagsisisi

ay ang

117 | P a g e
mga maaaring maramdaman ng tao sa tuwing siya ay

________5. Kapayapaan sa isip at damdamin, kagaanan at kapanatagan ng

loob ang

dulot ng pagsasabi ng katotohanan.

Answer Key

1. Tama
2. Mali
3. Tama
4. Tama
5. Tama

118 | P a g e


119 | P a g e


120 | P a g e


121 | P a g e


122 | P a g e


123 | P a g e


124 | P a g e

APPENDIX B 2. Explore

 Gamit ang facebook, may nakapost na video ng

mga mag-aaral na gumagawa ng “initiation ng
fraternity” sa loob ng paaralan pagkatapos ng
kanilang klase.
May katotohanan ba ng post na ito?
Kung ikaw ang bata na nakakita ng post sa
facebook, ano ang iyong gagawin upang
malaman ang katotohanan?
Kung ikaw ang isa sa mga batang nasa video.
ano ang iyong gagawin?

125 | P a g e
 Gamit ang cellphone, may kumalat na text sa
paaralan na may ilang mag-aaral sa ikaanim na
baitang na nangongopya ng sagot sa pasulit.
 Ano ang masasabi ninyo sa balitang ito?
May katotohanan ba o wala?
 Kung ikaw ang isa sa mga batang mag-aaral
na nakatanggap ng text, ano ang iyong
gagawin upang malaman ang
Kung ikaw ang isa sa mga batang sangkot sa
pangongopya, ano ang iyong gagawin?

APPENDIX C 3. Explain

Mga Aral
Hindi Bunga ng
ng Nararamdam na
Nagsabi ng Pagsisinungali
an Natutuna
Medi Katotohana ng
a n

126 | P a g e
127 | P a g e
APPENDIX D 4. Elaborate

May isang flash report sa radyo o

telebisyon na may paparating na bagyong
tatama sa inyong lugar.
 Bilang mapanuring mag-aaral, ano ang
inyong gagawin upang malaman mo na
ang balita o impormasyon ay totoo o
 Ano ang inyong gagawin upang
maiwasan at mailigtas ang sarili sa
ganitong sakuna?

APPENDIX F 5. Evaluate

Rubrik sa Paggawa ng Poster/Slogan

128 | P a g e
Pamantayan Deskripsiyon Lubhang Kasiya- Hindi
Kasiya- siya kasiya-
siya siya
) (3puntos

Konsepto Malinaw na
naipahayag ang
konseptong nais

Paksa May
kaisipan kung
saan umiikot
ang poster

Paliwanag Makabuluhan
ang paliwanag.
Gumamit ng
mga akma at
tamang salita sa

Pagkamalikha Angkop at
in kaaya-aya ang
ginamit na
kulay, disenyo
at ang


129 | P a g e
iC CEBU Model

Lesson Exemplar Template

Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 1 Duration:

50 Minutes Learning Area: Physical Education

Learning Area/s Integrated: Science, AP, Health

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick ✓ .)

Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary ✓

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

✓ Communication Learning and Innovation ✓
Problem Solving

✓ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology ✓ Life

and Career

II. Focused Learning Competencies (LC)

PE6PF-Ib-h-18 assesses regularly participation in physical activities based on

physical activity pyramid

III. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge produce a list of physical activities participated

Skills create own sets of physical activities based on the Philippine Physical
Activity Pyramid

Attitude display cooperation in performing group activities by formulating

130 | P a g e
strategic approaches

Values influence others in performing physical activities regardless of gender

IV. Learning
Physical Activity Pyramid

Concept Regular participation in the different physical activities based on the

Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid can lead to lifelong fitness and

Reference/s MAPE Adventures, Enhancing Skills through MAPEH Philippine

Physical Activity Pyramid, pictures, video

IMs Pictures, video, activity cards and template

V. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

6. Engag A. Pre-Test
5 Put D if done daily, T if done twice or thrice a week, O if done once a
mins. week.

______1. Walking from home to school.

______2. Watching television shows.

______3. Jogging early in the morning.

______4. Playing basketball with friends.

______5. Playing in the school with classmates.

ASK: Aside from the activities mentioned in the pre-test, what other
physical activities are you engaged in?

Possible Answers: climbing, swimming, biking

B. Group Activity

 Learners are grouped into 5.

 Pictures of physical activities will be distributed to each group.

131 | P a g e
 Each member gives his/her own interpretation/insights about
the picture.

 The interpretation of all members will be summarized to be

reported by a group representative.


1. What have you observed in the picture?

Possible Answer: There are children playing.

2. What activities are shown?

Possible Answer: running, biking, exercising

3. Who are performing the activities?

Possible Answer: Boys and Girls

4. Are the boys and girls doing the activities together?

Possible Answer: Yes.

5. What is the importance of playing together?

Possible Answer: There is more fun, more challenge.

132 | P a g e
6. Have you experienced doing those activities?

Possible Answer: Yes/No

7. Explor SAY: I will show you a video on different physical activities. Observe
e keenly.
mins. Source:

1. What physical activities are shown in the video?

Possible Answers: climbing, weight lifting, yoga, swimming,

athletics, dance, gymnastics, parkour, self defense

2. Have you tried doing those activities?

Possible Answer: Yes/ No

3. What specific activities have you tried doing?

Possible Answer: Answers may vary.

4. Are these activities safe?

Possible Answer: Yes, if it is executed properly.

5. What are the possible injuries that will happen?

Possible Answers: sprain, fracture, muscle cramps

6. How will you be able to help someone injured?

Possible Answer: Apply basic first aid.

7. How can we prevent from injury?

Possible Answer: Apply precautionary measures.

8. Do you have physical activities you repeatedly do?

Possible Answer: Yes/No.

9. How often do you do such?

Possible Answer: Answers may vary.

133 | P a g e
Think Pair Share:


A. List down physical activities which can be participated in by

both genders. Write your answers on a one whole sheet of

B. Fill in the activity card with the needed data.

Activities How Often?

Always Sometime Never


e.g. jogging

C. Ask volunteers to share their work in class.

8. Explai SAY: Watch a video about physical activity pyramid.

15 Source:
mins. ASK:

1. Having seen from the video, what physical exercises develop

muscular skills based on the physical activity pyramid?

Possible Answer: Answers may vary.

2.Have you discovered/learned the importance of doing a task with

ease, power and enjoyment?

Possible Answer: Yes/No.

134 | P a g e
SAY: There are many wonderful ways to be physically active every
day. By doing a variety of moderate-intensity activities, such as
gardening, jogging, riding your bicycle or walking, you will find it fun
and easy to incorporate physical activity into your daily life.

NOTE: Present the Filipino Pyramid Activity Guide with the sample
Physical Activity Pyramid.

Sample Physical Activity Pyramid

1.. Activities done habitually or daily

1. 1. Taking the stairs instead of elevators

135 | P a g e
1. 2. Walking to school, church or store

1. 3. Doing household chores

2.Recreational / Aerobic activities ( regularly)

2.1. Running Jogging

2.2. Brisk walking

2.3. Skating

2.4. Ballroom Dancing

3.Leisure activities ( Often )

3.1. Stretching

3.2. Resistance Training

4. Activities done minimally

4.1. Watch TV

4.2. Sit and lie around

NOTE: Activities are not limited to the above listed activities


1. In doing these activities, what part/s of the body is/are used?

Possible Answer: legs and arms

2. Which of the activities do you think can help promote fitness

and health? Why do you say so?

Possible Answer: Answers may vary.

136 | P a g e
Group Activity


1. The class is grouped into 4 and tasked to do the following.

2. Fill in the table based on the instructions below.


1. Create your physical activity program based on the different

social and cultural activities in the community using the
template below.

Activities Once a 2-3 times 3-5 Daily

week a week times a

NOTE: They can add more cells.

2. Describe the impact of these physical activities to you and

to your friends/neighbors in the community.

3. Is it necessary to participate regularly in the different

physical activities based on the Philippine Physical Activity
Pyramid? Why?

Possible Answer: Yes/No. Answers may vary.

4. Let one representative report the output.

9. Evaluate Answer the questions below.

10 mins.
137 | P a g e
1. Do you exercise or play Yes
sports regularly?

Check (✓) the box of your choice.

2. For how long have you Days

exercised or played
________ Months

Number Years

Check (✓) the box of your choice and write the

number on the blank.

3. Would you say that you More Active

are physically more
Less Active
active, less active, or
about as active as other About as Active
persons your age?
Others ( specify )

Check (✓) the box of your choice.

4. About how many hours

per day do you perform
___________ Hours
hard physical activities?

5. Do you enjoy engaging Yes

yourself in physical
activities? Why?

Reason :

138 | P a g e
VI. Learning Directions: Using the index card, interview 4 to 5 friends, neighbours
Enablement or any person in the community to fill in the table below.

Name: __________________ Grade

Level__________ Date__________


1 Done Daily

2 3-5 times a week

3 2-3 times a week

4 0-1 times a week

SAY: Encourage your friend to perform regularly the different

activities for lifelong fitness and health

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by:


Principal 2

Dakit Elementary School, Barili I District

139 | P a g e

140 | P a g e
GAD-based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

141 | P a g e
Grade Level: Grade 6 Learning Area: English Quarter: I Duration:
50 minutes

Learning Area/s Integrated: Mathematics, Health & EsP

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary √ Interdisciplinary

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

√ Communication √ Learning and Innovation √
Problem Solving

√ Critical Thinking √ Information Media and Technology √ Life and


II. Focused Learning Competency (LC)

EN6V-Ia-12.3.1 infer meaning of idiomatic expressions using context clues

III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated:

provide equal opportunities in making decisions

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge recognize context clues in statements read

Skills infer meaning of idiomatic expressions using context clues

Attitude show respect to others by promoting equal opportunities in

making group decisions

Values advocate safety measures during heavy rain using


V. Learning Content/s Inferring Meaning of Idiomatic Expressions Using Context


Concept Idiomatic expressions or Idioms are a type of informal

language that has a meaning different from the meaning of
the words in the expression. Context clues are used to get
142 | P a g e
the meaning of idioms.

DRRE describe the causes and mechanisms of natural hazards

(heavy rainfall) through a bookmark

Reference/s Curriculum Guide, English for Global Communication Grade

6 pp. 230-231, An Integrated Reading and Language Series
English Links 6, pp. 291-293

IMs Curriculum Map in English 6, pictures, manila paper,

cartolina, marking pens

VI. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

1. Engage
(5 minutes)
I. Game: Word Tricky

Form five groups of learners.

Directions: In your group, form a phrase or an expression

using the given word clues. Pay attention to the position of
the word/s, color and text illustration. You are given 10
seconds. Raise your show-me-boards with your answer
when you hear the bell. The group with the highest score
wins the game.

1. 2.

143 | P a g e
3. 4.


Possible Answers:

1. across the board

2. work overtime

3. underdog

4. six feet under

5.rain cats and dogs


1. How were you able to get the correct answer?

Possible Answer:

The position of the word/s, color and text

illustration helped us get the correct answer.

2. Was everybody given the chance to share his/her ideas

in deciding your group answer?

Possible Answer:

144 | P a g e
Yes, we took turns in sharing our ideas.

3. What do you call these expressions?

Possible Answer:

These are called idiomatic expressions.

SAY: Now, let us discover more about idiomatic

expressions or idioms through this activity.

2. Explore
(15 minutes)
Prepare 4 learning corners. Each learning corner shall
contain a group of idioms (food idioms, money idioms, time
idioms and weather idioms). Each group is given 3 minutes
in each learning corner. When the bell rings, learners shall
move to the next corner.

Learning Corner 1: Food Idioms

Read the sentences carefully. Then complete the table

with the correct answer.

1. The test is a piece of cake. I’ll be the first one to


2. Jose sits and watches cartoons all day. He is such a

couch potato!

3. Maria is one smart cookie. She gets perfect in her


Possible Answers:

Context Clue/s Meaning

piece of cake first one to finish easy

145 | P a g e
couch potato sits and watches someone who
cartoons all day has less time for
exercising and
spends more
time in watching

smart cookie gets perfect in

her exams
intelligent person

1. Is it good to eat too much cakes and cookies? Why?

Possible Answer:

No. Eating too much cakes and cookies may cause

obesity and diabetes.

Learning Corner 2: Money Idioms

Read the sentences carefully. Then answer the questions

that follow.

1. Manny Pacquiao’s life is a story from rags to riches. He


up with nothing and now he’s a sports superstar and a


2. Mr. and Mrs. Sy are made of money. They can afford

anything they want.

146 | P a g e
3. After buying all she needs, she still has money to burn.

So, she will buy a new pair of shoes.

Possible Answers:

Context Clue/s Meaning

1. from rags to He grew up with from poor to

riches nothing and rich/famous
now he’s a

2. made of They can afford rich

money anything they

3. money to after buying all extra cash

burn she needs

1. Your daily baon is Php 30.00. You spend Php 5.00 for
your fare. How will you spend the rest so that you will have
Php 5.00 savings daily?

Possible Answer:

I will spend the remaining Php 20.00 in buying

nutritious snacks. Answers may vary.

2. How should we spend our money? If you have extra

money, what will you do with it?

Possible Answer:

We should spend our money for important things.

We should also save our extra money.

147 | P a g e
Learning Corner 3: Time Idioms

Read the sentences carefully. Then answer the questions

that follow.

1. Kira’s mother said, “Put on your pajamas! It’s time to hit



2. You need to be in school at 7:30 a.m. on the dot. Don’t

be late!

3. Janine Berdin hit big time when she won Grand

Champion of Tawag ng Tanghalan in Showtime.

Possible Answers:

Idiomatic Context Clues Meaning


1. to hit the sack pajamas to sleep

2. on the dot Don’t be late on time

3. hit big time won a national became famous

singing contest

1. Your school is a 20-minute walk from your house. The

flag ceremony starts at 7:30 in the morning. What time (the
least time required) should you leave for school so you will
not be late?

Possible Answer: I should leave for school at least 7:10


148 | P a g e
2. Based on the time idioms, how should we spend our

Possible Answer:

We should spend our time wisely by doing worthwhile

activities. Answers may vary

Learning Corner 4: Weather Idioms

Read the sentences carefully. Then answer the questions

that follow.

1. I was soaking when I reached home because it was

raining cats and dogs.

2. The students proved to be ray of sunshine when the

teacher was trying to cope up with the grief.

3. I am looking for a loyal friend who sticks with me, not a

fair-weather friend.


Idiomatic Context Clues Meaning


raining cats and soaking raining heavily


ray of sunshine when the a person/thing

teacher was that brings
trying to cope happiness to
with grief of another
losing her dog

fair-weather a loyal friend a person who

friend who sticks with stops being a
me friend in times of

149 | P a g e
1. What have you noticed with the given idioms?

Possible answer: They are weather idioms.

2. What should we remember when heavy rain occurs?

Possible Answer: We should follow safety measures when

heavy rain occurs.

Note: Discuss safety measures when heavy rain occurs.

3. What are the three heavy rain signals?

What should we do when a yellow signal is raised in our

place? orange? red?

Possible Answer:

Please refer to Appendix C for bigger and clearer picture

of the above Color-Coded Rainfall Advisories.

3. Explain

150 | P a g e
(10 minutes) Publishing of Group Output

Pupils present their group answers on the questions given

during the exploration phase.


1. What is common among the idiomatic expressions in

learning corner 1? 2? 3?4?

Possible Answer:

Learning Corner 1 – They are all idioms related to food.

Learning Corner 2 – They are all idioms related to


Learning Corner 3 – They are all idioms related to time.

Learning Corner 4 – They are all idioms related to


2. What are idiomatic expressions? How can we get the

meaning of idiomatic expressions correctly?

Possible Answer:

Idiomatic expressions or Idioms are a type of

informal language that has a meaning different from the
meaning of the words in the expression. Context clues are
used to get the meaning of idioms.

Note: Call volunteers to give other examples of idioms

used in a sentence.

4. Elaborate (By Triad)

(10 minutes)
Read the statements carefully then infer the meaning of the
italicized idiomatic expressions. The first one is done for

151 | P a g e
1. The lazy teenager was on the carpet for not finishing the

Possible Answer:

Context clue/s:___for not finishing his assignment_____

Inferred meaning: ___ in trouble_____

2. The impressive presentation of the students swept the

teacher off his/her feet.

Possible Answer Context Clue/s: impressive presentation

Inferred meaning: impressed

3. I’m sorry you lost your money but please don’t cry over
spilt milk.

Possible Answer

Context Clue/s: lost money

Inferred meaning: be upset about something that already


4. The volleyball team wants to bring home the bacon so

they practice hard for the tournament.

Possible Answer

Context Clue/s: practice for the tournament

Inferred Meaning: to win the game or contest

5. When I heard I got perfect on the test, it was music to

my ears.

152 | P a g e
Possible Answer

Context Clue/s: When I heard I got perfect on the test

Inferred Meaning: something pleasant

5. Evaluate A. Directions: Infer the meaning of the underlined idiomatic

(8 minutes) expressions using context clues. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.

1. It was after midnight, and I was ready to hit the sack.

a. get up b. go to bed c. tackle


2. He was such an eager beaver; he got everything

done early.

a. a lazy person b. a small animal c. a hard


3. My friend can’t keep a secret. Whenever there is a

surprise party for someone in the group, she spills
the beans. We can infer that my friend cannot

a. reveal a secret b. keep a secret c. tell a


4. I want to get high grades so I burn the midnight


a. work late at night

b. join an evening party

c. spearhead a campfire activity

153 | P a g e
5. I am soaked all over. It was raining cats and dogs. It
was raining ___________.

a. slowly b. heavily c. irregularly

Possible Answers:

1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. b

B. Give the meaning of the underlined idioms by using

context clues.

Doing Homework
1. Ada and Julio were ready to jump in and start their
homework. 2. “We need to hit the books,” Ada said. 3.
Julio agreed. He said, “Let’s start with English. You know
the ropes there.” 4. “Okay,” said Ada, “I’ll read out loud.
Lend me your ears.” 5. “No problem,” said Julio. “Let’s
get the ball rolling.”

Possible Answers:

1. start something quickly

2. study

3. be an expert at something

154 | P a g e
4. listen

5. start

VII. Learning Describe the causes and mechanisms of natural hazards

Enablement (heavy rainfall) through a bookmark.

(2 minutes)

Rubric for Making a Bookmark

Category 5 pts. 4 pts. 3 pts.

Content Used at least 5 Used at least 3 Only 1-2 idiomatic

idiomatic idiomatic expressions were
expressions expressions used correctly.
correctly. correctly.

Aesthetics/Creativity The bookmark is The bookmark is The bookmark is

exceptionally attractively fairly designed.
designed. designed.

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by

155 | P a g e

Master Teacher I

Cordova Central School, Cordova District


II. Pre-Test

Directions : Choose the correct idiomatic expression in the box to complete the given

body and soul from hand to mouth

make a name for themselves given the cold shoulder

take something to heart burn the candle at both ends

6. Rosa and Inting were born poor. Their parents were uneducated, had no
permanent jobs, and thus at the time Rosa and Inting were growing up, they were
living __________.

7. But while enrolled in an elementary public school, it became evident that the
siblings were gifted, and thus even then, they already__________.
156 | P a g e
8. Rosa and Inting both worked hard to support their studies.They worked as
service crew during daytime and studied at night. They really _________just so
they can pursue their dream of being a success.

9. They joined quiz bees in their school, and as they won each and everyone of
them, they began__________as someone who never quit and lose.

10. At their neigborhood however, Rosa and Inting were always_________by

their neighbors who saw them as too ambitious and stuck up to really belong their

A. Engage

2. 2. 3.

4. 5.


1. across the board

2. work overtime

3. underdog

4. six feet under

5. rain cats and dogs

B. Explore

Learning Corner 1: Food Idioms (Health)

157 | P a g e
Read the sentences carefully.Then complete the table with the correct answer.

 The test was a piece of cake, and I was the first one to finish.

 Aaron sat and watched cartoons all day. He is such a couch potato!

 Roel is one smart cookie. He scored perfect in his exams.


Idiomatic Context Clue/s Meaning


Piece of cake First one to finish Easy

Couch potato Sat and watched Someone who

cartoon all day has less time for
exercising and
spends more
time in watching

One smart Scored perfect in Intelligent

cookie his exams

2. Is it good to eat too much sweet food like cakes and cookies? Why?(Health)

Learning Corner 2: Money Idioms (Mathematics)

Read the sentences carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

 Many Pacquio’s life story is one of going from rags to riches. He grew up with
nothing and now he’s a sports superstar.

 Mr.and Mrs. Sy are made of money. They can afford anything they want.

 After buying all she needs, she still has money to burn so she bought a new pair
of shoes.


Idiomatic Context Clue/s Meaning

158 | P a g e

4. Rags to riches He grew up with a person who

nothing and now was poor but
he’s a sports becomes rich

5. Made of They can afford Rich

money anything they

6. Money to burn After buying all Extra cash

she needs

3. Your daily baon is P30.00. You spend P5.00 for your fare. How will you spend the
rest so that you will have P5.00 savings daily? (Answers may vary.) (21st Century
Skill: Problem Solving)

4. How should we spend our money?If you have extra money, what will you do with
it? (financial literacy-Mathematics/EsP)

Learning Corner 3: Time Idioms (Mathematics & EsP)

Read the sentences carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

 Kira’s mother said, “Put on your pajamas! It’s time to hit the hay!”

 You need to be at the school at 7:30 am on the dot. Don’t be late!

 Manny Pacquiao hit big time when he won his first international fight.


Idiomatic Context Clues Meaning


4. Time to hit the pajamas To sleep


5. On the dot Don’t be late To be on time

6. Big time Won first To be famous

international fight

159 | P a g e
3. Your school is a 30-minute walk away from your house. The flag ceremony starts
at 7:30 in the morning. What time (the least time required) should you leave for
school so you will not be late? (Mathematics)(21st century skill: Problem Solving)

4. Based on the time idioms, how should we spend our time? (EsP)

Learning Corner 4: Weather Idioms (DRRE)

Read the sentences carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.

 I was soaking when I reached home because it rained cats and dogs.

 The students proved to be ray of sunshine when the teacher was trying to cope
up with the grief.

 I am looking for a loyal friend who sticks with me, not a fair weather friend.


Idiomatic Context Clues Meaning


Rain cats and soaking To rain heavily


Ray of sunshine When was trying A person/thing

to cope with grief that brings
of losing her dog happiness to

Fair weather A loyal friend A person who

friend who sticks with stops being a
me friend in times of

4. What do you noticed to the given idioms?

5. What should we remember when a heavy rain occurs?

6. What are the three heavy rain signals? What should we do when a yellow signal is
raised in our place? Orange? Red?

160 | P a g e
161 | P a g e
GAD-based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Filipino Quarter 1 Duration: 50


Learning Area/s Integrated: English, Science, AP, Esp, Math

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary / Interdisciplinary

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

/ Communication Learning and Innovation Problem

/ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life and


II. Focused Learning Competencies

(F6WG-Ia-d-2) nagagamit nang wasto ang mga pangngalan at panghalip sa iba’t -ibang

162 | P a g e
III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated
naipapakita ang pantay - pantay na pagtatamasa ng mga serbisyo
anuman ang
IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge nasusuri ang mga pangngalang ginagamit sa loob ng pangungusap

Skills nagagamit ang mga pangngalan at panghalip sa pangungusap

Attitude naipapakita ang kasipagan at ang kaugaliang mag-impok

Values natutong mag-impok para sa kinabukasan

V. Learning

Concept Ang pangngalan ay tumutukoy sa pangalan ng tao, hayop, bagay,

pook, gawa at pangyayari.

Ang panghalip ay humahalili sa pangngalan.

Theme paghahanda sa panahon ng kagipitan at pagtitipid

DRRE natutukoy ang mga dapat gawin kapag may bagyong darating

Reference/s Landas sa Wika, ph. 51-58

IMs larawan, slide deck, cartolina, pentel pens at masking tape

Vl. Learning Experiences

163 | P a g e
1. Engage
Panuto: Punan ang talahanayan ng mga pangngalang tumutukoy
(10 minuto) sa

pangalan ng:

Tao Hayop Bagay Pook/ Gawa/






Inaasahang sagot: Tao - Jose, pulis, bata,Maria

Hayop - pusa, aso, Brownie, kalabaw

Bagay - mesa, kuwaderno, bag, lapis

Pook/Lugar - bukid, tabing-dagat, barangay,


Pangyayari - Pasko, kaarawan, Araw ng


Buwan ng Wika

B. Panimulang Gawain:

PAALALA: Magpakita ang guro ng larawan.

164 | P a g e

1. Ano-ano ang dalawang uri ng panahon ang naipakita sa


Inaasahang sagot: tag-araw at tag-ulan

2. Anong uri ng pangngalan ito?

Inaasahang sagot: pangyayari


SABIHIN: Tingnan natin ang larawan. Mula sa inyong nakita, bigyan


ng kahulugan ang mga salitang sinalungguhitan.

1. Kahit isang butil na bigas ay huwag sayangin.

Inaasahang sagot: binhi

2. Bahagyang maliit ang tyansa nilang manalo dahil magaling ang

kanilang kalaban.

165 | P a g e
Inaasahang sagot: kaunti

ITANONG: May naalala ba kayong kulisap na nagagalak/nalulungkot

tuwing tag-ulan? Bakit kaya? Sino sila?

SABIHIN: Alamin natin ngayon kung ano ang kaugnayan ng tag-araw at

tag-ulan sa ating mga pangunahing tauhan sa pabulang ating tatalakayin.

PANGKATANG PAGPAPABASA: Hatiin ang klase sa lima. Gawin ang

2. Explore dugtungang pagbabasa sa pabula na madamdamin at may wastong bigkas
ng mga salita.
(20 minuto)

Unang Pangkat

Maganda ang panahon. Mainit ang sikat ng araw. Maaga pa

lamang ay gising na si Langgam. Nagluto siya at kumain.
Pagkatapos, lumakad na siya. Gaya nang dati, naghanap siya ng
pagkain. Isang butil ng bigas ang nakita niya. Pinasan niya ito at
dinala sa kanyang bahay. Nakita siya ni Tipaklong.

166 | P a g e
Ikalawang Pangkat

“Magandang umaga, kaibigang Langgam”, bati ni Tipaklong.

“Kaybigat ng iyong dala. Bakit ba wala ka nang ginawa kundi
maghanap at mag-ipon ng pagkain?” “Oo nga. Nag-iipon ako ng
pagkain habang maganda ang panahon”, sagot ni
Langgam.“Tumulad ka sa akin, kaibigang Langgam”, wika ni
Tipaklong. “Habang maganda ang panahon tayo ay magsaya. Halika!
Tayo ay lumukso, tayo ay kumanta.” “Ikaw na lang, kaibigang
Tipaklong”, sagot ni Langgam. “Gaya nang sinabi ko sa iyo, habang
maganda ang panahon, ako ay maghahanap ng pagkain. Ito’y aking
iipunin para ako ay may makain kapag sumama ang panahon.”

Ikatlong Pangkat

Lumipas pa ang maraming araw, dumating ang tag-ulan. Ulan

sa umaga, ulan sa hapon at sa gabi ay umuulan pa rin. At dumating
ang panahong kumikidlat, kumukulog at lumalakas ang hangin
kasabay ang pagbuhos ng malakas na ulan. Ginaw na ginaw at
gutom na gutom ang kawawang Tipaklong. Naalaala niyang
puntahan ang kaibigang si Langgam. Paglipas ng bagyo, pinilit
ni Tipaklong na marating ang bahay ni Langgam. Bahagya na siyang
makalukso. Wala na ang dating sigla ng masayahing si Tipaklong.
Tok! Tok! Tok! Bumukas ang pinto.“Aba! Ang aking kaibigan”, wika ni
Langgam. “Tuloy ka. Halika at maupo.”

Ikaapat na Pangkat

Binigyan ni Langgam ng tuyong damit si Tipaklong. Saka

mabilis na naghanda siya ng pagkain. Ilan pang sandali ay
magkasalong kumain ng mainit na pagkain ang magkaibigan.

“Salamat, kaibigang Langgam”, wika ni Tipaklong. “Ngayon

ako naniniwala sa iyo. Kailangan nga palang mag-ipon habang
maganda ang panahon at nang may makain pagdating ng taggutom.”
Mula noon, nagbago si Tipaklong. Pagdating ng tag-init at habang

167 | P a g e
maganda ang panahon ay kasama na siya ng kanyang kaibigang si
Langgam. Natuto siyang gumawa at natuto siyang mag-impok.

PAALALA: Pagkatapos basahin, ipasasagot sa bawat pangkat ang

mga sumusunod na katanungan. Ipasusulat ang sagot sa manila
paper sa loob ng anim na minuto.

Unang Pangkat

1. Ihambing ang kaugalian ng dalawang tauhan.

Inaasahang Sagot: Si Langgam ay masipag samantalang si

Tipaklong ay tamad.

2. Ano-ano ang dalawang panahon na tinutukoy sa kuwento?

Inaasahang Sagot:Ang dalawang panahon ay tag-araw at tag-


3. Ano-ano ang kanilang ginawa sa panahon ng tag-araw?

Inaasahang Sagot: Si Langgam ay palaging nag-iipon ng


samantalang si Tipaklong ay palaging nagsasaya.

PAALALA: Ang mga nakasulat na kulay pula ay mga posibleng

sagot sa mga katanungan. Maaring tanggapin ang ibang kasagutan
ng mga mag-aral.

Ikalawang Pangkat

1. Ano ang nangyari kay Tipaklong nang dumating ang tag-

168 | P a g e

Inaasahang Sagot: Si Tipaklong ay nakaranas ng matinding


2. Kaninong katangian ang dapat ninyong tularan? Bakit?

Inaasahang Sagot: kay Langgam

3. Bakit dapat tayong mag-impok?

Inaasahang Sagot: Kailangan tayong mag-impok para may

magagamit sa panahon ng pangangailangan.

Ikatlong Pangkat

1. Kung ikaw si Langgam,tutulungan mo ba ang tamad mong

kaibigan sa panahon ng kagipitan? Bakit?

2. Ilang beses mo siyang tutulungan?

3. Anong dapat n’yong gawin para hindi kayo magiging pasanin


darating na panahon?

PAALALA: Tinatayang ang lahat ng mga sagot ng mag-aaral ay tama

dahil nakabatay ito sa kanilang opinyon.

Ikaapat na Pangkat

1. Dapat bang paghandaan kung may darating na bagyo? Bakit?

Inaasahang Sagot: Oo, Kailangang paghandaan kung may


169 | P a g e
na bagyo para maiiwasan ang sakuna

2. Ano – ano ang mga dapat ninyong gawin upang maiiwasan

ang sakuna kung may kalamidad?

Inaasahang Sagot: Kailangang lumikas sa mas ligtas na lugar

kung may darating na bagyo.

3. Ano-ano ang mga kailangang ihanda?

Inaasahang Sagot: Maghanda ng mga mahalagang bagay

katulad ng mga gamot, pagkaing delata, plaslayt, at iba pa.

PAG-UULAT: Bibigyan ng tigdadalawang minuto ang bawat

pangkat sa

paglalahad ng kanilang gawain.

SABIHIN: Mula sa inyong mga sagot, piliin ang mga salitang tumutukoy sa
3. Explain pangalan ng tao, bagay, hayop, pook, gawa at pangyayari. Isulat sa
talahanayan ang sagot.
( 10 minuto)
Tao Bagay Hayop Pook/Luga Gawa/




SABIHIN: Suriin natin ang inyong mga sagot kung nasa tamang
pagkakahanay ba ang mga ito.


170 | P a g e
1. Ano ang tawag natin sa mga salitang ito?

2. Bakit ninyo nasabi?

3. Ano ngayon ang maiibigay ninyong kahulugan sa pangalan?

4. Ano ang tawag sa salitang humahalili sa pangngalan?

PAALALA: Ipaliliwanag ng guro ang ibig sabihin ng pangngalan at ang

panghalip na humahalili nito.

Gamitin sa pangungusap ang mga nakalistang pangngalan. Halinhan ang

4. Elaborate mga ito ng panghalip at gamitin sa ibang sitwasyon.

(5 minuto)
Hal.1. Ang bata ay masipag. Siya ay naglilinis ng bakuran araw-araw.

Kopyahin ang mga pangungusap. Bilugan ang pangngalan at

5. Evaluate halinhan ito ng panghalip at isulat sa patlang.

(5 minuto)

1. Ang mga mag-aaral ay nag-aaral dahil gusto nilang makapasa.

2. Ang mga magsasaka ay matiyaga. Sila ay gumagawa mula


hanggang hapon.

3. Si Lolly at Robert ay magkakapatid. Pareho silang mababait.

4. Si Nena ay matulungin. Tinulungan niya ang kanyang mga


5. Palaging kumakain si Mario ng prutas at gulay kaya siya ay


6. Si Lito ay nagwawalis ng bakuran. Siya ay nagdidilig ng halaman


7. Ang mga kabataan ay kailangang sumunod sa kanilang mga

171 | P a g e

8. Nilinis ng mga mamamayan ang kanilang kapaligiran.

9. Gustong abutin ni Nenita ang kanyang ambisyon.

10. Ang mga mag-aaral ay nagtatanim ng halamang namumulaklak


gusto nilang gumanda ang kanilang kapaligiran.

Learning A. Indibidwal na Gawain

Enablement PANUTO: Isulat ang inyong karanasan noong bakasyon.


ng isang beses ang mga pangngalang ginagamit sa bawat

pangungusap at

salungguhitan ng dalawang beses ang mga panghalip.

Kriterya sa Pagsulat ng Talata

Kriterya 5 4 3 2 1

Malinaw at Napakali Malinaw Katamta Di- Di-

buo ang naw at at buo man gaanong lubhang
diwa ng buong- ang diwa malinaw malinaw
pangungusa buo ang at di- at di-
p na may diwa gaanong lubhang
wastong buo ang
baybay at diwa Buo ang
bantas diwa

Kalinisan Napakali Malinis Katamta Di- Di-

sa nis man gaanong lubhang
malinis malinis

Hindi May May apat May May May

kukulang sa limang na tatlong dalawan isang
limang pangngal pangngal pangngal g pangngal
pangngalan an at an at an at pangngal an at

172 | P a g e
at limang limang apat na tatlong an at isang
panghalip panghali panghali panghali dalawan panghali
p p p g p

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by


Master Teacher II

Balamban Central Elementary School, Balamban District I

173 | P a g e
GAD-based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Science Quarter: I Time Allotment: 50


Learning Area/s Integrated: Mathematics, English, Arts and EsP

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary √ Interdisciplinary

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

√ Communication Learning and Innovation √
Problem Solving

√ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life

and Career

II. Focused Learning Competencies

S6MT-Ia-c-1 identify the appearance and components of non-uniform mixtures

III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated: recognize individual differences

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge distinguish the components of heterogeneous mixtures

Skills describe the appearance of heterogeneous mixtures

Attitude employ safety measures in handling mixtures

Values show respect to other’s opinion

V. Learning Heterogeneous Mixtures and their Characteristics


174 | P a g e
Concept Heterogeneous mixtures are mixtures with components or
ingredients that could be easily identified. These mixtures do
not have a uniform composition.

References Science in Our World 6, Norma M. Abracia, Ed.D., et al

pp. 5-9, Vibal Publishing Copyright 2014

DRRE demonstrate disaster preparedness and mitigation actions

based on given varied situations (safety measures in
handling mixtures)

IMs worksheets, video, cement, sand, gravel, water,

ripe banana, apple and ripe mango, a bowl, wooden ladle,

nata de coco, condensed milk, crushed oregano leaves, hot
water, packs of mixed nuts, soil, stick, oil, soy sauce, manila
paper and marking pens

VI. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

175 | P a g e
1. Engage A. Pre-Test
(8 minutes)
Read and answer the following questions. Write the letter of
the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?

a. halo-halo b. sugar
c. orange juice d. salt
2. Components of a heterogeneous mixture can be
distinguished by ____.

a. sieving b. looking c. pouring d.

3. What do you call a soft, heated mass of crushed leaves
and other substances that are spread over the skin to treat
swelling and pain?

a. bandage b. poultice c. ointment d. solution

4. Why is it easy to distinguish the components of a

heterogeneous mixture? It is because the

components ___.

a. are mixed well b. are easily identified

c. are one phase only d. are totally dissolved

Possible Answers:

1. a 2. b. 3. c 4. a

B. Distribute a pack of mixed nuts to each learner.


1. What have you observed on the contents of the pack you


Possible Answer:

They are different from each other.

2. Is it a mixture? Why?

176 | P a g e
Possible Answers:

Yes. It is a mixture because it contains nuts of various


3. How can you identify the components of a mixture?

Possible Answer:

I can identify the components of the mixture by looking



4. Enumerate the components of the mixture.

Possible Answers:

They are corn, peanut, chips and peas.

2. Explore Group the learners into 4.

10 min.
Provide each group with an activity card.

Remind the learners the rules in group work.

177 | P a g e
Note: Emphasize the safety measures when handling

1. Make sure your hands, surfaces, equipment are

clean before, during and after the activity.

2. Make sure to mix only the components given in the


3. Be extra careful when using sharp or pointed


Note: Teacher can add more safety measures related to the

activity. Let the leader of each group get the activity cards
and the


Group 1:

Materials: 1 cup of sliced ripe banana

1 pc. of apple cut into cubes

1 whole scraped ripe mango

1 cup of nata de coco

1 can of condensed milk

a bowl

a wooden ladle

What to Do:

1. Put all the ingredients in a bowl.

2. Mix thoroughly all the ingredients using the wooden


Answer the following questions:

1. What are the components of the mixture?

178 | P a g e
Possible Answer:

The components of the mixture are banana, apple,

mango, nata de coco and condensed milk.

2. How did you distinguish the components?

Possible Answer:

We distinguished the components by just looking at

the mixture.

Group 2:

Materials: soil and stick

What to Do:

Examine the soil using the stick.

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the components of the mixture?

Possible Answer:

The components are sand, dirt, rocks and decayed


2. How many mixture components are there?

Possible Answer:

There are 4 components.

3. How can you distinguish the components?

Possible Answer:

They can be distinguished by just looking at the


Group 3:

Materials: oil and soy sauce

What to do:

179 | P a g e
Mix all the ingredients.

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the components of the mixture?

Possible Answer:

The components are oil and soy sauce.

2. How many components are there in the mixture?

Possible Answer:

There are 2 components.

3. How did you distinguish the components?

Possible Answer:

We distinguished the components by just looking

at the mixture.

Group 4:


crushed oregano leaves

water in a bowl

What to Do:

1. Pour the crushed oregano leaves into the bowl of



2. Stir the mixture.

Answer the following questions:

1. What are the components of the mixture?

Possible Answer:

The components are crushed oregano leaves and


180 | P a g e
2. How many components are there in the mixture?

Possible Answer:

There are 2 components.

3. How did you distinguish the components?

Possible Answer:

We distinguished the components by just looking

at the


3. Explain Let a representative of each group report their outputs to the

13 min.

Process their answers through asking the following


1. How did you find the activity?

Possible Answer:

It was interesting and exciting. It was fun.

2. What did you discover while performing the activity?

Possible Answer:

We can make a mixture by combining different



We can finish our work if we help each other. Even if our

ideas differ, we can come to an agreement if we respect and
listen to each other.

3. Why is it important to be extra careful in mixing the

components of a mixture?

Possible Answers:

It is important to be extra careful in mixing the

components of a mixture to avoid accidents. To avoid
waste, we should use the exact amount or number of
181 | P a g e
components in a mixture.


All mixtures that you had examined are heterogeneous.


What are heterogeneous mixtures?

What are their characteristics?

Possible Answer:

Heterogeneous mixtures are mixtures with components

or ingredients that could be easily identified. These mixtures
do not have a uniform composition.

Background Information

Heterogeneous mixtures can be natural, man-made or


Natural mixtures occur naturally like soil, sand and


Soil is a mixture of sand, dirt, rocks and decayed matter.

Sometimes bits of metal, cloth, glass and plastic could be

Sand is composed of very fine grains of sand, pebbles, bits of

shells, glass and pieces of iron.

Man-made mixtures do not occur naturally. They can

be made from existing ingredients. For example, concrete
mix has the following ingredients: cement, sand, gravel and

Medicinal mixtures are mixtures that are used to treat

illnesses. Leaves of medicinal plants like oregano may be
crushed and mixed with warm water to form poultice.
Poultice is a soft usually heated and sometimes medicated
182 | P a g e
mass spread on cloth and applied to sores or other lesions.

4. Elaborate SAY:
(9 minutes)
Just like heterogeneous mixtures, we are different from
each other but we are one in this room. We are here to learn
together. What shall we do to understand each other better?

Possible Answer:

We need to listen to each other’s ideas.

Let each group fill the table below.

Heterogeneo Number of Name of Kind of

us Mixture Component Component Heterogeneous
s s Identified Mixtures
Identified made/medicina

gabon 2 gabon and medicinal

poultice water

utan bisaya 7 or more malunggay, man-made




sand 3 fine grains natural

of sand,
bits of

183 | P a g e
Let each group report.

Process their output.

ASK: How did you come up with the correct answers?

Possible Answer:

We came up with the correct answer by listening to


other’s ideas.

If you were to share your learnings about

heterogeneous mixtures with a friend, how will you do


Possible Answers:

I will tell my friend that heterogeneous mixtures are

mixtures with components or ingredients that could be easily
identified. These mixtures do not have a uniform composition.

5. Evaluate
(8 minutes)
Read and answer the following questions. Write the letter of
the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?

a. pinakbet b. paint
c. buko juice d. white

2. Components of a heterogeneous mixture can be

distinguished by ____.

b. sieving b. looking c. pouring d.


3. The following are examples of man-made heterogeneous

mixtures EXCEPT____.

a. soil b. cement c. fried rice d. fruit salad

184 | P a g e
4. Why is it easy to distinguish the components of a

heterogeneous mixture? It is because the

components ___.

a. are mixed well

b. are easily identified

c. are one phase only

d. are totally dissolved

Possible Answers:

1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b

VII. Learning Make a mosaic of your favorite scenery using a mixture of

Enablement indigenous or recyclable materials such as seeds, grains,
sand, eggshells, bottle caps, nutshells, sticks, candy
(2 minutes) wrappers, etc.

Example: a garden, a farm, seashore, mountain view, etc.

Category 5 4 3 2

Originality Design is Some parts of Most of the Designs are

original. the design are design is copied.
copied. copied.
Visual Impact- Presence of Presence of 3 Presence of 2 Presence of 1
1.color harmony all indicators indicators indicator
2. symmetry indicators
3. aesthetic value
4. variety of seeds
Timeliness Submitted Submitted 1 Submitted two Submitted
on time day after the days after the three days or
deadline deadline more after the

VIII. Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

185 | P a g e

Science in Our World 6,Norma M. Abracia, Ed.D. et al ,pp. 5-9, Vibal Publishing
copyright 2014,, https://www.merriam-

Prepared by


Master Teacher I

Sta. Lucia Elementary School, Asturias North District

Appendix A. Engage

Read and answer the following questions. Write the letter of the correct

__1. Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?

b. halo-halo c. sugar solution

186 | P a g e
c. juice d. salt solution
__2. How can you distinguish the ingredients/components of a


a. by evaporation c. by pouring
b. by looking at the mixture d. by sieving

__3. What do you call a soft, heated mass of crushed leaves and other

that is spread over the skin to treat swelling and pain?

a. bandage c. poultice
b. ointment d. solution
__4. Why is it easy to distinguish the components/ingredients of a

heterogeneous mixture? It is because the components/

ingredients _____.

b. can easily be seen

c. are one phase only

d. are mixed well

e. are totally dissolved

187 | P a g e
Appendix B. Explore

Group 1:
Materials: ripe banana (1 cup sliced )
apple (1 pc. cut into cubes)
ripe mango ( 1 whole scraped )
nata de coco ( 1 cup )
condensed milk ( 1 can )
188 | P a g e
wooden ladle
What to do :
1. Put all the ingredients in a bowl.
2. Then mix gently using the wooden

1. What are the components/ingredients of

the mixture?
2. How many mixture
components/ingredients are there?
3. How can you distinguish the

Appendix C.Explore

189 | P a g e
Group 2:
Soil stick
What to do :
Examine the soil using the stick.
Answer the following questions.
1. What are the components/ingredients
of the mixture?
2. How many mixture
components/ingredients are there?
3. How can you distinguish the

190 | P a g e
Appendix D.Explore

Group 3
oil and soy sauce
What to do:
191 | P a g e
Mix all the ingredients.
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the components/ingredients
of the mixture?
2. How many mixture
components/ingredients are there?
3. How can you distinguish the

Appendix E.Explore

192 | P a g e
Group 4:
crushed oregano leaves
hot water in a bowl
What to do :
1. Pour the crushed oregano leaves into
the bowl of hot water.
2. Stir the mixture.
Answer the following questions.
1. What are the components/ingredients
of the mixture?
2. How many mixture
components/ingredients are there?
3. How can you distinguish the
193 | P a g e
Appendix F.Elaborate

(Note: This table is duplicated on a Manila paper for group reporting.)

Heterogeneo Number of Name of Is it

us Mixture Component component natural?
s/ s/ Man-
194 | P a g e
Ingredients Identified Or
“Utan Bisaya”


195 | P a g e
Individual worksheets will be distributed to each group.

Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is a heterogeneous mixture?

a. sea water c. orange juice

b. noodle soup d. sugar solution

2. It is a soft, heated mass of crushed leaves and other substances that is spread
over the skin to treat swelling or pain.

a. bandage c. poultice

b. ointment d. solution

3. The ingredients/components of a heterogeneous mixture are easily distinguished

because they______.

a. are mixed well

b. are totally dissolved

c. can easily be seen

d. have one phase only

4. How can you distinguish the components/ingredients of a mixture?

a. by evaporation c. by pouring

b. by looking at the mixture d. by sieving

196 | P a g e
Appendix H. Learning Enablement


Category 5 4 3 2

197 | P a g e
Originality Design is Some Most of Designs
original. parts of the are
the design is copied.
design copied.
Visual Presence Presence Presence
Impact- of all Presence of 2 of 1
indicator of 3 indicators indicator
s indicators
2. symmetry
3. aesthetic
4. variety of
Timeliness Submitte Submitte Submitte Submitte
d on time d 1 day d two d three
after the days after days or
deadline the more
deadline after the

198 | P a g e
GAD – Based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Math Quarter: I Duration:

50 minutes

Learning Area/s Integrated: EPP & Health

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary / Interdisciplinary

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

/ Communication Learning and Innovation /
Problem Solving

/ Critical Thinking / Information Media and Technology / Life

and Career

II. Focused Learning Competency

M6NS – Id 108.2 solve 1 or more steps routine problems involving addition and/or

199 | P a g e
subtraction of decimals using appropriate problem – solving strategies and tools

III. Focused GAD principle to be integrated

promote equality of men and women in decision- making

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge discuss the steps on how to solve 1 or 2 - step routine problems with

Skills solve 1 or more steps routine problems involving addition and/or

subtraction of decimals using appropriate problem – solving strategies
and tools

Attitude display teamwork while performing the activities

Values manifest appreciation of the ideas of others

V. Learning Solving 1 or More Steps Routine Problems Involving Addition and/or

Content/s Subtraction of Decimals Using Appropriate Problem – Solving
Strategies and Tools

In solving routine word problems, read and understand the problem

carefully, identify what is asked and what are given, plan for the
Concept appropriate solution to derive the answer, and solve and look back if
the answer is correct.

DRRE differentiate safe and unsafe (dangerous) situations

Curriculum Guide in Mathematics, 21st Century Mathletes TX , pp. 51-

21st Century Mathletes TM, pp. 15 – 17

worksheets, ring cards, show- me- boards, pentel pens, bell, meta
cards, task cards, manila papers, slide decks, laptop, projector/LED

200 | P a g e
VI. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

1. Engag A. Drill on basic addition and subtraction facts.

(10 B. Review: Pretest
Directions: Read the following problems and solve for the


1. Mother bought 2.75 kg of mangoes on Saturday and father


1.50 kg on Sunday. How many more kg of mangoes did

mother buy

than father?

a. 1.25 kg b. 2.25 kg c. 3.25 kg d. 4.25 kg

2. Mr. Pepito bought a T-shirt for Php150.75, a pair of denim pants


Php550.50. How much change did he get from his Php 1000
peso bill?

a. Php 680.50 b. Php 500.00 c. Php 300.75 d.

Php 298.75

Possible answers:

1. a

2. d

C. Skill Preparation

1. Show pictures of
school garden and
ask the following
201 | P a g e

a. What do the pictures show?

Possible Answer:

It shows two gardens planted with eggplants and tomatoes.

b. Have you gone to our school garden? What did you see there?

Possible Answer:

We saw different kinds of vegetables.

c. What plants were grown there?

Possible Answer:
202 | P a g e
We planted okra, eggplants and alugbate.

d. How did you prepare your garden?

We cleaned and pulverized the soil.

e. What were the garden tools that you use?

We used bolo and pick mattock.

g. How to avoid accident in using the garden tools?

We observed safety measure in using garden tools.

We carried the garden tools properly.

We cleaned them after using.

We returned them to their proper places after using.

h. What are the benefits of having a vegetable garden?

It helps improve our supply of food.

i. What nutrients could we get in eating vegetables?

We get vitamins and minerals in eating vegetables.

2. Present a word problem.

The children planted 1.5 kg of eggplants on Monday and 1.25 kg


eggplants on Tuesday. How many kg of eggplants did they plant in


ASK: How did you get the answer?

Possible answer:

1.5 + 1.25 = 3.75 kg

2. Explor Each group is given a task card, manila paper and pentel pens to
e solve and explain their assigned word problem.
minutes) not yet ready just ready ready to go beyond

Liza and Tony The children The children

203 | P a g e
picked 2.25 kg of harvested 1.5 kg of harvested 3.75 kg of
tomatoes and his pechay on Monday, tomatoes on
friends picked 2.50 1.25 kg of pechay Thursday and 1.25
kg of tomatoes, too. on Tuesday and 1 kg of tomatoes on
How many kg of kg of pechay on Friday. How many
tomatoes did they Wednesday. How kg of tomatoes did
pick all in all? many kg of pechay they harvest? If they
did they harvest in gave 2.50 kg of
all? tomatoes to their
teacher, how many
kg of tomatoes were

Possible answers:

Not yet ready: 4.75 kg of tomatoes

Just ready: 3.75 kg of pechay

Ready to go Beyond: 5 kgs of tomatoes; 2.5 kgs of tomatoes

Call one representative from each group to discuss the process in

solving the problem. Learners take turn to discuss their group output.

3. Explai ASK:
(10 1. How did you find the activity?
Possible Answer: challenging, enjoyable

2. What did you do in your group to find the correct answer?

Possible Answer: We helped each other in doing the


3. What benefits do we get from planting vegetables?

Possible Answers:

We can eat fresh vegetables.

We can sell them.

We can spend time wisely.

204 | P a g e
4. Are boys and girls capable of harvesting vegetables? Why?

Possible Answer:

Yes, because regardless of gender both are capable of

doing the task.

5. What have you observed in your respective places, do both

boys and girls are equally involved in performing task like
decision-making? Why? Why not?

Possible Answer:

Men and women are equally involved in decision-


6. What time of the day will you harvest the tomatoes? Why?

answer may vary

7. What will happen to the people if they are exposed to the

heat of the sun during harvesting?

Possible Answer: They will get sunburn.

8. How can we protect ourselves from extreme heat of the


Possible Answers:

We must drink plenty of water.

We should use umbrella.

We will apply sunblock on our skin.

We can wear a hat.

We can wear eyeglasses.

9. How were you able to get the correct answer?

Possible Answers:

We read and understood the problem carefully.

We identified what was asked and what were given in the


205 | P a g e
We planned for the solution of the answer.

We solved and looked back if the answer was correct.

4.Elaborate Let each group do the following.

(8 minutes)

not ready just ready ready to go beyond

Ben has 4.70 kg of Father bought 7.48 Anne and John went
guavas. He gave kg of bananas. to a department
2.25 kg of guavas to Mother also bought store. They bought a
his friends. 2.75 kg of bananas. pair of shoes for
How many kg of Php 595.00, a pair
How many kg of his bananas did they of socks for Php
guavas were left? have in all? 69.75. They gave
the cashier a one-
thousand peso – bill.
How much change
did they get?

Possible answers:

not ready: 2.45 kg of guavas

just ready: 10.23 kg of guavas

ready to go beyond: They have Php 335.25 as their change.

Teacher processes the group output by deepening the salient point.

ASK: How do you solve routine problems?

Possible Answer:

In solving routine word problems,

206 | P a g e
read and understand the problem carefully;

identify what is asked and what are given;

plan for the appropriate solution to derive the answer; and

solve and look back if the answer is correct.

5.Evaluate Directions: Read the following problems and solve for the answer.
( 5 minutes)
1. The average length of a humpback whale is 13.7 meters. The
average length of a killer whale is 6.85 meters. How much
longer is the humpback whale than the killer whale?

a. 6.85 m b. 8.55 m c. 13.7 m d. 20.55 m

2. Mr. Roco bought a t-shirt for Php 250.00 and a pair of denim
pants for Php 530.75. How much change did he get from his
Php 1000.00 bill?

a. Php780.75 b. Php 530.75 c. Php 250.00 d. Php 219.25

VII. Learning On a ¼ sheet of paper,

1. Create a word problem on adding and subtracting decimals
( 2 minutes) including money.

2. Write your solutions on how to get its correct answer.

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)


References: Curriculum Guide in Mathematics 6

21st Century Mathletes TX pp.51-52,

21st Century Mathletes TM pp. 15-17

Prepared by

207 | P a g e

Master Teacher 1

Tayud Elementary School, Consolacion District

GAD-based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Araling Panlipunan Quarter: 1 Duration:

50 Minutos

Learning Area/s Integrated: English, Music, Arts & Filipino

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

Communication Learning and Innovation Problem Solving

Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life and Career

III. Focused Learning Competency:

AP6PMK-Ih-ll nabibigyang halaga ang mga kontribusyon ng mga

208 | P a g e
natatanging Pilipinong

nakipaglaban para sa kalayaan

lll. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated:

naisasaisip na may pagpapahalaga na hindi batayan ang kasarian sa

pagiging isang


IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge nakapagsusuri ng may pagpangalaga sa mga kontribusyon nina Emilio

Aguinaldo, Gregorio del Pilar at Miguel Malvar at iba pang lokal na mga
bayani sa pagkamit ng kalayaan

Skills nakapagbubuo ng picture puzzle at graphic organizer bilang

pagpahalaga ng mga natatanging bayani

Attitude nakapagtanto na kahit sino ay puwedeng maging isang bayani

Values naisasapuso ang mga pagpupunyaging ginawa ng mga natatanging

Pilipino sa pagkamit ng kalayaan

panghihimasok ng Amerikano: Pagbibigay-halaga sa mga

Kontribusyon ng mga Natatanging Pilipinong Nakipaglaban para sa
V. Learning Kalayaan Noon

Concept Ang mga mag-aaral ay nakapagbibigay-halaga sa mga kontribusyon

ng mga natatanging Pilipinong nakipaglaban para sa kalayaan.

Theme: Buwan ng Kasaysayan: Pagpupugay sa mga Bayaning Pilipino

DRRE nakapagbabahagi ang mga nararapat gawin upang masiguro ang


209 | P a g e
IMs Kasaysayang Pilipino 5, pp. 130 – 132, CG, pp. 126, Kayamanan 6,
pp. 72-74

mga larawan, gawain kards, bag na gawa sa lokal na kagamitan, video


kartolina, manila paper, at puzzle images

VI. Learning Experiences


(5 minutes) PANUTO: Unawaing mabuti ang bawat pahayag o tanong. Piliin ang
titik ng tamang sagot at isulat sa kapat na papel.

1. Ipinagtanggol niya ang Pasong Tirad, kasama ang 60 na kawal

upang hadlangan ang mga Amerikanong tumutugis ng kanilang
kinilalang pangulo

A. Hen. Miguel Malvar

B. Hen. Antonio Luna
C. Hen. Gregorio del Pilar
D. Hen. Emilio Aguinaldo
2. Kilala bilang huling Pilipinong heneral na sumuko sa mga

A. Hen. Miguel Malvar

B. Hen. Gregorio del Pilar
C. Hen. Antonio Luna
D. Hen. Emilio Aguinaldo
3. Siya ang tinaguriang “Bayani ng Pasong Tirad”, hinadlangan niya
ang mga sundalong Amerikanong tumutugis ng kanilang pangulo. Sino
ang Pangulong ito?

A. Hen. Antonio Luna

B. Hen. Gregorio del Pilar
C. Hen. Miguel Malvar
D. Hen. Emilio Aguinaldo
4. Sino ang mga kalaban ng mga Filipino noong 1899 – 1901?

A. Hapon
B. Kastila
C. Prances

210 | P a g e
D. Amerikano
5. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang kontribusyon ni Heneral Emilio

A. Pagdepensa sa Pasong Tirad

B. Nakikipaglaban at huling sumuko sa mga Amerikano

C. Nagsusulat sa mga pahayagan laban sa mga kalaban

D. Kauna-unahang nagdeklara ng kasarinlan ng mga Pilipino

Inaasahang sagot:
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. d 5. d
Batay sa panimulang pagsusulit mahuhulaan ba ninyo kung ano
paksa ngayon?
Inaasahang sagot: tungkol sa mga bayani

PAALALA: Kailangang maghanda ang guro sa awiting “Bayani Theme

Song” Dahil ito ay tungkol sa mga bayani, iparinig ang awiting “

heme Song” pakinggan mabuti at maaaring sabayan kung alam


ang lyrics.


Mula sa narinig na awitin, ano ang ibig sabihin ng salitang


Inaasahang Sagot:

Ang bayani ay isang tao na gumawa ng isang dakilang

Layunin nila na makatulong sa iba upang maging maayos ang
Ng kanilang mga kababayan.

211 | P a g e
Nabigyang kahulugan ang salitang bayani, ngayon pagtuonan ng
ang mga nakapaskil na larawan sa pisara at kilalin ang bawat isa.

ITANONG: Kilalin ang mga taong nasa larawan.

Inaasahang sagot: Lapu-Lapu. Melchora Aquino, Jose Rizal,


Silang, Andres Bonifacio, & Leon Kilat

PAALAALA: Ipaisa–isa ang mga bayaning nasa larawan at ipatukoy

kung ito ba ay babae o lalaki. Ipaliwanag na ang kasarian ay hindi

batayan sa pagiging isang bayani upang maisaisip at mapahalagahan
ng mga

1. Bakit sila tinawag na bayani?

Inaasahang Sagot: Sila ay tinawag na bayani dahil nakagawa ng
o kagitingan na nakatulong sa sambayanang Pilipino.
2. Paano mabibigyang-pugay ang ating mga bayani? Kailan ito
kadalasang ipinagdiriwang?
Inaasahang Sagot: Mapupugay ang mga bayani sa pamamagitan ng
pagkilala sa bawat isa, matanto ang kanilang kontribusyon, at
maisagawa ang mga pagdiriwang tulad ng buwan ng kasaysayan at
National Heroes Day. Ipinagdiriwang ito sa buwan ng Agosto.

2. Explore SABIHIN:

(10 minutes) Ipinapakita sa mga larawang nakapaskil sa pisara ang mga


Pilipino, subukang gagayahin kung pwedeng maihalintulad ang

212 | P a g e

mga sarili sa kanila sa pamamagitan ng pangkatang gawain.


1. Pangkatin ang mga mag-aaral sa tatlo.

2. Magsagawa ng bayani- look- alike at pumili ng isang


para sa pangkat

3. Habang gumagaya ang bayaning representante sa kanyang

pagtatanghal isabay ang pagpakilala o babasahin ng isang
kasapi ang
kontribusyong nagawa ng ginagayang bayani sa kasarinlan ng
4. Bigyan ng limang minuto para sa paghahanda at dalawang

para sa presentasyon.

5. Imumudmod ang teksto bilang gabay sa gawain.

Unang Pangkat: Emilio Aguinaldo

Mga kontribusyon ni Heneral Emilio Aguinaldo:

 Ipinahayag niya ang kalayaan ng Pilipinas noong Hunyo 12,

213 | P a g e  Pinamunuan niya ang pagtutol sa pananakop ng mga
 Pangulo ng Pamahalaang Rebolusyonaryo makaraang buuin
ang Kongreso sa Malolos.

 Nahalal bilang Pangulo ng Unang Republika ng Pilipinas.

Ikalawang Pangkat: Heneral Gregorio Del Pilar

Mga kontribusyon ni Heneral Gregorio del Pilar:

* Pinakabatang heneral sa gulang na 24.

* Ipinagtanggol ang Pasong Tirad, kasama ang 60 kawal, upang

hadlangan ang mga tumutugis kay Aguinaldo na mga Amerikano.

* Nakipaglaban upang makamit ang kalayaan mula sa mga


* Tinaguriang “Bayani ng Tirad Pass”

214 | P a g e
Ikatlong Pangkat : Miguel Malvar

215 | P a g e
B. Presentasyon ng Bayani-Look-Alike


Pamantaya 4 3 2 Nakukuhan
n g Puntos

Mensahe Napakagalin May Hindi

g ng kahusayan naging
mensaheng ang malinaw
nais nabuong ang
ipahiwatig mensahe mensahen
g nais

Pagsunod Lubusang Nakasuno Hindi

sa mga nakasunod d sa ilang nakasunod
panuntunan sa mga mga sa
panuntunan panuntuna panuntuna
g itinakda ng itinakda ng itinakda

Pagtutulun Lahat ng May 1-3 May apat

gan kasapi ng kasapi ang o mas
pangkat ay hindi maraming
tumutulong tumutulong kasapi ang
sa pagbuo sa gawain hindi
ng gawain ng pangkat nagpakita
ng interes
sa gawain

Oras Natapos Natapos Hindi

ang gawain ang natapos
sa takdang- gawain ng ang

216 | P a g e
oras pagkatapo gawain
s ng

3. Explain SABIHIN:
(10 minutes) Kapanood lang ninyo ng isang Bayani-Look-Alike, titingnan natin batay
sa pagtatanghal kung anong mga impormasyon ang makukuha mula
dito sa pamamagitan ng pagtatanong.


1. Ano ang masasabi ninyo sa gawain?

Inaasahang Sagot: Ito ay makabuluhan dahil sumasalamin sa mga


Pilipino at sa naging kontribusyon ng bawat isa upang makamit ang


2. Sino-sino ang mga bayaning nabanggit?

Inaasahang Sagot: Ang mga bayaning nabanggit ay sina Emilio

Aguinaldo , Miguel Malvar at Gregorio del Pilar.

3. Makukuha ba ang mga impormasyon sa buhay at kontribusyon ng

mga nabanggit na bayani sa ginawang presentasyon?

Inaasahang Sagot: Naibigay at nabigyang-diin ang mga

impormasyon at

kontribusyon sa mga nabanggit na bayani

4. Kung inyong titingnan o iisipin, sa aling aspeto naging magkatulad

ang tatlong bayani?
Inaasahang sagot: Naging magkatulad ang tatlong bayaning binanggit
kanilang adhikain para makamit ang kalayaan ng Pilipinas mula sa

217 | P a g e
5. Ano ang magandang naidulot ng kanilang ginawa?

Inaasahang Sagot: Dahil sa kanilang ginawa natulungan nila ang

Pilipinas sa

pagkamit ng inaasam-asam na kalayaan mula sa mga Amerikano.

6. Paano ninyo pahalagahan ang mga kontribusyong ginawa ng mga


Inaasahang Sagot: Kailangang namnamin at bigyang-diin ng bawat


ang kalayaan ng bansa at ito’y alagaan at bantayan sa mga bansang


o kahit sinumang banta sa kalayaan at kung kailangang ialay ang


buhay para sa kapakanan nito.

7. Sa anong paraan maipapakita ng isang tao ang kabayanihan?

Inaasahang Sagot: Maaring maipakita ng isang tao ang kabayanihan


pamamagitan ng paggawa ng kabutihan para sa kapakanan ng


8. Bilang isang mag-aaral paano ninyo maipapakita ang kabayanihan?

Inaasahang Sagot: Maipapakita ng isang mag-aaral ang kabayanihan


pamamagitan ng pagtulong sa kapwa at pagsunod sa mga tungkulin


dapat gampanan ng isang bata tulad ng pag-aaral ng mabuti at

pagsunod sa

alituntutin ng paaralan at komunidad.

9. Kailangan bang mamatay muna bago matawag na isang bayani?


218 | P a g e
Inaasahang sagot: Hindi, dahil bawat isa ay pwedeng maging bayani

hindi magbuwis ng buhay basta nakagawa siya ng kabutihan,

kadakilaan, at

kagitingan para sa kapakanan ng nakararami.


4. Elaborate SABIHIN:

(15 minutes) Maraming mga impormasyon ang nakuha natin ngayon sa

paksang tinalakay, mayroon ba kayong kilala na mga lokal na bayani?

Inaasahang Sagot: Mayroon o Wala

Ngayon kilalin natin ang mga local na bayaning sariling atin sa

pamamagitan ng pagpapangkat.

PAALAALA: Gamitin ang dating pangkat.

a. Bawat pangkat ay bibigyan ng mga kakailanganing

b. Gumawa ng malikhaing pagtatanghal sa harap ng klase.
c. Ang preparasyon ay 3 minutos at ang presentayon ay 2
minutos bawat pangkat

Unang Pangkat : Pagrap o Pagtula ng buhay ni Leon Kilat

Si León Kilát ang maalamat na pinunò ng paghihimagsik sa
Cebu noong 1898. Pantaleon Villegas ang kaniyang tunay
na pangalan ngunit binansagan siyáng “Leon Kilat” (ibig
sabihin ay “mabangis at mabilis” bilang leon at kidlat) dahil
sa kaniyang katapangan.

Ikalawang Pangkat: Balitaan ng Kontribusyon ni


Si Lapu-Lapu ang itinuturing at kinikilala sa kasays

unang bayaning Pilipino. Siya ay pinuno ng Mactan
219 | P a g e ang dating pangalan na ngayon ay Lapu-Lapu City)
katapangan at kagitingan ni Lapu-Lapu ay ipinakita
makasaysayang “Battle of Mactan” noong madaling
27, 1521. Sa nasabing labanan, tinalo at napatay ng
Lapu-Lapu si Ferdinand Magellan/Magallanes at an
sundalong Kastila.
Ikatlong Pangkat : Pagsasadula -ipagpalagay na kayo ay mga
kabataang rebolusyonaryo sa panahon ng Digmaang Pilipino-Amerikano
ipakita kung ano ang iyong gagawin bilang isang lokal na bayani.

PAALAALA: Mahalagang maipakita ng bata kung paano makayanan ang

sitwasyon ng nasa gitna ng digmaan. Halimbawa: kagitingan,
pagmamalasakit sa kapwa, atbp. Hayaan ring maipapakita ng bata kung
ano ang nararapat na gawin upang masiguro ang kaligtasan sa
panahon ng digmaan.

5. Evaluate SABIHIN: Tapos ng iyong pagsasadula titingnan natin kung maalala

ba ang lahat na impormasyong nakuha sa pamamgitan ng paggamit
(10 minutes) nito sa ibibigay ko sa inyo.

PAALAALA: Ito ay differentiated test, kaya kailangan ipangkat ang

mga bata ayon sa kakayahan ng bawat isa.

Unang Pangkat:

Buuin ang picture puzzle ng bawat bayani. Kilalin at isulat ang

pangalan ng bayaning nabuo at ibigay ay kanyang kontribusyon sa
pagkamit ng kalayaan.

220 | P a g e
Ikalawang Pangkat:

Sa loob ng sobre/kahon ay makikita ang mga pangalan ng

natatanging Pilipino at ang kontribusyon ng bawat isa. Piliin sa loob ng
sobre/ kahon ang pangalan ni Emilio Aguinaldo, Gregorio del Pilar at
Miguel Malvar at itapat sa gilid ng pangalan ang kontribusyon ng bawat
isa gamit ang manila paper.

Ipinagtanggol ang Pasong Tirad, kasama ang 60 kawal, upang

hadlangan ang mga tumutugis kay Aguinaldo na mga Amerikano.

Kilala bilang huling Pilipinong heneral na sumuko sa mga


Kilala bilang maalamat na pinunò ng paghihimagsik sa Cebu noong


Heneral Emilio Aguinaldo

Ang pinuno ng Mactan, Cebu na kinilala bilang unang bayaning


Unang pangulo ng Republika ng Pilipinas na namuno sa

himagsikan laban sa mga Amerikano.

Heneral Miguel Malvar Lapu Lapu

Leon Kilat Heneral Gregorio del Pilar

221 | P a g e
Ikatlong Pangkat:

A. Isulat ang mga naging kontribusyon ni Emilio Aguinaldo, Gregorio

del Pilar at Miguel Malvar gamit ang graphic organizer. Gawin ito gamit
ang pentel pen at kartolina/manila paper.

Gregorio Del
Hen Miguel BAYANI Pilar


Hen Emilio


Pamantayan 4 3 2 Nakukuh
Hen. Miguel
Mensahe Napakagalin
MalvarH May Hindi
g ng kahusayan naging
mensahe ang malinaw
nais nabuong ang
ipahiwatig mensahe mensahen
g nais

Pagsunod sa Lubusang Nakasunod Hindi

222 | P a g e
mga nakasunod sa ilang nakasunod
panuntunan sa mga mga sa
panuntunan panuntunan panuntuna
g itinakda g itinakda ng itinakda

Pagtutulunga Lahat ng May 1-3 May apat

n kasapi ng kasapi ang o mas
pangkat ay hindi maraming
tumutulong tumutulong kasapi ang
sa pagbuo sa gawain hindi
ng gawain ng pangkat nagpakita
ng interes
sa gawain

Oras Natapos Natapos Hindi

ang gawain ang gawain natapos
sa takdang- ng ang
oras pagkatapos gawain
ng takdang

VI. Learning PANUTO: Gumuhit o gumupit ng isang larawan ng tao na iyong iniidolo
Enablement: na parang isang bayani. Sumulat ng isang pangungusap na
nagpapaliwanag bakit siya ang iyong pinili.
(5 minutes)

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

223 | P a g e
Prepared by


Master Teacher I

Tabogon Central School, Tabogon District

224 | P a g e

225 | P a g e
226 | P a g e andres-bonifacio.html
227 | P a g e
228 | P a g e
229 | P a g e
230 | P a g e
Unang Pangkat

Pumili ng representante ng
inyong pangkat na siyang gagaya
kay Emilio Aguinaldo. Pagkatapos
ng limang 231inute magtatanghal ang
bawat bayani. Habang nasa harapan
ng klase ang gumagaya, babasahin o ipakilala ng ibang kasapi
pangkat ang nasasabing bayani base
sa mga nagging kontribusyon nito sa kasarinlan ng Pilipinas.

231 | P a g e
Ikalawang Pangkat

Pumili ng representante
232 | P a g e
ng inyong pangkat na siyang
gagaya kay Gregorio del Pilar.
Pagkatapos ng limang minuto
233 | P a g e
Ikatlong Pangkat

Pumili ng representante ng
inyong pangkat na siyang
gagaya kay Miguel Malvar.
234 | P a g e Pagkatapos ng limang minuto
magtatanghal ang bawat bayani.
Habang nasa harapan ng klase
235 | P a g e
236 | P a g e
237 | P a g e
238 | P a g e


Disaster preparedness refers to measures taken to prepare for and reduce the effects of
disasters. That is, to predict and, where possible, prevent disasters, mitigate their
impact on vulnerable populations, and respond to and effectively cope with their

Disaster preparedness provides a platform to design effective, realistic and coordinated

planning, reduces duplication of efforts and increase the overall effectiveness of
National Societies, household and community members disaster
preparedness and response efforts. Disaster preparedness activities embedded with
risk reduction measures can prevent disaster situations and also result in saving
maximum lives and livelihoods during any disaster situation, enabling the affected
population to get back to normalcy within a short time period.

Disaster preparedness is a continuous and integrated process resulting from a wide

range of risk reduction activities and resources rather than from a distinct sectoral
activity by itself. It requires the contributions of many different areas—ranging from
training and logistics, to health care, recovery, livelihood to institutional development.

239 | P a g e
GAD-based iC CEBU
Lesson Exemplar

240 | P a g e
Grade Level: Grade 6 Learning Area: Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao Quarter: 1 Duration:
30 minutes

Learning Area/s Integrated: Filipino, Arts, Health & TLE-ICT

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary / Interdisciplinary

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

/ Communication Learning and Innovation / Problem

/ Critical Thinking / Information Media and Technology / Life and


II. Focused Learning Competency

ESP6PKPIa-i-37 naisasagawa ang mga pagsusuri nang mabuti sa mga bagay na
kinalaman sa sarili at pangyayari
III. Focused GAD Principle/s to be Integrated:
mapahalagahan ang pagkakapantay-pantay ng mga kasarian
IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

nakasusuring mabuti sa mga suliranin na may kinalaman sa sarili at


Skills nakagagawa ng matalinong pagpapasiya na may kinalaman sa sarili

naipamamalas ang katatagan ng loob sa paggamit ng wastong

impormasyon bunga ng mapanuring pag-iisip

napapahalagahan ang paggamit ng wastong impormasyon bunga ng

mapanuring pag-iisip na may kinalaman sa sarili at kapwa

DRRE nakabuo ng kaisipan upang mailigtas ang sarili sa sakuna

VI. Learning Mapanuring Pag-iisip


Ang mapanuring pag-iisip ay ang pagkakaroon ng kaalaman sa

Concept suliranin, pagtitimbang ng mga maaaring gawin at pagpili nang
pinakamabuti bago bumuo ng isang pasya.

Reference/s K to 12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide in EsP, EsP TG, ph. 81

241 | P a g e
Ugaling Pilipino sa Makabagong Panahon ph. 2-9

Theme Mapanuring Paggamit ng mga Social Networking Sites

Instructional Materials slide decks, projector, laptop, tsart, worksheets at aktibiti kards

V. Learning Experiences

A. Pagbigay ng Paunang Pagtataya

Basahin ang bawat pangungusap at isulat kung tama o mali

gamit ang kapat na papel.

1. Ang pasiya na dapat gawin ay para sa kabutihang panlahat.

2. Sa pagbuo ng pasiya, kailangan mong hingin lang ang opinion ng


3. Sa paggawa ng pasiya, dapat ay nagpapakita ng

pagkamakatwiran sa mga posibleng maapektuhan.

4. Ang mapanuring pag-iisip ay nangangahulugan ng pagkakaroon

ng kaalaman sa suliranin.

5. Timbangin ang maaring epekto sa bawat pasiya na dapat gawin.

1. Engage
(6 minuto)
Inaasahang Sagot:

1. tama 2. mali 3. tama 4. tama 5. tama

B. Pagganyak

Pagpapakita ng Instagram Poll at ipasubok ang pagsagot nito sa

mga bata.

Utilizing software skills

242 | P a g e
243 | P a g e
1. Ano ang tawag nito?

Inaasahang Sagot: Instagram Poll

2. Nasubukan niyo na ba ito?

Inaasahang Sagot: Oo

3. Ano ba ang layunin ng IG Poll?

Inaasahang Sagot: Layunin ng poll na pumili ang user sa mga


na may kinalaman sa sariling


4. Paano ba kayo pumili sa poll?

Inaasahang Sagot: nakagagawa ng matalinong pagpapasiya

na may

kinalaman sa sarili


Ang mga ito ay halimbawa ng IG Poll na makikita natin sa isang

sikat na social networking site na Instagram. Layunin ng poll na
pumili ang user sa mga bagay na may kinalaman sa sariling

Ngayon ay babasahin natin ang tula na may kinalaman sa tamang

pagpapasiya. Tandaan ang mga dapat isaalang-alang na mga
tuntunin sa pagbasa ng tula.


ni Melissa Westfall

2. Explore
(6 minuto) Maraming nagsasabi,

“Mahirap bumuo ng isang pasiya.”

Dahil maaring maging mapanganib ang bunga nito.

244 | P a g e
Bibigyan ako nito ng isang pagsubok

At ‘pag alinlangan ako sa mga bagay

maaring maging dahilan ng away at sakit sa ibang tao.

Nararating ang tamang pasiya, sumakatuwid.

Pagkatapos nang maingat na pag-iisip,

At pagtitimbang ng mga bagay-bagay.

Sa ganoon, walang nasasaktan.

Kaya, dapat kong timbanging mabuti

Ang mga pagpipilian

Dapat mapanuri akong mag-isip.

Sa ganoon, makabubuo ako ng pinakamabuting pasiya.

Talakayin at sagutin sa klase.

1. Ayon sa tula, bakit ba mahirap bumuo ng pasiya?

Inaasahang Sagot: Mahirap ang pagbuo ng pasya dahil


maging mapanganib ang bunga nito.

2. Paano nararating ang tamang pagpasiya?

Inaasahang Sagot: Nararating ang tamang pasiya pagkatapos


maingat na pag-iisip at pagtitimbang ng



245 | P a g e
3. Nakabuo ka na ba ng mahalagang pasiya? Tungkol saan ito?

Nahirapan ka bang mag-pasiya? Bakit o bakit hindi?

Inaasahang Sagot: Maaring magkaiba-iba ang sagot.

4. Paano nakaapekto sa ibang tao ang iyong pasiya?

Inaasahang Sagot: Maaring magkaiba-iba ang sagot.

5. Ano ang naramdaman mo pagkatapos mong magpasiya?

Inaasahang Sagot: Maaring magkaiba-iba ang sagot.

Humanap ng kapareha. Punan ng mga salita ang mga patlang upang

mabuo ang konsepto ng aralin. Piliin ang sagot sa tanong.

Ang mapanuring ay nangangailangan ng kaalaman sa

, pagtitimbang ng maaring gawin at pagpili ng

pinakamabuting bago bumuo ng isang .

solusyon pasiya pag-iisip sitwasyon

3. Explain
(6 minuto)

Inaasahang Sagot: Ang mapanuring pasiya ay nangangailangan ng


sa sitwasyon, pagtitimbang ng maaring gawin at


ng pinakamabuting solusyon bago bumuo ng

isang pag-


246 | P a g e
PAALAALA: Ipabasa muli sa mga mag-aaral ang nabuong kaisipan.


Bakit kailangan suriin ang mga pangyayari? Naisasagawa mo ba

ang mga hakbang sa pagbuo ng mahusay na pasiya?

Konsepto: Ang mapanuring pag-iisip ay nangangailangan ng

kaalaman sa sitwasyon, pagtimbang sa maaaring gawin at pagpili ng
pinakamabuting solusyon bago bumuo ng isang pasiya.


Ipagpalagay ninyo na kayo ay nakatanggap ng balita mula

sa iba’t ibang social networking sites (na makikita sa mga sulok ng
Gallery walk). Bawat balita ay nangangailangan ng matalinong
pagpapasiya sa mga sitwasyon na nakapaloob nito. Gamitin ang
tsart sa ibaba bilang gabay sa pagsagot.

4. Elaborate
(6 minuto)

Mga Balita

May paparating na malakas na bagyo na tatama sa inyong


May pagsusulit sa inyong paaralan subalit may sakit ang


nanay at walang kasama sa bahay.

247 | P a g e
Habang pauwi sa bahay, nakita mong pinagtulungang nilait
ng mga

batang lalaki ang iyong nakababatang kapatid. Ano ang

gagawin mo?


1. Ano ang tiyak na problema PAALAALA: Tinataya na iba’t

na kailangan malutas? iba ang sagot ng mga mag-

2. Magbigay ng dalawang

3. Timbangin ang mga

solusyong ibinigay. Isulat ang
pwedeng maging epekto ng
mga ito.

4. Sa mga ibinigay na solusyon,

piliin ang pinaka epektibo.

5. Paano mo maipapakita ang

panindigan mo sa

5. Evaluate
(6 minuto)

248 | P a g e
PANUTO: Basahin ang sitwasyon sa ibaba. Suriing mabuti ang
pangyayari at ilahad ang sitwasyon na maaring magpakita ng
mapanuring pag-iisip at gawin ang ipinapagawa sa ibaba.


B. Basahin ang bawat aytem at tukuyin kung tama o mali

ang bawat pahayag. Isulat sa sagutang papel.

1. Ang pasiya na dapat gawin ay para sa kabutihang


2. Sa pagbuo ng pasiya, kailangan mong hingin lang ang

opinion ng kaibigan.
249 | P a g e 3. Sa paggawa ng pasiya, dapat ay nagpapakita ng
pagkamakatwiran sa mga posibleng maapektuhan.

4. Ang mapanuring pag-iisip ay nangangahulugan ng

pagkakaroon ng kaalaman sa suliranin.
Sumulat sa journal ng isang pangako na nagpapahayag kung paano
haharapin ang iba’t ibang suliranin gamit ang graphic organizer.

VII. Learning

250 | P a g e Pagkatapos ng klase, inimbita ka ng

iyong mga kamag- aral na magpunta

sa isang video shop pagkatapos ng

iyong klase na malapit sa inyong
251 | P a g e
Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)


K to 12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide in EsP, TGs pah. 81

K to 12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide in Filipino, TGs pah. 118

Ugaling Pilipino sa Makabagong Panahon pah. 2-9

Prepared by


Teacher II

Cansaga Elementary School, Consolacion District

252 | P a g e U
Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Quarter: 1 Duration: 50 Minutes



Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary ✓ Interdisciplinary

IV. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

✓ Communication ✓ Learning and Innovation ✓
Problem Solving

✓ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life

and Career

II Focused Learning Competencies (LC)

PE6PF – Ib –h-21 explain health and skill-related fitness components

III Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated

promote equal opportunities among men and women in performing physical


IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge differentiate health and skill-related fitness components

through varied physical activities

Skills perform different activities to come up with an effective fitness


Attitude display optimism in performing activities related to the fitness


Values practice gender equality in performing activities related to the

fitness components

V Learning
Health and Skill-Related Fitness Components

253 | P a g e
Concept Health and skill-related fitness are important in maintaining
lifelong wellness.

Reference/s CG, Magpalakas at Umunlad 5 pp. 22-71, Enhancing Skills

through MAPE 5 pp. 290-300, Musika, Edukasyong
Pangkataan 5 229-250.

DRRE perform basic first aid procedures to common body injuries

which may happen during the activities

IMs Slide decks, ,pictures, activity sheets, video

V. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

1.Engag A. Pre-Test
5 mins. Instructions: Write HR if it is Health -Related, SR if it is Skill –Related
Fitness. Write your answers on the blank provided.

_____1. 3 minute step test (HR)

_____2 .Shuttle run (SR)

_____3. Body Mass Index (HR)

_____4. Stork Stand Test (SR)

_____5. Curl-up (HR)

_____6. Stork Stand Test (SR)

_____7. Push- Up (HR)

_____8. Paper Joggling (SR)

_____9. Muscle and Body parts (HR)

_____10. 50m sprint (SR)

SAY: Listen to the song entitled “ Lalaban Ako” by Manny Pacquiao and
watch the


254 | P a g e

1. Who sang the song?

Possible Answer: Manny Paquiao sang the song entitled “ Lalaban Ako”

2. Who is he? What are his achievements?

Possible Answers: Manny Paquiao is known as the world champion


Manny Paquiao is a senator in the republic of the



 Write the names of your favorite local athletes in a tag board.

 Raise the tag board and show it to the class if you are done.

 The first 5 learners to finish will be given the chance to speak in

front and say something about the person.


1. What made you choose them?

Possible Answer: Answers may vary.

2. Why do you think they have excelled in their chosen field?

Possible Answers: They excelled in their chosen field by practicing

regularly and

having the courage to do all the activities religiously.

2.Explor SAY:
10  Watch the video and observe carefully.

 Choose a partner either a boy or a girl.

 Follow the actions performed by the performers in the video.

255 | P a g e
 After doing the activity, sit beside your partner and share your
feelings and emotions about the video.


1. How do you feel after watching the video?

Possible Answers: happy, excited

2. Which part of the video do you think is safe?

Possible Answer: Answers may vary.

3. Which part of the video you think you is unsafe?

Possible Answer: Answers may vary.

4. What were the body parts involved in executing the exercises? (name at
least 5)

Possible Answers: Head, Shoulder, Legs, Trunk, Arms

5. What are the possible injuries that the performers may encounter while


Possible Answers: fractures, bruises, heart burns, sprain

6. How can injuries be prevented?

Possible Answers: Follow simple rules and instructions.

Observe safety precautionary measures.

3.Explai Say:
15 Did you know? THAT
Fitness is …….. and is classified into two:

 Skill-Related Fitness

 Health-Related Fitness

256 | P a g e
NOTE: Use the following concepts to facilitate discussion.

Skill-Related Fitness ( Teachers explain based on the table below)

consists of those components of physical fitness that have a relationship

with enhanced performance in sports and motor skills

Health-Related Fitness consists of those components of physical fitness

that have a relationship with good health or body conditions.

Health-Related Fitness Skill-Related Fitness

1. Cardiovascular Endurance 1.Agility

a. Heart Rate trial 1… a.pag iwas sa kalaban sa football

b. Heart rate trial 2 ( like 3 minute b. Patintero ( shuttle run)

step test)
2. Balance
2. Body Composition
a. Stork Stand Test
a. How do I improve my own body
composition? ( Body Mass Index) 3.Coordination ( Paper Joggling)

3. Muscular Endurance 4. Power

a. Types of activities or sit-ups I ( Standing long jump or Vertical

did today. ( Curl-ups) jump)

5. Reaction time

257 | P a g e
4. Muscular Strength (Ruler Drop Test)

a.. Muscles I used (Push-up) 6. Speed ( 50m sprint)

5. Flexibility

( Muscle and Body parts)

a.. hamstrings

b. lower back

c. shoulder

d. triceps

e. and etc. ( Sit and Reach)


1. Do you think constant involvement in exercise will make you fit?


Possible Answer: Yes, physical exercise can help us become


and healthier.

2. What other physical activities can you do to improve your skill and
health related fitness?

Possible Answer: Physical and skill related fitness activities

like jogging,

walking, bending, stretching.

3. Can you share with your classmates what are Skill-Related and Health


Possible Answer: Answers may vary.

258 | P a g e
4.Elaborat Group activity
10 Instructions:
 The learners are grouped into 5.

 Each group is tasked to go to a station and execute the activity

designed in that particular place.

 After which, they will identify if the shown activity is health-related or


 With the teacher’s signal, the group will move to another station.

First Second Third Fourth Fifth Station

station station Station Station

Jump 10 Playing Carrying Sprinting Ball

times “habul books from from one throwing.
without habolan” in a one end to end of the (Identify
stopping, designated the other. playing who can
doing it place. area up to throw
forward the other farthest.)
and end.

NOTE: Using the table below, the group will check what particular
component is



CVE - Cardiovascular Endurance

ME - Muscular Endurance

MS - Muscular Strength

259 | P a g e
F - Flexibility

BC - Body Composition

A - Agility

B -Balance

C - Coordination

P - Power

RT - Reaction Time

S - Speed

Health-related Skill-related



Possible Answers:

Station 1 – CVE /A Station 2 – CVE/ A Station 3 – MS/C

260 | P a g e
Station 4 – CVE/S/RT Station 5 – MS/C

5.Evalua Instructions: Make a chart by group and record the Weekly Activities to
te improve and develop the physical fitness components. You are given only
10 10 mins. Stop when you hear the signal. Your output will be rated
mins. according to the rubrics below.



INSTRUCTION All The Most of the The

S FOLLOWED instructions instructions instructions instructions
(40%) were carried were were not were not
out correctly followed but followed and carried out
with very errors were errors were
minimum evident ( 10 ) evident ( 15 )
error ( 5 )
FEASIBILITY The sets of Most of the Some The sets of
activities activities set activities are activities
scheduled are doable doable for the scheduled
are for the level of the are too
applicable student’s student but unrealistic
and real level but most are too
some are too demanding

SUITABILITY All the Most of the Most of the The

activities scheduled scheduled scheduled
scheduled fit activities activities are activities do
the need of would fit the not suitable not aid the
the student student’s and would student’s
for the need for the not aid the

261 | P a g e
adapted adapted student’s target
weight weight weight
management management management

VIl Instructions: Make a physical fitness program suited to your capacity. Use





the table below as your guide:

262 | P a g e













Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)


CG, Magpalakas at Umunlad 5 pp. 22-71, Enhancing Skills through MAPE pp.

Musika, Edukasyong Pangkataan 229-250.
263 | P a g e
Prepared by:


Master Teacher Il

Alcantara Central School,Alcantara District

264 | P a g e

265 | P a g e
GAD-based iC CEBU
Lesson Exemplar
Grade Level: Grade 6 Learning Area: English Quarter: I Duration: 50
Learning Area/s Integrated: Araling Panlipunan, Arts, HELE & EsP
Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)
 Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary
Thematic Approach
*Theme-based and Fusion Approach
I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

 Communication Learning and Innovation  Problem

 Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology  Life and
266 | P a g e
II. Focused Learning Competencies

EN6RC-Ig2.24.1 EN6RC-Ig2.24 evaluate narratives based on how the


developed the elements: setting, characters (heroes and villains)

III. Focused GAD Principle: promote equal opportunities in making decisions

Integrated Learning Competencies:

Araling Panlipunan Arts EPP ESP

AP6PMK-Ie-7 A6PR-Ig TLE6HE0b-4 EsP6PKPIa-i– 37

natatalakay ang mga naisasagawa ang
ambag ni Andres utilize art skills in prioritize needs mga tamang
Bonifacio, ang using new over wants hakbang na
Katipunan at technologies makatutulong sa
Himagsikan ng 1896 (hardware and pagbuo ng isang
sa pagbubuo ng software) in desisyon na
Pilipinas bilang isang cartoon character makabubuti sa
bansa making. pamilya

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge identify the setting and characters of a given narrative text

Skills differentiate a hero from a villain

Attitude show objectivity and fairness in describing characters and setting

267 | P a g e
Values display courage in facing challenges in life

V. Learning Evaluating the Setting and Characters of a Narrative Text

(Heroes and Villains)

The setting tells when and where the story happens. It may help
Concepts develop the characters, the plot and the theme.

The characters in a narrative are evaluated through their actions,

utterances and appearance.

References Curriculum Guide, Joy in Learning English 6, pp. 102-108 & English for All
Times Grade 6, pp. 94-105

Theme Philippine Independence of 1896

DRRE identify safe and unsafe situations to ensure that learners and families are
safely reunited in case of unsafe or unusual circumstances

Instruction word strips, pictures of Filipino Heroes, paragraph, pocket charts & activity
al cards/sheets
VI. Learning Experiences
1. Engage A. Preliminary Activities
(12 minutes)
Form the class into 4 groups according to their learning styles.

B. Unlocking of Difficulties

Pair each strips or words with their meanings.

leading characters/protagonists

role and involvement

strength and courage

the bad guys/ antagonists

268 | P a g e
1. heroes - ___________________

2. villains - ___________________

3. fortitude - ___________________

4. contribution - ___________________

Possible Answers:

1. heroes - leading characters, protagonists

2. villains - the bad guys, antagonists

3. fortitude - strength and courage

4. contribution - role and involvement

ASK: Who is the leader of the Katipunan?

Possible Answer: Andres Bonifacio

Who is the mother of the Katipunan?

Possible Answer: Melchora Aquino

Note: The teacher will present pictures of Andres Bonifacio and Melchora

269 | P a g e
1. What were Andres Bonifacio’s contributions to our country?

Answers may vary.

2.What did Melchora Aquino do to help our countrymen?

Answers may vary.

3. How can women lead a revolution or battle?

Answers may vary.

2. Explore

(15 minutes) SAY: To know more about Melchora Aquino and Andres Bonifacio, read the
following selections by group and complete the given table.

Character Setting Achievement/


Possible Answers:

Main Characters Setting Achievement/


Melchora Aquino Pasong Tamo, -became the

Kaloocan “Mother of the

270 | P a g e
- adviser of

Andres Bonifacio Calle Azcarraga/ -became the Father

Claro M. Recto of the Katipunan
Avenue in Tondo,
Manila -founder/ leader of

Reading Selection A

Melchora Aquino, also known as Tandang Sora, was born on

January 6, 1812. Her parents Juan Aquino and Valentina de Aquino
were peasants residing in Pasong Tamo, Kaloocan. When she became
an adult, she married Fulgencio Ramos, who was a cabeza de barangay,
or leader of a barangay. Together they had six kids: Juan, Simon,
Epifania, Saturnina, Romualdo, and Juana. She was later widowed and
left to take care of her children.

Melchora Aquino was 84 years old when she became involved with
the Philippine Revolution. She largely contributed to the Katipunan and
was nicknamed the Mother of the Katipunan, Andres Bonifacio, the
leader of the Katipunan, consulted her several times for his large
decision making for the organization.


Reading Selection B:


Andres Bonifacio was born on November 30, 1863 in a small hut at Calle
Azcarraga, presently known as Claro M. Recto Avenue in Tondo, Manila. His
parents were Santiago Bonifacio and Catalina de Castro.

He was a Filipino revolutionary leader the presider of the Tagalog Republic.

He is often called as the “The Father of the Philippine Revolution”. He was one
271 | P a g e of the founders and leader of the Kataas-taasan, Kagalanggalangang Katipunan
ng mga Anak ng Bayan (KKK) or more commonly known as “Katipunan”, a
movement which sought the independence of the Philippines from Spanish
colonial rule and started the Philippine Revolution.

3. Explain

(5 minutes)

1. What made Melchora Aquino a heroine?

Possible Answer:

She fought against the Spaniards and played an important role in the
Philippine Revolution.

She served as the Mother of the Katipunan.

2. Pick out a line from the selection that would suggest that Andres Bonifacio
confided with Tandang Sora.

Possible Answer: Andres Bonifacio, the leader of the Katipunan, consulted

her several times for his large decision making for the organization.

3. If you were Andres Bonifacio what would you need in order for the
Revolution to be successful?

Possible Answers:

If I were Andres Bonifacio, I would need courage, enough food and

water, weapons and brave and loyal Katipuneros.

4. What did Andres Bonifacio want for his country?

Possible Answers:

272 | P a g e
He wanted the Philippiones to be free from the colonizers.

5. What needs of the Katipuneros did the women provide?

Possible Answers:

The women provided the Katipuneros with food, water, medicine, clothing
and shelter.

6. What values did Andres Bonifacio show?

Possible Answers:

He showed bravery, courage, strength, fortitude and determination.

7. What do we need to survive, needs or wants? Why?

Possible Answers:

Needs, because we cannot live without food, water, medicine, home and

8. Which one can you live without, needs or wants? Why?

Possible Answers:

Wants because we can live without gadgets, comfortable bed, toys.

9. What does the setting show? What is it about?

Possible Answers:

The setting shows the place and time of the event. It tells about where
and when the story happened.

10. Were the families safe during the revolution? Why?

Possible Answers:

No, they were not safe. They had to run away and hide from their
enemies. They left their homes and had to go to another place.

11. How were families put to safety and were reunited during an unsafe
or unusual circumstance? If your family is put in an unsafe situation,
from whom should you seek help?

Possible Answers:

Tandang Sora helped them find shelter. Mothers and Fathers helped

273 | P a g e
keep their family into safety.

12. What two types of characters have you discovered?

Possible Answers:

The two types of characters are the protagonists or the heroes and the
antagonists or the villains.

13. Who are the villains in the life of Bonifacio, Tandang Sora and the

Possible Answers:

The villains in the life of Bonifacio, Tandang Sora and the Katipuneros
were the Spanish Governor-Generals and their soldiers.

14. Why are the Spaniards considered villains?

They are considered villains because they harmed the main character
and the other characters. They took the lives of the Katipuneros who
fought to protect our country.

4. Elaborate

(10 minutes)

Arkim Camello carries a sack full of uprooted grass from their school to home
to use as food for their cattle. Contributed Photo | Je-Ann Montejo

274 | P a g e
Cebu City, Philippines— A young school boy is receiving praises online
because of his determination to help his parents feed their cows.

Je-Ann Montejo, a teacher from Usmad National High School in Argao town,
southern Cebu, posted on her Facebook account on Tuesday, June 25,
2019, a picture of a boy carrying a sack full of uprooted grass from school.

Montejo said the boy’s name was Arkim Camello, a seventh grade student.

She said she was touched after she and Camello’s adviser, Rosemarie
Diotay, found out that the kid was carrying grass from school to bring home
as food for their cows.

In an interview with CDN Digital, Montejo said it has been two consecutive
days that they noticed Camello carry a sack of uprooted grass on his way
home from school.

“Yesterday, during dismissal while the students were running towards the
school gate, I saw this kid carrying a sack. It pains me and at the same time
it seems to energize me from a whole day work. I was really moved with what
this kid did,” Montejo told CDN Digital. “The sack isn’t that heavy since it is
just uprooted grass and he rides a motorcycle when he leaves the school. But
I really bow down on how genuine he is, the fact that he was able to carry that
sack with confidence even if there are other students looking.”

Montejo also believes Camello was not asked by his parents to bring grass

“He only saw that this uprooted grass and camote (sweet potato) in their
assigned garden during TLE-Agriculture (exploratory) class and he asked his
adviser yesterday if its possible to borrow a sack for the grass and uprooted
camote” she said.

The teacher lets each group perform a given task based on the news report.

275 | P a g e
Verbal / Logical Visual /Spatial Naturalist
Linguistics (Intrapersonal)

Read the news Draw a cartoon How can you be

report and character that like Arkim
identify the main Why do you will represent Camello, a hero
character and think Arkim Arkim Camello. in your own
the setting Camello way?
mentioned in the received praises Possible answer:
news. How will on line?
you consider him
Possible answer:
a modern hero?
Possible I can be a hero
Answer: by always
Possible prioritizing my
He showed needs over
Answer: determination to wants and by
1. Setting study and at the setting a good
same time to example to
Usmad NHS, help his parents. others.
Argao, Cebu

2. Characters


3. He is a
modern hero
because he
gives importance
to education and
he takes
responsibility in
helping his
family like
carrying a sack
grasses from
their assigned
garden as food

276 | P a g e
for their cattles.


5. Evaluate Read the Narrative Text

(8 minutes)
1. Anna was in the middle of telling a funny story near the library when
(8 mher teacher asked her to go stand at the end of the line. “Mrs. De los
i Santos always picks me,” Anna muttered under her breath. “I shouldn’t
n have to listen to her”. Anna’s friend Betty, who stood behind her, stuck
s her tongue when her teacher turned around.

2. Alex had studied all night for his upcoming spelling test. He knew how
to spell every single word on the list, even the longest word
“permissible”. When his teacher passed out the spelling test, Alex’
classmate, Felix groaned and complained, but Alex didn’t. He knew he
would get 100. During the test, Felix copied Alex’ answers then both of
them were reprimanded by their teacher.

A. List down the setting and characters in the story and write beside
each if he/she is a hero/ heroine or villain.

Possible Answer:

Story Setting Characters Type

1. near the library Anna hero

Betty villain

2. school Alex hero

Felix villain

277 | P a g e
VI. Learning Enablement: (to be done at home)
In your life, who do you consider as your greatest hero? Support your answer by
writing 3 sentences about him/her.

VII. Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by:

Master Teacher II
Minglanilla Central School, Minglanilla 1

278 | P a g e
GAD-based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Filipino Quarter : I Duration

: 50 minuto

Learning Area/s Integrated: EsP, PE, Arts and Health

Integration Approach Used:

/ Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary

*Theme-based Units

21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

// Communication Learning and Innovation Problem

/ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology / Life and


II. Focused Learning Competency:

F6WG-Ie-g-3 makakagamit ng iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon

Integrated Learning Competencies:

279 | P a g e

EsP6KP-Ia-i-37 PE6GS-Ic-h4 A6EL-Ia H6PHIab-19

naisasagawa ang mga execute the
tamang hakbang na different skills realize that art demonstrate self-
makakatulong sa involved in the processes, elements management skills
pagbuo ng isang game and principles still
desisyon na apply even with the
makabubuti sa pamilya use of new

III. Focused GAD Principle/s to be integrated

nakabubuo ng pantay na pagpapasya sa karapatan ng lalake at babae

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Kaalaman nasusuri ang gamit ng iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip

Kasanayan nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon

Kaasalan naipapakita ang respeto sa iba’t ibang tradisyon at kultura ng mga Pilipino sa
pamamagitan ng sariling opinion

Kahalagah naipamamalas ang kahalagahan ng kultura at tradisyon ng mga Pilipino


V. Learning Content/s Gamit ng iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip sa iba’t ibang sitwasyon

Sa pamamagitan ng mga sanaysay nagagamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip

tulad ng panghalip na panaklaw, pamatlig, panao at pananong.

Tema Kultura at Tradisyon ng mga Pilipino

naibabahagi ang mga alternatibong aksiyon upang maibsan ang mga

epektong hatid ng sakuna

Kagamitan Curriculum Guide , slide decks , manila paper, pentel pens at meta kard

VI. Learning Experiences

280 | P a g e
A. Panimulang Pagtataya - Isahang Gawain
Panuto: Tukuyin ang mga panghalip na ginagamit sa loob ng pangungusap.
Isulat sa kapat na papel ang mga sagot.
1. Engage
1. Nangako siyang umuwi nang maaga sa bahay upang matulungan ang
pamilya sa paghahanda ng paparating na bagyo.
Inaasahang Sagot: siyang
(10 minuto)
2. Doon nila itinago ang mga gamit na hindi puwedeng mabasa tuwing may
Inaasahang Sagot: doon, nila
3. Malapit ba dito ang “evacuation area”?
Inaasahang Sagot: dito
4. Ilan ang mga bata at matatandang mamamayan ang nakaligtas sa
Inaasahang Sagot: Ilan
5. Galing sa DSWD ang mga donasyong ipinamigay nila sa mga biktima
ng bagyo.
Inaasahang Sagot: nila

B. Panimulang Gawain. ISIPIN MO, SAGUTIN MO


1. Anong uring katutubong sayaw ang iyong natutunan noong nasa

ikalimang baitang pa kayo?
Inaasahang Sagot: Cariñosa/Polka sa Nayon
2. Paano niyo itinanghal ang mga katutubong sayaw na iyon?
Inaasahang Sagot: gamit ang mga kamay at paa
3. Ilan lahat ang sumayaw?
Inaasahang Sagot: 6 hanggang 8

4. Aktibiti. GAWIN KO, I-MODELO MO! “Copy-Cut Game”

Magpakita ng dalawang larawan gamit ang slide decks tungkol sa

mga katutubong sayaw ng mga Pilipino. I-modelo ang nakitang larawan sa loob
ng labinlimang segundo.

Ang salitang “Copy” ang magiging hudyat na isagawa ang nakita

sa larawan.

Pagkaraan ng labinlimang Segundo maghudyat ulit ng “Cut”. Hihinto

ang lahat sa loob ng limang segundo at ipakita muli ang larawan upang
malaman ng guro kung sino ang nakakuha ng tama.

Ang unang pangkat na nakagagawa ng tama ang siyang

281 | P a g e
bibigyan ng sampung puntos.

A.Itik – Itik B. Maglalatik


1. Ano ang nararamdaman ninyo habang ginagawa ang aktibiti?

Inaasahang Sagot: nasisiyahan/napapagod
2. Ano ang kasarian ng sumasayaw ng Itik-Itik?
Inaasahang Sagot: mga babae
3. Ano naman ang kasarian ng sumasayaw ng Maglalatik?
Inaasahang Sagot: mga lalaki
4. Bakit mga kalalakihan at kababaihan ang sumasayaw nito?
Inaasahang Sagot: Sa pagsasayaw walang pinipiling kasarian ma
babae man o

ma lalake. Ang mahalaga ay nakapagpapakita sila ng wastong

hakbang kung

paano isakilos ito.

5. Sa tingin ninyo, sa dalawang katutubong sayaw, alin dito ang mas

madaling sayawin? Bakit?
Inaasahang Sagot: Iba-iba ang sagot dito ng mga mag-aaral.
PAALALA: Ipapasagot sa mga mag-aaral ang mga tanong sa buong

282 | P a g e

A.Pagbibigay kahulugan sa di-pamilyar na salita.

Gamit ang graphic organizer, sumulat ng mga salitang maiuugnay sa

salitang katutubo.

mabagal sinauna


2. Explore
ninuno kasaysayan

(15 minuto)

PAALALA: Sa bahaging ito, basahin ng bawat pangkat ang sanaysay tungkol

sa katutubong sayaw na “Maglalatik” at “Itik-Itik.”

Una at Ikalawang Pangkat


Ang sayaw na maglalatik ay isang uri ng katutubong sayaw ng

Pilipinas na may mabilis na galaw habang pinatutunog ng mga mananayaw
ang mga bao ng niyog.

Ito ay ang digmaang sayaw ng mga katutubong lalaki sa Biñan, Laguna.

Sila ay gumagamit ng bao ng niyog habang sumasayaw. Kanilang inilalagay ito
sa likod, dibdib, balakang at hita. Pumapalo sila sa mga bao ng niyog ayon sa

283 | P a g e
tugtog ng Maglalatik.

Ikatlo at Ikaapat na Pangkat


Ang Itik-Itik ay isang sikat na sayaw ng mga Bisaya sa

Probinsya ng Surigao del Norte. Ito ay binubuo ng iba’t ibang galaw mula sa
mga mananayaw.

Maihahalintulad sa galaw ng bibe ang sayaw na ito. Karamihan

sa sumasayaw nito ay mga babae.

PAALALA: Ang guro ay magbigay ng meta kard sa bawat pangkat. Ipasulat

ang mga

sagot sa tanong sa loob lamang ng limang minuto.

1. Saang probinsiya nagsimula ang katutubong sayaw na Maglalatik?

Inaasahang Sagot: Biñan, Laguna/ Surigao del Norte
2. Anong bahagi ng katawan ang ginagamit sa pagsayaw nito?
Inaasahang Sagot: kamay at mga paa
3. Dapat bang magkapareha ang lalaki at babae sa pagsasayaw?
Inaasahang Sagot: depende sa opinion ng mag-aaral
4. Ano-anong mga sayaw na alam ninyo na magkapareha ang lalaki at
Inaasahang Sagot: depende sa nalalaman ng mga mag-aaral
5. Ano-ano ang mga salitang sinalungguhitan sa sanaysay?
Inaasahang Sagot: ito, sila, kanila, karamihan, nito
6. Ano ang tawag ng mga salitang sinalungguhitan?
Inaasahang Sagot: Panghalip

A. Hanapin at itala ang mga panghalip na makikita sa loob ng sanaysay at

gamitin ang mga ito sa pangungusap.


Panghalip Pangungusap

284 | P a g e
Ito Ito ang mga sinaunang sayaw ng
mga Pilipino.

SABIHIN: Mula sa mga naitala, alamin kung anong uri ng panghalip ang mga

Pagpapaliwanag at pagtatalakay tungkol sa iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip.


matumbok ng mga mag-aaral ang mga konseptong nakapaloob sa aralin sa


ng mapanuring tanong.

3. Explain 1. Ano ang gamit ng panghalip?

Inaasahang sagot: Ang panghalip ay ginagamit na panghalili sa pangngalan ng

tao, bagay, pook o lunan.

(5 minuto) 2. Ano ano ang mga iba’t ibang uri nito?
Inaasahang sagot:

1. Panghalip na panao ang tawag sa mga panghalip na inihahalili sa ngalan ng

2. Panghalip na pamatlig ang tawag sa mga salitang gamit sa pagtuturo ng tao,
bagay, pook, gawain na malapit o malayo sa nagsasalita o kausap.

3. Panghalip na panaklaw ay salitang panghalili o pamalit sa pangngalan na

sumasaklaw sa kaisahan, dami, bilang, o kalahatan.

4. Panghalip na pananong ay ginagamit sa pagtatanong tungkol sa bagay, tao,

hayop, pook, gawain, katangian, panahon at iba pa.

Pangkatang Gawain

4. Ang bawat pangkat ay bubuo ng limang pangungusap tungkol sa

Elaborate iba’t ibang

kultura at tradisyong Pilipino: pagmamano, noche buena, pista sa

bayan at
(8 minuto)
bayanihan gamit ang mga panghalip.

285 | P a g e
Unang Pangkat - pagmamano Ikatlong Pangkat - Pista
sa Bayan

Ikalawang Pangkat - Noche Buena Ikaapat na Pangkat -


5. Evaluate Bumuo ng diyalogo gamit ang iba’t ibang uri ng panghalip na angkop sa mga

(10 minuto)
Unang paggamit ng panghalip na panao sa tuwing may

286 | P a g e
Pangkat magdaos ng kaarawan sa pamilya

Ikalawang paggamit ng panghalip na pamatlig sa paghahanda sa

Pangkat panahon ng kalamidad

Ikatlong paggamit ng panghalip na panaklaw sa pag-iwas ng

Pangkat sakuna

Ikaapat na paggamit ng panghalip na pananong kung may bibilhin

Pangkat sa palengke

Pamantayan sa pagmamarka

10 9 8 7 6

1. Ginamit ang May kulang Kakitaan Kakitaan Isang

mga ng isang lamang ng lamang ng aspekto
panghalip aspekto sa tatlong dalawang lamang
sa usapan. nabuong aspekto aspekto ang
2. Natutukoy paninindiga ang ang nakapaloo
nang wasto n nabubuong nabubuong b sa
ang mga paninindiga paninindiga teksto
panghalip n n
ayon sa
sinasabi sa
3. Nakikiisa
ang mga
kasapi sa
ng usapan.
4. Nabigkas
ang usapan
nang may
g tinig,
tindig at
VII. Gumawa ng slogan o hugot lines gamit ang mga uri ng panghalip

287 | P a g e
Learning na nangangampanya ng tamang gabay para sa paaralang ligtas at malayo
Enableme sa sakuna.
Isulat ito sa kalahating puting kartolina.
( to be
done after
class hours Rubrik
in school or
at home)

(2 minuto) Pamantayan Indikasyon Puntos Natamong


Nilalaman naipapakita at 5
naipapaliwanag nang
maayos ang ugnayan ng
lahat ng konsepto sa
paggawa ng slogan at
hugot lines

Kaangkupan ng maliwanag at angkop ang 5

Konsepto mensahe sa paglalarawan
ng konsepto

Kakanyahan orihinal ang ideya sa 5


Pagkamalikhain paggamit ng tamang 5

kombinasyon ng kulay
upang mapahayag ang
nilalaman, konsepto at

Kabuuang malinis at maayos ang 5

Presentasyon kabuuang presentasyon


288 | P a g e
Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)


Prepared by


Master Teacher I

Consolacion Central School, Consolacion District

289 | P a g e
GAD-based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Science Quarter: I Duration: 50


Learning Area/s Integrated: English, & Araling Panlipunan

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

√ Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary

√ *Intradisciplinary
I. 21st Century
/ Skills to be developed (Please tick.)
√ Communication Learning and Innovation √
Problem Solving
√ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology √ Life and
290 | P a g e



II. Focused Learning Competency (LC)

S6MT-[ a-c] 1 describe the appearance and uses of uniform and non – uniform
III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated use gender-sensitive language
IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge distinguish solution, colloids, and suspensions based on their


Skills combine substances to produce mixtures

Attitude display appreciation on the importance of mixtures in life

Values practice oneness in performing the experiment

V. Learning Kinds of Mixture


Concept Solutions are homogeneous mixture having two or more components

uniformly distributed while suspensions are heterogeneous mixtures
where components can be clearly distinguished from each other and
are large enough to be seen without the microscope. Colloids are
homogeneous mixtures wherein the component particles are bigger
than those in other homogeneous mixtures

Reference/s The New Science Links by Evelyn Padpad, pp. 71 – 82, Science
Links CG, pp. 21 – 22

DRRE demonstrate disaster preparedness and mitigation actions based on

given varied situations (handling mixtures)

Theme Unity in Diversity

V. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

A. Pretest
1. Engage
(10 minutes) Directions: Match the terms in Column A with their descriptions in
Column B.

291 | P a g e
A. B.

1. suspension a have two liquids that are insoluble to each other

2. solution b. have two or more components uniformly


3. colloid c. homogeneous mixture wherein the component

particles are bigger than those in other

homogeneous mixtures

d. heterogeneous mixtures where components


be clearly distinguished from each other and


large enough to be seen without the


Possible Answer:

1. d 2. b 3. c

B. Listen to the song Happy Together by the Turtles.

(Please refer to Appendix B.)

Note: Teacher may play only part of the song.

1. What is the message of the song?

Possible Answer:

When we are united, we make work easier, faster and lighter.

When work together, we are happy.


Just like the message of the song, substances may be combined

to form useful mixtures. Let’s learn more about these mixtures by
doing these experiments.

292 | P a g e

1. What should we remember when performing an experiment?

Possible Answer:

We should help each other in performing the experiment.

2. How should we handle chemicals during experimentation?

Possible Answer:

We should take extra care and follow safety measures in

handling substances.

ASK: Can we mix oil and water?

2. Explore A. Combining Water and Oil

(10 minutes) Materials : beaker, 1 tablespoon of oil, 1 tablespoon of water,

detergent powder


1. Mix 1 tablespoon of oil and 1 tablespoon of water in a beaker.

2. Stir gradually.

3. Observe what happened. Did oil and water mix?

Possible Answer:

No, oil and water did not mix.

4. Add detergent powder to the mixture.

5. Observe what happened. Did oil and water mix?

Possible Answer:

Yes, the oil and water mixed because of the detergent powder.


How can we achieve oneness despite our individual difference?

293 | P a g e
Possible Answer:

We can achieve oneness despite our individual differences by

respecting and loving each other. Answers may vary.

3. Explain ASK:
1. What is mixture?
Possible Answer:

Mixture is a combination of two or more substances.

2. What are the kinds of mixtures?

Possible Answers:

The kinds of mixtures are solutions, colloids and suspensions.

SAY: Perform an experiment on kinds of mixtures. Find out the

characteristics of each kind.

Always put in mind the safety tips in handling the materials.

Comparing the Kinds of Mixtures

I. Problem: How do solutions, colloids and suspensions differ?

II. Materials:

200 ml water 5 beakers 1 teaspoon of cooking oil

1 teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon of powder milk

1 teaspoon of soil

III. Procedures:

1. Prepare five beakers.

2. Fill each beaker with 200 ml of water.

Beaker 1: Add 1 teaspoon of salt.

294 | P a g e
Beaker 2: Add 1 teaspoon of milk powder.

Beaker 3: Add 1 teaspoon of oil.

Beaker 4: Add 1 teaspoon of sugar.

Beaker 5: Add 1 teaspoon of soil.

3. Stir each mixture gently.

4. Record your observation on the table below.

Possible Answers:

Observing Kinds of Mixtures

Mixture Number of Observation Kind of

Components Mixtures

1. salt and 2 salt dissolved solution


2. milk powder 2 milk powder suspension

dissolved but
and water then

3. oil and water 2 oil was on top suspension

of the water

4. sugar and 2 sugar solution

in water

5. soil and 2 soil settled suspension

water down

What have you found out:

1. How many distinct phase/s can you see when you combine salt
and water?

What kind of mixture is it?

295 | P a g e
2. How many phase/s can you see when you mix powdered milk and
water? What kind of mixture is it?

3. How many distinct phase/s are recognizable when you form a


4. Which of the mixtures are solutions?

Possible Answers:

1) 1 , solution

2) 2, suspension

3) 1

4) 1

5) salt and water, sugar and water

IV. Conclusion:

Solutions are homogeneous mixture having two or more

components uniformly distributed while suspensions are
heterogeneous mixtures where components can be clearly
distinguished from each other and are large enough to be seen
without the microscope.

Colloids are homogeneous mixtures wherein the component

particles are bigger than those in other homogeneous mixtures.

4.Elaborate Triad Activity

(10 minutes)

A. Describe each kind of mixture and give an example for each.

1. Solution

2. Suspension

296 | P a g e
3. Colloids

Possible Answers:

1. Solutions have components that are uniformly distributed.

example: sugar and water

2. Suspensions have components that can be clearly distinguished

from each other.

Examples: paint, muddy river water, sand and water

3. Colloids on the other hand have component particles that are

bigger than those of other heterogeneous mixtures.

examples: whipped cream, mayonnaise, milk, gelatin, jelly

5.Evaluate Determine whether the given mixture is solution, colloid or

(5 minutes) suspension.

1. smoke
2. softdrinks
3. gelatin
4. smog
5. alloy
Possible Answers:

1. colloid 2. solution 3. colloid 4. colloid 5. solution

VI. Learning Teacher divides the class in 2 groups. Each group’s task is as follows:
1st group will make a graphic organizer (Venn Diagram)

2nd group will make a graphic organizer (Concept Map)

Rubrics for Graphic Organizer

297 | P a g e
Criteria Rating

4 3 2 1

Ideas and The graphic The graphic The The

Content organizer is organizer graphic graphic
clear, has some organizer organiz
40% thorough, missing contains er has
and provides parts but informati missed
needed provided on which most of
information needed is not the
for kinds of information essential informat
mixture for kinds of to the ion
mixtures kinds of which
mixture are
l to the
kinds of

Creativity The graphic The graphic The The

for Graphic organizer is organizer graphic graphic
Organizer creatively follows organizer organiz
done and some has er has
40% presented. It pattern of some no
clearly organizing pattern of pattern
follows ideas and organizin and is
logical designed g ideas not
pattern of neatly and and designe
organization. legibly. designed d
creatively creativel

Attractivene Most Very Attractive Less

ss Attractive Attractive Attractiv
Uses 1 e
20% Uses a Uses a color
combination combinatio only No color
of 4 to 5 n of 2 to 3 used
colors colors

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

298 | P a g e

Prepared by


Master Teacher I

Canhabagat Integrated School

299 | P a g e
GAD-based iC CEBU
Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Mathematics Quarter: 1

Duration: 50 minutes

Learning Area/s Integrated: Home Economics & Health

Integration Approach Used:

/ Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary

* Fusion and Learning Centers

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

// Communication Learning and Innovation / Problem Solving

/ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology / Life and Career

II. Focused Learning Competency:

M6NS-Id-106.2 add and subtract decimals through ten thousandths without and with
Integrated Learning Competencies:
Health Home Economics

H6PH-Iab-18 describe personal TLE6HE-Ob-3 allocate budget for basic and

health issues and concerns social need such as food and clothing

III. Focus GAD principle/s to be integrated: promote equality in decision making

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge discuss the process of adding and subtracting decimals and mixed decimals without

300 | P a g e
or with regrouping

Skills add and subtract decimals and mixed decimals without or with regrouping

Attitude appreciate the value of saving for emergency needs

Values emphasize the importance of tactfulness in dealing with others

V. Learning Adding and subtracting decimals or mixed decimals through ten thousandths without
Content/s or with regrouping

Concept/s In adding and subtracting decimals or mixed decimals through ten thousandths
without or with regrouping,

• Arrange the digits in column and align the digits according to their place value.

• Add or subtract just like adding or subtracting whole numbers.

• Align the decimal point vertically in one column.

References K to 12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide, TGs & LMs for Grade 6 Home Economics &
Health Teacher’s Guide 6 ( Deped, RO 8), pp. 2-5

21st Century MATHletes by Marjoseph H. Perez et al, pp. 50-52, 21st Century
MATHletes TM by Donnel P. Placer, pp. 15-16, Lesson Guides in Math 6, pp.

Math for All 6 by Gladys C. Nivera, pp. 68-73

Theme Nutrition Month

DRRE demonstrate disaster preparedness and mitigation actions based on given varied
situations (emergency food)

Instruction manila paper, pentel pens, worksheets, activity cards, chart and menu
al Materials

VI. Learning Experiences

1. Engage A. Preliminary Activities

( 15 1. Divide the class into 4 groups.

2. Pre-test
Read and answer each question.

a. The children wanted to buy a notebook for Php 18.75 and a ballpen for Php 28.25. If
301 | P a g e they had only Php 20, how much more would they need to buy both items?

Possible Answer: Php 27.00

b. You saved Php 500 from selling bananacue during weekends. If you bought a pair of
socks for Php 44.95 and a blouse for Php 155.50, how much money would be left from
3. Study the given picture.


1. What are the customers doing?

Possible Answer: They are looking at a menu.

2. What information can you find from a menu?

302 | P a g e
Possible Answer: list of food

3. Distribute activity cards and a sample menu to each group. Let them answer
the questions.


Gisadong baboy Php 30.00 Cup of rice

Php 8.00
Fried chicken 20.00 Sardines
Adobong nokus 25.00 Egg
Paksiw na bangus 25.00 Noodles
Sinigang na isda 25.00 Banana
Tinolang manok 25.00 Mango
Ginataang monggo 5.00 Pakwan
Utan bisaya 5.00 Guava
Ampalaya 15.00 Buko juice
Tortang talong 15.00 Orange juice
Pineapple juice

Group 1: Make a list of food combinations that can be bought with your Php 100.00

Possible Answers:

1. adobong nokus, paksiw na bangus, sinigang na isda, sinigang na baboy

2. gisadong baboy, fried chicken, adobong nokus, paksiw na bangus

(Note: Varied answers are accepted as long as the total cost is Php100.)

Group 2: Suggest a menu for a balanced diet. Indicate the corresponding price of
each item and find the sum.
303 | P a g e
Possible Answer:

1. rice Php 8.00

gisadong baboy 30.00

ampalaya 15.00

banana 8.00

buko juice 15.00


2. rice 8.00

fried chicken 30.00

tortang talong 15.00

pakwan 10.00

juice 15.00

Php 78.00

(Note : Other food choices are accepted as long the three food groups are

Group 3: Enumerate the effects of unhealthy eating habits.

Possible Answer:

1. develop some illness and health problems such as overweight, underweight,

hypertension, kidney diseases, cancer, and others

Group 4: Give examples of food for emergency situations.

Possible Answer:

sardines, corned beef, beef loaf, eggs, noodles, biscuits, rice, monggo beans, etc.


a. Who usually prepares the budget in your family?

304 | P a g e
Answers may vary.

b. Who prepares the food that you eat?


c. What help can you provide to your parents in preparing your meal?

Possible answers:

Assist them in preparing some ingredients.

Peeling/Chopping/Slicing vegetables.

Washing kitchen utensils.

d. Why should you be careful in handling kitchen utensils?

Possible answers: to avoid injuries/accidents

305 | P a g e
2. Explore A. Skill Preparation
minutes) 1. Read and solve the word problem.

Mang Ben went to the market to buy 3 kilos of rice for Php 153.75 and 3 cans of
sardines which cost Php 45.00. How much money would remain if he had Php 200?

Possible Answer: Php 1.25

Note: Call volunteer/s to share how they got their answer.

B. Development of the Skill

SAY: Solve the problem in the activity card and present your output.

Activity Card # 1 (Groups 1 & 2)

1. What is the sum when 8.39 is added to the difference of 45.89 and 35.028?

2. When 1.853 is added to 43.86, the sum is ___________

3. The difference between 95.827 and 58.39 is ____________

Possible Answers:

1. 19.252 2. 45.713 3. 37.437

Activity Card # 2 ( Groups 3 & 4)

The Grade VI class officers plan to cook pansit during their Nutrition Month
culmination. They bought the following ingredients:

0.505 kg chicken

0.2671kg pork/chicken liver

0. 0025 kg salt

0.0225 kg green beans

0.14 kg cabbage

0.8487kg stick noodles

0.202 kg carrots

306 | P a g e
0.0445kg spices


1. How many kilograms of ingredients did they buy?

2. If they were to add another ingredient, how many kilograms would it be to have a
sum of 5 kilograms?

Possible Answers:

1. 2.0323 2. 2.9677

307 | P a g e
3.Explain ASK:

(5 min) 1. How did you get the answers?

2. How do we add or subtract decimals or mixed decimals through ten thousandths

without regrouping?

3. How should you write each digit according to its place value in getting the sum or

4. How do we add or subtract decimals or mixed decimals through ten thousandths

with regrouping?
In adding and subtracting decimals or mixed decimals through ten thousandths,

 Arrange the digits in columns and align the decimal points.

• Add or subtract as with whole numbers.

• Place the decimal point between the digits vertically aligned to all the addends.

4. Elaborate A. Let each group perform their respective tasks in their assigned learning stations
and share their answers in plenary.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4

308 | P a g e
Complete the Supply the Below are some of the Place the decimal
magic square. missing food for emergency point in the addends
Each row, column number. situations. How much to get the desired
and diagonal will you pay for all sum.
values must have 15.63 items?
the same sum or addends = sum
total. + 4.183
1. 258 + 76 =
19 can of sardines -
Php 17.50
2. 258 + 76 =
pack of noodles -
453.45 Php 12.00
5.3 3. 258 + 76 =
- 234.56 egg Php 7.00 26.56

sachet of energy 4. 4432 + 398 =

4.1 4.9 48.3
drink -
5. 4432 + 398 =
Php 8.00
2.9 0.8412
rice per kilo
Php 50.00
15.63 Possible Answers:
1111 Php94.50
+ 4.183 1. 2.58 + 0.76 = 3.34
5.3 2.5 4.5
19.813 2. 0.258 + 0.76 =

3.3 4.1 4.9 3. 25.8 + 0.76 =

453.45 26.56

- 234.56 4. 44.32 + 3.98 =

3.7 5.7 2.9 48.3

5. 0.4432 + 0.398 =


309 | P a g e
6. Evaluate Directions: Using the given data, compute for the total cost of the items and get the
(5 minutes) difference.

Sinigang 165.25
Rice 32.00
Adobo 158.50
Fruit juice 6@ 8.75 52.50
Total 408.25
Amount tendered 500.00
Change 91.75

2. misua 180g 19.45

sardines 17.50
sotanghon 20.30
macaroni elbow 51.00
macaroni shell 94.70
Total 202.95
Amount tendered 300.00
Change 97.05

310 | P a g e
VII. Differentiated Activities

Logical/Mathematical Verbal/Linguistic Visual/ Spatial
(to be done
after class Solve the problem. Write a dialogue. Make a sample menu.
hours in
A group of pupils went to You and your
school or at
the grocery to buy certain items. friend want to eat
They discovered that their Php dinner in a restaurant.
250 wasn’t enough to pay for the You only have Php
total amount. Which item should 150.00 each. Which
be removed so that the total food items should you
amount would exactly be Php buy?

soap 31.25

shampoo 54.00

toothpaste 70.75

mouthwash 48.00

toothbrush 46.00

cotton buds 25.00

Conditioner 31.10
Shoe polish 45.50

Hair gel 35.50

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)


K to 12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide, Health Teacher’s Guide 6 ( Deped, RO 8) pp. 2-5,

Lesson Guides in Math 6 pp 89-100

Math for All 6 by Gladys C. Nivera pp. 68-73, 21st Century MATHletes by
Marjoseph H. Perez et al, pp.50-52

21st Century MATHletes TM by Donnel P. Placer, pp. 15-16

311 | P a g e

Prepared by


Master Teacher II

Carmen Central Elem School

312 | P a g e
GAD-based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Araling Panlipunan Quarter 1

Duration: 50 minutes

Learning Area/s Integrated: Mathematics, English, Arts, EsP, Filipino & EPP

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary

*Fusion Approach

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

Communication Learning and Innovation Problem


313 | P a g e
Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life and

II. Focused Learning Competency

AP6PMK-Ib-4 natatalakay ang epekto ng pagbubukas ng mga daungan ng

bansa sa
pandaigdigang kalakalan

Integrated Learning Competencies

English Math EPP Arts EsP Filipino

EN6LC- M6NS-Ia- TLEIE60b-3 A6PR-Ih EsP6PKP- F6TA-0a-j-2

Ia2.3.1 88.3 buys and Ia-I 37
analyze sells creates naipapahaya
sound create products own pagsusuri g ang ideya/
devices problems based on cartoon nang kaisipan/dam
(onomatopo (with needs. character mabuti sa damin/reaksy
eia, reasonable to mga bagay on nang may
alliteration, answers) entertain, na may wastong tono,
assonance, involving express kinalaman diin, bilis,
personificati addition opinions, sa sarili at antala at
on, irony and/or ideas, etc pangyayari intonasyon
and subtraction
hyperbole) of fractions
in a text

IIl. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated: nakapagpapakita ng sensitibo sa

kasarian o

pantay-pantay na pagtingin ng kasarian bilang kaakibat sa pagpapaunlad ng

pandaigdigan kalakalan dulot ng pagbubukas ng mga daungan

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

314 | P a g e
Knowledge nakapagbibigay-hinuha sa mga epekto sa pagbukas ng daungan ng
bansa sa pandaigdigang kalakalan

Skills nakapagbubuo ng solusyon sa mga epekto dulot sa pagbukas ng

mga daungan sa bansa at sa pandaigdigang kalakalan

Attitude nakapagpapakita ng positibong pananaw sa pagbukas ng mga

daungan ng bansa sa pandaigdigang kalakalan

Values nakapagmamalaki sa kahalagahan ng mga daungan para sa lokal at

pandaidigang kalakalan

V. Learning Teritoryo ng Pilipinas

- Batay sa mapang politikal

- Batay sa kasaysayan

Concept Ang pagbubukas sa mga daungan ng bansa ay hudyat sa paglinang

ng lokal at pandaigdigang kalakalan at sa kalaunan pag-unlad sa
ekonomiya ng isang bansa

Theme Kaunlaran

Reference/s K to 12 Grade 6 Curriculum Guide, TG, LM for Grade 6, PILIPINAS:

Isang Sulyap at Pagyakap, Binagong Edisyon 2010, pah. 118

DRRE nakapagsasagawa ng mga pagpaplano. babala at kahandaan sa

panahon ng sakuna na maaring mangyari sa mga daungan

IMs picture puzzle, art materials, worksheets, activity cards, pictures, flash
cards, bubble map, manila paper at pentel pen

VI. Learning Experiences


( 8 minutos) Panuto: Sagutin ng Tama o Mali ang mga sumusunod na

pangungusap at

315 | P a g e
isulat sa kapat na papel.

_______1. Umunlad ang ekonomiya ng Pilipinas sa pagbubukas ng


daungan para sa pandaigdigang kalakalan.

_______2. Marami ang naghihirap sa pag-unlad ng kabuhayan ng


_______3. Nakapasok ang liberal na ideya sa bawat mamamayan at


maunlad ang kanilang kaisipan.

_______4. Dahil sa daungan, maraming kalakalan ang mailuluwas


sa ibang bansa.

_______5. Nagkagulo ang kalakalan ng Pilipinas sa ibang bansa dahil


magulong daungan .

Inaasahang Sagot: 1.Tama 2.Mali 3.Tama 4.Tama 5.Mali

B. AKTIBITI, Pangkatang Gawain

PANUTO: Hatiin ang klase sa dalawang pangkat. Buuin ang

picture puzzle

sa loob ng 5 minuto. Bigyan ng cut outs na kanilang iaayos


mabuo ang larawan

316 | P a g e

1. Ano ang ipinapakita sa mga nabuong “Picture Puzle”?

Inaasahang Sagot: Airport-daungang panghimpapawid , pier-



2. May maidudulot bang epekto ang mga ito sa kabuhayan ng


Inaasahang Sagot: mayroon, dahil magbibigay daan ito sa

pagdagsa ng

mga produkto, pagsagana ng ekonomiya,


maraming trabaho atbp na magtutulak para

317 | P a g e

kasaganahan at kaunlaran ng isang bansa.

2. Explore SABIHIN:

( 12 minutes) Ang larawang nabuo mula sa gawain ay siyang paksa natin ngayon.
Pansinin ninyo ang mga larawang nakapaskil sa apat na sulok ng
ating dingding. Ngayon pangkatin ko naman kayo sa apat na grupo at
ito ang gabay ninyo sa gawain.


1. Hatiin ang klase sa apat na grupo.

2. Bawat grupo ay gagawa ng lakbay sanaysay at gawin ang mga
sumusunod sa loob ng dalawang minuto.
3. Bawat pangkat ay iikot sa apat na learning cells
4. Bigyan ang bawat pangkat ng kanilang task card
5. Gawin ang nakasaad sa task card
6. Pumili ng taga-ulat na kasapi sa bawat grupo
7. Ibahagi ng pangkat ang mga sagot na napapaloob sa task card sa
buong klase.
8. Pag-uulat sa loob ng walong minuto.
PAALAALA: Bago magsimula ang klase. Ilagay ang mga
larawan sa

apat na dingding ng silid-aralan.

318 | P a g e
319 | P a g e
PAALAALA: Gumawa ng task card sa bawat pangkat at isulat ang
gawain na napapaloob nito na nasa ibaba .

Unang Ikalawang Ikatlong Ikaapat na

Pangkat Pangkat Pangkat

320 | P a g e
a. Ano-ano a. Ano-ano ang a. Write 2 a. Create your
ang mga mga tunog na problems (with own cartoon
ipinapakita maririnig kung reasonable character that
sa bawat kayo ay nasa answers) express ideas
estasyon? mga daungan ? involving addition on the effects
and/or subtraction in opening
b. Gumawa b. Paano
of fractions base ports in our
ng “ bubble ipinakita ang
on food products country for
map” na pagkakataon
below. world business
nagpapakita na
ng mga nakisalamuha Pro No. of Box b. Ipapahayag
duct Pcs.
epekto sa at napakinggan ang
pagbukas ng ang kanilang ideya/kaisipan/
Oval 1
mga adhikain para tine
daungan sa sa kaunlaran damdamin/re-
Mas 2
bansa. ng komunidad aksyon nang
110 2
sa P 10
may wastong
pandaigdigang tono, diin, bilis,
Milk 4 evap
kalakalan? 7powder antala at
Juic 6 bottles
e tungkol sa
4 sachet
mga bagay na
Jam 10 bottle

3 packs may
kinalaman sa
sarili at
b.Show in a one pangyayari
act play your batay sa
skills in portraying epekto sa
buys and sells
products based pagbukas ng
on needs mga daungan
sa bansa sa


3.Explain SABIHIN:

(5 minutos) Ang bawat estasyon ay nagpapakita ng mga larawan tungkol sa

daungan at kaugnay na mga gawaing karaniwang ginagawa dito at ito
ay nagdudulot ng mga impormasyong puwedeng matutunan. Subukan
natin ang inyong mga napupulot na kaalaman.

321 | P a g e
Mga Tanong:

1. Ano ang iyong nararamdaman habang kayo ay naglalakbay sa mga


Inaasahang Sagot: natutuwa, nagagalak, nasiyahan, at iba pang

kaugnay na


2. May nadiskubre at natutunan ba kayo sa bawat learning cells?

Inaasahang Sagot: mga larawan na nagpapakita ng mga produkto,

gawaing nangyayari sa mga daungan at mga

transportasyon panghimpapawid o pandagat.


na ang mga nakikitang larawan ay tumutukoy sa

kalakalan, kaunlaran at epekoto ng pagkaroon ng

pandaigdigang daungan.

3. Magkaroon ba ng epekto sa bansa ang pagbubukas ng isang


daungan? Ibigay ang mga epekto

Inaasahang Sagot:magkakaroon ng positibo at negatibong epekto


pagbukas ng mga pandaigdigang daungan sa


Positibo: maging maunlad ang ekonomiya,


turista, maraming trabaho, atbp.

Negatibo: dadami ang basura, atbp.

4. Paano nakaapekto sa ating turismo at produkto ang daungan ng

bansa sa

pandaigdigang kalakalan?

322 | P a g e
Inaasahang Sagot: nakapasok ang liberal na ideya, naging maunlad

kaisipan, pagnanasa na maging malaya,

pagsapuso ng

mga karapatan

5. Bakit ang pandaigdigang daungan makatutulong sa mga Pilipino?

Inaasahang Sagot: maraming dayuhan ang makipagkalakalans sa



6. Pantay ba ang ginampanan ng bawat isa sa pakisalamuha at sa


ng kanilang kalakalan sa mga dayuhan?

Inaasahang Sagot: Bawat isa babae o lalaki man ay may


makapagsalamuha at makapagnegosyo sa mga


na walang pinipiling kasarian. Ang kani-kanilang

karunungan/kurokuro/opinion/ideya sa mga
paraan ng

pagpa-unlad ng negosyo ay magagamit na


alinlangan dahil pantay-pantay ang pagtingin sa


7. Dapat bang pahalagahan ng mga Pilipino ang pagbubukas ng mga

pandaigdigang daungan?

Inaasahang Sagot: Dapat bigyang halaga ang pagbubukas ng mga

pandaigdigang daungan dahil nakakatulong ito

ng isang

bansa na sagana ang kanilang ekonomiya at ito

323 | P a g e
rin ay

isang paraan para kikita.

8. Kung ikaw ang gagawa ng isang desisyon, ano ang dapat ninyong

upang ang aksidente sa daungan ay maiwasan? Bakit?

Inaasahang Sagot: Kung ako ay bibigyan ng pagkakataong


ako ay magsasagawa ng komperensya para


maglagay ng mga babala, magsasagawa ng


kahandaan upang ang mga




Inaasahan na tatalakayin ng Guro

“Ang Pagbubukas ng Pilipinas sa Pandaigdigang Kalakalan (1834)”

Sa pagbubukas ng mga daungan para sa pagdaigdigang kalakalan,

umunlad ang ekonomiya ng bansa. Sa pag-unlad ng kabuhayan ng
Pilipinas, marami ang yumaman at ang mga anak ng mga ito ay
nakapag-aral. Nakapasok din ang liberal na ideya at mas maunlad na
kaisipan.Marami ring kalakalan ang ating mailuluwas patungo sa iba
pang bahagi ng mundo.Lumaki ang pagnanasa ng mga Pilipino na
maging malaya at matamasa ang mga karapatan sa isang malayang
bansa. Ang kaisipang ito na ikinagalit ng mga Espanyol ay tinawag
nilang filibusterismo o subersibong kaisipan.

Mula sa iyong natutunan iaplay ito sa isang malikhaing
(5 minutes) pagtatanghal tungkol sa solusyon sa mga epekto dulot ng pagbubukas
ng mga daungan kung saan ang mga aksidente ay puwedeng
mangyayari at ito ay maiiwasan.

324 | P a g e

1. Ipapakita ang pakikilahok ng mga babae kasabay sa mga lalake

2. Unang Pangkat ay magsagawa ng balitaan para sa mga babala

3. Pangalawang Pangkat ay Rap Singing para sa pagplaplano

4. Pangatlong Pangkat ay Hugot Line na nagpapakita ng kahandaan




Pamantaya 10 8 5 Puntos

Mensahe Napakagalin May Hindi naging

g kahusayan malinaw
ang nabuong ang
ng nabuong mensahe at mensahe at
mensahe at naaayon sa hindi
lubhang tema naaayon sa
naaayon sa tema

Dating sa Lubos na Nakapukaw/n Hindi ganap

Madla nakapukaw akaakit sa na
ng atensyon mga tao ang nakapukaw
sa mga tao ipinakitang
ang pagtatanghal o nakakuha
ipinakitang ng atensyon
pagtatangha sa mga tao
l ang

325 | P a g e
Nasiyahan ba ang lahat sa ginagawang malikhaing pagtatanghal?
(6 minutos)
Inaasahang sagot: Oo


Ngayon susukatin natin ang kabuuan sa natutuhan nyo sa

pamamagitan ng pasalitang pagpapahayag ng bawat pangkat at ito ang
panuto. Masdan ang talaan sa ibaba. Sa unang kolum ibigay at isa-isahin
ang mga EPEKTO sa pagbukas ng daungan sa Pandaigdigang Kalakalan sa
Unang Pangkat. Sa ikalawang kolum IPALIWANAG ang epekto nito sa
bansa Pangalawang Pangkat at sa ikatlong kolum ang SOLUSYON ng
bawat epekto sa bansa sa Ikatlong Pangkat.



VII. Learning SABIHIN:

Gumawa ng hashtag na naging epekto sa pagbubukas ng
(4 minutos) pandaigdigang daungan ng bansa. Gawin pa rin ito ng pangkat na
nabuo mula sa malikhaing pagtatanghal. Ang rubrik sa ibaba ay gabay
sa paggawa.

Rubric para sa Hashtag

Kalinawan Dating
ng mga Wikang sa Kabuuang
ideya Malikhain ginagamit madla Puntos

10 10 10 10 40

326 | P a g e
VII. Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by


Master Teacher II

Gilutongan Integrated School , Cordova District

Appendix B. Larawan Para sa “ Engage


327 | P a g e

Appendix C. Larawan Para sa “Engage “

option=com_content&view=article&id= airport/

328 | P a g e
329 | P a g e
Appendix D. Larawan Para sa “Explore “

330 | P a g e
Appendix D.1 “ Explore “
331 | P a g e
332 | P a g e
Appendix D.3 “ Explore “

333 | P a g e
334 | P a g e
Appendix D.2 “ Explore “

335 | P a g e
336 | P a g e
Appendix D. 4 “ Explore “

337 | P a g e
Appendix. D. 5 “ Explore “

338 | P a g e
339 | P a g e
Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area: Araling Panlipunan Quarter 1

Duration: 40

Learning Area/s Integrated: Mathematics, TLE, EsP, MAPEH-Art

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary

*Fusion Approach

l. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

// Communication Learning and Innovation Problem Solving

/ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life and Career

ll. Focused Learning Competencies

Code: AP6MK-1e-8 natatalakay ang partisipasyon ng mga kababaihan sa rebolusyong


Integrated Learning Competencies


Art A6PR- Principle Concept
EsP6PKPIa-i– M6NS-Ia-86 TLEIE6-0h- 1h
37 14 pagkilala ng preparednes
1. adds and 5. creates pantay s and
1. naigagawa subtracts simple 5.2 uses an own cartoon pantay na mitigation:
ang mga fractions and e-group to character to karapatan ng mungkahing
tamang mixed numbers share ideas entertain kababaehan hakbang
hakbang na w/0 or w/ and work express at upang
makakatulong regrouping with others opinions, kalalakehan sakuna ng
sa pagbuo ng ideas,etc. buhay
isang maiwasan

340 | P a g e
makabubuti sa


1. N

lll. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated:

Gender Equality - pagkikilala ng pantay-pantay na karapatan ng kababaehan at


lV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge naipapaliwanag ang ginagawang partisipasyon ng mga kababaehan sa

rebolusyong Pilipino

Skills naipapakita ang mga pangalan ng mga kababaihang may malaking ambag sa
rebolusyon at ang kahinatnan ng kanilang pakikibaka

Attitude nabibigyang-diin ang paggalang sa kakayahan ng mga kababaihang bayani

Values Makabansa: nahihinuha na ang kapakanan ng bayan ay nakasalalay sa bawat

mamamayan ng bansa.

Makatao: naipapakita ang respetong naaayon sa mga babaeng bayani

IV. Learning Ang mga babae sa katipunan, pp.42, Kayamanan by

Eleanor D. Antoco, Et Al

Concept Ang pag-aaral tungkol sa kasaysayan ng mga babaeng bayani sa Pilipinas ay

higit na naglilinang at nagbibigay linaw sa pagpaunawa ng mga mag-aaral sa
tungkuling ginagampanan ng kababaehan sa kasaysayan ng kalayaan sa

Theme Buwan ng Kasaysayan: Ako, at Kabayanihan

DRRE nakapagmumungkahi ng mga dapat tandaan/hakbang upang sakuna ng buhay

ay tmaiwasan

341 | P a g e
IMs Books, task cards, pictures, manila paper, cartolina, pentel pen, coloring

V. Learning Experiences

1. Engage (5 Preliminary Activities

A. Panimulang Gawain:


Gamitin ang nakapaskil na larawan para sa isang Diagnostic Test. Sagutan ang
mga sumusunod na tanong at pagkatapos iwawasto ito:

a. Kilalanin ang mga taong nasa larawan at isulat sa sagutang papel

Inaasahang sagot:Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Gliceria Villavicencio,


Paraiso Gomez, Gregorio Del Pilar, Rosa Henso,


Marcelo, Semiona Punzalan Tapang, Salud Algabre,

Liliosa Hilao,

Lorena Barros, Agueda Esteban, Marina Dizon,

Magdalena Leones,

Nieves Fernandez, Josefina Guerrero, Nazaria Lagos,


Magbanua, Eugenia Apostol, Josefa Llanes Escoda,


Aquino, Gabriela Silang.

b. Sa isang salita ano ang tawag mo sa kanila?

Inaasahang sagot: Bayani

c. Bakit sila nagiging mga Bayani?

Inaasahang sagot: Ipinaglaban/isinusulong nila ang kalayaan o kapakanan

ng bansa.

342 | P a g e

2. Explore B. PAGLALAHAD:
(10 Minutes)

Batay sa ginagawang pagwawasto iuugnay ang mga ito sa bagong paksa sa

pamamagitan ng pagpapatuloy ng pagtatanong:

a. Bakit kaya may mga babaeng bayani?

Inaasahang sagot: Dahil kagaya ng mga lalakeng bayani gumawa din sila

kabutihan, pagsasakripisyo, at pakikibaka para sa

kalayaan at

kapakanan ng bayan.


Ang pagkabayani ay hindi likas para sa kalalakihan lang, ngunit kahit sino

man o babae ay pweding maging bayani basta may ginawang kabutihan,

343 | P a g e
pagsakripisyo, at pagmamalasakit para sa inang bayan.

b. Ngayon bilangin nyo ang mga bayaning nasa larawan at subukan nating

isang fraction. Ilan lahat? Ilan ang mga lalakeng bayani? ang babaeng

Inaasahang sagot: 23 lahat na bayani, 4 na lalakeng bayani, at 19 na

babaeng bayani

sa fraction magiging 23 ang denominator, ang 4 at 19


denominator. Ganito ang pagkasulat: _4_ at _ 19_

kung ating


Pagsama-samahin maging: 23


Ibig sabihin na sa kabuuan may 23 bayaning nasa

larawan, 4 ang

lalake at 13 babae.


Ipaliwanag sa mga mag-aaral na ang batas ng Addition of fractions with like

denominators ay makukuha sa pamamagitan ng pagkopya ng parehong

denominator at pagsama-sama ng numerator.

b. Kung saka-sakaling magkakaroon tayo ng tema sa pag-aaral ngayon,


“Buwan ng Kasaysayan, Ako, at Kabayanihan”, Ano-anong pag-aaral, o

344 | P a g e
presentasyon, o magagawa nyo tungkol dito?

Maaaring gumagawa ng presentasyon tungkol sa mga bayani gaya ng


cosplay, pagguhit, quiz, at marami pang iba


Batay sa binigay ninyong mga kasagutan gumawa ng presentasyon na


gawin sa pamamagitan ng sama-samang pagkatuto. Pumunta kayo sa

nakasanayang grupo para sa gawaing ito.

PAALAALA NG GURO: Ang mga mag-aaral ay may mga grupo ng naaayon

sa kanilang

istelo ng pagkatuto. Ipaskil ng guro ang gabay sa gawain at rubriks para

matunghayan ng lahat, kalakip imumudmod din ang teksto para sa bawat


1. Pumili ang grupo ng mga sumusunod para sa “Samasamang Pagkatuto”

a. Lider para magaganyak at maiisa ang lahat na lalahok sa talakayan

b. Tagapagmasid sa ginagawa ng bawat kalahok ng grupo at magsumite ng

nakasulat na ulat tungkol sa kanyang obserbasyon sa bawat kaanib ng


c. Tagapagsulat ng kanilang awtput

d. Tagapag-ulat ng grupo / Tagapagdaloy ng programa

2. Gawin ng grupo ang kanilang gawain na may kooperasyon ng lahat.

345 | P a g e
3. Lahat ng kaanib ng pangkat ay kailangang magkakaroon ng partisipasyon sa

Pangkat AP-Data Pangkat Pangkat TLE- Pangkat DRRE- Pangkat
Retrieval Tsart MAPEH- eGroup Dula-Dulaan ESP –
Fish Bowl

Gawain Gawain Gawain Gawain Gawain

1.Basahin ang 1. Pag-usapan 1. Tingnan at 1.

Mg Par Kin teksto ng grupo ang pakinggang mabuti Pakinggang
a tisi ahi mga ang awtput at pag- mabuti ang
Ba pa nat 2. Balikan ng kontribusyon ng uulat ng Pangkat 1 pag-uulat ng
ya syo na grupo ang mga bayaning at bigyang-diin ang Pangkat 1
nin n n larawang kababaehan pakikibaka ng pag-aralan
g sa ng nailahad ng 2. Gamit ang bawat at pag-
Ka reb ka guro tungkol sa isang kababaehang usapan ang
ba olu nila mga bayani at kompyuter o bayani kanilang
bai syo ng suriing mabuti cellphone 2. Pag-usapan ng awtput
ha ng pa 3. Pumili ng ibahagi ito sa grupo ang mga
n Pili kiki isang kaanib ng kanilang e- sakunang 2. Batay
sa pin ba pangkat at Group (Maaring nangyayari sa sa mga
Pili o ka bihisan na pumunta sa pakikibaka tamang
pin parang isang computer 3. Gamit ang mga imporma
as babaing bayani laboratory) impormasyong syong
“cosplay” 3. Hilingin ang natutunan, gumawa natutuna
4. Pagkatapos komentaryo ng ng pagmungkahi ng n
ipakita sa klase mga ka e- mga dapat iwasan tungkol
ang awtput ng Group tungkol upang sakuna ay sa
pangkat sa kanilang na maiwasan sa bayanin
ipost. pamamagitan ng g
4.Ang isang dula-dulaan kababai
komentong tungkol dito han
1. Basahin ang makikita mula 4. Bawat kalahok gumawa
teksto na binigay sa post ay ng grupo ay ang pangkat
buong pusong magkaroon ng ng mga
2. Punan ng hakbang
tanggapin ng “role” sa gagawing
pangkat ng mga upang
grupo at presentasyon
irerespeto ang mapupuri
sagot ang “ Data
opinyon ng ang
Retrieval Chart”
iba. kanilang
5. Magsumite kadakilaan.
ang grupo ng
isang nakasulat
na ulat tungkol
dito kung iilan at
346 | P a g e
positibo at
komento para
sa buong klase

3. Pag-uulat ng


Kriterya Puntos Natatamong Marka

May kahandaan sa kasuotan, props at 10


Maganda ang ekspresyon ng mukha 10

Malakas ang dating ng mga manonod 10

Nilalaman at mahusay ang pagpili ng mga 10

salitang ginamit
Makita ang pagiging malikhain sa 10

Kabuuan 50

Rubrik sa Pag-uulat Gamit ang Data Retrieval Chart/eGroup/Fisbowl

Pamantayan Puntos Natatamong


Nilalaman 20

Wastong paggamit ng 10

Estilo ng pagtalakay 10

347 | P a g e
Visual Aids/Stage Composure 10

Kabuuan 50

Kriterya o rubriks ng Cartooning o Cosplay

Aytem Puntos Marka

1. Pagkakasunod ng
Mukha 25

2. Pananamit 10

3. Confidence 5

4. Malakas ang dating 5


3. Explain (15 SABIHIN:

mins) Ang ginagawang aktibiti ay nagbibigay ng maraming impormasyon na pweding
matutunan ng bawat isa. Ngayon subukan natin ang mga nalalaman ninyo
tungkol sa araling ito.
A: Pamprosesong Tanong:
a. Ano-ano ang nararamdaman ng bawat isa habang ginagawa ang aktibiti?
Inaasahang sagot: nasiyahan, nalilito, at iba pa
b. Bawat isa ba ay lumahok sa gawain ng grupo?Paano nila pinapakita?

Inaasahang sagot: Opo, dahil bawat kaanib ay may ginagampanan sa


c. May sekreto ba ang mga pangkat na maayos at magaling ang kani-

kanilang presentasyon?

Inaasahang sagot: Ang bawat kaanib ng pangkat ay aktibong nakikilahok

sa lahat

ng gawain ng grupo at nagkakroon ng


d. Sa pangkat AP-Data Retrieval napunan ba ng grupo ang lahat na hinihingi

sa tsart? Nabanggit ba lahat ng mga bayaning kababaihan at ang kanilang
Inaasahang sagot: napunan ang lahat ng kolum sa tsart. May mga iilan
bayaning kababehan na hindi nabanggit karamihan
348 | P a g e
sa kanila
ay mga lokal na mga bayani sa iba’t ibang bahagi
ng bansa

e. Ang kasagutang nasa tsart ba ay pumapatunay sa kabayanihan ng mga

nabanggit na kababaihan ?

Inaasahang sagot: Oo, dahil makikita ang kanilang kontribusyon at nagiging


sa kanilang pakikibaka.

f. Ano-anong mga sakuna ng pakikibaka ang nabanggit sa pag-uulat ng pangkat 1-


Inaasahang sagot: Hal: maraming buhay ang nabubuwis sa kanilang pakikibaka


rebolusyong ginawa.

g. Nakapagmungkahi ba ang pangkat ng mga dapat tandaan upang sakuna ay


Inaasahang sagot: Oo, gaya ng magplano bago susulong sa digmaan,

palaging handa,

palaging may tamang impormasyon, kailangan may alam


kakayahan ng pangkat.

h. Nakikita ba ang mga dapat tandaan sa ginawang dula dulaan ng Pangkat-


Inasahang sagot: Oo, makikita natin at hayag na hayag sa kanilang dula-

dulaan ang mga

dapat malalaman at tandaan upang sakuna maiwasan

i. Nagagawa ba ng Pangkat TLE- eGroup ang pagbabahagi ng kanilang

natutunan tungkol sa kababaehang bayani? Nakakakuha ba kayo ng mga
Inaasahang sagot: Oo, naibahagi sa eGroup ang natutuhan tungkol sa
bayaning kababaehan sa Pilipinas. Maraming
naglike, naglove at iba pa
j. May kakaiba ba sa komento na hindi maganda sa imahe ng ating mga
349 | P a g e

Inaasahang sagot: Mayrong iilan-ilan na hindi daw dapat tawaging

bayani dahil

kakaunti lang ang nagawa

k. Nagagalit ba kayo o nererespito ang kanilang opinyon?

Inaasahang sagot: Hindi naman dapat magalit, at sa mga negatibong


nagbibigay kami ng pagpapaliwanag para


iisip ang nagkomento ng di kaaya-aya sa mga



l. Sa Pangkat MAPEH o cartooning o cosplay, ano ang masasabi n’yo sa

awtput ng pangkat?

Inaasahang sagot: Maganda ang pagkagawa at kuhang-kuha ang mukha


bayaning sinunud pati na ang kasautan ay talagang

inayos ng


m. Sa lahat ng pangkat ano-anong mga hakbang ang ginawa ng bawat grupo

upang mapupuri ang kadakilaan ng mga babaeng kabayanihan?

Inaasahang sagot: Hal. Pinopost sa FB, Pampaligsahan-talumpati, Quiz

B. slogan

n. Sa palagay ninyo karapatdapat kayang purihin ang ating mga bayaning

kababaihan sa mga hakbang na kanilang ginawa?

Inaasahang sagot: Opo. Dahil higit na mabigayang-diin ang kanilang


nagagawa sa bansa at muling mapag-usapan ang


kanilang buhay bilang mga bayani.

350 | P a g e
B. Pagbibigay liwanag ng guro sa mga mahalagang konseptong nakaligtaan ng


4. Elaborate SABIHIN:
(5 mins)
Sa pagbibigay linaw ng guro sa mga impormasyon sa natutuhan hinggil sa
paksa mas handang-handa na kayo na gagawa ng isang sanaysay tungkol sa
temang, “Buwan ng kasaysayan: Ako, at Kabayanihan” gamit ang kriterya at
rubric sa ibaba.

% 5 4 3 2 1
Nilala 35 Naibigay ang Naibigay ang Naibigay ang Naibigay ang Hindi naibigay
man mga suportang katawan ng katawan ng katawan ng ang katawan
ideya sa sanaysay sanaysay sanaysay ayon ng sanaysay
katawan ng ayon sa ayon sa isang sa ayon sa
sanaysay na dalawang ideya na magkakaibang paksang dapa
tumutugon sa ideya na tumutugon sa ideya na t talakayin
kabuuan batay tumutugon sa bahagi ng tumutugon sa
sa paksang kabuuan ng kwento batay kabuuan ng
binigay kwento batay sa paksa kwento batay sa
sa paksang paksang
tinalakay tinatalakay

Kaug 25 Naisulat ang Naisulat ang Naisulat ang Naisulat ang Hindi naisulat
naya mga suportang dalawang iisang ideya na sanaysay ayon ang ideya ng
n sa ideya sa ideya na sumusuporta sa tema sa
Tema sanaysay na sumusuporta sa kabuuan ng magkakaibang katawan ng
tumutugon sa sa kabuuan ng kwento na ideya na sanaysay
temang binigay kwento na tumutugon sa tumutugon sa
tumutugon sa temang binigay temang binigay
temang binigay

Pagg 15 Nakikita ang Nakikita mga Nakikita ang Nakikita ang Nangangailan
amit mga akmang dalawang katamtamang masyadong ng gabay sa
ng salita sa salita na di paggamit ng di napakasimpleng pagsulat ng
salita sanaysay akma sa akmang salita paggamit ng sanaysay na
paggamit ng mga salita sa may akmang
sanaysay sanaysay paggamit ng

Trans 10 Naisulat ng Naisulat ng Katamtamang Papaunlad ang Nangangailan

isyon katangi-tanging may nakapaglahad pagkakalahad ng gabay sap
ng transisyon transisyong tal ng transisyon ng transisyon agsulat ng
Talat ang talata ayon ata ng talata ayon ng talata transisyong

351 | P a g e
a sa tunguhin ng ayon sa tungu sa tunguhin ng talata
buong sanaysay hinng buong buong
sanaysay sanaysay

Konkl 15 Naisuma ang Naisuma ang Katamtamangn Papaunlad ang Hindi naisuma
usyon sanaysay ayon sanaysay ayon aisuma pagkakasuma ang buong
sapangkabuuan sa tiyak na angsanaysay ngbuong sanaysay
g kaisipan/mens ayon sanaysay
kaisipan/mensa aheng istorya sakaisipan/me
heng istorya nsaheng

5. Evaluate SABIHIN:
(3 mins)
Ang ebalwasyon ay magaganap ngayong darating na Buwan ng Kasaysayan
para sa isang pagtatanghal dito sa loob ng silid-aralan sa mga sumusunod:

1. Bayani Look-A-Like
2. Dagliang Talumpati
3. Pagguhit (photo drawing)
4. Kasaysayan Quiz

352 | P a g e
VI. Learning Gumawa ng pananaliksik ng mga bagong bayani na makilala sa sariling
Enablement komunidad at ibahagi ito sa klase kung bakit siya kinikilala na isang local na
( to be done
after class
hours in
school or at

(2 Minutes)

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by:



Education Program Supervisor-Araling Panlipunan

353 | P a g e
GAD-based iC CEBU

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: 6 Learning Area:Physical Education Quarter: I Duration: 50

354 | P a g e
Learning Area/s Integrated: Araling Panlipunan, English, Arts, Health, EsP &

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

✓ Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary

*Intradisciplinary & Fusion

I. 21st Century Skills to be Developed (Please tick.)

✓ Communication ✓ Learning and Innovation ✓ Problem

✓ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology Life and


II. Focused Learning Competencies (LC)

PE6GS-lb-1 explain the nature/background of the games
PE6PF-Ib-h-19 recognize the value of participation in physical activities

PE6PF-Ib-h-20 display joy of effort, respect for others and fair play during
participation in

physical activities

III. Focused GAD principle/s to be Integrated

promote equal opportunities during physical activities

IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge discuss strategies in playing games

Skills demonstrate flexibility and determination in playing games

Attitude display joy of effort, respect for others and fair play

Values follow procedures diligently to promote harmony

IV. Learning
Physical Activities and Physical Fitness

Concept Physical activities and physical fitness play a vital role in every
person’s life. Doing physical activities everyday (at home or in school)
355 | P a g e
will not only energize and make the body strong, but also make a
person happy, cheerful and sociable. To prevent the occurrence of
accidents and injuries, it is essential to follow rules and consider
safety measures.

Reference/s Enhancing Skills through MAPE 4, pp. 305-316, Musika, Edukasyong

Pangkatawan 5, pp. 290-307, Magpalakas at Umunlad 5, pp. 94 –

Theme Laro ng Lahi

IMs picture puzzle, video clip, pictures & activity sheets

V. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

1.Engage A. Pre-Test
(10 minutes)
Directions: Put a (✓) check on the blank if you have done/been doing
the activity and put an (X) if you have not.


1. _____ going up and down the stairs for 15 minutes

2. _____ performing jumping rope for 15 minutes

3. _____ gardening for 30-45 minutes

4. _____ raking leaves for 30 minutes

5. _____ swimming for 20 minutes

6. _____ playing volleyball for 45 minutes

7. _____ pushing a stroller 1.5 miles in 30 minutes

8. _____ walking from home to school for 10 minutes

9. _____ playing wheelchair basketball for 20 minutes

10. _____ playing basketball for 30 minutes

356 | P a g e

1. What do you feel when you perform these physical activities?

Possible Answer: Physical activities make us energized.

2. Why is it important to do physical activities?

Possible Answer: Physical activities promote health and


3. What physical activities did you do last summer?

Possible Answers: playing games, biking, flying kites,

swimming, rowing, bato lata , tumbang preso,

SAY: Watch a video clip on traditional Philippine games

( About this weeks
episode:Tradisyonal na Laro sa Pilipinas)


1. What is the video about?

Possible Answer: It is about the different Philippine games.

2. What are the children doing in the video?

Possible Answer: They are playing a game.

3. Do the players follow rules and procedures in playing the


Possible Answer: Yes, they do.

4. What should we do to avoid accidents while playing?

Possible Answer: Follow rules and regulations of the game and

observe safety precautions to avoid accidents.

357 | P a g e
2.Explore SAY: Form two groups and watch another video clip on how Patintero
(10 minutes) (
ng+patintero) is being played. Observe closely the mechanics of the
game. After watching the video, slowly proceed to the school
grounds/covered court for the game proper.


1. How did you find the game?

Possible Answer: It was enjoyable.

2. What made you win the game?

Possible Answer: Teamwork, endurance, determination, self-

discipline and following the rules and regulations made us win
the game.

3. As a winner, how do you show humility?

Possible Answer: I will not tease the losing team.

4. Why did you lose?

Possible Answer: We did not follow the rules and mechanics of

the game.

5. As a loser, how do you accept defeat?

Possible Answers:

a. being a good sport

b. considering defeat as an opportunity to enhance skills

and do better next time

6. What will happen if you will not follow the rules of the game?

Possible Answer: Players will be disqualified or will lose the


7. Given the chance to play again, how would you do it


Possible Answer: We will follow the rules and apply new


358 | P a g e
3. Explain ASK
(15 minutes)
1. Why is it important to do physical activities?

Possible Answer: Physical activities promote health and fitness.

2. What are other examples of physical activities?

Possible Answers: Walking, running, planting, playing, etc. are

examples of physical activities.

3. Aside from health and wellness, what other benefits can

physical activities give?

Possible Answers: Physical activities develop sense of

responsibility, discipline, humility, sportsmanship and teamwork.

4.Elaborate Paint Me a Picture

(10 minutes)
Directions: In 30 seconds, portray each of the Laro ng Lahi
games( kadang-kadang, tumbang preso, hampas palayok, pabitin). A
signal shall be given when to start and when to freeze. Winners shall
be declared based on the following criteria:

 Creativity 25%

Clarity of Expression 30%

Overall Artistic Impression 25 %

Audience Appeal 20%

TOTAL 100%

Note: Teacher shows the pictures after each performance.

1. Kadang- kadang 2. Tumbang Preso

359 | P a g e
3. Hampas Palayok 4. Pabitin


1. What physical activities are shown?

Possible Answers: jumping, balancing, grasping, bending

2. What other games have you played?

Possible Answers: luksong tinik, piko, sack race, tug-of-war,

volleyball, basketball, etc.

5.Evaluate Pencil and Paper Test

(5 minutes)
Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter
of the correct answer.

1. The following are necessary when playing games, EXCEPT


a. professional referee b. playing venue

c. equipment/apparatus d. safety precautions

2. Which of the following is a benefit of engaging in physical


a. sound mind b. healthy body

360 | P a g e
c. desirable character d. all of the above

3. Being a good sport means ___________.

a. accepting defeat with dignity

b. causing trouble after the game

c. complaining about the result of the game

d. throwing empty water bottles against the opponents

4. Abby cried after losing in the volleyball championship game.

As a teammate, what should you do?

a. Leave her alone.

b. Tell the teacher how childish she is.

c. Cheer her up by saying, “It’s alright, we can do better next


d. Blame Abby for their loss by saying, “It was your fault that
we lost the game.”

5. Which of the following does NOT show safety in playing


a. wearing the appropriate sports attire

b. wearing accessories like watch, necklace and earrings

c. following the rules and regulations of the game

d. following the game plan of the coach and the teammates

VI. Learning Make a week plan of physical activities.


Time Physical Number

of the Day Activity/ies of Minutes


361 | P a g e






Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)


Enhancing Skills through MAPE 4 pp. 305-316, Musika, Edukasyong Pangkataan5 pp.
290-307, Magpalakas at Umunlad 5 pp. 94 – 119.

362 | P a g e
Prepared by


Master Teacher 1

Medellin Central School, Medellin District

GAD-based iC CEBU
Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: Grade 6 Learning Area: EsP Quarter: 1

Duration: 30 minuto

Learning Area/s Integrated: Filipino, English, Music, Math & AP

Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)

/ Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary

* Fusion Approach

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

/ Communication Learning and Innovation / Problem Solving

/ Critical Thinking Information Media and Technology / Life and Career

363 | P a g e
II. Focused Learning Competency
EsP6PKP-1a-i-37 naisasagawa ang mga tamang hakbang na makatutulong sa pagbuo ng isang
desisyon na nakabubuti sa pamilya
pagsang-ayon sa pasiya ng nakararami

Integrated Learning Competencies:

Filipino English Math
F6TA-Oa-j-3 nababasa ENC6WC-IIc- M6NS-If-113.3 solve
ang usapan, tula, talata, use appropriate graphic organizers multi-step problems
kuwento nang may for pre-writing tasks involving multiplication
tamang bilis, diin, antala and addition or
at ekspresyon subtraction of decimals,
mixed decimals and
F6PT-Ii-1.14 naibibigay whole numbers including
ang kahulugan ng money using appropriate
pamilyar at di-kilalang problem solving
salita sa pamamagitan strategies and tools
ng paggamit sa
Music AP
MU6RH-Ib-e-3 AP6PMK-Ia-1 natutukoy ang
demonstrate the kinalalagyan ng Pilipinas sa
conducting gestures of mundo, sa globo at mapa batay
2/4, ¾, 4/4 and 6/8 time sa “absolute
signatures location” nito

III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated

Pagkakapantay-pantay at pagsasaalang-alang sa pasiya ng nakararami para sa ikabubuti ng
IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Kaalaman nasusuri ang mga hakbang o paraan sa pagsasagawa nang

tamang pagpapasiya

Kasanayan naisasagawa ang tamang pagpapasya sa mga sitwasyong


Kaasalan naipapanukala ang mga hakbang nang tamang pagpapasya sa

mahinahong paraan

364 | P a g e
Kahalagahan napapahalagahan ang pagkakaisa ng pamilya sa pagbuo ng

V. Learning Content/s Pagsasagawa nang Tamang Desisyon o Pasiya

Sa pagbuo ng pasiya dapat sundin ang mga sumusunod na


- alamin o kilalanin ang suliranin

- kumuha ng impormasyon at pag-aralan ang lahat ng

- isaalang-alang ang maaaring ibunga ng bawat solusyon

- gumawa ng pasiya

- pag-aralan ang kinalabasan ng ginawang pagpapasiya

K to 12 CG pahina 81, Aklat sa Ugaling Pilipino Makabagong

Panahon 6, pp. 18-25, TG pahina 118
Kuwento: Isang Mahirap na Desisyon

Theme Pagpapahalaga sa Pasiya ng Pamilya

DRRE pagpapakita ng kahandaan sa sakuna sa pamamagitan ng

pagbibigay nang tamang pagpapasiya para sa kaligtasan ng

IMs slide decks (PPT), projector, laptop, tsart, meta cards, manila
papers, pentel pens, graphic organizer, cutouts, mga istrip ng
kartolina, larawan

VI. Learning Experiences

1. Engage A. Panimulang Pagtataya

(5 minuto) Pangkatang Gawain. Hatiin sa apat na pangkat ang mga
Panuto: Gamit ang manila paper, sumangguni sa bawat
miyembro ng grupo at isulat ang mga mungkahi hinggil
sa sitwasyon. Isang miyembro ang mag-uulat sa inyong

365 | P a g e

Nakatira kayo malapit sa tabing-ilog. Nalaman mo mula

sa balita sa radyo na may paparating na “super
typhoon.” Ano ang pasiya ng pamilya mo?


SABIHIN: May larawan akong ipapakita sa inyo. Sagutin ninyo

ang mga katanungan.


1. Masaya kaya ang pamilya?

2. Ano-ano ang pinag-uusapan nila?

3. Ano kaya ang suliranin ng pamilya?

4. Paano nila hinarap ang kanilang problema


1. Sa palagay namin hindi sila masaya.

366 | P a g e
Siguro ang pamilya ay masaya.

2. Pinag-uusapan ng pamilya ang tungkol sa kanilang

Pinag-uusapan nila ang tungkol sa gagawing

3. Suliranin ng pamilya ang pagkatanggal ng Tatay sa

Suliranin ng pamilya ang tungkol sa mga anak.

4. Hinarap nila ang problema sa pamamagitan ng pag-

Tulong-tulong sila sa pagharap ng kanilang problema.

Paunang tanong tungkol sa kuwentong babasahin.

Ano kaya ang suliranin ng pamilya?

Paano kaya ito nasolusyunan ng pamilya?
2. Explore
(5 minuto)
1. Mahinahon na kinausap ni Mitch ang kanyang
amang may
Inasahang Sagot: kalmado; malumanay

2. Bukas ang isipan ni Loyd sa mga gagawing

Inasahang Sagot: handang tumanggap ng mga


Ipabasa sa bawat pangkat ang kuwento nang may
tamang bilis, diin, antala at ekspresyon gamit ang slide

PAALALA: Kakailanganin dito ang masusing pakikinig ng


upang maiwasto ang kamalian ng bawat pangkat sa

367 | P a g e
Isang Mahirap na Desisyon

ni Constancia Paloma

Sa Makati naninirahan ang pamilya nina

pagbasa sa


368 | P a g e
“Wala na kayang trabaho si Tatay? “ ang tanong
ni Nelia sa sarili. Pero sa tingin niya, hindi naman
masyadong seryoso ang sitwasyon. “Ano nga kaya ang
problema ng ating pamilya?” tanong naman ng
kanilang panganay na si Tom. “Malalaman din natin
‘yun kapag handa na silang ipaalam sa atin ang
problema, dahil kung mayroon mang dapat bigyan ng
pasiya, dapat kasama tayong magbibigay ng ating sari-
sariling pasiya hanggang sa tayo ay mabuo sa
pagkakaisa,” ang sabi naman ni Leah.

Dumating na nga ang pagkakataong hinihintay ng

magkakapatid. Isang araw ng Linggo, pagkatapos ng
hapunan, pinulong ng mga magulang nila ang tatlong
magkakapatid at ipinaalam ang siwasyong dapat
bigyan agad ng pagpapasiya.

“Mga anak”, ang bungad ng kanilang ama.

Kailangan nating pagpasiyahan kung papayag tayo na
bilihin ng katabi nating mall ang ating bahay at lupa.
Mukha na tayong kawawa dito.”

“Isa pa, mga anak, kahit sarili natin ang bahay at

lupa, mukha na tayong squatter dito. Kaya, sinabi ng
inyong ina na papayag na siya na ipagbili ang ating
bahay at lupa, pumayag na ako. “Ang inyong pasya na
lamang ang aming hihintayin,” ang paliwanag ng
kanilang ama.

“Oo nga, Tatay, mukha na nga tayong kawawa

dito, pero patagalin pa natin para tumaas pa ang
halaga ng ating bahay at lupa.”, ang paliwanag ni Tom.

369 | P a g e
“ Ikaw, Leah, ano ang pasiya mo?” , ang tanong
370 | P a g e ng kaniyang ina. “Okey lang po sa akin kasi
kailangan na. Hindi na talaga tayo bagay dito.”

“A, ewan ko sa inyo!” ang sigaw ni Tom. “Ang

kabutihan ng pamilya ang iniisip ko kaya gusto
371 | P a g e

1. Ano ang naging problema ng pamilya Gomez?

Inaasahang Sagot: Naging problema ng pamilya Gomez ang



2. May katuwiran ba si Tom na huwag pumayag sa pasiya ng


pamilya na ipagbili ang kanilang bahay at lupa? Bakit?

372 | P a g e
Inaasahang Sagot: Oo, may katwiran si Tom sa hindi
pagpayag na ipagbili ang kanilang bahay at
lupa dahil gusto niyang pataasin pa ang
halaga nito. Walang katuwiran si Tom sa
hindi pagpayag na ipagbili ang bahay at lupa
nila dahil hindi siya ang magdedesisyon sa
pamilya kundi mga magulang nila.

3. Ano ang batayan sa wastong pagpapasiya ng pamilya?

Inaasahang Sagot: Ang batayan sa wastong pagpapasiya ay

ang pagkamahinahon at bukas na isipan.
Isipin ang maaaring sanhi at bunga nito para
sa ikabubuti ng lahat.

4. Paano nagkaisa ang pamilya sa kanilang pasiya?

Inaasahang Sagot: Nagkaisa ang pamilya sa pamamagitan

ng bukas na isipan at mahinahong pag-

5. Bakit mahalaga ang pagkakaisa ng pamilya sa pagbuo ng


Inaasahang Sagot: Mahalaga ang pagkakaisa ng pamilya sa

pagbuo ng pasiya upang mabigyang
solusyon ang problema at para sa ikabubuti
ng lahat.

6. Ano ang mabuting naidudulot nito?

Inaasahang Sagot: Ang mabuting naidulot nito ay ang

kabutihan ng lahat, mahanapan agad ng
solusyon ang problema at mapagsang-
ayunan nito ang lahat.

7. Kung ikaw ay isa sa miyembro ng pamilya, ano ang maging

pasiya mo? Ipaliwanag ang iyong sagot.

Inaasahang Sagot: Kung ako ay isa sa mga miyembro ng

pamilya, papayag akong ipagbili ang bahay at
lupa dahil naging mahirap na ang kalagayan
namin sa aming lugar.

373 | P a g e
PAALALA: Tanggapin ang iba pang katwiran ng mga mag-aaral.

A. Ipaliwanag ng guro ang kahalagahan ng

3. Explain pagkamahinahon at pagkakaisa ng pamilya sa pagbuo
ng pasiya.
(7 minuto)

Bakit kailangang pag-isipang mabuti ang pagpapasiyang


Paano nasisigurong tama ang pagpapasiya?

Paano nakatutulong ang pagiging mahinahon sa

paggawa ng pasiya?

Halimbawa, problema ng pamilya mo ang kakulangan sa

budget dahil maliit lang ang kinikita ng Tatay mo.

Paano ninyo ito masolusyonan? Ano-anong mga

hakbang ang gagawin ng iyong pamilya?

PAALALA: Ang guro ay tatawag ng ilang mag-aaral upang

magbahagi ng kanyang pasiya.

B. Gamit ang graphic organizer na ito, isa-isang ipakita ng

guro ang mga hakbangin sa wastong pagpapasiya.
Gamitin ang power point o meta cards sa pagbuo nito.

SABIHIN: Sa pagbuo ng pasiya dapat sundin ang mga



374 | P a g e
Mga Posibleng Solusyon

1 2 3 4 5

Pinakaepektibong Solusyon

Paninindigan sa Paggawa ng Pasiya

375 | P a g e
PAALALA: Patnubayan ang mga mag-aaral sa pagbuo ng
konsepto o kaisipan.

ITANONG: Sa pagbuo ng pasiya ano-ano ang mga

dapat sundin?


Sa pagbuo ng pasiya dapat sundin ang mga sumusunod

na hakbangin:
-alamin o kilalanin ang suliranin
- kumuha ng impormasyon at pag-aralan ang lahat
-isaalang-alang ang maaaring ibunga ng bawat
-gumawa ng pasiya
-pag-aralan ang kinalabasan ng ginawang
4. Elaborate

(8 minuto)

Ipabasa ang nabuong kaisipan nang sabayan.

A. Pangkatang Gawain:
Gawin ang tamang pagpapasiya sa mga sumusunod na


Ito ay gagawin sa paraang pagpili ng isang cut-out ng

prutas na

naglalaman ng mga sumusunod na gawain.

PAALALA: Tawagin ang lider ng bawat pangkat at papiliin ng

isang cut-out ng prutas na naglalaman ng mga gawain.

Ipakita ito sa paraang pantomina.

376 | P a g e
1. Nagbakasyon ang buong pamilya sa isang kamag-anak
nila sa Cebu. Plano nila na mamamasyal sa mga lugar
na kadalasang dinarayo ng mga turista. Dahil sa hindi pa
nila kabisado ang Cebu, tinitingnan nila sa mapa ang
lokasyon ng iilang lugar tulad ng Kawasan Falls, Oslob,
Fort San Pedro, Mactan Shrine at iba pa.

Isulat sa tsart ang nabuo mong budget na nagpapakita ng mga

aytem na binili mo katumbas ang mga halaga nito.

2. Pasukan na. Nagbigay na ang guro ng mga gamit na

kakailanganin sa paaralan kaya binigyan ni Aling Sela ng
limang daang piso ang anak na si Juanito para pambili
ng mga gamit niya. Gumawa ng listahan ng mga gamit
na nagpapakita kung paano mo binadget ang limang
daang pisong bigay ng nanay mo.

Ipakita ito sa klase at ipasabi pagkatapos kung nasa anong

ritmo ang nabuo ninyong sayaw at awit.

3. Nagkaroon ng taunang reunion ang angkan ninyo. Napili

pamilya ninyo na magbigay ng isang sayaw at awit bilang
intermisyon number. Ano ang pasiya ninyo?
Ipakita ito sa pamamagitan ng pagsasadula. Ipabigkas
pagkatapos kung bakit ito ang pasiya nila.

4. Nakatira kayo malapit sa tabing-ilog. Nalaman mo mula

sa balita sa radyo na may paparating na “super typhoon”.
Ano ang pasiya ng pamilya mo?
Gagawa ng liham pananggi sa guro na binubuo ng 4-5
pangungusap. Isulat ito sa isang cartolina o manila paper.

5. May naganap na pagbabakuna laban sa cervical cancer

sa paaralan. Kinuha ang pahintulot mo bilang isang ina.
Alam mong may lagnat si Laica. Ano ang pasiya mo?
PAALALA: Gamitin ang Rubrik na ito sa pagbibigay marka sa
bawat pangkatang pagtatanghal.
377 | P a g e

Pamantaya 5 4 3
Husay sa Lahat ng 1-2 kasapi 3-4 kasapi
paggawa kasapi sa sa pangkat sa pangkat
pangkat ay ay ay hindi
nagpapakita nagpakita nagpakita
ng mataas ng ng
na katamtaman kahusayan
kahusayan g husay sa sa
sa pagganap pagganap
Tamang Naipakita Naipakita Hindi
saloobin sa nang nang naipakita
sitwasyon maayos at maayos ang tamang
may tiwala ngunit may saloobin sa
ang tamang pag-aalin- sitwasyon
saloobin sa langan ang
sitwasyon tamang
saloobin sa
Partisipasyo Lahat ng 2-3 4-5
n ng mga miyembro Miyembro Miyembro
miyembro ng pangkat ng pangkat ng pangkat
ng pangkat ay nakikiisa ay hindi ang hindi
sa nakiisa sa nakiisa sa
pangkatang pangkatang pangkatang
gawain gawain gawain

Panuto: Ilapat ang iyong kaalaman ukol sa wastong

5. Evaluate pagpapasiya tungo sa kabutihang panlahat sa pamamagitan ng
pagpupuno ng mga datos sa graphic organizer gamit ang
(5 minuto)
sitwasyon sa ibaba.

378 | P a g e

Sa bahay, ikaw ang madalas na nauutusang

gumawa ng mga gawaing-bahay ng nanay mo

Solusyon 1: Solusyon 2:

379 | P a g e
Posibleng Resulta: Posibleng Resulta:

Naging Pasiya at Batayan ng Pasiya:

VII. Learning
Batay sa iyong sariling karanasan sa buhay, sumulat ng
isang pangyayari na kung saan naisagawa mo ang
tamang pagpapasiya at ano ang kinalabasan nito.

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)


380 | P a g e

Prepared by


Master Teacher I

381 | P a g e
Tayud Elementary School, Consolacion District

382 | P a g e

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