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BSBWOR501 Assignment With Templates Stacey Mclean 3

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Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions

BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development

Assignment with Templates

Personal work goals, plans and activities reflect organisation’s plans and their own
responsibilities and accountabilities.

Use the scenario below or your own organisational scenario to answer the questions that
follow. If you choose to use your own scenario you will still need to create goals based on
the areas of management within the simulated scenario. Every question must be answered
using full sentences. Any separate templates or documents created must be submitted
with clear and relevant file names in addition to this completed assignment document.

You have just been promoted to the role of Store Manager for a new CA City Retail
Department Store. You will be reporting to an Area Manager, you have six staff, they all
have different roles and hours. With so much to complete, the best way to get things in
order is to set some goals. Access the CA City Intranet for details regarding organisational
plans and any other information you need. Good luck!

In order to fulfil the requirements for this unit you will need to use these areas of
management that CA City and the CEO have decided to focus on as priorities for the
department store.
 Hire employees: Improve ability to recruit online across the organisation.
 Training and development: Identify requirements for training and development for
each department.
 Networking: Work with local businesses to increase collaborative opportunities.
 Marketing materials: Review effectiveness of current marketing materials.
 Time management: Stay on top of deadlines.
 Stakeholder reports: Provide updates to the management team on a weekly basis.
 Performance management: Establish departmental KPIs.
It is expected that you will demonstrate management of your personal work priorities
and professional development (including how you will monitor the plan) using

March 2015 Page 1

Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development

1. Set at least one “SMART” goal for any four of the organisation’s areas of management
as listed above, that’s four (4) “SMART” goals in total. Make sure that the goals are fully
explained and detail how you would plan to achieve them.
Tips and Hints
Specific: What will be accomplished? What actions will you take?
Measurable: What data will measure the goal? (How much? How many? How well?)
Achievable: Is the goal doable? Do you have the necessary skills and resources?
Relevant: How does the goal align with broader goals? Why is the result important?
Time-Based: What is the time frame for accomplishing the goal?
Example of Professional SMART Goal:

By August 2015, develop and implement a customer service plan/strategies to deliver

excellent customer service and train staff to develop skills and support to perform at
required level to achieve 90% customer satisfaction rating from external customers on
accuracy, timeliness and courtesy.

Professional Goals
1 I will enlist the help from HR and IT departments, they will help create a recruitment page with in the
organisation website.By the last week in July we will have 80% of all applications ready to be finalised.

2 The first week in August I will organise to meet with other businesses, gain some insight
on the best marketing strategies. I will implement these with store departments so we can
create more efficient marketing goals.

3 To achieve maximum customer service, I will meet with all head of departments and assess what
training will be required. This will enable me to start coaching process of each individual.allowing me 1
hour per week to be completed by middle of October.

4 To stay on top of all tasks I have undertaken, enter deadline dates into my daily planner, also set
reminders on my computer.

March 2015 Page 2

Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development

2. Create two “SMART” personal work goals to ensure you are able to fit in with the
organisations’ goals. Consider the demands on your time and energy when creating
personal goals. Think about the principles you need to apply when planning personal
goals. Hint: Even though you are planning personal work goals, you still need to
consider how you will maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Personal Goals
Example of Personal work Goal: Complete Diploma of Project Management in 6 months
by finishing 1 unit of competency every 3 weeks by allocating 5 hours on 3 days a week
from Careers Australia to improve my knowledge and use a range of specialised,
technical and managerial competencies to initiate, plan, execute and evaluate project.
1 To complete all tasks and goals I have set for myself. Within a 5 month period, all departments will
have increased there profits by 60%.

2 I will make it my personal goal to increase team morale. Once a month I will undertake team
building activities outside of work hours.I would like my team members to work for me and
comfortably approach me with any problems that may occur.

3. Prioritise both your work and personal goals - ranking 1 being the most important and 6
being the least.
Tips & Hints: Example of Prioritisation tools are Prioritization Matrix, paired comparison
analysis; grid analysis, Gantt chart, outlook calendar, ABC analysis, Pareto Analysis.
Professional and Personal goals
Ranking SMART Goal Prioritisation tool Justify your choice
1 Hire staff Organisations This gives those people
website already in the organisation
an opportunity to gain
further knowledge of
different departments.
2 Set tasks and goal time lines Use daily planner Organise my time to
and reminders on my achieve all tasks and goals
computer. within 5 months.

March 2015 Page 3

Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development
3 Improve customer service Implement on going This will be very
training and productive as it will
development. further improve customer
service, enabling team
members to be rotated
into other departments.
4 Networking Meet with local This will give our teams a
businesses. Research bigger incite into what is
local marketing more beneficial to our
strategies. company.
5 Stay on top Allow some personal Allowing myself some
time to reflect on personal time will benefit
goals. me, as I can re-evaluate
goals and time lines.
6 Improve team morale Once a month Improving team morale,
organise team will encourage team
building activities. members to be
comfortable approaching
me with any problem that
might arise. Team
members will work for
me, which will create
more stability and less

March 2015 Page 4

Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Question 4
Create a plan of action, based on your prioritisations to ensure you’ll meet these goals. Set milestones throughout the year that will
enable you to measure your performance. For example, one task may take five months to complete.

Goal Provide details of an Describe the ‘Personal Work Goal’ (so you can achieve organizational goal)
organizational goal Tasks Activities Time frame
What needs to be done? What action is to be taken How long will this take?

Learn how to write Job Coaching and Mentoring from 2 days

Hire Employees  Write Job descriptions description and Job senior HR staff
 Create and upload Job advertisements
advertisements on job
search website Advertise Job on organisations Enlist IT department to help set 1 day
 Shortlist candidates website up website page.
 Prepare and Conduct
structured job
 Perform Reference Interview candidates Short list applications, perform 1 week
check of preferred interviews
 Appoint best candidate
Goal 2  Networking Arrange meeting with other Learn from local businesses on 3 hours
 Prepare departments local businesses best marketing strategies
on marketing strategies
 Review all departments Organise best marketing Collaborate with departments on 1 week
strategies that would benefit best marketing material
the organisation

ask all departments for some Meet individual departments on 3 hours

feedback on how the new the progress allowing 40 minute
strategies are progressing each
Goal 3 Improve Gain feedback on how we can 2 hours
 Customer service customer service improve
 Assess were more Assess more training See were more training is needed 1 hour
for more efficient customer
Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development
training is needed service
 Arrange training Organise training with Meet 1hour every week for 4 4 hours
departments weeks
Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Question 5
a. You may decide that you need to fill in some gaps in order to meet your goals.
This could be achieved through formal and informal training. Using (see Appendix A for assistance on how to use this site) find
a unit of competency that you could complete to help assist you in the
achievement of your “SMART” goals.
SMART Goal Unit of Competency

1 I will enlist the help from HR and IT

departments, they will help create a Course Code: ICAU4207B
recruitment page with in the Apply web authoring tool to convert client data for
organisation website.By the last week in websites
July we will have 80% of all applications
ready to be finalised.
2 The first week in August I will organise
to meet with other businesses, gain Course Code: SITXMPR007
some insight on the best marketing Develop and Implement Marketing Strategies
strategies. I will implement these with
store departments so we can create
more efficient marketing goals.
3 To achieve maximum customer service,
I will meet with all head of departments Course Code: BSBCUS201A
and assess what training will be Deliver a service to customers
required. This will enable me to start
coaching process of each
individual.allowing me 1 hour per week
to be completed by middle of October.
4 To stay on top of all tasks I have
undertaken, enter deadline dates into Course Code: BSBPMG410
my daily planner, also set reminders on Apply project time management techniques
my computer.
Personal goals

Ranking SMART Goal Unit of Competency

1 To complete all tasks and goals I have

set for myself. Within a 5 month period, Course Code: BSBMGT402
all departments will have increased Implement operational plan
there profits by 60%.
2 I will make it my personal goal to
increase team morale. Once a month I Course Code: Lead and manage team
will undertake team building activities
outside of work hours.I would like my
team members to work for me and
comfortably approach me with any
problems that may occur.

b. As a Manager you will also learn from other Managers. Research three possible
networking opportunities in your area. One of these may be an online forum.
Possible Networking Opportunities
Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development
1. LinkedIn

2. Email Networking

3. Business collaboration during a social event

4. Profit and organising members, Institute of management

c. Explain how the unit of competency and the networks you have identified will
help you achieve your goals? How would you fit the training and networking into
your working week?
How the unit of competencies and the networks you have identified will help you achieve your goals?
The unit of competencies that are listed above can help me achieve my goals by providing me more
knowledge and ideas while the networks identified above will help me to gain more knowledge about other
businesses, how they operate and develop their marketing strategies.

How would you fit the training and networking into your working week?
This can be done by making sure that my daily planner is adjusted and up-to-date with all the tasks that I
need to do.

6. Now that you know which unit of competency you would like to undertake, find
two registered training organisations (RTO’s) that offer these courses. Select a training
organisation that offers training styles that most suit your style of learning.
Tip – you will need to complete the ‘VAK Learning Styles Self–Assessment
Questionnaire’ provided as an Appendix in the eBook or internet search an online
VAK questionnaire, use the section in your eBook relating to development
opportunities to help you, section 3.3.

Summary of your VAK A = 11

Learning Styles Self– B=8
Assessment C = 11
Outcome The outcome of this assessment tells me that I have both VISUAL and KINAESTHETIC
style of learning.

Training organisations
Club Managers Association Australia

Ripponlea Institute

7. You are eager to get off to a great start with managing your team. Of course, the
best way to do this is to lead by example. Outline two strategies you will implement
to be a role model to your team.
Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Work with my team to show that what I ask them to do, I will also do myself.

Strategy 1

Let my team members know that I am there for them, and will meet with them one on one to
discuss any issues they my be experiencing.
Strategy 2

8. Explain how you would revisit your plans from question four, six months after
developing your plan.
a. What type of technology have you used to track your progress?
Remember, it is expected that you will demonstrate management of your
personal work priorities and professional development (including how you
will monitor the plan) using technology. Explain this using a minimum of
100 words.
Tracking your progress is very important when it comes to managing your personal work priorities and
professional development goals. The technologies that I use are; my personal computer and my mobile
phone. To do this, I have created a template using smart goals which I have entered into a file on my
computer. This is where I have recorded my personal work priorities, and professional work development.
To be able to monitor my goals, I have set reminders on my daily planner, so I am on top of all tasks. I have
also set reminders on my personal phone, so I can revisit my file once a week to evaluate what has been
completed and what needs further action. This will help me re schedule any changes that are needed.

b. Which personnel would you need to consult in order to evaluate your

Area manager
Other colleagues at the same level
State manager
Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development
c. Send an email to one of the personnel mentioned in ‘b’ seeking feedback
on your plans.
Hi Tony,
We are now coming to the end of our 6 month deadline of all tasks and goals that we implemented.
It would be greatly appreciated if you could take a look at how we have progressed. Any feedback from you
would be very helpful. Thank you for your support.

Kind Regards

Stacey Mclean
Store Manager

d. How would you use the information you receive from them?
Any feedback given would be taken on-board, weather it be positive or if we need to work on
strengthening our skills. If we need more training, I will re-evaluate my schedule and arrange for more
training in the area's that need improving.

e. You have had your annual review, and from the feedback it has been
established that you have developed the new skills you set for yourself.
Well done. To maintain a competitive edge, what further skills do you
think you would need to develop to progress in your career?

I will maintain a competitive edge by staying up-to-date with all organisations policies. This will
include staying on top of all goals I set for myself and for the team. I will keep up to date on any
changes that may occur in the market such as, changes in technology. Also helping to further
my career I will undertake further management courses, that will improve my skills.

Submission Checklist

Completed responses to all questions

Personal Development Plan: including any reviews and other
documents as needed Unit of competence
Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development
Appendix A

Appendix A

You want to look for a course to help you develop your coaching skills.
The best place to start is to visit to look up courses.

Click on the link to ‘Courses & training providers’.

You type Certificate IV Leadership and Management in the Keyword search field, and your preferred location.
Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development

A few different options are shown for training providers that offer the course. You select one that you have heard
coworkers speak positively about.
Assignment (Written Responses) Student Instructions
BSBWOR501B Manage personal work priorities and professional development

You phone the training organisation to find about more about the course and if they deliver it in a face to face
classroom learning environment.

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