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2019 July Semiannual Training

Crystallization-Study of Numbers (2)

Holy Word Morning Revival


① The entire Bible shows us one thing—God’s intention is to have a

people formed into an army to take Christ as their meaning of life,
testimony, center, Leader, way, and goal and to proceed on and fight
for God so that He may have a people built up as His kingdom and His
house, which will consummate in the New Jerusalem.
② In the Lord’s recovery today, there is an urgent need for the growth
and maturity in life required for the formation of God’s army to protect
God’s testimony and fight for His move on earth.
③ By Christ being lifted up on the cross as the bronze serpent, Satan’s
increase has become Christ’s increase, His bride; we who were once the
increase of Satan have been regenerated to become the increase of
④ There are two great principles in the universe—God’s authority and
Satan’s rebellion—and the unique conflict between God and Satan
concerns authority and rebellion; we must contend with Satan by
asserting that authority is with God, setting ourselves to submit to God’s
authority, and upholding God’s authority.
⑤ The living stars give heed to the prophetic word of the Scriptures”as
to a lamp shining in a dark place” so that Christ as the morning star rises
in their hearts day by day; if we give heed to the word in the Bible, which
shines as a lamp in a dark place, we will have His rising in our hearts to
shine in the darkness of apostasy where we are today, before His actual
appearing as the morning star.
⑥ In the Lord’s recovery we are on a battlefield engaging in spiritual
warfare; we need to see that the formation of the children of Israel into
an army to fight for God typifies the New Testament believers’ being
built up into the organic Body of Christ to fight for God and with God for
the carrying out of His economy.
Week 1: A Vital Sketch of the Divine Revelation in the Books of
Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers concerning God’s Economy
with His Chosen and Redeemed People
Week 2: The Growth and Maturity Required for the Formation of the
Army to Protect God’s Testimony and Fight for His Move on
Week 3: The Change of Our Diet to the Heavenly Christ as the Reality
of the Heavenly Manna So That We May Be Reconstituted
with Christ to Become God’s Dwelling Place
Week 4: Speaking to the Rock to Drink of the Spirit as the Water of
Life and Digging the Well to Allow the Spirit as the Water of
Life to Flow Freely within Us
Week 5: The Water for Impurity
Week 6: Christ as Typified by the Bronze Serpent
Week 7: The All-inclusive Christ Being the Allotted Portion of the
Saints, according to God’s Choice, as Their Divine
Inheritance for Their Enjoyment
Week 8: Authority, Rebellion, the Vindication of Delegated Authority,
and a Proper Representative of God
Week 9: Moses Desiring That All Jehovah’s People Would Be Prophets
Week 10: Christ as the Star out of Jacob
Week 11: The Vision of the All-sufficient One—the Divine View of
God’s People
Week 12: The Necessity of Spiritual Warfare and God’s People
Formed into an Army Ready for Battle
Week One
A Vital Sketch of the Divine Revelation
in the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers
concerning God’s Economy
with His Chosen and Redeemed People
EM Hymns: 837, 911
Scripture Reading: Num. 9:15-23; Exo. 33:14; Luke 24:25-27, 44-49;
1 Cor. 10:6, 11; Rom. 15:4; 1 Tim. 1:3-4, 18; 6:3


Day 1
I. We may use four slogans to summarize certain crucial
aspects of this vital sketch:
A. God’s chosen and redeemed people are purchased, redeemed,
and saved from the bondage of the fall.
B. God’s chosen and redeemed people are enjoying Christ,
receiving revelation, and being built up in the Triune God.
C. God’s chosen and redeemed people are formed into a priestly
army to fight for God and to journey with God.
D. God’s chosen and redeemed people are possessed by God to
possess the all-inclusive Christ as the good land.
II. These four slogans apply to the saints in both the Old
Testament and New Testament, because the New Testament
is hidden in the Old Testament, and the Old Testament is
manifested in the New Testament—Luke 24:25-27, 44-49:
A. The saints have been chosen, redeemed, and saved from the
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 7
bondage of the fall; the saints have been saved from the
usurpation of the world and from the bondage of Satan.
B. Having been saved, we are now enjoying Christ; like the
children of Israel at Mount Sinai, we have also received the
divine revelation and are being built up with the processed
Triune God, that is, with the Son as the embodiment of the
Father and with the Spirit as the realization of the Son.
C. Furthermore, we are being formed into a priestly army, which
fights for God and journeys with God.
D. Finally, we have been prepared by God in every way to possess
the all-inclusive Christ as the good land.

Day 2
III. The word economy is not used in the Old Testament books,
but the typology in these books (such as Exodus, Leviticus,
and Numbers) unveils God’s economy:
A. God’s economy is His household administration to accomplish
His plan for the fulfillment of the desire of His heart; this desire
is to have a people not only created by Him but also
regenerated, sanctified, transformed, and conformed to the
image of Christ as the embodiment of the processed Triune God;
eventually, this people will be brought into glory, into the
corporate expression of the Triune God—1 Tim. 1:3-4, 18; 6:3;
cf. 1 Cor. 4:17; 2 Tim. 1:6-9; 4:7.
B. In the Old Testament we have a picture of God’s economy; in the
New Testament we have a clear speaking concerning God’s
C. The history of the children of Israel in the Old Testament is a
type of the history of the believers in the New Testament—1 Cor.
10:6, 11; Rom. 15:4.

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IV. God’s chosen and redeemed people need to receive the divine
revelation concerning God Himself and His economy for their
training and building up as His testimony; in Genesis God’s
people were chosen, and in Exodus they received the divine
revelation concerning God and His dwelling place:
A. God’s chosen people received the divine revelation after their
participation in God’s initial salvation, as realized in the
passover—Exo. 12; 1 Cor. 5:7-8.
B. God brought the people out of Egypt to the mountain of God,
Mount Sinai, and there gave them a full revelation of Himself
and His dwelling place; we may say that this revelation
contained the”blueprint” for the building of God’s dwelling
C. The divine revelation was through the enjoyment of the divine
provisions, as tasted in the supply of the heavenly manna and
the living water flowing out of the smitten rock—Exo.
16:1—17:7; 1 Cor. 10:3-4.
D. The divine revelation was also through the experience of being
an army that shared in God’s fighting against His enemies, as in
their fighting against the Egyptians and the Amalekites—Exo.
14; 17:8-16; Gal. 5:16-17; cf. 1 Pet. 2:11.
E. Eventually, in Exodus 19 God’s chosen and redeemed people
reached and arrived at the mountain of God; when God sent
Moses to rescue the children of Israel out of the hand of
Pharaoh, God told Moses that after he had brought the people
out of Egypt, they would serve the Lord upon this mountain
(3:12), and in Exodus 19 this word was fulfilled:
1. At Mount Sinai God’s people received the revelation concerning God
Himself so that they might be separated unto Him.
2. The law is a portrait of God, the revelation of God Himself; the law reveals
that God is a God of love, light, holiness, and righteousness—chs. 20—24:

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Day 3
a. Because the law is such a picture of God, the law was called the Testimony
of God (25:16, 21; 31:18), the Ark in which the law was placed was called
the Ark of the Testimony (25:22), and the tabernacle was called the
Tabernacle of the Testimony (38:21).
b. In the Psalms the law is often referred to as the testimony (19:7; 25:10;
119:2); this testimony was a portrait, a picture, of God.
c. God’s people received the revelation concerning God Himself so that they
might be separated unto the holy God as His sanctified people; this
matter is given a particular emphasis in the book of Leviticus—11:44.
3. Christ is the reality of the law as the testimony of God; the testimony of
God signifies Christ, the embodiment of God (Col. 2:9), as the living
portrait of what God is (Psa. 119:2, 9, 11, 14-15, 133):
a. The reality of keeping the law is to live God and express God.
b. Such a living, a living in the eternal economy of God, is the living of a
God-man, a life of continually denying the self and being crucified to live
Christ, who is God’s testimony, by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of
Jesus Christ for the enlarged and expanded expression of God—Matt.
16:24; Gal. 2:20; Phil. 1:19-21a; Rom. 8:4.

Day 4
F. In addition to receiving the divine revelation concerning God
Himself, the children of Israel received the divine revelation
concerning God’s economy so that they might be built up
together with God in His Divine Trinity as His dwelling place on
earth for His testimony—Exo. 25—40:
1. That God’s people were to be built up together with Him is indicated by the
materials that were to be used for the building of the tabernacle:
a.The boards of the tabernacle were made of acacia wood overlaid with gold;
the boards of acacia wood are a type of God’s people, and the gold
overlaying the boards is a type of the divine person—26:15-30.
b. Thus, the boards of acacia wood overlaid with gold signify God’s people
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 10
being built up together with God to be His dwelling place; from this we
see not only that God’s people are the building materials for His dwelling
place but also that God Himself is the building material.
2. In the tabernacle we can see a picture of the Divine Trinity:
a. The Ark, the table of the bread of the Presence, and the incense altar all
signify Christ the Son.
b. The Father is signified by the gold, for in typology gold signifies the divine
nature of God.
c. The Spirit is signified by the oil in the seven lamps in the lampstand; if
the lamps had no oil, they would be useless, and there would not be any
light in the tabernacle.
d. Also, the lampstand, which was a single entity, signifies the Triune God:
1) The gold signifies the Father, the form signifies the Son, and both the lamps
and the oil signify the Spirit.
2) This is a revelation of God’s people being built up with the Triune God to be
His dwelling place on earth.
3. The forty-eight boards of the tabernacle correspond to the forty-eight cities
given to the Levites; six of these cities were to be cities of refuge; the most
striking point regarding the cities of refuge is that they were
enterable—Num. 35:6-7, 9-34:
a. Eventually, these forty-eight cities of the Levites will consummate in a
unique city—the New Jerusalem; the tabernacle revealed in Exodus is a
miniature of this unique city.
b. In the New Testament, God’s testimony is the church, the Body of Christ,
and in eternity this testimony will consummate in the New Jerusalem,
which is also called a tabernacle—Rev. 1:2, 9; 19:10; 21:3.
c. In the Old Testament, the tabernacle was with the children of Israel, and
in the New Testament the tabernacle is first Christ (John 1:14) and then
the church as the enlargement of Christ; in eternity there will be the
ultimate, consummate tabernacle, the New Jerusalem; in each case the
striking point is that the tabernacle is enterable; Hallelujah, the Triune
God is enterable!

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G. In the book of Leviticus, God trained His people to worship and
partake of Him and to live a holy, clean, and rejoicing life.

Day 5
V. The central thought of Numbers is that Christ is the meaning
of life, the testimony, the center of God’s people, and the
Leader, the way, and the goal of their journey and fighting:
A. The entire Bible shows us one thing—God’s intention is to have
a people formed into an army to take Christ as their meaning of
life, testimony, center, Leader, way, and goal and to proceed on
and fight for God so that He may have a people built up as His
kingdom and His house, which will consummate in the New
Jerusalem—Gen. 1:26-28; Exo. 12:41, 51; 13:18; Matt. 16:16-19;
Eph. 6:10-12; Rev. 17:14; 19:11-16; 21:2, 10-11.
B. The book of Numbers as a whole reveals the need for God’s
chosen and redeemed people to be formed into an army to
carry out the holy war—1 Tim. 1:18; 2 Tim. 2:3-4:
1. In order to be formed into a holy army, God’s people first had to be
numbered according to their maturity in life—Num. 1:3, 18.
2. God’s chosen and redeemed people were also built up into one body—vv.
3. Then God’s people journeyed with God:
a. In their journey with God, the children of Israel had the presence of God,
signified by the cloud in the day and by the fire in the cloud at night—Exo.
33:14; 40:36-38; Num. 9:15-23.
b. As the children of Israel journeyed with God, the Angel of Jehovah took
the lead (Exo. 32:34); the title the Angel of Jehovah is a particular title of
Christ in the Old Testament, as revealed in Exodus 3:2-6.
c. In their journey the children of Israel were moving, walking, and living
with Jehovah, the Triune God.
d. God’s chosen and redeemed people passed through the great and terrible

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wilderness with all kinds of trials, sufferings, and divine care, supplies,
and discipline—Deut. 1:19; 8:2-5.
e. On their journey through the wilderness, the children of Israel passed
through forty-two stations to enter into rest in the good land promised by
God—Num. 33:1-49; Josh. 1:2.
4. As a priestly army, God’s chosen and redeemed people fought together with
God and for God—Num. 4:23, 30, 35; 1 Pet. 2:5, 9:

Day 6
a. In their fighting together with God and for God, the children of Israel
defeated the king of Arad and destroyed his people; by doing this, they
overcame the first enemy among the Canaanites—Num. 21:1-3.
b. God’s people also defeated Sihon the king of the Amorites with his people
and Og the king of Bashan with his people; this means that they overcame
Canaan’s two”gate guards”—vv. 21-35.
c. The children of Israel also defeated the Midianites with their five kings;
by defeating them, the people overcame Canaan’s gate army—31:1-12.
d. The kings defeated by God’s chosen and redeemed people signify the
spiritual powers, rulers, and authorities in the air, whom we must
defeat—Eph. 6:10-20.
e. The fighting of God’s people against the kings was for the entrance into
the God-promised good land that the kingdom of God might be spread
and established there.
5. As the priestly army carrying out God’s holy war, God’s chosen and
redeemed people bore with them God’s dwelling, the Tabernacle of the
Testimony, with the Ark of the Testimony.
6. The key words in Exodus are redemption, leading, revelation, and building;
the key words in Leviticus are fellowship, service, and holiness; and the key
words in Numbers are formation, journeying, and fighting.
7. The book of Numbers is a record of God’s chosen and redeemed people
being formed into a priestly army to fight for God and to journey with God
so that they may be prepared by God to possess the all-inclusive Christ as
the good land.
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2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 14
WEEK 1 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment
Exo. 33:14 And He said, My presence shall go with you, and I will give you
Num. 9:15 And on the day that the tabernacle was set up, the cloud covered
the tabernacle…; and in the evening it was like the appearance of
fire…until morning.
22 [When]…the cloud extended its time over the tabernacle…, the children of
Israel remained encamped…; but when it was taken up, they set out.
[In presenting] a vital sketch of the divine revelation in the books of
Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers concerning God’s economy with His
chosen and redeemed people, we may use four slogans to summarize
certain crucial aspects of this sketch:”Purchased, redeemed, and saved from
the bondage of the fall”;”Enjoying Christ, receiving revelation, and being
built up in the Triune God”;”Formed into a priestly army to fight for God
and to journey with God”; and”Possessed by God to possess the
all-inclusive Christ as the good land.” These slogans are a mingling of Old
Testament typology and the fulfillment of this typology in the New
Testament…. We may say that the New Testament is hidden in the Old
Testament and that the Old Testament is manifested in the New Testament.
(Life-study of Numbers, p. 345)
Today’s Reading
These four slogans apply to the saints in both the Old Testament and
New Testament. The saints have been chosen, redeemed, and saved from
the bondage of the fall. The Old Testament saints were saved from bondage
in Egypt, and we have been saved from the bondage of Satan. Having been
saved, we are now enjoying Christ. Like the children of Israel at Mount Sinai,
we have also received the divine revelation and are being built up with the
processed Triune God. We are being built up with the Son as the
embodiment of the Father and with the Spirit as the realization of the Son.
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 15
Furthermore, we are being formed into a priestly army…. This priestly army
fights for God and journeys with God….Finally, we have been prepared by
God in every way to possess the all-inclusive Christ as the good land. This
preparation is revealed in the last five chapters of Numbers, where we see
the prearrangement of the distribution of the good land. This
prearrangement was the preparation of God’s people to enter into the land
and possess it. (Life-study of Numbers, pp. 345-346)
Exodus shows us that God took a big step in His move by coming down
to deliver Israel out of Egypt (Exo. 3:8) and bring them into the wilderness
(v. 18). Egypt typifies the world where people are occupied with making a
living and where people can enjoy a life with pleasures. The world is a place
of easy living and pleasure and also a place of sin and idolatry.
God delivered Israel out of Egypt and brought them into the
wilderness…. It is very good to be saved by God out of the noisy world to a
place where there is only the heavens and the earth and God, nothing else.
But for the long run, the wilderness was not a good place. Thus, they had to
be brought by a long journey through the wilderness.
God moved with them and brought them to Mount Sinai. Sinai
represents God’s presence….The children of Israel remained at Sinai with
God for about eleven months (Exo. 19:1; cf. Num. 10:11). God stayed with
His people day and night there, so God trained them.
At Mount Sinai God gave them the law and the pattern for the
tabernacle. On the one hand, God regulated them by the law, and on the
other hand, He encouraged them by the tabernacle. After the decree of the
law and the building up of the tabernacle at Sinai, God gave them all the
chapters of Leviticus to train them to worship and partake of God and to
live a holy, clean, and rejoicing life. (CWWL, 1991-1992, vol. 4,”The History
of God in His Union with Man,” pp. 147, 158, 169)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” ch. 1;
CWWL, 1991-1992, vol. 4,”The History of God in His Union with Man,” chs.

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WEEK 1 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
Eph. 1:10 Unto the economy of the fullness of the times, to head up all things
in Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, in Him.
3:9 And to enlighten all that they may see what the economy of the mystery is,
which throughout the ages has been hidden in God, who created all things.
The word economy is not used in the Old Testament, but it is found in
the New Testament, especially in the writings of Paul…. Although this word
may not be used in Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers, the typology in these
books unveils God’s economy. God’s economy is His administration with
His plan, His purpose, and His arrangement to accomplish His plan and
attain His purpose for the fulfillment of the desire of His heart. This desire
is to have a people not only created by Him but also regenerated, sanctified,
transformed, and conformed to the image of Christ as the embodiment of
the processed Triune God. Eventually, this people will be brought into glory,
into the expression of the Triune God. This is God’s economy. In the Old
Testament we have a picture of God’s economy; in the New Testament we
have a clear speaking concerning God’s economy. (Life-study of Numbers, p.
Today’s Reading
God’s chosen and redeemed people need to receive the divine
revelation concerning God Himself and His economy for their training and
building up as His testimony…. In Genesis God’s people were chosen, and in
Exodus they received the divine revelation concerning God and His
dwelling place.
God’s chosen people received the divine revelation after their
participation in God’s initial salvation as realized in the passover (Exo. 12).
God brought the people out of Egypt to the mountain of God, Mount Sinai,
and there gave them a full revelation of His dwelling place among the
human race on earth. We may say the revelation contained the”blueprints”

2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 17

for the building of God’s dwelling place. In order to dwell among the human
race, God needs a people who are not only chosen and redeemed but also
ready to receive the divine revelation concerning Him and His dwelling
place. As the book of Exodus shows us, God’s people did receive this
revelation and they built the tabernacle according to it. When the
tabernacle was set up, God’s glory descended upon it.
The divine revelation was through the enjoyment of the divine
provisions as tasted in the supply of the heavenly manna and the living
water flowing out of the smitten rock. The divine revelation was also
through the experience of being an army that shared in God’s fighting
against His enemies, as in their fighting against the Egyptians and the
Eventually, in Exodus 19 God’s chosen and redeemed people reached
and arrived at the mountain of God. When God sent Moses to rescue the
children of Israel out of the hand of Pharaoh, God told Moses that after he
had brought the people out of Egypt, they would serve the Lord upon this
mountain (Exo. 3:12). In Exodus 19 this word was fulfilled.
At Mount Sinai God’s people received the revelation concerning God
Himself that they might be separated unto the holy God as His sanctified
people (Exo. 20—24). By the revelation of God Himself, we refer to the law.
The law is a portrait of God. Before the children of Israel received the
revelation concerning God’s building, God gave them a portrait of Himself
to show them what kind of God He is. The law reveals that God is a God of
love and light and that He is holy and righteous. Therefore, love, light, holy,
and righteous are crucial words describing the characteristics of the
almighty, Triune God. As the God of love and light, He is altogether holy;
that is, He is uncommon, different, and separate from everything else in the
universe. Furthermore, God is altogether righteous. He is righteous with
Himself, He is righteous in all He does, and He is righteous toward man and
all His creatures. This is God as He is revealed in the picture in Exodus
20—24. (Life-study of Numbers, pp. 346-348)
Further Reading: Life-study of Numbers, msg. 52

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WEEK 1 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
Heb. 1:3 Who, being the effulgence of His glory and the impress of His
substance and upholding and bearing all things by the word of His power,
having made purification of sins, sat down on the right hand of the
Majesty on high.
Psa. 119:97, 119 Oh, how I love Your law! All day long it is my musing. …I
love Your testimonies.
In the New Testament we have a description of God, but we do not have
a picture of God. John tells us clearly that God is love and light, and Paul
tells us that the very God who is love and light is absolutely holy and
righteous. The Ten Commandments are a type signifying Christ as the
portrait of God, as the expression of God’s image. Hebrews 1:3 says that the
Son of God, Jesus Christ, is the express image, the impress, of God’s
substance….To see Him is to see God. The law is also a portrait of God. By
studying the commandments of the law, we can see that God is love and
light and that He is holy and righteous. Because the law is such a picture of
God, the law was called the Testimony of God (Exo. 25:16, 21; 31:18). The
Ark in which the law was placed was called the Ark of the Testimony (Exo.
25:22), and the tabernacle was called the Tabernacle of Testimony (Exo.
38:21). In the Psalms the law is often referred to as the testimony (Psa.
19:7; 25:10; 119:2). This testimony was a portrait, a picture, of God.
God’s people received the revelation concerning God Himself so that
they might be separated unto the holy God as His sanctified people. This
matter is given particular emphasis in the book of Leviticus. For example,
Leviticus 11:44 says,”I am Jehovah your God. Sanctify yourselves therefore,
and be holy, for I am holy.” (Life-study of Numbers, pp. 348 -349)
Today’s Reading
We know from the first chapter of Genesis that in His work of creation
God accomplished many things. However, Genesis 1 does not reveal what

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kind of God our God is. We do not know from this chapter whether He is a
God of love or of hate, a God of darkness or of light. We do not know
whether He is holy or common, righteous or unrighteous. The law was
given that we might have a portrait, a description, of God and thereby
understand what He is. For this reason, God considers the law as His
testimony. As a testimony of God, the law is a type of Christ. Christ is the
living portrait of God, His living definition and description. Therefore,
Christ is the real testimony of God.
Contrary to the concept of both Jews and Christians, the law was given
not for us to keep, but to reveal what kind of God our God is. As the
testimony of God, the law is indeed lovable. Romans 7:12 says,”So then the
law is holy, and the commandment holy and righteous and good.” In
Romans 7:14 Paul says that”the law is spiritual.” The law is holy, righteous,
good, and spiritual because it is a portrait of God. We should love the law
because it is a picture of our God. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 983-984)
The law is God’s testimony (Exo. 16:34; 31:18; 32:15; 40:20; Psa. 19:7),
God’s expression, a revelation of God to His people…. The law of God
reveals God’s attributes, showing that He is jealous (Exo. 20:4-6; cf. 2 Cor.
11:2), holy (Exo. 20:7-11), loving (vv. 6, 12-15; cf. Rom. 13:8-10; Gal. 5:14),
righteous (Exo. 20:5), truthful (v. 16; cf. 1 John 1:5-6), and pure (Exo.
20:2-3, 17). As the word of God and the testimony, the expression, of God,
the law is a type of Christ as God’s Word and God’s testimony, God’s
expression (John 1:1, 18; Rev. 19:13; 1:5; Col. 1:15).
The reality of keeping the law is to live God and express God. Such a
living, a living in the eternal economy of God, is the living of a God-man, a
life of continually denying the self and being crucified to live Christ, who is
God’s testimony, by the bountiful supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ for the
enlarged and expanded expression of God (Matt. 16:24; Gal. 2:20; Phil.
1:19-21a; Rom. 8:4). (Exo. 20:1, footnote 1)

Further Reading: Life-study of Numbers, msg. 49

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WEEK 1 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Exo. 26:15 And you shall make the boards for the tabernacle of acacia wood,
standing up.
Psa. 84:1-4 How lovely are Your tabernacles, O Jehovah of hosts! My soul
longs, indeed even faints, for the courts of Jehovah….At Your two altars
even the sparrow has found a home; and the swallow, a nest for herself,
where she may lay her young…. Blessed are those who dwell in Your
In addition to receiving the divine revelation concerning God Himself,
the children of Israel received the divine revelation concerning God’s
economy that they might be built up together with God in His Divine Trinity
as His dwelling place on earth for His testimony (Exo. 25—40).
That God’s people were to be built up together with Him is indicated
by the materials which were to be used for the building of the tabernacle.
For instance, the boards of the tabernacle, like the Ark, were made of acacia
wood overlaid with gold. The boards of acacia wood are a type of God’s
people, and the gold overlaying the boards is a type of the divine person.
Thus, the boards of acacia wood overlaid with gold signify God’s people
being built up together with God to be His dwelling place. From this we see
that not only are God’s people the building materials for His dwelling place
but also that God Himself is the building material. (Life-study of Numbers,
pp. 349-350)
Today’s Reading
In the tabernacle we can see a picture of the Divine Trinity. It is rather
easy to see that the tabernacle reveals Christ the Son. For example, the Ark,
the table of the bread of the Presence, and the incense altar all signify the
Son. But where do we see God the Father and God the Spirit? The Father is
signified by the gold, for in typology gold signifies the nature of God, which,
no doubt, is related to God the Father. God the Spirit is signified by the oil in

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the seven lamps in the lampstand. If the lamps had not had oil, they would
have been useless, and there would not have been any light in the
tabernacle. (Here we would also point out that the lampstand, which is a
single entity, signifies the Triune God. The gold signifies the Father, the
form signifies the Son, and the oil signifies the Spirit.) Therefore, with the
tabernacle we have the Triune God—with the Son signified by the furniture,
the Father signified by the gold, and the Spirit signified by the oil—and
humanity, signified by the acacia wood. This is a revelation of God’s people
being built up with the Triune God to be His dwelling place on earth.
The entire tabernacle was God’s testimony….This means that the
tabernacle was a portrait of the Triune God. Furthermore, the Triune God is
actually His own dwelling place, for the Dweller and the dwelling are one.
The Dweller is the dwelling place.
The forty-eight boards of the tabernacle correspond to the forty-eight
cities given to the Levites. Six of these cities were to be refuge cities. The
most striking point regarding the refuge cities is that they were enterable.
Eventually, these forty-eight cities of the Levites will consummate in a
unique city—the New Jerusalem. The tabernacle revealed in Exodus is a
miniature of this unique city. In the Old Testament God’s testimony was the
tabernacle, and in the New Testament it is the church, the Body of Christ. In
eternity this testimony will consummate in the New Jerusalem, which is
also called a tabernacle (Rev. 21:3). Thus, there was a tabernacle in the Old
Testament, there is a tabernacle in the New Testament, and there will be a
tabernacle in eternity. In the Old Testament the tabernacle was with the
children of Israel, and in the New Testament the tabernacle is firstly Christ
(John 1:14) and then the church as the enlargement of Christ. In eternity
there will be the ultimate, consummate tabernacle, the New Jerusalem. In
each case, the striking point is that the tabernacle is enterable. An entry
into the tabernacle is available to us today. Hallelujah, the Triune God is
enterable! (Life-study of Numbers, pp. 350-351)
Further Reading: Life-study of Numbers, msg. 49

2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 22

WEEK 1 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
1 Tim. 1:18 This charge I commit to you,…according to the prophecies
previously made concerning you, that by them you might war the good
2 Tim. 2:3-4 Suffer evil with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one
serving as a soldier entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he
may please the one who enlisted him.
The book of Numbers as a whole reveals the need of God’s chosen and
redeemed people to be formed into an army to carry out the holy war. In
order to be formed into a holy army, God’s people must first be numbered
according to maturity in life (Num. 1:3, 18). God’s chosen and redeemed
people were also built up into one body (1:44-46). If we consider how the
children of Israel were in array at the foot of Mount Sinai, we will realize
that they had truly been formed into one body.
After God’s people were numbered and built up into one body, they
journeyed with God. In their journey with God, the children of Israel had
the presence of God, signified by the cloud in the day and by the fire in the
cloud at night (Exo. 33:14; 40:36-38; Num. 9:15-23). The cloud and the fire
were both the expression of the Triune God…. In this journey they were led
by God Himself. (Life-study of Numbers, pp. 353-354)
Today’s Reading
As the children of Israel were journeying with God, the Angel of
Jehovah took the lead (Exo. 32:34). The title the Angel of Jehovah is a
particular title of Christ in the Old Testament, as revealed in Exodus 3. The
Angel of Jehovah took the lead, always walking in front of the army of
In their journey the children of Israel were moving, walking, and living
with Jehovah, the Triune God. This is a type, a picture, of our living as
Christians today. Day by day we are moving, walking, and living together

2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 23

with the processed and dispensing Triune God.
God’s chosen and redeemed people passed through the great and
terrible wilderness with all kinds of trials, sufferings, and divine care,
supplies, and discipline (Deut. 1:19; 8:2-5). This also is a picture of our
Christian life today. Some say that the Christian life is wonderful. However,
according to typology, the Christian life is a life of passing through a great
and terrible wilderness. In this wilderness we have all kinds of trials and
sufferings, but we also have the divine care and supplies. Moreover,
because we, like the children of Israel, are often”naughty children,” in
addition to God’s care and supplies we also have His discipline. On their
journey through the wilderness, the children of Israel passed through
forty-two stations to enter into rest in the good land promised by God
(Num. 33:1-49; Josh. 1:2).
As a priestly army, God’s chosen and redeemed people fought together
with God and for God. If we would fight together with God and for God
today, we must first move, walk, and live with Him and also pass through
many things in the wilderness. Only in this way can we be qualified to fight
together with God. The children of Israel fought not only with God but also
for God. In the church life today, we should also fight for God. This indicates
that our church life is actually for God and not mainly for us. However, our
feeling concerning the church life may be too subjective and selfish. In the
meeting someone may testify, saying,”Before I came into the church life, I
was homeless. Now in the church I am at home. Oh, how good is the church
life!” Yes, we are at home in the church life. Nevertheless, we need to realize
that the church life is not mainly for us but for God. We should be able to
say,”Lord, the church life is actually Your life. You want to live this way, and
we are living together with You. If we did not live and move with You, You
would not have Your satisfaction. You do not want to be alone. You have
chosen, redeemed, and saved us to accompany You in Your move. Our
church life, Lord, is really for You.” (Life-study of Numbers, pp. 354-355)
Further Reading: Life-study of Numbers, msg. 50

2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 24

WEEK 1 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
Eph.6:10-12 Finally, be empowered in the Lord and in the might of His
strength. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand
against the stratagems of the devil, for our wrestling is not against blood
and flesh but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the
world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the
In their fighting together with God and for God, the children of Israel
defeated the king of Arad and destroyed his people (Num. 21:1-3). By doing
this, they overcame the first enemy among the Canaanites. God’s people
also defeated Sihon king of the Amorites with his people and Og king of
Bashan with his people (21:21-35). This means that they overcame
Canaan’s two gate guards. The children of Israel also defeated the
Midianites with their five kings (31:1-12). By defeating the Midianites the
people overcame Canaan’s gate army.
The kings defeated by God’s chosen and redeemed people signify the
spiritual powers, rulers, and authorities in the air. Today we need to fight
against these powers and defeat them. The fighting of God’s people against
the kings was for the entrance into the God-promised good land that the
kingdom of God might be spread and established there. The principle is the
same with us today. When we defeat the rulers, powers, and authorities in
the air, the kingdom of God surely is spread and established. (Life-study of
Numbers, pp. 355-356)
Today’s Reading
As the priestly army carrying out the holy war, God’s chosen and
redeemed people bore with them God’s dwelling, the Tabernacle of the
Testimony with the Ark of the Testimony. This indicates that in the church
life today we are bearing God’s testimony with God Himself….As long as the
church bears the testimony of God, the church is God’s dwelling place. The
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 25
Tabernacle of the Testimony signifies God’s chosen and redeemed people
built up with Him as His dwelling on the earth (the church in the New
Testament). Spiritually speaking, the history of Israel and the history of the
church are one…. What is recorded in Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers
prefigures what is recorded in Acts and in the Epistles.
The Ark of the Testimony signifies Christ as the center of God’s
economy among His chosen and redeemed people. Today we have the ark
among us; that is, we have Christ with us in a personal way. The tabernacle
with the Ark was the testimony borne by God’s chosen and redeemed
people. During the years in the wilderness, the children of Israel…did not
engage in commerce or work to make a living. God cared for their living by
sending them manna and by giving them water from the rock. For a period
of forty years, God’s people, with the Angel of Jehovah taking the lead,
camped and journeyed in the wilderness. In the eyes of the nations, the
children of Israel were wasting their time. Likewise, in the eyes of the
worldly people, we in the church life who have given ourselves to bear and
to care for the testimony of God are also wasting our time. In the sight of
God, however, it is actually the worldly people who are idle and who are
wasting their time (Matt. 20:3).
Numbers is a record of God’s chosen and redeemed people being
formed into a priestly army to fight for God and to journey with God so that
they may be prepared by God to possess the all-inclusive Christ as the good
land. The second generation did not pass through as much as the first
generation did, but they received the benefit of what the first generation
experienced. I believe that the older generation told the younger
generation about all they experienced, enjoyed, and suffered. This speaking
was part of the raising up, or the building up, of the second generation.
What the first generation experienced was not experienced in vain, for it
was passed on to the second generation. (Life-study of Numbers, pp.
356-358, 368)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1991-1992, vol. 4,”The History of God in His
Union with Man,” ch. 13

2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 26

‹‹ WEEK 1 — HYMN ››

Hymns, #196 Lord, the ancient types and symbols

Praise of the Lord — His All-Inclusiveness

1 Lord, the ancient types and symbols

As our all Thyself portrayed;
As was shadowed in those figures,
Real to us Thou now art made.
Contemplating such a picture,
As we on its wonders gaze,
How we marvel at Thy riches
And our song of worship raise.
2 Lord, Thou art our true Passover,
God passed over us thru Thee;
By Thyself and Thy redemption
We with God have harmony.
Thou, the Lamb of God, redeemedst us
With Thyself and with Thy blood;
We apply Thy blood, our ransom,
Eating Thee, our real food.
3 Lord, Thou art the Bread from heaven,
The unleavened Bread of life;
Eating Thee, with Thee we mingle,
Ceasing from our sin and strife.
Lamb and Bread are both Thy figures,
Showing Thou art life to us;

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Feasting on Thee at Thy table,
We enjoy Thy riches thus.
4 Lord, Thou art the Heav’nly Manna,
As our daily food supply;
Strengthening and energizing,
All our need to satisfy.
Living Rock Thou also art, Lord,
Cleft for us with life to flow;
Drinking of this living water,
Thirst is quenched, Thy life we know.
5 Lord, Thou art the Land of Canaan-
Elevated, rich and good,
Flowing with both milk and honey
In a glorious plenitude.
By Thy surplus God we worship,
In Thy fellowship we move;
Thus in love we’re joined together
And God’s building we will prove.

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Week Two
The Growth and Maturity Required
for the Formation of the Army
to Protect God’s Testimony
and Fight for His Move on Earth
RK Hymns: 540
Scripture Reading: Num. 1:2-3, 19-20; 2:1-2, 32, 34; Phil. 3:12-15;
Eph. 6:10-12


Day 1
I. The emphasis of Numbers is how the Israelites, who had
been redeemed, received revelation, and been trained by God,
were formed into an army to protect God’s testimony and
fight for His move on earth—1:2-3, 19-20:
A. Since the earth created by God was ruined by Satan, God needs
to gain a group of people to be formed into an army for His
move on earth—v. 3.
B. Numbers shows how God formed His redeemed people into an
army to surround and protect His testimony—2:1-2, 32, 34:
1. In Numbers, particularly in the first four chapters, the Israelites were
formed into an army according to God’s arrangement.
2. In order for the children of Israel to be formed into an army, they needed
to be numbered; only after being numbered could the Israelites be formed
into an army—1:2-3, 19-20.

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II. In order”to go forth for military service,” an Israelite male
needed to be at least twenty years old; this is related to
growth and maturity—v. 3:
A. There were approximately two million Israelites, but only
603,550 were twenty years old and upward and were able to go
forth for military service—vv. 45-46.
B. Even though there are a great many believers on earth, only a
small number among them are mature in life to the extent that
they are able to fight for God’s testimony—Eph. 4:12, 15-16;
C. Numbers mentions the age for those enlisting in the army,
which was twenty years old and upward, yet this book does not
mention the age for retirement:
1. God’s army was strong, just as Caleb was able to fight and was as strong
before God in his eighties as he was in his forties—Josh. 14:6, 10-11.
2. This signifies that we must have both life and maturity in life in order to be
numbered by God.
D. According to Numbers, neither children nor women were
1. Children signify immaturity, and women signify weakness.
2. That only males who were twenty years old and upward were able to
engage in warfare signifies that among the believers, only those who are
mature in life and strong are able to fight in spiritual warfare.
E. Those who were numbered needed to be confirmed by Moses,
Aaron, and the leaders of the twelve tribes—1:4, 16-18:
1. Moses signifies Christ as the Head of the Body who executes His authority,
Aaron signifies Christ as the High Priest who exercises His priesthood, and
the leaders of the twelve tribes signify the elders and leading ones in the
church—Col. 1:18; Heb. 8:1; Acts 14:23:
a. This indicates that the numbering of God’s people is based on life and
maturity in life and is confirmed by spiritual authority.

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b. Life, maturity, and the confirmation of spiritual authority are required for
the formation of God’s army.
2. In order to be numbered, the children of Israel were required to be in the
fellowship of the life of their fathers’ households and had to grow in life
unto maturity, which is signified by the age of twenty—Num. 1:1-16.

Day 2
III. In the Lord’s recovery today, there is an urgent need for the
growth and maturity required for the formation of God’s
army; we need to grow in life unto maturity—Exo. 30:14;
Num. 1:2-3, 18; Eph. 4:12-16:
A. Spiritually, males who are twenty years old and over signify
those among God’s people who, regardless of their natural
status, are strong in spirit and mature in the divine life; only
these are qualified to be formed into an army to fight for God’s
interest and move on earth—Exo. 30:14; Num. 1:3.
B. The growth of life is the increase of the element of God (Col.
2:19), the increase of the stature of Christ (Eph. 3:17a; 4:13),
the expanding of the ground of the Holy Spirit (5:18), the
decrease of the human element, the breaking of the natural life,
and the subduing of every part of our soul (2 Tim. 1:7).
C. To be transformed is to be metabolically changed in our natural
life, whereas to be matured is to be filled with the divine life
that changes us; the last stage of transformation is maturity, the
fullness of life—Heb. 6:1.
D. In the New Testament the word mature refers to the believers’
being full-grown and perfected in the life of God—Matt. 5:48;
John 3:3, 5-6, 15:
1. As believers, we need to go on, to be brought on, to maturity by forgetting
the things which are behind and stretching forward to the things which are
before, pursuing toward the fullest enjoyment and gaining of Christ for the

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uttermost enjoyment of Christ in the millennial kingdom—Phil. 3:12-15.
2. The prerequisite for maturity in the spiritual life is to grow continually in
the divine life—Eph. 4:15.
3. The ultimate issue of the believers’ growth and maturity in the life of Christ
is a full-grown man—the church as the Body of Christ growing into a
mature man—vv. 13, 16.
E. To be mature is to have Christ fully formed in us; it also means
that we have been fully transformed into His image—Gal. 4:19;
2 Cor. 3:18:
1. Since the time of our regeneration, the Lord has been working in us so that
we may have His image—v. 18; Rom. 8:29.
2. When the Lord has fully worked His image into us and is fully expressed
through us, we will be mature in life—v. 29; 2 Cor. 3:18.

Day 3
F. Chapter 3 of Song of Songs shows us the maturity of the seeking
one, and chapter 4 explains that maturity is reached by the
subduing of the will:
1. The secret of the maturity of the seeking one is that her will has been
completely subdued and resurrected—3:6-9; 4:1b, 4.
2. The neck signifies the human will under God; the Lord considers the
submission of our will a most beautiful thing—v. 4.
3. First, our will must be subdued; then it will be strong in resurrection and
be like the tower of David, the armory for the spiritual warfare—Eph. 6:10.
4. If we have a submissive will, our will becomes like the tower of David that
holds all kinds of weapons for warfare—2 Cor. 10:3-5.

Day 4
IV. In order for the children of God to reach the spiritual age of
twenty, they need to pass through the first three stages of the
experience of life and enter into the fourth stage:
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 32
A. The first stage of the experience of life is being in Christ, the
second stage is abiding in Christ, and the third stage is Christ
living in us, which is also the stage of the cross—Gal. 2:20; 3:1;
5:24; Matt. 16:24.
B. In the third stage the seeking believers deal with the flesh, the
self, and the natural constitution with the natural strength and
1. The flesh denotes the totality of the fallen old man, our entire fallen
being—Gen. 6:3; Rom. 7:18a; Gal. 2:16:
a. The flesh is the living out and the expression of the old man—Rom. 6:6.
b. The flesh cannot be changed or improved; thus, we need to be mindful of
the fact that the flesh is always with us—13:14; Gal. 5:16.
c. The flesh is the camp of God’s enemy and the largest base for his
work—vv. 19-21:
1) The flesh is the first among our enemies, taking the lead over sin, the world,
and Satan to fight against us—Rom. 8:3.
2) God hates the flesh in the same manner that He hates Satan, and He wants to
destroy the flesh in the same manner that He wants to destroy Satan—Exo.
17:16; Deut. 25:17-19; 1 Sam. 15:2-3.
2. The self is the soul-life with the emphasis on human thoughts and
opinions—Matt. 16:23-25:
a. In Matthew 16:23-25 three terms are related to one another: mind,
himself, and soul-life:
1) Our mind is the expression of our self, and our self is the embodiment of our
soul-life—vv. 23-25.
2) Our soul-life is embodied in and lived out by our self, and our self is
expressed through our mind, idea, thought, concept, and opinion—vv. 22-23.
b. The self is the embodiment of Satan; the self is the essence of Satan in the
soul, making the soul independent from God to express its self-opinion
and self-will—v. 23; Gen. 3:1-6; 2 Cor. 11:3.
c. The self is the soul declaring its independence from God—Matt. 16:23;

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Luke 14:26; Job 42:5-6.
3. The natural constitution is the aggregate of our physical and mental
abilities—1 Cor. 2:14-15; Phil. 3:3, 10-11:
a. The natural strength and ability do not have the divine element.
b. The natural strength and ability act on their own, not according to God’s
c. When we work with our natural ability, we seek our own glory and satisfy
our own desire.
d. When our natural strength and ability are dealt with by the cross, they
become useful in resurrection—v. 11.

Day 5
C. The fourth stage of our spiritual experience and spiritual life is
the highest stage—Christ’s full growth in us—the stage of
spiritual warfare, where Christ is fully grown and matured in
us—Eph. 4:13-16; 6:10-18:
1. At the end of the third stage, we express God with His image, and in the
fourth stage, we represent Him with His authority—Gen. 1:26.
2. The experience of life in the fourth stage includes knowing the Body,
knowing ascension, reigning with Christ, engaging in spiritual warfare, and
being full of the stature of Christ—1 Cor. 12:27; Eph. 6:10-12.
3. In order to know the Body and live in the Body, we must first deal with the
flesh, the self, and the natural constitution—Gal. 5:24; Matt. 16:24:
a. If we still live according to the flesh, in ourselves, and serve the Lord in
our natural ability, there is no way for us to know the Body—1 Cor. 12:12.
b.Only when our flesh has been dealt with, the self-opinion has been broken,
and the natural life has been smashed will the divine life within us enable
us to know the Body and realize that we are simply members of the Body
and that the life within us cannot be independent.
4. If we want to fight the spiritual warfare and deal with God’s enemy, we
must first deal with our flesh, self, and soul-life—2 Cor. 10:3-5; Eph.
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 34
a. Engaging in spiritual warfare to deal with Satan and recover the earth for
God requires that we be wholly and absolutely for God and obey Him
completely—Gen. 1:26-28:
1) We cannot preserve ourselves or leave one bit for ourselves.
2) When we are dealing with Satan, self must be utterly abandoned.
b. The church must engage in spiritual warfare, fighting to bring in the
kingdom of God—Matt. 12:28; Eph. 6:10-18; Rev. 12:10a; 11:15.

Day 6
V. The prayer at the incense altar issued in the numbering of
the children of Israel for the formation of an army to fight for
God’s interest on the earth—Exo. 30:11-16; Num. 1:45-46:
A. As a result of the prayer at the incense altar, the Lord conducts
a”military census” of the saints in the churches; those who are
numbered are qualified to go to war for God’s move on the
earth—2:32; 4:23; 2 Tim. 2:3.
B. The intercession offered at the incense altar is for the growth
and maturity of the believers so that an army can be
formed—Eph. 4:13; 6:10-12:
1. The more we pray at the incense altar, the more we will realize that the
need for maturity is desperate, and the greater will be the urgency to pray
for the growth in life unto maturity—1 Cor. 2:6; 3:1-2; 14:20; 16:13; Heb.
5:14—6:1; Eph. 3:16.
2. Only when such an army is formed will God be able to move on earth for
His purpose; apart from an army formed of mature ones, there is no way
for God to move—4:13; 6:10-12.

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2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 36
WEEK 2 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment
Num. 1:3 From twenty years old and upward, all who are able to go forth for
military service in Israel, you and Aaron shall number them by their
Eph. 4:15 But holding to truth in love, we may grow up into Him in all things,
who is the Head, Christ.
The numbering of the Israelites is based on three basic matters:
genealogy, which is related to life; age, which is related to maturity; and the
confirmation by Moses, Aaron, and the leaders of the twelve tribes. Today
the formation of God’s people into an army is a matter of coordination,
which is based on three matters: life, maturity, and confirmation. These
three matters must be fulfilled in order for God’s people to be properly
formed, which is to be properly coordinated. (CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis
of Numbers,” p. 71)
Today’s Reading
A person’s genealogy is related to his life, whereas his age is related to
his growth and maturity. If an Israelite was not mature, even though he was
a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, he could not be numbered.
Those who were one month old and upward were considered Israelites;
this is related to life. However, to be formed into an army, an Israelite
needed to be at least twenty years old; this is related to growth and
maturity. Although there were about two million Israelites at the time of
Numbers, only six hundred three thousand five hundred fifty were twenty
years old and upward and were able to go forth for military service (Num.
1:45-46). This is also true in the church today. Even though there are many
believers on earth, only a small number among them are mature in life to
the extent that they are able to fight for God’s testimony. In other words,
not all the saved and baptized saints are mature enough to be able to fight
for God’s testimony.

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Concerning the matter of warfare, Numbers mentions the age for those
enlisting in the army, which was twenty years old and upward; yet this
book does not mention the age for retirement. Caleb fought when he was
eighty years old (Josh. 14:6, 10-11), and Moses led the children of Israel in
the wilderness until he was one hundred twenty years old. This signifies
that those who are mature in life and are able to fight for God’s testimony
are not, and should not be, limited by age.
God’s army was strong, just as Caleb was able to fight and was as
strong before God in his eighties as he was in his forties (vv. 7, 10-11). This
signifies that we must have both life and maturity in life in order to be
numbered by God. According to Numbers, neither children nor women
were numbered. Children signify immaturity, and women signify weakness.
In principle, the same is true of the church. Although some believers may
have been saved for a long period of time, they are still weak and not
sufficiently strong in the Lord. Only males who were twenty years old and
upward were able to engage in warfare; this signifies that among the
believers, only those who are mature in life and strong are able to fight in
spiritual warfare.
Those who were numbered needed to be confirmed by Moses, Aaron,
and the leaders of the twelve tribes….Here Moses signifies Christ as the
Head of the Body who executes His authority. Aaron signifies Christ as the
High Priest who exercises His priesthood. The Lord is not only the Head
with authority but also the Priest coming to care for, examine, and confirm
God’s people. Moreover, the leaders of the twelve tribes signify the elders
and leading ones in the church. This indicates that the numbering of God’s
people is based on life and maturity in life and is confirmed by spiritual
Today in the church there is the headship and priesthood of Christ.
When a church is in a normal condition, the elders take the lead in the
church and learn to live before God to confirm and judge whether people
have life and are sufficiently mature and strong. (CWWL, 1960, vol.
1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” pp. 68-69)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” ch. 2;
Life-study of Numbers, msgs. 2-3
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 38
WEEK 2 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
Col. 2:19 …Holding the Head, out from whom all the Body, being richly
supplied and knit together by means of the joints and sinews, grows with
the growth of God.
Eph. 3:17 …Christ may make His home in your hearts through faith…
If a Christian has the proper growth in life, when you touch his
thoughts, you will sense the taste of the Lord in it; when you touch his likes
or even his dislikes, you will sense the taste of the Lord; and if you watch
the way he decides and chooses, you will also sense the taste of the Lord….
[This] is because he allows the Lord’s Spirit and the Lord’s life to permeate
from his spirit into his mind, emotion, and will. That is, he allows the Lord’s
life to spread and expand in him and also allows the Lord’s life in him to
grow step by step and to mature little by little. In the same way, the more
the fruit on a tree grows, the more it matures. One day the Lord’s Spirit and
life will permeate our whole being completely, causing our whole being to
be filled with the Lord and to have the taste of the Lord in full. When this
happens, we will be mature believers. Not only will we be blameless in our
daily walk, but when others touch us, they will be able to sense the taste of
the Lord in our thoughts, preferences, and ideas. This will be the case
because the Lord’s Spirit and life will have spread from our spirit to every
part of our soul. (CWWL, 1955, vol. 3,”The Way for a Christian to Mature in
Life,” pp. 300-301)
Today’s Reading
Our heart is often closed toward the Lord, and the Lord is detained in
our spirit to the extent that He cannot come out. Although the Lord is
within us, it is as if He is surrounded by signs that say, No Thoroughfare.
Thus, the Lord is not able to move within us even a little bit, and He does
not have an opportunity to come out of us.
This does not mean that we do not acknowledge the Lord at all; it
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means that there is no ground for the Lord in our thoughts. We think about
this and that, but we do not think about the Lord. There is also no ground
for the Lord in our emotions. We love many things, but we do not love the
Lord. Moreover, there is no ground for the Lord in our will—in our
decisions and choices. Our self has all the ground. Although we have been
saved and have the Lord in our spirit, the Lord cannot come out from our
spirit to control our mind, emotion, and will. We believe in the Lord and
have the Lord, but our mind, emotion, and will are independent of the Lord,
and the Lord has no ground in these three parts of our soul. This is the
reason why we are not mature in life.
In order for us to grow in life, our heart must be open to the Lord, and
our mind, emotion, and will must be opened to the Lord. Once these three
parts are open, the Lord will be able to spread out from our spirit into our
mind, emotion, and will to reach these different parts of our soul. How do
we open our heart to the Lord? Whenever we have to make a
determination or decision, we should first say to the Lord,”O Lord, I love
You. I am willing to please You.” This kind of prayer opens our will to the
Lord, and once our will is opened, the Lord will enter into it. In addition,
whenever we love or desire something, we should stop for a moment and
say to the Lord,”O Lord, I love You. I want to please You.” This opens our
emotion to the Lord. When we do this, the Lord will surely enter into our
emotion. Similarly, whenever we begin to think about something, we
should stop our thinking for a moment and say to the Lord,”O Lord, I love
You. I want to please You.” This kind of statement opens our mind to the
Lord, and through this opening, the Lord will be able to enter into our
Whenever we open to the Lord in our mind, the Lord’s Spirit will gain
the opportunity to enter into the different parts of our soul. (CWWL, 1955,
vol. 3,”The Way for a Christian to Mature in Life,” pp. 306-308)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1955, vol. 3,”The Way for a Christian to
Mature in Life,” chs. 18-19; CWWL, 1953, vol. 3,”The Knowledge of Life,” chs.
1, 12;Life-study of Genesis, msgs. 92-93

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WEEK 2 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
S. S. 4:4 Your neck is like the tower of David, built for an armory: a thousand
bucklers hang on it, all the shields of the mighty men.
Eph. 6:10 Finally, be empowered in the Lord and in the might of His strength.
Song of Songs 3 tells us of the maturity of the seeking one, and chapter
4 continues by explaining how she reached such a mature
stage….Eventually, she is reckoned by the Lord as Jerusalem. This is the
maturity that is mentioned in chapter 3 when she becomes the palanquin.
A palanquin is a miniature of the city. The city contains the Lord in a full
way, and the palanquin contains the Lord on a smaller scale….Then chapter
4 explains that such a maturity is reached by the subduing of the will.
In 4:4 the Lord likens [the seeking one’s] neck to the tower of
David….The hair signifies our will, and…our neck also signifies our will.
Those who are rebellious toward God in the Bible are called stiff-necked
(Exo. 32:9; Acts 7:51). So we see that a flock of goats appearing on the
mountain [S. S. 4:1] shows the subduing of her will, and the tower of David
illustrates how strong her will is in resurrection. First of all, our will must
be subdued; then it must be strong in resurrection. The natural will must
be dealt with, and then we will have a resurrected will. The crucified and
subdued will is just like a flock of goats standing on a mountainside, but the
resurrected will must be like the tower of David builded up as an armory.
(CWWL, 1972, vol. 1,”Life and Building as Portrayed in the Song of Songs,”
pp. 273-274)
Today’s Reading
How poetic the Song of Songs is! First, our will must be subdued; then
it will be resurrected like the tower of David, the armory for the spiritual
warfare. All the weapons for spiritual warfare are kept in our subdued and
resurrected will. If our will has never been subdued by the Lord, it can
never be a strong armory to keep all the weapons for spiritual warfare. All

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the weapons are mostly defensive, not offensive. It is not so much a matter
of going out to fight as it is a matter of standing to resist. Bucklers and
shields are all for protection in order to stand. In spiritual warfare, we are
not so much on the offensive as we are on the defensive, standing against
all the devilish, subtle attacks of the enemy. Most of the items of the armor
mentioned in Ephesians 6 are also defensive. There is really no need for us
to fight; the Lord has won the battle already.
We simply need to stand and resist all the enemy’s attacks. The
bucklers and the shields that protect us against the arrows of the enemy
are kept in this tower, which is the subdued and resurrected will of the
Lord’s seeking one. This is the real maturity in life.
An unsubdued will is, on the one hand, stubborn, and on the other
hand, weak. When the enemy comes, the stubborn, unsubdued will always
makes an unconditional surrender. We all know this by our own
experience….The sisters who are stubborn in the matter of submission are
the first to surrender when the enemy attacks. But if we have a submissive
will, a will that has been subdued like a flock of goats on a mountainside,
our will is expressed like a tower of David. When the enemy comes, our will
is like the tower of David that holds all kinds of weapons against his
The secret of the maturity of the seeking one in Song of Songs 3 is that
her will has been completely subdued and resurrected. Of all eight figures
[of the seeking one in the first three chapters of Song of Songs], the first
one, [the mare], is strongest in the will, and the last one, [the crown], has
no will of its own at all. The mare has an exceedingly strong will, but the
palanquin and the crown have no will at all. She has come out of her natural
will and is now standing in her resurrected will against the enemy. She is
like the tower of David builded as an armory for the spiritual warfare.
(CWWL, 1972, vol. 1,”Life and Building as Portrayed in the Song of Songs,”
pp. 274-275)
Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 23,”The Song of Songs,” pp. 61-62;
CWWL, 1972, vol. 1,”Life and Building as Portrayed in the Song of Songs,” ch.

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WEEK 2 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Phil. 3:3 For we are the circumcision, the ones who serve by the Spirit of God
and boast in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh.
10 To know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His
sufferings, being conformed to His death.
Anything natural does not have the divine element in it, especially the
natural strength and natural ability. To use our natural strength and ability
is altogether against the basic principle of the church as the Body of Christ,
because the church as the Body of Christ is altogether a composition of
humanity mingled with divinity. The church as the new man must be full of
the divine element. The Lord condemns Christianity because it has become
a religion carried out by man’s natural strength and man’s natural ability.
There is no development of the divine element there. But the genuine
church is a composition of the divine element mingled with humanity. We
must learn this as a basic lesson, and we also must impress every saint who
partakes of the church service with this point. (CWWL, 1979, vol. 2,”Basic
Lessons on Service,” p. 140)
Today’s Reading
In our service we must do everything in the principle of incarnation.
The principle of incarnation is that the divine nature is wrought into
humanity. When the Lord Jesus was on this earth, He did everything in His
humanity full of the divine element. He did not do anything by the natural
strength or the natural ability. He said that He could not do anything apart
from the Father (John 5:19). The Father was within Him and one with Him
in all His deeds, in all His words, and in all His works (14:10; 10:30).
Whatever He did, whatever He said, and whatever He worked was
altogether with the Father as the divine element. We need to consider
whether the strength and ability we use for the Lord’s service are natural
or divine. We have to learn the lesson of rejecting our natural strength and
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ability, and we have to help all the saints to learn this lesson.
Today it is possible that we may act and do some service for the Lord
on our own according to our natural strength and ability but not according
to God’s will. Because we have the strength and the ability, we feel that we
do not need to pray, to wait on the Lord, to seek the Lord’s will, or to look
for the Lord’s leading. This was exactly what happened to Moses. When he
slew an Egyptian to protect his fellow Hebrew, he did this on his own and
not according to the Lord’s will (Exo. 2:11-12). The sad situation in today’s
Christianity is that people work for the Lord mostly on their own by their
natural strength and ability. They do not pray for the Lord’s leading. They
may pray only for the Lord to bestow His blessing upon what they do. They
do not pray that much for the Lord’s will, because they trust in their natural
strength and ability.
When we work in our natural strength and ability, the goal is to seek
our own glory, and the motive is to satisfy our own desire. If we see this
vision, it will kill our self-seeking and impure motive. Actually, in the Lord’s
work we should not have our own desire, and we should not have our own
goal for our glory, for our boast. We should do things simply because the
Lord leads us to do them. We should not do them because we have
something to achieve for our goal. That is wrong. The goal must be the
To kill our desire and our goal means to kill our strength and ability.
Our own desire and our own goal for our glory are one with our natural
strength and natural ability. The people of the world and even many
Christians do things by their strength and ability for their desire and glory,
but we have to condemn and reject this.
The natural strength and ability are useful if they are dealt with by the
cross. After being dealt with by the cross, they are in resurrection…. In
resurrection something divine has been wrought into our strength and
ability…. After being dealt with, our strength and ability become useful in
resurrection for our service to the Lord. (CWWL, 1979, vol. 2,”Basic Lessons
on Service,” pp. 140-143)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1979, vol. 2,”Basic Lessons on Service,” chs.
16-20; Life-study of Exodus, msgs. 133-135
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WEEK 2 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
Eph. 4:16 Out from whom all the Body, being joined together and being knit
together through every joint of the rich supply and through the operation
in the measure of each one part, causes the growth of the Body unto the
building up of itself in love.
6:13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to
withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Nothing requires us to know the Body so urgently as spiritual warfare,
because spiritual warfare is not an individual matter but a Body matter. No
individual believer can fight with the enemy; it takes the whole Body. If we
wish to learn spiritual warfare, we must first know the Body.
We must wait until the fourth stage [of the experience of life] to speak
of knowing the Body, because the Body referred to here is the mystical
Body of Christ, the church. This Body is formed by Christ as life in each of
us, Christ mingled with us. During the second and third stages of our
experience of life, we are still living in our own life; therefore, we cannot
know this life that mingles with us to form the Body. Only when our self life
has been utterly dealt with and we have the experience of passing through
the Jordan and entering into the fourth stage [of our spiritual life] will we
be able to touch the reality of this life of the Body and come to know the
Body. (CWWL, 1953, vol. 3,”The Experience of Life,” p. 479)
Today’s Reading
The Bible and our experience prove that though each one of us is a
member of Christ, the life in each one of us is not a member life but a Body
life….Each member [of our body] shares in common the same life together
with all the other members, that is, the life of the entire body….Similarly, in
the Body of Christ, when one member is joined to the Body or having
fellowship with the Body, his life is the life of the Body, and the life of the
Body is his life. It would not do for him to be separated from the other
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members, or vice versa, because the life in him and in the other members is
of the same Body; it can neither be distinguished nor separated. It is this
life that joins us together to become the Body of Christ; or, to say it more
precisely and emphatically, it is this life that mingles with us to become the
Body of Christ.
We cannot, however, experience this before the difficulties of the self
have been entirely dealt with. If we are still living according to the flesh, in
ourselves, and serving the Lord in our natural ability, the life of the Body,
which is Christ Himself in us, has no way of being manifested, and there is
no way for us to know the Body. The more we live by the flesh, the less we
feel the need for the support of the Body. If we live by our self-opinion, we
find no need for the sustaining of the church. If we serve with our natural
ability, we sense no need for the coordination of the members. Only when
our flesh has been dealt with, the self-opinion has been broken, and the
natural life has been smashed, will the life within cause us to realize that
we are simply members of the Body and that the life in us cannot be
independent. Hence, this life requires us to have fellowship with all other
members and be joined to them, and it also brings us into that fellowship
and the experience of being joined together. It is at this time that we begin
to know a little concerning the Body and become qualified to engage in
spiritual warfare.
On one hand, we say that if we want to fight the spiritual warfare and
deal with God’s difficulty we must first deal with our flesh, self, and
soul-life, thus solving our own difficulties; on the other hand, we say that in
order to fight the battle, we must first know the Body, and in order to know
the Body and live in the Body, we must first deal with our flesh, self, and
soul-life. Whether, therefore, we speak from the standpoint of fighting the
warfare or knowing the Body, we all must first pass through the preceding
three stages—coming out of the flesh, the self, and the soul-life—in order
to attain to the fourth stage of the experience of life. (CWWL, 1953, vol.
3,”The Experience of Life,” pp. 479-480)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1953, vol. 3,”The Experience of Life,” chs.
9-11, 15; CWWN, vol. 34,”The Glorious Church,” ch. 1

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WEEK 2 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
Eph. 4:13 Until we all arrive at the oneness of the faith and of the full
knowledge of the Son of God, at a full-grown man, at the measure of the
stature of the fullness of Christ.
6:11 Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the
stratagems of the devil.
2 Tim. 2:3 Suffer evil with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.
First, there is the need of the tabernacle as God’s embodiment. Then
God’s chosen people must experience all the aspects of the tabernacle until
they arrive at the incense altar to intercede for God’s interests and His
move. In particular, God’s people need to pray for the formation of the army
of the Lord, an army to fight for God’s move on earth. This is the reason the
census and the propitiation silver are mentioned [in Exodus 30]
immediately after the description of the incense altar. Actually, in verses 11
through 16 there is more emphasis on the census than on the ransom silver,
the propitiation silver. In verse 12 the Lord told Moses to take a sum, a
census, of the sons of Israel according to those who were numbered of
them. This numbering of the people is for the formation of an army.
(Life-study of Exodus, p. 1649)
Today’s Reading
If we would be in the army to fight for God’s move, we need to mature.
We need to grow until we come to the spiritual age of twenty. The
intercession offered at the incense altar is for this growth and maturity so
that the army can be formed. The more intercession there is at the incense
altar, the greater will be the urgency for God’s people to grow. More and
more we shall realize that the need for maturity is desperate. There is the
urgent need for more of us to grow, reach maturity, and thereby become
qualified to be formed into an army. Only when such an army has been
formed will God be able to move on earth for His purpose. Apart from an
army formed of mature ones, there is no way for God to move. Oh, God’s

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chosen people need to grow!
If the Lord’s recovery is to move on, a number of saints need to
experience all the aspects of the outer court and the tabernacle. They must
go to the altar and then enjoy Christ as their life supply at the table in the
Holy Place. Then they need to receive Christ as their light and experience
the breaking of their natural being in order to have the Ark, Christ as the
testimony of God. Eventually, they will reach the incense altar and intercede
for God’s move.
Some of the saints in the recovery have had this experience…. These
saints long to stay at the incense altar to pray,…“Lord, we call on You for
Your recovery. O Lord, move on. But look at today’s situation—there are
enemies everywhere. Lord, where is Your testimony? We pray that Your
testimony will go on.” This is the intercessory prayer offered at the incense
After we arrive at the incense altar and stay there for a period of time,
we shall not have the appetite to pray for material things, such as a house
or a car. Our only desire will be to pray for the Lord’s move. We shall be
burdened for His testimony throughout the earth. We shall pray,”Lord, may
Your recovery move on. O Lord, what about Your testimony on earth? Lord,
move on in Europe and in South America.” We may be so burdened to pray
for the Lord’s move that we shall not have the heart to pray for personal
matters. We shall leave all these matters, including concern for our health,
in the hand of the Lord. But even if we outwardly have some prayer for
personal matters or for our health, inwardly those things are not our real
concern. Our concern deep within is for the Lord’s recovery, move, and
The intercessory prayer at the incense altar makes it urgent for God to
have a census among His people so that an army can be formed to fight for
His move. This means that it is the prayer at the incense altar that leads to
the formation of the army….As a result of the prayer at the incense altar, the
Lord conducts a military census of the saints in the churches. Here and
there, He numbers His people. Those who are numbered are the ones
qualified to go to war. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 1653-1654, 1656-1657)
Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msg. 154
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‹‹ WEEK 2 — HYMN ››

Hymns, #395 O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me

Longings — For Growth in Christ

O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me,
And all things else recede;
My heart be daily nearer Thee,
From sin be daily freed.
Each day let Thy supporting might
My weakness still embrace;
My darkness vanish in Thy light,
Thy life my death efface.
In Thy bright beams which on me fall,
Fade every evil thought;
That I am nothing, Thou art all,
I would be daily taught.
More of Thy glory let me see,
Thou Holy, Wise, and True;
I would Thy living image be,
In joy and sorrow too.
Fill me with gladness from above,
Hold me by strength divine;

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Lord, let the glow of Thy great love
Through all my being shine.
Make this poor self grow less and less,
Be Thou my life and aim;
Oh, make me daily through Thy grace
More meet to bear Thy name.

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Week Three
The Change of Our Diet to the Heavenly Christ
as the Reality of the Heavenly Manna
So That We May Be Reconstituted with Christ
to Become God’s Dwelling Place
JL Hymns: 811
Scripture Reading: Num. 11:4-9; 21:5; Exo. 16:1-36; John 6:31-35,
48-51, 57-58, 63


Day 1
I. The heavenly Christ is the reality of the heavenly manna sent
by God to be the daily life supply of His chosen people—John
6:31-35, 48-51, 57-58, 63:
A. He is the heavenly bread as the bread that came down out of
heaven—vv. 31-32, 41-42, 49-50.
B. He is the bread of God as the One who is of God, who was sent
by God, and who was with God—v. 33.
C. He is the bread of life as the bread with eternal life, with zoe;
the bread of life refers to the nature of the bread, which is life;
it is like the tree of life, which also is the life supply”good for
food”—vv. 35, 48; Gen. 2:9.
D. He is the living bread; this refers to the condition of the bread,
which is living—John 6:51.
E. He is the true bread; He is the true food, and all other foods are
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merely shadows of Him as the real food; the reality of the food
that we eat daily is Jesus Christ—v. 32.
II. “As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the
Father, so he who eats Me, he also shall live because of Me… It
is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the
words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are life”—vv.
57, 63:
A. To eat is to take food into us that it may be assimilated
organically into our body; hence, to eat the Lord Jesus is to
receive Him into us that He may be assimilated by the
regenerated new man in the way of life.
B. We live not merely by Christ but because of Christ as our
energizing element and supplying factor; we live Christ in His
resurrection, and we live Christ by eating Him—Gal. 2:20; Phil.
C. We eat the Lord Jesus as our spiritual food, receiving Him as the
Spirit who gives life, by eating His words of spirit and life,
receiving His words by means of all prayer—Jer. 15:16 and
footnote 1; Eph. 6:17-18:
1. His spoken words are the embodiment of the Spirit of life; He is now the
life-giving Spirit in resurrection, and the Spirit is embodied in His words.
2. When we receive His words by exercising our spirit, we get the Spirit who
gives life—cf. Hymns, #612.

Day 2 & Day 3

III. God wants to change our diet to a diet of Christ as the real
manna sent by God the Father for God’s chosen people to be
reconstituted with Christ and to live because of Christ to
become God’s dwelling place—Exo. 16:1-36:
A. Although God’s people had been brought out of Egypt into the
wilderness of separation, they were still constituted with the
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element of Egypt, signifying the world; God’s intention was to
change their element by changing their diet in order to change
the nature of His people; He wanted to change their being, their
very constitution, to make them a heavenly people constituted
and transformed with the heavenly Christ.
B. For forty years God gave the children of Israel nothing to eat
but manna (v. 35; Num. 11:6); this shows that God’s intention in
His salvation is to work Himself into the believers in Christ and
to change their constitution by feeding them with Christ as
their unique heavenly food, thereby qualifying them to build up
the church as God’s dwelling place; in fact, after being
reconstituted with Christ, the believers themselves become the
dwelling place of God—cf. 1 Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19; 2 Cor. 6:16; 1
Tim. 3:15; Heb. 3:6; Rev. 21:2-3.
C. God’s way to deal with the flesh of His people is to put it aside
and not to feed it; for this reason He changes the diet of His
people and sends them food that their flesh does not like; the
mixed multitude and the people of Israel both abhorred and
were bored of the heavenly taste of manna and lusted for the
worldly taste of the Egyptian food—Num. 11:4-9; 21:5.
D. The Egyptian diet denotes all the things that we desire to feed
on in order to find satisfaction; America is the leading country
with respect to the Egyptian diet, the worldly entertainment;
whatever we desire, hunger, and thirst after is the diet
according to which our being has been constituted.
E. On the one hand, the heavenly manna nourishes us and heals us;
on the other hand, it eliminates the negative things in us.
F. How marvelous it was that God gave the people nothing except
manna; this indicates that He gave them nothing except Christ;
may the Lord take away the desire and hunger for anything
other than Christ!

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G. By feeding on manna, God’s people eventually became manna;
our constitution must be rearranged through the eating of
Christ so that the church as the dwelling place of God may be
built up; may the Lord change our diet so that we may be
reconstituted with Christ and become God’s dwelling
place—Matt. 16:18.
H. Along with the change of diet, we need a change of appetite; the
Lord Jesus said,”Work not for the food which perishes, but for
the food which abides unto eternal life”—John 6:27:
1. By food, we mean anything that we take into us for our satisfaction; Christ
Himself is the only food that does not perish; this food abides unto eternal
2. Whatever satisfies, strengthens, and sustains us is our food; the unique
food that we take for our sustenance, strength, and satisfaction must be
Christ alone.
3. All those who have been regenerated need to change their diet for a change
of appetite; God’s intention is to cut off the worldly diet and to limit us to a
diet of heavenly food, which is Christ.
4. We all should be able to say,”The Lord is the only One who satisfies me.
Apart from Him, I have no satisfaction. I am daily strengthened and
sustained by Christ. He is the only food on which I rely.”
I. The unique food that we take for our sustenance, strength, and
satisfaction must be Christ, and the one unique ministry in the
New Testament conveys Christ as the unique food for God’s
people—Num. 11:5-6; cf. Acts 1:17, 25; 2 Cor. 4:1; 1 Tim. 1:12; 2
Cor. 3:6.

Day 4
IV. We need to see and experience the characteristics of Christ as
our unique food, our daily manna, for our metabolic

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A. Manna is a mystery—Exo. 16:15; Col. 2:2; Isa. 9:6; Eph. 3:4; John
1. The Hebrew expression man hu, from which the word manna derives,
means”What is it?”—Exo. 16:15.
2. Just as we cannot analyze or explain manna, we cannot analyze or explain
the Lord Jesus; to the people of the world, Christ is the real manna, the
real”What is it?”
B. Manna is a long-term miracle; manna was sent every morning,
and it had to be gathered every morning; this indicates that we
cannot store up the supply of Christ but that the experience of
Christ as our life supply must be daily, morning by morning; as
our food, Christ will last for eternity—vv. 4, 21; cf. Matt. 6:34.
C. Manna is from heaven; on the one hand, the Lord Jesus is”the
bread out of heaven”; on the other hand, He is”the bread of God,”
the One who came down out of heaven to be our food—Exo.
16:4; John 6:32-33, 51.
D. Manna comes with the dew, which signifies the Lord’s
refreshing and watering grace brought in by His fresh
compassions; grace is God reaching us to refresh us and water
us—Exo. 16:13-14; Num. 11:9; Psa. 133:3; Lam. 3:22-23; Heb.
4:16; Psa. 110:3.
E. Manna comes in the morning, indicating that it gives us a new
beginning through our living contact with the Lord—Exo. 16:21;
cf. S. S. 1:6b; 7:12; John 5:39-40; Rom. 6:4; 7:6.
F. Manna is small; Christ was born in a manger, and He was raised
in the home of a carpenter in a small, despised town; this
indicates that the Lord did not make a display of His greatness
but preferred to be small in the eyes of man—Exo. 16:14b; Luke
2:12; John 6:35; cf. Judg. 9:9, 11, 13; Matt. 13:31-32.

Day 5
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G. Manna is fine, indicating that Christ is even and balanced and
that He became small enough for us to eat—Exo. 16:14; John
H. Manna is round, indicating that as our food, Christ is eternal,
perfect, and full, without shortage or defect—Exo. 16:14; John
I. Manna is white, showing that Christ is clean and pure, without
any mixture—Exo. 16:31; Psa. 12:6; 119:140; 2 Cor. 11:3b.
J. Manna is like frost, signifying that Christ not only cools and
refreshes us but also kills the negative things within us—Exo.
16:14; Prov. 17:27.
K. Manna is like coriander seed, indicating that Christ is full of life
that grows in us and multiplies—Num. 11:7; Luke 8:11.
L. Manna is solid (implied in the fact that the people”ground it
between two millstones or beat it in a mortar, then they boiled
it in pots”—Num. 11:8), signifying that after gathering Christ as
manna, we must prepare Him for our eating by”grinding,
beating, and boiling” Him in the situations and circumstances
of our daily living—cf. 2 Cor. 1:4; Eph. 6:18.
M. Manna’s appearance is like that of bdellium, indicating the
brightness and transparency of Christ—Num. 11:7; Rev. 4:6, 8;
Ezek. 1:18.
N. Manna’s taste is like that of cakes baked in oil, signifying the
fragrance of the Holy Spirit in the taste of Christ—Num. 11:8;
Psa. 92:10.
O. Manna’s taste is like that of wafers made with honey, signifying
the sweetness of the taste of Christ—Exo. 16:31; Psa. 119:103.
P. Manna is good for making cakes, indicating that Christ is like
fine cakes good for nourishment—Num. 11:8; 1 Tim. 4:6.

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Day 6
V. The open manna is manna that we have not eaten, whereas
the hidden manna refers to manna that we have eaten,
digested, and assimilated—Rev. 2:17:
A. “Do not think that it is impossible for you to be an overcomer.
You can become an overcomer by enjoying Christ as manna. Eat
the open manna, and Christ will become the hidden manna.
This hidden manna will constitute you into an
overcomer”—Life-study of Exodus, pp. 459-460.
B. Whatever we eat, digest, and assimilate of Christ will be an
eternal memorial; what we shall recall concerning Christ in
eternity will have two aspects: the aspect of the enjoyment of
Christ as our reconstituting element and the aspect of Christ as
the supply to make us God’s dwelling place in the
universe—Exo. 16:16, 32.
C. Just as the manna in the golden pot was the focal point of God’s
dwelling place, so Christ as the manna eaten by us is the focal
point of God’s building today—Heb. 9:3-4; Eph. 4:16; Col. 2:19.

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2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 58
WEEK 3 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment
John 6:32-33 …My Father gives you the true bread out of heaven. For the
bread of God is He who comes down out of heaven and gives life to the
48 I am the bread of life.
57 As the living Father has sent Me and I live because of the Father, so he who
eats Me, he also shall live because of Me.
In John 6:57 the word because implies that there is a factor. The word
by (used in the KJV), however, indicates an instrument, not a factor. To walk
by Christ implies that Christ is the instrument for walking, as a cane is used
for walking. To walk because of Him indicates that He is the factor of our
walking. We do not live by Christ, taking Christ as our instrument; rather,
we live because of Christ, taking Christ as a factor of our living. The food
that we eat is not an instrument but a supplying factor. We live not by food
but because of the food. Food supplies us so that we can live because of its
supply. In using a cane as an instrument to walk, there is no need to eat the
cane, but to live because of food, we must eat the food. Without eating, food
cannot become a factor of our living. We live Christ in His resurrection, and
we live Christ by eating Him. Eating brings in a factor to our being. When
we eat a good breakfast in the morning, the nourishment we receive
energizes us. The energizing element of Christ is a supply, a factor, for us to
live Christ. (CWWL, 1989, vol. 3,”The Experience and Growth in Life,” pp.
Today’s Reading
John 6 is unique in giving many details concerning the Lord Jesus as
the bread of life…. As the bread of life [vv. 35, 48], He is the bread that came
down out of heaven (vv. 41, 50, 51, 58), He is the bread of God (v. 33), He is
the living bread (v. 51), and He is the true bread (v. 32). Here we have five
characteristics of the Lord as our bread: the heavenly bread, the bread of
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 59
God, the bread of life, the living bread, and the true bread. As the bread that
came down out of heaven, He is the heavenly bread. As the bread of God, He
is of God, He was sent by God, and He was with God. As the bread of life, He
is the bread with eternal life, with zoe. As the living bread, He is living. The
bread of life refers to the nature of the bread, which is life; the living bread
refers to the condition of the bread, which is living. As the true bread,
Christ is the bread of truth, or reality. Christ is true, real. He is the true food,
and all other kinds of food are merely shadows of Him as the real food. The
physical food that we take in every day is a shadow of Christ. The reality of
the food we eat daily is Jesus Christ. Christ is the true bread of life sent by
God to bring us eternal life. We all need Christ to be the bread of life to us.
Today this bread is not merely the incarnated, crucified, resurrected, and
ascended Christ but the Christ who has become the life-giving Spirit.
In John 6:63 the Lord Jesus said,”It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh
profits nothing; the words which I have spoken to you are spirit and are
life.”…Here the Lord explained that what He would give us to eat is not the
meat of His physical body; the meat, which is the flesh, profits nothing.
What the Lord gives us is the Spirit who gives life. Here the”words” follow
the Spirit. The Spirit is living and real but rather mysterious, intangible, and
difficult for us to apprehend. However, the Lord’s words are substantial.
First, the Lord indicated that for giving life He would become the Spirit.
Then He said that the words He speaks are spirit and life. This indicates
that His spoken words are the embodiment of the life-giving Spirit. He is
now the life-giving Spirit in resurrection, and the Spirit is embodied in His
words. When we receive His words by exercising our spirit, we receive the
Spirit who is life. (CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle
and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” pp. 209, 216, 215)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The Fulfillment of the
Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” chs. 18-19; CWWL,
1989, vol. 3,”The Experience and Growth in Life,” ch. 3

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WEEK 3 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
Exo. 16:35 And the children of Israel ate the manna forty years, until they
came to inhabitable land;…until they came to the border of the land of
Num. 11:6 But now our appetite has gone; there is nothing at all but this
manna to look at.
John 6:51 I am the living bread which came down out of heaven; if anyone
eats of this bread, he shall live forever…
According to God’s economy, we should live on Christ and on Christ
alone. Christ should be our unique diet, and we should live by Him. We
should not seek to live on any other food. Whatever satisfies, strengthens,
and sustains us is our food. The unique food we take for our sustenance,
strength, and satisfaction must be Christ. However, many believers do not
take Christ as their unique source of satisfaction, strength, and sustenance.
Instead, they are trying to be satisfied, sustained, and strengthened by
other things. Because God wants us to live on Christ, we should be
sustained, strengthened, and satisfied by Christ alone.
God wants to change our diet. His intention is to cut off the worldly
diet and to limit us to a diet of heavenly food, which is Christ. Because
terms such as temptation and loving the world have been used in a light
way in Christianity, I prefer not to use them in speaking of the divine
revelation in Exodus 16. I wish to inquire concerning your diet. On what are
you living day by day? What do you take in to satisfy, sustain, and
strengthen you? We all must face these questions and answer them. We all
should be able to say,”The Lord is the only One who satisfies me. Apart from
Him, I have no satisfaction. I am daily strengthened and sustained by Christ.
He is the only food on which I rely.” (Life-study of Exodus, p. 418)
Today’s Reading

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The people in the world, however, live by many different kinds of
foods, …things such as education, sports, and amusements. Just as there are
supermarkets for physical groceries, there are also psychological and
religious supermarkets for psychological and religious groceries….Before
we were saved, we were in Egypt enjoying the Egyptian diet with all the
other unsaved people. But we have been saved and have made our exodus
out of Egypt. Now God intends to change our diet. However, we may still
desire to sit by the fleshpots in Egypt, to feed on cucumbers, melons, onions,
leeks, and garlic, or to enjoy fish from the Nile. Therefore, we face the
problem of having more than one element in our diet. We also have the
problem of living on many things other than Christ. For example, although I
encourage the young people to get a good education, I must remind them
not to live on education. Education should not become our diet. From the
time I was saved at the age of nineteen, Christ has been my satisfying food. I
have obtained certain good things, but none of these things has satisfied me
even once.
The Christ who is our food is the Christ who has become subjective to
us. He is the processed God indwelling our spirit as the all-inclusive Spirit.
On the one hand, Christ is in heaven as the Lord of all; on the other hand,
He is dwelling in our spirit as the all-inclusive life-giving Spirit… We
fellowship with the Spirit in our spirit….He is within us subjectively! The
main purpose for His being so subjective to us is that He may be our food,
our life supply. Anything which is to be our food and life supply must be
something that can enter into us and then be assimilated by us. It must be
taken in and become part of the very tissue and fiber of our being….
Whenever we eat a certain food, we join ourselves to that food.
For example, when I eat fish for dinner, I join myself to the fish. In the
same principle, when we eat Christ as our real food, we are joined to Him
and become one spirit with Him [cf. 1 Cor. 6:17]. Hence, the Christ who is
subjective to us, to whom we are joined and with whom we are one spirit,
is our food, our heavenly manna. Feeding on Christ and living by Him
should not be an occasional practice. Rather, it should be the way we live
twenty-four hours a day. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 417-419)
Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msg. 35
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WEEK 3 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
John 6:27 Work not for the food which perishes, but for the food which abides
unto eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you…
1 Cor. 3:16 Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the
Spirit of God dwells in you?
The heavenly diet fulfills God’s purpose. Those who built the
tabernacle were not Egyptians. They were those with a heavenly
constitution. It was at least four months after the children of Israel left
Egypt that they began to build the tabernacle. During these months, their
diet had been changed and their constitution was at least in the process of
changing and of being replaced with the element of manna. By feeding on
manna, God’s people eventually became manna. As those constituted of
manna, they could build the tabernacle as God’s dwelling place. This
picture shows that only those who have been reconstituted with Christ are
qualified to build up the church as God’s dwelling place today. (Life-study of
Exodus, pp. 408-409)
Today’s Reading
In order for God’s purpose to be accomplished, His people had to be
reconstituted with manna. This reveals that our constitution must be
rearranged through the eating of Christ. Christ must replace the Egyptian
diet. For the building of the church, we all need to be reconstituted with
Christ. Remember that those who built the tabernacle had experienced a
change of diet and had begun to be reconstituted with the element of
manna. Only such people can build God’s dwelling place. In fact, after being
reconstituted, they themselves are the dwelling place of God.
We need to ask ourselves what we hunger and thirst for and what kind
of appetite we have. Our diet must change from an Egyptian diet to a
heavenly diet. We must turn from the fleshpots, the fish, the cucumbers, the
melons, the onions, the garlic, and the leeks to Christ, the unique heavenly
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 63
food supplied by God. For Christ to be our diet means that He is everything
to us. He is even our television, entertainment, music, newspapers, and
sports. We all should be able to testify that the Lord has changed our diet
from so many items to just one, the heavenly manna…. May the Lord change
our diet so that we may be reconstituted with Christ and become God’s
dwelling place.
The Lord Jesus said,”Work not for the food which perishes, but for the
food which abides unto eternal life” (John 6:27). Today all the people in the
world are working for the food which perishes. This perishing food
includes things such as television, sports, music, and entertainments. All
satisfaction of this kind will perish. Christ Himself is the only food which
does not perish. This food abides unto eternal life.
By food we mean anything we take into us for our satisfaction. If we
understand this principle, we shall realize that today’s worldly food
consists not only of physical food, but also of all other things people live on,
including education, money, position, promotion, sports, and entertainment.
The worldly people have physical food and psychological food, but they do
not have spiritual food. Instead of working for the food which abides to
eternal life, they labor for the food which perishes.
The Lord Jesus is the real manna. In John 6 He indicates that we should
seek Him and eat Him. However, not many Christians realize the need for a
change of diet….This is the reason that Exodus 16 is even more crucial than
Exodus 12. In chapter 12 we see a people who have been redeemed, but we
do not see a people who have been reconstituted. At the time of chapter 14,
God’s people had come out of Egypt, but Egypt had not come out of them.
According to their constitution, they were still Egyptians. Thus, God’s
intention was to change their constitution by changing their diet. By the
time the children of Israel had built the tabernacle, their diet had been
changed. Their constitution had probably begun to change also. When they
were building the tabernacle, they did not eat Egyptian food. Instead, their
diet consisted of manna. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 409-411)
Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msgs. 32-35

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WEEK 3 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Exo. 16:21 And they gathered it morning by morning, each one according to
his eating; and when the sun became hot, it melted.
S. S. 7:12 Let us rise up early for the vineyards; let us see if the vine has
budded, if the blossom is open, if the pomegranates are in bloom; there I
will give you my love.
Rom. 6:4 …We might walk in newness of life.
Exodus 16:21 says that the children of Israel”gathered it morning by
morning.” The fact that manna came in the morning indicates that it gives
us a new beginning. Because the earth revolves on its axis daily, every day
we have a new beginning, a new turn. We also have new beginnings
monthly and yearly. Manna is not related to the yearly or monthly
beginnings, but to a daily new beginning. If God sent the manna yearly, we
could not survive. If manna were sent monthly, we would not be
strengthened, sustained, and satisfied. Thank the Lord that He sends the
manna daily.
In our spiritual experience we need these daily turns, these daily new
beginnings. Sometimes at the end of the day I am eagerly awaiting the next
morning and a new beginning. As I go to bed at night, I may say,”Lord, after
resting tonight, I expect to have a new beginning with You in the morning.”
Praise the Lord for every new day, for every new beginning! Manna always
brings us such a new start. (Life-study of Exodus, p. 430)
Today’s Reading
We may also say that every new beginning brings us fresh manna. If
you expect to receive manna from the Lord, you need to pray,”Lord, I am
ready for a new turn. I don’t want to live the same way as in the past. I want
to have a new beginning with You.” As you come to the Lord in the morning,
are you willing to pray like this? If you tell Him that you are ready for a new

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start, you will experience the dew, and with the dew, the manna. However,
if your desire is to relive the past, to live the same kind of life you did years
ago, manna will not come to you. From my experience I can assure you that
manna comes whenever you are willing to have a new beginning. In the
morning let us come to the Lord and say,”Lord, I want a new beginning. I do
not want to be the same as yesterday. I thank You, Lord, that in Your
sovereignty and in Your economy, You offer us a new beginning every day of
the year.” If you pray to the Lord in this way, eager for a new beginning, the
manna will come in the morning with the dew.
Daily we need to go on with the Lord. We should not only read the
Bible, but also deal with the living person of Christ who dwells in us. As we
read the words of the Scripture, we must contact this living person. Instead
of being occupied with doctrines or methods, we should desperately seek
the Lord Himself. If we pursue the Lord in this way, we shall have a new
beginning with Him every morning.
Our time with the Lord in the morning should not be according to
tradition or custom. The custom in some households is to rise early and
then spend time reading the Bible. But it is possible to read the Word every
morning without gathering any manna, for we may not have living contact
with the Lord. The printed words in the Bible do not give us life. In John
5:39 and 40 the Lord Jesus said to the religionists,”You search the
Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is
these that testify concerning Me. Yet you are not willing to come to Me that
you may have life.” If we want to receive life, we must come to the Lord. To
have life we must have Him.
As we seek the Lord for a new beginning and for the supply of manna,
we need to turn to our spirit. However, it is easy for us to exercise the mind
instead of the spirit. Because this is our tendency, it is a good habit to
contact the Lord in the Word before we become occupied with the affairs of
the day….The first thing we should do each morning is to come to the Lord
in the Word and feed on Him. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 430-434)
Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msgs. 36-37

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WEEK 3 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
Exo. 16:14 And when the layer of dew lifted, there upon the surface of the
wilderness were fine round flakes, fine as the frost on the earth.
John 6:35 Jesus said to them, I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me shall
by no means hunger…
Psa. 119:140 Your word is very pure, and Your servant loves it.
Contrary to the human concept, manna was something small (Exo
16:14b). People usually appreciate something that is great, and we often
praise the Lord for His greatness. However, where can you find hymns of
praise for the smallness of Christ? We have looked through many hymnals,
but have not found any hymns on Christ’s smallness. Building materials
may be very large, but food must be small enough to fit into our mouth. The
food taken in by us must be small enough to eat. If we want to eat a large
piece of meat, we need to first cut it into small pieces.
Many regard the four Gospels as the record of the life of a great person.
Actually the Gospels do not emphasize Christ’s greatness. Yes, the Lord
Jesus was a descendant of David, a descendant of a royal family. However,
He was born in a manger, and He was raised in the home of a carpenter in a
small, despised town. This indicates that the Lord did not make a display of
His greatness. On the contrary, He preferred to be small in the eyes of man.
According to John 6, the crowd wanted to enthrone the Lord Jesus as a king,
but He fled from such an exaltation of Himself. The next day He returned
and presented Himself as the bread of life (John 6:35)…. Instead of being
great, the Lord wanted to be small in order to be food for us. (Life-study of
Exodus, pp. 435-436)
Today’s Reading
Manna was very fine and even [Exo 16:14a]….Even in virtues such as
kindness or humility, we may be rough and unbalanced….When we take the

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Lord Jesus as our food, enjoying His word as our life supply, we are
balanced. We become fine and even.
Exodus 16:31 indicates that manna was white. It was clean and pure,
without any kind of mixture….Only Christ and His word are pure. The more
we feast on Christ and eat His word, the more we are purified and saved
from every kind of mixture. If we come daily to the Lord Jesus and take Him
into us and feed on His word, we shall undergo a process of purification
that makes us more and more pure. Those who feed on Christ eventually
become simple and pure. Most people are complicated…. The only way to
be simplified is to eat the Lord Jesus. The more we eat Him and receive His
word, the more we are simplified. In this way we become single and pure.
As we partake of Christ as our manna, we are not only purified and
simplified, but we also become white. To be white means to be without
stain….Although we may be good in certain respects, we may not be white.
For example, our love and humility may have a certain natural color.
Actually, none of our human virtues is white. But the more we take in Christ
as our life supply, the more our natural color is eliminated, and the whiter
we become.
The manna was also like frost (16:14). Frost is something between
dew and snow. Both dew and frost are refreshing. But although dew
refreshes, it does not kill germs. Frost, however, does kill germs. As manna,
not only does Christ refresh us; He also kills the negative things within us.
Whenever we experience Christ as the life supply, we are watered and
refreshed, and the negative things within us, such as our negative attitudes,
are put to death. We experience both the refreshing of the frost and its
killing. All the worldly people are too hot in their pursuit of sinful pleasures
and worldly amusements. Many of today’s Christians are also too hot, too
feverish; they need to be cooled down… We all need the experience of frost.
Because we are so hot in certain matters, we need to become cool and
sober…. As we partake of Christ and His word, we are cooled down and
refreshed by the frost. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 438-440)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1969, vol. 2,”The Crucial Revelation of Life in
the Scriptures,” ch. 3

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WEEK 3 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
Exo. 16:32 …This is what Jehovah has commanded, Let an omerful of it be
kept throughout your generations, that they may see the bread which I fed
you in the wilderness, when I brought you out from the land of Egypt.
Rev. 2:17 …To him who overcomes, to him I will give of the hidden manna,
and to him I will give a white stone…
The hidden manna is for the overcomers. The open manna was for the
enjoyment of the Lord’s people in a public way; the hidden manna is a
special portion reserved for His overcoming seekers who overcome the
degradation of the worldly church. While the church goes the way of the
world, these overcomers come forward to abide in the presence of God in
the Holy of Holies, where they enjoy the hidden Christ as a special portion
for their daily supply.
Do not think that it is impossible for you to be an overcomer. You can
become an overcomer by enjoying Christ as manna. Eat the open manna,
and Christ will become the hidden manna. This hidden manna will
constitute you into an overcomer. It will also fulfill the requirements of the
inner law of life and bring you into peace. As a result, you will be an
overcomer according to Revelation 2:17. (Life-study of Exodus, pp.
Today’s Reading
God commanded the people to keep one omer of manna, the very
amount they collected and ate each day [Exo. 16:16,32]. This indicates that
the amount of Christ we eat is the amount we can preserve. God does not
command us to preserve any other kind of food before Him. But He does
require us to preserve an amount of Christ which equals the amount we
have eaten of Him.
Only the Christ we have eaten and experienced is worthy of
remembrance. The Christ whom we enjoy will be an eternal memorial,
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 69
because the Christ we experience and enjoy becomes our very constitution.
He actually becomes the reconstituting element for God’s people, that
element which causes them to be reconstituted. Nothing of what we are,
what we have, or what we can do is worthy of remembrance. Only the
Christ who has become our constitution is worthy to be an eternal
memorial. What we remember in eternity will be nothing other than Christ.
For generation after generation, Christ will be our memorial.
According to the Bible, this memorial of manna indicates that as the
real manna Christ is the source of supply for God’s dwelling place. Christ is
the heavenly supply to God’s people for God’s dwelling place on earth….
With manna as their supply the children of Israel built the tabernacle. The
tabernacle was a symbol of the children of Israel, who were the real
dwelling place of God by being supplied with manna and reconstituted with
it. In this sense, the supply of manna even became the tabernacle.
What we shall recall concerning Christ in eternity will have two
aspects: the aspect of the enjoyment of Christ as our reconstituting element
and the aspect of Christ as the supply to make us God’s dwelling place in
the universe. These two aspects are clearly related to our experience in the
Lord’s recovery today. By taking Christ as our life supply, meeting after
meeting we are enjoying Christ as our constituent, and we are building up
God’s dwelling place. These aspects of our experience of Christ will become
a memorial in eternity. Do not think that when we are in eternity we shall
not remember our experience today. On the contrary, we shall remember
how we enjoyed Christ and how we took Him as our supply to become
God’s dwelling place. This is manna preserved as a memorial before God.
We are identical to the tabernacle in the Old Testament. Our spirit
deep within is the Holy of Holies. In our spirit we have Christ as the Ark of
God. The manna not eaten by us remains open, under the sky. But the
manna we eat becomes hidden within us. Many Christians know only the
open manna. Because they do not eat Christ as their manna, they do not
have the hidden manna. But to those of us who are daily eating of the
manna, the open manna is becoming the hidden manna. (Life-study of
Exodus, pp. 450-453)
Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msgs. 38 -39
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‹‹ WEEK 3 — HYMN ››

Hymns, #554 I come to His presence afresh

Experience of Christ — Fellowship with Him

1 I come to His presence afresh

Ere the night has passed into morning;
And His face I see as it shines on me-
The Lord within is dawning.
And He speaks to me and reveals to me
All His riches for me today;
And with sweet delight I partake of Him,
My hunger has passed away.
2 As Spirit He speaks thru the Word
Till my heart in echo is singing,
And the fount of life with His grace and pow’r
Within my soul is springing.
And He speaks to me and reveals to me
All His riches for me today;
And I drink of Him for my every need,
My thirsting has passed away.
3 In tenderness He deals with me,
While I stay with joy in His presence;
And He saturates and supplies my soul
With all His precious essence.
And He speaks to me and reveals to me
All His riches for me today;

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And in every way I partake of Him,
My problems all passed away.

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Week Four
Speaking to the Rock to Drink of the Spirit
as the Water of Life and Digging the Well
to Allow the Spirit as the Water of Life
to Flow Freely within Us
MC Hymns: 1198, 250
Scripture Reading: Exo. 17:6; Num. 20:8; 21:16-18; 1 Cor. 12:13;
John 4:10, 14; 7:37-39; 19:34; 1 Cor. 10:4; Rev. 22:1-2


Day 1
I. The striking of the rock is a clear, complete, and full picture
of Christ’s crucifixion—Exo. 17:6:
A. In this type, Moses signifies the law, and the staff represents the
power and authority of the law.
B. Hence, the striking of the rock by Moses’ staff signifies that
Christ was put to death on the cross by the authority of God’s
law—cf. Gal. 2:19-20a; 3:13.
C. Christ as the living, spiritual rock was smitten by the authority
of God’s law so that the water of life in resurrection could flow
out of Him and into His redeemed people for them to
drink—Exo. 17:6; 1 Cor. 10:4:
1. Christ is our begetting rock and the rock who is our salvation, strength,
refuge, hiding place, protection, covering, and safeguard—Deut. 32:18; 2
Sam. 22:47; Psa. 95:1; 62:7; 94:22; Isa. 32:2.

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2. Blood and water flowed out of the Lord’s pierced side on the cross; the
blood for our judicial redemption saves us from the guilt of sin, and the
water of life in resurrection for our organic salvation saves us from the
power of sin—Gen. 2:21-22; John 19:34; Zech. 13:1; Psa. 36:8-9; Rev. 21:6;
Hymns, #1058, stanza 1.

Day 2
D. The water that came out of the rock is the water of life in
1. Resurrection denotes something that has been put to death and is alive
again; it also denotes life that springs forth out of something that has
passed through death.
2. The water that flowed out of the smitten rock sprang forth only after the
major steps of incarnation, human living, and crucifixion had been
accomplished; hence, Exodus 17:6 is a profound verse, implying Christ’s
incarnation, human living, and death.
3. The Spirit as the living water for us to drink and flow out could be received
only after the Lord Jesus had been glorified, that is, only after Christ had
entered into resurrection—John 7:37-39; Luke 24:26.
4. Actually, the water of life, the flowing water, is resurrection; resurrection is
the Triune God—the Father as the source, the Son as the course, and the
Spirit as the flow—John 5:26; 11:25.
E. The source of the water of life is the throne of God and of the
Lamb—the redeeming God; hence, the water of life is the
Triune God flowing out to be our life—Rev. 22:1:
1. The flow of the living water began from the throne in eternity, continued
through the incarnation, human living, and crucifixion of Christ (John 4:10,
14; 19:34), and now flows on in resurrection to supply God’s people with all
the riches of the divine life (Rev. 22:1-2).
2. The flowing of the water of life in resurrection is for the building up of the
Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13) and the preparation of the bride of Christ (Rev.
19:7), both of which will consummate in the New Jerusalem (21:9-10; cf.
Eph. 5:23, 28-30).
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Day 3
F. John 4:14b reveals a flowing Triune God—the Father is the
fountain, the Son is the spring, and the Spirit is the flowing river,
issuing in the totality of the eternal life, the New Jerusalem.
G. The entire Triune God was involved in the water flowing out of
the smitten rock for the people to drink—God [the Father] was
standing upon the rock, the rock was Christ [the Son], and the
living water coming out of the rock signifies the drinkable and
outflowing Spirit as the ultimate issue of the Triune God—Exo.
17:6; 1 Cor. 10:4; John 7:37-39.
H. Our drinking of the one Spirit in resurrection makes us
members of the Body, builds us up as the Body, and prepares us
to be the bride of Christ—1 Cor. 12:13; Rev. 22:17.
II. To receive the living water from the crucified Christ, we need
only to”take the rod” and”speak to the rock”—Num. 20:8:
A. Since Christ has been crucified and the Spirit has been given,
there is no need for Christ to be crucified again, that is, no need
to strike the rock again, that the living water may flow; in God’s
economy Christ should be crucified only once—Heb. 7:27;
B. To take the rod is to identify with Christ in His death and apply
the death of Christ to ourselves and to our situation.
C. When we identify ourselves with the smitten Christ, that is,
when we are one with Him as the smitten Christ, the divine life
as the living water flows out of us—Exo. 17:6; John 7:38; cf. S. S.
2:8-9, 14; Phil. 3:10.
D. To speak to the rock is to speak a direct word to Christ as the
smitten rock, asking Him to give us the Spirit of life based on
the fact that the Spirit has already been given—cf. John 4:10;
Hymns, #248.
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E. If we apply the death of Christ to ourselves and ask Christ in
faith to give us the Spirit, we will receive the living Spirit as the
bountiful supply of life—Phil. 1:19.
F. Moses should have simply spoken to the rock, telling it to flow
forth with water (Num. 20:8); if we deal with the contending of
God’s people in this way today, the church life will be glorious.

Day 4
III. Whereas the rock in Numbers 20:8 typifies Christ on the
cross, smitten by God so that the living water, the Spirit of life,
may flow out into us, the well in Numbers 21:16-18 typifies
Christ within us—John 4:11-12, 14:
A. The digging of the well (Num. 21:18) signifies the digging away
of the”dirt,” the barriers in our heart—our conscience, our
mind, our will, and our emotion—so that the Spirit as the living
water may spring up within us and flow freely.
B. We need to go to the Lord to be”dug out” for the free flow of the
living water within us; there is much”dirt” within us that needs
to be dug out:

Day 5
1. We must dig away the many things condemned by the Lord in our heart;
not many brothers and sisters have a pure heart in seeking only the Lord
Himself—Matt. 5:8:
a. On the one hand, many are seeking the Lord and His way, but on the
other hand, they are still seeking things other than the Lord Himself.
b. Our loving and seeking the Lord may be with a complicated heart; the aim
and goal of our heart are not so pure; we do not know how many goals are
within our heart, such as our family, our job, our degree, and our
concerns about our future.
2. If we would experience a free, inward flow of the Spirit, our conscience

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must be dealt with and purified—Heb. 9:14; 10:22; 1 Tim. 1:5, 19; 1 Pet.
3:16, 21; 1 John 1:7:
a. When we refuse to do what the Lord commands, this becomes an
accusation in our conscience; these accusations are the dirt that needs to
be dug away.
b. We need to go to the Lord again and again in our spirit and be dug in His
presence; by the help of the Holy Spirit we must dig away all the dirt.
c. A conscience void of offense means to be free from any kind of offense or
accusation—Acts 24:16.

Day 6
3. We must dig away the dirt in our mind; the Lord wants to transform us by
the renewing of our mind—Rom. 12:2; Eph. 4:23; Rom. 8:6; 2 Cor. 10:4-5:
a. Many who are regenerated are just like the people of the world in their
thinking about fashion; they dress in conformity to the modern age.
b. Many who are regenerated continue to use their money in the same way
as those in the world; not until they love the Lord more and give the Lord
more ground to work within them will they be transformed in their way of
spending money.
c. Many young people studying in the colleges have the same thoughts about
their studies and degrees as other worldly young people; if their minds
were being renewed, they would not give up their studies, but they would
have the Lord’s point of view in which to evaluate their studies.
d. Our mind has been blinded by the many imaginations that we have day by
day; the heaps of dirt are simply the many thoughts, imaginations, and
dreams, which must be dug away before the living water can freely flow.
4. We must dig away the dirt in our will; there are not many who are
absolutely and utterly obedient to the Lord:
a. Many times we do not submit ourselves to the Lord’s sovereign
arrangement in our environment—cf. Phil. 4:11-13.
b. Sometimes we think that we are quite submissive to the Lord, but when
He puts us into certain circumstances, we are exposed.

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c. Many experiences and circumstances under His sovereignty simply
expose us to the light so that we may know how stubborn our will is.
d. The will must be wholly submissive, and not only submissive but in
harmony with the will of God; then every decision that we make will be an
expression of Christ—Luke 22:42; James 4:7; Phil. 2:13.
5. After digging away the dirt from the will, we need to deal with our emotion:
a. When we are emotional, we are occupied with ourselves; we are under the
bondage and control of our emotion.
b. The regulating of our love must be under the control of the Lord, and we
must always be ready to exercise our emotion according to the Lord’s
pleasure—Matt. 10:37-39; Phil. 1:8.
c. We all must learn to deal with our emotion according to the pleasure and
joy of the Lord; we must learn that whatever we hate or love, whatever we
like or dislike, must be done under the permission of the Lord with His
d. If our emotion is kept under the rule of the Lord with His pleasure and
joy, it will be saturated with the spirit and transformed.
6. We must forget about our needs, our jobs, our future, and our
circumstances; we must seek only the Lord’s presence and ask Him to
bring us into His light; then we can follow His light to dig away the dirt in
our heart, conscience, mind, will, and emotion—Isa. 2:5; Luke 11:34-36; 1
John 1:5, 7, 9.
7. This digging is accomplished only by prayer in our private time with the
Lord; we have to spend more time with the Lord and pray according to His
inner leading.
8. The more we dig away the dirt, the more living, strengthened, and
victorious we will be as the living water flows freely within us to cause us to
grow in life for the building up of the Body of Christ—we need to sing and
pray over Hymns, #250.

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WEEK 4 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment
Exo. 17:6 I will be standing before you there upon the rock in Horeb; and you
shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it so that the people may
drink. And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.
1 Cor. 10:4 And all drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank of a spiritual
rock which followed them, and the rock was Christ.
Although it is rather easy to grind coriander seed, it is difficult to smite
a rock so that it splits open. It is one thing to beat manna with a mortar, but
it is quite another thing to cause a huge rock to be cleft. The Lord told
Moses to use his rod to”strike the rock, and water will come out of it so that
the people may drink” (Exo. 17:6). We need to pay careful attention to the
fact that the rock was smitten by the rod of Moses. In typology, Moses
signifies the law, and the rod represents the power and authority of the law.
The rock, of course, typifies Christ. The smiting of the rock by the rod
signifies that Christ was smitten by the authority of God’s law. In the eyes of
God, the Lord Jesus was put to death, not by the Jews, but by the law of God.
During the first three hours of His crucifixion, Christ suffered under the
hand of man. But during the last three hours, Christ suffered because He
was smitten by the power of God’s law. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 471-472)
Today’s Reading
In many places the Bible tells us that God is our rock. Deuteronomy
32:18 refers to God as the rock who begot us. This indicates that as our
rock God is our Father. This rock is a begetting rock, full of life. In 2 Samuel
22:47 and Psalm 95:1 we see that God is the rock of our salvation.
Furthermore, this rock is our strength (Psa. 62:7) and our refuge (Psa.
94:22). This rock is our hiding place, protection, covering, and safeguard.
Isaiah 32:2 speaks of the Lord as”the shadow of a massive rock in a wasted
land.” When we are weary [wasted], we can rest under the shadow cast by
this rock and be refreshed. This rock, which was waiting in a dry place for
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God’s people, has been smitten so the people may have living water to
The water flowing out of the smitten rock typifies the Spirit. John 7:37
and 38 say,”Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and
cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who
believes into Me, as the Scripture said, out of his innermost being shall flow
rivers of living water.” This word was uttered on the last day of the Feast of
Tabernacles. John 7:39 goes on to say,”But this He said concerning the Spirit,
whom those who believed into Him were about to receive.” This indicates
clearly that the flowing water signifies the Spirit.
Many years ago I read an article which said that in Jerusalem in
ancient times, when the Israelites celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles, they
set up a rock. According to this article, over the rock waters were flowing as
a reminder that the forefathers of the Jews had wandered in the wilderness
and had drunk of the waters which flowed out of the smitten rock. Near the
rock there also may have been tents showing that the forefathers lived in
tents and wandered in the wilderness, but had the smitten rock with the
living water to quench their thirst. Such a picture may have literally been in
the background when the Lord Jesus stood up to call the thirsty ones to
come to Him and drink.
Another reference to flowing water is in John 19:34. Here we are told
that after the Lord had died on the cross,”one of the soldiers pierced His
side with a spear, and immediately there came out blood and water.” This
was prefigured by the water flowing out of the smitten rock. (Life-study of
Exodus, pp. 472-473)
The blood was for redemption, and the water was for life impartation.
Christ as the living rock had to be smitten by the power of the law in order
for the living water to flow out from Him. (CWWL, 1969, vol. 2,”The Crucial
Revelation of Life in the Scriptures,” p. 417)
Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msgs. 40-41

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WEEK 4 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
John 7:37-39 Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and
cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who
believes into Me, as the Scripture said, out of his innermost being shall
flow rivers of living water. But this He said concerning the Spirit, whom
those who believed into Him were about to receive; for the Spirit was not
yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.
Resurrection denotes something which has been put to death and
which is alive again. It also denotes life which springs forth out of
something that has passed through death. The living water in Exodus 17
came out of a rock…. In the Bible this rock speaks of God’s redemption and
Christ’s incarnation. It also speaks of Christ’s humanity and of His death.
The water that flowed out of the smitten rock sprang forth after
incarnation, human living, and death. It flowed only after these major steps
of Christ had been accomplished. The Bible tells us clearly that the rock
was Christ [1 Cor. 10:4]. How could Christ, who is God, become a rock? This
implies incarnation and human living. In order to be the rock, Christ had to
become incarnated and live among men for a period of time. Eventually,
when He was on the cross, He was smitten by the authority of God’s law.
Hence, Exodus 17:6 is a profound verse. It implies Christ’s incarnation,
human living, and death. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 488-489)
Today’s Reading
According to John 7:38 and 39, the rivers of living water are related to
Christ’s resurrection. Here we see that the Spirit as the living water could
be received only after the Lord Jesus had been glorified, that is, only after
Christ had been crucified and had entered into resurrection. The
glorification spoken of in John 7:39 refers to Christ’s glorification in His
resurrection. Luke 24:26 indicates that in resurrection Christ entered into
His glory. Thus, when He was resurrected, He was glorified. After Christ’s

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glorification in resurrection, the living water flows. The Spirit as the rivers
of living water could be experienced by the believers only after Christ had
passed through incarnation, human living, and death, and after He had
entered into resurrection.
Because the water of life is in resurrection, it is victorious and
triumphant. It transcends every negative thing. Actually, the water itself is
resurrection. This means that the Spirit, signified by the flowing water, is
resurrection. Resurrection is the Triune God, the Father as the source,
Christ the Son as the course, and the Spirit as the flow….The more we drink
[this water], the more we are out of our natural condition and are
triumphant over hardships and difficulties. This living water delivers us
from the world and from every kind of negative thing.
The life-giving Spirit as the water of life flows out of God on the throne
(Rev. 22:1). On the one hand, the One sitting on the throne is God; on the
other hand, the water of life proceeding out of the throne is also God. The
living water flowing from God’s throne conveys to us the riches of the
divine life. This is indicated by the fact that the tree of life grows in the
water of life (Rev. 22:2). Because the riches of the divine life are carried in
the flow of the living water, we receive these riches whenever we drink this
The flowing of the water of life in resurrection is for the formation of
the Body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). Because we all drink of the same …one
Spirit in resurrection, [this] makes us members of the Body and builds us
up as the Body.
The flowing of the living water in resurrection is also for the
preparation of the bride of Christ. According to Revelation 22:17, the Spirit
and the bride sound forth the call to come and drink of the water of
life….The water which the bride drinks is the Spirit. By drinking the Spirit,
the bride becomes one with the Spirit…. If we drink of the living water day
by day, the Body of Christ will be built up, and the bride of Christ will be
prepared. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 489, 491, 493, 495-497)
Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msgs. 42-45

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WEEK 4 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
John 4:14 But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall by no
means thirst forever; but the water that I will give him will become in him
a fountain of water springing up into eternal life.
Num. 20:8 Take the rod, and gather the assembly, you and Aaron your
brother, and speak to the rock before their eyes, so that it yields its water…
The Triune God flows in the Divine Trinity in three stages. [In John
4:14b] when the fountain springs up, that is the fountain emerging. Then a
river flows. The Father is the fountain, the Son is the spring, and the Spirit
is the river.
This flowing Triune God is”into eternal life.” The Greek preposition
translated as”into” is rich in meaning. Here it speaks of the destination. The
eternal life is the destination of the flowing Triune God. A fountain is in us
springing up as a river into a destination. This destination is the eternal life.
The New Jerusalem is the totality of the divine, eternal life. The eternal life
eventually will be the New Jerusalem. Thus, into eternal life means into the
New Jerusalem. We must have something flowing into that divine New
Jerusalem in order for us to arrive there.
We have [these three] within us at the same time. The fountain
emerges, the spring gushes, and the gushing is the flowing as a river into
the New Jerusalem. (CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 4,”Crystallization-study of the
Gospel of John,” pp. 455, 458)
Today’s Reading
Moses took the rod from before Jehovah, and he and Aaron gathered
the congregation together before the rock (Num. 20:9-10a). Then Moses
said to the people,”Listen now, you rebels: Shall we bring forth water for
you out of this rock?” (v. 10b). Having said this,”Moses lifted up his hand
and struck the rock with his rod twice; and abundant water came forth, and
the assembly and their livestock drank” (v. 11). Moses was wrong both in
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word and in deed. No doubt, he was angry with the children of Israel, and
he even might have lost his temper. Whenever we are angry and do not
control ourselves, it is easy for us to make mistakes. At such times we, like
Moses, may speak wrongly or act wrongly.
When the children of Israel caused God trouble concerning necessities,
He was not offended, but when they lusted, He was offended. In Numbers
20 the people contended because they did not have water. Because water
was a necessity, God was not angry with them. Actually, it was His
responsibility to supply them with water. Moses failed to sanctify God in
being angry with the people of Israel and in wrongly striking the rock twice.
In being angry, he did not represent God rightly in His holy nature toward
His people. In striking the rock twice, he represented God wrongly in God’s
action. Hence, he and his brother were punished by God by not being
allowed to enter into the good land (20:12-13, 24; 27:12-14).
We must not give people the wrong impression concerning the God
whom we serve….All that we say and do concerning God’s people must be
absolutely according to His holy nature. Otherwise, in our words and deeds
we will rebel against Him and offend Him. Moses offended both God’s holy
nature and divine economy. He represented God wrongly, and he broke the
principles of God’s economy. Because of this, even though he was intimate
with God and may be considered a friend of God, he lost the right to enter
into the good land.
Through our study of chapter 20 of Numbers, we may learn how to
behave when others contend with us in the church life…. After the people
had contended with Moses…, he should have gone to the Lord and
said,”Lord, what should I do concerning the need of Your beloved
people?”…Moses …should have simply spoken to the rock, telling it to flow
forth with water. If we deal with the contending of God’s people in this way
today, the church life will be glorious. (Life-study of Numbers, pp. 210-212,
Further Reading: CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 4,”Crystallization-study of
the Gospel of John,” msg. 14; Life-study of Numbers, msgs. 29-30; CWWL,
1994-1997, vol. 5,”A Word of Love to the Co-workers, Elders, Lovers, and
Seekers of the Lord,” ch. 2
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WEEK 4 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Num. 21:16-18 … [At] Beer,…the well where Jehovah said to Moses, Gather
the people together, and I will give them water,…Israel sang this song:
Spring up, O well! Sing to it! The well, which the leaders sank, which the
nobles of the people dug, with the scepter, with their staffs…
The rock in Numbers 20:8 and Exodus 17:5-6 typifies Christ crucified
(smitten) on the cross by God so that the living water, the consummated
Spirit of the processed Triune God, might flow out into us, whereas the well
at Beer typifies Christ within us (John 4:11-12, 14). The digging of the well
(Num. 21:18) signifies the digging away of the”dirt,” the barriers in our
heart—our mind, emotion, will, and conscience—so that the Spirit as the
living water may spring up within us and flow freely. (Num. 21:16, footnote
Today’s Reading
The fourth occasion of the children of Israel’s drinking is recorded in
Numbers 21:16-18. They came to a place called Beer, which means”a well.”
When the children of Israel came to Beer, they came to a well. This is a type
of Christ being a well in us. He is not only the cleft rock but also a well of
water. The Lord Jesus tells us in John 4:14 that if we drink of Him, we will
have a fountain or a well of water within us. Christ is the rock outside of us,
and He is the well within us. As the rock outside of us, He needs to be
struck. Regarding Christ as the well within us, we need to be dug. There is
no need for Christ to be struck again, but there is the need for us to be dug
so that Christ as the well can spring up within our inward being. There is
much dirt in our inward being blocking the flowing of Christ. All this dirt
needs to be dug away.
Numbers 21:18 says,”The well, which the leaders sank, /Which the
nobles of the people dug, / With the scepter, with their staffs.” A scepter is a
royal rod in the ruler’s hand related to authority. Psalm 23 indicates that
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the staff or staffs are for guidance (v. 4). Thus, scepters are for authority,
and staffs are for guidance. We need to be dug under the Lord’s authority
and according to His guidance. The leaders and nobles of the people would
not normally be the ones to dig the well. The people of the lower class
would do the digging. But Numbers 21 tells us that the leaders and nobles
of the people of God dug the well at Beer. If we are going to enjoy Christ as
the well springing up all the time in the local churches, all the leading ones
have to take the lead to dig away the dirt under the Lord’s authority and
according to His guidance. Then we will have a well springing up with
living water all the time in the churches because we have the digging by the
leaders and the nobles of the people with the scepter and the staffs.
(CWWL, 1969, vol. 2,”The Crucial Revelation of Life in the Scriptures,” pp.
[We need to] learn how to have the flow of the Spirit within our inward
parts. In Numbers 20 the smitten rock, which typifies Christ, …flowed with
living water (cf. 1 Cor. 10:4). Then in Numbers 21 the well dug by the
people of God sprang up with water. Therefore, in these two chapters of the
same book there is first a rock that must be smitten for the living water to
flow out and then a well that must be dug for the water to spring up.
For believers, it is not a matter of the rock but the well. Christ as the
rock has already accomplished His work on the cross, which issued in the
water of life flowing into us, but today Christ as the well of living water
springing up continuously within us is something else and has much to do
with the present process of digging. I believe that…the flow of the spiritual
life, or the spring of the living water, is not free within us. There is much
dirt within us that must be dug out. You may ask,”What is this dirt?” It is the
dirt in our conscience, our emotion, our will, and our mind. Our heart has
much dirt, which needs to be dug out, and even in our spirit there is some
dirt, which must be dealt with. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 3,”The Economy of God,”
pp. 227-228)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1969, vol. 2,”The Crucial Revelation of Life in
the Scriptures,” ch. 4

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WEEK 4 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
Acts 24:16 Because of this I also exercise myself to always have a conscience
without offense toward God and men.
Matt. 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Our conscience is not so pure. Perhaps at this very moment some
accusation which we have not confessed to the Lord is still upon our
conscience. These accusations are the dirt that needs to be dug away. We do
not sense much liberty within because of the accusations in our conscience.
What are the accusations? You must ask yourself; only you know. You know
what is within you that is wrong with others. When you are not right with
others, the accusations persist. When you refuse to do what the Lord
demands, this becomes an accusation in your conscience. Then you wonder
why you are bound and without freedom. It is simply because there is a
demand of the Lord which you will not answer, and it has become an
immediate accusation in your conscience. Your conscience is not pure from
accusations and without offenses. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 3,”The Economy of
God,” p. 228)
Today’s Reading
If we would experience a free, inward flow of the Spirit, our conscience
must first be dealt with and purified. The dirt can only be dug away by
going to the Lord several times each day. I would suggest that during this
week we go to the Lord again and again, even while we are walking along
the street. We have to go to the Lord in our spirit and be dug in His
presence. By the help of the Holy Spirit we must dig away all the dirt.
After dealing with the accusations in our conscience, we must also dig
away the many things condemned by the Lord in our heart. Not many
brothers and sisters have a pure heart in seeking only the Lord Himself. On
one hand, many are seeking the Lord and His way, but on the other, they are
still seeking too many things other than the Lord Himself The heart then

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becomes complicated and is not free and pure. We must go to the Lord once
again to dig away all the things other than Christ in our heart.
You may ask,”What things need to be dug away?” Perhaps one of the
first things is your concern about the future and the guidance of the Lord.
You should not be bothered by this; the future is not in your hands but in
the Lord’s. In fact, you should not have any future—the Lord Himself is our
only future. We do not know how”sticky” our heart is. Many years ago
flypaper was used to catch flies, and how sticky it was! Whatever touched it
stuck to it. Our heart is just like the flypaper—so sticky. Whatever touches
the heart sticks to it. These things must all be cut off. It seems that we are
all seeking the Lord. Many of us are living only for the Lord and have given
up our homes and our jobs. Day by day we are seeking the Lord’s guidance,
but we do not know how many things complicate our heart. Can we forget
these things? To dig away the dirt from the conscience is easy, but to dig
away the dirt from the heart is not so easy. In so many things we are kind to
ourselves; we do not like to dig our heart severely. It is easy to dig away the
accusations from our conscience, but it is not so easy to dig away the things
that we love from our heart. We are stuck to the things we hold dearly. This
is why the Scriptures tell us that we need a good conscience and a pure
heart.”Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matt. 5:8).
There is no doubt that we love the Lord and are seeking Him, but our
loving and seeking the Lord is with a complicated heart. The aim and the
goal of our heart are not so pure. We do not know how many goals are
within our heart. What about our family? Our job? Our degree? What about
this year and next year? There are so many things still in our heart. I tell
you, brothers and sisters, all this dirt is frustrating the flow of living water
within us and must be dug away. Since the day that we received the Lord
Jesus as our Savior, He has come into us as the springing well of living water.
But the problem today is that there is too much dirt in our conscience and
in our heart. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 3,”The Economy of God,” pp. 228-229)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1964, vol. 3,”The Economy of God,” chs. 8-9

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WEEK 4 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship
with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every
9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and
cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
[There are] many layers in us through which we have to dig. We have a
layer of the conscience, a layer of the heart, and…a layer of our mind, which
holds much dirt. We do not know how many imaginations we have day by
day. We not only dream during the night while we are asleep, but we are
still dreaming during the day while we are awake. All our imaginations are
different dreams….Satan blinds our minds…merely by the imaginations.
Sometimes while you are listening to a message, I do not know where your
mind is perhaps it has traveled to the moon! Outwardly you are nodding
your head, but inwardly your mind is imagining something in space. During
the message you hear the voice, but you do not receive anything. Your mind
has been blinded by imaginations. When there is a lot of dirt in your mind,
how can the flow of living water within you be free?… The heaps of dirt are
simply the many thoughts, imaginations, and dreams, which must be dug
away before the living water can freely flow. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 3,”The
Economy of God,” pp. 229-230)
Today’s Reading
The will also contains much dirt. There are not many who are
absolutely and utterly obedient to the Lord. We need to be more submissive
in our will. How many times we do not submit ourselves to the Lord’s
sovereign arrangement! Sometimes we think that we are quite submissive
to the Lord, but when He puts us into certain circumstances, we are
exposed. It is easy to submit to the invisible Lord, but it is rather difficult to
submit to visible persons. You say,”I am submissive to the Lord. With the
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 89
Lord I have no problem. But…” Yes, there is a big but!”…But with the
church…Oh, I cannot be submissive to them!” The Lord especially put you
into your local church in order to break your will.
“If my husband could be such a dear brother, I would gladly be
submissive to him.” How many times have you sisters thought this?…The
Lord gave you such a suitable husband; he is just the husband you need. If
you could have the husband of your dreams, you would never be exposed.
Many experiences and circumstances under His sovereignty simply expose
us to the light so that we may know how stubborn our will is…. If the living
water is to flow in us, we must be dug. The flowing is the Lord’s business,
but the digging is our business. We have to dig ourselves.
After digging away the dirt from the will, we need to deal with our
emotion… When we are emotional, we are occupied with ourselves. We are
under the control and bondage of our emotions….It is so easy for us to like
one thing and dislike another….It is not very easy to change our will, but it
is easy to have many changes in our emotions. Our emotions fluctuate even
more than the weather.
Forget about your needs, your job, your future, and your
circumstances. Only seek the Lord’s presence, and ask Him to bring you
into His light. Then follow His light to dig away the dirt in your conscience,
heart, mind, will, and emotion. The more you dig away the dirt, the more
you will be alive….You must maintain the flow of living water, that is, the
fellowship of life flowing freely within you. When the living water flows
freely within you, then there is victory. All the problems will be solved
spontaneously and even unconsciously.
We have to spend more and more time with the Lord and pray
according to His inner leading. According to that leading, we must confess
and dig away all the dirt within us….Sometimes we need to pray with
others, but the digging prayer is more prevailing in privacy. It is extremely
necessary to spend more private time with the Lord. All the dirt within the
conscience, heart, mind, will, and emotion must be dug away by our
prayers. (CWWL, 1964, vol. 3,”The Economy of God,” pp. 230-232)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1964, vol. 3,”The Economy of God,” ch. 10

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‹‹ WEEK 4 — HYMN ››

Hymns, #250 Spring up, well, with water

Fullness of the Spirit — As the Living Water

1 Spring up, well, with water;

Dig Thou, Lord, completely;
Dig away all barriers
That Thy stream flow through me.
2 Christ, the Rock, is riven;
Living water’s flowing;
But within my heart now
It is blocked from going.
3 I will dig by praying,
Dig the dirt entirely,
Thus release the Spirit,
Let the stream flow freely.
4 There’s no need again that
Christ, the Rock, be riven,
But unto the digging
That I should be given.
5 What I need most deeply
Is the Spirit’s filling,
That the living water
From my heart be welling.
6 Dig till there is nothing
Left to block the passage;

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Dig until the stream flows
With the living message.
7 Spring up, well, with water;
Dig Thou, Lord, completely;
Dig away all barriers
That Thy stream flow through me.

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Week Five
The Water for Impurity
MR Hymns: 639
Scripture Reading: Num. 19


Day 1
I. Numbers 19, a very special chapter in the Old Testament, is a
record concerning the water for impurity.
II. The impurity in this chapter does not refer to sin but to
death—vv. 11, 13-16:
A. Death issues from sin, and sin is the root of death—Rom. 5:12:
1. Death is more defiling in the eyes of God than sin—Lev. 11:24-25; Num.
6:6-7, 9.
2. The most hateful thing in the eyes of God is death; death is an ugly,
abominable thing, and we should detest it—vv. 6-7.
3. The death that we need to avoid is spiritual death—Rev. 3:1-2; Rom. 5:12,
a. Spiritual death is more prevailing on earth than physical death—v. 17.
b. Spiritual death is everywhere; not only sinful, worldly places but even the
most moral, ethical places are full of spiritual death.
B. From the sin of rebellion in Numbers 11 through 14 and in
chapter 16, death became prevailing among the children of
Israel—v. 49:
1. After the rebellion of the children of Israel in Numbers 16 and as a result of
God’s judgment, the entire population of Israel was under the effect of
death—v. 49.

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2. The filthiness of death had spread everywhere, and the people were in a
situation of impurity.
3. In chapter 19 God told them to prepare the water for impurity with the
ashes of a red heifer so that they might use the water to remove the
filthiness of death with which they had been affected.

Day 2
III. The red heifer, the principal component of the water for
impurity, signifies the redeeming Christ—v. 9:
A. The color red signifies the likeness of the flesh of sin, which is
for the bearing of man’s sin outwardly—Rom. 8:3; John 1:29.
B. The red heifer was without defect; this signifies that although
Christ was in the likeness of the flesh of sin, He did not have the
sinful nature—v. 14; Heb. 2:14; 4:15; Rom. 8:3; 2 Cor. 5:21.
C. That the heifer was without blemish indicates that Christ was
perfect—Num. 19:2; Exo. 12:5-6.
D. The heifer having never been under a yoke signifies that Christ
was never used by anyone, especially by or for God’s enemy,
Satan—Num. 19:2; cf. Exo. 12:5.
E. The red heifer was brought outside the camp and slaughtered;
Christ was crucified outside the camp, on Calvary, a small
mount outside the city of Jerusalem—Num. 19:3; Heb. 13:12-13;
Matt. 27:33.

Day 3
IV. The slain red heifer was burned, and the priest took”cedar
wood and hyssop and scarlet strands, and cast them into the
midst of the burning of the heifer”—Num. 19:6:
A. Cedar wood signifies the honorable and uplifted humanity of
the Lord, which enables Him to be our Savior—v. 6; cf. 1 Kings

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1. In the Bible a cedar, a tall and strong tree, refers to a humanity that is filled
with glory—S. S. 1:17.
2. Cedar, in typology, indicates the resurrected, ascended, glorified, and
honored humanity of Jesus.
3. Cedar wood signifies Christ’s heavenly humanity, His glorified humanity,
and His heavenly human life—8:9.
4. Just as the cedar tree far transcends over all other trees, Christ is the only
glorified man among all men—5:15; Phil. 2:9-11.
5. As signified by cedar, Christ is a person who has ascended into heaven and
whose excellency and uplifted and noble humanity transcend all others—S.
S. 5:15.
B. Hyssop, which is among the smallest of plants, signifies that the
Lord was willing to be lowly, becoming in the likeness of men,
so that He might be near to man and become man’s
Savior—Num. 19:6; 1 Kings 4:33; Phil. 2:7.
C. On the one hand, the Lord has the highest standard of humanity,
as typified by cedar wood; on the other hand, He was willing to
become lowly so that He might be available to us, as typified by

Day 4
D. Scarlet, a dark red color, implies much in typology—Num. 19:6:
1. The color scarlet signifies the shedding of blood, referring to the redeeming
work of the cross—Heb. 9:12, 14, 22; 1 Pet. 1:18-19.
2. In Leviticus 14:4 scarlet signifies that the Lord lowered Himself to become
a man that He might do the will of God and shed His blood for our
3. Scarlet signifies the blood of Christ shed for our redemption in its highest
significance—Num. 19:6.
E. The high and dignified Christ and the lowly and humbled Christ

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in His redemption were elements for the composition of the
water for impurity—v. 6.
V. The ashes of the heifer were gathered up and placed outside
the camp in a clean place to be kept for the assembly of the
children of Israel as water for impurity—v. 9:
A. Ashes signify the result of Christ’s death:
1. In the Bible ashes signify something in its final form—Lev. 6:10.
2. To be reduced to ashes is to be reduced to nothing.
3. In Numbers 19:9 ashes signify Christ reduced to nothing—Mark 9:12.
B. After the cedar, the hyssop, and the scarlet strands were burned
with the heifer, the ashes were gathered up and kept in a clean
place; this is what makes the red heifer unique.
C. The eternal efficacy of Christ’s redemption can be seen in the
type of the ashes of the red heifer that was slaughtered and
burned—Num. 19:9; Heb. 9:12.
D. These ashes were kept for the water for impurity; it was a
purification of sin, or a sin offering—Num. 19:2, 4, 6, 9, 11-12:
1. If an Israelite touched something unclean and became unclean before God,
a clean person could mix the water for impurity with the ashes and sprinkle
it on the unclean person; this would remove the person’s uncleanness—vv.
2. The ashes were used to remove uncleanness; they were prepared for the
future and would be used when uncleanness was detected at a later time.

Day 5 & Day 6

E. One aspect of the work of the Lord Jesus is like that of the ashes
of the red heifer—vv. 2, 9:
1. The ashes of the red heifer signify the eternal and unchanging efficacy of
the Lord’s redemption—v. 9:
a. The ashes of the red heifer signify the Lord’s redemption, which He has

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accomplished for us—Rom. 3:24; Eph. 1:7.
b. His redemption is forever unchanging and incorruptible—Heb. 9:12.
2. Whenever an Israelite touched something unclean, he needed only to have
the ashes of the red heifer mixed with the water for impurity and to have it
sprinkled on his body—Num. 19:11-12.
3. The Lord’s redemption has accomplished everything; He made provision
for all our future uncleanness and future sins:
a. The ashes are specifically for the future.
b. The ashes of the red heifer tell us that the past work of the cross is
applicable for our use today.
c. The red heifer has been burned once for all, and its ashes are enough to
cover our entire life.
d. We thank the Lord that His redemption is sufficient for our whole life.
VI. Numbers 19:17 speaks of the burning of the red heifer and
the running water that was added to the ashes in a vessel:
A. The running (literally, living) water in Numbers 19:17 signifies
the Holy Spirit in the resurrection of Christ—John 7:37-39.
B. In the water for impurity, there is the efficacy of Christ’s
redemption with the washing power of the Spirit of His
VII. Because death was prevailing among the children of Israel,
there was the need for the water for impurity, and whenever
we are defiled by death, we need Christ as the reality of the
red heifer for the water for impurity—Num. 16:49; 19:2, 9:
A. In Numbers 19 the water for impurity cleansed away and
annulled the effect of death that came from the great rebellion
in chapter 16.
B. The water for impurity, to which the ashes were added, typifies
the efficacy of Christ’s redemption, which continually cleanses
us by the living water of life in order to restore our fellowship
with God—1 John 1:7.
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C. Only the working of Christ’s redemption, through His dignified
and humbled humanity, with His death and the Spirit of His
resurrection, could heal and cleanse the situation from the
uncleanness of death—Num. 19:6, 9, 17.

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WEEK 5 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment
Num. 19:13 Whoever touches a dead person,…and does not purify himself,
defiles the tabernacle of Jehovah…. Because the water for impurity was
not sprinkled upon him, he shall be unclean…
Rom. 5:17 For if, by the offense of the one, death reigned through the one,
much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of
righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ.
The water for impurity was to be sprinkled upon the unclean persons:
those who touched a dead body, or came into a tent or were already in a
tent in which a man died, or touched one who had been slain with a sword,
or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a grave (Num. 19:11-14, 16-20). This
is a picture of the situation of the children of Israel at that time. The
uncleanness of death was everywhere.
The impurity in [Numbers 19] does not refer to sin but to death. Death
comes out of sin, and sin is the root of death (Rom. 5:12). From the sin of
rebellion, death became prevailing among the children of Israel. Thus, there
was the need for the water for impurity. Only the working of Christ’s
redemption, through His dignified and humbled humanity, with His death
and the Spirit of His resurrection, could heal and cleanse the situation.
(Life-study of Numbers, p. 206)
Today’s Reading
In [Numbers 19] a heifer is burned with other items, and the ashes are
used to make a water for impurity. By reading the whole chapter we can
understand that the impurity, the uncleanness, refers mainly to the
filthiness of death. This water is a provision to get rid of the effect and
impurity of death. Immediately after the rebellion in chapter 16, death was
everywhere. In one day 14,700 people died, and their carcasses lay
everywhere. In many of the tents in the camp, there were dead bodies. A
man became contaminated by touching a dead body (19:11), by being
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present when a person died (v. 18), or by entering the tent where a dead
body had been (v. 14). The entire population of two million Israelites was
under the effect of death. They were all in a situation of impurity. Thus,
there was the need for the water for impurity to annul the effect and
impurity of death. (Life-study of Numbers, p. 203)
Death is an ugly, abominable thing. Therefore, we need to abstain from
death….The death from which we should abstain is not mainly physical
death but spiritual death….Spiritual death is everywhere. Not only sinful,
worldly places but even the most moral, ethical places are full of spiritual
death. According to the typology in the Old Testament, sin is not as dirty as
death. If one sinned, he could be forgiven and cleansed immediately by
offering a trespass offering (Lev. 5:10). But if one touched death, he had to
wait a few days to become clean. From this we can see that death is more
defiling than sin. However, we in the church life may think that sin is
serious but that touching death is common and not serious. But in the eyes
of God to touch death is the most serious thing.
The poison of death can damage and destroy the saints. In Romans 14
Paul says that we should not destroy the work of God by doing things
carelessly (vv. 15, 20). Christ has redeemed and saved the saints, and we
should not destroy them by acting carelessly. The Lord has done a lot of
gracious, redemptive work on the saints in the Lord’s recovery, and for
years we have been working to build up the saints. No one should destroy
the gracious work of Christ on the saints. No one should destroy those on
whom we have been working for their building up. Would not our hearts be
hurt to see the saints destroyed by the poison of death? We need to be
sober, fair, calm, and kind to consider whether we are really building up the
Body of Christ or unconsciously doing something to destroy God’s work by
spreading the poison of death. (Life-study of Leviticus, pp. 321-322,
Further Reading: Life-study of Numbers, msg. 28; Life-study of
Leviticus, msg. 22

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WEEK 5 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
Num. 19:2 …Tell the children of Israel to bring you a red heifer without defect,
in which is no blemish and upon which a yoke has never come.
Rom. 8:3 …God, sending His own Son in the likeness of the flesh of sin and
concerning sin, condemned sin in the flesh.
Hebrews 10 indicates that this red heifer [mentioned in Numbers 19:2]
refers to the Lord Jesus. What are the Lord Jesus’ qualifications to become
this sacrifice?…This sacrifice was to be without spot [defect] and without
blemish and was never to have come under a yoke. Being without spot and
blemish refers to His life. Never having come under a yoke refers to His
work. In life He is without blemishes. In work He has never been under a
yoke. In His life and person, the Lord Jesus is without spot and blemish. Not
only is He without blemish, but also in His experience He is clean, that is,
He has never been under a yoke. He is a clean man, and He has a clean
experience. Many people are without blemish, but they have been yoked.
But in His experience, the Lord Jesus was never yoked. He never touched
the things of sin. He was never oppressed by sin or dominated by sin. He
was never provoked to sin. He is completely free. Tonight we cannot say
this for ourselves, for we are not free people. We have been oppressed by
sin and have been dominated by sin. We have been provoked by sin and are
not our own masters…. Only the Lord Jesus has never been put under the
yoke of sin. (CWWN, vol. 29,”The Gospel of God (2),” pp. 480-481)
Today’s Reading
Numbers 19:2 says that an Israelite needed to bring a red
heifer”without defect,” in which was no blemish and upon which a yoke had
never come. The heifer being without defect signifies being without
blemish or sin….The heifer having never been under a yoke signifies having
never been used by the world, Satan, or sin. Only the Lord Jesus has never
been used by anyone, especially by God’s enemy, Satan. Unlike Him, we
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have been used by sin and have borne the yoke of sin from the time we
were born. Before we were saved, we bore many kinds of yokes; we were
used by the world, Satan, and sin. However, prior to being offered as a
sacrifice to God, the Lord Jesus had never borne any yoke.
The red heifer [mentioned in Numbers 19:2] signifies the Lord Jesus
who came in the likeness of the flesh of sin in order to bear man’s sins. In
verse 2 the color red represents sin (Isa. 1:18). Thus, the red heifer signifies
the Lord being made sin on our behalf (2 Cor. 5:21). However, the color red
was only on the skin and hair, signifying that the Lord had only the likeness
of the flesh of sin for bearing our sins and did not have the sinful nature.
Since the Lord Jesus was a male, why is a heifer, not an ox, used here as
a type of the Lord? In the Bible the male represents objective truth,
whereas the female represents subjective experience. For example, males,
such as Adam, Abraham, and Isaac, represent certain objective truths or
testimonies; whereas females, such as Eve, Sarah, and Rebecca, represent
the corresponding subjective experiences or practical applications. Hence,
the Lord’s redemption, as signified by the heifer, is not a matter of objective
doctrine but a matter of subjective experience.
Numbers 19:3 says,”You shall give it to Eleazar the priest, and
someone shall bring it outside the camp and slaughter it in his presence.”
This heifer was not offered on the altar but brought outside the camp and
slaughtered there, indicating that the heifer was not offered before God but
was slaughtered in a position rejected by God’s people. When an Israelite
became unclean, he needed to dwell alone outside the camp (cf. Lev. 13:46).
The red heifer was slaughtered outside the camp where unclean people
were, in order to deal with their uncleanness. This signifies that in order to
deal with our uncleanness, the Lord Jesus came to the place where we were.
He was rejected by men and was also crucified outside the city of Jerusalem.
(CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” pp. 292-293)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” ch. 24;
CWWN, vol. 29,”The Gospel of God (2),” ch. 25

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WEEK 5 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
Num. 19:6 And the priest shall take cedar wood and hyssop and scarlet
strands, and cast them into the midst of the burning of the heifer.
Phil. 2:7 But emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave, becoming in the
likeness of men.
Justification by faith is objective; it has to do with truth and testimony.
Obedience is subjective; it has to do with life and experience. Throughout
the Bible the church is symbolized by females, because the church is
subjective, being related to the Lord’s work in man. A heifer is used here in
Numbers 19 instead of a bull because it represents another aspect of the
Lord’s work—His work toward man. What happened to the heifer? It was
slaughtered, and its blood was taken and sprinkled seven times directly in
front of the Tent of Meeting. In other words, the blood was offered to God
because the work of the blood is always for God. The heifer’s blood was
sprinkled seven times in front of the Tent of Meeting, signifying that it was
for God and for the redemption of sin. (CWWN vol. 49,”Messages for
Building Up New Believers (2),” p. 325)
Today’s Reading
The efficacy of the red heifer’s death was toward God and was able to
make propitiation before God for man’s sins. Numbers 19:5 says,”The heifer
shall be burned in his sight; its skin and its flesh and its blood, with its dung,
shall be burned.” This is different from the burning of the burnt offering in
Leviticus 1:9. The burnt offering was to produce a fragrance that was
acceptable to God, whereas the burning of the heifer was for the bearing of
sins and for dealing with sins completely. After the red heifer was burned,
the color red was no longer seen, which signifies that sins have been fully
dealt with.
While the red heifer was being burned, cedar wood, hyssop, and
scarlet strands were cast into its midst [Num. 19:6]. Leviticus 14:4, which
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 103
speaks of the cleansing of a leper, using two clean birds, also mentions
cedar wood, scarlet strands, and hyssop. One of the birds was to be
slaughtered in an earthen vessel over running water. The living bird, with
the cedar wood, the scarlet strands, and the hyssop, was to be dipped in the
blood of the first bird, which was then sprinkled on the leper seven times in
order for him to be cleansed (vv. 5-7). In Leviticus cedar wood, scarlet
strands, and hyssop were dipped in blood; in Numbers these things were
burned in fire with the heifer.
Cedar wood and hyssop have the same spiritual significance in
Numbers as they do in Leviticus. Both cedar wood and hyssop signify the
humanity that the Lord Jesus put on. Cedar wood signifies the dignified and
solid aspect of the Lord’s humanity, whereas hyssop signifies the lowly and
humble aspect of His humanity.
Colossians 1:15 says that the Lord Jesus is the Firstborn of all creation.
Man is the head of all the creatures on earth. The Lord Jesus is a creature
because He became a man. He became flesh, a creature, and thus partook of
and was joined to creation. Therefore, in Numbers 19 the cedar wood and
hyssop signify not only the Lord’s dignified and humble humanity but also
the entire creation to which the Lord Jesus has been joined (cf. 1 Kings
The scarlet strands in Numbers 19:6 are mainly a type of sins, making
them different from the scarlet strands in Leviticus 14:6. In Leviticus the
scarlet strands were not burned, but in Numbers they were completely
burned. In Leviticus the scarlet strands signify how the Lord Jesus died for
the redemption from sins and was glorified, but in Numbers 19 the scarlet
strands signify only the Lord’s bearing our sins, not His glorification after
His death on the cross. The cedar wood, hyssop, and scarlet strands were
cast into the midst of the burning of the heifer to be burned together,
signifying that the sins of all creation were completely eliminated. When
the Lord Jesus died, all creation and the sins committed by the creation
were terminated together. (CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” pp.
Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 49,”Messages for Building Up New
Believers (2),” ch. 21
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WEEK 5 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Num. 19:9 And a man who is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and
place them outside the camp in a clean place, and it shall be kept for the
assembly of the children of Israel as water for impurity; it is a sin offering.
Mark 9:12 …It is written of the Son of Man that He should suffer many things
and be counted as nothing.
Heb. 9:12 …Through His own blood, entered once for all into the Holy of
Holies, obtaining an eternal redemption.
In Numbers 19:9 the ashes refer to the remains of the red heifer,
signifying that the Lord’s redeeming death in resurrection is eternally
efficacious. This eternal efficacy is what remains after the Lord’s death and
resurrection; in other words, the eternal efficacy of the Lord’s redemption
is in His resurrection (cf. Rom. 4:25).
The ashes of the heifer being placed outside the camp in a clean place
signifies that the efficacy of the Lord’s redemption remains in the place of
sinners, whereas the redeeming blood being brought to the front of the
Tent of Meeting signifies the efficacy of the Lord’s redemption before God.
(CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” p. 295)
Today’s Reading
In the Old Testament, sinners needed to offer up sacrifices to the Lord.
If a person had offered up a sacrifice and then touched something unclean,
he would become unclean again before God and could no longer fellowship
with Him. What did he have to do? Another person would take some ashes
of the red heifer on this person’s behalf, put them in a vessel, pour in living
water, mix it into the water for impurity, and sprinkle it on his body. The
man’s uncleanness would then be removed and his sin forgiven. When an
Israelite brought a bull or a lamb to the Lord and offered it up as a sin
offering, he did it because of some known sin. But the red heifer was
related to another matter….The burning of the red heifer was not for past

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sins but for future transgressions.
One aspect of the Lord’s work is like that of the ashes of the red heifer.
The efficacy of redemption is signified by the ashes. The sins of the whole
world are in it, and the blood is also in it. Whenever a man becomes
unclean or has touched some unclean things, he does not need to kill
another red heifer and offer it to God. He only needs to take the ashes of the
red heifer that was offered once and mix them with water and sprinkle
them on the body. In other words, there is no need for the Lord to do
anything a second time. His redemption accomplished everything. He made
provision for all of our future uncleanness and future sins.
What do the ashes signify? In the Bible, ashes signify something in its
final form. Whether a bull or a lamb, its final form after being burned is
ashes. Ashes are very stable; they do not corrupt into something else. We
cannot corrupt or destroy ashes.
The ashes of the red heifer signify the eternal and unchanging efficacy
of the Lord’s redemption. The redemption which our Lord accomplished
for us is most stable. Do not think that rocks on mountains are stable. Even
rocks can be burned into ashes. Ashes are more stable than rocks. The
ashes of the red heifer signify the Lord’s redemption which He has
prepared for us. It is forever unchanging and incorruptible. We may apply it
any time. If a Christian touches something unclean by accident and there is
uncleanness in him, he does not have to ask the Lord to die for him again.
He only needs to trust in the eternal and incorruptible efficacy of the ashes
and to sprinkle his body with the water of life, and he will be clean. In other
words, the ashes of the red heifer tell us that the past work of the cross is
applicable for our use today. We also can say that the effectiveness of the
cross covers all the needs we will ever have in the future. These ashes are
specifically for the future. Only one red heifer needs to be burned, and it
only needs to be burned once. Its ashes are enough to cover one’s whole life.
Thank the Lord that His redemption is sufficient for our whole life. His
death has taken away all our sins. (CWWN, vol. 49,”Messages for Building
Up New Believers (2),” pp. 326-328)
Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 49,”Messages for Building Up New
Believers (2),” ch. 21; Life-study of Leviticus, msg. 42
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WEEK 5 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
1 John 1:7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship
with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every
John 7:38-39 He who believes into Me, as the Scripture said, out of his
innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. But this He said
concerning the Spirit…
According to Numbers 19, whoever touched death or was defiled and
thus became unclean needed to be sprinkled by the ashes mixed with
running water in order to be clean (vv. 11-14, 16-20). The running water
typifies the Holy Spirit. Whenever we, the people of God, are defiled, we
need to allow the Holy Spirit, who is compounded with the eternal efficacy
of the Lord’s redemption, to be applied to us in order to remove our
uncleanness. This corresponds to 1 John 1:7….This means that if we realize
that we have sinned, we should take the blood of the Lord Jesus in order to
wash away our sins for the purpose of restoring the fellowship between
God and us. (CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” p. 295)
Today’s Reading
Numbers 19:12 says,”He shall purify himself with it on the third day
and on the seventh day, and then he shall be clean; but if he does not purify
himself on the third day and on the seventh day, he shall not be clean.” Here
the third day signifies resurrection, and the seventh day signifies
completion. If we are defiled, we need to be in resurrection in order to
allow the Holy Spirit to apply the efficacy of the Lord’s redemption to us.
Defilement is related to the old creation. Hence, in order for us to be
purified, we must be in resurrection; if we remain in the old creation, we
cannot be purified. On the third day the water for impurity was sprinkled,
and on the seventh day the unclean person became clean. This signifies that
after we apply the efficacy of the Lord’s redemption in resurrection, we will
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become clean according to the time of completion.
According to Numbers 19, both the Israelite who gathered the ashes
and he who sprinkled the water for impurity became unclean (vv. 10, 21).
This signifies that when we help a defiled brother to be purified, although
we may be clean, we should realize that we are dealing with sin. Since it is
possible for us to be defiled, we should be warned and deal with this
matter before God.
Numbers 19:19 says that when the defiled person was purified, he
needed to wash his clothes and bathe himself in water. Moreover, the
person who sprinkled the water for impurity also had to wash his clothes (v.
21). Bathing in water signifies dealing with oneself, and washing one’s
clothes signifies dealing with the entirety of one’s conduct. Whenever we
are defiled and commit a sin, we should be in the Holy Spirit and allow the
Spirit to apply the efficacy of the Lord’s death to us in order to remove our
defilement before God. We should also have a fresh dealing with ourselves
and with the entirety of our conduct. This must be done not only by the
person who needs to be purified but also by those who help him to be
[In verses 14 through 16] a man dying in a tent signifies that in God’s
eyes all men are dead in the flesh (cf. Matt. 8:22; Luke 9:60). Our physical
body is like a tabernacle (2 Cor. 5:1), and everything that belongs to us is
unclean. Every natural man is a man who”dies in a tent” [Num. 19:14]; his
physical body is a tent, and the one who is in the tent is dead. Thus,
everything that is joined to a natural man and is in contact with him is
Chapter 19 reveals that we, the people of God, should continually allow
the Holy Spirit to apply the efficacy of Christ’s redemption to us so that we
may be purified… Whatever is in us and whatever comes in contact with us
is unclean. Every part of our inner being is also unclean. In order for us to
serve God, we should continually learn to allow the Holy Spirit, who has
been compounded with the efficacy of Christ’s redemption, to be sprinkled
on us so that we may be purified. (CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of
Numbers,” pp. 295-297)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” ch. 24
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WEEK 5 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
Rom. 3:24 Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption which is
in Christ Jesus.
Eph. 1:7 In [the Beloved] we have redemption through His blood, the
forgiveness of offenses, according to the riches of His grace.
Heb. 9:12 And not through the blood of goats and calves but through His own
blood, entered once for all into the Holy of Holies, obtaining an eternal
Ashes are the final state of everything in the world. I am not referring
to the facts of chemistry, but to our everyday experience…. When
something has reached its very end, and cannot be changed to something
else anymore, it is ashes.
Everything of the heifer is burned. Note particularly the blood. In these
ashes are the skin, the flesh, and the blood. This means that in these ashes
are the redemption of Christ and the eternal efficacy of His redemption.
Christ is eternally efficacious before God. He has become the ashes. The
shedding of His blood is eternally efficacious. Even the blood has become
ashes. The work of redemption is finished. The red heifer portrays the
Lord’s redemptive work, and this work has now become ashes. (CWWN, vol.
29,”The Gospel of God (2),” p. 483)
Today’s Reading
From Numbers 19:11 on we are told about the function of the
ashes….Verse 9 tells us about this water for impurity.”And a man who is
clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and place them outside the
camp in a clean place, and it shall be kept for the assembly of the children
of Israel as water for impurity; it is a sin offering.” The impurity spoken of
refers to the impurity of touching a dead body. Why is touching a dead body
considered an impurity? It is because death is the evidence of sin. Without

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sin there would be no death. Therefore, where there is death, there is also
sin. A dead body means that sin has done its work. The result of the work of
sin is death. For this reason, the Old Testament uses leprosy as a symbol of
curable sin and a dead body as a symbol of incurable sin. When a man is
dead in sin and trespasses and therefore dead in his flesh, he is a dead body.
The Lord Jesus talked about these dead ones. He said to let the dead bury
the dead (Matt. 8:22). If you touch these dead ones, if you have intercourse
with the world, if you build up a friendship with it, and if you have your
living among it, you are touching dead bodies. If you touch dead bodies, you
will surely be infected and defiled with impurities. When Christians sin and
fail through touching the world, the ashes are needed.
The ashes are the work of the cross. They are put into the living water
(Num. 19:17) and become the water for impurity. The living water typifies
the Holy Spirit. Once while the children of Israel journeyed, they struck the
rock and out came living water (Exo. 17:6). First Corinthians 10:4 says that
the rock was Christ. Hence, the living water refers to what flows forth from
Christ, which is the Holy Spirit. Taking the living water and making it the
water for impurity means that there is the need for the power of the Holy
Spirit to be upon us. Without the work of the Holy Spirit, the work of the
Lord will be in vain. If there are only the ashes of the red heifer without the
living water, they will not be of much use. With the work of the Lord Jesus,
there is still the need of the Holy Spirit. Only by the mixing together of the
two will we be purified and cleansed. The Lord Jesus does not have to die
again. We merely apply the efficacy of the one-time work of the Lord for our
cleansing. The ashes of the red heifer represent the eternal and immutable
efficacy of the Lord’s work on the cross. It is this efficacy that is cleansing
us. Because the Lord Jesus has died, the efficacy of His ashes becomes
eternal, and by the Holy Spirit He is now applying this efficacy to us.
Every time we sin, we do not have to bring a bull to God again. The
efficacy of the Lord’s work two thousand years ago continues until today.
By those ashes we are cleansed. (CWWN, vol. 29,”The Gospel of God (2),” pp.
Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 29,”The Gospel of God (2),” ch. 25

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‹‹ WEEK 5 — HYMN ››

Hymns, #116 How wonderful redemption is

Praise of the Lord — His Redemption

1 How wonderful redemption is,

My gracious Lord, in Thee!
Not seen, nor heard, nor e’er conceived
What Thou hast done for me!
Thou art divine, mysterious,
Beyond my grandest phrase!
Redemption is so marvellous,
Beyond all pow’r to praise!
2 For us Thou on the Cross wast pierced,
And blood and water streamed;
That life divine be giv’n to us,
That we may be redeemed.
Thy precious blood has made us clean,
That we accepted be;
Regenerated by Thy life,
We now are one with Thee.
3 Thou art the grain divine that died
The many grains to bear,
Which, blent and formed, Thy Body are.
And all Thy nature share.
We are the increase of Thyself,
And Thou our content art;

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Through us Thou livest and dost move
And manifested art.
4 Since we’re Thy Body, Thou may come
And settle down in us;
In us Thou may obtain Thy home
And we become Thy trust.
Thy heart to satisfy and please,
We are Thy counterpart,
Now in one Body with Thyself,
Enjoying all Thou art.
5 While in remembrance now we meet
And here the symbols see,
For Thy redemption great and full
We’re filled with praise to Thee.
Since we are made Thy Body, Lord,
Thy dwelling place and bride,
We would give thanks and worship Thee
And in Thy praise abide.

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2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 113
Week Six
Christ as Typified by the Bronze Serpent
EM Hymns: 1089, 493
Scripture Reading: Num. 21:4-9; John 3:14, 29-30; Rom. 8:3; 2 Cor.


Day 1
I. When the children of Israel sinned against God, they were
bitten by serpents (Num. 21:4-9); God told Moses to lift up a
bronze serpent on a pole on their behalf for God’s judgment
so that by looking upon that serpent all might live:
A. The bronze serpent typifies Christ (John 3:14), and the pole
typifies the cross (1 Pet. 2:24); in typology, bronze signifies
judgment; the bronze serpent had the form of a serpent but not
the poisonous nature of a serpent.
B. In the same way, Christ was lifted up on the cross (John 8:28) in
the likeness of the flesh of sin (Rom. 8:3), without participating
in any way in the poisonous sin of the flesh (2 Cor. 5:21; Heb.
C. In Genesis 3 Satan, the serpent, injected his nature into man’s
flesh; as descendants of Adam, we all have been”bitten” by the
old serpent, the devil; therefore, in the sight of God, the entire
fallen human race consists of serpentine beings with the poison
of the old serpent in their fallen nature:
1. In John 8:44 the Lord Jesus revealed that the devil is the father of sinners;
thus, in our fallen nature we are children of the old serpent, the devil—1
John 3:10.
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2. In Matthew 12:34 the Lord Jesus called the Pharisees the”offspring of
vipers”; in 23:33 He called them”Serpents! Brood of vipers!”
3. The devil is the ancient serpent (Rev. 12:9; 20:2), and sinners are serpents,
the offspring of vipers; in our fallen nature we are not merely sinful—we
are serpentine.
4. Romans 7 says that Satan as personified sin is in our flesh; sin can deceive
and kill people (v. 11), and it can dwell in people and cause them to do
things against their will (vv. 17, 20); it is quite alive (v. 9) and exceedingly
active, so it must be the evil nature of Satan, the evil one, dwelling, acting,
and working in fallen mankind.

Day 2
D. The Lord as the Son of Man was lifted up in the form of the
serpent on the cross to bear the judgment for the
serpent-poisoned people; He was lifted up on the cross for the
casting out of the old serpent, Satan, the ruler of the
world—John 12:31-34.
E. Hence, the Lord, as the Son of Man lifted up, can deliver the
serpent-poisoned people from sin, the serpent’s poison; also,
by His being lifted up, He would destroy Satan and draw all men
to Himself—Heb. 2:14; John 12:32-33.
F. Now whoever believes into Christ as the One who was lifted up
to be condemned in our place has eternal life; we need
a”bronze serpent” to be our Substitute to bear God’s judgment
for us, to redeem us, and to release His saving, divine life into
our being—3:14-16; 12:24.
G. When we repent and admit that we are serpentine, we are
qualified to experience Christ as the eternal life and enjoy Him:
1. The Greek word for repentance means to have a change of mind, issuing in
regret, to have a turn in purpose; also, man’s repentance is his turning
from all things to God Himself—Acts 26:20; 14:15b; 1 Thes. 1:9b.
2. In our experience, this is not a once-for-all matter but a daily experience;
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John the Baptist preached repentance (Matt. 3:2; Mark 1:4), and in the
seven epistles to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3, the Lord Jesus
tells us again and again to repent (2:5, 16, 21-22; 3:3, 19).
H. It is a great blessing for us to know that, as the fulfillment of the
type of the bronze serpent, Christ came in the likeness of the
flesh of sin to die on the cross as our Replacement and
Substitute in order for us to be regenerated and have eternal

Day 3
II. John 3 speaks of the serpent and the bride—vv. 14, 29-30:
A. John 3:16 is the issue of verses 14 and 15; that is, the receiving
of the divine, eternal life is the issue of the uplifting of Christ on
the cross as the bronze serpent, the real sin offering:
1. The Lord Jesus was lifted up as our Substitute to bear God’s judgment for
us so that we may look at Him (believe into Him) and have eternal life.
2. Because in Adam we were bitten by the old serpent, we were dead (Eph. 2:1,
5), but now through Christ as the bronze serpent lifted up on the cross, we
may receive eternal life, the life of God; this is the real manifestation of
God’s love to the world.
B. For the serpent to”bite” us means that he imparts the poison of
his nature into us to make us his increase; through the fall the
entire human race has become the increase of Satan.
C. John 3 reveals that regeneration is not only to bring the divine
life into the believers but also to make them the corporate
bride for Christ’s increase; as Adam was increased in Eve, so
Christ is increased in His bride—vv. 29-30; Gen. 2:21-22.
D. By Christ being lifted up on the cross as the bronze serpent,
Satan’s increase has become Christ’s increase, His bride; we
who were once the increase of Satan have become the increase
of Christ.

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E. All regenerated persons are components of the bride, who will
be married to the Lord Jesus as the Bridegroom; regeneration
means that our serpentine being is annulled and that we
receive the divine life in order to become a new being so that
we may be a part of the bride; by this we can see that
regeneration is for producing the bride of Christ—John
F. The intention of John 3 is to show that the unlimited Christ
must have a universal increase and that He is in the process of
gaining this increase today; the immeasurable Spirit produces a
universal increase for the unlimited Christ—vv. 29-36.
G. We may say that, considered as a whole, the Bible unveils the
matter of the serpent and the bride:

Day 4
1. God used Adam’s rib to bring forth Eve, the increase of Adam, but in
Genesis 3:1-6 the serpent visited the bride and succeeded in capturing her;
however, God is greater, higher, and wiser than the serpent.
2. In His judgment upon the serpent, God indicated that the woman would
bring forth a seed (Christ) to bruise the serpent’s head (v. 15); furthermore,
the seed of the woman would also become righteousness to the very ones
who were poisoned by the serpent (v. 21).
3. Paul was concerned that the serpent who had come to bite Eve would come
to bite the believers at Corinth; once again, this is the story of the serpent
and the bride—2 Cor. 11:2-3; cf. Rev. 12:9; 1 Thes. 3:5; 1 Tim. 2:14; 4:1; 2
Pet. 3:17.
4. The book of Revelation provides the final word on the serpent and the
a. Chapter 19 reveals that the bride is ready for the wedding of the Lamb—v.
b. Immediately after the wedding, this universal couple will fight against
Satan and his followers, the beast and the false prophet; then Satan will
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be bound and cast into the abyss, where he will be imprisoned for a
thousand years—vv. 11-16, 19-21; 20:1-3.
c. Following that, Satan will rebel once more and will ultimately be cast into
the lake of fire—vv. 7-10.
d. Then the universe will be thoroughly cleared up, and there will be a new
heaven and a new earth; for eternity there will be a universal couple:
Christ as the Husband and the church as the bride—21:1-2, 9-10.

Day 5
III. The serpentine people are becoming the universal increase
of the unlimited Christ by the immeasurable Spirit with the
eternal life:
A. In our experience we need to realize that we can be contending
serpents who are apart from Christ as the life-giving Spirit; in
the church life we can either be contending serpents or
life-giving-Spirit drinkers—John 4:14; 7:37-39.
B. John 3:30 refers to the increase of Christ, which is the bride of
Christ in verse 29:
1. According to our natural birth, all of us automatically live by our serpentine
being; this is to live according to the principle of the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil.
2. Our natural life and living are not part of the increase of Christ; only the
regenerated part of our being, our regenerated spirit, is Christ’s increase—v.
3. In a real and practical way, Christ should be our life and our person; we live
Him and are one spirit with Him; we abide in Him, and He abides in us;
therefore, He and we have one life and one living (Gal. 2:20; 4:19; John
15:5)—this is the serpentine people becoming the bride of Christ.
4. When we have this kind of living, then in reality we are serpentine beings
in the process of transformation into the bride of Christ, the increase of
Christ; the ultimate consummation of this bride will be the New Jerusalem
as the tabernacle of God and the wife of the Lamb—Rev. 21:3, 9-10.

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5. May the Lord have mercy on us that we may learn to live by our
regenerated being—Rom. 8:4; Phil. 4:11-13.

Day 6
C. In John 3 we can see at least nine aspects of the unlimited
1. The unlimited Christ is from above, that is, from the heavens—v. 31.
2. The unlimited Christ is above all (v. 31); because Christ is all-inclusive,
unlimited, and universal, while He was on earth, He was still in the
heavens (v. 13).
3. The unlimited Christ is loved by the Father; only in Christ can we enjoy the
love of God the Father—v. 35.
4. The unlimited Christ has been given all things; the Father has given all
things, including us, into the Son’s hand—v. 35; 1 Cor. 3:21-23.
5. The unlimited Christ was sent by God—John 3:34; 6:46.
6. The unlimited Christ speaks the words of God—3:34; 6:63.
7. The unlimited Christ gives the Spirit not by measure—3:34.
8. The unlimited Christ gives eternal life to His believers—vv. 15-16, 36; 6:63.
9. The unlimited Christ has the bride as His universal increase—3:29-30.
D. The immeasurable Spirit is the all-inclusive compound Spirit
typified by the compound ointment—Exo. 30:23-25; Phil. 1:19:
1. The immeasurable Spirit is the life-giving Spirit—1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:6.
2. The immeasurable Spirit is also the pneumatic Christ; the term pneumatic
Christ refers to Christ as the Spirit—vv. 6, 17-18; Rom. 8:9-11.
E. The eternal life is mentioned three times in John 3—vv. 15-16,
1. Eternal life is the divine life, the life of the eternal God; this life is eternal in
time, space, essence, function, and power.
2. Eternal life is the essence of the Triune God becoming the element of the
church, the bride; and the bride is the universal increase of Christ for the
corporate expression of the Triune God.
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WEEK 6 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment
Num. 21:8-9 Then Jehovah said to Moses, Make a fiery serpent, and set it on
a pole; and everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live. And Moses
made a bronze serpent and set it on the pole; and if a serpent had bitten
any man, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived.
John 3:14 says,”As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so
must the Son of Man be lifted up.” Here the Lord referred to what happened
in Numbers 21:4-9. Numbers 21:5 says,”The people spoke against God and
against Moses, Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the
wilderness? For there is no food and there is no water; and our soul loathes
this light bread.” Here we see that the children of Israel complained and
were rebellious. As a result, the Lord”sent fiery serpents among the people,
and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died” (v. 6). Then the
people came to Moses and confessed that they had sinned in speaking
against Jehovah and against him. They asked Moses to pray that Jehovah
would take away the serpents from them. When Moses prayed for the
people, Jehovah said to him,”Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and
everyone who is bitten, when he sees it, shall live” (v. 8). We are told that
Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on a pole. Then”if a serpent had
bitten any man, when he looked at the bronze serpent, he lived” (v. 9).
(CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in
the Writings of John,” p. 109)
This bronze serpent typifies Christ (John 3:14), and the pole typifies
the cross (1 Pet. 2:24). In typology bronze, or brass, signifies judgment. The
Hebrew word translated”looked at” in Numbers 21:9 may also be
rendered”regarded,” or”looked intently at.” (Life-study of Numbers, p. 231)
Today’s Reading
As descendants of Adam, we all have been”bitten” by the old serpent,
the devil. Therefore, we are all serpentine beings with the poison of the old

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serpent in our nature. In the sight of God, the entire fallen human race
consists of poisonous serpents. Furthermore, all these serpents are dead.
We as dead serpents need a substitute, someone with the form of a serpent
but without the poisonous element of the serpent. This Substitute, of
course, is Christ.
According to John 3:14, Christ became a bronze serpent…. He was a
serpent in form, but He did not have the poisonous nature of a serpent. We,
however, actually are serpentine, for in our fallen nature we are children of
the old serpent, the devil (1 John 3:10). For this reason, in Matthew 12:34
the Lord Jesus called the Pharisees the”offspring of vipers.” In Matthew
23:33 He called them serpents and a brood of vipers, the offspring of the
most poisonous kind of serpents. The Lord was telling the Pharisees that
they were little vipers….The devil is the old serpent (Rev. 12:9; 20:2), and
sinners also are serpents, the offspring of vipers. Therefore, in the sight of
God, in our fallen nature we are not merely sinful—we are serpentine.
(CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in
the Writings of John,” pp. 110, 131)
Based upon Romans 7 we say that Satan and sin are in the flesh.
Romans 7 tells us that sin is in our flesh, and in Romans 7 sin is personified.
This chapter shows that sin can deceive and kill people (v. 11) and that it
can dwell in people and do things against their will (vv. 17, 20). It is quite
alive (v. 9) and exceedingly active; so it must be the evil nature of Satan, the
evil one, dwelling, acting, and working in fallen mankind. Sin in Romans 7 is
a person. This person is the source of sin, the origin of sin. This sin who is
Satan still remains in our flesh, where he lives, works, and moves, even
after we have been saved. The sin in our flesh is a person, just as the divine
life in our spirit is a person. This person who is our life is Christ (Col. 3:4),
the embodiment of the Triune God. (CWWL, 1984, vol. 3,”God’s New
Testament Economy,” pp. 146-147)
Further Reading: The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 43;
Life-study of Numbers, msg. 31; CWWL, 1984, vol. 3,”God’s New Testament
Economy,” ch. 3

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WEEK 6 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
John 3:14-15 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must
the Son of Man be lifted up, that everyone who believes into Him may
have eternal life.
It was not that the children of Israel wanted to sin, but rather, the
serpent in them caused them to sin. In judging the children of Israel, God
actually was judging the serpent; therefore, the one hung on the pole was
actually the serpent. Man sinned, but the serpent received the judgment.
This shows that the one who sinned was actually the serpent in man, that is,
the devil. In God’s eyes the serpent and the children of Israel were one.
Therefore, God’s judging the serpent on the pole was also His judging of the
children of Israel.
We also need to see that ultimately a Substitute, not the children of
Israel themselves, was judged by God. This Substitute, Christ, was judged
by being identified with the people for whom He was substituted. The cross
of Christ indicates two identifications: the people redeemed by Christ were
identified with Satan, and Christ was identified with His redeemed people.
(CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” p. 312)
Today’s Reading
We must realize that we are such serpentine beings. We must also
realize that Christ was made sin for us and died on the cross as a bronze
serpent so that the serpentine nature within us might be judged. If we
realize that we are sinful people, serpentine beings, and confess this,
immediately this dear, incarnated One will become our sin offering and
enter into us. Then we will have Him as eternal life. This is the way for us to
partake of the incarnated God for our enjoyment. It is when we admit that
we are serpentine that we are qualified to experience eternal life and enjoy
John the Baptist preached repentance, and in the seven epistles to the
seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 the Lord Jesus again and again tells us
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 122
to repent. This indicates that throughout our entire Christian life we need
to repent. Daily we need to say,”Lord, I am serpentine. But I thank You, Lord,
that You became the bronze serpent lifted up to be judged in my place. Lord,
I confess that I am sinful. Even though You did not know sin, You were
made sin for me, and You died on the cross to condemn sin. Now, Lord, I
take You as my sin offering.” Whenever we do this, He once again becomes
our enjoyment. (CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and
the Offerings in the Writings of John,” p. 125)
The Greek word for repentance means to have a change of mind
issuing in regret, to have a turn in purpose. Therefore, to repent, as taught
in the Bible, is to have a change of mind. It is not to improve or reform
oneself nor to forsake the evil and turn to the good, as people generally
believe. Man’s repentance is also his turning from all things to God Himself
(Acts 26:20; 14:15b; 1 Thes. 1:9b). Originally man’s mind was toward all
things outside of God; hence, under its direction, all of man’s behavior and
actions were also against God. Real repentance should be a repentance
unto God (Acts 20:21), a turning in reality from all things to God. (Truth
Lessons—Level One, vol. 3, pp. 45-47)
At the time the Lord Jesus spoke this word [in John 3:14] to
Nicodemus, it is not likely that he understood it. Nicodemus surely did not
regard himself as a serpent but as an ethical gentleman who came to the
Lord Jesus for the purpose of receiving teachings about his behavior.
However, in His word concerning the bronze serpent, the Lord Jesus
appeared to be saying to Nicodemus,”You should not consider yourself a
gentleman but realize instead that you are a serpent…. As your
replacement, I will be lifted up in the form of a serpent.” It is a great
blessing for us to know that, as the fulfillment of the type of the bronze
serpent, Christ came in the likeness of the flesh of sin to die on the cross as
our replacement and substitute. (Life-study of Numbers, p. 232)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” ch. 26;
Truth Lessons—Level One, vol. 3, lsn. 29; CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The
Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” ch.

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WEEK 6 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son,
that everyone who believes into Him would not perish, but would have
eternal life.
29-30 He who has the bride is the bridegroom; but the friend of the
bridegroom, who stands and hears him, rejoices with joy because of the
bridegroom’s voice. This joy of mine therefore is made full. He must
increase, but I must decrease.
Christians today appreciate John 3:16 very much, but not many of
them understand 3:14. However, 3:16 is the issue of 3:14; that is, the
receiving of eternal life is the issue of the uplifting of the bronze serpent.
The Lord was telling Nicodemus that if he realized that he was serpentine
and believed in the Lord Jesus as the bronze serpent lifted up as his
Substitute, he would have eternal life. This is to be regenerated, to receive
another life, the divine life….To have this new life is what it means to be
born again.
Verse 16 begins with the word for. This indicates that 3:16 is an
explanation of verses 14 and 15. It explains the fact that, in the sight of God,
the Lord Jesus was lifted up as our Substitute to bear God’s judgment for us
so that we may look at Him and receive eternal life. Because in Adam we
were bitten by the old serpent, we were dead. But now through Christ as
the bronze serpent lifted up on the cross, we may receive eternal life, the
life of God. This is the real manifestation of God’s love to the world. (CWWL,
1982, vol. 2,”The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the
Writings of John,” pp. 124, 128, 131)
Today’s Reading
In chapter 3 of John we not only have the serpent; we also have the
bride. In verse 29 John the Baptist said,”He who has the bride is the
bridegroom.”…The totality of all those who have been regenerated is the
bride of Christ. We all are part of Christ’s bride, and this bride is His
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increase (v. 30). John’s disciples were made jealous by the fact that so many
of his followers were coming to the Lord Jesus. As part of his answer to his
disciples, John the Baptist said concerning Christ,”He must increase, but I
must decrease” (v. 30). The increase in this verse is the bride in the
previous verse, and the bride is a living composition of all the regenerated
ones. This means that in this chapter regeneration is not only to bring the
divine life into the believers but is also to make them the corporate bride
for Christ’s increase. As Adam was increased in Eve, so Christ is increased
in His bride.
The intention of this chapter in the Gospel of John is to show us that
this unlimited Christ must have a universal increase, and He is in the
process of gaining this increase today. Wherever we go, Christ is present by
the Spirit He gives without measure. Verse 34 says definitely,”He gives the
Spirit not by measure.” This is the Spirit He gives to His Body, the church.
The Spirit given by Christ to His Body is immeasurable. Every one of the
millions of persons who believes in the Lord Jesus has received the Spirit,
the immeasurable Spirit. This immeasurable Spirit produces a universal
increase for the unlimited Christ. I would call your attention to the three
adjectives used in the previous sentence: immeasurable, universal,
unlimited. I use the word immeasurable to describe the Spirit, the word
universal to describe the increase, and the word unlimited to describe
Christ. The unlimited Christ gives the immeasurable Spirit in order to
produce a universal increase.
Christ and His bride, His increase, form a universal couple. In the last
two chapters of the Bible, Revelation 21 and 22, we see this couple. The
Lamb, Christ, is the Husband, and the New Jerusalem is the bride. In John 3
we have the serpent and the bride. Ultimately, in the book of Revelation we
see that Satan as the old serpent will be entirely dealt with (20:2, 10) and
that the bride of Christ as the New Jerusalem will be brought forth in full
(21:2, 10-27). (CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and
the Offerings in the Writings of John,” pp. 131-133)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The Fulfillment of the
Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” ch. 9

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WEEK 6 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Gen. 2:22 And Jehovah God built the rib, which He had taken from the man,
into a woman and brought her to the man.
3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your
seed and her seed; he will bruise you on the head, but you will bruise him
on the heel.
God increased Adam with a wife….Eve was not a separate creation,
having nothing to do with Adam. Rather, Eve was made from a part of
Adam’s being, from his rib [Gen. 2:22]. At first Adam was alone. Then God
used Adam’s rib to bring forth the increase of Adam. The result was a
couple to produce a people for the fulfillment of God’s purpose. Eve,
therefore, is vital and crucial in fulfilling God’s purpose. (CWWL, 1982, vol.
2,”The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of
John,” p. 136)
Today’s Reading
In Genesis 3 the serpent visited the bride and succeeded in capturing
her. Then through the woman he also gained the man. But God is greater,
higher, and wiser than the serpent. In His judgment upon the serpent, God
indicated that the woman would bring forth a seed to bruise the serpent’s
head…(v. 15). Furthermore, there is an indication in verse 21 that the seed
of the woman would not only bruise the head of the serpent but also
become righteousness to the very ones who were poisoned by
him:”Jehovah God made coats of skin for Adam and for his wife and clothed
them.” These coats of skin typify Christ as righteousness for fallen man.
In Adam, the old serpent gained us for himself by biting us. Do you
know what it means for the serpent to bite us? It means that he imparts the
poison of his nature into us to make us his increase. Through the fall, the
entire human race has become the increase of Satan. Do you know what
you were before you were saved? You were a part of Satan’s increase. No
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 126
matter what kind of person we were before we were saved, we were all
part of the increase of that evil one. When the serpent bit Adam in the
garden of Eden, he gained the entire human race, and all mankind became
his increase. No doubt, after he had bitten man in Genesis 3, Satan, the old
serpent, was happy. He may have laughed and said to himself,”I have gained
man for myself. The man created by God has now become my increase.”
But the Lord Jesus came to be the bronze serpent. This means that He
became sin for us. Second Corinthians 5:21 says,”Him who did not know sin
He made sin on our behalf.” Sin came from Satan, entered into man (Rom.
5:12), and made man not only a sinner but sin itself under God’s judgment.
Hence, when Christ became a man in flesh (John 1:14), He was made sin
(not sinful) on our behalf to be judged by God (Rom. 8:3).
Christ’s death on the cross opened the way for us sinners to believe
into Him and receive Him. Now we can receive His life. It was through His
redemption that He imparted Himself into us to make us His increase. In
this way we who were once the increase of Satan have become the increase
of Christ. In the past we were part of Satan’s increase, but we praise the
Lord that we have become part of the increase of Christ.
This story continues until we come to the end of the Bible. In the book
of Revelation we have the final word concerning the serpent and the bride.
In chapter 19 we see that the bride is ready for the marriage of the Lamb (v.
7). Immediately after the marriage dinner, this universal couple will fight
against Satan and his followers, the beast and the false prophet. Then Satan
will be bound and cast into the abyss, where he will be imprisoned for a
thousand years. Following that, Satan will rebel once more and ultimately
will be cast into the lake of fire. Then the universe will be thoroughly
cleared up, and there will be a new heaven and a new earth. For eternity
there will be a universal couple: Christ as the Husband and the church as
His bride. (CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the
Offerings in the Writings of John,” pp. 136-139)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The Fulfillment of the
Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” ch. 10

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WEEK 6 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
John 7:37-39 …Jesus…cried out, saying, If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me
and drink. He who believes into Me, as the Scripture said, out of his
innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. But this He said
concerning the Spirit…
1 Cor. 15:45 …The last Adam became a life-giving Spirit.
When Adam was bitten by the serpent, we all became serpents. Christ
has come to be our replacement, and we have believed into Him. At this
point we need to ask an interesting question: Are we who believe in Christ
still serpents? The answer to this question depends on whether, in our
experience, we are in John 3, which speaks of the bronze serpent, or in John
7, which speaks of coming to the Lord and drinking (vv. 37-39). If we are
drinking of the living water, then we are no longer serpents. But if we are
short of the living water, then we are contending serpents.
Are [you] dry, lacking the life-giving Spirit, or are [you] drinking of the
Spirit? Apart from the life-giving Spirit, we are contending serpents. In the
church life we may be either contending serpents or life-giving-Spirit
drinkers. May we all be those who drink of the all-inclusive, life-giving
Spirit! (Life-study of Numbers, pp. 232-233)
Today’s Reading
In our actual daily living we may not be a newborn person. We may
still be an old person, even perhaps a good, moral, ethical, religious,
God-fearing”Nicodemus.” I say this because we may not live, walk, behave,
and have our being in the Spirit. Instead of living by the Spirit, we may live
by ethics or religion. According to our natural birth, all of us automatically
live by our serpentine being. This is to live according to good and evil. With
the tree of knowledge in the garden of Eden there was not only the
knowledge of evil but also the knowledge of good. But with the tree of life
there is nothing but life. We should not think that morality is a matter of life.
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Morality is good, but it is not life.
In Galatians 2:20 Paul says,”I am crucified with Christ; and it is no
longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me.” Here Paul is saying that
he has been terminated and that now Christ lives in him. If Christ were not
the living Spirit, how could He live in us? This would be impossible. It is
important for us to realize that as believers in Christ not only do we have
two natures—the old nature and the new nature—but we also have two
beings, two persons. Although we have been regenerated and thereby have
a new person, most of us continue to live by the old person, even in doing
so-called spiritual things. We may even endeavor to live the church life by
the old man. This is a serious problem.
Often I have said,”Lord, forgive me for not living You adequately today.
In my family life and in my fellowship with the brothers, I am short of what
You require.” I have seen that I may be religious, ethical, moral, and
scriptural—all without Christ….But we all need to be able to say with Paul
that we have been crucified and that Christ now lives in us. We should be
able to declare this with assurance, not as a doctrine but as our experience
day by day. When we have this kind of living, then in reality we are
serpentine beings in the process of transformation into the bride of Christ.
This is the transformation revealed in the New Testament. As we are
transformed from serpentine beings into Christ’s being, we become His
increase, His bride. The consummation of this bride will be the New
Jerusalem as the tabernacle of God and the wife of the Lamb.
I urge you to bring this matter to the Lord in a serious way and
pray,”Lord, show me by what person I am living. Am I living by my old
person or by my new person? Am I living by the old nature or by the new
nature? Lord, am I living You? Am I practicing being one spirit with You?”
We all need to pray to the Lord like this. May the Lord have mercy on us
that we may learn to live by our regenerated being. (CWWL, 1982, vol.
2,”The Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of
John,” pp. 140-144)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The Fulfillment of the
Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” chs. 7,10-11

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WEEK 6 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
John 3:30-31 He must increase, but I must decrease. He who comes from
above is above all; he who is from the earth is of the earth and speaks out
of the earth. He who comes from heaven is above all.
35 The Father loves the Son and has given all into His hand.
In chapter 3 of John we can see at least nine aspects of the unlimited
Christ. First, the unlimited Christ is from above, that is, from the
heavens …(v. 31). At that time Christ was in the flesh, and the flesh is from
earth. But within Him there was a part that was from above, from the
heavens. The unlimited Christ not only comes from above but also is above
all. The One who comes from the heavens is above all. Even though He was
on earth, under the heavens, yet He was above all. Because Christ is
all-inclusive, unlimited, and universal, He is above all. While He was on
earth, He was still in the heavens (v. 13). (CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The
Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” pp.
Today’s Reading
John 3:35 says not only that the Father loves the Son but also that the
Father has given all things into the Son’s hand. The Father has given all
things, including us, to Christ. The entire universe has been given to the
Christ whom God the Father loves. He is the unique recipient of the Father’s
love and gifts…. If we would enjoy God’s love, we need to be in Christ.
Likewise, if we would participate in what God gives, we also need to be in
Christ. Paul says that all things are ours and that we are Christ’s (1 Cor.
This One who is from above, who is above all, who is loved by the
Father, and who has been given all things by the Father, has also been sent
by God….Christ is God’s Ambassador. He was sent by God and from God.
According to John 3:34, Christ as the One sent by God speaks the
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words of God….First, the Lord indicated that for giving life, He would
become the Spirit. Then He said that the words He speaks are spirit and life.
This shows that His spoken words are the embodiment of the life-giving
Spirit. He is now the life-giving Spirit in resurrection, and the Spirit is
embodied in His words. When we receive His words by exercising our spirit,
we receive the Spirit who is life.
John 3:34 says of the unlimited Christ,”He gives the Spirit not by
measure.”…He gives us the Spirit by speaking the word of God….If we
handle the Word of God rightly and digest it in our spirit, we will be filled
with the Spirit of God. The unique way for us to become the universal
increase of the unlimited Christ is to receive the Spirit and be filled with the
Spirit. The more we have of the Spirit, the more we will be Christ’s increase.
This increase begins with our regeneration, and it consummates with our
being filled with the immeasurable Spirit.
We need to learn not merely to read the Word or study it but also to
eat it. We must learn to receive the Word of God into our spirit and digest it
there. This is to enjoy the Word of God in our spirit. Through the Word we
receive the Spirit, and when we have the Spirit, we have eternal life….The
unlimited Christ is the One who gives eternal life to His believers [vv.
The unlimited Christ has the bride as His universal increase [vv. 29-30].
This universal increase, Christ’s bride, is the aggregate of all those who
have been regenerated. It is a living composition of all regenerated human
beings. This is the bride as the universal increase of the unlimited Christ.
This is possible only as we receive the rhema of God so that we may be
filled with the life-giving Spirit. If we receive the word and are filled with
the Spirit, we will enjoy eternal life. The result is that we become the bride,
the universal increase of the unlimited Christ. (CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The
Fulfillment of the Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” pp.
155-156, 161-163)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1982, vol. 2,”The Fulfillment of the
Tabernacle and the Offerings in the Writings of John,” chs. 12-13

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‹‹ WEEK 6 — HYMN ››

Hymns, #1089 Lamb of God so pure and spotless

Praise of the Lord—His Death

Lamb of God so pure and spotless,
Lamb of God for sinners slain.
Thy shed blood has wrought redemption,
Cleansing us from every stain.
Lamb redeeming, Lamb redeeming,
Bearing all our sins away,
Bearing all our sins away!
Brazen serpent, to Thee looking,
Son of Man, uplifted high.
Thou didst bear the flesh of sin in
Likeness on the cross to die.
Old creation’s termination;
Finished, Satan and the world,
Finished Satan and the world!
Grain of wheat, so small and lowly,
Without death abides alone;
Life divine enclosed within it,
Into death it must be sown.
Life releasing, Christ increasing,

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Many grains to birth to bring,
Many grains to birth to bring!
Lamb of God—our sin’s redemption,
Brazen serpent—Satan’s end,
Grain of wheat—life’s reproduction,
Now with many grains we blend.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
What an all-inclusive death,
What an all-inclusive death!

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2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 134
Week Seven
The All-inclusive Christ Being the Allotted Portion
of the Saints, according to God’s Choice,
as Their Divine Inheritance for Their Enjoyment
MC Hymns: 554, 907
Scripture Reading: Num. 32:1-6, 12, 16-22, 33; Deut. 8:9; Col. 1:12;
2:6-7; Phil. 3:7-11, 14


Day 1 & Day 2

I. The all-inclusive Christ is typified by the good land, a land in
which we will not lack anything—Deut. 8:9:
A. Christ as the allotted portion of the saints (Col. 1:12) refers to
the lot of the inheritance, as illustrated by the allotment of the
good land of Canaan given to the children of Israel for their
inheritance (Josh. 14:1):
1. The New Testament believers’ inheritance is not a physical land; it is the
all-inclusive Christ; He is the pledge of our inheritance—Eph. 1:14.
2. He is the allotted portion of the saints as our divine inheritance for our
enjoyment—Acts 26:18b.
B. God’s intention is to bring all His people into the good land,
which typifies Christ as the goal; in the Old Testament God’s
people journeyed and then arrived at the goal, but in the New
Testament we, the believers, having been baptized into Christ,
are already in the goal—Rom. 6:3; Gal. 3:27; 1 Cor. 1:30; Col.
2:6-7 and footnotes.

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C. The good land today is Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit (v. 6; Gal.
3:14), who dwells in our spirit (2 Tim. 4:22; Rom. 8:16) to be
our enjoyment; to walk according to this Spirit (v. 4; Gal. 5:16)
is the central and crucial point in the New Testament:
1. Colossians 2:6-7 reveals that Christ as the good land is the rich soil in
which we have been rooted so that we may grow with the elements that we
absorb from the soil—cf. 1 Cor. 3:6, 9; Col. 2:19.
2. If we have been rooted in Christ, we shall spontaneously walk in
Christ—living, acting, moving, and having our being in Christ.
3. The only way to become deeply rooted in Christ is to contact the Lord and
spend time with Him in the Word with much prayer; we first grow
downward and then bear fruit upward—Eph. 5:26; 6:17-18; Isa. 37:31.
4. While we walk in Christ, we will be built up in Christ to live out Christ; this
living out of Christ will produce the corporate expression of Christ, the
church life—Col. 2:6-7.
5. Every morning we need to take adequate time to absorb the Lord; although
even ten minutes is good, it is best to spend thirty minutes to enjoy Him at
the start of each new day; as we spend time contacting the Lord in the
morning and throughout the day in our spirit, we will spontaneously
absorb into us the riches of Christ as the soil.
6. We must take time to enjoy the Lord as the all-inclusive land so that all the
elements of Christ as the rich soil may be absorbed into us for us to be
made full in Him in our experience—v. 10a; 4:2:
a. If we would absorb the riches of Christ as the soil, we need to have tender,
new roots; we should not let ourselves get old but be fresh and renewed
every day—2 Cor. 4:16; cf. Deut. 34:7; Luke 11:34-36; Acts 3:19-20; Psa.
b. We need to forget our situation, our condition, our failures, and our
weaknesses and simply take time to absorb the Lord so that we may be
built up in Him for the building up of His Body, His corporate
expression—Luke 8:13; Matt. 14:22-23; 6:6.

Day 3 & Day 4

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II. The book of Numbers reveals the prearrangement of the
distribution of the good land, typifying the sharing of the
enjoyment of the rich Christ according to God’s
choice—32:1-42; 33:50—36:13:
A. The good land is surrounded by two seas (the Mediterranean
Sea and the Dead Sea) and one river (the Jordan River); these
two seas and this river all signify the death of Christ—34:2-3, 6,
B. This indicates that the enjoyment of Christ is closely related to
His death; the enjoyment of Christ must be in the sphere, the
territory, of His death—Phil. 3:7-11.
C. That the good land rose up from the waters that bordered it on
either side indicates that it is an elevated, uplifted land; this
signifies the resurrected and ascended Christ, the heavenly
Christ, who has entered into us in His resurrection (John 20:22)
and whose riches we enjoy in His ascension (Eph. 2:6; Col.
D. The request by Reuben and Gad to receive the land that God
had promised (Num. 32:1-5, 33) was not wrong; however, they
were not right in wanting to receive this according to their
choice as to what was best:
1. Eventually, their land was the first part of the land of Israel to be taken
over by the Gentile invaders from the east (1 Chron. 5:25-26); those who
remain halfway and are satisfied with only a little blessing from God will be
easily captured by the enemy.
2. In spiritual matters it is much better to not act according to our choice but
to leave matters in the hand of the Lord and let Him do according to His
choice—Hymns, #907; cf. Gen. 13:5-18.
3. The land requested by Reuben and Gad could be reached without crossing
the river Jordan, which signifies the old man not being dealt with and
buried (see footnotes on Joshua 3:16—4:12); only after our old man has
been dealt with and buried (Rom. 6:3-6) are we in a position to possess the
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all-inclusive Christ as the good land for our enjoyment.
4. The land given to Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh (Num.
32:33), the land that was according to their choice, could be reached
without crossing the Jordan and thus was not actually a part of the good
land of Canaan (cf. 34:14-15; 35:14); this indicates that, in type, it was
outside the death of Christ.

Day 5
5. The obligation of Reuben and Gad toward Jehovah and toward Israel
(32:22) was due to the fact that they had their own choice regarding their
portion of the land (vv. 1-5); in serving the Lord, we need to learn to give
up our own choice in order to avoid obligating ourselves to God and to His
6. Our self-choice is likewise outside the death of Christ and therefore has
nothing to do with the real enjoyment of the rich Christ; if we do not pass
through the death of Christ, we cannot enter into the realm of His
resurrection and ascension to enjoy Him as the heavenly, elevated One—cf.
Gal. 2:20; Phil. 3:10-11; Col. 3:1-4.
E. Obtaining”the land east of the Jordan” reaches God’s spiritual
goal but not His glorious goal—receiving the rich inheritance in
Christ, the glory of the riches of Christ, in the position of His

Day 6
F. The tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh
thought only about themselves, cared too much for their own
enjoyment, and did not care for God’s will, plan, goal, kingdom,
or testimony.
G. This indicates that if we care only for our own salvation, peace,
blessing, or material things and are unwilling to go forward, we
will not be able to fulfill God’s will and plan or reach His goal,
kingdom, and testimony; we should not substitute the second
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best for the best.
H. Moses permitted the promise of Reuben and Gad (Num.
32:16-19, 33), telling them that if they went to battle with their
brothers, subdued the land, and freed themselves from their
obligation, they could have the land east of the Jordan (vv.
1. Here Moses represented God; many times God permits such promises as
this; He does not force us.
2. Today in the church many of the Lord’s lovers and pursuers remain on the
east of the Jordan; they only want to be under God’s blessing and care.
I. The choice of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh
caused their descendants to lose the right to inherit the land of
Canaan (vv. 18-19, 33):
1. This typifies that if we lust for ease and comfort today—caring only for
ourselves, stopping halfway, and giving up our rights in the matter of
pursuing the Lord—we will not be able to recover those rights, and there
will not be any compensation for them; this is an eternal loss.
2. In contrast, if we are willing to pay the price today to go forward
continually into God’s glorious goal so as to enjoy His fullness, we will have
an extremely rich and special enjoyment in the future—Phil. 3:14.
J. God has ordained Christ to be our portion for our enjoyment,
but we must cooperate with God’s ordination by driving out
everything within us that is other than God and Christ; we must
destroy all the idols within us and not leave any ground within
us for the worship of idols (Num. 33:50-53; 1 John 5:21); only
then can we have the genuine enjoyment of Christ for the
church as His building and His kingdom.

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2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 140
WEEK 7 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment
Deut. 8:9 A land in which you will eat bread without scarcity; you will not lack
anything in it; a land whose stones are iron, and from whose mountains
you can mine copper.
Col. 1:12 Giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you for a share of the
allotted portion of the saints in the light.
[Christ as the allotted portion of the saints] refers to the lot of the
inheritance, as illustrated by the allotment of the good land of Canaan given
to the children of Israel for their inheritance (Josh. 14:1). The New
Testament believers’ inheritance, their allotted portion, is not a physical
land; it is the all-inclusive Christ. He is the allotted portion of the saints as
their divine inheritance for their enjoyment. (Col. 1:12, footnote 2)
In the eternal economy of God, the Father has allotted the Son, the
all-inclusive Christ typified by the good land, to us as our eternal portion
and has transferred us into Him that we may partake of Him (Col. 1:12-13;
1 Cor. 1:30, 9). We need to stand on the proper ground of the oneness of the
Body of Christ (Eph. 4:3-6) and keep the proper faith as Paul did (2 Tim.
4:7). We also need to live and walk in Christ (Col. 2:6), conducting ourselves
according to God to be His expression (see footnote 1, par. 2, on 2 Chron.
16:12). Then we will enjoy Christ, and the border of our enjoyment of
Christ as the good land will be enlarged (1 Chron. 4:10). (2 Chron. 33:9,
footnote 1)
Today’s Reading
If we have been rooted in Christ, we shall spontaneously walk in Christ.
For example, if a sister becomes deeply rooted in Christ, eventually the way
she does her shopping will be affected. But if a sister undergoes a sudden
change in her way of shopping, I would not have much confidence in that
change. It may indicate a mushrooming type of growth, not the growth
which comes from being deeply rooted in Christ and walking in Him.

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Remember, being rooted in Christ is the condition for walking in Him.
If the saints contact the Lord and spend time in the Word with much
prayer, they will become deeply rooted in Christ. If a sister does this for a
period of time, her shopping will be done in Christ, not in something other
than Christ. I do not have any confidence in a change of behavior which
results from making a decision after hearing a message. My confidence is in
what issues from becoming deeply rooted in Christ through contacting the
Lord and spending time in the Word with much prayer. When we are rooted
in Christ, there is no need for us to make up our minds about certain things,
for spontaneously we shall walk in Him. The only way to become deeply
rooted in Christ as the soil is to contact Him as the soil and to daily absorb
the water in the Word. The more we contact the soil and absorb the water,
the more we shall grow. First we grow downward, then upward. After we
have grown downward for a period of time, we shall automatically cease to
walk in things other than Christ. Instead, because we have been deeply
rooted in Christ, we shall live, walk, act, and have our being in Christ.
As we walk in Christ, we are built up in Him. We have already been
rooted in our culture and built up in it. Even children are deeply rooted in
their culture. But as they walk in their culture, something of this culture is
built up within them. Everyone is built up in certain things. On the one
hand, we are rooted in our culture; on the other hand, we are built up in
certain aspects of our culture.
If we take time to enjoy the Lord, we shall take adequate time to
absorb Him. We have heard a number of messages concerning who the
Lord is, what He is, and where He is. We have also learned how to exercise
our spirit to contact Him. But now we must take sufficient time to absorb
Him. We should not be lazy or indolent in this matter. From my experience I
can testify strongly that when we take time to enjoy the Lord, all the
elements of the rich soil are absorbed into us. (Life-study of Colossians, pp.
405-406, 467)
Further Reading: Life-study of Colossians, msgs. 46-47

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WEEK 7 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
Col. 2:6-7 As therefore you have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, walk in
Him, having been rooted and being built up in Him, and being established
in the faith even as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
As we have received Christ, we should walk in Him. In Colossians 2:6
to walk is to live, to act, to behave, and to have our being. We should walk,
live, and act in Christ that we may enjoy His riches, just as the children of
Israel lived in the good land, enjoying all its rich produce. The good land
today is Christ as the all-inclusive Spirit (Gal. 3:14), who dwells in our spirit
(2 Tim. 4:22; Rom. 8:16) to be our enjoyment. To walk according to this
Spirit (Rom. 8:4; Gal. 5:16) is the central and crucial point in the New
Testament. (Col. 2:6, footnote 2)
Like plants, we are living organisms. As such, we have been rooted in
Christ, our soil, our earth, that we may absorb all His riches as nourishment.
These riches become the element and substance with which we grow and
are built up. To be rooted is for the growth in life. This rooting has been
completed already. To be built up is for the building of the Body of Christ.
This is still going on. Both these matters are in Christ. (Col. 2:7, footnote 1)
Today’s Reading
If you see that we have been rooted in Christ as the rich soil, you will
be comforted and encouraged. Do not be troubled by your weaknesses.
Consider the rich soil in which you are rooted. In this soil do you not have
the fullness, the circumcision, the burial, the raising up, the giving of life,
the wiping out of the ordinances, and the stripping off of the powers of
darkness? Forget your situation, your condition, your failures, and your
weaknesses and simply take time to enjoy the Lord. Take time to absorb
Him, to assimilate the rich elements from Him as the soil. If you take time to
absorb the Lord, you will be able to testify that in Christ you have no lack.
Every morning we need to take an adequate amount of time to absorb
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the Lord. Although even ten minutes is good, it is best to spend thirty
minutes to enjoy Him at the start of each new day. If you spend thirty
minutes to absorb the Lord and to enjoy Him in the morning, you will not
be bothered by negative things during the day. The”flies” and”scorpions”
will not pester you, for the elements in the soil will repel them. However, if
you fail to absorb the Lord in the morning, you are apt to be troubled
by”flies” and”scorpions.” Many saints can testify that absorbing the Lord in
the morning supplies them with the best insect repellent. However, we
should spend time with the Lord not only in the morning but also
throughout the day. If we have a good time with the Lord in the morning,
afternoon, and evening, not only shall we be supplied with the most
effective pest control, we shall also enjoy a feast. However, if we are not
faithful to take time to absorb the Lord, our condition will gradually
deteriorate. Our experience confirms this. Let us turn from our thought,
emotion, and intention and open ourselves to the Lord, exercising our spirit
to say,”O Lord Jesus, I love You, I worship You, and I adore You. Lord, I give
myself to You. I give You my heart and everything concerning this day.” As
you contact the Lord in this way, do not be hurried. Take time, the more the
better. As you spend time contacting the Lord, spontaneously you will
absorb into you the riches of the soil.
If we would absorb the riches of Christ as the soil, we need to have
tender, new roots. Do not let yourself get old, but be fresh and renewed day
by day. Pray to the Lord,”Lord, I want my consecration to be fresh, and I
want to open to You anew. I want my roots to be tender that I may absorb
Your riches. Lord, don’t let my roots get old.” If our roots are tender and
new to absorb the riches of Christ, we shall grow automatically with the
riches we assimilate. This is to enjoy Christ and to experience Him
subjectively daily and hourly. (Life-study of Colossians, pp. 468-469, 487)
Further Reading: Life-study of Colossians, msgs. 53, 55-57

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WEEK 7 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
Col. 2:6-7 As therefore you have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, walk in
Him, having been rooted and being built up in Him…
19 …Holding the Head, out from whom all the Body, being richly supplied and
knit together by means of the joints and sinews, grows with the growth of
Colossians 2:7…speaks of being built up in Christ. As we grow in Christ,
we are being built up in Him. Years ago, I considered the building up in 2:7
to mean the building up with the saints. But this is not the meaning here.
Rather, the meaning is that we ourselves need to become built up…by
growing. The building up of the Body depends upon the individual and
personal building up of all the members. If a particular member has not
been built up, it will not be possible for him to be built up in the Body. To be
built up in the Body we first must be built up in ourselves. When we have
become built-up members, we shall then be able to be built up with others
in the Body. Therefore, the building up in 2:7 is not that of the Body
corporately, but the building up of the members individually. In Ephesians
4:16, on the contrary, we have the building up of the Body in a corporate
If we would walk in Christ, we need to absorb His riches by being
rooted in Him and to be built up as individual members of the Body. We
need to sink our roots into Christ deeper and deeper so that we may absorb
more of His riches. Then we shall grow and be built up in Him. Having
fulfilled these two conditions, we shall then be able to walk in Christ.
(Life-study of Colossians, pp. 449-450)
Today’s Reading
In Colossians 2:19 Paul speaks of”holding the Head, out from whom all
the Body, being richly supplied and knit together by means of the joints and
sinews, grows with the growth of God.” Holding the Head is equal to

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abiding in Christ. Of course, to hold the Head implies that we are not
detached, or severed, from Him. At the time Paul wrote to the Colossians,
they had been somewhat detached from Christ by their culture. Culture can
be a form of insulation which keeps us from Christ. To hold the Head is to
remain in Christ without any insulation between us and Him.
The words”out from whom” in verse 19 indicate that something is
coming out from the Head to cause the Body to grow. The growth of the
Body depends on what comes out of Christ as the Head, just as the growth
of a plant depends on what comes into the plant from the soil. If a plant
does not absorb nutrients from the soil, the plant cannot grow. Likewise, if
we do not receive what comes out from Christ as the Head, the Body cannot
grow. Holding the Head is, therefore, equal to being rooted in Christ as the
First, we grow individually, then corporately. Individual growth
becomes corporate growth. Hence, not only are the members built up
individually, but the Body is built up corporately…. [Our physical body
illustrates that] if all the members grow and build themselves up
individually, the body will be built up corporately.
After a church has been in a locality for a certain period of time,
friction may develop between the saints, even among the leading ones. How
can the church be built up if there is such friction? Along with the friction,
there must also be growth. This growth will nullify the effect of the friction.
I can testify that throughout the years in the church life, there has been
considerable friction caused by the enemy. But the growth in Christ has
canceled out all this friction. Therefore, we can be happy together and truly
one. The shortages among us are filled by the riches of Christ. Then we
grow both individually and corporately. This is the genuine building of the
church. The building up of the church is based upon the building up of the
individual members. Furthermore, the building of the members depends on
their growth, which, in turn, depends upon being rooted in Christ and
absorbing the riches of Christ to become the very element with which the
members grow. (Life-study of Colossians, pp. 453, 459-460)
Further Reading: Life-study of Colossians, msgs. 51-52

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WEEK 7 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Gal. 2:20 I am crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but it is
Christ who lives in me…
Phil. 3:10 To know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship
of His sufferings, being conformed to His death.
Col. 3:3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Numbers 32 speaks of the prearrangement of the distribution of the
good land….There is a twofold significance to the arrangement concerning
the land east of the Jordan. On the positive side, the tribes of Reuben and
Gad highly regarded the receiving of the God-promised inheritance.
However, on the negative side, they made their choice before they reached
God’s goal, which was on the west side of the Jordan. When the boundaries
of the good land are mentioned in Numbers 34, the land on the east of the
Jordan is not included. The best portion of the good land was surrounded
by two seas (the Mediterranean Sea and the Dead Sea) and one river (the
Jordan River). These three bodies of water signify Christ’s death. Thus, in
terms of spiritual typology, the land east of the Jordan was not good enough
because it was outside of the realm of Christ’s death. The two and a half
tribes chose and thus substituted the second best for the best. Many times
we also make our own choices and take the second best as a substitute for
the best. The two and a half tribes made a choice because they had an
abundance of livestock and saw that the land east of the Jordan was good
for livestock. Having too many”cattle” and”flocks” often becomes a
temptation to make our own choice and substitute the second best for the
best. (CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” pp. 172-173)
Today’s Reading
The enjoyment of Christ is closely related to His death. Our enjoyment
of Christ, therefore, must be in the sphere, the territory, of His death.

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The borders of the good land also indicate that it is an elevated,
uplifted land. This signifies the ascended Christ, the heavenly Christ. The
Christ whom we enjoy in His riches is a resurrected and ascended Christ.
The Christ who was crucified and buried has come into us in resurrection,
and now we are in His ascension, enjoying Him as the uplifted land with all
its riches. (Life-study of Numbers, p. 326)
The east side of the land of Canaan took the Jordan River as its main
border (Num. 34:10-12). Those who did not cross the Jordan could not be
considered as having reached the God-promised good land. The tribes of
Reuben and Gad and half of the tribe of Manasseh gained the land east of
the Jordan according to their own choice, but the land they gained cannot
be considered as part of the good land….The death of Christ, the cross, is a
clear boundary. Therefore, nothing that has not passed through the death
of Christ can be counted as part of the inheritance in Christ. This indicates
that we must pass through Christ’s death in order to enjoy Him. (CWWL,
1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” pp. 373-374)
The land requested by Reuben and Gad could be reached without
crossing the river Jordan. Without crossing the Jordan signifies without
having the old man dealt with and buried. Only after we have had the old
man dealt with and buried are we in a position to talk about possessing the
good land for our enjoyment. Reuben and Gad did not receive the promise
of the good land with the body of the children of Israel. This signifies
receiving the enjoyment of Christ separately, without the Body of Christ.
(Life-study of Numbers, pp. 318-319)
Crossing over the Jordan River denotes passing through Christ’s death
and entering into His resurrection and ascension. In addition to typifying
the position of ascension, the land west of the Jordan typifies the rich
inheritance in Christ. Thus, obtaining”the land east of the Jordan” reaches
God’s spiritual goal but not His glorious goal—receiving the rich
inheritance in Christ in the position of ascension. (CWWL, 1960, vol.
1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” p. 365)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” ch. 11

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WEEK 7 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
Luke 22:42 Saying, Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet,
not My will, but Yours be done.
Psa. 16:6 The measuring lines have fallen on pleasant places for me; indeed
the inheritance is beautiful to me.
1 Chron. 5:26 …The God of Israel stirred up the spirit of…the king of
Assyria;…and He carried them away, the Reubenites and the Gadites and
the half-tribe of Manasseh…
Christ appreciated the measured possession and the beautiful
inheritance given to Him by God. All the nations with the earth (Psa. 2:8)
will be not only pleasant but also beautiful to Christ as the man who
inherited God’s inheritance (Heb. 1:2b). (Psa. 16:6, footnote 1)
The request of the two tribes, Reuben and Gad (Num. 32:1-5), was not
wrong, but neither was it right. Their desire was to receive what God had
promised, according to their choice as the best, not according to God’s
choice as the best. The desire to receive what God had promised was not
wrong. However, they were not right in wanting to receive this according to
their choice as the best. Eventually, their land was the first part of the land
of Israel to be taken over by the Gentile invaders from the east [1 Chron.
5:25-26]. The tribes of Reuben and Gad suffered, and this suffering was
related to their having their own choice. (Life-study of Numbers, pp.
Today’s Reading
In spiritual matters it is terrible to do things according to our choice.
Whatever is according to our choice will not turn out to be profitable. We
may think that our choice is the best, but it is actually the worst. Therefore,
in spiritual matters we should try not to act according to our choice. It is
much better for us to leave matters in the hand of the Lord and let Him do
according to His choice.

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The two tribes made their request because of what they had (a very
great multitude of cattle—Num. 32:1) and because of what they saw (a
land good for livestock—v. 4). This was the reason for their choice.
Self-choice, even in the church life, comes from two things—considering
what we have and need and considering how a particular situation or
opportunity that we see in front of us fits in with our needs. This should
not be our situation in the church life or in the service of the Lord. Both in
the church life and in the Lord’s work, we need to resist the temptation to
have our self-choice for the purpose of taking care of our own welfare. We
need to learn the lesson of not considering what we have or what is in front
of us but leaving our future in the hand of the Lord. We should not try to
have our own choice in the church life or in the Lord’s service. If you insist
on having your own choice, be prepared to suffer as a result. Our choice is
not the best selection. We are shortsighted and somewhat selfish, so it is
difficult for us to be pure in motive, desire, intention, goal, and purpose. We
should be willing to give up our choice and tell the Lord that we do not have
any choice of our own.
In verse 22 Moses uses the word obligation. Whenever we have our
own choice, we will owe something for our choice and will be under some
kind of obligation. In serving the Lord, we need to learn never to be
obligated in this way. We need to learn not to have our own choice and
thereby not to be obligated to God and to His people.
The land given to the two and a half tribes, the land which was
according to their choice, could be reached without crossing the Jordan.
This indicates that it was outside the death of Christ and thus was not
actually a part of the good land. Our self-choice is likewise outside the
death of Christ and therefore has nothing to do with the real enjoyment of
the rich Christ. If we do not pass through the death of Christ, we cannot
enter into His resurrection and ascension. This shows us that we should
not have our own choice. Whenever we have our choice, we are outside the
death of Christ and, as a result, are not in the realm of His resurrection and
ascension to enjoy Him as the heavenly, elevated One. (Life-study of
Numbers, pp. 318, 321, 326-327)
Further Reading: Life-study of Numbers, msgs. 45-46
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WEEK 7 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
Phil. 3:13-14 Brothers, I do not account of myself to have laid hold; but one
thing I do: Forgetting the things which are behind and stretching forward
to the things which are before, I pursue toward the goal for the prize to
which God in Christ Jesus has called me upward.
[In Numbers 32 the children of Gad and of Reuben]”spoke to Moses
and to Eleazar the priest and to the leaders of the assembly, saying, …The
land which Jehovah struck before the assembly of Israel, is a land for
livestock, and your servants have livestock….Let this land be given to your
servants for a possession; do not make us cross over the Jordan” [vv. 2, 4-5].
The tribes of Reuben and Gad remained on the east of the Jordan because
they thought only about themselves; cared too much for their own
enjoyment; and did not care for God’s will, plan, goal, kingdom, or
testimony. This indicates that if we care only for our own salvation, peace,
blessing, or material things and are unwilling to go forward, we will not be
able to fulfill God’s will and plan or reach His goal, kingdom, and testimony.
(CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” pp. 366-367)
Today’s Reading
Moses rebuked the children of Reuben and Gad for not fighting with
the Israelites to gain the land of Canaan (Num. 32:6-15). In response to
Moses’ rebuke, the people of the two tribes promised that they would
willingly cross over the Jordan to fight and that they would not return to
the east of the Jordan until their brothers had gained the land of Canaan as
their possession (vv. 16-19). This typifies that some are willing to help
others enter into the land of Canaan to reach God’s glorious goal, but they
have no desire to enter into God’s glorious goal to inherit the land
Moses permitted the promise of these two tribes (vv. 16-19), telling
them that if they went to battle with their brothers, subdued the land, and
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freed themselves from their obligation, they could have the land east of the
Jordan (vv. 20-22). Here Moses represented God. Many times God permits
promises such as this; He does not force us. Today in the church many of
the Lord’s lovers and pursuers remain on the east of the Jordan; they only
want to be under God’s blessing and care.
The choice of the two tribes caused their descendants to lose the right
to inherit the land of Canaan. This typifies that if we lust for ease and
comfort today—caring only for ourselves, stopping halfway, and giving up
our rights in the matter of pursuing the Lord—we will not be able to
recover those rights; neither will there be any compensation for them. This
is an eternal loss. In contrast, if we are willing to pay the price today to go
forward continually into God’s glorious goal so as to enjoy His fullness, we
will have an extremely rich and special enjoyment in the future. If we are
not willing to go forward, we will forever regret not enjoying the riches of
Christ. There will be a great difference between the outcomes of these two
kinds of people. According to the records in Kings and Chronicles, the
children of Israel later failed and became desolate, and the first to be
captured were those who lived east of the Jordan. This reveals that those
who remain halfway and are satisfied with only a little blessing from God
will be easily captured by the enemy. (CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of
Numbers,” pp. 367-368)
The principle is the same concerning our enjoyment of Christ today.
Christ has been given to us as our portion for our enjoyment, yet there is a
condition which we must fulfill in order to have this enjoyment. This
condition is that we cooperate with God’s ordination to drive out
everything in us which is other than God and Christ. This means that we
must destroy all the idols within us. An idol is anything other than God that
occupies us. A degree, a good job, a nice house, a position or rank, a good
name—all these can become idols occupying us. We must destroy any idols
that may be in us and not leave any ground within us for the worship of
idols. Without dealing with the idols in us, we cannot have the genuine
enjoyment of Christ. (Life-study of Numbers, p. 324)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” chs.
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‹‹ WEEK 7 — HYMN ››

Hymns, #907 Not where we elect to go

Service — By the Lord’s Leading

Not where we elect to go,
But where Jesus leads the way,
There the living waters flow,
There our darkness turns to day.
Not our self-appointed task
Will the Lord’s approval win,
But the work we did not ask,
Finished humbly, just for Him.
Not the prayer we long to plead
When we bend before the Throne,
But the touching deeper need
Of the Spirit’s wordless groan.
Not the gift we proudly lay
On His altar will He heed,
If our hearts have said Him, “Nay,”
When He whispered, “I have need.”
Thus we die, and dying live

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In the heavenlies with the Lord;
Thus we serve, and pray, and give,
Christ Himself our great Reward.

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Week Eight
Authority, Rebellion,
the Vindication of Delegated Authority,
and a Proper Representative of God
RK Hymns: 984
Scripture Reading: Num. 12:1-15; 16:1—17:13; 20:2-13, 24;
27:12-14; 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10


Day 1
I. God is the supreme authority; He has all authority—Rom.
A. God’s authority represents God Himself; God’s power only
represents God’s works—Acts 17:24.
B. God’s authority is actually God Himself; authority issues out
from God’s own being—Rev. 22:1.
C. All authority—spiritual, positional, and governmental—derives
from God—2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10; John 19:10-11; Gen. 9:6.
D. When we touch God’s authority, we touch God Himself—Isa.
1. Meeting God’s authority is the same as meeting God—Amos 4:12.
2. Offending God’s authority is the same as offending God Himself.
E. In our relationship with God, nothing is more important than
touching authority—Acts 9:5; Matt. 11:25.
F. Knowing authority is an inward revelation rather than an
2019 July Semiannual Training -Holy Word Morning Revival 155
outward teaching—Acts 22:6-16.

Day 2
G. Only God is the direct authority to man; all other authorities
are indirect authorities—delegated authorities, deputy
authorities, appointed by God—Dan. 4:32, 34-37:
1. Only when we meet God’s authority can we submit to the delegated
authority whom God appoints—Matt. 28:18; Heb. 13:17; 1 Pet. 5:5.
2. God requires that we submit not only to Him but to all delegated
authorities—Rom. 13:1-7; 2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10; Heb. 13:17.
3. Those who do not submit to God’s indirect authority cannot submit to
God’s direct authority.
4. God wants us to submit to indirect authority—delegated authorities—so
that we may receive spiritual supply.
H. We all must meet authority, be restricted by God, and be led by
His delegated authority—Isa. 37:16; Phil. 2:12; Heb. 13:17.

Day 3
II. There are two great principles in the universe—God’s
authority and Satan’s rebellion; the unique controversy
between God and Satan concerns authority and
rebellion—Acts 26:18; Col. 1:13:
A. Rebellion is the denial of God’s authority and the rejection of
God’s rule:
1. Satan was originally an archangel created by God, but due to his pride he
uplifted himself, violated God’s sovereignty, rebelled against God, became
God’s adversary, and established his own kingdom—Isa. 14:12-14; Ezek.
28:2-19; Matt. 12:26.
2. When man sinned, he rebelled against God, denied God’s authority, and
rejected God’s rule; at Babel men rebelled collectively against God to
abolish God’s authority from the earth—Gen. 3:1-6; 11:1-9.

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B. Although Satan rebelled against God’s authority and although
man violates His authority by rebelling against Him, God will
not let this rebellion continue; He will establish His kingdom on
the earth—Rev. 11:15.
C. The center of dispute in the universe relates to who has
1. We must contend with Satan by asserting that authority is with God—Acts
17:24, 30.
2. We need to set ourselves to submit to God’s authority and uphold God’s
authority—Matt. 11:25.
D. The sin of rebellion is more serious than any other kind of
sin—1 Sam. 15:23.

Day 4
III. Chapters 12 and 16 of Numbers speak of rebellion against
God’s delegated authority:
A. In speaking against Moses, Miriam and Aaron were speaking
against the deputy authority of God—12:1-15:
1. God had appointed Moses to be His deputy authority, His representative
authority on earth; the authority that Moses represented was the authority
of God—Exo. 3:10-18a; 7:1.
2. According to God’s governmental administration, Miriam and Aaron
should have submitted themselves to Moses, but they rebelled—Num.
3. Neither Aaron nor Miriam knew authority; instead, they fostered a
rebellious heart—vv. 1-2.
4. The words of rebellion ascended upward and were heard by God—v. 2b:
a. When Miriam and Aaron offended Moses, they offended God in Moses;
therefore, God became angry.
b. Once a person touches delegated authority, he touches God in that
delegated authority.

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c. To offend the delegated authority is to offend God—vv.
5. Miriam’s becoming leprous was God’s governmental dealing—v. 10.
B. The rebellion recorded in chapter 16 was a corporate rebellion:
1. The rebellion in this chapter was a widespread, universal rebellion among
God’s people—v. 19a.
2. Numbers 16:3, 9, and 10 show that the root of this rebellion was ambition,
the struggle for power and for a higher position:
a. Ambition undermines God’s plan and damages His people.
b. Throughout the centuries many problems among Christians have been
caused by ambition—cf. Matt. 20:20-28; 3 John 9-11.
3. Although Moses was humble in falling on his face (Num. 16:4), he did not
give up his God-given position as God’s deputy authority (vv. 3-11, 16-18):
a. Moses did not fight back; rather, he brought the rebels and the ones
against whom they rebelled to God—v. 5.
b. As God’s deputy, or delegated, authority, Moses referred this case to God
as the highest authority, for His speaking, exposing, and judging—vv.
c. In a struggle for power, the only One who can judge and expose the real
situation is God Himself—vv. 30-33.
4. The murmuring of the people against Moses and Aaron proves that their
rebellious nature had not been subdued—v. 41.

Day 5
IV. Numbers 16 speaks of man’s rebellion against God’s deputy
authority and how man opposed God’s deputy authority;
chapter 17 speaks of God’s vindication of His appointed
A. God vindicated to everyone that deputy authority is according
to His appointment—v. 5.
B. Since the rebellion of Korah and his company was related to the
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priesthood (16:3, 8-10), the budding of Aaron’s rod was a
vindication indicating that Aaron was the one accepted by God
as having authority in the God-given ministry of the priesthood
C. The budding rod of Aaron typifies the resurrected Christ—the
budding, blossoming, and fruit-bearing Christ—who imparts
life to others—v. 8:
1. Christ, the greatest budding rod in the universe, imparts life to others; He
always flows out life to enliven others—John 12:24; 1 Pet. 1:3.
2. Today Christ is still budding, and we are the fruit, the almonds, of His
D. In typology a rod signifies authority—cf. 1 Cor. 4:21:
1. In Numbers 17 the rods represented the leaders of the twelve tribes (v. 2),
and Aaron’s rod represented the tribe of Levi (v. 3).
2. It was God’s intention that the budding of a dead rod would cause the
murmurings of the people to cease.
3. Through the budding of the rod, God spoke to the Israelites and also to
Aaron—v. 8.
E. The budding rod signifies our experience of Christ in His
resurrection as our authority in the God-given ministry—Heb.
9:4; Num. 17:1-10:
1. The budding, blossoming, fruit-yielding rod signifies the resurrection life of
Christ with its authority—v. 8; John 11:25.
2. Resurrection is the basis of authority—2 Cor. 1:8-9; 10:8; 13:4, 10:
a. The budding rod indicates that authority is based on resurrection—Num.
b. The basis of God’s appointment of authority is resurrection—2 Cor. 1:8-9;
10:8; 13:10.
c. The basis of God’s vindication of His appointed authority is
resurrection—Num. 17:5, 8.

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Day 6
V. One who has been appointed by God to be a deputy authority
must be a proper representative of God—12:3-8; 16:1-5, 28;
2 Cor. 5:20:
A. In Exodus and in Numbers 12 and 16, Moses represented God in
a proper way.
B. We need to learn a serious lesson from the one time that Moses
failed to represent God—20:2-13:
1. In striking the rock twice and in calling the people rebels, Moses did not
sanctify God in the sight of the people of Israel—vv. 10-12:
a. To sanctify God is to make Him holy, that is, separate from all the false
gods; to fail to sanctify God is to make Him common—v. 12.
b. In being angry with the people and in wrongly striking the rock twice,
Moses failed to sanctify God—vv. 10-11.
c. In being angry when God was not angry, Moses failed to represent God
rightly in His holy nature, and in striking the rock twice, he did not keep
God’s word in His economy—vv. 10-12.
d. Moses offended both God’s holy nature and His divine economy; he
condemned the people as rebels, but he was the one who rebelled against
God’s word—vv. 10, 24; 27:12-14.
2. In all that we say and do concerning God’s people, our attitude must be
according to God’s holy nature, and our actions must be according to His
divine economy.
C. The apostle Paul was an ambassador of Christ, representing
God—2 Cor. 5:20:
1. A new covenant minister is one who has been authorized with the heavenly
authority to represent the highest authority—3:6; 5:20.
2. Paul exercised his apostolic authority not for ruling over the believers but
for building them up—10:8; 13:10; 1:24.
3. Paul exercised the authority inherent in his apostleship by teaching, by
engaging in spiritual warfare, by moving within the measure of God’s rule,
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and by his jealousy for Christ over the believers—1 Cor. 4:17; 2 Cor. 10:3-4,
13; 11:2.
D. A person who represents God rightly must submit to authority
(Matt. 8:8-9), realize that in himself he has no authority (28:18;
2 Cor. 10:8; 13:10), and be a person in resurrection, living in
the resurrection life of Christ (1:9; 4:14; Num. 17:1-10).

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WEEK 8 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment
Rev. 22:1 And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal,
proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the middle of its
Rom. 9:21 Or does not the potter have authority over the clay to make out of
the same lump one vessel unto honor and another unto dishonor?
All authority is from God because everything is ordered by God. If we
trace any authority upward, we eventually will come to God. God is above
all authorities, and every authority is under Him. Once we touch God’s
authority, we touch God Himself Basically, God’s work is not carried out by
power, but by authority…. Creation came about through the word of His
authority. His word is His authority. We do not know how God’s authority
works. But we know that God accomplishes everything through His
authority. The centurion whose servant was sick knew that there was an
authority above him to which he should submit, inasmuch as there were
those under him who submitted to him. Therefore, he only needed the Lord
to say one word, and he believed that the matter would then be taken care
of. He knew that all authority was in the Lord’s hand; he believed in the
Lord’s authority. This is why the Lord said that He had found no faith
greater than this. Meeting God’s authority is the same as meeting God.
Today God appoints authorities everywhere in the universe….Offending
God’s authority is the same as offending God Himself. A Christian should
submit to authority. (CWWN, vol. 47,”Authority and Submission,” pp.
Today’s Reading
We who are involved in the Lord’s work are the servants of God. As
such, the first thing we touch is the matter of authority. Touching authority
is as real as the matter of touching salvation. For us this is a deeper lesson.
We must be touched and smitten at least once by authority. Only then can

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we work the work of God. In our relationship with God, nothing is more
important….Once we touch [authority], we will see it wherever we turn.
Only then can we be restricted by God, and only then can we begin to be
used by God.
There are two principles in the universe—God’s authority and Satan’s
rebellion….Although a rebellious person can preach, Satan will laugh,
because the principle of Satan is there in the preaching. Service is ever
attendant to authority….We who serve God must gain this basic
understanding at some time. It is like touching electricity. Once one touches
it, he will never be careless with it. In the same way, once a man meets
God’s authority and is smitten by it, his eyes will be enlightened.
When the rebellious ones spoke against Moses for not leading them
into the land flowing with milk and honey, and for not giving them the
inheritance of fields and vineyards, their words were somewhat
true….Please note that whenever men act and judge according to doctrine
or according to what they see with their physical eyes, they are taking the
way of reason. But those who submit to authority will enter Canaan by faith.
The way of the spirit can never be taken by those who argue and reason.
Those who by faith take the leading of the pillars of cloud and of fire and
take the leading of Moses, the deputy authority, will enjoy the fullness of
the Spirit. The earth opens its mouth for the rebellious ones. This is the way
of death leading them quickly to Hades. Those who do not submit to
authority have clear eyes, but they only see the desolation in the wilderness.
Only those who are apparently blind, who probe forward by faith, ignoring
the present desolation, can enter into Canaan. Those on the spiritual
pathway see the future promise of blessing by the eyes of faith. Therefore,
one must meet authority, be restricted by God, and be led by His deputy
authority. If a man sees only his father, brothers, or sisters, he does not
know what authority is, and has not yet met God. In any case, the matter of
authority is an inward revelation rather than an outward teaching. (CWWN,
vol. 47,”Authority and Submission,” pp. 114-115, 133-134)
Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 47,”Authority and Submission,” chs. 1-3,
6-8, 12-15, 17-18; CWWL, 1957, vol. 2,”What the Kingdom Is to the
Believers,” chs. 2-3
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WEEK 8 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
Heb. 13:17 Obey the ones leading you and submit to them, for they watch over
your souls as those who will render an account, that they may do this with
joy and not groaning; for this would be unprofitable to you.
1 Pet. 5:5 In like manner, younger men, be subject to elders; and all of you
gird yourselves with humility toward one another, because God resists the
proud but gives grace to the humble.
No one dares to say that he would not submit to the Lord’s authority.
But there is also the authority of the members in coordination that we have
to submit to. We have to realize that all the members are joined
together….Sometimes the Lord uses one member directly. At other times,
the Lord uses a member to supply another member. When the head directs
the eyes to see, the whole body takes the seeing of the eyes as its own
seeing because when the eyes see, the whole body sees. This delegated
function, which is deputy authority, is also the authority of the Head. If any
other members think that they can see for themselves, they are in rebellion.
We cannot be so foolish as to think that we are almighty.
Never forget that we are just members. We need to receive the
function of the other members. When we submit to the authority of the
seeing function, we will have no barrier with the Head, because the supply
is in the authority. Whoever has the gift has that ministry; and whoever has
the ministry has the authority. No one else can see except the eyes. If we
want to see, we have to submit to the authority of the eyes and receive their
supply. God’s appointed ministry is His authority. No one should reject it.
Everyone wants to receive God’s direct authority. But God wants us to
submit to indirect authorities (i.e., deputy authorities) so that we may
receive spiritual supply. (CWWN, vol. 47,”Authority and Submission,” p.
Today’s Reading
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Other than God Himself, everyone, including the Lord Jesus, has to
submit to authority on earth. We should see authority everywhere….Some
never realize who their authority is. They have never submitted to anyone….
If you know who you have to submit to, you will spontaneously know what
position you should occupy in the Body, and you will stand in your proper
position….Submission is the first lesson for those who work. It is actually
the major part of their work. (CWWN, vol. 47,”Authority and Submission,” p.
In the universe, only God is the direct authority to man. Other than
God, all authorities are delegated. The parents represent God as the
children’s authority, and the husbands represent God as the wives’
authority. The civil officers represent God as the citizens’ authority, and
even the teachers in the schools, the managers in the offices, and the
policemen on the streets are all delegated authorities. The elders in the
church also represent God as authority. Today while living on earth, seldom
do we live under God’s direct authority. Almost all the authorities that we
submit to are delegated authorities….There are not many cases where God
acts directly as authority. In almost all circumstances, God’s authority is
It is easy today for man to submit to God’s direct authority, but it is not
easy to submit to the delegated authority God has appointed. The reason
for this is that you may not consider the delegated authority better or
stronger than you are….When you come to a local church, the elders there
may not have been saved as long ago as you were. They may not be as
spiritual as you are, may not have received as much education as you have
received, and may not be as capable as you are. But when you are there, you
have to accept that delegated authority and submit to it. (CWWL, 1960, vol.
2,”The Elders’ Management of the Church,” p. 141)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1960, vol. 2,”The Elders’ Management of the
Church,” chs. 5-6; CWWL, 1989, vol. 4,”The Apostles’ Teaching and the New
Testament Leadership,” ch. 2; CWWL, 1956, vol. 2,”Three Aspects of the
Church, Book 3: The Organization of the Church,” chs. 2-9

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WEEK 8 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
Rev. 4:2 …Behold, there was a throne set in heaven, and upon the throne
there was One sitting.
Matt. 11:25 At that time Jesus answered and said, I extol You, Father, Lord of
heaven and of earth…
1 Sam. 15:23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and insubordination is
like idolatry…
The center of dispute in the whole universe relates to who has the
authority. We have to contend with Satan by asserting that authority is with
God. We have to set ourselves to submit to God’s authority and to uphold
God’s authority.
Before Paul realized authority, he wanted to eradicate the church from
the earth. But after he met the Lord on the way to Damascus, he realized
that it was difficult to kick against the goads (God’s authority) with his feet
(man’s energy). He immediately fell down, acknowledged Jesus as Lord,
and submitted to the instruction of Ananias in Damascus. Paul met God’s
authority. At his conversion, Paul was brought not only into a realization of
God’s salvation, but also into a realization of God’s authority. (CWWN, vol.
47,”Authority and Submission,” p. 111)
Today’s Reading
Paul was an intelligent and capable man, while Ananias was a very
insignificant, small brother. The Bible refers to him only once. If Paul had
not met God’s authority, how could he possibly have listened to the words
of Ananias?…This shows us that anyone who has met authority will deal
with the authority alone; he will not deal with the person involved. We
should only think of the authority, not of the person, because our
submission is not to a person but to God’s authority in that person…. If we
touch the matter of authority first and then submit to the person,
irrespective of who he is, we are on the right path.
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God has only one goal in the church, which is to manifest His authority
in the universe. We can see God’s authority from the coordination in the
church. God exercises the utmost of His strength to uphold His authority.
His authority is stronger than anything else. We who are so self-confident,
but who are in reality so blind, have to come face-to-face at least once with
God’s authority. Only when we are broken can we come into
submission….Only when a man meets God’s authority will he submit to the
deputy authority whom God appoints.
In Numbers 16 there are two rebellions. In verses 1 through 40 we
have the rebellion of the leaders, whereas in verses 41 through 50 we have
the rebellion of the whole assembly. A spirit of rebellion is contagious….
[The whole assembly] saw with their own eyes fire coming forth from God
to consume the two hundred fifty incense burners. Yet they still rebelled.
They even accused Moses of killing them. Moses and Aaron could not open
the earth; it was God who opened it. Moses could not consume people with
fire; it was the fire that proceeded from Jehovah God that judged the people.
Some men only see through their own eyes…. Such people are very bold;
they are not afraid even when they see judgment, because they do not have
the knowledge of authority. This is a very dangerous matter. When the
whole assembly attacked Moses and Aaron, the glory of God appeared,
proving that authority is from God. God came forth to judge. A plague broke
out, and 14,700 died. Moses was quick in his spiritual sensation; he
immediately ordered Aaron to take the censer, put fire in it, and place
incense on it to make propitiation for the assembly. Aaron stood between
the dead and the living, and the plague was stopped.
God can bear His people’s ten murmurings in the wilderness. But He
cannot bear His authority being offended. God can bear many sins and can
even pardon them. Once rebellion appears, however, God cannot tolerate it,
for rebellion is according to the principle of death. It is according to the
principle of Satan. For this reason, the sin of rebellion is more serious than
any other kind of sin. Whenever someone opposes authority, God
immediately comes in to judge. How solemn a matter this is! (CWWN, vol.
47,”Authority and Submission,” pp. 111-112, 134-135)
Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 47,”Authority and Submission,” chs. 1-3
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WEEK 8 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Num. 16:5 …In the morning Jehovah will make known who is His and who is
holy;…the one whom He will choose He will bring near to Himself.
Matt. 20:25-27 …The rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and the great
exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you; but whoever
wants to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever
wants to be first among you shall be your slave.
Ambition for position and power is always a problem to God’s people.
Ambition is a”gopher” that undermines God’s plan and damages His people.
When I was with Watchman Nee on the mainland of China, I saw him
attacked a number of times. He never did anything or said anything to
vindicate himself, and he never complained against others. As he told me,
because he was the target, it was difficult for him to say anything
concerning himself without vindicating, and it was difficult to say anything
about others without condemning. So the best way, he said, was not to say
anything. (Life-study of Numbers, p. 172)
Today’s Reading
The ambition for power and the struggle for power are in our blood.
This ambition and struggle can be found not only among males but also
among females. The rebellion of Miriam and Aaron against Moses proves
this. I believe that this rebellion was instigated by Miriam….We all need to
be careful to guard against the”gopher” of ambition within us.
The first generation of Christ’s followers was troubled by the struggle
for power. At a very crucial time, when the Lord Jesus was going to
Jerusalem to be crucified, He told His followers what would happen to Him
(Matt. 20:17-19). They heard Him, but they neither listened to what He said
nor cared about it. While He was telling them about His death, they were
struggling for power. The mother of James and John (Jesus’ aunt) even
brought her two sons to the Lord, begging Him to put one on His right and
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one on His left in the kingdom (Matt. 20:20-28). The other disciples were
indignant toward these two brothers. This indicates that there was a power
struggle among the disciples.
If you read through the Acts and the Epistles, you will see that this
struggle for power was there from the beginning of the church life. Ananias
and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-4) were a couple who lied to God. Actually, their
lying was a struggle for power. They wanted to be more important, to
elevate themselves in the eyes of others. At the end of the Epistles, John
mentioned one who was struggling for power, Diotrephes (3 John 9-11).
The history of Christianity is a history of the struggle for power. This
struggle is within each one of us. You may not realize it, but it is hidden
inside you. Eventually, the church life will be a test to our real situation. As
long as we are in the church life, sooner or later we will be tested and
Consider the rebels among the children of Israel in Numbers. Some
rebels were on the border of the camp, some were with the mixed
multitude, and some were very close to Moses, the leading one. Now, in
Numbers 16, two hundred fifty leaders rebelled. In view of all this, we must
believe that the struggle for power was in every one of the sons of Israel.
In chapter 16, Moses was bold and faithful in confronting a large-scale
rebellion, a rebellion of two hundred fifty leaders. Although he fell on his
face, he still did something. He brought this matter openly to God, to let God
come in to speak, to judge, and to vindicate.
In such a rebellious situation, it is better not to do anything. The Lord
is still living. He is still on the throne and is still sovereign. He is the
sovereign Lord and the highest authority. He is the Head of the Body today.
Thus, we must always refer these things to Him and let Him be what He is.
This is all we can do, and this is what we must do. (Life-study of Numbers,
pp. 172-174)
Further Reading: Life-study of Numbers, msgs. 19, 23-24; CWWL,
1960, vol. 1,”Synopsis of Numbers,” chs. 21-22

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WEEK 8 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
Num. 17:8 And on the next day Moses went into the Tent of the Testimony,
and there was the rod of Aaron for the house of Levi: it had budded; it
even put forth buds and produced blossoms and bore ripe almonds.
John 11:25 Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life; he who
believes into Me, even if he should die, shall live.
God commanded the twelve leaders to take twelve rods according to
the twelve tribes of Israel, and put them in the Tent of Meeting before the
Ark. Then He said,”And the rod of the man whom I choose shall bud” (Num.
17:5). Arod is a piece of wood. It is a branch that has been stripped of its
leaves and roots. It once was living but now has become dead. It once
derived its sap from the tree, being able to blossom and bear fruit, but now
has become dead. All twelve rods were leafless, rootless, dry, and dead.
Whichever one budded was the one that was chosen by God. Here we see
that resurrection is the basis of God’s selection. It is also the basis of
authority. (CWWN, vol. 47,”Authority and Submission,” p. 243)
Today’s Reading
Numbers 16 speaks of man’s rebellion against God’s deputy authority
and how man opposed God’s appointed authority. Chapter 17 speaks of
God’s vindication of His appointed authority. The basis of God’s vindication
of His appointed authority is resurrection. By resurrection He stopped
man’s murmuring. Man, of course, has no right to question God in the first
place, but God condescended Himself to tell man the reason and basis for
His appointment of authority. The basis for His appointment of authority is
resurrection. This shut the mouth of the Israelites.
Both Aaron and the Israelites were descendants of Adam and both
were fleshly. By nature and according to their natural disposition, they
were both sons of wrath; there was no difference between them. All twelve
rods were the same. They were all leafless and rootless rods, dead and

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lifeless. This shows us that the basis of service is something apart from our
natural life. It is the resurrection life we receive from God that gives us
authority. Authority has nothing to do with man but with the resurrection
that is manifested through man. Aaron was no different than all the other
persons. His distinction was in God’s choosing and the resurrection life
which God granted him. From this we see that the basis of authority is
Arod signifies human position, while budding signifies the
resurrection life. As far as position is concerned, the twelve leaders of the
twelve tribes occupied a position of leadership. Aaron represented the tribe
of Levi and was no different than the others in his representation of his
own tribe. Aaron could not serve God based on his position, because his
position was the same as all the others. In fact, this was why the other
tribes objected to his leadership….Resurrection is the mark that God
recognizes. He only recognizes those who have passed through death and
resurrection as His servants. Hence, the mark of ministry is resurrection. A
man cannot base his service to God on his position. He must base it on
God’s selection. After God caused Aaron’s rod to bud, blossom, and bear
fruit, the tribes saw it, and they had nothing more to say.
If there is any authority in us, this authority comes from God, not from
us….Whenever we trust in the Lord, we see authority. Whenever we
express the natural life, we become the same as everyone else, and there is
no authority in us whatsoever. Only that which issues from resurrection
results in authority. Authority is based on resurrection, not on ourselves.
No ordinary rod can be placed before God. Only a rod of resurrection can be
placed before Him. Furthermore, resurrection is found in the budding rod.
It is not a general resurrection but a full resurrection. It is not just a faint
expression of the resurrection life but a life that has budded, blossomed,
and brought forth fruit. This is resurrection life in maturity. Only one
matured in resurrection life can act as God’s deputy authority. The more
resurrection life is expressed through us, the more authority we will have.
(CWWN, vol. 47,”Authority and Submission,” pp. 243-245, 251-252)
Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 47,”Authority and Submission,” ch. 15

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WEEK 8 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
2 Cor. 5:20 On behalf of Christ then we are ambassadors, as God entreats you
through us; we beseech you on behalf of Christ, Be reconciled to God.
10:13 But we will not boast beyond our measure but according to the measure
of the rule which the God of measure has apportioned to us, to reach even
as far as you.
The apostle Paul was an ambassador of Christ. An ambassador is one
who represents the highest authority….The highest authority in this
universe is God, and God has given all authority in heaven and on earth to
Christ (Matt. 28:18). God has appointed Christ to be the King of kings and
the Lord of lords (1 Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14). Today Jesus is the Christ, the
Lord of all, the highest authority. For this highest authority there is the
need of some ambassadors on this earth who are qualified to represent
Him. The Lord’s ministry is not a matter of merely being a preacher or a
teacher but of being one who is authorized with the heavenly authority,
representing the highest authority in the whole universe. First, we need to
be captured by Christ, and eventually, we need to become a representative
of Christ on this earth to deal with the earthly nations as an ambassador.
(CWWL, 1967, vol. 2,”An Autobiography of a Person in the Spirit,” p. 171)
Today’s Reading
Second Corinthians 10:8 indicates that in the past Paul did say
something to the Corinthians concerning his apostolic authority. Apostolic
authority is not for ruling over the believers, as in the natural sense, but for
building them up.
[In verse 13], the apostle is bold, but he is not bold without limit. This
shows that he is under the restriction of the Lord. His boasting is according
to the measure of the rule which the God of measure, the ruling God, has
apportioned to him. Paul’s ministry to the Gentile world, including Corinth,
was according to the measure of God (Eph. 3:1-2, 8; Gal. 2:8). Hence, his
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boast is also within this limit, not without measure.
We should not think that Paul was so spiritual that he was altogether
different from us. Even he had to learn to take the Lord’s restriction. For
example, Paul wanted to go to Rome, but he did not expect to go there in
bonds. Furthermore, he told the believers at Rome that he expected to go to
Spain by way of them (Rom. 15:24). Paul never went to Spain, and he
arrived in Rome in bonds. Those bonds were the Lord’s measure, His
limitation…. God led him there as a prisoner….God is sovereign, and
whatever happened to Paul was under God’s sovereignty. This means that
Paul’s bonds and imprisonment were God’s sovereign restriction. Paul was
willing to be subject to God’s measuring. He neither transgressed this
restriction nor rebelled against it.
In the church service we need to realize that God has only measured
out so much to us, and we should not overstretch ourselves. We need to
know our limitation, our jurisdiction, and not go beyond it into others’
territory. Like Paul, we should move and act according to our rule, that is,
according to how much God has measured to us.
Paul knew from the Macedonian call he received that Corinth was
under his rule, his measure. We know from Acts 16 that Paul became clear
that God had called him to Europe. He came to Achaia with the gospel of
Christ according to God’s ruling. Both Macedonia and Achaia were under
Paul’s rule. Thus, the Judaizers should not have come into this territory to
cause trouble. This was the feeling deep within Paul as he was writing
these verses.
In this section of 2 Corinthians Paul is vindicating his apostolic
authority. This authority is related to jurisdiction. If Paul did not have any
jurisdiction, what would be his authority? In his vindication of his apostolic
authority, Paul conducted himself so as not to overstep the boundary of his
measure. He is a good example of a person fully under God’s restriction.
(Life-study of 2 Corinthians, pp. 445-447, 451-453)
Further Reading: Life-study of 2 Corinthians, msgs. 50-57; CWWL,
1967, vol. 2,”An Autobiography of a Person in the Spirit,” ch. 6

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‹‹ WEEK 8 — HYMN ››

Hymns, #942 God’s Kingdom on the earth is now

The Kingdom — Its Inner Reign

1 God’s Kingdom on the earth is now

His sovereign government within;
’Tis Christ Himself in us to live
As Lord and King to rule and reign.
2 His life with His authority
Enthrones Him now within our hearts
To govern all our words and deeds
And regulate our inward parts.
3 The Lord enthroned within our hearts
His Kingdom doth establish there,
Assuring His full right to reign
And for God’s purpose to prepare.
4 ’Tis by His reign within our hearts
That life to us He e’er supplies;
When taking Him as Lord and King,
His wealth our being satisfies.
5 ’Tis by His ruling from within
His fulness vast is testified;
’Tis when His inner kingdom rules
His Body’s blessed and edified.
6 ’Tis by His heav’nly rule within
As heav’nly citizens we live;

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’Tis by submission to His rule
Expression of His reign we give.
7 Here in this heav’nly realm we live,
And with this heav’nly pow’r possessed
We walk and fight in heav’nly light
Until the Kingdom’s manifest.

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Week Nine
Moses Desiring That All Jehovah’s People
Would Be Prophets
JL Hymns: 866
Scripture Reading: Num. 11:29; Deut. 18:15-19; Acts 3:21-22; 1 Cor.
14:1, 3, 5, 24, 31


Day 1
I. Our God is a speaking God—Heb. 1:1-2a:
A. God is a mystery, but this mystery has been revealed by God’s
speaking—vv. 1-2a:
1. Without the divine speaking, God would remain forever unknowable—Luke
1:70; Acts 3:21.
2. Our God is the revealed God because He has revealed Himself in His
speaking—Heb. 1:1-2a.
B. Every created thing came out of the word of God—Gen. 1:3;
John 1:3:
1. The old creation—the whole universe—came into being by God’s
speaking—Gen. 1:3, 6-7; Psa. 33:9; Rom. 4:17; Heb. 11:3.
2. The new creation was brought into being by the entire God speaking as the
Word—John 1:1, 3; 5:24.
3. The speaking God continues to do all things through His speaking—Rom.
C. The living God imparts and infuses Himself into us by
speaking—2 Tim. 3:16-17:

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1. When God speaks, the light shines, bringing us understanding, vision,
wisdom, and utterance—Psa. 119:105, 130.
2. When God speaks, life is imparted, and this life includes all the divine
attributes and human virtues of Christ—John 6:63; 1:1, 4.
3. When God speaks, power is transmitted, and this is the growing and
producing power of life—Mark 4:14, 26.
D. In the Old Testament, God spoke in many portions and in many
ways to the fathers in the prophets, in men borne by the
Spirit—Heb. 1:1; 2 Pet. 1:21.
E. In the New Testament, God speaks in the Son, in the person of
the Son—Heb. 1:2a:
1. This person was first an individual and then became corporate—Matt. 17:5;
Acts 9:4; 1 Cor. 12:12.
2. God today speaks in a person, and this person has increased to be a
corporate person, including all the apostles and all the members of this
person’s Body—14:4b, 31.
3. The believers are all a part of the corporate Son; God is still speaking in the
Son—Heb. 1:2a.
F. The speaking God desires to have a speaking people—Acts 4:31;
6:7; 12:24; 19:20; Col. 4:3; 2 Tim. 4:2; Rev. 1:2, 9.

Day 2
II. In Numbers 11:29 Moses exclaimed,”Oh that all Jehovah’s
people were prophets, that Jehovah would put His Spirit
upon them!”:
A. A prophet is not mainly one who predicts the future but one
who speaks for another, as Aaron spoke for Moses—Exo. 7:1-2;
B. Prophets are God’s spokesmen; they speak for God and speak
forth God—Isa. 1:1-2a; 6:8-9; Jer. 1:1-4; Ezek. 1:3; 2:1-7:
1. God is hidden, but through the speaking of the prophets, God Himself and
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His intention are explained—Isa. 45:15; Eph. 1:9; 3:3-5.
2. Prophets receive God’s revelation directly and are borne by the Spirit of
God to speak for God and to speak forth God—2 Pet. 1:21.
C. Moses desired that all the people of Israel would be prophets,
those who spoke for God—Num. 11:29:
1. The word in Numbers 11:29 was a great prophecy uttered by Moses.
2. Concerning the matter that all of God’s people should be prophets, Paul in
the New Testament and Moses in the Old Testament are in agreement—v.
29; 1 Cor. 14:31:
a. The word that Moses spoke was promoted by Paul in 1 Corinthians 14,
and it is fulfilled in God’s New Testament economy by the prophesying of
the believers in the church meetings—vv. 24, 31.
b. It is likely that Paul’s concept came from Moses, because Paul, as one who
understood the Old Testament, must have been familiar with what Moses
had said in Numbers 11:29.
c. In both the Old and New Testaments God wants His people to speak for
D. A prophet typifies Christ as the One who brings us into God’s
light and revelation—John 1:1, 14; 6:63; 8:12; Matt. 11:27;
Mark 4:11.

Day 3
III. “A Prophet will Jehovah your God raise up for you from your
midst, from among your brothers, like me; you shall listen to
Him”—Deut. 18:15:
A. In verses 15 through 19 Moses spoke concerning Jehovah God’s
raising up of a Prophet (the coming Christ) like Moses for the
children of Israel.
B. Acts 3:22 applies Deuteronomy 18:15-19 to Christ, who is God
incarnated to be a man, indicating that Christ is the Prophet
promised by God to His people, the children of Israel.
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C. That the Prophet was to be from among their brothers (v. 15a)
indicates that Christ as the coming Prophet would be human as
well as divine—John 1:1, 14:
1. As God, Christ could not be from among the Jews as a brother, but as the
incarnated One, the One who has put on human nature and was a Jew,
Christ was from among His brothers—Rom. 1:3-4; 8:3; Phil. 2:5-8.
2. The coming Christ would be God incarnated to be a Godman—Luke
D. Deuteronomy 18:18 indicates that God would raise up this
Prophet through the incarnation of Christ to speak the word of
God—John 1:14; 3:34; 7:16-17; 8:18; Heb. 1:2a:
1. To speak God’s word—to prophesy—is to dispense God, to speak God forth
into others—1 Cor. 14:1, 3, 5, 24-25, 31.
2. This is what the Lord Jesus did as the Prophet raised up by God—Acts

Day 4
IV. The prophets in the Old Testament typify the Holy Spirit as
the anointing ointment in the New Testament—2 Cor. 1:21; 1
John 2:20, 27:
A. In the New Testament the Holy Spirit has replaced the work of
the prophets—Luke 1:41-42, 46-55, 67-79.
B. The anointing of the Holy Spirit has replaced the prophets of
the Old Testament—Acts 3:21-22; 1 Cor. 15:45b; 2 Cor. 3:17;
Acts 1:2; 2:4.
C. The Holy Spirit, the anointing element, has entered into us to
be our Prophet—Rom. 8:11, 16; 1 Cor. 6:17; Gal. 4:4, 6:
1. In the Old Testament the representatives through whom the Holy Spirit
gave revelations were the prophets—2 Pet. 1:21.
2. Today the Spirit of revelation, typified by the prophets, is in us, and the
Spirit gives us revelation—Eph. 1:17-18; 1 Cor. 14:29-30.
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D. The anointing Spirit within us is the Prophet—2 Cor. 1:21; 1
John 2:20, 27:
1. The anointing Spirit has entered into us to be our living Prophet—vv. 20,
2. In the Old Testament the Spirit of God came upon certain people and
moved only them; now the Spirit has entered into all of us to be our
Prophet—Num. 11:25-26, 29.
3. The Spirit who inspired people to be prophets has entered into us as the
anointing to be our Prophet—1 John 2:20, 27.

Day 5
V. The New Testament shows that God wants us, the saved and
regenerated ones, to prophesy as prophets—1 Cor. 14:1, 3, 5,
24, 31:
A. Prophesying is the excelling gift produced in the growth in life
through the enjoyment of Christ for the building up of the
church—v. 12; Matt. 16:18; 1 Cor. 14:4b.
B. The New Testament believers are saved by God to be kings,
priests, and prophets who prophesy for God—Rev. 1:5-6; 20:4b;
1 Cor. 14:31:
1. Regenerated and saved persons are able to prophesy for God—John 3:3,
5-6; 1 Cor. 14:31-32.
2. God desires that each of the believers prophesy, that is, speak for Him and
speak Him forth—vv. 1, 3, 5, 24, 31.
3. God wants to speak within us and through us according to the principle of
incarnation—6:17; 7:25, 40.
C. Speaking for God and speaking forth God are speaking by the
Spirit of God; the Spirit is always ready to speak with us and
through us—12:3; 14:32.
D. To prophesy in the sense of telling for and telling
forth—speaking for God and speaking forth God—requires
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much growth in life—Eph. 4:15:
1. For this, we need to know God and experience Christ—Heb. 8:10-11; Phil.
2. If we do not have the adequate knowledge of God and experience of Christ,
we do not have anything to say for Him, and we cannot speak Him forth.
E. The main work of the New Testament prophets is for building
up, encouraging, and consoling others—1 Cor. 14:3.

Day 6
F. The goal of prophesying in the church meetings is the building
up of the church as the Body of Christ—v. 12.
G. Prophesying requires the three constituting elements of
1. A knowledge of the Word of God—the human element of learning—2 Tim.
3:16-17; Ezek. 3:1-4.
2. The instant inspiration of the Holy Spirit—the divine element of
inspiration—1 Cor. 14:32, 37a; 1 John 1:6-7; Rom. 8:4.
3. A vision concerning God’s interest and economy, concerning the church as
the Body of Christ, concerning the local churches, concerning the world,
concerning the individual saints, and even concerning ourselves—the view
through the enlightening of the divine light—Eph. 1:17; 1 Cor. 2:11-12.
H. If we are going to prophesy, we need to live a prophesying life:
1. We need to be revived every morning—Prov. 4:18; Lam. 3:22-24; Psa.
a. The path of the righteous is like the dawn that becomes brighter and
brighter until noontime; this is according to the natural law in God’s
creation, and we have to go along with it.
b. In Lamentations 3:22-24 Jeremiah says that the Lord’s compassions are
fresh and new every morning.
2. We also need to live an overcoming life every day by fellowshipping with
the Lord moment by moment, by walking according to the spirit, and by

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speaking the word (the Lord) in season and out of season—1 John 1:6; Rom.
8:4; 2 Tim. 4:2a.

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WEEK 9 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment
Heb. 1:1-2 God, having spoken of old in many portions and in many ways to
the fathers in the prophets, has at the last of these days spoken to us in the
Son, whom He appointed Heir of all things, through whom also He made
the universe.
God is mysterious. He is altogether a mystery. But this mystery has
been revealed by God’s speaking. Without the divine speaking, God would
remain forever unknowable. But our God no longer is mysterious. He is not
a mystery, but a story….We can tell the story of God. The story of God is a
matter of continual speaking; it is a speaking history.
The book of Hebrews begins with God speaking…. God has spoken!
Praise Him! It is absolutely not a small thing that God has spoken. Without
speaking God is mysterious. But He has revealed Himself in His speaking.
He is no longer mysterious. Now He is the revealed God. (Life-study of
Hebrews, pp. 31,17)
Today’s Reading
God created the universe and continues to do all things through His
speaking. Therefore, everyone who has been saved and who has His life
should learn to speak for Him and to speak His word.
The greatest mystery in the universe is God. Where is this mystery
opened and revealed to man? This mystery is opened and revealed to us in
His Word. Hebrews 1 tells us that our God is a speaking God (vv. 1-2). The
speaking of the human race came from His creation. He is a speaking God,
and He is also the Word. God’s desire…is that man speak for Him. (CWWL,
1985, vol. 5,”Speaking for God,” p. 201)
Hebrews 1:1-2 says that God in ancient times, in the Old Testament
times, spoke through the prophets, but now in the New Testament times,
God speaks in Christ. In the entire New Testament age, not only in the three
and a half years of Jesus Christ’s earthly life, God speaks in the person of
the Son. Today we have to realize that the Son has been made a corporate
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One. We the believers of His Son have all become the parts of this corporate
One, a corporate Son. Therefore, God is still speaking through the Son, that
is, through the church. (CWWL, 1985, vol. 3,”The Divine Speaking,” p. 308)
We have a speaking God, and this speaking God desires to have a
speaking people. God desires to speak, and His Spirit is waiting for us to
speak. If all the millions of Christians in the United States would speak for
God and Christ every day, the whole earth would be overturned.
However, … [the] habit of Christians [is] to go to church simply to listen to
one speaker. We all need to rise up and overthrow this custom.
When we come to the church meetings, we must speak. There is more
than one way to speak. Shouting, singing, praising, and praying are all
different kinds of speaking….We should not begin the meeting in the
meeting hall but in our dining room, living room, or bedroom. When we are
preparing to come to the meeting, we should begin to sing, and on the way
to the meeting, we should come singing, praising, praying, and shouting.
(CWWL, 1990, vol. 2,”The Practice of Prophesying,” pp. 366-367)
If you speak when you come to the meeting, you will be filled
up….Enjoy yourself by speaking. God spoke in His old creation, and He
spoke in His new creation. Now it is our turn to speak in our daily life, in
our ministry, in the meetings, in the Holy Spirit, by the spirit of faith, and
with the word of Christ. We have the Holy Spirit in whom we can speak, we
have the spirit of faith by which we can speak, and we have the word of
Christ, which is God with the Spirit, which is life, with which we can speak.
We have something that we can speak in, speak by, and speak with. We all
can speak in the Holy Spirit, by the spirit of faith, and with the word of
Christ. (CWWL, 1985, vol. 3,”The Divine Speaking,” p. 311)
Further Reading: Life-study of Hebrews, msgs. 2-3; Life-study of 1
Corinthians, msg. 63; Life-study of Ephesians, msgs. 39, 84; CWWL, 1990,
vol. 2,”The Practice of Prophesying,” ch. 4; CWWL, 1985, vol. 5,”Speaking for
God,” ch. 3; CWWL, 1985, vol. 3,”The Divine Speaking,” chs. 1-4

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WEEK 9 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
Num. 11:29 But Moses said to him, Are you jealous for my sake? Oh that all
Jehovah’s people were prophets, that Jehovah would put His Spirit upon
1 Cor. 14:31 For you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all
may be encouraged.
Prophets are God’s spokesmen….For example, in Exodus 3 and 4 when
Moses was called by God, he told God that he was slow of speech and of a
slow tongue (4:10). So God gave Aaron to Moses to be his prophet (4:14-16;
7:1). Aaron did not predict for Moses; rather, he spoke for him. In the whole
Bible, to prophesy is mainly to speak for God and to speak forth God;
sometimes it is also to predict, … [which] is secondary. This is the proper
meaning of prophesying in the Bible. (Truth Lessons—Level One, vol. 2, p.
Prophets receive God’s revelation directly and are borne by the Spirit
of God to speak for God and speak forth God (2 Pet. 1:21). God is hidden,
but through the speaking of the prophets, God Himself and His intention
are explained. (Truth Lessons—Level Three, vol. 2, p. 121)
Today’s Reading
[In Numbers 11] two of the seventy [elders], who were not with the
others around the Tent of Meeting, also prophesied (v. 26)…. Joshua was
jealous for Moses, and he charged Moses to forbid them [vv. 27-28]. But
Moses replied,”Are you jealous for my sake?” (v. 29a). Then Moses uttered a
great prophecy:”Oh that all Jehovah’s people were prophets, that Jehovah
would put His Spirit upon them!” (v. 29b). This prophecy was promoted by
Paul in 1 Corinthians and will be fulfilled in God’s New Testament economy.
(Life-study of Numbers, p. 133)
Paul in the New Testament was not the only one who had this kind of
vision in 1 Corinthians 14:31:”You can all prophesy one by one.” It is very
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likely that Paul’s concept came from Moses, because Paul, as one who
understood the Old Testament, must have been familiar with what Moses
had said in Numbers 11:29,”Oh that all Jehovah’s people were prophets!”
We know that when Paul wrote the Epistles in the New Testament, many of
his words were derived from the Old Testament. Therefore, we see that this
concept is consistent in both the Old and New Testaments—God wants His
people to speak for Him. (CWWL, 1985, vol. 5,”Speaking for God,” p. 209)
Paul said nearly the same thing that Moses did…(Num. 11:29;…1 Cor.
14:31). It is a poor situation that most of the Christian people today
understand the word prophesy to mean to predict. But when Moses used
the Hebrew word for prophesy, his intention was not to indicate prediction.
Even he himself did not predict much. In all his five books how many
predictions are there? There are very few, but his writing, that is, his
speaking, was altogether the speaking forth of God. He was speaking for
God, and he was speaking God. Moses predicted little. It was the same with
Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. Their books actually contain very few
predictions but rather are full of speaking forth God, speaking for God, and
speaking God directly. This was the Old Testament prophecy: there is not
much prediction, but it is full of speaking forth of God, speaking for God,
and speaking God directly. It is the same way with the Greek word in the
New Testament. Prophecy in New Testament Greek means a kind of
speaking of God. You speak God forth, you speak Christ out, you speak
Christ to people, you speak for Christ. This is prophecy. To prophesy is
mainly to speak for Christ, to speak Christ forth, to speak Christ out. To
prophesy is to speak God, to speak Christ, to speak the divine interest, to
speak the things concerning Christ and God, and to speak forth, speak out,
and speak for God. (CWWL, 1985, vol. 3,”The Divine Speaking,” pp.
Further Reading: Life-study of Numbers, msg. 18; Life-study of
Romans, msg. 26; Truth Lessons—Level One, vol. 2, lsn. 14; Truth
Lessons—Level Three, vol. 2, lsn. 30; CWWL, 1986, vol. 1,”Elders’ Training,
Book 8: The Life Pulse of the Lord’s Present Move,” ch. 3; CWWL, 1985, vol.
4,”Everyone Speaking the Word of God,” ch. 1; CWWL, 1994-1997, vol. 4, pp.
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WEEK 9 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
Deut. 18:15 A Prophet will Jehovah your God raise up for you from your midst,
from among your brothers, like me; you shall listen to Him.
John 7:16-17 Jesus therefore answered them and said, My teaching is not
Mine, but His who sent Me. If anyone resolves to do His will, he will know
concerning the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from
In Deuteronomy 18:15-19 Moses spoke concerning Jehovah God’s
raising up of a Prophet (the coming Christ) like Moses for the children of
Israel. Acts 3:22 applies these verses to Christ, indicating that Christ is the
Prophet promised by God to His people, the children of Israel. The Prophet
was to be from among their brothers (Deut. 18:15a). This indicates that
Christ as the coming Prophet would be human as well as divine, that He
would be God incarnated to be a man, the God-man. As God, Christ could
not be from among the Jews as a brother, but as the incarnated One, the
One who has put on human nature and who was a Jew, Christ was from
among His brothers. Moses told the children of Israel that they were to
listen to this Prophet (Deut. 18:15b).
The Prophet raised up by God would be according to all that the
children of Israel asked of Jehovah their God at Horeb (vv. 16-17). They had
told Moses that they could not bear to hear God’s voice. They wanted a
middleman, one who could hear God’s word and pass it on to them.
Because they wanted a prophet, Moses promised that God would fulfill
their desire for a prophet. (Life-study of Deuteronomy, pp. 140-141)
Today’s Reading
Deuteronomy 18:18 indicates that God would raise up this Prophet
through the incarnation of Christ to speak the word of God (John 1:14; 3:34;
7:16-17; Heb. 1:2a). When the Lord Jesus came, He surely spoke God’s word.
To speak God’s word is to dispense God, to speak God forth into others.
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(Life-study of Deuteronomy, p. 141)
The Old Testament prophet Moses prophesied that Christ would come
as a Prophet raised up by God (Deut. 18:15-19). In verse 15 Moses said to
the children of Israel,”A Prophet will Jehovah your God raise up for you
from your midst.” Moses indicated that God would give Him, the Prophet,
the words that He ought to speak and that He would speak to God’s people
all that God commanded Him. In Acts 3:22-23 Peter quotes Moses’ words to
indicate that Christ is the Prophet promised by God through Moses to His
people. Thus, the fulfillment of this prophecy was confirmed in Acts
3:22-23. Moses said that this Prophet would be raised up”from your
midst.”…If Christ were merely God, He could not have been raised up from
among the Israelites. However, as the incarnated God, Christ put on human
nature and became a Jew. Thus, He is the Prophet raised up”from your
midst,” as prophesied by Moses. Christ in His first coming was the Prophet
raised up by God. He spoke the word of God (John 1:14; 3:34; 7:16-17; Heb.
1:2) and prophesied many things concerning God’s economy, especially
concerning the accomplishment of God’s economy. Christ was indeed a
great Prophet in His first coming. (Truth Lessons—Level Four, vol. 1, pp.
As the firstborn Son of God being the Word of God (John 1:1) is God’s
oracle for the speaking and dispensing of God to carry out His eternal
economy, so the many sons of God being members of the Word of God are
God’s oracle, speaking and dispensing God for the spreading of God and the
increase of Christ. The firstborn Son of God is the oracle of God, and we are
the many sons. This means that all the sons are God’s oracle so that God
may have a spread and Christ may have an increase. (CWWL, 1994-1997,
vol. 5,”The Vital Groups,” p. 83)
Further Reading: Life-study of Deuteronomy, msg. 20; CWWL,
1994-1997, vol. 5,”The Vital Groups,” ch. 3; Truth Lessons—Level Four, vol.
1, lsn. 3; CWWL, 1977, vol. 1,”The Kernel of the Bible,” ch. 12

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WEEK 9 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
1 John 2:20 And you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you
27 And as for you, the anointing which you have received from Him abides in
you, and you have no need that anyone teach you; but as His anointing
teaches you concerning all things and is true and is not a lie, and even as it
has taught you, abide in Him.
All the prophets in the Old Testament typify the Holy Spirit as the
anointing ointment in the New Testament. In the New Testament the Holy
Spirit, the anointing ointment, has entered into us personally and directly
to be our Prophet. The law in the Old Testament represents and declares
the nature of God’s life, which is love, light, holiness, and righteousness.
Today the nature of God’s life has entered into us directly, so there is no
longer any need for an outward law to declare it to us. In the Old Testament
everything was a shadow, a type, a representation, but in the New
Testament the reality has come…. In the Old Testament the representatives
through whom the Holy Spirit gave revelations were the prophets. Today
the Spirit of revelation, typified by the prophets, is in us, and the Spirit
gives us revelations directly. (CWWL, 1955, vol. 4,”Further Talks on the
Knowledge of Life,” pp. 303-304)
Today’s Reading
Today the law of life within us has replaced the law of the Old
Testament, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit has replaced the prophets
of the Old Testament. Although we still keep the law, we are keeping an
inward law, not an outward law. God’s life is the law in us, and the Holy
Spirit, as the anointing ointment, is the Prophet in us.
Can we be a prophet to others? For example, if a saint wants to go to a
certain place, he may come to us for fellowship, asking,”Should I go to a
certain place? Would you seek an answer from God for me?”…It is not right
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for him to ask us, because we are not his prophet, but it is also not right for
him to only ask himself, because he is not a prophet only in himself. Instead,
he should seek the leading of the Spirit as the anointing ointment within
him; the Spirit anointing within him is the Prophet. The responsible
brothers in the church are not our prophets, the coworkers are also not our
prophets, and we, needless to say, are not others’ prophets.
The Spirit who inspired people to be prophets in the Old Testament is
now the Spirit as the anointing ointment within all of us. Since the Spirit is
anointing us from within, we no longer need an outward representative to
be our prophet…. In the Old Testament the Spirit of God came upon certain
people and moved only them. But now the Spirit has entered into all of us
to be our Prophet. The Spirit who inspired people to be prophets has
entered into us today as the anointing to be our Prophet personally and
directly. (CWWL, 1955, vol. 4,”Further Talks on the Knowledge of Life,” p.
In the New Testament the Holy Spirit has replaced the work of the Old
Testament prophets. Today we have prophets in the church. Some can
prophesy, while others can exhort and comfort. But we do not have
personal prophets to come and tell us what we should do…. Everyone can
know God directly and be led of God and know God’s will directly. Do you
have a prophet? I am ashamed that many people have considered me a
prophet, that is, the kind of personal prophet mentioned above. The danger
of a worker is to burden himself with the work of a prophet. When there
are too many personal prophets, the proper place of the New Testament
prophet is annulled. The New Testament church does not need any
spiritual giants to act as personal prophets to teach others what they
should do. That is the work of the Holy Spirit, not the work of the prophets.
The main work of the New Testament prophets is for building up,
encouraging, and consoling men. This is the work that God’s workers
should do today. (CWWN, vol. 42, pp. 242-243)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1955, vol. 4,”Further Talks on the Knowledge
of Life,” ch. 17; CWWN, vol. 42, ch. 32; CWWL, 1961-1962, vol. 3,”The
Exercise of the Spirit and the Building of God,” ch. 3; CWWN, vol. 53,”The
Ministry of God’s Word,” chs. 3-4
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WEEK 9 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
1 Cor. 14:3 But he who prophesies speaks building up and encouragement and
consolation to men.
5 I desire…especially that you would prophesy…that the church may receive
building up.
31 For you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be
Among all the gifts that are developed in the growth in life through the
enjoyment of Christ, the top gift is prophesying. This is the excelling gift
because it builds up the church (1 Cor. 14:4b-5). In the last verse of 1
Corinthians 12, a chapter on the gifts, Paul tells us to earnestly desire the
greater gifts. (CWWL, 1988, vol. 4,”The Excelling Gift for the Building Up of
the Church,” p. 455)
In the New Testament 1 Corinthians 14 is a chapter that especially
speaks concerning prophesying. Because prophesying is the excelling gift,
this chapter of forty verses begins with this word:”Pursue love, and desire
earnestly spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy” (v. 1). Verse
12 says,”Since you are zealous of spirits, seek that you may excel for the
building up of the church.” The word excel in Greek denotes”to become full,
to abound, to overflow,” hence”to excel”…We should pursue the Lord to
such an extent that we can prophesy, speaking for the Lord, speaking forth
the Lord, and speaking the Lord into others, that we may minister Christ for
the building up of the church. (CWWL, 1989, vol. 2,”The Ministry of the
New Testament Priests of the Gospel,” p. 256)
Today’s Reading
The New Testament believers are saved by God to be kings, priests,
and prophets who prophesy for God (Rev. 1:5-6; 20:4b; 1 Cor. 14:31). God
desires that each of the believers prophesy, that is, speak for and speak

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forth Him. (Truth Lessons—Level Three, vol. 2, pp. 122-123)
The speaking Spirit of God is earnestly expecting that we would speak.
In the New Testament, God operates through the principle of incarnation.
God does not do anything by Himself, especially in the matter of speaking.
He prefers to speak through us and speak within us….When we speak, the
very Lord whom we speak forth is speaking with us and within us. If we do
not speak, God has no way to speak, but whenever we open up to speak, the
Spirit who expects to speak immediately follows us and joins with our
speaking. Eventually, it is difficult to tell whether it is He or we who is
The Spirit is always ready and expects to speak with us and through us,
but we would not always cooperate with the Spirit to speak. Whenever we
come to the meeting, we must try to speak. In a good sense, it does not
matter whether we speak properly or wrongly, well or poorly. As long as we
speak, God will be happy. Parents always like to hear their young children
speak….For many years our Father in heaven has not seen us speak much in
the meetings, and this should have bothered Him. If we come to the
meetings speaking, even in an incorrect way, He will be happy. To speak
incorrectly is much better than not to speak. When someone speaks, even
incorrectly, he is learning to minister to others. (CWWL, 1990, vol. 2,”The
Practice of Prophesying,” pp. 367-368)
To prophesy in the sense of telling for and telling forth requires much
growth in life. For this, we need to know God and experience Christ. If we
do not have the adequate knowledge of God and experience of Christ, we do
not have anything to say for Him, and we cannot speak Him forth.
Whenever a prophet speaks for God, speaks forth God, or speaks in the way
of foretelling, he must speak by the Spirit of God. If we speak for God or try
to speak forth God without the Spirit of life, our speaking will be ordinary
human speaking, not prophesying. (The Conclusion of the New Testament,
p. 2172)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1988, vol. 4,”The Excelling Gift for the
Building Up of the Church,” ch. 2; CWWL, 1989, vol. 2,”The Ministry of the
New Testament Priests of the Gospel,” ch. 4; CWWL, 1985, vol. 4,”Meeting to
Speak the Word of God,” chs. 1, 3
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WEEK 9 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
1 Cor. 14:12 …Seek that you may excel for the building up of the church.
32 And the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets.
Eph. 1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give
to you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the full knowledge of Him.
The three constituting elements of prophesying [are]:…[to] possess a
knowledge of the Word of God—the human element of learning;… [to] have
the instant inspiration of the Holy Spirit— the divine element of
inspiration;… [and to] have a vision concerning God’s interest and economy,
concerning the church as the Body of Christ, concerning the local churches,
concerning the world, concerning the individual saints, and even
concerning ourselves—the view through the enlightening of the divine
light. (Prophesying in the Church Meetings for the Organic Building Up of
the Church as the Body of Christ (Outlines), p. 33)
Today’s Reading
If we are going to prophesy, we need to live a prophesying life. First,
we need to be revived every morning (Prov. 4:18; Lam. 3:22-24; Psa.
119:147-148)….Every twenty-four hours there is a new start, a dawn, a
rising sun. This is according to the natural law in God’s creation. We have to
go along with this natural law. Every morning we have to rise early to
contact the Lord, to call on Him, and to be revived by Him. In Lamentations
3:22-24 Jeremiah says that the Lord’s compassions are fresh and new every
morning. His mercies are like the fresh dew in the morning. Every morning
we must enjoy this fresh dew to have a new start, a morning revival.
We must also live an overcoming life every day (Rev. 21:7). After the
morning revival we should not stop contacting the Lord. We can live a
victorious life by fellowshipping with the Lord moment by moment (1 John
1:6). We also need to walk according to the spirit (Rom. 8:4b), not doing

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anything outside of the Spirit. We should also speak the word (the Lord) all
the time, …in season and out of season (2 Tim. 4:2a). We should not
say,”Now is not the time for me to speak to people.” Seemingly it is out of
season, but even if it is out of season, we still have to speak the word. Such
a prophesying life qualifies us to prophesy.
In Taipei we gave the saints some practical fellowship concerning how
to prepare to prophesy in the church meetings on the Lord’s Day. Every
week they will cover a chapter of a certain book of the Bible and divide this
chapter into six portions for six days. In each section for each day, they
choose two or three verses for pray-reading, and they enjoy the Lord with
these verses for their morning revival. We charged the saints to write down
a short reminder of what the Lord inspired them with in their time with
Him in the morning. At the end of the week they will have six notes of what
they were inspired with during the week. On Saturday night they use these
notes of their inspiration to compose a prophecy to speak for three minutes.
Then they practice it in their homes. They are instructed not to be too long
or too short. When they go to the church meeting on the Lord’s Day, they
have something, thus fulfilling the Lord’s word in 1 Corinthians
14:26:”Each one has.” They do not trust merely in instant inspiration, but
they come to the meeting prepared with the riches of Christ that they have
enjoyed….The saints need to be perfected to enjoy the Lord, to be saturated
with the Word, to pray unceasingly, to fellowship with the Lord moment by
moment, to walk in the Spirit, and to speak the Lord in the Spirit at all
times. Then they need to learn how to compose a prophecy for the church
meetings. I hope that we all would try to practice this for our church
meetings. (CWWL, 1988, vol. 4,”The Excelling Gift for the Building Up of the
Church,” pp. 463-464)
Further Reading: Prophesying in the Church Meetings for the Organic
Building Up of the Church as the Body of Christ (Outlines), outls. 6-10;
CWWL, 1989, vol. 4,”The Advance of the Lord’s Recovery Today,” chs. 6-7;
The Conclusion of the New Testament, msgs. 202, 340; CWWL, 1988, vol.
1,”Speaking Christ for the Building Up of the Body of Christ,” ch. 1

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‹‹ WEEK 9 — HYMN ››

Hymns, #864 Whene’er we meet with Christ endued

Meetings — Exhibiting Christ

1 Whene’er we meet with Christ endued,

The surplus of His plenitude
We offer unto God as food,
And thus exhibit Christ.
Let us exhibit Christ,
Let us exhibit Christ;
We’ll bring His surplus to the church
And thus exhibit Christ.
2 In Christ we live, by Christ we fight,
On Christ we labor day and night,
And with His surplus we unite
To thus exhibit Christ.
3 Our life and all we are and do
Is Christ Himself, the substance true,
That every time we meet anew
We may exhibit Christ.
4 In meetings Christ to God we bear
And Christ with one another share,
And Christ with God enjoying there,
We thus exhibit Christ.
5 The risen Christ to God we bring,
And Christ ascended offering,
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God’s satisfaction answering,
We thus exhibit Christ.
6 The center and reality,
The atmosphere and ministry,
Of all our meetings is that we
May thus exhibit Christ.
7 The testimony and the prayer,
And all the fellowship we share,
The exercise of gifts, whate’er,
Should just exhibit Christ.
8 The Fat.her we would glorify,
Exalting Christ the Son, thereby
The meeting’s purpose satisfy
That we exhibit Christ.

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Week Ten
Christ as the Star out of Jacob
MC Hymns: 1198, 250
Scripture Reading: Num. 24:17; Gen. 1:14-19; Dan. 12:3; Matt.
2:1-12; Rev. 1:16, 20; 2:1, 28; 3:1; 22:16; 2 Pet. 1:19; Gen. 22:17;
Jude 12-13


Day 1
I. Numbers 24:17 says,”There shall come forth a Star out of
Jacob”; this Star refers to Christ:
A. The fulfillment of this type of Christ is found in the word of the
magi, learned men from the east, recorded in Matthew
2:2:”Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we
saw His star at its rising and have come to worship Him”:
1. The magi did not say,”We saw a star,” or”We saw the star,” but”We saw His
2. This is certainly the fulfillment of Numbers 24:17; the star spoken of in this
verse was shown to these learned men; it did not appear to any of the
people of Israel.
3. Whereas the Jews had the Scriptures concerning Christ and knew where
He would be born (Matt. 2:4-6), the magi saw the star of Christ.
4. The Jews had the knowledge in letters concerning where Christ was to be
born (Micah 5:2), but these learned men from the east received a living
vision of Him; eventually, the star led them to the place where Christ was
(Matt. 2:9-10).
5. Christ is the real Sun (Mal. 4:2), but strictly speaking, He does not appear
as the Sun during the age of night; rather, He shines as a star; a star shines

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at night, but it indicates that day is coming.
6. When Christ came the first time, He appeared openly as a star, but when
He comes the second time, He will be the morning star (Rev. 2:28; 22:16)
to His overcomers, who watch for His coming; to all others Christ will later
appear as the sun.
B. Matthew 2:1-12 reveals that to find Christ is a living matter; it is
not a matter of mere doctrinal knowledge of the Bible:
1. The star appeared far away from the genuine religion, far away from the
temple in the Holy Land, far away from the Jewish religious center, far
away from the priests, the scribes, the Pharisees, and all the religious
people; instead, there was a star showing something of Christ in a heathen
2. Merely to hold the Bible in our hand and read Micah 5:2, saying that Christ
will be born in Bethlehem, does not work; we may have the Bible, but we
may miss the heavenly star.
3. The star is the living revelation, the living vision, not the old and dead
doctrinal knowledge of the Scriptures, not the dead knowledge of Micah 5:2;
what we need today is not merely Bible knowledge but the heavenly vision,
the up-to-date, instant vision, the living vision, the vision that human
concepts can never teach.
4. Even if we have the knowledge of the Scriptures, we still need the instant,
up-to-date, living star to lead us to the very street and the very house where
Jesus is.

Day 2
5. After receiving the living vision, the magi were misled by their human
concept and went to Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish nation, where its
king was presumed to be; their being misled caused many young boys to be
killed (Matt. 2:16).
6. When they arrived in Jerusalem and inquired concerning where the King of
the Jews was to be born, we read that”when Herod the king heard this, he
was troubled and all Jerusalem with him”—v. 3:
a. When they heard this news, they should have rejoiced; instead, they were
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b. A Christian who expects the Lord to come or who expects to be raptured
should take this as a warning—2 Tim. 4:8; cf. Acts 26:16.
7. After the magi were corrected by the Scriptures (Matt. 2:4-6), they went to
Bethlehem (vv. 8-9), and the star appeared to them again and led them to
the place where Christ was,”and when they saw the star, they rejoiced
exceedingly with great joy” (v. 10).
8. When the magi were corrected by the Scriptures and restored to the right
track, the star appeared to them again; living vision always accompanies
the Scriptures.
9. The priests were those who taught people the law (Mal. 2:7), and the
scribes were those who knew the Scriptures (Ezra 7:6); both the priests and
the scribes had knowledge concerning the birth of Christ (Matt. 2:5-6), but,
unlike the magi from the east, they did not see the vision, nor did they have
the heart to seek after Christ.
10. Regardless of how”scriptural” we are, if we lose the presence of the Lord,
we are absolutely wrong; the New Testament way to find and follow the
Lord is to continually stay in His hidden presence—John 5:39-40; Isa.
45:15; Exo. 33:11, 14; cf. 2 Cor. 5:16.
11. It is easy to accumulate scriptural knowledge, but if we would have living
guidance, we must live in an intimate relationship with the Lord; we must
be one with Him—2:10-14.
12. The magi saw Christ, and they worshipped Him; then they were warned by
God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, so they departed into
their own country”by another way” (Matt. 2:12); once we have seen Christ,
we never take the same way, the way of religion apart from Christ, but we
will always take another way.

Day 3 & Day 4

II. Christ’s faithful followers are shining and living stars, those
who follow Christ as the shining and living Star to be His
duplication—Dan. 12:3; cf. Gen. 22:17:
A. The living stars follow the heavenly, living, up-to-date, and
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instant vision of Christ as the centrality and universality of
God’s economy—Acts 26:16-18.
B. The living stars are those who bless God’s people; the more we
praise the Lord for God’s people and speak well of them in faith,
the more we put ourselves under God’s blessing—Num. 24:9;
Gen. 12:2-3; 22:17.
C. The living stars give heed to the prophetic word of the
Scriptures”as to a lamp shining in a dark place” so that Christ as
the morning star rises in their hearts day by day; if we give
heed to the word in the Bible, which shines as a lamp in a dark
place, we will have His rising in our hearts to shine in the
darkness of apostasy where we are today, before His actual
appearing as the morning star—2 Pet. 1:19; John 6:63; Rev.
2:28; 22:16; 2 Tim. 4:8:
1. In the principle of the morning star, a Christian should rise up early
because the early morning is the best time to meet the Lord (to fellowship
with God, to praise and sing, to pray-read the Bible with the ministry, and
to pray to the Lord)—S. S. 7:12; Psa. 5:1-3; 57:8-9; 59:16-17; 63:1-8; 90:14;
92:1-2; 108:2-3; 143:8; Exo. 16:21.
2. He will secretly give Himself as the morning star to those who love Him
and who watch and wait for Him so that they may taste the freshness of His
presence at His coming back after a long absence.
D. The living stars enjoy and are filled with the sevenfold
intensified Spirit to make them intensely living and intensely
shining for God’s building—Rev. 3:1; 4:5; 5:6.
E. The living stars are the messengers of the churches, those who
enjoy and experience the pneumatic Christ as the Messenger of
God and as the fresh message from God so that they can
dispense the fresh and present Christ into the people of God for
the testimony of Jesus—1:16, 20; 2:1; Mal. 3:1-3.

Day 5
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F. The living stars have”great resolutions in heart” and”great
searchings of heart”; they are lovers of God who are like
the”stars...from their courses” to fight together with God
against His enemy so that they may be”like the sun / When it
rises in its might”—Judg. 5:15-16, 20, 31; Dan. 11:32; Matt.
G. The living stars are those who fear Jehovah and hear the voice
of His Servant, trusting in Jehovah so that they may have light
while walking in darkness—Isa. 50:10-11; Psa. 139:7-12,
1. Those who make light for themselves and walk in their self-made light
instead of in God’s light will suffer torment—Isa. 50:11.
2. This should be a warning to us so that we may walk in the light given by
God, not in the light we make for ourselves—1 John 1:5.
3. “Come and let us walk in the light of Jehovah”—Isa. 2:5.
H. The living stars are typified by the stars that were established
on the fourth day of God’s restoration with His further creation,
in which they rule by their shining; where there is shining,
there is ruling for the growth of life—Gen. 1:14-19:
1. The shining forth of the Lord Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration was
the coming of the kingdom in power; this shining forth is actually the
ruling presence of the Triune God—Matt. 17:1-8; Mark 9:1-8.
2. The kingdom of God as the ruling of God, the reigning of God, with all its
blessings and enjoyment is the shining of the Lord Jesus, and the kingdom
is the spreading of the Lord Jesus by shining over us.
3. The kingdom is the shining of the reality of the Lord Jesus; whenever He is
shining over us and we are under that shining, we are in the kingdom
under God’s ruling and reigning within us for our growth of life.

Day 6
I. On the negative side, there are some who are”wandering

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stars”—Jude 12-13:
1. The metaphor of wandering stars indicates that the erratic teachers, the
apostates, were not solidly fixed in the unchanging truths of the heavenly
revelation but were wandering about among God’s starlike people.
2. Their destiny is the gloom of darkness, which has been kept for them for
eternity; the erratic apostates are wandering stars today, but they will be
imprisoned in the gloom of darkness.
3. We may also say that anyone who keeps us from the genuine local church
and from meeting on the ground of the church with the Lord’s people is a
wandering star; the true stars are those who turn many to righteousness,
those who do not lead people astray but turn them to the right way.
4. Today the living star and the living stars are not far from us—they are in
and with the local churches as the practical expressions of the Body of
Christ—Rev. 1:11, 20.
5. Among all the local churches there are some living stars; we simply need to
contact them and keep company with them; they will lead us to the place
where Jesus is.
J. May the Lord be merciful to us that we may always be kept in
the right way to meet the Lord, to worship Him, and to offer our
love to Him; may the Lord make us all like the magi, following
the living star to find Christ in order to become His duplication
as the living stars—cf. Eph. 5:8-9.

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WEEK 10 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment
Matt. 2:1-2 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of
Herod the king, behold, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying,
Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we saw His star at
its rising and have come to worship Him.
Num. 24:17 …There shall come forth a Star out of Jacob…
Jesus was born in Bethlehem….The strange thing, however, is this: far
away from the so-called Holy Land, far away from the genuine religion, far
away from the temple, far away from the Jewish religious center, far away
from the priests, the scribes, the Pharisees, and all the religious people, was
a star showing something of Christ in a heathen land. It did not appear to
the Jews, but to the Gentiles, the heathen.
Merely to hold the Bible in our hand and read Micah 5:2, which
indicates that Christ will be born in Bethlehem, does not work. We may say
after we have read it that we have it, but we may not have seen it. We may
have it, but nothing has happened to us. Those chief priests and scribes
knew the Bible so well, but the Lord did not go to them. He went far away
to a heathen land to reveal this matter to some pagans, not through the
Scriptures but through something which human hands cannot touch—a
heavenly star. (CWWL, 1970, vol. 1,”New Testament Service,” pp. 276-277)
Today’s Reading
We may have the Bible, yet we may miss the star. To hold the book in
our hand is easy, but to wait and look unto the star is rather difficult. We
simply do not know when and where the star will appear. We may study the
Scriptures and obtain a degree in those studies, and we may learn all that
the Bible has to say about Christ, but we simply cannot determine when the
star will come. The book was with the Jewish people, the religious people,
but the star appeared to the heathen. Have you seen this? We may think
that the star should have appeared to those priests praying in the temple,
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but it appeared to some pagans far away from the temple.
Oh, we all need to see this star! It is not a matter of holding the Bible
but a matter of seeing the star. What is the star? The star is the living
revelation, the living vision, not the dead knowledge of the Scriptures in the
letter, not the dead knowledge of Micah 5:2. What we need today is not
merely Bible knowledge but the heavenly vision, the instant vision, the
living vision, the vision that human concepts cannot teach.
What do you have? Do you have the Scripture verses, or do you have
the star? Do you have the scriptural knowledge, or do you have the
heavenly star? Do you have the teachings concerning an old way, or do you
have the up-to-date, instant vision? Today many have the Bible in their
hands, but they have not seen the star. Merely to have the Bible in our
hands may be a deadening thing, but to see the star is a living experience.
To find and serve Christ according to the principle shown to us in Matthew
2 was not according to the Old Testament Scriptures. To know Christ today
is something living, not according to the knowledge of the Bible in dead
letters but according to the living, heavenly star.
In this case the Lord went away from religion, even from the scriptural
religion. Wherever and whenever we set up a religion, the Lord may simply
go elsewhere. We cannot circumscribe, confine, or restrict the Lord with
our religion. We need to learn in the church life never to set up a religion.
We should not insist that this method or that way is right. If we do that, the
Lord may say,”It may be right for you, but I do not care for it. If you were not
so right, I would be with you; but because you are so right, I will go to those
who are wrong.” When we insist that we are right and others are wrong, the
Lord may leave us and go to the ones who are wrong.
Numbers 24:17 says,”There shall come forth a Star out of Jacob,” but
this star did not appear to any of the people of Jacob. The star out of Jacob
appeared to the pagans. (CWWL, 1970, vol. 1,”New Testament Service,” pp.
Further Reading: CWWL, 1970, vol. 1,”New Testament Service,” chs.
5-6; Truth Lessons—Level Four, vol. 1, lsn. 3

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WEEK 10 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
Matt. 2:9-10 And after they heard the king, they went their way, and behold,
the star which they saw at its rising led them until it came and stood over
the place where the child was. And when they saw the star, they rejoiced
exceedingly with great joy.
Exo. 33:11 And Jehovah would speak to Moses face to face, just as a man
speaks to his companion…
Consider what the magi did: They saw the heavenly star and they
followed it, but they made a great mistake. They received the vision, but
they soon turned to their human concept and exercised their natural
understanding. They realized that this star signified the King of the Jews;
therefore, they reasoned that they should go to Jerusalem and inquire of
those who would have knowledge of such matters. Their going, as we know,
caused much trouble….They need not have gone to Jerusalem. They were
thoroughly wrong and caused many young and innocent lives to be taken.
The Jewish religious leaders had the knowledge, and the magi had the
vision. Nevertheless, those who received the vision made a great mistake
and, apart from divine intervention, would have caused the loss of the little
child Jesus. (CWWL, 1970, vol. 1,”New Testament Service,” p. 278)
Today’s Reading
When the magi arrived in Jerusalem, Herod was troubled, and all
Jerusalem with him (Matt. 2:3). Herod, yes, but why Jerusalem? Were those
in Jerusalem not for Christ? Why was all Jerusalem troubled at the birth of
the One for whom they were waiting? This is religion. I am afraid that many
who are seemingly for the Lord’s return will be troubled by His coming.
Then Herod called the chief priests and scribes of the people together and
inquired of them where the Christ was to be born (v. 4). The scribes were
those among the people who had doctor’s degrees in theology. Immediately,
they answered,”Bethlehem.” They gave him the right book, the right chapter,
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and the right verse. They quoted Micah 5:2, but did any one of them go to
Bethlehem? Not one! They were troubled by the news, but no one cared to
go and see what had happened.
When the magi came into religion, they missed the star; but when they
left religion, the star appeared to them [Matt. 2:9-10]. They could not find
living guidance in Jerusalem. They did not receive the heavenly vision in
religion; they had to leave. When they departed from Jerusalem, behold, the
star went before them. In principle, it is the same today.
Micah 5:2 was the holy writing, the Holy Scripture, prophesying that
Jesus would be born in Bethlehem. However, by that verse alone you could
not find Jesus. You would know in what city Jesus was to be born, but you
would not know on what street or in what house….Even if you have the
knowledge of the Scriptures, you still need the instant, up-to-date, living
star to lead you to the very street and the very house where Jesus is….It is
easy to accumulate scriptural knowledge, but if you would have living
guidance, you need to live in an intimate relationship with the Lord; you
need to be one with Him.
The heavenly star led the magi to the very spot [“where the child was”
(Matt. 2:9)]. This is all we need. I do believe that if they had no knowledge
whatever of Micah 5:2 but simply followed the star, they could have arrived
at that place. How can we find Christ and serve Him? Not merely by Bible
knowledge but by the living star….Those who followed the heavenly star
found Him and worshipped Him. Do we need the knowledge of the
Scriptures? Of course we do. It helps, but there is a condition: the living,
instant guidance, the guidance of this very moment to lead us to the very
spot where Jesus is, is indispensable…. It is the living guidance that brings
us to Jesus so that we may worship Him and offer our gifts to Him. (CWWL,
1970, vol. 1,”New Testament Service,” pp. 278-280)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1970, vol. 3,”Being Delivered from Religious
Rituals and Walking according to the Spirit,” chs. 2, 10; CWWN, vol. 15, ch. 2

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WEEK 10 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
Rev. 2:1 …These things says He who holds the seven stars in His right hand…
2 Pet. 1:19 And we have the prophetic word made more firm, to which you do
well to give heed as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns
and the morning star rises in your hearts.
Not only is Christ Himself the star, but also His followers, the shining
ones in the churches, are stars. In Acts and the Epistles the leading ones
were called elders, but in the last book of the Bible they are the stars. Now
it is not a matter of title or position but a matter of shining. All the leading
ones of the local churches should be shining stars. In the beginning of the
New Testament there was mention of only one star in the heavens, but at
the end of the New Testament there are seven stars in seven local churches.
In every local church there is a star; in every local church there is
something shining, leading people to the right way. (CWWL, 1970, vol.
1,”New Testament Service,” pp. 286-287)
Today’s Reading
In the Bible we see how we may not only follow the star but even
become one of the stars. There are two ways: first, by the Bible, and second,
by the Spirit.
Second Peter 1:19 gives us the first secret….We have the prophetic
word, the Bible. However, the prophetic word is not the star; the Bible is
not the star….Since we have the prophetic word, we need to give heed to it,
we need to pay full attention to it, until the day dawns and the morning star
rises in our hearts. The word used for star here can be translated into
English as”phosphorous.” This star is something as phosphorous, bringing
light in the darkness….The Bible should not simply be words in black and
white; it should not be dead letters. We should give heed to the words of
the Bible until something as phosphorous rises within us—that is, Christ as
the morning star.
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Sometimes we may take the Bible, read it, and feel that we receive
nothing. Other times, however, when we open our heart and give heed to
this prophetic word, something within is shining, rising, dawning, breaking
through. While we are pray-reading the verses of the Bible, there is a sense
deep within of enlightening, of shining, and this shining creates a love
toward the Lord Jesus. We feel that He is so lovable….Many times by this
shining we are beside ourselves with love to the Lord Jesus. That is Jesus
coming to us as the dawning day, as the morning star rising in our hearts….
Many times when I was with this holy Word, something has risen within me
like the daybreak. Oh, it is wonderful! The situation may not be bright, the
surroundings may be full of darkness, but something within is enlightening,
shining, filling with glory.
In the days of the magi, the seeing of the star was a miraculous
occurrence, but today to see the morning star is only normal and should be
our regular experience. Day by day we need to have the morning star rising
in our heart. Today, therefore, the star comes from the living word…. First,
we have the word; second, by giving heed to the prophetic word, we have
the morning star rising in our heart. If we will simply go along continually
with this inner, rising star, we will consistently be in the Spirit.
In 2 Peter we have the prophetic word, but in Revelation 3:1 we have
the seven Spirits….The hand of Jesus holds not only the seven stars but also
the seven Spirits. This means that the seven Spirits are one with the seven
stars, and the seven stars are one with the seven Spirits. If we have the
living word as the morning star rising within us and we are one with the
seven Spirits, eventually we will become the stars. We not only have the
star shining within us, but by looking to the star and following in the Spirit,
we become the stars. (CWWL, 1970, vol. 1,”New Testament Service,” pp.
Further Reading: Life-study of Matthew, msg. 7; Life-study of
Revelation, msgs. 9,14; CWWL, 1991-1992, vol. 1,”Elders’ Training, Book 11:
The Eldership and the God-ordained Way (3),” ch. 1

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WEEK 10 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Psa. 5:3 O Jehovah,…in the morning I will set forth my words in order to You,
and I will watch.
90:14 Satisfy us in the morning with Your lovingkindness that we may give a
ringing shout and rejoice all our days.
Rev. 22:16 …I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the bright morning
2:28 And to him I will give the morning star.
The best time to meet the Lord, to contact Him, and to fellowship with
Him is early in the morning. Manna is gathered before the sun rises (Exo.
16:14-21). Anyone who wants to eat God’s food should rise up early. When
the sun waxes hot, manna melts and is gone. If we want to receive spiritual
nourishment and spiritual edification, and if we want to have spiritual
fellowship and spiritual supply, we need to rise up early. If we rise up late,
the manna will be gone. The early morning is the very time when God
dispenses His spiritual food and holy fellowship to His children…. All those
who know God rise up early.
We should spend the best time of the day—the early morning—before
the Lord, rather than in other things. Some Christians spend the whole day
on other matters and kneel down to read the Bible and pray only at night
when they are about to go to sleep. No wonder they are ineffective in their
Bible reading, their prayer, and their fellowship with the Lord….The
moment we believe in the Lord, we should set apart the early morning for
fellowshipping with God and for contacting Him. (CWWN, vol. 48,”Messages
for Building Up New Believers (1),” pp. 165-167)
Today’s Reading
Revelation 2:28 tells us that Christ will give the morning star to the
overcomers. The New Testament reveals that Christ, who is signified by the
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heavenly luminaries, the lights, is the bright morning star (22:16).
Concerning the types of Christ, the entire Bible begins with Him as the light
(Gen. 1:3) and ends with Him as the morning star, a luminary. The morning
star appears in the darkest hour, after midnight and prior to the dawn. This
indicates that Christ will appear as the bright morning star in the darkest
time, prior to the close of this age.
No star is as bright as the morning star. At the darkest time, within the
overcomers there is a star shining. The overcomers will have and enjoy the
particular light, Christ as the morning star. At the beginning of the New
Testament the star was outside of religion (Matt. 2:1-6), but at the end of
the New Testament the star is within the church….Today the star is in the
church and among the churches. Jesus Christ, who is the morning star, is
walking today among the local churches. To see the star, we must come to
the local churches….When we are in religion, we have the sense of being in
darkness, but when the Lord brings us into the churches, we see the bright
star. The heavenly star today is in the local churches.
According to 2 Peter 1:19, the morning star is associated with the
Bible….If we take heed to the word of prophecy, the day will dawn within us,
and the morning star will arise in our hearts. To take heed to the prophetic
word is to pay attention to the living Word. It is not simply to read the Word;
it is to enter into the Word until something arises within us. We may call
this the dawn, or the morning star. In 2 Peter 1:19 the term”morning star”
in Greek is phosphoros, a light-bearing substance….Christ is the real
phosphorus shining in today’s darkness….We must take heed [to the Word]
until something begins to shine within us. That shining will become the
divine”phosphorus” in our heart. Then we will have the morning star. We
will be like the wise men, and something from the heavens will shine over
us. We must come to the sure Word and open up our whole being to the
Word—our mouth, our eyes, our mind, our spirit, and our heart—until
Christ as the morning star rises up in us and shines over us. (The
Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 4190-4192)
Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 48, ch. 11; The Conclusion of the New
Testament, msgs. 113, 407, 411; CWWL, 1953, vol. 3,”The Knowledge of
Life,” ch. 14
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WEEK 10 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
Gen. 1:16-18 …God made the two great light-bearers, the greater light-bearer
to rule the day and the lesser light-bearer to rule the night, and the
stars….God set them…to give light on the earth and to rule over the day
and over the night and to separate the light from the darkness…
Dan. 12:3 And those who have insight will shine like the shining of the
heavenly expanse, and those who turn many to righteousness, like the
stars, forever and ever.
On the fourth day, there was…the appearance of the stronger, more
solid lights (Gen. 1:14-17). Although light came in on the first day, it was
not that solid, not that strong. On the fourth day, not only the lights came,
but also the light bearers—the sun, the moon, and the stars. These are
lights which are stronger, more solid, and more available. This is the first
requirement for the growth of life.
In typology, the sun typifies Christ,…[and] the moon is the church….We
not only have the sun, the moon, but also the stars: not only Christ, the
church, but also all the overcoming saints. Daniel 12:3 says that those who
turn many to righteousness shine like the stars. If we are going to help
people to be saved, if we are going to turn people from darkness to light, if
we are going to recover all the backsliders, we must be the shining stars.
Revelation 1:20 tells us…that the messengers (the living ones in the
churches) are the shining stars. The Lord said that the saints are”the light
of the world” (Matt. 5:14), and Paul said that the saints shine”as luminaries
in the world” (Phil. 2:15). (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 39-40)
Today’s Reading
Many of us have to be the shining stars. We need to contact Christ, we
need to contact the church, and we also need to contact the shining
saints….When you come to a living brother or a living sister, do you not

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sense an amount of light, that when you enter their presence you are under
a certain kind of shining? This is light. This light will help us to grow in life.
The lights God made on the fourth day were established”to rule over
the day and over the night” by their shining (Gen. 1:18a). The light not only
shines, but also rules by its shining. Where there is shining, there is ruling.
Darkness brings in confusion, but light regulates. For the growth of life, we
need the ruling and the regulating of the fourth-day lights.
The lights on the fourth day also”separate the light from the darkness”
(Gen. 1:18b). The separation of the light from the darkness…had happened
already (Gen. 1:4). Now, the ruling of the fourth-day lights’ shining
strengthens this separation. For the growth of life, we need the ruling of the
lights and also the strengthening of the separation. This is the second
requirement for the growth of life.
On the first day, we had the light from the Spirit and from the Word. As
we go on, we need the lights of the fourth day. On the fourth day, the lights
come from Christ, from the church, and from the shining saints….The light
on the first day is for the generating of life; the lights on the fourth day are
for the growth of life. The lights on the fourth day mainly come from Christ
directly, also from the church and the shining saints. If we are to grow in life
after we have received the eternal life, we must first contact Christ, second
contact the church, and third contact the living saints. While we are under
such a shining, we are in the process of growth.
[Bring these points to the Lord in prayer.]”Lord, I have the life. But
Lord, You know that I need the lights of the fourth day. I have the light from
the first day already, but I need the lights of the fourth day. Lord Jesus, I
need You as the sun. I need to contact You directly. I want to be in Your
presence day by day. I want to be under Your shining. I also need the church,
the moon. And I need the stars. I need the overcoming saints, the ones who
are shining, who turn many to righteousness. I need those who can turn
people from darkness to light.” (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 41, 44, 46)
Further Reading: Life-study of Genesis, msgs. 4-5; CWWL, 1972, vol.
2,”The Kingdom,” ch. 2; CWWL, 1953, vol. 3,”The Knowledge of Life,” ch. 14

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WEEK 10 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
Rev. 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars which you saw upon My right hand
and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the messengers of
the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
Jude 13 …Wandering stars, for whom the gloom of darkness is kept for
[Jude 13 speaks] of the heretics as”wild waves of the sea, foaming out
their own shames; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of darkness is
kept for eternity”…These apostates are false shepherds, empty clouds, dead
trees, and wandering stars. They are hidden reefs and wild, raging waves of
the sea, foaming out, without restraint, their own shame. The metaphor of
wandering stars indicates that the erratic teachers, the apostates, are not
solidly fixed in the unchanging truths of the heavenly revelation, but are
wandering about among God’s star-like people (Dan. 12:3; Phil. 2:15).
Their destiny will be the gloom of darkness, which has been kept for them
for eternity (Life-study of Jude, p. 14)
Today’s Reading
There is…a negative aspect to the stars—the wandering stars….We
should be the stars but not the wandering stars. These are the false leading
ones. So many Christians today are not stars; some, however, are stars, but
they are wandering stars. There are religious leaders and teachers today
who are in this category. A proper star has a certain position and fixed orbit.
It continues in its course steadfastly. However, there are some stars with no
fixed position or orbit; they are wandering stars. It seems that some
Christians are stars; it seems that they are shining, but their shining is a
deception…. If you follow them, you will be misled; eventually, you will not
know where to go….They have no ground; they have no standing; they have
no certain way to go on with the Lord. Today they say one thing, and
tomorrow they will say something different; they are wandering. We need
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to be careful. We cannot find Jesus by following a wandering star.
How can we recognize the wandering stars? There are some signs.
They are autumn trees without fruit; they are waterless clouds. We need to
look for the fruit. The Lord Jesus said that we may know a tree by its fruit
(Matt. 7:16-20). If we follow the wandering stars, eventually our portion
will be the same as theirs— the gloom of darkness that has been kept for
them for eternity.
We need to follow the shining stars, those with a definite standing and
a certain course. These are the stable stars, the steadfast ones. If anyone
comes to us without a definite standing and a certain course, we should
avoid him. The proper standing is the local church, and the right course is
to go on in the Spirit in the local church….We need to take the proper
standing and keep ourselves in the right course….If you intend to go to a
certain place, you need to get out your map, get on the right road and in the
right lane, and as you drive you will reach your destination.
We are aware of today’s confusion. Oh, the dead things! Oh, the
frustrations, the distractions of the wandering ones! Anyone who keeps us
from the genuine local church and from meeting on the ground of oneness
with the Lord’s people is a wandering star. The true stars are those who
turn many to righteousness, those who do not lead people astray, but turn
them to the right way. Today the way for you and me and for everyone else
to find Christ is to see the living star. Hallelujah! Today the star is not far
from us—it is with the local churches. Among all the local churches there
are some living stars. You simply need to contact them; you need to keep
company with them. They will lead you to the place where Jesus is.
May the Lord be merciful to us so that we may always be kept in the
right way to serve the Lord, to worship Him, and to offer our love to Him.
May the Lord make us all like those magi, following the star to find Christ.
Today the living star and the living stars are in the local churches. Let us
follow them, and let us each be one of them. (CWWL, 1970, vol. 1,”New
Testament Service,” pp. 291-293)
Further Reading: Life-study of Jude, msg. 2

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‹‹ WEEK 10 — HYMN ››

Hymns, #840 Freed from self and Adam’s nature

The Church—Her Building

1 Freed from self and Adam’s nature,

Lord, I would be built by Thee
With the saints into Thy temple,
Where Thy glory we shall see.
From peculiar traits deliver,
From my independent ways,
That a dwelling place for Thee, Lord,
We will be thru all our days.
2 By Thy life and by its flowing
I can grow and be transformed,
With the saints coordinated,
Builded up, to Thee conformed;
Keep the order in the Body,
There to function in Thy will,
Ever serving, helping others,
All Thy purpose to fulfill.
3 In my knowledge and experience
I would not exalted be,
But submitting and accepting
Let the Body balance me;
Holding fast the Head, and growing
With His increase, in His way,

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By the joints and bands supplying,
Knit together day by day.
4 By Thy Spirit daily strengthened
In the inner man with might,
I would know Thy love surpassing,
Know Thy breadth and length and height;
Ever of Thy riches taking,
Unto all Thy fulness filled,
Ever growing into manhood,
That Thy Body Thou may build.
5 In God’s house and in Thy Body
Builded up I long to be,
That within this corporate vessel
All shall then Thy glory see;
That Thy Bride, the glorious city,
May appear upon the earth,
As a lampstand brightly beaming
To express to all Thy worth.

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Week Eleven
The Vision of the All-sufficient One—
the Divine View of God’s People
MC Hymns: 977, 1226
Scripture Reading: Num. 23:7-12, 19-26; 24:3-9; Rev. 21:9-10; Acts 26:19


Day 1
I. We should never underestimate the value of having a proper
view of a certain matter; the view changes us; it affects our
entire being—Rev. 21:9-10; Acts 26:19.
II. In the Bible vision denotes an extraordinary scene; it refers
to a special kind of seeing—a glorious, inward seeing—and to
the spiritual scenery we see from God—Ezek. 1:1, 4-28; Dan.
7:1, 9-10, 13-14:
A. In order to have a vision, we need revelation, light, and
sight—Eph. 1:17-18a.
B. The heavenly vision governs us, restricts us, controls us, directs
us, preserves us, revolutionizes us, keeps us in the genuine
oneness, and gives us the boldness to go on—Prov. 29:18a.
C. Under the heavenly vision we are directed toward God’s
destination, and our life is controlled according to God’s
economy—Phil. 3:13-14; 1 Tim. 1:4.
III. Like Balaam, a Gentile prophet who was brought into a vision,
we need to see the vision of the All-sufficient One and have a
divine view of God’s people—Num. 23:7-12, 19-26; 24:3-9:

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A. The prophet Balaam heard the words of God and saw the vision
of the All-sufficient One—v. 4; Gen. 17:1, footnote 2.
B. “From the top of the rocks I see him, / And from the hills I
behold him. / Here is a people who live alone / And do not
reckon themselves among the nations”—Num. 23:9:
1. This word indicates that the children of Israel were a holy people, a
sanctified people set apart from the nations.
2. The same is true of the church—1 Cor. 3:17; Eph. 1:4; 5:27; 1 Pet. 2:9.
C. “Who can count the dust of Jacob, / Or number the fourth part
of Israel? / Let me die the death of the upright, / And let my
latter end be like theirs!”—Num. 23:10:
1. Balaam’s word in verse 10a was a blessing of abundant increase.
2. His word in verse 10b was a word of great blessing and appreciation.
D. “He has not beheld iniquity in Jacob, / Nor has He seen trouble
in Israel; / Jehovah their God is with them, / And the shout of a
king is among them”—v. 21:
1. This word was spoken not according to the human view but according to
the divine view.
2. In the sight of God, Israel is without fault:
a. In themselves God’s people have many defects.
b. In God’s redemption and in Christ they have no defects.
3. When God looks at His people, He does not see them according to what
they are in themselves but according to what they are in Christ—cf. 2 Cor.

Day 2
E. “How fair are your tents, O Jacob, / Your tabernacles, O
Israel!”—Num. 24:5:
1. Balaam’s first parable reveals that Israel is holy (23:9); the second, that
Israel is perfect (v. 21); and the third, that Israel is beautiful, as indicated

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by the word fair (24:5).
2. This will be the actual condition of Israel in the millennium:
a. God promised that the descendants of Abraham would be a blessing to all
the nations—Gen. 12:2-3.
b. Eventually, the Jews will be fully blessed by God, and they will be a
blessing to the entire human race—Isa. 2:2-3; Zech. 8:20-23.
3. Balaam’s parables also indicate that in its standing the church is holy, in
the sight of God the church is perfect, and in appearance the church is
beautiful, fair—cf. Eph. 5:27:
a. The church is sanctified, perfect, and beautiful when it is full of
Christ—3:15-21; 4:13, 15.
b. Christ is the content, the constituent, and every part of the church as the
new man—Col. 3:10-11.
F. “Like valleys they are spread forth, / Like gardens beside a river,
/ Like aloes which Jehovah has planted, / Like cedars beside
water. / Water shall flow from his buckets, / And his seed shall
be in many waters”—Num. 24:6-7a:
1. The word concerning valleys and gardens in verse 6 and concerning water
flowing from buckets in verse 7 reveals figuratively that the church has
valleys (Rev. 2:9-10), that the church is like a garden (1 Cor. 3:9b), and that
in the church there is an abundance of water (12:13; cf. John 7:38-39).
2. These are some of the riches concerning the church.
G. Balaam’s word in Numbers 24:7b about Jacob’s king being
higher than Agag and about Jacob’s kingdom being exalted is a
prophecy that eventually has its fulfillment in Christ.

Day 3
H. “Blessed is everyone who blesses you, / And cursed is everyone
who curses you”—v. 9b:
1. Instead of cursing God’s people, Balaam, speaking on behalf of God,
altogether blessed them.

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2. To bless a person is to speak well of him, to speak positively concerning
him—Eph. 1:3.
3. The more we praise the Lord for His people and speak well of them in faith,
the more we put ourselves under God’s blessing:
a. Those who speak positively concerning the church receive the blessing.
b. Those who speak negatively put themselves under a curse.

Day 4 & Day 5

IV. We need to have a vision concerning the church and see that
the church is”Christly,”“resurrectionly,” and heavenly; these
adjectives describe the facts conveyed in the Bible—vv. 17-23;
A. The church is a matter in Christ, in resurrection, and in
ascension in the heavenlies—vv. 5-6:
1. After Christ terminated the entire old creation through His all-inclusive
death, the church was produced in His resurrection; the church is
absolutely in resurrection, a new creation created in Christ’s resurrection
and by the resurrected Christ—1 Pet. 1:3; Eph. 2:6.
2. The church has been resurrected with Christ, and now the church is in
ascension, in the heavenlies, with Christ—v. 6.
3. The church is of Christ, the church is of resurrection, and the church is of
the heavens.
B. Such a vision will govern us to the uttermost and rule out
everything that is not Christly (of Christ), resurrectionly (of
resurrection), or heavenly (of the heavens)—Acts 26:19.
V. We need to learn that the way we look at God’s people is a
serious matter:
A. Joseph’s two dreams, both from God, unveiled to him God’s
divine view concerning the nature, position, function, and goal
of God’s people on earth—Gen. 37:5-9:
1. In his first dream Joseph saw sheaves in the field (vv. 7-8); if we see this
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heavenly dream, then we see that in God’s view all His people are sheaves
full of life to produce food for the meal offering to satisfy God and man
(Lev. 2:4-5).
2. In his second dream Joseph saw the sun, the moon, and eleven stars
bowing down to him; in God’s eternal view, His people are heavenly bodies
full of light—Gen. 37:9; cf. Rev. 12:1.
3. If we praise the Lord for His saints being full of life and light, we will be the
first to participate in life—Gen. 12:2-3; Num. 24:9.

Day 6
B. In Numbers 33, the record of the forty-two stations of the
journey of the Israelites from the land of slavery to the land of
rest, there is no mention of the failures of the people:
1. If we had only the record in Numbers 33, we would think that in their
journey the children of Israel were altogether aggressive, positive, and
successful, going from station to station until they reached their goal—the
land of rest:
a. After reading Numbers 1 through 32, we may have the opinion that there
was nothing good with the children of Israel.
b. Numbers 33 shows that in the eyes of God the record regarding them is
c. This indicates that, in His view, God always considers His people in a
positive way.
2. We need to view the church in a heavenly way and realize that all the local
churches are parts of the coming New Jerusalem—Rev. 1:10-12, 20; 21:2,
3. If we have God’s view of His people, we will see them as God sees
them—chosen, redeemed, saved from the bondage of the fall, enjoying
Christ, being built up with the Triune God, formed into an army to fight for
God, and prepared by God to possess the all-inclusive Christ as the good
land—Eph. 1:4-7, 11-12; 2:6, 8, 13-16, 21-22; 3:8, 15-21; 4:12-13, 16, 23-24;
5:27; 6:10-18.

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WEEK 11 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment
Num. 23:9 …Here is a people who live alone and do not reckon themselves
among the nations.
21 He has not beheld iniquity in Jacob, nor has He seen trouble in Israel;
Jehovah their God is with them, and the shout of a king is among them.
1 Pet. 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a
people acquired for a possession…
[In Numbers 23:9] the word about the children of Israel’s dwelling
alone and not reckoning themselves among the nations indicates that they
were a holy, sanctified people, a people set apart from the nations. This
indicates that the church is composed of a separate people, a particular
people, a people sanctified to God. The church is not mixed with the nations
but stands alone. [In verse 10] we see the blessing of increase. Jacob, like
the dust, will be numberless, countless. No one will be able to count even
the fourth part of Israel. The first parable was a blessing upon the children
of Israel as a separate people, a particular and special class of people who
dwell alone and who are not reckoned among the nations. Because this
people will be blessed with abundant increase, no one will be able to
number them. After uttering this great blessing, Balaam expressed his
appreciation of Israel. (Life-study of Numbers, pp. 253, 264, 253)
Today’s Reading
One of the most striking lines in [Balaam’s second] parable is in
Numbers 23:21:”He has not beheld iniquity in Jacob, / Nor has He seen
trouble in Israel.” How could Balaam speak such a word, since Israel was
not perfect and since God could see all the iniquities of His people? The
answer is that this word was spoken not according to the human view but
according to the divine view. God’s view is different from our view. If we
realize this, we will be careful whenever we speak of the defects of the
saints. According to our view, a certain saint may have many defects, but
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according to God’s view, this saint is perfect.
How can we reconcile the word in verse 21 with the obvious fact that
the children of Israel had many iniquities? This apparent contradiction is
reconciled by the fact that God’s redeemed people have a twofold status:
their status in themselves and their status in God’s redemption. This is our
situation as believers today. In ourselves we have many defects, but in
God’s redemption and in Christ we have no defects. When God looks at us,
He does not see us according to what we are in ourselves but according to
what we are in Christ. God does not look at what His redeemed people are
in themselves. We may even say that He has forgotten what we are in
ourselves. Our basis for saying this is that God has forgiven us, and when
God forgives, He forgets (Heb. 8:12). God has put us all into Christ (1 Cor.
1:30). Since He has put us into Christ, when He looks at us, He sees us in
Christ. God’s view of us is that in Christ we do not have any iniquity. The
principle is the same with God’s view of the church life. According to our
view, the church life may be very poor. But according to God’s view, the
church life is glorious. God has not beheld iniquity in the church.
Numbers 23:21 says that God has not seen trouble in Israel. Here the
word trouble means hard things, evil things that cause people to be
troubled. This kind of trouble is even worse than iniquity. In the sight of
God, there was neither iniquity nor trouble in His people Israel. In the same
principle, God does not see iniquity or trouble in the church life, because
the church is in Christ. In Christ we have been chosen, redeemed, and saved
from the bondage of the fall. Therefore, according to God’s view, we have
been brought out of the fall, out of condemnation, and out of ourselves.
Therefore, we may say that in Christ the church life is glorious….In
ourselves the church life is not glorious, but in Christ the church life truly is
glorious. (Life-study of Numbers, pp. 254-255)
Further Reading: Life-study of Numbers, msgs. 34-35

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WEEK 11 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
Num. 24:5 How fair are your tents, O Jacob, your tabernacles, O Israel!
Eph. 5:27 …He might present the church to Himself glorious, not having spot
or wrinkle or any such things, but that she would be holy and without
1 Cor. 12:13 For also in one Spirit we were all baptized into one Body…and
were all given to drink one Spirit.
3:9 …You are God’s cultivated land, God’s building.
Everything depends on our vision. The Lord told Balaam, the Gentile
prophet,”He has not beheld iniquity in Jacob, / Nor has He seen trouble in
Israel” (Num. 23:21). In the eyes of the Lord,”How fair are your tents, 0
Jacob, / Your tabernacles, O Israel!” (24:5). God always sees through the
valleys to the goal. Of course, if we are in a valley, we may bemoan the fact.
But that is not the end—that is just an underpass on the highway to the
goal. We must drive through the underpass to the goal upon the high
mountain. We must learn to see through things to the goal, not only with
insight but also with foresight. The church can never be defeated. We are
wrong if we say that the church is always defeated. The church will
eventually be victorious! (CWWL, 1964, vol. 4,”The Vision of God’s Building,”
pp. 265-266)
Today’s Reading
The Spirit of God came upon Balaam, and he took up his parable and
said,”Balaam the son of Beor declares, / And the man whose eye is opened
declares; / He declares, he who hears the words of God, / Who sees the
vision of the All-sufficient One, / Falling down, but having his eyes
uncovered” (Num. 24:3b-4). The phrases whose eye is opened and who
hears the speaking of God indicate that the prophet was on the alert. His
falling down with his eyes uncovered indicates that he cooperated with
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[The word in verse 5] reminds us of Balaam’s word concerning Israel
in his first two parables. In the first parable he said,”Here is a people who
live alone / And do not reckon themselves among the nations” (23:9b). This
word indicates that Israel is a holy people, a people separated, or sanctified,
unto God. In the sight of God, Israel stands alone. According to God’s view,
Israel, even today, is not reckoned among the nations. If we have God’s view,
we will regard Israel as a particular and separate people, as a sanctified and
holy nation. In his second parable Balaam said,”He has not beheld iniquity
in Jacob, / Nor has He seen trouble in Israel” (Num. 23:21a). This means
that, in the sight of God, Israel is without fault.
The first parable reveals that Israel is holy, and the second, that Israel
is perfect….According to the third parable, Israel is beautiful. Israel’s beauty
is indicated by the word fair [24:5]. In the sight of God, Israel is holy, sinless,
and beautiful. In standing she is holy, in kind she is perfect, and in
appearance she is beautiful. This reveals that God has chosen, redeemed,
saved, separated, uplifted, perfected, and beautified this people. According
to the Bible, this will be the actual situation of Israel during the millennium.
The Jews are not welcomed by the nations in this age, but they will be
welcomed by the nations after the Lord Jesus comes back. God promised
that the descendants of Abraham would be a blessing to all the nations
(Gen. 12:2-3). Eventually the Jews will be fully blessed by God, and they will
be a blessing to the entire human race.
[In Numbers 24:6] Israel is likened to valleys, which usually are green,
and to gardens beside a river. Aloe is a plant known for its healing effect.
(The Lord Jesus was buried with aloes—John 19:39.) After the coming back
of the Lord Jesus, Israel will be a healing to the nations, and that healing
will be a great blessing. Numbers 24:7a…indicates that Israel will have an
abundant supply of water. The water of a country is related to the riches of
that country. The more water a nation has, the more riches it will have.
Without water, the land would be a desert. (Life-study of Numbers, pp.
Further Reading: CWWL, 1964, vol. 4,”The Vision of God’s Building,” ch.
11; Truth Lessons—Level Four, vol. 2, lsn. 25
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WEEK 11 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
Num. 24:9 …Blessed is everyone who blesses you, and cursed is everyone who
curses you.
Eph. 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has
blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ.
Something happened in a prayer meeting in Shanghai in the early
1940s that helped me to see God’s people as He sees them. In that meeting
an experienced sister co-worker, troubled by the low state of the church,
cried out to the Lord on behalf of the church. As she prayed, she sighed and
groaned because of the poor condition of the church. When she finished
praying, Brother Nee broke forth in praise to the Lord and gave Him thanks
that the church is never weak or low, but always high. The congregation
was shocked. Then Brother Nee helped us to understand the significance of
Balaam’s prophecy regarding the children of Israel. Balaam was hired by
Balak to curse the children of Israel. But instead of cursing God’s people,
Balaam blessed them. Speaking on behalf of God, Balaam said,”He has not
beheld iniquity in Jacob, / Nor has he seen trouble in Israel” (Num. 23:21).
Furthermore, in Numbers 24:5 Balaam said,”How fair are your tents, O
Jacob, / Your tabernacles, O Israel!” According to these verses, God did not
see iniquity or perverseness, trouble, in Israel. Instead, He saw only
goodness, fairness, and beauty. The same is true regarding the church today.
(Life-study of Exodus, pp. 78-79)
Today’s Reading
If you praise the Lord for the church life and speak well concerning it,
you will put yourself under God’s blessing. During all the years I have been
in the church life, I have not seen one person who spoke negatively about
the church who was under God’s blessing. On the contrary, all who have
said that the church was poor, low, or dead have been under a curse. Those
who speak positively about the church, declaring that the church is lovely
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and that it is God’s house, receive the blessing. This is not mere doctrine; it
is a testimony that can be verified by the experiences of many saints.
Sometimes when I am disappointed over the church and do not think
positively about it, the Lord within warns me to be careful. Immediately I
ask the Lord to cleanse me, and I begin to declare how wonderful the
church is. Even though the church may cause me trouble, I still love the
church. The more I speak this positive way, the more I am under God’s
blessing. Whose word about the church is right, yours or the Lord’s? In
eternity, the Lord’s word will prove to be right, for in eternity the church
will be marvelous, glorious, and transcendent. All the enemy’s accusations
regarding the church are lies. To say that the church is poor or dead is to
utter a devilish lie….The church is uplifted and very living. Do not see
deeper than the Lord sees…. Are you wiser or more perceptive than God?
The Bible declares that the Lord does not behold perverseness in Israel.
But you claim to see perverseness in the church. Which do you choose to
believe, the Lord’s sight or yours? If we stand with the Lord’s estimation of
the church, we shall be kept from falling from the blessing into the curse.
Whenever I speak to the leading ones concerning the church in a way
that is not positive, I have regrets later…. If I try to excuse myself by saying
that I was not condemning the church but simply speaking the facts, I am
even more troubled within…. Therefore, I can testify from experience that it
is not an easy matter to touch the church. Whenever we touch it, we must
do so in a positive way. Then we shall receive the blessing.
The Old Testament reveals that many times God came in to rebuke and
to reprove the children of Israel. But when the Gentiles attacked God’s
people, the Gentiles suffered loss sooner or later. In His eyes, the children of
Israel were redeemed, sanctified, transformed, and built up, and God had
His dwelling place among them.
Be careful of your natural sight. If God does not see iniquity or
perverseness in the church, then how can you see it? When God is merciful,
He abounds in mercy. (Life-study of Exodus, pp. 79-81)
Further Reading: Life-study of Exodus, msg. 7

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WEEK 11 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Gen. 37:6-7 …Listen to this dream which I have had: There we were, binding
sheaves in the field, when suddenly my sheaf rose up and remained
standing; and then your sheaves gathered around and bowed down to my
12:3 And I will bless those who bless you, and him who curses you I will curse;
and in you all the families of the earth will be blessed.
In Genesis 37:2 we are told that Joseph brought to his father an evil
report regarding his brothers….In chapter 37 we see the hatred and anger
of Joseph’s brothers, and in chapter 38 we see Judah’s lust. Joseph saw the
evil of his brothers and reported it to his father. But Joseph had two dreams
(37:5-9). In the first dream Joseph saw sheaves in the field. This dream
reveals that, at the most, Joseph was just a sheaf and that, at the worst, his
brothers also were sheaves. God gave Joseph this dream, and in it he had
God’s view of his brothers….God came to give Joseph a dream, and He
seemed to say,”Joseph, in My eyes you are the same as your brothers, and
they are just as good as you are. You are a sheaf; and they also are sheaves.
The only difference between you and them is that I have chosen you to
reign. But this does not mean that you are better than they are.” (Life-study
of Genesis, pp. 1414-1415)
Today’s Reading
If we do not have experience, we shall not be able to understand the
word in the Bible regarding Joseph’s dream of the sheaves. When you first
come into the church life, you may say,”How wonderful the church life is!
The brothers and sisters are all marvelous! How I love the church!”
However, the more you love the church and care for the saints, the
more”gophers,”“turtles,” and”scorpions” you will see. Then you will
say,”…Lord, the situation in the church is pitiful….” At such a time you need a
heavenly dream. When the dream comes, the Lord will tell you,”You are not
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any better, and the others are not worse than you. You are all sheaves of life
in Me. There are no ‘gophers,’ ‘scorpions,’ or ‘turtles’ among My people. All
are sheaves full of life.” If I had not seen such a heavenly dream, I would
have quit long ago. But I have seen the dream. I have seen that I am a sheaf
and that all those who in my eyes are”gophers” are sheaves also.
Years ago, I prayed many accusing prayers to the Lord; I reported to
Him the evils I had seen. In my prayers I said,”Lord, I have given up my job
and consecrated my life and my future for this work. But, Lord, look at this
people!” Eventually, however, the dream came, and the Lord said to me,
‘You are not better than they. At the most, you are just a sheaf, and, at the
worst, they also are sheaves.” At the beginning I was troubled and argued
with the Lord, saying,”Lord, You are not thorough. You are superficial. Don’t
You see their heart?” But the Lord said,”I don’t look at them from your view.
I see them from My view. In the New Jerusalem there are no ‘gophers’ and
Elijah complained against Israel saying,”The children of Israel have
forsaken Your covenant, thrown down Your altars, and slain Your prophets
with the sword; and I alone am left, and they seek to take my life” (1 Kings
19:10). Elijah was accusing Israel before God. Being displeased with this,
the Lord replied, ‘Yet I have left Myself seven thousand in Israel, all the
knees that have not bowed unto Baal and every mouth that has not kissed
him” (1 Kings 19:18). Do not go to the Lord in the way of accusing others
before Him. Instead, you should say to Him,”Lord, since You see no iniquity,
I do not choose to see any either. All the ‘gophers’ and ‘scorpions’ are
sheaves, and I love them.”
However, this is not easy to do. You may even think that I am teaching
you to lie….But who is right—God or you? And what about the dream? If
you have seen the heavenly dream, then you have seen that in God’s view
all His people are sheaves full of life to produce food for the meal offering to
satisfy God and man. (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 1415-1416)
Further Reading: CWWL, 1956, vol. 2,”Three Aspects of the Church,
Book 3: The Organization of the Church,” chs. 5-6

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WEEK 11 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
Gen. 37:9 And he had still another dream…: There were the sun and the moon
and eleven stars, bowing down to me.
Rev. 12:1 And a great sign was seen in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun,
and the moon underneath her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve
Eph. 5:8 For you were once darkness but are now light in the Lord; walk as
children of light.
In the Bible there is the principle of confirmation by two witnesses.
Thus, Joseph had two dreams. In Joseph’s second dream he saw the sun, the
moon, and the eleven stars bowing down to him (Gen. 37:9). This indicates
that in the eyes of God all the condemned and accused people are full of
light….The reigning aspect of the maturity of life never condemns others.
Rather, it shepherds and appreciates them. It says,”Oh, the church life and
all the saints are wonderful! The saints are sheaves full of life. How
nourishing and satisfying they are! Furthermore, they are heavenly
luminaries full of light.” If you say that it is a lie to speak this way and that
you cannot do it, it means that you have not seen the dream, the vision.
(Life-study of Genesis, pp. 1416-1417)
Today’s Reading
[If you] have been in the church life a long time, do you still feel…the
saints are wonderful? If you are honest, you will admit that you have
criticized certain saints to your wife or husband…. Years ago, according to
your natural view, all the saints were so good. But today you need the view
of the heavenly dream. In Genesis 37 there are two dreams. One is of
sheaves full of life, and the other of the heavenly host full of light. This is
God’s view, the heavenly view, of His people. Because I have this heavenly
view, I am greatly encouraged. I am not working with”gophers”
and”scorpions.” I am serving the sheaves, I am under the sun and moon,

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and I am walking among the stars. The dream Joseph saw is similar to the
vision in Revelation 12, where God’s people are signified by the woman
clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and with the crown of
twelve stars upon her head. We need such a vision to see God’s people from
the heavenly viewpoint.
One thing is certain: Whoever condemns the church or blames the
saints will suffer the loss of life. There is not one exception to this. You may
be right, and the church may actually be wrong. The condition of the saints
may be that of”gophers” and”scorpions.” But if you condemn them, you will
suffer the loss of life. However, if you say,”Lord, I praise You because Your
people are full of life and light,” you will be the first to participate in life. For
this reason, I dare not say that the brothers and sisters are not good. Rather,
I always say,”Praise the Lord! How good the saints are!” When I do this, I
enjoy life. But if I were to criticize the brothers and sisters, I would
immediately suffer death. No one who speaks negatively concerning the
church or the saints enjoys life. On the contrary, all those who speak
negatively suffer death. We need to say,”Praise the Lord, my brother will be
a heavenly light! If he is not so today, he will be in the future.” With God
there is no time element. There is no clock in heaven, only eternity. As God
views His people from the standpoint of eternity, He sees them all as
sheaves full of life and as the sun, moon, and stars full of light.
Genesis 37 begins by telling us how Jacob loved his dear son Joseph,
and how Joseph reported the evils of his brothers to his father. Then we are
told about Joseph’s dreams (37:5-10)…. Joseph’s dreams reveal the actual
situation of God’s people in His eyes. God’s people are all sheaves of life. A
sheaf is a bundle of wheat full of life and life supply….Do not say,”I don’t like
the Israelites, because they are so evil.”….At [Balaam’s] time, Israel actually
was evil. Nevertheless, Balaam, under the control of God, said that God had
not beheld iniquity in Jacob nor perverseness in Israel (Num. 23:21)….In
God’s eyes all His chosen people are sheaves of life, full of life supply.
Furthermore, God’s people are like stars shining in the sky. (Life-study of
Genesis, pp. 1417-1418, 1423-1424)
Further Reading: Life-study of Genesis, msgs. 110-111; CWWL, 1984,
vol. 2,”Elders’ Training, Book 2: The Vision of the Lord’s Recovery,” ch. 3
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WEEK 11 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
Rev. 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars which you saw upon My right hand
and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the messengers of
the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.
21:2 And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven
from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
Although God’s people are positioned in heaven as the sun, the moon,
and the stars, they are living on earth as sheaves (Phil. 3:20; 2:15), for
sheaves grow in the field. Today we are the heavenly people living on earth.
We are God’s people. I have been encouraged, strengthened, and
edified by this. I have complete faith in you all, and I expect to see you all in
the New Jerusalem. I like to have an eternal view, not the view from the
earth. I do not want to view things according to my limited sight. Rather, I
would use the divine telescope. If you say that the brothers and sisters are
so bad, it means that you are extremely shortsighted. But if you use the
divine telescope to see through time, you will behold the New Jerusalem
where there is nothing but sheaves and stars. In the New Jerusalem there
are no”gophers” or”scorpions.” There, everything is full of life and light.
The more mature in life you become, the less you will speak negatively
concerning the saints or the church….One day the heavenly dream will
come, and your view will be revolutionized. You will realize that you dare
not say anything negative concerning the church or the saints. On the
contrary, you will say,”This is the church, and this is God’s people. In God’s
eyes the believers are all sheaves. They are also the sun, the moon, and the
stars.” (Life-study of Genesis, pp. 1418-1420)
Today’s Reading
In this message I would…like to say a word concerning the stations of
the journey made by the children of Israel. According to Numbers 33:1-49,
there were a total of forty-two stations, from the land of slavery to the land
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of rest. The record of these forty-two stations does not mention anything
about the failures of the people. If we had only the record in Numbers 33,
we would think that in their journey the children of Israel were altogether
aggressive, positive, and successful, going from one station to another until
they reached their goal—the land of rest. As a result of our reading of
Numbers 1 through 33, we may have the opinion that there was nothing
good with the children of Israel. But chapter 33 shows us that in the eyes of
God the record regarding them is positive. This indicates that, in His view,
God always considers His people in a positive way. God looks at His people
not from the angle of the bad but from the angle of the good.
You need to be mindful of this whenever you are tempted to criticize a
particular local church. Whether the church is marvelous or pitiful actually
does not depend on what the church is; rather, it depends on what you are.
If you have a negative attitude and view the church from a negative angle,
you will not see anything good in the church. If you have a positive attitude
and view the church from a positive angle, you will say that the church is
marvelous. Concerning the church life in our locality, we should not be
defeated or disappointed, and we should not lose heart. We need to view
the churches in a heavenly way and realize that all the local churches are
parts of the coming New Jerusalem.
From our study of the book of Numbers, we need to learn that the way
we look at God’s people is a serious matter. Perhaps in your eyes God’s
people are not very good. But God sees them as chosen, redeemed, saved
from the bondage of the fall, enjoying Christ, being built up with the Triune
God, formed into an army to fight for God, and prepared by God to possess
the all-inclusive Christ as the good land. If we see God’s people in this way,
we will not lose heart or be discouraged concerning the church life.
(Life-study of Numbers, pp. 234-235)
Further Reading: Life-study of Numbers, msg. 31

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‹‹ WEEK 11 — HYMN ››

Hymns, #852 Thy dwelling place, O Lord, I love

The Church—Her Attraction

1 Thy dwelling-place, O Lord, I love;

It is Thy Church so blessed,
It is Thy joy and heart’s delight
And where Thy heart finds rest.
2 For her, Thyself Thou gavest, Lord,
That she be Thine, complete;
For her, I too my body give,
Thy heart’s desire to meet.
3 For her, Thou hast become my life,
That she my living be;
For her, I would forsake myself,
That she be filled with Thee.
4 The Church is Thy beloved Bride,
Thou in Thy Body seen;
She is my joy and heart’s desire,
The one on whom I lean.
5 In her, Thy full supply, O Lord,
Thou dost to me impart;
In her am I possessed by Thee
To satisfy Thy heart.
6 Thy dwelling-place, O Lord, I love;
It is Thy Church, Thy home;

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In it I would forever live
And never longer roam.

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Week Twelve
The Necessity of Spiritual Warfare
and God’s People Formed into an Army
Ready for Battle
RK Hymns: 885
Scripture Reading: Num. 21:1-3, 21-35; 27:12-23; 31:13-54


Day 1
I. We need to realize the necessity of spiritual warfare—Num.
21:1-3, 21-35:
A. Spiritual warfare has its source in the conflict between the
satanic will and the divine will; this is a warfare between the
kingdom of Satan and the kingdom of God—Matt. 6:10; 7:21;
12:26, 28; Isa. 14:12-14.
B. In the Lord’s recovery we are on a battlefield; in order to
possess Christ as the good land for the fulfillment of God’s
purpose, we must fight against and defeat the satanic
forces—Josh. 5:2—6:16.

Day 2
C. The army of God defeated the king of Arad, Sihon the king of the
Amorites, and Og the king of Bashan—Num. 21:1-3, 21-35:
1. The kings of Arad (v. 1), of the Amorites (v. 21), and of Bashan (v. 33) were
the”gate guards” on the east of the Jordan, guarding the land of Canaan,
the kingdom of darkness, for Satan:
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a. The kings defeated by God’s army signify the rulers, the authorities, and
the world-rulers of darkness, against whom we must struggle—Eph. 6:12.
b. In order for the children of Israel to enter into the good land, they had to
pass through the territory controlled by these kings and had to fight
against them, destroy them, and take over their territory.
2. In order to gain the unsearchable riches of Christ, we must crush the
spiritual enemies signified by the king of Arad, Sihon the king of the
Amorites, and Og the king of Bashan and take over their territory—3:8;
D. The fighting of the children of Israel against the Canaanites that
they might possess and enjoy the good land portrays the
invisible spiritual warfare that is taking place behind the
visible scene on earth, and it typifies the spiritual warfare of
the church against”the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenlies”—Dan. 10:10-21; Eph. 6:10-12:
1. In the typology of the Old Testament, Canaan has two aspects:
a. On the positive side, Canaan, a land of riches (Deut. 8:7-10), typifies the
all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches (Col. 1:12; Eph. 3:8).
b. On the negative side, Canaan signifies the aerial part, the heavenly part,
of the dark kingdom of Satan:
1) As the ruler of this world (John 12:31) and as the ruler of the authority of the
air (Eph. 2:2), Satan has his authority (Acts 26:18) and his angels (Matt.
25:41), who are his subordinates as principalities, powers, and rulers of the
darkness of this world (Eph. 6:12); hence, Satan has his kingdom (Matt.
12:26), the authority of darkness (Col. 1:13).
2) The Canaanites typify the fallen angels, the rebellious angels who follow
Satan (Rev. 12:4, 7), who have become the powers, rulers, and authorities in
Satan’s kingdom (cf. Dan. 10:13, 20).
3) The fighting of the children of Israel against the Canaanites that they might
possess and enjoy the good land typifies the spiritual warfare of the church
against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies so that the saints may
enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive land—Eph. 6:12.

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2. God wants us to gain Christ as our good land, but between us and the good
land, there is a layer of devilish, demonic forces; if we would take
possession of the good land, we must defeat these satanic forces—Col.
1:12-13; 2:15; Eph. 3:18; 6:10-12.
3. There is an exceedingly real spiritual warfare in which we must engage;
thus, the church must be a corporate warrior fighting the battle to gain the
all-inclusive Christ and for the establishing and spreading of the kingdom
of God so that Christ may come back to inherit the earth—vv. 10-19.

Day 3
E. The Lord Jesus has already won the battle, and the work of the
church on earth is to maintain Christ’s victory—Heb. 2:14; Col.
2:15; 1 John 3:8:
1. The Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the devil—v. 8.
2. As a man, Christ defeated Satan during the temptation in the
wilderness—Matt. 4:1-11.
3. Through death the Lord Jesus destroyed the devil, who has the might of
death, abolishing Satan and bringing him to nought—Heb. 2:14; 1 Cor.
4. God openly shamed the evil angels, triumphing over them in the cross of
Christ—Col. 2:15.
5. The effect of Christ’s crucifixion was that the base of Satan’s rebellion was
shaken, that the strongholds of Satan’s earthly kingdom were broken, and
that the power of death and Hades was conquered and subdued—Matt.
6. In the Spirit of His divinity, Christ proclaimed to the evil spirits in the
abyss His victory over Satan on the cross—1 Pet. 3:18-20.
7. The overcomers, the mighty ones, realize that spiritual warfare is based on
the victory of Christ—Joel 3:11b; John 12:31; Rev. 5:5:
a. The starting point of spiritual warfare is standing upon the victory of
Christ—Eph. 6:11, 13.
b. We need to see that Christ has already overcome—Rev. 3:21.

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8. The church is on earth to perpetuate and manifest Christ’s victory over
Satan—Eph. 6:13; Rev. 12:11.
F. In order to engage in spiritual warfare, we need to know the
Body, know the ascension, and reign in life—Eph. 1:22-23; 2:6;
4:16; Col. 3:1-4; Rom. 5:17, 21.

Day 4
II. At the end of Numbers 27, God’s people, the Israelites, had
been formed into an army ready for battle:
A. The children of Israel had become a new people formed into a
new army with a new theocracy—vv. 12-23:
1. The new people had been renumbered, the new army had been re-formed
and strengthened, and a new leader, Joshua, had been appointed to serve.
2. Joshua would serve not by himself but with Eleazar the priest, who would
receive divine instructions by means of the Urim and the Thummim; this
means that there was among the people a new theocracy—vv. 19-21.
B. After being formed, constituted, disciplined, trained, and
qualified, God’s people had come to the plains of Moab, where
they were waiting to enter into the good land, to take it, and to
possess it—36:13.
C. The formation of the children of Israel into an army to fight for
God typifies the New Testament believers’ being built up into
the organic Body of Christ to fight for God and with God for the
carrying out of His economy—Eph. 4:16; 6:12.

Day 5
D. With the exception of Joshua and Caleb, those who were
qualified and ready to take possession of the good land were
the younger ones—Deut. 1:35-36; Num. 14:31:
1. The second generation did not pass through as much as the first generation
did, but they received the benefit of what the first generation
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2. Probably the older generation spoke to the younger generation about all
that they experienced, enjoyed, and suffered, and this speaking was part of
the raising up of the second generation.
3. What the older ones experienced was effective in building up the younger
ones; therefore, God could prepare from the second generation more than
six hundred thousand men with a rich inheritance and strong background
who were qualified to be formed into an army to fight for God’s kingdom.
4. The principle is the same with us in the Lord’s recovery today; what the
older ones have experienced is being passed on to the younger ones and
will be very effective in building them up and preparing them to fight with
God and for God.

Day 6
E. In Numbers 31:13-54 we see a beautiful picture of the one
accord among God’s people who had been formed into an army
ready for battle—v. 31:
1. The entire situation among the different categories of people was peaceful,
pleasant, and harmonious because they were all in one accord—Acts 1:14.
2. The genuine one accord in the church is the practice of the oneness of the
Body, which is the oneness of the Spirit—Eph. 4:3-6:
a. One accord refers to the harmony in our inner being, in our mind and
will—Acts 1:14; Matt. 18:19.
b. To be in one accord is to be one in our whole being, and this results in our
being one in our outward speaking—Rom. 15:5-6.
c. In order to be in one accord, we need to have one heart and one way; this
one heart and one way are the one accord—Jer. 32:39.
d. For the Lord’s move, all the churches need to be in one accord; we should
all voice the same thing, trumpet the same thing, teach the same thing,
and be the same in practice—Josh. 1:16-18; 6:1-16; Acts 2:42; 4:24, 32; 1
Cor. 4:17; 7:17; 11:16; 14:34; 1 Tim. 1:3-4; 6:3.
F. God’s army was prepared and ready to take the good land

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under the blessing of God in His Divine Trinity and also under
the blessing of Moses, the man of God—Num. 6:22-27; 2 Cor.
13:14; Deut. 30:16; 33:1.

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WEEK 12 — DAY 1
Morning Nourishment
Matt. 6:10 Your kingdom come; Your will be done, as in heaven, so also on
12:28 But if I, by the Spirit of God, cast out the demons, then the kingdom of
God has come upon you.
Isa. 14:13-14 …You said in your heart: I will ascend to heaven; above the stars
of God I will exalt my throne. And I will sit upon the mount of
assembly….I will ascend above the heights…; I will make myself like the
Most High.
In the universe there are three wills: the divine will, the satanic will,
and the human will. If we would know how the church can be God’s warrior
to engage in spiritual warfare, we must know these three wills, these three
intentions. God’s will, being self-existing, is eternal, uncreated. As created
beings, the angels also have a will. One of these angels, an archangel, was
appointed by God to rule the universe that existed before the creation of
Adam. Because of his high position and his beauty, this archangel became
proud. This pride gave rise to an evil intention, which became the satanic
will. Therefore, in addition to God’s intention, God’s will, there is a second
intention, a second will, for now the satanic will is set against God’s will.
(Life-study of Ephesians, p. 527)
Today’s Reading
All warfare has its source in this conflict of wills. Before the satanic
will rose up to contradict the divine will, there was no war in the universe.
The controversy in the universe began with the rebellion of the archangel
against God…. Throughout history there have been wars between nations,
groups, persons, and even within individuals. For example, you may
experience an inner warfare between your reason and your lust. All the
different kinds of warfare have their source in the controversy between the
divine will and the satanic will.
In His greatness God gave man freedom of choice….The crucial issue
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was whether man would choose the divine will or the satanic will. If the
human will stood with the divine will, then God’s will would be
accomplished. But if the human will took sides with the satanic will, Satan’s
will would be carried out, at least temporarily. As we all know, the human
will took sides with the satanic will. This means that man chose to follow
Satan and sided with the satanic will. Therefore, Satan was victorious
However, through repentance man can turn from the satanic will to the
divine will, from Satan’s side to God’s side. The first commandment in the
gospel is to repent. The next two commandments are to believe and to be
baptized. Any sinner who desires to be saved must obey these three
commandments. He must repent to God, believe in the Lord Jesus, and be
baptized in water. To repent is to have a turn from the satanic will to the
divine will. From the day we were saved, our Christian life has been a life of
warfare. The same was true of the children of Israel after they made their
exodus from Egypt. (Life-study of Ephesians, pp. 527-529)
Without [the book of] Joshua we cannot fully understand the spiritual
warfare in Ephesians 6. There is spiritual warfare in the invisible scene
behind the visible scene. This means that in addition to war on the earth,
there is a war between God and Satan in the air. The heavenlies are full of
Satan’s forces. Christ is our good land, and God wants us to gain Christ, but
there is a layer of devilish, demonic forces between us and the good land. If
we would take possession of the good land for our enjoyment, we have to
defeat these satanic forces.
In the Lord’s recovery today we are on a battlefield. We should be
today’s Joshua and Caleb, fighting against Satan’s aerial forces so that we
can gain more of Christ for the building up of the Body of Christ, setting up
and spreading the kingdom of God so that Christ can come back to inherit
the earth….We need to learn of Joshua and Caleb to represent God’s interest
in this age to fight down the enemies that Christ can be gained by people
and that Christ can be increased by His pursuers. (Life-study of Joshua, pp.
Further Reading: Life-study of Ephesians, msgs. 63-65; Life-study of
Numbers, msgs. 33, 50
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WEEK 12 — DAY 2
Morning Nourishment
Eph. 6:11-12 Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand
against the stratagems of the devil, for our wrestling is…against the rulers,
against the authorities, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against
the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenlies.
Dan. 10:13 But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me for
twenty-one days; but now Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help
The kings of Arad, of the Amorites (Num. 21:21), and of Bashan (v. 33)
were the”gate guards” on the east of the Jordan, guarding the land of
Canaan, the kingdom of darkness, for Satan. In order for the children of
Israel to enter into the good land, they had to pass through the territory
controlled by these kings and had to fight against them, destroy them, and
take over their territory. This signifies that in order to enjoy the
unsearchably rich Christ, the church must defeat and take over the territory
of the enemies signified by these kings. (Num. 21:1, footnote 2)
Today’s Reading
[In Daniel 10] we see something regarding the spiritual struggle in the
air. According to verses 10 through 17, the evil prince of the kingdom of
Persia withstood the sent angelic messenger, probably one of the chief
princes, for twenty-one days. Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help
the sent angelic messenger….The evil prince of the kingdom of Persia must
have been an evil spirit, a rebellious angel, who followed Satan in his
rebellion against God and who was commissioned by Satan to help
Persia….While Daniel was praying for all those days, a spiritual struggle
was taking place in the air between two spirits, one belonging to Satan and
the other belonging to God. They were fighting because the…angelic
messenger…had been sent by God in answer to Daniel’s prayer….The crucial

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point we need to see is that behind the scene a spiritual struggle, a struggle
not seen with physical eyes, was taking place.
In verses 18 through 21 we see more of the spiritual struggle behind
the scene. The angelic messenger would return to fight with the evil prince
of Persia. The evil prince of Greece was then about to come. No one would
hold with the angelic messenger against these two evil princes except
Michael, the prince of Israel. The name Michael means”Who is like God?”
The angelic messenger stood up to support and strengthen Darius
(11:1)…in order [for him] to receive the kingdom….This scene also includes
both good and evil spirits, spirits that are engaged in an invisible spiritual
war. (Life-study of Daniel, pp. 96-97)
In the typology of the Old Testament, Canaan has two aspects: on the
positive side, Canaan, a land of riches (Deut. 8:7-10 and foonote 1 on v. 7),
typifies the all-inclusive Christ with His unsearchable riches (Col. 1:12; Eph.
3:8), and on the negative side, it signifies the aerial part, the heavenly part,
of the dark kingdom of Satan. As the ruler of this world (John 12:31) and as
the ruler of the authority of the air (Eph. 2:2), Satan has his authority (Acts
26:18) and his angels (Matt. 25:41), who are his subordinates as
principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this world (Eph. 6:12).
Hence, he has his kingdom (Matt. 12:26), the authority of darkness (Col.
1:13). The Canaanites typify the fallen angels, the rebellious angels who
follow Satan (Rev. 12:4, 7), who have become the powers, rulers, and
authorities in Satan’s kingdom (cf. Dan. 10:13, 20). The fighting of the
children of Israel against the Canaanites that they might possess and enjoy
the good land typifies the spiritual warfare of the church as a whole,
including all the members, against”the spiritual forces of evil in the
heavenlies” (Eph. 6:12) that the saints may enjoy Christ as the all-inclusive
land. The church must be such a corporate warrior, fighting against Satan’s
aerial forces so that God’s people may gain more of Christ for the building
up of the Body of Christ, establishing and spreading the kingdom of God so
that Christ can come back to inherit the earth. (Num. 21:1, footnote 1)
Further Reading: Life-study of Daniel, msg. 15; CWWL, 1961-1962, vol.
4,”The All-inclusive Christ,” chs. 11-13

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WEEK 12 — DAY 3
Morning Nourishment
Heb. 2:14 …He also Himself…partook of [blood and flesh], that through death
He might destroy him who has the might of death, that is, the devil.
1 John 3:8 …For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might
destroy the works of the devil.
Col. 2:15 Stripping off the rulers and the authorities, He made a display of
them openly, triumphing over them in it.
Ephesians 6:10-12… [indicates] that the work and responsibility of the
church is spiritual warfare. The opponents in this warfare are not flesh and
blood, but spiritual beings whose dwelling is in the air….Verses 13 and
14…[tell us] that we should stand, not that we should attack. The spiritual
warfare is defensive, not offensive, because the Lord Jesus has already
fought the battle and won the victory….The Lord has already won the battle,
and the church is here to maintain His victory….The strong man has already
been bound. Her work is not to let him be loosed. There is no need to attack;
simply guarding is sufficient. The starting point of spiritual warfare is
standing upon the victory of Christ; it is seeing that Christ has already
overcome. It is not dealing with Satan, but trusting in the Lord. It is not
hoping that we will win the victory, because the victory has already been
won. The devil can do nothing. The church’s work and responsibility is
spiritual warfare. It is a matter of the conflict between God’s authority and
Satan’s power. (CWWN, vol. 34,”The Glorious Church,” pp. 60-61)
Today’s Reading
Since the work of the church is to stand for God and not give any
ground to Satan, what manner of living should we have to accomplish this
task? All our sins and unrighteousness must be dealt with, our consecration
to God must be thorough, our soul-life must be put to death, and our
natural man must be abandoned. The ability of the flesh is absolutely

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useless in spiritual warfare.”I” cannot resist Satan.”I” must go! Whenever”I”
goes out, the Lord Jesus will come in….Satan recognizes only one
person—the Lord Jesus. We cannot resist Satan. The fiery darts of Satan
can penetrate our flesh, but, praise God, we can put on Christ who has won
the victory. The Lord Jesus will [not] automatically come if we sit and
passively wait…. As the Body of Christ, we must learn to work together with
God. We should never think that it is enough just to be saved. It is not. We
must be concerned with God’s need.
Today God has caused us to share the victory of the Lord Jesus.
Wherever the victory of the Lord Jesus is displayed, there Satan must leave.
We must simply stand steadfast, because the Lord Jesus has already won
the victory. In His redemptive work, the Lord Jesus destroyed all
the…ground of the devil….Now the responsibility of executing this sentence
is upon the church. When God sees that the church has sufficiently fulfilled
this task, the kingdom will come, and the new heaven and the new earth
will follow. (CWWN, vol. 34,”The Glorious Church,” pp. 64-66)
Nothing requires us to know the Body so urgently as spiritual warfare,
because spiritual warfare is not an individual matter but a Body matter. No
individual believer can fight with the enemy; it takes the whole Body.
Only one kind of people…can engage in spiritual warfare—those who
have received salvation, have been raised from death, and are now sitting
with Christ in the heavens. Only this kind of men can attack the enemy in
the air from a transcendent position in the heavens. Therefore, in order to
engage in spiritual warfare, we must keep the heavenly position.
God’s kingdom is legal, whereas the kingdom of Satan is illegal. The
whole universe was created by God and belongs to Him; hence, God has the
legal right to reign. On the contrary, Satan’s kingdom was established by
rebellion against God; hence, it is entirely illegal. (CWWL, 1953, vol. 3,”The
Experience of Life,” pp. 479, 525, 520)
Further Reading: CWWN, vol. 34,”The Glorious Church,” chs. 1, 3;
CWWL, 1953, vol. 3,”The Experience of Life,” chs. 15-18; CWWL, 1972, vol.
2,”The Kingdom,” chs. 6-8

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WEEK 12 — DAY 4
Morning Nourishment
Eph. 6:11-12 Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand
against the stratagems of the devil, for our wrestling is not against blood
and flesh but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the
world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the
God…was not finished with the children of Israel, [which] is proved by
the renumbering in Numbers 26…. At the time of the first numbering, there
had not been any trouble or reduction in number through God’s
punishment. The renumbering took place after much trouble and reduction
through judgment. Nevertheless, in spite of all the trials, turmoils,
temptations, failures, and reductions, God still had almost the same
number for Himself as He had had in the beginning. Regardless of what the
enemy had done and regardless of the people’s failures, God, by His
sovereign grace and acts, still had a number greater than six hundred
thousand. (Life-study of Numbers, p. 288)
Today’s Reading
[In] Numbers 27:12-23…Moses did not consider his loss of the
leadership. His heart was not set on his situation but on God’s people [vv.
16-17] ….The Lord [told Moses] to take Joshua and cause him to stand
before the priest and the whole assembly, to lay his hands on him…and
then to charge him to be the leader (vv. 18-23). In this way God raised up a
new leader.
At the end of chapter 27 we see a wonderful picture….The new people
had been renumbered, the new army had been re-formed and strengthened,
and the new leader had been appointed to serve, not by himself but with
Eleazar the priest, who would receive divine instructions by means of the
Urim and Thummim. This means that there was among the people a new
theocracy. Hence, at the end of this chapter we see a new people, a new
army, and a new theocracy. (Life-study of Numbers, p. 289)
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To fight the battle is a matter of the Body. We must be built together.
We must be in oneness and harmony as the living Body, the living building,
and the living house of God. Then we can be the army….Warfare is
something of the Body, which is in Christ, in the Spirit, and in the heavenly
Spiritual warfare is not a fighting against humans, that is, against flesh
and blood. Rather, we fight with the spiritual forces, the evil spirits….Evil
spirits are working to damage the kingdom of God in order to frustrate the
fulfillment of God’s purpose. This is a real fighting.
In mainland China, Brother Nee was very exposed to attack because he
was taking the lead…. As early as 1934 I was brought into this fighting
because from that time on I began to share the responsibility to deal with
this warfare. I saw the wiles, the tactics, and the subtle ways of the enemy
and how our brother was attacked very much. The most serious attacks
were the rumors.
The real enemy is not the people. The real enemy is the evil forces
behind the people. The people are merely the puppets of the enemy to be
utilized by him. We should not fight the people; we should fight the evil
forces behind them. The way to fight the evil forces is not by the flesh but
by the Spirit, in the Spirit, and by prayer. The only way we can deal with the
enemy who is working, fighting, behind certain people is to pray, to appeal
to the throne in the heavens as the highest authority. Therefore, there is the
need for real and prevailing corporate prayer. The church needs to come
together to pray, not to deal with people. I have learned the lesson that
whenever there is a rumor, we should not deal with it directly….We should
not talk to people or explain things to them….We should simply go to the
Lord and appeal to the highest authority. Through the throne we deal with
the evil forces which are behind the blood and flesh. (CWWL, 1963, vol.
3,”Basic Principles for the Practice of the Church Life,” pp. 333-335)
Further Reading: Life-study of Numbers, msgs. 39-40; CWWL, 1963,
vol. 3,”Basic Principles for the Practice of the Church Life,” ch. 6; CWWL,
1970, vol.1, pp. 93-107; The Conclusion of the New Testament, msg. 218

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WEEK 12 — DAY 5
Morning Nourishment
Deut. 1:35-39 Not one of these men, this evil generation, shall by any means
see the good land which I have sworn to give to your fathers, except Caleb
the son of Jephunneh…[and] Joshua the son of Nun….Moreover your little
ones, who you said would be prey, and your children…shall enter there.
And to them I will give it, and they will possess it.
The more difficulties we pass through, the more useful we will be to
the Lord….God’s chosen and redeemed people needed to undergo different
kinds of frustrations. As a result of all these things, God’s people were ready
to take possession of the God-promised land.
With the exception of Joshua and Caleb, those who were qualified and
ready to take possession of the land were younger ones. They were of the
second generation. The older ones, those of the first generation, had passed
through many things and had learned many lessons. However, they were
not qualified to enter into the land. The lessons learned by the first
generation surely became part of the heritage passed on to the second
generation….By their birth the younger ones were put into a position to
inherit the tradition of their family and all that their parents had
experienced. (Life-study of Numbers, pp. 367-368)
Today’s Reading
I believe that the fathers spoke to their children about their
experiences in Egypt, in the exodus from Egypt, and in the wilderness. No
doubt, the fathers spoke about how they were cruelly treated as slaves in
Egypt, about how God in His mercy sent Moses to deliver them from
bondage, about how they kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the
second month, and about how they marched out of Egypt and crossed the
Red Sea. The fathers must have also explained to their children that they
entered into the wilderness without food but that God fed them with
manna and supplied them with water from the smitten rock. They might
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have also explained that although they eventually felt that manna was
loathsome, they nevertheless appreciated it….Furthermore, the younger
ones learned about Moses and about the great help he rendered to the
people of Israel. Moses himself was not allowed to enter into the good land,
but he contributed many constructive factors to God’s people.
The second generation did not pass through as much as the first
generation did, but they received the benefit of what the first generation
experienced. I believe that the older generation told the younger
generation about all they experienced, enjoyed, and suffered. This speaking
was part of the raising up, or the building up, of the second generation.
What the first generation experienced was not experienced in vain, for it
was passed on to the second generation. What the older ones experienced
actually was not effective for them, but it was very effective in building up
the younger ones. Therefore, God was able to prepare from the second
generation more than six hundred thousand men with a rich inheritance
and strong background who were qualified to be formed into an army to
fight with Him and for Him.
The principle is the same with us in the Lord’s recovery today. The
recovery has been in the United States for twenty-seven years and has
passed through many things. Do you think that all these things have been in
vain? They certainly have not been in vain. These things are being passed
on to the younger ones in the Lord’s recovery and will be very effective in
building them up and preparing them to fight with God and for God. The
younger ones in the Lord’s recovery have a rich inheritance. Because this
inheritance is being passed on to the younger ones and even being
constituted into them, I have the full assurance that when a further testing
comes, there will be a very positive result.
In the Old Testament, what the second generation received from the
first generation made the younger ones ready to take possession of the
good land. (Life-study of Numbers, pp. 368-369)
Further Reading: Life-study of Numbers, msg. 52

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WEEK 12 — DAY 6
Morning Nourishment
Acts 1:14 These all continued steadfastly with one accord in prayer, together
with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.
Eph. 4:3-4 Being diligent to keep the oneness of the Spirit in the uniting bond
of peace: One Body and one Spirit…
Rom. 15:6 That with one accord you may with one mouth glorify the God and
Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
What the Lord desire[s] in His Body is oneness….When the church
came into being, there was the need of the practice of this oneness. The
practice of the genuine oneness is the one accord,…not merely a matter of
our meeting together….Our oneness is the oneness of the organic Body of
Christ, … [which] is a mingling of the Triune God with His redeemed and
transformed people. Because it is such a mingling, the Body itself is the
oneness. The three of the Triune God—the Father, the Son, and the
Spirit—are three divine factors of this oneness, and these three divine
factors are mingled with one human factor, consummating in the Body.
The oneness that we have is the accomplished oneness, the oneness of
the Spirit [Eph. 4:3-4]. We all have the Spirit in our”bank account,” that is,
in our spirit (Rom. 8:9,16), …but we may not write”checks of oneness”
because we may not remain in the spirit. Instead, we may remain in our
mind. When a certain brother prays, we may be in our mind discerning
whether that brother’s prayer is genuine or whether there is hidden
intention in his prayer. Thus, we may not say Amen to his prayer. In such a
situation there is no practice of oneness. The one accord actually is the
using of the oneness, which is the using of our possession. (CWWL, 1989,
vol. 4,”Elders’ Training, Book 10,” pp. 359-360, 373-374)
Today’s Reading
By the time of Acts 1, there were one hundred twenty people praying

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steadfastly in one accord (vv. 14-15a). All of them had one mind, which was
to receive power from on high and to testify of the crucified, resurrected,
and ascended Lord, whom they loved and followed.
First Corinthians 1:10 says that we have to speak the same thing and
to be attuned in the same mind and in the same opinion. How can we speak
the same thing and have the same mind and the same opinion? The whole
book of 1 Corinthians shows us that this same speaking is Christ, and the
same mind and same opinion are also Christ. In our daily life, if we take
Christ as our center and everything, what we speak, think, and understand
will all be Christ. This is the one accord, which is the practice of oneness.
Furthermore, Philippians 2:2 says,”Think the same thing, having the
same love, joined in soul, thinking the one thing.” What is it to think the
same thing? And what is it to think the one thing? After reading through the
whole book of Philippians, and especially after reading through chapter 3,
we can see that this refers to the subjective knowledge and experience of
The practice of oneness touches our mind, our love, and our
speaking…. If we would first consider and think a little before we speak and
would ask if it is Christ or not, there would be no problem. If we love the
saints, we should ask ourselves if our love has different classes, degrees, or
depths, and we should be adjusted by the Lord accordingly. The same is
true with our speaking. We should speak only if our speaking is Christ;
otherwise, we should not speak. I have a heavy burden within me. We all
want the church here to receive grace and blessing. But do not forget Psalm
133. The commanded blessing of the Lord, which is life forever, is upon the
brethren dwelling together in oneness….In order for us to receive God’s
blessing, we must practice the oneness, and the way to practice the oneness
is by the one accord. (CWWL, 1990, vol. 2,”The Oneness and the One Accord
according to the Lord’s Aspiration and the Body Life and Service according
to His Pleasure,” pp. 73-76)
Further Reading: Fellowship concerning the Urgent Need of the
Vital Groups, chs. 7, 9-10,12; The Governing and Controlling Vision in
the Bible, ch. 2; Life-study of Deuteronomy, msg. 19; Life-study of
Philippians, msgs. 2, 8; Life-study of Romans, msg. 29
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‹‹ WEEK 12 — HYMN ››

Hymns, #893 Conflict today is fierce

Spiritual Warfare — By the Lord’s Coming

1 Conflict today is fierce,

The strength of Satan more;
The cry of battle calling now
Is louder than before.
The rebel voice of hell
E’en stronger now becomes;
But list, the midnight cry resounds,
Behold, I quickly come!
2 Trials more bitter grow,
The fighting doth enlarge;
Hell’s forces rally all their pow’rs
And gather for the charge.
Yet while we wait and watch
And feel the war severe,
We hear the joyful song ring out,
Jesus, the Lord. is near!
3 ’Tis harder at the end
The word to testify,
For Satan fights with all his pow’r
Our witness to defy.
Much greater strength we need
The foe to overcome;

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How happy when the Lord we see
And all our sighing’s done!
4 Who then will forward go
Strong in His mighty power?
Who then will firmly trust the Lord
Until the vict’ry hour;
Till with the conqu’rors blest,
The triumph song’s begun?
That man will then rejoice to hear,
Behold, I quickly come!
5 Who then will choose God’s best,
And take the narrow track,
Though passing thru the wildest storms,
Yet never turning back?
Who now will dare press on,
Enduring pain and fear?
All such will then rejoice to see
Jesus, the Lord, is near!
6 Though deep the darkness be
We still would onward go,
Till we the day of rapture greet
And glory ‘round shall glow.
’Tis there we’ll see the Lord,
And Satan overcome;
The overcomers will rejoice,
Jesus, the Lord. has come!

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