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This system consists of thirty-eight remedies, each one
containing trace quantity of a non-toxic wild flower, found in
their natural habitat in the English forest. (Medicine
prepared from the cultivated plants is not effective.) While
all the thirty-eight flowers are found together in one place called
Mount Vernon in England, they are not found all together
anywhere else on earth in their natural habitat. (Nature keeps
her ways secret!)
Around the year 1936, Dr. Edward Bach, M.B.B.S.,
M.R.C.S., then practising in Harley Street (Hollywood of
medical doctors) London, like Gautama Buddha, abandoned
his lucrative medical practice and went into the forest, in search
of a better and easy medical system so that everyone may treat
and cure himself just as we take food when hungry or cover
ourselves with woollen clothes in biting cold winter; slowly he
discovered the therapeutic and other effects of these flowers.
The author of this book made an exploratory study of this
system of medicine with forty years of practice and teaching. He
is presenting in the following pages the uses of Dr. Bach
Remedies. A set of 39 Bach remedies are being sold in all
homoeopathic drug stores and leading departmental stores all
over the world including the Gulf countries.
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The word ‘axiom’ means an accepted statement or
proposition regarded as being self-evidently true (Oxford
Following are some of the axioms:
Nature constantly works toward perfection.
Nature produces in abundance.
Nature’s ways are always short.
Nature’s ways cannot be improved upon.
In the face of the above and if it be true that God loves
us so much, He ought to have given a medical system by which
we should be able to treat and cure ourselves, that too almost
instantaneously (without any detailed knowledge of pathology
etc.), without side-effects, contra-indications or habit-forming
Yes! Nature has given a complete medical system in the
form of thirty-seven wild flowers that are non-toxic; surprisingly
all these are found together in their natural habitat in a small
village called Mount Vernon among the thick forests in England.
Around the year 1936 Dr. Edward Bach.
To learn and master this subject called Dr. Bach Flower
Remedies, it is sufficient if you spend just five days (daily three
hours) with the author of this book. [For course details see last

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 3
Dr. Bach Flower Remedies of England
[Non-toxic and non-habit-forming]
Discovered and Introduced by
DR. EDWARD BACH, M.B.B.S., M.R.C.S. of London
around the year 1936
RESCUE REMEDY: This is one of the thirty-eight
Bach remedies. It is a near-panacea for medical emergencies
arising from traumatic causes— serious accidents, burns and
scalds, electric shock or poisons where life is in danger. Put one
pill into the mouth of the victim. Moments later,
(1) Bleeding, if any, stops almost instantaneously without a
bandage, however long or deep the cut may be.
(2) Unbearable pain is reduced to minimum.
(3) If unconscious and the body has become ice cold, pulse/
breath imperceptible, these are cured in just a minute, and
the victim gets up and walks home as if nothing has
happened (excepting, of course, fractures)––the more
danger to life, the quicker the remedy acts!
(4) In case of chemical poisons and poison-bites, the poison
gets neutralized in no time;
(5) In case of burns and scalds not only the burning pain
comes down in less than a minute but also, simultaneously,
all after-effects are prevented.
No need to repeat the dose! Just one single dose,
however serious the condition of the victim may be. The more
danger to life the quicker the remedy acts! Rescue Remedy is
a near-panacea for traumatic cases when patient may soon
ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 4
Rescue Remedy, given by mighty Nature, not only acts
as a mere first aid in trauma cases but, in most cases,
completely cures the patient (even before the time required to
reach the victim to a hospital) so that no other treatment is
required (fractures excepted). No need to repeat!
But that is not the case with other medical systems known
till date. After deep burns if the victim goes to any qualified and
registered medical practitioner, the latter has no medicine to
prevent the after-effects of burns. At the most he would order
‘rest cure’—bleb formation taking place after a few days,
discoloration of skin and disfiguration of the part by thickening
of tissues etc.
Won’t you like to keep a phial of Rescue Remedy in
your vehicle and at home?
Surgery too is a trauma. Before a few minutes or hours
of major surgery, if one dose of Rescue Remedy is given orally
to the patient, 150 ml of blood loss is minimised. Also the
wound heals rapidly and the patient is transferred to the ward
in two days and discharged early. Without Rescue Remedy,
such conditions take 7-10 days for the patient to return home.
Dr. Mathanagopal, M.B.B.S., D.A., former Anaesthetist in
Govt. Hospital, Palani, in Tamil Nadu, reports:
“Thank you for introducing flower remedies to me. One
hour before giving anaesthesia for surgery patients in my private
practice, I give one pill of Rescue Remedy (chewable).
Compared to other patients, Rescue Remedy given thus,
saves 150 to 200ml of blood loss, reduces post-surgical pain,

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 5
fever, oedema etc. Thus, there is less need for giving pain-killers
and antibiotics.
“In scorpion sting, snake-bite and other unknown poison
bites where the patient is brought in critical condition, I give one
pill orally; in addition, I dissolve five pills in half-an-ounce of
plain water, soak gauze into the solution and apply it locally.
Moments later, pain, swelling etc., disappear magically and
much to the surprise of my colleagues.”
Sr. Claire, I.C.M., School of Deaf and Dumb, Chennai-6,
a Christian missionary health worker (ph: 09443077935) was
travelling in an omni bus from Chennai to Dindigul. To avoid
a cyclist the driver applied sudden brake and the bus skidded
to the extreme left side of the road and fell into a not so deep
pit. Soon it was a scene of screaming and crying passengers
with bleeding and pain. The driver was bleeding profusely from
head and his head fell on steering wheel and he became
unconscious. Sr. Claire opened a phial of Rescue Remedy and
started putting one pill into the mouth of all the injured. Soon
the bleeding, crying etc. stopped. She put one pill into the
mouth of the driver also. Bleeding from head had stopped
completely. He regained consciousness, got up and started
walking as if nothing had happened to him! The passengers got
down, pushed the bus to the centre of the road and continued
the journey, what would otherwise mean arrival of an
ambulance, hospitalisation of the injured, stranded passengers
waiting for another bus etc.
You are a trauma specialist with Rescue Remedy in
your pocket!

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 6
What would you get by learning and
using these remedies?
A Tamil saying tells that what all we have so far learnt/
studied is only the size of a handful of sand; what we are yet
to learn is the size of our whole earth. Unfortunately, even out
of the handful of what we have learnt, more than ninety-nine per
cent is incomplete or incorrect. Supposing even a two per cent
of what we have learnt/studied is correct, we would by now be
living the life of a maharaja (emperor).
Bach Remedies enable you know the meaning, value and
significance of various things exactly and accurately. Precision
is the culture of Bach Remedies. Thus, by taking suitable Bach
Remedies all your difficulties dilute away and thus you are able
to increase your income and lifestyle.
To illustrate our claim that 99% of what all we have
studied/learnt is wrong, let us go to the following few questions
and learn how exactly Bach Remedies give the correct answers
to them:
1. What is the use of encyclopaedias?
2. How does a medical doctor get Midas touch?
3. What is the right and only solution to cure addictions?
Use of Encyclopaedias:
Almost all readers, even a college professor would say
that an encyclopaedia is a reference book to know all about a
particular thing. That use is a low-key approach.
The correct answer is something different. To prove this,
let us quote some medical cases here:
A middle-aged westerner with pain in his left knee for two
years came to me for treatment after trying various specialists in
vain. After listening to his complaints and looking at him I
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directed him to a dentist to remove any decayed tooth because
that particular knee pain of his was due to that.
He insisted that I should see the X-ray and clinical
laboratory test reports taken on the advice of chief ortho
doctors in the city. I refused and so he went away. He
continued with drugs, physiotherapy etc. Six months after this,
he got retirement and went to his motherland Canada. There
he consulted his family physician for his knee pain. That doctor
too, after looking at him, directed him to a dentist.
When he went to the dentist, after examining the teeth the
latter asked him whether he had been having knee pain for two
years. Telling that the knee pain was due to a decayed tooth,
he removed it; the very next day his knee pain vanished
Now the question is why it was possible for the author
of this book as well as the Canadian doctor to diagnose that the
decayed tooth was the cause for his knee pain, while the
doctors in Chennai were giving drugs, recommending
physiotherapy etc. The answer is very simple. That Canadian
doctor and I have studied British Encyclopaedia of Medical
Practice (12 volumes) as a textbook. So, there is no chance
of our making wrong diagnosis; also no need to send a difficult
case to a so-called senior physician etc.
How did the author of this book come to know the exact
use of encyclopaedias?
The Bach Remedy called Cerato enabled the author to
know and learn the correct use of encyclopaedias.
From the Bach Remedy Cerato we learn that
Textbook is for passing an Encyclopaedia is the textbook
examination to get a degree for professionals to become a
or diploma. wizard in their respective field,
if any one has written an
encyclopaedia on the subject
of his profession.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 8
Real causes of diseases/sufferings of men is known by
the use of Bach Flower Remedies alone; nowhere else do
we get correct answers for our problems and sufferings.
Let us examine one of the social evils viz., ‘addiction’ and
learn as to how Bach Remedies reveal the only right solution:
Walnut is the name of one of the thirty-eight Bach
Remedies and it is for all types of addictions and bad habits i.
e., where the patient is doing one and the same bad thing
repeatedly over and over again with his fingers/hands—
chain smoking, drinking alcohol daily, tobacco chewing, taking
several cups of coffee/tea, thumb-chewing in children or nail
biting in elders.
Wherever we prescribed Walnut for addictions the addicts
not only gave up the habit but also soon started learning
instrumental music (or painting) and soon started performing in
stages earning Rs. 500 to 1000 for each two-hour performance
as compared to their earlier income of mere 5-7 thousand
rupees that too working as an office staff for 8 hours x 30 days.
The question now before us is, “What has ‘playing
instrumental music or painting’ to do with addiction?”
In both cases, the person does one and the same thing
repeatedly over and over again with rhythmical movement
of his fingers/hand.

Smoking cigarettes or nail- Playing instrumental music or

biting or taking ganja is the painting is the ‘POSITIVE’
‘NEGATIVE’ aspect of the aspect of the same remedy.
Bach Remedy Walnut.

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From the above we infer that mighty Nature tells all
addicts: “I sent you on earth to learn and play instrumental
music (or painting) and earn 1-2 thousands daily. But you did
the mistake of studying science or accountancy to earn a mere
few thousand rupees once a month only. To remind you of
your job on earth I made you an addict. At least now realise
your mistake, take Walnut and start learning instrumental music
and earn a few thousand rupees for each 2-3 hour
Addiction is not a punishment given by Nature but a
chiding only.
Thus, Bach Remedies DO NOT ‘TREAT’ OR ‘CURE’
human beings but change them from ‘negative’ to ‘positive’
types. On one hand Walnut enables addicts completely give up
the bad habit; on the other, it simultaneously enables them to
learn and master instrumental music/painting, irrespective of
their age.
We, therefore, call Sitar Ravishankar of North India and
Veena Gayathri of Tamil Nadu as “POSITIVE Walnut-type
persons.” Had the parents of these instrumentalists done the
mistake of discouraging their learning instrumental music and
insisted on their becoming a graduate, they would have ended
up as a diploma/degree holder and working in an office for a
mere 5-10 thousand rupees per month and later becoming the
worst addicts to alcohol, drugs etc.
From the above, we get the lesson (by the study of Bach
Remedies) that in de-addiction centres we must employ
teachers of instrumental music/painting and this alone is the only
and correct solution to cure addictions. Will the concerned
authorities wake up at least now?

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 10
Now to another Bach remedy called Cherry Plum:
This remedy is to be prescribed for the following
(i) mind giving way; or fear of loss or reason;
(ii) irresistible temptation;
(iii) suicidal disposition (mind giving way).
‘Uncontrollable’ anger, unbearable thirst, insatiable
appetite, cannot wait for food when hungry.
A diabetic patient with Cherry Plum negative mentality
cannot avoid sweets on seeing it when served in dinner parties.
Suicidal disposition: “Person commits suicide because of
unbearable chronic abdominal pain that resisted treatment by
the best doctors.” Cherry Plum, cures the underlying pathology
and so the pain is cured completely and permanently. Not only
colic. For that matter any disease that makes the sufferer cry or
weep with pain.
“Man commits suicide due to poverty.” This also we
occasionally read in the dailies.
Again in the case of suicidal disposition due to poverty,
when Cherry Plum is prescribed it gives the victim sufficient
mental balance to find ways and means of earning sufficient
money; so the suicidal disposition disappears.
Persons who weep with ‘unbearable’ pain in body
(whatever may be the name of his disease).
Cherry Plum is not a painkiller but it cures the underlying
pathology and so the pain stops.
The best place to illustrate the use of Cherry Plum is the
labour ward in any maternity hospital.

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(Bach Remedies are thirty-eight in all. Every person would
be of one remedy-type only at a given time. Thus, roughly three
out of every hundred persons would be Cherry Plum type). Go
and stand in the veranda of any labour ward at midnight and
you would be hearing the shouting, crying or weeping of three
out of every one hundred expectant mothers. The child wants
to come out but the mouth of the uterus does not dilate. Thus,
it causes “unbearable” pain making the mother cry. We gave
Cherry Plum at this time to these ladies (say, 1-3 doses every
5-15 minutes). Soon they had normal delivery. At this point
please do not note that Cherry Plum is for “easy delivery.” Not
only painful delivery but in all diseases or problems in life where
the affected person cries/weeps with ‘unbearable’ pain (or
resorts to suicide) Cherry Plum is to be prescribed and it cures
him. In the case of life problems making them resort to suicide,
the remedy enables them to automatically find ways and means
to solve their problems.3

I called aside the above ladies to whom Cherry Plum was

prescribed for ‘unbearable pain’ and advised them to take daily
one dose of the same remedy. They said, “Sir, we have
delivered the baby. Why more medicine?” I advised them that
this remedy would enable them to know as to why they got
such ‘unbearable’ labor pain for hours together and also to
prevent all future sufferings (be it bodily diseases or problems
in life) making them weep or cry. They started taking the
remedy. After a few weeks it was noticed that all of them
started learning vocal music (irrespective of their age) and after
a year or so were performing in music clubs and stages and
their income multiplied several-folds.

3When his reputation is at stake a person commits suicide. This

symptom is covered by another Bach remedy viz., Agrimony.

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Mighty Nature indirectly tells the above ladies: “I sent
you on earth to learn vocal music and earn several thousand
rupees. But you did the mistake of choosing an unsuitable
profession to earn a few thousand rupees once a month. To
remind you of your work on earth, I gave you that unbearable
labor pain. At least now realise your mistake, start taking the
Bach Remedy Cherry Plum which not only reduces your
prolonged labor pain, but also simultaneously enables you learn
vocal music and earn several-fold of your previous monthly
The question now before us is, “What is the connection
between ‘vocal’ music and ‘crying with pain or problem in life?”
In both instances, ‘voice’ is used continuously in high pitch.
From the Bach Remedy CHERRY PLUM, we learn that
those weeping/shedding tears should start learning vocal

We call ‘weeping with pain or ‘Singing’ is the

resorting to suicide due to problem ‘POSITIVE ASPECT’
in life’ as ‘NEGATIVE ASPECT’ of the remedy.
of Cherry Plum.

We may, thus, call Michael Jackson or Madonna of the West

and M. S. Subbalaxmi, Sudha Raghunathan, Sowmya of South
India and Latha Mangeshkar of North India as positive Cherry
Plum type personalities. Suppose, parents of these vocalists had
insisted on Bank job, academic education etc., by now they would
have developed problems in life or diseases making them weep
or cry with pain.

3Tongue/throat is used to make noise/voice as well as to taste delicious

food. Therefore, another use of the Bach Remedy Cherry Plum is “irre-
sistible temptation” “unable to observe food restrictions.”

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Let us now look at some more Cherry Plum negative type
persons (who too would become No.1 singers after a course of
Cherry Plum).
1. Those taking more soft drinks every time they go in
the hot sun; (‘unbearable’ thirst)
2. Those short-tempered persons who shout and scream
in anger. ‘Uncontrollable’ thirst, ‘uncontrollable’ anger,
appetite etc. are the symptoms of Cherry Plum.
3. Those who cannot observe diet restrictions.
“Irresistible temptation.’’
4. Those resorting to suicide to put an end to their pain
in abdomen when the best doctors failed to cure them
with their medicines.
5. Persons committing suicide due to poverty.
6. Parents beating their children in anger.
7. Teachers and masters beating their students in anger
because the latter is not learning in spite of repeated
By now, the reader would have learnt what we mean by
‘positive’ and ‘negative’ types. We find that there are thirty-
eight types of persons only in the world. If a person is positive,
he need not take any Bach remedy. Negative type may take his
respective remedy to become positive. This is the secret of
Bach remedies and that is why it is able to cure gently, quickly
and permanently that too without any side effects.

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[In de-addiction centres one and the same drug is given to
all alcoholics. Persons thus treated, of course, give up taking
alcohol and does not take even if it is given to him. But, because
of the side effects, he becomes dull, stupid, lazy, lethargic etc.,
and is unable to concentrate in discharging his official duties and
responsibilities at home. Alas! After six months, when the drug
goes out of his body, he starts consuming double the quantity of
what he had been taking originally. It is a stereotyped method
where humans are treated like animals and thus the patients
suffer from side effects.]
This is because one and the same remedy is given to all
addicts (as done in veterinary practice) for alcoholism.
In Bach Remedies system we do not treat ‘addiction’
but we treat ‘personalities’ of the addicts. Hence no side
effects. We individualise the victims.
Let us examine a few alcoholics. The type of classifications
on the next page is not anybody’s theory but they have been
in existence from time immemorial.

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Name of the Symptom of the victim (addict)

Bach Remedy
Here, it is a matter of sheer habit. The question of
giving up alcohol/tobacco does not arise because
the victim does not even think of making an
WALNUT attempt to give up this habit. For once, if he misses
his drink, his hand would shake and
subsequently suffer from withdrawal symptoms.
This is a clear case of addiction indeed.

At night he firmly takes a vow that from the

next day he won’t take alcohol and promises
SCLERANTHUS his wife too. But the very next day the same
old story is repeated. This is not addiction but
unsteadiness of mind (Irresolution).
Does not take alcohol for 'kick' as the first said
Walnut-type persons. But to forget his worries
at home when some dishonourable events has
AGRIMONY happened like the elopement of his daughter, his
wife living with another person etc. One day he
suddenly starts drinking to ventilate his
suppressed emotions and grief.
Drinks not necessarily for ‘kick’ like the first said
Walnut-type. He wants to put up a show before
others that he does drink—The status monger.
VINE Therefore drinks imported stuff like scotch etc.
This would be further evidenced by the fact that
in his house we find in the hall, empty biscuit
brandy bottles neatly kept in a showcase.
He decides to give up the habit and has
completely stopped it. But when he happens to
see the bottle or someone smoking, he would
CHERRY PLUM take a peg (or a cigarette) and no more after that,
till such time he again sees the bottle/cigarette
packet. A case of irresistible temptation indeed.
(Mind giving way.)

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 16

Name of the Mind symptom of the person taking alcohol

Bach Remedy
This type persons are not regular drinkers. They
drink to 'enjoy' life or to celebrate once a while,
like for example, on the first of every month when
they get their monthly salary or, on the day of
WILD ROSE receiving yearly bonus; or, on the date of getting
arrears etc., and on occasions like promotion,
transfer, wedding party etc. (celebration!)
Enjoyment of life!
These types of persons are neither ‘addicts’ nor
are they fond of the 'kick' feeling. They are tonic
mongers or strength-maniacs. Drinks 'wine' or
‘brandy’ only, because these two are said to be
HORNBEAM good for health. (It is said that one drop of wine
is equal to one drop of blood!) They are over
conscious of nutrition, vim, vigour & vitality. They
have forgotten that ‘health is wealth’ and wrongly
think that ‘strength is wealth.’
Here he is a miser. He does not drink by buying
from the liquor shop. But when available ‘free of
cost’ such as in parties etc., even though he does
not know how to drink, he gulps down as much
as possible and comes home and vomits all. (The
regular drinker knows his limit and does not
overdose himself.) Persons like waiters working
in Army Officers’ Mess and top-executives
attending parties quite often resort to this type of
Here is the nervous fellow who has the
fear-complex, drinks to become bold. These
MIMULUS types take liquor just before encountering his

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Thus, we call Bach Remedies as human medicine because
every victim/patient is individualised.
Again, let us reiterate, here we are not doing any psycho-
analysis of addicts, but in the above table, we have just and only
given the classification as it exists and found by every one of
us, from time immemorial.
The names of the 39 Bach Remedies are:
1. Agrimony 21. Mustard
2. Aspen 22. Oak
3. Beech 23. Olive
4. Centaury 24. Pine
5. Cerato 25. Red Chestnut
6. Cherry Plum 26. Rock Rose
7. Chestnutbud 27. Rock Water
8. Chicory 28. Scleranthus
9. Clematis 29. Star of Bethlehem
10. Crab Apple 30. Sweet Chestnut
11. Elm 31. Vervain
12. Gentian 32. Vine
13. Gorse 33. Walnut
14. Heather 34. Water Violet
15. Holly 35. White Chestnut
16. Honeysuckle 36. Wild Oat
17. Hornbeam 37. Wild Rose
18. Impatiens 38. Willow
19. Larch 39. Rescue Remedy
20. Mimulus
Note: (1) Out of the first thirty-eight in the above list, each one
contains trace quantity of a particular wild flower. The
remedy Rock Water at Serial No. 27 alone is not from
a flower, but it is merely water collected from natural
springs found among hard rocks.
(2) Rescue Remedy at Sl. No. 39 is a mixture of the five
remedies at serial Nos. 6, 9, 18, 26 and 29.
ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 18
k There are just thirty-nine remedies only.
k No elaborate head racking study. It is very simple and
easily learnt.
k There is absolutely no diet or other restrictions.
k No contra-indications.
k It can be taken at any time, not necessarily before or
after food.
k They are available in the form of “ready-to-take” sweet
k There is no need to swallow the pills with water; just
to be chewed. Easily carried during journeys.
k To those who refuse medicine, the pills can be dissolved
in their drinking water, coffee/tea etc. This does not
cause discolouration of the water or emit any smell.
k There is no expiry date for these remedies. [Anything
kept dissolved in honey, alcohol or cane sugar retains
effects life-time.]
k They are absolutely safe, non-habit-forming and even
if wrongly used or taken in over doses, do not produce
side effects.
k There is no question of withdrawal syndrome.
k They can be given to persons of all ages, the newborn
babies as well as to women at all months of pregnancy.
k They can be taken while you are on other medicines/
treatment because they do not interfere with the action
of other treatments.
k Up to five medicines can be taken together at a time.
k They can be repeated as often as required. In chronic
diseases, once or twice daily.
ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 19
k The effects are almost instantaneous and the effects
are seen with the very first dose.
A lady was in bed in a hospital after abdominal surgery for
removal of a cyst. Even three days after the surgery, she was
weeping/crying with pain and in the night the pain did not allow
her to sleep. (In many post-surgical conditions this is more or
less the case).
The two things here are:
(a) pain makes the patient weep/cry;
(b) the pain does not allow her to sleep.
On these very symptoms Bach Remedies are prescribed,
as under:
(1) Cherry Plum would cure any underlying pathology
that makes the person weep/cry with pain.
(2) Any complaint that does not allow the patient to sleep
or disturbs his sleep or wakes him up from sleep—the name of
the Bach Remedy for this state is White Chestnut.
When these two remedies are prescribed they cure the
underlying pathology—slow healing of wound. Therefore the
pain stops and so the patient gets good sleep.
In other systems, at the most, the doctor may prescribe a
painkiller and a sleeping pill. It may stop the pain for a few
hours but soon there is a relapse. They have no medicine for
quick healing of wounds. They have no remedy for diseases that
make the patient weep or cry with pain; they have no specific

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 20
remedy for curing any disease that do not allow the patient to
Thus, Bach Remedies are prescribed on conditions as we
see with our naked eyes and not on the names of diseases.
1. The Bach remedy White Chestnut will cure any
complaint that disturbs or prevents our sleep.
2. Cherry Plum is for any pain that makes the person cry/
weep (whatever may be the underlying pathology, call it slow
healing of wounds, ulcer, cancer, appendicitis etc.)

Cherry Plum is not a painkiller and White Chestnut

is not a sleeping pill.

For selecting the appropriate remedy we do not consider

the disease, its name or underlying pathology that are in the
interior body but only their outward manifestations.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 21
Short Notes on some of the 38 Bach
remedies for ready use by the readers.
(We are writing below only after repeated
Agrimony: Wherever you have to ‘contend’ ‘argue’ or ‘fight’
for your right; or, have to go to court or police to collect your
dues or to stop a person from harassing you. Also, wherever
you have to bargain. Sell your house without paying
brokerage and without bargaining, at a reasonable price.
Also, to get things done in short-cuts. After any heated
argument with any one, start taking this remedy one pill every
half-an-hour, total 5-10 doses and by this alone you can
realise the value of Bach Remedies; not by merely reading
this book. This remedy Agrimony is almost a tonic for
lawyers and brokers. Also, for those who turn to alcohol to
‘suppress’ their emotions and hide worries.
Those who often cracks jokes should take Agrimony daily
1-2 times for six months and this would cure all their
Aspen: Vague and unknown fear. Otherwise called “free
floating anxiety” in psychiatry. The fear comes of its own and
after remaining for an hour or more, goes off of its own. Also,
useful when you have to go to any office for the first time to
get a job done. Hesitation with strangers. This remedy is
almost a specific for shyness and timidity.
Beech: The tip-top man who is over-conscious of order and
form—external appearance. The so-called disciplined
person. Very strict. Follows rules and laws to the core. This
remedy is a tonic par excellence for make-up man,
architect, design engineer, photographer, ready-made
garment shop owners, judge, compilers of dictionaries and

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 22
authors of text-books. If you want to renovate your house or
re-arrange things in your house/office, take this remedy
Beech along with another Bach remedy viz., Cerato, daily
once for a week or two prior to such re-arrangement/
renovation. Those who often tells proverbs. Such persons
would start writing a text-book after taking Beech for 2-6
Centaury: Weakness after acute illness. So-called debilitating
diseases—jaundice, typhoid, flu etc. Otherwise called
convalescent period—time required to recoup the lost
health and strength. What would otherwise mean 3-5 days to
get back lost health after acute illness, with three doses of
Centaury taken, every four hours, you can be back to office
in just a day’s time. Also those who are meek, polite and
submissive; becomes willing slaves to others. They are used
as door-mats. Cannot dominate others. Unfit to be a
manager or in a supervisory cadre.
Cerato: Excellent for children who imitate others’
mannerisms—imitating their parents/teachers.
Also, for those who often change their set-ups in office/
home. Tonic par excellence for those running spare parts
shops or departmental stores. Also who often changes
various branches in their professional line. Say, a law
graduate first starts working as a lawyer in a court; then starts
teaching in a law college; then starts running or editing a law
journal. Does not change his line ‘law’ but various options
available in the law field that he is not able to decide. [Those
who change their profession—from law to medicine, from
medicine to real estate—need another Bach remedy Wild
This remedy is excellent for those who deal with public at
large—public relations officer, enquiry clerk, vocational

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 23
guidance bureau, HRD and cine actors: all these persons
would go to the top in their field if only they start taking this
remedy Cerato along with Beech, Walnut and
Chestnutbud, daily once, for 2-6 months. If you want to get
information about anything do not inquire your neighbours
and colleagues. Start taking Cerato, thrice daily and in
twenty-four hours someone automatically brings that
information to you or you come across the right person who
would supply that information to you. Keep the words
‘variety’, ‘filing system’, ‘deptl. stores’ ‘spare parts shops’,
‘mimicry’, ‘PRO’, ‘encyclopaedia’ and you would
understand this remedy better. In the case of those who do
mimicry or runs spare parts shops or deptl. stores, those
quite often changing their line of activity (working as a lawyer,
then teaching in law college, then changing to editing a law
journal etc.) if these persons start taking Cerato daily twice
for 2-6 months, they would start writing an encyclopaedia for
a subject and this would be sold overnight more than ten
thousand copies.
Cherry Plum: Weeping/crying with pain; shedding tears even
for slight setbacks. Mind giving way or loss of reason. Anger,
short-temper, gnashing their teeth in anger. The so-called
emotional types. If these short-tempered people take Cherry
Plum, soon they would become No.1 vocalists earning in
thousands for each 2-hour performance on the stage. (For
bad habits such as nail biting, thumb chewing, smoking,
drinking, taking several cups of coffee or tobacco chewing
etc., the Bach remedy Walnut taken thrice daily, would
automatically enable them learn instrumental music and in a
year or two, such persons would be earning ten times of their
earlier job as a bank officer etc.). ‘Unbearable.’ Keep that
word in mind. Unbearable pain, unbearable thirst, cannot

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 24
wait for food when hungry. Irresistible temptation. Those
who cannot observe fasting or observe diet restrictions.
Chestnutbud: Tell lies to escape. Those who do not learn from
their mistakes. Almost a specific for school boys who fail in
single subject or those who get single digit marks. If the
maidservant is not doing the job properly mix one pill of this
remedy in her coffee that you give her daily and soon she
would do the work with full responsibility. Also, if a gold
chain is stolen and if you suspect the maidservant, give
Chestnutbud to her in water or coffee/tea and start the topic.
If she has stolen she would come out with the truth. No need
for third degree treatment in lock ups. If anyone is coming to
the court to tell false evidence against you, you take
Chestnutbud before going to court. Once he looks at you he
cannot give false evidence. He would come out with the
truth. If you find any difficulty in learning a subject, take
Chestnutbud daily one pill and soon you master it with ease.
Not only any subject but also arts, take Chestnutbud daily
and you learn without mistakes.
Chicory: Selfishness; possessiveness; always bargaining, asking
for concessions, reduction, discount. Before going out for
shopping take a dose of this remedy and you would not
make useless purchases. Also, the shop-keeper won’t dump
substandard stuff on your head. Chicory increases your
charisma. While going out to collect donations, or bill
collectors, or before going out to ask for recommendations
or favours, take a dose of this remedy. Excellent for
salesmen, door-to-door canvassers etc. Chicory is also for
those who cannot sleep alone in a house. Homesick.
Nostalgia. Cannot go alone for shopping etc. Wants a
company. Chicory is almost a specific for those who borrow
money at the end of every month. Month-end deficit budget.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 25
After taking Chicory, money won’t fall from the roof, but this
remedy enables them to write a deptl. exam. to get
promotion to the next cadre or they start doing a side
business or part-time job or get a better new job. That is
Bach Remedies! What you reasonably want and deserve,
and if you are not getting, the correct Bach Remedies would
enable you get that. It is not He-man story or magic. Bach
Remedies have life-giving principle.
Clematis: The day dreamer. “One day I would be such and
such big person…” That day never comes. Those who lose
money in buying lottery tickets or share business.
[For knowing the positive aspect of this remedy for solving
problems and curing diseases almost instantaneously read
MEDITATION on page 81.
Crab Apple: Persons needing this remedy are sensitive to dirt,
filth, contamination, contagion, infection, sepsis, ugliness etc.
They avoid using toilet in school/cinema theatre and in their
friends’ houses. There are extreme Crab Apple-type persons
who would even wash their hands after shaking hands with
others. These persons do not use others’ soap, towel etc.
Another type person of this remedy is “sensitive to his
external appearance (before others).” Pimples in the face of
teenage college girls, grey hair, baldness etc., are cured by
Crab Apple. Those who use wig or use hair-dye, we call
Crab Apple type persons. Thus in some cases the body
language indicates the Bach remedy needed for him.
This Remedy is for those who are over conscious of filth,
dirt, contagion, infection, bacteria etc. and so who often uses
dettol to wash their hands or for sweeping the floor of their
VARIOUS SKIN AFFECTIONS if the person feels that it

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 26
makes him ugly before others. Also, foreign body sensations
inside their body. To increase the height of short stature
persons, if below twenty-five years of age. Sand sensation in
eyes. Pricking, stitching sensation inside the body anywhere.
Itching of skin. In backache or leg pain, feels to cut off that
painful portion and keep it aside.
Elm: For those who have a group of persons under their
guidance. The team leader. For top-executives, Chairman of
group companies, Teachers, Coaches, Principals &
Headmasters. Those who have several people under their
control and manage them. School/College teachers. Works
Manager, Personnel officers.
Also when you have to manage a job or work single-
handedly without previous experience or knowledge of such
things. Businessmen to get more customers. [The Bach
remedy Impatiens is for junior executives and Elm is for top
If you are a teacher, lecturer or professor and if you start
taking the three Bach Remedies together (Elm, Chestnutbud
and Walnut), soon you not only get Teachers award at all-
India level but also at International level. If principals of
schools/colleges start taking these remedies, their institutions
would soon become another Oxford or Cambridge. Our
poor graduates flee to foreign for a job. But they can achieve
international status by remaining in India merely and simply
after taking for 2 to 6 months the Bach Remedies Elm, Wild
Oat, Larch, Chestnutbud and Walnut, all together daily once.
Remember, these remedies won’t make you fetch a better or
lucrative job but would make you another Bill Gates or
Shakuntala Devi.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 27
We have already said that all these flowers are available
together in English forests alone. The aroma of these flowers
carried by the flower dust and spread by winds have been
influencing the British people from time immemorial and making
them No.1 in all fields.
How can we say that the British are No. 1 in the World?
Radio stations of many countries relay B.B.C. news, but
B.B.C. does not relay news of other stations.
The highest respectable qualification in medical
practice is F.R.C.S., M.R.C.P. etc. These can be acquired by
studying in England alone. The richest Gulf countries have
accepted and adopt these parameters for employing doctors in
their hospitals and M.B.B.S., M.D., or M.S. from India hardly
get a place.
To study Economics, London School of Economics is the
most prestigious institution and to get admission is not an easy
task. And the fees? A whooping twenty lakhs! Again, those
Indians who have studied Law in England (Barrister-at-law)
have opened offices all over Europe. This qualification is
recognised internationally.
We are not writing all these to praise Englishmen, but the
focus is on something else.
How is it possible for the British to be No. 1 in many
fields? Even in games, the most popular and most loved one is
cricket. The origin of this game is England.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 28
And now, the secret of their being No. 1:
It is only because of the effects of thirty-seven wild flowers
in abundance in their natural habitat in English forests only. The
aroma of these flowers has been influencing the British for
thousands of years.


"Heuristic" method is a way of learning without a teacher.
The student has to find out and learn things by himself. Perhaps,
most of you have not heard of this method.
Take any subject—psychology, geometry, astronomy etc.
The first person who introduced that as a subject of study found
out and formulated it by himself and not by studying under any
Maths wizard Shakuntala Devi, who had not entered a
college was given a brand new Benz car (worth Rs.30 lakhs)
free of cost when she challenged the latest computer in Benz car
manufacturing company of Germany, did a complicated
calculation mentally and gave the answer speedier than the latest
computer. She became a wizard in calculations not by studying
B.Sc. or M.Sc. (Maths) in any college; she is a mere S.S.L.C.
or Tenth Standard.
Nor did Mahatma Gandhi study ahimsa (non-violence) in
any college. He became the father of Indian nation not because
he was a barrister-at-law. Nay, most people do not know that
he is a foreign qualified law graduate!
ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 29
Nor had Oxford studied English literature in any college to
compile world famous Oxford dictionary. He studied up to 9th
standard and discontinued his school.
Our arts colleges/universities all over the world are not
able to bring out a better compiler of dictionary than Oxford.
Number one author of World History is H. G. Wells. Alas!
He was a science student and he did not study B.A. or M.A.
(History) to become No.1 author of world history.
If you want to end up as a mere breadwinner by earning
5-10 thousand rupees per month, you may mug up notes
aspiring to put the title “M.A.” etc., after your name. But if you
want more servants to wait on you like Oxford, Shakuntala
Devi etc., and if you want to get an income proportionate to
your expenses and requirements, then heuristic method is there
for you.
“What should I now do to find a fine new thing/subject by
heuristic method?” Some of you may wonder!
Our answer is, ‘For that, you have to free yourself from
the undesirable effects of tradition, descent etc.’
Again your question would be: “How can I do that?”
Answer to this question comes from Bach Flower
Remedies of England.


The remedies are prescribed not on nomenclature of
disease but on the words used by the sufferer or his reaction to
his illness.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 30
For example, let us take an actual case of five persons, all
of whom developed pain in abdomen, after taking food in a
restaurant. In other medical systems, a doctor would prescribe
uniformly one remedy to all the five persons for ‘food
Let us now listen to each of them.
Shyam: “In hotels they don't meticulously clean the plates;
they simply dip the plates in a bucketful of water and that is all.
Probably someone with infectious or contagious disease might
have taken food before us and through the bucketful of water
it might have spread to all of us. That is why we have this
abdominal pain.”
Arun: “They use half-perished vegetables and
substandard oil for cooking. They want to make more money
and we are suffering because of them.”
Patel: ‘Hotel food never agrees with my belly. I always
try to avoid it. Had I avoided it this time, I would not have got
this pain.’
Anand: “Probably I might have committed some sin and
I am now paying for my past sins with this abdominal pain.”
Raghuram, on his part, tells: “I am afraid that we may
develop diarrhoea and vomiting and consequent dehydration.
Better, we see a doctor immediately.”
In the above five instances, though the complaint is uniform
in all the five individuals, viz., abdominal pain, the reaction or
words used by them are totally different from one individual to

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 31
Name of Keywords
Expressions Bach
person (Symptom)
“In hotels they don’t meticulously
clean the plates. They simply dip
the plates in a bucketful of water Over-
and that is all. Probably someone conscious
Shyam with infectious or contagious of filth, Crab
disease might have taken food contamination, Apple
before us and through the contagion
bucketful of water it might have etc.
spread to all of us. That is why we
have this abdominal pain.”

“They use half-perished

vegetables and substandard oil for
others for
Arun cooking. They want to make more Willow
money and we are suffering
because of them.”

“Hotel food never agrees with my

belly. I always try to avoid it. Had Honey-
I avoided it this time, I would not Regret suckle
have got this pain.”

“Probably I might have committed

some sin and I am now paying for Guilt
Anand complex or Pine
my past sins with this abdominal
pain.” self-contempt

“I am afraid we may develop

Raghu- diarrhoea and vomiting and Fear of
ram consequent dehydration. Better, we known cause Mimulus
see a doctor immediately.”

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 32
Practitioners of other medical systems would simply ignore
the above statements and they would treat all of them for food
contamination and it means hospitalization, taking medicines for
a few days etc.
But, in Bach Remedies, the cure is almost instantaneous.
Each herb corresponds with one of the qualities and its purpose
is to strengthen that quality so that the personality may rise
above the fault that is the particular stumbling block.
On reading the above, most readers at once may rush to
the hasty but wrong conclusion that this system is based on
psycho-analysis and they must be expert in psychology to
‘probe deep into the mental faculty of the patients.’ No, not at
Of course, a patient walks in with a physical complaint,
but if only we allow them to continue, they invariably end up
with a mental symptom. It is, therefore, the real cause
behind the disease which is of utmost importance, the
mental state of the patient himself, not the condition of
the body (Edward Bach).
It is more than sufficient if you listen to the patient allowing
him to talk; nothing more and nothing less. The patient details
his suffering. Those around him remark what they have
observed about him. The practitioner listens without
interrupting him to identify his remedy. Every interruption
breaks the train of thought of the narrator, and all he would have
said at first does not again occur to him in precisely the same
manner after that.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 33
Let us now study another Bach remedy viz.,
Key notes: Fear of known things.
On superficial reading and study, most readers think that
Bach remedies are for psychological states only, and that it is
not useful for physical maladies; this is not so.
It is true that many patients do not come to a doctor for
fear, restlessness etc. They come with physical diseases only.
But if we allow (and only if we allow) them to continue his
talk he will invariably end up with a mind symptom.
The patient details his sufferings. Those around him remark
what they have observed about him. The practitioner listens
without interrupting him.
Write this on the wall “without interrupting.”
Every interruption would only break the train of thought of
the narrator, and all he would have said at first does not again
occur to him in precisely the same manner after that.
A lady walked into my clinic telling a history of two months
headache and ultimately ended up by saying that she was afraid
whether it may be brain tumour.
I prescribed Mimulus to be taken two pills thrice daily; it
cured her headache.
Here, this patient walked in with a physical malady viz.,
headache, but ended up by telling ‘fear.’
In very rare number of cases, where a patient does not
talk much, that in itself is a symptom called taciturnity and the
Bach remedy Agrimony covers it.
One must improve his faculty of listening to the patient.
That is all what is required for being a successful practitioner.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 34
The talkie-talkie loquacious person will be Number One
failure and so is unfit to practise Bach Remedies. The
unprejudiced and careful observer who simply listens to the
very words coming from the mouth of the sufferer, without
interrupting him, would only wait till he gets what he wants—
some words / phrases indicating a Bach remedy.
The remedy Mimulus is for fear of known cause; fear of
death during the course of serious acute disease; “fear of
cancer” and so on.
In patients needing Mimulus, it is about a particular
known thing that he is afraid of; the fear may be unwarranted
Some examples are:
“Fear of taking an injection.” We call such persons
“nervous types.”
“Fear of high places;” “fear of the boss in office.”
“Fear of robbers, accidents, etc.”
“Fear of electric current” and so is afraid of handling
electrically-operated appliances.
“Fear of darkness” (But, if this is ameliorated in company,
Chicory is the remedy.)
“Fear of using the razor in shaving, of dogs, of oxen.”
When he has to go out and meet a big person, he becomes
[For “fear of snake” see another Bach Remedy Rock
Rose. (extreme fear or terror, panic)]
To a lady in whose house there were lot of cockroaches
of which she was afraid, Mimulus was given thrice daily; after
a week she remarked: “I am not afraid of cockroaches now...”

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 35
Some children are afraid of the class teacher; some are
afraid of a tall person with long moustache. Fear of father who
is always strict and beats his children often.
Whenever a patient tells you of his trouble: “I am afraid it
may be cancer” or “Will it spread?” or “Will it terminate in an
fatal or incurable disease?” Then, irrespective of his ailment he
is referring to, you can give Mimulus. It not only removes the
fear from the mind of such persons but also cures the disease
which he refers to with fear. “Fear of impending disease” all
need Mimulus. Often we find this symptom in case of difficult
breathing, pain in chest etc.
“I had pain in my chest last night. Will it turn into heart
attack or will it be connected with the beginning of any serious
heart trouble?” asked a lady. Mimulus cured her.
Mr. S. was admitted for cataract surgery. On the day
when he was taken to the theatre he got frightened by looking
at the surgical instruments etc., and his blood pressure shot up;
hence surgery was postponed and he was given pills to bring
down the blood pressure; next day also the same story was
repeated and so on. Mimulus was given thrice daily and he was
no more afraid of surgery and his blood pressure did not shoot
Mimulus and Chicory compared : “Fear of going alone
in the dark.” May be it is the thought of ghosts or robbers which
gives rise to fear. But, if the person says that in the company of
someone he can go without fear in darkness, then Chicory is
the remedy for him and not Mimulus. Wherever fear is
ameliorated in the company of someone and aggravated
while alone, Chicory is to be considered.
“I cannot sleep alone in a house. But, if there is one or
more persons—even a small child—for company then I can

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 36
sleep even in a bungalow haunted by ghosts.” Chicory is the
remedy for this state and no amount of Mimulus will help.
Auto rickshaw fellows in Madras City are just horrible.
Every one is afraid of him. Before engaging an auto you may
take one pill of Mimulus; he will talk politely and take us
anywhere we want, without asking for extra money over meter.
Let us next study another Bach remedy Chestnutbud
(We must keep in mind that the following can be cured only if
C. T. scan shows no abnormality in the brain.)
This remedy has two symptoms:
(i) Slowness in Learning;
(ii) Escapist Mentality.
(1) Children who are slow in learning; in spite of tuition for each
subject by different teachers and coaching by parents he is
getting single digit marks only.
We call it “low i. q., (intelligence quotient).” Slowness in
learning is due to lack of interest and attention.
Here we must carefully note that the remedy
Chestnutbud does not increase anyone’s brain power or
capacity. It only and merely removes ‘lack of interest’
and ‘inattention.’
Thus, “low i. q.” goes out of terminology with Bach
Some readers at once rush to a wrong conclusion that
Chestnutbud will make all students get good or pass marks.
No, not at all. (That routinism will not be tolerated in this
(2) Let us now turn to look another class of students where
the mother says,

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 37
“Doctor, if he sits and studies well, he would no doubt score
first rank. But the problem with him is that he does not study
much, but takes more interest in watching television, playing
games with cell phones etc.”
In this case it is ‘laziness’ or ‘indifference to important things’.
These boys study late hours just 1-2 weeks before examination.
For these class of boys the Bach remedy is Scleranthus and
when it is given they become prompt and punctual in their
studies and score first rank.

(3) Away from the above two categories of students and

examine another type.
A boy scores anywhere between 45 to 70% and you ask him
why he is not getting first rank like the boy who stands first in
the class. Listen to his reply,
“I cannot be like him. He is all great.”
Here he unnecessarily praises the first rank boy and comparing
himself with him he says that he cannot be like him. A case of
lack of self-confidence. Larch is the Bach Remedy for this boy
and this remedy will make him score first rank.
You should not hastily conclude that by giving all the above
three remedies, (viz., Chestnutbud, Scleranthus and Larch)
to all students we may make everyone get first rank. That is not
a good practice. You have to individualise each student by
learning the symptom of various Bach remedies.
(4) To a boy who was getting average marks, the above three
remedies viz., Chestnutbud, Scleranthus and Larch were given
(to be taken together, daily one dose but this had no effect. The
teacher came to us asking whether the remedies would not act
in some boys. We asked the boy to be brought before us. From
the description of parents we could easily conclude that he was

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 38
neither a Chestnutbud-type nor Scleranthus-type nor Larch-
We simply asked the boy as to why he failed. His reply,
“Fellows who do not know Chemistry have come to teach
in my school to cut my throat.”
Here, he “blames” the teacher for his having failed in the
Willow is the name of another Bach remedy for “blaming
others for our faults.” This was prescribed to him and he got
first rank in the following exam.
In yet another case of a boy, when asked as to why he
failed, he replied, “Doctor, had I studied well I would have
passed. It is my mistake. I spent more time in playing cricket,
watching television etc. Had I been careful I would have passed
in the exam. I now feel for it.”
In this case he ‘regrets over missed chances and lost
opportunities.’ The Bach remedy for regretting over past
mistakes is Honeysuckle and it helped him in the next exam to
get very good marks.
It is the patient (his reaction) we have to prescribe for and
not for “getting good marks.”
Bach remedies can be given to all ages and ladies at all
months of pregnancy.
Like this you must know the classifications of the 38
remedy-types. Then prescription becomes easy.
Learn the subject first and then start prescribing for
addiction, for students poor in studies, for increasing one’s
income, strategies, dimensions etc.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 39
Otherwise, if you ask us names of remedy for ‘memory
power’ etc., you cannot practise Bach remedies.
You cannot make Bach Remedies to fit into your
classifications, et hoc genus omne, but learn the
classifications as it exists in the humanity from time
immemorial and use the Remedies accordingly.
Let us now see how “slowness in learning” operates in
some persons:
In learning cycling, daily there should be gradual progress.
But even after ten days trial there is no progress but what
learner got was injuries by falling down. What would he say
next? “I do not want cycling.” Escapist mentality indeed.
Chestnutbud would make him learn easily.
Let us examine the symptom ‘Escapist mentality.’ Every
thief would only try to escape. If all thieves would come
forward and accept their crime, there is no need for police
stations, court, or prison.
In police stations proportionate to the torture the culprit
gets, he will admit the theft committed by him. But third degree
manners, torture, and lock-up deaths would go out of
terminology with Bach Remedies. To the suspect, those sub-
inspectors (who have learnt Bach Remedies system) would give
a glass of water after dissolving a few pills of the remedy
Chestnutbud into it. In a few minutes time, the thief would
voluntarily disclose not only the theft committed by him (for
which he had been arrested on suspicion) but all other thefts
committed since long.
Chestnutbud is not a truth finding medicine. It simply
removes “escapist” mentality which is undesirable and a
disease. When it is removed, he speaks out the truth.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 40
Very good indeed in the hands of C.B.I., income-tax and
sales-tax officers. No need for raids and hour-long
interrogation. Dissolve a few pills of the remedy Chestnutbud
into water and give it to the suspect; very soon it will be a total
voluntary disclosure. “Voluntary disclosure schemes” are out of
terminology with Chestnutbud.
For any average Indian, the moment his income exceeds
the ceiling, the first thing he would think is how to evade tax.
Nobody maintains correct account of income; what they show
to income-tax dept is false—say about one-third to one-sixth of
their actual income.
All these evaders must take Chestnutbud. Most readers
would retort, “Oh, No! I have to lose several thousands or
But, dear sir, our Bach Remedies do not make you poor!
You do spend hours or days for hiding your income. By
taking Chestnutbud you would use that mind in a constructive
way and put it to right use in your business and soon that would
mean several-fold increase of your income. Chestnutbud does
not merely make you lose the amount (which you would have
otherwise concealed from income-tax dept.) Time and man-
hour spent on hiding your income would now be put to right use
in your business (with the help of Chestnutbud) and your
income will multiply and what you pay as income-tax would
become negligible.
ESCAPIST MENTALITY! Marking time and shirking
responsibility. That is what is said about persons in government
offices who do not want to work. When a big statement is given
to the typist, he would cut the draw cord or loosen some
screws in the typewriter and would offer lame excuse that the
machine has gone out of order.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 41
When leave is not given to the car-driver, he cuts off some
electric wire and would say “car repair” and it must be sent to
the workshop for repair.
In case of theft in your house if you suspect one of your
servants, give him water mixed with Chestnutbud and he would
soon come out with the truth. No need for interrogation, police
or third-degree manners.
Chestnutbud is not a ‘truth finder’. It simply and only
removes the negative aspect of the mind “escapist mentality.”
Therefore, lock-up deaths, court etc., go out of terminology and
the poor newspaper men would have no work to do.
To the convicts, upon completion of their term of punish-
ment, when released from prisons, as a rehabilitation measure
give them daily 1-2 doses of Chestnutbud. Will it remove their
thieving mentality? No one has so far given the correct solution
for the culprits as rehabilitation method. These so-called con-
victs had been sent on earth to learn a particular unique subject
(distinct and different from all others, who, like herds of animals
are studying commerce, computer, literature etc. etc.) Because
he could not find the teacher to teach him that unique subject
or trade, his mind gets diverted to the readily available burglary,
pick pocketing etc.
As a rehabilitation measure, we may give all these convicts
the Bach remedy Chestnutbud and we would be surprised
how they learn a hitherto unknown unique trade/subject/profes-
sion and become No. 1 in that and would really be earning in
a very decent manner more than the judge or police superin-
tendent who had sent him to jail.

ESCAPIST MENTALITY: When pressed with

difficulties and problems in the family the father or mother may

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 42
say, “I feel as if I should run away somewhere.” Chestnutbud
will help him to face and solve the problem.
The boy who has failed in his tenth standard ‘runs away’
from home. He needs Chestnutbud.
A boy and girl loving each other; both their parents refuse
to their marriage. The couple decide elopement. Chestnutbud is
needed for them.
Chestnutbud is for those who try to escape from their
What is the positive aspect of Chestnutbud?
Negative type says “I feel as if I should run away
But where? Yes, you should run to the master, a good
teacher. Chestnutbud helps you learn lessons quickly. But, more
than that, it makes you run to the right teacher too—whatever
may be your subject, including spiritualism. Also with
Chestnutbud you learn a subject without mistakes.
What the reader has so far studied is only an introduction.
Let us now make an in-depth study of the subject exactly and
Each of the thirty-eight remedies have their own unique
features that help us to select it. The description of various
remedies are not made on any ‘theory’ or ‘principle’ but it exists
from time immemorial. In other words, this system is already
known to all of us.
For example, let us examine the following words, which
most of the readers would have heard at one time or other from
the mouth of some persons.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 43
(A) “Even my enemy should not get this type of suffering
(which I am having now.)”—This is ‘mental anguish’
(B) “No one on earth should get this type of suffering (which
I have now.)”
Statement (A) points to the Bach remedy Sweet Chestnut.
The complaint of the sufferer may be headache or lumbago or
any other. Sweet Chestnut would cure him.
Statement (B) points to another Bach remedy Rock
Rose.—‘extreme bodily suffering of body or torture’.
In other words we say that in this system the patient
indicates the remedy to us.
(C) “I am now paying (in the form of throat cancer) for my
past sins.” This person needs the Bach remedy Pine.—
‘self-contempt or guilt feeling’.
Doctors of all other medical systems would only ignore the
above words (which are spontaneously told). But we take these
and these alone for selecting the Bach remedy.
On one hand each sufferer talks or reacts in a unique
way. On the other, we have a corresponding flower to cure
him (whatever may be his disease or pathology). Nature
constantly works toward perfection.
In some remedies it is the body language or type or
nature of complaint that indicates the remedy.
For example the remedy White Chestnut is useful for the
following complaints.
(a) complaints that disturbs your routine.
(b) complaints that do not allow you to sleep (say pain
in abdomen); or wakes you from sleep (cough) or
complaints on waking (headache).
ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 44
(c) sudden stoppage (torpor) of daily routine such as
‘constipation with no urging’ for days. (For
‘ineffectual urging’ or incomplete evaluation the Bach
remedy is Scleranthus)
(d) persons who have not recovered from the effects of
some disease or injuries and patient declared
‘clinically all right’—disability of joints after accident
where ortho and neuro declares him to be clinically
all right but he is not able to move the joint freely.
(e) delusions, illusions, hallucinations.
(f) nervous excitement. The so-called examination funk.
Due to nervous excitement (not fear) the question
paper becomes blank in the exam hall.
(g) same unwanted thoughts occurring again and again
etc., etc.
Persons needing the Bach remedy Agrimony often cracks
Those who often tells proverbs are Beech-type.
Persons requiring the Bach remedy Wild Rose teases
others quite often.
The reader can go to a buffet dinner party, stand aside and
watch how each one is choosing his food.
(A) Persons of Hornbeam-type first collects all cashew nuts/
badam spread on sweets or floating in Kheer (payasam).
He has the mania for vim, vigour vitality. Strength,

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 45
(B) Cherry Plum type persons take only those items that
makes his mouth water (Delicacies)
(C) For Chicory-type persons quantity is the criteria. He will
try to gulp down more and more. Also, he would pack
some items and take home! (greedy, miser).
In the next pages, we will study elaborately two remedies
viz., Willow and Gentian.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 46
Blames others for his own faults/mistakes.
“Don’t cut my throat.” “All fellows are disturbing me.”
For the Willow type person, excepting himself, all others
are dishonest and disturbing him.
In the clinic, we can easily spot Willow types.
“Doctor, you have been treating me for this l..o..n..g period
of o..n..e year and taken three thousand rupees; but no relief is
visible.” He blames the doctor, whereas, in fact, the present
doctor had given him more than 75% relief compared to zero
result obtained by him with two years’ treatment that too after
having spent twenty-five thousands.
In another case, a rectal cancer patient (condemned to
death in five months time) was completely cured by me in three
months time and had been living even after six months. I had
charged him just five thousand rupees for three months
treatment, whereas he had spent more than a lakh on previous
treatment with nil result and condemned to death! During his
visit, instead of gratitude, he retorts: “Doctor, you say you have
cured me; look at this eczema. It is still there.” Compared to the
eczema (which he had been having for years) cure of cancer is
a very good thing, but, being a Willow type, he would never
refer to that.
He holds on something or someone to make complaints. He
can never be satisfied or made happy.
Bitterness for others. Full of rancour.
“Don’t trouble me,” “Don’t disturb me,” “Don’t kill me” are
the words quite often told by persons needing this remedy.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 47
Even in ordinary talk he will attribute his failures and
sufferings to others’ faults.
“All fellows are troublesome.” “No one is doing his duty.”
While putting on his shirt he does so inside out, and instead
of realising his mistake, blames the tailor or the textile industry
that manufactured the cloth.
‘Appreciation,’ ‘approval of good work’ etc., are not in his
He will travel in the train without buying a ticket. But will not
hesitate to condemn railway officials for inadequate services!
He even calls them as thieves.
He tries to repair the electric fan himself without any
knowledge of its mechanism. He tinkers with it and unable to
repair it, blames the manufacturer for making a fan with such a
complicated mechanism. He does not accept his silliness of
having meddled with it.
In illness, he blames the doctor for not giving quick relief or
for charging more. He resents the doctor by telling “He only
knows to take huge fees.”
Always complaining about and against others. For the
Willow type person, all things and persons (excepting himself)
are wrong.
A beginner in Bach remedies (who is a Willow type) blames
the drug store from where he bought the medicine for supplying
sub-standard medicine whereas the fault really lies in his wrong
selection of remedies for himself/others.
The Willow-type father or mother feels that his/her children
are born to trouble them and so scolds them. (Natural love is
absent.) [Wild Rose type persons feel that children are a
ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 48
“How much more service you want me to do for the small
amount you pay me.”
A shop-keeper always sells goods at a rate higher than that
other shops in the town. This may be due to (i) either a desire
for more money—Chicory-mentality, or (ii) he is a Willow type
who would say, “When people are minting money in various
business, the profit earned by me is much less.”
A Willow type person is never happy, never smiles.
‘Dissatisfaction,’ ‘contempt for others’ are his characteristics.
Even if you pay him more than what you give to others in his
cadre, he still feels he is given less than what is due to him. “I
am suffering because of others’ fault.”
He may injure himself by tumbling on account of his
carelessness or suffer a loss in business owing to his own lack
of prudence. But he would blame someone else for this.
[Another Bach Remedy Holly is for hatred, jelousy etc.]
“Aversion to food, aversion to wife, and family members.”
(For indifference to family members, the Bach remedy is Wild
Look at the man who starts disliking his wife. He blames
his parents for selecting such an ugly, useless or unsuitable girl
(though he himself had selected the girl). Willow would help him
love his wife by removing the contempt from his mind.
(If, from the very beginning, he hates her just because she
is not beautiful, then Beech is the remedy which will make him
tolerant of her appearances, and appreciate the good qualities
in her. After all, each and every girl is to be married.)
Another Bach remedy Beech compared with Willow: Both
remedy-type persons condemn others. While Beech-type stops
with ‘criticising’ others, the Willow type resents others’ success

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 49
for his failures. Beech-type criticise others’ fault but not in
comparison with himself. Willow-type feels that compared to
others, he is ill-placed in life.
Willow should not be confounded with Holly, Gentian and
Beech remedies.
Holly-type is jealous of others’ success and it is causeless.
Willow resents others’ success in comparison to himself as he
is not happy or comfortable in life. Gentian-type is depressed
and has no reference to others. Beech-type persons criticises
others’ fault and has no reference to himself.
Another Bach remedy called Pine blames himself even if
the fault is really on others.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 50
Some remedies with opposite indications are given in the
following table:
Willow x Pine
(Blames others (Blames himself even
for his faults) for others’ faults)
Vine x Centaury
(Dominates others) (Allows himself to be
dominated by others—
submissive, meek, polite.)
Agrimony x Heather
(does not talk of his (Even if the other person
sufferings/problems does not like, he
with others, even wants to talk with him
when asked to about his disease,
do so) problems in life)
Clematis (Future) x Honeysuckle (Past)
(Day dreaming) (Regret)
Gorse x Oak
(Hopeless even in (Hopeful of the
things that are impossible)
easily possible)
Quarrels between husband and wife are usually because of
one blaming the other. Willow will make them happy. Chicory
too is beneficial, especially when the couple become selfish and
quarrel over their individual rights.
“Fellows with not even a degree are earning huge sums. But
I, with a doctoral degree, am unable to get a decent job. What
a society!” But he won’t be willing to look at persons with equal
or even more qualifications than him drawing a lesser salary.
It is really a difficult task to manage a Willow type of person
when he is ill. He will not be satisfied with any amount of care
ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 51
and attention that you give. Willow is the only answer. Without
it, you cannot manage him.
A child suddenly cries continuously in the night. It may have
colic or earache; instead of sympathising and trying to find out
the cause the Willow type mother scolds it for disturbing her
sleep: “You devil, you have been born to torment me.”
In most of the road accidents in India, drivers of both the
vehicles involved in the accident, would only blame each other
and won’t admit their fault. Both need Willow.
Willow-type persons get irritated and scolds unreasonably,
when it is not warranted. “This milkman every morning comes
to disturb my sleep.” Actually milkman is doing his duty and it
is nothing to blame.
Again, the negative Willow type person blames the postman
who brings money order which is an occasion for happiness or
contentment and not harmful in any way. “I cannot rest for a
while. This postman always disturbs me in the afternoon.”
In the case of a Willow-type pensioner (who has to go to
the bank on the first of every month to draw his pension
amount) thinks it a nuisance and says, “See, every month on
first I have to go to the bank all the way to get this one thousand
What he gets from others (even a thousand rupees) is small.
What he gives others (even five rupees) is very big!
He is not (and can never be) satisfied with whatever salary
he gets and whatever free help/assistance others give him.
In the shop, he is not pleased even when the shop-keeper
gives him 95 or 100% discount. Because our Willow-type
(though he gets free of cost) has to carry it home!
ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 52
GENTIAN is the name of the next Bach Remedy.
Key-words: Depression at setbacks; expects failures/
This type person easily gets discouraged even at slight
setbacks and disappointments; it may be that a friend has not
turned up at the appointed hour though the visit may be a casual
For Gentian type persons getting depression there is a
cause, though it may be trivial.
Another characteristic of Gentian type is a tendency to
He goes to book a berth in train and finds a few persons
in the queue. He has to wait in the queue for his turn. He feels
depressed for this, though the length of that queue is small
compared to the regular rush on other days. He can never be
happy. When his turn comes and asks for a ticket handing over
a five hundred rupee, the booking clerk at the counter tells him
he has no change; our Gentian type feels depressed and sighs.
He catches hold of something or other over which he can
His child falls ill; it may be a minor ailment, only a cold,
which is commoner in children. Instead of giving some medicine
or taking the child to the doctor, he feels disheartened and sighs.
He begins to write a letter. The pen goes dry. Instead of
filling ink into the pen, he gets depressed which is not warranted
because ink is available in his house and he has to merely fill it,
which is a routine thing. But he reacts, “Whenever I take the
pen, it will not write.”

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 53
They are hard to please or satisfy. They are never pleased
or happy with anything and are prone to grumbling. They
become sad for petty reasons; the train arrives late by ten
minutes; they are sad, though it is common in that part every
day. For a Gentian type person a smallest trivial incident is
enough to make them go into a bout of depression. Slight
setbacks and disappointments easily affects them out of
proportion; they get discouraged easily and catch hold on some
matter or the other to grieve about.
However hard you may try, it is not possible to make them
happy or smile. Let us see how a person through his body
language shows that he needs Gentian. The following diagram
would help us.

Look at the pictures above, particularly the lips and mouth.
Picture A shows a smiling and happy face. If you make the
picture slide upside down, you get picture B which denotes
sadness and depression. This is the expression on the face of
Gentian type.
You can do nothing to please him or bring smile on his face.
He is borne to grieve!
Let us now see another Gentian type person. He asks for
a loan of one thousand rupees from his neighbour, telling that it
is required in two days time. Next evening the neighbour gives
him the amount. Instead of being satisfied for having got the
amount he grieves, “Why should he make me wait for two days
for this? He could have given yesterday itself.”
Suppose the neighbour had given the money on the same
day, say in the form of ten-rupee notes, the Gentian type person

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 54
remarks, “Who will count and carry all these. He could have
given me in hundred or five-hundred rupee notes.
Had the neighbour given in five-hundreds, the reaction of our
Gentian-type would be, “I have to go somewhere and get
change. He could have given me in hundreds.”
Let us see the words used by a Gentian-type person in day-
to-day life. In a bus stop, waiting for a long time for his bus, he
reacts sadly, “Apart from the bus I want, all other buses seem
to come”.
Nothing can please him. There is always an aura of sadness
on his face; you can never see him smiling; they are sadness
incarnate; when a small problem crops up, they become sad. If
at all they smile it is a dejected smile only.
He expects and anticipates failures and disappointment only.
Nothing goes right for him.
Let us now see hair-line difference between Gentian and
certain other medicines.
Gentian anticipates failures and he has no reference to
others but to himself.
Gorse is a matter of hopeless in others/medicines etc.
Larch has no self-confidence and so does not even try new
Willow type blames others bitterly.
Pine is full of self-contempt and guilt-complex.
Honeysuckle is full of regrets over lost opportunities.
These types are never happy.
The difference is that Oak-type persons keep on doing
things that is far above their capacity or capabilities. E.g., trying
to repair the watch by himself without tools and without any
knowledge of watch mechanism. Or, learning new language with
the help of a dictinary alone.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 55
Gentian type person feels disheartened even at trivial
setbacks, such as, feeling depressed when the pen goes dry on
beginning to write a letter. Instead of filling ink into the pen, he
abandons the very idea of writing the letter! They avoid
perseverance assuring that nothing will go right for them. When
Gentian is taken by them, they become positive and work
towards their goal without getting disheartened.
The negative type of untiring perseverance that is found in
Oak remedy is not the positive type of Gentian.
Gentian and Mustard compared: For depression at slight
setbacks Gentian is to be given. In the case of persons needing
Mustard, they feel depressed without any cause, and after some
hours or so, it disappears of its own-causeless. Again, the
depression is extreme, as if a black cloud has descended on him.
Mimulus fear is ordinary. In Rock Rose the fear is extreme
(otherwise called terror or panic.) So also, Gentian sadness is
ordinary and there is a cause. In the remedy Mustard the
depression is extreme and it is causeless. Gloom is the correct
word to denote extreme depression found in persons requiring

You have so for read the introduction to Bach

Remedies. To learn more, you may read our six books
on Bach remedies. For this you may send
Rs.1,000=00 to Dr. V. Krishnaamurthy, C-4/4, Silver
Park Apts., 36, Thanikachalam Road, T. Nagar,
Chennai - 600 017. For one complete set of all the 39
Bach Remedies (each 10ml pack of 300 pills) you may
send Rs.3,000=00.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 56
1st Friday to
DR. BACH REMEDIES : January, May, Sunday (3 p.m.
and October to 6 p.m.)
2nd Friday to
January, May,
Chinese Acupressure: Sunday (3 p.m.
and October
to 6 p.m.)
Dr. V. Krishnaamurthy
C-4/4, Silver Park Apts.
36, Thanikachalam Road,
T. Nagar, Chennai - 600 017.
Phone: 044-24360013, 09884612450

Sir, I send herewith

(A) *Rs.9,500=00 for Dr. BACH FLOWER
REMEDIES (3-day course)
(B) *Rs.9,500=00 for Chinese
Acupressure (3-day course)
(*tick A or B)
Please admit me to your Personal Course to be conducted
at Chennai from __________________ to __________________
I understand that when I enrol for Bach Remedies Course I
would get, free of cost, one set of all the 39 Bach Remedies and
one set of six books on Bach Remedies Practice. For
Acupressure course I could get one set of 38 Herbal remedies.
Name & Address:

Phone No.: Signature

(please take a xerox copy of this page and use it.)

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 57
ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 58
Cut short your medical bills and sufferings by learning


By learning this, you can cure in JUST

3-MINUTE TREATMENT, most cases of
ACCIDENTS etc., where scan, x-ray reports
etc. show nothing wrong and doctors say
patient is "Clinically all right"
Almost instant cure in medical emergencies
arising from traumatic causes where life is in
danger—serious accidents, burns & scalds,
poisons and electric shock (excepting, of course,
) Almost instant cure of many acute diseases--diarrhoea,
constipation, pain in any part of the body, sprain, collapse,
fainting, bleeding after accidents etc. when a doctor is not
) Stop bleeding however long or deep the cut may be and
without need for a bandage.
) If unconscious, the victim regains conscience and walks
home as if nothing has happened.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 59
) Poisons are neutralised.
) This treatment not only acts as mere first aid, but in most
cases, completely cures so that no other treatment is required
(excepting, of course, fractures.)
) Reduce your increased eye power in thirty days.
) Retard old age and reduce old age diseases / infirmities
Note: Before deciding to attend our course you may try
the points on the following pages to convince yourself about the
effects and efficacy of our 3-day course.
If you learn acupressure elsewhere, in those methods
you have to give treatment daily for 20-30 minutes and
this continued for 2-3 weeks, with partial or little relief,
that too not being permanent.

But, in the method taught by us, it is TOTAL AND

Nature can be imitated.
What we do in Chinese Acupressure (as taught in our 2-day
Personal Course) is not teaching anatomy, physiology or even
any 'theory', 'principles and practice' of Medicine etc., but we
just teach you to simply imitate nature.
The method of Acupressure taught by us was discovered by
seven consecutive generations of ancient china. One generation
started wondering as to how, in the absence of veterinary
doctors sitting in every corner of the forests, animals get their
diseases cured.
The following generation of Chinese people continued the
work. They started observing animals and found that each
animal was prone to get a particular disease only, because each
animal eats particular item of food and live in certain climates/

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 60
seasons/places only. On the other hand, man lives in all places,
climates etc., and he eats all kinds of food; that is why he gets
all conceivable diseases.
The third generation was curious to find out how each
animal (when it gets a particular disease) got cure. The fourth
generation started observing carefully and with an unprejudiced
mind, the behaviour etc., of various animals whenever they fell
sick. Each animal, when sick, would go to a lonely place and
start pressing one particular spot on the surface of its body
against a sharp end of a rock or a broken branch of a tree, and
remain in that posture for three minutes. It was immediately
freed of its disease. Various animals, each one prone to get a
particular disease, would press a different place on its body and
got relief. The last generation started imitating animals. When a
man got diarrhoea, they started pressing the place on his body
for three minutes (the very same corresponding place where the
animal that was prone to get diarrhoea would press when sick)
and he got almost instantaneous and permanent cure, that too
without side-effects. Thus, for various points for many diseases
were copied by men from animals.
Thus, we do not teach so-called anatomy, pathology,
diagnosis, microbiology etc., in our 3-day personal course, but
simply and only to imitate nature.
After attending our 3-day course in acupressure (no needles
& no drugs) our students are curing the following completely
and permanently with 3-minute treatment, given once only:
(i) migraine/headache, lumbago, sciatica, chronic back pain
(ii) allergy/asthma (excluding cardiac asthma) - All types of
Addictions-alcohol, drugs, tobacco etc.
(iii) sinusitis
(iv) disability of joints after accidents that are not relieved by

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 61
ortho & neuro consultations and physiotherapy of no avail
(v) after accidents, bleeding stopped in just a minute, however
long or deep the cut may be, and without any bandage;
(vi) acute diarrhoea, constipation, vomiting, pain etc.
(vii) fears, tension, anxiety, restlessness, phobias, insomnia
(viii) poison-bites & poisons
(ix) pain/discomfort/disability of parts remaining long after
accident/mental shock where patient is declared “clinically
alright.”—amnesia, nervous aphonia etc.
Before deciding to attend our course, to get yourself
convinced, you may first try the methods in the following pages.
A note between acupressure (as taught by us) and
Acupuncture: In Acupuncture as taught by Doctors in India, in
most cases they have to give treatment daily for two weeks but
the cure is not permanent. Moreover, in many medical
emergencies and chronic diseases Acupuncture has no
treatment. But, in the method taught by us, it is treatment for
three minutes and for one day only and the results in majority
of cases are permanent.
1. The bottom end of a pen or pencil is used for giving
2. You need not worry about the exactness of the point (on
the body of the patient) where you have to give pressure;
they are easy to remember. We have selected only such
points that lie in the middle or centre of a part of the
body. Again, when the point is shown in the pictures, you
need not take meticulous care to press exactly at that
point. Because each point is an area, the size of a twenty-
five paise coin (and not that of a pin-head). Thus, when
you press approximately on the centre, there won't be

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 62
any chance of your giving pressure away from the
diffused area. Pressure anywhere in the diffused area gives
same results.
3. Duration: Treatment is not to be given for less than two
minutes and not more than four minutes. Thus, if you keep
the duration of treatment for three minutes, there won't be
any chance of your exceeding four minutes or giving
treatment for a period of less than two minutes.
4. Treatment is not to be given
(i) to children below five years;
(ii) to people with serious heart complaints;
(iii) to bedridden and debilitated patients; patients with
serious or contagious skin diseases.
(iv) after taking a full meals and to ladies after third month of
pregnancy. (For medical emergencies this restriction does
not apply.)
5. IMPORTANT: During the entire period of 3-
minute treatment you should concentrate on the
object to be attained. You must think that the
patient is going to get relief; or (in bleeding) the
bleeding is going to stop in a minute or two; or, that
migraine is going to be cured completely. Thus,
while giving pressure you should not think about
your problems and difficulties of yesterday or
tomorrow, but just think in terms of the patient
getting relief with the acupressure treatment given
by you.
6. Two types of pressure are used in this method:
One is HARD PRESSURE: Placing the bottom of a ball
pen or pencil vertical to the surface of the skin, press

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 63
firmly as hard as you can for three minutes only.
The other is LIGHT PRESSURE: The amount of pressure
to be given is that used by you to mix some herbal powder
with honey.
Press gently and while doing so, make a rotary movement
without losing the grip of the skin of the patient, as if you
are digging in that point or massaging. The finger movement
should not be visible to others.
7. HOW MANY DAYS? Normally one single treatment for
three minutes completely cures the patient, irrespective of
the duration of suffering. Whether the patient is having the
disease for a few weeks or for years, it does not matter.
After giving treatment for three minutes, wait for a day; if
that 3-minute treatment does not give complete cure, or if
the complaint relapses after a day or two, you may repeat
the treatment for the next two days, daily once, but such
cases are very rare. We teach you mostly single-dose-cure
methods or cure of patient in the shortest possible time.
Treatment of Medical Emergencies
In accidents, bleeding and cuts, though this acupressure
may be used as a first aid, the experience of our former
students is that in most cases it is complete cure and no other
treatment/medicine is required.
(a) To stop bleeding;
(b) To remove the effects of shock (mental/physical);
(c) to calm the patient who is having fear, anxiety, and/or is
Whether the bleeding is from a cut after an accident, or
due to some internal disease

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 64
(e.g., bleeding from nose, vomiting “HAEMORRHAGE” point
of blood, excess menstrual
Place the bottom end of a ball-pen
on the middle of the elbow fold as shown
in the picture above, and press as hard
as you can (hand pressure).
Within three minutes you will find
that the bleeding (wherever it may be) stops, however long or
deep the cut may be (in case of accidents) and without any
need to put up a bandage. After the bleeding stops
completely, you may send the patient to a doctor or nurse for
a suture, if necessary. But the experience of our students
(Christian missionary sisters working in the interior village) is
different. After stopping the bleeding, they dissolve ten pills of
the Bach Remedy Rescue Remedy in little water, soak cotton
in it and apply it on the cut and put up a bandage. Next morning
the wound heals without leaving a scar!
Note: From whatever part of the body the bleeding may
occur, we have to treat (to stop bleeding) on the middle of the
elbow fold, either left or right elbow. “SHOCK” point

(b) SHOCK: Removing the effects of

shock is very simple. The acupressure
point for shock is SHOULDER TIP. (If
you are wearing a shirt with correct
measurement it is easy to locate the
point. There is a stitch connecting the
sleeves with the shirt at the shoulder joint. Another stitch from
the side of the neck runs to the edge or tip of the shoulder.
The point where these two stitches meet is the “shock” point.)
This is also called “Energy Point.”

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 65
Using a ball-pen press as hard as you can, on the shoulder
Around the year 1985 Sr. Irene Chiramel, a
Christian missionary sister, (then working in St. Joseph’s
convent in Cheyyoor village in Chingleput District in South
India) was attending the annual function of a church in
Pondicherry. (Earlier to this she had attended our 3-day
personal course in Acupressure.) In the evening after the
function was over little boys were pulling down the
decoration papers when accidentally a boy came in
contact with a live electric wire and was thrown away.
Two M.B.B.S. doctors attending the function examined
the boy and declared him dead. Every one was asked to
assemble to pray for the departed soul. On hearing this Sr.
Chiramel rushed to the boy, gave hard pressure for three
minutes on ‘shock’ point and ‘collapse’ point, for three
minutes each. Moments later the boy opened his eyes and
started moving about!
Explanatory Note: There is no “energy” in our body as
such, according to Chinese medical philosophy. We are
receiving energy constantly and continuously from the
cosmos (universal energy) and it enters the body through the
shoulder tip. Mental or physical shock cuts off the invisible wire
that connects our body with the cosmos. In electricity, suppose
the fuse goes off, the rotating ceiling fan stops and the light goes
off. What do we do at this time? We just replace the fuse wire.
By giving three minutes pressure on the shoulder tip we only
restore the connection between our body and the cosmos.
When the fuse wire is replaced, the fan again starts
rotating and the bulb starts glowing. Whether the fuse went off
just then or four days ago, we replace the fuse wire once only.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 66
Let us now see what the effects of shock are, be it mental
or physical:
In a serious accident, or emotional shock (bad news such
as the death of loved one etc.) the following are a few examples
of what follows:
Amnesia and/or aphasia. Loss of memory of past events
or words (for a particular period in the past,) e.g. cannot
remember anything that had happened for six years preceding
the time of shock. Or, loss of speech; loss of function of a
particular part of the body. e.g., after electric shock the whole
right limb paralysed; mental derangement after shock.
The effects of shock are nothing but loss of function
(complete cessation of activity) of a particular part of body or
faculty of mind. When the fuse wire is replaced the ceiling fan
starts rotating again; so also, by giving treatment for shock
(three minutes hard pressure on shoulder tip) the connection is
restored and so the affected part starts functioning or the lost
mental faculty is restored. Effects of shock can be compared
with the complete cessation of function of electrical appliances
in a particular section of a factory (because fuse has gone off
covering that section). Since the results of shock create similar
effects only, there is every justification when Chinese medical
philosophy tells that shock cuts off the connection between our
human body and cosmos. This is confirmed by the fact that the
effects of shock are completely cured by giving 3-minute
treatment on shoulder tip (hard pressure.)
EXPLANATORY NOTES on other uses of “SHOCK”
Definition: Shock and collapse both imply a state of
prostration, but shock is sometimes regarded as indicating a

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 67
swift and abrupt onset; collapse means a failure to withstand
inimical circumstances of some duration. There is no use to
make such a distinction because the prostration in both cases
is of a uniform character. In this para, both shock and collapse
will be regarded as synonymous.
Sudden state of prostration can be induced by several
different causes.
War wounds, civil accidents, severe burns, prolonged
surgical operations, and diseases characterized by severe
vomiting and diarrhoea are conditions where shock is most
vividly associated.
“We do come across persons who, after an accident, are
suffering from pain or some discomfort for several months or
even years though they had consulted ortho doctors; no drugs
seem to help them. For example, a lady fell down from a fast
moving bullock-cart in a village and received injury on breast
and shoulder; since then she had constant pain. Doctors could
not give her permanent relief. Treatment for just three minutes
(hard pressure) on the shoulder-tip (right or left) gave her total
and permanent relief.
Dr. Mouli Abdul, homoeopath from Nagapattinam reports
“Dear Dr. Krishnamurthy, I had under my care about ten
patients who had been suffering from pain or other discomfort
after they met with an accident a few months or years ago. With
my medicines I could give them partial/temporary relief. After I
learnt acupressure in your one day personal course, I treated all
these patients (by giving hard pressure for three minutes only)
on one side of shoulder tip. Nine of these patients reported
complete and permanent cure. Thank you for this wonderful

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 68
(c) Now we have to calm “ANXIETY” point

down the patient who is

has FEAR—may be after an
accident, or burns or poison-
bite or during the course of
any disease. This again is easy
to remember. This is called “ANXIETY” point.
Location: Along the most distal crease of the wrist, on
the ulnar side, medial to the tendon.
According to Chinese medical philosophy, vital or chi
fluid (invisible energy flow) constantly circulates throughout the
body. When it gets partly blocked in a part of the body, we find
over-activity of that part. By giving pressure on the
“ANXIETY” point we simply disburse the excess accumulated
energy from the head or brain. Not only ‘fear-anxiety-
restlessness’, but also mental tension and worry. (For insomnia
this is an excellent point to treat.)
Using the bottom of a ball-pen press hard on
“ANXIETY” point for three minutes thinking in your mind that
the patient is going to calm down as the excess energy
accumulated is going to be sent out from the head.
You call it nervousness at interview or examination fear or
fear of boss at the office. Just 3-minute treatment (hard
pressure) on “Anxiety Point” gives wonderful relief. Dr. Ahmed
from Lucknow reports: “Dear Dr. Krishnamurthy, Thank you
for your 2-day course. Your Anxiety Point is wonderful. For
those who are arrogant, proud, haughty, short-tempered,
irritable, violent, inhuman etc. I give 3-minute treatment and
they are permanently cured with one single treatment.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 69
We should give treatment on this point for people like
Saddam Hussain and arrogant fellows.
Whenever any arrogant local rowdy comes to me for
treatment (or where any patient is anxious, excited or restless/
irritable) I invariably treat on this point and their arrogance
comes to an end once for all, much to my surprise as well as
to the surprise of local citizens.
In insane patients in mental hospitals who are chained or
kept inside the cage because of their violent behaviour in
beating others or throwing things, I gave treatment to some
selected cases and they are now cured and are back at home.
These who are constantly nervous, excited, peevish,
quarrelsome, disputative, argumentative etc. this point is a boon
indeed. After treatment on Anxiety Point they have become
For “under active persons” (dull, stupid, lazy, lethargic,
indifferent, low i. q., stupid and idiotic) see our Complete
Guide to Acupressure Treatment.
We have so far seen as to how
(i) to stop bleeding;
(ii) to remove the effects of mental/physical shock; and
(iii) to cure anxiety, fear, restlessness etc. (to calm down
the patient);
Some Explanatory Notes on the above:
The point at shoulder tip (SHOCK point) is a multi-
purpose point. We have already called it as “Energy” point.
(1) In between our office work, most of us take a cup of
coffee or tea; some smoke a cigarette. These are not
food per se but are taken to pep up the system—to get

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 70
some instant energy. Though these activate our nervous
system, in the longer run they only weaken the nerves.
In these circumstances, if you give 3-minute hard pressure
on shoulder-tip, it will have the same effect of coffee/tea or
tobacco smoke minus, of course, the after-effects of these
stimulants. (The equivalent Bach Remedy for this state is
Walnut and Olive).
(2) For ordinary weakness after acute illness (typhoid,
jaundice etc. these are called debilitating diseases) and in case
of convalescent period (where the patient has to take rest
coupled with nutritious food) this point on shoulder tip has
worked wonders. ‘Convalescent period’ is out of question with
acupressure treatment on this point. (The equivalent Bach
Remedy for this condition is Centaury.)


The point “ANXIETY” is to be used not only to calm
down the victim of accidents and poison-bites who may be
restless. In most cases of serious accidents, snake-bite,
scorpion-sting, burns, the patient may have restlessness and so
we have explained the use of this point under “medical
This point is most useful also for treating patients who are
arrogant, haughty, proud, always scolding others, haughty father
beating or threatening children, restlessness, worry, anxiety–any
mental state that makes the patient restless in mind and body.
Take, for example, interview or examination fear; hard
pressure for 3-minute on this point will do the trick; it calms
down the patient by removing excess anxiety and restlessness.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 71
According to Chinese medical philosophy an invisible
fluid-like substance called chi circulates throughout the body
evenly distributing the energy to different parts, giving to each
part or organ the required amount of energy on different
occasions. (This can be compared to blood circulation in
modern physiology, carrying oxygen and nutrition to different
parts). Suppose the circulating energy force gets blocked in a
place due to some reason or other, the excess-accumulated
energy make that part over-active. In head or brain it causes
restlessness. By giving hard pressure for 3-minutes on the
“ANXIETY” point we simply disperse the excess accumulated
energy. Nothing more and nothing less. Thus, the patient calms
Therefore, whenever you treat this point, you must tell
yourself mentally that the excess energy blocked or
accumulated in brain is being dispersed and thus the patient is
going to calm down.
At the present day, much is talked about “tension.” Lot
of books are published and counselling are going on, as to how
to reduce tension.
No need to go for counselling or read hundreds of pages.
Just press on “ANXIETY” point for three minutes and tension
would be a thing of the past.
The foremost evils of our society are not poverty, drug-
trafficking, naxalites, mafia group, etc. The real and fundamental
evils are jealousy, suspicion, anger and arrogance.
All these evils can be eradicated with acupressure
treatment on (ANXIETY) point.

ENG_BOOK_2013 31-07-2013.PMD 72
Cases treated:
Mr. S., sixty years, was always suspicious of his wife.
When she goes out and come home after some hours, he will
pretend to hurriedly go to certain places, and engage the auto-
rickshaw in which she had returned; he will make discreet
inquiries with the auto driver as to wherefrom she came. Then
on coming home, he will ask his wife where all she went and
suppose her answer is different from the autorickshaw driver's
he will take her to task. Under the pretext of seeing palmistry
for him, hard pressure was given for 3-minutes and his over
suspicious nature diminished.
Mr. R., Branch Manager was restless because the ticket
has not arrived for the next morning flight. Hard pressure was
given on “ANXIETY” point and he soon calmed down, and
realised that the ticket was to be delivered at his residence that
For short-tempered persons, for anger, irritability of mind
etc. this point is quite useful.

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