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TRAINS A. 8 sec B.

12 sec

1 . Two trains 140 m and 160 m long run at the speed

of 60 km/hr and 40 km/hr respectively in opposite C. 18 sec D. 20 sec
directions on parallel tracks. The time (in seconds)
which they take to cross each other, is: 8 . Two trains are running in opposite directions with
the same speed. If the length of each train is 120 m
A. 10.4 B. 10.8 and they cross each other in 12 sec, then the speed of
each train is?

C. 10.10 D. 11 A. 33 km/hr B. 34 km/hr

2 . Two trains 200 m and 150 m long are running on

parallel rails at the rate of 40 kmph and 45 kmph C. 35 km/hr D. 36 km/hr
respectivelyIn how much time will they cross each
other, if they are running in the same direction? 9 . A 270 m long train running at the speed of 120
km/hr crosses another train running in opposite
A. 252 sec B. 260 sec direction at the speed of 80 km/hr in 9 sec. What is the
length of the other train?

C. 267 sec D. 272 sec A. 220 m B. 230 m

3 . How many seconds will a 500 metre long train take

to cross a man walking with a speed of 3 km/hr in the C. 240 m D. 250 m
direction of the moving train if the speed of the train is
63 km/hr? 10 . A train passes a station platform in 36 sec and a
man standing on the platform in 20 sec. If the speed of
A. 20 B. 30 the train is 54 km/hr. What is the length of the

C. 40 D. 50 A. 130 m B. 170 m

4 . Two trains, each 100 m long, moving in opposite

directions, cross other in 8 sec. If one is moving twice C. 210 m D. 240 m
as fast the other, then the speed of the faster train is?
11 . How many seconds will a 500 m long train take to
A. 40 km/hr B. 60 km/hr cross a man walking with a speed of 3 km/hr in the
direction of the moving train if the speed of the train is
63 km/hr?
C. 70 km/hr D. 90 km/hr
A. 30 sec. B. 33 sec.
5 . Two trains are running at 40 km/hr and 20 km/hr
respectively in the same direction. Fast train completely
passes a man sitting in the slower train in 5 sec. What C. 43 sec. D. 47 sec.
is the length of the fast train?
12 . A train is moving at a speed of 132 km/hour. If the
A. 26.88 m B. 27 m length of the train is 110 meters, how long will it take
to cross a railway platform 165 meters long.

C. 27.77 m D. 29 m A. 7.1 sec. B. 7.3 sec.

6 . A train 110 meters long is running with a speed of

60 kmph. In what time will it pass a man who is C. 7.5 sec D. 7.9 sec.
running at 6 kmph in the direction opposite to that in
which the train is going? 13 . Two trains are running at 60 Kmph and 42 Kmph
respectively, in same direction. Fast train completely
A. 2 sec B. 5 sec passes a man sitting in the slower train in 30 sec. what
is the length of the faster train?

C. 6 sec D. 9 sec A. 109 m B. 125 m

7 . Two trains of equal lengths take 10 sec and 15 sec

respectively to cross a telegraph post. If the length of C. 150 m D. 186 m
each train be 120 m, in what time will they cross other
travelling in opposite direction?
14 . A train crosses a platform of 120 m in 15 sec, same
train crosses another platform of length 180 m in 18 A. 47 sec. B. 52 sec.
sec. then find the length of the train?

A. 73 m B. 238 m C. 58 sec. D. 71 sec.

21 . A train 270 m long is moving at a speed of 24

C. 145 m D. 180 m kmph. It will cross a man coming from the opposite
direction at a speed of 3 kmph, in :
15 . A train 100 metres in length passes a milestone in
10 seconds and another train of the same length A. 7 sec. B. 18 sec.
travelling in opposite direction in 8 seconds. The speed
of the second train is:
C. 36 sec. D. 54 sec.
A. 54 kmph B. 69 kmph
22 . A train B speeding with 120 kmph crosses another
train C, running in the same direction in 2 min. If
C. 77 kmph D. 92 kmph lengths of trains B & C be 100 m & 200 m, what is
speed of train C?
16 . A train of length 150 metres takes 10 seconds to
pass over another train 100 metres long coming from A. 71 kmph B. 111 kmph
the opposite direction. If the speed of the first train be
30 kmph, the speed of the second train i
C. 141 kmph D. 171 kmph
A. 60 kmph B. 37 kmph
23 . A train overtakes two persons who are walking in
same direction in which the train is going, at rate of 2
C. 50 kmph D. 25 kmph kmph & 4 kmph and passes them completely in 9 & 10
sec. The length of train is :
17 . Two train 132 metres and 108 metres long are
running in opposite directions, one at the rate of 32 A. 36 m B. 41 m
kmph and another one at the rate of 40 kmph. From
the moment they meet the will cross each other in:
C. 47 m D. 50 m
A. 10 sec. B. 11 sec.
124 . Two trains running in the same direction at 65
kmph and 47 kmph, completely pass one another in 1
C. 12 sec. D. 13 sec. minute. If the length of the first train is 125 m, the
length of the second train is :
18 . A man is standing on a railway bridge which is 180
m long. He finds that a train crosses the bridge in 20 A. 175 m B. 180 m
seconds but himself in 8 seconds. Find the length of the
train and its speed?
C. 185 m D. 190 m
A. 37 km B. 54 km
143 . Two trains are running in opposite directions
towards each other with speeds of 54 kmph & 48 kmph.
C. 63 km D. 77 km If the length of one train is 250 m & they cross each
other in 18 sec, the length of the other train
19 . A train 100 metres long takes 6 seconds to cross a
man walking at 5 kmph in the direction opposite to that A. 45 m B. 150 m
of the train. Find the speed of the train.?
105 . Two trains running in opposite directions cross a
man standing on the platform in 27 seconds and 17 C. 260 m D. 370 m
seconds respectively and they cross each other in 23
seconds. The ratio of their speeds is. 147 . Two trains running in opposite directions cross a
man standing on the platform in 27 seconds and 17
A. 1 : 3 B. 3: 2 seconds respectively and they cross each other in 23
seconds. The ratio of their speeds is:

C. 3 : 4 D. 5 : 7 A. 1 : 2 B. 3 : 2

20 . A train crosses a platform 100 m long in 60

seconds at a speed of 45 kmph. The time taken by the C. 3 : 1 D. 1 : 3
train to cross an electric pole is :

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