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Humanity Is Acquiring All The Right Technology For All The Wrong Reasons.

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“Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons.

we are headed towards the better and comfortable tomorrow we have changed ourselves and adapted
to the current gear of life, as we all know usage of social media is playing a vital role in our life
everyone wants their own recognition out in the world in order to attain that we act social media to be
the edge, investing all our time and our personnel information into it.

But how much of it is good to you and what if it’s bad how can it affect our daily life. Cambridge
analytica revealed that Facebook has harvested 50 million users’ personnel information on regarding
for the US election, the data analytics firm that worked with Donald Trump’s election team and the
winning Brexit campaign harvested millions of Facebook profiles of US voters, in one of the tech
giant’s biggest ever data breaches, and used them to build a powerful software program to predict
and influence choices at the ballot box.

Data heist: how safe are you.

Data of 50 million Facebook users have been exposed following a massive security breach by
unknown hackers, its CEO Mark Zuckerberg said, amid fears that a significant number of the
accounts affected could be from India. The precautionary measure taken by the social media giant
has impacted another 40 million users, Zuckerberg said Friday. As this states no users’ data is safe
we can see that their personnel info being violated (being sold to others companies).

Facebook did not immediately respond to a PTI question on the number of accounts affected in India.
“On Tuesday afternoon, our engineering team found an attack affecting up to 50 million accounts on
Facebook. The attackers exploited a vulnerability in the code of the View as feature which is a
privacy feature that lets people see what their Facebook profile would look like to another person,”
Zuckerberg said. “The vulnerability allowed the attackers to steal Facebook access tokens - which are
the equivalent of a digital key - which the attackers could have used to take over or access people’s
accounts,” he said. This promulgates that not only your data being stolen it’s used against you for
example in the US elections 2016 it was stated that information of 50 million citizens been taken to
influence their choice of making vote, obtaining their personnel data resulted in great advantage to
get to know what they want this impacted in the end result of the election. Recently the website
Quora reported that hackers stole the data of around 100 million users, which could include name,
email address and an encrypted version of their password. All this stolen data is sold and being used
against us in many ways.

The US Federal Trade Commission has said it would also place new oversight and restrictions on
Facebook. It is the largest fine that the FTC has ever imposed on a technology company. Facebook
was fined $5 billion (€4.49 billion) by US federal regulators on Wednesday for privacy violations.

All this solid proof determines the cyber crisis we face today, which we call cyber crime.

What is cyber-crime?
Cybercrime is any crime that takes place online or primarily online. Cybercriminals often commit
crimes by targeting computer networks or devices. Cybercrime can range from security breaches to
identity theft. Other cybercrimes include things like “revenge porn,” cyber-stalking, harassment,
bullying, and child sexual exploitation. Terrorists collaborate on the internet, moving terrorist
activities and crimes into cyberspace.

Cyber-crime is one of the biggest enigma that we face in the 21st century, as it does not have any
proper methods to prevent it that is because not everyone is aware of the effects that cyber-crimes
can do. Some examples of such effects of cyber-crimes are

1. The virus that destroyed nuclear equipment.

2. The bedroom hacker who made an entire US Armory disappear.

3. The first cyber war.

4. Bitcoin's Black Monday.

5. LulzSec costs S3. Keep your software updated

What are the five categories of cybercrime?

There are many different ways to categorize cyber-crimes, However, here is one way to separate
cybercrimes into five categories.

 Financial.
 Hacking.
 Cyber-terrorism.
 Online illegal pornography.
 Cybercrime in schools.

Types of cyber-crime

Some of these crimes include cyber harassment and stalking, distribution of child pornography,
various types of spoofing, credit card fraud, human trafficking, identity theft, and online-related libel
or slander. Crimes against Property.

How to protect yourselves from cyber crimes

Anyone using internet should follow these basic precautions

1. Use a full-service internet security suite, For instance, Norton Security provides real-time
protection against existing and emerging malware including ransomware and viruses, and
helps protect your private and financial information when you go online.
2. Use strong passwords, do not repeat your passwords on different sites, and change your
passwords regularly. Make them complex. That means using a combination of at least 10
letters, numbers, and symbols. A password management application can help you to keep
your passwords locked down.

3. Keep your software updated; this is especially important with your operating systems and
internet security software. Cybercriminals frequently use known exploits, or flaws, in your
software to gain access to your system. Patching those exploits and flaws can make it less
likely that you will become a cybercrime target.

4. Manage your social media settings; Keep your personal and private information locked
down. Social engineering cybercriminals can often get your personal information with just a
few data points, so the less you share publicly, the better. For instance, if you post your pet’s
name or reveal your mother’s maiden name, you might expose the answers to two common
security questions.
5. Strengthen your home network; it is a good idea to start with a strong encryption password
as well as a virtual private network. A VPN will encrypt all traffic leaving your devices until
it arrives at its destination. If cybercriminals do manage to hack your communication line,
they will not intercept anything but encrypted data. It is a good idea to use a VPN whenever
you a public Wi-Fi network, whether it is in a library, café, hotel, or airport.

6. Talk to your children about the internet, you can teach your kids about acceptable use of the
internet without shutting down communication channels. Make sure they know that they can
come to you if they are experiencing any kind of online harassment, stalking, or bullying.

7. Keep up to date on major security breaches, if you do business with a merchant or have an
account on a website that has been impacted by a security breach, find out what information
the hackers accessed and change your password immediately.
8. Take measures to help protect yourself against identity theft, Identity theft occurs when
someone wrongfully obtains your personal data in a way that involves fraud or deception,
typically for economic gain. How? You might be tricked into giving personal information
over the internet, for instance, or a thief might steal your mail to access account information.
That is why it is important to guard your personal data. A VPN — short for virtual private
network — can also help to protect the data you send and receive online, especially when
accessing the internet on public Wi-Fi.

9. Know that identity theft can happen anywhere, it is smart to know how to protect your
identity even when traveling. There are many things you can do to help keep criminals from
getting your private information on the road. These include keeping your travel plans off
social media and being using a VPN when accessing the internet over your hotel’s Wi-Fi

10. Keep an eye on the kids, Just like you will want to talk to your kids about the internet, you
will also want to help protect them against identity theft. Identity thieves often target children
because their Social Security number and credit histories frequently represent a clean slate.
You can help guard against identity theft by being careful when sharing your child’s
personal information. It is also smart to know what to look for that might suggest your
child’s identity has been compromised.

These are the basic principles that are to be followed to be invulnerable from cyber-crime.

What is the basic reason for cyber-crime?

Especially because the dangers of criminality are less apparent when you are hiding behind a
network, the perception of low risk and very high financial reward prompts many cyber
criminals to engage in malware, phishing, identity theft and fraudulent money request

When did cyber-crime start?

The history of cyber-crime, at the beginning of the 1970s, criminals regularly committed
crimes via telephone lines. The perpetrators were called Phreakers and discovered that
the telephone system in America functioned was based on certain tones.

In order to counter all this cyber malpractice, cyber law was introduced, cyber law means
the part of the overall legal system that deals with the Internet, cyberspace, and their
respective legal issues. Cyber law covers a broad area, encompassing several subtopics
including freedom of expression, access to and usage of the Internet, and online privacy.
Jonathan Rosenoer invented it, Cyber Law is a term first coined by Jonathan Rosenoer as
the title for a service aimed at explaining legal issues to computer users. It came into act
on oct 17th of 2000 by IT act India by the parliament it is the primary law in India
dealing with cyber-crimes and e commerce. Cyber law encompasses different types
depends on the variety of cyber-crime

 Fraud. Consumers rely on cyber laws to protect them from online fraud.
 Copyright. The internet has made copyright violations easier.
 Defamation.
 Harassment and Stalking.
 Freedom of Speech.
 Trade Secrets.
 Contracts and employment law.

Importance of cyber law?

 It covers all transactions taking place in the internet.

 It keeps eyes on all activities on the internet.
 It touches every action and reaction in the cyberspace.

Area of cyber laws

It has different kinds off purposes. Some laws create rules for how individuals
and companies should use computers and the internet while some laws protect
people from becoming the victims of crime through unscrupulous activities on
the internet. Those are

 Fraud:

Consumers depend on the cyber laws to protect from online fraudery. Laws are
made to prevent identity theft, credit card theft and other financial crimes. A
person who commits the above crimes will face its consequences through IT law.

 Copyright:

The internet has made the violation of copyrights easier. Both companies and
individuals need lawyers to bring action to impose copyright protection.

 Defamation:

Several persons use the internet to speak their mind. When people use internet to
speak their mind, sometimes it crosses the line and becomes defamation.
Defamation laws are civil laws that save individuals from fake public statements
and to protect their reputation.
 Harassment and stalking:

Sometime online statements can violate criminal laws, which forbid harassment
and stalking. When a person makes threatening statements against someone else
online, there is violation of both civil and criminal laws. Cyber lawyers both
prosecute and defend people when stalking occurs using the internet and other
forms of electronic communication.

 Freedom of speech:

Freedom of speech is an important area of cyber law. Even though cyber laws
forbid us of certain behavior online, freedom of speech allows us to speak their
mind. Cyber lawyers should warn their clients about the limits of freedom of
speech including the laws that prohibit obscenity.

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