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Cofem Digital Control Panel

Programming and Monitoring for
Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7

Jun 2011

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Contents 2
0 Introduction 3
1.1- EASY CoNET Installation 4
1.2- Opening the EASY CoNET software 5
1.3- Password. 6
1.4- Initial Control Panel programming 7
1.4.1- The CONTROL PANEL. 7
1.4.2- The POINTS. 8
1.4.2- The RELAYS. 9
1.4.3- The ZONES. 11
1.5- Sending information to the Control Panel. 12
1.6- Receiving information from the control panel. 13
1.7- Users. 14
1.8- Tools. 15
1.9- Working with Control Panel Network. 16
2.1- EASY CoNET software upgrade. 17
2.2- Online Connection with the Control Panel. 17
2.3- Online connection Alarms 19
2.4- Management Online in a control panel network. 20
3.1- MAPS, how to work with them. 22

Windows XP, Windows Vista y Windows 7 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp.

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Easy CoNET is a support software for status programming and monitoring of the Cofem Fire
Alarm Control Panel. With control panels entering the market able to control over 1000 points,
organising the information from these control panels requires an efficient labelling and
programming system.
Hence we have designed EASY CoNET. So that working with our control panels is easier,
faster and more intuitive.

Easy CoNET is designed for 2 basic functions for control panel operation.
One is to be able to programme the control panel, a process that involves entering information
around its installation: serial numbers, point and relay labels and their activation, the zones
points are grouped into etc, and to monitor. This is covered in part I. PROGRAMMING FROM
And the other is the real time system monitoring. This process involves being connected to the
control panel to see what’s happening in the whole system and action if it’s necessary. (This
program feature is an upgrade, to get it please contact COFEM S.A. This is

This manual is a list of processes, making it possible to learn quickly how to use all of EASY
CoNET’s capabilities. Simply search for the theme you need help with and follow the steps

Before reading this manual, it is recommended that you carefully read the Cofem Lyon Digital
Control Panel manual.

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1.1.- EASY CoNET Installation.

The EASY CoNET software is installed from the CD-ROM supplied by COFEM S.A.
The minimum requirements for correct operation are:
- PC with Pentium IV 1Ghz processor
- 500 Mb RAM
- VGA monitor with a minimum 1024x768 resolution. Recommended 19’ monitor with a
1280x1024 resolution.
- 50 Mb of HDD free space.
- CD-ROM unit.
- USB / RS-232 (COM) port
- Windows XP SP2 / Vista / 7

There is a folder on the CD-ROM called EASY CoNET, and within that folder can be found the
setup.exe programme. This is the programme that will install EASY CoNET onto your
You can run it from Run on the Start bar. Type “drive:\EASY CoNET\setup” where drive is the
name of the CD-ROM drive, for example D:
Follow the instructions on the screen
to select where you want to install
EASY CoNET. It is recommended
that you do not change the default
parameters unless there is a
particular reason not to do so.
To start the installation, press the
large button on this screen.

The following step is for deciding the programme group that EASY CoNET will appear on within
the start menu. Cofem is the default.
The complete installation will automatically follow on from this step.

Check the windows energy saving configuration to avoid the suspension mode during the ONLINE

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1.2- Opening the EASY CoNET software
EASY CoNET is accessible from (on Windows XP):
- The Start Menu, Programs, Cofem, EASY CoNET.

- The folder C:\Program Files\EASY CoNET\, selecting the EASY CoNET.exe file

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1.3- Password

Initial Screen Operation

Once the programme has started, it will ask for a User Name and password. If it is the first time
EASY CoNET has been opened, the Name is Master and the Password is 9000.

If you have previously opened EASY CoNET and

have defined other passwords, these will allow you
to enter the programme. Remember that each
EASY CoNET password could have a different
level of access.

Once validated, the user will be shown on the programme itself. Then you must open or create
a configuration depending on whether you wish to start a new one or open one that already
The following active options are available on the file menu:

- Open (Ctrl.+O):
Allows the use of a configuration that already exists and which has been saved on the

- New (Ctrl.+N):
Allows the creation of a new configuration starting from scratch or allows the control panel's
configuration to be read and then saved in an empty one.
- Exit (Ctrl.+S):
Closes EASY CoNET.

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1.4- Initial Control Panel programming
Once a configuration has been created, there are four steps to be taken from the main EASY
CoNET screen.


Control Panel programming can be accessed in two ways, either from the Configure menu,
Control Panel Configuration submenu or using the Configure Control Panel icon.

In this window you can configure the number of loops, relays and relay stations in the control
panel, the day/night mode and the delays for the general alarm and fault output.
The day/night mode is applied to the relays’ activations, given that they could have different
operations during the day from those at night time. The day mode could be activated or
deactivated for the different days of the week, with days being selected to not be included for
the day mode, remaining in night mode for 24hrs.
The Relay number field does not synchronize with the control panel, it only works as a user help
to create the relays configuration.

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1.4.1- The POINTS.
Point programming can be accessed in two ways, either from the Configure menu, Points
Configuration submenu or from Configure Points icon on the main screen.
Programming the points requires three important pieces of information: the Point, the Label and
the Series Number. The Point is the number the element will have inside the loop (A30XHA,
the 20-character text used to identify this point. The Series Number is the actual number of that
point, linking it to what is physically within the loop.

There is a simple process to programming this: Select the loop and complete the required
For better control over the accuracy of the data entered, it is recommended that the number of
loops and relays present in the system are the same as those given in part I.4.1 The Control
The essential fields to ensure the point works are the Loop, Point and Serial Number.
If the point number is automatically assigned, the programme chooses the first available point
number starting from the smallest to the largest.
The labels can also be automatically assigned if the client does not need to label them. The
auto-label option appears together with a button for selecting the type of automatic label from
the various options.
The Type of Point field is not necessary for sending the control panel configuration; it is there to
give more information about each point. If type is not entered leave the option as Not defined.
Once the desired data is entered, press the Save Point button for the data to be checked, and if
everything is correct it will be saved in the configuration data base.
Once saved, we can now continue with the next point.
If the Points Configuration window is maximised, a list appears on the right with all the points
configured up to now, ordered by loop. To modify any of these, just click on the desired point.
The data must be obtained at the time of the physical installation or else when the
project is undertaken. The series numbers are located on the actual detectors or points,
on a white label with a six-digit number.

If you wish to print the entire control panel points configuration, you can choose between
Print Preview or Print, depending on whether you wish to preview what will be printed or

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1.4.2- The RELAYS.
Relay programming can be accessed in two ways, either from the Configure menu, Relay
submenu or from the Configure Relays icon on the main screen.
The relays are programmed according to the control panel, i.e. select the relay that you wish to
programme, assign a label, a type, and physical location (the point where the relay is) and
programme it according to your needs. To see the exact effect of this programming, see the
control panel manual.

For example, you wish to programme a relay as SOUNDER. Its label will be “Kitchen warning”.
This relay is located in loop 1, point 3, master 1. It will only activate during the day with a 3
minute delay following the activation of a detector, and without delay following the activation of
a call-point. The detectors or call-points that will activate this siren will be the points defined in
activation list 1.
The screen will be as follow:

Relay activation can be configured in 3 different ways:

General activation: The relay will be activated by any alarm produced within the system.

Activation by list: The activation lists are the equivalent of the lists that are configured on a
control panel but those on EASY CoNET are independent, allowing a list to be reused for

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various points without needing to enter them again each time. They are configured on the
activation lists window:

Activation by Zone: The activation of the relay can be also configured by previously defined
alarm zones, being activated when a zone registers an alarm. This kind of activation is not
available in the control panel so the already configured relays with this type one they are send
they will be saved in the same way that the ones configured by activation by list, it means that
when the control panel’s configuration is activated, this relays will have activation by list and this
lists will be generated in the same way like the zones.

The main difference between Activation by List and Activation by Zone is that, using the
lists, a group of points is generated and will be used just for the activation for one or more
relays, and using the zones the control panel is using one zone already configured in the
installation, and this will appear in the configuration of the control panel as a group of points for
the activation of the relay.

If one relay is configured with activation by list or using activation by zone, once you’ve saved
the relay, this one assumes the trigger lists/zones as its own and any change on this lists or
zones won’t affect to the relay once the relay’s been saved, therefore the old lists will be kept.
To update the lists or zones to the new ones, you have to save the relay again.

If the Relay Configuration window is maximised, a list appears on the right with all the relays
configured up to now, ordered by logic relay number. To modify any of these, just click on the
desired relay. Using the View>> button on the Relay Activation section you can also see the
lists configured for the selected relay.

If you wish to print the entire control panel relay configuration, you can choose Print Preview or
Print, depending on whether you wish to preview what will be printed or not.

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1.4.3- The ZONES
Zone programming can be accessed in two ways, either from the Configure menu, Zones
submenu or from Configure Zones icon on the main screen.
Sector programming is done by selecting the sector you wish to programme, giving it a label
and creating the lists that you wish to use.

If the Zones Configuration window is maximised, a list appears on the right with all the zones
configured up to now, ordered by number. To modify any of these, just click on the desired

If you wish to print the entire control panel zones configuration, you can choose between Print
Preview or Print, depending on whether you wish to preview what will be printed or not.

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1.5- Sending information to the Control
Once the control panel information has been created, it can be sent to the control panel for it to
be definitively programmed.
Firstly, communication between the computer and the
control panel must be configured.
The parameters are:
Control Panel Dir: Control panel communication direction.
Port: select the PC port that is connected to the control panel, the
USB version creates a virtual COM port which must be indicated as
the same one.
Communication speed: 9600 baud
Data bits: 8 bits
Parity: N-Without Parity
Stop bits: 1
Stream control: None
Echo: Deactivated
Ethernet Adaptor: To select if the Ethernet Adaptor is
present. If the module is installed and this check isn’t
selected it may cause communication problems.

IMPORTANT: The cable connecting the control panel with the computer must be a RS-232
transmission cable, male at the control panel end and female at the computer end, with 9 pin
connectors and not crossed for the RS-232 version, or otherwise a USB cable complying with the USB
1.1 rules with connector type A for connecting to the computer and connector type B for the end
connecting to the control panel.

Press the Upload Configuration to Control Panel icon, or go to the Communication

menu, Send submenu, and select the option that you wish to send:
Press send and start the communication.

The Send configuration menu allows part or the entire configuration to be sent using the
General configuration section, just one element to be sent using the Specific configuration
section or deleting part of it using Delete configuration section.

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1.6- Receiving information from the
Control Panel.
To receive information from the control panel, the communication must be correctly configured.
For this see Send information to the Control Panel.

The information can be read using the button Download Configuration from the Control
Panel or from the Communication menu, Receive submenu.
You can receive part or the entire configuration from the control panel as required, as can be
seen in the Receive configuration window.

Receiving information from the control panel can be useful, for example to easily view the
current control panel configuration, or to take a full reading in order to modify it and send it back
to the control panel.
Before starting to receive a configuration, ensure that there is a configuration open and that it is
empty. Should a download be made over an open configuration that contains data, this will be
overwritten depending on what is downloaded from the control panel i.e. there will be a mixture
of what was downloaded with what was already there.
Once the configuration has been received from the control panel, it is recommended that this is
saved before starting work, using the File menu, Save As…submenu.

The fields Number of Loops and Number of Relays from the screen control panel
configuration will be filled in case of receiving the points and relays respectively.

The history received will be saved with the control panel configuration. To access it, select the
Configure menu, History submenu or the History button on the main screen. This option
will present a screen with the History from which you can select the type of incident you wish to
The control panel also allows us to read the complete list of the serial numbers detected in a
loop, separating those that are configured from those that remain unconfigured. This option is
available using the Read detected Serial numbers icon or from the Communication
menu, Read Serial Numbers submenu. This allows a configuration to be checked, establishing
the points in the loop that are correctly configured and those that remain unassigned.

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1.7- Users.
The users menu allows the access level of EASY CoNET users to be configured, as well as to
create new users or to change them.
There are three configuration levels, reducing the number of areas that can be accessed.

User creation screen: Allows new users to be

created defining the name, password and access
Note: The access level can only be less than or
equal to that of the active user at the time the new
one is created.

To change the active user, press the

change button on the main screen, or
select the Users menu, Change Users
submenu. The programme will operate
according to the access system of the
active user.

The Modify User screen allows the password and

access level to be changed for user created earlier.

Access Levels:
The maximum level allows total control over the control panel and over EASY CoNET, hence
allowing the supervision of configurations and users with access to the programme.
The normal level allows interaction with the control panel (EASY CoNET Online) but does not
allow the modification of any aspect of the configuration.
The minimum level only allows anomalies to be viewed online.

The normal and minimum access levels are only valid for the EASY CoNET Online software, the
maximum level is required for the control panel to be configured.

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1.8- Tools.
The tools menu allows certain aspects of the software configuration to be modified.

The File Type submenu allows the “.cds” file type

to be associated to the EASY CoNET software. By
taking this operation, configurations can be opened
directly by double-clicking on the configuration file.
It Works only under Windows XP.

The Change Wallpaper allows the programme’s main window background to be changed,
allowing the environment to be personalised, is recommended to use the same resolution as
screen. Once you have changed the wallpaper you can go to the original design located in the
“\Workspace” directory from EASY CoNET program in three different colour combinations.
The Change Language submenu, as the name indicates, allows the program to swap between
the different languages available. Language changes will not take effect until it is restarted.

The Loop devices calculator submenu allows

you calculate the maximum number of devices that
can be connected in one loop according to the
power consumption that each has device.
Once you have choose the type of Control Panel
that you want the fields under the name “quantity”
will be filled with every kind of device in the loop
and the right column the equivalence with the real
loop will be shown with the total amount of devices
in red if the maximum quantity is exceeded. It also
monitor the maximum number of points that one
loop can hold, showing in red the fields exceeding
the maximum.

The Move Loop submenu allows moving all the points

configured in one loop to another loop.
All the points existing in the target loop will be deleted once
you execute the change. You have to take into account that
this process may cause problems in the configuration of the
zones as well as in the relays.

The Delete one loop submenu allows us to delete all the

devices in one determined loop from the configuration in
case that we want to delete or modify them.

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1.9- Working with Control Panel
The EASY CoNET program allows us to work with a Cofem digital control panel network. During
the configuration you have the option to keep the configuration of 5 different control panels if
you configure them with different addresses.
To activate the control panel network you must go to the Configuration submenu Activate
Control Panel Network. Once the different configuration forms are activated, as well as the
communications, you are allowed to select the number of the control panel that you want to use.

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All options explained in these points will only be accessible with
the software upgrade option.

2.1 EASY CoNET software upgrade.

To upgrade the product you have to go to Help menu, submenu Upgrade EASY CoNET and
the installation code will appear in your screen, you will need to note this code and contact with
COFEM S.A. by telephone, FAX or email once you have ordered the EASY CoNET Online in
order to get the counter-code.

When you active this option, it remains connected until a different installation of the program is
made. At this time you will have to ask for a new password, so this may change in every

2.2 Online Connection with the Control

To be connected in the net has very useful benefits from the point of view of the information for
the installation controller, due to the fact that it’s much easier to see what is happening in a
monitor than in the control panel display.

WARNING: Once you want to be connected it is necessary to have the control panel configuration
updated in the software, in the case you don’t have the configuration updated you may find
information in your screen which would not fit with the reality in the installation.

To connect the Online mode, push the button (Connect Online) from the toolbar.

To disconnect, push the button (Disconnect Online) from the toolbar.

The continuous connexion allows you to manage different options in the control panel like
monitoring, delete, test, etc… and to supervise the system status in live.

During the connexion you won’t be able to modify aspects from the open configuration in order
to avoid possible data damages.

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Once you are connected to the online mode a toolbar with the name ONLINE supervision bar
(*1) will appear and using the button online tools from the toolbar the ONLINE toolbar (2*) will
be shown.
(*1) (*2)

The ONLINE supervision bar includes the buttons related with the immediate action in the
control panel like Without Delay, Stop Sirens, Evacuation, Manual Mode and Stop Snoozer, and
the status signs like Day/Night Mode, Alarm, Fault, Disablements, Trigger, Self Evacuation and
Test Mode.

The ONLINE toolbar is used to configure some aspects of the control panel and to act on it.
The buttons functions are the followings:

-Relay: This button is used to activate and deactivate the control panel’s relays from the

-Cancel: It allows us to cancel and put in use points as well as zones in the control panel.

-Testing: With this option you can activate one zone or the whole control panel in Test Mode or
Normal Mode.

-Sensitivity: This button allows us to change the sensibility in the whole loop or just in one point
for the optical and heat sensitivity.

-Monitoring: It allows to monitor the last four reading from one sensor and to see all the
information related.

-Led Testing: It makes a system test by turning on all the control panel led and putting the
display in black.

-General Rearm: Executes a general rearm from the control panel.

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2.3 Online connection Alarms.
Once you are connected to the control panel, EASY CoNET will show us different information
about the status of the Control Panel through the indicator in the ONLINE supervision toolbar. It
will provide us information about the status, options…
With this option we may know the control panel status at this moment and it allows us to do the
same functions that we would do with the frontal keyboard in the control panel.
Furthermore, EASY CoNET will show us clearly all the events that are happening in the control
panel. The lighting warning, situation maps, the cancellation of orders or to put in use one
detector or relay as well as the activation of an evacuation are orders that can be quickly given
from a computer.

The event screen is the following:

This screen will show us the first anomaly produced and the last anomaly in a fixed way, and in
the third field a list with all the anomalies.

Using the inferior checkboxes you can select the type of anomaly that you want to see. In the
case that one alarm is triggered and this checkboxes are not visible the anomalies will be
automatically activated.

Anomalies in maps

One map shows up if there is

an anomaly in one point
located in the map. If we push
in one of points in the map,
we obtain all the information
from this point.

We can see here a map with

a triggered call point

And one relay activated.

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2.4 Management Online in a control
panel network.
In a system with many control panels working in a net it is possible that all the system can be
supervised by just one EASY CoNET.
For the supervision of the panel network it is necessary to group all the configurations of the
control panels in the same file, each of them with it correspondent address.
Once the supervising Online is working the program make possible to supervise all the events
that the control panel may receive and show them in the computer, this events will include also
all the events from the other control panels as well as the control panel connected to the
Furthermore the program makes possible to manage many different actions in all the panels
connected to the network using the button Control Panel Network Actions, after pushing it we
will have access to the following window:

This window allows us to activate or deactivate

the delays, evacuation, manual mode and stop
sirens from all the panels connected in the

Furthermore you can put the clock form the

panel right and to do a general rearm for the
entire network.


All the actions using the online toolbar are available when the control panel is connected to the
computer only.

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3.1 MAPS, how to work with them.

Maps are the graphic representation where the points in one loop are found. Maps are shown
automatically when there is an event on the loop and the computer is connected Online.
Maps need to have a .BMP, .JPG, .WMF, .GIF Windows format. Any kind of graphic or design
software make possible to export to these standard formats.
To ad done map to the configuration, you need to go to Map menu, submenu Map
Management, or click on the icon Map Management .

The screen Map Management is the one which makes possible the preparation of the maps that
every control panel configuration will have. Its options are:

- To add Map: It adds a map to this configuration. It is the

first step to find the different devices on it. The added maps
will be copied in the file “\Maps” from the installation

- To Modify Map: Allow us to add or delete devices.

- Delete Map: deletes the map chosen from the

configuration, but it is not deleted from the disc
The modification map is the following:

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To find the points, relays or modules or if you want to delete any of them , you need to
select the type of icon depending on the device you want to connect to the loop and
once it is selected you need to put it wherever you want it; immediately after, one
window will be shown up with the option to choose what point you want use.

- Insert Call Point.

- Insert Point.

- Insert Relay.

- Insert Analogue
master module.

- Insert Tecnical
signal Module

- Delete one device

allready installed

You can see the maps as they will be shown

before the alarm is triggered with the option
See Maps, acceding from Map menu as well
as the icon See Maps

The MYOA module has 2 different type actions and it can be added like 2 independent points, a
relay and a technical signal module.

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