Get Fit Fast
Get Fit Fast
Get Fit Fast
JANUARY 2018 £3.50
Make that
fighter physique
a reality in 2018
an ll
p ca
o he
PLUS | Talking shop with Army chief | Do you know the Drone Code? Tr t
26 CGS’s New Year message
Army chief praises troops
28 After hours
Soldiers support emergency services
33 Kenya countdown
What to expect from a sub-Saharan stint
38 Reality bytes
Virtual trainer simulates casevac flight
42 On their mettle
Divisional staff test their resolve
7 The Informer
Top stories from across the Service
18 Need to Know
Essential tips for today’s personnel
49 Talkback
Ruminations from the ranks
53 Bullet Points
Troops’ intelligence assets
61 Reviews
Kit, books, music and movies to
fill your downtime
82 Final Word
Mercians share fitness tips
70 Rugby union
Coaches embrace community role I remember
72 Angling
Infantry carpers seek new blood
going to
– p44
75 Football
Reds revel in Middle East tour
my rst
78 Boxing
Soldiers star in Catterick showdown
cardiac arrest
81 Swimming
Business as usual in corps finals
that you might
just meet them. But if the words of
performance nutritionist Gareth
Nicholas are to be believed, it is a
good sense of proportion that is the
key to getting healthy.
On page 21 the adviser to the Army
Triathlon Association offers his top
tips for a battle-winning diet. And it
is refreshing to see that his advice
is as much about planning and
preparation as it is about cutting out
the finer things in life.
Turn to page 18 to read our fitness
special in full. From workout hacks
(page 18) to affordable training
kit (page 25), there is plenty of
inspiration to be found.
And finally, thank you to boxing
stars Spr Ebonie Jones (RE) and LCpl
John Marvin (PWRR), whose fighting
physiques adorn the front cover.
Turn to page 78 to see how their
fellow boxers got on at the latest ITC
Catterick showdown.
From all the team at Soldier,
we wish you a happy, healthy and
adventure-filled 2018
IF you’re not in the Army you can buy Soldier
Chez crowned king from your high street magazine retailer or
– page 78 directly from us at subs@soldiermagazine. (£23 for 12 issues in the UK).
01252 787095 (94222 7095)
OURAGEOUS gunners on a “Their lifejackets inflated – but one
sailing expedition showed “skill of the crew took his off and dived
and resilience beyond their under the vessel.
experience” when they saved the lives “He had gone to help a fifth
of a stricken crew in gale force winds. member who was trapped inside.”
The troops had been on a routine With the engine of the St Barbara
leg of Exercise Mediterranean Ubique started, and all eight soldiers on-board
on-board the Royal Artillery Yacht Club helping with the rescue, Col Wilson
vessel St Barbara V (shown above) moved in and the sailors were pulled
when they pulled five Swiss sailors from the water.
from the water. The four men and one woman SOLDIER – Magazine of the British Army
Club commodore were taken below, given Ordnance Barracks, Government Road,
Col Neil Wilson was dry clothes and transported Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 2DU.
skippering the boat. to the nearby port of
He recalled how the
drama had unfolded at
Las Galletas, where they
received medical attention. The mast All enquiries: 01252 787107 (94222 7107)
Fax: 01252 787110 (94222 7110)
Punta Rasca, close to
the tip of Tenerife.
The Army crew
The yacht had been on an
adventurous training outing
sponsored by Royal Artillery
and printed by Wyndeham (Roche) Ltd.
(above right) watched regiments and designed to Print contract managed by CDS.
in horror as the nearby vessel, Tyger of give troops a taste of sailing life. © CROWN COPYRIGHT 2018
London, barrelled into the water and Col Wilson continued: “The soldiers
Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily
capsized, throwing her crew overboard on-board during the rescue were from those of the British Army or the Ministry of Defence.
(near right). 29 Commando Regiment.
“It had been obvious that “Their actions were impressive
something was seriously wrong – the given the fact that only one or two of
mast crashed down into the water them have ever sailed before – they Facebook:
with the wind around Force 7,” Col showed skill and resilience beyond Twitter: @soldiermagazine
Instagram: @soldier_magazine
Wilson told Soldier. their experience.
“I called for my second-in-command “They performed well during the
to get up on deck and we sent a emergency but their care for the
Mayday. As we circled we saw four sailors afterwards was great to see.
people fall from the boat into the sea. “They showed real compassion.”
A BERMUDA-based Reservist is
continuing his service with the
British Army despite living some
3,500 miles from his unit. 1. BERMUDA
Cpl Geoff Byrne, a member of
the newly formed 8th Battalion,
The Rifles, moved to the Atlantic
island nine months ago, where he
works as a butcher.
The 48-year-old fulfills his
Reserve commitments by training
with the Royal Bermuda Regiment sport is
growing out
and visiting his company in
Durham when he is in the UK.
A Regular until 1996, in 2007 he
joined D Company, 5th Battalion,
The Royal Regiment of Fusiliers,
which became part of 8 Rifles
upon its formation last month.
“It’s great to know I can still
keep up training while I’m living
here,” he said.
Footballers on tour in
the Middle East 3. UK
– page 75
being a week-long test for privates
and lance corporals in various
8 JANUARY 2018
Stubaital, Austria. Members of the
corps were gathering in Fulpmes
to mark the milestone as this Email:
issue went to press. Facebook:
Twitter: @soldiermagazine
Instagram: @soldier_magazine
TROOPS from the 2 Rifles
Battlegroup are preparing to
return to Northern Ireland
after a successful six months
underpinning the fight against
5. KENYA Daesh militants in Iraq.
The soldiers are heading
home from Asad airbase, Anbar
province, where they provided
force protection to the
international coalition and
trained more than 1,000
Iraqi Security personnel.
They are being replaced
5. KENYA by members of the Royal
Regiment of Scotland.
SOLDIERS from 3rd Battalion,
The Parachute Regiment took
time out from training on the
African savannah to improve the
infrastructure for pupils at a school
in Laikipia.
People pay
Troops installed a 5,000-litre
water tank, constructed fences,
redecorated outside areas and
reinforced a pathway at the Bridge
Academy in Likii.
Meanwhile, personnel from
thousands to
British Army Training Unit Kenya
have been helping local people come here
rebuild a vitally important dam in
the Rift Valley.
The station supplied specialist
engineering equipment, manpower Africa assignment
and expertise to repair the impresses troops
RESOLUTE gunners embarked on a series of tests – including
structure, ensuring fresh water for – page 33 conquering the highest peak in South East Asia – during a
the rural community of Dol Dol. demanding adventurous training package in Borneo.
Exercise Jungle Monkey saw 14 Reservists from 101st
(Northumbrian) Regiment, Royal Artillery brave demanding
terrain and 100 per cent humidity. But they rose to the
challenge, ascending nearly 5,000m to the top of Mount
Kinabalu (pictured) and a further 2,400m on nearby Trus Mardi.
The trek provided an opportunity to remember the thousands
of Allied soldiers who died in Japanese captivity during the
Second World War.
Registered as a charity in England and Wales Number 210760 in Scotland Number SCO38056 and in Republic of Ireland Number 20006082. Established 1885. S184.0417
FTER a busy 2017, the
coming year is set to
continue in the same vein
with some exciting projects.
We have been awarded
£194,000 of Libor funding,
which will enable us to develop
an online information hub to
Picture: Steve Dock
RESH promotion rules aimed at to the promotable list had been improving the employability of
making career progression fairer increasing year-on-year, with more Army partners and, to that end,
for Army Reservists will be rolled candidates than available jobs. we are working with Warwick
out this year. “This is not good career University to carry out research
In a move to bring personnel in-line management because it falsely raises in this area.
with Regular colleagues, a Reserve expectations, which is not in the For those who want to work
promotion board is being introduced interests of either the individual or or train, we will do everything
to consider majors aspiring to the the Army,” the officer added. we can to improve access to
rank of lieutenant colonel. “The new board will ensure scores supportive employers and
Currently, cap badge pre-selection are truly comparable. It is in keeping realistic opportunities. Look out
boards score candidates and those with policy to integrate Reserve for a survey on this soon.
achieving more than 30 points are practice and procedure with its We will also be assessing
ratified and published on the so- Regular counterpart.” the Army “offer” and whether
called pink list.
A show
But the five Reserve brigadiers on modern family.
the new board will now carry out Many of you have taken part
their own assessment and scoring in our recent questionnaire
before finalising which individuals about this, and we hope to gain
should go forward. some meaningful insights to
Army Personnel Centre spokesman continue effecting policy change.
Maj Ali Hempenstall (Scots) said the The future accommodation
pre-selection process would still take model pilots are also expected
place but the extra scrutiny would to begin in 2018. We still have
bring more consistency as scores many questions around this, as
between cap badges can vary. do families, but in
The board will mirror the the meantime
procedures of its Regular cousin. we continue to
“It will allow us to compare apples ensure that you
with apples,” Maj Hempenstall told are properly
Soldier. “The board will sit for the considered
first time in February and will provide THIS bizarre cake would be enough to stop Paul Hollywood in his in the
a pan-Army score for Reservists, tracks. Recreating a scene from Stephen Spielberg’s War Horse process.
bringing their career management in movie, it was cooked up by civilian Emma Morris for a display
at Birmingham’s NEC. Her husband Owain, a fitness instructor at
line with the Regulars.”
the Infantry Battle School in Brecon, told Soldier the cereal and
Under the current system the marshmallow creation had “brought many to a standstill”.
numbers of Reservists being added
ROOPS are being issued with (shown above) have the best possible
lozenges to relieve pain on the medical support.
battlefield, which MoD officials She added: “The principal benefit
say will be more effective than the is the way the drug is administered –
current morphine shot. absorption through the
It offers
The new "lollipops", which use inside of the mouth is
the synthetic substance fentanyl, are more reliable than an
thought to be both faster intramuscular injection.
acting and easier to “Fentanyl is faster acting, enabling
administer than the pain relief to be achieved more
existing drug. quickly. It offers greater control as it
n UK veterans facing mental health
problems have undergone a therapy session
with a difference under the guidance of
Guard changes... for a day
American horse whisperer Monty Roberts.
A three-day workshop at the Royal
Armoured Corps Saddle Club in Bovington
saw the 82-year-old equine behavioural
expert teach seven ex-
Service personnel how
to gain a horse’s trust
through body language
and by lowering
their heart rate and
Famous in equine
Picture: PO Arron Hoare, RN
n ROYAL Navy sailors have performed the Changing of the Guard ceremony
circles for his training outside Buckingham Palace for the first time. The sailors' new skills were taught
techniques, Roberts has by drill instructors from 1st Battalion, Coldstream Guards. One soldier told the
already helped hundreds London Evening Standard: "They could be better. They won't ever be able to do it
of former US soldiers like the Grenadiers can." Another joked: "We've been doing it for 300 years so it's
suffering from PTSD, about time we let them have a turn!"
depression and anxiety.
experience with Service personnel as part
of an impressive line-up of speakers by the
Centre for Army Leadership.
The former Parachute Regiment officer and n THE annual Forces Carp Classic
Reservist will deliver sessions on "leadership competition provided the perfect catch
in the field" at the Royal Military Academy for charity – netting £8,000 for Blesma
Sandhurst on February 21, and the Harman and Great Ormond Street Hospital.
Lecture Theatre in Catterick on March 22. The week-long event at Abbey Lakes
Picture: Simon Buxton
For more details on the events, which are in France attracted some 100 serving
open to all personnel, visit the Centre for Army personnel, veterans and blue light workers.
Leadership Moss site on DII or alternatively
on an IED in Afghanistan in 2009, HE well-being of soldiers, The politician said a pilot for the
reached the height of 17,600 feet,
raising money for Royal British I want to their families and the veteran
community will be among the
future accommodation model, an
overhaul of military housing, would
thank them
Legion Industries in the process. priorities for government in the coming begin at the end of 2018.
Help him meet his target by visiting year, the defence secretary has said. But he stressed that it remained a
Marathon task
A SUPER-FIT former Army officer
is preparing to run a marathon a
day for 15 days along the Western
Front to commemorate the 100th
anniversary of the end of the First
World War. Lizzie Rosewell (ex-RA)
will run some 360 miles, starting with n THE MoD has awarded a complete by May 2020.
the Paris Marathon before returning £250 million contract to build New office, catering, retail and
to London via Amiens, Thiepval, Arras more than 900 new homes leisure facilities are included in the
and other major battlefield sites,
carrying her own
kit and camping
Really wild... near Salisbury Plain, which will
accommodate troops relocating
plans, while health and education
centres are to be created for
Target: What to expect from an from Germany. military and civilian use.
most evenings. To
£2,000 support her visit
African adventure
– page 33
Lovell will begin constructing
the housing in Bulford, Larkhill
A complex of new single living
accommodation units – providing
For: ABF The So www.lizzierunning.
ldiers’ Charity and Ludgershall in the coming 378 additional bed spaces – has
weeks, with the scheme due to also been completed at Larkhill.
a £16
AKU b air of
ANY personnel with a love of
Haapsalu, Parnu, Rakvere
and Valga are all places in
Estonia – the mission we spilled
HE first all-British Armed accolade in recognition of his actions the beans on in the same issue.
Forces team to complete an in the immediate aftermath of the This month, Soldier has
unsupported, 1,100-mile coast-
to-coast crossing of Antarctica was
London Bridge terror attack.
The off-duty officer gave vital first
TRAINER teamed up with our friends at
AKU ( to offer one
The training lucky reader a pair of Slope GTX
among the Army winners at The Sun’s aid at the scene, helping 12 victims. hiking boots worth £165.
Military Awards, the Millies. And Cpl Philip Keogh (RAMC) was aid hits a major
milestone next With a comfortable fit, this
Known as Spear 17, the outfit named best Reservist for the efforts month lightweight and breathable
was led by Capt Lou Rudd (Para) he made in treating casualties of the footwear is perfect for treks on
and featured five Reservists. They Manchester Arena explosion in May. easy or medium terrain.
completed their quest in January after Further recognition to medically- It also features full
a 67-day battle in the polar wilderness. minded personnel was given in the Gore-Tex lining for superior
Their achievement saw them "hero at home" unit category, where waterproofing.
Simulated To be in with a chance of
presented with the "inspiring others" military co-responders were shortlisted
rounds fired winning this smart prize –
award during the annual ceremony at for their work with South Central perfect for those who like to
London’s Banqueting House. Ambulance Service. explore the great outdoors at
Lt Jared Bambridge (Yorks) received Read more about their work on Crew any time of the year – tell us
the "hero at home" individual page 28. positions what links the words on the side
simulated – of this issue.
commander, Send your answers to the
gunner and usual address or comps@
loader by
January 31. Good luck!
available –
in Tidworth
troops now have a final resting place after
their remains were formally identified in
light of DNA evidence.
MAJ Dave Granfield (R Anglian)
shares a hairy experience with
Vijay Modi, a local legend in the
moustache-growing fraternity of
Bikaner, India, during Exercise
Ajeya Warrior. The aim of the
biennial exchange was to improve
understanding between 1st
Battalion, The Royal Anglian
Regiment and the 20th Battalion
of the Rajputana Rifles, India’s
oldest unit.
Picture Lt Col Simon de Labilliere, AAC
Clothes feeling tight after the festive season?
These Army boxers have to stay within five per
cent of their fighting weight, so they know a
thing or two about burning fat. Here are their
top tips for dropping the pounds in 2018…
ots PWRR
Fus Sean Eng, Sc Gnr Karriss Artings
tall, RA LCpl John Marvin,
Boxing weight: 69 Boxing weight: 57kg Boxing weight: 81
Don’t go in at the deep end if you need Focus on your training rather than rink plenty of water to flush
to lose weight, ease yourself into it what you weigh, and the pounds out your system and keep
instead. Start doing a few slow runs should fall off naturally. It's easy to hydrated. People massively
and pick it up from there, upping the become obsessed with the scales overlook that. I’m quite lucky
intensity as you go on. After leave my otherwise. When I’m at my target because I naturally sit quite
weight usually goes up to 71 or 72kg weight I usually treat myself at close to my fighting weight ut
but as soon as I start training and the weekends but if I need to drop if I need to drop a few pounds
bringing my calories down it drops off some weight I’ll cut out the Nando’s I’ll watch the portion sizes and
again. I’ve got a sweet tooth and like and chocolate and stick to three I don’t eat carbs unless I know
chocolate, so I cut that out because it’s meals a day. I put in some extra I’ll be burning them off. We do
just useless calories and stick to my runs, or jump on a watt bike for a lot of training anyway and
three specific meals per day. efinitely 20 minutes after a training I particularly like bag work –
avoid crash diets and those fad eating session too. Also, doing lots of practising movement and power
plans. Take it gradually and eventually repetitions on light weights is ariation ut ll also fit in
you’ll see results. a good way to lose fat. some runs. It all helps.
things to know
There are various
models to choose
ree ik
There is ro in
dials down the addiction E-cigarettes come in more you can et ad ice
than , different fla ours from pharmacies or
vape shops
Propylene glycol
Anything else
A 2017 law change banned
As with all electrical
A synthetic food additive certain additives such items they shouldn t
that is also used in various as colourings and the be left to charge.
edible items such as stimulants caffeine and They ha e been
coffee-based drinks, liquid taurine. If in doubt about kno n to catch fire
sweeteners and ice cream what’s inside, ask the seller
MAY 20172018
new menu
words of wisdom. Here, performance
nutritionist Gareth Nicholas – an adviser to
the Army Triathlon Association – gives his
top tips on how to boost your exercise
regime with a healthy diet. Gareth Nicholas
‘I was tired of
being that guy’
to the orld cham ionshi s. n the last day o our 2017 – 2nd
I avoid too much running. I
prefer low impact machines, diet plan
especially the cross trainer,
but as a by-product of losing
weight and getting fitter I’ve
actually cut my PFA time
from 12min 48sec to 8min
59sec. Judges have said I
need to improve my chest
thickness, so I'm using heavy
Now single arm exercises such
130g of oats,
one banana,
scoop of Nutella
as dumbbell bench presses,
seated cable presses and
decline presses. I've created
a six-week programme for
myself, after which I will
review my progress and
change if need be. 300g of potato,
70g of lean protein
per week, including
+ 1hr20min
125g basmati rice,
100g broccoli,
sessions weight sessions 70g of meat –
chicken or mince
Up to sessions
per week
Work out your BMI
Weight (kg) ÷ Height (m) =
Take action
Being overweight puts
you at greater risk Measure your waist
of health problems Take a tape measure around
including cardiac arrest, your natural waistline –
muscular-skeletal injuries, between your belly button and
depression and poorer your ribcage – and take the
mental health. The measurement in centimetres.
message to troops is to
act early before it
becomes an issue.
On the market
Looking for some new gear to
kick-start the health regime?
Here is a flavour of what your
cash can buy you in 2018...
Activity tracker
okia s ne Steel acti ity
tracker is desi ned to look as
ood at mess unctions as it ould the ym. t
eatures an ad anced heart rate monitor and
ersonalised coachin ro rammes and is
available at
Pull-up bar
you ancy sub ectin your abs to
some serious unishment ithout
the cost o ym membershi you could do
orse than the Bodyma door ay ull u and
chin u bar. kay it isn t ortable like some o its
contem oraries but hat it lacks in ersatility it
makes u or in sturdiness and rice. t the time
o oin to ress this bit o kit as on sale or Smart scales Price
£9.99 at www powerhouse fitness co u
Think Sha am or ood. The utriSmart is a set o
scales that lets you check the nutritional content o your rub
be ore it ets any here near your li s. ue to be released later
this year you can kee an eye out or it at
HE Army was remarkably but tness and well being are also key
active in 2017. On any ingredients o our ghting ability. And
given day around 25,000 I have also been impressed by those
soldiers were either units who are increasingly treating
deployed on operations, their soldiers as athletes by focusing
on standby or protecting on conditioning and nutrition as part of
the homeland and their physical training (page 18).
overseas territories. The British Army continues to prove
This included deployments in support its resilience and character. We are one
of allies in Estonia and Poland to provide of the nation’s most popular and trusted
deterrence and reassurance with Nato institutions. That is down to the quality
to ensure a secure Europe; expeditionary of our soldiers, both Regular and Reserve.
engineering in South Sudan to enable All good soldiers have courage,
the UN; capacity building in Nigeria endurance, skill, adaptability and
and Somalia to help partner militaries discipline. But the British Soldier blends
counter insurgency and extremism; these qualities together with compassion,
enabling partner militaries in the ght humility and humour. No wonder the
C and Cpl Timothy Jones
against Daesh and the Taleban; anti- nation is proud of what you do.
poaching in Gabon and Malawi to disrupt 2018 will bring both challenge and
unding flows to e tremist organisations. opportunity. Uncertainty about proposed
eing prepared to ght in Europe is changes to the provision of housing and
largely the focus of 3 (UK) Division. other terms and conditions of service is
Exercise Iron Resolve at the end of last unsettling. But no decisions have been
year (page 42) was a good shake-out of taken and I shall ensure that the Army’s
our war ghting skills. particular interests are understood and
The light units in 1 (UK) Division, accounted for as solutions are designed.
C Cpl aul haw
together with appropriate specialist Your views are important and do make
capabilities are delivering rst rate a difference. They provide me with the
results in what has to be a long-term evidence I need to represent your needs.
defence engagement strategy. Please continue to engage with CGS’
Patiently and persistently building rie ng Team and the Armed orces
enduring relationships and growing continuous attitude survey.
C Cpl ete rown
insight and understanding equips us to I would like to wish you and your
“get left of the bang” and means we are families all a Happy New Year and thank
better prepared should we be tasked to you for your hard work and commitment
intervene. in 2017.
The new Specialised Infantry wish you a ul lling that brings
battalions have made impressive you the opportunity to further your
gt upert rere
Words: Sarah Goldthorpe Pictures: Sgt Paul Randall, RLC, Cpl Dek Traylor, RLC, Cpl Luisa Scott, RLC, Graeme Main and Rift Valley Adventures
# African unions
# Outdoor
Sharing expertise with local
personnel is a key part of the
experience at British Army
Training Unit Kenya (Batuk), and
with the nation’s troops deployed adventure
on a challenging peacekeeping From mountain biking and
mission in Somalia these trekking to rock climbing and
exchanges could save lives. “The bushcraft, the opportunities
partnership is important,” Maj for adventurous training and
Mark Stone (Para) said during outdoor activities are plentiful
the latest Askari Storm. “It works in Kenya. After being on
both ways. We’re understanding exercise many units take time
their capabilities, equipment, out to enjoy this aspect of the
and what they can achieve on country’s culture, with many
the ground, and hopefully we can packages focused on the
pass on some of our niche skills.” Mount Kenya region.
# Fierce wildlife
# Community kudos
From scorpions and snakes to
the so-called Big Five, Kenya’s
rich wildlife presents a threat
Whether it’s medics delivering to exercising troops as well as
healthcare to remote villages or an a spectacle. From encountering
engineering project to repair wells inquisitive hyenas on stag to
and water supplies, Kenya allows UK herding game out of a training
personnel to see their skills put to area, the experience is likely
lifesaving use. “Some of the communities to be a memorable one. “People
are in real need of help,” Sgt Thomas pay thousands to come to Africa
Nyanaro, a community health nurse in and go on safari and we come
the Kenyan Defence Force, explained here, work here, and have it for
during Exercise Askari Serpent. “Medical free,” said Pte Mathew Haigh
facilities are very far away, so too are (Para) following the latest
schools. Water and sanitation are also Exercise Askari Storm. But
a problem for some. The soldiers have care must be taken. The black
been very welcoming. It’s been good to be mamba, for example, is one of
part of a team and work hand-in-hand to the fastest and deadliest snakes
improve people’s lives.” in the world.
# Intense live
Did you know that one of the
Service’s most important
live-firing complexes is in
Kenya? And with a £250,000
upgrade completed last
year, it’s a must-do for
light infantry troops.
Objective Silver at Archer’s
Post Training Area is a
square-kilometre network
of buildings and corridors
sunk below ground level
and members of 3 Para were
the first to make use of the
revamped site when they
deployed on Exercise Askari
Storm at the end of 2017. n
they must not be flown at a height of more than 120 metres the Military Aviation Authority (MAA).
except in prescribed airspace? This organisation’s requirements are similar to the
You can be prosecuted for breaking these rules – and CAA’s but if your unit does not have any in-house aviation
many have been. expertise you may wish to consult the MAA for advice, or
For further guidance look up the Drone Code, which is read DIN 2015DIN06-023.
available to download at along with a Also, make sure you read a very important DIN that is due
handy app. to be published in early 2018.
You should also be aware that K law on flying drones It will detail a whole host of new requirements and
will almost certainly be tightened up in the near future restrictions related to the operation of drones by Armed
thanks to a bill currently going through Parliament. Forces personnel and contractors on defence estate, some
It is calling for individuals to be banned from operating of which should have already been communicated down
these platforms near airports and for police to have the through the chain of command.
power to order the owners to ground them. Check out future editions of Soldier for the full details.
Exercise participants can manoeuvre their way around the
cabin using paddles to manipulate the environment.
was a ash ac a sudden p un e into a Touching the mannequin is really unnerving. It both looks and
er di erent wor d and ti e feels very credible.
stooped o er in a hinoo arre in A variety of situations can be recreated– including altering the
throu h the patchwor o a andscape e ow casualty’s heart rate to the point of cardiac arrest.
hands instincti e c utchin or the we in “Using this mixed reality approach with real-world objects is
to sta upri ht definitely the ay ahead asserts Stone.
he unner and oad aster are sittin near the “Although this is currently a ‘proof of concept’, there has been
dropped ra p and the wind distur ed en ine interest in it from all three Armed Forces as well as various
whine and c atterin rotors re er erate as the ambulance services.
aircra t c aws its wa ac to ase “The model allows us to simulate pretty much any vehicle.
or a ew seconds this is rea it “We have been given the go-ahead to look at an Army Mastiff
au ht o a ance the pitchin and very soon.”
h pnotised the round owin e ow e a The Chinook package – which has been tested by teams
sure we are in o er osnia in the s the including those at the Royal Air Force Tactical Medical Wing
ee in s are those o a uch oun er e on an – joins an impressive line-up of products being developed in
operation on one Birmingham (see overleaf).
he stran e ha ucination e aporates a ter The technology is certainly immersive and has a lot of
re o in irtua rea it headset n its p ace is potential for a variety of training and real-world applications.
a oc up o the he icopter ca in co p ete with Matched with the likes of drones and the latest mapping
the o ects that were around e e ore techniques, the way troops view the world around them could
ut the iew is one a on with the crews soon be very different. ■
Tabletop ops
Barraclough of
the Chartered
Institute of
Drone zone
Resembling something akin to the
Ergonomics old Xbox 360 real-time strategy
and Human game End War, the Future According to Bob
Mission Systems programme Stone, the concept of
Factors believes
overlays virtual images onto real objects – in this case an area a “sacrificial drone”
these technologies
of operations is projected onto a table. Wearing virtual reality could be useful to
can help to familiarise glasses, would-be commanders find themselves in a digital room future armies. The
personnel with extreme with the landscape, military assets and other aids projected onto expendable device
situations.The CEO – their map and on screens around them. Environment data mapped could be dropped
whose organisation by drones is used to create the backdrop. Academics believe the from a mothership,
is a key supporter of technology could assist in dealing with incidents such as a multi- uploading useful data
Birmingham research – site terrorist attack – like the Charlie Hebdo atrocity – by keeping before being hit by
told Soldier: “We have a tabs on all locations. enemy fire.
real opportunity in this
work – it brings human
factors into a situation
and can allow troops
Fighting fit
Casualties with limb
to make mistakes and injuries can use
learn in a controlled med cycles to do
environment.” exercise around a
virtual beauty spot.
Here is a taste of the
other work in the Virtual village The Birmingham
team have digitally
A digital representation of an Afghan village
university’s research mapped an area
has been helping soldiers recognise signs in Plymouth and,
portfolio… that insurgents are at work. Clever lighting when linked to a cycle,
effects and shadowing show the signs of patients can explore
IEDs such as command wires, disturbed earth the scenery.
and markers – spotting them can mean the
difference between life and death.
headquarters. Colleagues from
Nato’s HQ Allied Rapid Reaction
Corps are also taking part in
Report: Cliff Caswell Pictures: Graeme Main
the manoeuvres.
“Past operations mean
we have experience –
including coordinating
joint forces, which
is a huge asset,”
WO1 Frith tells
Soldier. “Iraq and
Afghanistan have
provided us
with strong and
credible leadership
T turned out to be third time lucky for me,” Nathan side of things because you seem invincible.”
Cumberland says grimly of his Herrick tour in 2009. But when a position was advertised at the Defence
The Serviceman was on patrol when he stepped on Medical Welfare Service last year, the ex-Serviceman
an IED, leaving him with catastrophic injuries that made the move.
would see him become a double amputee. And – as is often the case with those leaving the military
“I sensed something wasn’t right that day,” he – his experiences at the sharp end would prove to be a vital
recalls of his final military mission. asset to his new employer, which supports Armed Forces
“It had been quiet, like something was being planned. personnel and veterans undergoing medical treatment.
We’d all joke about whether it would be our turn next, and The 33-year-old is based in Nottinghamshire, where he
how we should have picked our wheelchairs out.” spends a lot of time assisting the elderly.
The dark humour turned out to be a terrible prophecy. “It appealed to me to work with guys over 65,” he
Cumberland lost one leg in the blast, and in the chaos of explains. “The sorts of stories you hear are fantastic.
the aftermath he had to apply tourniquets to himself while “Often people just need our reassurance.
awaiting the Mert helicopter. “It might be little things like telling them what’s what, or
Interview: Sarah Goldthorpe Pictures: Peter Davies, Graeme Main and Freepik
Thirteen pints of blood, 27 operations, two years of how long they will be in hospital for.
rehab and several bouts of MRSA later, something “Sometimes the doctors are busy and welfare
of a normal existence was starting to come officers can act like go-betweens.”
into view for the Serviceman. It doesn’t sound like the easiest of full-time
“My regiment was amazing,” he jobs for someone who has seen more than
recalls “People visited daily and I had his fair share of medical procedures.
no issues with the support. “I found the first few months a
“I was more worried about my struggle,” Cumberland concedes. “But I
family and fiancee.” just got on with it.
Following stints at both Headley “I think if you ask anyone you don’t
Court and Tedworth House, do this job for the money; it’s a cliche
Cumberland was eventually ready to but you just want to help.”
enter civvy street. He continues: “It can be hard to see
He took up a job with Help for people with fewer injuries than you not
Heroes, coordinating the charity’s coping – at one point I did wonder if I was
ambassadors, and even went on to cut out for the welfare thing.
compete at the Invictus Games in shot put “But there’s a lot of factors involved and over
(pictured) and powerlifting. time I’ve learnt to see these.
“Your head is going at 1,000mph, trying to accept “Someone may have lesser injuries, but their road to
that things have changed,” Cumberland explains. recovery could have been more difficult than mine.
“I was meeting all these charity people and the world of “Perhaps they were on their own, maybe they don’t have
welfare just grabbed me. a big family like I do, or a fiancee whooping their arse.
“When you’re serving you don’t really think about that “Until you’re in someone else’s shoes you never know.”
The veteran’s sympathetic yet no-nonsense approach is
clearly one that many of his military patients appreciate.”
He tells me: “Sometimes I do have to be quite blunt with
people, but as they are ex-Forces they usually
want that.
“I explain that no one likes asking for help
but that amputees like me will have to do
that for the rest of our lives.
“It goes from there, really.”
It might not be the patrol-base banter he
was wrenched away from, but Cumberland’s
admits the camaraderie of his newfound
majority it
with no employee benefits? – Maj Pete reasons, they are paid for these
Shergold, Mercian days just as they would be if they
were on full-time Reserve service or YOUR letters provide an
replies: VTOD is entirely voluntary; package, namely pay in lieu of but please be brief. Emails
the Reservist doesn’t have to come annual leave, pension earning under must include your name and
in to work and the employer doesn’t Armed Forces pension scheme location (although we won’t
have to provide work. 15 and assistance with daily publish them if you ask us
The Army is able to employ commuting costs.
not to). We reserve the right to
members of the Army Reserve on ADC is slightly different in that
part-time Reserve service VTOD and/ it grants paid annual leave and accept or reject letters, and to
or additional duties commitment terminal leave but doesn’t include edit for length, clarity or style.
(ADC), providing the aggregated daily commute costs. Before you write to us with a
total of both does not exceed 180 In both cases a five per cent problem, you should first have
Reserve service days per year. X-factor is included in pay which tried to get an answer via your
This is in addition to the Reserve’s increases with annual increments own chain of command.
obligatory training requirement of and promotion and, if linked to
27 days per year for the regional obligatory training, an annual
Army Reserve, or 19 days per year bounty is paid with all service being
for a national Reservist. reckonable for the award of the @soldiermagazine
The employer and the individual Volunteer Reserves Service Medal.
can select either commitment We consider that both the
exclusively or mix and match VTOD and ADC packages compare
them to suit, but paid sick and favourably with equivalents for
compassionate leave are not part of civilian part-time employment.
Ged McMichael
Public order training
is an indication that
the Army is trained to be used An unwelcome greeting
against the very civilians it
ITH the MoD correctly placing offence to us all. – Name and address
is supposed to protect. A sign
a lot of importance on various supplied
that something is broken. Sad.
diversity, inclusion and gender-
related issues, may I bring everyone’s Col Steve Davies, Assistant Head
attention to the way we greet and speak Employment, Directorate Manning
to each other. (Army) replies: The use of gendered
Steve Hancock For example, when the telephone terms when greeting officers as
The Army is not rings I must answer with the name of my you walk around barracks reflects
sworn to protect department, my name, followed by “how a convention that is used in many
those involved in public
Am I not
can I help you sir?” important sectors of British society,
criminality, so by default if Presumably, we say “sir” because including the monarchy, judiciary
they are deployed against regimental sergeant majors and officers and parliament.
those involved in disorder
they are being used to protect risking were once all male, harking back to a
time when only men were allowed to
I would disagree that the British
Army is somehow out of step with
those civilians who are at risk. serve in the military. the community in this regard.
Secondly, when I see an officer Saying “sir” or “ma’am” is both
walking through the barracks I must appropriate and polite.
greet them with the word “sir” or However, I agree that the
Ant Sharman “ma’am” but am I not risking offence convention of answering the
Public order training here by assuming someone’s gender telephone using “sir” without
is part of their core or implying that they actually see knowing who one is speaking to
syllabus – not something new. themselves as having a gender? is now considered outdated and
It is an excellent environment Isn’t it about time the Army arguably unnecessary.
in which to pressurise considered abolishing these Victorian- The opening gambit of saying your
decision-making and prepare style greetings? rank and name followed by “how
young leaders just a little for I believe a new system should be can I help you?” is both respectful
the moment that it is bullets looked at which is more up-to-date and and applicable to all callers and
and not potatoes incoming. lessens the risk of embarrassment or should be adopted.
Stuart Nicholson
The British Army
has always trained
in public order and used it in ● AS a long-time reader I was struck by the lack of festive content in your December
Northern Ireland, Kosovo, Iraq edition – what happened to the special Christmas competition?
and Cyprus. In the past you published celebrity messages to the troops as well. Am I being cynical
or have companies and public figures lost interest in the Armed Forces now that we are
no longer involved in combat operations?
And while I enjoy the editor’s letter on page five, I was looking forward to the
Bryan Malyon traditional update from the chief of the general staff. – Name and address supplied
Did this back in ‘91
there at Longmoor, it The managing editor responds: You are correct that the Army’s relatively
was great fun low profile compared to the Herrick era makes it more difficult to attract
companies and celebrities to participate in special articles or competitions.
As for the Chief of the General Staff, Gen Sir Nicholas Carter, he opted to
write a New Year message instead of a Christmas one (page 26).
this was a voluntary alteration
there could be no additional grants
or public funding to pay for existing
outfit is members to update their outfits.
The committee also stated that
AM serving with the King’s Royal (this doesn’t cover the whole cost). corporals’ club, who are under no
Hussars and am being forced to However, they’ve been told the obligation to purchase any form of
comply with the requirement for some garments are obsolete and are expected mess dress and receive no grants
regiments to change their mess dress due to pay around £1,000 for new ones. at all, also agreed to change to the
to females now being eligible to serve in This is yet another bill soldiers have to new design.
the teeth arms. bear and if a similar situation occurred If you or any other member of
While I welcome the introduction of in the civilian sector the cost would be the warrant officers’ and sergeants’
women into the Royal Armoured Corps, covered by the company. mess or the corporals’ club are
should we be forced to purchase new Most employees out there simply unhappy with this change to the
mess dress without support? wouldn’t accept being told to “suck it up rules, you should take up the matter
Several colleagues of mine recently and put it on a credit card”. with your regimental chain of
bought the old-style outfit with a grant A reasonable solution would be to command.
DIARY ABN 135/17: The management of
Blesma, The Limbless Veterans: trade and employment competences
Regular Forces’ Employment
020 8590 1124; Association: on JPA
January 15: Deadline for the
British Army’s first poetry 0121 236 0058; ABN 134/17: Introduction of the
competition. See page 17 of Blind Veterans UK: Cadet Forces Commission
November 2017’s Soldier for details. (formerly St Dunstan’s) Remount:
020 7723 5021; ABN 133/17: Introduction of the
01451 850 341; Army Reserve promotion board (pink
February 1-6: Soldiery: British
Army Portraits exhibition at the list) in 2018
Care After Combat: Royal British Legion:
National Army Museum, Chelsea. ABN 132/17: The Centre for Army
The work of photographer Rory 0808 802 8080; Leadership’s 2018 speaker series
Lewis will be on display – he will Career Transition Partnership:
give a talk with Gen Sir James 020 7469 6661 Royal British Legion Scotland: DIN 2017DIN01-190: MoD civilian
Everard at 1800 on January 31, Children’s Education Advisory 0131 550 1583; medical practitioners pay award
ahead of the opening. Further Service: 2017
details at 01980 618244; DIN 2017DIN01-189: MoD civilian
RBL Industries Vocational
on/soldiery-preview dental practitioners 2017 pay award
Assessment Centre:
Combat Stress: 01622 795900;
March 23: N Battery (The Eagle DIN 2017DIN01-188: Health
Troop), Royal Horse Artillery 01372 841600; Scottish Veterans’ Residences: service support for personnel
celebrate the 175th Hyderabad 0131 556 0091; assigned to European Joint Support
Day. Open to all ex-members, Defence Humanists: Unit locations
the event comprises a black tie Single Persons Accommodation
dinner in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne DIN 2017DIN01-187:
Erskine: Centre for the Ex-Services: Reimbursement of professional body
from 1900. For more information 01748 833797;
and to confirm attendance email 0141 814 4569; fees for Regular Armed Forces allied health professionals
Family Escort Service: SSAFA: DIN 2017DIN01-186: Selection for
March 17: Opening of the 020 7463 9249 0845 1300 975; the attendance on the intermediate
National Army Museum’s command and staff course (land
Special Forces – Out of the Felix Fund – the bomb disposal
charity: Stoll: Reserves) in 2018
Shadows exhibition. For further 020 7385 2110;
details visit 07713 752901 DIN 2017DIN01-185: Launch uk; of the payment of professional
NO. 914
TEN details have been changed in this picture Barracks, Government Road, Aldershot, Hampshire will win £100-worth of men’s grooming products
of sailors from the Royal Navy taking their place GU11 2DU with your contact details, including from The Bluebeards Revenge.
in history at the Changing of the Guard on the email address, no later than January 31. The winner will be announced in the March
forecourt of Buckingham Palace. A photocopy is acceptable but only one entry 2018 issue. Usual rules apply.
Circle all the differences in the left image and per person may be submitted. November’s winner: Sue Presland, SIB Regt
send the panel to HOAY 914, Soldier, Ordnance First correct entry drawn after the closing date RMP, Provost Bks, Aldershot.
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The publishers of Soldier cannot accept responsibility for the
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any legally-binding agreement.
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Spence, NISGU HQ, BFPO 801; Coy, 1 Rifles, Chepstow; CSgt K Smith, Fd Army HQ, Andover.
WO2 P Aling, WDSU, DSPA, McGuigan, RG, BFPO 52.
Winchester; SSgt M May, 8 Sqn, 2 December 2017
27 Regt RLC, Aldershot. 25 November 2017 1st Prize (£20,000): 2nd Lt A
11 November 2017 1st Prize (£10,000): Capt C McCormack, B Coy, 2 Scots,
1st Prize (£10,000): Gnr 18 November 2017 Booth, HQ 12 Armd Inf Bde, Penicuik. 2nd Prize (£10,000):
H Davies, M Bty, 3 RHA, 1st Prize (£10,000): Spr D Bogle, Salisbury. 2nd Prize (£5,000): Maj S Robertson, 32 Signal Regt,
Newcastle-upon-Tyne. 2nd Prize 102 Sqn, 71 Engr Regt, Paisley. Cpl K Stockton, 34 Fd Hosp, Strathclyde. 3rd Prize (£8,000):
(£5,000): Maj E Thompson, 2nd Prize (£5,000): WO1 D Strensall. 3rd Prize (£4,000): Cpl Lt Col B Smith, D Pers Manning
HQ RSME, Chatham. 3rd Prize Rai, 10 QOGLR, Aldershot. 3rd L Tippett, 1 Rifles, Chepstow. 4th Team, Andover. 4th Prize
(£4,000): WO2 G Osborne, LSP, Prize (£4,000): Capt G Main, 4 Prize (£2,000): Maj J Linegar, HQ (£4,000): Capt J Shipley, SPA,
Oman, BFPO 747. 4th Prize Scots, Catterick Garrison. 4th Sqn, 5 Regt AA, BFPO 808. 5th Ruislip. 5th Prize (£2,000): Pte A
(£2,000): SSgt P Chamberlain, Prize (£2,000): Capt L Morgan, Prize (£1,000): Tpr B Burgess, McKenzie, A Coy, 3 Para,
244 Sqn, 30 Signal Regt, Regional Command, EHT, HQ Sqn, RL, Catterick. 15 Colchester. 15 Consolation
Nuneaton. 5th Prize (£1,000): Cardiff. 5th Prize (£1,000): Col Consolation prizes (£200 each): prizes (£400 each): WO2 D
Pte A Gurung, Sp Bty, 40 (AD) G Livesey, D Jt Cap, London. WO2 R McAulay, UKTI DSO/Est Perryment, ATC(P), Woking; Capt
RA, Emsworth. 15 Consolation 15 Consolation prizes (£200 (L), Salisbury; WO2 D Kirkpatrick, A Hosking, 243 Sqn, 10 Signal
prizes (£200 each): Name each): SSgt D Urbaniak, 60 4 Armd Med Regt, Aldershot; Regt, Andover; Sgt G Lucas,
withheld, RAF St Athan, Vale of Sqn, 39 Engr Regt, Kinloss; Sgt L Barker, Sp Coy, Mercian, 659 Sqn, 1 AAC, Yeovilton; SSgt
Glamorgan; SSgt R Fawcett, HQ Capt D Weston, CJSU, BFPO 57; Chester; Cpl K Nyalemegbe, G Lynch, QRH, BFPO 16; Sgt D
Sqn, LAD, RL, Catterick; Name Sgt G Burke, Armour Centre, Dental Centre, Lyneham, Hawker, RMAS, Camberley; Pte T
withheld, HQ Hereford Garrison; Warminster; Sgt J Hartland, Cbt Chippenham; Capt D Brown, Le Sauteur, 28 Sqn, 1 Med Regt,
LCpl S Christian, HQ Sqn, 1 AAC, CIS School, Bovington Camp; 1 ITB, Catterick Garrison; LCpl BFPO 16; LCpl F St Rose, 1 IG,
Yeovilton; Cpl M Hill, 21 Sqn, Cpl R Hanson, 105 Sqn, 1 MWD, S Bain, DCHET, Lichfield; Lt M Hounslow; LCpl C Stronach, HQ
101 Engr Regt (EOD), Saffron BFPO 16; SSgt P Pagan-Skelley, Cole, ATC (P), Woking; LCpl J Sqn, RDG, Catterick Garrison;
Walden; LCpl M Atkinson, HQ 1 Bty, 14 Regt RA, Salisbury; Brooks, 22 Sqn, 14 Signal Regt Maj C Wooldridge, Dental
Sqn, LD, Catterick Garrison; Bdr Name withheld, HQ Hereford (EW), Haverfordwest; LCpl B Centre, Lyneham, Chippenham;
J Westall, 79 Bty, 29 Cdo Regt Garrison; CSgt N Watson, A Lockeridge,14 Signal Regt (EW), Fus A Thorne, 1 R Welsh,
RA, Plymouth; Cpl T Millis, 25 Coy, 4 Scots, Catterick Garrison; Haverfordwest; Gnr G Brown, Tidworth; Rgr D Baker, B Coy, 1
MI Coy, BFPO 801; LCpl A Purvis, Capt H Morton, PEW, 1 RSME, C Bty, 3 RHA, Newcastle-upon- R Irish, Tern Hill; Cfn J McCaig, A
228 Sqn, 3 Signal Regt, Bulford Chatham; Rfn C Penfold, C Coy, Tyne; Pte J Broadhead, 60 Sqn, Coy, LAD REME, 1 SG, Aldershot;
Camp; Pte A Lisle-Brown, B 5 Rifles, Salisbury; Cpl A Lund, 4 Regt RLC, Abingdon; Pte I Sig G Mole, 1 Nato Signal Bn,
Coy, 1 Yorks, Warminster; Pte K HQ SIB, RMP (UK), Bulford; LCpl Rogers, 3 Med Regt, Preston; Blandford Forum; Spr A Gardiner,
Baptiste, 8 Bn REME, DSEME, J Grainger, 71 Avn Coy, 7 AA Pte M Price, 8 Bn REME, DSEME, 53 Sqn, 39 Eng Regt, Kinloss;
Chippenham; Maj S Bowerbank, Bn REME, Ipswich; LCpl H Lee, Chippenham; Lt Col J Watt, HQ LCpl C Marshall, 174 Pro Coy
151 Regt RLC, Croydon; WO2 C RSMS, Thatcham; LCpl D Tooth, B DA, Swindon; Col M Lindsay- RMP, BFPO 801.
P62 Whyte mountain bike gets Soldier treatment
going downhill or
tackling tricky terrain.
I mainly rode on rocks
or hard-packed trail, where the Maxis
Ardent 27.5-inch tyres were equally
up to the mission – although they The incredible story of a German
struggled slightly with the traction in PoW’s lost manuscript
the deepest mud.
Generally, though, they roll over the IT is rare that the appendix of a book
ground easily and help soak up a lot of proves as absorbing as the text itself.
the heavy bumps. But that is very much the case with the
The 801 can be chucked into corners afterword to Heinrich Gerlach’s Breakout
and will track nicely. at Stalingrad, in which academic Carsten
The wheels are Whyte’s own rims Gansel relates how this remarkable
coupled with non-branded hubs and, novel came to be published.
again, these were perfectly functional Gerlach was a lieutenant in the
and reasonably stiff, remaining true to Wehrmacht’s ill-fated Sixth Army. In
the test. November 1942, after months spent
All other components are own- struggling to control the city on
branded but, again, they didn't give me the Volga, a Russian counterattack
any headaches. encircled and trapped the
As someone who mainly rides cross- 300,000-strong German force on the
country, this bike certainly served me freezing steppe.
well and, overall, I enjoyed riding it. By the time Fd Marshal Paulus
Its handling is good and the short surrendered the following February,
stem makes for direct, poised steering. only 91,000 soldiers remained alive.
The bike platform is stable, inspiring They were taken prisoner and during
confidence over testing terrain, and his seven years in captivity, Gerlach
when climbing its stiffness allows for penned a semi-autobiographical
effective power transfer. account of his experiences.
Overall, the Whyte 801 is a well- The manuscript was discovered and
balanced machine, as suited to new confiscated by the Soviet authorities,
riders as it is to those looking for and after his eventual release the
comfort on longer excursions. ■ officer found he could no longer recall
the detail and structure of his text.
However, thanks to multiple sessions
with a hypnotist, he was able to
rewrite his book and in 1957 it was
VERDICT: published – to wide acclaim – under
A pleasure to ride, with a the title The Forsaken Army.
design that inspires confidence
The story would have ended
there but, incredibly, in 2012 Gansel
by Brian Lavery
interesting picture
of how life in the
British Army at the
end of the Victorian Ex-Oasis star embraces fresh
era in Sudan, India ideas on third solo offering
and South Africa helped mould Churchill into
the greatest British (and American) war leader HAVING spent more than two
of all time. As Lord of the Admiralty he was decades at the forefront of the UK rock
known more for failed ventures at Antwerp ‘n’ roll scene, fans of Noel Gallagher
and Gallipoli, but what people forget is his know what to expect when an album
time as a battalion commander on the Western comes around.
Front and the subsequent development of So when talk of a bold new direction
true amphibious, armoured and air warfare. and a novel approach to recording
It was these visionary ideas that the author surfaced ahead of the release of Who
persuasively argues are responsible for his and Built the Moon? there was a certain
the nation’s success a generation later against degree of trepidation in some quarters.
the Nazis. More than two years in the making,
Cpl Scott Roberts, Rifles the record saw Gallagher immersed
in the Belfast studio of renowned
producer and DJ David Holmes,
Women where anything with a passing
Warriors resemblance to previous solo offerings
by Tracey-Ann or the mighty Oasis back catalogue
Knight was swiftly banished.
The end result is an album brimming
INSIGHTFUL with experimentation, electronic
and heart- diversions, guest musicians and
rending, this is a vocalists, as well as hints of soul, rock,
well-researched, disco and dance.
authentic text on “People are going to be surprised,”
the plight of female Holmes explained. “I think people love
soldiers throughout the centuries and from Noel and they’re desperate for him music of today – and its tin whistle riff
all over the world. Not motivated by equality, to make a really big, bold, up-tempo proves to be a welcome addition.
the desire to break stigmas or prove their beast of a record. Creativity
The delights continue with Keep on
worth against their male counterparts, each “A lot of his music is mid-tempo. This at its best Reaching, It’s a Beautiful World and
individual instead had one simple need: to one is fun.” She Taught me How to Fly, tracks which
serve their country. I've read this book three The change in direction is obvious boast wide-ranging influences and a
or four times now and still find their stories from the very outset, with opener similarity to New Order in their prime.
incredible and exciting because every one of Fort Knox embracing an electronic Greater familiarity is found on the
these soldiers gave up what was expected of approach that would not be out of album’s final song, Dead in the Water,
them to follow a common dream of answering place on the likes of a Chemical which slots seamlessly into Gallagher’s
the call alongside their countrymen. Brothers record. repertoire of acoustic masterpieces.
Sgt Helen Asquith, AGC (SPS) Lead single Holy Mountain proved Change isn’t always seen as a
divisive when it first aired, with some good thing but here it has delivered
even drawing unfair comparisons to spectacular results. Who Built the
Want to join our review team? Ricky Martin in his heyday. But this
is much better than anything ever
Moon? is an outstanding record
that serves to underline the artist’s
Email delivered by the long-forgotten Puerto reputation as one of the greatest
Rican pop prince. songwriters of his generation. ■
It is a track full of joy and optimism
– which are rare commodities in the REVIEW: RICHARD LONG, SOLDIER
Songs of Experience
by U2
No One Ever Really Dies
HAVING ventured down the mainstream path The battle for Bosnian bullion
during the more recent offerings in his solo career,
producer, rapper, singer and all-round music mogul SOME of Hollywood’s finest minds
Pharrell Williams has returned to his early roots with the resurrection of have come together to give the all-
funk-rock collective NERD. The move proves to be a wise one as it allows American action thriller treatment to town’s folk can use it to rebuild their
the artist to successfully explore political and hard-hitting themes, rather the less well-charted subject matter of lives after the war.
than penning infuriating soundtracks to animated films. As with the band’s the Bosnian war. To succeed they must evade a
previous albums, there is a wealth of guest collaborators – including Written by Luc Besson, (Taken, ruthless enemy, overcome seemingly
Rihanna and Kendrick Lamar – and the sheer variety of musical genres The Transporter, Taxi) and Richard insurmountable odds and blag all the
and subject matter make this a reunion to welcome. Wenk (The Equaliser, Jack Reacher, kit required for an almost impossible
Becky Clark, Soldier The Expendables), Renegades sees their underwater heist.
talents focus on a conflict that has yet There are some hilarious cameos by
to see much mainstream coverage from British Special Forces characters, who
Greatest Hits: God’s Favorite Band the big screen. play a supporting role in the action.
by Green Day And by applying a formula that has Complete with bogus accents and fake
proven quite successful in the past they moustaches, they somehow seem to
THIS is the second "best-of" collection to be served have done a decent job. come off second best every time they
up by the USA’s premier punk-rock outfit. The first The big CGI chase scenes, high body encounter this particular US outfit.
came in 2001, prior to the group’s diluted second counts, classic one-liners and good old The film is packed with explosive
coming that spawned ubiquitous and tedious hits such as American Idiot Uncle Sam dishing out freedom by the fight scenes, ranging from a tank chase
and Boulevard of Broken Dreams. It is no surprise to see this era well lorry-load will have you on your feet around downtown Sarajevo to some
represented here but the real highlight comes from the inclusion of ten shouting "Murica". expert underwater knife action.
tracks from Green Day’s frenetic 90s pomp, including Basket Case and The story centres around a haul of And if you’ve ever wondered who
When I Come Around. These songs serve as reminder to a triumphant past stolen Nazi gold that is rumoured to be would win in a dogfight between a light
and come as a marked contrast to the bland stadium anthems delivered in hidden at the bottom of a Bosnian lake. reconnaissance helicopter
recent times. A team of Navy Seals are persuaded and a fighter jet, Renegades
Cliff Caswell, Soldier to help recover the treasure so that the has the answer.
Out now
Out now
24 Issues ..................£40
12 Issues ..................£47
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S administrators of un elie a le and it is a out e always elie ed that if
England s top flight knowing how to address issues you get children to play a team
game, remiership like that. sport it pro ides them with the
ug y ha e ecome keen “For us it is a great way of grounding of how to e a decent
in estors in community learning how to coach in a human eing.
pro ects that see rug y union ci ilian setting. e are used And the core alues of rug y
flourish at grass roots le el. to coaching military men and and the Army help articulate
ecent success stories women ut this is something what it is to e a good citi en.
include the pro ision of mixed completely different. rogramme coordinator
a ility rug y sessions for those hile attitude pro lems Simon opkins Signals,
with disa ilities or mental and some choice language pictured centre , a former Army
health issues as well as an are among the hurdles to player, is another coach linked
initiati e to ring the sport to o ercome in the South there are to asps.
schoolchildren in low socio other challenges in the est As well as eing in ol ed in
economic areas. Midlands, where a strong Army the community pro ects he is
And the Army has een contingent has formed close part of the clu s de eloping
playing its part. onds with o entry ased player programme, where he
orking with orcester, clu asps. deli ers leadership training to
asps and arle uins, Ser ice he youngsters they work "IT IS potential stars of the future.
coaches ha e een keen to with often hail from a lack, hile we are trying to grow
test themsel es in a different Asian or minority ethnic ABOUT the sport of rug y, the thing for
en ironment, where the AME ackground, where us is that we are de eloping as
challenges ha e come thick rug y is an unfamiliar pursuit. HOW YOU coaches, he said.
and fast. At the schools work in t is a out how you talk to
SSgt Adrian Cubbin per cent of children are AME, TALK TO players and what you can do to
A S S , pictured near explained t ol ason ennedy make rug y more en oya le.
left is the sole military Signals, pictured far left , one PLAYERS" here ha e een challenges
representati e associated with of those ased in the region. along the way ut that only
arle uins, where he ser ed here are a num er of issues makes us etter.
as a community coach after when it comes to coaching E ery unit has a role to
returning to the from a year olds ut when you play in terms of community
posting in ermany. throw in a sport that is pretty engagement and this feeds
e are engaged with schools much alien to them it ecomes nicely into that. he regional
ased inside the M , the a difficult challenge and one command is also on oard.
senior , who won an S that am not used to. a ing Army randing
coaching award in for his ennedy, who is also director on our kit is a great thing.
efforts in creating the ielefeld of Army academy rug y, got e are em racing sport and
ulldogs youth team, told in ol ed after eing posted to coaching ut are soldiers as
SoldierSport. irmingham and sees coaching well. t shows people what
n ulham ha e to coach as a logical step after finishing opportunities are a aila le in
rug y to oys who are his playing career. the military.
predominantly footballers and e said his is the next he programme is due to
not really interested in the est thing. t is a out gi ing expand in the coming months
sport. hat is a challenge. something to young children in as asps create closer links
ut coaching girls is much and around the city. with the Muslim community,
simpler. hey want to learn and e e een teaching rug y and the soldiers will e
that makes things a lot easier in PE lessons and a number in ol ed once more. ■
whereas adolescent oys, who of schools are now playing
do not necessarily want to e fixtures on the ack of that. he
there, can e tough. kids who are really interested
he language you hear are forming the teams. t is all
from some year olds is related to fun.
FISHING is a sport in good health,
with more than 1,500 soldiers
signed up as members of the
Army Angling Federation (AAF).
Carp is one of the disciplines
“To have
in the the AAF
past,” opportunity
secretary to Maj
referee ITH the new carp some big lakes before but this
at an
Gus event like(AGC
Brindle this was extremely
(SPS)) told fishing season was phenomenal.
humbling,” . “They join the
the Serviceman said.Army looming on the "We were going in blind as I
“Ibut are notI had
thought necessarily
seen a lotinterested
in my 17 horizon the Service's anglers don't think anyone has fished
in football,
years of service rugby
but toorlisten
cricket toand
some of are being urged to cast their for carp there before, so it was a
thethey want
stories and something
meet people else.who have lines and boost numbers within really good test."
“We alsomore
been through have thanpeople whoofare
most us the ranks. The Infantry, like many corps,
comprehendatwas theatvery
heart- Early matches are planned for are keen to recruit newcomers
level of our sport, so there is a this month and soldiers will be to the fold and with around
really good mix. vying for places on corps teams ten matches already planned
“The AAF has deals in place ahead of major competitions for the year ahead there will
with various companies who offer later in the year. be plenty of opportunities for
good discounts on tackle and we Among those looking to soldiers to get involved.
can support anyone who wants to impress will be anglers from From there, the best anglers
get involved in angling through "I'M SURE the Infantry, who have to will go on to compete at the
our regional structure.” balance work commitments Inter-Corps Championships.
For more information on the THERE and deployments with their Preston added: "We have
different disciplines within the sporting ambitions. got around 40 members but
Army Angling Federation visit ARE A Team member Gdsm Marc don't always see them due to Preston (Coldm Gds) is one of deployments. Sometimes it can
LOT OF those returning to the water just be ten at a time.
and is hoping to build on a "Our captain has just been
TROOPS uni ue opportunity to fish at posted to Estonia so he may not
CAPT Gemma Rowland (RA) Virginia Water, in the Windsor get selected. We'd like to get
has been named as the new OUT Great Park, at the end of the more people interested so we
skipper of the Army women’s 2017 campaign. can create greater depth.
rugby union team. THERE "It is a 170-acre site that is "I'm sure there are a lot of
Fellow international player Sgt normally closed to the public," personnel out there who fish
Bianca Dawson (AGC (RMP)) will be the WHO he told SoldierSport. but do not necessarily realise
side’s vice-captain. "But through the Army we got that there are teams they can
“They will make a formidable FISH" the chance to fish there. t was get involved with. We want
leadership team,” explained head coach a massi e lake ha e fished them to come forward." ■
THE Grenadier Guards were the
big winners at the Household
i ision oxing competition finals
as they emerged victorious from
three of the six bouts contested on
an energy-charged night.
Gdsm Daniel Barham (pictured
above left) secured the honours in
heavyweight, CSgt Wayne Sampat TWO-WEEK tour of the "A lot of the girls had never
(IG) at light middleweight and Gulf States has given been to the Middle East before so
Gdsm Quin Eccles (Coldm Gds) at the Army women the to go there and play football was
light welterweight. perfect springboard from which a great opportunity.
Campbell's win also helped the to launch their bid to regain "Actually, that is what we join
Welsh Guards – who performed football's Inter-Services trophy. the Army for."
strongly in the tournament's The defence engagement trip As well as performing on the
earlier rounds – to the team title. featured visits to Kuwait, Qatar, pitch the players were involved
The event was resurrected after Bahrain and the United Arab in organising coaching sessions
an absence of more than 50 years Emirates (UAE) and, with the at English-speaking schools and
in 2016 and organiser Maj Milton "THAT soldiers boasting a 100 per cent local clubs, where their efforts
Butler (IG) was pleased to see the record from four matches played, were met with enthusiasm.
boxers building on the success of IS WHAT the squad appears to be in good "It was really well received
last season. health ahead of the challenges and we were surprised by how
he officer added his WE JOIN to come. much they already do in terms of
competition proved that we have Goals from WO1 Krissy Wright football," Askins added.
put together a very credible and THE and Cpl Libby Dixon (both AGC) "Women's sport is growing out
formidable Household Division steered the Reds to a 2-1 win there and this was a massive
team that can go out and take on ARMY over the Bahrain national team, opportunity for us in terms of
the wider Army.” while a hat-trick from LCpl defence engagement; it was a
FOR" Jemma Dinning (REME) was the chance to really push football in
highlight of a 4-0 victory against those countries."
the UAE. On their return to the UK the
"Being away for two weeks was players took part in the annual
really good for team cohesion," trials week, which featured
defender Capt Emma Askins matches with Portsmouth and
(REME) told SoldierSport. Millwall Lionesses.
"It proved to be a great bonding Their competitive campaign
experience for the players. then started with a 3-2 loss
"In many ways it was like to Middlesex in the Southern
pre-season training – we were Counties Cup – despite a brace
straight in at the deep end. from Dixon. ■
OXING star LCpl Natty Ngwenya
(Gren Gds) continued his rapid
rise in the heavyweight ranks
with a deserved victory at the GB
hampionships in Sheffield.
he win capped a terrific year for the
soldier, who also triumphed in the same
Winchester awaits competition in May and was runner-
up at the English Amateur Boxing
THE Service’s top squash players Association Championships.
return to the court this month for the His latest success was secured on a
annual Army Championships. split decision against Team GB member
Staged in Winchester, the three-day Lewis Williams and has earned the
tournament comes hot on the heels of fighter a three day talent assessment
a successful showing at the UK Armed with the celebrated set-up.
Forces Individual Championships, “To be a two-time GB champion in the
where the soldiers won three of the four same year is phenomenal,” Ngwenya,
trophies on offer. who was nominated for sportsman of
he men s open final pro ed to e the year at the last Army Sports Awards,
an all-Army affair with defending said afterwards.
champion Capt Sam Miller (RA) “I’m thankful and grateful for the
defeating WO2 Lenny Westover all the support I’ve received from my
(REME) 3-0. It was the same story in friends, family and within the Army
the women s final, where apt osie boxing team.”
Hamilton (RE) triumphed over Capt he Ser ice had three other fighters
Michelle Higgins (AMS). Maj Rich Green on the bill and all performed strongly
(AAC) won the masters competition. despite missing out on top honours.
England’s Louis Lynn defeated
LCpl Kyle Morrision (RLC) in the 56kg
division, while LCpl Megan Reid (RLC)
suffered a contentious loss to Team GB’s
Claudia Havranek on a split decision.
Cpl Steph Wroe (REME) was beaten by
Picture: Andy Johnson
Lauren Price. ■
Loggies lead the way
ATHLETES from the Royal Logistic
Corps excelled in the wintry conditions WITH
of Penn Woods to retain their Inter-
Corps orienteering crown. THEIR
The loggies posted a collective
time of 9hr 20min 21sec to win the HEARTS
men s long class finishing almost
minutes clear of the Royal Engineers in ON THEIR
second place.
It was a similar story in the women’s SLEEVES" ARMY wing LCpl Semesa Rokoduguni (Scots DG) will be looking to
competition, where the Royal Signals start the new year in style in a bid to force his way into the England
successfully defended their title from squad for next month’s Six Nations.
the 2016 season. he ath ier was reca ed to the s uad or the recent autu n
However, there were new champions internationals and came off the bench to score tries in victories over
in both the men’s short class and Argentina and Samoa.
under-25 events, which were won by The soldier made his England debut against New Zealand in 2014
the Royal Artillery and Army Medical (pictured) and has now scored four tries in four appearances.
Services respectively.
a uary’s key fixtures...
WHAT: Army
winter sports
January 13-25
WHERE: France
Pipedown, Telemark Titan and Spartan THE SECOND
Hike all taking place ahead of the main HALF
Army Championships
OINTS difference proved
to be the deciding factor
as the Army’s next
generation of rugby stars saw
Gnr Jake Richards (RA)
collected a kick over the
top and the wing passed
the ball inside for Sig John
their title hopes dashed in the Davetanivalu (R Signals) to
WHAT: Woolwich Cup football DETAIL
TRIES final match of this season s run in under the posts.
SCORED BY Inter-Services showdown. Another Navy penalty
semi finals
WHEN: January 15 THE REDS IN A 19-13 victory over the stretched the lead to 13-7 but
WHERE: Venues TBC, for more details TWO INTER- Royal Air Force gave the with Fus Aaron James (Inf)
visit Reds the perfect start to touching down in the corner
NEED TO KNOW: The corps cup their campaign but with the soon afterwards the soldiers
competition heads towards its climax as GAMES Royal Navy thrashing the remained in contention.
the Infantry take on the AGC in one semi- same opposition 43-7 they A fourth kick from the tee
final, while the oyal Engineers attle the DETAIL needed to down the defending looked to have sealed the
champions in Portsmouth a contest for the hosts until a
Royal Signals in the other
week later to claim the prize. moment of magic from LCpl
However, a keenly fought Lloyd Wheeldon (Para) turned
WHAT: contest ended in a 19-19 draw the match on its head.
Cambridge Uni v – meaning the soldiers’ wait The scrum half gathered
Army rugby union WINS for silverware continues. quick ball at the back of the
WHEN: January The visitors were up against scrum and kicked downfield,
17 (1915 kick off) it from the first whistle as the where he sprinted past the
WHERE: Grange MATCHES Senior Service went about final defender to touch down.
Road, Cambridge
their business in style.
Two penalties and a
con erted first half try set
James then kicked the extras
to tie the game at 19-19.
"We're devastated," Army
long road towards them on the way to what skipper Spr Marcus Mercer
Twickenham appeared to be a comfortable (RE) said. "Our lads played
starts here for the Army senior side win efore the Army finally really well with their hearts
as they get their 2018 campaign under sprang to life with their first on their sleeves and I'm proud
way in what has traditionally been a attacking move of the match. to lead them out." ■
challenging match against the students
locked horns with international was phenomenal; it was a special an opponent with ust fi e fights
opposition at ITC Catterick. night with a great crowd. to her name.
he fi e time om ined “I came through my training But the Reds were able to
Services champion outclassed here six and a half years ago so call upon the experienced LCpl
rival Hosea Stewart to score a to return to Catterick to defend
FINLAND Shamim Khan (RLC) in the next
unanimous verdict and delight my title and then vacate the belt contest and the bantamweight
a passionate home crowd at is a massive honour. ace oo ed class and confidence
the end of a series of bruising “I was the smaller man out in his win over Wael al Khaghani.
encounters with fighters from there but that is the case with The soldier’s rapid footwork
England and Finland. most super heavyweights I face. and sharp reactions made him
Victory represented a third I have quick feet and hands and a difficult target to hit and with
straight triumph in the format can take a punch, which seems a sound defensive platform in
and Nihell immediately vacated to work for me.” place he was able to pick off al
the title to allow other boxers to The evening also saw Army Khaghani at will.
vie for the crown in the future. fighters em ark on a re enge “He came here to box,” Khan
The result underlined the mission against the Finnish told SoldierSport. “He’s a strong
soldier’s status as the one of the national team ha ing lost to boy and the Finnish number one
country’s premier contenders the same opposition earlier in and when he landed his punches
in the super heavyweight ranks the season. they were hard shots.
and his combination of quick Their latest attempt began “I kept it long on purpose and
footwork and accurate punches in disappointing style as like to hit and move; it’s about
– particularly with the left – development squad boxer LCpl boxing without being hit. I really
“I was up against it; he’s a
Finland champion who has done
well over the past few years so I
knew I had to perform and do as
I was told by the coaches to get
the o done, a relie ed ees
Davies said afterwards.
While the split decision edged ENGLISH
in the Army’s favour there was TITLE BELT
no such luck in the following VICTORIES
bout as Gdsm Josh Plummer
(Coldm Gds) succumbed to
Muhammad Abdilrasoon. CHEZ NIHELL
The soldier was up against (PWRR)
champion and his rival
underlined his pedigree with a
controlled performance that saw
the head to head record etween
the two teams end .
Elsewhere on the ill, nr or
Ellis Willets (RA) lost an English HE drawn match with “Instead of relying on
title belt eliminator to Natalia Finland proved to be one walko ers we e had to fight
Rok and Mne Jack Stringer (RM) BY ARMY of SSgt Jason Browring’s hard to win the Combined
was named fighter of the night FIGHTERS A final shows as head Services over the past
following an impressive victory IN MATCHES coach of the Army's all four years. We have been
over Santeri Laine. AGAINST conquering boxing team. challenged in that time but
Finland claimed two further Having initially served as there has been a lot of success.
wins as io ron e medallist part of the support staff the “At the beginning my
Mira Potkonen outgunned THIS YEAR senior NCO landed the top aim was to create a more
England’s Paige Murney and o at the start of the structured approach where
Elina Gustafsson triumphed over season but has stepped down people knew what they were
Hannah Shield. ■ from the role as he prepares to doing and when.
leave the Armed Forces later “It was about making
this year. things more Army orientated
During his time at the so those in the outside
helm Browring has guided world would look at us as a
NATIONAL the fighters to four om ined professional set up.
Services titles while helping “We are now boxing at a
TITLES a num er of athletes fulfill really high level. Winning
WON BY their ambitions at the upper international vests and
FINLAND'S echelons of the amateur game. national titles proves that and
OLYMPIC In the past year alone the people are impressed by us.
BRONZE team has won two Great “I always wanted to get to
Britain elite titles, two a point where I could hand it
MEDALLIST England elite titles and two over to the next guy and he
MIRA Welsh elite titles. can carry on the good work.
POTKONEN “We have managed to turn Hopefully that will happen.”
no ice oxers into full Former Army boxer Cpl
internationals during that James Allen (REME) is due
time,” Browring, the reigning to take over, with further
Army sports official of the appointments to be made in
year, told SoldierSport. the coming months. ■
DATE: December 6-7, 2017
Swimming and Water Polo
hampionship finals
VENUE: Aldershot Garrison
Sports Centre
The women's showpiece ECORDS tumbled in the Kirstie Forbes winning both the
saw the Army Medical Ser ices
triumph o er the .
INTER-CORPS pool as the Army's top 100-metre freestyle and 50-metre
And the medics completed SWIMMING swimming talent returned
to action at the annual Inter-
eterans' freestyle.
It was a similar story in
a hat-trick of titles on the day
as they reigned supreme in CHAMPIONSHIPS Corps Championships. the men's competition as the
swimming's relay competition, A total of fi e competition Infantry retained their corps
with the Infantry winning the MEN best times were set during an crown in style.
men's e ent.
inspired afternoon of action, LCpl Luke Conder led the
with LCpl Cat Green (Int Corps) charge with ictories in the
CORPS COMMENTS: the standout performer.
The athlete started a hectic
50-metre and 400-metre
freestyle – his second win
WOMEN day by winning the women's coming in a record time of 4min
"YOU DO metre utterfly in a record 31.41sec. Teammate Capt Marcus
Shake it off
I swi or
an hour on
a re ular
basis at Soldier asked troops from 1st
my local Battalion, The Mercian Regiment
how they kick-start their workout
On leave I usually
do around seven after the holiday season
which hours a week,
mixing swimming,
an wa and
I eep that
ti in o er
on leave
Interviews: Steven Muncey and Becky Clark
British troops lay generation
snowflake to rest in Estonia
26 A life less troubled
The changing face of Northern Ireland
30 Cold spell
Troops weather winter in Estonia
34 Combat kings
Guards adopt close-quarter drills
38 Warrior evolution
Vehicle upgrade readied for trials
42 A grape move
NCO plots career in wine trade
7 The Informer
Top stories from across the Service
20 Need to Know
Essential tips for today’s personnel
47 Talkback
Ruminations from the ranks
53 Bullet Points
Troops’ intelligence assets
60 Reviews
Kit, books, movies, music and games to
fill your downtime
82 Final Word
Troops reveal what winds them up
70 Archery
Service set-up searches for new blood
loving life
76 Commonwealth Games
Athletes geared for the Gold Coast
78 Rugby union
Reds put students to the sword
81 Motorsport
Wounded veterans take to the track
Cold spell – page 30
Gen Sir Nicholas Carter’s words
on future warfare certainly bear this
out too. It will be interesting to see
how changes to military equipment
– such as those outlined on pages 11
and 38 – keep pace with the times.
In the meantime, if you have any
questions or comments on the day
job then contact us using the details
on page 7.
We are part of Army Media and
Communication so you do not need
permission to get in touch.
Enjoy the issue.
DIGITAL versions of current and past
editions are available on the Army website
at Just click on
the “read it now” tab.
IF you’re not in the Army you can buy Soldier
from your high street magazine retailer or
directly from us at subs@soldiermagazine. (£23 for 12 issues in the UK).
Sports Editor Richard Long
01252 787098 (94222 7098)
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Assistant Editor Cliff Caswell
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Art Editor Tudor Morgan
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Designer Maddie Marchment
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British Army personnel celebrate Antarctic success stories Advertising Heather Shekyls
01252 787106 (94222 7106)
RMY adventurers are marking
a double victory after the Ice Subscriptions
Maidens became the first all- 01252 787107 (94222 7107)
female team to cross Antarctica on
foot and a 27-year-old officer became Managing Editor Steven Muncey
the youngest person to reach the 01252 787095 (94222 7095)
South Pole alone.
After 61 days on ice – pulling
80kg sledges up to 43km a day – the
six Servicewomen (shown above
and right) crossed the finish line at
Hercules Inlet on January 20. A lifelong
dream was
Expedition leader Maj Nics Wetherill
(RAMC) said she was “incredibly your own is there’s no one to double-
proud” of the achievement. check your decisions but I had a set
She added: “The journey has had
good times, bad times and great times
for all concerned and each experience
plan and I didn’t deviate from it.”
The officer encountered a major
setback when he ran out of food two
realised SOLDIER – Magazine of the British Army
Ordnance Barracks, Government Road,
has made us better people.” kilometres from the end. Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 2DU.
Team member LSgt Sophie However, good weather meant he All enquiries: 01252 787107 (94222 7107)
Montagne (HAC) said there had been was able to finish without problems. Fax: 01252 787110 (94222 7110)
“a flood of tears” as the mission – set The officer later discovered that a Email:
up to inspire females of all ages – camera bag – containing 12 SD cards
reached its conclusion. filled with images and GoPro footage SOLDIER is published by the Ministry of Defence
Reflecting on the team’s stop at from the trip – had been lost in transit and printed by Wyndeham (Roche) Ltd.
the South Pole back in December, she on his return to the UK. Print contract managed by CDS.
added: “As we stepped forward and Anyone with information about © CROWN COPYRIGHT 2018
touched the famous silver globe, a the whereabouts of the pictures can Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily
lifelong dream was realised.” contact the Soldier editorial team via those of the British Army or the Ministry of Defence.
Lt Scott Sears (RGR, shown far
right) reached the same point on
Christmas Day in a privately-organised
expedition to raise funds for the Twitter: @soldiermagazine
Gurkha Welfare Trust. Instagram: @soldier_magazine
the sort of
He told Soldier he was “very proud” temperature, in
to have completed the expedition. degrees Celsius,
“Doing the trip was the reward for faced by the
two years of planning,” he continued. trekkers
“The main danger when you’re on
TROOPS heading to Northern
Ireland have been reminded that This is a
they must register their intention
to travel to the region with the
Centralised Risk Assessment Cell.
huge step
Further details can be found
on the Northern Ireland Garrison
Awareness Site on DII, where
travellers’ details must be recorded
on a form.
While the process is not
mandatory for civilian MoD staff,
they too are advised to complete
the paperwork.
The site also gives some
basic dos and don’ts for soldiers
travelling to the region. CONQUERORS
– page 7
2. FALKLAND ISLANDS BRITISH Army lawyers will deliver
legal training to soldiers in the
IRISH GUARDS Darfur region of Sudan for the first
time this month.
The law of armed conflict
MEMBERS of 1st package is already run regularly
Battalion, Irish
Guards have
in the country’s capital, Khartoum,
but the lessons have never been 4. GERMANY
been preparing
to return home
taken to the heart of this troubled
area before. NATO OUTING
following a “This is a huge step forward SOLDIERS from 1st Battalion, The
four-month for the Sudanese, a major boost Princess of Wales’s Royal Regiment
deployment as the Roulement Infantry Company. for UK defence engagement and have been honing their skills in
The soldiers – from Number 1 Company – embarked on a busy a really interesting opportunity southern Germany alongside
programme during their tenure. for the Army lawyers,” said Lt Col thousands of other Nato troops.
Battalion spokesman WO2 Kyle Reains said: “They have been Lee Saunders (REME), Britain’s Exercise Allied Spirit was
developing their core infantry skills. Their schedule has included defence attache in the country. coming to an end as this issue
live firing and getting out patrolling – but they have also had a Sudan has long been beset by went to press.
chance to do some tourism activities too.” conflict, with civil war between Designed to improve the
Elsewhere, Number 2 Company have been on Exercise Panther the north and south costing more way troops work together on
Gold in Thailand, where they embarked on a jungle exercise with than a million lives and conflict the battlefield, it saw the Brits
the Royal Thai Army. in western Darfur displacing and (pictured above in 2017) take on
killing and even greater number. the role of lead armoured infantry.
Instagram: @soldier_magazine
HELPING to achieve a milestone
in Iraq’s history should be a
source of pride for members
of the 2 Rifles battlegroup,
their CO has said.
Speaking after the
battalion’s return home to
Northern Ireland from Op
5. ESTONIA Shader, Lt Col Neil Bellamy
described the clearance of
SAAREMAA SLOGGERS TO ENTER RECORD BOOKS Daesh fighters around Mosul as a
pivotal moment.
PERSONNEL on Operation Cabrit in Estonia (page 30) are gearing It was also a reflection of the
up for a record-breaking crossing of Europe’s longest ice bridge hard work troops put into training
later this month. the Iraqi Security Forces during the
Exercise Alphas Iceman will see A Company, 1st Battalion, The US-led mission, he added.
Royal Welsh and Estonian reservists attempt to traverse 26km “Having a pitch-side seat at
of frozen sea between the mainland and the island of Saaremaa
(shown below) on foot, ski and snow shoe. 6. KOSOVO the moment Daesh was declared
defeated was extraordinary and
If successful, they will be the first group to have completed the
route using human power alone. ONE YEAR MORE represented the high point of a
great tour,” Lt Col Bellamy said.
Elsewhere some 300 personnel from the 1 Royal Welsh THE deployment of around 30 “Many of the soldiers were
battlegroup (shown inset) and the Estonian Scouts Battalion will British Army personnel – including experiencing operations for the
take part in an 11-day winter training package at Soodla in the Reservists – to Nato’s Kosovo first time and had the opportunity
north east of the Baltic nation. Force has been extended by to work with other countries in a
another year. true multinational environment.”
The mission began as a The 2 Rifles personnel were
peacekeeping operation back in deployed to Al Asad airbase,
the late 1990s. Anbar Province, where they were
It has now evolved into a body also responsible for protecting a
of around 4,000 troops to provide coalition force of around 4,000.
stability in the region and training They have now been succeeded
for the Kosovo Security Force. by colleagues from The Royal
HE first sets of improved laser-based tactical vest that interfered with webbing and other load device sits on
engagement simulation (TES) systems have carrying equipment,” Maj Marcus Myles (PWRR), the wrist
been made available to the Field Army. project manager for collective training simulation
Designed to be more compatible with Virtus at Field Army Training Branch, told Soldier .
body armour and helmets, the new equipment “The new vest is much slimmer and lighter than
(shown below) retains the audio and visual it was and has done away with shoulder detectors
feedback of the previous version but now includes around the bicep. Head gear detects
a sensory response device as well. “This allows a greater freedom of movement, hits from 360
Worn on the wrist, it silently vibrates to alert the makes it easier to fit around webbing and body degrees and even
wearer of hits, near misses or injury and provide armour and reduces total weight.” from above
timings for simulated medical treatment. Another benefit of the updated system is that
“We used the new wrist sensor on our CT1 it offers an improved level of interoperability with
and CT2 training exercises and it proved to be partner nations – including the US Army in Europe.
really beneficial during casualty serials when first It is also set to be used by British troops training
responders gave first aid to those ‘wounded’ by with Polish and Estonian personnel as part of the The kit also
the TES kit,” said Sgt Paul Cook (Scots). enhanced forward presence (page 30). fits better
Thanks to the new head detector band, it Units that want to use the latest version of TES around
can now also identify simulated shots from 360 can find information about the bidding process on webbing
degrees as well as those fired from above. the Army Knowledge Exchange, accessible through
“Previous users will remember the cumbersome both Defence Gateway and DII.
n RESERVISTS are being asked to express
views on Service life as part of the latest
Army Reserve continuous attitude survey.
The document was sent to around
11,000 soldiers last month and the results
will be used to shape future policy.
Those selected to take part should return
the survey by March 19 and an online
version is available at
It’s much
equipment, better interoperability and an
effective cyberspace force all required.
He said the possibility of retaining
collection includes drop earrings, a
pendant necklace and charm bracelet
featuring the iconic red flowers set in a
silver heart design.
The items are available to buy at www.
FORCES with all proceeds from sales
going directly to the Service charity.
kilos of mail EADLINES revealing parts of the “No decisions have been taken and
were dispatched British Army that could be cut any talk of an outcome is speculation.”
last year. back as part of another security An update to 2015's Strategic
review are “pure speculation”, the
Ministry of Defence has said.
Defence and Security Review is due to
be published later this year.
n TROOPS are invited to apply to join one means that
Last month various newspapers It will look at all aspects of the UK's
of the new specialised infantry battalions. users are
sending claimed that efforts to try and balance security capability.
The eligibility criteria is aimed mainly the UK defence budget included Speaking about the project in
at personnel in Infantry units, so soldiers fewer
should consult their career management letters... plans to reduce the Armed Forces by Parliament last November, Defence
officer before inquiring. another 14,000 troops and combine Secretary Gavin Williamson said:
An initial sift will be followed by an units of The Parachute Regiment and "When you see our Armed Forces
intense two-week assessment cadre. the Royal Marines. and everything they do, and the
The first one starts on March 5, with But a statement from the commitment with which they give
two others planned for October 2018 and department said: “A whole range of themselves to it, you cannot be
May 2019. options have been discussed as part anything other than awed by it.
Read 2018DIN07-16 for details. ...but the growth of the cross-government review on "I will do everything I can to deliver
of online shopping
means more parcels
how to best to protect our country. for them."
existing Fulham
site to Chelsea The event, at the Army’s Land
Football Club. was the strangest Warfare Centre, provided an insight
If the deal prohibited item into how Lockheed Martin’s Joint
goes ahead it will someone tried to send Asset Management and Engineering
help fund a variety via BFPO during 2017. Solutions (James) can help to keep
of services including equipment in shape.
bespoke transition advice
James allows users from across all
for those leaving the Armed Forces and
outreach programmes in the community. Services to check information such as
It will also see state-of-the-art social status and availability of kit anywhere
housing and communal facilities built for in the world – including vehicle
Users of James
residents at the Fulham Road base (see mileage and ammunition fired.
artist's impression above).
exhibition since it was
refurbished last year.
Special Forces – Out
of the Shadows looks
at the skills required
of troops in these
units as well as some
historic operations.
A number of exhibits
and interactive
activities also feature.
for more details.
Money raised:
What would they have done?
On the pull £1,000
For: Mountain rescue A
RMY education officers found
themselves facing the same
dilemmas as historic military
University, said it allowed personnel
to consider their actions in unfamiliar
A BIG-hearted NCO has charities figures when they embarked on a new He told Soldier: “It encourages
been on the pull for good kind of workshop. them to be decisive and to test each
causes in a wacky take on the Three Historian Alexander Falbo other’s ideas.
Peaks Challenge. Cpl Ben Turner took the troops from the “One of the measures of
(Int Corps) climbed the combined
11,182ft height of the tallest It changed Adjutant General's
Corps (Educational
success is when they are
still arguing with each
the way I
mountains in Britain – Snowdon, and Training Services) other afterwards outside
Scarfell Pike and Ben Nevis – on a through the so-called the lecture theatre."
20ft rope. He completed the mission
read history
case method project The expert added that
at an indoor ice climbing centre, in on a recent visit to the scenarios had to be
Scotland, in 11hr 43min. Strensell Barracks in York. completely accurate, with
The technique, which sound research carried out.
has already proven successful The project can be changed
with American soldiers, takes a to suit different settings, from an
historical situation and puts students informal conversation to large-scale
in the lead characters’ roles at critical events, and at the end participants are
s to
Home the Natio
b n
Renov uilding and al
Picture: Freepik
in the UK who
UESTIONS are being raised over opt out. (Ryan) Terry are all the names of
could benefit
why young people brought up She told Soldier: “They may not see from support
high-profile bodybuilders.
in military households are less it as value for money or might just This month we have
from the Officers’ teamed up with the National
likely to go to university than their want to go out to work. Association
civilian counterparts. “But one figure from our survey Homebuilding and Renovating
Show (www.homebuildingshow.
Research by the University of shows 78 per cent of parents would to offer five
Winchester has found that 40 per cent like their children to go to university, so
fewer Forces students whose grades we need to find out what's going on.” of these, some readers a pair of tickets to the
event at the NEC Birmingham
make them eligible take this route. Ed Harris, senior education officer on March 22-25.
This is despite figures suggesting at the Upavon-based Directorate of With around 500
most parents want their children to go Children and Young People, agreed the exhibitors, free seminars and
on studying. reasons were unclear. masterclasses, this roadshow
The Office for Fair Access now He added that universities currently is a must for anyone looking to
recognises those from Service families spend just over a quarter of their are thought to improve their home this year.
as an under-represented group. budgets supporting under-represented have long-term Experts are on-hand to offer
illnesses advice about everything from
Meanwhile, the Army Families groups so candidates should flag up security systems to ways of
Federation (AFF) has conducted its their military backgrounds in their funding new projects.
own survey into why so many decide personal statements. To be in with a chance of
against university, the results of which "Students can speak about the high If you or someone
scooping a pair of day passes,
you know needs
are due shortly. level skills they have had to develop help visit www.
tell us what links the words on
AFF spokeswoman Lucy Scott said to thrive in any context or location the side of this issue. Send your
concerns of running up debts could while adapting to a broad range of answers to the usual address or
be among the reasons why students situations," he said.
by February 28.
captured by photographer Rory
Lewis as part of his Soldiery
project. The senior NCO was
one of nearly 280 personnel n A WEBSITE has been launched for
from the Service who personnel leaving the Forces in the
appeared in front of his lens. Liverpool area.
A selection of the pictures are The city council set up the initiative to
being shown in an exhibition help members of the military community
at London's National Army find information on accommodation and
Museum, which is running until jobs, as well as on other local services.
February 7. For more information log on to
A personal view from
Sara Baade, Chief
Executive of the Army
Families Federation...
HEN we quizzed
Picture: Bdr Murray Kerr, RA
‘Come back...’
benefit. And our research also
revealed a general lack of
awareness of the measures in
place to support Service families,
such as the schools admissions
code or help with healthcare
waiting lists.
AFF’s focus for 2018 will
therefore be ensuring that
troops and their loved ones
have more information on what
is available to them.
We’ll be exploring one
With budgets issue per month, hearing what
families have to say and giving
squeezed them the chance to approach us
with specific queries.
Ex-soldiers offered £10,000 to fill specialist trades surely this is The project will cover things
like employment, housing,
ORMER Regulars who fancy more flexibility was needed in the way allowances, and I strongly
trading civvy street for a life back troops are retained and the bounty encourage everyone to engage.
in uniform are being offered an could offer significant savings. With major housing changes
attractive reason to do so – with a cash He added: “The rationale is that it on the horizon, it has never
windfall of thousands of pounds. is far cheaper to bring experienced been more important for us to
Troops from a range of trades can soldiers back on-board than to recruit Clothing kerfuffle be able to find help. And part
claim a £10,000 rejoin bounty if they and train people from scratch. of my organisation’s role is to
return as part of an Army initiative to “But I would stress this scheme is an discover whether that help is fit
plug skills gaps in specialist areas. addition to – rather than replacement for purpose.
But personnel must give a minimum for – recruiting. Look out
of two years’ Regular service, while “There are a number of specialist PAGE 49 for more
officers need to commit to three. cohorts and trades that qualify for the updates and
The scheme launches on April 1 and payment. They are undermanned and, make sure
individuals who left before January historically, those who leave tend not you get
3 – including musicians, drivers and to come back.” your voice
armourers – are on the hit list. Maj Smith also said aspirations of heard.
Military chiefs claim rejoiners are of younger people were changing – with
increasing importance and stress the many not choosing a job for life – and
bounty is being offered to those from the Army needed to be flexible to them
trades “that cannot be addressed by leaving and returning in future.
other manning levers”. The rejoin bounty is budgeted for
Maj Alistair Smith (RDG) from the the next two financial years with an
Directorate of Army Manning said assessment expected in 2020.
AFTER almost 40 years of service
the Army’s Lynx helicopter
has taken to the skies for the
final time. With Wildcat now
acting as its replacement the
Army Air Corps embarked on a
farewell tour from RAF Odiham,
flying five of the remaining
assets to significant sites in its
history before culminating in an
impressive air “procession” along
the River Thames.
Picture Cpl Mark Larner, RLC
Eat your way out of injury
XX MAY 2017
IT sounds bizarre, but if you’re not eating enough of the right grub you could be more
likely to get in ured on the attlefield.
t s all down to your muscles or lack of them in some cases . ithout enough energy
they go into what is called a cata olic state . Essentially, this means the muscle
tissue itself starts to get roken down into fuel.
The result is a body more prone to injury, and less able to recover when it does get
knocked a out. ere are a few things you can do to a oid the pro lem. o find out more ■ Worried about your intake
read the efence utrition Ad isory Ser ice personal nutrition guide. of the sugary stuff? Almost all of
us are eating too much. Try these
simple swaps to reduce your risk of
obesity, heart disease and cancer…
Cereal bar Rice cake
The am
ount of
use duri extra en
ng the h ergy
in the e e aling pro your body can
arly stag cess – p
es of in articu
But rem ju ry and if larly
soon aft ember, it is
er, so ad this cha
ju nges
while im s t your inta
mobile ke
to avoid
MAY 2017
2018 XX
e s s
Str head
Give yourself a break,
and try one of these
It won’t make your problems
disappear, but going for a
Is worry taking run is great for clearing your
head. Read Soldier’s January
its toll on you? magazine for hints and tips
on how to get more active.
with people
Tell your mate, partner,
family, padre, doc or welfare
o ficer ho you re eelin .
They are there to help, and
the Army can offer advice.
A it of stress is normal not least in the world of soldiering. And while a it of it can
help to push you through something difficult, too much can take its toll.
Symptoms aren t ust mental, either. eeling worried can gi e you headaches, stop you
sleeping and make you more susceptible to problems like depression, heart disease and
alcohol dependence. i e ba
ere are some of the tell tale signs that it might e time to take action Research shows helping
others builds resilience. You
could try community work
or even smaller things like
Emotionally you may feel... Mentally you may... buying a mate a coffee or
stopping to make small talk.
Irritable or wound-up a e racing thoughts
Overwhelmed orry constantly
Anxious or fearful Find it hard to concentrate
Struggle to make decisions
22 MAY 2017
Insurance intel
Car costs getting you down?
Read on for tips on cutting back Are you invalidating
ith under s paying as much as , a year for insurance, owning your own set of your insurance?
wheels is an expensi e usiness. ere are a few things you can try to make sure it doesn t
take any more of your pay packet than it has to
■ POLICE in West Yorkshire came under
fire last year a ter they sei ed the car o a
driver whose insurance didn’t cover the
commute to work.
Heavy-handed or not, it showed how
Add a
1 2
The more
Keep the
Add a
Insurance companies usually offer
a choice between “social, domestic and
pleasure” – which means no cover to
named auto- you pimp paying car in a voluntary and from work – or “social, domestic and
driver renew your ride, monthly garage or excess pleasure including commuting”.
the more driveway “Some soldiers living adjacent to their
you pay military base ill ha e selected the first
Car Loyalty is This form of If you can type of cover, thinking that a brisk walk or
insurance expensive, payment is This can afford to cycle trip will do the job,” said Frampton.
is all about so note Consider like a high- bring the cough-up “But horrendous weather may make
risk and down your how badly interest loan. cost down £100 or so the journey by car the better option, so
sometimes renewal you want It is cheaper based on in the event commuting cover should still be selected.
you get a date in the those to pay the fact the of a claim, “Often this is available at no extra cost,
better deal diary and spoilers, upfront for vehicle is adding an but you'd be wiser to select it from the
if you add shop around and make the whole probably excess to outset or at renewal as admin charges
someone before sure you tell thing if you safer here your policy can be added if you do it mid-term.”
else to signing up your insurer can afford to than on a makes it As well as commuting (which means
the policy. to the same about any do so. road. cheaper. to one usual place of business), Service
Remember policy again. upgrades personnel visiting more than one
it must be You might otherwise military base need to select the “class
someone be surprised the policy one business use” category. This type
who would by the could end up of cover is also required if you want to
reasonably alternative being made ■ For free and impartial money advice visit claim expenses on the JPA system.
drive the car. deals. invalid. . eya ceser ce. r .uk
MAY 2017
2018 XX
PEOPLE always ask my partner Lisa and I you end up feeling other people's emotions
how we cope. But there’s no other option, we as well.
have to cope. Esme is amazing. Some of the treatments
When Esme was a baby we found out she she has under one ha e been firsts or the
had a heart murmur, which turned out to be UK, and she surprises us at every turn.
severe aortic stenosis. At the moment she is learning to walk
Despite two procedures she developed again. You see the agony on her face when
dilated cardiomyopathy, which means the she is doing physiotherapy, but she doesn’t
left side won't pump blood. give up.
She began to get more poorly, and when Everything I have done in my life, and in
she was connected up to the ECMO [a device the military, has seen me take charge of my
that acts like an artificial lun outside the own destiny.
body] it took me a week to be able to speak. But with this I am completely powerless.
I’ve served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Northern I’m having to put my faith in the doctors, and
Ireland and Kosovo, but nothing equips you at first that asn t easy.
for seeing your daughter lying there like that. I remember shaking one surgeon’s hand,
I started suffering badly with anxiety, and and begging him to bring Esme back to us.
I wish I’d spoken up about how I was feeling You just want to get something into their
sooner because when you do it’s a weight off heads to tell them how different and special
your shoulders. your child is.
Luckily with Lisa and I, when one of us is Unfortunately, we don’t know what’s
down the other is stronger. around the corner for Esme.
I’ve met other families at Great Ormond But this has definitely made us a reciate
Street, and we have seen another little girl life, so when she comes home we are going
with a heart like Esme’s pass away. to live to the full.
It is hard seeing all the poorly children as Sometimes you have one of those days
24 MAY 2017
There are currently
6,472 people awaiting
a transplant in the UK and
last year nearly 500
people died waiting
where the kids want to go to the park but you organ, you have to be willing to give one.
Save a life – speak up can’t be bothered or have other things to do. But in order for Esme to get a heart,
But now we won't put off things like that. another family’s has to give the ultimate gift.
This has taught me to appreciate what you isa finds that ery hard kno in that
Families get the final say on whether their loved have whilst you still do. someone has to go through that.
one’s organs can be donated. If you would like Great Ormond Street has given our I look at it differently – my mind is just on
to help someone like Esme after you die, tell your daughter a chance to make it to transplant, Esme at the moment. But once she’s got a
family. If you don’t, you could leave them guessing and we are so grateful, but we don’t sit there heart of course I will start thinking about the
what you would have wanted or it might come as and expect everything to come to us. donor family.
a surprise that you have registered as a donor and ou ha e to et u and fi ht. So e ha e The help and support I’ve had from the
they may say no. entered a couple of marathons now, and Army through all this has been second-to-
To find out more visit raised quite a bit of money for Esme's none; I couldn’t have asked for any more.
. r a at . different heart hospitals. The messages of support I‘ve received
Getting into this world of organ donations from random people has been amazing.
has been eye-opening. But the pressure is constant: when Esme
In Wales everyone is automatically on the is having a good day so are we, when she’s
organ donor list, and now England is looking having a bad day so are we.
to go the same way. She is at the top of the organ donation list,
But families can overrule this, so it’s but she has been for months now.
important people talk about what they would Every morning I wake up at 0400 thinking,
want to happen. ‘is today the day?’ ■
I believe that if you’re willing to receive an
I was amazed
The aircraft shakes off the turbulence
and banks around as it loses altitude
carrying a mixture of families, tourists and those on business as they
to see such a
prepare for arrival. Belfast is a popular destination for them all; a
cosmopolitan and flourishing city.
But generations of troops have also seen this view; for decades
Report: Cliff Caswell Pictures: Tourism Northern Ireland and Soldier archive
initiatives underpinning the
peace process have continued
to gather pace and now the
violence that defined The
Troubles era has long gone.
There is no evidence of
military infrastructure that
once existed. Some relics
of times past can be seen
on the tourist trails around
the old flashpoint areas,
but you have to look carefully.
Northern Ireland is no longer
the focus of operations – it is
the home of 38 (Irish) Brigade.
Many of those now serving
here are too young to remember
a time any different. But veterans
of Op Banner are struck by the
Left: Operation Banner,
the British Army’s longest
continuous military campaign, Richard Dorney, a former soldier
ran from 1969 to 2007. Main with 1st Battalion, Grenadier Guards, was
picture: An aerial view of astonished when he visited the region
Ballintoy harbour and village, for the first time since the last of his six
County Antrim. Overleaf:
deployments more than 20 years ago.
Members of 2 Rifles train on
Ballykinler beach “It was extraordinary to see normal
bombing campaign carried out by the Provisional IRA on the
UK mainland targeted venues including the Conservative Party
conference at Brighton’s Grand Hotel and Downing Street as S coaches full of returning soldiers continue to
well as the Harrods department store in London. arrive through the gates of Thiepval Barracks
“Every day, every week there was violence – if there had been in Lisburn there is satisfaction among
a threat level in times past then it would have probably been at commanders of a job well done.
critical much of the time,” Oppenheimer emphasised. Having completed a six-month tour of
“Bombs were indiscriminate and killed and injured innocent Iraq – where they have been providing force
people while places were perpetually being evacuated for fear of protection and training the Middle Eastern
terrorist attack. country’s security forces battling Daesh – troops from 2nd
“There were new devices all the time and ways to counter attalion The ifles are con dent that they have made a
them would have to be found.” difference in theatre.
While highlighting that the past – and its victims – must During their tenure on Op Shader in Anbar province they have
not be forgotten, Oppenheimer believed that the “great strides” witnessed successes against terrorists and contributed to the
made towards peace were now being cemented, and that future ongoing United States-led action in the region.
generations would continue to build upon them. e ual signi cance however is the home to which they are
The Army is certainly playing its part in helping peace as it returning. In the not-too-distant past, Lisburn was a place where
continues to settle in the region. Far from patrolling, the boots troops were deployed during the years of the Northern Ireland
of soldiers now only pound the shops and tourist hotspots. Troubles. Now it is a springboard from which they embark on
There is a great deal to enjoy in one of the most beautiful places overseas operations.
in the British Isles. A troubled era has long passed into history. “We live here now, in the same way as in Aldershot, Catterick
The troops here are part of a new story. or Tidworth,” said Brig Jonathan Swift, commander of 38 (Irish)
This is a region on a journey but the rigade the ormation o which ifles is a part.
future is brighter and a return to the past is “Our role is not to operate within Northern Ireland but outside
now unthinkable. as an adaptive force.
Personnel are continuing to The ifles or e ample have been on a success ul tour but
build strong relationships with this is only one example – we have also had units deploying to
the civilian communities in Africa to assist with counter poaching activities.”
which they now live and With a mix of Regular and Reserve units, Northern Ireland
work – life has changed for is a useful location to launch operations. While there is an
the better in a place that has underlying threat from terrorism – troops are fully briefed on this
much to offer. n – the environment is a comfortable place to live while offering
excellent preparation for deployment. “From my perspective, I enjoy being in Northern Ireland – it is
Ballykinler and Magilligan have well-equipped exercise areas a good place to live.”
while the surrounding environment – with lakes and mountains LCpl Ben Latham was also happy to be posted to the region. “I
– provides opportunities for adventurous training. have been here for four years now and it is not a massive drama,”
“In terms of threat, there are areas in any place that you would he added. “You hear some people complaining but I’ll be coming
avoid, and here is no different,” Brig Swift – who took up his back from leave early – I’ve never had any trouble.”
latest post late last year – continued. “We need to make sure our Cpl John MacDaid said there were plenty of opportunities
soldiers stay safe although this is not hard to do. in Northern Ireland – but stressed that troops needed to pay
“We are very well looked after here – in terms of leisure attention to the security advice and act accordingly.
activities we are near Belfast and the Antrim coast and “The threat is still there and there are certain places that you
Mountains of Mourne are just a short distance away.” should not go to,” he highlighted. “But you are fully briefed on all
For the soldiers returning from Iraq, Northern Ireland has this – that aside, there is plenty to do.
become a posting of choice. Lt Col Neil Bellamy, (pictured below) “Thiepval camp is great and you have Belfast a short distance
C o ifles said Thiepval arracks was a welcoming sight away – the only real issue for me is that the weather in Northern
after six months away. Ireland can sometimes be a bit inclement.”
“It is fantastic to come back to Lisburn following our It has been a decade since the end of Op Banner – the
deploying on Op Shader,” he added. “I have been in British Army’s longest continuous operation. Some 20
command of the battalion for three years and we have years have passed since the Good Friday Agreement
never felt like visitors. provided the political basis for a new and more
“I’m due to move on shortly and it has been a real peaceful era in the region.
privilege to be here with The ifles. Northern Ireland has passed many milestones. The
The soldiers under Lt Col Bellamy’s command path to peace has not been easy, and there have been
were equally enthusiastic about living and working in di culties and setbacks along the way. ut the shi t in
Northern Ireland – and returning home after a busy the Army’s presence here is a clear indication of the
period on operations. huge progress already made.
“I have been posted here for four-and-a-half years now Once this place was a deployment – a tour
and there is a lot to see and do in your spare time,” said where troops could expect trouble. Now it is a
Capt obert rince ifles . el ast is very close to us home and a place of opportunity as well as
and is really no different to any capital city – there is a welcome sight to personnel returning
quite a good nightlife there. from operations. n
62 NOVEMBER 2017
It was pretty
achieves that same aim of supporting and Op Cabrit may be an
reassuring the population.” unconventional mission, but
For the Estonian troops too the with the festivities taking place
ONTROLLED aggression is a key component of an effective soldier.
So when this important trait was perceived to be dwindling among
certain personnel from the Grenadier Guards those in charge wasted no
time in upping the intensity levels.
For the past year the regiment has been engaged in close-quarter
combat training – an activity that sees troops mastering martial arts moves under
the watchful eye of an expert instructor – and the results have been impressive.
E the rst incarnation o the
Warrior armoured vehicle rolled o
the production line in the late s
it soon proved its mettle during the
ul War.
ince then it has gone on to earn the respect o
generations o troops on worldwide ops rom the
peacekeeping roles in osnia to high intensity action
in A ghanistan.
ut times have changed since this plat orm rst
saw action some three decades ago.
And an e ample o how its ne t generation might
look unveiled by de ence contractor ockheed
artin is now being readied or reliability
trials as part o the o ’s Warrior capability
sustainment pro ect.
The blueprint or the new asset
boasts a host o re nements
including a potent mm cannon
enhanced comms and uprated
about a demo
eport Cli Caswell
Although the new plat orm’s
top speed is broadly similar to
its original counterpart’s an
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER improved transmission system
makes or a more e cient
The original Warrior eatures overall per ormance.
limited communications
between the crew and the
in antry dismounts. ut the
new incarnation eatures a
visual display unit in the back The Warrior capability sustainment
giving troops real time updates
on the situation as they
project introduces a raft of
advance on a target. refinements to the platform.
Soldier was given a sneak peek…
HEN WO2 Fred Donnison a in started his career in rd Battalion
red onnison, ifles
clashed ith the ersians and here the tau ht me the lo istics o ho to mo e oods
British ou ht the ermans durin the Second rom to B in di ficult circumstances and harsh
orld ar. climates kee in them in er ect condition.
But ha in arri ed at the re ion “ s much as anythin thou h the military
onnison ell in lo e ith the local ood and teaches you to be confident in basic skills such
ine and he as soon raisin a lass to the as s eakin to eo le and to ha e the balls to
launch o a ne business. o out and take a chance on somethin .
n his firm uardin Thermo ylae he created “ ha e ut a lot o time and money into this
liff aswell
are real
and potential social and crime problems. clear and not particularly onerous.
Resources may also be diverted from Conversely, leaving houses empty
military to civilian properties in order to increases the chance of squatters YOUR letters provide an
I hope the Army watches this initiative priority to civilians for income but please be brief. Emails
like a hawk because I fear it will generation or any other reason. must include your name and
negatively impact Service personnel Military personnel have protected location (although we won’t
somehow regardless of DIO assurances. rights regarding access to family publish them if you ask us
– Name and address supplied housing and these are enshrined
not to). We reserve the right to
in your terms and conditions and
Richard Sewter, Assistant Head, wider personnel policy. accept or reject letters, and to
Accommodation Plans and DIO, as part of the MoD, cannot edit for length, clarity or style.
Requirements, DIO, responds: We rent to the public at the expense of Before you write to us with a
are subletting surplus SFA simply Servicemen and women so military problem, you should first have
because we have too many empty families will not lose out as a tried to get an answer via your
houses in certain locations. consequence of subletting. own chain of command.
In deciding whether to do this, On the contrary, the income
first we consult the local station generated by private sector lets
commander or commanding officer can be reinvested in the defence
to take into account any potential estate rather than our limited @soldiermagazine
unit increases in manning and resources being drained by
whether there are opportunities properties standing empty and
to use the properties for Service deteriorating further.
personnel who might need them. I hope this gives you some
For example, someone may want reassurance for the future.
Sandra West
Farewell, you served
us well.
Michael Long
Many a trip in one
of those in the
Falklands. Tough old lady.
Paul Thompson
Bike scheme needs to get rolling
Awesome chopper, HE Department for Transport (DfT) capital outlay to buy the bikes
flew in them many runs a buy-back scheme that allows initially and then maintain and
times, especially with 3 employees to purchase a bicycle for manage them during the period they
Regiment, Army Air Corps. their daily commute. are hired out for.
Operated through a salary sacrifice If the individual decides not to
plan, individuals effectively rent a bike purchase the bike outright, provision
Jo Melling
from their employer at first, with the must then be made for its purchase
I thought it was
opportunity to take full ownership after or disposal.
strange when my
a specific payment period. The MoD, instead, encourages
The MoD
2 year old and I heard them
Depending on where the kit is rented Servicemen and women to cycle
coming. We stood outside
from, the scheme provides savings of up to to work through the home to duty
40 per cent compared with retail prices. allowance (HTD).
and watched them change
formation from our back
As such, it is an extremely attractive An internal review of 2016
garden. Soo sad to see them
offer that is supported across the claimants found that just over
the idea
go but lovely to witness them
private and public sectors. Indeed, other 200 Army personnel benefited
one more time.
government departments have signed from claiming HDT; currently the
up to the scheme to pass the benefits on rate is set at £0.15 per mile, with
to their employeers. the individual contributing the
Noting that our people are our first three miles, which would see
Adrian Russell principal asset, should the MoD not be someone with a five-mile commute
Gazelle, Lynx, doing the same, especially as increased from their accommodation receiving
Chinook, Puma and financial controls have been delegated £131.40 tax-free per year.
Sea King, rode them all, hedge- to the top level budget holders? The DfT cycle to work scheme is a
hopping in a Puma or a Lynx in I’ve been told ministers considered non-taxable benefit, like HDT, so you
Northern Ireland was brill. joining but decided against it. – Name would not be entitled to claim both
and address supplied at the same time.
Neither would a soldier be
Col John Oldroyd, Remuneration allowed to switch back to HDT – in
Steven Breach Policy, Personnel Directorate, a case, for instance, where he or
38 years on and I responds: You are correct to say the she became injured and had to start
still prick up my cycle to work scheme has previously driving to work – until the hire
ears at the sound of a Lynx, been considered by the MoD but period was complete.
unmistakable. Used to cabby was rejected because alternative As personnel would also be
me about Fermanagh, the only and more advantageous systems are spending part of their income to hire
way to travel. in place the Armed Forces the bicycle before tax is paid, they
A DfT-style offering would be would effectively be paid less, which
expensive, requiring a significant impacts on pensions.
JOINED the Army in September 2004 most appropriate band and how to of health risk factors.
and left in August 2009 but re-enlisted provide the best result for the Army. While at first glance it may
in March this year. Similarly, seniority and pay are seem logical to reissue clothing,
I’m currently on a phase two training assessed by the Army Personnel the viability of this process
course at Lyneham and feel aggrieved at Centre, taking into consideration a depends on the economic value of
the recruiting process. soldier’s previous service, including an item verses the cost of restoring
When I was going through it initially I whether they have incurred any skill it to stock condition.
was told I had to complete phase one as fade, the level of experience within Returned clothing needs to
I’d been out of the Service for so long. the trade they have to offer, and any be categorised, assessed for
I was also informed that I had to start knowledge, skills and experience damage, cleaned, repackaged and
on basic recruit pay and that I’d lost all gained since they last served. relabelled, which uses resources.
of my 500 longer separation allowance You would have been classed as a This burden needs to be carefully
(LSA) days accrued from my previous time
in the Army.
category C rejoiner.
Your initial service and a break of this is considered and, ultimately, many
items are not cost-effective
To top it all off, I’ve just found out they more than seven years has created a to refurbish because the work
have revised the rules so that soldiers significant retraining requirement. It required to bring them up to
rejoining up to ten years after leaving would have been decided that your a condition where they can be
now only have to complete a medical. skill fade was such that you were reissued is more expensive than
– Name and address supplied required to undertake phase one their disposal.
training again and return to recruit What might seem madness at
Maj Ali Smith, SO2 Soldier Policy, levels of pay. first glance is in fact the best value
Department of Manning (Army), Those rejoining the Army with a for money for the taxpayer – not
responds: In order to make the shorter break and/or higher previous to mention the fact that the British
rejoin process as efficient as rank require less retraining to Army cannot be accused of issuing
possible, previously trained ex- become fully employable. second-hand clothing items.
Regular soldiers are separated into As for retaining LSA days The final element of this
three bands: those who have been accrued in previous service, the process should also be considered;
a civilian for less than six years (A), tri-Service policy is laid down in previously-issued clothing is often
personnel who left six to ten years JSP 752: “Personnel re-entering the reduced to rags which the Army
ago and reached a minimum rank Services after a break that does either uses for a wide variety of
of substantive corporal (B) and all not exceed four years may count tasks or is sold to offset the cost of
others (C). former qualifying separation for the future purchases.
The minimum medical and purpose of LSA eligibility.” The process is therefore
training requirement is different Your break surpassed the quite clever and logical and has
for each status, but individuals are prescribed limit, hence you are been passed down to us by our
also looked at on a case-by-case unfortunately not able to retain the predecessors who had developed
basis to determine what is the LSA days you had accrued. the supply chain.
● I WAS interested to read your
article in the August 2017 edition
entitled “Medal Mistake” in which the
writer asked about the Long Service
and Good Conduct Medal criteria.
I was even more intrigued to read
the response of Lt Col Kestrel Simson
in which he states that recognition
for long and distinguished military
service for full-time Reserve service
(FTRS) personnel is under review.
Could I please ask what the current
considerations are and how these
HE new rules on domiciled collective Commonwealth soldiers and officers.
leave and its substitute have come There are some conditions of Lt Col (retd) Kestrel Simson,
as a complete shock to me and have service which recognise their Ceremonial and Operational
been implemented with little education. specific circumstances, one of which and Service Awards, Army
My understanding is that the policy is domiciled collective leave. Headquarters, replies: While it
has changed significantly so that The purpose of it is to allow has been acknowledged that
Commonwealth soldiers who have personnel who join from outside of there should be some form of
become naturalised UK citizens are no the UK or Irish Republic to return medallic recognition for all
longer eligible for a free return ticket to to their home country at public personnel on FTRS and additional
their home country and/or extra holiday. expense for specified periods. duties commitments with long
When I signed up, one of the key To authorise a request for this, the service in uniform, exactly what
motivators was the guaranteed bonus of chain of command must be satisfied should be given to them is, I’m
having a flight and extra days or simply that the soldier meets a number of afraid, still to be decided.
the extra days (dependent on marital eligibility criteria, including that The Volunteer Reserves Service
status) to return home.
Like many Commonwealth soldiers,
their home is still in the country
from which they joined. Why Medal, recognising ten years’
qualifying service in the Army
the decision to become naturalised was
done mainly to remove travel restrictions
After five years’ residency foreign
and Commonwealth Armed Forces was this Reserve, is available for FTRS
officers and soldiers who come
as a result of visa issues (yes, dependent personnel have the opportunity to from the Volunteer Reserves, but
on where we go, such personnel are apply for British citizenship. Regular Reserves are not eligible
still required to obtain a visa), when Once they are naturalised, these for that or any other award.
being deployed on tasks and to spare us
embarrassment at borders.
It is my view that current
soldiers are considered to have
made Britain their home, even if
they retain dual nationality.
Commonwealth troops should have been Therefore, certain conditions of
given grandfather rights and the travel service, such as eligibility for this
incentive in their contractual agreement type of leave, no longer apply.
should be honoured. It became apparent that the
Why was this incentive removed and policy was not always being applied
why the secrecy in the change of the JSP? consistently across the Forces and
I would hate to think the MoD in some instances personnel were
has reverted to the 1960s where the being granted it after they had
sentiments were “do your time, help us gained citizenship.
out while you’re in, but don’t stay”. This was judged to be unfair and
I don’t believe that Commonwealth not in keeping with its intent.
soldiers should be penalised for upward JSP 760, chapter nine was
mobility. – SSgt David Vitalis, RLC amended to provide clearer
guidance about how to determine
Col Nathan Sempala-Ntege, Assistant whether such troops have made
Head, Personal Services, responds: their home in Britain.
Firstly, let me be quite clear that This amendment may not have
the Army values the significant reached all those who need to be Looking ahead: These Reservists at
Grantham are just starting out – will they
contribution across a wide range aware so we’ll ensure it’s highlighted
receive a medal for sticking around?
of roles made by foreign and to the chain of command.
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Athletics ace casts her eye
over the latest kit
WITH more and more clothing items and accessories
flooding the fitness market it seems as though there
is an endless supply of options when it comes to
catering for your needs.
Here, Army athlete and England cross-country
runner Capt Lauren Hall (REME) gives her verdict
on some of the latest contenders from the world of
women’s training kit…
Paratrooper turned author pens
Special Forces thriller
THE thing I like most about this is the stylish design, which is
something you don’t typically see in a sports bra that provides
a good level of support. For that reason, I mainly used it during
high intensity sessions. The bra also has a foam cup that doubles
up as protection for activities such as battle PT. The material is a
mesh-like fabric which reduces the sweat build-up that can be
particularly uncomfortable. This bra is the perfect all-rounder for
PT sessions in the day job or workouts in your spare time.
by Christian PICK OF THE MONTH:
Batman: Gotham
by Gaslight
Out now
Battle of Algiers
Out now
THIS restored
masterpiece from director
Gillo Pontecorvo has
lost none of its impact
five decades after it was first released. A gritty PICK OF THE MONTH:
snapshot of the insurgency in French occupied
Algeria during the 1950s, it pulls no punches
in laying bare the brutality that unfolded in
the postcolonial period following the Second
World War. This 4K restoration features a host Optimism washes over Brighton
of worthwhile extras, including interviews with co ecti e s fi th studio e ort
former insurgents. Well shot, authentic and
balanced, the Battle of Algiers remains one of SINCE bursting onto the scene with
the great movies of world cinema. energy-driven debut offering Thunder,
Cliff Caswell, Soldier Lightning, Strike Brighton-based outfit
The Go! Team have become famed
for their big sound and big tunes.
The Man with the So when frontman Ian Parton
Iron Heart effectively disbanded the group of marching bands, the physicality
Out now to forge his own path alongside a of feeling a beater walloping a bass
collective of Soundcloud singers in drum,” Parton explained.
BASED on the brilliant 2015, it seemed as though a change in “But I wanted to reclaim them from
novel HHhH by direction was afoot. patriotic or sporty associations. That
Laurent Binet, The The result – indie-inspired offering was the kick-off for this record.”
Man with the Iron Heart stars Jason Clarke, The Scene Between – boasted a The artist also crossed the pond to
Rosamund Pike and Boardwalk Empire's stripped back, more tranquil feel work with the Detroit Youth Choir
Stephen Graham. The film recounts the that was positively received but now, as part of his quest for vocal support.
real life Operation Anthropoid, the audacious three years later, a certain degree of He added: “I’ve always had a
mission to kill Reinhard Heydrich. Having seen familiarity has returned. thing for gang vocals and group
other movies, and read books about Operation Semicircle is packed with trademark singing, particularly the roughness of
Anthropoid, I particularly enjoyed the character hip-hop beats, guitars, cheerleader- community choirs.
study of Heydrich and his family life. I'd highly esque chants and samples, while also “Normally they might be singing
recommend this to anyone with an interest in incorporating the multi-instrumental show tunes but I like the idea of
Second World War operations. approach of a full marching band. getting people to do something they
Cpl Adam Jackson, Para “I like the swing and toughness wouldn’t normally do.
The Go! Team doing what they
do best
Unleash the Love
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The force is strong
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Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock
Out now for PS4, Xbox One and PC
RMY archers are setting Archery has yet to receive full feature prominently in
their sights on an intake sporting status from the Army both competitions as 2018
of new talent as they Sport Control Board, which progresses is Sgt Craig Cherrie
look to expand their set-up for means it lacks the funding (RLC, pictured left).
the 2018 campaign. afforded to other disciplines The Aldershot-based chef
Availability issues, coupled within the Service. has a background in football
with the logistical challenge However, the organisation and contact sports but after
of having members scattered currently has around 30 archers completing a beginners course
across the country, saw on its books and McCoubrey at his local club, Farnham
the soldiers struggle for was quick to stress that Archers, in March last year he
consistency last year and athletes of all abilities are more was immediately hooked on
those charged with running than welcome. the pursuit.
the Service sport are adopting Novices are advised to "I progressed quickly through
a fresh outlook as they seek an contact their local clubs and the different distances and by
upturn in fortunes. sign up for taster sessions the time I reached 60 metres
While the immediate focus is before developing their skills in I had become quite good," the
on attracting newcomers to the the Army fold. soldier explained.
fold, they are also considering The senior NCO added: "They "I then reached out to the
plans to create regional bases may not think they are good "IF THEY Army team and competed at
so sharpshooters can meet enough to make the squad but the indoor championships in
and train together ahead of the if they can pick up a bow and CAN PICK cto er, where finished in
various competitions that form shoot we are happy for them to third place.
the basis of hectic indoor and come along. UP A "I was really chuffed with
outdoor seasons. "We can then teach them that result.
"The main event we aim for from there. BOW AND "We need to push the
is the national championships, "It all comes down to message out there and get more
which fall in early December," confidence once they ha e SHOOT people involved.
WO1 Jason McCoubrey (AGC that in place they can start to "It is a brilliant organisation.
(RMP), pictured left), Army team build scores. WE ARE There are some really good
captain and outgoing secretary, "Most archery clubs will have archers of all ages; there are
told SoldierSport. equipment for beginners to use. HAPPY wounded veterans and guys
"But a lack of preparation and "We need to get more soldiers who have competed at the
training beforehand really cost into those local clubs, which FOR Invictus Games as well, so there
us last year. is where they'll build the is a great mix.
"We rarely get together as a confidence le els needed for THEM TO As soon as did that first
full squad as we have people our bigger contests. course I knew this was the
posted right across the UK. "But every competition also COME direction I wanted to go in.
When it comes to organising a has a novice section so you "I have got 15 years left in the
weekend of shooting, and when don't need to be an amazing ALONG" Service so I know I can progress
everyone is available, it proves shot to get involved." within the association."
to e a difficult task. Another key fixture on the Personnel looking to get
"So we are looking at different calendar is the Army Outdoor involved in the sport should
ways of doing things and Championships in June, with visit the Archery GB website
want to create a main hub the Inter-Services following ( for more
in Aldershot but it all comes from there. information on local clubs,
down to kit – whoever has the Honours have been spread beginners courses and basic kit
equipment is where we have among the three Services in and equipment. ■
to go. recent times and, after a brief
"We need to have interested spell of Army dominance, the
people based in various Army Royal Air Force are now the
locations to make the idea of team to beat.
regional centres work." One of those hoping to
THE Army Individual Squash
Championships in Winchester
served to highlight the sport's
growth among the ranks.
The competition attracted
120 Armyacross
entries was represented
the various at
Homeless World
with moreCup than in250the
shape of CSgt
matches playedChris
in the Bonnar
space of
three days.
A total
64 teams
we had from 52 countries
around 150
players at the four-a-side
involved, so we are tournament
a HE Army squash set-up the training cycle for the ten
in Glasgow,
little down with
on the
but weNCOareacting is targeting significant successful candidates will start
as adoing
muchduring thecompared
better week-longto progress in the coming in May.
festival of football.
the seasons before," explained Lt years after agreeing a formal The initiative is among a
Col have
Yvettethe opportunity
Ashman (AGC to referee
(SPS)), relationship with England’s raft of changes that have been
at an event like
chairman thisArmy
of the was extremely
Squash national governing body. introduced to encourage a
and Racketsthe Serviceman
Association.said. Signed under the Armed growth in the sport.
“I thought
"We have I had seen a lot
especially seenin my
a 17 Forces Covenant, the deal With participation on the rise
lot of service
new faces butin tothe
listen to some of
novice will see ten players embark there is now an equal focus on
stories and meet
where people
people who
who dohave on a year-long programme of the men's and women's senior
beennotthrough moreplay
necessarily thanatmost
corps ofor
us bespoke training and mentoring squads, as well as the masters
level arewascomingat times
to with some of the top coaches in and under-25s.
have a go. the country. "It used to be all about the
"We need to get new blood in. In return, the Service will men's team," explained Maj Gen
our or fi e years ago the ladies "THIS deliver leadership and team Tyrone Urch, the organisation's
made a real effort to grow their uilding courses for the finest president. "But over the past
team and on the back of that they HAS academy prospects in the couple of years there has been a
have been very successful. England Squash system. focus on raising the standard of
"That has made the other BEEN A “The aim of the partnership all four groups.
squads open their eyes." is to increase participation and "On our recent tour to San
Army and Armed Forces SEMINAL develop more talent for the Francisco we had two or three
number one Capt Sam Miller (RA) Army,” Lt Col Yvette Ashman players from each team and
claimed the men's title, with Maj YEAR (AGC (SPS)), chairman of the that meant the juniors could
Elaine Radcliffe (RAMC) taking Army Squash and Rackets learn from the seniors and the
the women's crown. FOR US" Association, told SoldierSport. men from the women. It worked
“It will not necessarily be our really well.
top players who take part but is "This has been a seminal
CAPT Gemma Rowland (RA) aimed more at those with the year for us. Having that
has been named as the new potential to go on and play for understanding with England
skipper of the Army women’s one of our four representative Squash means we will get
rugby union team. teams in the future. specialist training of the
Fellow international player Sgt “It is about improving so we highest standard.
Bianca Dawson (AGC (RMP)) will be the can have long-term success at "I can't think of many Army
side’s vice-captain. elite level.” sports that have such a close
“They will make a formidable The application window relationship with a national
leadership team,” explained head coach closes later this month and governing body." ■
a period of full-time training
with his coach and has camps
planned across the country as
well as in Germany.
“I have set myself some targets
and now I have to sit down with
my coach and work out a way of SPORTS ON
achieving those,” he added.
“I’ve got a few ideas but I want
to keep things quiet at this stage.
“We have made some changes
to the standard needed for ISTOL shooter Sgt Sam with the result and I loved
the Commonwealth Games BOXERS Gowin (RA) has seen his having the chance to perform
highlights the sporting prowess FROM remarkable rise in the in front of a big crowd, there
that exists within the Ser ice. NORTHERN sport rewarded with a place was a great atmosphere.
He said: “This will be a great IRELAND AT in England's Commonwealth "The coaches were saying it
experience for me and is Games team. was shame I was not going to
THE 2014
something to be proud of. The Army ace only started the Commonwealth Games.
“It is also good news for the GAMES shooting competitively last "Initially I was named as
Army as it shows there is talent year ut after ust six weeks first reser e ut e entually
within the ranks. If soldiers are of full-time training he got an email to confirm was
given a chance to shine they will caught the eye by reaching in the team.
do just that.” ■ the country's minimum "It was overwhelming."
consideration score. The soldier has refused to
Gowin's form progressed set any targets ahead of his
from there and he went on first shot and will e opting
NUMBER to secure fourth place in for a considered approach on
the rapid fire pistol at the the day.
Commonwealth Shooting "I'm just going to stay cool
CPL STUART ederation hampionships and shoot like I normally do,"
HILL HIT THE the test event ahead of April's he explained.
QUALIFYING Gold Coast showpiece. "If that happens it will be
SCORE The achievement left the good enough for me.
national selectors with little 'm not expecting to come
option but to call upon his away with anything but a
OF BEING services for the Games. good performance would
NAMED IN "I trained hard beforehand definitely e nice.
THE TEAM ut was still expecting Gowin will then target a
to struggle," Gowin told World Cup place with a view
SoldierSport. "Some of the to qualifying for the World
best shots in the world were Championships in September.
out there. His long-term goal is the 2020
"Obviously, I was happy Olympics in Tokyo. ■
DATE: January 17, 2018
Cambridge University – rugby
union friendly
VENUE: Grange Road Stadium,
as a referee during the week-long HE Army's rugby union time through Austin (pictured)
RUGBY UNION stars made an emphatic and Capt Stu Cross (Yorks).
festival of football.
“To have the opportunity to referee
at an event like this was extremely
FRIENDLY start to their 2018
campaign as they demolished
The onslaught continued
after the break as Edwards used
humbling,” the Serviceman said. FIXTURE the students of Cambridge his searing pace to touch down
“I thought I had seen a lot in my 17
University in a 73-10 rout. in the corner and Austin capped
years of service but to listen to some of Sig John Davetanivalu (R a superb individual display as
the stories and meet people who have UNI Signals), Bdr Pete Austin and he darted to the line following a
been through more than most of us LBdr Craig Edwards (both RA) surge from the forwards.
can comprehend was at times heart- all crossed twice as the ruthless LCpl Chris Leathem (R Irish)
Reds ran in ten tries against rounded off a clinical break to
THEY SET THE their shell-shocked rivals, with post further points on the hour
ARMY the tally being further boosted mark and the centre turned
PLATFORM by a late penalty score. provider soon after as Edwards
A A iu itsu
continued its upward curve
in Army sporting circles
at the inaugural Armed Forces,
Veterans and Emergency Services
Championships in Aldershot.
More than competitors took
Injury ends Roko's hopes to the mat for a tough day of martial
arts action watched by former
RUGBY union ace LCpl Semesa UFC star Roger Gracie – one of the
Rokoduguni (Scots DG) has been ruled most successful iu itsu fighters of
out of England s Six ations campaign recent times.
following surgery on a shoulder injury. The Brazilian ace trains a number
he year old wing was forced of Service athletes and has been a
from the field during ath s match keen supporter of the set up in its
with Exeter in early ecem er and was formative years.
expected to e out for two months. He said: “The growth in the
However, a longer recovery period discipline is great to see, the level is
is now needed and he will miss the so high.”
entirety of the tournament, which starts Among those taking part was
on e ruary . blind veteran Robert Long. A
Rokoduguni was recalled to the former lance bombardier in the
squad for the autumn internationals Royal Artillery, he was wounded on
and impressed as he came off the operations in Afghanistan in .
bench to score in wins over Argentina He tried a number of sports
and Samoa. during his reco ery ut iu itsu was
The Army will be hoping he returns the pursuit he followed to a higher
to fitness in time for this season s standard. Long recently won the
a ers sea fi a ace AND THIS
DEFENDING champions the Royal IS A WAY
Engineers booked their place in this
season's oolwich up final with a TO GET
win over the Royal Signals.
The sappers will take on the Adjutant THAT
General's Corps – who defeated the
nfantry in the other semi final in the BACK" THE latest Grand Military Gold Cup Day will be staged at Sandown
showpiece fixture on April . Park on Friday, March 9.
In other football news, the Army Armed Forces jockeys will compete in two of the six races scheduled
women saw their hopes of Southern or the da with the re ainder eaturin so e o the countr s finest
ounties up success dashed y a professional talent. Discounted tickets are available for personnel at
loss to Kent. by quoting GM2018.
e ruary’s key fixtures...
nter Ser ices Ski
e ruary
WHERE: Meribel,
KNOW: With
CHARGED SELECT group of feature events at some the
the Army Championships complete the
V8 PETROL wounded, injured and UK's most iconic circuits, with
the opening round being held
Service's top stars lock horns with their ENGINE sick veterans will
Forces rivals during the highlight of the compete in the ritish at ulton ark on March .
winter sports season GT Championship as part of A series of trials were held
the newly launched Invictus o er the past six months to
Games Racing team. identify and train four Forces'
he set up which is a drivers and the cars have been
collaboration between James adjusted to meet their needs.
DETAIL Holder, of clothing brand Among those taking to the
Superdry, and the Invictus track is former soldier Basil
Games Foundation – will
feature two bespoke Jaguar
ype S racing cars that
Rawlinson. He served in 2nd
Battalion, The Parachute
Regiment and was diagnosed
INCLUDING have been in development for with post traumatic stress
FOUR more than a year. disorder following a tour of
Motorsport fanatic Holder Afghanistan. He also suffered
WHAT: nter Ser ices nder DETAIL
was inspired to launch the with degenerative discs in his
DRIVERS pro ect after watching the back and was discharged from
Football Championships – Navy v Army
Invictus Games in Orlando the Army in .
WHEN: e ruary
WHERE: Portsmouth and believes it will play a vital "I am hugely grateful to
NEED TO KNOW: ack to ack role in the recovery process. Invictus Games Racing for
defeats last season including a He said: "This will enable gi ing me this once in a
home defeat to the Navy – saw the Army's ex Ser icemen and women lifetime opportunity," the
young guns relinquish their title. The who ha e experienced driver said.
Reds will be looking for a positive start in DETAIL physical or psychological "I am looking forward to the
trauma to compete against thrill of the competition and
this opening fixture ROUNDS
each other and the rest of the the opportunity to be part of a
top le el racing field in cars tight team – things that were
WHAT: Army THE 2018 that are tailor made for them. integral to my time in The
women v England SERIES AT The championship will Parachute Regiment." ■
nder s rug y TRACKS
union SUCH AS
Rugby Stadium,
Servicewomen have become regular
opponents for England's finest young
talent and they'll be looking to avenge a
defeat in
Final Word
To be honest, I
don’t stress about
anything. But we
should look out for
each other. On an
operation such as
Interviews: Cliff Caswell
On edge
too slowly.
I just want
to get to
where I am
going in People who comment on military
Soldier asked troops what
issues without any experience annoy stresses them out in life
reasonable me. They speak without having
a clue about what we’re doing.
time! There seems to be an element of
the population that has a skewed
Lt George Gillard, Rifles perception of reality.
Cpl John MacDaid, Rifles
Lt Tom Callard, Scots Pte Kieran Toman, Scots ● Turn to page 22 for
stress-busting tips
32 On the prowl
Wildcat takes to the Baltic skies
40 Heads of shed
Military biker community unites
42 First Reserve
Part-time service in Northern Ireland
7 The Informer
Top stories from across the Service
24 Need to Know
Essential tips for today’s personnel
47 Talkback
Ruminations from the ranks
52 Bullet Points
Troops’ intelligence assets
58 Reviews
Kit, books, music and movies to
fill your downtime
82 Final Word
What to expect from Op Cabrit
68 Athletics
Endurance star receives GB call They learn
70 Winter sports
Soldiers hit the slopes in Meribel
a huge
71 Winter Paralympics
Skier joins veterans on Korean quest
73 Football about
Reds reclaim under-23 crown
74 Boxing
Fighters tested against nation’s finest
75 Rugby league
Fourth round beckons in Challenge Cup
76 Commonwealth Games
Bamsey targets Gold Coast medal The fight for full screw – page 36
79 Winter Olympics
Nerves scupper biathlon hopes
81 Rugby union
Roses’ onslaught sweeps soldiers aside
This month we take a closer look
at some of those taskings – from
preparations for Wildcat’s operational
debut (page 32) to the varied work of
Northern Ireland’s Reserves (page 42)
and the mission to mould the next
generation of Army leaders (page 36).
As ever, though, Service life is far
from perfect. If something is irking
you check out page 47 for a lively
mix of readers’ letters and details of
how you can submit a question or
comment yourself.
Whether at home or abroad, we
hope you enjoy the magazine.
81 79
THESE are distributed to every Army site at
the start of each month.
DIGITAL versions of current and past
editions are available on the Army website
at Just click on
the “read it now” tab.
IF you’re not in the Army you can buy Soldier
from your high street magazine retailer or
directly from us at subs@soldiermagazine. (£23 for 12 issues in the UK).
HE Army has been given a first SV 8x8 vehicle equipped with eight
glimpse of the new cutting-edge ready-to-use missiles. Managing Editor Steven Muncey
air defence weapon that will be The system is designed to be 01252 787095 (94222 7095)
heading its way in 2020. deployed remotely and reloaded by its
Sky Sabre will provide a major crew who can then intercept a wide
uplift in capability for 16 Regiment, variety of aerial targets including fixed
Royal Artillery, offering greater range, wing, rotary and cruise missiles.
accuracy and firepower compared
with the existing Rapier short-range
Personnel can monitor and predict
the path of incoming threats and once It really is
air defence system that it replaces. the weapons are in flight they can be
“It represents a real change to how updated and directed on to multiple
we do our business as ground-based targets, enhancing the kill probability.
air defenders,” Lt Col Chris Coton (RA)
told Soldier.
“It not only offers us the ability
Air Cdre Ian Gale, the senior
responsible officer for the introduction
of Sky Sabre, commented: “You are
stuff SOLDIER – Magazine of the British Army
Ordnance Barracks, Government Road,
to engage targets beyond visual seeing the future here, you can’t Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 2DU.
range, but also to attack multiple replace like for like in the digital age. All enquiries: 01252 787107 (94222 7107)
platforms at the same time – it really “This will take the Army from Fax: 01252 787110 (94222 7110)
is revolutionary stuff.” short to medium range and is a truly Email:
A special preview day at Baker integrated air defence system. It’s fast,
Barracks on Thorney Island (pictured reliable and trusted.” SOLDIER is published by the Ministry of Defence
above), the home of 16th Regiment, and printed by Wyndeham (Roche) Ltd.
showed Sky Sabre’s three main Print contract managed by CDS.
components together for the first time.
The electronic brain is a state-of-
the-art battle space management
Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily
those of the British Army or the Ministry of Defence.
command, control and information
system provided by Rafael Advance
Defense Systems of Israel.
The Saab Giraffe agile multi-beam Twitter: @soldiermagazine
radar can detect targets over 100km Instagram: @soldier_magazine
away, providing accurate real-time Years since
Range of Rapier began Speed of the
information to help guide the new, the MBDA The system’s
highly advanced Common Anti-air Army service missile in
missile in radar range in metres per
Modular Missile developed by MBDA. kilometres kilometres second
The launcher is mounted on a Man
AIRBORNE personnel have IN 3,800 m Portu
miles fro uiana
converged on Belize for two hG
to Frenc
separate training packages.
Some 200 troops from 23
CHIEF of the Defence Staff Air Chf
6. CHAD Mshl Sir Stuart Peach met senior
Australian politicians and Armed
Forces representatives to discuss
a range of issues during a visit to
the country.
Big talking points included
closer working between the two
makes the
Syria, Iraq and countering
international terrorism.
Air Chf Mshl Peach said:
Pyeongchang calling
on the frozen sea. – page 82
Rob Shenton (ex-REME, pictured
below in his Arctic training Army Olympians take on
gear) will tackle the North Pole the world – page 79
Marathon next month.
The 45-year-old has already UNITED FRONT
completed the Marathon Des
Sables and the Everest Marathon
THE UK has taken the lead for the
liaison and coordination cell that
CRIMINALS illegally hunting animals
are now the quarry of British troops. 7. MALAWI
in his quest to run the toughest,
highest and coldest foot races on
supports the anti-Boko Haram
Multinational Joint Task Force.
UK personnel are ramping up their
presence in Malawi following a pilot HUNTERS HUNTED
Earth. To help him raise funds for Based in N’Djamena under the initiative in Liwonde National Park
Help for Heroes and Combat Stress command of Col Jon Cresswell, – mentoring locals who are trying to
visit the unit is comprised of specialists stop the poachers.
from France, USA and the UK There will be new deployments
together with liaison officers from to Nkhotakota and Majete wildlife
participating nations, while the reserves beginning in May, doubling
task force features personnel from the number of rangers trained by the
Chad, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon troops to 120.
and Benin. Under the initiative, announced
“The challenge is significant by Defence Secretary Gavin
due to the vast area of operations, Williamson, teams from African
the number of nations involved parks will learn tracking skills,
and limited resources, and yet the bushcraft and information analysis.
achievements to date have been The scheme follows similar
significant thanks to international missions elsewhere on the continent,
will and determined leadership,” including in Gabon (pictured).
Col Cresswell said.
■ AIRBORNE medics have been sharpening
their skills on manoeuvres in Suffolk
following a testing deployment to South
Sudan last year.
Troops from 23 Medical Squadron, 16
Medical Regiment, faced a variety of drills
on Exercise Pegasus Serpent in Woodbridge
Picture: Cpl Tom Evans, RLC
Catterick-based personnel can apply
ESOLUTE troops have been The validation training prepared via their employment advisor, resettlement
put to the test in a demanding the battalion for its current Nato career consultant or directly via the charity.
environment as they sharpened readiness role. From March 1, the
their skills in readiness for deployment formation will be attached to 12th
anywhere in the world. Armoured Infantry Brigade.
The soldiers from 1st Battalion, The soldiers arrived in Kenya in
The Rifles were pushed to their limits mid-January, conducting acclimatising
■ CAPTAIN Mark Gibbs
on Exercise Askari Storm – where physical training and recces of the
(RLC) will try to smash
the heat and arduous conditions of training area before embarking on the Guinness World
the British Army Training Area Kenya the exercise package, which lasted for Record for running a
proved testing. around six weeks. half-marathon in a
But they rose to the occasion, They faced determined opposition 65lb bomb suit in Bath
taking part in a range of serials mounted by troops from the Duke this month.
including live fire attacks in urban as of Lancaster’s Regiment during The officer is hoping
well as rural areas, defensive tactics the manoeuvres as well as regular to raise £2,500 for the
and convoy moves. debriefings on their performance. Felix Fund charity by
completing the feat in
less than 3hr 15min.
VETERANS who were convicted of sexual conduct of an indecent kind or scandalous conduct
offences before homosexuality between men was
decriminalised five decades ago may be eligible for
by an officer, are not currently covered but may be
considered for future changes. DEATH BENEFIT EXTENDED
a pardon under legislation known as Turing’s Law. An MoD spokeswoman said: “This is a complex ■ THE Army Dependants’ Trust has
Those who served until 1967 can now apply to area – we are asking people to contact the Home extended membership to all Regular
the Home Office for a pardon. If granted, they can Office in the first instance and, if a pardon is Reserves at no cost – provided they
contact the MoD Medal Office to establish whether granted, individuals may then approach the MoD. were members during their service and
it would be appropriate for Service decorations to “It is important to note that the act that completed their annual reporting letter
during their liability.
be reinstated. attracted the discharge must not remain an offence
The organisation makes awards –
Only the abolished offences in the Sexual today – it must have been consensual and with a currently £15,000 – to dependants or next
Offences Act 1956 and earlier civilian legislation – person over the age of 16.” of kin after on- or off-duty deaths.
which relate to gay sex – are covered, even if they The Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 and the Membership is also open to Regulars,
were tried by court martial. Policing and Crime Act 2017 made the pardoning of Reservists, full-time Reserve service troops,
Other military offences, such as disgraceful the historic offences relating to gay sex possible. non-Regular permanent staff and Military
Provost Guard Service personnel.
Challenge from the Canary Islands and Royal Irish Aftercare Service is to help through their military family.
to Antigua. They shaved around dedicated to looking after the welfare He pointed out that the organisation
72 hours off the existing record of the 63,000 personnel who served could assist with benevolence and
to finish in 37 days. Beecher, who with both outfits during the four general welfare for the Northern
lost his lower left leg widows and decades of Op Banner. Ireland veteran community as well
in an IED strike in parents of falle The UDR was later assimilated as assisting those with mental and
lp ed
d: ps he
Money raise Afghanistan in 2012, troo into Home Service battalions of the physical injuries.
worked in two-hour Royal Irish Regiment, but these were Baillie added: “One of the issues
shifts with his friend disbanded in 2006 as part of the here in Northern Ireland is that our
For: Blesma to complete the military drawdown in Northern Ireland. veterans are constantly reminded of
challenge. However, the aftercare service the past – but we have ex-military
year the service remains in demand from veterans – people in our team who understand.
was set up and has helped some 20,000 people “We also work in close partnership
since it was set up in the wake of the with other groups such as the
Visit www climax of Op Banner a decade ago. regimental associations.”
for more
HE Army is further boosting the Service because it allows troops to
leadership skills of its troops apply academic theory in the daily
with the launch of a degree leadership challenges at their units.
apprenticeship qualification. Students were selected from a wide
Run in conjunction with the range of corps and cab badges.
University of Portsmouth, the three- If successful they will graduate with
and-a-half-year course combines an honours degree in leadership and
This is academic studies with real work
challenges, with 80 per cent of study
management, while gaining chartered
manager status by the Chartered
unique and
done on the job. Management Institute.
There are currently 44 “This is unique and exciting, not
apprenticeship programmes in the only for the individuals but for us as
ERVICE leavers are better care for sick relatives.
equipped for the jobs market than The Armed Forces (Flexible Working) Act
their civilian counterparts, research comes into force in 2019.
It means personnel will be able to
by Barclays has found.
restrict the time they spend away from their
The bank put former personnel home bases.
through different psychometric tests to Applications will be assessed against the
measure their workplace strengths. needs of the Army and troops would still
It concluded that ex-soldiers bring need to deploy on operations in emergency
a host of important attributes and situations such as a national crisis.
outperform civilian workers in various Minister for Defence People and Veterans
It shows the
key skills. Tobias Ellwood said that consultation with
For example, veterans came out as troops had found they wanted more options
when personal circumstances change.
top performers in social influencing
powerful role
He added: “Flexible working is key to
and creativity. retaining the expert personnel we have
But there are concerns some invested in."
IONEERING research from the Several measurements were taken,
Ice Maidens Antarctic expedition including oxygen consumption and
will help the Army to better how efficiently it was used.
understand the impact of women The team also spent 36 hours in a
being moved into front-line roles. facility checking their energy use.
Medical tests carried out on the Ice Maiden Capt Zanna Baker (RA)
six female explorers at Coventry
University were part-funded by the
said: “It has been really interesting to
do these tests to see how our bodies It will be
fascinating to
military and will feed into its data on have changed.
women in ground close combat. “Hopefully, this will be useful in
The first of their kind, the trials understanding more about female
aim to establish how a woman’s
body reacts to prolonged exercise in
physiology and will positively influence
women’s roles in the military." look through CAMBRIAN CALL
the data
extreme conditions. Previous studies Dr Doug Thake, applied human ■ SOLDIERS are being invited to challenge
have only focused on men. physiology lecturer at Coventry themselves and face down the elements at
Having spent 61 days skiing coast- University, said: “The Ice Maidens’ this year’s Exercise Cambrian Patrol.
to-coast across Antarctica, becoming achievement was absolutely amazing The famous manoeuvres run from
the first all-female team to complete and it has been riveting hearing October 12-21 in Wales, and focus on
the feat using muscle-power alone, stories about their expedition. infantry skills and drills.
the troops headed to Coventry to “It will be fascinating to look The deadline for bids to take part is July
15 and for more details call 01874 613280.
repeat a set of tests they first took through the data – this is an excellent
before they left in October. opportunity to understand more
Data from both will now be
analysed to see how their bodies
about how a challenging environment
affects women’s physiology." PARENTS UNITE
changed during the expedition, which ■ A FACEBOOK group has been launched
covered 1,700km in temperatures to support serving parents.
plunging to -56 degrees Celsius. The Army Parents’ Network is a closed
The women were pushed to their forum where troops can find help on issues
limits on a treadmill in the university such as pregnancy, shared parental leave,
science and health building’s schools and childcare.
Members include policy desk officers,
environment chamber, running at
who can offer guidance.
increasing speeds until exhausted. Some 1,500 troops had joined as this
The experiment simulated both sea- issue went to press and a website is also
level conditions and the 3,000-metre due to be launched in the coming months.
altitude the personnel experienced on Search for the “Army Parents’ Network”
their mission. on Facebook.
50 years
OST of this year’s
work will be based
Fusiliers mark
on feedback from our
healthcare issues. HE Royal Regiment of Fusiliers Staffordshire. Special commemorative
We’re making soldiers and is marking its half-century with medals are also being issued to
their loved ones more aware a busy programme of events – Regular and Reserve personnel.
of where to get help in certain including services and parades – over An amalgamation of four regiments,
areas – using the Armed Forces the coming year. the RRF (members of which are shown
Covenant to get parity on Commemorations begin on April 21 above) was formed in 1968 and has
waiting lists, for example. with a freedom parade in Newcastle since seen operations in the Balkans,
We have heard that some ahead of the regimental 50th Iraq and Afghanistan.
are struggling to access anniversary on St George’s Day, which Regimental secretary Col (retd)
NHS dentists, so we’ll be WINTER SPORTS will be marked at the Tower of London. James Denny said: “This year is very
investigating that. Soldiers shred it up Other events include a gathering at important for us. You're only 50 once, so
And we plan to launch support – page 70 the National Memorial Arboretum in we want to mark the event properly.”
groups for carers of youngsters
with additional needs.
Families in adapted quarters
have many questions around the a forklift truck while jogging.
future accommodation model, Lt Col Rob Hedderwick, CO of
and we will get those answered. 3 Scots, said: “He had become an
Empowering our families indispensable part of the battalion,
with the information they need not only for his professional expertise
is part of our core business. But but also for his compassionate
we too are facing challenges. manner and camaraderie.
A change to data protection “Our thoughts and prayers are
laws in May will mean that with his wife and children whom
families in mainland UK will I know he cherished more than
now need to opt-in to continue anything in the world.
receiving our trusted Army & "I am hugely proud and thankful
You magazine. STAFF AND PERSONNEL SUPPORT, to have known him.”
We have produced this title ADJUTANT GENERAL'S CORPS Capt Sprouting, who came from
for 35 years, and a campaign to DIED JANUARY 31 – IRAQ Stirlingshire, had nearly 30 years of
encourage as many people as soldiering experience.
possible to sign up Initially enlisting in the Royal
launches in our COLLEAGUES of a gifted officer have Green Jackets, he transferred to the
spring edition. paid tribute to his professionalism, Adjutant General's Corps before
Look out for and compassion following his death joining the 3 Scots administration
the full details on Operation Shader. office in late 2017 from HQ 51st
at www. Capt Dean Sprouting was serving Infantry Brigade.
armyandyou. with 3rd Battalion, The Royal He arrived in Iraq in January, where Regiment of Scotland when he died he was the detachment commander
at Al Asad Airbase. of a human resources team.
An inquest into the married The officer had previously served in
father-of-two’s loss was told that the the former Yugoslavia and Cyprus as
Serviceman had been in collision with well as Sudan, Angola and Germany.
n A CHANGE in terminology has been
introduced to avoid future confusion in
supply chain comms issues.
The Assistant Chief of the Defence Staff
(Logistical Operations) directorate has now
been rebranded as Defence Logistics.
It is hoped the move will better
distinguish the wider department from the
two-star general in command.
n THE selfless work of troops committed
to protecting the UK public from explosive
hazards during 2016 has earned 11
(EOD) Regiment, Royal Logistic Corps the
prestigious Firmin Sword of Peace.
The unit saw more than 2,850 call-outs
during the year, while raising around
Picture: Graeme Main
could find
The day-long exercise forms “Troops could find themselves in this summer.
a prelude to Templer’s Triumph the media if they do not respond to The D-Day 44 Challenge will see
on Longmoor Training Area, and events," he said. participants undertake a 44-mile run and
is an opportunity for cadets to
don costumes and take on the
Exercise creator Dr Deborah
Goodwin – who heads the themselves in 22-mile walk around Normandy to raise
money for Blesma, Blind Veterans UK and
Combat Stress.
personalities of the type of characters
they could face on operations.
The company-sized scenario
department – said the serial had
received considerable interest from
outside organisations.
the media Army surgeon Lt Col Mike McErlain
(pictured above right) collapsed during the
trek five years ago.
was designed to improve troops' “Agile Influence is still unique To get involved search for D-Day
influencing skills. in terms of officer training Challenge 2018 online.
A variety of media outlets were internationally," she said.
simulated in real-time, putting out a
combination of radio broadcasts, TV
“Those who have come to see
the exercise played out include SUPPORT FOR SAPPERS
reports, blogs and print material. representatives of our sister n A 24/7 mental health helpline, set up
Gareth Bloomfield, senior lecturer organisations from other branches of after the death of a Royal Engineer, has
from the academy’s Department the Armed Services.” been recognised with a national award.
of Communication and Applied Although the exercise was custom- Founded by Tim Evers following the loss
Behavioural Science, explained that written for Sandhurst, Goodwin can of his colleague Chris Walmsley, Sapper
soldiers also needed to learn how to advise other units on creating their Support ( received
engage with journalists. own influencing scenario. the best new charity accolade at the Charity
Times Awards.
Although the organisation initially
In this month’s helped Royal Engineers, its nine volunteers
now work across all three Armed Forces as
SOLDIER well as blue light services.
Evers, who left the Army two decades
ago and is now a firefighter with South
ATHLETICS P68 RUGBY LEAGUE P75 Yorkshire Fire and Rescue, said it had been
“an honour” to receive the gong.
SOLDIERS from A Squadron, The
Queen’s Royal Hussars unleash
the firepower of their hallenger
Main attle ank during a range
package at ergen ohne. he
intense three week exercise
tested indi idual drills, crew
cohesion and teamwork as well as
target accuracy.
icture ominic ing
LET’S be honest, soldiers face more than their fair share of challenges. So being mentally
resilient is just as important as physical robustness.
Resilient people don’t dwell on failure, they quickly learn from it. And evidence shows
these individuals are quicker to solve problems, suffer less stress, perform better at work and
have higher levels of wellbeing and happiness.
The good news is that everyone can learn to develop a strong mindset. Try these tips from
online mental health service Big White Wall…
Change View them as
and growth.
you approach
Being negative
or can lead to a
iffi utasks
If you notice any negative or unhelpful ideas sel ulfillin
creeping in, challenge them. Instead of being overly prophecy.
critical of yourself, adopt more realistic thoughts. onfidence
leads to success.
Keep a sense of
Don’t worry
losing fa e
However overwhelming events are, by asking for
they are usually short-lived.
Others can offer a different
view on a problem, and
e x ib l e and your
plans may
need to be
Having a strong support network to fall back on
altered or increases your resistance to stress.
Worried about your mental health? Speak to the chain of command, a doctor,
welfare officer, medic, padre or SSAFA Forcesline on 0800 731 4880 (UK). You
can also log on to for support.
What to do:
Seek medical advice immediately
from NHS 111 if you are showing
possible early signs of sepsis – especially if
you've recently had an infection or injury.
If it becomes severe the body can go into
septic shock when blood pressure drops to
a dangerously low level. This is a medical
emergency. If you think you or someone
in your care could have this condition go
straight to A&E or call 999.
In nu bers
What is it?
A rare but serious complication of an
REMEMBER this acronym
and seek urgent medical
help if you develop any of
infection in which the body attacks its the following symptoms: the approximate number of
own tissues. cases in the UK, annually
It can lead to multiple organ failure, loss
of limbs and death.
Who is at risk?
S lurred speech or
Anyone is susceptible but young children,
old people and those whose immune
systems are impaired, or who have
E xtreme shivering
or muscle pain
recently had surgery or been injured are
most at risk.
MAY 2017
Plenty of fruit
an egetables
2 to 3 portions
of il air
Work out your risk
2 to 3 portions 4 Sugar
of non-dairy Fat
Seek advice
■ Advice
sources ofApproach your PTI, who will
taken from the
protein (such as
assess whether you are at
increased, high, or veryDefence
high Nutrition
eat fishrisk anduts Advisory Service.
help you to create
e li k oitn foods and drin
a personalised diet andDownload the full
er th
exercise plan.
guide online or
bac As w ll
email navyinm- to cut
ber d salt.
At least 6 to 8 Remem sugar, label.
emsdnas@ h ig h in fat, e ck the
glasses of ater that ar
d o u bt – ch ze. If in
as boo
Pack a
A disciplined and confident
approach to leading teams is
something Service
personnel can bring to
the commercial world
to great effect.
ri e
Soldiers are
required to be
task- and results-
orientated to motivate
the team around them.
Roles in the military can
change every 12 to 18 months,
meaning troops are constantly taking in new
information, learning and adapting. Want a knockout CV?
Get these buzzwords
o uni ation
on there and measure open
Take a tape
Clear and concise comms are vital across all your natural
Armed Forces to ensure operations run smoothly, civvy street’s eyes to
waistline – between
your belly button
and this translates across most industries. and your ribcage
the skills themeasurement
and take the has
o ra eship
Whether it’s being a team player looking out for
your colleagues, or a leader considering different
ways to approach a task, being able to connect
different opinions into one positive direction
is a must in most military roles. And something
civilian employers will want to hear about.
28 MAY 2017
Read the
rust our o pass Take time to
understand the
This is very important. You need to
look at the map, work out what you can
see and make sure you orientate
Work outthe ÷
scale and symbols
because they will
vary from map
compass properly. Do not try to make to map. Read the
the ma fit the round. contours – what is
up, what is down
and the height
of the peaks. In
your planning
think in terms
of identifying an
easy to find “attack
point” to head for
and then plan your
Don't fear
you find yoursel
lost then stop and
take a breather. If
necessary, relocate
to a known point
where you were
happy with your
4Seek advice
of higher than
25 is classed as
overweight, higher
progress, go back Approach your PTI, who will ra ti e
than 30 is obese. a es perfe t
to your map and a e ourself
assess whether you are at
increased, high, or very high
If you fall into either
of these categories
compass and risk and help you to create Make sure you practise regulary. Using a
AND your waist
reorientate. Knowing how manydiet
a personalised paces
andyou take for each 100 metres can really pay circumference map is and compass is a life skill. Satellite
Picture: FreePik
military work'
regime – running – also helped.
Op Gritrock was a really testing time for
all of us, but we learned a great deal from
the deployment and the team are the richer
for having the experience.
I’m glad about the habits I picked up, in
particular that I wash my hands so often
Troops deployed to fight the Ebola – it goes to prove that, ultimately, good
personal hygiene can save lives” ■
outbreak in Africa faced a personal battle
against a deadly infection – and the
operation has continued to affect their work
ever since, reflects Reservist doctor Lt Col
Tom Trinick (RAMC) of 204 Field Hospital
IT was a deployment where I learned to when you are dealing with CBRN threats.
wash my hands like I had never washed Sierra Leone was extremely testing.
them before. I’m a consultant in general medicine and
You had to be scrupulous about your chemical pathology, and deployed on Op
hygiene in Sierra Leone. Gritrock near Freetown a few years ago.
Ebola is a virus that is easily You had a real sense of vulnerability in
transmittable. it finds its ay into your Africa and it really hit home when a nurse
body, you have a really serious problem. in our own team contracted the illness –
Being deployed as a doctor was both fortunately she was well treated, evacuated
restricting and stressful. But it was when and went on to recover after being
we came home that a real sense of anxiety o n back to the .
started for some of our team. But it had been a tense time
We were put into a loose form of for all of us, particularly as
quarantine, which was psychologically we had already seen what
di ficult. bola has a day incubation Ebola could do.
period. We were all issued with People tend to think
thermometers and told to phone our of the disease as a
temperatures to Public Health England haemorrhagic fever.
every day. But this is only part of
There’s not much else you can do other its effect. It starts off like
than keep going. u and in the end your
But as a result of the experience I am now organs start packing up.
far more aware of people’s fear of illness – ou can e ect fits crashin
your role is to help keep your patients calm, blood pressure and loss of
and I have more empathy with them now. kidney function as your vital
You bring a great deal back to your systems shut down.
military work from this type of situation. The situation was complicated for
The protocols you hone can also help us because malaria is also a hazard in Sierra
you develop transferrable skills for other Leone, and its symptoms can be remarkably
environments – particularly, for example, similar to bola hen they first a ear.
Be a GO D
Worried about the snags of
letting out a property? Here
are some words of wisdom
IF you own a house and you want to rent it out,
there is lots to know. The industry has never been
more heavily regulated, so making the move
in ol es far more work than simply finding a
tenant. Ele Wolstenholme, Army spouse and
director of Welcome Homes Property Solutions,
has the following checklist for any personnel thinking of handing
over their keys while deployed or on assignment…
ea e the to it
Check out the tenants et full a i e
Some landlords wrongly believe that because
andlords can ace unlimited fines and they own a house they can enter it at any his is not an e hausti e ist and there
a prison sentence – if they don’t ensure time. But when you grant a tenancy, you are are different rules for houses of multiple
their tenants are allowed to reside in the granting a legal interest in the property so you occupation. If you want to let out a
. ake sure you carry out a “ri ht to must follow the law when gaining access. If a property speak to a specialist or get a
rent” document check on everyone and landlord tries to illegally evict a tenant they can professional agent do it on your behalf.
not just the main tenant. ace a rison sentence and a he ty fine.
coordinate and see the combat zone more clearly test in Eastern Europe.
than just about anything else on the ground or in “I can’t quite believe I’m getting a tour to
the sky. Estonia so early in my career,” commented
The platform formally entered service in 2014 Cpl Roan Botes (AAC, pictured overleaf), an
but it has yet to be tested where it counts, on an aircrewman who joined the unit in January
operational deployment. straight out of conversion training at RAF
That will change in April, however, when 661 Shawbury and RNAS Yeovilton.
Squadron, 1 Regiment Army Air Corps travels “The Wildcat is a complex aircraft and
from its base at RNAS Yeovilton to Estonia to my role is more demanding than it was
support Nato’s enhanced forward presence. on the Lynx; we help pilots plan the
Four platforms, along with a supporting ground routes, assemble the map pack which
crew and experts from the Royal Electrical and acts as a backup if the digital equipment
Mechanical Engineers, will head for Estonia, fails, and carry out checks and drills as
Report: Steven Muncey
where they will support the country’s defence an essential part of the crew.
forces alongside the 1st Battalion, The Royal “I can’t wait to employ all those skills
Welsh battlegroup in Tapa (Soldier, February). during what will be a proper deployment.”
“We learnt in the autumn that we would be LCpl William Dimmock (REME), a class
deploying so there’s been a considerable amount two aircraft technician, added: “The Estonia
to do in a relatively short period of time,” Maj Alex mission has given everyone here a real boost – it
ivett AAC pictured below o cer commanding feels like we’re doing something important; it’s
661 Squadron, explained. exactly why we joined the service.
“However, we are well “We all want to see what Wildcat will be like to
prepared as we have been use and maintain in real operational conditions.”
on a high-readiness footing The squadron will have plenty of opportunity
is set to be
in Estonia
The cat’s whiskers: A gunner firing a . 0 calibre machine gun from a ildcat k1
during a 1 AA live firing e ercise at irkcudbright cotland
for doing just that as the tour is due to last explained Maj Rivett.
around four months. “In Estonia we want to demonstrate those
During that time they’ll not only be supporting sorts of abilities to our own commanders and
the Estonians and The Royal Welsh in training, prove they do not need to see what the aircrew
but plugging into a major annual Nato serial, can see in order to trust their judgement.
Exercise Sabre Strike, which spans Latvia, “It’s not a big leap from what we have always
Estonia and Lithuania and involves the armed trained to deliver, but the Wildcat capability
forces of around 20 nations. allows us to be reconnaissance specialists for
“The Estonians have only four Robinson the wider Army”.
light helicopters in their fleet so they’re Whether this ambition will be achieved in
really excited about us bringing a cutting-edge one deployment remains to be seen but there
platform such as Wildcat to provide air support,” will be more than one bite of the cherry because
said Maj Rivett. 659 Squadron, 1 Regiment’s other operational
The squadron won’t be hoping to impress only Wildcat unit that was formed in January, will
the locals, however. deploy to Estonia in 12 months’ time.
“Many of our own ground forces are not fully Over the course of these two missions the
aware of Wildcat’s many capabilities yet,” added helicopter’s aircrews will be presented with
the o cer. a rare opportunity to demonstrate its full
“Our sensors and mission systems potential in conditions that are as
mean that we can operate well ahead close to real combat as they can
of other assets feeding back critical be without actually ring a
information instantaneously.” weapon in anger.
● Infrared camera, stabilised electro-
In fact, Wildcat’s impressive More importantly, optical camera, laser designator and
communications and recce they will also be able range finder to mark targets
capabilities mean it has the potential to show that, far from
to be the controlling platform for air falling victim to a new ● Integrated global positioning and
and ground forces. environment, Wildcat inertial navigation system
“The aircrew are trained could actually be the ● Mission planning system includes
reconnaissance pilots who driver of change mission orders, tactical airspace
have the ability to read as divisional and information, meteorological and
the situation and direct brigade-level geographical data.
ground-based weapons forces start to This enables sorties to be planned for
or aerial assets like realise the full single or multiple platforms.
The plans can be rehearsed in
Apaches and F-35s extent of its many
either 2D or 3D.
to prosecute targets,” capabilities. n
● A pintle-mounted general-purpose
machine gun or M3M heavy machine gun
● Integrated defensive aids system
● Radar warning receiver and defensive
aids system controller
● Missile warning system
● Countermeasures dispensing system
(chaff and flare launcher) The technology troops in Estonia
● Ability to interact with the Bowman will have at their disposal
network, exchanging secure voice and
data communications
bit lazy when he thinks no one’s looking.”
They don’t know it yet, but one of these
students is destined for an immediate promotion
when the Sennybridge stint is over.
“That will be huge,” Capt Wright smiles. “To get
to the end, have that sense of real achievement,
and then get promoted in front of our brigade
deputy commander.”
But for now, the worthy recipient is none
the wiser as he soldiers on through bogs and
marshes – unaware of the brilliant reward that
lies in wait for him. ■
ol i d
sa of
nd c ho
ivvies in s
OTORCYCLE-MAD soldiers and civvies have
been learning some new tricks from each
other in an exciting project that is uniting the
two communities.
Based at Chetwynd Barracks, Chilwell,
Report: Cliff Caswell Pictures: Graeme Main Icons: FreePik
Launched in
at the
50 Regular
Bikes currently
in the shed
Northern Ireland’s T WAS a focal point for service for generations of
courageous men and women – the Northern Ireland
part-time troops Troubles were characterised by individuals who risked
punch well Col Sheridan is typical of many locals who still thrive in the
Army. A former member of the UDR and 9th (County Antrim)
above their Battalion, Royal Irish Regiment – one of the Home Service
battalions disbanded in he has signi cant e perience.
of the UK population
is in the region
More than a decade has passed since this 38-year operation
1 in 5
ended and Northern Ireland is now a more peaceful place.
But the experience of those who served in the likes of the
Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR) and Royal Irish Home Service of the Army Reserve is based there
battalions is still present – providing a backbone of the potent
Reservists at the
Army Reserve based throughout the country.
height of Herrick were
Working with Regular counterparts, there are several specialist
from NI
units around the region. As well as using their skills to provide
capabilities such as medical support and front-line fuel supply,
# Getting technical
The Reservists from 152 (North Irish) Regiment, Royal Logistic
Corps are unique, being the only group of soldiers dedicated to
handing fuel and moving it to where it is needed in the field.
With its heart at Palace Barracks in Belfast, the unit is
BUILDING strong relationships with employers in Northern Ireland – continuing to develop its capabilities and will be rehearsing
and an emphasis on developing skills that can be transferred to civvy interoperability with American allies at Fort Stewart, Georgia,
street – are key to the success of the Reserve in Northern Ireland. later in 2018.
Maj Mark Brotherston, officer commanding 157 Divisional Support The regiment’s adjutant Capt Toby Hartle highlighted that
Company, Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers said many making the changes in a relatively short time had been a
businesses saw the value of allowing staff to volunteer in the military. significant achievement.
He commented: “Ultimately, we believe that the uptake of Reserve Just a decade ago it was responsible for military ambulances
service is adding to Northern Ireland PLC – it is a small place and we before moving to more general transport duties.
are looking to contribute to the economy. Capt Hartle emphasised: “We reached full operating capability
“Several REME personnel served during the years of Op Banner but in October last year and the unit is now the largest single entity of
we are now seeing soldiers who were not on the deployment – and petroleum operators in the British Army.”
are very much influenced by Afghanistan.” The regiment packs a punch for its relatively modest size.
Maj Brotherston said 157 Company now represented the REME Built around four squadrons – two of which operate tankers – its
Reserve in Northern Ireland – the corps’ presence has been personnel can be called on to support operations and exercises
consolidated into the unit in recent years. where needed.
As well as packing a punch in terms of operational experience its Using the joint operational fuel system, which effectively
troops – who are drawn from across the region’s communities – have unpacks to create a deployable liquid bunker, the soldiers have an
been involved in a raft of projects benefiting people living in Northern impressive reach, pushing well forward to assist their colleagues
Ireland. They also work as ambassadors for Science, Technology, at the front.
Engineering and Mathematics.
not to disturb the young man? appropriate for the scenario.
This is not total professionalism. In this instance, it obviously
Surely there are better ways to show includes the decision to allow a
address supplied might include a decision to make insight into the issues at the
a brew – although if you look top of soldiers’ agendas...
Maj Michael Mahoney, SO2 carefully you will notice the tactical
but please be brief. Emails
Marketing, Recruiting Group, positioning of sentries. must include your name and
replies: The current recruiting There is no breach of training location (although we won’t
environment is uniquely regulations or the service test, real publish them if you ask us
challenging, with a reducing or implied.
not to). We reserve the right to
population, changing demographics, Indeed, I would argue the
and the lowest unemployment opposite: the advert shows a accept or reject letters, and to
levels for 40 years. practical demonstration of the edit for length, clarity or style.
Additionally, the Army is seen Army’s commitment to its values Before you write to us with a
by many to be intimidating, and standards by illustrating the pro lem, you should first ha e
unobtainable and populated by team’s respect for others. tried to get an answer via your
negative stereotypes. It also represents the Army own chain of command.
With that in mind, the current Leadership Code, which states,
recruiting campaign is designed “teams that embrace diversity…
to demonstrate that the modern are always stronger for it”.
British Army is tolerant, respectful, Therefore, far from undermining @soldiermagazine
fair and human, and that it supports the commander, it shows her
you physically and mentally. actively exercising command and
Consequently, all the adverts control, with a demonstration of
feature real Servicemen and women effective and inclusive leadership
in scenarios that represent their that we should all aspire to.
It could
squaddie who wishes he was back Admittedly, weight gain is a national which also takes into consideration
with the lads,” he said. problem – with almost two-thirds of the waist circumference.
I hope his example shows other the UK’s population reportedly being We do this because part of the
sufferers that as dark as life can
get away from the Service, there is cause overweight or obese.
But I recently came across a warrant
Army’s duty of care is to look after
its soldiers’ health.
always something that can help.
– Cpl Mark Pattison, MPGS negative officer who completes all his mandatory
annual fitness tests (putting some
An increased BCM measurement
not only puts an individual at a
younger soldiers to shame), but due to higher risk of suffering physical and
his height and build has a BMI above mental health issues but also of
the so-called normal level. medical downgrading.
This has resulted in him receiving an It indicates a greater likelihood of
AGAI and given three months to reduce increased medical care costs in the
his body mass – he has been ordered to future and a reduced ability to work.
attend remedial physical training. These have serious implications for
The problem with this type of action both the individual and the Army.
is that it could cause severe negative With regards to treatment, you
effects such as eating disorders, which assume that by asking a person to
can produce an array of other physical, reduce their weight they are at risk
mental and emotional issues. of developing an eating disorder
These could follow certain individuals but this is very rarely the case. Such
far beyond their Army careers. a condition usually stems from
What can be done to help people like a mental health issue not from
this and how can we change the old changing behaviour with regard to
“too fat to fight” mindset within our diet and exercise.
higher echelons? – Name and address However, it shouldn’t be ignored
supplied so when advice is offered it’s
important to use the appropriate
GOT A GRIPE? Dr Nicola Sides, SO2 Health
Psychology (Lifestyles), Army
language such as “reaching a
healthy BCM” rather than weight
GET IT OFF Headquarters, replies: The first thing
to acknowledge is the difference
loss. This can give personnel a
target to reach rather than seeking
YOUR CHEST between BMI and body composition
measurement (BCM).
continual losses.
The Army should always use Caution should be exercised when BCM rather than BMI to assess an
using the former as it does not individual’s health risk and respond
relate to fatness or distribution of in accordance with the Armed Forces
fat, which is linked to health risk. weight management policy.
I’m left
dress and items to complete the
number two dress uniform, such as
hats, belts and shoes.
out of The IOG is not intended to
provide a number one dress (blues)
Feeling the blues on tailoring for their evening duties but there is
nothing in Queen’s Regulations or
other Army policy documents that
FTER commissioning from the colleagues are low. states they have to.
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst There is no option to wear our multi- It is therefore a regimental
young officers receive a grant that terrain pattern clothing or number twos. requirement, not an Army one.
supposedly covers the cost of tailoring Captains who are posted to Sandhurst The Service cannot provide grants
and clothing purchases before they arrive as platoon commanders do receive a or loans to cover the traditions or
at their regiment. grant for blues, however – presumably styles of individual regiments.
But there is no loan scheme for number because a lot of cap badges don’t require When the Army does require
ones or blues tunics. them while at regiment. personnel to wear number one
I have been in regiment for two-and- Why then can this grant not be dress, such as officers posted to
a-half years and while I have worn my extended? I wear mine far more than a Sandhurst, military advisers to
mess dress (for which I did receive a platoon commander at Sandhurst does senior officers or Corps of Army
loan) about eight times, I have worn my but unlike them I’m left out of pocket. Music musicians, the Service
blues twice a week as orderly officer and I’m a cavalry officer and there is a provides either an additional grant
every single day when numbers of my notion that we are made of money but or issues the uniform.
ITH very real retention issues year university degree where does that restricted (key stages of a child’s
facing the Armed Forces, isn’t it leave them? education, another move within
time a more informed approach
is taken on housing?
Some courses are transferrable but
many others are not. My 11 months or on the basis of
exceptional welfare need).
As a unit welfare warrant officer I A colleague of mine recently fell foul of Allowing such a measure to also
have dealt with numerous difficulties in this policy and received an aggressively support spouses’ education could
this area, but one stands out – retaining written 28-day eviction notice. lead to significant shortages in
Service family accommodation (SFA)
when spouses are on educational courses.
After contacting Occupancy Services he
was told he could stay in his SFA as “non- fell foul of particular locations and unfairly
disadvantage others.
JSP 464 states that this housing should
continue to be available when there is a
realistic expectation the course will be
entitled”, thus eliminating any home-to-
duty expenses.
He was also told that if he did stay on
the policy That said, where it is possible we
will try to support these aspirations.
For example, policy was amended
completed during their soldier’s current he would have to do so at a continued three years ago so that where
posting, but many assignments of senior 28-day notice to move, and would not get a spouse has started a course
NCOs and above are set at three years his removals paid for at the end. expecting to complete it during
or less. I think we can all agree that these their serving partner’s tour and he
So if their partners undertake a three- ultimatums are compelling and cause or she is posted early, retention of
SFA can be granted.
And where availability permits, a
‘WILL I ENDANGER MY PENSION BY LEAVING EARLY?’ licence to occupy this housing on a
surplus basis can be granted.
I HAVE served for more than 20 years 22 years’ pensionable service, so Occupancy is on an eligible, not
on a versatile engagement (VEng) and before applying to leave you should entitled, basis – meaning that a mid-
am thinking of putting in a notice to confirm that you will receive the assignment move at public expense
terminate very shortly. pension you expect. would not ordinarily be covered.
On JPA I can set a leaving date so that Go to the website However, in your colleague’s
I can start my resettlement preparations. armed-forces-pension-calculator to case it should not lead to a loss of
However, my chain of command have get an estimate and download a home-to-duty allowance; he should
told me I must wait until June 2018 pension forecast request (form 12). contact his unit admininistration
when I will reach my 21-year point. This only provides a useful office about this.
Is this correct and if so why is there estimate so obtain a full forecast. On receipt of an assignment
an option on JPA to set your own All Service personnel are entitled order there is a requirement to
termination date? to one in any 12-month period free submit an application for this
And if I put in my notice in now of charge. housing, even if this is to formalise
would I endanger my pension? – Name Further assistance is also provided continued occupation of the same
and address supplied by the Forces Pension Society. property when reassigned to the
Once you are content with your same location.
Maj Ali Smith, SO2 Soldier Policy, entitlement, you can use JPA to When personnel do not follow
Army Headquarters, replies: As you apply for early termination. that process, they can be identified
joined the Army prior to 2005 you There is a JPA self service user as an over-stayer, leading to receipt
may have pensionable service on guide to assist you with this. of a letter as your colleague did.
three schemes. Entitlement to resettlement This is done to ensure maximum
Certain benefits from these are depends on length of service, with SFA availability for those posted
only payable after completing the full policy detailed in JSP 534. into a given location.
NO. 916
TEN details have been changed in this picture Barracks, Government Road, Aldershot, Hampshire will win £100-worth of men’s grooming products
of Reservists from 104 Regiment, Royal Artillery GU11 2DU with your contact details, including from The Bluebeards Revenge.
marking the 66th anniversary of the Queen’s email address, no later than March 30. The winner will be announced in the May 2018
accession to the throne at Cardiff Castle. A photocopy is acceptable but only one entry issue. Usual rules apply.
Circle all the differences in the left image and per person may be submitted. January’s winner: Becca James, AR Centre,
send the panel to HOAY 916, Soldier, Ordnance First correct entry drawn after the closing date Aylesbury.
Notice to readers
Your details
Name: .................................................................................................................
Address: .............................................................................................................
............................................................................. Postcode: ............................
Telephone: .......................................................................................................
Return to SOLDIER, Ordnance Barracks, Government Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 2DU
Finding homes for military FOR SALE
personnel. We organise your Cap badges, regimental ties,
mortgage, search for your ideal blazer badges, medals, insignia.
property, manage the complete Send £2 for list to: Cairncross (Dept
purchase, arrange the letting S), 31 Belle Vue Street, Filey, North
if required and pay all your Yorkshire YO14 9HU.
professional and legal fees. Tel: 01723 513287
K Jacobs, 219 Sqn, 2 Signal PWRR, Cottesmore; Pte S Carrick, Inf Battle School, Brecon.
Regt, York; LCpl T Ingham, 110 26 Engr Regt, Tidworth; OCdt S
Pro Coy, 1 RMP, BFP0 16; Maj Hayes, RMAS, Camberley. 27 January 2018
C Lethbridge, 127 Sqn,16 Med 1st Prize (£10,000): Pte H Thapa,
From 1 April 2018 weekly Regt, Colchester; Maj T Badham, 20 January 2018 2 Sqn, 1 Regt RLC, Bicester. 2nd
prize money will be 1 Dev, D Pers, Andover. 1st Prize (£10,000): Sgt L Reid, Prize (£5,000): Pte A Bailey,
increasing from £25,000 DBS Secretariat, London. 2nd Sp Coy, 2 Para, Colchester. 3rd
to £30,000 13 January 2018 Prize (£5,000): Pte J Turnbull, 8 Prize (£4,000): LSgt T Bates, C
1st Prize (£10,000): Capt J Eaves, Bn REME, DSEME, Chippenham. Coy, 1 Coldm Gds, Windsor. 4th
6 January 2018 3 Rifles, Edinburgh; 2nd Prize 3rd Prize (£4,000): Capt P Batley, Prize (£2,000): Maj J Cartwright-
1st Prize (£10,000): WO2 C (£5,000): Cpl G Boycott, 280 Sqn, 39 Engr Regt, Forres. 4th Prize Terry, Army Foundation College,
Wilson, 250 Sqn, 2 Med Regt, 162 Regt RLC, Swindon; 3rd Prize (£2,000): Capt D Wall, HQ 29 Harrogate. 5th Prize (£1,000): Sgt
Kingston upon Hull. 2nd Prize (£4,000): Name withheld, RAF St EOD and Search Gp, Aldershot. G Loveridge, Sp Sqn, 14 Signal
(£5,000): Cpl H Trevor, ATDU, Athan, Vale of Glamorgan. 4th 5th Prize (£1,000): LCpl S Regt (EW), Haverfordwest. 15
Wareham. 3rd Prize (£4,000): Prize (£2,000): Tpr J Ward, ARTD, Browning, MPGS, RM Poole, Consolation prizes (£200 each):
Capt L Sumner, 174 Pro Coy, 3 Stafford. 5th Prize (£1,000): Pte Hamworthy. 15 Consolation LCpl T Hallett, 95 Sqn, 9 Regt
RMP, Telford. 4th Prize (£2,000): K Maniak, Army Foundation prizes (£200 each): Maj M RLC, Chippenham; Cpl M
Cpl D Sinnott, 26 Engr Regt, College, Harrogate. 15 Woodward, JSCSC, ICSC(L), Chadwick, 2 Sqn, 11(RSS) Signal
Tidworth. 5th Prize (£1,000): Consolation prizes (£200 each): Shrivenham; Cpl S Knight, Sp Regt, Blandford Forum; LSgt L
WO2 J Mayoh, HQ RSA, Larkhill. LCpl K Gurung, Sp Coy, 1 RGR, Coy, 5 Rifles, Salisbury; Capt Humphries, C Coy, 1 Gren Gds,
15 Consolation prizes (£200 Folkstone; WO1 J Rhodes, HQ V Sutherland, 54 AEC, HQ ETS, Aldershot; LCpl M Hughes, B Coy,
each): WO2 K Murphy, 1 ITB, 8 Engr Bde, Camberley; WO2 BFPO 58; Sgt G Smith, A Coy, 1 IG, Hounslow; LCpl A Woollam,
ITC, Catterick Garrison; SSgt M G Weatherston, 124 Sqn, 71 2 Lancs, Preston; Sgt M Hill, G Outreach Team, Beaconside; Cpl
O’Brien Jones, ASLS, Pirbright; Engr Regt, Cumbernauld; Cpl Bty, 7 Para RHA, Colchester; Sgt P Howell, Sp Coy, 1 R Welsh,
SSgt C Cutter, RDG LAD REME, A Pearson, 1 MI Bn, Catterick M Bennett, 1 WG, Pirbright; Tidworth; Lt R McGrath, 2 ITB,
Catterick Garrison; SSgt J Miller, Garrison; Cpl I Gurung, 23 Bty, Gdsm P Clements, A Coy, 1 IG, Catterick Garrison; Spr B Doolan,
22 Engr Regt, Tidworth; Sgt A 29 Cdo Regt RA, Plymouth; Cpl A Hounslow; Capt S Jones, M Bty, 1 Sqn, 21 Engr Regt, Ripon; OCdt
Usher, 258 Sqn, 30 Signal Regt, Stephen, 202 Sqn, 3 Signal Regt, 3 RHA, Newcastle upon Tyne; H Ziegler, RMAS, Camberley;
Nuneaton; Cpl E Langston, D Sqn, Salisbury; Cpl M Bramley, MPGS, Gnr M Wookey, 16 Bty, 26 Regt LCpl N D’Rozario, 1 Coy, 1 CS Bn
QRH, BFPO 16; Sgt N Hodson, Lichfield; Capt P Rumming, RA, BFPO 113; Cpl S Dewan, REME, Catterick Garrison; Pte
34 Bty, 14 Regt RA, Salisbury; 1 R Welsh, Tidworth; LCpl M B Coy, 1 RGR, Folkstone; Pte K McClean, 31 Sqn, 3 Regt RLC,
Fus D Miller, C Coy, 1 R Welsh, Hodgkinson, HQ Coy, 2 R Anglian, M Purvis, RR (N), ARTD, RG, Abingdon; Lt Col A Craig, DES
Tidworth; LCpl J Colbeck, 228 BFPO 58; Capt E Walker, B Coy, 5 Strensall; Pte C Coleman, Sp Coy, ComLand, VST, Bristol; Maj C
Sqn, 3 Signal Regt, Bulford Camp; Rifles, Salisbury; 2nd Lt G Usher, 2 Yorks, Catterick; Pte S Mason, Griffiths, Whitchurch, Hampshire;
LBdr A Keville, 10 Bty, 47 Regt T Bty, 12 Regt RA, Emsworth; Pte 9 Sqn, 7 Regt RLC, Cottesmore; Maj M Morrissey, A Sqn, RL,
RA, Larkhill; Pte J Batterbee, B O Pearce, Sp Coy, 2 R Anglian, Maj S Hempsey, RCDM, Catterick; LCpl R Keeler, MPGS
Coy, 1 R Anglian, London; LCpl BFPO 58; Pte S Hughes, B Coy, 2 Edgbaston; Maj G Brocklehurst, Manston, Ramsgate.
The Velar is striking… but is
its beauty just skin deep?
Base from £44,575
Tech spec
S from £50,165
R-Dynamic from £52,585
Length – 4,803mm;
Width – 1,930mm;
Height – 1,685mm.
Towing capacity:
2,400 to 2,500kg
CO2 emissions:
Economy (combined):
Most people will fork out for one of equipped with enough gadgets to put
these smooth operators simply because the Batmobile to shame – it even had
of its image and looks. adjustable air suspension so at a flick
But in typical Ranger Rover style of a switch you could hunker it down
there’s a good dose of practicality on for racing around on a track or provide
offer, too. plenty of ground clearance to wade
The Velar can comfortably seat five through floodwater.
people and the rear bench splits three But regardless of how wild it looks
ways to accommodate awkwardly out there, you’ll always feel cosy and
shaped loads. cosseted by the leather-clad interior –
The boot offers an impressive 1,731 our model even had seats that massage
litres of space when the back seats are your back.
folded down and a useful 558 litres Not everything was perfect, though.
(632 litres without a spare wheel) when The turning circle was akin to a Royal
they’re up. Navy aircraft carrier’s and the rear
The cabin is also as plush as a parcel shelf seemed to have been
gentleman’s club but features a splash transplanted from a budget hatchback.
of high-tech gadgetry up front where And while most buyers will probably
two ten-inch touchscreens are used to opt for one of the efficient diesel
direct most of the major controls. versions, David Attenborough certainly
These screens have replaced most of wouldn’t have approved of the
the traditional buttons and switches, model we drove: a top-of-the-range,
with the exception of the headlights 380-horsepower petrol version, which
and windows. barely managed 20mpg while driven
As a result, you’ll need the skills of an sedately on B roads.
Apache pilot to find your way around There’s no denying, however, that
the bewildering variety of entertainment if you want a luxurious ride with
functions and driving modes such as ample room for the whole family,
the terrain response system – unless enough performance to entertain, and
you’ve taken time out to read the phone something that makes you feel special
directory-sized user’s manual. whether you’re off for golf at Carnoustie
The upper screen primarily handles or climbing in the Cairngorms, the Velar
audio, navigation and vehicle settings fits the bill. ■
while the lower display swaps between
climate controls and driving mode,
which you can alter for sand, mud,
grass, gravel and snow. VERDICT:
You even use the touchscreens to Elegant and practical –
alter the sharpness of the steering, a vehicle to remember
throttle and gearshift.
The Dynamic-R model we tried was
MARCH 2018 61
Scottish indie outfit chart new path
IT has been almost 15 years since understands that what is essential is Hints of a rebirth are obvious from
Franz Ferdinand burst onto the the emotion; the emotion that inspired VERDICT: the outset and this is an album that
music scene with the colossal single the song and the emotion that the Reinvention leans firmly in the electro direction,
Take Me Out. song inspires in you on hearing it. sparks although Franz Ferdinand’s trademark
The track, and the record it stemmed “It’s all that matters. Everything interesting guitars can be heard simmering away
from, cemented their status as one comes from that: the sound, new path in the background.
of the UK’s most exciting bands. performance, tempo, instrumentation, While the sound may be slightly
But when founding member Nick even how far you stand from the different the lyrics remain as thoughtful
McCarthy walked away in 2016 it microphone – everything.” as ever, with The Academy Award
seemed as though an impressive run of The album was recorded in just a mocking the world of celebrity and
critically acclaimed albums and sold- couple of weeks but had been written obsessions with selfies, and Lois Lane
out tours would be coming to an end. over the course of the preceding year pondering the grim reality of middle age.
But instead of calling time on their somewhere in the west of Scotland. The album’s title track oozes energy
endeavours the group is embarking “We all lived in the one place and vigour and further highlights can
on a second coming, with two new together,” Kapranos explained. “It’s be found on Huck and Jim and the
members joining the fold ahead of the remote and that’s what we needed. disco-inspired Glimpse of Love.
release of Always Ascending. “We weren’t just writing an LP However, it would be difficult to
Working alongside producer but were creating a band, a sound, a call this a full reinvention for the band
Philippe Zdar they set about creating universe. We started from zero with no as there are elements that have been
a fresh sound inspired by electro-pop expectations. It was liberating. heard before and while the music hints
and dance music, and it was a process “From nothing, we created this new at an exciting new dawn it fails to fully
that proved to be reinvigorating. universe to inhabit, something nebulous follow through on its promise. ■
“We loved working with Philippe,” at first that gradually took form until it
said frontman Alex Kapranos. “He felt like it had always existed.” REVIEW: RICHARD LONG, SOLDIER
Man of the Woods
by Justin Timberlake
The Time Is Now
by Craig David Tale of canine IED king packs bite
HAVING seen his career as the poster boy of UK IT was a career move that pushed
garage derailed by the brutal mocking of comedy her to the limits, put her on the front
series Bo Selecta!, Craig David is now basking line in the terrifying battle against the
in the glow of an impressive rebirth. Comeback album Following My IED, and demanded that she place the
Intuition, released in 2016, was his first number one since his 2000 debut ultimate trust in a canine companion. adaptation of Leavey’s story is set
and latest offering The Time Is Now builds on the growing momentum. But Megan Leavey would not against the backdrop of the concerted
The record covers a wide array of dance genres and with eight different change anything. The former corporal IED campaign that faced US troops in
producers on-board there is no shortage of input from those who know maintains her decision to join the US the insurgency of the mid-2000s.
what it takes to create a polished pop offering. But such variety proves to Marine Corps changed her life for Tracking her Service career from
be David's undoing as the singer comes across as a guest vocalist on a the better – and the relationship the 2003-07, which followed dead-end
collaboration project, instead of being the star of his own show. There are handler forged with her explosives civvy jobs and strained relationships
a number highlights to enjoy but this album fails to fully deliver. search dog Rex during two back-to- with her parents, the plot charts her
Sarah Goldthorpe, Soldier back tours in Iraq was its high point. success in the dog section after a
Now the focus of a film based on her difficult start to military life.
experiences during some of the most Partnered with German Shepherd
Little Dark Age volatile years in the Middle Eastern Rex, who had sunk his jaws into the
by MGMT country, she is delighted with the way arm of a previous handler and put him
she has been captured in celluloid. in hospital, the pair deploy out into the
US duo MGMT seemed destined for greatness “It was really surreal when I first full force of a terrorist campaign.
following the release of standout singles Time to saw the movie,” Leavey told Soldier. When Leavey and her canine partner
Pretend and Kids in 2008. So it was surprising to “But I am pleased with how it has are split up after both being wounded
see them take a distinct backwards step on the albums that have followed turned out and the fact that it raises in a harrowing contact with insurgents,
since, where their detours and experimentations were not well received. awareness of working dogs. the handler later embarks on a new
Fans will be relieved to hear they have made a welcome return to form “Rex was one of the best but you had fight to adopt him after he is retired
on Little Dark Age, a record littered with infectious pop anthems that to trust him and let him work his way. from service – and recommended as
ticks all the boxes. Opener She Works Out Too Much sets the tone and “He was amazing at his job and as a unsuitable for re-homing.
this impressive formula continues on the likes of One Thing Left to Try handler he was exactly the partner you “The movie is not a documentary
and Hand it Over. There's also great fun to be had, none more so than on would want by your side.” and some liberties have been taken
the track TSLMP – an abbreviation for time spent looking at my phone – Released on DVD this month and in the story's transfer to
which delivers a gentle dig at today's screen-obsessed generation. having already received critical acclaim, Hollywood,” the 34-year-old
Richard Long, Soldier Gabriela Cowperthwaite’s film New Yorker admitted.
A powerful story, well filmed
Wings of Eagles
Out now
cinematic rendering, Leavey said it At its heart, however, Rex is an
had accurately conveyed the feeling extraordinary tale of trust between dog
of life during her two seven-month and handler as well as the faith placed
deployments to Fallujah in 2005 and in them by the soldiers who depended
Ramadi the following year – and the on their expertise and courage to
atmosphere in Iraq at the time. detect lethal threats. RELEASED at the start of this year, The Man
In particular, the scenes set in the For Leavey, the film is also about the With the Iron Heart tells the story of of the real-life Second
Middle East – shot in Spain – provided bonds forged in service. World War mission to kill top-ranking Nazi Reinhard Heydrich.
an insight into the threat of IEDs and “I am an only child,” she concluded. Based on international bestseller HHhH by Laurent Binet,
ambush as well as the daily battle “But by the time I left in 2007 I had so its cast includes Jason Clarke, Rosamund Pike, Jack
against the searing summer heat. many brothers and sisters. O’Connell, Stephen Graham, Jack Reynor and Mia
Leavey said the sequence depicting “Joining the United States Marine Wasikowska. Soldier has teamed up with Lionsgate Films
the high-intensity contact in which she Corps was absolutely the best decision to offer three readers a Blu-ray film and book combination
and Rex were wounded had proved I ever made.” ■ set. To be in with a chance of winning one, tell us what
suitably emotive. year HHhH was released. Answers to the usual address
“They did a good job with this in the INTERVIEW: CLIFF CASWELL, SOLDIER or by March 30.
and the Service, who have given
me the time off I need to train
and compete.
"For aspiring athletes the
British Army is the place to be. It
allows you to do the best you can HE absence of key second. She came here on
both physically and mentally. DEGREES athletes failed to the back of being on exercise
"A lot of results come down to scupper the Army overnight. If that had not
mental preparation. women's hopes at the Inter- been the case she could have
eing an officer gi es me the HEAT Services Cross-Country pushed harder.
discipline and state of mind to AWAITING Championships as an inspired "The RAF were strong
complete incredi ly difficult ATHLETES team effort saw them seal the this year so I was a little
challenges and look after myself ON THE collective honours. concerned beforehand but the
and my teammates. With leading lights Capt girls worked well as a team to
"There are so many Lauren Hall (REME) and Cpl pack the top positions.
transferable skills." ■ COURSE Dani Hodgkinson (QARANC) "We have massive depth in
missing, the Reds relied on the squad. We can lose two or
their strength in depth to get three athletes and still get the
the job done on a windswept job done.
wintry course at Minley. "Our junior runners and
The Royal Air Force claimed Reservists are now coming to
top spot in the individual the fore."
standings but with debutant Success for the women
HOURS, 29 Lt Rosie Wilde (RA) leading proved to be the Army's only
the charge the Service victory on the day as the RAF
secured the next four places to dominated proceedings in the
SECONDS take the overall title. other three races.
– THE TIME "We are well practised on heir runners finished
POSTED this course as the Army and first and second in the
BY MEN'S Inter-Corps Championships men's senior event, with the
were both held here," team Army claiming third spot,
manager WO1 Kelly Haniver and strong performances
TOM OWENS (RAPTC) told SoldierSport. throughout the field cemented
IN THE 2017 "So we knew the girls could the team prize.
CHALLENGE run well. The airmen also scooped
"Rosie is new to the team the honours in the masters
and did really well to finish and under-23 races. ■
spearheading the charge toward told SoldierSport. "We probably had some of the
team glory. "But we have real strength in best conditions for ten to 15 years
Kick won both the slalom and depth and that showed out on and the snow was fantastic.
super giant slalom, as well as the slopes. "The weather over the last
claiming second in the downhill "The ladies competition went three or four seasons hasn't been
and third in the giant slalom, down to the wire but Rachel great so it was good to get back
as he was crowned the overall Hughes was just that little bit on track."
individual champion ahead of ahead and that pushed her team The Army reigned supreme
teammate Kuwall. to the title." in the Nordic events as they
In the female competition, The snowboarding drew defeated the Senior Service to
debutant Capt Lauren Barr further success for the RAF as win all fi e team trophies.
EME found herself in a fierce they won both the men's and The Inter-Services action
battle with Royal Air Force rival women's team competitions, as continues this month at the Ice
Cpl Rachel Hughes but it was well as the individual prizes. Sports Championships in the
the latter who prevailed with Sgt Kris Looker (R Signals) Austrian resort of Igls. ■
Pictures: Paralympics GB
THE increasing popularity of
skeleton, luge and bobsleigh
master but the athletes produced ITH the Winter get Menna in the right place to
some impressive performances in Olympics now over, get round the gates and make
a series of hard-fought battles. attention switches it down the hill in the fastest
The pairing of LCpl Ivan to the upcoming Paralympic time possible, so there is lots of
Londal and LCpl Rick Ray, of campaign and the Army will be teamwork involved."
3rd Battalion, The Parachute well represented on the slopes. The conditions in
Regiment, claimed the men’s Capt Jen Kehoe (RE, pictured yeongchang made life difficult
bobsleigh title with WO2 Sarah left) will act as the guide for for athletes at last month's
Smith and 2nd Lt Jess Elkington Menna Fitzpatrick in the Winter Olympics but Kehoe is
(both RA) reigning supreme in the visually impaired Alpine skiing confident they can con uer the
women’s event. and the duo have jetted out to challenges ahead.
A total of 24 soldiers took to the yeongchang in confident mood She added: "We are fully
track in the skeleton, where LCpl following their recent medal prepared for whatever the
Nathan Jackson (RLC) secured "WE haul at the orld up final. weather throws at us.
the honours in the men’s race Selection comes after Kehoe "We were out there for a test
ahead of novice champion Sig WANT missed out on a place in the event last year and the piste is
Arran Holmes (R Signals). Capt Team GB squad at Sochi 2014 quite technical and you have to
Rhianon Graham (AGC (SPS)) won TO GIVE through injury and she is excited think from top to bottom, there's
the women’s competition. by the prospect of facing the no cruising."
Gdsm Ray Thompson (IG) IT OUR world's best athletes in what is Double amputee and former
topped the podium in the men’s the pinnacle of her sport. paratrooper Scott Meenagh
luge, with Sgt Danielle Scott BEST "It's all a bit surreal to (pictured above) will compete
(QARANC) matching the feat in e honest, the officer told in the para Nordic skiing events
the women’s showdown. SHOT" SoldierSport. "We have worked after progressing to the Team
hard over the last two-and-a-half GB ranks via the Paralympic
years and it is incredible to be Inspiration Programme.
named in the team. "It's an incredible feeling to
"We are taking it one step know my name is on the team
at a time. his is our first sheet," Meenagh said.
Paralympics and we want "I'm determined to give my
to give it our best shot. Our very best performance."
performances this season mean Snowboarder Owen Pick,
we are in good shape. formerly of 1st Battalion, The
"There is so much for me to Royal Anglian Regiment,
think about as a guide. I have to completes the line-up. ■
Picture: Hoycubed Photography
Gold Cup at Sandown on March 9. STUNNING 20-yard (REME), who calmly found the
“I was quite nervous today,” Disney INTER-SERVICES strike from Cpl Darren bottom corner.
said after his latest triumph. “The
feeling of winning is like a drug, it’s
UNDER-23 Humphries (AGC) was the
highlight of a commanding 3-0
Humphries' wonder goal
effectively settled the contest
completely addictive.” FOOTBALL win for the Army Under-23s in during the early stages of the
the opening match of their Inter- second half and with their rivals
NAVY Services campaign. lacking a cutting edge it proved
he midfielder's goal ga e to be a comfortable afternoon.
the Reds a 2-0 lead against the Further chances followed as
Royal Navy and a late effort from LCpl Dan Tewkesbury (AAC)
substitute LCpl Rob Shaw (RLC) blasted over from close range
ARMY sealed a comprehensive victory and Humphries came within
for the visitors. inches of a second as his shot
The players then sealed the across goal drifted narrowly wide
title thanks to a 1-1 draw with of the far post.
the Royal Air Force in the oolley then fired into the side
tournament's deciding fixture. netting from a free kick before
Having suffered a 4-2 defeat a perfectly weighted low cross
to the Senior Service during a found Shaw in the area and the
Road race set to return disappointing 2017 campaign, wide man clinically drilled the
the soldiers held firm during ball into the bottom corner.
THE dates and venues for this a cagey opening to their latest "It was a competitive game,"
season’s Army Cycling Road Race Series contest in Portsmouth. head coach Capt Paul Dale
have been announced. Endeavour and commitment (RAMC) told SoldierSport
Featuring 12 rounds, the competition overshadowed quality of play afterwards. "We decided to go
gets under way at Upavon on April and clear-cut chances were at a with three at the back knowing
25 and reaches its conclusion at the premium until the Army opened that if we put pressure on their
Brownlee Centre in Leeds on July 25. their account on the stroke of defence we might get something.
Open to all serving personnel, the half-time. "It was a scrappy contest but
races are aimed at athletes of all A free kick from skipper LCpl we controlled it.
abilities – from beginners to seasoned Sean Woolley (RLC, pictured left) he first goal is massi e in
riders – and there will be prizes for the was floated into the area and any Inter-Services match and
best individuals, units and corps. when the Navy failed to clear the second ga e us confidence to
For more details on how to get their lines the ball dropped to the move the ball around and play a
involved email unmarked Cfn Sean Thomson bit more football." ■
March’s key fixtures... 1896
Inter-Services 122
March 6 and 7
Aldershot SCORED BY
KNOW: The Army women have been
the team to beat in recent years and they
will start as firm favourites, while the
men will be hoping to hit top gear 2018
PTE MICKY PLACE in the fourth "We don't know a lot about
HOYLE round of the Challenge them but it will be a hard
(YORKS), Cup is the prize on match. They have the home
offer to the Army rugby league advantage and it all depends
WHAT: Inter-Services Football DETAIL
team as they travel to Cumbria on how well we travel and
KICKED to face amateur outfit Kells in train in the days beforehand."
Championships – Army v Navy
WHEN: March 7 THREE their latest tie. Taylor is planning to keep
WHERE: Aldershot GOALS The Servicemen have preparations for the clash as
NEED TO KNOW: After falling short AGAINST already recorded two home simple as possible, believing
last season the women's team will look wins in their 2018 campaign the team cohesion that exists
to kick-start their 2018 campaign with and victory over the within the group will serve
victory at the Aldershot Military Stadium
CHARGERS Whitehaven-based side would them in good stead.
DETAIL see them qualify for the latter "We have a squad full of
(1430) before the men's side take to the
round for the first time in their captains and that really
pitch at the town's EBB Stadium (1900)
24-year history. helps," he added. "We're going
A 48-10 defeat of the Milford back to basics so everyone is
WHAT: Marlins was followed by a aware of what their job is.
Inter-Services hard-fought 26-14 triumph "It is all about the players.
Netball against the London Chargers They are getting the
RED CARDS (pictured) and head coach experience of playing in a
SHOWN WO2 Ben Taylor (REME) is famous competition that has
7 to 9 IN THE predicting another tough test been running for more than
when the Reds head north.
"This is a great opportunity
to progress further," he told
100 years.
"They have the chance to
achieve something that we
KNOW: A hectic
GAME SoldierSport. "It is the first would have never thought was
week of sport time we have drawn an possible ten years ago."
comes to a close on the south coast, amateur team in the third The Army were in action
where the Reds will be looking to retain round and that will make it a against Kells as this issue
the title they won with victories over the fair game. went to press. n
Royal Navy and Royal Air Force last year
competed at theregularly
The event four-a-side tournament
attracted IFLE shooter Spr Michael "Some of the guys here have
in Glasgow,
between with150 and the200
senior NCO acting
soldiers last Bamsey (RE) became the also been selected. We usually
as aseason
those the
at week-long
the helm latest Army marksman compete on the same team but
festival of football.
are hoping to build on these to receive a Commonwealth now we are going out to beat
“To have thenumbers
impressive opportunity to referee
during the Games call after he was named each other."
at an event like
upcoming this was extremely
campaign. in the Wales squad ahead of Bamsey will be looking to
humbling,” the Serviceman
“We really want to hit the said. next month's showpiece. improve on his showing four
thought I had seen
running,” WO2 a lot in my 17
Graham The 24-year-old will join years ago, when a seventh-
years of service(REME),
McConaghy but to listen
part to some of fellow soldiers Cpl Stuart Hill (R place finish in the air rifle and
theof stories and meet team,
the organising people who have
told Irish) and Sgt Sam Gowin (RA) a failure to make the three-
through more . "Mountain
than most biking
of us on the journey down under and position final fell well short of
canhas become such
comprehend wasaatstrong
times heart- is hoping to fire his way into his pre-Games target.
adventurous training sport and the medal places in what will "I went there with the
the amount of people getting be his second Games campaign. expectation of winning a medal
involved is growing. "WE ARE Bamsey only joined the Army in a blaze of glory," the soldier
"Our courses are tailored for in August last year but has an added. "But I didn't manage
riders of all abilities. There will GOING impressive record in the sport those expectations and went in
be an option to follow a more which includes a three-year thinking it would be easy.
technical route but the challenge OUT TO spell with the West Virginia "Now I just want to execute
comes from riding at speed." ni ersity rifle team that my own plan and if that works
For more details on how to BEAT yielded three national titles. out and I win something it will
get involved and other rounds With his stateside adventure be fantastic.
in the series visit the Army MTB EACH complete he signed up for a "If I come away knowing I did
XC Team Facebook page or email military career and was fast- everything I could I will have no OTHER" tracked into the Service's elite arguments with that."
sporting programme. Bamsey's long-term goal
He will face competition is to represent Team GB at
CAPT Gemma Rowland (RA) from Northern Ireland's Hill in the 2020 Olympics and while
has been named as the new the prone and three-position his performance in Australia
skipper of the Army women’s disciplines and will also take cannot help his bid to qualify
rugby union team. part in the air rifle e ent. it will serve as an indication of
Fellow international player Sgt "It's always a privilege his progress.
Bianca Dawson (AGC (RMP)) will be the to represent Wales as it is "If I can shoot well in this
side’s vice-captain. something I do not get to competition I know I can do it
“They will make a formidable do that often," Bamsey told when the quota places come
leadership team,” explained head coach SoldierSport. round," he said. ■
Picture: Allign Photography
on April 11. IATHLON ace Sgt Amanda "It is a good achievement and I
Lightfoot (AGC (SPS)) have to give myself credit."
suffered mixed emotions Her performance meant she
in her latest Winter Olympic missed out on ualification for
campaign as she equalled the the 10-kilometre pursuit as only
best-ever British result in the the top 60 athletes progressed,
7.5-kilometre sprint but then meaning her focus switched to
struggled on the range in the the sport's 15-kilometre event.
longer discipline. The soldier made an
The 31-year-old picked up three encouraging start in the
shooting penalties in windy competition and was hovering
conditions on the sprint and around the top after firing her
went on to clock a time of 24min way to a clear round on the third
"I KNOW . sec to finish in th place of four visits to the range.
Reds prevail on title trail matching the achievement of But three misses in the last
I'M AS Emma Fowler at the 2006 Games. round scuppered her chances
ARMY players dominated the action "It was a pretty tough race and she went on to finish rd
on the court as they claimed three of STRONG with the wind," Lightfoot said more than eight minutes behind
the four team prizes on offer at the afterwards. "It was like I was champion Hanna Oeberg.
Inter-Services Squash Championships. AS THE ha ing to fight against the "I messed up on my last shoot,"
A 5-0 win over the Royal Air Force conditions all the time and I got Lightfoot said.
gave the men’s senior side an ideal start GIRLS quite unlucky with my shooting "The nerves just kicked in and
but they had to dig deep on their way to in the prone position, where I I couldn't pull it together; that's
a 3-2 victory over the Royal Navy. MAKING missed two shots. I then dropped really disappointing.
The women downed the Senior one in the standing. "This year has been up and
Service 5-0 and the RAF 3-2 to capture THE TOP "It is still good to equal the best down and I'm just happy to be
further collective honours, while the ever Olympic result for a British here. I know I'm as strong as the
masters squad added a third title. TEN" female biathlete. girls getting top tens and places
However, the under-25s missed out "I'm often so focused on trying on the podium.
to the airmen as hopes of a clean sweep to be world class that I sometimes "I just need the support to make
were ended. forget about the little milestones. my results consistent." ■
DATE: February 14, 2018
v England Under-20s – rugby
union friendly
VENUE: Army Rugby Stadium,
FIRST-HALF hat-trick lead moments later as Phoebe
RUGBY UNION from wing Brooke Clarke Murray collected an offload from
posed an extra challenge for the added to the misery as she
THERE WERE players but it was the visitors powered her way to the line
who adapted to the conditions midway through the half.
MISTAKES better – running in six tries Some smart play from fly
ENG before the break as they took half Helena Rowland created
BUT THERE U20S firm control of the game. the platform for Lilian Stoeger-
The Reds showed greater Goddard to score England's
POSITIVES 44 determination as they steadied
the ship after the interval but
two further converted scores
fifth try as she pounced on an
expertly-judged kick along the
ground and Clarke completed
underlined the gulf between the her personal milestone on the
AS WELL. two teams. stroke of half-time as the visitors
The match has become a found time and space out wide
WE'LL FOCUS regular fixture in recent times once more.
and the Army have traditionally Murray and replacement
ON MOVING provided a stern test for the Michaella Roberts both touched
nation's finest young talent so it down in the second period to
FORWARD was disappointing to see them complete a comprehensive
fall short this season. victory for the junior Red Roses.
AND BUILD Clarke started the rout in the The result leaves the Army
sixth minute as England quickly with much to ponder as they
FROM HERE" moved the ball out wide to allow failed to fire in attack, while
the speedster to cross in the their defensive frailties were
corner and they doubled their ruthlessly exposed. ■
Expect the
expecting just to be
to be very basic, but cooking with ten-
the facilities aren’t man ration packs in
bad at all. the field, but I had
LCpl Nacanieli Mate, R Welsh £4,000 to spend on the
lads for one ten-day
serial, so I went loose
on it and produced
a different menu for
every day. When the
guys are working out
in the cold they need
something warming
to keep them going.
LCpl Lee Prince, RLC Soldier asked troops in Estonia
whether Operation Cabrit had
thrown up any surprises
In terms of my role as
a joint terminal attack I’ve been surprised by the
Pictures: Graeme Main