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INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item
by shading the box corresponding to the letter of your choice on the answer sheet provided.

1.) To make a good soldered connection between two d.) 5 amps

stranded wires, it is least important to ______. 10.) Reactance will cause the current in a circuit to
a.) Use enough heat to make the solder flow freely vary only when ______.
b.) Clean the wires carefully a.) AC current flows
c.) Twist the wires together before soldering b.) DC current flows
d.) Apply solder to each strand before twisting the two c.) There is no resistance in the circuit
wires together. d.) There is resistance in the circuit
2.) Rubber insulation on an electrical conductor would 11.) Which of the following is the most important
quickly be damaged by continuous contact with factor contributing to an electricians safety on the
_______. job?
a.) Water a.) Work at a slow pace
b.) Acid b.) Always wear leather gloves
c.) Oil c.) Be alert at all times
d.) Alkali d.) Never be late for break
3.) A laminated pole is _____. 12.) A 15 ohm resistance carrying 20 amperes of
a.) One built up of layers or iron sheets, stamped from current uses__watts of power.
sheet metal and insulated. a.) 300
b.) Used in transmission lines over 100kv b.) 3000
c.) A pole soaked in creosote c.) 6000
d.) Found in the western part of the U.S.A. d.) none ofthese
4.) DC series motors are used in applications where 13.) As compared with solid wire, stranded wire of the
____ is required. same gauge size is ______.
a.) Constant speed a.) Better for higher voltages
b.) High starting torque b.) given a higher ampacity
c.) Lon no-load speed c.) Easier to skin
d.) none of these d.) Larger in total diameter
5.) Basically all electric motors operate on the 14.) A function of a relay is to _____.
principle of repulsion or ________. a.) Turn on another circuit.
a.) Magnetism
b.) Produce thermal electricity
b.) Induction
c.) Limit the flow of electrons
c.) Resistance
d.) Create a resistance in the field winding
d.) Capacitance
15.) ___ duty is a type of service where both the load
6.) The greatest voltage drop in a circuit occur when and the time intervals may have wide variations.
the ______ the current flow through that part of the a.) Continuous
b.) Periodic
a.) Greater
c.) Intermittent
b.) Slower
d.) Varying
c.) Faster
16.) The definition of ambient temperature is _____.
d.) Lower
a.) The temperature of the conductor
7.) The resistance of an open circuit is equal to _____.
b.) The insulation rating of the conductor
a.) Less than one ohm
c.) The temperature of the area surrounding the conductor
b.) Zero
d.) The maximum heat the insulation can be used within
c.) Infinity
17.) Not readily accessible to persons unless special
d.) none of these
means for access are used is ______.
8.) The power factor of an incandescent light bulb a.) Elevated
would be _____.
b.) Guarded
a.) unity
c.) Isolated
b.) 0.7 leading
d.) Listed
c.) 0.7 lagging
18.) A motor enclosure designed and constructed to
d.) zero
contain sparks or flashes that may ignite surrounding
9.) You have an adjustable trip coil rated at 5 amps on gas or vapor is called _____.
a 200-amp switch. If you want the switch to trip at 120 a.) Non-ventilated
amps, the trip coil should be set at ______.
b.) Encapsulated
a.) 2 amps
c.) Explosion proof
b.) 3 amps
d.) Water cooled
c.) 4 amps
19.) Special permission is _____. c.) Occupational Safety and Health Administration
a.) Granted by the electrical foreman on the job. d.) Civil court at the local level
b.) Verbal permission by the inspector. 28.) The service conductors that run between the
c.) Given only once on one blueprint change request. street main and the first point of connection to an
d.) The written consent of the authority having jurisdiction. underground service entrance are which of the
20.) Service overhead conductors to a building or following:
other structure (such as a pole) on which a meter of a.) The service lateral
disconnecting means is installed shall be considered b.) A grounded loop system
as a ______and installed accordingly. c.) A service drop
a.) temporary service d.) None of the above
b.) service lateral 29.) A wire secured at one end with the other end
c.) service drop fastened to a pole under tension is known as which of
d.) service point the following:
21.) Entrances to rooms and other guarded locations a.) Messenger wire
containing exposed live parts shall be marked with b.) A service drop
_____warning signs forbidding unqualified persons to c.) A guy wire
enter. d.) None of the above
a.) yellow 30.) Temporary electrical power and lighting
b.) blue installations shall be permitted for a period not to
c.) conspicuous exceed ___ days for holiday decorative lighting and
d.) orange similar purposes.
22.) Where a transformer vault is constructed with a.) 90
other stories below it, the floor shall have a minimum b.) 60
fire resistance of 3 hours unless ______. c.) 30
a.) the floors in contact with the earth not less than 3” thick d.) 15
b.) protected with automatic sprinkle 31.) Which of the following conductor sizes has the
c.) constructed of fire rated wallboard highest resistance?
d.) constructed of steel studs and fire rated wallboard a.) 3.5 mm2
23.) Lighting fixtures located in the same room and not b.) 8.0 mm2
directly associated with a hydromassage bathrub, c.) 2.0 mm2
shall be installed in accordance with the requirements d.) 5.5 mm2
covering the installation of that equipment in ______. 32.) A device or equipment which is suspended from
a.) swimming pool area overhead either by means of a flexible cord carrying
b.) kitchen the current, or otherwise.
c.) exercise room a.) rosette
d.) bathroom b.) pendant
24.) Ground-fault circuit-interrupter (GFCI) protection c.) fixture
is required in all of the following locations EXCEPT d.) air terminal
a.) kitchen receptacles in an office building lunchroom 33.) The term ampere-hour is assciated with which of
installed within 6’ of the sink the following?
b.) kitchen receptacles in a dwelling installed to serve a.) converters
counter top surfaces 10’ away from the sink b.) transformers
c.) receptacles in an office building restroom which has c.) electromagnets
only a basin and toilet
d.) storage cells
d.) receptacle provided for servicing a rooftop air
conditioning unit on the roof of a warehouse 34.) Before starting any installation work, alteration,
25.) A cord connector that is supported by repair or extension on any electrical system,what type
permanently installed cord pendant shall be of permit is needed?
considered a.) building permit
a.) receptacle outlet b.) working permit
b.) permanent cord c.) electrical permit
c.) lighting outlet d.) mayor's permit
d.) outlet device 35.) The supply conductors that extend from the street
26.) point in a wiring system at which current is taken main or from transformers to the service equipment of
to be used in some equipment. the premises supplied.
a.) grounded a.) service drop
b.) conductor b.) service conductors
c.) service entrance c.) service
d.) outlet d.) service laterals
27.) Disagreements between an electrical Inspector 36.) A form of air switch in which the movement is a
and a Master electrician shall be settled by which of hinged blade wedge between stationary contact
the following: blades when closed.
a.) The local authority having jurisdiction a.) snap
b.) The state electrical board b.) knife
c.) safety d.) Repulsion-induction
d.) toggle 46.) For circuits of 2.0mm2 or 3.5mm conductors, the
37.) The Philippine Electrical Code requires that no insulation resistance is.
electrical installation, alteration or addition shall be a.) 500000
connected or reconnected to any electrical power b.) 350000
supply without ______. c.) 250000
a.) payment of application fees d.) 100000
b.) a certificate of inspection 47.) Sufficient access and__ shall be provided and
c.) an electrical permit maintained about all electrical equipment to permit
d.) a certificate of completion ready and safe operation and"mbintenance of such
38.) The upper most portion of a lightning protection equipment.
system. a.) ventilation
a.) Surge arrester b.) cleanliness
b.) Lighting rod c.) circulation
c.) Ground terminal d.) working space
d.) Air terminal 48.) __of service entrance conductors are taps from
39.) An applicant for registered master electrician's the main service conductors run to service
examinatio must have at least completed ______ of a equipments
five year Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering a.) overhead feeders
program and has a specific record of _____ practice b.) subset
in electrical wiring and installation. c.) branch service drop
a.) 3 years, 2 years d.) tie service drop
b.) 2 years, 1 year 49.) The change in direction of light passing from one
c.) 3 years, 1 year area to another or different density is called__.
d.) 2 years, 2 years a.) illusion
40.) A load where maximum current is expected to b.) refraction
continue for three hours or more. c.) reflection
a.) Continous load d.) diffusion
b.) Connected load 50.) As the temperature increases, increases, the
c.) Maximum load resistance of most conductors also increases, except.
d.) Average load a.) silver
41.) ___ is a pliable raceway. b.) brass
I. EMT c.) carbon
II. ENT d.) zinc
III. PVC 51.) Comparing a 14 mm2 conductor to a 5.5 mmz
a.) I only cgnductor of equal lengths, the 14 mm2 will have
b.) II only lower__.
c.) I and III only a.) cost
d.) I, II and III b.) weight
42.) A value assigned to a circuit or system for the c.) resistance
purpose of conveniently designating its voltage class d.) strength
is _____. 52.) The primary & secondary windings of a
a.) Nominal voltage transformer always have__.
b.) Voltage to ground a.) common magnetic circuit
c.) Voltage (of a circuit) b.) the same size wire
d.) Voltage2 c.) separate magnetic circuits
43.) ___ is the resistance at the point of contact of two d.) the same number of turns
conductors or one conductor and another surface. 53.) Resistance in the power formula equals__.
a.) Conductor resistance
a.) E * I
b.) Contact resistance
b.) E² / W
c.) Resistance per M/ft
c.) E² I
d.) Resistance per K/ft
d.) I² / W
44.) A low power factor in an industrial plant is most
54.) The __circuit is that portion of a wiring system
likely caused by__.
prior to the final overcurrent protective device
a.) Insufficient resistive loads
protecting the circuit
b.) Insufficient inductive loads a.) seruice
c.) Excessive resistive loads b.) feeder
d.) Lack of synchronous condenser c.) power
45.) A type of single phase motor that can be operated d.) branch
on either ac or dc is a ______motor.
55.) An autotransformer differs from other types of
a.) Multispeed
transformers in that__. I.
b.) Capacitor-start its primary winding is always larger than its secondary
c.) Universal winding II.
It can be used only in automobiles III. c.) long shunt compound
its primary & secondary windings are common to each d.) Short shunt compound
other ' IV. 65.) The start winding of a split-phase induction motor
U it must be wound with heavier wire is switch out of the circuit by what device?
a.) I only a.) magnetic contactor
b.) II only b.) zero speed switch
c.) III only c.) centrifugal switch
d.) IV only d.) proximity switch
56.) A 120-volt circuit has an electric heater connected 66.) Which of the following statements about over
with a current rating of 7.5 amperes. What is the current devices is NOT correct?
resistance in ohms of the connected pure resistance a.) It shall be located where they will not be exposed to
load? physical damage
a.) 5 ohms b.) It shall be readily accessible
b.) 10 ohms c.) It can be located inside clothes closets
c.) 16 ohms d.) In a multi-family dwelling,each occupant shall have
d.) 15 ohms ready access to all overcurrent device protecting his
57.) All extended parts located within ___ of the occupancy
lighting protection system shall be bounded thereto. 67.) A conductor encircling a building and
a.) 1,500mm interconnecting all ground terminals.
b.) 1,600mm a.) Bonding
c.) 1,800 mm b.) Interlink
d.) 2000 mm c.) Air terminal
58.) Operation at substantially constant load for an d.) Counterpoise
indefinitely long time. 68.) A dwelling unit having a floor area not more than
a.) continuous duty 50 square meters shall be permitted to have a single
b.) intermitten duty 20-A, 2-wire branch circuit provided the total load
c.) periodic duty shall NOT exceed____.
d.) short time duty a.) 3,680 volt-amperes
59.) Advisory rules in the PEC are characterized by b.) 3,860 volt-amperes
the use of what word? c.) 3,806 volt-amperes
a.) will d.) 3,068 volt-amperes
b.) would 69.) Fixture wire shall NOT be smaller than___.
c.) shall a.) 1.5 mm²
d.) should b.) 1.25 mm²
60.) Branch circuits are classified to which of the c.) 2.0 mm²
following? d.) 0.75 mm²
a.) voltage across it 70.) Flat cable assemblies shall NOT be installed____.
b.) load being served a.) in hoistways
c.) power consumed b.) in any hazardous locations
d.) setting of the overcurrent device c.) outdoors
61.) What is the maximum electrical trade size of d.) all of these
intermediate conduit? 71.) Cables operated at over ___ shall be shielded.
a.) 150 mm a.) 2,000 V
b.) 125 mm b.) 1,000 V
c.) 200 mm c.) 3,000 V
d.) 100 mm d.) 2,500 V
62.) As a rule, no overcurrent device shall be 72.) A general term covering an assembly or
connected in series with any conductor that is_____. assemblies of devices for the interruption, control and
a.) stranded metering of electric power.
b.) current carrying a.) Control system
c.) closed b.) Power system
d.) intentionally grounded c.) Switchgear
63.) A small lamp used to indicate that a circuit is d.) Instrumentation
energized. 73.) This a single conductor or multi-conductor
a.) Pilot lamp assembly provided with or without an overall
b.) Electric sign lamp covering, primarily used for services.
c.) Control lamp a.) Tray cable
d.) Test lamp b.) Clad cable
64.) If the series field is connected in series with the c.) Service entrance cable
armature, and the shunt field is connected across the d.) Flat conductor cable
combination, what type of dc generator is this? 74.) Most wires used in residencial house wiring are
a.) Shunt usually insulated by which of the following?
b.) Series a.) Asbestos
b.) Cotton substantially vertical direction and which serves two
c.) Thermoplastic or more floors of a building or structure.
d.) varnished cambric a.) Dumbwaiter
75.) An inverse time characteristic of a fuse means___. b.) Escalator
a.) higher fault current,longer time needed to cut off c.) Elevator
b.) lower fault current,shorter time needed to cut-off d.) all of these
c.) higher fault current,shorter time needed to cut-off 85.) Tools and portable handlamps likely to be used in
d.) none of thsese wet and conductive locations shall not be required to
be grounded where supplied through an isolating
76.) The compressed mixture of air and petrol is burnt
transformer with an ungrounded secondary of not
by means of
more than _______.
a.) spark of spark plug
a.) 100 V
b.) distributor
b.) 150 V
c.) compreession
c.) 50 V
d.) none of these
d.) 60 V
77.) which of the following dc generators are
86.) Cabinet and cutout boxes shall have an air space
preferable for parallel operations due to their
of at least _________ between any energized metal
drooping voltage characteristics?
parts of enclosed fuses and the door.
a.) Series generators
a.) 20 mm
b.) Shunt generators
b.) 13 mm
c.) Compound generators
c.) 25 mm
d.) All of these
d.) 15 mm
78.) The speed of a dc motor is directly proportional to
87.) Open wiring on insulators shall be permitted on
systems of up to _______.
a.) armature current
a.) 600 V
b.) flux per pole
b.) 500 V
c.) back emf
c.) 230 V
d.) torque
d.) 300 V
79.) It is known in the field as PVC.
88.) Non-metallic sheathed cable shall be supported
a.) Rigid metal conduit within ________ from every cabinet, box or fitting.
b.) Flexible non-metallic conduit a.) 150 mm
c.) Rigid non-metallic conduit b.) 200 mm
d.) cable tray c.) 250 mm
80.) Which one refers to the generator's mechanical d.) 300 mm
driver? 89.) Branch circuit conductors supplying a single
a.) Exciter motor-compressor shall have an ampacity not less
b.) Prime mover than _______of either the motor compressor rated
c.) Coupler load or a branch circuit selection current, whichever
d.) Transducer is larger.
81.) An enclosure of porcelain or other insulating A. 100%
material, fitting with terminals and intended for B. 125%
connecting the flexible cord carrying a pendant to the C. 115%
permanent wiring. D. 130%
a.) Rosette 90.) A unit of an electrical system which is intended to
b.) Raceway carry but not utilize electric energy.
c.) Cable bus a.) wire
d.) none of these b.) Device
82.) The overload relay used to protect each motor- c.) outlet
compressor set shall be selected to trip at NOT more d.) Utilization equipment
than______ of the motor-compressor rated load 91.) Which of the following statements is NOT true
current. about grounding electrode conductor?
A. 125% a.) It shall be solid or stranded
B. 130% b.) It must be continous
C. 150% c.) Splice or joints are allowed
D. 140% d.) It shall be insulated, covered or bare
83.) An assembly of a flexible cord with an attachment 92.) b.) type RHW
plug on one end and a cord connector on the other.
c.) type THHW
a.) Extension cord
d.) type MTW
b.) Fixture cord
The derating factor for the number of wires in a
c.) Appliance cord
raceway shall not apply to conductors in nipples
d.) none of these having a length NOT exceeding _____.
84.) A hoisting and lowering mechanism equipped a.) 500 mm
with a car or platform which moves in guides in a
93.) Which of the following causes an extreme d.) ambulatory health care center
vibration in a motor? 99.) Type FCC cable wiring system is designed for
a.) overloads installation under ____.
b.) too much lubrications a.) tile
c.) worn bearings b.) carpet
d.) shaft misalignment c.) carpet squares
94.) Exposed snow melting heating elements shall be d.) concrete
secured on the heated surface by a ___ means. 100.) The Philippine Electrical Code scope includes
a.) rigid ____.
b.) approved a.) conductors and equipment on certain public or private
c.) listed premises
d.) stable b.) conductors on all buildings or premises where electrical
95.) Each patient bed location shall be supplied by at power is employed
least ___ branch circuits, equally supplied by the c.) conductors and equipment on all buildings, premises
emergency system and the normal system. and conveyances where electrical power is employed
d.) conductors and equipment wherever and whenever
a.) two
electricity is employed
b.) four
c.) six
d.) eight
96.) Boxes and fittings shall be ___ in a Class III,
Division I location.
c.) dusttight
d.) not allowed ACTION.
97.) Duty on wheelchair lift and stairway chair lift
driving machine motors shall be rated as ____.
a.) continuous
b.) intermittent
c.) varying
d.) short-time
98.) A building or part thereof used on a 24 hour basis
for the housing of four or more persons who are
incapable of self preservation because of age,
physical limitation due to accident or illness, or
mental limitations, such as mental
retardation/developmental disability, mental illness or
chemical dependency is a/an ____.
a.) limited care facility
b.) nursing home
c.) psychiatric hospital

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