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Philippine Phoenix Surety & Insurance Company vs. Woodworks, Inc. G.R. No. L-25317 August 6, 1979

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Espinoza, Patricia Rachelle C.

| Insurance
IV. PREMIUM Payment, after the first, Unless otherwise agreed.
is not enforceable are legally enforceable
against the insured once levied
Premium is the elixir vitae of the insurance
Not a debt If properly levied, unless
business because by law the insurer must maintain a legal
otherwise expressly
reserve fund to meet its contingent obligations to the public,
agreed, is a debt
hence, the imperative need for its prompt payment and full
satisfaction. All actuarial calculations and various
tabulations of probabilities of losses under the risks insured
against are based on the sound hypothesis of prompt Payment of premium ordinarily not a debt
payment of premiums. Upon this bedrock insurance firms 1. In fire, casualty, and marine insurance—the
are enabled to offer the assurance of security to the public premium payable becomes a debt as soon as the
at favorable rates risk attaches, and in suretyship, as soon as the
It represents the consideration of the contract; it is contract or bond is perfected and delivered to the
what the insured pays the insurer to assume the risk of or obligor.
the value loss. 2. In life insurance—the premium becomes a debt or
when in case of the first premium, the contract has
The rates of premium are based on the nature and become binding, and in the case of subsequent
character of the property or other interest insured. premiums, when the insurer has continued the
insurance after maturity of the premium, in
The burden is on an insured to keep a policy in
consideration of the insured's express or implied
force by the payment of premiums, rather than on the
promise to pay.
insurer to exert every effort to prevent the insured from
allowing a policy to elapse through a failure to make When Payment Accrues
premium payments. The continuance of the insurer's The law states that the insurer is entitled to
obligation is conditional upon the payment of premiums, so payment of premium as soon as the thing insured is exposed
that no recovery can be had upon a lapsed policy, the to the peril exposed against. It should be noted, however,
contractual relation between the parties having ceased that the contract of insurance is generally unilateral. This
(Philippine Phoenix Surety & Insurance Company vs. means that the insurer does not have a reciprocal obligation
Woodworks, Inc. G.R. No. L-25317 August 6, 1979). to pay the premium although the same payment will give
rise to the unilateral obligation of the insurer. Usually, the
Q: What is net premium? insured cannot be sued for the non-payment of the
premium, the only effect of non-payment being that the
A: It is the portion of the premium that is chargeable policy will not go into force. After the insurance comes into
directly to the risk assumed by the insurer. force after their payment of premium, it is only the insurer
that makes a legally enforceable promise
Q: What is gross premium?
SEC. 315. The premium, or any portion thereof, which an
A: It is the total amount charged to the insured, which
insurance agent or insurance broker collects from an
necessarily includes the net premium plus charges for
insured and which is to be paid to an insurance company
administrative expenses and profits. because of the assumption of liability through the issuance
Assessment defined of policies or contracts of insurance, shall be held by the
agent or broker in a fiduciary capacity and shall not be
A sum specifically levied by mutual insurance companies or misappropriated or converted to his own use or illegally
associations, upon a fixed and definite plan. to pay losses withheld by the agent or broker.
and expenses. A policy issued on the assessment plan has Any insurance company which delivers to an
been defined as one where the payment of the benefits is in insurance agent or insurance broker a policy or contract of
insurance shall be deemed to have authorized such agent or
any manner or degree dependent upon the collection of an
broker to receive on its behalf payment of any premium
assessment upon persons holding similar policies.
which is due on such policy or contract of insurance at the
PREMIUM ASSESSMENT time of its issuance or delivery or which becomes due
Levied and paid to meet Collected to meet actual In order to ensure faithful performance by the
anticipated losses losses insurance agent or insurance broker of these fiduciary
responsibilities, the Insurance Commissioner shall
prescribe the minimum terms and conditions on such
matters in the standard agency or brokers agreement
Espinoza, Patricia Rachelle C.| Insurance
between the agents and/or the broker with the insurance NOTE: An insurance company which delivers a policy to an
companies. insurance broker, is deemed to have authorized the latter to
receive the payment of the premium (IC, Sec. 306).
Payment to an agent having the authority to collect
or receive such payment is equivalent to payment to SEC. 306. In addition to any other penalty provided by law,
principal himself, and such payment is complete if the the Commissioner may, upon the willful failure of any
money is delivered to the agent’s hands and is a discharge person within a holding company system to comply with
of the indebtedness owing to the principal. this title or any regulation or order promulgated hereunder:

Industrial Life Policy (a) Proceed under Title 14 or Title 15, Chapter III
of this Code with respect to insurer within the
SEC. 235. The term industrial life insurance as used in this holding company system; or
Code shall mean that form of life insurance under which the
premiums are payable either monthly or oftener, if the face (b) Revoke or refuse to renew the authority to do
amount of insurance provided in any policy is not more than business in this country of an insurer within the
five hundred times that of the current statutory minimum holding company system or refuse to issue such
daily wage in the City of Manila, and if the words industrial authority to any other insurer in the system; or
policy are printed upon the policy as part of the descriptive
matter. (c) Direct that, in addition to any other penalty
An industrial life policy shall not lapse for provided by law, such person forfeit to the people
nonpayment of premium if such nonpayment was due to the of this country a sum not less than Five thousand
failure of the company to send its representative or agent to pesos (P5,000.00) for a first violation and Twenty-
the insured at the residence of the insured or at some other five thousand pesos (P25,000.00) for any
place indicated by him for the purpose of collecting such subsequent violation. An additional sum not less
premium: Provided, That the provisions of this paragraph than Twenty-five thousand pesos (P25,000.00)
shall not apply when the premium on the policy remains shall be imposed for each month during which any
unpaid for a period of three (3) months or twelve (12)
such violation shall continue.
weeks after the grace period has expired.
“Cash and carry” rule (2003 Bar)

Q: What does the phrase “the thing insured is exposed GR: No policy or contract of insurance issued by an
to the peril insured against” assume? insurance company is valid and binding unless and until the
premium thereof has been paid. Any agreement to the
A: It assumes that the contract is perfected which takes contrary is void.
place when the applicant’s offer is accepted by the insurer.
XPN: A policy is valid and binding even when there is non-
Q: What is the effect if as between the insurer and the payment of premium:
insured, there was not only a perfected contract of
insurance but a partially performed one? 1. In case of life or industrial life policy whenever the
grace period provision applies, or whenever under
A: The non-payment of the balance of the premium due the broker and agency agreements with duly
does not produce the cancellation of the contract of licensed intermediaries, a ninety (90)-day credit
insurance in the sense that it can no longer be enforced. A extension is given. No credit extension to a duly
contrary rule would place exclusively in the hands of the licensed intermediary should exceed ninety (90)
insured the right to decide whether the contract should days from date of issuance of the policy (IC, Sec. 77).
stand or not. 2. When there is acknowledgment in a policy of a
receipt of premium, which the law declares to be
Acceptance of premium
conclusive evidence of payment, even if there is
Acceptance of premium within the stipulated period for stipulation therein that it shall not be binding until
payment thereof, including the agreed grace period, merely the premium is actually paid. This is without
assures continued effectivity of the insurance policy in prejudice however to right of insurer to collect
accordance with its terms (Stoke v. Malayan Insurance Co., corresponding premium (IC, Sec. 77).
Inc., G.R. No. L-34768, February 28, 1984). 3. When there is an agreement allowing the insured
to pay the premium in installments and partial
Payment of the premium to agent of the insurance company payment has been made at the time of loss (Makati
is binding on it (Malayan Insurance v. Arnaldo G.R. No. L- Tuscany Condominium Corp. v. CA, G.R. No. 95546,
67835, October 12, 1987 and Areola v. CA G.R. No. 95641, Nov. 6, 1992).
September 22, 1994). 4. When there is an agreement to grant the insured
credit extension for the payment of the premium
Espinoza, Patricia Rachelle C.| Insurance
and loss occurs before the expiration of the credit "(a) A provision that the insured is entitled to a
term (2007 Bar; NCC, Art. 1306; UCPB General grace period of four (4) weeks within which the
Insurance v. Masagana Telemart, G.R. No. 137172, payment of any premium after the first may be
Apr. 4, 2001). made, except that where premiums are payable
5. When estoppel bars the insurer to invoke non- monthly, the period of grace shall be either one (1)
recovery on the policy. month or thirty (30) days; and that during the
6. When the public interest so requires, as period of grace, the policy shall continue in full
determined by the Insurance Commissioner force, but if during such grace period the policy
becomes a claim, then any overdue and unpaid
Example: In compulsory motor vehicle insurance, if the premiums may be deducted from any amount
policy was issued without payment of premium by the payable under the policy in settlement;
vehicle owner, the insurer will still be held liable. To rule
otherwise would prejudice the 3rd party victim. In case of individual life or endowment insurance and group
life insurance, the policyholder is entitled to a grace period
1. Grace Period of either 30 days or 1 month within which the payment of
SEC. 233. In the case of individual life or endowment any premium after the first may be made [IC, Secs. 233 (a)
insurance, the policy shall contain in substance the and 234 (a)].
following conditions: In case of industrial life insurance, the grace period is 4
"(a) A provision that the policyholder is entitled to weeks, where premiums are payable monthly, either 30
a grace period either of thirty (30) days or of one days or 1 month [IC, Secs. 236 (a)].
(1) month within which the payment of any 2. Acknowledgment of receipt of premium
premium after the first may be made, subject at the
option of the insurer to an interest charge not in SEC. 79. An acknowledgment in a policy or contract of
excess of six percent (6%) per annum for the insurance or the receipt of premium is conclusive evidence
number of days of grace elapsing before the of its payment, so far as to make the policy binding,
payment of the premium, during which period of notwithstanding any stipulation therein that it shall not be
grace the policy shall continue in full force, but in binding until the premium is actually paid.
case the policy becomes a claim during the said
period of grace before the overdue premium is Acknowledgment of receipt of premium is conclusive
paid, the amount of such premium with interest evidence of its payment, in so far as to make the policy
may be deducted from the amount payable under binding, notwithstanding any stipulation therein that it
the policy in settlement; shall not be binding until the premium is actually paid (IC,
Sec. 79).
SEC. 234. No policy of group life insurance shall be issued
and delivered in the Philippines unless it contains in When the policy contains such written acknowledgment, it
substance the following provisions, or provisions which in is presumed that the insurer has waived the condition of
the opinion of the Commissioner are more favorable to the prepayment. It hereby creates a legal fiction of payment.
persons insured, or at least as favorable to the persons The presumption is however, extended only to the question
insured and more favorable to the policyholders: of the binding effect of the policy.

"(a) A provision that the policyholder is entitled to As far as the payment of the premium itself is concerned,
a grace period of either thirty (30) days or of one the acknowledgment is only a prima facie evidence of the
(1) month for the payment of any premium due fact of such payment. The insurer may still dispute its
after the first, during which grace period the death acknowledgment but only for the purpose of recovering the
benefit coverage shall continue in force, unless the premium due and unpaid. Whether payment was indeed
policyholder shall have given the insurer written made is a question of fact.
notice of discontinuance in advance of the date of 3. Payment in installments
discontinuance and in accordance with the terms of
the policy. The policy may provide that the Q: American Home Assurance Co. (AHAC) , issued in
policyholder shall be liable for the payment of a pro favor of Makati Tuscany Condominium Corporation
rata premium for the time the policy is in force insurance policies for 2 years. The premiums were paid
during such grace period; by Tuscany on installments. The policy was again
renewed, however, Tuscany thereafter refused to pay
Section 236. In the case of industrial life insurance, the the balance of the premium. AHAC filed an action to
policy shall contain in substance the following provisions: recover the unpaid balance. Tuscany contended that
payment by installment of the premiums due on an
Espinoza, Patricia Rachelle C.| Insurance
insurance policy invalidates the contract of insurance from date of issuance of the policy (Sundiang Sr. &
and no risk attached to the policy. The policy was never Aquino, 2014).
binding and valid, and no risk attached to the policy. Is a. CREDIT EXTENSION under RA 10607 is
the contention of Tuscany valid? extended to the duly licensed
intermediary which in turn can benefit the
A: NO. The subject policies are valid even if the premiums insured. However, the Supreme Court
were paid on installments. The records clearly show that observed in UCPB General Insurance co., vs
Tuscany and AHAC intended the subject insurance policies Masagana Telemart, Inc. has provided a
to be binding and effective notwithstanding the staggered fourth exception to section 77, namely,
payment of the premiums. For 3 years, the insurer accepted that the insurer may grant credit
all the installment payments. Such acceptance of payments extension for the payment of the premium.
speaks loudly of the insurer’s intention to honor the policies This simply means that the insurer has
it issued to Tuscany. granted the insured a credit term for the
While the import of Section 77 is that prepayment of payment of the premium and loss occurs
premiums is strictly required as a condition to the validity before the expiration of the term, recovery
of the contract, Section 78 of the Insurance Code in effect on the policy should be allowed even
allows waiver by the insurer of the condition prepayment though the premium is paid after the loss
by making an acknowledgment in the insurance policy of but within the credit term. The SC
receipt of premium as conclusive evidence of payment so observed that there is nothing in Sec. 77
far as to make the policy binding despite the fact that which prohibits the parties in an insurance
premium is actually unpaid (Makati Tuscany Condominium contract to provide a credit term within
Corp. vs. CA G.R. No. 95546, November 6, 1992). which to pay the premiums. That
agreement is not against the law, morals,
Q:The Peninsula Insurance Company offered to insure good customs, public order or public
Francis' brand new car against all risks in the sum of PI policy.
Million for 1 year. The policy was issued with the b. OLD RULE- in Act No. 2427, it is provided
premium fixed at 160,000.00 payable in 6 months. that “An insurer is entitled to the payment
Francis only paid the first two months installments. of the premium as soon as the thing
Despite demands, he failed to pay the subsequent insured is exposed to the peril insured
installments. Five months after the issuance of the against, unless there is clear agreement to
policy, the vehicle was carnapped. Francis filed with the grant the insured credit extension of the
insurance company a claim for its value. However, the premium due. No policy issued by an
company denied his claim on the ground that he failed insurance company is valid and binding
to pay the premium resulting in the cancellation of the unless and until the premium thereof has
policy. Can Francis recover from the Peninsula been paid.” Thus, under the old law, the
Insurance Company? (2006 Bar) insurance policy would be valid and
binding notwithstanding the non-payment
A: YES, when insured and insurer have agreed to the
of the premium if there was a clear
payment of premium by installments and partial payment
agreement to grant to the insured credit
has been made at the time of loss, then the insurer becomes
extension. Such agreement may be
liable. When the car loss happened on the 5th month, the six
expressed or implied. Sec. 77 deleted the
months agreed period of payment had not yet elapsed. The
clause “unless there is clear agreement to
owner may recover from Peninsula Insurance Company,
grant the insured credit extension of the
but the latter has the right to deduct the amount of unpaid
premium due.” The implication of the
premium from the insurance proceeds.
ruling is that credit extensions are no
4. Credit Extension longer allowed because the law-making
body deliberately made the deletion
Under Sec. 77 as amended by RA 10607, a ninety (90)-day precisely to remove the exception
credit extension may be given whenever credit extension is c. Well-reasoned opinion of Justice Vitug to
given under the broker and agency agreements with duly the effect that credit extensions are not
licensed intermediaries. The requisites are as follows: allowed under the present law. He believes
that there should at least be partial
1. The credit extension must be provided for under
payment to premium to establish the
the broker and agency agreements; and
vinculum juris between the insurer and
2. The credit extension to a duly licensed
the insured.
intermediary should not exceed ninety (90) days
Espinoza, Patricia Rachelle C.| Insurance
d. In the old law, the policy is deemed independent fire insurance policies over the
cancelled if the insured issued a promissory merchandise. Maxilite agreed that FEBTC would debit
note stating a fixed date on payment of Maxilite’s account for the premium payments.
premiums and fails to do so, even though However, said premiums were not paid. A fire gutted
there is express agreement on credit Maxilite’s office and warehouse. As a result, Maxilite
extensions suffered losses amounting to at least P2.1 million,
which Maxilite claimed against the fire insurance policy
Q: Stable Insurance Co. (SIC) and St. Peter with Makati Insurance Company. Makati Insurance
Manufacturing Co. (SPMC) have had a long-standing Company denied the fire loss claim on the ground of
insurance relationship with each other; SPMC secures non-payment of premium. FEBTC and FEBIBI
the comprehensive fire insurance on its plant and disclaimed any responsibility for the denial of the
facilities from SIC. The standing business practice claim. Will the claim of Maxilite prosper?
between them has been to allow SPMC a credit period
of 90 days from the renewal of the policy within which A: YES. The claim of Maxilite will prosper. FEBTC is
to pay the premium. estopped from claiming that the insurance premium has
been unpaid. That FEBTC induced Maxilite to believe that
Soon after the new policy was issued and before the insurance premium has in fact been debited from
premium payments could be made, a fire gutted the Maxilite’s account is grounded on the following facts: (1)
covered plant and facilities to the ground. The day after FEBTC represented and committed to handle Maxilite’s
the fire, SPMC issued a manager's check to SIC for the financing and capital requirements, including the insurance
fire insurance premium, for which it was issued a of the trust receipted merchandise; (2)the premiums of
receipt; a week later SPMC issued its notice of loss. SIC prior insurance policies had been paid through automatic
responded by issuing its own manager's check for the debit arrangement; (3) FEBIBI sent FEBTC, not Maxilite, to
amount of the premiums SPMC had paid, and denied debit Maxilite’s account; (4) there was no written demand
SPMC's claim on the ground that under the "cash and from FEBTC or Makati Insurance Company for Maxilite to
carry" principle governing fire insurance, no coverage pay the insurance premium; (5) the subject insurance
existed at the time the fire occurred because the policy remained uncancelled despite the alleged non-
insurance premium had not been paid. Is SPMC entitled payment of the premium, making it appear that the
to recover for the loss from SIC? (2003, 2013 Bar) insurance policy remained in force and binding. Thus,
A: YES. St. Peter Manufacturing Company is entitled to Maxilite can still claim from FEBTC (Jose Marques and
recover for the loss from Stable Insurance Company. Stable Maxilite Technologies, Inc. vs FEBTC, GR No. 171379, January
Insurance Company granted a credit term to pay the 10, 2011).
premiums. This is not against the law, because the standing Payment through salary deduction
business practice of allowing St. Peter Manufacturing
Company to pay the premiums after 60 or 90 days, was SEC. 78. Employees of the Republic of the Philippines,
relied upon in good faith by SPMC. Stable Insurance including its political subdivisions and instrumentalities,
Company is in estoppel (UCPB General Insurance Company, and government-owned or -controlled corporations, may
Inc. v. Masagana Telemart, Inc., G.R. No. 137172, April 4, pay their insurance premiums and loan obligations through
2001). salary deduction: Provided, That the treasurer, cashier,
paymaster or official of the entity employing the
5. Estoppel government employee is authorized, notwithstanding the
Estoppel may bar an insurer from taking refuge provisions of any existing law, rules and regulations to the
under Section 77 if the insured relied in good faith on a contrary, to make deductions from the salary, wage or
practice that they have been following with the insurer. income of the latter pursuant to the agreement between the
Hence, estoppel becomes the 5th exception to sec. 77. The Sc insurer and the government employee and to remit such
ruled that it would be unjust and inequitable if recovery on deductions to the insurer concerned, and collect such
the policy would not be permitted against insurer, which reasonable fee for its services.
had consistently granted a 60-day to 90-day credit term for Employees of the Republic of the Philippines,
the payment of premiums despite its full awareness of including its political subdivisions and instrumentalities,
section 77. and government-owned or controlled corporations, may
Q: Maxilite and Marques entered into a trust receipt pay their insurance premiums and loan obligations through
transaction with FEBTC for the shipment of various salary deduction: Provided, That the treasurer, cashier,
high-technology equipment. FEBIBI, upon the advice of paymaster or official of the entity employing the
FEBTC, facilitated the procurement and processing government employee is authorized, notwithstanding the
from Makati Insurance Company of four separate and provisions of any existing law, rules and regulations to the
Espinoza, Patricia Rachelle C.| Insurance
contrary, to make deductions from the salary, wage or Delivery of a promissory note or a check will not be
income of the latter pursuant to the agreement between the sufficient to make the policy binding until the said note or
insurer and the government employee and to remit such check has been converted into cash. This is consistent with
deductions to the insurer concerned, and collect such Article 1249 of the New Civil Code.
reasonable fee for its services (IC, Sec. 78).
NOTE: Payment by means of a check or note, accepted by
*there should be consent with the government the insurer, bearing a date prior to the loss, assuming
employee for the salary deduction (reason for sec. 78) availability of the funds thereof, would be sufficient even if
it remains unencashed at the time of the loss. The
Surety subsequent effects of encashment would retroact to the
SEC. 179. The surety is entitled to payment of the premium date of the instrument and its acceptance by the creditor
as soon as the contract of suretyship or bond is perfected (2007 Bar).
and delivered to the obligor. No contract of suretyship or Q: If the applicant failed to pay premium and instead
bonding shall be valid and binding unless and until the executed a promissory note in favor of the insurer
premium therefor has been paid, except where the obligee payable within 30 days which was accepted by the
has accepted the bond, in which case the bond becomes latter, is the insurer liable in case of loss?
valid and enforceable irrespective of whether or not the
premium has been paid by the obligor to the A: YES, the insurer is liable because there has been a
surety: Provided, That if the contract of suretyship or bond perfected insurance contract. The insurer accepted the
is not accepted by, or filed with the obligee, the surety shall promise of the applicant to pay the insurance premium
collect only a reasonable amount, not exceeding fifty within thirty 30 days from the effective date of policy. By so
percent (50%) of the premium due thereon as service fee doing, it has implicitly agreed to modify the tenor of the
plus the cost of stamps or other taxes imposed for the insurance policy and in effect, waived any provision therein
issuance of the contract or bond: Provided, however, That if that it would only pay for the loss or damage in case the
the nonacceptance of the bond be due to the fault or same occurs after the payment of the premium.
negligence of the surety, no such service fee, stamps or taxes
shall be collected. Considering that the insurance policy is silent as to the
mode of payment, insurer is deemed to have accepted the
In the case of a continuing bond, the obligor shall pay the promissory note in payment of the premium. This rendered
subsequent annual premium as it falls due until the contract the policy immediately operative on the date it was
of suretyship is cancelled by the obligee or by the delivered (Capital Insurance & Surety Co. Inc. v. Plastic Era
Commissioner or by a court of competent jurisdiction, as Co., Inc. G.R. No. L-22375, July 18, 1975).
the case may be.
Q: On September 25, 2013, Danny Marcial (Danny)
Another exception can be cited but only with procured an insurance on his life with a face value of P5
respect with suretyship under Section 179 of the IC., which million from RN Insurance Company (RN), with his wife
provides that the surety is already liable even if there is Tina Marcial (Tina) as sole beneficiary. On the same
non-payment of premium if the oblige has already accepted day, Danny issued an undated check to RN for the full
the bond. Also, it provides that the surety is entitled to amount of the premium. On October 1, 2013, RN issued
payment of the premium as soon as the contract of the policy covering Danny’s life insurance. On October
suretyship or bond is perfected and delivered to the obligor 5, 2013, Danny met a tragic accident and died. Tina
and no contract of suretyship or bonding shall be valid and claimed the insurance benefit, but RN was quick to deny
binding unless and until the premium thereof has been paid. the claim because at the time of Danny’s death, the
However, the exception s when the oblige has accepted the check was not yet encashed and therefore the premium
bond, in which case the bond becomes valid and remained unpaid.
enforceable irrespective of whether or not the premium has
been paid by the obligor to the surety. a. Is RN correct?

Valid Tender of Payment b. Will your answer be the same if the check is dated
October 15, 2013? (2014 Bar)
The insurance contract will continue to be binding
if the non-payment was due to the fault of the insurer. The A:
act of the insurer or his agent in refusing the tender of a. NO. RN Insurance is not correct. The facts of the case
payment of a premium properly made, will necessarily stop show that Danny procured insurance on his life on
the insurer from claiming a forfeiture for non-payment September 25, 2013, with his wife Tina as beneficiary, and
Payment of premium by post-dated check on that same day, he issued an undated check to RN for the
full amount of the premium. Since the undated check was
Espinoza, Patricia Rachelle C.| Insurance
issued to RN on September 25, 2013, it will be considered With respect to subsequent premiums, non-
dated as of the same day. payment does not affect the validity of the contracts unless,
by express stipulation, it is provided that the policy shall in
RN Insurance denied the claim of Tina because at that event be suspended or shall lapse (De Leon, 2010).
the time of Danny’s death, the check was not yet encashed,
therefore, the premium remained unpaid. The payment by Non-payment of premiums by reason of the
means of a check or note, accepted by the insurer, bearing a circumstances or conduct of the insurer
date prior to the loss, assuming the availability of the funds
thereof, would be sufficient even if it remains unencashed GR: Non-payment of premiums does not merely suspend
at the time of the loss. The subsequent effects of but put an end to an insurance contract since the time of the
encashment would retroact to the date of the mercantile payment is peculiarly of the essence of the contract (De
instrument. Leon, 2010).

b. The answer would not be the same if the check were XPN:
dated October 15, 2013. The payment of a promissory note 1. The insurer has become insolvent and has
or postdated check at a stated maturity subsequent to the suspended business or has refused without
loss, is insufficient to put the insurance into effect (Vitug, justification a valid tender of premiums (Gonzales
Commercial Laws and Jurisprudence, 2006, Vol. I, p. 250). v. Asia Life Ins. Co., G.R. No. L-5188, Oct. 29, 1952).
If it were RN Insurance who dated the check 2. Failure to pay was due to the wrongful conduct of
October 15, 2013, then my answer would be the same as my the insurer.
answer to the first question. 3. The insurer has waived his right to demand
Q: Alfredo took out a policy to insure his commercial
building from fire. The broker for the insurance Instances when payment of premium becomes a debt or
company agreed to give a 15-day credit within which to obligation
pay the insurance premium. Upon delivery of the policy 1. In fire, casualty and marine insurance, the premium
on May 15, 2006, Alfredo issued a postdated check payable becomes a debt as soon as the risk
payable on May 30, 2006. On May 28, 2006, a fire broke attaches.
out and destroyed the building owned by Alfredo. May 2. In life insurance, the premium becomes a debt only
Alfredo recover on the insurance policy? (2007 Bar) when, in the case of the first premium, the contract
A: YES. Alfredo may recover on the policy. It is valid to has become binding, and in the case of subsequent
stipulate that the insured will be granted credit term for premiums, when the insurer has continued the
payment of premium. Payment by means of a check which insurance after maturity of the premium, in
was accepted by the insurer, bearing a date prior to the loss, consideration of the insured’s express or implied
would be sufficient. The subsequent effects of encashment promise to pay (De Leon, 2010).
retroact to the date of the check (UCPB General Insurance
Co., Inc. v. Masagana Telamart, Inc., 356 SCRA 307 [2001]).
Non-payment of premiums
Devices used to prevent the forfeiture of a life
Non-payment of the premium will not entitle the insurance after the payment of the first premium
insured to recover the premium from the insurer. The (CPAGER)
continuance of the insurer’s obligation is conditioned upon
the payment of the premium, so that no recovery can be had 1. Grace period – After the payment of the first
upon a lapsed policy, the contractual relation between the premium, the insured is entitled to a grace period
parties having ceased. If the peril insured against had of 30 days within which to pay the succeeding
occurred, the insurer would have had a valid defense premiums [IC, Sec. 233 (a)].
against recovery under the policy.
2. Cash surrender value – The amount the insurer
Non-payment of the first premium prevents the agrees to pay to the holder of the policy if he
contract from becoming binding notwithstanding the surrenders it and releases his claim upon it
acceptance of the application or the issuance of the policy, (Cyclopedia Law Dictionary, 3rd ed.).
unless waived. But nonpayment of the balance of the
premium due does not produce the cancellation of the
contract. 3. Extended insurance – It is where the insured is
given a right, upon default, after payment of at least
Espinoza, Patricia Rachelle C.| Insurance
three full annual premiums [IC, Sec. 233 (f)] to have
the policy continued in force from the date of 5. Automatic Loan Clause – A stipulation in the policy
default for a time either stated or equal to the providing that upon default in payment of
amount as the net value of the policy taken as a premium, the same shall be paid from the loan
single premium, will purchase (De Leon, 2010). value of the policy until that value is consumed. In
such a case, the policy is continued in force as fully
SEC. 233 e) If the policy is participating, a provision and effectively as though the premiums had been
that the company shall periodically ascertain and paid by the insured from funds derived from other
apportion any divisible surplus accruing on the policy sources (6 Couch 2d., 383).
under conditions specified therein
6. Reinstatement – Provision that the holder of the
(f) A provision specifying the options to which the policy shall be entitled to reinstatement of the
policyholder is entitled to in the event of default in a contract at any time within 3 years from the date of
premium payment after three (3) full annual premiums default in the payment of premium, unless the cash
shall have been paid. Such option shall consist of: surrender value has been paid, or the extension
(1) A cash surrender value payable upon surrender period expired, upon production of evidence of
of the policy which shall not be less than the insurability satisfactory to the company and the
reserve on the policy, the basis of which shall be payment of all overdue premiums and any
indicated, for the then current policy year and any indebtedness to the company upon said policy [IC,
dividend additions thereto, reduced by a surrender Sec. 233 (j)].
charge which shall not be more than one-fifth (1/5)
of the entire reserve or two and one-half percent
(2½%) of the amount insured and any dividend SEC. 233 (j). A provision that the policyholder shall be
additions thereto; and entitled to have the policy reinstated at any time within
(2) One or more paid-up benefits on a plan or plans three (3) years from the date of default of premium
specified in the policy of such value as may be payment unless the cash surrender value has been duly
purchased by the cash surrender value. paid, or the extension period has expired, upon production
of evidence of insurability satisfactory to the company and
(g) A provision that at any time after a cash surrender upon payment of all overdue premiums and any
value is available under the policy and while the policy indebtedness to the company upon said policy, with interest
is in force, the company will advance, on proper rate not exceeding that which would have been applicable
assignment or pledge of the policy and on sole security to said premiums and indebtedness in the policy years prior
thereof, a sum equal to, or at the option of the owner of to reinstatement.
the policy, less than the cash surrender value on the AQUINO BOOK- prevent lapse of Life Insurance
policy, at a specified rate of interest, not more than the
maximum allowed by law, to be determined by the 1. Grace Period
company from time to time, but not more often than 2. Automatic policy loan
once a year, subject to the approval of the 3. Application of dividend-life insurance policy may
Commissioner; and that the company will deduct from be participating or non-participating. In the case of
such loan value any existing indebtedness on the policy participating insurance policy, the insured is
and any unpaid balance of the premium for the current entitled to the dividends that may be available. It is
policy year, and may collect interest in advance on the mandated in the IC that if the policy is participating,
loan to the end of the current policy year, which it must contain a provision that the company shall
provision may further provide that such loan may be periodically ascertain and apportion any divisible
deferred for not exceeding six (6) months after the surplus accruing on the policy under the conditions
application therefor is made specified therein. It may be provided that the
dividend shall be applied to the premiums that are
4. Paid up Insurance – The insured is given a right, due or payable. [IC, Sec. 233 (e)]
upon default, after the payment of at least three 4. Restatement clause
annual premiums to have the policy continued in
force from the date of default for the whole period
of the insurance without further payment of
premiums. It results to a reduction of the original Purpose of the reinstatement provision
amount of insurance, but for the same period
originally stipulated (6 Couch 2d., 355; 37 C.J.S. 364).
Espinoza, Patricia Rachelle C.| Insurance
The purpose of the provision is to clarify the RETURN OF PREMIUMS
requirements for restoring a policy to premium-paying
status after it has been permitted to lapse. SEC. 80. A person insured is entitled to a return of premium,
as follows:
The law requires that the policy owner be
permitted to reinstate the policy, subject to the violations (a) To the whole premium if no part of his interest
specified, any time within three (3) years from the date of in the thing insured be exposed to any of the perils
default of premium payment. A longer period, being more insured against;
favorable to the insured, may be used. (b) Where the insurance is made for a definite
Reinstatement is not an absolute right of the period of time and the insured surrenders his
insured, but discretionary on the part of the insurer, which policy, to such portion of the premium as
has the right to deny reinstatement if it were not satisfied corresponds with the unexpired time, at a pro rata
as to the insurability of the insured, and if the latter did not rate, unless a short period rate has been agreed
pay all overdue premiums and other indebtedness to the upon and appears on the face of the policy, after
insurer (McGuire vs. Manufacturer’s Life Ins. Co., G.R. No. L- deducting from the whole premium any claim for
3581, September 21, 1950). loss or damage under the policy which has
previously accrued: Provided, That no holder of a
Q: A life insurance policy lapsed. The insured applied life insurance policy may avail himself of the
for reinstatement of the policy and paid only a part of privileges of this paragraph without sufficient
the overdue premiums. Subsequently, the insured died. cause as otherwise provided by law.
Was the insurer liable?
SEC. 81. If a peril insured against has existed, and the
A: The insurer is not liable as the policy was not reinstated. insurer has been liable for any period, however short, the
The failure to pay the balance of the overdue premiums insured is not entitled to return of premiums, so far as that
prevented reinstatement and recovery of the face value of particular risk is concerned.
the policy (Andres vs. Crown Life Ins. Co., 55 O.G. 3483).
SEC. 82. A person insured is entitled to a return of the
Q: Eulogio took out a life insurance policy which premium when the contract is voidable, and subsequently
contained a provision which allows for reinstatement annulled under the provisions of the Civil Code; or on
any time within three years after it lapsed. Eulogio paid account of the fraud or misrepresentation of the insurer, or
the premiums due on the first two months. However, he of his agent, or on account of facts, or the existence of which
failed to pay subsequent premiums. One month after the insured was ignorant of without his fault; or when by
the policy lapsed, he filed an application for the any default of the insured other than actual fraud, the
reinstatement of his policy. He deposited the overdue insurer never incurred any liability under the policy.
premiums and signed a reinstatement policy stating
that the payment deposit only and shall not bind the A person insured is not entitled to a return of
Company until this application is finally approved. premium if the policy is annulled, rescinded or if a claim is
Hours later, Eulogio died of electrocution. The denied by reason of fraud.
insurance company denied the claim of his SEC. 83. In case of an over insurance by several insurers
beneficiaries stating that the policy was never other than life, the insured is entitled to a ratable return of
approved. Is the contention of the insurance company the premium, proportioned to the amount by which the
valid? aggregate sum insured in all the policies exceeds the
A: YES. The stipulation in a life insurance policy giving the insurable value of the thing at risk.
insured the privilege to reinstate it upon written Instances when the insured entitled to recover
application does not give the insured absolute right to such premiums already paid or a portion thereof (2000 Bar)
reinstatement by the mere filing of an application. The
insurer has the right to deny the reinstatement if it is not 1. Whole
satisfied as to the insurability of the insured and if the latter
a. When no part of the thing insured has been
does not pay all overdue premium and all other
exposed to any of the perils insured against (IC, Sec.
indebtedness to the insurer. After the death of the insured,
the Insurance Company cannot be compelled to entertain
b. When the contract is voidable because of the fraud
an application for reinstatement of the policy because the
or misrepresentations of the insurer of his agent
conditions precedent to reinstatement can no longer be
(IC, Sec. 82).
determined and satisfied (Violeta R. Lalican vs. The Insular
Life Assurance Company Limited, supra).
Espinoza, Patricia Rachelle C.| Insurance
c. When the insurance is voidable because of the such order as he may select, up to the amount for
existence of facts of which the insured was ignorant which the insurers are severally liable under their
without his fault (IC, Sec. 82). respective contracts;
d. When the insurer never incurred any liability
under the policy because of the default of the (b) Where the policy under which the insured
insured other than actual fraud (IC, Sec. 82). claims is a valued policy, any sum received by him
e. When rescission is granted due to insurer’s breach under any other policy shall be deducted from the
of contract (IC, Sec. 74). value of the policy without regard to the actual
value of the subject matter insured;
NOTE: When the contract is voidable, a person insured is
entitled to a return of the premium when such contract is (c) Where the policy under which the insured
subsequently annulled under the provisions of the New claims is an unvalued policy, any sum received by
Civil Code. him under any policy shall be deducted against the
full insurable value, for any sum received by him
A person insured is not entitled to a return of under any policy;
premium if the policy is annulled, rescinded or if a claim is
denied by reason of fraud (IC, Sec. 82). (d) Where the insured receives any sum in excess
of the valuation in the case of valued policies, or of
2. Pro rata: the insurable value in the case of unvalued policies,
he must hold such sum in trust for the insurers,
a. When the insurance is for a definite period and the according to their right of contribution among
insured surrenders his policy before the themselves;
termination thereof; except:
i. Policy not made for a definite period of (e) Each insurer is bound, as between himself and
time; the other insurers, to contribute ratably to the loss
ii. Short period rate is agreed upon; or in proportion to the amount for which he is liable
iii. In life insurance policy. under his contract.
b. When there is over-insurance. The premiums to
be returned shall be proportioned to the amount by Illustration:
which the aggregate sum insured in all the policies Where there is a total over insurance of P500,000.00 in an
exceeds the insurable value of the thing at risk (IC, aggregate P2,000,000.00 policy (P1,500,000.00 is only the
Sec. 83). insurable value), 25% (proportion of P500k to P2M) of the
i. In case of over-insurance by double premiums paid to the several insurers should be returned.
insurance, the insurer is not liable for the
total amount of the insurance taken, his Where there is over-insurance by double insurance (See
liability being limited to the property Section 93)
insured. Hence, the insurer is not entitled
The insurer is not liable for the total amount of the
to that portion of the premium
insurance taken, his liability being limited to the amount of
corresponding to the excess of the
the insurable interest on the property insured. Hence, he is
insurance over the insurable interest of
not entitled to that portion of the premium corresponding
the insured. (1990 Bar)
to the excess of the insurance over the insurable interest of
ii. In case of over-insurance by several
the insured.
insurers, the insured is entitled to a ratable
return of the premium, proportioned to The premium to be returned where there is over-
the amount by which the aggregate sum insurance by several insurers shall be proportioned to the
insured in all the policies exceeds the amount by which the aggregate sum insured in all the
insurable value of the thing insured (IC, policies exceeds the insurable value of the thing at risk.
Sec. 83).
Where insurance is illegal
SEC. 95. A double insurance exists where the same person
is insured by several insurers separately in respect to the GR: Premiums cannot be recovered.
same subject and interest.
XPN: If, in fact, the parties are not in pari delicto, the law will
SEC. 96. Where the insured in a policy other than life is over allow an innocent insured to take again his premiums as
insured by double insurance: when—

(a) The insured, unless the policy otherwise 1. The insured was ignorant of the facts which
provides, may claim payment from the insurers in rendered the insurance illegal; or
Espinoza, Patricia Rachelle C.| Insurance
2. One, having no insurable interest in the life insured, if the premium paid by Cortez was unacceptable for being
paid premiums in the bona fide belief induced by late, it was the company's duty to return it. Since his policy
the fraudulent statement of the insurer, that such was in fact inoperative or ineffectual from the beginning,
insurance was valid. the company was never at risk, hence, it is not entitled to
keep the premium (Great Pacific Life Insurance Corp. v. CA,
When the insured is not entitled to return of premiums et al., G.R. No. L-57308, April 23, 1990).
paid (LI2F)

1. If the peril insured against has existed, and the

insurer has been liable for any period, the peril Payments in addition to regular premium
being entire and indivisible (IC, Sec. 81)
2. In life insurance policies (IC, Sec. 80 [b]) ADVANCE PAYMENT
3. If the policy is annulled, rescinded or if a claim is An insurer may contract and accept payments, in
denied by reason of fraud (IC, Sec. 82) addition to regular premium, for the purpose of paying
4. If contract is illegal and the parties are in pari future premiums on the policy or to increase the benefits
delicto. thereof (IC, Sec. 84).
Grounds where return of premium is warranted (Book- SEC. 84. An insurer may contract and accept payments, in
Aquino) addition to regular premium, for the purpose of paying
1. When the thing was not exposed to the peril future premiums on the policy or to increase the benefits
insured against thereof.
2. “Time Policy” when the policy is surrendered REBATE OF PREMIUM
before the expiration of the stipulated time (refund
is pro rata) SEC. 370. No insurance company doing business in the
3. When the contract is voidable and subsequently Philippines or any agent thereof, no insurance broker, and
annulled under the provisions of the Civil Code no employee or other representative of any such insurance
4. When the contract was annulled on the account of company, agent, or broker, shall make, procure or negotiate
fraud or misrepresentation if the insurer or of his any contract of insurance or agreement as to policy
agent or on account of facts, or the existence of contract, other than is plainly expressed in the policy or
which the insured was ignorant of without his fault other written contract issued or to be issued as evidence
5. When by any default of the insured other than the thereof, or shall directly or indirectly, by giving or sharing a
actual fraud, the insurer never incurred liability commission or in any manner whatsoever, pay or allow or
under the policy offer to pay or allow to the insured or to any employee of
6. When there is over-insurance by several insurers such insured, either as an inducement to the making of such
insurance or after such insurance has been effected, any
Q: Teodoro Cortez, applied for a 20-year endowment rebate from the premium which is specified in the policy, or
policy with Great Pacific Insurance Corporation (Great any special favor or advantage in the dividends or other
Pacific). His application, with the requisite medical benefits to accrue thereon, or shall give or offer to give any
examination, was accepted and approved by the Great valuable consideration or inducement of any kind, directly
Pacific and in due course, an endowment policy was or indirectly, which is not specified in such policy or
issued in his name. Thereafter, Great Pacific advised contract of insurance; nor shall any such company, or any
Cortez that the policy was not in force. To make it agent thereof, as to any policy or contract of insurance
enforceable and operative, Cortez was asked to remit issued, make any discrimination against any Filipino in the
the balance to complete his initial annual premium and sense that he is given less advantageous rates, dividends or
to see Dr. Felipe V. Remollo for another full medical other policy conditions or privileges than are accorded to
examination at his own expense. Because of this, Cortez other nationals because of his race.
informed that it that he was cancelling the policy and he
demanded the return of his premium plus damages. SEC. 372. If the Commissioner, after notice and hearing,
Great Pacific ignored his demand. Is Cortez entitled to a finds that any insurance company, rating organization,
refund of his premium? agent, broker or other person has violated any of the
provisions of this title, it shall order the payment of a fine
A: YES. Great Pacific should have informed Cortez of the not to exceed Twenty-five thousand pesos (P25,000.00) for
deadline for paying the first premium before or at least each such offense, and shall immediately suspend or revoke
upon delivery of the policy to him, so he could have the license issued to such insurance company, rating
complied with what was needful and would not have been organization, agent, or broker. The issuance, procurement
misled into believing that his life and his family were or negotiation of a single policy or contract of insurance
protected by the policy, when actually they were not. And, shall be deemed a separate offense.
Espinoza, Patricia Rachelle C.| Insurance
Violation of Sec. 370

Constitutes a ground for immediate revocation of license

issued to the erring insurance company, agent or broker
and the imposition of fine not exceeding P25,000.00


Prevention of unfair discriminatory practice by insurance

companies, agents or brokers, in order to ensure that equal
terms are fixed for policy holders of the same insurable
class and equal protection of life. The statutes prohibit such
practices involving rebates or preferential treatment with
respect to the cost of the policy or the benefits allowed for
the premium. It follows that to enforce contacts or
agreements directly forbidden under these statutes,
thereby allowing recovery thereunder, would be subversive
of the very public policy which the law was designed and
intended to uphold. While the statutes are addressed to the
insurance companies, agents or brokers, and are enacted
for the protection of policyholders, the provisions are for
the general body of policyholders who would suffer the
enforcement of the prohibited agreements, and not for
those who have entered into such agreements and are
seeking to profit by its terms.

Basis of right to recover premiums

1. Insurer could have been called to pay the whole sum

insured—if the insurer could at any time, and under
any conceivable circumstances, have been called
on to pay the whole sum on which he has received
premium, in such case the whole premium is
earned and there shall be no return;
2. Insurer could have been called to pay only part of the
whole sum insured—if, on the other hand, he could
never in any event have thus been called on to pay
the whole, but only a part of the amount of his
subscription he ought not retain a larger than one-
half or one fourth of the premium and must return
the residue.

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