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Marketing Strategy

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A whopping 159 types of

marketing described, demystified
and debunked.
Written by Matt Press

Last updated: Aug 12, 2019





Has it ever occurred to you quite how many types of marketing

there are?
It’s astonishing.
Just enter the term “marketing” into Google and you’ll
see loads of different strategies.
So, when it comes to marketing your business, you have a lot of
options to choose from and you want to ensure that you're
getting the most out of your marketing efforts.
That’s why I decided to put together a list of all the different
types of marketing techniques that you could try.
I’ve included a brief description, comment, example and extra
resource for each type.
Now… this is a huge, comprehensive list. I found 159 types of
marketing, so this turned out to be a pretty big guide.
You’ll find the good, the bad and the ugly, but I reckon they’re
all there.
To make it easier for you to look up and analyze different
marketing strategies, I’ve put them in alphabetical order.
I’ve also added letter links below in case you’d like to jump
straight to the marketing term that interests you.
Caveat: I’ve included any marketing term that might qualify
as a tactic. I didn’t include industry specific terms such as
construction marketing, farm marketing, art marketing or
property marketing.


If you come across a marketing style that I haven’t covered,

please let me know in the comments - that’ll help keep this
article current.

159 types of marketing

1. Above the line [ATL] marketing
What is above the line marketing?
Above the line marketing is using mass media to market to a
wide audience.
It’s the opposite of below the line marketing [number 11], which
is more specific and targeted marketing.
The strength of above the line marketing is potential reach; the
downside is often relevancy.
Need above the line marketing examples?
The clearest example of above the line marketing is a Super
Bowl TV commercial.
A 30-second advert at half-time can cost upwards of $5million.
Obviously viewing figures will be enormous, but will that pay
Here's a collection of all the Super Bowl commercials from

What about above the line marketing resources?

Examples of above the line marketing

2. Account-based marketing
What is account-based marketing?
Account-based marketing is an alternative B2B marketing
strategy that targets customers who have a particular type
of account.
It’s a form of segmentation [and in marketing, specificity is
always a good thing].
Need account-based marketing examples?
Hotjar is a company that sells website analytics software. They
have 3 price points:

If they wanted to upsell a product to their customers, it makes

sense to tailor their messaging according to which version of the
software they have.
The way Hotjar will speak to someone on the basic package
could [and probably should] be very different to the way it
will communicate with someone on the business deal.
What about account-based marketing resources?
Account-based marketing strategies
3. Affiliate marketing
What is affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is the act of marketing someone else’s brand,
website, product or service in return for a fee.
The fee is performance-based. The more successful the affiliate
marketing is, the more the affiliate will get paid.
Need affiliate marketing examples?
If you head to ClickBank, you’ll see that there are affiliate
marketing opportunities in dozens of niches.
Fancy promoting a BBQ?
What about affiliate marketing resources?
7 big mistakes that new affiliate marketers make

4. Affinity marketing
What is affinity marketing?
Also known as partnership marketing [number 106], affinity
marketing is about creating strategic, mutually beneficial
Need affinity marketing examples?
Businesses partner together so that they can leverage different
audiences and increase their brand awareness. That's why you
can find McDonald's restaurants in Asda stores.
What about affinity marketing resources?
How does affinity marketing work?

5. Agile marketing
What is agile marketing?
Agile marketing is about being open, receptive and responsive
to change with your marketing strategy.
As the name suggest, it’s about being flexible and not sticking to
a rigid plan. You could say, then, that agile marketing is more of
an attitude than a strategy.
Inspiration for the term comes from the techie world of agile
development, where iterations to software would be steady and
Need agile marketing examples?
Football fans will remember that in 2013, Chelsea’s Eden
Hazard made the headlines by kicking out at a time wasting ball
Specsavers wasted no time in sending out an amusing ad that
referenced the bizarre incident.
What about agile marketing resources?
Applying agile methodology to marketing can pay

6. Alliance marketing
What is alliance marketing?
As with affinity or partnership marketing, alliance marketing is
about two businesses collaborating.
The difference with alliance marketing is that the collaboration
runs deeper.
Companies that are teaming up [because it can be more than
one] pool their resources to promote and sell a product or
Need alliance marketing examples?
Alliance marketing is why you see a car wash at a garage, or a
Costa at Waterstones.
Some partnerships just make perfect business sense.
What about alliance marketing resources?
Why is alliance marketing effective?

7. Ambush marketing
What is ambush marketing?
A business that uses ambush marketing will attempt to
associate its products or services with an event that already has
official sponsors.
As the name suggests, companies use this low-cost tactic to
ambush events and compete for exposure against competitors.
Need ambush marketing examples?
Tennis fans might remember that Heineken was the official beer
sponsor of the 2011 US Open.
However, during the competition, rival Stella located the closest
train station to Billie Jean King National Tennis Centre and
decorated it with loads of adverts.
The adverts all had tennis-related themes and slogans, so it
naturally appeared as though Stella were sponsoring the event.
What about ambush marketing resources?
Here you go:

8. Article marketing
What is article marketing?
Article marketing is a type of advertising in which businesses
write articles and then strategically placed on the internet.
Articles need to be about topics relevant to your industry. Once
written, they’re usually distributed to news outlets, article
banks, forums, PR sites and article submission sites.
In a sense, article marketing is similar to content marketing, but
the articles don’t exist on a company’s own website. As such, the
value of article marketing is questionable.
Need article marketing examples?
Hub pages is a place where you can submit articles:

What about article marketing resources?

A step-by-step guide to article marketing

9. Augmented marketing
What is augmented marketing?
Augmented marketing is the idea of adding value to a
proposition via an additional, innovative offer.
The word ‘augmented’ means “having been made greater in size
or value”. So by laying on extra benefits, augmented marketing
increases the chances of a sale.
Need augmented marketing examples?
You’ll find stacks of examples in the pizza industry, where you
find lots of 'buy one, get one free' offers.

What about augmented marketing resources?

10 examples of augmented marketing in retail

10. Behavioral marketing
What is behavioral marketing?
Behavioral marketing is marketing to consumers that’s
automated, but nonetheless based on their behavior.
It is an online marketing [number 101] strategy. Typically,
behaviors that trigger a certain marketing message would be
when someone:
 Clicks on a link.
 Visits a certain web page.
 Downloads a PDF.
 Buys something.
 Shares or likes a post on social media
Need behavioral marketing examples?
If you buy a bottle of ketchup and scan a QR code, you’ll get a
specific marketing message. In this case, by doing that, your
behavior tells Heinz something.
If nothing else, it reveals that you’re prepared to engage with
their product and brand.
What about behavioral marketing resources?
Why behavioral marketing is so exciting

11. Below the line [BTL] marketing

What is below the line marketing?
Below the line marketing is targeted marketing that doesn't use
mass media [so not things like TV, radio and social media].
It’s the opposite of above the line marketing [number 1].
Below the line marketing is more personal and, as a result, often
more successful that above the line marketing.
Need below the line marketing examples?
In general, network marketers throw intimate product parties.
Being able to physically put a product in someone’s hands and
being able to talk to them face-to-face is a powerful
What about below the line marketing resources?
Below the line marketing and its applications

12. Black hat marketing

What is black hat marketing?
Black hat marketing is the general term for unethical SEO
Here's the situation: Google analyzes websites against certain
criteria before deciding what to rank where.
There are ways of cheating the system, but doing so would be
gambling with your business. It’s just not worth it. Any gains are
likely to be short-term; if Google catches on, you can expect
your website to incur a penalty.
Need black hat marketing examples?
In 2013, Google penalized global florist Interflora for using back
hat SEO tactics.
The penalty was severe. The Interflora website was effectively
wiped off the internet for several months until the company
managed to resolve all their unethical search issues.
What about black hat marketing resources?
8 risky black hat SEO techniques used today
13. Brand marketing
What is brand marketing?
Brand marketing is the concept of marketing an identity [and
not a product or service].
Most businesses know that they have to work out their brand
positioning. They need to understand what they stand for, what
their USPs are and what the perception of their company is.
Sometimes, certainly over the long-term, it pays off to
communicate values over items because it’s more conducive to
encouraging customer engagement and loyalty.
Need brand marketing examples?
Tesco’s tagline shows that it cares about the cost of shopping.
Each time you see the Tesco logo, the tagline hits you in the
What about brand marketing resources?
Brand marketing lessons from Donald Trump and

14. Brick and mortar marketing

What is brick and mortar marketing?
Quite simply, brick and mortar marketing is any form of
marketing that exists in a retail shop.
Need brick and mortar marketing examples?
Most stores market special promotions on just about every

What about brick and mortar marketing resources?

3 how-to strategies for your brick and mortar

15. Business to business [B2B] marketing

What is B2B marketing?
Quite simply, B2B marketing happens when one business
markets a product or service to another.
Need B2B marketing examples?
Take a look at this email that I received:
This is from a company that sells GPS tracking so that
businesses can monitor their employees when they’re on the
Ignoring the fact that I have no requirement whatsoever for GPS
tracking, this is B2B marketing.
They're a business that's trying to sell me a product
for my business.
What about B2B marketing resources?
What makes B2B marketing special?

16. Business to consumer [B2C] marketing

What is B2C marketing?
B2C marketing refers to any marketing that’s specifically
dedicated to consumers.
Need B2C marketing examples?
Obviously, consumers are marketed to everywhere, all day and
all night. Clothes outlet Next publish adverts that speak to a
certain carefully thought out persona.

What about B2C marketing resources?

5 ideas to create profitable B2C marketing campaigns

17. Business to people [B2P] marketing

What is business to people marketing?
Business to people marketing is B2B marketing [number 15]
that is more personal [and, therefore, theoretically more
Really, B2P is more about your attitude towards marketing.
You could argue that all marketing is essentially directed to
people. Even B2B marketing collateral will be read by real
people. If anything, all marketing should really just be
considered P2P (people to people).
However, the concept of B2P exists because B2B marketing can
often be quite stale and miss the mark.
B2P marketing feels a little more real. By appreciating that,
even in B2B marketing, you’re still marketing to people, you’re
more likely to see an ROI on your efforts.
Need business to people marketing examples?
At Splash Copywriters, we specialise in finding customers for all
sorts of businesses.
We do that by creating powerful websites, using effective SEO,
Facebook ads and Google AdWords campaigns.
But when we speak to potential clients, we keep things simple.
We don't use techie terms and jargons.
Instead, we focus on the key issue: that we help with lead
generation. And we do that because any other approach would
be foolish.
Ultimately, it all comes down to people.
We have a really sophisticated approach to lead generation, but
like any business, we still have to sell ourselves to real people.
And by understanding that, we can land more work.
What about business to people resources?
Time to ditch B2B and think B2P

18. Buzz marketing

What is buzz marketing?
Buzz marketing is marketing that seeks to induce drama,
excitement and anticipation about a product.
When it works, buzz marketing is amazing. The trouble is, if you
get a campaign wrong, everything can fall flat. A poor result can
even wreak havoc with your brand image.
Need buzz marketing examples?
Apple is great at buzz marketing.
Admittedly, they sell great gadgets, but they’ve nevertheless
mastered the art of building excitement without saying much.

What about buzz marketing resources?

The 6 buttons for buzz marketing success

19. Call Centre marketing
What is call centre marketing?
Call centre marketing happens when a business authorizes a
specialist company [a call centre or contact centre] to cold call
people [and market a product or service].
Need call centre marketing examples?
Let’s suppose an accountancy firm wanted to advertise their
services. And let’s also imagine that they wanted to market their
brand to small businesses.
If they felt that cold calling was their best play, they face a
couple of problems.
Firstly, there’s the logistical issue of making the calls. How long
is it going to take to get the phone numbers and make the calls?
Who is going to do it?
Secondly, what constitutes a good cold call? Not everyone can
do it; there’s obviously a knack to marketing to strangers over
the phone.
One solution is to use a call centre to cold call people for you.
This is call centre marketing.
What about call centre marketing resources?
3 ways to connect marketing with your contact centre

20. Call-to-action [CTA] marketing

What is call-to-action marketing?
This is the name given to any online marketing collateral that
prompts someone to take a specific action.
So any banners, buttons, copy or graphics that ask users to do
something [like download a PDF, subscribe to a newsletter or
click a link].
Typically, this action would lead to the user entering a sales
Need call-to-action examples?
You can see call-to-action marketing on the majority of
If you look around the Splash Copywriters blog, you'll see the
initial opening for each article. You'll also be able to see an
option to 'read more'. When you click on this button, you can
read each post.
The option to 'read more' is a type of call-to-action.
What about call-to-action marketing resources?
3 call-to-action examples you can’t help but click

21. Catalogue marketing

What is catalogue marketing?
Catalogue marketing is the act of using a catalogue to showcase
products or services.
It’s a type of direct marketing [number 47] that’s most popular
with mail order retailers.
Catalogue marketing might seem like a slightly old fashioned
form of marketing, but, perhaps surprisingly, research indicates
the people still like being able to thumb through a catalogue.
There’s something about physical marketing that works.
Need catalogue marketing examples?
Step forward Argos…
What about catalogue marketing resources?
Why catalogues are an essential sales and marketing
22. Cause marketing
What is cause marketing?
Cause marketing is attaching some sort of charitable or
inspirational angle to a product, service or brand.
Crucially, cause marketing only works when you find a cause
that both the business and its customers care about.
Need cause marketing examples?
Reebok has teamed up with Avon 39.
The Avon 39 Walk to End Breast Cancer is a 39-mile walk to
raise awareness and funding for breast cancer.
Reebok is a national sponsor. Avon 39 gets significant visibility
and cash, whilst being associated with such a worthy cause
enhances Reebok’s brand.
What about cause marketing resources?
Cause marketing matters to consumers

23. Celebrity marketing

What is celebrity marketing?
Celebrity marketing is getting a celebrity to endorse a product.
The logic is that celebrity endorsements increase sales because
consumers can connect and identify with someone.
In other words, to them, it feels like they’re buying from the
celebrity and not a faceless business.
Interestingly, although this tactic is known as celebrity
marketing, a product doesn’t need an endorsement from a
famous superstar. The ‘celebrity’ just needs to be a person who
is well known to the target audience.
Need celebrity marketing examples?
Sky Sports have used David Beckham in their ads for a long
time now:

What about celebrity marketing resources?

How brands can use celebrity endorsements to connect
with customers online

24. Channel marketing

What is channel marketing?
Channel marketing is any marketing strategy that helps a
product or service reach the consumer in a quicker, more
efficient way.
In business, a ‘channel’ is all the activities and people involved
in taking something from production to consumption.
That’s stuff like manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors,
retailers, marketing collateral… etc.
Need channel marketing examples?
Advertising at a trade show is a form of channel marketing,
since the result of partnering with a retailer would result in an
item reaching customers quicker.
What about channel marketing resources?
7 steps for channel marketing success

25. Close range marketing [CRM]

What is close range marketing?
Brands who like close range marketing use WiFi or Bluetooth to
send promotional messages to customers’ smartphones or
This is usually an in-store experience, because the customer’s
device must be within range of the shop’s transmitter or beacon.
Also known as proximity marketing [number 119], close range
marketing is a very modern strategy.
Need close range marketing examples?
If you find yourself wandering near a KFC and receiving an
advert for a burrito, you now know the type of marketing you’ve
What about close range marketing resources?
8 reasons why close range marketing matters

26. Closed loop marketing

What is closed loop marketing?
Closed loop marketing is the act of using information and
performance data to produce more effective marketing
By analyzing what’s working with a campaign and what isn’t, a
business can eliminate a degree of guesswork from their next
As the phrase goes, this reduces uncertainty and ‘closes the
Need closed loop marketing examples?
Suppose a business had 10 blog posts lined up in their editorial
calendar, all on different subjects.
They could post them and go into their Google Analytics
account to see how they each performed:

This data is valuable because it can reveal which issues a

company’s audience is more interested in. In turn, that can fine
tune sales strategies going forward.
What about closed loop marketing resources?
How closed loop marketing works
27. Cloud marketing
What is cloud marketing?
Cloud marketing is simply using all the modern tools on the
internet to continually connect with and market to customers.
Today, businesses are able to surface the same marketing
message in multiple places.
So you might see one ad advert in an email, on a website, on
Twitter, on YouTube, or in your Facebook feed.
Need cloud marketing examples?
Dunkin’ Donuts often serve up tempting messages in a variety
of mediums.
What about cloud marketing resources?
What is cloud marketing?

28. Communal marketing

What is communal marketing?
Communal marketing happens when a business uses customers’
stories about a product or service in a promotional campaign.
It’s marketing that aims to create a deeper bond between a
business and its customers. It’s very effective because the people
are real.
When they talk about their experiences, it helps non-customers
identify with the product easier. They can see themselves feeling
and experiencing the same things.
Need communal marketing examples?
Content tool Buzzsumo has some great testimonials on their
website and they do a great job of selling their product.
What about communal marketing resources?
3 examples of communal and sensory marketing

29. Community marketing

What is community marketing?
Community marketing is any marketing that concentrates on
an existing customer [as opposed to new customers].
Sometimes known as loyalty marketing [number 86],
community marketing is useful because the cost of maintaining
a customer will always be cheaper than the cost of acquiring a
new one.
Need community marketing examples?
O2 does a good job or rewarding customer loyalty. It frequently
hands over multiple perks to all their customers, both new and

What about community marketing resources?

Community marketing guides, white papers and

30. Computational marketing

What is computational marketing?
Computational marketing uses computer technology to make
marketing more efficient.
Businesses that hold information about customers can use
computers to match up the right people with the right
marketing campaign.
In theory, it sounds great. Trouble is, companies often find
themselves holding inconsistent levels of profile data. They can
access lots of information about some people, but hold nothing
but a name for others.
That reduces the success of the algorithm substantially.
Need computational marketing examples?
Say I manage a supermarket and want to promote a range of
shower gels. If I have a database with details of 10,000
customers, I could use computer software to analyze their
buying habits.
If it shows me 1,000 people who have bought shower gels in the
past 6 months, I could market only to them [and expect more
higher success].
That’s computational marketing.
What about computational marketing resources?
Introduction to computational advertising

31. Concentrated marketing

What is concentrated marketing?
Concentrated marketing happens when a company has
developed a product specifically for a very well defined market.
Need concentrated marketing examples?
Being one of the first car manufacturers to enter the hybrid
market, Toyota used concentrated marketing strategies back in
The Prius was advertised to people who cared about green
issues because it was a highly relevant angle at the time.
What about concentrated marketing resources?
Concentrated marketing examples

32. Consumer marketing

What is consumer marketing?
Consumer marketing is straightforward: it’s marketing directly
to consumers.
It’s the most common type of marketing… and it’s everywhere.
Need consumer marketing examples?
Take a look around.
Consumer marketing is online and offline. It’s in shops, in the
street… even in public toilets.
What about consumer marketing resources?
The future of consumer marketing is personal

33. Content marketing

What is content marketing?
Content marketing means creating and distributing content
with the aim of driving positive action.
It’s a long-term strategy. Rather than focus on selling, content
marketing must deliver value to the target audience first.
This enhances the brand perception and nourishes the
relationship between the business and the consumer. Over time,
this increases the chances of profiting.
Need content marketing examples?
The company Whole Foods Market made a clever move by
creating an article on how to save money on a weekly shop.
Does it advertise any of their products?
No. But it was a useful and popular piece of content that kept
their brand relevant:

What about content marketing resources?

8 content marketing trends to help you dominate 2017

34. Contextual marketing

What is contextual marketing?
Contextual marketing is the strategy of personalising the online
marketing content that a user sees, based on who they are and
what they’re doing.
Need contextual marketing examples?
Two such contextual marketing techniques are SEO and
The whole premise of search engine optimisation is based on
context. If a user fires up Google and enters a term, they should
see relevant search results.
[And relevant adverts.]
Meanwhile, business that retarget people can follow users
around the internet [and surface ads to them] without any
direct contact.
For instance, suppose I’m looking to buy a new sofa and I go to
a website that sells sofas.
If that company has retargeting set up, when I leave their site
and go somewhere else, they can continue to show me sofa ads.
Contextual marketing allows brands to sell the right product to
the right person at the right time.
What about contextual marketing resources?
4 examples of contextual marketing and what it means
for you

35. Conversational marketing

What is conversational marketing?
Conversational marketing revolves around talking to people.
Conversations that prioritize the consumer can focus on a
product, service or particular pain point.
Those conversations allow brands to market themselves in a
more meaningful, impactful manner.
It hinges on the belief that selling is easier when a business has
a good relationship with their target audience.
Ultimately, consumers feel a need to be understood. So when we
feel that we can talk directly with a brand, that’s a good thing.
Conversational marketing lends itself well to the modern
business because of the two-way nature of the internet.
Need conversational marketing examples?
Conversations can be deep, comforting… or very simple:

What about conversational marketing resources?

Why should we care about conversational marketing?
36. Conversion rate marketing
What is conversion rate marketing?
Conversion rate marketing is any form of marketing that’s
judged by how much money it makes [it’s conversion rate].
The advantage of conversion rate marketing is that it’s very
The disadvantage of it is that doesn’t allow wiggle room for
building relationships with a target audience.
Need conversion rate marketing examples?
The success of any PPC strategy depends on the conversion rate
of the campaign in question.
Pretend I’m running a PPC campaign. Suppose it costs me $1
every time someone clicks on my link and that the price of my
product is $100.
If my conversion rate is 5%, then for every $500 I spend, I know
that I’m going to make $2,500 [a profit of $2,000].
But if the conversion rate is 1%, I make $500 and only break
Conversion rate marketing revolves around numbers and
making sure that every campaign is as good as it can be so that
you’re generating the possible best ROI.
What about conversion rate marketing resources?
The importance of conversion

37. Cooperative marketing

What is cooperative marketing?
Cooperative marketing happens when 2 or more companies
team up to sell a product or service.
That collaboration could happen in a number of ways. Of
course, multiple businesses may come up with an agreement to
sell a product.
But also, cooperative marketing could be as simple as pooling
resources [such as time, money, knowledge or expertise].
Need cooperative marketing examples?
Shopper marketing [number 136] can sometimes be considered
to be a type of cooperative marketing.
Manufacturers know more about the products they make than
the retailers who sell the item. So if they team up, a retailer may
be able to market products more effectively.
What about cooperative marketing resources?
What is the importance of cooperative marketing?

38. Corporate marketing

What is corporate marketing?
Corporate marketing is about marketing [and managing] brand
Corporate marketing is more about a high level interpretation of
a brand than it is about how an individual product or service is
Need corporate marketing examples?
Sky’s tagline and brand statement, 'believe in better', is
corporate marketing in action.
What about corporate marketing resources?
What is a corporate marketing strategy?
39. Cross media marketing
What is cross media marketing?
Quite simply, cross media marketing refers to putting a
marketing message in front of a customer in a variety of forms.
Usually, that means print, email, mobile and online.
The challenge for marketers is that we’re all inundated with
advertising every day. People tune out to the majority of ads.
Cross media marketing aims is to continually catch customers
and put a company’s name or product in front of them [without
being annoying or invasive.]
Need cross media marketing examples?
Suppose you want to order a pizza.
You see a flyer with a QR code. If you scan the QR code, you’re
probably going to be taken to a particular landing page. If you
register, expect an offer of some sort.
After that, you’ll most likely be invited to join some sort of
community [maybe a Facebook group], where you’ll receive
more discounts.
What about cross media marketing resources?
What is cross media marketing and how does it fit in
with paper?

40. Cultural marketing

What is cultural marketing?
Cultural marketing is marketing that’s specifically geared
towards a particular culture or demographic.
This is the most effective type of marketing segmentation.
Cultural marketing is also known as diversity marketing
[number 50] or ethnic marketing [number 56].
Need cultural marketing examples?
As a make-up business, L’Oreal’s range of products lends itself
very well to cultural marketing.

What about cultural marketing resources?

Cultural influences on marketing strategies
41. Data marketing
What is data marketing?
Data marketing is using large sets of data to improve the
accuracy and effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
It’s similar to database marketing [number 42], but data
marketing puts a greater emphasis on behavioral patterns and
Need data marketing examples?
Macy’s has real-time pricing on its website. It uses big data to
adjust the prices of almost 73million products. The adjustments
are made according to user behavior.
What about data marketing resources?
10 ways big data is revolutionizing marketing and sales

42. Database marketing

What is database marketing?
Database marketing is the process of collecting and analysing
customer information to implement marketing strategies that
make money.
A business can use a database of customers [or potential
customers] to segment their audience and create personalised
marketing messages.
It’s a form of direct marketing [see number 47] that can be
executed with any method.
Need database marketing examples?
I have a Sky TV subscription. More specifically, I have a Sky
Sports subscription.
So, when Sky communicates with me, they know that there’s no
point in surfacing Sky One adverts.
The information about me in whatever database they use tells
them that I like sport. That means they can show me a more
relevant ad:

What about database marketing resources?

Marketing with your database
43. De-marketing
What is de-marketing?
As strange as it might sound, businesses sometimes market
certain offers and promotions to reduce demand or limit
Normally, this happens in a retail environment.
[And there is a tactical reason why this happens; it’s not
complete madness.]
A supermarket might heavily advertise an offer that’s only
available on Saturdays, so as to avoid overcrowding on Sundays.
Need de-marketing examples?
Clothing company Patagonia made a short film called ‘Worn
Wear’ that encouraged customers to fix their clothes rather than
buy new ones.

On the surface, this would appear counterproductive. However,

the beauty of this video is that it had the opposite effect.
Aside from showing integrity, the film differentiated and
strengthened the Patagonia brand by highlighting how durable
and long-lasting Patagonia clothes can be.
What about de-marketing resources?
6 reasons for turning away customers

44. Defensive marketing

What is defensive marketing?
Defensive marketing is any form of marketing that is designed
to protect a company's position in a market.
Maybe a start-up needs to grow. Or an innovative business has
developed an amazing product with a brilliant USP.
Perhaps a company has seen a new rival emerge.
Need defensive marketing examples?
For a long time, Sky TV had a monopoly on English football.
But when it was forced to hand over a selection of games to a
rival broadcaster, it became necessary to tailor some of their
marketing accordingly. Instead of just talking about football,
they had to start talking about rugby, tennis and the like.

This is defensive marketing at its best.

The image above showcases the breadth of Sky’s sports
coverage. If you were thinking of quitting Sky, the ad reaffirms
just what you’re getting with Sky.
What about defensive marketing resources?
Defending your market share

45. Differential marketing

What is differential marketing?
If a company decides to segment their audience and target their
markets differently, they’ll use differential marketing.
Need differential marketing examples?
I worked for Sky for 11 years. And because Sky is a TV company,
differential marketing is hugely important to them.
Some of the customers will want sports channels in their
package; others will crave movies.
They can’t use the same marketing collateral for both audiences,
because someone will miss out.
Instead, they’ll create different campaigns…
What about differential marketing resources?
What’s the difference between differentiated and
undifferentiated marketing strategies?

46. Digital marketing

What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing is marketing that uses digital technology,
such as websites, smartphones, tablets and display advertising.
Need digital marketing examples?
Take a look around the next time you take a train, walk through
a busy city or drive down the motorway - there are billboards
and digital signage examples everywhere.
What about digital marketing resources?
24 resources and tools to inspire digital marketing

47. Direct marketing

What is direct marketing?
Direct marketing is using a range of mediums to sell products or
services directly to consumers [as opposed to selling via a
Need direct marketing examples?
Direct marketing takes place when you’re able to communicate
one-to-one with a customer.
Typically, that might mean using one of the following
 Cold-calling
 Mail order catalogues
 Text messages
 TV and radio ads
 Fliers
 Newspaper and magazine adverts
This Guinness TV commercial is direct marketing in action:

What about direct marketing resources?

The Direct Marketing Association [DMA]

48. Direct mail marketing

What is direct mail marketing?
Direct mail marketing is communicating with audiences via
flyers and letters through the post.
Companies will usually send marketing collateral to a particular
Need direct mail marketing examples?
If you’re like me, then you’ll be sick of getting direct mail about
What about direct mail marketing resources?
Running a direct mail campaign

49. Disruptive marketing

What is disruptive marketing?
Disruptive marketing is all about finding a new and better angle
for a product, either from adapting a marketing strategy,
changing a product or creating something innovative.
Need disruptive marketing examples?
Apple and iTunes is the perfect example of a company spotting a
problem within an industry, adapting and disruptive the status
Apple understood that the music industry has always been
extremely competitive. But they created an infrastructure when
consumers bought music from them, not from shops.
It was the death of CDs [as well as the final nail in the coffin for
cassettes and vinyl records].
What about disruptive marketing resources?
25 brands that hit the mark with disruptive marketing

50. Diversity marketing

What is diversity marketing?
Diversity marketing is more commonly known as ethnic
It refers to acknowledging that consumers have diverse
backgrounds and that by tailoring messaging, businesses can
potentially make more sales.
Need diversity marketing examples?
Android embrace the concept of diversity wholly:

What about diversity marketing resources?

Diversity marketing needs to be more than skin deep

51. Door-to-door marketing

What is door-to-door marketing?
Door-to-door marketing is the technique for going from one
person’s house to another, pitching a product or service.
Need door-to-door marketing examples?
Double-glazing is one of the commodities most commonly
associated with door-to-door marketing.
What about door-to-door marketing resources?
Door-to-door selling as the first step to billions

52. Drip marketing

What is drip marketing?
Drip marketing is sending out a scheduled set of promotional
emails to a mailing list [advertising a product or service].
It’s basically automated email marketing [number 54].
Need drip marketing examples?
A drip marketing campaign could be associated with a
downloadable PDF. Someone could download a guide and get a
series of 7 emails that are set up to be sent out to that person
every day for the next week.
What about drip marketing resources?
The complete guide to drip marketing

53. Ecommerce marketing
What is ecommerce marketing?
Ecommerce marketing is all about increasing awareness of an
online store’s brand and inventory.
Ecommerce marketing can take place online and offline.
Need ecommerce marketing examples?
When one customer ordered bedding from online store Laura
Ashley, they received an additional gift 2 days later through the

What about ecommerce marketing resources?

50 unbeatable ecommerce marketing tips

54. Email marketing

What is email marketing?
Email marketing is marketing your brand to a group of
Businesses normally have a mailing list of clients and leads.
Emails help establish and maintain relationships so that deals
can be made.
Need email marketing examples?
Hubspot have over 300,000 people on their mailing list:
What about email marketing resources?
How to write a marketing email

55. Entrepreneurial marketing

What is entrepreneurial marketing?
Entrepreneurial marketing is about sole individuals executing
mainstream marketing strategies.
Entrepreneurial marketing is more about having a particular
mindset than execute any particular strategy.
Starting a business is tough, so entrepreneurs need to try and
get as much mileage out of their marketing as possible.
The need for entrepreneurial marketing is usually born out of
necessity. Entrepreneurs don’t have the luxury of large
marketing teams or huge budgets.
Instead, they must try to get the results they need with more
innovative methods.
Need entrepreneurial marketing examples?
Some of the most inspirational entrepreneurs haven't
always had easy, glamorous starts to their business lives.
Valued at around $82.5billion, Google is one of the most
valuable companies around.
Nevertheless, founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin created and
grew Google from a garage.
In the early days, Page and Brin were entrepreneurs who
needed to market their idea well. As such, they used
entrepreneurial marketing.
What about entrepreneurial resources?
Entrepreneurial marketing defined

56. Ethnic marketing

What is ethnic marketing?
Ethnic marketing stems from understanding that we’re not all
the same.
In other words, we’re all individuals and marketing messages
will work well with some people and communities, but not
others [and vice versa].
But if a business can segment their audience, they can create
bespoke marketing messages that are more effective.
It’s also known as cultural marketing [number 40] or diversity
marketing [number 50].
Need ethnic marketing examples?
Colgate creates multiple products and approach markets
differently, depending on who they're speaking to.
What about ethnic marketing resources?
Ethnic marketing and the benefits of accurate

57. Evangelism marketing

What is evangelism marketing?
If a business can create customers who will voluntarily become
brand advocates, it can execute evangelism marketing.
Getting a happy customer to talk about a brand is going to be
extremely effective in establishing trust with prospective
Need evangelism marketing examples?
Apple has a seemingly endless supply of brand evangelists.
Whether we’re talking about iPads, iPhone or IPods, Apple has
loads of fans that adore their gadgets…
… and help market all their products.
What about evangelism marketing resources?
What does a brand evangelist do and do you need one?

58. Event marketing

What is event marketing?
Event marketing is when a business leverages an event to
increase brand awareness and drive sales.
Need event marketing examples?
The annual Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City is the
second-oldest Thanksgiving parade in the USA.
It’s been going since 1924 and US department store Macy’s have
always presented it.
What about event marketing resources?
Event marketing strategy

59. Expeditionary marketing

What is expeditionary marketing?
Expeditionary marketing describes the concept of marketing for
It’s a form of risk taking. If a business wants to move into a new
market, it should use expeditionary marketing to achieve its
Need expeditionary marketing examples?
BT always used to be known as a telephony company.
Nowadays, it’s involved in the broadband and TV markets too.
What about expeditionary marketing resources?
Scary world of business: what is expeditionary

60. Experiential marketing

What is experiential marketing?
Experiential marketing is marketing a brand, product or service
through some sort of immersive experience.
It’s a powerful and highly effective type of marketing because
experiential events directly engage with people. Good
experiences are memorable.
Need experiential marketing examples?
Red Bull is famous for pulling off amazing experiential
marketing campaigns.
They enjoyed huge exposure with the ‘Red Bull Stratus’, a
supersonic parachute jump made from space:

It was the world’s highest parachute jump and daredevil Felix

Baumgartner passed the speed of sound. Now that's
What about experiential marketing resources?
7 of the coolest experiential marketing campaigns
we’ve ever seen

61. Facebook marketing
What is Facebook marketing?
Facebook marketing is any form of marketing that takes place
on the social media platform Facebook.
This form of marketing can be extremely lucrative because
Facebook has around 1.79billion active users.
Need Facebook marketing examples?
Facebook marketing happens all day, every day.
What about Facebook marketing resources?
45 Facebook advertising tips and marketing tricks

62. Field marketing

What is field marketing?
Field marketing is marketing face-to-face with prospective
customers at a particular place.
It’s a direct marketing [number 47] discipline. It could mean
distributing flyers to the general public at a shopping mall. But
it might also be liaising with regular business clients at their
head office.
Field marketing professionals will often find themselves
specializing in a certain area [or ‘field’].
Need field marketing examples?
If you hand out flyers in the street, you’re field marketing.

What about field marketing resources?

What is field marketing?

63. Flanking marketing

What is flanking marketing?
Flanking marketing is marketing that aims to capture market
segments that aren’t being well served by the existing
The idea is that a business will spot an area of a marketing that
seems to be of little importance to a rival. It’ll then market itself
to try and displace the competition.
Flanking strategies are particularly useful if your business is
struggling to compete against bigger companies.
Need flanking marketing examples?
Stewarts Garden Centre doesn’t just sell plants; they also have a
café where you can grab a cup of Coffee or have a full-on lunch.
By creating the café, Stewarts is executing a form of flanking
marketing. They feel that there is a need for food and drink in
that environment that is being underserved.
What about flanking marketing resources?
Flanking the competition: marketing warfare strategy

64. Free sample marketing

What is free sample marketing?
Free sample marketing is about giving away a sample of a
product, with the aim of selling all of it at a later date.
Need free sample marketing examples?
Free sample marketing often takes place in supermarkets:
What about free sample marketing resources?
Why free samples should be part of your marketing

65. Freebie marketing

What is freebie marketing?
Freebie marketing is the act of giving away a product or service
[or selling it at a very low cost] to boost sales of something else.
Need freebie marketing examples?
Perhaps consider McDonald's, where the transition from a
regular size meal to a large costs just pennies. And happy meals
carry a free toy as an incentive.
What about freebie marketing resources?
How to use freebie marketing to attract more website

66. Geographic marketing [or geo-marketing]
What is geographic marketing?
Geo marketing involves incorporating geographical intelligence
within a marketing campaign.
If a business knows through collecting data that the majority of
the customers live in a particular city, it can market directly to
Because it’s based on facts and statistics, geographic marketing
helps lower the risk of marketing campaigns failing.
Need geographic marketing examples?
If I ran a business that sold jet skis, geographical data will an
enormous part in the success of my marketing strategies.
There would be little point in advertising my range of jet skis to
people with no access to a beach or a stretch of water.
What about geographic marketing resources?
Geo-marketing and why it matters

67. Global marketing

What is global marketing?
Global marketing is simply marketing something
Thanks to the wide reach of the internet, global marketing is no
longer reserved for big corporations. It’s something you can do
from home.
Need global marketing examples?
Many products are advertised all over the world. Cars, for

What about global marketing resources?

13 businesses with brilliant global marketing strategies

68. Goods marketing

What is goods marketing?
Businesses use goods marketing to increase the sales of a
physical product [not a service].
Marketing can generally be divided into 2 areas:
Goods marketing and services marketing [number 133 on this
Companies either sell products or services. As such, their
marketing strategies change accordingly.
Need goods marketing examples?
Goods are marketed to us everywhere we go. Some of the best
examples are in supermarkets, where products are pushed and
promoted constantly.
What about goods marketing resources?
6 must dos for luxury goods marketing

69. Green marketing

What is green marketing?
Green marketing is using an environmentally friendly angle to
promote a brand or product.
In today’s climate, if a product is deemed to be ‘green’, it gives
the product owner a significant selling advantage.
But green marketing doesn’t just concern highlighting which
products are eco friendly and which aren’t. Green marketing is
also about brand positioning.
By being an environmentally friendly business, a company is
display certain values that may influence consumers.
Need green marketing examples?
Referring to their carbon footprint, Sky has been carbon-free for
over 10 years now.
What about green marketing resources?
5 green marketing strategies to earn consumer trust
70. Guerrilla marketing
What is guerrilla marketing?
Guerrilla marketing is marketing a brand, product or service in
a creative and unconventional manner.
A successful guerrilla marketing campaign will be interesting,
surprising and memorable.
Need guerrilla marketing examples?
In 2013, the film Carrie was re-released.
For those who aren’t aware of the film, it’s based on a book by
Stephen King and is about a girl with scary telekinetic powers.
In a frightening, but effective piece of marketing to promote the
film, this guerrilla marketing stunt caused one heck of a stir:

What about guerrilla marketing resources?

Guerrilla marketing case studies and examples

71. Horizontal marketing
What is horizontal marketing?
Horizontal marketing happens when a business teams up with
another company that operates in a related niche to market a
product or service.
By collaborating and pooling resources, the idea is to appeal to a
wide audience and maximize earning potential.
Need horizontal marketing examples?
I’m a copywriter, so obviously I offer copywriting services.
Many web designers have trouble getting their clients to create
content for their new sites.
In theory, I could offer my services. I could team up with a web
designer to that we could market a more complete product: a
new website, complete with copy.
Website design is a related niche, so that’s horizontal

What about horizontal marketing resources?

Horizontal marketing explained with examples
72. Humanistic marketing
What is humanistic marketing?
Humanistic marketing is marketing that appeals to the typical
human needs for certain values and feelings.
In other words, marketing that targets our desire for love,
altruism, knowledge, compassion, honesty, integrity, empathy,
respect, trust and justice.
Need humanistic marketing examples?
Marmite has a consistent brand message that we’ll either love
their product or hate it.
What about humanistic marketing resources?
The humanistic approach to web marketing today

73. Inbound marketing
What is inbound marketing?
Inbound marketing focuses on customers who find you, not the
other way round.
The main inbound marketing strategy is SEO.
If you rank highly in a search result for a commercially valuable
keyword, you attract traffic [and potential leads] to your
They’ve found you. Any subsequent marketing is inbound
Inbound marketing is the opposite of outbound marketing
[number 103].
Need inbound marketing examples?
Our article on storytelling hit page one of Google in the UK for
the keyword “corporate storytelling” in under 4 weeks:

It’s a keyword that gets searched for 140 times a month in the
Anyone searching for that term, hitting up our website and
reading that article is the target of our inbound marketing.
What about inbound marketing resources?
Take in as much as possible from

74. Influencer marketing

What is influencer marketing?
Influencer marketing is the concept of marketing something to a
specific person, someone who has a degree of influence over a
certain audience.
That person is normally a market leader, or someone with a
particular influence over a market.
An influencer could be a celebrity, a person with a strong track
record in sales, a well-known author or someone with a lot of
Twitter followers.
By establishing a relationship with an influencer, it’s possible to
leverage their positioning and grow your brand quickly.
Need influencer marketing examples?
For copy and content tips, Copyblogger is one of the most
respected websites around.
Jon Morrow used to be the editor of Copyblogger and a while
ago, he tweeted out a link to a blog post that I wrote:
Jon Morrow is an influencer and by leveraging his audience, my
article was able to reach new people.
What about influencer marketing resources?
10 reasons why influencer marketing is the next big

75. Informational marketing

What is informational marketing?
Informational marketing explains exactly what a product or
service is.
From what the benefits are and why it should be chosen over
something else through to where you can buy it, informational
marketing leaves no stone unturned.
Informational marketing means understanding that a target
audience may have to be educated about a product or service if
they are to buy it.
Informational marketing isn’t really in vogue at the moment.
The trend is to use simpler, more emotional marketing.
Need informational marketing examples?
Informational marketing is usually used to help advertise
products that have a lot of specifications, like cars:

What about informational marketing resources?

6 reasons why you should build an information
marketing business

76. In-game marketing

What is in-game marketing?
In-game marketing is the tactic of advertising something inside
a game.
Games consoles and games on apps are all the rage these days,
so businesses can get pretty creative with where they place static
ads and promotional videos.
The great thing about marketing a product within a game is that
you can pretty much guarantee you’ll get eyes on your ad.
The trick is to marry up the right ad with the appropriate
Need in-game marketing examples?
A well-known zombie game has a McDonald’s advert within one
of the levels, which is in-game marketing in action.
What about in-game marketing resources?
How to win with in-game advertising

77. Industrial marketing

What is industrial marketing?
Industrial marketing happens when one business tries to sell
industrial products or services to another.
For clarity, an industrial product or service is anything that
helps produce an end product from raw materials.
It’s a form of B2B marketing [number 15], but because of the
nature of what’s being sold, an industrial marketing campaign
requires a high level of product knowledge.
Need industrial marketing examples?
Look at any old school advert from the 50s and 60s. These
products have a heavy focus on industrial elements.
What about industrial marketing resources?
Industrial marketing is not consumer marketing

78. In-store marketing

What is in-store marketing?
In-store marketing is any marketing that takes place in a retail
It’s another name for shopper marketing [number 136].
Need in-store marketing examples?
I’m sure you’re well used to seeing in-store marketing:
What about in-store marketing resources?
What do effective in-store marketing campaigns look

79. Integrated marketing

What is integrated marketing?
Integrated marketing is the strategy of trying to create a
seamless experience for a consumer, no matter how they’re
interacting with a brand.
In other words, no business should have a website that looks a
certain way and a marketing campaign that feels like it belongs
somewhere else.
To that end, integrated marketing is more of a philosophy than
a tactic.
Need integrated marketing examples?
Google is a company that offers a very integrated experience.
When you think about it, Google has several different features.
There’s gmail, Google+, Adwords, YouTube…
… but, when you try to log in to Google, their message is clear:
What about integrated marketing resources?
5 real examples of integrated marketing

80. Interactive marketing

What is interactive marketing?
Interactive marketing is any form of marketing that can be
triggered when someone performs a particular action.
Need interactive marketing examples?
Search engine optimization is the clearest example of interactive
marketing in action.
SEO is all done in real-time. Someone enters a keyword and gets
a string of results. If they enter the term ‘copywriters’, they see
That’s interactive marketing hard at work.
What about interactive marketing resources?
Interactive marketing definitions, stats and examples

81. International marketing

What is international marketing?
International marketing is, as you’d imagine, marketing a
product or service in multiple countries.
Some products or services are only designed to be sold locally,
but others can be marketed anywhere.
It’s another name for global marketing [number 67].
Need international marketing examples?
Red Bull do such an amazing job with their international
marketing, that it’s easy to forget that they’re an Austrian

What about international marketing resources?

10 ways to improve your international marketing

82. Internet marketing

What is internet marketing?
Internet marketing is any marketing that takes place online.
It’s the opposite of offline marketing [number 99].
It’s quite a broad term, since it covers a wide range of marketing
practices, such as content marketing, SEO, PPC and email
For clarity, internet marketing is the same thing as online
marketing [number 101].
Need internet marketing examples?
Check out the John Lewis website. The home page isn’t messing
around. It knows full well what it wants to sell… and how.
What about internet marketing resources?
A step-by-step guide to internet marketing

83. Left-brain marketing
What is left-brain marketing?
Left-brain marketing is marketing that appeals to a practical
Science tells us that right-brained people are creative, whilst
left-brainers are more methodical.
Left-brain marketing values organization over creativity.
Need left-brain marketing examples?
Over the years, Ronseal’s no-nonsense adverts have always
appealed to the straight-talking consumer.
Their ‘does what it says on the tin’ tagline is the stuff of
marketing legend.
What about left-brain marketing resources?
A beautiful science

84. Local marketing

What is local marketing?
Quite simply, local marketing is the strategy of marketing
something to a nearby audience.
It’s an approach that’s most commonly used by a bricks and
mortar shop or restaurant.
Need local marketing examples?
When a local restaurant posts a leaflet through your letter box,
that’s local marketing.
What about local marketing resources?
10 ways to simplify your local marketing resources

85. Long tail marketing

What is long tail marketing?
Long tail marketing refers to the strategy of targeting a large
number of niche markets with a product or service.
It’s mainly used by businesses that are dominated by a huge
market leader.
Facing a battle to grow, a company can shift their focus to
multiple niche markets that have less demand.
That might sound counterintuitive, since those low demand
markets won’t be as lucrative individually, but they might be
when their total reach is combined.
Need long tail marketing examples?
Most of us have shopped on Amazon, I’m sure. And you will
have been recommended products.
That’s long tail marketing.
I’ve been recommended products that are a little tenuous and
have no real relation to anything I’ve bought…
… but, nevertheless it’s an example of Amazon attacking
multiple niches.
What about long tail marketing resources?
6 ways to leverage the long tail in your marketing

87. Loyalty marketing

What is loyalty marketing?
Loyalty marketing is marketing that concentrates on retaining
customers through offering various incentives.
The logic of loyalty marketing hinges on the belief that the cost
of acquiring new customers is far more that the price of keeping
an existing one.
Need loyalty marketing examples?
Just check out all the loyalty cards out there. By giving out their
clubcards, Tesco can tempt customers back in by offering
relevant discounts.
What about loyalty marketing resources?
8 reasons why loyalty programmes are imperative for

88. Mass marketing
What is mass marketing?
Mass marketing is marketing with the intention of selling
something to as many people as possible.
There’s no requirement for building relationships or bespoke
messaging; the focus is on volume sales.
Some companies are able to execute marketing strategies that
are relevant to a wide audience. In reality, for most businesses,
mass marketing will only serve to generate lots of low quality
Another name for mass marketing is shotgun marketing
[number 137].
Need mass marketing examples?
Walmart is probably the most successful mass-market retailer
in the world. Yet their marketing often feels more personal than
it really is.
What about mass marketing resources?
Mass marketing explained with examples

89. Mobile marketing

What is mobile marketing?
Mobile marketing is any marketing that’s specifically designed
for mobile consumption.
Mobile advertising is incredibly important in today’s world,
since we carry and use our smartphones constantly.
Potential customers have never been so accessible.
According to research, 70% of the entire population of the world
owns a smartphone…
… and 70% of those people choose to access the internet on their
mobile rather than by using a laptop or desktop computer.
Need mobile marketing examples?
For mobile marketing to be effect effective, the images and fonts
must be the right size.
Look at this smooth example from Coca-Cola:

What about mobile marketing resources?

What is mobile marketing and why does it matter?
90. Multi-level marketing [MLM]
What is multi-level marketing?
Multi-level marketing is a way of making money through selling
products to consumers and by recruiting other people to do the
Also called network marketing [number 94], multi-level
marketing is more of a business model than a marketing
The aim is to create two revenue streams. Ideally, profits are
generated through straightforward product sales, but also via a
network of people in your team that are doing the same.
[Team members get different a different % of the revenue
depending on which level they’re at, but they can create their
own teams too.]
Need multi-level marketing examples?
Arbonne is one of the most ethical and established multi-level
marketing companies around.
What about multi-level marketing resources?
Would you join a multi-level marketing company?

91. Network marketing
What is network marketing?
Network marketing is a marketing strategy that aims to
generate revenue from selling goods to customers, but also by
building a team of people under you who will do the same.
Network marketing is another name for multi-level marketing
[number 90].
Need network marketing examples?
Some of the most well known network marketing companies are
Forever Living, HerbaLife and Juice Plus. One of the oldest is
What about network marketing resources?
7 tips for network marketing success

92. Neuromarketing
What is neuromarketing?
Neuromarketing is the study of how our brains react to different
forms of marketing [with a view to making marketing more
Need neuromarketing examples?
In winning the US Presidential election, Donald Trump
surprised many people.
But in reality, should we be that shocked?
After all, he did a masterful job of manipulating the emotions of
the American votes, particularly by scaremongering about their
economic futures.
Their response was to vote for him.
What about neuromarketing resources?
Neuromarketing: tapping into the ‘pleasure center’ of

93. New media marketing

What is new media marketing?
New media marketing is marketing through the latest mediums.
Whether we’re talking about online trends, social media or
digital advertising, new media marketing embraces technology.
Need new media marketing examples?
Many businesses are using innovative things like virtual reality
to increase brand awareness.

What about new media marketing resources?

Connecting with a modern audience

94. Newsletter marketing

What is newsletter marketing?
Newsletter marketing is promoting your company through
Whether you call it newsletter marketing or email marketing
[number 54] is just semantics.
Need newsletter marketing examples?
Many websites will offer you the chance to sign up to a daily,
weekly or monthly newsletter and it's a great way of nurturing a
relationship with a potential customer.
What about newsletter marketing resources?
Creating email copy that sells

95. Next-best-action marketing

What is next-best-action marketing?
Next-best-action marketing is about being able to offer a
relevant product or service to a customer if they’ve already said
no to something else.
The point is, we’ve all passed up on a deal only to be offered
something identical further down the line.
If we’ve said no once, has something changed now?
No, probably not.
So businesses that repeatedly advertise the same things in the
same way are wasting everyone’s time.
Next-best-action marketing aims to resolve this issue. By
intelligently building on the information available, some
companies can offer something more apt.
Need next-best-action marketing examples?
Imagine you’ve just bought a new washing machine.
The retailer offers you insurance, but you say no. It’s too
expensive and if anything does go wrong, it’s the same price to
buy a replacement.
If that shop contacts you in 6 month’s time and asks if you’d like
to buy insurance, the answer would still be no.
But suppose they offered a cheap tune-up service?
That’s completely different.
It’s the next best thing… and the retailer still makes money.
What about next-best-action marketing resources?
Next-best-action: marketing’s best kept secret?

96. Niche marketing

What is niche marketing?
Companies use niche marketing when they spot a gap in the
market for a product or service that would only apply to a
particular audience.
A good product in a niche market can often make more money
than an average one in a mass market.
Need niche marketing examples?
By specializing in selling clothes for large men, Jacamo have
identified a niche market:
What about niche marketing resources?
7 steps to identifying your niche market

97. Non-traditional marketing

What is non-traditional marketing?
Non-traditional marketing is about being daring to be different
with your marketing strategies.
This approach is risky, but can pay off.
Need non-traditional marketing examples?
To illustrate the difference that Nivea products can make to
your skin, Nivea created a very unique sofa and put it in a
variety of shopping centres.

What about non-traditional marketing resources?

Examples of non-traditional marketing campaigns that
actually work

98. Offensive marketing
What is offensive marketing?
Offensive marketing happens when a brand attacks the
weaknesses of a competitor whilst highlighting their own
Of course, companies can’t really call out specific rivals, so they
usually do it in a roundabout way [where it’s still pretty obvious
who they’re referring to].
Need offensive marketing examples?
There’s a great example of offensive marketing in an image I
used in my blog post on generating blog content ideas.
A while back, when Leicester were top of the Barclays Premier
League, I saw a Virgin ad at a bus stop which referenced how it
was proof that the 'best football wasn't always the most
A clear dig at the perceived value of Sky Sports and BT Sport,
Virgin were displaying offensive marketing tactics.
What about offensive marketing resources?
Aggressive or offensive strategy in business and

99. Offline marketing

What is offline marketing?
Offline marketing is marketing that happens away from the
internet, stuff like could be talking about television
commercials, billboards, radio ads, flyers or newspaper
Need offline marketing examples?
Here's Carlsberg displaying their usual wit:
What about offline marketing resources?
10 offline marketing strategies that still work today

100. One-to-one marketing

What is one-to-one marketing?
One-to-one marketing is marketing that interacts directly and
independently with a customer.
Businesses who use one-to-one marketing believe that bespoke,
personalised marketing messages are more likely to foster
greater customer loyalty.
Need one-to-one marketing examples?
Those of us who have a supermarket loyalty card will get offers
and vouchers through the post.
But they’re not just any old offers…
… they’re offers that are related to the things we usually buy
from that store [they know what we buy because they collect the
That’s personal, one-to-one marketing.

What about one-to-one marketing resources?

Overview of one-to-one marketing

101. Online marketing

What is online marketing?
Online marketing is any marketing that takes place online.
From emails to websites, social media to press releases, it’s all
online marketing.
Online marketing is the same thing as internet marketing
[number 82].
Need online marketing examples?
Basically, just open up any web browser and you're sure to see
some sort of ad!
What about online marketing resources?
The beginner’s guide to online marketing

102. Organization marketing

What is organization marketing?
This marketing discipline exists to create, maintain or change a
public opinion of an organization.
Need organization marketing examples?
The Salvation Army in South Africa was behind some brilliant
organization marketing.
A while back, you may remember a photo of a dress that went
viral. An optical illusion, people saw the dress in 2 ways: it was
either gold and white or black and blue.
During the hysteria, the Salvation Army used the photo and
added a clever twist to raise awareness of domestic violence
against women.
What about organization marketing resources?
7 types of organization marketing structures

103. Outbound marketing

What is outbound marketing?
Outbound marketing promotes a product or service to people
who weren’t looking to buy anything.
Outbound marketing is the opposite of inbound marketing
[number 73].
Need outbound marketing examples?
A billboard is a good example of outbound marketing.
If I’m driving walking around and I see a sign advertising food
or drink of some sort, that often makes me feel hungry or thirsty
[regardless of whether I genuinely am].

What about outbound marketing resources?

10 outbound marketing strategies
104. Outdoor marketing
What is outdoor marketing?
Outdoor marketing is marketing that takes place outside.
Need outdoor marketing examples?
A lot of marketing takes place outdoors. There’s billboards, bus
stop posters, car stickers, digital advertising, shop signs…
What about outdoor marketing resources?
4 tips for an effective outdoor marketing strategy

105. Out-of-home marketing

What is out-of-home marketing?
Out-of-home marketing is advertising that’s specifically
designed to reach customers when they’re not at home.
It’s another name for outdoor marketing [number 104].
Need out-of-home marketing examples?
KitKat came up with a really cool idea for a bench. The slats
were made to look like chocolate fingers, whilst half the bench
displayed the wrapping.
What about out-of-home marketing resources?
6 case studies that show how digital out-of-home
advertising is changing

106. Partnership marketing
What is partnership marketing?
Partnership marketing is about collaborating with a person or
business because they have a relationship with an area of a
market that you’re interested in selling to.
By partnering with somebody, you’re able to introduce your
brand to a new audience.
Need partnership marketing examples?
A while ago, Apple hooked up with Starbucks.

The deal is pretty simple. Starbucks offer free WiFi to their

customers. Apple has iTunes. So what do they do?
Apple gives Starbucks customers free access to iTunes music.
What about partnership marketing resources?
Marketing partnerships that every small business
should build

107. Performance marketing

What is performance marketing?
Performance marketing is digital marketing that only costs
businesses money when it delivers a tangible result.
Depending on what a company wants to measure, performance
marketing is judged on the number of sales, leads, clicks and
Need performance marketing examples?
PPC advertising is the very personification of performance
Businesses place adverts on the internet. The most clicks the ad
gets, the more they pay.
What about performance marketing resources?
Who will survive the performance marketing

108. Permission marketing

What is permission marketing?
Permission marketing is selling goods and services to someone
who has specifically agreed [in advance] to receive marketing
Businesses will clearly be able to sell more things to people who
are open to be sold to, but the issue with permission marketing
is one of scalability.
Need permission marketing examples?
Many digital businesses today use lead magnets. They offer
something of value in return for a prospect’s email address.
In the main, prospects know full well that handing over an
email address means that they’re opting in to receiving
marketing information.

What about permission marketing resources?

Why permission marketing is the future of online
109. Person marketing
What is person marketing?
The goal of person marketing is to create, maintain or change a
public opinion of someone.
In particular, this strategy is used to promote celebrities,
politicians and sports personalities.
Need some person marketing examples?
Barack Obama and his PR team showed a lot of creativity and
shrewdness when campaigning for his election. In politics, it's
impossible to please everyone, but Obama came pretty close.
What about person marketing resources?
How public relations works

110. Personalised marketing

What is personalised marketing?
Just as it sounds, personalised marketing revolves around
creating bespoke messages for customers.
The logic being, the more relevant a business can be to a person,
the greater the chance of selling.
There’s no doubt that personalised marketing is incredibly
effective; the issue with it is one of scalability.
Need personalised marketing examples?
Facebook uses personalised marketing.
From our activities, Facebook learns about the stuff we like and
the things we’re interested in.
For instance, after a few years on the platform, Facebook knows
that I like sport, business, SEO, content marketing and
Nintendo games consoles.
That’s why I see relevant ads for stuff on my timeline.
I'm sure you've noticed the same thing. Pretty powerful, eh?
Now consider that Facebook uses personalized marketing for
each of their 1.79billion active users.
What about personalized marketing resources?
Personalized marketing at scale is the next big thing in

111. Persuasion marketing

What is persuasion marketing?
Persuasion marketing is marketing that uses what we know
about human psychology to manipulate how we feel about stuff.
As a business, it’s very easy to churn out marketing schtick
without any real appreciation of selling.
Ultimately, no matter what the industry, people buy from
people. Marketing that accurately grasps how humans think is
more likely to work.
Need persuasion marketing examples?
A company that prices something at £9.99 is using persuasion
The perception is that a product at this price costs under £10, so
we’re more likely to buy it on impulse. In reality, it's only a
penny less.
What about persuasion marketing resources?
6 principles of persuasive marketing

112. Place marketing

What is place marketing?
Place marketing to create, maintain or change a public opinion
of a place.
Need place marketing examples?
Place marketing is really common. You’ll find it everywhere. For
obvious reasons, it’s particularly prevalent in the travel
What about place marketing resources?
How to market a small town

113. Point-of-sale marketing

What is point-of-sale marketing?
Point-of-sale marketing is the strategy of increasing sales at the
precise time that someone buys something.
Point-of-sale marketing takes place by or near a till. It requires
signage, merchandise displays and a good offer.
Need point-of-sale marketing examples?
The products offered at the point-of-sale are usually things that
shop owners will hope would be an impulse buy. Just head into
any supermarket, walk up to the till and you'll see stuff to buy.
What about point-of-sale marketing resources?
How to find a point-of-sale marketing strategy that

114. Post-click marketing

What is post-click marketing?
Post-click marketing is marketing that engages website
visitors after they’ve clicked on an online advertisement.
Digital marketers are obsessed with how many clicks they can
generate. It’s the metric that even the top advertisers love to
But because everyone puts so much emphasis on how
to generate traffic, many businesses fail to make the most of
their leads once they get them.
Post-click marketing aims to put that right. To put it bluntly, the
goal of post-click marketing is to maximize ROI.
Need post-click marketing examples?
Post-click marketing lives or dies by a company’s ability to
understand its audience.
By creating an accurate customer persona, a business will make
it far easier to turn a browser into a buyer.
With knowledge comes power. All the elements will fall into
place: copy, design, offers… everything.
What about post-click marketing resources?
The art of the follow-through
115. Pay-per-click [PPC] marketing
What is PPC marketing?
PPC marketing is the strategy of paying for website traffic.
A company can place ads and only pay for them once someone
has clicked on the ad and gone through to the website in
The price of the click will depend on how competitive the
subject matter is.
PPC marketing is a type of internet marketing [number 82].
It can be a useful strategy for website owners who don’t have the
time or expertise to market their brand organically.
The problem with PPC is that it can be extremely expensive.
Plus, if your post-click marketing [number 114] isn’t up to
scratch, your ROI can be terrible.
Need PPC marketing examples?
Facebook and search engine ads are the most popular forms of
PPC marketing.
Just enter a keyword into Google and you’ll surely come across
an ad or two:
What about PPC resources?
Learn the basics of PPC marketing

116. PR marketing
What is PR marketing?
PR marketing is working with the media in order to increase
brand or product awareness.
Need PR marketing examples?
Apple always made a big deal out of every product launch.
Here’s Steve Jobs announcing the iPhone at MacWorld in 2007:

What about PR marketing resources?

Get the word out with PR
117. Product marketing
What is product marketing?
Product marketing is a type of marketing that tries to drive
demand and usage of a product.
It’s quite a broad term.
For some people, it means marketing product features
Equally, for others, product marketing is also about analyzing
the competitive landscape in a market.
Need product marketing examples?
Of course, if you’re clever, it’s possible to communicate product
features and industry USPs simultaneously. Once again, look no
further than Apple and how they market the iPhone.
What about product marketing resources?
The 10 commandments of product marketing

118. Promotional marketing

What is promotional marketing?
Promotional marketing aims to give customers an extra reason
for purchasing a product or service.
Typical promotional marketing strategies would include
contests, giveaways, discounts and samples.
Need promotional marketing examples?
Black Friday is a global example of promotional marketing.
What about promotional marketing strategies?
The Institute of Promotional Marketing
119. Proximity marketing
What is proximity marketing?
Proximity marketing takes place when businesses are able to
communicate with consumers when they’re on the go.
It utilizes location technology [like Bluetooth or WiFi] and
allows companies to connect with the public if they have a
portable device [like a smartphone].
Proximity marketing is often effective because it helps
businesses deliver more relevant advertising.
Need proximity marketing examples?
Macy’s deliver personalized deals, recommendations and
rewards to customers when they’re in a store [assuming they’ve
opted in and agreed to this].
What about proximity marketing resources?
How proximity marketing is driving retail sales

120. Pull marketing

What is pull marketing?
Pull marketing is any form of marketing that generates leads in
a non-intrusive way.
It’s the opposite of push marketing [number 121].
Need pull marketing examples?
Creating a Facebook group and delivering useful content to that
community for free is a form of pull marketing.
What about pull marketing resources?
5 essential ingredients for truly effective pull

121. Push marketing

What is push marketing?
Push marketing is an aggressive, intrusive marketing strategy
that pushes a product or service onto an audience who may not
have been aware of it previously.
It’s the opposite of pull marketing [number 120].
Need push marketing examples?
You’ll see push marketing campaigns whenever a brand has
created a new product line:
What about push marketing resources?
Why you need push and pull marketing

122. Real-time marketing
What is real-time marketing?
Real-time marketing is any marketing strategy that uses up-to-
date information.
You can’t plan real-time marketing. Instead, a real-time
marketing strategy must be focused on current trends.
Need real-time marketing examples?
An exit intent pop-up on a website is a good example.
Pop-ups exist to capture information about a prospective
customer, such as a phone number or email address.
Businesses then use that information to market stuff.
An exit intent pop-up is a pop-up that surfaces when a website
visitor appears to be leaving a website [maybe their cursor is
hovering near a close button].
Something of value is marketed to a user because of their
behavior on a website. They’re just about to leave so, in real-
time, one more marketing effort is made.
What about real-time marketing resources?
The increasing importance of real-time marketing

123. Referral marketing

What is referral marketing?
Referral marketing is using an existing customer to bring
in new customers.
Also known as word-of-mouth marketing [number 158], referral
marketing is extremely powerful, but success hard to predict.
Need referral marketing examples?
Here’s referral marketing in action:
Yesware is a SaaS company and there are 2 reasons why this is a
great example of referral marketing.
Firstly, the reward for the person doing the referring is both
relevant and valuable.
Secondly, the referral message is pre-populated, meaning that
all the hard work has been done. Yesware make it as easy as
possible to refer them.
What about referral marketing resources?
Why referral marketing is awesome
124. Relationship marketing
What is relationship marketing?
Relationship marketing is about establishing, maintaining and
nurturing relationships with consumers.
It’s a long-term play that focuses on customer loyalty and
engagement, rather than acquisition.
The logic behind relationship marketing is that it will deliver
repeat customers who will generate more revenue than a one-off
It also works because common sense dictates that it costs more
to acquire new customers than it does to keep the ones you’ve
got happy.
Need relationship marketing examples?
Do you get vouchers from your local supermarket?
Or emails from a company on your birthday?
That’s relationship marketing.
What about relationship marketing resources?
How to build a large, profitable network

126. Remarketing
What is remarketing?
Remarketing helps businesses communicate with people who
have previously visited a website.
It’s powerful because if someone has been on a website before,
they’re predisposed to that brand. In other words, they’re warm
Need remarketing examples?
When you’re running a Facebook ad campaign, you can choose
to show ads to people who have visited your website in the last
180 days.

What about remarketing resources?

The full guide to remarketing

127. Reply marketing

What is reply marketing?
Reply marketing is marketing that prompts people to respond
quickly if they want to take advantage of an offer.
Need reply marketing examples?
How many times have you been asked to ‘buy soon’, ‘download
now’ or ‘hurry up’?
What about reply marketing resources?
What is reply marketing?

128. Retail marketing

What is retail marketing?
Retail marketing is the promotion of goods and services in a
retail environment.
It’s a very broad term that covers branding, pricing, packaging
and promotions. Retail marketing is another name for shopper
marketing [number 136].
Need retail marketing examples?
When you’re offered 2 items for the price of 1, that’s retail
What about retail marketing resources?
The 5 principles of retail

128. Reverse marketing

What is reverse marketing?
Rather than actively promoting a specific brand, product or
service, reverse marketing aims to encourage people to seek out
a business, product or service of their own accord.
In other words, reverse marketing doesn’t exist to convince
someone to buy something. Instead, it causes intrigue and
attracts interest.
Need reverse marketing examples?
Clothing company Patagonia created a clever reverse marketing
strategy in 2011. Their collateral carried the headline 'Don't buy
this jacket'. Intriguing, certainly.
What about reverse marketing resources?
How does reverse marketing work?

129. Scarcity marketing
What is scarcity marketing?
Scarcity marketing is marketing that capitalizes on a customer’s
fear of missing out on something.
It’s based on the psychological principle that people want what
is difficult to acquire.
Stores always have sales that are ‘ending soon’. Or they offer
discounts that expire on a certain date.
Some only create a limited range of products. Have you ever
seen a sign saying ‘hurry while stocks last’?
Need scarcity marketing examples?
When you’re booking a train ticket from Bournemouth to
London, you can see how many tickets are left:
This is scarcity marketing. Noticed how the copy is in red – it
really stands out. Plus, red stands for danger.
This is a warning: if I don’t book soon, I may miss out…
What about scarcity marketing resources?
13 examples of scarcity marketing in action

130. Scientific marketing

What is scientific marketing?
Scientific marketing is the discipline of improving ROI by
analyzing and testing market data and statistics.
Need scientific marketing examples?
Market research is a form of scientific marketing.
Suppose I was launching a new drink.
If I conducted market research, then the more information I
gathered, the more likely I am to be able to create a marketing
strategy that resonates with my target audience.

What about scientific marketing resources?

10 truths about scientific marketing
131. Seasonal marketing
What is seasonal marketing?
Season marketing is marketing products or services at certain
points of the year.
That could be Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving, but seasonal
marketing doesn’t have to coincide with an ‘official’ event.
Many businesses will flourish at certain points in the year and
struggle at others.
[We don’t buy sun lotion during the winter, right?]
Need seasonal marketing examples?
For florists, seasonal marketing is incredibly important. Take
Valentine’s Day, for instance.
What about seasonal marketing resources?
Adapt your marketing strategies for seasonal trading

132. Search marketing

What is search marketing?
Search marketing is generating traffic and leads from appearing
in search engine results. Search marketing can either use free or
paid strategies.
Search marketing tactics won’t cost a thing if you implement
search engine optimization [or SEO] techniques.
The alternative is to pay search engines to advertise in
potentially lucrative positions online.
Need search marketing examples?
For an organic example, you can see from the image below that
we [Splash Copywriters] rank highly on page one for the
keyword “copywriters’:
This visibility gives us the opportunity to attract potential leads
that are looking to hire a copywriter.
What about search marketing resources?
There are millions of articles out there on search marketing; the
trick is to find a source of SEO information that's reliable. I'd
advise speaking to us...

133. Self-marketing
What is self-marketing?
Self-marketing is the process of promoting a person rather than
a product.
It’s effective because leads are more likely to buy from a person
that they know and trust than from a faceless brand.
Need self-marketing examples?
Sir Richard Branson is well known for outlandish marketing
stunts, but he’s been incredibly successful at marketing himself.
What about self-marketing resources?
10 stealthy techniques for self-promotion

134. Services marketing

What is services marketing?
Marketing is divided into 2 areas:
Good marketing [number 68] and services marketing.
Basically, services marketing is any marketing technique that’s
applied in a service-based industry.
But the term ‘service’ is pretty broad. By service industry, I
mean any place where a service is offered from one party to
That could be anything from banking, accountancy and retail,
through to search engine optimization, copywriting and
Need services marketing examples?
If you see any kind of advert from a company that has a service
to sell, that's services marketing in action.
What about services marketing resources?
The 7 ps of services marketing
135. Shadow marketing
What is shadow marketing?
Shadow marketing is the act of cutting corners with your
marketing because, for one reason or another, you can’t execute
your campaign properly.
If you can’t spare the time to make a brochure look nice, you
might have to rush the job.
Perhaps you don’t have access to adequate resources, so instead
of including stylish artwork in your brochure, you use low
quality stock images.
Maybe you have to resort to more underhand tactics. If you’ve
seen a nice brochure online, could you just copy that?
Regardless, shadow marketing is still something you hope won’t
come back to bite you.
Need shadow marketing examples?
Suppose an event manager has a big project on the go. Because
of the stress and pressure involved, he or she may not have time
to market themselves adequately.
However, marketing is still essential, since that project will end
sooner or later. The upshot may be some shadow marketing.
What about shadow marketing resources?
The frightening truth about shadow marketing

136. Shopper marketing

What is shopper marketing?
Shopper marketing is the art of promoting goods or services in a
retail environment.
It’s the same as retail marketing [number 127].
Need shopper marketing examples?
Shopper marketing is designed to influence consumers at every
level. Suppose you were looking to buy a new car, you went to a
garage and saw a poster advertising money off of a car service.
What about shopper marketing resources?
A shopper marketing cheat sheet

137. Shotgun marketing

What is shotgun marketing?
Shotgun marketing is the theory of marketing to as many people
as possible.
It’s another term for mass marketing [number 87]. Shotgun
marketing usually attracts a large number of leads, but they’re
usually of a lower quality.
Need shotgun marketing examples?
Let’s say that I wanted to increase my email subscribers, so I
run a competition where I give away a free iPad in exchange for
signing up to receive SEO tips.
I may get 1,000s of entries…
… but the majority will just be people who want to win a free
They probably won’t have any interest in SEO and will probably
unsubscribe from my newsletter immediately.
That’s a poor result for me. I will have paid for the iPad and the
cost of advertising the competition, but I’ll have little to show
for it.

What about shotgun marketing resources?

Are you guilty of shotgun marketing?

138. Social marketing

What is social marketing?
Social marketing is marketing activities that intend to influence
people to take actions that will benefit both themselves and the
communities they live in.
Need social marketing examples?
You might see a social marketing campaign that’s designed to
stop smoking in a particular area, to raise money for a cause, or
to campaign for a law change.
What about social marketing resources?
The National Social Marketing Centre [NSMC]

139. Social media marketing

What is social media marketing?
As you’d probably expect, social media marketing is marketing
your business through one or more social media platforms.
For some businesses, that might mean actually advertising
products or services on social media. But for others, it could be
more about generating traffic and brand awareness.
Need social media marketing examples?
Then what about this video of a skateboarding cat from
adventure camera company GoPro:

With over 4million views on YouTube, the video went viral.

By combining a cute cat doing something odd and entertaining,
the video had all the key ingredients needed for a successful
social media marketing campaign.
What about social media marketing resources?
Here are the 10 laws of social media marketing
140. Sports marketing
What is sports marketing?
A sports marketing campaign revolves around using a sports
event or team to promote a product or service.
Many sports have a massive global appeal, which can in turn
have an impact on sales.
Need sports marketing examples?
Stella Artois sponsored the tennis tournament at Queen’s Club
for 30 years:

What about sports marketing resources?

Sports marketing strategies: a game plan to win fans
141. Stealth marketing
What is stealth marketing?
Stealth marketing is advertising something to a person, without
them realizing they’re being marketed to.
It’s a low cost strategy that can be really valuable to a business,
but the issue with stealth marketing is one of ethics.
When is it okay to market to someone and when isn’t it?
Need stealth marketing examples?
Product placement is stealth marketing.
If you’re watching something on TV and you see a branded
product sneakily placed in the background, that’s a form of
What about stealth marketing resources?
Stealth marketing as a strategy

142. Street marketing

What is street marketing?
Street marketing is all about advertising products in
unconventional ways in public places.
It’s a great way of capturing attention and enhancing a brand
Need street marketing examples?
The perception of street marketing is that it’s an advertising
technique for small, cool companies. But actually, huge brands
recognize the value of it too.
What about street marketing resources?
21 amazing street marketing campaigns
143. Synchro marketing
What is synchro marketing?
Synchro marketing is the art of offering some sort of offer or
pricing promotion in industries that don’t see steady sales all
year round.
Take a company who sells swimming pools, for instance.
During the winter, a swimming pool firm won’t sell many
products. However, come the summer, they do. In fact, they’ll
be inundated.
Irregular demand is an issue for every business, because it’s
hard to predict revenue. Synchro marketing helps create
demand during off-seasons, thus balancing the books a little.
Need synchro marketing examples?
Butlins offer a huge discount to holidaymakers that book
their next break at Butlins before they their current holiday
From their point of view, they’re preaching to the converted.
And if Butlins can sell holidays for next summer a year in
advance, they don’t have to worry about the winter months.
What about synchro marketing resources?
What is syncho marketing?

144. Targeted marketing
What is targeted marketing?
Targeted marketing is marketing that’s extremely focused on a
well-defined audience.
The success of a targeted marketing campaign is highly
dependent on being able to reach those potential customers.
Need targeted marketing examples?
A beautician who specialized in manicures could advertise their
services in a shopping mall.
Shoppers in a retail environment will be good targets.
What about targeted marketing resources?
6 steps to defining your target market

145. Technical marketing

What is technical marketing?
Technical marketing is marketing that focuses on the key
specifications and features of a product.
Normally, marketing should avoid the use of jargon or inside
information. But crucially, technical marketing is designed to
appeal to people with a basic technical appreciation of a
Need technical marketing examples?
Technical marketing is used when a basic and general overview
of a product wouldn’t impress the target market.
For instance, someone buying an expensive TV may well be
comfortable with technical information about picture
resolution, pixel density and processing rates.
What about technical marketing resources?
Every marketer should be technical

146. Telemarketing
What is telemarketing?
Telemarketing is cold calling people and marketing something
to them.
It’s a form of direct marketing [number 47]. In general, most
people don’t like getting cold-called, so it’s a difficult marketing
discipline to master.
Need telemarketing examples?
Many businesses like to cold call.
A while back, cold calls were all about double-glazing. Now
they’re about PPI claims, personal injuries or pension reviews.
What about telemarketing resources?
Telemarketing: 50 dos and 50 don’ts

147. Test-driven marketing

What is test-driven marketing?
Test-driven marketing is all about using test results to convince
consumers to buy a product or invest in a service.
The idea is that a business should attempt to identify potential
objections about a product or service.
Then they should run tests and use various proof elements to
clarify product features and USPs. In turn, this should increase
Need test-driven marketing examples?
Any sales page that features a large selection of FAQs indicates
that a product has been tested thoroughly. The FAQs are the
results of these tests.
The copy in an FAQ section is test-driven marketing.
What about test-driven marketing resources?
A test-driven model for marketing success
148. Time marketing
What is time marketing?
Time marketing involves marketing something at a certain time
or within a particular time frame.
Want to increase your ROI? Many products sink or swim
depending on when a business decides to advertise them.
A time marketing campaign might just revolve around using
common sense, or it could use the results from time research.
Need time marketing examples?
You can witness the most basic form of time marketing on social
Suppose a business has a Twitter account and a customer tweets
to ask whether they stock a certain item.
If the company takes a week to respond, the opportunity is
A response is needed quickly.
What about time marketing resources?
An overview of time marketing

149. Trade marketing

What is trade marketing?
Trade marketing is any marketing approach used by
manufacturers that helps promote [and ultimately sell] a
Trade marketing will target customers, retailers, wholesalers,
distributors… or a combination.
Need trade marketing examples?
Pop into any trade show or retail shop and you should see trade
marketing in action.
What about trade marketing resources?
The ultimate guide to trade marketing

150. Traditional marketing

What is traditional marketing?
Traditional marketing is any marketing strategy that’s been
around for a long time.
Need traditional marketing examples?
Over the years, companies have advertised in print, on
billboards, via flyers and through the post.
What about traditional marketing resources?
The advantages and disadvantages of traditional

151. Transactional marketing

What is transactional marketing?
Transactional marketing is marketing that focuses on increasing
the efficiency and volume of individual sales [rather than on
establishing and maintaining a relationship with customers].
Increasing sales might sound like a good idea, but transactional
marketing can come across as very impersonal, so you’d have to
question its longevity.
Need transactional marketing examples?
The most common form of transactional marketing is in-store
Want transactional marketing resources?
The disadvantages of transactional marketing

152. Undercover marketing
What is undercover marketing?
Undercover marketing is using intrigue to coax interest for
something. Undercover marketing is designed to tease people
and tap into the human desire to know more.
Consumers are often more engaged when marketers reveal
partial information about a product and not give away the whole
Need undercover marketing examples?
Movie trailers are the best examples of undercover marketing:

What about undercover marketing resources?

How to be stealth with undercover marketing

153. User-generated marketing

What is user-generated marketing?
User-generated marketing can be defined as any strategy that
allows consumers to participate in a marketing campaign.
By creating a more interactive and engaging experience for a
target audience, user-generated marketing is as much a PR
exercise as anything else.
It’s a very cost-effective marketing tactic that can transform a
business into a brand.
Need user-generated marketing examples?
A brand could start up a discussion about a popular topic on
social media and drive engagement.
It doesn’t have to be about a particular product or service; the
effectiveness of the strategy lies in the visibility of the brand
within the conversation.
What about user-generated marketing resources?
Brand safety and user-generated marketing
154. Vertical marketing
What is vertical marketing?
A vertical market is a specific market or niche, so vertical
marketing is any marketing collateral that targets a particular
group of people.
Need vertical marketing examples?
Consider a company that produces protein shakes. Two vertical
markets could be gymnasiums and health food shops.
They should use different vertical marketing campaigns to get
their shakes into those 2 different places.
What about vertical marketing resources?
How to attack a vertical market

155. Video marketing

What is video marketing?
Video marketing is the use of video to advertise a product or
Video marketing is extremely effective these days for a couple of
Firstly, people love to watch videos. And secondly, technology
has made watching videos incredibly easy.
Need video marketing examples?
Many businesses use YouTube to market products and service.
And with good reason.

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world.

To put YouTube into perspective, it reaches more 18-49-
year-olds than any cable network in the US.
There are 4billion video views on the site every day and 6 billion
hours of video watched every month.
What about video marketing resources?
Video tips, trends, strategy and best practices

156. Viral marketing

What is viral marketing?
Viral marketing is the act of having a message spread quickly
through various social media networks. The aim of viral
marketing is to increase brand awareness… fast.
Viral marketing campaigns don’t last long, but they can be
extremely effective.
Need viral marketing examples?
At a quick glance, it would appear that the Gangnam Style song
went viral by accident in 2012.

In reality, the song’s huge popularity was the result of a solid

viral marketing campaign that was incredibly well executed [by
the South Korean label company YG Entertainment].
Current views for the official Gangnam Style video on YouTube
stand at:
I’d say that represents a successful viral marketing strategy.
What about viral marketing resources?
The viral marketing cheat sheet

157. Voice marketing

What is voice marketing?
Voice marketing involves using a particular tone of voice to
maximize product sales.
The way a company speaks to consumers is just as important as
how it looks and what it sells.
A business can have the perfect product, but if it doesn’t
communicate with their target audience effectively, everything
else is futile.
Need voice marketing examples?
Innocent drinks have a very well defined brand voice that
resonates well with their target audience.
What about voice marketing resources?
5 easy steps to define and use your brand voice

158. Word-of-mouth marketing
What is word-of-mouth marketing?
Word-of-mouth marketing is when happy customers
recommend a brand, product or service without the business
doing anything.
Clearly, it’s one of the best types of marketing.
Need word-of-mouth marketing examples?
If you’ve ever stepped into an Apple store, you’ll know that you
can have a play with any of their gadgets in a free, non-salesy
And, because their products are so good, this combination
makes people happy and gets them talking.
What about word-of-mouth marketing resources?
40 word-of-mouth marketing statistics that you should
159. Youth marketing
What is youth marketing?
Youth marketing is any marketing strategy that’s directed
towards young people.
Need youth marketing examples?
With a distinct logo and a polished image, Beats by Dre do a
great job of marketing their headphones to the youth market:

What about youth marketing resources?

Marketing to youth globally
Phew, what a list!
Perhaps you’ve used this article to get a feel for the kinds of
marketing strategies that you could execute for your business.
You could have simply clicked on it to look up a quick definition
or see examples of marketing strategies.
Maybe it’s helped you decide on the type of marketing career
that you’d like to pursue.
Or possibly, you needed it to understand the different
marketing styles, forms and opportunities that are at your
Regardless, I hope this piece has been useful and has provided
clarity. Use it to create unique marketing efforts for your
As you can imagine, it took an absolute age to put together.
But it was worth it, because I haven’t found a more
comprehensive guide to marketing on the internet.
If you could give this article a share on social media, that would
be much appreciated.





Camilla Hallstrom
What an information-jammed list, Matt! Wish this would've been around
when I first started out in marketing :)
Haha, I know the feeling, Camilla. Me too! Thanks for taking the time to leave
the comment.
Thanks for this. A great list of techniques and types.
No problem, Mohammad.
Very informative! You have covered different types of marketing with really
good examples. Thanks for sharing a great source of information.
Thanks Martin, kind of you to say so.
Hi Matt! I work in content marketing over at Repsly. We love this post and
refer to it often. Thanks again for the great piece.
Great, really glad to hear it's been a useful piece for you guys. Thanks Elise.
waooo, great piece of information. Thanks, Matt :-)
Cheers Neelam.
Shon Anto
My eyes aren't accepting this. Too many varieties (marketing) explained with
great examples. Thanks a lot, Matt. We at TR (
will love to cover them up. Thanks, again.. :)
Joe Davison
Wow, what a great article. Many thanks.
Jenifer Horvath
Great list. Really comprehensive!
Liz Rhodes
Best darn marketing article I have seen in years. Very grateful.
Aw, thanks Liz. Took an absolute age to put together, so I really appreciate the
positive feedback. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
Kare Jacoba
This is such a fantastic list! Thanks for publishing it. I wanted to let you know
I quoted you in post I wrote on Medium. You can find it here:
Much appreciated Kare. And thanks for the mention.
Gaurav Kasera
ultimate Resource of Marketing
Wow! Can't believe I actually read everything! Good job on putting this list
together, thanks Matt!
Wow!! all Marketing strategy at one place. Thanks matt for sharing this with
us. :)
Cory Morgan
Very Helpful... Thanks!
Wow!! Great information altogether. Loved the post.

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