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1204E - 1206E Troubleshooting KENR9116-01

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May 2011

1204E-E44TA, 1204E-E44TTA and
1206E-E66TA Industrial Engines
BK1 (Engine)
MK1 (Engine)
ML1 (Engine)

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Important Safety Information
Most accidents that involve product operation, maintenance and repair are caused by failure to
observe basic safety rules or precautions. An accident can often be avoided by recognizing potentially
hazardous situations before an accident occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards. This
person should also have the necessary training, skills and tools to perform these functions properly.
Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or repair of this product can be dangerous and
could result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, maintenance or repair on this product, until you have
read and understood the operation, lubrication, maintenance and repair information.
Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this manual and on the product. If these hazard
warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the “Safety Alert Symbol” and followed by a “Signal Word” such as
“DANGER”, “WARNING” or “CAUTION”. The Safety Alert “WARNING” label is shown below.

The meaning of this safety alert symbol is as follows:

Attention! Become Alert! Your Safety is Involved.
The message that appears under the warning explains the hazard and can be either written or
pictorially presented.
Operations that may cause product damage are identified by “NOTICE” labels on the product and in
this publication.
Perkins cannot anticipate every possible circumstance that might involve a potential hazard. The
warnings in this publication and on the product are, therefore, not all inclusive. If a tool, procedure,
work method or operating technique that is not specifically recommended by Perkins is used,
you must satisfy yourself that it is safe for you and for others. You should also ensure that the
product will not be damaged or be made unsafe by the operation, lubrication, maintenance or
repair procedures that you choose.
The information, specifications, and illustrations in this publication are on the basis of information that
was available at the time that the publication was written. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain the complete and most current information before
you start any job. Perkins dealers or Perkins distributors have the most current information available.

When replacement parts are required for this

product Perkins recommends using Perkins
replacement parts.
Failure to heed this warning can lead to prema-
ture failures, product damage, personal injury or

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KENR9116-01 3
Table of Contents

Table of Contents Engine Stalls at Low RPM .................................... 94

Engine Top Speed Is Not Obtained ...................... 96
Engine Vibration Is Excessive ............................ 101
Exhaust Has Excessive Black Smoke ................ 102
Troubleshooting Section Exhaust Has Excessive White Smoke ................ 104
Fuel Consumption Is Excessive .......................... 106
Electronic Troubleshooting
Fuel Contains Water ........................................... 108
Welding Precaution ................................................. 5
Fuel Rail Pressure Problem ................................ 109
System Overview .................................................... 5
Fuel Temperature Is High .................................... 117
Glossary ................................................................ 12
Inlet Air Is Restricted ............................................ 119
Electronic Service Tools ........................................ 16
Inlet Air Temperature Is High .............................. 120
Indicator Lamps .................................................... 18
Intake Manifold Air Pressure Is High .................. 121
Replacing the ECM ............................................... 21
Intake Manifold Air Pressure Is Low ................... 122
Self-Diagnostics .................................................... 22
Intake Manifold Air Temperature Is High ............. 123
Sensors and Electrical Connectors ....................... 22
NRS Exhaust Gas Temperature Is High ............ 124
Engine Wiring Information .................................... 31
NRS Mass Flow Rate Problem ........................... 127
ECM Harness Connector Terminals ..................... 36
Oil Consumption Is Excessive ............................ 130
Oil Contains Coolant ........................................... 132
Programming Parameters
Oil Contains Fuel ................................................ 133
Programming Parameters ..................................... 37
Oil Pressure Is Low ............................................. 134
Test ECM Mode .................................................... 37
Power Is Intermittently Low or Power Cutout Is
Factory Passwords ............................................... 37
Intermittent ........................................................ 136
Flash Programming .............................................. 38
Valve Lash Is Excessive ..................................... 141
Injector Code - Calibrate ....................................... 39
Mode Switch Setup ............................................... 40
Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code
Throttle Setup ....................................................... 41
Diagnostic Trouble Codes ................................... 142
Multiposition Switch Setup .................................... 44
Diagnostic Code Cross Reference ..................... 147
No Diagnostic Codes Detected ........................... 151
Customer Specified Parameters
Customer Specified Parameters ........................... 45
Troubleshooting with an Event Code
Customer Specified Parameters Table ................. 51
Event Codes ...................................................... 152
Customer Specified Parameters Worksheet ......... 54
Diagnostic Functional Tests
System Configuration Parameters
5 Volt Sensor Supply Circuit - Test ..................... 154
System Configuration Parameters ........................ 58
Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test .... 163
CAN Data Link Circuit - Test ............................... 168
Symptom Troubleshooting
Data Link Circuit - Test ........................................ 172
Acceleration Is Poor or Throttle Response Is
Diesel Particulate Filter Identification Signal -
Poor .................................................................... 60
Test ................................................................... 179
Alternator Is Noisy ................................................ 66
Digital Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test ..... 183
Alternator Problem ................................................ 66
ECM Memory - Test ............................................ 192
Battery Problem .................................................... 66
Electrical Connectors - Inspect ........................... 193
Coolant Contains Oil ............................................. 67
Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short Circuit -
Coolant Level Is Low ............................................ 67
Test ................................................................... 197
Coolant Temperature Is High ................................ 68
Engine Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test ........ 204
Crankcase Breather Ejects Oil .............................. 71
Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit -
Crankcase Fumes Disposal Tube Has Oil
Test ................................................................... 212
Draining ............................................................... 72
Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit -
Cylinder Is Noisy ................................................... 73
Test ................................................................... 217
Diesel Particulate Filter Collects Excessive Soot .. 74
Ether Starting Aid - Test ...................................... 224
Diesel Particulate Filter Temperature Is Low ........ 75
Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test ........................... 228
ECM Does Not Communicate with Other
Glow Plug Starting Aid - Test .............................. 236
Modules .............................................................. 76
Idle Validation Switch Circuit - Test ..................... 242
ECM Will Not Accept Factory Passwords ............. 76
Ignition Keyswitch Circuit and Battery Supply Circuit -
Electronic Service Tool Does Not Communicate .. 77
Test ................................................................... 248
Engine Cranks but Does Not Start ........................ 78
Engine Does Not Crank ........................................ 84 Indicator Lamp Circuit - Test ............................... 255
Injector Data Incorrect - Test ............................... 258
Engine Has Early Wear ........................................ 85
Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test ............................ 260
Engine Has Mechanical Noise (Knock) ................ 85
Engine Misfires, Runs Rough or Is Unstable ........ 86 Mode Selection Circuit - Test .............................. 267
Motorized Valve - Test ........................................ 271
Engine Overspeeds .............................................. 91
PTO Switch Circuit - Test .................................... 276
Engine Shutdown Occurs Intermittently ............... 92
Engine Speed Does Not Change .......................... 93 Sensor Calibration Required - Test ..................... 279
Solenoid Valve - Test .......................................... 282

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4 KENR9116-01
Table of Contents

Soot Sensor - Test .............................................. 288

Throttle Switch Circuit - Test ............................... 291
Valve Position Sensor - Test ............................... 295
Water In Fuel Sensor - Test ................................ 301

Index Section
Index ................................................................... 306

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KENR9116-01 5
Troubleshooting Section

Troubleshooting Section

Electronic Troubleshooting

Welding Precaution

Correct welding procedures are necessary in order to

avoid damage to the following components:

• Electronic Control Module (ECM) on the engine

• Clean Emissions Module (CEM)
• Sensors
Illustration 1
• Associated components
Service welding guide (typical diagram)
Components for the driven equipment should also be
considered. When possible, remove the component 5. When possible, connect the ground clamp for
that requires welding. When welding on an engine the welding equipment directly to the engine
that is equipped with an ECM and removal of the component that will be welded. Place the clamp
component is not possible, the following procedure as close as possible to the weld. Close positioning
must be followed. This procedure minimizes the risk reduces the risk of welding current damage to the
to the electronic components. engine bearings, to the electrical components,
and to other components.
1. Stop the engine. Remove the electrical power
from the ECM. 6. Protect the wiring harnesses from welding debris
and/or from welding spatter.
2. Ensure that the fuel supply to the engine is turned
off. 7. Use standard welding procedures to weld the
materials together.
3. Disconnect the negative battery cable from the
battery. If a battery disconnect switch is installed,
open the switch.
System Overview
4. Disconnect all electronic components from
the wiring harnesses. Include the following
The engine has an electronic control system. The
• Electronic components for the driven equipment system also monitors the Diesel Particulate Filter
(DPF) and the NOx Reduction System (NRS).
The control system consists of the following
• Sensors components:

• Electronically controlled valves • Electronic Control Module (ECM)

• Relays • Software (flash file)
• Aftertreatment ID module • Wiring
NOTICE • Sensors
Do not use electrical components (ECM or ECM sen-
sors) or electronic component grounding points for • Actuators
grounding the welder.

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6 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

The following information provides a general

description of the control system. Refer to Systems
Operation, Testing, and Adjusting for detailed
information about the control system.

Electronic Control Circuit Diagram

Illustration 2
Electronic control circuit diagram for the 1204E-E44 engine

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KENR9116-01 7
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 3
Electronic control circuit diagram for the 1206E-E66 engine

Block Diagram
Refer to Illustration 4 and Illustration 5 for block
diagrams of the control system.

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8 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 4
Block diagram for the 1204E and 1206E engines with a single turbocharger
(1) Air cleaner (13) Air-to-air aftercooler (25) Oil pressure sensor
(2) Air inlet temperature sensor (14) Wastegate regulator (26) Barometric pressure sensor
(3) NRS cooler (15) NRS outlet pressure sensor (27) ECM
(4) Exhaust back pressure valve (16) Engine (28) Electric fuel lift pump
(5) Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and (17) Coolant temperature sensor (29) Primary fuel filter
Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) (18) Primary speed/timing sensor (30) In-line fuel strainer
(6) DPF inlet temperature sensor (19) Fuel injectors (31) Intake manifold pressure sensor
(7) Soot sensor (20) Return fuel cooler (32) Intake manifold air temperature sensor
(8) Turbocharger (21) Return fuel pressure relief valve (33) Transfer pump inlet regulator
(9) NRS valve (22) Secondary speed/timing sensor (34) Secondary fuel filter
(10) NRS temperature sensor (23) High-pressure fuel pump/transfer (35) Fuel tank
(11) NRS inlet pressure sensor pump/fuel temperature sensor
(12) NRS mixer (24) Fuel rail pressure sensor

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KENR9116-01 9
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 5
Block diagram for the 1204E-E44TTA engine with twin turbochargers
(1) Air cleaner (13) Air-to-air aftercooler (25) Oil pressure sensor
(2) Air inlet temperature sensor (14) Wastegate regulator (26) Barometric pressure sensor
(3) Exhaust back pressure valve (15) NRS outlet pressure sensor (27) ECM
(4) Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) and (16) Engine (28) Electric fuel lift pump
Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) (17) Coolant temperature sensor (29) Primary fuel filter
(5) DPF inlet temperature sensor (18) Primary speed/timing sensor (30) In-line fuel strainer
(6) Soot sensor (19) Fuel injectors (31) Intake manifold pressure sensor
(7) NRS cooler (20) Return fuel cooler (32) Intake manifold air temperature sensor
(8) Turbochargers (21) Return fuel pressure relief valve (33) Transfer pump inlet regulator
(9) NRS valve (22) Secondary speed/timing sensor (34) Secondary fuel filter
(10) NRS temperature sensor (23) High-pressure fuel pump/transfer (35) Fuel tank
(11) NRS inlet pressure sensor pump/fuel temperature sensor
(12) NRS mixer (24) Fuel rail pressure sensor

System Operation
Engine Governor
The ECM governs the engine. The ECM determines
the timing, the injection pressure, and the amount
of fuel that is delivered to each cylinder. These
factors are based on the actual conditions and on the
desired conditions at any given time during starting
and operation.

The governor uses the throttle position sensor to

determine the desired engine speed. The governor
compares the desired engine speed to the actual
engine speed. The actual engine speed is determined
through interpretation of the signals that are received
by the ECM from the engine speed/timing sensors. If
the desired engine speed is greater than the actual
engine speed, the governor injects more fuel in order
to increase engine speed.

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10 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Fuel Injection
The ECM sends a high voltage signal to the injector
solenoids in order to energize the solenoids. By
controlling the timing and the duration of the high
voltage signal, the ECM can control the following
aspects of injection:

• Injection timing
• Fuel delivery
The flash file inside the ECM establishes certain
limits on the amount of fuel that can be injected.
The FRC Fuel Limit is a limit that is based on the
intake manifold pressure. The FRC Fuel Limit is used
to control the air/fuel ratio for control of emissions.
When the ECM senses a higher intake manifold
pressure, the ECM increases the FRC Fuel Limit. A
higher intake manifold pressure indicates that there
is more air in the cylinder. When the ECM increases
Illustration 6
g01860934 the FRC Fuel Limit, the ECM allows more fuel into
Typical example
the cylinder.

The desired engine speed is typically determined by The Rated Fuel Limit is a limit that is based on the
one of the following conditions: power rating of the engine and on the engine rpm.
The Rated Fuel Limit is like the rack stops and the
torque spring on a mechanically governed engine.
• The position of the throttle The Rated Fuel Limit provides the power curves
and the torque curves for a specific engine family
• The desired engine speed in Power Take-Off (PTO) and a specific engine rating. All of these limits are
determined at the factory. These limits cannot be
Timing Considerations changed.
Once the governor has determined the amount of
fuel that is required, the governor must determine Customer Parameters and Engine Speed
the timing of the fuel injection. Fuel injection timing is Governing
determined by the ECM after considering input from
the following components: A unique feature with electronic engines is customer
specified parameters. These parameters allow the
• Coolant temperature sensor owner of the machine to fine-tune the ECM for engine
operation. Fine-tuning the ECM allows the machine
• Intake manifold air temperature sensor owner to accommodate the typical usage of the
machine and the power train of the machine.
• Intake manifold pressure sensor
Many of the customer parameters provide additional
• Barometric pressure sensor restrictions on the actions that will be performed by
the ECM in response to input from the operator. The
The ECM adjusts timing for optimum engine PTO Top Engine Limit is an engine rpm limit that is
performance and fuel economy. Actual timing and used by the ECM to limit the fuel during operation of
desired timing cannot be viewed with the electronic the PTO. The ECM will not fuel the injectors above
service tool. The ECM determines the location of this rpm.
top center of the number one cylinder from the
signals that are provided by the engine speed/timing Some parameters are intended to notify the operator
sensors. The ECM determines when injection should of potential engine damage (engine monitoring
occur relative to top center position. The ECM then parameters). Some parameters enhance fuel
provides the signal to the injector at the desired time. economy (machine speed, engine speed limit,
and idle shutdown). Other parameters are used to
enhance the engine installation into the machine.
Other parameters are used to provide operating
information to the owner of the machine.

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KENR9116-01 11
Troubleshooting Section

Other ECM Functions for “Lifetime Total Engine Revolutions” is the total
number of revolutions that have been completed by
Performance the engine crankshaft.
The ECM can also provide enhanced control of the
“Average Load Factor” provides relative engine
engine for machine functions such as controlling the
operating information. “Average Load Factor”
cooling fan. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Configuration
compares actual operating information of the engine
Parameters” for supplemental information about the
to the maximum engine operation that is available.
systems that can be monitored by the ECM in order
“Average Load Factor” is determined by using “Total
to provide enhanced machine performance, fuel
Max Fuel”, “Total Idle Fuel”, and “Total Fuel”. All of
economy, and convenience for the operator.
these parameters are available with the electronic
service tool. These parameters are available within
ECM Lifetime Totals the menu for “Current Totals”.

The ECM maintains total data of the engine for the

following parameters:
Programmable Parameters
Certain parameters that affect engine operation
• “Total Operating Hours” may be changed with the electronic service tool.
The parameters are stored in the ECM, and the
• “Engine Lifetime Hours” parameters are protected from unauthorized changes
by passwords. These parameters are either system
• “Total Idle Time” configuration parameters or customer parameters.
• “Total Idle Fuel” System configuration parameters are set at the
factory. System configuration parameters affect
• “Total Fuel” emissions or power ratings within an engine family.
Factory passwords must be obtained and factory
• “Total Max Fuel” passwords must be used to change the system
configuration parameters.
• “Engine Starts”
Customer parameters are variable. Customer
• “Lifetime Total Engine Revolutions” parameters affect the following characteristics within
the limits that are set by the factory, by the monitoring
• “Average Load Factor” system, and by PTO operation:
The “Total Operating Hours” is the operating hours of
the engine. The operating hours do not include the • Rpm ratings
time when the ECM is powered but the engine is not
running. • Power ratings
Customer passwords may be required to change
The “Engine Lifetime Hours” is the number of hours
customer specified parameters.
when electrical power has been applied to the
engine. These hours will include the time when the
Some of the parameters may affect engine operation
ECM is powered but the engine is not running.
in an unusual way. An operator might not expect
this type of effect. Without adequate training,
“Total Idle Time” and “Total Idle Fuel” can include
these parameters may lead to power complaints
operating time when the engine is not operating
or performance complaints even though the
under a load.
performance of the engine is to the specification.
Fuel Information can be displayed in US gallons or
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Configuration Parameters”
in liters.
for additional information on this subject.
“Total Fuel” is the total amount of fuel that is
consumed by the engine during operation. Passwords
“Total Max Fuel” is the maximum amount of fuel that System configuration parameters are protected by
could have been consumed by the engine during factory passwords. Factory passwords are calculated
operation. on a computer system that is available only to
Perkins Distributors. Since factory passwords contain
“Engine Starts” is the total number of times when the alphabetic characters, only the electronic service
engine has been started. tool may change system configuration parameters.
System configuration parameters affect the power
rating family or emissions.

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12 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Customer parameters can be protected by Communication Adapter Tool – The

customer passwords. The customer passwords are communication adapter provides a communication
programmed by the customer. Factory passwords link between the ECM and the electronic service tool.
can be used to change customer passwords if
customer passwords are lost. Coolant Temperature Sensor – The coolant
temperature sensor detects the engine coolant
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Factory Passwords” for temperature for all normal operating conditions and
additional information on this subject. for engine monitoring.

Data Link – The data link is a serial communication

port that is used for communication with other devices
Glossary such as the electronic service tool.

Derate – Certain engine conditions will generate

event codes. Also, engine may be derated. The map
Active Diagnostic Code – An active diagnostic for the engine derate is programmed into the ECM
code alerts the operator or the service technician that software. The type of derate can be one or more of
an electronic system malfunction is currently present. three types: reduction of rated power, reduction of
Refer to the term “Diagnostic Code” in this glossary. rated engine speed, and reduction of rated machine
speed for OEM products.
Aftertreatment – Aftertreatment is a system that is
used to remove pollutants from exhaust gases. The Desired Engine Speed – The desired engine speed
system consists of a Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) is input to the electronic governor within the ECM.
and a Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter (CDPF). The electronic governor uses the signal from the
throttle position sensor, the engine speed/timing
Alternating Current (AC) – Alternating current is an sensor, and other sensors in order to determine the
electric current that reverses direction at a regular desired engine speed.
interval that is reoccurring.
Diagnostic Trouble Code – A diagnostic trouble
Before Top Center (BTC) – BTC is the 180 degrees code is sometimes referred to as a fault code. These
of crankshaft rotation before the piston reaches the codes indicate an electronic system malfunction.
top center position in the normal direction of rotation.
Diagnostic Lamp – The diagnostic lamp is also
Breakout Harness – A breakout harness is a called the warning lamp. The diagnostic lamp is used
test harness that is designed to connect into the to warn the operator of the presence of an active
engine harness. This connection allows a normal diagnostic code. The lamp may not be included in
circuit operation and the connection simultaneously all applications.
provides a Breakout T in order to measure the
signals. Diesel Oxidation Catalyst – The Diesel Oxidation
Catalyst is also known as the (DOC). The DOC is a
Bypass Circuit – A bypass circuit is a circuit that is device in the exhaust system that oxidizes certain
used as a substitute circuit for an existing circuit. A elements in the exhaust gases. These elements can
bypass circuit is typically used as a test circuit. include carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons and
the soluble organic fractions (SOF) of particulate
CAN Data Link (see also J1939 CAN Data Link) – matter.
The CAN Data Link is a serial communications
port that is used for communication with other Digital Sensor Return – The common line (ground)
microprocessor-based devices. from the ECM is used as ground for the digital
Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter – The Catalyzed
Diesel Particulate Filter (CDPF) filters particulates Digital Sensors – Digital sensors produce a pulse
from the exhaust gases. A coating on the internal width modulated signal. Digital sensors are supplied
surfaces reacts with the hot exhaust gases in order with power from the ECM.
to burn off the particulates. This process prevents the
CDPF from becoming blocked with soot. Digital Sensor Supply – The power supply for the
digital sensors is provided by the ECM.
Clean Emissions Module – The Clean Emissions
Module (CEM) includes all the components of the Direct Current (DC) – Direct current is the type of
aftertreatment system. current that flows consistently in only one direction.

Code – Refer to “Diagnostic Trouble Code”. DT, DT Connector, or Deutsch DT – This design is
a type of connector that is used on this engine. The
connectors are manufactured by Deutsch.

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KENR9116-01 13
Troubleshooting Section

Duty Cycle – Refer to “Pulse Width Modulation”. Failure Mode Identifier (FMI) – This identifier
indicates the type of failure that is associated with
Electronic Engine Control – The electronic the component. The FMI has been adopted from the
engine control is a complete electronic system. SAE practice of J1587 diagnostics. The FMI follows
The electronic engine control monitors the engine the parameter identifier (PID) in the descriptions of
operation under all conditions. The electronic engine the fault code. The descriptions of the FMIs are in
control also controls the engine operation under all the following list.
0 – The data is valid but the data is above the normal
Electronic Control Module (ECM) – The ECM operational range.
is the control computer of the engine. The ECM
provides power to the electronics. The ECM monitors 1 – The data is valid but the data is below the normal
data that is input from the sensors of the engine. The operational range.
ECM acts as a governor in order to control the speed
and the power of the engine. 2 – The data is erratic, intermittent, or incorrect.

Electronic Service Tool – The electronic service 3 – The voltage is above normal or the voltage is
tool allows a computer (PC) to communicate with the shorted high.
4 – The voltage is below normal or the voltage is
Engine Monitoring – Engine Monitoring is the part shorted low.
of the electronic engine control that monitors the
sensors. Engine monitoring also warns the operator 5 – The current is below normal or the circuit is open.
of detected problems.
6 – The current is above normal or the circuit is
Engine Oil Pressure Sensor – The engine oil grounded.
pressure sensor measures engine oil pressure. The
sensor sends a signal to the ECM that is dependent 7 – The mechanical system is not responding
on the engine oil pressure. properly.

Engine Speed/Timing Sensor – An engine 8 – There is an abnormal frequency, an abnormal

speed/timing sensor is a hall effect switch that pulse width, or an abnormal time period.
provides a digital signal to the ECM. The ECM
interprets this signal as the crankshaft position and 9 – There has been an abnormal update.
the engine speed. Two sensors are used to provide
the speed and timing signals to the ECM. The primary 10 – There is an abnormal rate of change.
sensor is associated with the crankshaft and the
secondary sensor is associated with the camshaft. 11 – The failure mode is not identifiable.

Ether Injection – Ether injection is a starting aid in 12 – The device or the component is damaged.
cold conditions. Glow plugs are used as a starting
aid when the ambient temperature is between 5° C 13 – The device requires calibration.
(41° F) and −25° C (−13° F). At a temperature that
is lower than −25° C (−13° F), the glow plugs are 14 – There is a special instruction for the device.
disabled and ether injection is used.
15 – The signal from the device is high (least severe).
Event Code – An event code may be activated
in order to indicate an abnormal engine operating 16 – The signal from the device is high (moderate
condition. These codes usually indicate a mechanical severity).
problem instead of an electrical system problem.
17 – The signal from the device is low (least severe).
Exhaust Back Pressure Valve – The exhaust back
pressure valve regulates the gas pressure in the 18 – The signal from the device is low (moderate
exhaust system. The valve can restrict the flow of severity).
exhaust gases in order to increase the exhaust back
pressure. An increase in exhaust back pressure will 19 – There is an error in the data from the device.
increase the temperature of the exhaust gases. The
increase in temperature will improve the process that 31 – The device has failed and the engine has shut
burns off the soot in the CDPF. down.

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14 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Flash File – This file is software that is inside Harness – The harness is the bundle of wiring
the ECM. The file contains all the instructions (loom) that connects all components of the electronic
(software) for the ECM and the file contains the system.
performance maps for a specific engine. The file may
be reprogrammed through flash programming. Hertz (Hz) – Hertz is the measure of electrical
frequency in cycles per second.
Flash Programming – Flash programming is the
method of programming or updating an ECM with High Pressure Fuel Pump – This pump is a device
an electronic service tool over the data link instead that supplies fuel under pressure to the fuel rail
of replacing components. (high-pressure fuel rail).

FRC – See “Fuel Ratio Control”. High Pressure Fuel Rail – See “Fuel Rail”.

Fuel Pump – See “High Pressure Fuel Pump”. Injector Trim Codes – Injector trim codes are codes
that contain 30 characters. The codes are supplied
Fuel Rail – This item is sometimes referred to as the with new injectors. The code is input through the
High Pressure Fuel Rail. The fuel rail supplies fuel to electronic service tool into the ECM. The injector trim
the electronic unit injectors. The high-pressure fuel codes compensate for variances in manufacturing
pump and the fuel rail pressure sensor work with the of the electronic unit injector and for the life of the
ECM in order to maintain the desired fuel pressure electronic unit injector.
in the fuel rail. This pressure is determined by
calibration of the engine in order to enable the engine Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor – The
to meet emissions and performance requirements. intake manifold air temperature sensor detects the
air temperature in the intake manifold. The ECM
Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor – The fuel rail pressure monitors the air temperature and other data in the
sensor sends a signal to the ECM that is dependent intake manifold in order to adjust injection timing and
on the pressure of the fuel in the fuel rail. other performance functions.

Fuel Ratio Control (FRC) – The FRC is a limit that Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor – The Intake
is based on the control of the ratio of the fuel to air. Manifold Pressure Sensor measures the pressure
The FRC is used for purposes of emission control. in the intake manifold. The pressure in the intake
When the ECM senses a higher intake manifold manifold may be different to the pressure outside
air pressure (more air into the cylinder), the FRC the engine (atmospheric pressure). The difference
increases the FRC Limit (more fuel into the cylinder). in pressure may be caused by an increase in air
pressure by a turbocharger.
Full Load Setting (FLS) – The FLS is the parameter
that represents the fuel system adjustment. This Integrated Electronic Controls – The engine is
adjustment is made at the factory in order to designed with the electronic controls as a necessary
fine-tune the fuel system. This parameter must be part of the system. The engine will not operate
programmed. without the electronic controls.

Full Torque Setting (FTS) – The FTS is the J1939 CAN Data Link – This data link is a SAE
parameter that represents the adjustment for the standard diagnostic communications data link that is
engine torque. This adjustment is made at the factory used to communicate between the ECM and other
in order to fine-tune the fuel system. This adjustment electronic devices.
is made with the FLS. This parameter must be
programmed. Logged Diagnostic Codes – Logged diagnostic
codes are codes which are stored in the memory.
Glow Plug – The glow plug is an optional starting aid These codes are an indicator of possible causes for
for cold conditions. One glow plug is installed in each intermittent problems. Refer to the term “Diagnostic
combustion chamber in order to improve the ability of Trouble Codes” for more information.
the engine to start. The ECM uses information from
the engine sensors to determine when the glow plug NOx Reduction System – The NOx Reduction
relay must provide power to each glow plug. Each System recycles a portion of the exhaust gases back
of the glow plugs then provides a hot surface in the into the inlet air. The recirculation reduces the oxides
combustion chamber in order to vaporize the mixture of nitrogen (NOx) in the exhaust gases. The recycled
of air and fuel. The vaporization improves ignition exhaust gas passes through a cooler before being
during the compression stroke of the cylinder. introduced into the inlet air.

Glow Plug Relay – The glow plug relay is controlled OEM – OEM is an abbreviation for the Original
by the ECM in order to provide high current to the Equipment Manufacturer. The OEM is the
glow plugs. manufacturer of the machine or the vehicle that uses
the engine.

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KENR9116-01 15
Troubleshooting Section

Open Circuit – An open circuit is a condition that is

caused by an open switch, or by an electrical wire
or a connection that is broken. When this condition
exists, the signal or the supply voltage can no longer
reach the intended destination.

Parameter – A parameter is a value or a limit that is

programmable. A parameter helps determine specific
characteristics or behaviors of the engine.

Password – A password is a group of numeric

characters or a group of alphanumeric characters
that is designed to restrict access to parameters. The
electronic system requires correct passwords in order
to change some parameters (Factory Passwords).
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Factory Passwords” for
more information.

Personality Module – See “Flash File”.

Power Cycling – Power cycling refers to the action

of cycling the keyswitch from any position to the OFF Illustration 7
position, and to the START/RUN position.
Rated Fuel Limit – The rated fuel limit is a limit that
Pressure Limiting Valve (PLV) – The PLV is a valve is based on the power rating of the engine and on the
in the fuel rail that prevents excessive pressure. The engine rpm. The Rated Fuel Limit enables the engine
PLV will reduce the pressure to a safe level that will power and torque outputs to conform to the power
limit engine operation but the reduced pressure will and torque curves of a specific engine model. These
not stop the engine. limits are in the flash file and these limits cannot be
Primary Speed/Timing Sensor – This sensor
determines the position of the crankshaft during Reference Voltage – Reference voltage is a
engine operation. If the primary speed/timing regulated voltage and a steady voltage that is
sensor fails during engine operation, the secondary supplied by the ECM to a sensor. The reference
speed/timing sensor is used to provide the signal. voltage is used by the sensor to generate a signal
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) – The PWM is a
signal that consists of pulses that are of variable Relay – A relay is an electromechanical switch. A
width. These pulses occur at fixed intervals. The ratio flow of electricity in one circuit is used to control the
of “TIME ON” versus “TIME OFF” can be varied. This flow of electricity in another circuit. A small current or
ratio is also referred to as a duty cycle. voltage is applied to a relay in order to switch a much
larger current or voltage.

Secondary Speed/Timing Sensor – This sensor

determines the position of the camshaft during engine
operation. If the primary speed/timing sensor fails
during engine operation, the secondary speed/timing
sensor is used to provide the signal.

Sensor – A sensor is a device that is used to

detect the current value of pressure or temperature,
or mechanical movement. The information that is
detected is converted into an electrical signal.

Short Circuit – A short circuit is a condition that has

an electrical circuit that is inadvertently connected to
an undesirable point. An example of a short circuit
is a wire which rubs against a vehicle frame and
this rubbing eventually wears off the wire insulation.
Electrical contact with the frame is made and results
in a short circuit.

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16 KENR9116-01
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Signal – The signal is a voltage or a waveform that Wastegate – The wastegate is a device in a
is used in order to transmit information typically from turbocharged engine that controls the maximum
a sensor to the ECM. boost pressure that is provided to the inlet manifold.

Suction Control Valve (SCV) – The SCV is a control Wastegate Regulator – The wastegate regulator
device in the high-pressure fuel pump. The valve controls the pressure in the intake manifold to a
controls the pressure in the fuel rail by varying the value that is determined by the ECM. The wastegate
amount of fuel that enters the chambers in the pump. regulator provides the interface between the ECM
and the mechanical system. The wastegate regulates
Supply Voltage – The supply voltage is a continuous intake manifold pressure to the desired value that is
voltage that is supplied to a component. The power determined by the software.
may be generated by the ECM or the power may be
battery voltage that is supplied by the engine wiring.

Suspect Parameter Number (SPN) – The SPN is a

J1939 number that identifies the specific component
Electronic Service Tools
of the electronic control system that has experienced
a diagnostic code.
Perkins electronic service tools are designed to help
System Configuration Parameters – System the service technician:
configuration parameters are parameters that affect
emissions and/or operating characteristics of the
• Retrieve diagnostic codes.

Tattletale – Certain parameters that affect the

• Diagnose electrical problems.
operation of the engine are stored in the ECM.
These parameters can be changed by use of the
• Read parameters.
electronic service tool. The tattletale logs the number
of changes that have been made to the parameter.
• Program parameters.
The tattletale is stored in the ECM.
• Install injector trim codes.
Throttle Position – The throttle position is the
interpretation by the ECM of the signal from the Required Service Tools
throttle position sensor or the throttle switch.
Table 1
Throttle Position Sensor – The throttle position Required Service Tools
sensor is a sensor that is normally connected to an
Part Number Description
accelerator pedal or a hand lever. This sensor sends
a signal to the ECM that is used to calculate desired CH11155 Crimp Tool (12−AWG TO 18−AWG)
engine speed.
2900A019 Wire Removal Tool
Throttle Switch – The throttle switch sends a signal 27610285 Removal Tool
to the ECM that is used to calculate desired engine - Suitable Digital Multimeter

Top Center Position – The top center position refers Two short jumper wires are needed to check the
to the crankshaft position when the engine piston continuity of some wiring harness circuits by shorting
position is at the highest point of travel. The engine two adjacent terminals together in a connector. A
must be turned in the normal direction of rotation in long extension wire may also be needed to check the
order to reach this point. continuity of some wiring harness circuits.

Total Tattletale – The total tattletale is the total

number of changes to all the parameters that are
Optional Service Tools
stored in the ECM.
Table 2 lists the optional service tools that can be
used when the engine is serviced.
Wait To Start Lamp – This lamp is included in the
cold starting aid circuit in order to indicate when the
wait to start period is active. The lamp will go off
when the engine is ready to be started. The glow
plugs may not have deactivated.

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KENR9116-01 17
Troubleshooting Section

Table 2 Table 3
Part Number Description Service Tools for the Use of the Electronic
Service Tool
U5MK1092 Spoon Probe Kit(MULTIMETER)
Part Description
- Suitable Digital Pressure Indicator Number
or or
- Engine Pressure Group -(1) Single Use Program License
- Suitable Battery Load Tester - (1)
Data Subscription for All Engines
- Suitable Temperature Adapter Communication Adapter (Electronic
(MULTIMETER) Service Tool to the ECM interface)
28170107 Bypass Harness As 27610164 Adapter Cable As
2900A038 Harness as (1) Refer to Perkins Engine Company Limited.

Note: For more information on the Electronic

Perkins Electronic Service Tool Service Tool and the PC requirements, refer to the
documentation that accompanies the software for the
The Perkins Electronic Service Tool can display the Electronic Service Tool.
following information:
Connecting the Electronic Service Tool
• Status of all pressure sensors and temperature and the Communication Adapter II

• Programmable parameter settings

• Active diagnostic codes and logged diagnostic

• Logged events
• Histograms
The Electronic Service Tool can also be used to
perform the following functions:

• Diagnostic tests
• Sensor calibrations
• Programming of flash files and injector trim codes
• Parameter programming
• Copy configuration function for ECM replacement
• Data logging
• Graphs (real time)
Table 3 lists the service tools that are required in g01121866
order to use the Electronic Service Tool. Illustration 8
(1) Personal Computer (PC)
(2) Adapter Cable (Computer Serial Port)
(3) Communication Adapter II
(4) Adapter Cable Assembly

Note: Items (2), (3) and (4) are part of the

Communication Adapter II kit.

Use the following procedure in order to connect

the Electronic Service Tool and the Communication
Adapter II.

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18 KENR9116-01
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1. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Warning Lamp

2. Connect cable (2) between the “COMPUTER” Lamp check – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,
end of communication adapter (3) and the RS232 the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will
serial port of PC (1). then go off unless there is an active warning.

Note: The Adapter Cable Assembly (4) is required to Flashing – The lamp will be flashing when a
connect to the USB port on computers that are not “warning” or a “warning and derate” is active. This
equipped with an RS232 serial port. includes low oil pressure.

3. Connect cable (4) between the “DATA LINK” end On – The lamp will be on when the shutdown level
of communication adapter (3) and the service tool has been reached. The “Shutdown” lamp will also
connector. be on.

4. Place the keyswitch in the ON position. If the Wait to Start Lamp

Electronic Service Tool and the communication
adapter do not communicate with the Electronic Lamp check – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,
Control Module (ECM), refer to the diagnostic the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will
procedure Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service then go off unless “Wait to Start” is active.
Tool DoesNot Communicate”.
On – The lamp is on during a “Wait to Start” period.
Low Oil Pressure
Indicator Lamps
Lamp check – When the keyswitch is turned to ON,
the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will
then go off unless there is an active warning.
Indicator Lamps
On – The lamp will come on when a low oil pressure
Four lamps are available as options. The “Shutdown” event is detected. The “Warning” lamp and the
lamp and the “Warning” lamp will normally be installed “Shutdown” lamp may also come on.
in the application. Dedicated optional lamps for other
items may also be installed. The remaining optional Note: On a cold start, when the Electronic Control
lamps are “Wait to start” and “Low oil pressure”. Module (ECM) determines that it is necessary for the
glow plugs to be activated prior to starting, a lamp
The “Shutdown” lamp and the “Warning” lamp can output will indicate that the operator needs to “Wait
also be used to indicate a diagnostic code by use of to Start”. It is possible that starting aids may be used
the “Flash Code” feature. The “Flash Code” feature during the cranking of the engine. Starting aids may
can be used to indicate all active diagnostic codes be used if the engine has previously been started.
and logged diagnostic codes. The “Wait to Start” lamp will not be active in these
Functions of the Lamps
Color of Lamps
Shutdown Lamp Typically, the “Shutdown” lamp is colored red and the
“Warning” lamp is colored amber. The other lamps
Lamp check – When the keyswitch is turned to ON, are optional.
the lamp will come on for 2 seconds. The lamp will
then go off unless there is an active warning.

Flashing – The lamp will be flashing when a derate

is active or when a derate is present because of
an active diagnostic code. An example of an active
diagnostic code is “System Voltage High”.

On – The lamp will be on when the shutdown level

in the engine protection strategy has been reached.
The “Warning” lamp will also be on.

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Troubleshooting Section

Operation of the Indicator Lamps

Table 4
Warning Shutdown Lamp State Description of the Indication Engine State
Lamp Lamp
(Alert (Action
Lamp) Lamp)
On On Lamp Check When the keyswitch is moved to the The keyswitch is in the ON position but
ON position, the lamps come on for the engine has not yet been cranked.
a period of 2 seconds and the lamps
will then go off.
Off Off No Faults With the engine in operation, there The engine is operating with no detected
are no active warnings, diagnostic faults.
codes or event codes.
On Off Active If the warning lamp comes on during The engine is operating normally but
Diagnostic engine operation, this indicates there is one or more faults with the
that an active diagnostic code (an electronic management system for the
electrical fault) is present. engine.
On Flashing Derate If the warning lamp comes on and the The engine is operating but there is one
(A derate is shutdown lamp flashes during engine or more active diagnostic codes that
caused by operation, this indicates that an active have initiated an engine derate.
certain active diagnostic code (an electrical fault) is
codes.) present. The diagnostic is sufficiently
serious in order to cause an engine
Flashing Off Warning When the warning lamp flashes The engine is operating normally.
(Warning only) during operation of the engine, However, there is one or more of the
the lamp indicates that one or monitored engine parameters that are
more of the warning values for the outside of the range that is acceptable.
engine protection strategy has been
exceeded. However, the value has
not been exceeded to a level that will
cause a derate or a shutdown.
Flashing Off Warning There is a high soot loading in the The soot loading in the DPF has
(Warning only) Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). reached 100%. The engine will be
derated. The lamp warns the operator
that the engine needs to be operated in
a mode that promotes regeneration.
Flashing Flashing Derate If both the warning lamp and The engine is operating. However,
(Warning and shutdown lamp flash during operation one or more of the monitored engine
Derate) of the engine, the lamps indicate that parameters is outside of the acceptable
one or more of the values for the range. The acceptable range has been
engine protection strategy have been exceeded to a level which requires a
exceeded beyond the level that will warning and an engine derate.
cause an engine derate.
Flashing On Very high DPF The soot loading in the DPF is high. The soot loading in the DPF has reached
soot loading 120%. The engine must be operated in
a mode that promotes regeneration.
On On Engine If both the warning lamp and the The engine is either shutdown or an
Shutdown shutdown lamp come on during engine shutdown is imminent. One or
engine operation, this indicates one more monitored engine parameters
of the following conditions. have exceeded the limit for an engine
shutdown. This pattern of lamps can be
1. One or more of the shutdown caused by the detection of a serious
values for the engine protection active diagnostic code.
strategy has been exceeded.

2. A serious active diagnostic code

has been detected.

After a short period of time, the

engine will shut down.

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20 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Flash Codes
The “Flash Code” feature is used to flash the code
of all active diagnostic codes and logged diagnostic

The sequence for the flash code is started by moving

the keyswitch to “Off” and then moving the keyswitch
to “On” twice within a period of three seconds. After
a delay of 2 seconds, the “Shutdown” lamp will flash
once for a period of half a second. This sequence
indicates the start of the active fault codes. After
a further delay of 2 seconds, the “Warning” lamp
will flash repeatedly in order to indicate the active
diagnostic codes. Each flash will be on for half a
second and off for 300 milliseconds. The “Warning”
lamp will remain off for 2 seconds between each digit
of a code. If there is more than one active diagnostic
code, the “Shutdown” lamp will go off for 2 seconds.
The lamp will then come on for a period of half a
second. The “Warning” lamp will go off for a period of
2 seconds before starting the next code. If there are
no active diagnostic codes, the “Warning” lamp will
flash the code “551”. Refer to Troubleshooting Guide,
“No Diagnostic Code Detected”.

As an example, an active diagnostic code of “21” is

indicated by the “Warning” lamp coming on for 500
ms, then off for 300 ms, then on for 500 ms, then off
for 2000 ms, then on for 500 ms and then off.

Illustration 9
Timing of the flash codes

After all of the active diagnostic codes have been Note: If there are no logged codes then the “551”
displayed, the “Shutdown” lamp will go off for 2 code should be flashed again.
seconds. The “Shutdown” lamp will flash twice in
order to indicate the start of the sequence that will
display the logged diagnostic codes. The process for
flashing logged diagnostic codes is identical to the
process for flashing active diagnostic codes.

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Troubleshooting Section

After all of the codes have been displayed, the Note: If an ECM is to be used as a test ECM, “Test
“Shutdown” lamp will flash 3 times in order to ECM Mode” must be selected on the electronic
indicate that there are no further codes. Cycling the service tool before the engine serial number is
keyswitch twice within a period of 3 seconds will entered.
start the process again. All codes will be displayed in
ascending numerical order. Use the electronic service tool to read the parameters
in the suspect ECM. Record the parameters in
Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Diagnostic the suspect ECM. Install the flash file into the new
Code Cross Reference” for the diagnostic code that ECM. After the ECM is installed on the engine, the
relates to the flash code. parameters must be programmed into the new ECM.

Note: Flash codes are always sent in ascending Note: When a new ECM is not available, an ECM
numerical order. can be used from an engine that is not in service.
The ECM must have the same serial number
suffix. Ensure that the replacement ECM and the
part number for the flash file match the suspect
Replacing the ECM ECM. Be sure to record the parameters from the
replacement ECM. Use the “Copy Configuration ECM
Replacement” function in the electronic service tool.

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained If the flash file and engine application are not matched,
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test- engine damage may result.
ing, adjusting, and repair of the product. Be prepared
to collect the fluid with suitable containers before Perform the following procedure in order to replace
opening any compartment or disassembling any com- the ECM.
ponent containing fluids.
1. Connect the electronic service tool to the
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and diagnostic connector.
2. Use the “Copy Configuration ECM Replacement”
NOTICE function from the electronic service tool. If the
Keep all parts clean from contaminants. process is successful, proceed to Step 4. If the
“Copy Configuration” failed, proceed to Step 3.
Contaminants may cause rapid wear and shortened
component life. Note: Record any Logged Faults and Events for your

The engine is equipped with an Electronic Control 3. Record the following parameters:
Module (ECM). The ECM contains no moving parts.
Follow the troubleshooting procedures in this manual • Record all of the parameters on the
in order to be sure that replacing the ECM will correct “Configuration” screen.
the fault. Verify that the suspect ECM is the cause
of the fault. • Record all of the parameters on the “Throttle
Configuration” screen.
Note: Ensure that the ECM is receiving power
and that the ECM is properly grounded before • Record all of the parameters on the “Mode
replacement of the ECM is attempted. Refer to the Configuration” screen.
schematic diagram.
• Record the serial numbers of the electronic unit
A test ECM can be used in order to determine if the injectors. The injector serial numbers are shown
ECM on the engine is faulty. Install a test ECM in on the “Injector Trim Calibration” screen.
place of the suspect ECM. Install the flash file with
the correct part number into the test ECM. Program Note: If the parameters cannot be read, the
the parameters for the test ECM. The parameters parameters must be obtained elsewhere. Some
must match the parameters in the suspect ECM. parameters are stamped on the engine information
Refer to the following test steps for details. If the plate, but most parameters must be obtained from
test ECM resolves the fault, reconnect the suspect the PTMI data on the Perkins web site.
ECM. Verify that the fault returns. If the fault returns,
replace the ECM. 4. Remove power from the ECM.

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22 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

5. Remove the ECM. Refer to Disassembly and Diagnostic Trouble Code – When a fault in the
Assembly, “Electronic Control Module - Remove electronic system is detected, the ECM generates a
and Install”. diagnostic trouble code. The diagnostic trouble code
indicates the specific fault in the circuitry.
6. Install the replacement ECM. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Electronic Control Module - Diagnostic codes can have two different states:
Remove and Install”.
• Active
7. If the replacement ECM is to be used as a test
ECM, select “Test ECM Mode” on the electronic • Logged
service tool.
Active Code – An active diagnostic code indicates
8. Download the flash file. that an active fault has been detected by the control
system. Active codes require immediate attention.
a. Connect the electronic service tool to the Always service active codes prior to servicing logged
diagnostic connector. codes.

b. Select “WinFlash” from the “Utilities” menu of Logged Code – Every generated code is stored
the electronic service tool. in the permanent memory of the ECM. The codes
are logged for 100 operating hours unless a code is
c. Select the downloaded flash file. cleared by use of the electronic service tool.

9. If necessary, use the electronic service tool to clear Logged codes may not indicate that a repair is
the rating interlock. To clear the rating interlock, needed. The fault may have been temporary. The
enter the factory password when the electronic fault may have been resolved since the logging
service tool is first connected. Activating the Test of the code. If the system is powered, an active
ECM mode will also clear the rating interlock. diagnostic trouble code may be generated whenever
a component is disconnected. When the component
10. Use the electronic service tool to program the is reconnected, the code is no longer active. Logged
parameters. Perform the following procedure. codes may be useful to help troubleshoot intermittent
faults. Logged codes can also be used to review the
a. If the “Copy Configuration” procedure was performance of the engine and the electronic system.
successful, use the “Copy Configuration, ECM
Replacement” function to load the configuration
file into the ECM.

Note: During the following procedure, factory

Sensors and Electrical
passwords may be required. Connectors
b. If the “Copy Configuration” procedure failed,
configure the parameters individually. The
parameters should match the parameters from The Electronic Control Module (ECM) and most
step 3. of the engine sensors are located on the left side
of the engine. For the 1204E-E44 engine, refer to
Perform the “Fuel System Verification Test”. Illustration 10. For the remaining sensors that are
attached to the 1204E-E44 engine, refer to Illustration
11. Check for logged diagnostic codes. Factory 12. For the 1206E-E66 engine, refer to Illustration 14
passwords are required to clear logged events. . For the remaining sensors that are attached to the
1206E-E66 engine, refer to Illustration 16. For the
sensors and components on the Clean Emissions
i03951470 Module (CEM), refer to Illustration 18.
Self-Diagnostics Note: In the following illustrations, some components
have been removed in order to improve visibility.

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) can detect

faults in the electronic system and with engine
operation. A self-diagnostic check is also performed
whenever power is applied to the ECM.

When a fault is detected, a diagnostic trouble code

is generated. This code conforms to the SAE J1939
standard. An alarm may also be generated.
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KENR9116-01 23
Troubleshooting Section

Typical 1204E-E44 Engine

Illustration 10
Sensor locations on the left side of a typical 1204E-E44 engine
(1) Coolant temperature sensor (5) Water-in-fuel switch (8) Fuel temperature sensor
(2) Intake manifold air temperature sensor (6) Electronic Control Module (ECM) (9) Barometric pressure sensor
(3) Intake manifold pressure sensor (7) Suction control valve for the (10) Primary speed/timing sensor
(4) Fuel rail pressure sensor high-pressure fuel pump (11) Oil pressure sensor

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24 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 11
Close up views of sensor locations on the left side of a typical 1204E-E44 engine
(1) Coolant temperature sensor (5) Water-in-fuel switch (8) Fuel temperature sensor
(2) Intake manifold air temperature sensor (6) Electronic Control Module (ECM) (9) Barometric pressure sensor
(3) Intake manifold pressure sensor (7) Suction control valve for the (10) Primary speed/timing sensor
(4) Fuel rail pressure sensor high-pressure fuel pump (11) Oil pressure sensor

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KENR9116-01 25
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 12
Sensor locations on the right side and the top of a typical 1204E-E44 engine
(12) NRS outlet pressure sensor (15) Nox Reduction System (NRS) (17) Secondary speed/timing sensor
(13) NRS inlet pressure sensor temperature sensor (18) Exhaust back pressure valve (not
(14) NRS valve (16) Wastegate regulator illustrated)

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26 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 13
Close up views of sensor locations on the top of a typical 1204E-E44 engine
(12) NRS outlet pressure sensor (15) Nox Reduction System (NRS) (17) Secondary speed/timing sensor (not
(13) NRS inlet pressure sensor temperature sensor (not illustrated) illustrated)
(14) NRS valve (16) Wastegate regulator (18) Exhaust back pressure valve

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KENR9116-01 27
Troubleshooting Section

1206E-E66 Engine

Illustration 14
Sensor locations on the left side of a typical 1206E-E66 engine
(1) Fuel rail pressure sensor (5) Suction control valve for the (8) Barometric pressure sensor (not shown)
(2) Intake manifold pressure sensor high-pressure fuel pump (9) Water-in-fuel switch
(3) Coolant temperature sensor (6) Electronic Control Module (ECM) (10) Primary speed/timing sensor
(4) Intake manifold air temperature sensor (7) Fuel temperature sensor (11) Oil pressure sensor

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28 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 15
Close up views of sensor locations on the left side of a typical 1206E-E66 engine
(1) Fuel rail pressure sensor (5) Suction control valve for the (8) Barometric pressure sensor
(2) Intake manifold pressure sensor high-pressure fuel pump (9) Water-in-fuel switch
(3) Coolant temperature sensor (6) Electronic Control Module (ECM) (10) Primary speed/timing sensor
(4) Intake manifold air temperature sensor (7) Fuel temperature sensor (11) Oil pressure sensor

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KENR9116-01 29
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 16
Sensor locations on the right side and the top of a typical 1206E-E66 engine
(12) NRS outlet pressure sensor (15) NRS inlet pressure sensor (17) Secondary speed/timing sensor
(13) Wastegate regulator (16) Inlet temperature sensor for the NOx (18) Exhaust back pressure valve
(14) NRS valve Reduction System (NRS)

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30 KENR9116-01
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Illustration 17
Close up views of sensor locations on the right side and the top of a typical 1206E-E66 engine
(12) NRS outlet pressure sensor (15) NRS inlet pressure sensor (17) Secondary speed/timing sensor
(13) Wastegate regulator (16) Inlet temperature sensor for the NOx (18) Exhaust back pressure valve
(14) NRS valve Reduction System (NRS)

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KENR9116-01 31
Troubleshooting Section

Clean Emissions Module (CEM)

Illustration 18
Sensors and components on a typical CEM
(1) Temperature probe for the inlet to the (2) Inlet temperature sensor (4) Soot antennas
DPF (3) Aftertreatment identification module

i04319697 Table 5

Engine Wiring Information Color Codes for the Harness Wire

Color Code Color Color Code Color
BK Black BU Blue

Harness Wire Identification BR Brown PU Purple

RD Red GY Gray
Perkins identifies all wires with 11 solid colors. The
circuit number is stamped on the wire at a 25 mm OR Orange WH White
(1 inch) spacing. Table 5 lists the wire colors and the YL Yellow PK Pink
color codes.
GN Green

For example, a wire identification of F730-OR on

the schematic would signify an orange wire with the
circuit number F730. F730-OR identifies the power
supply for the oil pressure sensor.

Note: Always replace a harness wire with the same

gauge of wire and with the same color code.

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32 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Note: In the following diagrams, “Pxxx” signifies a

plug and “Jxxx” signifies a jack.

Schematic Diagrams
1204E-E44 Engine

Illustration 19
Schematic diagram of the 1204E-E44 engine connections to the J2 connector on the ECM

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Troubleshooting Section

1206E-E66 Engine

Illustration 20
Schematic diagram of the 1206E-E66 engine connections to the J2 connector on the ECM

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34 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

NOx Reduction System (NRS)

Illustration 21
Schematic diagram of the NRS equipment for the 1204E-E44 and 1206E-E66 engines

Clean Emissions Module (CEM)

Illustration 22
Schematic diagram of the Clean Emissions Module (CEM)

Wiring for the Application

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Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 23
Schematic Diagram for a Typical Application

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36 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

i04021101 2. Position Tooling (A) around wire (2).

ECM Harness Connector Note: Make sure that the tool stays perpendicular to
Terminals the face of the connector (1).

3. Push the tool into the hole for the terminal. Gently
pull the wire in order to remove the terminal from
The Electronic Control Module (ECM) uses the rear of the connector (1).
connectors that have 70 terminals to interface to the
wiring harness. 4. Remove the Tooling (A) from the wire.

Note: If a terminal must be replaced, part number

2900A016 must be used for 16 and 18 AWG wire.
Part number 28170024 must be used for 14 AWG

Terminal Insertion
1. Push the terminal into the rear of the connector (1)
until the terminal engages with the locking device.

2. Gently pull on the wire (2) in order to make sure

that the terminal is retained by the locking device.

3. Connect the connector to the ECM and then

Illustration 24 tighten the retaining screw to a torque of 6 N·m
Layout of the Connector Pins (view from the rear) (53 lb in).

Removal and Installation of the

Harness Connector Terminals
Terminal Removal
Table 6
Required Tools
Tool Part Description Qty
A 2900A019 Removal Tool (Red) 1

Illustration 25
Removal Tool

1. Remove the connector from the ECM. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Control
Module - Remove and Install”.

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Troubleshooting Section

Programming Parameters Note: “Test ECM Mode” can only be activated if

the engine serial number has not already been
programmed during normal operation of the ECM.
i03939853 If the engine serial number is programmed and the
ECM is not in “Test ECM Mode”, the ECM can never
Programming Parameters be used as a test ECM.

6. Use the “Copy Configuration” feature on the

electronic service tool to program the test ECM.
The electronic service tool can be used to view
certain parameters that can affect the operation of the Note: If the “ECM Replacement” feature cannot be
engine. The electronic service tool can also be used used, program the test ECM with the values from the
to change certain parameters. The parameters are “Customer Specified Parameters Worksheet” and the
stored in the Electronic Control Module (ECM). Some values from the System Configuration Parameters.
of the parameters are protected from unauthorized
changes by passwords. Parameters that can be 7. Program the engine serial number into the test
changed have a tattletale number. The tattletale ECM.
number is incremented whenever a parameter is
changed. Note: The “Test ECM Mode” must be activated
before the engine serial number is programmed into
the ECM.

Test ECM Mode 8. Verify that the test ECM eliminates the fault.

When the “Test ECM Mode” is activated, an internal

timer sets a 24 hour clock. This clock will count down
“Test ECM Mode” is a feature in the software that only while the ECM is powered and the keyswitch
can be used to help troubleshoot an engine that may is in the ON position. After the ECM has counted
have a fault in the Electronic Control Module (ECM). down the 24 hour period, the ECM will exit the “Test
This feature allows a standard ECM to be used as a ECM Mode”. The parameters and the engine serial
test ECM. This feature eliminates the need to stock number will be set.
a test ECM.
If the test ECM eliminates the fault, the engine can
1. Search for the latest flash file for the engine. be released while the “Test ECM Mode” is still active.

Note: If a newer software version is available for the Once an ECM has been activated in the “Test ECM
engine, install the newest software on the suspect Mode”, the ECM will stay in the “Test ECM Mode”
ECM. If the new software does not eliminate the fault, until the timer times out. If the ECM is used as a test
continue with this procedure. ECM for more than one engine, the “Test ECM Mode”
must be reactivated. Anytime prior to the “Test ECM
2. Use the “Copy Configuration” feature on the Mode” timing out, the ECM can be reset to 24 hours.
electronic service tool to copy the parameters
from the suspect ECM.

Note: If the “ECM Replacement” feature cannot Factory Passwords

be used, record the programmed values into the
“Customer Specified Parameters Worksheet”. Also
record the system configuration parameters.
3. Disconnect the suspect ECM. Temporarily connect Operating the engine with a flash file not designed for
the test ECM to the engine. Do not mount the test that engine will damage the engine. Be sure the flash
ECM on the engine. file is correct for your engine.
4. Flash program the test ECM with the newest
software that is available. Note: Factory passwords are provided only to
Perkins authorized distributors.
5. Start the “Test ECM Mode” on the electronic
service tool. Access the feature through the Factory passwords are required to perform each of
“Service” menu. The electronic service tool will the following functions:
display the status of the test ECM and the hours
that are remaining for the “Test ECM Mode”.

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38 KENR9116-01
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• Program a new Electronic Control Module Note: You must have the engine serial number in
(ECM). order to search for the part number of the flash file.

When an ECM is replaced, the system configuration 2. Connect the electronic service tool to the
parameters must be programmed into the new diagnostic connector.
ECM. A new ECM will allow these parameters to
be programmed once without factory passwords. 3. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start
After the initial programming, some parameters are the engine.
protected by factory passwords.
4. Select “WinFlash” from the “Utilities” menu on the
• Rerate the engine. electronic service tool.

Rerating may require changing the interlock code, Note: If WinFlash will not communicate with the
which is protected by factory passwords. ECM, refer to Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service
Tool Will Not Communicate with ECM”.
• Unlock parameters.
5. Flash program the flash file into the ECM.
Factory passwords are required in order to
unlock certain system configuration parameters. a. Select the engine ECM under the “Detected
Refer to Troubleshooting, “System Configuration ECMs”.
b. Press the “Browse” button in order to select
• Clear engine events and certain diagnostic the part number of the flash file that will be
codes. programmed into the ECM.

Most engine events require factory passwords in c. When the correct flash file is selected, press
order to clear the code from ECM memory. Clear the “Open” button.
these codes only when you are certain that the
fault has been corrected. For example, the 190-15 d. Verify that the “File Values” match the
Engine Overspeed requires the use of factory application. If the file values do not match the
passwords in order to clear the code from ECM application, search for the correct flash file.
e. When the correct flash file is selected, press
Since factory passwords contain alphabetic the “Begin Flash” button.
characters, the electronic service tool must be
used to perform these functions. In order to obtain f. The electronic service tool will indicate when
factory passwords, proceed as if you already have the flash programming has been successfully
the password. If factory passwords are needed, completed.
the electronic service tool will request the factory
passwords. The electronic service tool will display the 6. Use the electronic service tool to check for
information that is required to obtain the passwords. diagnostic code 631-2. If this diagnostic code is
active and the flash file is not being installed in
order to change the engine rating, repeat this
procedure from 1. If this diagnostic code is active
Flash Programming and the flash file is being installed in order to
change the engine rating, factory passwords must
be obtained.

Flash Programming – A method of loading a flash 7. Access the “Configuration” screen under the
file into the Electronic Control Module (ECM) “Service” menu in order to determine the
parameters that require programming. Look under
The electronic service tool is utilized to flash program the “Tattletale” column. All of the parameters
a flash file into the ECM. The flash programming should have a tattletale of 1 or more. If a parameter
transfers the flash file from the PC to the ECM. has a tattletale of 0, program that parameter.

8. Start the engine and check for proper operation.

Flash Programming a Flash File Check that there are no active diagnostic codes.

1. Obtain the part number for the new flash file.

Note: If you do not have the part number for the flash
file, use PTMI on the Perkins web site.

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Troubleshooting Section

“WinFlash” Error Messages

If any error messages are displayed during flash
programming, click on the “Cancel” button in order
to stop the process. Access the “ECM Summary”
information through the “Information” menu. Ensure
that you are programming the correct flash file for
your engine.

If a 630-2 diagnostic trouble code is displayed after

flash programming, a required parameter is missing.
Program the missing parameter.

Illustration 27
Injector Code - Calibrate Sequence for recording the injector code

The electronic service tool is used to load the injector

codes into the ECM.
Injector codes are codes that are 30 hexadecimal
characters in length that are supplied with each
The injector codes must be loaded into the ECM if
injector. The code is on a plate on the top of the
any of the following conditions occur:
injector and a card is also included in the packaging
for the injector. The code is used by the Electronic
Control Module (ECM) to balance the performance • An electronic unit injector is replaced.
of the injectors.
• The ECM is replaced.
• Diagnostic code 268-2 is active.
• Electronic unit injectors are exchanged between

Note: Diagnostic code 268-2 will also become active

if the engine serial number, FLS or FTS are not
entered into the ECM.

If the ECM is replaced, the injector codes are

normally transferred to the new ECM as part of
the “Copy Configuration” procedure. If the “Copy
Configuration” procedure fails, the injector codes
must be loaded manually.

Installing Injector Codes

Note: The injector code is located on the electronic

unit injector.
Illustration 26 1. Record the injector code for each electronic unit
Typical label with an injector code injector.

2. Connect the electronic service tool to the

diagnostic connector. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Electronic Service Tools”.

3. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

4. Select the following menu options on the electronic

service tool:

• Service
• Calibrations

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40 KENR9116-01
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• Injector Trim Calibration Mode Selection Number

5. Select the appropriate cylinder. This parameter is a non-programmable parameter
that represents the number of possible combinations
6. Click on the “Change” button. of switch positions. This parameter is based on the
value that is programmed into the “Number of Switch
7. Input the applicable injector code that was Inputs” parameter.
recorded in Test Step 1.

8. Click on the “OK” button.

Mode Selection Switch Input 2 and
Mode Selection Switch Input 1
The injector code is loaded into the ECM.
The number of these non-programmable parameters
9. Repeat the procedure for each cylinder, as that are visible depends on the value that is
required. programmed into the “Number of Switch Inputs”
parameter. “Open” signifies that the switch is in the
Exchanging Electronic Unit Injectors OFF position. “Ground” signifies that the switch is
in the ON position.
Exchanging electronic unit injectors can help
determine if a combustion problem is in the electronic Rating Enabled
unit injector or in the cylinder. If two electronic unit
injectors that are currently installed in the engine are If “Yes” is selected on the drop-down menu, the
exchanged between cylinders, the injector codes ECM is programmed to use the values in the “Rating
must also be exchanged. Press the “Exchange” Number”, “Throttle 1 Droop Percentage”, “Throttle 2
button at the bottom of the “Injector Trim Calibration” Droop Percentage” and “TSC1 Droop Percentage”
screen on the electronic service tool. Select the two for the given combination of switch positions.
electronic unit injectors that will be exchanged and
press the “OK” button. The tattletale for the electronic Table 8
unit injectors that were exchanged will increase by
one. Values Default Factory Password
Yes No No

Mode Switch Setup High Idle Speed

The “High Idle Speed” is the maximum engine rpm.
The Mode Switches can be used to change the Table 9
performance characteristics of the engine. The
electronic service tool is used to program the Minimum Maximum Default
characteristics. Select the “Service” drop-down 1800 rpm 2800 rpm 2420 rpm
menu and then select “Engine Operating Mode
Configuration”. A maximum of two switches can be
used. “Switch 1” is connected to J1:62 Mode Switch Rating Number
1. “Switch 2” is connected to J1:64 Mode Switch 2.
The other contact on both switches is connected to This parameter is the engine rating that is used by
J1:18 Switch Return. the Electronic Control Module (ECM) for a given
combination of switch positions. There is a maximum
Number of Switch Inputs of four ratings in a flash file.

Table 10
This configuration parameter is the total number
of switches that are used. The switches can be Range Default Factory
individual switches or a multiple rotary switch. Password
1 to the 1 No
Table 7
Range Default number of ratings
in the currently
0 to 2 0 installed Flash

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Troubleshooting Section

Rated Speed (RPM) Table 15

Range Default Factory
This parameter represents the engine speed that is Password
selected when the mode switch or the mode switches
are in a particular position. 0 to 10 percent 5.0% No

Table 11
Range Default Factory
TSC1 Droop Percentage
This parameter represents the amount of droop that
“Programmed 2100 rpm No is applied to the “Torque Speed Control 1(TSC1)”
Low Idle” to input.
High Idle” Table 16
Range Default Factory
Engine High Idle Speed (RPM)
0 to 10 percent 5.0% No
This parameter represents a maximum of 112% of the
rated speed that is selected when the mode switch or
the mode switches are in a particular position. i04105410

Table 12 Throttle Setup

Range Default Factory
“1800 to 2800 112% of rated No There are two separate channels for throttle input.
rpm” speed The two channels can have any combination of a
digital throttle that uses a Pulse Width Modulated
(PWM) signal, an analog throttle or a multi-position
Governor Type switched throttle.
This parameter represents the mode of operation of The Electronic Control Module (ECM) must be
the governor that is installed on the engine. programmed with the type of throttle input that is
Table 13
being used in either position. From the menu, select
“Services”. On the “Services” screen, select “Throttle
Range Default Factory Configuration”. Select the type of throttle from the
Password following list:
“Min/Max speed All Speed No
(rpm)” or “All • No throttle
• Analog throttle
Throttle 1 Droop Percentage • PWM throttle
This parameter represents the amount of droop that • Multi-position throttle switch
is applied to the “Throttle 1” input.
The Electronic Control Module (ECM) must be
Table 14 programmed for throttle arbitration. This parameter
Range Default Factory determines which throttle input has priority. From the
Password menu, select “Services”. On the “Services” screen,
select “Throttle Arbitration”. Select the arbitration
0 to 10 percent 5.0% No
method from the following list:

Throttle 2 Droop Percentage • Highest Wins

This parameter represents the amount of droop that • Lowest Wins

is applied to the “Throttle 2” input.
• Manual Switch
The default setting for throttle arbitration is “Highest

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42 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Lower Position Limit

This parameter is the minimum throttle percentage
that will be interpreted by the ECM as zero throttle.
This parameter is used with the value of initial lower
position limit to make an allowance for manufacturing
tolerances between different pedals.

Table 18

Range Default
0 to 100% 10%

Initial Lower Position Limit

This parameter is the maximum throttle percentage
that will be interpreted by the ECM as zero throttle.
This parameter is used with the value of the lower
position limit to make an allowance for manufacturing
tolerances between different pedals.
Illustration 28 Table 19
Typical Range of Throttle
Range Default
(1) Lower Diagnostic Limit (Default=5)
(2) Lower Position Limit (Default=10) 0 to 100% 20%
(3) Initial Lower Position (Default=20)
(4) Idle Validation Minimum Off Threshold (Default=21)
(5) Idle Validation Maximum On Threshold (Default=25)
(6) Lower Dead Zone % (Default=8)
Idle Validation
(7) Upper Dead Zone % (Default=5)
(8) Initial Upper Position (Default=70) All analog throttles and digital throttles can have an
(9) Upper Position Limit (Default=85) idle validation switch. If this parameter is programmed
(10) Upper Diagnostic Limit (Default=95) to “Yes”, the ECM will look for this switch input on pin
J1:22 for Idle Validation Switch 1 (IVS1) and J1:40
Analog throttles and digital throttles require additional for Idle Validation Switch 2 (IVS2).
programming. If a multi-position switch is selected,
additional parameters must be programmed. Table 20
Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Multiposition
Values Default
Switch Setup”. If an analog throttle or a digital
throttle is selected, the following parameters can be No
programmed into the ECM. Yes

Lower Diagnostic Limit Idle Validation Minimum Off (Open)

This parameter is the minimum throttle percentage Threshold
that should be detected by the ECM in normal
operation when the pedal is in the “off” position. A This parameter is the minimum throttle percentage
value below this limit will generate a short circuit that will be detected by the ECM when the IVS is ON
diagnostic code. The range of this diagnostic (Closed).
detection area is from 0 percent to the programmed
value for the lower position limit. If the ECM detects a throttle percentage below this
value with the idle validation switch OFF (Open),
Table 17 a fault code will be generated and the engine will
Range Default remain at idle.

0 to 100% 5% Refer to Table 21 and Table 22.

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KENR9116-01 43
Troubleshooting Section

Table 21
Throttle Position Idle Validation Switch Throttle Demand Fault Status Comment
Sensor (TPS) (IVS) Output
TPS< IVS Min OFF OFF Minimum Position Raise IVS fault Force throttle demand
to minimum
TPS< IVS Min OFF ON Throttle Position No fault Normal operation

Table 22
Range Default
0 to 100% 21%

Idle Validation Maximum On

(Closed) Threshold
This parameter is the maximum throttle percentage
that will be detected by the ECM when the idle
validation switch (IVS) is OFF (Open) . When the idle
validation switch is OFF (Open) and the ECM detects
a signal that is higher than the programmed value for
IVS Max ON, the ECM will generate a fault code and
the engine will remain at idle.

Refer to Table 23 and Table 24.

Table 23
Throttle Position Idle Validation Switch Throttle Demand Fault Status Comment
Sensor (TPS) (IVS) Output
TPS> IVS Max ON OFF Throttle Position No fault Normal operation
TPS< IVS Min Off ON Minimum Position Raise IVS fault Force throttle demand
to minimum

Table 24 Table 26
Range Default Range Default
0 to 100% 25% 0 to 100% 5%

Lower Dead Zone Initial Upper Position Limit

This parameter is a throttle range above the initial This parameter is the minimum throttle percentage
lower position limit before the engine will increase that will be interpreted by the ECM as full throttle.
in rpm. This parameter is used with the value of the upper
position limit to make an allowance for manufacturing
Table 25 tolerances between different pedals.
Range Default
Table 27
0 to 100% 5%
Range Default
0 to 100% 70%
Upper Dead Zone
This parameter is a throttle range that is below the Upper Position Limit
initial upper position limit that does not allow the
engine speed to increase. This parameter is the maximum throttle percentage
that will be interpreted by the ECM as full throttle. This
parameter is used with the value of the initial upper
position limit to make an allowance for manufacturing
tolerances between different pedals.

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44 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Table 28 Input 4, Input 3, Input 2, Input 1

Range Default
The number of these non-programmable parameters
0 to 100% 85% that are visible depends on the value that is
programmed into the “Number of Switch Inputs”
parameter. “Open” signifies that the switch is in the
Upper Diagnostic Limit OFF position. “Ground” signifies that the switch is
in the ON position.
This parameter is the minimum throttle percentage
that is detected by the ECM in normal operation when
the pedal is in the maximum position. A value above Physical Position Enabled
this limit will generate an open circuit diagnostic
code. The range of this diagnostic detection area is If “Yes” is selected from the drop-down menu,
from the programmed value of the upper position the ECM sets the engine rpm to the value that
limit to 100 percent. is programmed into the “Engine Speed” for the
configuration of the switches that is defined for that
Table 29 Physical Position.
Range Default Table 31
0 to 100% 95% Value Default
No No

Multiposition Switch Setup Logical Position

The Logical Position is the order that is required by
Note: The multi-position throttle switch can only be the user for a unique Physical Position.
enabled if the optional PTO switches are not installed. Table 32

The multi-position throttle switch is an optional Range with Four Default

throttle input. A maximum of four switches can be Switches
used. Four switches will allow a maximum of 16 1 to 16 1
speeds to be selected.

If an optional intermediate engine speed switch is Engine Speed (in RPM)

installed, the multi-position throttle switch can have a
maximum of three switches. Three switches will allow The “Engine Speed” is the programmed engine rpm
a maximum of eight speeds to be selected. for a particular position of the multi-position throttle
When the multi-position switch is selected as the
“Throttle Type” on the “Throttle Configuration Screen” If the ECM detects a switch combination that
of the electronic service tool, additional information has been configured as “No”, a fault code will be
is required. generated. In this situation, the ECM will ignore the
multi-position switch until the keyswitch is cycled
Number of Switch Inputs through OFF and ON.

Table 33
This parameter is the total number of switches that
will be used. The switches may be individual switches Range Default
or a ganged rotary switch. Programmed Low Idle to 0
Programmed High Idle
Table 30
Range Default
1 to 4 0

Physical Position
This parameter is non-programmable. The parameter
is used to signify the position of the rotary switch.

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Troubleshooting Section

Customer Specified Speed Control

Parameters Low Idle Speed

The “Low Idle Speed” is the minimum engine rpm.

Customer Specified Table 36

Parameters Minimum Maximum Default

700 rpm 1200 rpm 750 rpm

Customer specified parameters allow the engine to Engine Configuration Parameters

be configured to the exact needs of the application.
Ether Solenoid Configuration
Customer parameters may be changed repeatedly as
operational requirements change. The ether solenoid configuration defines the
presence of a solenoid for an ether starting aid.
The following information is a brief description of Customer passwords are required in order to change
the customer specified parameters. The following this parameter.
parameter values are included with the descriptions:
Table 37
• Minimum Value Default

• Maximum Not Installed

Not Installed
Continuous Flow Solenoid
• Default
Engine Idle Shutdown
ECM Identification Parameter
The Engine Idle Shutdown parameters define the
Equipment ID engine response when the keyswitch is turned to the
OFF position.
“Equipment ID” is the identification of the equipment
that is assigned by the customer. The “Equipment ID” Minimum Ambient Air Temperature
is only for reference by the customer. The “Equipment
ID” is not required by the Electronic Control Module Table 38
Value Default
Table 34 0 to 29 Degrees C 0 Degrees C
Value Default
17 digits Maximum Ambient Air Temperature
The available characters
are dependent on the Not programmed Table 39
service tool that is
being used. Value Default
30 to 100 Degrees C 30 Degrees C

Engine Rating Parameter

Shutdown Enable Status
Rating Number Table 40

The rating number is the selected rating within a Value Default

power rating family. The flash file defines the power Enabled
rating family. The flash file can contain one to four Disabled
ratings. The rating number defines the power rating
that is used within the power rating family.

Table 35
Minimum Maximum Default
1 4 1

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46 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Shutdown Delay Time • “Throttle Lock Increment Speed Ramp Rate”

Table 41 • “Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed Increment”
Value Default
Table 45
1 to 60 minutes 5 minutes
Value Default
Not Installed
Ambient Temperature Override Enable Not Installed
Table 42 PTO Mode
Value Default PTO mode can be configured to operate in either
Enabled Set/Resume mode or Ramp up/Ramp down mode.
Disabled Set/Resume mode allows the engine speed to be
controlled by the operator through switch inputs.
This mode allows two specific speeds to be set
Air Shutoff and stored in the ECM. A speed can be selected
or the previously selected speed can be resumed.
Air Shutoff Adjustments in engine speed can then be made via
the raise and lower switch inputs. Ramp up/Ramp
The Air Shutoff parameter defines whether an air down mode only allows the engine speed to be raised
shutoff valve is installed in the air inlet for the engine. or lowered via switch inputs at a desired ramp rate.
The “Set” and “Resume” functions are disabled.
Table 43
Table 46
Value Default
Value Default
Disabled Ramp Up/Ramp Down
Disabled Set/Resume

Multiple Engines on J1939

Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed 1
Engine Location The “Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed 1” parameter is
one of the engine speeds that can be selected in the
In a situation where multiple engines communicate on PTO Set/Resume mode.
one J1939 channel, the Engine Location parameter
defines the identity of each engine in the set. Table 47

Table 44 Minimum Maximum Default

Value Default Low idle speed Rated speed 700

Engine #1
Engine #2 Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed 2
Engine #3 Engine #1
Engine #4 The “Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed 1” parameter is
Engine #5
one of the engine speeds that can be selected in the
PTO Set/Resume mode.
PTO and Throttle Lock Parameters Table 48
Minimum Maximum Default
Throttle Lock Feature Installation Status
Low idle speed Rated speed 700
Note: PTO and a multi-position throttle switch cannot
be installed at the same time.
Throttle Lock Increment Speed Ramp
The “Throttle Lock Feature Installation Status” is Rate
used to turn on the throttle lock features. When this
parameter is changed to “Installed”, the following The “Throttle Lock Increment Speed Ramp Rate”
parameters are active and the parameters can be parameter is the rate of engine acceleration when the
programmed. PTO switch is held in the ACCELERATE position. If
this parameter is set to “0”, the feature is turned off.
• “PTO engine Speed Setting”
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KENR9116-01 47
Troubleshooting Section

Table 49 Table 53
Minimum Maximum Default Value Default
0 rpm/sec 600 rpm/sec 400 rpm/sec Disabled

Throttle Lock Decrement Speed Ramp

Rate Monitoring Mode Derates

The “Throttle Lock Decrement Speed Ramp Rate” The “Monitoring Mode Derates” parameter controls
parameter is the rate of engine deceleration when the amount of derate that is associated with the
the PTO switch is held in the DECELERATE position. engine monitoring feature. When this feature is
If this parameter is set to “0”, the feature is turned off. enabled and a diagnostic code with an appropriate
FMI is detected, the engine will be derated.
Table 50
Table 54
Minimum Maximum Default
Value Default
0 rpm/sec 600 rpm/sec 400 rpm/sec
Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed
Increment Limp Home Desired Engine Speed
The “Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed Increment” The “Limp Home Desired Engine Speed” parameter
parameter controls the increase in engine speed is the maximum speed of the engine when the engine
when the PTO switch is briefly operated to has been derated.
ACCELERATE. If this parameter is set to “0”, the
feature is turned off. Table 55

Table 51 Minimum Maximum Default

Minimum Maximum Default 700 rpm 1800 rpm 1200 rpm

0 rpm 200 rpm 10 rpm

Engine Acceleration Rate
Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed The “Engine Acceleration Rate” parameter is the
Decrement acceleration rate for the engine under normal
operating conditions. A setting of “0” disables this
The “Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed Decrement” function.
parameter controls the decrease in engine speed
when the PTO switch is briefly operated to Table 56
DECELERATE. If this parameter is set to “0”, the Minimum Maximum Default
feature is turned off.
0 rpm 65503 rpm/sec 0 rpm/sec
Table 52
Minimum Maximum Default Engine Speed Decelerating Ramp Rate
0 rpm 200 rpm 10 rpm
The “Engine Speed Decelerating Ramp Rate”
parameter is the deceleration ramp rate for the
Miscellaneous engine under normal operating conditions. A setting
of “0” disables this function.
Monitoring Mode Shutdowns Table 57

The “Monitoring Mode Shutdowns” parameter Minimum Maximum Default

controls the shutdown feature that is associated with 0 rpm 65503 rpm/sec 0 rpm/sec
the engine monitoring feature. When this feature is
enabled and a diagnostic code with a “-31” suffix is
detected, the engine will be shut down. Intermediate Engine Speed
The “Intermediate Engine Speed” is a selectable
engine speed that is between the low idle speed and
the high engine speed. This parameter is disabled
when the value is set to 0 rpm.

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48 KENR9116-01
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Table 58 (Table 60, contd)

Minimum Maximum Default Parameter Value Default

0 rpm 2800 rpm 0 rpm Coolant
Temperature Enabled
Input Enable Disabled
Engine Fan Control Status

Table 59
Maximum Air
Flow Coolant Degrees C 102 Degrees C
Parameter Value Default Temperature
Engine Fan Off Minimum Air
Control On Flow Coolant Degrees C 92 Degrees C
Viscous Clutch
Engine Fan Type Variable
Variable Transmission
Configuration Hydraulic
Hydraulic Oil Temperature Enabled
Input Enable Disabled
Pulley Ratio Ratio 1.2:1 Status
Temperature Maximum
Error Increasing Percentage 10% Air Flow
Hysteresis Degrees C 110 Degrees C
Temperature Oil Temperature
Error Decreasing Percentage 10% Minimum
Hysteresis Air Flow
Degrees C 100 Degrees C
Current Ramp Amps per Transmission
0.1 amps/sec Oil Temperature
Rate Second
Fan Speed Percentage 100% Hydraulic Oil
Temperature Enabled
Top Fan Speed RPM 1600 rpm Input Enable Disabled
Desired Fan RPM 500 rpm Maximum Air
Speed Flow Hydraulic Degrees C 110 Degrees C
Oil Temperature
Amps 0.3 Amps
Minimum Current Minimum Air
Flow Hydraulic Degrees C 100 Degrees C
Solenoid Oil Temperature
Maximum Amps 1.5 Amps
Current Auxiliary #1
Temperature Enabled
Solenoid Dither Enabled
Hz 100 Hz Input Enable Disabled
Frequency Status
Solenoid Dither Maximum Air
Amps 0.1 Amps
Amplitude Flow Auxiliary #1 Degrees C 110 Degrees C
Cooling Fan Temperatures Minimum Air
Flow Auxiliary Degrees C 100 Degrees C
Table 60 #1 Temperature
Parameter Value Default Auxiliary #2
Temperature Enabled
Charge Air Enabled
Input Enable Disabled
Cooler Outlet Enabled Status
Temperature Disabled
Input Enable Maximum Air
Flow Auxiliary #2 Degrees C 110 Degrees C
Maximum Air Temperature
Flow Charge Air
Degrees C 45 Degrees C
Cooler Outlet Minimum Air
Temperature Flow Auxiliary Degrees C 100 Degrees C
#2 Temperature
Minimum Air
Flow Charge
Degrees C 40 Degrees C
Air Cooler Outlet

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KENR9116-01 49
Troubleshooting Section

Fan Reversing Air Filter Restriction Switch Installation

Table 61
Parameter Value Default An “Air Filter Restriction Switch” is an optional
switch input. Programming the “Air Filter Restriction
Reversing Enabled
Disabled Switch Installation Status” parameter to “Enabled”
Feature Disabled
notifies the ECM that an input from the air filter
Reverse restriction switch is present. When this parameter is
Operation Early Enabled programmed to “Enabled” and the air filter restriction
Termination Disabled switch closes, a 107-15 diagnostic code will be
Enable Status
Manual Purge Disabled Table 64
Enabled Value Default
Suspend Purge Disabled
Disabled Installed
Not Installed
Purge Cycle Not Installed
Seconds 3600 Seconds
Purge Cycle
Seconds 30 Seconds
Air Filter Restriction Switch
Duration Configuration
If an “Air Filter Restriction Switch” is installed,
Configurable Inputs this parameter identifies the type of switch that is
Coolant Level Switch
Table 65
A coolant level sensor is an optional switch input. Value Default
Programming the “Coolant Level Switch” parameter
to “Enabled” notifies the ECM that a coolant Normally Open
Normally Open
level switch input is present. If this parameter is Normally Closed
programmed to “Enabled” and the coolant level falls
below the measured level, a “111-1” diagnostic code
will be displayed. Water in Fuel Switch Installation Status

Table 62 Programming the “Water in Fuel Switch Installation

Status” parameter to “Enabled” notifies the ECM
Value Default that a water-in-fuel switch input is present. When
Installed this parameter is programmed to “Enabled” and the
Not Installed
Not Installed water-in-fuel switch closes, a 97-17 diagnostic code
will be displayed.
Oil Level Switch Table 66
Value Default
An oil level sensor is an optional switch input.
Programming the “Oil Level Switch” parameter to Installed
Not Installed
“Enabled” notifies the ECM that an oil level switch Not Installed
input is present. If this parameter is programmed to
“Enabled” and the oil level falls below the measured
level, a pre-start warning is displayed on the operator User-Defined Switch Installation Status
A user-defined shutdown switch is an optional
Table 63 switch input. Programming the “User Defined Switch
Installation Status” parameter to “Enabled” notifies
Value Default the ECM that a user-defined switch input is present.
Installed If this parameter is programmed to “Enabled” and
Not Installed the user-defined shutdown switch closes, the engine
Not Installed
will shut down.

Table 67
Value Default
Not Installed
Not Installed

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50 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Auxiliary Temperature Sensor Installation Table 71

Status Value Default

An auxiliary temperature sensor is an optional input. Enabled

Programming the “Auxiliary Temperature Sensor
Installation Status” parameter to “Enabled” notifies
the ECM that an auxiliary temperature sensor input
is present.
System Settings
Table 68 System Operating Voltage Configuration
Value Default
The System Operating Voltage Configuration
Installed parameter is the operating voltage for the engine
Not Installed
Not Installed electrical system.

Table 72
Auxiliary Pressure Sensor Installation
Value Default
12 VDC
24 VDC
An auxiliary pressure sensor is an optional input. 24 VDC
Programming the “Auxiliary Pressure Sensor
Installation Status” parameter to “Enabled” notifies
the ECM that an auxiliary pressure sensor input is Passwords
Customer Password 1
Table 69
Value Default The Customer Password 1 is the first security
password that can be defined by the customer.
Not Installed
Not Installed Table 73

Value Default
Fuel Filter Differential Pressure Switch Eight alphanumeric
Eight spaces
Configuration characters

A fuel filter differential pressure switch is an optional

input. Programming the “Fuel Filter Differential Customer Password 2
Pressure Switch Configuration” parameter to
“Normally Open” or “Normally Closed” notifies the The Customer Password 2 is the second security
ECM that a fuel filter differential pressure switch input password that can be defined by the customer.
is present.
Table 74
Table 70 Value Default
Value Default Eight alphanumeric
Eight spaces
Not Installed
Normally Open Not Installed
Normally Closed
Security Access Parameters
J1939 Continuous Fault Handling CAN Communication Protocol Write
Remote Torque Speed Control Enable
Status The CAN Communication Protocol Write Security
parameter control the security required for writing
The Remote Torque Speed Control Enable Status information through the CAN bus.
parameter controls the type of remote TSC input.
Table 75
If this parameter is “Enabled”, the ECM expects a
continuous signal from TSC1. If this parameter is Value Default
“Disabled”, the ECM expects an intermittent signal
Seed and Key
from TSC1. No Security
Seed and Key

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KENR9116-01 51
Troubleshooting Section

CAN Communication Protocol Read

The CAN Communication Protocol Read Security
parameter control the security required for reading
information from the CAN bus.

Table 76
Value Default
Seed and Key
Seed and Key
No Security


Customer Specified
Parameters Table

Table 77
Customer Specified Parameters
ECM Parameter Possible Values Default Value
ECM Identification Parameter
Equipment ID 17 Digits Not Programmed
Available characters are dependent on
the service tool that is used
Engine Rating Parameter
Rating Number 1 to 4 1
Speed Control
Low Idle Speed 700 to 1200 rpm 750 rpm
Engine Configuration Parameter
Ether Solenoid Configuration Not Installed Not Installed
Continuous Flow Solenoid
Engine Idle Shutdown
Minimum Ambient Air Temperature 0 to 29 degrees C 0 degrees C
Maximum Ambient Air Temperature 30 to 100 degrees C 30 degrees C
Shutdown Enable Status Disabled Disabled
Shutdown Delay Time 1 to 60 minutes 5 minutes
Ambient Temperature Override Enable Status Disabled Disabled
Air Shutoff
Air Shutoff Disabled Enabled
Multiple Engines on J1939
Engine Location Engine #1 Engine #1
Engine #2
Engine #3
Engine #4
Engine #5

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52 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

(Table 77, contd)

Customer Specified Parameters
ECM Parameter Possible Values Default Value
PTO and Throttle Lock Parameters
Throttle Lock Feature Installation Status Installed Not Installed
Not Installed
PTO Mode Ramp Up/Ramp Down Set/Resume
Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed 1 Low idle speed to rated speed 700 rpm
Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed 2 Low idle speed to rated speed 700 rpm
Throttle Lock Increment Speed Ramp Rate 0 to 600 rpm/sec 400 rpm/sec
Throttle Lock Decrement Speed Ramp Rate 0 to 600 rpm/sec 400 rpm/sec
Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed Increment 0 to 200 rpm 10 rpm
Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed Decrement 0 to 200 rpm 10 rpm
Monitoring Mode Shutdowns Disabled Enabled
Monitoring Mode Derates Disabled Enabled
Limp Home Desired Engine Speed 700 to 1800 rpm 1200 rpm
Engine Acceleration Rate 0 to 65503 rpm/sec 0 rpm/sec
Engine Speed Deceleration Ramp Rate 0 to 65503 rpm/sec 0 rpm/sec
Intermediate Engine Speed 0 to 2800 rpm 0 rpm
Engine Fan Control
Engine Fan Control Off
Viscous Clutch
Engine Fan Type Configuration Variable Hydraulic
Variable Hydraulic
Pulley Ratio Ratio 1.2:1
Temperature Error Increasing Hysteresis Percentage 10%
Temperature Error Decreasing Hysteresis Percentage 10%
Current Ramp Rate Amps per Second 0.1 amps/sec
Fan Speed Percentage 100%
Top Fan Speed RPM 1600 rpm
Minimum Desired Fan Speed RPM 500 rpm
Solenoid Minimum Current Amps 0.3 Amps
Solenoid Maximum Current Amps 1.5 Amps
Solenoid Dither Frequency Hz 100 Hz
Solenoid Dither Amplitude Amps 0.1 Amps
Cooling Fan Temperatures
Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Input Enable Enabled
Maximum Air Flow Charge Air Cooler
Degrees C 45 Degrees C
Outlet Temperature

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KENR9116-01 53
Troubleshooting Section

(Table 77, contd)

Customer Specified Parameters
ECM Parameter Possible Values Default Value
Minimum Air Flow Charge Air Cooler
Degrees C 40 Degrees C
Outlet Temperature
Coolant Temperature Input Enable Status Enabled
Maximum Air Flow Coolant Temperature Degrees C 102 Degrees C
Minimum Air Flow Coolant Temperature Degrees C 92 Degrees C
Transmission Oil Temperature Input Enable Status Enabled
Maximum Air Flow Transmission Oil Temperature Degrees C 110 Degrees C
Minimum Air Flow Transmission Oil Temperature Degrees C 100 Degrees C
Hydraulic Oil Temperature Input Enable Status Enabled
Maximum Air Flow Hydraulic Oil Temperature Degrees C 110 Degrees C
Minimum Air Flow Hydraulic Oil Temperature Degrees C 100 Degrees C
Auxiliary #1 Temperature Input Enable Status Enabled
Maximum Air Flow Auxiliary #1 Temperature Degrees C 110 Degrees C
Minimum Air Flow Auxiliary #1 Temperature Degrees C 100 Degrees C
Auxiliary #2 Temperature Input Enable Status Enabled
Maximum Air Flow Auxiliary #2 Temperature Degrees C 110 Degrees C
Minimum Air Flow Auxiliary #2 Temperature Degrees C 100 Degrees C
Fan Reversing
Reversing Feature Disabled
Reverse Operation Early Termination Enabled
Enable Status Disabled
Manual Purge Disabled
Suspend Purge Disabled
Purge Cycle Interval Seconds 3600 Seconds
Purge Cycle Duration Seconds 30 Seconds
Configurable Inputs
Coolant Level Switch Not Installed Not Installed
Oil Level Switch Not Installed Not Installed
Air Filter Restriction Switch Installation Status Not Installed Not Installed
Air Filter Restriction Switch Configuration Normally Open
Normally Open
Normally Closed
Water in Fuel Switch Installation Status Not Installed Installed

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54 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

(Table 77, contd)

Customer Specified Parameters
ECM Parameter Possible Values Default Value
User Defined Switch Installation Status Not Installed Not Installed
Auxiliary Temperature Sensor Installation Status Installed
Not Installed
Not Installed
Auxiliary Pressure Sensor Installation Status Installed
Not Installed
Not Installed
Fuel Filter Differential Pressure Switch Not Installed
Configuration Normally Open Not Installed
Normally Closed
Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration Force/Inhibit Installed
Not Installed
Switch Installation Not Installed
J1939 Continuous Fault Handling
Remote Torque Speed Control Enable Status Enabled
System Settings
System Operating Voltage Configuration 12 VDC
24 VDC
24 VDC
Customer Password 1 Eight alphanumeric characters Eight spaces
Customer Password 2 Eight alphanumeric characters Eight spaces
Security Access Parameters
CAN Communication Protocol Write Security Seed and Key
Seed and Key
No Security
CAN Communication Protocol Read Security Seed and Key
Seed and Key
No Security


Customer Specified
Parameters Worksheet

Table 78

Customer Specified Parameters Worksheet

ECM Identification Parameter
Equipment ID
Engine Rating Parameter
Rating Number
Speed Control
Low Idle Speed
Engine Configuration Parameter
Ether Solenoid Configuration
Engine Idle Shutdown
Minimum Ambient Air Temperature

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KENR9116-01 55
Troubleshooting Section

(Table 78, contd)

Customer Specified Parameters Worksheet
Maximum Ambient Air Temperature
Shutdown Enable Status
Shutdown Delay Time
Ambient Temperature Override Enable Status
Air Shutoff
Air Shutoff
Multiple Engines on J1939
Engine Location
PTO and Throttle Lock Parameters
Throttle Lock Feature Installation Status
PTO Mode
Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed 1
Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed 2
Throttle Lock Increment Speed Ramp Rate
Throttle Lock Decrement Speed Ramp Rate
Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed Increment
Throttle Lock Engine Set Speed Decrement
Monitoring Mode Shutdowns
Monitoring Mode Derates
Limp Home Desired Engine Speed
Engine Acceleration Rate
Engine Speed Deceleration Ramp Rate
Intermediate Engine Speed
Engine Fan Control
Engine Fan Control
Engine Fan Type Configuration
Pulley Ratio
Temperature Error Increasing Hysteresis
Temperature Error Decreasing Hysteresis
Current Ramp Rate
Fan Speed
Top Fan Speed
Minimum Desired Fan Speed
Solenoid Minimum Current
Solenoid Maximum Current
Solenoid Dither Frequency
Solenoid Dither Amplitude
Cooling Fan Temperatures

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56 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

(Table 78, contd)

Customer Specified Parameters Worksheet
Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature Input Enable
Maximum Air Flow Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature
Minimum Air Flow Charge Air Cooler Outlet Temperature
Coolant Temperature Input Enable Status
Maximum Air Flow Coolant Temperature
Minimum Air Flow Coolant Temperature
Transmission Oil Temperature Input Enable Status
Maximum Air Flow Transmission Oil Temperature
Minimum Air Flow Transmission Oil Temperature
Hydraulic Oil Temperature Input Enable Status
Maximum Air Flow Hydraulic Oil Temperature
Minimum Air Flow Hydraulic Oil Temperature
Auxiliary #1 Temperature Input Enable Status
Maximum Air Flow Auxiliary #1 Temperature
Minimum Air Flow Auxiliary #1 Temperature
Auxiliary #2 Temperature Input Enable Status
Maximum Air Flow Auxiliary #2 Temperature
Minimum Air Flow Auxiliary #2 Temperature
Fan Reversing
Reversing Feature
Reverse Operation Early Termination Enable Status
Manual Purge
Suspend Purge
Purge Cycle Interval
Purge Cycle Duration
Configurable Inputs
Coolant Level Switch
Oil Level Switch
Air Filter Restriction Switch Installation Status
Air Filter Restriction Switch Configuration
Water in Fuel Switch Installation Status
User Defined Switch Installation Status
Auxiliary Temperature Sensor Installation Status
Auxiliary Pressure Sensor Installation Status
Fuel Filter Differential Pressure Switch Configuration
Diesel Particulate Filter Regeneration Force/Inhibit Switch
J1939 Continuous Fault Handling
Remote Torque Speed Control Enable Status
System Settings

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KENR9116-01 57
Troubleshooting Section

(Table 78, contd)

Customer Specified Parameters Worksheet
System Operating Voltage Configuration
Customer Password 1
Customer Password 2
Security Access Parameters
CAN Communication Protocol Write Security
CAN Communication Protocol Read Security

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58 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

System Configuration Note: The flash programming of a new rating

interlock replaces the old rating interlock.
This code does not need to be programmed when
the replacement ECM is for the same engine rating.

System Configuration If the ECM is for a different engine rating, then the
following components may need to be changed:
Parameters pistons, fuel injectors, and other components.
The engine information ratings plate must also be
changed in order to reflect the new rating.

System configuration parameters affect the emissions Some systems such as the cooling system or the
of the engine or the power of the engine. System transmission may also require changes when the
configuration parameters are programmed at the engine is rerated. Please contact the local OEM
factory. Normally, system configuration parameters dealer for further information.
would never need to be changed through the life of
the engine. System configuration parameters must be “Engine Serial Number”
reprogrammed if an Electronic Control Module (ECM)
is replaced. System configuration parameters do not When a new ECM is delivered, the engine serial
need to be reprogrammed if the ECM software is number in the ECM is not programmed. The “Engine
changed. Factory passwords are required to change Serial Number” should be programmed to match the
these parameters. The following information is a engine serial number that is stamped on the engine
description of the system configuration parameters. information plate.

“Full Load Setting” Factory Installed Aftertreatment #1

The “Full Load Setting” is a number that represents Identification Number
the adjustment to the fuel system that was made at
the factory in order to fine tune the fuel system. If The “Factory Installed Aftertreatment #1 Identification
the ECM is replaced, the “full load setting” must be Number” parameter ensures that the correct
reprogrammed in order to prevent a 630-2 diagnostic aftertreatment package is installed.
code from becoming active.
DPF #1 Soot Loading Sensing
“Full Torque Setting” System Configuration Code
“Full Torque Setting” is similar to “Full Load Setting”. The “DPF #1 Soot Loading Sensing System
If the ECM is replaced, the full torque setting must be Configuration Code” is used to determine the type
reprogrammed in order to prevent a 630-2 diagnostic of diesel particulate filter soot loading sensing
code from becoming active. system. This code is a combination of two letters that
identifies the orientation of the soot sensor and the
“Rating” geometry of the DPF. This code is used by the ECM
software to identify the correct calibration table in
The “Rating” is a code that prevents the use of an order to match the soot sensor system to the DPF.
incorrect power rating and/or emission rating for a The calibration table optimizes the soot readings.
specific engine. Each horsepower rating and each
emission certification has a different code to all other Limp Home Engine Speed Ramp
horsepower ratings and emission certifications. This
is a code that prevents the use of an incorrect power Rate
rating and/or emission rating for a specific engine.
The “Limp Home Engine Speed Ramp Rate” is the
When an ECM is replaced, this rating interlock code maximum acceleration rate for the engine when the
must match the code that is stored in the ECM. If the engine has been derated.
rating interlock code does not match the code that is
stored in the ECM, both of the following situations
will exist:

• The engine will not run.

• The diagnostic code 631-2 Calibration Module :
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect will be active.

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KENR9116-01 59
Troubleshooting Section

“ECM Software Release Date”

This parameter is defined by the rating interlock
and this parameter is not programmable. The “ECM
Software Release Date” is used to provide the
version of the software. The Customer parameters
and the software change levels can be monitored
by this date. The date is provided in the month and
the year (JAN10). Jan is the month (January). 10 is
the year (2010).

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60 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Symptom Troubleshooting Display on the Control Panel

Note: The following procedure is only applicable

i04330389 if the application is equipped with a display on the
control panel.
Acceleration Is Poor or Throttle
Response Is Poor 1. Check the display on the control panel for active
diagnostic codes.

2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing

with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
Probable Causes “Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.

• Diagnostic codes Flash Codes

• Parameters in the Electronic Control Module (ECM) Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning
• Electrical connectors lamps.

• Air intake and exhaust system 1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel
for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in
• Valve lash Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.

• Turbocharger or turbochargers 2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot

the codes before continuing with this procedure.
• Fuel supply Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a
Diagnostic Code”.
• Low compression (cylinder pressure)
ECM Parameters
• Electronic unit injectors
1. Use the electronic service tool to make sure that
• Individual malfunctioning cylinder the FLS and FTS parameters have been correctly
Recommended Actions
2. Use the electronic service tool to ensure that the
NOTICE correct mode is selected on the Mode Selector
Do not crank the engine continuously for more than Switch.
30 seconds. Allow the starting motor to cool for two
minutes before cranking the engine again. 3. Use the electronic service tool to verify that the
correct engine rating has been provided.

Diagnostic Codes 4. Use the electronic service tool to verify the

maximum engine speed limit.
Use one of the following methods to check for active
diagnostic codes: 5. Ensure that the repairs have restored the expected
• The electronic service tool
6. If the repairs have not eliminated the faults,
• The display on the control panel proceed to “Electrical Connectors”.

• Flash Codes Electrical Connectors

Electronic Service Tool 1. Turn the start switch to the ON position.

1. Connect the electronic service tool to the 2. Use the electronic service tool to verify that
diagnostic connector. the intake manifold pressure is zero ± 0.5 kPa
(zero ± 0.070 psi). Check the 5 Volt sensor
2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic supply for the intake manifold pressure. Refer to
service tool. Troubleshooting, “5 Volt Sensor Supply Circuit -
3. Investigate any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
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KENR9116-01 61
Troubleshooting Section

3. Use the electronic service tool to verify the throttle Note: The turbocharger that is installed on the engine
position status. is a nonserviceable item. If any mechanical fault
exists, then the turbocharger must be replaced.
4. Run the engine until the speed is equal to the
maximum no-load speed. 1. Ensure that the mounting bolts for the turbocharger
are tight.
5. Use the electronic service tool to make sure that
the throttle is set to reach the maximum no-load 2. Check that the oil feed for the turbocharger is not
speed. blocked or restricted.

6. If the maximum no-load speed cannot be obtained 3. Check that the oil drain for the turbocharger is not
refer to Troubleshooting, “Throttle Switch Circuit blocked or restricted.
- Test” and Troubleshooting, “Mode Selection
Circuit - Test”. 4. Check that the compressor housing for the
turbocharger is free of dirt, debris, and damage.
7. If the engine speed is erratic refer to
Troubleshooting, “Analog Throttle Position Sensor 5. Check that the turbine housing for the turbocharger
Circuit - Test” or Troubleshooting, “Digital Throttle is free of dirt, debris, damage, and oil deposits.
Position Sensor Circuit - Test”.
6. Check that the turbine wheel rotates freely in the
8. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to turbocharger. Make sure that the compressor
“Air Intake and Exhaust System”. wheel rotates with the turbine wheel.

Air Intake and Exhaust System 7. Ensure that the wastegate on the turbocharger is
operating correctly. Refer to Systems Operation,
1. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if equipped. Testing and Adjusting, “Turbocharger - Inspect”.
If the wastegate actuator is faulty, replace the
2. Ensure that the air filter is clean and serviceable. turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Turbocharger - Remove” and Disassembly and
3. Check the air intake and the exhaust system for Assembly, “Turbocharger - Install”.
the following defects:
8. If necessary, replace the turbocharger. Refer
• Blockages to Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger
- Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,
• Restrictions “Turbocharger - Install”.

• Damage to the air intake and exhaust lines and 9. Check that the repairs have eliminated the faults.
10. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to
4. Make all necessary repairs to the engine. “Fuel Supply”.

5. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to Turbochargers

“Valve Lash”.
This procedure is applicable only to engines that
have two turbochargers.
Valve Lash
Note: The turbochargers that are installed on the
1. Check the valve lash. Refer to Systems Operation, engine are nonserviceable items. If any mechanical
Testing and Adjusting, “Engine Valve Lash - fault exists, then the faulty turbocharger must be
Inspect”. replaced.
2. If any repair does not eliminate the fault, proceed 1. Ensure that the mounting bolts for the
to “Turbochargers”. turbochargers are tight.

Turbocharger or Turbochargers 2. Check that the oil feeds for the turbochargers are
not blocked or restricted.
3. Check that the oil drains for the turbochargers are
This procedure is applicable only to engines that not blocked or restricted.
have a single turbocharger.
4. Check that the compressor housings for the
turbochargers are free of dirt, debris, and damage.

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62 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

5. Check that the turbine housings for the 11. Check for air in the fuel system. Refer to Systems
turbochargers are free of dirt, debris, damage, Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel -
and oil deposits. Test”.

6. Check that the turbine wheels rotate freely in the 12. Ensure that the fuel system has been primed.
turbochargers. Make sure that the compressor Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and
wheels rotate with the turbine wheels. Adjusting, “Fuel System - Prime”.

7. Ensure that the wastegate on the high-pressure 13. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then
turbocharger is operating correctly. Refer to disconnect the electrical connector from the EFLP.
Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,
“Turbocharger - Inspect”. If the wastegate 14. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure
actuator is faulty, replace the turbocharger. Refer the voltage at the harness connector for the EFLP.
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger The voltage must be between 10 VDC and 14
- Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly, VDC for a 12 VDC system. The voltage must
“Turbocharger - Install”. be between 20 VDC and 28 VDC for a 24 VDC
system. If the voltage is below 10 VDC for a 12
8. If a fault is identified in either turbocharger, replace VDC system, investigate the cause. If the voltage
the affected turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly is below 20 VDC for a 24 VDC system, investigate
and Assembly, “Turbocharger - Remove” and the cause. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump
Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger - Relay Circuit - Test”.
15. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then
9. Check that the repairs have eliminated the faults. reconnect the electrical connector to the EFLP.

10. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to 16. If a repair has been performed to rectify a low
“Fuel Supply”. supply voltage to the EFLP, attempt to start the
engine. If the engine does not start, continue with
Fuel Supply this procedure.

1. Visually check the fuel tank for fuel. The fuel Note: Before performing the following fuel system
gauge may be faulty. tests, the engine must be stopped for a minimum of
30 minutes.
2. Ensure that the fuel supply valve (if equipped) is
in the full OPEN position. Note: When performing the following fuel system
tests, the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) will only
3. If the temperature is below 0 °C (32 °F), check operate for 2 minutes unless the engine is running. If
for solidified fuel (wax). necessary, cycle the keyswitch in order to reactivate
the pump.
4. Check the primary filter/water separator for water
in the fuel.

5. Check for fuel supply lines that are restricted.

6. Check that the low-pressure fuel lines are tight

and secured properly.

7. Check that the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP)

is operating. If the EFLP is suspect, refer to
Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test”.

8. Replace the in-line fuel strainer that is installed

upstream from the EFLP.

9. Replace the primary fuel filter and the secondary

fuel filter. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Fuel System Primary Filter (Water
Separator) Element - Replace”.

10. Check the diesel fuel for contamination. Refer to

Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel
Quality - Test”.

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KENR9116-01 63
Troubleshooting Section

1. Disconnect the TPIR return line from the drain port

on the TPIR. Install a suitable blanking cap on the
open port in the TPIR return line

2. Connect a temporary drain line to the drain port

on the TPIR.

3. Place the end of the temporary drain line into a

suitable calibrated container.

4. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, use a suitable multimeter to
measure the input voltage to the EFLP. Record
the reading.

5. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, measure the fuel flow from
the temporary drain line.

• For a 12 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer

to Illustration 31 for the minimum acceptable
Illustration 29
g02525302 flow rate.
Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1204E engine
(1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
• For a 24 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer
(2) Secondary fuel filter base
to Illustration 32 for the minimum acceptable
(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR) flow rate.
(4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port
• For a 12 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer
to Illustration 33 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

• For a 24 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer

to Illustration 34 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

g02526956 g02485896
Illustration 30 Illustration 31
Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1206E engine Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 12 VDC system
(1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
(2) Secondary fuel filter base
(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR)
(4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port

Transfer Pump Inlet Regulator (TPIR) Flow Test

For a 1204E engine, refer to Illustration 29. For a

1206E engine, refer to Illustration 30.

Perform the following procedure:

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64 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Return Pressure Relief Valve Test

Use the following procedure to check the fuel

flow through the return pressure relief valve in the
secondary fuel filter base:

1. Disconnect the return line (1) from the secondary

fuel filter base and install a blank on the line.
Install a temporary line and a calibrated container
to the filter base.

2. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure

fuel flow from the temporary line.

3. If the fuel flow is more than 300 mL/min
Illustration 32 (10.2 oz/min), replace the secondary fuel filter
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 24 VDC system base. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel
Filter Base - Remove and Install (Twin Secondary
Fuel Filter)”.

4. Remove the temporary line and reconnect the

return line.

5. If the secondary fuel filter base has been replaced,

attempt to start the engine. If the engine does not
start, use the following procedure to check the fuel
flow from the EFLP:

6. Disconnect the fuel inlet from the primary fuel

filter. Place the open end of the disconnected line
into a calibrated container.
Illustration 33 7. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 12 VDC system the flow from the fuel line. Refer to the Illustration
35 for the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a
12 VDC system. Refer to the Illustration 36 for
the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a 24 VDC

Illustration 34
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 24 VDC system

6. Remove the temporary drain line from the drain

port on the TPIR. Connect the TPIR return line Illustration 35
to the TPIR. Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 12 VDC system

7. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is greater than the

minimum limit, proceed to “Low Compression
(Cylinder Pressure)”.

8. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is below the minimum limit,

proceed to “Return Pressure Relief Valve Test”.

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• Worn valves
• Faulty cylinder head gasket
• Damaged cylinder head
3. Perform all necessary repairs.

4. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the faults.

5. If no faults are detected, proceed to “Electronic

Unit Injectors”.

Electronic Unit Injectors

Illustration 36
1. Use the electronic service tool to perform
Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 24 VDC system
the automatic “Cylinder Cut Out Test”. If
the compression test that was performed in
8. If the fuel flow is more than 5% below the “Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)” was
acceptable limit, replace the EFLP. satisfactory, the “Cylinder Cut Out Test” will
identify any faulty injectors.
9. If the fuel flow is more than 5% above the
acceptable limit, contact Perkins Global Technical 2. Remove any faulty electronic unit injectors. Refer
Support. to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Injector - Remove”.
10. If the fuel flow from the EFLP is within limits,
proceed to “Check the Return Fuel Lines”. 3. Install new electronic unit injectors. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Check the Return Fuel Lines Injector - Install”.
1. Make sure that the TPIR return line is not blocked 4. Repeat the test in 1. If the fault is still apparent,
or kinked. remove the replacement electronic unit injector
and install the original electronic unit injector.
2. If the TPIR return line is clear, confirm that the Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic
Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) is operating. Make Unit Injector - Remove” and Disassembly and
sure that fuel lines between the EFLP and the Assembly, “Electronic Unit Injector - Install”.
TPIR are not blocked or kinked.
5. If the repair does not eliminate the fault, refer to
3. If the fuel lines to the TPIR are clear and the EFLP “Individual Malfunctioning Cylinders”.
is operating, replace the TPIR.

4. If the fault is still present, proceed to “Low Individual Malfunctioning Cylinders

Compression (Cylinder Pressure)”.
1. With the engine speed at a fast idle, use the
electronic service tool to perform the manual
Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure) “Cylinder Cut Out Test”. As each cylinder is cut
out, listen for a change in the sound from the
1. Perform a compression test. Refer to Systems engine. When a cylinder is cut out, there should be
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Compression a noticeable change in the sound of the engine. If
- Test ”. a change in the sound of the engine is not noted,
the isolated cylinder is not operating under normal
2. If low compression is noted on any cylinders, conditions. If the isolation of a cylinder results in
investigate the cause and rectify any faults. a change that is less noticeable, the cylinder is
operating below normal performance. Investigate
Possible causes of low compression are shown the cause of the fault on any cylinder that is
in the following list: not operating. Investigate the cause of the fault
on any cylinder that is operating below normal
• Loose glow plugs performance.
• Faulty piston 2. If the fault is not eliminated, repeat this test
procedure from Test Step 1.
• Faulty piston rings
• Worn cylinder bores
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66 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

i04079191 i04079192

Alternator Is Noisy Alternator Problem

Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting

for information on possible electrical causes of this
Probable Causes
• Alternator drive belt
Probable Causes • Charging circuit
• Alternator drive belt • Alternator
• Alternator mounting bracket Recommended Actions
• Alternator drive pulley
Alternator Drive Belt
• Alternator bearings
Inspect the condition of the alternator drive belt. If
the alternator drive belt is worn or damaged, check
Recommended Actions that the drive belt for the alternator and the pulley are
correctly aligned. If the alignment is correct, replace
Alternator Drive Belt the drive belt. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Alternator Belt - Remove and Install”.
Inspect the condition of the alternator drive belt. If
the alternator drive belt is worn or damaged, check Charging Circuit
that the drive belt for the alternator and the pulley are
correctly aligned. If the alignment is correct, replace Inspect the battery cables, wiring, and connections in
the drive belt. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, the charging circuit. Clean all connections and tighten
“Alternator Belt - Remove and Install”. all connections. Replace any faulty parts.

Alternator Mounting Bracket Alternator

Inspect the alternator mounting bracket for cracks Verify that the alternator is operating correctly.
and wear. Repair the mounting bracket or replace the Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting,
mounting bracket. Ensure that the alternator drive “Alternator - Test”. The alternator is not a serviceable
belt and the alternator drive pulley are in alignment. item. The alternator must be replaced if the alternator
is not operating correctly. Refer to Disassembly and
Alternator Drive Pulley Assembly, “Alternator - Remove” and Disassembly
and Assembly , “Alternator - Install”.
Remove the nut for the alternator drive pulley and
then inspect the nut and the drive shaft. If no damage
is found, install the nut and tighten the nut to the
correct torque. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Alternator - Install” for the correct torque.
Battery Problem

Alternator Bearings
Check for excessive play of the shaft in the alternator. Probable Causes
Check for wear in the alternator bearings. The
alternator is a nonserviceable item. The alternator • Charging circuit
must be replaced if the bearings are worn. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator - Remove” • Battery
and Disassembly and Assembly , “Alternator - Install”.
• Auxiliary device

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Troubleshooting Section

Recommended Actions Cylinder Head Gasket

Charging Circuit 1. Remove the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Cylinder Head - Remove” for the
If a fault in the battery charging circuit is suspected, correct procedure.
refer to Troubleshooting, “Alternator Problem”.
2. Inspect the cylinder head gasket for faults and any
signs of leakage.
Faulty Battery
3. Proceed to the recommended actions for the
1. Check that the battery is able to maintain a “Cylinder Head”.
charge. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
Adjusting, “Battery - Test”.
Cylinder Head
2. If the battery does not maintain a charge,
replace the battery. Refer to the Operation and 1. Check the cylinder head for flatness. Refer to
Maintenance Manual, “Battery - Replace”. Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting,
“Cylinder Head - Inspect” for the correct procedure.
Auxiliary Device 2. Check the mating face of the cylinder head for
faults and signs of leakage. If a fault is found,
1. Check if an auxiliary device has drained the replace the cylinder head. If signs of leakage
battery by being left in the ON position. are found, determine the cause of the leakage.
Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
2. Charge the battery. Adjusting, “Cylinder Head - Inspect” for the correct
3. Verify that the battery is able to maintain a charge
when all auxiliary devices are switched off. 3. Proceed to “Cylinder Block”.

i04079194 Cylinder Block

Coolant Contains Oil Inspect the top face of the cylinder block for faults
and signs of leakage. If a fault is found, replace
the cylinder block. If signs of leakage are found,
determine the cause of the leakage. Refer to Systems
Probable Causes Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Cylinder Block -
Inspect” for the correct procedure.
• Engine oil cooler
Assembly after Repair
• Cylinder head gasket
1. Install the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly
• Cylinder head and Assembly, “Cylinder Head - Install”.

• Cylinder block 2. Replenish the engine with clean engine oil to

the correct level. Refer to the Operation and
Recommended Actions Maintenance Manual, “Engine Oil and Filter -
Change” for more information.
Engine Oil Cooler 3. Fill the cooling system. Refer to the Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Cooling System Coolant
1. Drain the coolant from the cooling system. Drain (ELC) - Change”.
the lubricating oil from the engine oil cooler. Refer
to the Operation and Maintenance Manual for
more information. i03860850

2. Check for leaks in the oil cooler assembly. Refer Coolant Level Is Low
to Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting,
“Cooling System” for the correct procedure. If a
leak is found, install a new oil cooler. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler This diagnostic trouble code is only applicable if the
- Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly, optional coolant level switch is installed.
“Engine Oil Cooler - Install” for the correct
procedure. This procedure covers the following diagnostic code:

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68 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Table 79
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for Low Coolant Level
J1939 Code Description Information About the Code
111-1 Engine Coolant Level : Low The coolant level switch is operating correctly. The coolant level is low.
- Level 3
The engine has been running for 10 seconds.

The engine will shut down 10 seconds after the code becomes active.

Factory passwords are required in order to clear the logged code.

Inspect the cooling system for leaks. Refer to

Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Cooling
System - Test” for the correct procedure.


Coolant Temperature Is High

This procedure covers the following diagnostic

trouble codes:

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Table 80
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for High Coolant Temperature
J1939 Code Code Description Comments
The coolant temperature has been at
109° C (228° F) for 10 seconds.

The ECM has been powered for at least

2 seconds.
110-15 Engine Coolant Temperature : High - least severe
The engine has been running for at
least 185 seconds.

There are no electrical faults or battery

faults on the circuit.
The coolant temperature has been at
111° C (232° F) for 10 seconds.

The ECM has been powered for at least

2 seconds.

110-16 Engine Coolant Temperature : High - moderate severity The engine has been running for at
least 185 seconds.

There are no electrical faults or battery

faults on the circuit.

The engine will be derated.

The coolant temperature has been at
114° C (237° F) for 10 seconds.

The ECM has been powered for at least

2 seconds.

The engine has been running for at

110-0 Engine Coolant Temperature : High - most severe least 185 seconds.

There are no electrical faults or battery

faults on the circuit.

The engine will be derated.

The engine may shut down.

Probable Causes • Coolant pump

• Diagnostic codes • Cylinder head gasket
• Coolant temperature gauge Recommended Actions
• Coolant level
Diagnostic Codes
• Radiator fins
Use one of the following methods to check for
• Radiator cap and/or pressure relief valve diagnostic codes that relate to the temperature in the
cooling system:
• Restriction in the coolant system
• The electronic service tool
• Water temperature regulator
• The display on the control panel
• Engine cooling fan
• Flash Codes
• Quality of coolant
Electronic Service Tool

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70 KENR9116-01
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1. Connect the electronic service tool to the Radiator Cap and/or Pressure Relief
diagnostic connector. Valve
2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic 1. Pressure-test the cooling system. Refer to
service tool. Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting,
“Cooling System” for the correct procedure.
3. Investigate any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting, 2. Check that the seating surfaces of the pressure
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”. relief valve and the radiator cap are clean and
Display on the Control Panel
3. Check operation of the pressure relief valve
Note: The following procedure is only applicable and/or the radiator cap. If necessary, clean the
if the application is equipped with a display on the components and/or replace the components.
control panel.

1. Check the display on the control panel for active

Restriction in the Coolant System
diagnostic codes.
1. Visually inspect the cooling system for collapsed
hoses and/or other restrictions.
2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
2. Clean the radiator and flush the radiator. Refer
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
to Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting,
Flash Codes “Cooling System”.

Note: The following procedure is only applicable if Water Temperature Regulator

the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning
lamps. Check the water temperature regulator for correct
operation. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel Adjusting, “Cooling System” for the proper procedure.
for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in If necessary, replace the water temperature regulator.
Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Water
Temperature Regulator - Remove and Install” for
2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot more information.
the codes before continuing with this procedure.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a Engine Cooling Fan
Diagnostic Code”.
1. Make sure that the engine cooling fan is correctly
Coolant Temperature Gauge installed.

Compare the reading for the coolant temperature 2. Make sure that the engine cooling fan is being
on the electronic service tool to the reading for the driven correctly by the drive belt. If necessary,
coolant temperature on a calibrated test gauge. replace the tensioner or replace the drive belt.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Alternator
Coolant Level Belt - Remove and Install”.

3. Check the engine cooling fan for damage. If

1. Inspect the coolant level. If necessary, add
coolant. necessary, replace the fan. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Fan - Remove and Install”.
2. Check the cooling system for leaks. Repair any
leaks. Quality of Coolant
Check the quality of the coolant. Refer to the
Radiator Fins
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Refill
Capacities and Recommendations - Coolant”.
Check the radiator fins for dirt, debris, and/or damage.
Remove any dirt and/or debris and straighten any
bent fins. Coolant Pump
1. Inspect the impeller of the coolant pump for
damage and/or erosion.

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KENR9116-01 71
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2. Make sure that the drive gear is not loose on the Breather Filter
drive shaft of the coolant pump.

3. If necessary, replace the coolant pump. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly, “Water Pump -
Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly, “Water
Pump - Install”.

Cylinder Head Gasket

Switch off the engine and allow the engine to cool
to below normal working temperature. Remove
the pressure cap for the coolant system. Start the
engine and inspect the coolant for the presence
of bubbles. If bubbles are present in the coolant,
combustion gases may be entering the cooling
system. Check the cylinder head gasket. Refer to the
recommended action for the cylinder head gasket
within Troubleshooting, “Oil Contains Coolant”.
Check the cylinder head for flatness. Refer to the
recommended action for checking flatness of the
cylinder head within Systems Operation, Testing, and
Adjusting, “Cylinder Head - Inspect”. Fit the pressure
cap if there are no bubbles in the coolant.


Crankcase Breather Ejects Oil

Illustration 37
Typical breather canister
(1) Filter element
The crankcase breather canister includes a pressure (2) Breather canister
relief valve that prevents a build-up of excessive
pressure in the breather canister. 1. Check that filter element (1) is correctly installed
and that the element is not damaged.
In normal operation of the engine, the pressure
relief valve remains closed. If there is evidence of 2. If necessary, install a new filter element.
oil staining on the cylinder head behind the breather
canister, perform the following procedure in order to Note: If a new filter element blocks before the service
diagnose the fault. period is completed, the blockage can indicate a fault
in the engine.
Probable Causes
3. Check for restrictions or blockages in breather
• Breather filter canister (2).

• Breather hoses Note: In cold ambient conditions, ice can form in the
outlets of the breather canister.
• Excessive blow-by
4. If the breather canister and filter are operating
correctly, proceed to “Breather Hoses”.

Breather Hoses
1. Make sure that the oil return hose from the
breather canister is not pinched or blocked.

2. Make sure that the breather outlet hose from the

breather canister is not pinched or blocked.

3. If the oil return hose or the breather outlet hose are

blocked, clear the blockage or replace the hose.

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72 KENR9116-01
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4. If the hoses are clear, proceed to “Excessive Recommended Actions

Breather Filter
Excessive Blow-by
Excessive blow-by increases the flow of fumes
through the breather system and can cause the
breather filter to block. The pressure relief valve may
then open.

1. If excessive blow-by is suspected, replace

the breather filter. Refer to the Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Engine Crankcase
Breather Element - Replace”.

2. Investigate the cause of the excessive blow-by.

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Oil Consumption Is


Crankcase Fumes Disposal

Tube Has Oil Draining

A discharge of condensation from the breather is

normal. The discharge is normally clear but can
contain soot. Although the discharge can contain oil
vapor, any liquid oil must be limited to 0.5 g (0.02 oz)
per hour. An oil discharge in excess of 0.5 g (0.02 oz) Illustration 38
must be investigated. Typical breather canister
(1) Filter element
Probable Causes (2) Breather canister

• Breather filter 1. Check that filter element (1) is correctly installed

and that the element is not damaged.
• Engine oil level
2. If necessary, install a new filter element.
• One-way valve
Note: If a new filter element blocks before the service
• Excessive blow-by period is completed, the blockage can indicate a fault
in the engine.

3. If the filter element is satisfactory, proceed to

“Engine Oil Level”.

Engine Oil Level

1. Check the oil level in the engine.

2. If the engine oil level is high, check for

contamination of the oil with fuel or coolant.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Oil Contains Fuel” or
Troubleshooting, “Oil Contains Coolant”.

3. If the engine oil is not contaminated, remove the

excess oil.

4. If the engine oil level is correct, proceed to

“One-way Valve”.

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KENR9116-01 73
Troubleshooting Section

One-way Valve 2. Investigate the cause of the excessive blow-by.

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Oil Consumption Is


Cylinder Is Noisy

Probable Causes
• Fuel quality
• Valve lash
• Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)
• Injectors
• Pistons
Illustration 39
(1) Breather drain hose
Recommended Actions
(2) One-way valve
Fuel Quality
1. Disconnect breather drain hose (1) from one-way
valve (2) and then remove the one-way valve from 1. Check the fuel quality. Refer to Systems
the engine. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Fuel Quality -
“Crankcase Breather - Remove”. Test”.

2. Use a suitable cleaning solution to flush the 2. If unsatisfactory fuel is found, perform the following
one-way valve. procedure.

3. Connect a low-pressure air supply breather drain a. Drain the fuel system.
hose side of the one-way valve. The air must flow
freely through the valve. b. Replace the fuel filters. Refer to the Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System
4. Connect a low-pressure air supply crankcase side Primary Filter (Water Separator) Element -
of the one-way valve. The valve must block the Replace” and Operation and Maintenance
airflow. Manual, “Fuel System Filter - Replace”.

5. If the one-way valve does not operate correctly, c. Fill the fuel system with fuel that meets the
replace the valve. standard in the Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Fluid Recommendations”.
6. Install the one-way valve. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Crankcase Breather - Install”. d. Prime the fuel system. Refer to the Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System -
7. If the one-way valve is satisfactory, proceed to Prime”.
“Excessive Blow-by”.
3. If the fault is not eliminated, refer to “Valve Lash”.
Excessive Blow-by
Valve Lash
Excessive breather emission that is caused by
blow-by is evidence of wear in the engine. 1. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Valve Lash Is
1. If excessive blow-by is suspected, replace
the breather filter. Refer to the Operation and 2. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to
Maintenance Manual, “Engine Crankcase “Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)”.
Breather Element - Replace”.

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74 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure) 2. If the noise is still present, contact Perkins Global
Technical Support.
1. Perform a compression test. Refer to Systems
Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Compression
- Test ”.

2. If low compression is noted on any cylinders,

Diesel Particulate Filter
investigate the cause and rectify any faults. Collects Excessive Soot
Possible causes of low compression are shown
in the following list:
The Electronic Control Module (ECM) uses the
• Loose glow plugs soot sensors to monitor the soot load in the Diesel
Particulate Filter (DPF). An excessive accumulation
• Faulty piston of soot in the DPF can be caused by the following
• Faulty piston rings
• Faulty injectors
• Worn cylinder bores
• A mechanical fault in a cylinder
• Worn valves
• Low exhaust gas temperature
• Faulty cylinder head gasket
• A faulty exhaust back pressure valve
• Damaged cylinder head
• A fault in the NOx Reduction System (NRS)
3. Perform all necessary repairs.
If the soot load becomes excessive, the ECM
4. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the faults. activates the applicable code.

5. If no faults are detected, proceed to “Injectors”.

1. Use the electronic service tool to perform
the automatic “Cylinder Cut Out Test”. If
the compression test that was performed in
“Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)” was
satisfactory, the “Cylinder Cut Out Test” will
identify any faulty injectors.

2. Remove any faulty electronic unit injectors. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Injector - Remove”.

3. Install a new electronic unit injector. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Injector - Install”.

4. Repeat the test in 1. If the noise is still apparent,

remove the replacement electronic unit injector
and install the original electronic unit injector.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic
Unit Injector - Remove” and Disassembly and
Assembly, “Electronic Unit Injector - Install”.

5. If the fault is still apparent, refer to “Pistons”.

1. Inspect the pistons for damage and wear. Replace
any damaged parts.

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Troubleshooting Section

Table 81
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for Excessive Soot Load
J1939 Code and Information that Relates to the Code
3719-16 High Diesel The estimated soot load is high. The ECM shuts down the engine when this code becomes
Particulate Filter #1 Soot active for the first time. The engine can be started and operated. Engine power is gradually
Loading - Level 2 derated as the soot load increases.
3719-0 High Diesel The estimated soot load is very high. Engine operation is limited to 30 second intervals when
Particulate Filter #1 Soot the electronic service tool is not communicating with the ECM.
Loading - Level 3

Troubleshooting Procedure i03862607

Engine operation must be kept to a minimum in order Diesel Particulate Filter

to minimize the amount of soot that is created. Follow
the troubleshooting procedure in order to minimize
Temperature Is Low
the amount of engine operation.

1. Perform the “Cylinder Cutout Test” on the The Electronic Control Module (ECM) monitors the
electronic service tool. If there is a fault with temperature at the intake of the Diesel Particulate
injection, make the necessary repairs. If there is Filter (DPF). The ECM activates the following code
a mechanical fault in the cylinder, investigate the when the conditions are met.
cause of the fault. If the “Cylinder Cutout Test”
does not report any faults, continue with this

2. Use the electronic service tool to check for a

5629-31 diagnostic trouble code. This code
indicates that regeneration will not occur due to
low temperature of the exhaust gas. Identify any
leaks in the exhaust system and rectify any leaks.

3. Use the electronic service tool to check for

diagnostic trouble codes that are associated with
the exhaust back pressure valve or the NRS

4. Investigate any faults that are associated with the

exhaust back pressure valve or the NRS system.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Diagnostic Trouble

5. When all faults have been rectified, run the engine

at an elevated idle in order to regenerate the DPF.
Make sure that the 3719-xx diagnostic trouble
code is no longer active.

6. If the 3719-xx diagnostic trouble code remains

active, use the electronic service tool to perform
the “DPF Desulphation Procedure”. On completion
of the “DPF Desulphation Procedure”, repeat Step
5 and confirm that the 3719-xx diagnostic trouble
code is no longer active.

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76 KENR9116-01
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Table 82
Diagnostic Trouble Code
Code Description Comments
The temperature at the intake of the DPF is below the
trip point that is calculated by the ECM. The trip point
Particulate Trap Intake Gas Temperature : Low - least varies depending on engine operating conditions.
severe (1)
The code is logged. The code remains active until
electrical power to the ECM is cycled.
The temperature at the intake of the DPF is below the
trip point that is calculated by the ECM. The trip point
varies depending on engine operating conditions.
Particulate Trap Intake Gas Temperature : Low -
moderate severity (2)
Engine power is derated 30%. The code is logged.
The code remains active until electrical power to the
ECM is cycled.

Probable Causes Recommended Actions

• Insulation on the exhaust duct (if equipped) 1. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector. If the ECM does not
• Exhaust back pressure valve communicate with the electronic service tool, refer
to Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service Tool Does
Recommended Actions Not Communicate”.

2. Ensure that the following items are

Insulation on the Exhaust Duct (if correctly installed and undamaged. Refer
equipped) to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors -
Check the insulation on the exhaust duct between
the engine and the Clean Emissions Module (CEM). • P1 and P2 connectors on the ECM
Make sure that insulation is not missing or damaged.
• Wiring to display modules
Exhaust Back Pressure Valve
• Wiring to other control modules
1. Use the electronic service tool to check for any
active diagnostic trouble codes that are associated 3. Troubleshoot the data link for possible faults. Refer
with the exhaust back pressure valve. to Troubleshooting, “Data Link Circuit - Test”.

2. Investigate any faults that are associated with 4. Verify that the CAN data link does not have an
the exhaust back pressure valve. Refer to open or short circuit. Refer to Troubleshooting,
Troubleshooting, “Motorized Valve - Test”. “CAN Data Link Circuit - Test”.

i04079197 i03937795

ECM Does Not Communicate ECM Will Not Accept Factory

with Other Modules Passwords

Probable Causes Probable Causes

• Electrical connectors One of the following items may not be recorded
correctly on the electronic service tool:
• Data Link
• Passwords
• Electronic Control Module (ECM)
• Serial numbers
• CAN data link
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KENR9116-01 77
Troubleshooting Section

• Total tattletale Recommended Actions

• Reason code Start the engine. If the engine starts, but the ECM
will not communicate with the electronic service tool,
Recommended Actions continue with this procedure. If the engine will not
start, refer to Troubleshooting, “Engine Cranks but
1. Verify that the correct passwords were entered. Does Not Start”. If the engine will not crank, refer to
Check every character in each password. Remove Troubleshooting, “Engine Does Not Crank”.
the electrical power from the engine for 30
seconds and then retry. Configuration of the Communications
2. Verify that the electronic service tool is displaying
the “Enter Factory Passwords” dialog box. 1. Access “Preferences” under the “Utilities” menu
on the electronic service tool.
3. Use the electronic service tool to verify that the
following information has been entered correctly: 2. Verify that the correct “Communications Interface
Device” is selected.
• Engine serial number
3. Verify that the correct port is selected for use by
• Serial number for the electronic control module the communication adapter.

• Serial number for the electronic service tool Note: The most commonly used port is “COM 1”.

• Total tattletale 4. Check for any hardware that is utilizing the

same port as the communications adapter. If any
• Reason code devices are configured to use the same port, exit
or close the software programs for that device.
For additional information, refer to Troubleshooting,
“Factory Passwords”. Electrical Connectors

i04079200 Check for correct installation of the P1 and P2 ECM

connectors and of the connector for the electronic
Electronic Service Tool Does service tool. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical
Connectors - Inspect”.
Not Communicate
Communication Adapter and/or Cables
1. Make sure that the firmware and driver files are the
Probable Causes most current files for the type of communication
adapter that is being used. If the firmware and
• Configuration of the communications adapter driver files do not match, the communication
adapter will not communicate with the electronic
• Electrical connectors service tool.

• Communication adapter and/or cables 2. Disconnect the communication adapter and the
cables from the diagnostic connector. Reconnect
• Electrical power supply to the diagnostic connector the communication adapter to the diagnostic
• Electronic service tool and related hardware
3. Verify that the correct cable is being used between
• Electrical power supply to the Electronic Control the communication adapter and the diagnostic
Module (ECM) connector. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electronic
Service Tools”.
• Data Link
4. If the laptop computer has a Windows operating
system, restart the laptop computer in order
to eliminate the possibility of a conflict in the

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78 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Electrical Power Supply to the Diagnostic Recommended Actions

Verify that battery voltage is present between Do not crank the engine continuously for more than
terminals A and B of the diagnostic connector. If the 30 seconds. Allow the starting motor to cool for two
communication adapter is not receiving power, the minutes before cranking the engine again.
LED display on the communication adapter will be off.

Electronic Service Tool and Related Diagnostic Codes

Hardware Use one of the following methods to check for active
diagnostic codes:
In order to eliminate the electronic service tool
and the related hardware as the fault, connect the • The electronic service tool
electronic service tool to a different engine. If the
same fault occurs on a different engine, check the • The display on the control panel
electronic service tool and the related hardware for
faults. • Flash Codes
Electrical Power Supply to the Electronic Electronic Service Tool
Control Module (ECM)
1. Connect the electronic service tool to the
Check power to the ECM. Refer to Systems diagnostic connector.
Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Charging System
- Test”. 2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic
service tool.
Note: If the ECM is not receiving battery voltage, the
ECM will not communicate. 3. Investigate any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
Data Link
4. Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not
Troubleshoot the Data Link for possible faults. Refer
start, proceed to “Visible Faults”.
to Troubleshooting, “Data Link Circuit - Test”.
Display on the Control Panel
Note: The following procedure is only applicable
Engine Cranks but Does Not if the application is equipped with a display on the
Start control panel.

1. Check the display on the control panel for active

diagnostic codes.

Probable Causes 2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing

with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
• Diagnostic codes “Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.

• Visible faults 3. Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not
start, proceed to “Visible Faults”.
• Air intake and exhaust system
Flash Codes
• Speed/timing sensor
Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
• Fuel system the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning
• Glow plugs
1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel
• Ether starting aid for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in
Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.
• Low compression (cylinder pressure)

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KENR9116-01 79
Troubleshooting Section

2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot 2. Ensure that the air filter is clean and serviceable.
the codes before continuing with this procedure.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a 3. Check the air intake and exhaust systems for the
Diagnostic Code”. following defects:

3. Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not • Blockages

start, proceed to “Visible Faults”.
• Restrictions
Visible Faults
• Damage to lines or hoses
1. Visually inspect the engine for the following faults:
4. Repair any defects before attempting to restart
• Missing components the engine.

• Damaged components 5. Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not
start, proceed to “Speed/timing Sensors”.
• Damaged electrical cables or loose electrical
cables Speed/timing Sensors
• Oil leaks 1. Disconnect the connector from the primary
speed/timing sensor.
• Fuel leaks
2. Attempt to start the engine.
2. Check the following items:
3. If the engine starts, check for a fault in the circuit
• If the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) frequently for the primary speed/timing sensor. Refer to
collects excessive soot prior to this fault, there Troubleshooting, “Engine Speed/Timing Sensor
may be a faulty cylinder in the engine. Refer to Circuit - Test”. If no fault is found, inspect the
“Low compression (cylinder pressure)”. timing ring on the crankshaft for misalignment or
damage. If necessary, repair the timing ring. Refer
• Check for the proper level of fuel, oil, and to Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft Timing
coolant. Ring - Remove and Install”.

• Ensure that the fuel supply valve (if equipped) 4. Connect the electronic service tool to the
is in the full OPEN position. diagnostic connector.

• If the ambient temperature is below 0 °C (32 °F), 5. Check that the desired fuel rail pressure is at least
make sure that the correct specification of oil 25 MPa (3625 psi) when the engine is cranking.
is used.
6. If the desired fuel rail pressure is less than 25 MPa
• Check that the battery voltage is correct. (3625 psi), perform the following procedure:

• Use the electronic service tool to check the a. Use the electronic service tool to check the
average cranking speed of the engine. If the signal from the secondary speed/timing sensor
cranking speed is less than 150 rpm, investigate while the engine is cranking.
the cause of the low cranking speed.
b. If the signal from the secondary speed/timing
• Make sure that all fuel filters are correctly sensor is 0 rpm, investigate the secondary
installed. speed/timing sensor. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Engine Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test”.
• Drain any water from the primary fuel filter/water
separator. c. If a fault is identified in the circuit for the
secondary speed/timing sensor, repair the fault
3. Rectify any faults that are found during the visual and then attempt to start the engine. If the
checks. engine will not start, proceed to “Fuel System”.

4. Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not d. If the signal from the secondary speed/timing
start, proceed to “Air Intake and Exhaust System”. sensor is greater than 0 rpm and the engine
will not start, proceed to “Fuel System”.
Air Intake and Exhaust System
1. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if equipped.

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80 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Fuel System Note: Before performing the following fuel system

tests, the engine must be stopped for a minimum of
1. If the temperature is below 0 °C (32 °F), check 30 minutes.
for solidified fuel (wax).
Note: When performing the following fuel system
2. Check for fuel supply lines that are restricted. tests, the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) will only
operate for 2 minutes unless the engine is running. If
3. Check that the low-pressure fuel lines are correctly necessary, cycle the keyswitch in order to reactivate
installed. the pump.

4. Check that the fuel lift pump is operating. If the

fuel lift pump is suspect, refer to Troubleshooting,
“Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test”.

5. Check the diesel fuel for contamination. Refer to

Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Fuel
Quality - Test”.

6. Check for air in the fuel system. Refer to Systems

Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel -

7. Ensure that the fuel system has been primed.

Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
Adjusting, “Fuel System - Prime”.

8. Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not

start, continue with this procedure.

9. Replace the in-line fuel strainer that is installed

upstream from the EFLP. g02525302
Illustration 40

10. Replace the primary fuel filter and the secondary Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1204E engine
fuel filter. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance (1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
Manual, “Fuel System Primary Filter (Water (2) Secondary fuel filter base
(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR)
Separator) Element - Replace”. (4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port

11. Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not

start, continue with this procedure.

12. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then

disconnect the electrical connector from the EFLP.

13. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure

the voltage at the harness connector for the EFLP.
The voltage must be between 10 VDC and 14
VDC for a 12 VDC system. The voltage must
be between 20 VDC and 28 VDC for a 24 VDC
system. If the voltage is below 10 VDC for a 12
VDC system, investigate the cause. If the voltage
is below 20 VDC for a 24 VDC system, investigate
the cause. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump
Relay Circuit - Test”.

14. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then

reconnect the electrical connector to the EFLP.

15. If a repair has been performed to rectify a low

supply voltage to the EFLP, attempt to start the
engine. If the engine does not start, continue with
this procedure.

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KENR9116-01 81
Troubleshooting Section

• For a 12 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer

to Illustration 44 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

• For a 24 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer

to Illustration 45 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

Illustration 41 g02485896
Illustration 42
Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1206E engine
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 12 VDC system
(1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
(2) Secondary fuel filter base
(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR)
(4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port

Transfer Pump Inlet Regulator (TPIR) Flow Test

For a 1204E engine, refer to Illustration 40. For a

1206E engine, refer to Illustration 41.

Perform the following procedure:

1. Disconnect the TPIR return line from the drain port

on the TPIR. Install a suitable blanking cap on the
open port in the TPIR return line
2. Connect a temporary drain line to the drain port Illustration 43
on the TPIR. Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 24 VDC system

3. Place the end of the temporary drain line into a

suitable calibrated container.

4. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, use a suitable multimeter to
measure the input voltage to the EFLP. Record
the reading.

5. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, measure the fuel flow from
the temporary drain line.

• For a 12 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer

to Illustration 42 for the minimum acceptable g02355128
flow rate. Illustration 44
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 12 VDC system
• For a 24 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer
to Illustration 43 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

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82 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

7. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure

the flow from the fuel line. Refer to the Illustration
46 for the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a
12 VDC system. Refer to the Illustration 47 for
the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a 24 VDC

Illustration 45
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 24 VDC system

6. Remove the temporary drain line from the drain

port on the TPIR. Connect the TPIR return line
to the TPIR.
Illustration 46
7. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is greater than the Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 12 VDC system
minimum limit, proceed to “High-Pressure Fuel

8. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is below the minimum limit,

proceed to “Return Pressure Relief Valve Test”.

Return Pressure Relief Valve Test

Use the following procedure to check the fuel

flow through the return pressure relief valve in the
secondary fuel filter base:

1. Disconnect the return line (1) from the secondary

fuel filter base and install a blank on the line.
Install a temporary line and a calibrated container
to the filter base. Illustration 47

Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 24 VDC system

2. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure
fuel flow from the temporary line. 8. If the fuel flow is more than 5% below the
acceptable limit, replace the EFLP.
3. If the fuel flow is more than 300 mL/min
(10.2 oz/min), replace the secondary fuel filter 9. If the fuel flow is more than 5% above the
base. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel acceptable limit, contact Perkins Global Technical
Filter Base - Remove and Install (Twin Secondary Support.
Fuel Filter)”.
10. If the fuel flow from the EFLP is within limits,
4. Remove the temporary line and reconnect the proceed to “Check the Return Fuel Lines”.
return line.
Check the Return Fuel Lines
5. If the secondary fuel filter base has been replaced,
attempt to start the engine. If the engine does not 1. Make sure that the TPIR return line is not blocked
start, use the following procedure to check the fuel or kinked.
flow from the EFLP:
2. If the TPIR return line is clear, confirm that the
6. Disconnect the fuel inlet from the primary fuel Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) is operating. Make
filter. Place the open end of the disconnected line sure that fuel lines between the EFLP and the
into a calibrated container. TPIR are not blocked or kinked.

3. If the fuel lines to the TPIR are clear and the EFLP
is operating, replace the TPIR.

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KENR9116-01 83
Troubleshooting Section

4. If the fault is still present, proceed to 13. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommends
“High-Pressure Fuel System”. the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.
High Pressure Fuel System
14. Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not
1. Check for fuel leaks in the high-pressure fuel start, install the original ECM and then proceed to
system. Rectify any fuel leaks and then recheck Test Step 17.
the pressure in the fuel rail. If the fuel rail pressure
is greater than 25 MPa (3625 psi), proceed to test 15. If the engine starts normally, reconnect the
step 7. suspect ECM and then verify that the fault returns
when the suspect ECM is installed.
2. Use the electronic service tool to perform a
solenoid test on the fuel injection pump. Refer to 16. If the engine will not start with the suspect ECM,
Troubleshooting, “Solenoid Valve - Test”. replace the ECM. Check that the engine starts
normally. If the engine starts normally, no further
3. If any service has been performed as a result of testing is required.
Step 2, attempt to start the engine. If the engine
will not start, repeat the diagnostic process from 17. Check the timing of the high-pressure fuel
“Diagnostic Codes”. pump. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
Adjusting, “Fuel Injection Timing - Check”.
4. Check the Pressure Limiting Valve (PLV) in the
fuel rail for leakage. If the PLV is leaking, replace 18. If the timing of the high-pressure fuel pump
the valve and recheck the pressure in the fuel rail. required adjustment and the engine will not start,
proceed to “Glow Plugs”.
5. If the PLV in the fuel rail is not leaking, check for
fuel in the engine oil system. If fuel is suspected 19. If the timing of the high-pressure fuel pump was
in the oil system, take an engine oil sample for correct, replace the high-pressure fuel pump. If
analysis. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance the engine will not start, proceed to “Glow Plugs”.
Manual, “Engine Oil Sample - Obtain”. If the
analysis confirms that there is fuel in the engine Glow Plugs
oil system, investigate the cause.
Note: Faulty glow plugs will only affect starting of the
6. If fuel is not found in the oil system, proceed to engine when the ambient temperature is between
Test Step 7. 5° C (41° F) and −25° C (−13° F).
7. If the absolute fuel rail pressure is greater 1. Check the operation of the glow plugs. Refer to
than 25 MPa (3625 psi), perform the following Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Glow
procedure: Plugs - Test”.
8. Use the electronic service tool to make sure that 2. If necessary, replace faulty glow plugs. Refer to
the status of the electronic unit injectors is not Disassembly and Assembly, “Glow Plug - Remove
“Disabled”. If the injectors are disabled but the and Install”.
injectors have not been intentionally disabled with
the electronic service tool, proceed to test step 11. 3. Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not
start, proceed to “Ether Starting Aid”.
9. If the electronic unit injectors are not disabled, use
the electronic service tool to perform an injector
solenoid test. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Injector Ether Starting Aid
Solenoid Circuit - Test”.
Note: A faulty ether starting aid will only affect
10. If any service has been performed as a result of starting of the engine when the ambient temperature
Step 9, attempt to start the engine. If the engine is below −25° C (−13° F).
will not start, proceed to “Glow Plugs”.
1. Use the electronic service tool to test the ether
11. Make sure that the latest flash file for the starting aid.
application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”. 2. If the ether starting aid is faulty, test the system.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Ether Starting Aid -
12. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support. Test”.

Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair 3. If necessary, perform any repairs to the ether
time. starting aid.

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84 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

4. Attempt to start the engine. If the engine will not Recommended Repairs
start, proceed to “Low Compression (Cylinder
Pressure)”. Battery Cables and/or Batteries
Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure) 1. Inspect the main power switch, battery posts,
and battery cables for loose connections and
1. Perform a compression test. Refer to Systems corrosion. If the battery cables are corroded,
Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Compression remove the battery cables and clean the battery
- Test ”. cables. Clean the battery posts. Replace the
cables. Tighten any loose connections.
2. If low compression is noted on any cylinders,
investigate the cause and rectify the cause. 2. Inspect the batteries.

Possible causes of low compression are shown a. Charge the batteries.

in the following list:
b. Load-test the batteries. Refer to Systems
• Loose glow plugs Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Battery -
• Faulty piston
Starting Motor Solenoid or Starting
• Faulty piston rings Circuit
• Worn cylinder bores 1. Test the operation of the starting motor solenoid.
Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
• Worn valves Adjusting, “Electric Starting System - Test”.
• Faulty cylinder head gasket 2. Check the wiring to the starting motor solenoid.
• Damaged cylinder head
Starting Motor and/or Flywheel Ring Gear
3. Perform all necessary repairs.
1. Test the operation of the starting motor. Check the
4. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the fault. wiring for the starting motor. Refer to Systems
Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Electric
Starting System - Test”.
2. Inspect the pinion on the starting motor and the
Engine Does Not Crank flywheel ring gear for damage.

Electrical Power Supply

Probable Causes If there is no electrical power supply, investigate the
cause and rectify any defects. Refer to Systems
• Battery cables and/or batteries Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Charging System
- Test”.
• Starting motor solenoid or starting circuit
Internal Engine Fault
• Starting motor and/or flywheel ring gear
1. Remove the glow plugs. Refer to Disassembly
• Electrical power supply and Assembly, “Glow Plugs - Remove and Install”.
• Internal engine fault 2. Attempt to rotate the crankshaft through 360
degrees in both direction. If the crankshaft rotates
correctly but fluid is expelled from the hole for the
glow plug, investigate the cause of the fluid in the

3. If the crankshaft rotates correctly and no fluid

is expelled, install the glow plugs. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Glow Plugs -
Remove and Install”.

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KENR9116-01 85
Troubleshooting Section

4. If the engine does not rotate in Step 2, disassemble Incorrect Oil

the engine. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly.
1. Check that the engine is filled with oil of the
5. Inspect the internal components for the following correct specification. Refer to the Operation and
conditions: Maintenance Manual, “Refill Capacities and
• Seizure
2. If necessary, drain the engine oil system and
• Failure refill the engine oil system. Refer to Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Oil and Filter
• Distortion - Change”.

Contaminated Oil
Engine Has Early Wear Check an oil sample for contamination with fuel. If
contamination is found, investigate the cause.

Leaks in Air Intake System

Probable Causes
A leak in the air intake system may allow unfiltered
• Multiple starts or cold operation air into the engine. Inspect the air intake system for
streaks which may indicate a leakage of unfiltered air.
• Incorrect maintenance intervals Inspect all of the gaskets and the connections. Repair
any leaks. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
• Dirt in engine oil Adjusting, “Air Inlet and Exhaust System” for more
• Incorrect oil
Dirt in Fuel
• Contaminated oil
1. Remove the fuel filters. Inspect the fuel filters for
• Leaks in air intake system contamination. Install new fuel filters. Refer to
the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel
• Dirt in fuel System Filter- Replace” and Operation and
Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System Primary Filter
• Low oil pressure (Water Separator) Element - Replace”. Determine
the cause of the contamination.
Recommended Actions 2. Check the diesel fuel for contamination. Refer to
Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Fuel
Multiple Starts or Cold Operation Quality - Test”.
Frequent starting and stopping of the engine can
cause early wear. Also, operation of the engine for
Low Oil Pressure
short periods of time in cold conditions can cause
early wear. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Oil Pressure Is Low” for
the testing procedure. Repair any identified faults.
Incorrect Maintenance Intervals
If the engine is not correctly maintained, early wear
will occur. Engine Has Mechanical Noise
Make sure that the engine is maintained at the
correct maintenance intervals. Refer to the Operation
and Maintenance Manual, “Maintenance Interval
Probable Causes
Dirt in Engine Oil • Accessory equipment
1. Drain the oil from the crankcase and refill the
crankcase with clean engine oil. Install new engine
• Valve train components
oil filters. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
Manual for more information.
• Pistons

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86 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

• Connecting rod and main bearings Connecting Rod and Main Bearings
Inspect the connecting rod and main bearings.
Recommended Actions Also, inspect the bearing surfaces (journals) on the
crankshaft. Replace any damaged parts.
Accessory Equipment
If the fault is still apparent, refer to Troubleshooting,
1. Isolate the source of the noise. Remove any “Cylinder Is Noisy”.
suspect engine accessory. Inspect the suspect
engine accessory. Repair the engine accessory
and/or replace the engine accessory if any defects i04330489
are found.
Engine Misfires, Runs Rough
2. If the mechanical noise is still apparent, refer to or Is Unstable
“Valve Train Components”.

Valve Train Components

Note: If the fault is intermittent and the fault cannot
1. Check the hydraulic lifters for correct operation. be duplicated, refer to Troubleshooting, “Intermittent
Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and Low Power or Power Cutout”.
Adjusting, “Engine Valve Lash - Inspect”.
Note: If the fault only occurs under certain conditions,
2. Inspect the following components of the valve test the engine under those conditions. Examples
train. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly for any of certain conditions are high rpm, full load, and
components that must be removed for inspection. engine operating temperature. Troubleshooting
the symptoms under other conditions can give
• Rocker arms misleading results.

• Valve bridges Probable Causes

• Pushrods • Diagnostic codes
• Hydraulic lifters • Throttle position sensor
• Camshaft • Air intake and exhaust system
• Valve stems • Fuel supply
• Rocker shaft • High-pressure fuel pump
3. Check the components for the following conditions:
abnormal wear, excessive wear, straightness,
• Low compression (cylinder pressure)
and cleanliness. If necessary, use new parts for
• Electronic unit injectors

Note: If the camshaft is replaced, new valve lifters

• Individual malfunctioning cylinder
must also be used.
Recommended Actions
4. If the mechanical noise is still apparent, refer to
“Pistons”. Diagnostic Codes

Pistons Use one of the following methods to check for active

diagnostic codes:
1. Inspect the pistons for damage and wear. Replace
any damaged parts. • The electronic service tool
2. If the mechanical noise is still apparent, refer to • The display on the control panel
“Connecting Rod and Main Bearings”.
• Flash Codes
Electronic Service Tool

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KENR9116-01 87
Troubleshooting Section

1. Connect the electronic service tool to the 3. Check the air intake and exhaust systems for the
diagnostic connector. following defects:

2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic • Blockages

service tool.
• Restrictions
3. Investigate any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting, • Damage to lines or hoses
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
4. If the repairs do not eliminate the fault, proceed to
Display on the Control Panel “Fuel Supply”.

Note: The following procedure is only applicable Fuel Supply

if the application is equipped with a display on the
control panel. 1. Visually check the fuel tank for fuel. The fuel
gauge may be faulty.
1. Check the display on the control panel for active
diagnostic codes. 2. Ensure that the fuel supply valve (if equipped) is
in the full OPEN position.
2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting, 3. If the temperature is below 0 °C (32 °F), check
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”. for solidified fuel (wax).
Flash Codes 4. Check the primary filter/water separator for water
in the fuel.
Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning 5. Check for fuel supply lines that are restricted.
6. Check that the low-pressure fuel lines are tight
1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel and secured properly.
for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in
Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”. 7. Check that the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP)
is operating. If the EFLP is suspect, refer to
2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test”.
the codes before continuing with this procedure.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a 8. Replace the in-line fuel strainer that is installed
Diagnostic Code”. upstream from the EFLP.

Throttle Position Sensor 9. Replace the primary fuel filter and the secondary
fuel filter. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
1. Use the electronic service tool and observe the Manual, “Fuel System Primary Filter (Water
signal for the throttle position sensor. Make sure Separator) Element - Replace”.
that the throttle reaches the 100% raw position
and the calibrated position. 10. Check the diesel fuel for contamination. Refer to
Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel
2. If the signal is erratic, refer to Troubleshooting, Quality - Test”.
“Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test” or
Troubleshooting, “Digital Throttle Position Sensor 11. Check for air in the fuel system. Refer to Systems
Circuit - Test”. Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel -
3. If the engine has a throttle switch, refer to
Troubleshooting, “Throttle Switch Circuit - Test”. 12. Ensure that the fuel system has been primed.
Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and
4. If the repairs do not eliminate the fault, proceed to Adjusting, “Fuel System - Prime”.
“Air Intake and Exhaust System”.
13. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then
Air Intake and Exhaust System disconnect the electrical connector from the EFLP.

1. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if equipped.

2. Ensure that the air filter is clean and serviceable.

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88 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

14. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure

the voltage at the harness connector for the EFLP.
The voltage must be between 10 VDC and 14
VDC for a 12 VDC system. The voltage must
be between 20 VDC and 28 VDC for a 24 VDC
system. If the voltage is below 10 VDC for a 12
VDC system, investigate the cause. If the voltage
is below 20 VDC for a 24 VDC system, investigate
the cause. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump
Relay Circuit - Test”.

15. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then

reconnect the electrical connector to the EFLP.

16. If a repair has been performed to rectify a low

supply voltage to the EFLP, attempt to start the
engine. If the engine does not start, continue with
this procedure.

Note: Before performing the following fuel system

tests, the engine must be stopped for a minimum of
30 minutes. Illustration 49

Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1206E engine

Note: When performing the following fuel system
(1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
tests, the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) will only (2) Secondary fuel filter base
operate for 2 minutes unless the engine is running. If (3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR)
necessary, cycle the keyswitch in order to reactivate (4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port
the pump.
Transfer Pump Inlet Regulator (TPIR) Flow Test

For a 1204E engine, refer to Illustration 48. For a

1206E engine, refer to Illustration 49.

Perform the following procedure:

1. Disconnect the TPIR return line from the drain port

on the TPIR. Install a suitable blanking cap on the
open port in the TPIR return line

2. Connect a temporary drain line to the drain port

on the TPIR.

3. Place the end of the temporary drain line into a

suitable calibrated container.

4. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, use a suitable multimeter to
measure the input voltage to the EFLP. Record
the reading.
Illustration 48
5. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the
Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1204E engine
engine not running, measure the fuel flow from
(1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter the temporary drain line.
(2) Secondary fuel filter base
(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR)
(4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port • For a 12 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer
to Illustration 50 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

• For a 24 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer

to Illustration 51 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

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Troubleshooting Section

• For a 12 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer

to Illustration 52 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

• For a 24 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer

to Illustration 53 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

Illustration 53
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 24 VDC system

6. Remove the temporary drain line from the drain

port on the TPIR. Connect the TPIR return line
to the TPIR.
Illustration 50 7. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is greater than the
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 12 VDC system minimum limit, proceed to “High-Pressure Fuel

8. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is below the minimum limit,

proceed to “Return Pressure Relief Valve Test”.

Return Pressure Relief Valve Test

Use the following procedure to check the fuel

flow through the return pressure relief valve in the
secondary fuel filter base:

1. Disconnect the return line (1) from the secondary

fuel filter base and install a blank on the line.
Install a temporary line and a calibrated container
to the filter base.
Illustration 51
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 24 VDC system 2. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure
fuel flow from the temporary line.

3. If the fuel flow is more than 300 mL/min

(10.2 oz/min), replace the secondary fuel filter
base. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel
Filter Base - Remove and Install (Twin Secondary
Fuel Filter)”.

4. Remove the temporary line and reconnect the

return line.

5. If the secondary fuel filter base has been replaced,

attempt to start the engine. If the engine does not
start, use the following procedure to check the fuel
flow from the EFLP:
Illustration 52
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 12 VDC system 6. Disconnect the fuel inlet from the primary fuel
filter. Place the open end of the disconnected line
into a calibrated container.

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90 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

7. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure 4. If the fault is still present, proceed to
the flow from the fuel line. Refer to the Illustration “High-Pressure Fuel Pump”.
54 for the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a
12 VDC system. Refer to the Illustration 55 for High-Pressure Fuel Pump
the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a 24 VDC
system. Note: The high-pressure fuel pump that is installed
by the factory is a nonserviceable item. If any fault
occurs within the high-pressure fuel pump, the pump
must be replaced.

1. Use the electronic service tool to select the correct

screen in order to display any diagnostic trouble
codes that relate to the high-pressure fuel pump.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a
Diagnostic Code”.

2. If the fault is not eliminated, refer to “Low

Compression (Cylinder Pressure)”.

Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)

Illustration 54
1. Perform a compression test. Refer to Systems
Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 12 VDC system
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Compression
- Test ”.

2. If low compression is noted on any cylinders,

investigate the cause and rectify the cause.

Possible causes of low compression are shown

in the following list:

• Loose glow plugs

• Faulty piston
• Faulty piston rings

Illustration 55
g02527518 • Worn cylinder bores
Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 24 VDC system
• Worn valves
8. If the fuel flow is more than 5% below the
acceptable limit, replace the EFLP.
• Faulty cylinder head gasket

9. If the fuel flow is more than 5% above the

• Damaged cylinder head
acceptable limit, contact Perkins Global Technical 3. Perform all necessary repairs.
4. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the faults.
10. If the fuel flow from the EFLP is within limits,
proceed to “Check the Return Fuel Lines”. 5. If the repair does not eliminate the fault, refer to
“Electronic Unit Injectors”.
Check the Return Fuel Lines

1. Make sure that the TPIR return line is not blocked Electronic Unit Injectors
or kinked.
1. Use the electronic service tool to perform
2. If the TPIR return line is clear, confirm that the the automatic “Cylinder Cut Out Test”. If
Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) is operating. Make the compression test that was performed in
sure that fuel lines between the EFLP and the “Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)” was
TPIR are not blocked or kinked. satisfactory, the “Cylinder Cut Out Test” will
identify any faulty injectors.
3. If the fuel lines to the TPIR are clear and the EFLP
is operating, replace the TPIR.

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Troubleshooting Section

2. Remove any faulty electronic unit injectors. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Injector - Remove”.

3. Install a new electronic unit injector. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Injector - Install”.

4. Repeat the test in 1. If the fault is still apparent,

remove the replacement electronic unit injector
and install the original electronic unit injector.
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic
Unit Injector - Remove” and Disassembly and
Assembly, “Electronic Unit Injector - Install”.

5. If all injectors have been checked and no faults are

detected, proceed to “Individual Malfunctioning

Individual Malfunctioning Cylinders

1. With the engine speed at a fast idle, use the
electronic service tool to perform the manual
“Cylinder Cut Out Test”. As each cylinder is cut
out, listen for a change in the sound from the
engine. When a cylinder is cut out, there should
be a noticeable change in the sound of the engine.
If a change in the sound of the engine is not
noted, the isolated cylinder is not operating under
normal conditions. If the isolation of a cylinder
results in a change that is less noticeable, the
isolated cylinder may be operating below normal
performance. Investigate the cause of the fault on
any cylinder that is not operating. Investigate the
cause of the fault on any cylinder that is operating
below normal performance.

2. If the fault is not eliminated, repeat this test

procedure from Test Step 1.


Engine Overspeeds

This procedure covers the following diagnostic

trouble code:

Table 83
Diagnostic Trouble Code for Engine Overspeed
J1939 Code Description Information About the Code
190-15 Engine Overspeed Warning The engine has exceeded the value that is programmed into the ECM for
- Level 1 0.6 seconds.

There are no diagnostic trouble codes for the speed/timing sensors.

The engine has been running for at least 3 seconds.

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92 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) limits the flow 2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic
of fuel in order to prevent the engine speed from service tool.
exceeding 3000 rpm. When the engine speed has
dropped to less than 2800 rpm, the 190-15 code will 3. Investigate any active codes before continuing
be reset. with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
The following operating conditions can cause the
engine speed to exceed this value: Display on the Control Panel

• On a mobile machine, an incorrect transmission Note: The following procedure is only applicable
gear is selected. if the application is equipped with a display on the
control panel.
• Use of an incorrect fuel
1. Check the display on the control panel for active
• Combustible gases in the air inlet for the engine diagnostic codes.

If the engine speed exceeds 3000 rpm, the ECM 2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing
illuminates the warning lamp and a 190-15 code is with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
logged. Factory passwords are required in order to “Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
clear the code. No troubleshooting is required.
Flash Codes
The history of engine overspeeds can be viewed on
the electronic service tool. Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning

Engine Shutdown Occurs 1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel
for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in
Intermittently Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.

2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot

the codes before continuing with this procedure.
Note: Use this procedure only if the engine shuts Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a
down completely and the engine must be restarted. Diagnostic Code”.

Probable Causes Air Intake

• Diagnostic codes 1. Check the air filter for blockage or restriction.

• Air Intake 2. Check the air intake duct for blockages or

• Electrical connectors
Electrical Connectors
• Fuel supply
1. Check for correct installation of connectors at the
Recommended Actions following locations:

Diagnostic Codes • P1 ECM connector

Use one of the following methods to check for active • P2 ECM connector
diagnostic codes:
• Connector for the solenoid on the fuel injection
• The electronic service tool
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors
• The display on the control panel - Inspect”.
• Flash Codes
Electronic Service Tool

1. Connect the electronic service tool to the

diagnostic connector.

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KENR9116-01 93
Troubleshooting Section

2. Inspect the battery cables from the ECM to the 11. Ensure that the fuel system has been primed.
battery compartment. Refer to the Schematic Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and
Diagram. Inspect the cables and the power relay. Adjusting, “Fuel System - Prime”.
Check the power and ground connections to the
ECM. Refer to the schematic diagram for more 12. Check the fuel pressure. Refer to Systems
information. Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel -
3. Select the “Wiggle Test” from the diagnostic tests
on the electronic service tool. 13. If the fault has not been eliminated, repeat this
test procedure from Test Step 1.
4. Choose the appropriate group of parameters to

5. Press the “Start” button. Wiggle the wiring harness

in order to reproduce intermittent faults.
Engine Speed Does Not
Note: If an intermittent fault exists, the status will be
highlighted and an audible beep will be heard.

6. Repair any faults and ensure that the symptom Note: Use this procedure only if the engine speed
has been cleared. If the symptom is still present, does not change. This fault will not occur in an
refer to “Fuel Supply”. application that operates at a constant engine speed.
Examples of these applications are generator sets
Fuel Supply and pumps.

NOTICE Probable Causes

Do not crank the engine continuously for more than
30 seconds. Allow the starting motor to cool for two • Diagnostic codes
minutes before cranking the engine again.
• Multi-position throttle switch
1. Visually check the fuel tank for fuel. The fuel • Throttle position sensor
gauge may be faulty.

2. Ensure that the fuel supply valve (if equipped) is

Recommended Repairs
in the full OPEN position.
Diagnostic Codes
3. Check the operation of the fuel lift pump. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test”. Use one of the following methods to check for active
diagnostic codes:
4. If the temperature is below 0 °C (32 °F), check
for solidified fuel (wax). • The electronic service tool
5. Check the primary filter/water separator for water • The display on the control panel
in the fuel.
• Flash Codes
6. Check for fuel supply lines that are restricted.
Electronic Service Tool
7. Check that the low-pressure fuel lines are tight
and secured properly. 1. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector.
8. Check the fuel filters.
2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic
9. Check the diesel fuel for contamination. Refer to service tool.
Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel
Quality - Test”. 3. Investigate any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
10. Check for air in the fuel system. Refer to Systems “Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel -
Test”. Display on the Control Panel

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94 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Note: The following procedure is only applicable • Low compression (cylinder pressure)
if the application is equipped with a display on the
control panel. • Electronic unit injectors
1. Check the display on the control panel for active Recommended Actions
diagnostic codes.

2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing Diagnostic Codes

with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”. Use one of the following methods to check for active
diagnostic codes:
Flash Codes
• The electronic service tool
Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning • The display on the control panel
• Flash Codes
1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel
for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in Electronic Service Tool
Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.
1. Connect the electronic service tool to the
2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot diagnostic connector.
the codes before continuing with this procedure.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a 2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic
Diagnostic Code”. service tool.

Use the electronic service tool to check the setup of 3. Investigate any active codes before continuing
the throttle. with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
Multi-position Throttle Switch Display on the Control Panel
Note: When the engine is operating and the fault Note: The following procedure is only applicable
occurs, the configuration of the throttle will not
if the application is equipped with a display on the
change. Check the configuration of the throttle only if
control panel.
the engine has never run.
1. Check the display on the control panel for active
If a fault in the multi-position throttle switch is
diagnostic codes.
suspected, refer to Troubleshooting, “Throttle Switch
Circuit - Test”.
2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
Throttle Position Sensor “Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.

If a fault is suspected in the throttle sensor, refer to Flash Codes

Troubleshooting, “Analog Throttle Position Sensor
Circuit - Test” or Troubleshooting, “Digital Throttle Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
Position Sensor Circuit - Test”. the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning
1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel
Engine Stalls at Low RPM for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in
Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.

2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot

the codes before continuing with this procedure.
Probable Causes Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a
Diagnostic Code”.
• Diagnostic codes
• Accessory equipment
• Power mode control (if equipped)
• Fuel supply
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KENR9116-01 95
Troubleshooting Section

Accessory Equipment 12. If necessary, repair any faults.

Check all accessory equipment for faults that may 13. If there are no apparent faults, refer to “Low
create excessive load on the engine. Repair any Compression (Cylinder Pressure)”.
damaged components or replace any damaged
components. Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)
If there are no faults with the accessory equipment, 1. Perform a compression test. Refer to Systems
refer to “Power Mode Control (If Equipped)”. Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Compression
- Test ”.
Power Mode Control (If Equipped)
2. If low compression is noted on any cylinders,
1. Check whether the power mode control is using investigate the cause and rectify the cause.
the data link or the CAN data link and then use the
appropriate test. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Data Possible causes of low compression are shown
Link Circuit - Test” or Troubleshooting, “CAN Data in the following list:
Link Circuit - Test”.
• Loose glow plugs
2. Check the engine wiring harness for defects.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electricial Connectors • Faulty piston
- Inspect”.
• Faulty piston rings
3. If there are no apparent faults, refer to “Fuel
Supply”. • Worn cylinder bores

Fuel Supply • Worn valves

1. Visually check the fuel tank for fuel. The fuel • Faulty cylinder head gasket
gauge may be faulty.
• Damaged cylinder head
2. Ensure that the fuel supply valve (if equipped) is
in the full OPEN position. 3. Perform all necessary repairs.

3. If the temperature is below 0 °C (32 °F), check 4. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the faults.
for solidified fuel (wax).
5. If the repair does not eliminate the fault refer to
4. Check the primary filter/water separator for water “Electronic Unit Injectors”.
in the fuel.
Electronic Unit Injectors
5. Check for fuel supply lines that are restricted.
1. Use the electronic service tool to perform
6. Check that the low pressure fuel lines are tight the automatic “Cylinder Cut Out Test”. If
and secured properly. the compression test that was performed in
“Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)” was
7. Check the fuel filters. satisfactory, the “Cylinder Cut Out Test” will
identify any faulty injectors.
8. Check the diesel fuel for contamination. Refer to
Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel 2. Remove any faulty electronic unit injectors. Refer
Quality - Test”. to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Injector - Remove”.
9. Check for air in the fuel system. Refer to Systems
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel - 3. Install new electronic unit injectors. Refer to
Test”. Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Injector - Install”.
10. Ensure that the fuel system has been primed.
Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and 4. Repeat the test in 1. If the fault is still apparent,
Adjusting, “Fuel System - Prime”. remove the replacement electronic unit injector
and install the original electronic unit injector.
11. Check the fuel pressure. Refer to Systems Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel - Unit Injector - Remove” and Disassembly and
Test”. Assembly, “Electronic Unit Injector - Install”.

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96 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

5. If the fault is not eliminated, repeat this test Note: The following procedure is only applicable
procedure from Test Step 1. if the application is equipped with a display on the
control panel.
1. Check the display on the control panel for active
Engine Top Speed Is Not diagnostic codes.

Obtained 2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing

with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.

Note: If this fault occurs only under load, refer to Flash Codes
Troubleshooting, “Acceleration Is Poor or Throttle
Response Is Poor”. Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning
Probable Causes lamps.

1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel

• Diagnostic codes for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in
Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.
• ECM parameters
2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot
• Throttle signal from the throttle position sensor the codes before continuing with this procedure.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a
• Air intake and exhaust system Diagnostic Code”.
• Fuel supply
ECM Parameters
• Low compression (cylinder pressure)
1. Ensure that the fault is not a programmed
• Electronic unit injectors parameter.

• Individual malfunctioning cylinders 2. Ensure that the correct mode was selected by
using the electronic service tool.
Recommended Actions 3. Use the electronic service tool to verify the correct
engine rating for the engine.
Diagnostic Codes
4. Use the electronic service tool to verify the
Use one of the following methods to check for active maximum engine speed limit.
diagnostic codes:
5. Use the electronic service tool to verify the
• The electronic service tool following parameters at maximum speed: the
boost pressure, the smoke limit, the torque limit,
• The display on the control panel and the amount of fuel that is delivered.

• Flash Codes 6. Use the electronic service tool to reset the

parameters to the OEM specifications.
Electronic Service Tool
7. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the fault.
1. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector. 8. If the repairs have not eliminated the fault,
proceed to “Throttle Signal for the Throttle Position
2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic Sensor”.
service tool.
Throttle Signal for the Throttle Position
3. Investigate any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting, Sensor
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
1. Use the electronic service tool and observe the
Display on the Control Panel signal for the throttle position sensor. Make sure
that the throttle reaches the 100% raw position
and the calibrated position.

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KENR9116-01 97
Troubleshooting Section

2. If the signal is erratic, refer to Troubleshooting, 8. Check the diesel fuel for contamination. Refer to
“Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test” or Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Fuel
refer to Troubleshooting, “Digital Throttle Position Quality - Test”.
Sensor Circuit - Test”.
9. Check for air in the low-pressure fuel system.
3. If the engine has a throttle switch, refer to Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and
Troubleshooting, “Throttle Switch Circuit - Test”. Adjusting, “Air in Fuel - Test”.

4. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to 10. Ensure that the fuel system has been primed.
“Air Intake and Exhaust System”. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and
Adjusting, “Fuel System - Prime”.
Air Intake and Exhaust System
11. Check the fuel pressure. Refer to Systems
1. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if equipped. Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel -
2. Ensure that the air filter is clean and serviceable.

3. Check the air intake and the exhaust system for

the following defects: Contact with high pressure fuel may cause fluid
penetration and burn hazards. High pressure fu-
• Blockages el spray may cause a fire hazard. Failure to fol-
low these inspection, maintenance and service in-
• Restrictions structions may cause personal injury or death.

• Damage to the air intake and exhaust lines and

hoses NOTICE
Contact with high-pressure fuel may cause personal
4. Make all necessary repairs to the engine. injury or death. Wait 10 minutes after the engine has
stopped to allow fuel pressure to purge before any
5. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the fault. service or repair is performed on the engine fuel lines.

6. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to

12. If the high-pressure fuel lines have a leak, the
“Fuel Supply”.
high-pressure fuel lines must be replaced. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel injection
Fuel Supply lines - Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,
“Fuel injection lines - Install”.
1. Ensure that the fuel supply valve is in the full
OPEN position. 13. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then
disconnect the electrical connector from the EFLP.
2. If the temperature is below 0 °C (32 °F), check
for solidified fuel (wax). 14. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure
the voltage at the harness connector for the EFLP.
3. Visually inspect the fuel supply lines for The voltage must be between 10 VDC and 14
restrictions. VDC for a 12 VDC system. The voltage must
be between 20 VDC and 28 VDC for a 24 VDC
4. Check that the low-pressure fuel lines are tight system. If the voltage is below 10 VDC for a 12
and secured properly. VDC system, investigate the cause. If the voltage
is below 20 VDC for a 24 VDC system, investigate
5. Check that the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) the cause. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump
is operating. If the EFLP is suspect, refer to Relay Circuit - Test”.
Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test”.
15. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then
6. Replace the in-line fuel strainer that is installed reconnect the electrical connector to the EFLP.
upstream from the EFLP.
16. If a repair has been performed to rectify a low
7. Remove the fuel filters. Inspect the fuel filters for supply voltage to the EFLP, attempt to start the
contamination. Install new fuel filters. Refer to engine. If the engine does not start, continue with
the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel this procedure.
System Filter- Replace and Fuel System Primary
Filter (Water Separator) Element - Replace”. Note: Before performing the following fuel system
Determine the cause of the contamination. Install tests, the engine must be stopped for a minimum of
new fuel filters. 30 minutes.

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98 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Note: When performing the following fuel system Transfer Pump Inlet Regulator (TPIR) Flow Test
tests, the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) will only
operate for 2 minutes unless the engine is running. If For a 1204E engine, refer to Illustration 56. For a
necessary, cycle the keyswitch in order to reactivate 1206E engine, refer to Illustration 57.
the pump.
Perform the following procedure:

1. Disconnect the TPIR return line from the drain port

on the TPIR. Install a suitable blanking cap on the
open port in the TPIR return line

2. Connect a temporary drain line to the drain port

on the TPIR.

3. Place the end of the temporary drain line into a

suitable calibrated container.

4. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, use a suitable multimeter to
measure the input voltage to the EFLP. Record
the reading.

5. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, measure the fuel flow from
the temporary drain line.

Illustration 56
g02525302 • For a 12 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer
to Illustration 58 for the minimum acceptable
Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1204E engine flow rate.
(1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
(2) Secondary fuel filter base
(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR)
• For a 24 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer
(4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port to Illustration 59 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

• For a 12 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer

to Illustration 60 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

• For a 24 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer

to Illustration 61 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

Illustration 57
Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1206E engine
Illustration 58
(1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
(2) Secondary fuel filter base Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 12 VDC system
(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR)
(4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port

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KENR9116-01 99
Troubleshooting Section

Return Pressure Relief Valve Test

Use the following procedure to check the fuel

flow through the return pressure relief valve in the
secondary fuel filter base:

1. Disconnect the return line (1) from the secondary

fuel filter base and install a blank on the line.
Install a temporary line and a calibrated container
to the filter base.

2. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure

fuel flow from the temporary line.

3. If the fuel flow is more than 300 mL/min
Illustration 59 (10.2 oz/min), replace the secondary fuel filter
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 24 VDC system base. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel
Filter Base - Remove and Install (Twin Secondary
Fuel Filter)”.

4. Remove the temporary line and reconnect the

return line.

5. If the secondary fuel filter base has been replaced,

attempt to start the engine. If the engine does not
start, use the following procedure to check the fuel
flow from the EFLP:

6. Disconnect the fuel inlet from the primary fuel

filter. Place the open end of the disconnected line
into a calibrated container.
Illustration 60 7. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 12 VDC system the flow from the fuel line. Refer to the Illustration
62 for the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a
12 VDC system. Refer to the Illustration 63 for
the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a 24 VDC

Illustration 61
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 24 VDC system

6. Remove the temporary drain line from the drain

port on the TPIR. Connect the TPIR return line Illustration 62
to the TPIR. Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 12 VDC system

7. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is greater than the

minimum limit, proceed to “Low Compression
(Cylinder Pressure)”.

8. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is below the minimum limit,

proceed to “Return Pressure Relief Valve Test”.

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100 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

• Worn valves
• Faulty cylinder head gasket
• Damaged cylinder head
3. Perform all necessary repairs.

4. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the faults.

5. If the repair does not eliminate the fault, refer to

“Electronic Unit Injectors”.

Electronic Unit Injectors

Illustration 63
1. Use the electronic service tool to perform
Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 24 VDC system
the automatic “Cylinder Cut Out Test”. If
the compression test that was performed in
8. If the fuel flow is more than 5% below the “Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)” was
acceptable limit, replace the EFLP. satisfactory, the “Cylinder Cut Out Test” will
identify any faulty injectors.
9. If the fuel flow is more than 5% above the
acceptable limit, contact Perkins Global Technical 2. Remove any faulty electronic unit injectors. Refer
Support. to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Injector - Remove”.
10. If the fuel flow from the EFLP is within limits,
proceed to “Check the Return Fuel Lines”. 3. Install a new electronic unit injector. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Check the Return Fuel Lines Injector - Install”.
1. Make sure that the TPIR return line is not blocked 4. Repeat the test in 1. If the fault is still apparent,
or kinked. remove the replacement electronic unit injector
and install the original electronic unit injector.
2. If the TPIR return line is clear, confirm that the Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic
Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) is operating. Make Unit Injector - Remove” and Disassembly and
sure that fuel lines between the EFLP and the Assembly, “Electronic Unit Injector - Install”.
TPIR are not blocked or kinked.
5. If all electronic unit injectors have been checked
3. If the fuel lines to the TPIR are clear and the EFLP and no faults are detected, proceed to “Individual
is operating, replace the TPIR. Malfunctioning Cylinders”.
4. If the fault is still present, proceed to “Low
Compression (Cylinder Pressure)”. Individual Malfunctioning Cylinders
1. With the engine speed at a fast idle, use the
Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure) electronic service tool to perform the manual
“Cylinder Cut Out Test”. As each cylinder is cut
1. Perform a compression test. Refer to Systems out, listen for a change in the sound from the
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Compression engine. When a cylinder is cut out, there should be
- Test ”. a noticeable change in the sound of the engine. If
a change in the sound of the engine is not noted,
2. If low compression is noted on any cylinders, the isolated cylinder is not operating under normal
investigate the cause and rectify the cause. conditions. If the isolation of a cylinder results
in a change that is less noticeable, the cylinder
Possible causes of low compression are shown may be operating below normal performance.
in the following list: Investigate the cause of the fault on any cylinder
that is not operating. Investigate the cause of
• Loose glow plugs the fault on any cylinder that is operating below
normal performance.
• Faulty piston
2. If all cylinders have been checked and no faults
• Faulty piston rings are detected, repeat this test procedure from Test
Step 1.
• Worn cylinder bores
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KENR9116-01 101
Troubleshooting Section

i04153869 Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)

Engine Vibration Is Excessive 1. Perform a compression test. Refer to Systems
Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Compression
- Test ”.
Note: This issue is not a fault in the electronic system. 2. If low compression is noted on any cylinders,
investigate the cause and rectify the cause.
Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting
for additional information on determining the cause of Possible causes of low compression are shown
this condition. in the following list:

Probable Causes • Loose glow plugs

• Vibration damper for 1206E-E66 engines only • Faulty piston

• Engine supports • Faulty piston rings

• Low compression (cylinder pressure) • Worn cylinder bores

• Electronic unit injectors • Worn valves

• Individual malfunctioning cylinder • Faulty cylinder head gasket

Recommended Actions • Damaged cylinder head

3. Perform all necessary repairs.
Vibration Damper for 1206E-E66 Engines
Only 4. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the fault.

Check the vibration damper for damage. If necessary, 5. If the repair does not eliminate the fault, proceed
install a new vibration damper. Inspect the mounting to “Electronic Unit Injectors”.
bolts for damage and/or for wear. Replace any
damaged bolts. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, Electronic Unit Injectors
“Vibration Damper and Pulley - Remove” and
Disassembly and Assembly, “Vibration Damper and 1. Use the electronic service tool to perform
Pulley - Install”. the automatic “Cylinder Cut Out Test”. If
the compression test that was performed in
Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the fault. “Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)” was
If the vibration is still present, proceed to “Engine satisfactory, any faulty injectors will be identified
Supports”. by the “Cylinder Cut Out Test”.

Engine Supports 2. Remove any faulty electronic unit injectors. Refer

to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
1. Check for any of the following conditions: Injector - Remove”.

• Loose engine supports 3. Install a new electronic unit injector. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
• Loose mounting brackets or broken mounting Injector - Install”.
4. Repeat the test in 1. If the fault is still apparent,
• Loose bolts remove the replacement electronic unit injector
and install the original electronic unit injector.
• Omitted bolts Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic
Unit Injector - Remove” and Disassembly and
2. Make all necessary repairs. Ensure that the Assembly, “Electronic Unit Injector - Install”.
repairs have eliminated the fault. If the vibration
is still present, proceed to “Low Compression 5. If the fault is still apparent, proceed to
(Cylinder Pressure)”. “Malfunctioning Individual Cylinder”.

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102 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Malfunctioning Individual Cylinder Recommended Actions

1. With the engine speed at a fast idle, use the Diagnostic Codes
electronic service tool to perform the manual
“Cylinder Cut Out Test”. As each cylinder is cut Use one of the following methods to check for active
out, listen for a change in the sound from the diagnostic codes:
engine. When a cylinder is cut out, there should be
a noticeable change in the sound of the engine. If • The electronic service tool
a change in the sound of the engine is not noted,
the isolated cylinder is not operating under normal • The display on the control panel
conditions. If a change in the sound of the engine
is less noticeable, the cylinder may be operating • Flash Codes
below normal performance. Investigate the cause
of the fault on any cylinder that is not operating. Electronic Service Tool
Investigate the cause of the fault on any cylinder
that is operating below normal performance. 1. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector.
2. If all cylinders have been checked and no faults
are detected, contact Perkins Global Technical 2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic
Support. service tool.

3. Investigate any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
Exhaust Has Excessive Black “Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
Smoke Display on the Control Panel

Note: The following procedure is only applicable

if the application is equipped with a display on the
If excessive black smoke is caused by a fault in control panel.
the engine, the smoke will only be visible when the
Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter (CDPF) has also 1. Check the display on the control panel for active
failed. Perform the following procedure to diagnose diagnostic codes.
the cause of the black smoke and then investigate
the failure of the CDPF. 2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
Note: A faulty CDPF will allow some smoke to be “Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
visible. In this situation, there may not be a fault in
the engine. Flash Codes

Probable Causes Note: The following procedure is only applicable if

the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning
• Diagnostic codes lamps.

• Software in the Electronic Control Module (ECM) 1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel
for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in
• Air intake system or exhaust system Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.

• Valve lash 2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot

the codes before continuing with this procedure.
• Turbocharger or turbochargers Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a
Diagnostic Code”.
• Low compression (cylinder pressure)
Use the electronic service tool to check the setup of
• Electronic unit injectors the throttle.

• Individual malfunctioning cylinder ECM Software

1. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector and check for the following

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KENR9116-01 103
Troubleshooting Section

• Check for the correct engine serial number 4. Check that the compressor housing for the
turbocharger is free of dirt, debris, and damage.
• Check for the correct arrangement number
5. Check that the turbine housing for the turbocharger
• Check for the correct software is free of dirt, debris, damage, and oil deposits.

2. Use the electronic service tool to verify any active 6. Check that the turbine wheel rotates freely in the
diagnostic codes. turbocharger. Make sure that the compressor
wheel rotates with the turbine wheel.
3. If diagnostic codes are present, the ECM must be
programmed with the correct information. 7. Ensure that the wastegate on the turbocharger is
operating correctly. Refer to Systems Operation,
4. If the repairs have not eliminated the fault, proceed Testing and Adjusting, “Turbocharger - Inspect”.
to “Air Intake System or Exhaust System”. If the wastegate actuator is faulty, replace the
turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
Air Intake System or Exhaust System “Turbocharger - Remove” and Disassembly and
Assembly, “Turbocharger - Install”.
1. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if equipped.
8. If necessary, replace the turbocharger. Refer
2. Ensure that the air filter is clean and serviceable. to Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger
- Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,
3. Check the air intake and the exhaust system for “Turbocharger - Install”.
the following defects:
9. Check that the repairs have eliminated the faults.
• Blockages
10. If the repairs have not eliminated the fault,
• Restrictions proceed to “Low Compression (Cylinder
• Damage to the air intake and exhaust lines and
hoses Turbochargers
4. Make all necessary repairs to the engine. Note: This procedure is for an engine that has two
5. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to
“Valve Lash”. Note: The turbochargers that are installed on this
engine are nonserviceable items. If any mechanical
Valve Lash fault exists, then the faulty turbocharger must be
Ensure that the valve lash is correct. Refer to
Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Engine 1. Ensure that the mounting bolts for the
Valve Lash - Inspect”. turbochargers are tight.

If the fault is not eliminated, proceed to “Turbocharger” 2. Check that the oil feeds for the turbochargers are
or “Turbochargers”. not blocked or restricted.

3. Check that the oil drains for the turbochargers are

Turbocharger not blocked or restricted.
Note: This procedure is for an engine that has one
4. Check that the compressor housings for the
turbochargers are free of dirt, debris, and damage.
Note: The turbocharger that is installed on this
5. Check that the turbine housings for the
engine is a nonserviceable item. If any mechanical
turbochargers are free of dirt, debris, damage,
fault exists, then the turbocharger must be replaced. and oil deposits.
1. Ensure that the mounting bolts for the turbocharger
6. Check that the turbine wheels rotate freely in the
are tight. turbochargers. Make sure that the compressor
wheels rotate with the turbine wheels.
2. Check that the oil feed for the turbocharger is not
blocked or restricted.

3. Check that the oil drain for the turbocharger is not

blocked or restricted.

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104 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

7. Ensure that the wastegate on the high-pressure 2. Remove any faulty electronic unit injectors. Refer
turbocharger is operating correctly. Refer to to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting, Injector - Remove”.
“Turbocharger - Inspect”. If the wastegate
actuator is faulty, replace the turbocharger. Refer 3. Install new electronic unit injectors. Refer to
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
- Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly, Injector - Install”.
“Turbocharger - Install”.
4. Repeat the test in 1. If the fault is still apparent,
8. If a fault is identified in either turbocharger, replace remove the replacement electronic unit injector
the affected turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly and install the original electronic unit injector.
and Assembly, “Turbocharger - Remove” and Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic
Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger - Unit Injector - Remove” and Disassembly and
Install”. Assembly, “Electronic Unit Injector - Install”.

9. Check that the repairs have eliminated the faults. 5. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to
“Individual Malfunctioning Cylinder”.
10. If the repairs have not eliminated the fault,
proceed to “Low Compression (Cylinder Individual Malfunctioning Cylinder
1. With the engine speed at a fast idle, use the
Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure) electronic service tool to perform the manual
“Cylinder Cut Out Test”. As each cylinder is cut
1. Perform a compression test. Refer to Systems out, listen for a change in the sound from the
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Compression engine. When a cylinder is cut out, there should be
- Test ”. a noticeable change in the sound of the engine. If
a change in the sound of the engine is not noted,
2. If low compression is noted on any cylinders, the isolated cylinder is not operating under normal
investigate the cause and rectify the cause. conditions. If the isolation of a cylinder results
in a change that is less noticeable, the cylinder
Possible causes of low compression are shown may be operating below normal performance.
in the following list: Investigate the cause of the fault on any cylinder
that is not operating. Investigate the cause of
• Loose glow plugs the fault on any cylinder that is operating below
normal performance.
• Faulty piston
2. If the fault is not eliminated, refer to the
• Faulty piston rings Troubleshooting Guide for the application.

• Worn cylinder bores i04153873

• Worn valves Exhaust Has Excessive White

• Faulty cylinder head gasket Smoke
• Damaged cylinder head
3. Perform all necessary repairs. Note: Some white smoke may be present during
cold start-up conditions and during acceleration after
4. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the faults. a prolonged period at low idle. If the white smoke
persists, there may be a fault.
5. If the repair does not eliminate the fault, refer to
“Electronic Unit Injectors”. Probable Causes
Electronic Unit Injectors • Diagnostic codes
1. Use the electronic service tool to perform • Coolant temperature sensor circuit
the automatic “Cylinder Cut Out Test”. If
the compression test that was performed in • Low coolant temperature
“Low Compression (Cylinder Pressure)” was
satisfactory, the “Cylinder Cut Out Test” will • Glow plugs
identify any faulty injectors.

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KENR9116-01 105
Troubleshooting Section

• Ether Injection Coolant Temperature Sensor Circuit

• Fuel quality 1. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector.
• Valve lash
2. Monitor the display screen on the electronic
• Low compression (cylinder pressure) service tool in order to verify the presence of active
diagnostic codes for the coolant temperature.
• Individual malfunctioning cylinder Refer to Troubleshooting, “Engine Temperature
Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Test”.
Recommended Actions 3. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to
“Low Coolant Temperature”.
Diagnostic Codes
Use one of the following methods to check for active
Low Coolant Temperature
diagnostic codes:
Check that the water temperature regulator is
operating correctly. Refer to Systems Operation,
• The electronic service tool Testing, and Adjusting, “Water Temperature
Regulator - Test”.
• The display on the control panel
If the water temperature regulator is operating
• Flash Codes correctly, refer to “Glow Plugs”.
Electronic Service Tool
Glow Plugs
1. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector. 1. Check for correct operation of the glow plugs.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Starting Aid (Glow
2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic Plug) Relay Circuit - Test”.
service tool.
2. If the repairs do not eliminate the fault, refer to
3. Investigate any active codes before continuing “Ether Injection”.
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”. Ether Injection
Display on the Control Panel 1. Check for correct operation of the ether injection
system. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Ether Starting
Note: The following procedure is only applicable Aid - Test”.
if the application is equipped with a display on the
control panel. 2. If the repairs do not eliminate the fault, refer to
“Fuel Quality”.
1. Check the display on the control panel for active
diagnostic codes. Fuel Quality
2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing 1. Check the diesel fuel for quality. Refer to Systems
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting, Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Fuel Quality -
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”. Test”.
Flash Codes Note: Diesel fuel with a low cetane value is likely to
cause white smoke.
Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning 2. If the repair does not eliminate the fault, refer to
lamps. “Valve Lash”.
1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel
for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in Valve Lash
Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.
1. Ensure that the valve lash is correct. Refer to
2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting,
the codes before continuing with this procedure. “Engine Valve Lash - Inspect”.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a
Diagnostic Code”. 2. If the repair does not eliminate the fault, proceed
to “Low Compression (cylinder pressure)”.
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106 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Low Compression (cylinder pressure) i04147995

1. Perform a compression test. Refer to Systems Fuel Consumption Is

Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Compression Excessive
- Test ”.

2. If low compression is noted on any cylinders,

investigate the cause and rectify the cause.
Probable Causes
Possible causes of low compression are shown
in the following list: • Diagnostic codes

• Loose glow plugs • Misreading of fuel level

• Faulty piston • Fuel leakage

• Faulty piston rings • Fuel quality

• Worn cylinder bores • Quality of oil

• Worn valves • Low engine temperature

• Faulty cylinder head gasket • Prolonged operation at idle speed

• Damaged cylinder head • Engine operating speed

3. Perform all necessary repairs. • Air intake and exhaust system

4. Ensure that the repair has eliminated the fault. • Cooling fan

5. If the repair does not eliminate the fault, refer to • Reduced pressure of intake air
“Individual Malfunctioning Cylinder”.
• Excessive valve lash
Individual Malfunctioning Cylinder
• Failure of the primary speed/timing sensor
1. With the engine speed at a fast idle, use the
electronic service tool to perform the manual Recommended Actions
“Cylinder Cut Out Test”. As each cylinder is cut
out, listen for a change in the sound from the Diagnostic Codes
engine. When a cylinder is cut out, there should be
a noticeable change in the sound of the engine. If Use one of the following methods to check for active
a change in the sound of the engine is not noted, diagnostic codes:
the isolated cylinder is not operating under normal
conditions. If a change in the sound of the engine • The electronic service tool
is less noticeable, the cylinder may be operating
below normal performance. Investigate the cause • The display on the control panel
of the fault on any cylinder that is not operating.
Investigate the cause of the fault on any cylinder • Flash Codes
that is operating below normal performance.
Electronic Service Tool
2. Rectify any faults.
1. Connect the electronic service tool to the
3. If the fault has not been eliminated, contact diagnostic connector.
Perkins Global Technical Support.
2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic
service tool.

3. Investigate any active codes before continuing

with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.

Display on the Control Panel

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KENR9116-01 107
Troubleshooting Section

Note: The following procedure is only applicable Quality of Oil

if the application is equipped with a display on the
control panel. 1. The nominal viscosity of the lubricating oil that
is used in the engine will affect the rate of fuel
1. Check the display on the control panel for active consumption. The viscosity of lubricating oil is
diagnostic codes. defined by the SAE grade of the lubricating oil.
The grade of the lubricating oil must be correct
2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing for the ambient conditions. Lubricating oil that is
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting, intended for use in high ambient temperatures
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”. will have a negative effect upon the rate of fuel
consumption in cold ambient temperatures. Refer
Flash Codes to “Engine Oil” in the Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Refill Capacities”.
Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning 2. The actual viscosity of the lubricating oil that is
lamps. used in the engine will change throughout the
service life of the oil. Lubricating oil that is heavily
1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel contaminated will have a negative effect upon the
for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in rate of fuel consumption.
Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.
3. If the oil is not of an acceptable quality or if the
2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot oil has exceeded the service life, drain the oil
the codes before continuing with this procedure. system and replace the oil filters. Refill the oil
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a system with oil of an acceptable quality. Refer
Diagnostic Code”. to the applicable sections in the Operation and
Maintenance Manual.
Misreading of Fuel Level
4. If the oil is of an acceptable quality, refer to “Low
1. Monitor the fuel consumption over a period of 50 Engine Temperature”.
engine hours. If the fuel consumption is excessive,
perform the following procedure. Low Engine Temperature

Fuel Leakage 1. The operating temperature of the engine will affect

the rate of fuel consumption. Operation of the
1. Check for evidence of fuel leaks on the engine. engine below the correct temperature will increase
Investigate any evidence of a fuel leak and rectify fuel consumption. Failure of the water temperature
the leak. regulator can prevent the engine from operating at
the correct temperature.
Fuel Quality 2. If the engine operating temperature is low, check
the operation of the water temperature regulator. If
1. The quality of the fuel that is used in the engine the water temperature regulator does not operate
will affect the rate of fuel consumption. Refer to
correctly, a new water temperature regulator must
“General Fuel Information” in the Operation and
be installed. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
Maintenance Manual, “Refill Capacities”. “Water Temperature Regulator - Remove and
2. If the fuel is not of an acceptable quality, drain
the fuel system and replace the fuel filters. Refill
the fuel system with fuel of an acceptable quality. Prolonged Operation at Idle Speed
Refer to the applicable sections in the Operation
and Maintenance Manual. Prolonged operation of the engine at idle speed
increases fuel consumption.
3. If the fuel is of an acceptable quality, refer to
“Quality of Oil”. When the engine is operated at idle speed, the fuel
that is consumed provides no useful work. Prolonged
operation at idle speed will cause a measurable
deterioration in the overall fuel consumption of the

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108 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Operation of the engine for long periods at idle 2. On engines that have one turbocharger, check
speed will cause a deterioration of the internal the pipe from the outlet of the turbocharger
components of the engine. A deterioration of the compressor for leaks. If necessary, repair any
internal components of the engine will increase fuel leaks.
3. On engines that have two turbochargers, check
Engine Operating Speed the pipes from the outlets of the turbocharger
compressors for leaks. If necessary, repair any
The operating speed of the engine will affect the rate leaks.
of fuel consumption.
4. On engines that have one turbocharger, check
High engine speed will increase fuel consumption. for the correct operation of the wastegate in the
At high engine speeds, internal power losses in the turbocharger. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing
engine increase and more power is required to drive and Adjusting, “Turbocharger - Inspect”.
the alternator and the fan. The power losses increase
fuel consumption. 5. On engines that have two turbochargers, check
for the correct operation of the wastegate in the
Lugging down the engine to a low engine speed will high-pressure turbocharger. Refer to Systems
increase fuel consumption. At low engine speeds, Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Turbocharger
the combustion efficiency of the engine is reduced, - Inspect”.
requiring more fuel.
6. If a turbocharger is suspected as being faulty,
replace the turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly
Air Inlet and Exhaust System and Assembly, “Turbocharger - Remove” and
Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger -
Leakage of gas or an increased restriction in either Install”.
the air intake or the exhaust system can reduce
the flow of combustion gas through the engine. A
change in the flow of combustion air into the engine Excessive Valve Lash
adversely affects combustion efficiency and the rate
of fuel consumption. Excessive valve lash will cause a change in the
timing of the opening and closing of the inlet and
1. Check the air intake system for leakage or exhaust valves. Excessive valve lash can cause
restrictions. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing a reduction of the flow of combustion air into the
and Adjusting, “Air Inlet and Exhaust System”. engine. Reduced flow of combustion air will increase
the fuel consumption rate.
2. Check the exhaust system for leakage or
restrictions. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide, “Excessive Valve
and Adjusting, “Air Inlet and Exhaust System”. Lash”.

3. Repair all defects. Verify that the repair has Failure of the Primary Speed/Timing
eliminated the fault. Sensor
Cooling Fan If the primary speed/timing sensor fails, the engine
will continue to operate using the signal from the
Excessive operation of the cooling fan will increase secondary speed/timing sensor. The secondary
fuel consumption. Investigate the cause of excessive speed/timing sensor is less precise than the primary
operation of the cooling fan. speed/timing sensor. Timing differences between
the secondary speed/timing sensor and the primary
Reduced Pressure of Intake Air speed/timing sensor may cause an increase in fuel
1. If the pressure of the intake air at the intake
manifold is lower than normal, either the speed Refer to Troubleshooting, “Engine Speed/Timing
of the engine will need to be higher or more fuel Sensor Circuit - Test”.
must be injected in order to produce the same
power. Either of these conditions will increase the i04148431
fuel consumption.
Fuel Contains Water
Note: Low pressure in the air intake will create a
526-07 diagnostic code.

This procedure covers the following diagnostic code:

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KENR9116-01 109
Troubleshooting Section

Table 84
Diagnostic Trouble Code for Water in Fuel
J1939 Code Description Information About the Code
97-15 Water In Fuel Indicator : Water has been detected in the fuel that is contained in the fuel/water separator
High - least severe (1) bowl. The water has been present for at least 40 seconds.

The warning lamp will come on.

97-16 Water In Fuel Indicator : Water has been detected in the fuel that is contained in the fuel/water separator
High - moderate severity (2) bowl. The water has been present for at least 60 minutes.

The warning lamp will come on.

The engine will be derated at 17.5% per second up to a maximum of 35%.

Note: Identifying the presence of water in the bowl by i04332335

eye may be impossible. Water may turn dark yellow
in color in the fuel system. The similarity in color Fuel Rail Pressure Problem
would prevent the ability to differentiate the water
from the fuel.
Use this procedure in order to troubleshoot abnormal
Troubleshooting Procedure fuel rail pressure or use this procedure if any of the
following diagnostic trouble codes are active. Refer
1. Turn the ignition key to the OFF position. to Troubleshooting, “Diagnostic Trouble Codes” for
information about the codes.
2. Drain the fuel/water separator bowl. Refer to the
Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System
Primary Filter/Water Separator - Drain”.

3. If necessary, prime the fuel system. Refer to the

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System
- Prime”.

4. Turn the ignition key to the ON position. Do not

start the engine.

5. Wait for 1 minute. The “Water in Fuel” warning

should disappear. If the “Water in Fuel” warning
is still present, the switch may be faulty. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Water In Fuel Sensor - Test”.

6. If the “Water in Fuel” warning disappears within 1

minute after the bowl is drained, start the engine.
Allow the engine to run for 5 minutes.

7. If the “Water in Fuel” warning reappears, the fuel

supply is contaminated with water. Drain the fuel
tank and then fill the fuel tank with clean fuel.
Repeat Steps 1 to 5 in order to reset the warning

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110 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Table 85
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
J1939 Code Code Description Comments
157-16 Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure: High No other 157-XX codes are active.
- moderate severity (2) 3509-XX codes are not active.
3510-XX codes are not active.
No codes for the high-pressure fuel pump or the
injectors are active.
The fuel rail pressure is above an acceptable level.
The code is logged.
Engine power is derated.
157-18 Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure: Low - No other 157-XX codes are active.
moderate severity (2) 3509-XX codes are not active.
3510-XX codes are not active.
No codes for the high-pressure fuel pump or the
injectors are active.
The fuel rail pressure is below an acceptable level.
The code is logged.
Engine power is derated.
1239-0 Engine Fuel Leakage 1: High - most severe (3) 3509-XX codes are not active.
3510-XX codes are not active.
There is a probable fuel leak from the high-pressure
fuel system. The amount of leakage is a calculated
The code is logged.
The engine will shut down.
5571-0 High Pressure Common Rail Fuel Pressure Relief 3509-XX codes are not active.
Valve : Active 3510-XX codes are not active.
The pressure limiting valve in the fuel rail is open.
This code is a calculated parameter.
The code is logged.

Probable Causes 2. Check for active diagnostic trouble codes on the

electronic service tool.
• Diagnostic trouble codes
3. Investigate any active codes before continuing
• Electrical connectors with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
• Fuel filters
Display on the Control Panel
• Fuel rail pressure sensor
Note: The following procedure is only applicable
• Fuel system if the application is equipped with a display on the
control panel.
Recommended Actions 1. Check the display on the control panel for active
diagnostic trouble codes.
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing
Use one of the following methods to check for active with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
diagnostic trouble codes: “Diagnostic Trouble Codes”.

• The electronic service tool Flash Codes

• The display on the control panel Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning
• Flash Codes lamps.
Electronic Service Tool 1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel
for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in
1. Connect the electronic service tool to the Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.
diagnostic connector.
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KENR9116-01 111
Troubleshooting Section

2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot the Fuel System

codes before continuing with this procedure. Refer
to Troubleshooting, “Diagnostic Trouble Codes”. High Fuel Rail Pressure

Electrical Connections 1. Use the electronic service tool in order to perform

the Fuel Rail Pressure Test. If the test fails, replace
1. Check for correct installation of the P1 and the SCV and solenoid. Refer to Disassembly and
P2 connectors on the ECM. Check for correct Assembly, “Fuel Pump Solenoid - Remove and
installation of all other applicable connectors. Install”.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors
- Inspect”. 2. If a fault is not identified for the SCV, use the
electronic service tool to perform the “High
2. Use the electronic service tool to perform a wiggle Pressure Fuel Pump Calibration”. If the fault is still
test. present, continue with this procedure.

3. If necessary, perform any repairs to the connectors 3. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then
or the wiring. disconnect the electrical connector from the EFLP.

4. Check if the fault has been eliminated. If the fault 4. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure
is still present, proceed to “Fuel Filters”. the voltage at the harness connector for the EFLP.
The voltage must be between 10 VDC and 14
VDC for a 12 VDC system. The voltage must
Fuel Filters be between 20 VDC and 28 VDC for a 24 VDC
system. If the voltage is below 10 VDC for a 12
1. Replace the in-line fuel strainer that is installed
VDC system, investigate the cause. If the voltage
upstream from the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP).
is below 20 VDC for a 24 VDC system, investigate
the cause. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump
2. Replace the primary fuel filter and the secondary Relay Circuit - Test”.
fuel filter. Refer to the applicable procedure in the
Operation and Maintenance Manual. 5. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then
reconnect the electrical connector to the EFLP.
3. Check if the fault has been eliminated. If the fault
is still present, proceed to “Fuel Rail Pressure 6. If a repair has been performed to rectify a low
supply voltage to the EFLP, attempt to start the
engine. If the engine does not start, continue with
Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor this procedure.

1. With the engine shutdown, use the electronic Note: Before performing the following fuel system
service tool to check the status of the “Fuel Rail tests, the engine must be stopped for a minimum of
Pressure”. After the engine has been shut down 30 minutes.
for 10 minutes, the “Fuel Rail Pressure (absolute)”
must be less than 5,000 kPa (725 psi) (gauge). Note: When performing the following fuel system
tests, the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) will only
2. If the “Fuel Rail Pressure” on the electronic service operate for 2 minutes unless the engine is running. If
tool is less than 5,000 kPa (725 psi), proceed to necessary, cycle the keyswitch in order to reactivate
Step 4. the pump.

3. If the “Fuel Rail Pressure” on the electronic service

tool does not fall to less than 5,000 kPa (725 psi)
(gauge), the fuel rail pressure sensor may be
faulty. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Engine Pressure
Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Test”.

4. Use the electronic service tool in order to perform

the "Fuel Rail Pressure Test". If the test fails,
replace the fuel rail. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Fuel Manifold (Rail) - Remove and

5. If the fault is still present, proceed to “Fuel


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112 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

1. Disconnect the TPIR return line from the drain port

on the TPIR. Install a suitable blanking cap on the
open port in the TPIR return line

2. Connect a temporary drain line to the drain port

on the TPIR.

3. Place the end of the temporary drain line into a

suitable calibrated container.

4. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, use a suitable multimeter to
measure the input voltage to the EFLP. Record
the reading.

5. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, measure the fuel flow from
the temporary drain line.

• For a 12 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer

to Illustration 66 for the minimum acceptable
Illustration 64
g02525302 flow rate.
Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1204E engine
(1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
• For a 24 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer
(2) Secondary fuel filter base
to Illustration 67 for the minimum acceptable
(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR) flow rate.
(4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port
• For a 12 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer
to Illustration 68 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

• For a 24 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer

to Illustration 69 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

g02526956 g02485896
Illustration 65 Illustration 66
Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1206E engine Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 12 VDC system
(1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
(2) Secondary fuel filter base
(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR)
(4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port

Transfer Pump Inlet Regulator (TPIR) Flow Test

For a 1204E engine, refer to Illustration 64. For a

1206E engine, refer to Illustration 65.

Perform the following procedure:

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KENR9116-01 113
Troubleshooting Section

Return Pressure Relief Valve Test

Use the following procedure to check the fuel

flow through the return pressure relief valve in the
secondary fuel filter base:

1. Disconnect the return line (1) from the secondary

fuel filter base and install a blank on the line.
Install a temporary line and a calibrated container
to the filter base.

2. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure

fuel flow from the temporary line.

3. If the fuel flow is more than 300 mL/min
Illustration 67 (10.2 oz/min), replace the secondary fuel filter
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 24 VDC system base. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel
Filter Base - Remove and Install (Twin Secondary
Fuel Filter)”.

4. Remove the temporary line and reconnect the

return line.

5. If the secondary fuel filter base has been replaced,

attempt to start the engine. If the engine does not
start, use the following procedure to check the fuel
flow from the EFLP:

6. Disconnect the fuel inlet from the primary fuel

filter. Place the open end of the disconnected line
into a calibrated container.
Illustration 68 7. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 12 VDC system the flow from the fuel line. Refer to the Illustration
70 for the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a
12 VDC system. Refer to the Illustration 71 for
the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a 24 VDC

Illustration 69
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 24 VDC system

6. Remove the temporary drain line from the drain

port on the TPIR. Connect the TPIR return line Illustration 70
to the TPIR. Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 12 VDC system

7. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is greater than the

minimum limit, contact Perkins Global Technical

8. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is below the minimum limit,

proceed to Return Pressure Relief Valve Test.

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114 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

6. Use the electronic service tool in order to perform

the “Fuel Rail Pressure Relief Valve Test”. This
test will identify excessive leakage through the
Pressure Limiting Valve (PLV) in the fuel rail. If
excessive leakage is identified, replace the fuel
rail. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel
Manifold (Rail) - Remove and Install”. If the fault is
still present, continue with this procedure.

7. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then

disconnect the electrical connector from the EFLP.

8. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure

the voltage at the harness connector for the EFLP.
The voltage must be between 10 VDC and 14
Illustration 71 VDC for a 12 VDC system. The voltage must
Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 24 VDC system be between 20 VDC and 28 VDC for a 24 VDC
system. If the voltage is below 10 VDC for a 12
8. If the fuel flow is more than 5% below the VDC system, investigate the cause. If the voltage
acceptable limit, replace the EFLP. is below 20 VDC for a 24 VDC system, investigate
the cause. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump
9. If the fuel flow is more than 5% above the Relay Circuit - Test”.
acceptable limit, contact Perkins Global Technical
Support. 9. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then
reconnect the electrical connector to the EFLP.
10. If the fuel flow from the EFLP is within limits,
proceed to Check the Return Fuel Lines. 10. If a repair has been performed to rectify a low
supply voltage to the EFLP, attempt to start the
Check the Return Fuel Lines engine. If the engine does not start, continue with
this procedure.
1. Make sure that the TPIR return line is not blocked
or kinked. Note: Before performing the following fuel system
tests, the engine must be stopped for a minimum of
2. If the TPIR return line is clear, confirm that the 30 minutes.
Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) is operating. Make
sure that fuel lines between the EFLP and the Note: When performing the following fuel system
TPIR are not blocked or kinked. tests, the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) will only
operate for 2 minutes unless the engine is running. If
3. If the fuel lines to the TPIR are clear and the EFLP necessary, cycle the keyswitch in order to reactivate
is operating, replace the TPIR. the pump.

4. If the fault is still present, contact Perkins Global

Technical Support.

Low Fuel Rail Pressure

1. Make sure that the level of fuel in the fuel tank is

sufficient. If necessary, fill the fuel tank.

2. Inspect the high-pressure fuel system for leaks.

Rectify any fuel leaks.

3. Use the electronic service tool to perform the

“High Pressure Fuel Pump Calibration”.

4. Check that the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP)

is operating. If the EFLP is suspect, refer to
Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test”.

5. Check for the introduction of air in the low-pressure

fuel system. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing,
and Adjusting, “Air in Fuel - Test”. If necessary,
rectify the cause of air in the fuel.

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KENR9116-01 115
Troubleshooting Section

1. Disconnect the TPIR return line from the drain port

on the TPIR. Install a suitable blanking cap on the
open port in the TPIR return line

2. Connect a temporary drain line to the drain port

on the TPIR.

3. Place the end of the temporary drain line into a

suitable calibrated container.

4. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, use a suitable multimeter to
measure the input voltage to the EFLP. Record
the reading.

5. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, measure the fuel flow from
the temporary drain line.

• For a 12 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer

to Illustration 74 for the minimum acceptable
Illustration 72
g02525302 flow rate.
Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1204E engine
(1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
• For a 24 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer
(2) Secondary fuel filter base
to Illustration 75 for the minimum acceptable
(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR) flow rate.
(4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port
• For a 12 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer
to Illustration 76 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

• For a 24 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer

to Illustration 77 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

g02526956 g02485896
Illustration 73 Illustration 74
Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1206E engine Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 12 VDC system
(1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
(2) Secondary fuel filter base
(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR)
(4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port

Transfer Pump Inlet Regulator (TPIR) Flow Test

For a 1204E engine, refer to Illustration 72. For a

1206E engine, refer to Illustration 73.

Perform the following procedure:

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116 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Return Pressure Relief Valve Test

Use the following procedure to check the fuel

flow through the return pressure relief valve in the
secondary fuel filter base:

1. Disconnect the return line (1) from the secondary

fuel filter base and install a blank on the line.
Install a temporary line and a calibrated container
to the filter base.

2. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure

fuel flow from the temporary line.

3. If the fuel flow is more than 300 mL/min
Illustration 75 (10.2 oz/min), replace the secondary fuel filter
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 24 VDC system base. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel
Filter Base - Remove and Install (Twin Secondary
Fuel Filter)”.

4. Remove the temporary line and reconnect the

return line.

5. If the secondary fuel filter base has been replaced,

attempt to start the engine. If the engine does not
start, use the following procedure to check the fuel
flow from the EFLP:

6. Disconnect the fuel inlet from the primary fuel

filter. Place the open end of the disconnected line
into a calibrated container.
Illustration 76 7. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 12 VDC system the flow from the fuel line. Refer to the Illustration
78 for the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a
12 VDC system. Refer to the Illustration 79 for
the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a 24 VDC

Illustration 77
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 24 VDC system

6. Remove the temporary drain line from the drain

port on the TPIR. Connect the TPIR return line Illustration 78
to the TPIR. Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 12 VDC system

7. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is greater than the

minimum limit, contact Perkins Global Technical

8. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is below the minimum limit,

proceed to “Return Pressure Relief Valve Test”.

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KENR9116-01 117
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 79
Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 24 VDC system

8. If the fuel flow is more than 5% below the

acceptable limit, replace the EFLP.

9. If the fuel flow is more than 5% above the

acceptable limit, contact Perkins Global Technical

10. If the fuel flow from the EFLP is within limits,

proceed to “Check the Return Fuel Lines”.

Check the Return Fuel Lines

1. Make sure that the TPIR return line is not blocked

or kinked.

2. If the TPIR return line is clear, confirm that the

Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) is operating. Make
sure that fuel lines between the EFLP and the
TPIR are not blocked or kinked.

3. If the fuel lines to the TPIR are clear and the EFLP
is operating, replace the TPIR.

4. If the fault is still present, contact Perkins Global

Technical Support.


Fuel Temperature Is High

If either of the following diagnostic trouble codes are

active, perform the procedure that follows:

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118 KENR9116-01
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Table 86
Diagnostic Trouble Code Description Details
174-15 Engine Fuel Temperature 1 : High - The temperature of the low-pressure
least severe (1) fuel in the high-pressure fuel pump is

The ECM has been powered for at least

2 seconds.

The engine has been operating for at

least 185 seconds.

There are no other faults in the electrical


The warning lamp will come on.

The warning lamp will go off when the

temperature drops below the trip point.
174-16 Engine Fuel Temperature 1 : High - The temperature of the low-pressure
moderate severity (2) fuel in the high-pressure fuel pump is
very high.

The ECM has been powered for at least

2 seconds.

The engine has been operating for at

least 185 seconds.

There are no other faults in the electrical


The warning lamp will come on.

The engine may be derated by 20%.

The warning lamp will go off when the

temperature drops below the trip point
for 15 seconds.

Probable causes Return Fuel Cooler

• Fuel level in tank Note: The return fuel cooler is installed by the
machine manufacturer. The design and location of
• Return fuel cooler the cooler can vary.

• Location of the fuel tank Make sure that the fins on the return fuel cooler are
not blocked with dirt or debris. Make sure that the
• High leak off from the injectors fins are not bent or missing. If necessary replace the
return fuel cooler.
• High-pressure fuel pump
Location of the Fuel Tank
Recommended Actions
Make sure that the fuel tank is not close to a heat
source. If necessary, shield the fuel tank from the heat
Fuel Level in Tank
source or relocate the fuel tank to a cooler location.
If the level in the fuel tank is low, the hot fuel that
is returned from the high-pressure fuel system can
raise the temperature in the fuel tank. Replenish the
fuel tank at the earliest opportunity.

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KENR9116-01 119
Troubleshooting Section

High Leak Off from the Injectors

The high temperature fuel that is returned from the
injectors can increase the temperature of the fuel in
the fuel tank. If the amount of fuel that is returned
is higher than normal, the temperature of the fuel in
the fuel tank will increase.

1. Perform a leak-off check on the electronic unit

injectors. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing,
and Adjusting, “Injector Bypass Fuel Flow - Test”.

2. If the leak-off is excessive, replace the faulty

injectors. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Electronic Unit Injector - Remove” and
Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Injector - Install”.

High-Pressure Fuel Pump

Wear in the high-pressure fuel pump can cause
internal leakage of high-pressure fuel. The high
temperature of this fuel is directly sensed by the fuel
temperature sensor.

1. Perform a leak-off test on the return line from the

high-pressure fuel pump to the fuel tank. Refer to
Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Fuel
Pump Leak Off - Test”.

2. If the leak-off is excessive, replace the

high-pressure fuel pump. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Fuel Injection Pump - Remove”
and Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Injection
Pump - Install”.


Inlet Air Is Restricted

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects a

fault with the air flow through the air filter. If the air
flow has been restricted, the ECM will generate the
following code:

Table 87
Code for Inlet Air Restriction
Description Information
The differential pressure across the air filter exceeds
7.5 kPa (1.1 psi) for 30 seconds.

The engine has been operating for 3 minutes.

107-15 Engine Air Filter 1 Differential Pressure: High - Level 1
The warning lamp will come on.

The code will be reset when the keyswitch is turned

to the OFF position.

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120 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

This event code normally indicates high air filter Flash Codes
restriction. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
Adjusting , “Air Inlet and Exhaust System - Inspect”. Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning

Inlet Air Temperature Is High 1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel
for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in
Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.

Use this procedure to determine the cause of high 2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot
air inlet temperature. the codes before continuing with this procedure.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a
Diagnostic Code”.
Probable Causes
High Ambient Air Temperature
• Diagnostic codes
1. Determine if the ambient air temperature is within
• High ambient air temperature the design specifications for the cooling system
and the air charge cooler.
• Intake air restriction
2. When the ambient temperature exceeds the
• Intake air from a heated area capability of the cooling system or the air charge
cooler, operate the engine at a reduced load or
Recommended Actions speed.

Diagnostic Codes 3. When possible, modify the cooling system and

the air charge cooler in order to make the system
Use one of the following methods to check for active suitable for local conditions.
diagnostic codes:
Intake Air Restriction
• The electronic service tool
Engines with a single turbocharger
• The display on the control panel
Low air pressure at the air intake for the turbocharger
• Flash Codes can be caused by a restriction in the air intake.
When the pressure of the intake air is low, the
Electronic Service Tool turbocharger works harder in order to achieve the
desired intake manifold pressure. This increases
1. Connect the electronic service tool to the intake air temperature.
diagnostic connector.
Engines with twin turbochargers
2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic
service tool. Low air pressure at the air intake for the turbochargers
can be caused by a restriction in the air intake.
3. Investigate any active codes before continuing When the pressure of the intake air is low, the
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting, turbochargers work harder in order to achieve the
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”. desired intake manifold pressure. This increases
intake air temperature.
Display on the Control Panel
Measure the intake manifold pressure while the
Note: The following procedure is only applicable engine is operating under load. For specific data,
if the application is equipped with a display on the refer to PTMI on the Perkins web site.
control panel.
Intake Air Restriction
1. Check the display on the control panel for active
diagnostic codes. 1. Check for blocked air filters. Check for obstructions
in the air intake.
2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting, 2. Replace the air filters or remove the obstruction
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”. from the air intake.

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KENR9116-01 121
Troubleshooting Section

Intake Air from a Heated Area

1. Ensure that the air inlet system is not receiving
air from a heated area.

2. If necessary, relocate the air intake to the outside

of the engine enclosure.

3. Check for air leaks in the pipe between the air inlet
and the inlet to the turbocharger compressor.


Intake Manifold Air Pressure Is


Use this procedure in order to troubleshoot high

intake manifold air pressure or use this procedure if
one of the following event codes are active.

Table 88
Event Code
J1939 Code Description Information
102-16 Engine Intake Manifold Pressure : High - Engine speed must be at least 650
moderate severity rpm.
The warning lamp will illuminate and
the code is logged.
The engine power is derated 20

Probable Causes 1. Connect the electronic service tool to the

diagnostic connector.
• Diagnostic codes
2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic
• Air inlet and exhaust restrictions service tool.

• Wastegate regulator 3. Investigate any active codes before continuing

with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
• Wastegate “Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.

• Full Load Setting (FLS) Display on the Control Panel

Note: The following procedure is only applicable

Recommended Actions if the application is equipped with a display on the
control panel.
Diagnostic Codes
1. Check the display on the control panel for active
Use one of the following methods to check for active diagnostic codes.
diagnostic codes:
2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing
• The electronic service tool with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
• The display on the control panel
Flash Codes
• Flash Codes
Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
Electronic Service Tool the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning

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122 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel

for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in
Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”.

2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot

the codes before continuing with this procedure.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a
Diagnostic Code”.

Air Inlet and Exhaust Restrictions

1. Check the air filter for damage. If necessary,
replace a damaged air filter. Refer to the Operation
and Maintenance Manual.

2. Check the air inlet and exhaust system for

restrictions and/or leaks. Refer to Systems
Operation, Testing, and Adjusting.

Wastegate Regulator
Check the wastegate regulator for correct operation.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Solenoid Valve - Test”.

1. Check for correct operation of the wastegate.
Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
Adjusting, “Turbocharger - Inspect”.

2. If the wastegate or the wastegate actuator is faulty,

replace the turbocharger. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Turbocharger - Remove” and
Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger -

Full Load Setting (FLS)

Use the electronic service tool in order to verify that
the FLS is correct.


Intake Manifold Air Pressure

Is Low

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) monitors the

intake manifold air pressure. The following events
are associated with low intake manifold air pressure:

Table 89
Codes for Low Intake Manifold Air Pressure
Description Information
102-18 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Pressure : Low - moderate This parameter is a variable value that is calculated
severity by the ECM. The resulting value is dependent on the
operating conditions of the engine.

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Probable Causes Turbocharger or Turbochargers

• Intake air filter Single Turbocharger

• Air intake system Note: The turbocharger that is installed on the engine
is a nonserviceable item. If any mechanical fault
• Wastegate regulator exists, then the turbocharger must be replaced.

• Turbocharger or turbochargers 1. Check that the compressor housing for the

turbocharger is free of dirt and debris.
Recommended Actions 2. Check that the turbine housing for the turbocharger
is free of dirt, debris, damage, and oil deposits.
Intake Air Filter
3. Check that the turbine wheel rotates freely in the
1. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if equipped. turbocharger. Make sure that the compressor
wheel rotates with the turbine wheel.
2. Ensure that the air filter is clean and serviceable.
4. If necessary, replace the turbocharger. Refer
3. If necessary, replace the air filter element. Refer to to Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger
the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine - Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,
Air Cleaner Element - Replace”. “Turbocharger - Install”.
4. Check that the fault has been eliminated. 5. Check that any repairs have eliminated the fault.
5. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to Twin Turbochargers
“Air Intake System”.
Note: The turbochargers that are installed on the
Air Intake System engine are nonserviceable items. If any mechanical
fault exists, then the faulty turbocharger must be
1. Check the air intake system for the following replaced.
1. Check that the compressor housings for the
• Blockages turbochargers are free of dirt, debris , and damage.

• Restrictions 2. Check that the turbine housings for the

turbochargers are free of dirt, debris, damage,
• Damage to the air intake ducts and hoses and oil deposits.

• Loose connections and air leaks 3. Check that the turbine wheels rotate freely in the
turbochargers. Make sure that the compressor
2. Make all necessary repairs to the engine. wheels rotate with the turbine wheels.

3. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the fault. 4. If necessary, replace the faulty turbocharger. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger
4. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to - Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,
“Wastegate Regulator”. “Turbocharger - Install”.

Wastegate Regulator 5. Check that any repairs have eliminated the fault.

1. Use the electronic service tool to check for i03869769

diagnostic trouble codes that relate to the
wastegate regulator. Rectify the cause of Intake Manifold Air
any related codes. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Diagnostic Trouble Codes”. Temperature Is High
2. Ensure that any repairs have eliminated the fault.

3. If the fault has not been eliminated, proceed to The Electronic Control Module (ECM) monitors the
“Turbocharger or Turbochargers”. intake manifold air for excessive temperature. The
following events are associated with high intake
manifold air temperature:

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Table 90
Diagnostic Codes for High Intake Manifold Air Temperature
Description Information
The engine has been running for three minutes.
No other 105 codes are active.
168 codes are not active.
Code 412-16 is not active.
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Temperature : High - least
105-15 The intake manifold air temperature exceeds the value
severe (1)
that is programmed into the ECM for eight seconds.
The code is logged.
This code will be reset when the temperature is less
than 122° C (252° F) for four seconds.
The engine has been running for three minutes.
No other 105 codes are active.
168 codes are not active.
Code 412-16 is not active.
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Temperature : High -
105-16 The intake manifold air temperature exceeds the value
Moderate Severity (2)
that is programmed into the ECM for eight seconds.
The engine will be derated. The code is logged.
This code will be reset when the temperature is less
than 124° C (255° F) for 20 seconds.

Use this procedure to determine the cause of high 7. Check for a high ambient temperature. When
intake manifold air temperature. outside temperatures are too high for the rating
of the cooling system, there is not enough of a
1. Verify that the coolant is filled to the proper level. temperature difference between the outside air
If the coolant level is too low, air will get into the and coolant temperatures.
cooling system. Air in the cooling system will
cause a reduction in coolant flow. Coolant flow is 8. Make an allowance for high altitude operation. The
required in order to cool the intake air. cooling capacity of the cooling system is reduced
as the engine is operated at higher altitudes.
2. Check the aftercooler for debris or damage. Debris
between the fins of the aftercooler core restricts 9. The engine may be running in the lug condition.
air flow through the core. When the load that is applied to the engine is
too large, the engine will run in the lug condition.
3. Check the operation of the cooling fan. A fan that When the engine is running in the lug condition,
is not turning at the correct speed can cause engine rpm does not increase with an increase of
improper air speed across the aftercooler core. fuel. This lower engine rpm causes a reduction in
The lack of proper air flow across the aftercooler coolant flow through the system.
core can cause the intake air not to cool to the
proper temperature.

4. Check for a restriction in the air inlet system. A

restriction of the air that is coming into the engine
NRS Exhaust Gas Temperature
can cause high cylinder temperatures. High Is High
cylinder temperatures cause higher than normal
temperatures in the cooling system. The coolant
temperature must be within the correct range in
order to cool the intake air. System Operation Description:

5. Check for a restriction in the exhaust system. This procedure covers the following diagnostic
A restriction of the air that is coming out of the trouble codes:
engine can cause high cylinder temperatures.

6. Check for the correct operation of the exhaust

back pressure valve. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Motorized Valve - Test”.

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Table 91
Diagnostic Codes for NRS Exhaust Gas Temperature Is High
J1939 Code Code Description Comments
412-15 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation The exhaust gas temperature in the NRS has reached 178° C
Temperature : High - least severe (352° F) for 8 seconds.

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

The engine has been running for at least 180 seconds.

There are no electrical faults on the circuit.

412-16 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation The exhaust gas temperature in the NRS has reached 180° C
Temperature : High - moderate severity (356° F) for 8 seconds.

The engine will be derated.

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

The engine has been running for at least 180 seconds.

There are no electrical faults on the circuit.

Illustration 80
Components of the NRS cooler for the 1204E-E44 engine
(1) Exhaust outlet (3) NRS cooler (5) Coolant outlet
(2) Coolant inlet (4) Exhaust inlet

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Illustration 81
Components of the NRS cooler for the 1206E-E66 engine
(1) Coolant inlet (3) NRS cooler (5) Coolant outlet
(2) Exhaust inlet (4) Exhaust outlet

Test Step 1. Check for Associated Results:

Diagnostic Trouble Codes
• There are associated codes.
A. Establish communication between the electronic
service tool and the ECM . If necessary, refer to Repair: Refer to Troubleshooting, “Diagnostic
Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service Tools”. Trouble Codes” in order to troubleshoot the
associated diagnostic code.
B. Determine if an associated code is active or
logged. Table 92 lists associated diagnostic codes. STOP.

Table 92 • A 412 code and a 2659-18 code are present. –

Associated Codes Proceed to Test Step 3.
J1939 Code Description • There are no associated codes. – Proceed to test
110-15 Engine Coolant Temperature : High - step 2.
least severe
Test Step 2. Perform an EGR Service Test
110-16 Engine Coolant Temperature : High -
moderate severity
A. Establish communication between the electronic
110-0 Engine Coolant Temperature : High - service tool and the ECM .
most severe
B. Select “Diagnostics” from the toolbar at top of the

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C. Select “Diagnostic tests” from the drop-down i04155736

NRS Mass Flow Rate Problem
D. Select “EGR Service Test”.

System Operation Description:
• The EGR service test did not complete due to a
412-16 code. This procedure covers the following diagnostic
trouble code:
Repair: Remove the exhaust inlet and the exhaust
outlet from the NRS cooler . Inspect the internal
passage of the NRS cooler for evidence of coolant.
If coolant is found, replace the NRS cooler. Return
the unit to service.


• The EGR service test completed successfully. –

Proceed to Test Step 3.

Test Step 3. Inspect the NRS Cooler

A. Remove the NRS cooler. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Exhaust Cooler (NRS) - Remove
and Install”.

B. Perform a leak test on the NRS cooler. Refer to

Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “NRS
Cooler - Test”.


• The NRS cooler has an internal coolant leak.

Repair: Replace the NRS cooler. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Exhaust Cooler
(NRS) - Remove and Install”. Return the unit to


• The NRS cooler does not have an internal coolant


Repair: Perform the following procedure:

1. Install the NRS cooler. Refer to Disassembly

and Assembly, “Exhaust Cooler (NRS) -
Remove and Install”.

2. Use the electronic service tool to clear all related

diagnostic trouble codes.

3. Run the engine and ensure that the fault has

been eliminated.


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Table 93
Diagnostic Trouble Code for NRS Mass Flow Rate Problem
J1939 Code Code Description Comments
2659-7 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Mass Flow Rate : Not Actual mass flow through the NOx
Responding Properly Reduction System (NRS) does not
match the desired mass flow.
The Electronic Control Module (ECM)
has been powered for at least 2
The engine is running.
There are no active codes for the 5
VDC supply.
There are no active 27, 157, 1188,
2791, 3358 or 3563 codes.
412-3 or 412-4 codes are not active.

Illustration 82
NRS system for the 1204E-E44 engines
(1) NRS inlet pressure sensor (3) NRS outlet pressure sensor pipe (5) NRS mixer
(2) NRS outlet pressure sensor (4) NRS inlet pressure sensor pipe (6) NRS temperature sensor

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Illustration 83
NRS system for the 1206E-E66 engine
(1) NRS inlet pressure sensor (3) NRS outlet pressure sensor pipe (5) NRS mixer
(2) NRS outlet pressure sensor (4) NRS inlet pressure sensor pipe (6) NRS temperature sensor

Test Step 1. Check for Associated • There are no associated codes. – Proceed to Test
Diagnostic Trouble Codes Step 2.

A. Establish communication between the electronic Test Step 2. Check the Air Inlet and
service tool and the ECM . If necessary, refer to Exhaust System
Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service Tools”.
A. Check the air inlet system for leaks and for
B. Check for diagnostic trouble codes that are restrictions.
associated with the NRS valve or the exhaust
back pressure regulator. B. Check the exhaust system for leaks and for
• There are diagnostic trouble codes that are
associated with the NRS valve or the exhaust back • There are no leaks in the air inlet system or the
pressure regulator. exhaust system. – Proceed to 3.

Repair: Troubleshoot NRS valve faults or exhaust • The air inlet system has a leak or is restricted.
back pressure regulator faults before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting, Repair: Perform the following procedure:
“Diagnostic Trouble Codes”.
1. Clear any restrictions in the air inlet system.

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2. Repair any air leaks in the air inlet system. B. Check the sensor probe for excessive deposits.

3. Check that the fault has been eliminated. Results:

If the fault is still present, proceed to 3. • The probe on the temperature sensor does not
have excessive deposits. – Proceed to Test Step 5
• The exhaust system has a leak or is restricted.
• The probe on the temperature sensor has
Repair: Perform the following procedure: excessive deposits.

1. Clear any restrictions in the exhaust system. Repair: Perform the following procedure:

2. Repair any leaks in the exhaust system. 1. Carefully remove the deposits from the sensor
probe. Make sure that the sensor probe is not
3. Check that the fault has been eliminated. damaged.

If the fault is still present, proceed to Test Step 3. 2. If the deposits cannot be easily removed,
replace the temperature sensor. Refer to
Test Step 3. Check the NRS Sensor Pipes Disassembly and Assembly, “Temperature
Sensor (Cooled Exhaust Gas) - Remove and
For 1204E-E44 engines, refer to Illustration 82. For a Install”.
1206E-E66 engine, refer to Illustration 83.
3. Check that the fault has been eliminated.
A. Check pipe (3) for the NRS outlet pressure sensor
for leaks, restrictions, or blockage. If the fault is still present, proceed to Test Step 5.

B. Check pipe (4) for the NRS inlet pressure sensor Test Step 5. Inspect the NRS Mixer
for leaks or any restriction.
Inspect NRS mixer (6) for cracks, holes, or damage.
• There are no leaks, restrictions, or blockages in
the sensor pipes. – Proceed to Test Step 4. • The NRS mixer is defective.
• There is a leak, a restriction, or a blockage in one Repair: Replace the NRS mixer. Refer to
of the sensor pipes. Disassembly and Assembly, “Inlet Air Control -
Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly, “Inlet
Repair: Perform the following repair: Air Control - Install”.

1. If a pipe has a leak or a restriction, replace the STOP.

• There are no visible faults on the NRS mixer. –
2. If the pipe is blocked with soot or condensate, Contact Perkins Global Technical Support. STOP.
remove the pipe and clear the blockage with
an air line that is set at a maximum pressure
of 200 kPa (29 psi). If the blockage is cleared,
install the pipe. If the blockage cannot be
cleared, replace the pipe.
Oil Consumption Is Excessive
3. Check that the fault has been eliminated.

If the fault is still present, proceed to Test Step 4. Probable Causes

Test Step 4. Check the NRS Temperature • Misreading oil level
• Oil leaks
During this procedure, refer to Illustration 82 or
Illustration 83. • Engine crankcase breather
A. Remove temperature sensor (7) from NRS • Oil level
mixer (6). Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Temperature Sensor (Cooled Exhaust Gas) - • Air intake and exhaust system
Remove and Install”.

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• Turbocharger or turbochargers 3. Check the air intake and the exhaust system for
the following defects:
• Low compression (cylinder pressure)
• Blockages
Recommended Actions
• Restrictions
Misreading Oil Level • Damage to the air intake and exhaust lines and
1. Accurately measure the consumption of oil and
fuel over a period of 50 engine hours. 4. Make all necessary repairs to the engine.
2. If the oil consumption is greater than 0.08% of the 5. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the fault.
fuel consumption, use the following procedure
in order to investigate the cause of the high oil 6. If no faults are found, refer to “Turbocharger” or
consumption. “Turbochargers”.

Oil Leaks Turbocharger

1. Check for evidence of oil leaks on the engine. Note: This procedure is applicable to engines that
have one turbocharger.
2. Rectify any oil leaks from the engine.
Note: The turbocharger that is installed on this
3. Check for evidence of oil in the coolant. If oil is engine is a nonserviceable item. If any mechanical
found in the coolant, refer to Troubleshooting, fault exists, then the turbocharger must be replaced.
“Engine Oil in Cooling System”.
1. Check the turbocharger for evidence of internal oil
4. If no oil leaks are identified, refer to “Engine leaks into the compressor housing or the turbine
Crankcase Breather”. housing. If evidence is found of an oil leak into the
turbine housing, inspect the diesel particulate filter
Engine Crankcase Breather for blockage of the filter inlet.

1. Check the engine crankcase breather for blockage 2. Check for leaks from the oil feed and the oil drain
or restrictions. for the turbocharger.

2. Check for excessive oil from the outlet of the 3. If necessary, replace the turbocharger. Refer
breather. to Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger
- Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,
3. If necessary, replace the filter in the breather. “Turbocharger - Install”.

4. Repair all defects. Verify that the repair has 4. Check that the repairs have eliminated the faults.
eliminated the fault.
5. If the repairs have not eliminated the fault, proceed
5. If no faults are found, refer to “Oil Level”. to “Low Compression (cylinder pressure)”.

Oil Level Turbochargers

1. Check the oil level in the engine. Note: This procedure is applicable to engines that
have two turbochargers.
2. If no contamination is identified, remove any
excess oil. Note: The turbochargers that are installed on this
engine are nonserviceable items. If any mechanical
3. If the oil level is satisfactory, refer to “Air Intake fault exists, then the faulty turbocharger must be
and Exhaust System”. replaced.

Air Intake and Exhaust System 1. Check for leaks from the oil feeds or the oil drains
for the turbochargers.
1. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if equipped.

2. Ensure that the air filter is clean and serviceable.

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2. Check the turbochargers for evidence of internal • Cylinder block

oil leaks into the compressor housings or the
turbine housings. If evidence is found of an oil
leak into a turbine housing, inspect the diesel
Recommended Actions
particulate filter for blockage of the filter inlet.
Engine Oil Cooler
3. If necessary, replace the faulty turbocharger. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Turbocharger 1. Drain the engine lubricating oil from the engine.
- Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,
“Turbocharger - Install”. 2. Check for leaks in the oil cooler assembly. Refer
to Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting,
4. Check that the repairs have eliminated the faults. “Cooling System” for the correct procedure. If a
leak is found, install a new oil cooler. Refer to
5. If the repairs have not eliminated the fault, proceed Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler
to “Low Compression (cylinder pressure)”. - Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,
“Engine Oil Cooler - Install” for the correct
Low Compression (cylinder pressure)
1. Perform a compression test. Refer to Systems Cylinder Head Gasket
Operation, Testing and Adjusting, “Compression
- Test ”. 1. Remove the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Cylinder Head - Remove” for the
2. If low compression is noted on any cylinders, correct procedure.
investigate the cause and rectify the cause.
2. Inspect the cylinder head gasket for faults and any
Possible causes of low compression are shown signs of leakage.
in the following list:
3. Proceed to the recommended actions for “Cylinder
• Loose glow plugs Head”.

• Faulty piston Cylinder Head

• Worn piston rings 1. Check the cylinder head for flatness. Refer to
Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting,
• Worn cylinder bores “Cylinder Head - Inspect” for the correct procedure.

• Worn valves 2. Check the mating face of the cylinder head for
faults and signs of leakage. If a fault is found,
• Faulty cylinder head gasket replace the cylinder head. If signs of leakage
are found, determine the cause of the leakage.
• Damaged cylinder head Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
Adjusting, “Cylinder Head - Inspect” for the correct
3. Perform all necessary repairs. procedure.

4. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the faults. 3. Check the internal core plugs in the cylinder head
for signs of leakage.
5. If the fault is not eliminated, refer to the
Troubleshooting Manual for the application. 4. Proceed to “Cylinder Block”.

Cylinder Block
Oil Contains Coolant Inspect the top face of the cylinder block for faults
and signs of leakage. If a fault is found, replace
the cylinder block. If signs of leakage are found,
determine the cause of the leakage. Refer to Systems
Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Cylinder Block -
Probable Causes Inspect” for the correct procedure.
• Engine oil cooler
Assembly after Repair
• Cylinder head gasket
1. Install the cylinder head. Refer to Disassembly
• Cylinder head and Assembly, “Cylinder Head - Install”.

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2. Remove the oil filter element. Install a new engine Table 94

oil filter element. Fill the engine with clean engine Minimum Oil
oil to the correct level. Refer to the Operation Viscosity at
and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Oil and Filter 100 °C with
- Change” for more information. Fuel Dilution
Viscosity Grade Action
Greater Than
4% as Measured
i03900114 by a Gas
Oil Contains Fuel
5W-40 Investigate
12.0 cSt the cause of
15W-40 fuel dilution
Measuring Fuel Dilution or reduce the
0W-30 engine oil
5W-30 9.0 cSt change interval.
Diesel fuel is chemically like the lubricants that are
used in diesel engines. A slow fuel leak will blend the
fuel into the oil. Normal operating temperatures may
cause volatile parts of the fuel to vaporize. The fuel Verifying Fuel Dilution
that remains in the oil is less volatile.
Always verify a result in excess of 4 percent before
A closed cup flash test can be performed in order investigating or servicing the engine.
to detect fuel dilution. The flash test is designed
to measure the volatile parts of the fuel that are
remaining in the oil. Detecting less volatile fuel is Probable Causes
difficult. Low volatility reduces the accuracy of the
flash test. • Fuel injector seals

Since the flash test does not accurately detect • Fuel injector tip
fuel dilution, do not use the flash test as the only
measure of fuel dilution. Instead, verify the dilution • Shaft seal for the high pressure fuel pump
by the following methods:
Recommended Actions
• Gas chromatograph fuel dilution test
Fuel Injector Seals
• Oil viscosity
Look for signs of damage to the seals for the fuel
The test that uses a gas chromatograph is designed injectors. Replace any seals that are leaking.
to measure fuel dilution in crankcase oils. The gas
chromatograph can identify the small chemical
differences between diesel fuel and lubricating oil. Fuel Injector Tip
Even though the gas chromatograph provides a more
accurate measure of fuel dilution, always verify the Look for signs of damage to the fuel injectors.
results with the viscosity test. Check the fuel injector tip for cracks or breakage. If
necessary, replace the unit injectors.
A significant level of fuel dilution reduces oil viscosity.
If an unacceptable level of fuel dilution is suspected, Shaft Seal for the High Pressure Fuel
the kinematic viscosity of the oil must be measured. Pump
Fuel dilution that is greater than 4 percent will Check for fuel leakage around the shaft seal for the
usually cause viscosity that is less than the specified high pressure fuel pump. If fuel is leaking past the
viscosity grade. If the oil is still within the specified shaft seal, there is a restriction in the return line to
viscosity grade, fuel dilution is unlikely to reach the fuel tank. Investigate the cause of the restriction
an unacceptable level. Use the following chart to and then repair the fuel line.
determine if viscosity has reached the minimum
acceptable level. The guidelines of viscosity in the If the shaft seal for the high pressure fuel pump is
chart are slightly less than the limits of the SAE leaking, the fuel pump must be replaced. Refer to
viscosity grades. However, these guidelines still Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Injection Pump
provide adequate engine protection. - Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel
Injection Pump - Install”.

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134 KENR9116-01
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Oil Pressure Is Low

Do not operate the engine with low oil pressure.
Engine damage will result. If measured oil pressure
is low, discontinue engine operation until the fault is

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) monitors

the engine oil pressure. The following events are
associated with low engine oil pressure:

Table 95

Diagnostic Codes for Low Engine Oil Pressure

Description Information
100-17 Engine Oil Pressure : Low - least severe The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

The engine has been running for at least 10 seconds.

There are no diagnostic trouble codes for the oil

pressure sensor.

There are no diagnostic trouble codes for the 5 VDC


Refer to Illustration 84 for the trip point for the oil

100-1 Engine Oil Pressure : Low - most severe The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

The engine has been running for at least 10 seconds.

There are no diagnostic trouble codes for the oil

pressure sensor.

There are no diagnostic trouble codes for the 5 VDC


The engine will be derated.

Refer to Illustration 85 for the trip point for the oil


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Troubleshooting Section

• Piston cooling jets

• Engine oil suction tube
• Engine oil pump
• Bearing clearance

Recommended Actions
Engine Oil Level
1. Inspect the engine oil level. If necessary, add oil.

2. If the fault is still apparent, proceed to “Oil


Oil Specification
1. Make sure that engine oil of the correct
Illustration 84
g01992234 specification is used. Refer to the Operation
Diagnostic code 100-17 Engine Oil Pressure versus Engine Speed
and Maintenance Manual, “Refill Capacities and

2. If necessary, drain the oil system and refill the oil

system with engine oil of the correct specification.
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Engine Oil and Filter - Change”.

3. If the fault is still apparent, proceed to “Engine Oil

Pressure Gauge”.

Engine Oil Pressure Gauge

1. Check the actual engine oil pressure with a
calibrated test gauge. Compare the oil pressure
reading from the electronic service tool to the
pressure on the test gauge.

2. If no difference is noted between the indicated oil

pressures, proceed to “Engine Oil Filter”.

Engine Oil Filter

Illustration 85
1. Remove the engine oil filter. Refer to the Operation
Diagnostic code 100-1 Engine Oil Pressure versus Engine Speed
and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Oil and Filter
- Change”.
Probable Causes
2. Inspect the engine oil filter for evidence of
• Engine oil level blockage.

• Oil specification 3. Install a new engine oil filter. Refer to the

Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Engine Oil
• Engine oil pressure gauge and Filter - Change”.

• Engine oil filter 4. If the fault is still apparent, proceed to “Engine Oil
• Engine oil cooler
• Fuel in the engine oil

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Engine Oil Cooler Bearing Clearance

1. If oil flow or coolant flow through the oil cooler Inspect the engine components for excessive bearing
is suspected of being low, replace the oil cooler. clearance or damaged bearings. If necessary,
Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine replace the bearings and/or the components. Inspect
Oil Cooler - Remove” and Disassembly and the following components for excessive bearing
Assembly, “Engine Oil Cooler - Install”. clearance:

2. If the fault is still apparent, proceed to “Fuel in the • Crankshaft main bearings
Engine Oil”.
• Connecting rod bearings
Fuel in the Engine Oil
• Camshaft front bearing
1. If contamination of the engine oil with fuel is
suspected, refer to Troubleshooting, “Oil Contains • Idler gear bearing
If the fault is still present, contact Perkins Global
2. If the fault is still apparent, proceed to “Piston Technical Support.
Cooling Jets”.
Piston Cooling Jets
Power Is Intermittently Low or
1. Inspect the piston cooling jets for damage.
Replace any piston cooling jet that appears to be
Power Cutout Is Intermittent
cracked, broken, or missing. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Piston Cooling Jets - Remove
and Install”. Note: Use this procedure only if the engine does not
shut down completely.
2. If no damage is found, proceed to “Engine Oil
Suction Tube”.
Probable Causes
Engine Oil Suction Tube
• Diagnostic codes
1. Check the inlet screen on the oil suction tube
and remove any material that may be restricting • Electrical connectors
oil flow.
• ECM connection
2. Check the joints of the oil suction tube for cracks
or a damaged joint. Cracks or damage may allow • Fuel supply
air leakage into the supply to the oil pump.
• Intake manifold pressure
3. If no faults are found, proceed to “Engine Oil
Pump”. Recommended Actions
Engine Oil Pump NOTICE
Do not crank the engine continuously for more than
1. Inspect the components of the engine oil pump for 30 seconds. Allow the starting motor to cool for two
excessive wear. Repair the oil pump or replace minutes before cranking the engine again.
the oil pump, if necessary. Refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump - Remove”,
Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine Oil Pump - Diagnostic Codes
Install” and Disassembly and Assembly, “Engine
Oil Relief Valve - Remove and Install”. Use one of the following methods to check for active
diagnostic codes:
2. If no faults are found, proceed to “Bearing
Clearance”. • The electronic service tool
• The display on the control panel
• Flash Codes
Electronic Service Tool

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KENR9116-01 137
Troubleshooting Section

1. Connect the electronic service tool to the 3. If a fault is suspected with the ECM power and
diagnostic connector. ground connections, refer to Troubleshooting,
“Ignition Keyswitch Circuit and Battery Supply
2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic Circuit - Test”.
service tool.
4. Verify that the ECM connections for the power and
3. Investigate any active codes before continuing ground connections at the fuel pump are correctly
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting, connected.
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”.
5. Repair any faults and ensure that the faults have
Display on the Control Panel been eliminated.

Note: The following procedure is only applicable 6. If the repairs do not eliminate the faults, proceed
if the application is equipped with a display on the to “Fuel Supply”.
control panel.
Fuel Supply
1. Check the display on the control panel for active
diagnostic codes. 1. Visually check the fuel tank for fuel. The fuel
gauge may be faulty.
2. Troubleshoot any active codes before continuing
with this procedure. Refer to Troubleshooting, 2. Ensure that the fuel supply valve (if equipped) is
“Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code”. in the full OPEN position.
Flash Codes 3. If the temperature is below 0 °C (32 °F), check
for solidified fuel (wax).
Note: The following procedure is only applicable if
the machine is equipped with the appropriate warning 4. Check the primary filter/water separator for water
lamps. in the fuel.
1. Check the warning lamps on the control panel 5. Check for fuel supply lines that are restricted.
for flash codes. Flash codes are explained in
Troubleshooting, “Flash Codes”. 6. Check that the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP)
is operating. If the EFLP is suspect, refer to
2. If any flash codes are displayed, troubleshoot Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test”.
the codes before continuing with this procedure.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Troubleshooting with a 7. Check that the low-pressure fuel lines are tight
Diagnostic Code”. and secured properly.

Electrical Connectors 8. Replace the in-line fuel strainer that is installed

upstream from the EFLP.
1. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors
- Inspect”. 9. Remove the fuel filters. Inspect the fuel filters for
contamination. Install new fuel filters. Refer to
2. Repair the electrical connectors or replace the the Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Fuel
electrical connectors. System Filter- Replace and Fuel System Primary
Filter (Water Separator) Element - Replace”.
3. Ensure that all the connector seals are in place Determine the cause of the contamination. Install
and that the connectors have been correctly new fuel filters.
10. Check the diesel fuel for contamination. Refer to
4. Ensure that the repairs have eliminated the fault. Systems Operation, Testing, and Adjusting, “Fuel
If the fault has not been eliminated proceed to Quality - Test”.
“ECM Connection”.
11. Check for air in the low-pressure fuel system.
ECM Connection Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
Adjusting, “Air in Fuel - Test”.
1. Check that the P2/J2 connector is correctly fitted.
12. Ensure that the fuel system has been primed.
2. Check that the P1/J1 connector is correctly fitted. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
Adjusting, “Fuel System - Prime”.

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138 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Contact with high pressure fuel may cause fluid

penetration and burn hazards. High pressure fu-
el spray may cause a fire hazard. Failure to fol-
low these inspection, maintenance and service in-
structions may cause personal injury or death.

Contact with high-pressure fuel may cause personal
injury or death. Wait 10 minutes after the engine has
stopped to allow fuel pressure to purge before any
service or repair is performed on the engine fuel lines.

13. If the high-pressure fuel lines have a leak, the

high-pressure fuel lines must be replaced. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel injection
lines - Remove” and Disassembly and Assembly,
“Fuel injection lines - Install”.
Illustration 86
14. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then
Location of the Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR) on a 1204E
disconnect the electrical connector from the EFLP. engine
(1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
15. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure (2) Secondary fuel filter base
the voltage at the harness connector for the EFLP. (3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR)
The voltage must be between 10 VDC and 14 (4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port
VDC for a 12 VDC system. The voltage must
be between 20 VDC and 28 VDC for a 24 VDC
system. If the voltage is below 10 VDC for a 12
VDC system, investigate the cause. If the voltage
is below 20 VDC for a 24 VDC system, investigate
the cause. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Fuel Pump
Relay Circuit - Test”.

16. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and then

reconnect the electrical connector to the EFLP.

17. If a repair has been performed to rectify a low

supply voltage to the EFLP, attempt to start the
engine. If the engine does not start, continue with
this procedure.

Note: Before performing the following fuel system

tests, the engine must be stopped for a minimum of
30 minutes.

Note: When performing the following fuel system

tests, the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) will only g02526956
Illustration 87
operate for 2 minutes unless the engine is running. If
necessary, cycle the keyswitch in order to reactivate Locations on the low-pressure fuel system on a 1206E engine
the pump. (1) Fuel return to the secondary fuel filter
(2) Secondary fuel filter base
(3) Transfer pump inlet regulator (TPIR)
(4) Transfer pump inlet regulator return port

Transfer Pump Inlet Regulator (TPIR) Flow Test

For a 1204E engine, refer to Illustration 86. For a

1206E engine, refer to Illustration 87.

Perform the following procedure:

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KENR9116-01 139
Troubleshooting Section

1. Disconnect the TPIR return line from the drain port

on the TPIR. Install a suitable blanking cap on the
open port in the TPIR return line

2. Connect a temporary drain line to the drain port

on the TPIR.

3. Place the end of the temporary drain line into a

suitable calibrated container.

4. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the

engine not running, use a suitable multimeter to
measure the input voltage to the EFLP. Record
the reading.
5. With the keyswitch in the ON position but the Illustration 89
engine not running, measure the fuel flow from Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 24 VDC system
the temporary drain line.

• For a 12 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer

to Illustration 88 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

• For a 24 VDC system on a 1204E engine, refer

to Illustration 89 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

• For a 12 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer

to Illustration 90 for the minimum acceptable
flow rate.

• For a 24 VDC system on a 1206E engine, refer g02355128

to Illustration 91 for the minimum acceptable Illustration 90
flow rate. Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 12 VDC system

g02485896 g02355130
Illustration 88 Illustration 91
Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1204E engine with a 12 VDC system Minimum TPIR flow rate for a 1206E engine with a 24 VDC system

6. Remove the temporary drain line from the drain

port on the TPIR. Connect the TPIR return line
to the TPIR.

7. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is greater than the

minimum limit, proceed to “Intake Manifold

8. If the fuel flow in Step 5 is below the minimum limit,

proceed to “Return Pressure Relief Valve Test”.

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140 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Return Pressure Relief Valve Test

Use the following procedure to check the fuel

flow through the return pressure relief valve in the
secondary fuel filter base:

1. Disconnect the return line (1) from the secondary

fuel filter base and install a blank on the line.
Install a temporary line and a calibrated container
to the filter base.

2. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure

fuel flow from the temporary line.

3. If the fuel flow is more than 300 mL/min g02527518

(10.2 oz/min), replace the secondary fuel filter Illustration 93
base. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Fuel Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 24 VDC system
Filter Base - Remove and Install (Twin Secondary
Fuel Filter)”. 8. If the fuel flow is more than 5% below the
acceptable limit, replace the EFLP.
4. Remove the temporary line and reconnect the
return line. 9. If the fuel flow is more than 5% above the
acceptable limit, contact Perkins Global Technical
5. If the secondary fuel filter base has been replaced, Support.
attempt to start the engine. If the engine does not
start, use the following procedure to check the fuel 10. If the fuel flow from the EFLP is within limits,
flow from the EFLP: proceed to “Check the Return Fuel Lines”.

6. Disconnect the fuel inlet from the primary fuel Check the Return Fuel Lines
filter. Place the open end of the disconnected line
into a calibrated container. 1. Make sure that the TPIR return line is not blocked
or kinked.
7. With the keyswitch in the ON position, measure
the flow from the fuel line. Refer to the Illustration 2. If the TPIR return line is clear, confirm that the
92 for the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) is operating. Make
12 VDC system. Refer to the Illustration 93 for sure that fuel lines between the EFLP and the
the minimum acceptable fuel flow on a 24 VDC TPIR are not blocked or kinked.
3. If the fuel lines to the TPIR are clear and the EFLP
is operating, replace the TPIR.

4. If the fault is still present, proceed to “Intake

Manifold Pressure”.

Intake Manifold Pressure

1. Use the electronic service tool to verify the intake
manifold pressure.

2. Turn the start switch to the ON position.

3. The intake manifold pressure should read

0 ± 0.5 kPa (0 ± 0.07 psi). If the intake manifold
Illustration 92 pressure is not within the limits, perform the
Minimum EFLP flow rate for a 12 VDC system following steps.

4. Check the air filter restriction indicator, if equipped.

5. Ensure that the air filter is clean and serviceable.

6. Check the air intake and the exhaust system for

the following defects:

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KENR9116-01 141
Troubleshooting Section

• Blockages • Camshaft
• Restrictions • Valve stems
• Damage to the air intake and exhaust lines and • Rocker shaft
3. Check the components for the following conditions:
7. If the fault cannot be eliminated, contact Perkins abnormal wear, excessive wear, straightness,
Global Technical Support. and cleanliness. If necessary, use new parts for
Note: If the camshaft is replaced, new valve lifters
Valve Lash Is Excessive must also be used.

Probable Causes
• Lubrication
• Valve train components

Recommended Actions
1. Ensure that the engine oil pressure is satisfactory.
Low engine oil pressure can cause excessive
component wear.

2. Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to

Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism
Cover - Remove and Install” for the correct

3. Crank the engine and check the lubrication in the

valve compartment. Ensure that there is adequate
engine oil flow in the valve compartment. The
passages for the engine oil must be clean.

Note: Do not run the engine without the valve

mechanism cover.

Valve Train Components

1. Check the hydraulic lifters for correct operation.
Refer to Systems Operation, Testing, and
Adjusting, “Engine Valve Lash - Inspect”.

2. Inspect the following components of the valve

train. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly for any
components that must be removed for inspection.

• Rocker arms
• Valve bridges
• Pushrods
• Hydraulic lifters

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142 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Troubleshooting with a
Diagnostic Code

Diagnostic Trouble Codes

The following table lists all the J1939 diagnostic

trouble codes for the 1204E E44 and 1206E
E66 engines. The table includes a description for
each code and the recommended troubleshooting
procedure that must be performed.

Table 96

J1939 Code Description Refer to Procedure

Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Position
27-3 Valve Position Sensor - Test
Sensor : Voltage Above Normal
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Position
27-4 Valve Position Sensor - Test
Sensor : Voltage Below Normal
Accelerator Pedal Position 2 : Erratic, Intermittent, or
29-2 Throttle Switch Circuit - Test
Incorrect (Engines equipped with a throttle switch)
Accelerator Pedal Position 2 : Erratic, Intermittent or
29-2 Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
Incorrect (Engines equipped with an analog throttle)
Accelerator Pedal Position 2 : Voltage Above Normal
29-3 Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
(Engines equipped with an analog throttle)
Accelerator Pedal Position 2 : Voltage Above Normal
29-3 Digital Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
(Engines equipped with a digital throttle)
Accelerator Pedal Position 2 : Voltage Below Normal
29-4 Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
(Engines equipped with an analog throttle)
Accelerator Pedal Position 2 : Voltage Below Normal
29-4 Digital Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
(Engines equipped with a digital throttle)
Accelerator Pedal Position 2 : Abnormal Frequency,
29-8 Digital Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
Pulse Width or Period
Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : Erratic, Intermittent, or
91-2 Throttle Switch Circuit - Test
Incorrect (Engines equipped with a throttle switch)
Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : Erratic, Intermittent or
91-2 Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
Incorrect (Engines equipped with an analog throttle)
Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : Voltage Above Normal
91-3 Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
(Engines equipped with an analog throttle)
Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : Voltage Above Normal
91-3 Digital Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
(Engines equipped with a digital throttle)
Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : Voltage Below Normal
91-4 Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
(Engines equipped with an analog throttle)
Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : Voltage Below Normal
91-4 Digital Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
(Engines equipped with a digital throttle)
Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : Abnormal Frequency,
91-8 Digital Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
Pulse Width or Period
97-15 Water In Fuel Indicator : High - least severe (1) Fuel System Water Separator Has Water
97-16 Water In Fuel Indicator : High - moderate severity (2) Fuel System Water Separator Has Water
100-1 Engine Oil Pressure : Low - most severe (3) Low Engine Oil Pressure

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(Table 96, contd)

J1939 Code Description Refer to Procedure
Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short
100-3 Engine Oil Pressure : Voltage Above Normal
Circuit - Test
Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short
100-4 Engine Oil Pressure : Voltage Below Normal
Circuit - Test
100-17 Engine Oil Pressure : Low - least severe (1) Low Engine Oil Pressure
100-21 Engine Oil Pressure : Data Drifted Low 5 V Sensor Supply Circuit - Test
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Pressure : High - moderate
102-16 Intake Manifold Air Pressure Is High
severity (2)
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Pressure : Low - moderate
102-18 Intake Manifold Air Pressure Is Low
severity (2)
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Temperature : Voltage Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short
Above Normal Circuit - Test (Passive Sensors)
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Temperature : Voltage Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short
Below Normal Circuit - Test (Passive Sensors)
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Temperature : High - least
105-15 Intake Manifold Air Temperature Is High
severe (1)
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Temperature : High -
105-16 Intake Manifold Air Temperature Is High
moderate severity (2)
Engine Air Filter 1 Differential Pressure : High - least
107-15 Inlet Air Is Restricted
severe (1)
Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short
108-3 Barometric Pressure : Voltage Above Normal
Circuit - Test
Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short
108-4 Barometric Pressure : Voltage Below Normal
Circuit - Test
108-21 Barometric Pressure : Data Drifted Low 5 V Sensor Supply Circuit - Test
110-0 Engine Coolant Temperature : High - most severe (3) Coolant Temperature Is Too High
Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short
110-3 Engine Coolant Temperature : Voltage Above Normal
Circuit - Test (Passive Sensors)
Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short
110-4 Engine Coolant Temperature : Voltage Below Normal
Circuit - Test (Passive Sensors)
110-15 Engine Coolant Temperature : High - least severe (1) Coolant Temperature Is Too High
Engine Coolant Temperature : High - moderate
110-16 Coolant Temperature Is Too High
severity (2)
111-1 Engine Coolant Level : Low - most severe (3) Coolant Level Is Low
Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure : Voltage Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short
Above Normal Circuit - Test
Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure : Voltage Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short
Below Normal Circuit - Test
Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure : High -
157-15 Fuel Rail Pressure Problem
least severe (1)
Engine Injector Metering Rail #1 Pressure : Low -
157-17 Fuel Rail Pressure Problem
least severe (1)
Battery Potential / Power Input 1 : Erratic, Intermittent Ignition Keyswitch Circuit and Battery
or Incorrect Supply Circuit - Test
Battery Potential / Power Input 1 : Voltage Above Ignition Keyswitch Circuit and Battery
Normal Supply Circuit - Test
Battery Potential / Power Input 1 : Voltage Below Ignition Keyswitch Circuit and Battery
Normal Supply Circuit - Test

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144 KENR9116-01
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(Table 96, contd)

J1939 Code Description Refer to Procedure
Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short
172-3 Engine Air Inlet Temperature : Voltage Above Normal
Circuit - Test (Passive Sensors)
Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short
172-4 Engine Air Inlet Temperature : Voltage Below Normal
Circuit - Test (Passive Sensors)
Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short
174-3 Engine Fuel Temperature 1 : Voltage Above Normal
Circuit - Test (Passive Sensors)
Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short
174-4 Engine Fuel Temperature 1 : Voltage Below Normal
Circuit - Test (Passive Sensors)
174-15 Engine Fuel Temperature 1 : High - least severe (1) Fuel Temperature Is High
Engine Fuel Temperature 1 : High - moderate severity
174-16 Fuel Temperature Is High
Engine Speed : Abnormal Frequency, Pulse Width or
190-8 Engine Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test
190-15 Engine Speed : High - least severe (1) Engine Overspeeds
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature : Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short
Voltage Above Normal Circuit - Test (Passive Sensors)
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature : Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short
Voltage Below Normal Circuit - Test (Passive Sensors)
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature : High
412-15 NRS Exhaust Gas Temperature Is High
- least severe (1)
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature : High
412-16 NRS Exhaust Gas Temperature Is High
- moderate severity (2)
Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch : Erratic,
558-2 Idle Validation Switch Circuit - Test
Intermittent or Incorrect
626-5 Engine Start Enable Device 1 : Current Below Normal Ether Starting Aid - Test
626-6 Engine Start Enable Device 1 : Current Above Normal Ether Starting Aid - Test
630-2 Calibration Memory : Erratic, Intermittent or Incorrect Flash Programming
631-2 Calibration Module : Erratic, Intermittent or Incorrect ECM Memory - Test
637-11 Engine Timing Sensor : Other Failure Mode Engine Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test
639-9 J1939 Network #1 : Abnormal Update Rate CAN Data Link Circuit - Test
Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Solenoid
649-3 Motorized Valve - Test
: Voltage Above Normal
Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Solenoid :
649-5 Motorized Valve - Test
Current Below Normal
Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Solenoid
649-6 Motorized Valve - Test
: Current Above Normal
Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Solenoid :
649-7 Motorized Valve - Test
Not Responding Properly
Engine Injector Cylinder #01 : Erratic, Intermittent or
651-2 Injector Data Incorrect - Test
651-5 Engine Injector Cylinder #01 : Current Below Normal Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test
651-6 Engine Injector Cylinder #01 : Current Above Normal Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test
Engine Injector Cylinder #02 : Erratic, Intermittent or
652-2 Injector Data Incorrect - Test
652-5 Engine Injector Cylinder #02 : Current Below Normal Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test
652-6 Engine Injector Cylinder #02 : Current Above Normal Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test

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(Table 96, contd)

J1939 Code Description Refer to Procedure
Engine Injector Cylinder #03 : Erratic, Intermittent or
653-2 Injector Data Incorrect - Test
653-5 Engine Injector Cylinder #03 : Current Below Normal Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test
653-6 Engine Injector Cylinder #03 : Current Above Normal Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test
Engine Injector Cylinder #04 : Erratic, Intermittent or
654-2 Injector Data Incorrect - Test
654-5 Engine Injector Cylinder #04 : Current Below Normal Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test
654-6 Engine Injector Cylinder #04 : Current Above Normal Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test
Engine Injector Cylinder #05 : Erratic, Intermittent or
655-2 Injector Data Incorrect - Test
Incorrect (1206E-E66 Engine Only)
Engine Injector Cylinder #05 : Current Below Normal
655-5 Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test
(1206E-E66 Engine Only)
Engine Injector Cylinder #05 : Current Above Normal
655-6 Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test
(1206E E66 Engine Only)
Engine Injector Cylinder #06 : Erratic, Intermittent or
656-2 Injector Data Incorrect - Test
Incorrect (1206E-E66 Engine Only)
Engine Injector Cylinder #06 : Current Below Normal
656-5 Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test
(1206E-E66 Engine Only)
Engine Injector Cylinder #06 : Current Above Normal
656-6 Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test
(1206E-E66 Engine Only)
676-6 Engine Glow Plug Relay : Current Above Normal Starting Aid (Glow Plug) Relay Circuit - Test
678-3 ECU 8 Volts DC Supply : Voltage Above Normal Digital Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
678-4 ECU 8 Volts DC Supply : Voltage Below Normal Digital Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test
Engine Speed Sensor #2 : Abnormal Frequency, Pulse
723-8 Engine Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test
Width or Period
Engine Electric Lift Pump For Engine Fuel Supply :
1075-5 Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test
Current Below Normal
Engine Electric Lift Pump For Engine Fuel Supply :
1075-6 Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test
Current Above Normal
Engine Fuel Injection Pump Fuel Control Valve :
1076-5 Solenoid Valve - Test
Current Below Normal
Engine Fuel Injection Pump Fuel Control Valve :
1076-6 Solenoid Valve - Test
Current Above Normal
Engine Turbocharger 1 Wastegate Drive : Voltage
1188-3 Solenoid Valve - Test
Above Normal
Engine Turbocharger 1 Wastegate Drive : Current
1188-5 Solenoid Valve - Test
Below Normal
Engine Turbocharger 1 Wastegate Drive : Current
1188-6 Solenoid Valve - Test
Above Normal
Anti-theft Component Status States : Abnormal
1196-9 Data Link Circuit - Test
Update Rate
1239-0 Engine Fuel Leakage 1: High - most severe (3) Fuel Rail Pressure Problem
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Mass Flow
2659-15 TBA
Rate : High - least severe (1)
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Valve
2791-3 Motorized Valve - Test
Control : Voltage Above Normal

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146 KENR9116-01
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(Table 96, contd)

J1939 Code Description Refer to Procedure
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Valve
2791-5 Motorized Valve - Test
Control : Current Below Normal
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Valve
2791-6 Motorized Valve - Test
Control : Current Above Normal
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Valve
2791-7 Motorized Valve - Test
Control : Not Responding Properly
Engine Alternate Rating Select : Erratic, Intermittent,
2882-2 Mode Selection Circuit - Test
or Incorrect
Accelerator Pedal 2 Low Idle Switch : Erratic,
2970-2 Idle Validation Switch Circuit - Test
Intermittent, or Incorrect
Particulate Trap Intake Gas Temperature : Voltage Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short
Above Normal Circuit - Test (Active Sensors)
Particulate Trap Intake Gas Temperature : Voltage Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short
Below Normal Circuit - Test (Active Sensors)
Particulate Trap Intake Gas Temperature : Low - least
3242-17 Diesel Particulate Filter Temperature Is High
severe (1)
Particulate Trap Intake Gas Temperature : Low -
3242-18 Diesel Particulate Filter Temperature Is Low
moderate severity (2)
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Inlet Pressure : Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short
Voltage Above Normal Circuit - Test
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Inlet Pressure : Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short
Voltage Below Normal Circuit - Test
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Inlet Pressure :
3358-13 Sensor Calibration Required - Test
Calibration Required
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Inlet Pressure :
3358-21 5 V Sensor Supply Circuit - Test
Data Drifted Low
3509-3 Sensor Supply Voltage 1 : Voltage Above Normal 5 V Sensor Supply Circuit - Test
3509-4 Sensor Supply Voltage 1 : Voltage Below Normal 5 V Sensor Supply Circuit - Test
3510-3 Sensor Supply Voltage 2 : Voltage Above Normal 5 V Sensor Supply Circuit - Test
3510-4 Sensor Supply Voltage 2 : Voltage Below Normal 5 V Sensor Supply Circuit - Test
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Absolute Pressure : Voltage Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short
Above Normal Circuit - Test
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Absolute Pressure : Voltage Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short
Below Normal Circuit - Test
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Absolute Pressure :
3563-13 Sensor Calibration Required - Test
Calibration Required
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Absolute Pressure : Data
3563-21 5 V Sensor Supply Circuit - Test
Drifted Low
Particulate Trap #1 Soot Load Percent : High - most
3719-0 Diesel Particulate Filter Collects Excessive Soot
severe (3)
Particulate Trap #1 Soot Load Percent : High -
3719-16 Diesel Particulate Filter Collects Excessive Soot
moderate severity (2)
Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal : Voltage
4783-3 Soot Sensor - Test
Above Normal
Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal : Voltage
4783-4 Soot Sensor - Test
Below Normal
Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal :
4783-9 Soot Sensor - Test
Abnormal Update Rate

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KENR9116-01 147
Troubleshooting Section

(Table 96, contd)

J1939 Code Description Refer to Procedure
4783-12 Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal : Failure Soot Sensor - Test
Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal :
4783-13 Soot Sensor - Test
Calibration Required
Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal : Data
4783-19 Soot Sensor - Test
Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal : Data
4783-21 Soot Sensor - Test
Drifted Low
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Outlet Pressure Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short
: Voltage Above Normal Circuit - Test
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Outlet Pressure : Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short
Voltage Below Normal Circuit - Test
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Outlet Pressure :
5019-13 Sensor Calibration Required - Test
Calibration Required
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Outlet Pressure :
5019-21 5 V Sensor Supply Circuit - Test
Data Drifted Low
High Pressure Common Rail Fuel Pressure Relief
5571-0 Fuel Rail Pressure Problem
Valve : Active
Aftertreatment #1 Identification Number Module :
5576-2 Diesel Particulate Filter Identification Signal - Test
Erratic, Intermittent or incorrect
Aftertreatment #1 Identification Number Module :
5576-8 Diesel Particulate Filter Identification Signal - Test
Abnormal Frequency, Pulse Width, or Period
Aftertreatment #1 Identification Number Module :
5576-14 Diesel Particulate Filter Identification Signal - Test
Special Instruction
Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Position : Voltage
5625-3 Valve Position Sensor - Test
Above Normal
Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Position : Voltage
5625-4 Valve Position Sensor - Test
Below Normal
Particulate Trap Active Regeneration Inhibited Due To
5629-31 Diesel Particulate Filter Collects Excessive Soot
Low Exhaust Gas Pressure - least severe (1)


Diagnostic Code Cross


Table 97
J1939 Flash
CDL Code Description
Code Code
N/A No Diagnostic Code Detected N/A 551
1-2 Cylinder #1 Injector erratic, intermittent or incorrect 651-2 111
1-5 Cylinder #1 Injector current below normal 651-5 111
1-6 Cylinder #1 Injector current above normal 651-6 111
2-2 Cylinder #2 Injector erratic, intermittent or incorrect 652-2 111
2-5 Cylinder #2 Injector current below normal 652-5 112
2-6 Cylinder #2 Injector current above normal 652-6 112
3-2 Cylinder #3 Injector erratic, intermittent or incorrect 653-2 111

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(Table 97, contd)

J1939 Flash
CDL Code Description
Code Code
3-5 Cylinder #3 Injector current below normal 653-5 113
3-6 Cylinder #3 Injector current above normal 653-6 113
4-2 Cylinder #4 Injector erratic, intermittent or incorrect 654-2 111
4-5 Cylinder #4 Injector current below normal 654-5 114
4-6 Cylinder #4 Injector current above normal 654-6 114
5-2 Cylinder #5 Injector erratic, intermittent or incorrect (1206E-E66 Engine Only) 655-2 111
5-5 Cylinder #5 Injector current below normal (1206E-E66 Engine Only) 655-5 115
5-6 Cylinder #5 Injector current above normal (1206E-E66 Engine Only) 655-6 115
6-2 Cylinder #6 Injector erratic, intermittent or incorrect (1206E-E66 Engine Only) 656-2 111
6-5 Cylinder #6 Injector current below normal (1206E-E66 Engine Only) 656-5 116
6-6 Cylinder #6 Injector current above normal (1206E-E66 Engine Only) 656-6 116
18-5 Fuel Control Valve current below normal 1076-5 -
18-6 Fuel Control Valve current below normal 1076-6 -
41-3 8 Volt DC Supply voltage above normal 678-3 517
41-4 8 Volt DC Supply voltage below normal 678-4 517
91-2 Throttle Position Sensor erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 91-2 154
91-3 Throttle Position Sensor voltage above normal 91-3 154
91-4 Throttle Position Sensor voltage below normal 91-4 154
91-8 Throttle Position Sensor abnormal frequency, pulse width, or period 91-08 154
100-3 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor voltage above normal 100-3 157
100-4 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor voltage below normal 100-4 157
100-21 Engine Oil Pressure Sensor data drifted low 100-21 157
110-3 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor voltage above normal 110-3 168
110-4 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor voltage below normal 110-4 168
168-2 Electrical System Voltage erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 168-2 511
168-3 Electrical System Voltage voltage above normal 168-3 511
168-4 Electrical System Voltage voltage Below normal 168-4 511
172-3 Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor voltage above normal 105-3 133
172-4 Intake Manifold Air Temperature Sensor voltage below normal 105-4 133
174-3 Fuel Temperature Sensor voltage above normal 174-3 165
174-4 Fuel Temperature Sensor voltage below normal 174-4 165
190-8 Engine Speed Sensor abnormal frequency, pulse width, or period 190-8 141
247-9 SAE J1939 Data Link abnormal update rate 639-9 514
253-2 Personality Module erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 631-2 415
261-11 Engine Timing Offset fault 637-11 143
262-3 5 Volt Sensor DC Power Supply voltage above normal 3509-3 516
262-4 5 Volt Sensor DC Power Supply voltage below normal 3509-4 516
268-2 Programmed Parameter Fault erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 630-2 527
274-3 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor voltage above normal 108-3 152

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(Table 97, contd)

J1939 Flash
CDL Code Description
Code Code
274-4 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor voltage below normal 108-4 152
274-21 Atmospheric Pressure Sensor data drifted low 108-21 152
342-8 Secondary Engine Speed Sensor abnormal frequency, pulse width, or period 723-8 142
526-3 Turbo Wastegate Drive voltage above normal 1188-3 177
526-5 Turbo Wastegate Drive current below normal 1188-5 177
526-6 Turbo Wastegate Drive current above normal 1188-6 177
774-2 Secondary Throttle Position Sensor erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 29-2 155
774-3 Secondary Throttle Position Sensor voltage above normal 29-3 155
774-4 Secondary Throttle Position Sensor voltage below normal 29-4 155
774-8 Secondary Throttle Position Sensor abnormal frequency, pulse width, or period 29-8 155
1634-2 Idle Validation Switch #1 erratic, intermittent or incorrect 558-2 245
1635-2 Idle Validation Switch #2 erratic, intermittent or incorrect 2970-2 246
1639-9 Machine Security System Module abnormal update rate 1196-9 426
1743-2 Engine Operation Mode Selector Switch erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 2882-2 144
1785-3 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor voltage above normal 3563-3 197
1785-4 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor voltage below normal 3563-4 197
1785-13 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor calibration required 3563-13 197
1785-21 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor data drifted low 3563-21 197
1797-3 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor voltage above normal 157-3 159
1797-4 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor voltage below normal 157-4 159
2131-3 5 Volt Sensor DC Power Supply #2 voltage above normal 3510-3 528
2131-4 5 Volt Sensor DC Power Supply #2 voltage below normal 3510-4 528
2246-6 Glow Plug Start Aid Relay current above normal 676-6 199
2417-5 Ether Injection Control Solenoid current below normal 626-5 233
2417-6 Ether Injection Control Solenoid current above normal 626-6 233
2452-3 DPF #1 Intake Temperature Sensor voltage above normal 3242-3 224
2452-4 DPF #1 Intake Temperature Sensor voltage below normal 3242-4 224
2526-3 Air Inlet Temperature Sensor voltage above normal 172-3 232
2526-4 Air Inlet Temperature Sensor voltage below normal 172-4 232
3175-3 Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Solenoid voltage above normal 649-3 -
3175-5 Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Solenoid current below normal 649-5 -
3175-6 Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Solenoid current above normal 649-6 -
3175-6 Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Solenoid current above normal 649-6 -
3175-7 Engine Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Solenoid not responding properly 649-7 -
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Intake Pressure Sensor voltage above
3385-3 3358-3 231
3385-4 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Intake Pressure Sensor voltage below normal 3358-4 231
3385-13 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Intake Pressure Sensor calibration required 3358-13 231
3385-21 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Intake Pressure Sensor data drifted low 3358-21 231

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(Table 97, contd)

J1939 Flash
CDL Code Description
Code Code
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Intake Pressure Sensor voltage above
3386-3 412-3 227
3386-4 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Intake Pressure Sensor voltage below normal 412-4 227
3397-3 Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal voltage above normal 4783-3 226
3397-4 Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal voltage below normal 4783-4 226
3397-9 Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal abnormal update rate 4783-9 226
3397-12 Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal failure 4783-12 226
3397-13 Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal calibration required 4783-13 226
3397-14 RF Clean Calibration Offset calibration required 5495-14 226
3397-19 Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal data error 4783-19 226
3397-21 Diesel Particulate Filter #1 Mean Soot Signal data drifted low 4783-21 226
3405-3 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Control voltage above normal 2791-3 228
3405-5 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Control current below normal 2791-5 228
3405-6 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Control current above normal 2791-6 228
3407-3 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Position Sensor voltage above normal 27-3 229
3407-4 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Position Sensor voltage below normal 27-4 229
3468-2 Aftertreatment #1 Identification Number Module erratic, intermittent, or incorrect 5576-2 -
Aftertreatment #1 Identification Number Module abnormal frequency, pulse -
3468-8 5576-8
width, or period
3468-14 Aftertreatment #1 Identification Number Module special instruction 5576-14 -
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Outlet Pressure Sensor voltage above
3511-3 5019-3 247
3511-4 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Outlet Pressure Sensor voltage below normal 5019-4 247
3511-13 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Outlet Pressure Sensor calibration required 5019-13 247
3511-21 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Outlet Pressure Sensor data drifted low 5019-21 247
3513-3 Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Position voltage above normal 5625-3 249
3513-4 Exhaust Back Pressure Regulator Position voltage below normal 5625-4 249
3666-5 Engine Fuel Supply Lift Pump Relay current below normal 1075-5 253
3666-6 Engine Fuel Supply Lift Pump Relay current above normal 1075-6 253
Event Codes
E232-1 High Fuel/Water Separator Water Level - Warning 97-15 -
E232-2 High Fuel/Water Separator Water Level - Derate 97-16 -
E360-1 Low Engine Oil Pressure - Warning 100-17 157
E360-3 Low Engine Oil Pressure - Shutdown 100-01 157
E361-1 High Engine Coolant Temperature - Warning 110-15 168
E361-2 High Engine Coolant Temperature - Derate 110-16 168
E361-3 High Engine Coolant Temperature - Shutdown 110-0 168
E362-1 Engine Overspeed - Warning 190-15 141
E363-1 High Fuel Supply Temperature - Warning 174-15 165
E363-2 High Fuel Supply Temperature - Derate 174-16 165

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(Table 97, contd)

J1939 Flash
CDL Code Description
Code Code
E396-1 High Fuel Rail Pressure - Warning 157-15 159
E398-1 Low Fuel Rail Pressure - Warning 157-17 159
E499-3 Fuel Rail #1 Pressure Leak - Shutdown 1239-0 -
E539-1 High Intake Manifold Air Temperature - Warning 105-15 133
E539-2 High Intake Manifold Air Temperature - Derate 105-16 133
E583-1 High Air Inlet #1 Differential Pressure - Warning 107-15 151
E995-2 High DPF #1 Soot Loading - Derate 3719-16 -
E995-3 High DPF #1 Soot Loading - Shutdown 3719-0 -
E1014-1 Low DPF #1 Intake Temperature - Warning 3242-17 224
E1014-2 Low DPF #1 Intake Temperature - Derate 3242-18 224
E1044-2 High Intake Manifold Pressure - Derate 102-16 197
E1045-2 Low Intake Manifold Pressure - Derate 102-18 197
E1092-1 High Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature - Warning 412-15 227
E1092-2 High Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Temperature - Derate 412-16 227
E1095-2 Low Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Mass Flow Rate - Derate 2659-18 -
E1096-1 High Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Mass Flow Rate - Warning 2659-15 -
E1096-2 High Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Mass Flow Rate - Derate 2659-16 -
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve Control Not Responding to Command -
E1121-2 2791-7
- Derate
E1264-2 High Pressure Common Rail Fuel pressure relief valve active - Derate 5571-0 -
Particulate Trap Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Low Exhaust Gas -
E1265-1 5629-31
Pressure - Warning
E2143-3 Low Engine Coolant Level - Shutdown 111-01 169

i03942012 Results:
No Diagnostic Codes Detected • OK – STOP.

Conditions Which Generate This Code:

A flash code 0551 indicates that there are no detected

faults in the system since the previous powering up.

System Response:

This code will not appear on the electronic service

tool. The indicator lamps will flash the diagnostic
code. For more information on flash codes, refer to
Troubleshooting, “Indicator Lamps”.

Possible Performance Effect:


There are no faults that require troubleshooting.

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152 KENR9116-01
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Troubleshooting with an
Event Code

Event Codes

An event code alerts the operator to an abnormal

engine operating condition such as low oil pressure
or high coolant temperature. As this engine normally
reports faults as J1939 codes, event codes are only
identifiable by the Failure Mode Identifier (FMI). The
FMI is the second element of the fault code. All
events are identified by the following FMIs:

Table 98
FMI Description
15 Parameter High - Least Severe (1)
16 Parameter High - Moderate Severity (2)
0 Parameter High - Most Severe (3)
17 Parameter Low - Least Severe (1)
18 Parameter Low - Moderate Severity (2)
1 Parameter Low - Most Severe (3)

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) can log events.

Logged events usually indicate a mechanical fault
instead of an electronic system fault or the engine is
operating outside the design specification. Illustration 94

Example of the typical operating range of a sensor

Note: If a diagnostic code has already been logged,
(1) This area represents the normal operating range of the engine
any associated event code to that fault will not be parameter.
logged. (2) In these areas, the engine is operating in an unsafe operating
range of the monitored parameter. An event code will be
Note: If an event code is already active, a diagnostic generated for the monitored parameter. The sensor circuit does
code that is associated with the same sensor will not not have an electronic fault.
(3) In these areas, the signal from the sensor is outside of the
be active. operating range of the sensor. The sensor circuit has an
electronic fault. A diagnostic code will be generated for the
Active Event Codes sensor circuit. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Self Diagnostics” for
additional information on diagnostic codes.

An active event code represents a fault with engine The following format is used for event codes:
operation. Correct the fault as soon as possible.
“XXXX-YY Description of the event”
Active event codes are listed in ascending numerical
order. The code with the lowest number is listed first. The “XXXX” represents a System Parameter Number
for the event code. The “-YY” represents FMI for
Event codes will cause the warning lamp to illuminate the severity of the event. The FMI is followed by
and the event will be logged. a description of the event. Refer to the following
Illustration 94 is an example of the operating range of
an oil temperature sensor. Do not use the Illustration “100-17 Engine Oil Pressure : Low - Least Severe (1)”
to troubleshoot the oil temperature sensor.
In this example, the number “-17” indicates the
severity of the event. The ECM has three levels of
response to events:

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Level (1) – This level can be referred to as the 1. Obtain the following information about the
“Warning Level”. This condition represents a serious complaint from the operator:
problem with engine operation. However, this
condition does not require the engine to derate or • The event and the time of the event
shut down. The warning lamp will come on.
• Determine the conditions for the event. The
Level (2) – This level can be referred to as the conditions will include the engine rpm and the
“Derate Level”. For this condition, the ECM will derate load.
the engine in order to help prevent possible engine
damage. The warning lamp will flash. • Determine if there are any systems that were
installed by the dealer or by the customer that
Level (3) – This level can be referred to as the could cause the event.
“Shutdown Level”. A “Level 3” event code will be
logged in the ECM and the engine will shut down if • Determine whether any additional events
the shutdown feature is enabled. The warning lamp occurred.
will flash and the shutdown lamp will come on.
2. Verify that the complaint is not due to normal
Responses to certain events may be programmed engine operation. Verify that the complaint is not
into the ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “System due to error of the operator.
Configuration Parameters”.
3. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Diagnostic Trouble
Codes”. Perform the troubleshooting procedure
Logged Event Codes that is shown against the reported code.
When the ECM generates an event code, the ECM
If these steps do not resolve the fault, identify the
logs the code in permanent memory. The ECM has
an internal diagnostic clock. The ECM will record procedures in this manual that best describe the
event. Check each probable cause according to the
the following information when an event code is
tests that are recommended.

• The hour of the first occurrence of the code

• The hour of the last occurrence of the code
• The number of occurrences of the code
Logged events are listed in chronological order. The
most recent event code is listed first.

This information can be helpful for troubleshooting

intermittent faults. Logged codes can also be used to
review the performance of the engine.

Clearing Event Codes

A code is cleared from memory when one of the
following conditions occur:

• The code does not recur for 100 hours.

• A new code is logged and there are already ten
codes in memory. In this case, the oldest code is

• The service technician manually clears the code.

Always clear logged event codes after investigating
and correcting the fault which generated the code.

For basic troubleshooting of the engine, perform the
following steps in order to diagnose a malfunction:
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154 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Diagnostic Functional

5 Volt Sensor Supply Circuit -


System Operation Description:

This procedure covers the following codes:

Table 99
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the 5 VDC Sensor Supply Circuit
J1939 Description Notes
3509-3 Sensor Supply Voltage 1 : Voltage Above The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following
Normal conditions:
3510-3 Sensor Supply Voltage 2 : Voltage Above The 5 VDC supply for the sensors is greater than 5.16 VDC for
Normal more than one second.

The ECM has been powered for at least 3 seconds.

Diagnostic code 168-4 is not active.

The warning lamp will come on. The ECM sets all of the sensors
on the 5 VDC circuit to the default values.
The engine will be derated.
3509-4 Sensor Supply Voltage 1 : Voltage Below The ECM detects the following conditions:
The 5 VDC supply for the sensors is less than 4.84 VDC for more
3510-4 Sensor Supply Voltage 2 : Voltage Below than one second.
The ECM has been powered for at least 3 seconds.

Diagnostic code 168-4 is not active.

The warning lamp will come on. The ECM sets all of the sensors
on the 5 VDC circuit to the default values.
The engine will be derated.
100-21 Engine Oil Pressure : Data Drifted Low The ECM detects no 5 VDC supply to the engine oil pressure
108-21 Barometric Pressure : Data Drifted Low The ECM detects no 5 VDC supply to the barometric pressure
3358-21 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Inlet The ECM detects no 5 VDC supply to the Nox Reduction System
Pressure : Data Drifted Low (NRS) inlet pressure sensor.
3563-21 Engine Intake Manifold #1 Absolute Pressure The ECM detects no 5 VDC supply to the intake manifold
: Data Drifted Low pressure sensor.
5019-21 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation Outlet The ECM detects no 5 VDC supply to the NRS outlet pressure
Pressure : Data Drifted Low sensor.

Note: A 3509-XX diagnostic code indicates a fault The following background information is related
in the 5 VDC circuit on the J2/P2 connector. A to this procedure:
3510-XX diagnostic code indicates a fault in the 5
VDC circuit on the J1/P1 connector. The ECM supplies regulated +5 VDC to the following
sensors on P2:46:

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• The position sensor for the exhaust back pressure


• The position sensor for the NRS Valve

• The engine oil pressure sensor
The ECM supplies regulated +5 VDC to the following
sensors on P2:47:

• The NRS inlet pressure sensor

• The NRS outlet pressure sensor
• The fuel rail pressure sensor
• The barometric pressure sensor
• The intake manifold pressure sensor
The ECM supplies regulated +5 VDC to the following
components on P1:2:

• The DPF inlet temperature sensor

• The aftertreatment identification module
• The analog throttle position sensors (if equipped)
A diagnostic code can be caused by the following

• A short circuit in the harness

• A short circuit to a voltage that is higher than 5.16

• A faulty sensor
• A faulty ECM
• An open circuit in the harness

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156 KENR9116-01
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Illustration 95
Typical example of the schematic for the 5 VDC supply from P1:2

Illustration 96
Typical example of the schematic for the 5 VDC supply from P2:46

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Illustration 97
Typical example of the schematic for the 5 VDC supply on P2:47

Note: The position of the terminal for the Voltage

Supply on the fuel rail pressure sensor is different to
all other engine pressure sensors.

Illustration 98
Typical example of the fuel rail pressure sensor
(1) Sensor ground
(3) 5 VDC supply g02082913
Illustration 100
Typical example of the connector for the NRS valve
(1) 5 VDC supply
(2) Sensor ground

Illustration 99
Typical example of an engine pressure sensor
(1) 5 VDC supply
(2) Sensor ground

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g02351440 g02090033
Illustration 101 Illustration 104
Typical example of the connector for the exhaust back pressure Typical example of the pin location for the 5 VDC supply on the
valve P1 connector
(1) 5 VDC supply (2) 5 VDC supply
(2) Sensor ground (3) Sensor ground
(5) Aftertreatment identification module ground

Illustration 102
Illustration 105
Typical example of the connector for the inlet temperature sensor
for the DPF Typical example of the pin locations for the 5 VDC supply on the
P2 connector
(1) 5 VDC Supply
(2) Sensor ground (46) 5 VDC supply (sensor supply #1)
(47) 5 VDC supply (sensor supply #2)
(56) Sensor ground #1
(57) Sensor ground #2

Test Step 1. Check for Connector Damage

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

B. Check the connectors for the components on the

5 VDC supply circuits and the harness for the
following faults:

• Damage
• Abrasion
Illustration 103
Typical example of the connector for the aftertreatment
• Corrosion
identification module
(1) 5 VDC Supply
• Incorrect attachment
(6) Sensor ground
C. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors
- Inspect”.

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D. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the Test Step 3. Measure the Sensor Supply
wires in the harness that are associated with the 5 Voltage
VDC supply. Check the wire connectors for all the
sensors on the 5 VDC supply circuits. A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

E. Check the screws for the ECM connectors for the B. Disconnect the sensor that relates to the active
correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in). XXXX-21 code from the engine harness. Refer
to Table 99.
Expected Result:
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
The connectors and the harness should be free of
the following faults: damage, abrasion, corrosion, D. Measure the voltage at the connector for the
and incorrect attachment. sensor from the terminal for the 5 VDC supply to
the sensor common terminal.
• No faults found – Proceed to Test Step 2.
• The voltage from the terminal for the 5 VDC supply
• Found damage, abrasion, corrosion, or incorrect to the sensor common terminal measures 4.84 to
attachment 5.16 VDC. – The sensor supply voltage is correct.

Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness Repair: Perform the following repair:
and/or replace the connectors or the harness.
1. Temporarily connect a new sensor to the
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all harness but do not install the new sensor in the
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the engine.
repair eliminates the fault.
2. Use the electronic service tool to verify that the
STOP. replacement sensor eliminates the fault.

Test Step 2. Check for Active Diagnostic 3. If the diagnostic code is eliminated, install the
Codes replacement sensor.

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the 4. Use the electronic service tool to clear the
diagnostic connector. logged diagnostic codes.

B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. STOP.

C. Use the electronic service tool in order to monitor • The sensor supply voltage is out of the nominal
the diagnostic codes. Check and record any active range. – The fault is in the 5 VDC supply wire
diagnostic codes. or the sensor ground wire between the suspect
sensor and the ECM.
Note: Wait at least 15 seconds in order for the
diagnostic codes to become active. Repair: Perform the following repair:

Results: 1. Repair the faulty harness or replace the faulty

• Diagnostic code 3509-4 or 3510-4 is active –
Proceed to Test Step 4. 2. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
• Diagnostic code 3509-3 or 3510-3 is active – the repair eliminates the fault.
Proceed to Test Step 8.
• An XXXX-21 diagnostic code is active – Proceed
to Test Step 3. Test Step 4. Disconnect the Sensors
• No 5 VDC sensor supply circuit diagnostic codes A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
are active – The fault may be intermittent. Proceed
to Test Step 10. B. Use the electronic service tool in order to monitor
the diagnostic codes.

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C. If a 3510-4 diagnostic code is displayed, Results:

disconnect the components on the 5 VDC supply
circuit on the J1/P1 connector one at a time. • No 5 VDC diagnostic codes are active.
Wait for 30 seconds after each component is
disconnected. Repair: Use the electronic service tool in order
to clear all logged diagnostic codes. Remove the
D. If a 3509-4 diagnostic code is displayed, suspect sensor and then install the replacement
disconnect the sensors on the 5 VDC supply sensor. Install the connector on the sensor.
circuits on the J2/P2 connector one at a time. Wait
for 30 seconds after the sensor is disconnected. Verify that the repair eliminates the fault.

Note: Diagnostic code 3509-4 or 3510-4 will become STOP.

inactive when the component that caused the 5 VDC
diagnostic code is disconnected. • A 5 VDC diagnostic code is still active.
E. Ensure that all the sensors on the 5 VDC supply Repair: Do not use the new sensor. Ensure that all
circuits are disconnected. of the sensors are disconnected.

Expected Result: Proceed to Test Step 6.

The 5 VDC diagnostic code is not active when all of Test Step 6. Remove the Pins for the 5
the sensors are disconnected. VDC Supply from the ECM Connector
and Check for Active Diagnostic Codes
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
• Diagnostic code 3509-4 and diagnostic code
3510-4 are not active when all of the sensors are B. Connect the electronic service tool to the
disconnected. diagnostic connector.

Repair: Reconnect all of the sensors except the C. For a 3509-4 diagnostic code, perform the
suspect sensor. following steps:

Proceed to Test Step 5. a. Disconnect the P2 connector from the ECM.

• Diagnostic code 3509-4 or 3510-4 is still active. b. Check the ECM connectors for corrosion and
moisture. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical
Repair: Leave all of the sensors disconnected. Connectors - Inspect”.

Proceed to Test Step 6. c. Temporarily remove pins P2:46 and P2:47.

Test Step 5. Install a New Sensor d. Reconnect connector P2 to the ECM.

A. Install the connector on a replacement sensor. Do D. For a 3510-4 diagnostic code, perform the
not install the replacement sensor on the engine. following steps:

B. Use the electronic service tool in order to monitor a. Disconnect the P1 connector from the ECM.
the diagnostic codes.
b. Check the ECM connector for corrosion and
Expected Result: moisture. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical
Connectors - Inspect”.
The following diagnostic codes are not active:
c. Temporarily remove pin P1:2.
• 3509-3 Sensor Supply Voltage 1 : Voltage Above
Normal d. Reconnect connector P1 to the ECM.

• 3510-3 Sensor Supply Voltage 2 : Voltage Above E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
F. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic
• 3509-4 Sensor Supply Voltage 1 : Voltage Below service tool.

• 3510-4 Sensor Supply Voltage 2 : Voltage Below


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Results: Results:

• Diagnostic code 3510-4 was previously active and • A 3509-04 diagnostic code is active. – Make a
is no longer active. – Replace all wires on the P1 note of the pin that was replaced and proceed to
connector to the original configuration. Proceed Test Step 9.
to Test Step 9.
• There is no active 3509-04 diagnostic code –
• Diagnostic code 3509-4 was previously active and Remove the pin that was previously replaced and
is no longer active. – Do not replace pins P2:46 then repeat Test Step 7 for the other pin.
and P2:47. Proceed to Test Step 7.
Test Step 8. Check the 5 VDC Supply
• Not OK – The XXXX-4 diagnostic code is still from the ECM
A. For a 3510-3 diagnostic code, perform the
Repair: Perform the following repair: following steps:

1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the a. Disconnect the P1 connector from the ECM.
application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”. b. Check the ECM connector for corrosion and
moisture. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical
2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support. Connectors - Inspect”.

Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair c. Remove the wire from P1:2.
d. Install a jumper wire to P1:2.
3. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend
the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer e. Measure the voltage from the end of the jumper
to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”. wire to P1:3.

4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the f. Measure the voltage from the end of the jumper
system for active diagnostic codes. wire to P1:5.

5. If the fault is resolved with the test ECM, B. For a 3509-3 diagnostic code, perform the
reconnect the suspect ECM. following steps:

6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM, a. Disconnect the P2 connector from the ECM.
replace the ECM.
b. Check the ECM connector for corrosion and
7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear moisture. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical
all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that Connectors - Inspect”.
the repair eliminates the fault.
c. Remove the wires from P2:46 and P2:47.
d. Install a jumper wire to P2:46.
Test Step 7. Reconnect the pins for the 5
VDC supply one at a time and check for e. Measure the voltage from the end of the jumper
active diagnostic codes wire to P2:56.

A. Disconnect the P2 connector from the ECM. f. Install a jumper wire to P2:47.

B. Replace one of the following pins: g. Measure the voltage from the end of the jumper
wire to P2:57.
• P2:46
Expected Result:
• P2:47
The measured voltages should be 5.0 ± 0.16 VDC.
C. Reconnect the P2 connector to the ECM.
D. Check for active diagnostic codes on the electronic
service tool. • The voltage is within the expected range. –
Proceed to Test Step 9.

• The voltage is not within the expected range.

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162 KENR9116-01
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Repair: Perform the following repair: b. Measure the voltage between the terminal
for the 5 VDC supply and the terminal for the
1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the sensor ground on the connector for each of
application is installed in the ECM. Refer to the sensors.
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.
Note: The readings should be 5.0 ± 0.16 VDC.
2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.
D. For a 3509-3 diagnostic code, perform the
Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair following steps:
a. Disconnect all of the sensors that are supplied
3. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend with 5 VDC from P2.
the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer
to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”. b. Measure the voltage between the terminal
for the 5 VDC supply and the terminal for the
4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the sensor ground on the connector for each of
system for active diagnostic codes. the sensors.

5. If the fault is resolved with the test ECM, Note: The readings should be 5.0 ± 0.16 VDC.
reconnect the suspect ECM.
Expected Result:
6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
replace the ECM. The voltage is 5.0 ± 0.16 VDC.

7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear Results:

all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
the repair eliminates the fault. • The 5 VDC supply is within the expected range. –
The fault may be intermittent. Proceed to Test Step
STOP. 10.

Test Step 9. Measure the 5 VDC Supply to • Not OK – The voltage is greater than 5.16 VDC.
the Sensor
Repair: Check the 5 VDC supply wire for a short to
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. a higher voltage source.

B. For a 3510-XX diagnostic code, perform the Repair the 5 VDC supply wire and/or replace the 5
following steps: VDC supply wire.

a. Disconnect all of the components that are Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
supplied with 5 VDC from P1:2. logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.
b. If analog throttles are equipped, measure the
voltage between terminal A and terminal B on STOP.
the connector for the analog throttle position
sensor for each of the analog throttle position • Not OK – The voltage is less than 4.84 VDC.
Repair: Check the 5 VDC supply wire for a short
c. Measure the voltage between terminal 1 to ground.
and terminal 6 on the connector for the
aftertreatment identification module. Repair the 5 VDC supply wire and/or replace the
+5 VDC supply wire.
d. Measure the voltage between terminal 1 and
terminal 2 on the connector for the DPF inlet Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
temperature sensor. logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.
Note: The readings should be 5.0 ± 0.16 VDC.
C. For a 3509-04 diagnostic code, perform the
following steps: Test Step 10. Perform the “Wiggle Test”
on the Electronic Service Tool
a. Disconnect all of the sensors that are supplied
with 5 VDC from the pin that was previously A. Select the “Wiggle Test” from the diagnostic tests
identified. on the electronic service tool.

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B. Choose the appropriate group of parameters to


C. Press the “Start” button. Wiggle the wiring harness

in order to reproduce intermittent faults.

If an intermittent fault exists, the status will be

highlighted and an audible beep will be heard.

Expected Result:

No intermittent faults were indicated during the

“Wiggle Test”.


• OK – No intermittent faults were found. The

harness and connectors appear to be OK. If you
were sent from another procedure, return to the
procedure and continue testing. If this test has
resolved the fault, return the engine to service.

• Not OK – At least one intermittent fault was


Repair: Repair the harness or the connector.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.



Analog Throttle Position

Sensor Circuit - Test

System Operation Description:

This procedure covers the following codes:

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Table 100
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit
J1939 Description Notes
91-3 Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects one of the following conditions:
Voltage Above Normal
The ECM has been powered for 3 seconds.
29-3 Accelerator Pedal Position 2:
Voltage Above Normal Diagnostic code 168-4 is not active.

3510 codes are not active.

The setting for the upper diagnostic limit has been exceeded for one second.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The diagnostic code will be
91-4 Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : The ECM detects one of the following conditions:
Voltage Below Normal
The ECM has been powered for 3 seconds.
29-4 Accelerator Pedal Position 2:
Voltage Below Normal Diagnostic code 168-4 is not active.

3510 codes are not active.

The setting for the lower diagnostic limit has been exceeded for one second.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The diagnostic code will be
91-2 Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : The ECM detects the following condition:
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
The signal from the analog throttle position sensor is invalid.
29-2 Accelerator Pedal Position 2 :
Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The diagnostic code will be

If a fault occurs with the primary throttle and a • All inputs from the repaired throttle will be ignored
secondary throttle is installed, the engine uses the by the ECM until the keyswitch has been cycled.
secondary throttle until the fault is repaired.
The diagnostic codes above relate to an analog
If a fault occurs with the secondary throttle, the sensor. Use this procedure only if the analog sensor
engine will use the primary throttle until the fault is uses an output from a variable resistor.
The sensor is most likely to be mounted on a throttle
If a functional throttle is not available, the following pedal. The sensor is attached directly to the throttle
conditions will occur: assembly. The sensor provides an output voltage to
the ECM. The sensor output voltage will vary with
• The engine will default to the limp home speed. the position of the throttle. Foot operated or hand
operated throttle assemblies are available.
• If the engine speed is higher than the limp home
speed, the engine will decelerate to the limp home The sensor receives +5 VDC from the ECM. The
speed. sensor will produce a raw signal voltage that will
alter between low idle and high idle. The voltage is
• If the engine speed is lower than the limp home changed into a throttle position within the range 0%
speed, the engine speed will remain at the current to 100% by the ECM.
The sensor senses the speed requirement from
• The engine will remain at this speed while the the throttle position. A second sensor may override
diagnostic code remains active. this speed requirement from the first sensor. This
override will be subject to an input from a secondary
• All inputs from the faulty throttle are ignored by the throttle or from the SAE J1939 (CAN) data link or
ECM until the fault is repaired. from a PTO control.

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Use the electronic service tool in order to check the

input status.

Illustration 106
Schematic of the analog throttle position sensors

D. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the

wires in the harness that are associated with the
throttle position sensor. Check the wire connectors
at the ECM and at the throttle sensor. The wire
connectors are shown in Illustration 106.

E. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the

correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).

Expected Result:

The connectors and the harness should be free of

the following faults: damage, abrasion, corrosion,
and incorrect attachment.
Illustration 107 Results:
Typical example of the P1 pin locations for the analog throttle
position sensor
• OK – Proceed to Test Step 2.
(1) Throttle 2 position
(2) 5 VDC supply for throttle 1 and throttle 2
(3) Throttle 1 and throttle 2 ground
• Not OK
(66) Throttle 1 position
Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness
Test Step 1. Check for Connector Damage and/or replace the connectors or the harness.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
B. Check the connectors and the harness for the repair eliminates the fault.
following faults: damage, abrasion, corrosion, and
incorrect attachment. STOP.

C. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors Test Step 2. Check for Active Diagnostic
- Inspect”. Codes
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

B. Use the electronic service tool to check for

diagnostic codes.
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166 KENR9116-01
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Expected Result: The throttle may be overridden by using the SAE

J1939 (CAN) data link or a PTO control.
One or more of the diagnostic codes that are listed in
Table 100 is active or recently logged. Results:

Results: • OK – The throttle selection switch is operating

• One or more of the preceding diagnostic codes is
active or recently logged. – Proceed to Test Step 3. Repair: There may be an intermittent fault. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.
• There are no active or recently logged diagnostic
codes for the analog throttle position sensors. – STOP.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
• Not OK – The wrong throttle is selected. Change
Test Step 3. Check the Throttle Position to the other throttle. There may be a fault with the
with the Electronic Service Tool selector switch input.

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the Repair: Check the connections between the
diagnostic connector. throttle selection switch and P1:70 and P1:64.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start - Inspect”.
the engine.
C. Observe the throttle position reading on the
electronic service tool. Test Step 5. Check the Voltage at the
D. Operate the throttle over the full range of
movement. A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

Expected Result: B. Install a breakout “T” with three terminals to the

The output should increase when the throttle is
increased. C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

The output should be between “20 percent” and “27 D. Measure the voltage between terminal “A” and
percent” at the low idle position. The output should terminal “B” on the breakout “T”.
be between “80 percent” and “87 percent” at the high
idle position. Expected Result:

Results: The supply voltage should be between 4.84 VDC

and 5.16 VDC.
• OK – The sensor is operating correctly. Proceed
to Test Step 4. Results:

• Not OK – The ECM is not receiving a correct • The supply voltage is reaching the sensor. –
signal from the sensor. Proceed to Test Step 5. Proceed to Test Step 6.

Test Step 4. Check the Throttle Selection • The supply voltage is not reaching the sensor. –
Status with the Electronic Service Tool The fault is in the 5 VDC supply wire or the sensor
ground wire between the suspect throttle position
A. Check the status of the throttle selection switch (if sensor and the ECM.
equipped). Use the electronic service tool in order
to check the status of the throttle selection switch. Repair: Repair the faulty harness or replace the
faulty harness.
Expected Result:
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
If the status of the throttle selection switch is shown logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
in the OFF position, then the throttle 1 has control of repair eliminates the fault.
the engine speed.
If the throttle selection switch status is shown in the
ON position, then the throttle 2 has control of the
engine speed.

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Test Step 6. Check the Position of the The output from the throttle position sensor is 4.5
Sensor VDC or more with the sensor slot in the advanced
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Install a breakout “T” with three terminals to the
sensor. • OK – The ECM terminals have the correct voltage
for the sensor.
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
Repair: Check for the correct supply voltage at the
D. Measure the voltage between terminal “C” and ECM. If the voltage is correct, then perform the
terminal “B” on the breakout “T”. following procedure.

E. Observe the voltage while the engine speed 1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the
control is moved from the minimum to the application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
maximum position. Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

Expected Result: 2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

The voltage should vary between 1.5 VDC and 4.4 Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair
VDC when the speed control is moved from the time.
minimum to the maximum position.
3. If the Perkins Global Technical Support
Results: recommends the use of a test ECM, install a
test ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Replacing
• OK – The throttle position sensor is operating the ECM”.
correctly. Proceed to Test Step 7.
4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the
• Not OK – The throttle position sensor is faulty. system for active diagnostic codes.
Proceed to Test Step 8.
5. If the fault is resolved with the test ECM,
Test Step 7. Check the Sensor at the ECM reconnect the suspect ECM.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. 6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
replace the ECM.
B. Remove the P1 connector.
7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
C. Temporarily remove pin P1:66 from the connector. all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
the repair eliminates the fault.
D. Reconnect the P1 connector.
E. Connect the red probe of a multimeter to the
removed pin and the black probe of the multimeter • Not OK – There is a fault in the harness or the
to P1:3. connectors between the sensor and the ECM.
Check all of the connections between the ECM and
F. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. the sensor. Repair the damaged cables or replace
the damaged cables. Check that the repairs have
G. Use the multimeter to display the output voltage of eliminated the fault. STOP.
the sensor while the speed control is moved from
the minimum position to the maximum position.

H. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

I. Remove the P1 connector and reinstall P1:66.

J. Reconnect the P1 connector.

Expected Result:

The output from the throttle position sensor is 0.5

VDC or less with the sensor slot in the released

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168 KENR9116-01
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Test Step 8. Remove the Sensor from the F. Record the signal voltage of the sensor with the
Engine Speed Control Assembly sensor slot in the released position.

G. Record the signal voltage of the sensor with the

sensor slot in the advanced position.

Expected Result:

The output from the sensor is 0.5 VDC or less with

the sensor slot in the released position.

The output from the sensor is 4.5 VDC or more with

the sensor slot in the advanced position.


• OK
Repair: The operation of the sensor is correct.
The fault is caused by the foot pedal or the lever
assembly. Adjust the assembly or replace the

g01170704 Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

Illustration 108
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
Throttle pedal assembly repairs have eliminated the fault.
(1) Sensor mounting face
(2) Sensor drive key STOP.
(3) Mounting screw holes

• Not OK – The sensor is faulty.

Repair: Replace the sensor.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair has eliminated the fault.



CAN Data Link Circuit - Test

Illustration 109
Throttle block assembly
(1) Mounting screw holes
System Operation Description:
(2) Sensor drive slot
(3) Sensor mounting face Use this procedure if a fault is suspected in the CAN
data link. This procedure also covers the following
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. diagnostic codes:

B. Record the position of the sensor and then remove

the sensor.

C. Remove the sensor from the housing and inspect

the cables for signs of wear.

D. Connect a multimeter to terminal “C” and terminal

“B” of the breakout “T”.

E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

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KENR9116-01 169
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Table 101
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Data Link Circuit
J1939 Description Notes
639-9 J1939 Network #1 : Abnormal Update Another controller has incorrectly stopped transmitting a J1939
Rate speed request (TSC1) or another controller has incorrectly started
transmitting a J1939 speed request.
The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The engine will not start.

The following background information is related

to this procedure:

The CAN data link is also known as J1939 data link.

The data link is an industry standard for sending data
between different devices in the same application.

High speed data is transferred via the data link.

The data link cannot be accurately tested without
complicated equipment. The data link requires a
resistance of 60 Ohms between the two wires in order
to transmit the data correctly. This resistance is made
up of two 120 Ohm resistors. The two resistors are
known as “Terminating Resistors”. The terminating
resistors should be at opposite ends of a data link
circuit. If this resistance is not present, then the data
will be intermittent or unreadable.

Note: The wiring for the J1939 data link is a shielded

twisted pair cable. If the wiring is damaged, the
replacement type must be shielded twisted pair cable.

Illustration 110
Typical example of the schematic for the CAN A data link

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170 KENR9116-01
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Illustration 111
Typical example of the schematic for the CAN B data link

Illustration 112
Typical example of the schematic for the CAN C data link

g01980933 g01980934
Illustration 113 Illustration 114
Typical view of the pin locations on the P1 connector Typical view of the pin locations on the P2 connector
(34) CAN A+ (21) CAN B-
(37) CAN C+ (29) CAN B+
(38) CAN C- (30) CAN A+
(50) CAN A- (31) CAN A-

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Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors F. Measure the resistance between the P2:21 and
and Wiring. P2:29.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Expected Result:

B. Thoroughly inspect the connectors in the circuit The resistance is between 50 and 70 Ohms.
for the CAN data link.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors -
Inspect” for details. • The resistance is between 50 and 70 Ohms –
This is the correct resistance. The fault may be in
C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the the connection to other devices on the data link.
wires that are associated with the CAN data link. Proceed to Test Step 3.

D. Check the harness for abrasion and pinch points • The resistance is less than 50 Ohms – There is a
from the keyswitch to the Electronic Control short circuit in the harness.
Module (ECM).
Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness
Expected Result: and/or replace the connectors or the harness.

All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place
connected. The harness should be free of corrosion, and ensure that the connectors are correctly
abrasion and/or pinch points. connected.

Results: Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
• OK – Proceed to Test Step 2. repair eliminates the fault.

• Not OK STOP.

Repair: Perform the following repair: • The resistance is between 110 and 130 Ohms –
One of the terminating resistors may have failed.
Repair the connectors and/or the wiring, or replace
the connectors and/or the wiring. Ensure that all of Repair: Locate the two terminating resistors and
the seals are correctly in place and ensure that the remove the two terminating resistors from the
connectors are correctly connected. harness. Depending on the application, one or both
of the terminating resistors may be located in other
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all ECMs on the data link.
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault. Measure the resistance of the two terminating
If one of the terminating resistors is incorrect,
Test Step 2. Check the Data Link replace the faulty terminating resistor.
Terminating Resistance
If the two terminating resistors are between 50 and
A. Disconnect the P1 connector and the P2 connector 70 Ohms, proceed to Test Step 4.
from the ECM.
• The resistance is greater than 150 Ohms – There
B. Thoroughly inspect the P1/J1 connector and the may be a break in the harness. Proceed to Test
P2/J2 connector. Step 3.

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Test Step 3. Check the Data Link Wiring
Inspect” for details.
A. Disconnect each of the connectors that connect
C. Measure the resistance between the P1:34 and other devices on the data link.
B. Use a multimeter in order to measure the
D. Measure the resistance between the P1:37 and resistance between P1:50 and each of the CAN+
P1:38. pins that connect other devices on the CAN A
data link.
E. Measure the resistance between the P2:30 and

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172 KENR9116-01
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C. Use a multimeter in order to measure the Results:

resistance between P1:37 to the CAN+ pin that
connects the soot sensor module. • The other devices are operating correctly.
D. Use a multimeter to measure the resistance Repair: Repeat this test procedure from Test Step
between P2:29 and each of the CAN+ pins that 1.
connect other devices on the CAN B data link.
E. Use a multimeter to measure the resistance
between P2:30 to the CAN+ pin that connects the • The other devices are not working correctly.
diagnostic connector.
Repair: Use the appropriate service tools in order
F. Use a multimeter to measure the resistance to diagnose other devices on the data link.
between P1:34 to each of the CAN- pins that
connect other devices on the CAN A data link. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
G. Use a multimeter to measure the resistance repair eliminates the fault.
between P1:38 to the CAN- pin that connects the
soot sensor module. STOP.

H. Use a multimeter in order to measure the

resistance between P2:21 to each of the CAN-
pins that connect other devices on the CAN B
data link.
Data Link Circuit - Test
I. Use a multimeter in order to measure the
resistance between P2:31 to the CAN- pin that System Operation Description:
connects the diagnostic connector.
This procedure covers the following diagnostic code:
Expected Result:

The resistance of each wire is less than 2.0 Ohms.


• The resistance is less than 2.0 Ohms – Proceed

to Test Step 4.

• Some resistances are more than 2.0 Ohms.

Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness
and/or replace the connectors or the harness.

Ensure that all seals are correctly in place and

ensure that the connectors are correctly connected.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair has eliminated the fault.


Test Step 4. Check the Other Devices on

the J1939 Data Link
A. Use the appropriate service tools in order to
diagnose other devices on the data link.

Expected Result:

The other devices are working correctly.

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Table 102
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Data Link Circuit
J1939 Description Notes
1196-9 Anti-theft Component Status States : The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects a loss of
Abnormal Update Rate communications with the Machine Security System (MSS).
If equipped, the warning lamp will come on and the ECM will log the
diagnostic code.
The engine will not start.

Use this procedure if the electronic service tool will

not communicate with the ECM through the data link.

The following background information is related

to this procedure:

The data link is the standard data link that is used by

the ECM in order to communicate with the electronic
service tool.

The ECM provides multiple connections for the data

link. The technician must ensure that the correct
connector is being tested. The connection that is
used is dependent on the application.

If the diagnostic connector is on the engine, the

positive data link signal will be from P2:28 to pin “D”
of the diagnostic connector. The negative data link
signal will be from P2:20 to pin “E” of the diagnostic

If the diagnostic connector is off the engine, the

positive data link signal will be from P1:8 to pin “D”
of the diagnostic connector. The negative data link
signal will be from P1:9 to pin “E” of the diagnostic

The following information refers to the pin number.

Ensure that the correct connector is used.


The electronic service tool may indicate the following

error message:

The version of the ECM is not recognized and the

integrity of the changed parameters and displayed
data is not guaranteed.

This message indicates that the version of the

software that is in the electronic service tool is
obsolete. Install the latest version of the software for
the electronic service tool in order to rectify the fault.

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Illustration 115
Schematic of the diagnostic connector and the data link connector for an engine mounted diagnostic connector

Illustration 116
Schematic of the diagnostic connector and the data link connector for a diagnostic connector that is mounted off the engine

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D. Check the harness for abrasion and pinch

points from the wires that connect the diagnostic
connector to the ECM.

Expected Result:

All connectors, pins, and sockets are connected

correctly. The harness should be free of corrosion,
abrasion and/or pinch points.


• OK – Proceed to Test Step 2.

g02028056 • Not OK
Illustration 117
Typical view of the P1 pin locations for the diagnostic connector Repair: Perform the following repair:
(8) Data link +
(9) Data link - Repair the connectors and/or the harness, or
replace the connectors and/or the harness. Ensure
that all of the seals are correctly in place and
ensure that the connectors are correctly coupled.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.


Test Step 2. Determine the Type of Fault

in the Data Link
A. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector that is on the engine harness
Illustration 118 or on the application.
Typical view of the P2 pin locations for the diagnostic connector
(20) Data link - B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
(28) Data link +
(53) Voltage supply (diagnostic connector) Expected Result:
(54) Return (diagnostic connector)

The power lamp should illuminate on the

Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors communications adapter. The power lamp on the
and Wiring communications adapter may illuminate when the
keyswitch is in any position.
A. Thoroughly inspect the following electrical
connectors: Results:
• P1/J1 ECM connector • OK – The communications adapter is currently
receiving the correct voltage. Proceed to Test Step
• P2/J2 ECM connector 5.
• The connection for the diagnostic connector • Not OK – The communications adapter is not
receiving the correct voltage. Proceed to Test Step
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - 3.
Inspect” for details.
Test Step 3. Check the Battery Voltage at
B. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the
wires in the ECM connectors that are associated
the Diagnostic Connector
with the data link.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
C. Check the screw for the ECM connectors for
B. Use a multimeter in order to measure the voltage
correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).
from pin A (battery+) and pin B (ground) of the
diagnostic connector.

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176 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Expected Result: E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

The voltage is between 22.0 VDC and 27.0 VDC for Expected Result:
a 24 V system. The voltage is between 11.0 VDC
and 13.5 VDC for a 12 V system. The power lamp should illuminate on the
communications adapter. The power lamp on the
Results: communications adapter may illuminate when the
keyswitch is in any position.
• The diagnostic connector is currently receiving the
correct voltage. – Proceed to Test Step 5. Results:

• The diagnostic connector is not receiving the • The power lamp is illuminated – The fault is in the
correct voltage. – Proceed to Test Step 4. harness.

Test Step 4. Bypass the Wiring for the Repair: Repair the faulty harness or replace the
Diagnostic Connector faulty harness.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.


• The power lamp is not illuminated.


Proceed to Test Step 6.

Test Step 5. Check the Data Link

Illustration 119
Typical view of the nine pin diagnostic connector from the wire side A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
(A) Switched battery +
(B) Battery ground (GND) B. Disconnect the communications adapter from the
(D) Data link + diagnostic connector.
(E) Data link -
C. If the diagnostic connector is installed on the
A. Disconnect the wires from pin A and pin B of the application, disconnect connector P1 from the
diagnostic connector. ECM. Check the resistance between P1:8 and pin
“D” on the diagnostic connector. If the diagnostic
B. If the diagnostic connector is mounted on the connector is installed on the engine, disconnect
engine, perform the following steps: P2 from the ECM. Check the resistance between
P2:28 and pin “D” on the diagnostic connector.
a. Disconnect the wires from P2:53 and P2:54.
D. If the diagnostic connector is installed on the
b. Fabricate a jumper wire in order to connect pin application, check the resistance between P1:9
A of the diagnostic connector to P2:53. and pin “E” on the diagnostic connector. If the
diagnostic connector is installed on the engine,
c. Fabricate a jumper wire in order to connect pin check the resistance between P2:20 and pin “E”
B of the diagnostic connector to P2:54. on the diagnostic connector.
C. If the diagnostic connector is mounted off the Results:
engine, perform the following step:
• The resistance is less than ten Ohms – Proceed
a. Fabricate a jumper wire in order to connect pin to Test Step 6.
“A” of the diagnostic connector to the battery+
and pin “B” to the battery-. • The resistance is greater than ten Ohms. –
D. Connect the electronic service tool to the Repair: Perform the following repair:
diagnostic connector that is on the engine harness
or on the application.

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Repair the connectors and/or the harness, or Test Step 7. Connect an Electronic
replace the connectors and/or the harness. Ensure Service Tool and the ECM to another
that all of the seals are correctly in place and Battery
ensure that the connectors are correctly coupled.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault. Batteries give off flammable fumes which can ex-
To avoid injury or death, do not strike a match,
Test Step 6. Change the Electronic cause a spark, or smoke in the vicinity of a battery.
Service Tool Components
A. If another electronic engine is available, connect Do not connect the bypass harness to the battery until
the electronic service tool to the other engine. the in-line fuse has been removed from the Battery+
Ensure that the same cables are used. line. If the fuse is not removed before connection to
the battery, a spark may result.
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Determine
if the electronic service tool operates correctly on
the other engine. Note: Refer to Figure 120 for details of the bypass
C. If another engine is not available, obtain a
replacement communications adapter and a
replacement set of cables. Ensure that the cable
set for the electronic service tool is a complete set.

D. Install the replacement communications adapter

and the set of cables for the electronic service tool
and connect to the diagnostic connector.

E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

F. If changing the communications adapter or the

cables allows the electronic service tool to operate
correctly, perform the following procedure:

a. Replace the components from the new set of

cables with components from the old set of
cables. Replace one component at a time.

b. Apply power to the electronic service tool after

each of the components is replaced. Use this
method to find the faulty component.

G. If changing the cables does not allow the electronic

service tool to operate correctly, connect another
electronic service tool.

H. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.


• The original electronic service tool works on

another engine – Proceed to Test Step 7.

• A different electronic service tool works on the

original engine while the engine is being tested.

Repair: Send the faulty electronic service tool for



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178 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 120
Schematic of the bypass harness connector

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4. If Perkins Global Technical Support

recommends the use of a test ECM, install a
test ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Replacing
the ECM”.

5. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the

system for active diagnostic codes.

6. If the fault is eliminated with the test ECM,

reconnect the suspect ECM.

7. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,

replace the ECM.

8. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
Illustration 121 all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
Typical view of the pin locations on connector P1 for the diagnostic the repair eliminates the fault.
and data link connectors
(8) Data link + STOP.
(9) Data link -
(34) J1939 (CAN) -
(48) Battery + i04333253
(50) J1939 (CAN) +
(52) Battery +
(53) Battery +
Diesel Particulate Filter
(55) Battery +
(57) Battery +
Identification Signal - Test
(61) Battery ground (GND)
(63) Battery ground (GND)
(65) Battery ground (GND)
(67) Battery ground (GND) System Operation Description:
(69) Battery ground (GND)
(70) Keyswitch
This procedure covers the following codes:
A. Connect the battery wires from the bypass
harness of the electronic service tool to a different
battery that is not on the engine.


• The electronic service tool is operating correctly.

Repair: Refer to Troubleshooting, “Ignition
Keyswitch and Battery Supply Circuit - Test”.


• The electronic service tool is not operating


Repair: Perform the following repair:

1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the

application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

2. Remove all temporary jumpers and reconnect

all connectors.

3. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair


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180 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Table 103
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Aftertreatment Identification Module
J1939 Description Notes
5576-2 Aftertreatment #1 Identification Number The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following
Module: Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect conditions:

The installed Clean Emissions Module (CEM) is not a certified

match with the engine.

Diagnostic codes 5576-8 or 5576-14 are not active.

There are no active 3509 diagnostic codes.

The ECM has been powered for 2 seconds.

“This is a violation of the emissions regulations, and may

result in severe fines and/or legal action if not corrected
immediately.” Do not operate the engine with the active fault.

Engine power is derated.

5576-8 Aftertreatment #1 Identification Number The ECM detects the following conditions:
Module: Abnormal Frequency Pulse Width
or Period No signal is detected from the aftertreatment identification module.
There are no active 3509 diagnostic codes.

The ECM has been powered for 2 seconds.

Do not continue to operate the engine with the active fault.

Engine power is derated.

5576- Aftertreatment #1 Identification Number The ECM detects the following conditions:
14 Module: Special Instruction
The signal from the aftertreatment identification module is invalid.

Diagnostic code 5576-8 is not active.

The ECM has been powered for 2 seconds.

Do not continue to operate the engine with the active fault.

Engine power is derated.

The aftertreatment identification module sends a

digital signal to the engine ECM in order to ensure
that the correct CEM is installed to the engine.

If the total operating hours exceed 25, the

aftertreatment identification module will cease to
send the signal and the associated diagnostic codes
are disabled.

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KENR9116-01 181
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Illustration 122
Schematic for the aftertreatment identification module

Test Step 1. Check for Diagnostic Trouble

A. Establish communication between the electronic
service tool and the ECM.

B. Download the “Product Summary Report”

from the engine ECM before performing any
troubleshooting or clearing diagnostic trouble


• A 5576-2 diagnostic code is active. – Proceed to

g02094913 Test Step 5.
Illustration 123
View of the pin locations on the P2 connector for the aftertreatment • A 5576-8 diagnostic code is active – Proceed to
identification module Test Step 2.
(2) 5 VDC supply
(5) The return for the aftertreatment identification module
(14) The signal for the aftertreatment identification module
• A 5576-14 diagnostic code is active – Proceed
to Test Step 5.

Test Step 2. Inspect Electrical Connectors

and Wiring
A. Inspect the connector for the aftertreatment
identification module. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Electrical Connectors - Inspect” for details.

B. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the

wires in the ECM connector that are associated
with the aftertreatment identification module.

C. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the

correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).
Illustration 124
D. Check the harness for abrasion and pinch points
Typical example of the connector for the aftertreatment
identification module
from the aftertreatment identification module back
to the ECM.
(1) 5 VDC Supply
(3) Signal
(6) Ground

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182 KENR9116-01
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Results: B. Remove the P1 connector from the ECM.

• All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly C. Inspect the P1 connector. Refer to
coupled and/or inserted. The harness is free of Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors -
corrosion, abrasion, and pinch points – Proceed Inspect” for details.
to Test Step 3.
D. Remove the wire from P1:14.
• There is a fault with the harness and connectors –
E. Remove the wire from terminal 3 on the connector
Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness for the aftertreatment identification module.
and/or replace the connectors or the harness.
Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place F. Fabricate a jumper wire in order to connect
and ensure that the connectors are correctly P1:14 to terminal 3 on the connector for the
coupled. aftertreatment identification module.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all G. Reconnect the P1 connector and the connector
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the for the aftertreatment identification module.
repair has eliminated the fault.
H. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
I. Use the electronic service tool to check for a
Test Step 3. Measure the Supply Voltage 5576-8 diagnostic code. Wait at least 30 seconds
to the Aftertreatment Identification in order for the code to become active.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
• A 5576-8 diagnostic code is still active at
B. Disconnect the aftertreatment identification this time. – The wiring for the aftertreatment
module from the harness. identification module is OK. Proceed to Test Step 5.

C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. • A 5576-8 diagnostic code was previously active
and is no longer active. – The fault is in the wire
D. Measure the voltage at the plug for the between pin 3 on the aftertreatment identification
aftertreatment identification module from the module and P1:14.
terminal for the 5 VDC Supply to the ground
terminal. Repair: Locate the fault in the harness. Repair
the connectors or the harness and/or replace the
Results: connectors or the harness. Ensure that all of the
seals are correctly in place and ensure that the
• The voltage from the terminal for the 5 VDC supply connectors are correctly coupled.
to the ground terminal measures 4.84 to 5.16
VDC – The supply voltage is correct. Proceed to STOP.
Test Step 4.
Test Step 5. Manually Enter the
• The supply voltage is out of the nominal range. – “Aftertreatment Identification
The fault is in the 5 VDC supply wire or the return Information”
wire between the aftertreatment identification
module and the ECM. Note: Factory Passwords are required for this
Repair: Repair the faulty harness or replace the
faulty harness. A. Confirm that a certified CEM is installed on the
Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair has B. Record the CEM serial number and the
eliminated the fault. configuration group from the CEM Identification
Plate. The identification plate is on the panel for
STOP. the electronics.

Test Step 4. Check the Wiring for the C. Contact your local Perkins distributor for a list of
Aftertreatment Identification Module approved RF and CEM configurations for your
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

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Note: Contact Perkins Global Technical Support, if


D. Verify that the CEM is a certified match with the



• The CEM is a certified match with the engine.

Repair: Perform the following procedure.

1. Establish communication between the

electronic service tool and the ECM . Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service Tools”, if

2. Navigate to the “Aftertreatment configuration”


3. Program the “Factory Installed Aftertreatment

#1 Identification Number” with the serial number
from the CEM Identification Plate.

4. Program the “DPF #1 Soot Loading Sensing

System Configuration Code” with the
configuration group from the CEM Identification

The code is automatically cleared.


• The CEM is not a certified match to the engine.

Repair: Replace the CEM with a certified match to
the engine. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly for
removal and installation procedures. When the new
CEM is installed, the aftertreatment identification
module will begin communicating with the ECM
and the diagnostic code will be cleared.

The engine ECM will only communicate with the

CEM if the total operating hours of the engine
are less than 100. If the hours are greater than
100, the CEM information must be programmed
into the ECM by using the electronic service



Digital Throttle Position

Sensor Circuit - Test

System Operation Description:

This procedure covers the following codes:

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184 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Table 104
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Digital Throttle Position Circuit
J1939 Description Notes
91-3 Accelerator Pedal Position 1 The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
: Voltage Above Normal
The ECM has been powered for 3 seconds.
29-3 Accelerator Pedal Position 2
: Voltage Above Normal Diagnostic code 168-4 is not active.

There are no active 678 codes.

The setting for the upper diagnostic limit has been exceeded for one second.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The diagnostic code will be logged.
91-4 Accelerator Pedal Position 1 The ECM detects the following conditions:
: Voltage Below Normal
The ECM has been powered for 3 seconds.
29-4 Accelerator Pedal Position 2
: Voltage Below Normal Diagnostic code 168-4 is not active.

There are no active 678 codes.

The setting for the lower diagnostic limit has been exceeded for one second.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The diagnostic code will be logged.
91-8 Accelerator Pedal Position The ECM detects the following conditions:
1 : Abnormal Frequency,
Pulse Width or Period The signal frequency from the digital throttle position sensor is equal to 0% or 100%
for more than 2 seconds.
29-8 Accelerator Pedal Position
2 : Abnormal Frequency, The ECM has been powered for at least 3 seconds.
Pulse Width or Period
Diagnostic codes 91-3, 91-4, 29-3 and 29-4 are not active.

There are no active 678 codes.

The ECM sets the Throttle Position to “0%”.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The diagnostic code will be logged if the
engine is running. The diagnostic code will not be logged if the engine is cranking.
678-3 ECU 8 Volts DC Supply : The ECM detects the following conditions:
Voltage Above Normal
The 8 VDC supply is more than 8.8 VDC for more than one second.

The ECM has been powered for more than 3 seconds.

Diagnostic code 168-4 is not active.

The ECM will log the diagnostic code and the warning lamp will illuminate while
this diagnostic code is active.
The engine may be limited to low idle.
678-4 ECU 8 Volts DC Supply : The ECM detects the following conditions:
Voltage Below Normal
The 8 VDC supply is less than 7.2 VDC for more than one second.

The ECM has been powered for more than 3 seconds.

Diagnostic code 168-4 is not active.

The ECM will log the diagnostic code and the warning lamp will illuminate while
this diagnostic code is active.
The engine may be limited to low idle.
An active diagnostic code may not cause any noticeable effect on engine response
unless the voltage drops below 6.5 VDC.

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KENR9116-01 185
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Also, use this procedure if the digital throttle position The ECM is in PTO mode if the PTO ON/OFF Switch
sensor is suspected of incorrect operation. is ON. This status can be checked with the electronic
service tool. Refer to Troubleshooting, “PTO Switch
If a fault occurs with the primary throttle, and a Circuit - Test” for testing if the PTO is being used.
secondary throttle is installed, the engine will use the
secondary throttle until the fault is repaired.

If a fault occurs with the secondary throttle, the

engine will use the primary throttle until the fault is

If a functional throttle is not available, the following

conditions will occur:

• The engine will default to the limp home speed.

• If the engine speed is higher than the limp home
speed, the engine will decelerate to the limp home

• If the engine speed is lower than the limp home

speed, the engine speed will remain at the current

• The engine will remain at this speed while the

diagnostic code remains active.

• All inputs from the faulty throttle are ignored by the

ECM until the fault is repaired.

• All inputs from the repaired throttle will be ignored

by the ECM until the keyswitch has been cycled.

Digital Throttle Position Sensor

The digital throttle position sensor is used to provide

a digital throttle position signal to the ECM. The
sensor output is a constant frequency signal with a
pulse width that varies with the throttle position. This
output signal is referred to as either a duty cycle or
a pulse width modulated signal (PWM). This output
signal is expressed as a percentage between 0 and
100 percent.

The digital throttle position sensor is most likely to be

attached directly to the throttle assembly. The digital
throttle position sensor requires no adjustment.

The duty cycle at low idle and the duty cycle at high
idle can vary depending on the application. The
percent of duty cycle is translated in the ECM into a
throttle position of 3 to 100 percent.

The digital throttle position sensors are powered by

+8 VDC from the ECM. The supply voltage is from
the J1:4 to terminal “A” of the digital throttle position
sensor connector.

If the application is using the ECM dedicated PTO

functions, the digital throttle position sensor will be
ignored while the engine is in PTO mode.

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186 KENR9116-01
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Illustration 125
Typical schematic of the digital throttle position sensors

• P1:5
• P1:66
C. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the
correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).

D. Check the harness for abrasion and pinch points

from the digital throttle position sensor to the ECM.

Expected Result:

All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly

coupled and/or inserted and the harness is free of
corrosion, of abrasion or of pinch points.
Illustration 126
Typical example of the pin locations on connector P1 Results:
(1) Secondary sensor input
(4) Sensor supply (+8 VDC) • OK – Proceed to Test Step 2.
(5) Sensor return
(66) Primary sensor input
• Not OK
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors Repair: Perform the following repair:
and Wiring
Repair the connectors or the harness and/or
A. Inspect the OEM harness and the connectors
replace the connectors or the harness. Ensure that
on the harness. Thoroughly inspect the digital
all of the seals are correctly in place and ensure
throttle position sensor connector. Refer to
that the connectors are correctly coupled.
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”
for details.
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
B. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each wire in the
repair eliminates the fault.
ECM connector that is associated with the digital
throttle position sensor:
• P1:1
• P1:4

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KENR9116-01 187
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Test Step 2. Check for Active Diagnostic • 91-8 Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : Abnormal
Codes Frequency, Pulse Width or Period

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the • 29-8 Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : Abnormal
diagnostic connector. Frequency, Pulse Width or Period

B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Result 2 The electronic service tool displays the
following active diagnostic codes or recently logged
C. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the diagnostic codes:
electronic service tool. Check and record active
diagnostic codes. • 678-3 ECU 8 Volts DC Supply : Voltage Above
Note: When the ECM automatically calibrates new
duty cycle values for the low idle throttle position and • 678-4 ECU 8 Volts DC Supply : Voltage Below
the high idle throttle position, the ECM assumes the Normal
initial lower position for the duty cycle at low idle and
the initial upper position for the duty cycle at high idle. Result 3 There are no active diagnostic codes that
The initial lower position and the initial upper position are related to the digital throttle position sensor circuit
can be obtained by accessing the following screens at this time. A fault is suspected with operation of the
on the electronic service tool: sensor circuit.

• “Service” Results:

• “Throttle Configuration” • Result 1 – Proceed to Test Step 3.

• For throttle position sensor 1, select “Throttle# • Result 2 – Proceed to Test Step 4.
1”. For throttle position sensor 2 , select
“Throttle# 2”. • Result 3 – Proceed to Test Step 3.
As a result, you may notice that the throttle Test Step 3. Check the Duty Cycle of the
position status reaches 100 percent well before Digital Throttle Position Sensor
the throttle pedal is fully depressed. This situation
is normal. After some cycling of the throttle to A. Access the following screens on the electronic
the high idle position, the ECM will adjust the service tool in order to check the upper and
calibration automatically, if the high idle stop the lower diagnostic limit of the throttle position
position is within the duty cycle range, and the sensors:
low idle is in the duty cycle range. During normal
operation, more movement of the throttle can be • “Service”
required for the throttle position status to increase
above 3 percent. The status may reach the 100 • “Throttle Configuration”
percent value prior to the limit of the high idle
position. This is done in order to ensure that the • For a 91-X code, select “Throttle# 1”. For a 29-X
throttle reaches these two critical points for engine code, select “Throttle# 2”.
B. Make a note of the lower diagnostic limit and the
Expected Result: upper diagnostic limit.

Result 1 The electronic service tool displays the C. Verify that the keyswitch is in the ON position.
following active diagnostic codes or recently logged
diagnostic codes: D. Access the following screens on the electronic
service tool in order to monitor the duty cycle of
• 91-3 Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : Voltage Above the throttle position:
• “Status”
• 91-4 Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : Voltage Below
Normal • “Throttles”
• 29-3 Accelerator Pedal Position 2 : Voltage Above E. Monitor the duty cycle of the throttle at the “low
Normal idle” position and the “high idle” position.

• 29-4 Accelerator Pedal Position 2 : Voltage Below


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188 KENR9116-01
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Expected Result: F. Use the electronic service tool to check for active
diagnostic codes.
The duty cycle is above the lower diagnostic limit with
the throttle in the low idle position. The duty cycle Expected Result:
is below the upper diagnostic limit with the throttle
in the high idle position. One of the following diagnostic codes is still active
after the terminals for sensor power have been
Results: disconnected:

• OK – The digital throttle position sensor is • 678-3 ECU 8 Volts DC Supply : Voltage Above
operating correctly. The fault may be intermittent. Normal

Repair: Perform a “Wiggle Test” by using • 678-4 ECU 8 Volts DC Supply : Voltage Below
the electronic service tool in order to identify Normal
intermittent faults. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Electrical Connectors - Inspect”. Results:

• Not OK – The digital throttle position sensor circuit Repair: Perform the following repair:
is not operating correctly. Proceed to Test Step 4.
Check the battery voltage at pins 61, 63, 65, 67 and
Test Step 4. Check the Supply Voltage at 69 (Battery ground) on the P1 connector. Check
the Digital Throttle Position Sensor the battery voltage at pins 48, 52, 53, 55 and 57
(Battery+) on the J1 connector.. The measured
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. voltage should be in one of the following ranges:

B. Install a breakout “T” with three terminals at the • For 12 V systems, the voltage should be between
digital throttle position sensor connector. 11.0 VDC and 13.5 VDC.

C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. • For 24 V systems, the voltage should be between
22.0 VDC and 27.0 VDC.
D. Measure the voltage between terminal “A” (+8
VDC) and terminal “B” (digital throttle position If the voltage is correct, then perform the following
sensor ground). procedure.

Results: 1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the
application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
• The measured voltage is between 7.5 VDC and Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.
8.5 VDC for the digital throttle position sensor –
Proceed to Test Step 6. 2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

• The sensor is not receiving the correct voltage – Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair
Proceed to Test Step 5. time.

Test Step 5. Disconnect the Power 3. If Perkins Global Technical Support

Supply Connections for the Digital recommends the use of a test ECM, install a
Throttle Position Sensor at the ECM test ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Replacing
the ECM”.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the
B. Disconnect connector P1. Thoroughly inspect system for active diagnostic codes.
the P1/J1 connector. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Electrical Connectors - Inspect” for more 5. If the fault is resolved with the test ECM,
information. reconnect the suspect ECM.

C. Remove the P1:4 (+8 VDC). Remove the P1:5 6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
(digital throttle position sensor ground) from replace the ECM.
connector P1.

D. Reconnect the P1 connector to the ECM.

E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

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KENR9116-01 189
Troubleshooting Section

7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear H. While the duty cycle is being monitored on the
all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that multimeter, operate the throttle through the full
the repair eliminates the fault. range of movement.

STOP. Expected Result:

• Not OK The duty cycle is above the lower diagnostic limit with
the throttle in the low idle position. The duty cycle
Repair: Perform the following repair: is below the upper diagnostic limit with the throttle
in the high idle position.
There is a fault in the harness between the ECM
and the digital throttle position sensor. While active Results:
diagnostic codes are being monitored, connect
the removed wires one at a time in order to verify • OK – Reinsert the wire (terminal “C”) into the
that the active diagnostic codes reappear. Replace harness connector of the digital throttle position
pin P1:5 (digital throttle position sensor ground). sensor. The digital throttle position sensor is
Replace pin P1:4 (+8 V). This procedure is used to working correctly. Proceed to Test Step 7.
find the wire that is causing the fault. Repair the
harness or replace the harness, as required. • Not OK – Leave the multimeter probe connected
to the breakout “T”. Insert the wire (terminal “C”)
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all into the machine harness connector. The throttle
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the pedal assembly is faulty. Proceed to Test Step 8.
repair eliminates the fault.
Test Step 7. Check the Duty Cycle of the
STOP. Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor at the
Test Step 6. Check the Duty Cycle of the
Throttle Position Sensor at the Sensor Note: Performing certain steps within this procedure
requires the use of a multimeter that can measure
Note: Performing certain steps within this procedure a PWM duty cycle.
requires the use of a multimeter that can measure
a PWM duty cycle. A. Access the following screens on the electronic
service tool in order to check the upper and
A. Access the following screens on the electronic the lower diagnostic limit of the throttle position
service tool in order to check the upper and sensors:
the lower diagnostic limit of the throttle position
sensors: • “Service”
• “Service” • “Throttle Configuration”
• “Throttle Configuration” • For a 91-X code, select “Throttle# 1”. For a 29-X
code, select “Throttle# 2”.
• For a 91-X code, select “Throttle# 1”. For a 29-X
code, select “Throttle# 2”. B. Make a note of the lower diagnostic limit and the
upper diagnostic limit.
B. Make a note of the lower diagnostic limit and the
upper diagnostic limit. C. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

C. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. D. Disconnect the P1 connector. Remove pin P1:66
for digital throttle position sensor 1 or pin P1:1 for
D. Remove the signal wire for the digital throttle digital throttle position sensor 2.
position sensor (terminal “C”) from the connector.
Refer to illustration 125. E. Connect the multimeter probes between the
removed wire and pin P1:5 (digital throttle position
E. Install a breakout “T” with three terminals at the sensor ground).
digital throttle position sensor connector.
F. Reconnect the P1 connector to the ECM.
F. Connect the multimeter probes to terminal “C”
(digital throttle position sensor signal) and terminal G. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
“B” (digital throttle position sensor ground) of the
breakout T.

G. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

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190 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

H. Use the multimeter in order to display the 5. If the fault is eliminated with the test ECM,
duty cycle output of the digital throttle position reconnect the suspect ECM.
sensor. While the duty cycle output of the digital
throttle position sensor is being monitored on 6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
the multimeter, move the throttle from the low replace the ECM.
idle position to the high idle position. Record the
results. 7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
I. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. the repair eliminates the fault.

J. Remove the P1 connector from the ECM. STOP.

K. Install the pin for the digital throttle position sensor • Not OK – There is a fault with signal wire in the
that was previously removed . harness. Proceed to Test Step 9.

L. Connect the P1 connector to the ECM. Test Step 8. Remove the Digital Throttle
Position Sensor from the Throttle Pedal
Expected Result: Assembly
The duty cycle is above the lower diagnostic limit with
the throttle in the low idle position. The duty cycle
is below the upper diagnostic limit with the throttle
in the high idle position.


• OK – A good signal from the digital throttle position

sensor is reaching the ECM.

Repair: Perform the following repair:

Check the battery voltage at pins 61, 63, 65, 67 and

69 (Battery ground) on the P1 connector. Check
the battery voltage at pins 48, 52, 53, 55 and 57
(Battery+) on the J1 connector.. The measured
voltage should be in one of the following ranges:

• For 12 V systems, the voltage should be between

11.0 VDC and 13.5 VDC.
Illustration 127
• For 24 V systems, the voltage should be between
22.0 VDC and 27.0 VDC. Typical throttle assembly
(1) Sensor mounting face
If the voltage is correct, then perform the following (2) Sensor drive key
(3) Mounting screw holes

1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the

application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair


3. If Perkins Global Technical Support

recommends the use of a test ECM, install a
test ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Replacing
the ECM”.

4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the

system for active diagnostic codes.

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KENR9116-01 191
Troubleshooting Section

Expected Result:

When the sensor is removed from the throttle

assembly and the sensor slot is released, the duty
cycle is 10 percent or less. When the sensor slot
is moved to the maximum position, the duty cycle
increases to 90 percent or more.


• OK – The digital throttle position sensor is working

correctly. Refer to the OEM dealer for correct
replacement of the throttle assembly. STOP.

g01185327 • Not OK – The digital throttle position sensor is

Illustration 128 faulty. Check the throttle assembly in order to
Throttle block assembly ensure that the throttle assembly is not damaging
(1) Mounting screw holes the sensor. If the throttle assembly is damaging
(2) Sensor housing the sensor, refer to the OEM dealer for correct
(3) Sensor drive slot replacement of the throttle assembly. If the throttle
assembly appears OK, replace the digital throttle
position sensor. STOP.

Test Step 9. Route the Supply Bypass

Wires to the Digital Throttle Position
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

B. For digital throttle position sensor 1, temporarily

remove the signal wire from P1:66. For digital
throttle position sensor 2, temporarily remove the
signal wire fromP1:1.

g01185328 C. Remove terminal “C” (digital throttle position

Illustration 129
sensor signal) from the digital throttle position
Throttle block assembly sensor connector.
(1) Mounting screw holes
(2) Sensor drive slot D. Route the new wiring from the ECM to the digital
(3) Sensor mounting face
throttle position sensor.
A. Verify that the keyswitch is in the OFF position.
E. Access the following screens on the electronic
service tool in order to check the upper and
B. Note the sensor orientation in the throttle assembly
the lower diagnostic limit of the throttle position
and the sensor connector for the harness routing
prior to sensor removal. Remove the digital
throttle position sensor from the throttle assembly.
Thoroughly inspect the connector and the harness • “Service”
for signs of abrasion.
• “Throttle Configuration”
C. Connect a multimeter that can measure a PWM
duty cycle to terminal “C” of the breakout “T”. • For a 91-X code, select “Throttle# 1”. For a 29-X
code, select “Throttle# 2”.
D. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
F. Make a note of the lower diagnostic limit and the
upper diagnostic limit.
E. Display the duty cycle output of the digital throttle
position sensor while the sensor slot is released.
G. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
Use a screwdriver to advance the sensor slot to
the maximum position. Refer to Illustration 129.
H. Check the duty cycle of the digital throttle position
sensor on the electronic service tool while the
digital throttle is being moved over the full range.

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192 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Expected Result:

The duty cycle is above the lower diagnostic limit with

the throttle in the low idle position. The duty cycle
is below the upper diagnostic limit with the throttle
in the high idle position.


• OK
Repair: Perform the following repair:

The wiring from the ECM to the digital throttle

position sensor appears faulty. Permanently install
new wiring.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.


• Not OK – Double check the wiring, the P1/J1

connectors, and the digital throttle position sensor
connector. If a fault still exists, repeat the test
procedure from Test Step 1.



ECM Memory - Test

System Operation Description:

This procedure covers the following diagnostic code:

Table 105

Diagnostic Trouble Codes for ECM Software

J1939 Description Notes
631-2 Calibration Module : Erratic, Intermittent The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects incorrect engine software.
or Incorrect
If equipped, the warning light will come on.
This diagnostic code is not logged.
Factory passwords are required to clear this diagnostic code.
The engine will not start.
The flash file in the ECM is from the wrong engine family.

Correct the Condition Results:

Determine the diagnostic code that is active. • A 631-2 code is active

Expected Result: Repair: Obtain the engine serial number. Use
PTMI to determine the latest available flash file for
A 631-2 diagnostic code is active. the engine. Verify that the latest available flash file
is loaded into the ECM.

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KENR9116-01 193
Troubleshooting Section

If necessary, use the electronic service tool to

install the correct flash file into the ECM. Refer to
the Troubleshooting Guide, “Flash Programming”.
The connection of any electrical equipment and
the disconnection of any electrical equipment may
cause an explosion hazard which may result in in-
jury or death. Do not connect any electrical equip-
i04024229 ment or disconnect any electrical equipment in an
explosive atmosphere.
Electrical Connectors - Inspect
Test Step 1. Check Connectors for
Moisture and Corrosion
System Operation Description:

Most electrical faults are caused by poor connections.

The following procedure will assist in detecting
faults with connectors and with wiring. If a fault is
found, correct the condition and verify that the fault
is resolved.

Intermittent electrical faults are sometimes resolved

by disconnecting and reconnecting connectors.
Check for diagnostic codes immediately before
disconnecting a connector. Also check for diagnostic
codes after reconnecting the connector. If the status
of a diagnostic code is changed due to disconnecting
and reconnecting a connector, there are several
possible reasons. The likely reasons are loose
terminals, improperly crimped terminals, moisture,
corrosion, and inadequate mating of a connection.

Follow these guidelines:

• Always use a 2900A019 Removal Tool to remove Illustration 130
the pins from the P1/P2 connectors. Deformed seal at the connector (typical example)
Some components are not shown for clarity.
• Always use a 2900A033 Crimp Tool to service (1) Wire pulled to one side. Note the gap between the seal and
Deutsch HD and DT connectors. Never solder the the wire.
terminals onto the wires.
A. Inspect all the harnesses. Ensure that the routing
• Always use a 28170079 Removal Tool to remove of the wiring harness allows the wires to enter the
wedges from DT connectors. Never use a face of each connector at a perpendicular angle.
screwdriver to pry a wedge from a connector. Otherwise, the wire will deform the seal bore.
Refer to Illustration 130. This condition will create
• Always use a 2900A033 Crimp Tool to service a path for the entrance of moisture. Verify that the
AMP seal connectors. seals for the wires are sealing correctly.
• Refer to Troubleshooting, “ECM Harness
Connector Terminals” in order to service the
connectors for the Electronic Control Module

• Always use a breakout harness for a voltmeter

probe or a test light. Never break the insulation of a
wire in order to access a circuit for measurements.

• If a wire is cut, always install a new terminal for

the repair.

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194 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

g01131276 g01885293
Illustration 131 Illustration 133
Diagram for the installation of a connector plug (typical example) (1) Seal for ECM connector (typical example)
(1) ECM connector
(2) Correctly inserted sealing plug C. Disconnect the suspect connector and inspect the
(3) Incorrectly inserted sealing plug connector seal. Ensure that the seal is in good
condition. If necessary, replace the connector.
B. Ensure that the sealing plugs are in place. If
any of the plugs are missing, replace the plug. D. Thoroughly inspect the connectors for evidence
Ensure that the plugs are inserted correctly into of moisture entry.
the connector. Refer to Illustration 131.
Note: Some minor seal abrasion on connector seals
is normal. Minor seal abrasion will not allow the entry
of moisture.

If moisture or corrosion is evident in the connector,

the source of the moisture entry must be identified
and repaired. If the source of the moisture entry
is not repaired, the fault will recur. Simply drying
the connector will not rectify the fault. Check the
following items for the possible moisture entry

• Missing seals

Illustration 132
g01885653 • Incorrectly installed seals
(1) Seal for a three-pin connector (typical example)
• Nicks in exposed insulation
• Improperly mated connectors
Moisture can also travel to a connector through the
inside of a wire. If moisture is found in a connector,
thoroughly check the connector harness for
damage. Also check other connectors that share
the harness for moisture.

Note: The ECM is a sealed unit. If moisture is found

in an ECM connector, the ECM is not the source of
the moisture. Do not replace the ECM.

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KENR9116-01 195
Troubleshooting Section

Expected Result: Results:

The harness, connectors, and seals are in good • The wires are free of abrasion, nicks, and cuts and
condition. There is no evidence of moisture in the the harness is correctly clamped – The harness is
connectors. OK. Proceed to Test Step 3.

Results: • There is damage to the harness.

• The harness, connectors, and seals are in good Repair: Repair the wires or replace the wires, as
condition – Proceed to Test Step 2. required.

• A fault has been found with the harness or the Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
connectors. logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.
Repair: Repair the connectors or the wiring, as
required. Ensure that all of the seals are correctly STOP.
installed. Ensure that the connectors have been
reattached. Ensure that all pins and sockets are Test Step 3. Inspect the Connector
free of corrosion and/or moisture before continuing Terminals
with this procedure.
A. Visually inspect each terminal in the connector.
If corrosion is evident on the pins, sockets or the Verify that the terminals are not damaged.
connector, use only denatured alcohol to remove Verify that the terminals are correctly aligned in
the corrosion. Use a cotton swab or a soft brush the connector and verify that the terminals are
to remove the corrosion. correctly located in the connector.

If moisture was found in the connectors, run the Results:

engine for several minutes and check again for
moisture. If moisture reappears, the moisture is • The terminals are correctly aligned and the
wicking into the connector. Even if the moisture terminals appear undamaged – Proceed to Test
entry path is repaired, replacement of the wires Step 4.
may be necessary.
• The terminals of the connector are damaged.
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the Repair: Repair the terminals and/or replace the
repair eliminates the fault. terminals, as required.

STOP. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
Test Step 2. Check the Wires for Damage repair eliminates the fault.
to the Insulation
A. Carefully inspect each wire for signs of abrasion,
nicks, and cuts. Test Step 4. Perform a Pull Test on Each
Wire Terminal Connection
Inspect the wires for the following conditions:

• Exposed insulation
• Rubbing of a wire against the engine
• Rubbing of a wire against a sharp edge
B. Check all of the fasteners for the harness. Check
the strain relief components on the ECM in order
to verify that the harness is correctly secured. Also
check all of the fasteners in order to verify that the
harness is not compressed. Pull back the harness
sleeves in order to check for a flattened portion
of wire. A fastener that has been overtightened g01802454
flattens the harness. This damages the wires that Illustration 134
are inside the harness. A typical example of the lock wedge.
(1) Lock wedge

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196 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

A. Ensure that the locking wedge for the connector • Terminals are damaged.
is installed correctly. Terminals cannot be retained
inside the connector if the locking wedge is not Repair: Use the 2900A033 Crimp Tool to replace
installed correctly. the damaged terminals. Verify that the repair
eliminates the problem.
B. Perform the 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each wire.
Each terminal and each connector should easily Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
withstand 45 N (10 lb) of tension and each wire logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
should remain in the connector body. This test repair eliminates the fault.
checks whether the wire was correctly crimped
in the terminal and whether the terminal was STOP.
correctly inserted into the connector.
Test Step 6. Check the Locking
Results: Mechanism of the Connectors
• Each terminal and each connector easily withstand A. Ensure that the connectors lock correctly. After
45 N (10 lb) of pull and each wire remains in the locking the connectors, ensure that the two halves
connector body. – All terminals pass the pull test. cannot be pulled apart.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
B. Verify that the latch tab of the connector is
• A wire has been pulled from a terminal or a terminal correctly latched. Also verify that the latch tab of
has been pulled from the connector. the connector returns to the locked position.

Repair: Use the 2900A033 Crimp Tool to replace Results:

the terminal. Replace damaged connectors, as
required. • The connector is securely locked. The connector
and the locking mechanism are without cracks
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all or breaks. – The connectors are in good repair.
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the Proceed to Test Step 7.
repair eliminates the fault.
• The locking mechanism for the connector is
STOP. damaged or missing. –

Test Step 5. Check Individual Pin Repair: Repair the connector or replace the
Retention into the Socket connector, as required.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.


Test Step 7. Check the Screws on the

ECM Connectors (70 way)
Visually inspect the screws for the ECM connectors.
Ensure that the threads on each screw are not

A. Connect the ECM connectors.
Illustration 135
a. Use a 7 mm screw in order to retain each of
A. Verify that the sockets provide good retention for the ECM connectors.
the pins. Insert a new pin into each socket one
at a time in order to check for a good grip on the b. Tighten the two screws for the ECM connector
pin by the socket. to the correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).
Results: Expected Result:

• The sockets provide good retention for the new The ECM connectors are secure and the screws are
pin – The terminals are OK. Proceed to Test Step correctly torqued.

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KENR9116-01 197
Troubleshooting Section

Results: i04334973

• OK – The ECM connectors are secured. Proceed Engine Pressure Sensor Open
to Test Step 8. or Short Circuit - Test
• Not OK – The screws for the ECM connectors
are damaged or a threaded hole in the ECM is
damaged. System Operation Description:
Repair: Repair the connectors or replace the This procedure covers the following codes:
connectors or screws, as required. If a threaded
hole in the ECM is damaged, replace the ECM.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.


Test Step 8. Perform the “Wiggle Test”

on the Electronic Service Tool
A. Select the “Wiggle Test” from the diagnostic tests
on the electronic service tool.

B. Choose the appropriate group of parameters to


C. Press the “Start” button. Wiggle the wiring harness

in order to reproduce intermittent faults.

If an intermittent fault exists, the status will be

highlighted and an audible beep will be heard.


• No intermittent faults were indicated during the

“Wiggle Test” – The harness and connectors
appear to be OK. If you were sent from another
procedure, return to the procedure and continue
testing. If this test confirms that the fault has been
eliminated, return the engine to service. STOP.

• At least one intermittent fault was indicated. –

Repair: Repair the harness or the connector.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.


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198 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Table 106
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Engine Pressure Sensors
J1939 Description Notes
100-3 Engine Oil Pressure The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
: Voltage Above
Normal The signal voltage from the engine oil pressure sensor is greater than 4.8 VDC for more
than 8 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The
ECM will set data for engine oil pressure to the default value. The default engine oil
pressure is 600 kPa (87 psi). The electronic service tool will display “Voltage Above
Normal” on the status screens.
100-4 Engine Oil Pressure The ECM detects the following conditions:
: Voltage Below
Normal The signal voltage from the engine oil pressure sensor is less than 0.2 VDC for more
than 8 seconds.

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

The engine is running or the barometric pressure is greater than 55 kPa (8 psi).

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The
ECM will set data for the engine oil pressure to the default value. The default engine
oil pressure is 600 kPa (87 psi). The electronic service tool will display “Voltage Below
Normal” on the status screens.
108-3 Barometric The ECM detects the following conditions:
Pressure : Voltage
Above Normal The signal voltage for the barometric pressure sensor is greater than 4.8 VDC for at least 8

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
108-4 Barometric The ECM detects the following conditions:
Pressure : Voltage
Below Normal The signal voltage for the barometric pressure sensor is less than 0.2 VDC for at least 8

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
157-3 Engine Injector The ECM detects the following conditions:
Metering Rail #1
Pressure : Voltage The signal voltage for the fuel rail pressure sensor is more than 4.7 VDC for 0.6 seconds.
Above Normal
If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The
electronic service tool will display “70000 kPa” next to “Desired Fuel Rail Pressure” and
“Actual Fuel Rail Pressure” on the status screens.
The engine will be derated.
157-4 Engine Injector The ECM detects the following conditions:
Metering Rail #1
Pressure : Voltage The signal voltage for the fuel rail pressure sensor is less than 0.67 VDC for 0.6 seconds.
Below Normal
If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The electronic service tool will display “70000 kPa” next to “Desired Fuel Rail Pressure”
and “Actual Fuel Rail Pressure” on the status screens.
The engine will be derated.

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KENR9116-01 199
Troubleshooting Section

(Table 106, contd)

Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Engine Pressure Sensors
J1939 Description Notes
3358-3 Engine Exhaust The ECM detects the following conditions:
Gas Recirculation
Inlet Pressure : The signal voltage for the inlet pressure sensor for the NOx Reduction System (NRS)
Voltage Above is more than 4.8 VDC for 0.12 seconds.
The ECM has been powered for 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning light will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The ECM will set data for the inlet pressure for the NRS to the default value. The default
value for the inlet pressure for the NRS is 250 kPa (36.3 psi).
3358-4 Engine Exhaust The ECM detects the following conditions:
Gas Recirculation
Inlet Pressure : The signal voltage for the inlet pressure sensor for the NRS is less than 0.2 VDC for 0.12
Voltage Below seconds.
The ECM has been powered for 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning light will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The ECM will set data for the inlet pressure for the NRS to the default value. The default
value for the inlet pressure for the NRS is 250 kPa (36.3 psi).
3563-3 Engine Intake The ECM detects the following conditions:
Manifold #1
Absolute Pressure The signal voltage from the intake manifold pressure sensor is above 4.8 VDC for at least 2
: Voltage Above seconds.
The ECM has been powered for 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning light will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The data for the intake manifold pressure will be set to a maximum valid pressure for 2
seconds. The ECM will then flag the intake manifold pressure as being invalid. A default
value is then used for the intake manifold pressure.
For engines with an electronically controlled wastegate, the current for the wastegate
solenoid will be set to a default value while this code is active. The engine will have poor
acceleration. The default setting will prevent any overpressure in the intake manifold which
could be caused by an overspeed of the turbocharger.
3563-4 Engine Intake The ECM detects the following conditions:
Manifold #1
Absolute Pressure The signal voltage from the intake manifold pressure sensor is less than 0.2 VDC for
: Voltage Below at least 2 seconds.
The ECM has been powered for 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning light will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The data for the intake manifold pressure will be set to a maximum valid pressure for 2
seconds. The ECM will then flag the intake manifold pressure as being invalid. A default
value is then used for intake manifold pressure.
For engines with an electronically controlled wastegate, the current for the wastegate
solenoid will be set to a default value while this code is active. The engine will have poor
acceleration. The default setting will prevent any overpressure in the intake manifold which
could be caused by an overspeed of the turbocharger.

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200 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

(Table 106, contd)

Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Engine Pressure Sensors
J1939 Description Notes
5019-3 Engine Exhaust The ECM detects the following conditions:
Gas Recirculation
Outlet Pressure The signal voltage for the outlet pressure sensor for the NRS is more than 4.8 VDC for
: Voltage Above 120 ms.
The ECM has been powered for 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning light will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The ECM will set data for the outlet pressure for the NRS to the default value. The default
value for the outlet pressure for the NRS is 250 kPa (36.3 psi).
5019-4 Engine Exhaust The ECM detects the following conditions:
Gas Recirculation
Outlet Pressure The signal voltage for the outlet pressure sensor for the NRS is less than 0.2 VDC for
: Voltage Below 120 ms.
The ECM has been powered for 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning light will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The ECM will set data for the outlet pressure for the NRS to the default value. The default
value for the outlet pressure for the NRS is 250 kPa (36.3 psi).

The following conditions must exist before any of the If the sensor is disconnected at the sensor connector,
above codes will become active: the presence of pull-up voltage at the sensor
connector indicates that the wires from the sensor
• There are no active 3509 codes. connector to the ECM are not open or shorted to
ground. If the sensor is disconnected at the sensor
• There are no active 168 codes. connector, the absence of pull-up voltage at the
sensor connector indicates an open in the signal wire
The following background information is related or a short to ground. If the sensor is disconnected at
to this procedure: the sensor connector and the voltage at the sensor
connector is different from pull-up voltage, the signal
The 5 VDC sensor supply provides power to all 5 wire is shorted to another wire in the harness.
VDC sensors. The ECM supplies 5.0 ± 0.2 VDC to
terminal “3” of the fuel rail pressure sensor connector
and to terminal “1” of all other pressure sensor
connectors. The sensor common from the ECM
connector goes to terminal “1” of the fuel rail pressure
sensor connector. The sensor common from the ECM
connector goes to terminal “2” of all other pressure
sensor connectors. The sensor supply is output short
circuit protected. A short circuit to the battery will not
damage the circuit inside the ECM.

Pull-up Voltage

The ECM continuously outputs a pull-up voltage

on the circuit for the sensor signal wire. The ECM
uses this pull-up voltage in order to detect an open
in the signal circuit. When the ECM detects the
presence of a voltage that is above a threshold on the
signal circuit, the ECM will generate an open circuit
diagnostic code (XXXX-3) for the sensor.

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KENR9116-01 201
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 136
Typical example of the schematic for the pressure sensors

g02105855 g01906133
Illustration 137 Illustration 138
Typical view of the pin locations on the P2 connector for the Fuel rail pressure sensor
pressure sensors
(1) Ground
(4) Signal Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor (2) Signal
(6) Signal NRS Inlet Pressure Sensor (3) 5 VDC Supply
(7) Signal NRS Outlet Pressure Sensor
(34) Signal Barometric Pressure Sensor
(35) Signal Oil Pressure Sensor
(37) Signal Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor
(46) 5 VDC Supply Oil Pressure Sensor
(47) 5 VDC Supply Engine Pressure Sensors
(56) Ground Oil Pressure Sensor

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(57) Ground Engine Pressure Sensors
202 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Expected Result:

All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly

coupled. The harness should be free of corrosion,
abrasions, and pinch points.


• OK – Proceed to Test Step 2.

• Not OK
Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness
and/or replace the connectors or the harness.
Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place
Illustration 139 and ensure that the connectors are correctly
Typical example of an engine pressure sensor coupled.
(1) 5 VDC Supply
(2) Ground Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
(3) Signal logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.
Note: The terminals on the fuel rail pressure
sensor are wired differently from all other STOP.
pressure sensors.
Test Step 2. Check for Active Diagnostic
The pressure sensors are active sensors. The Codes
pressure sensors have three terminals. Active
sensors require supply voltage from the ECM. The A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait at
P2/J2 ECM connector supplies +5 VDC to terminal least 10 seconds for activation of the diagnostic
“3” of the fuel rail pressure sensor and to terminal “1” codes.
of all other pressure sensors. The common line is
connected to connector “1” of the fuel rail pressure B. Verify if any of the diagnostic codes that are listed
sensor and to connector “2” of all other pressure in Table 106 are active or recently logged.
sensors. The signal voltage from terminal “2” of the
fuel rail pressure sensor is supplied to the appropriate Results:
terminal at the P2/J2 ECM connector. The signal
voltage from terminal “3” of all other pressure sensors • An XXXX-3 or an XXXX-4 diagnostic code is
is supplied to the appropriate terminal at the P2/J2 active for one or more of the pressure sensors. –
ECM connector. Proceed to Test Step 3.
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors Test Step 3. Check the Supply Voltage at
And Wiring the Sensor Connector
A. Thoroughly inspect the connectors for the engine A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
pressure sensors.
B. Disconnect the connector for the suspect sensor.
B. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors
- Inspect”. C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start
the engine.
C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each wire in the
ECM connector and the sensor connectors that D. Measure the voltage between the 5 VDC supply
are associated with the active diagnostic code. terminal and the ground terminal on the harness
connector for the suspect sensor. The voltage
D. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the measurement should be 5.0 ± 0.2 VDC.
correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).
E. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
E. Check the harness for abrasions and for pinch
points from the sensors back to the ECM. F. Reconnect the sensor.
F. Use the electronic service tool to perform a Expected Result:
“Wiggle Test”. The “Wiggle Test” will identify
intermittent connections. The voltage measurement is 5.0 ± 0.2 VDC.

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KENR9116-01 203
Troubleshooting Section

Results: C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait for at

least 10 seconds for activation of the diagnostic
• The voltage measurement is within the expected codes.
range. – The correct supply voltage is reaching
the sensor. Proceed to Test Step 4. D. Use the electronic service tool to check the “Active
Diagnostic Code” screen. Check for an XXXX-3
• The voltage measurement is not within the diagnostic code.
expected range. – The fault is in the 5 VDC supply
wire or the ground wire between the suspect Expected Result:
sensor and the ECM.
An XXXX-3 diagnostic code for the disconnected
Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the sensor is now active.
faulty wiring.
Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair • An XXXX-4 diagnostic code was active before
eliminates the fault. disconnecting the sensor. An XXXX-3 diagnostic
code became active after disconnecting the
STOP. sensor. – There may be a fault in the sensor.

Test Step 4. Check that the Diagnostic Repair: Temporarily connect a new sensor to the
Code is Still Active harness, but do not install the new sensor in the
engine. Use the electronic service tool in order to
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait at verify that the repair eliminates the fault and then
least 10 seconds for activation of the diagnostic permanently install the new sensor.
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
B. Use the electronic service tool to check for active logged diagnostic codes.
diagnostic codes. Record all active diagnostic
codes STOP.

C. Determine if the fault is related to an open circuit • An XXXX-4 diagnostic code is still active after
diagnostic code or a short circuit diagnostic code. disconnecting the sensor – There is a short circuit
between the sensor harness connector and the
Results: ECM. Leave the sensor disconnected. Proceed to
Test Step 7.
• Short circuit – A XXXX-4 diagnostic code is active
for one or more of the pressure sensors at this Test Step 6. Create a Short Circuit at the
time. Proceed to Test Step 5. Sensor Connector
• Open circuit – A XXXX-3 diagnostic code is active A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
for one or more of the pressure sensors at this
time. Proceed to Test Step 6. B. Disconnect the connector for the suspect sensor.

• A short circuit diagnostic code is not active. An C. Fabricate a jumper wire that is 150 mm (6 inch)
open circuit diagnostic code is not active. – An long. Crimp a terminal to both ends of the wire.
intermittent fault may exist.
D. Use the jumper to connect the sensor signal
Repair: Use the electronic service tool to perform terminal to the sensor ground terminal on the
a “Wiggle Test”. If faults are indicated, then go to harness connector for the suspect sensor.
the appropriate procedure.
E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start
STOP. the engine.

Test Step 5. Create an Open Circuit at the F. Access the “Active Diagnostic Codes” screen on
Sensor Connector the electronic service tool and check for an active
XXXX-4 diagnostic code for the suspect sensor.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
G. Remove the jumper. Reconnect the sensor.
B. Disconnect the connector for the sensor with the
XXXX-4 diagnostic code.

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204 KENR9116-01
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Results: Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the

faulty wiring. Use the electronic service tool to
• An XXXX-3 diagnostic code was active before verify that the repair eliminates the fault.
installing the jumper. An XXXX-4 diagnostic code
became active with the jumper installed. – There STOP.
may be a fault in the sensor.
• There is still an active diagnostic code for the
Repair: Temporarily connect a new sensor to the suspect sensor. – Remove the jumper wires.
harness, but do not install the new sensor in the Return all wires to the original configuration.
engine. Use the electronic service tool in order to
verify that the repair eliminates the fault and then Repair: Perform the following repair:
permanently install the new sensor.
1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
logged diagnostic codes. Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

STOP. 2. Contact the Perkins Global Technical Support.

• The XXXX-3 diagnostic code remains active Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair
when the jumper is installed. – The sensor is OK. time.
Proceed to Test Step 7.
3. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend
Test Step 7. Bypass the Harness Wiring the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer
Between the ECM and the Sensor to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.
4. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Use the
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. electronic service tool to verify that the repair
eliminates the fault.
B. Disconnect the P2 connector and disconnect the
connector from the suspect sensor. 5. If the fault is eliminated with the replacement
ECM, reconnect the suspect ECM. If the fault
C. Remove the sensor signal wire from the P2 returns with the suspect ECM, replace the ECM.
connector. Remove the signal wire from the
sensor connector on the engine harness. 6. If the fault is still present with the replacement
ECM, do not use the replacement ECM. Contact
D. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough to the Perkins Global Technical Support.
reach from the ECM to the sensor connector.
E. Insert one end of the jumper wire into the signal
terminal on the suspect sensor connector on the
engine harness. Insert the other end of the jumper
wire into the signal socket for the suspect sensor
on the P2 connector.
Engine Speed/Timing Sensor
Circuit - Test
F. Reconnect the P2 connector and the sensor

G. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. System Operation Description:

H. Access the “Active Diagnostic Codes” screen on This procedure covers the following codes:
the electronic service tool and check for active
diagnostic codes for the suspect sensor.


• There are no active diagnostic codes for the

suspect sensor at this time. – There is a fault in
the signal wire between the suspect sensor and
the ECM.

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KENR9116-01 205
Troubleshooting Section

Table 107
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Engine Speed/Timing Sensors
J1939 Description Notes
190-8 Engine Speed : Abnormal Frequency, Pulse The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following
Width, or Period conditions:

An intermittent loss of signal or a complete loss of signal from the

primary speed/timing sensor for 2 seconds

The engine has been running for more than 3 seconds.

Diagnostic trouble code 168-4 is not active.

678 diagnostic trouble codes are not active.

If equipped, the warning light will come on and the diagnostic code
will be logged.
The ECM will use the signal from the secondary speed/timing
The engine will be derated. If the signal from the secondary
speed/timing sensor is also lost, the engine will shut down.
723-8 Engine Speed Sensor #2 : Abnormal The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following
Frequency, Pulse Width or Period conditions:

An intermittent loss of signal or a complete loss of signal from the

secondary speed/timing sensor for 2 seconds while the signal from
the primary speed/timing sensor remained valid

The engine has been running for more than 3 seconds.

Diagnostic trouble code 168-4 is not active.

678 diagnostic trouble codes are not active.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on and the diagnostic code
will be logged.
The loss of signal from the secondary speed/timing sensor will
prevent the engine from starting.
637-11 Engine Timing Sensor : Other Failure Mode The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following

The outputs from the primary speed/timing sensor and the

secondary speed/timing sensor differ by more than eight crankshaft

The engine has been running for more than 5 seconds.

Diagnostic code 190-8 is not active.

678 diagnostic codes are not active.

If equipped, the warning light will come on. This code will not be

Use this procedure when the engine will not start and
the electronic service tool indicates a faulty sensor by
displaying “Not Detected” against the faulty sensor
on the “No Start Parameter” screen.

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206 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

The engine uses two engine speed/timing sensors.

The primary speed/timing sensor is located on the
left-hand side of the cylinder block close to the
flywheel housing. The primary speed/timing sensor
generates a signal by detecting the movement of
the teeth that are located on the crankshaft timing
ring. The signal that is generated by the speed/timing
sensor is transmitted to the Electronic Control
Module (ECM). The ECM uses the signal from the
speed/timing sensor to calculate the position of the
crankshaft. The signal is also used to determine the
engine speed.

The secondary speed/timing sensor is located on the

right-hand side of the cylinder block toward the rear
of the engine. The secondary speed/timing sensor
generates a signal that is related to the camshaft
position. The secondary speed/timing sensor detects
the movement of the teeth on the timing ring for
the camshaft. The signal that is generated by the
speed/timing sensor is transmitted to the ECM. The
ECM calculates the speed and the rotational position
of the engine by using the signal. The secondary
speed/timing sensor is required for starting purposes.

During normal operation, the secondary speed/timing

sensor is used to determine the cycle that the
engine is on. When the timing has been established,
the primary speed/timing sensor is then used to
determine the engine speed and the angular position.

The loss of signal to the primary sensor and/or the

secondary sensor will result in one of the following

• The engine will continue to run when only one

sensor signal is present from either the primary
sensor or the secondary sensor.

• Loss of signal from the primary sensor and the

secondary sensor during operation of the engine
will cause fuel injection to be terminated. The
engine will stop.

The primary sensor and the secondary sensor are

interchangeable components. If a sensor is suspect,
the sensors can be exchanged in order to eliminate
a fault. If a secondary sensor is suspect and a
replacement secondary sensor is not available, then
the primary sensor and the secondary sensor can
be exchanged. The exchange will allow testing to
determine if the secondary sensor is faulty.

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KENR9116-01 207
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 140
Schematic for the speed/timing sensors

Illustration 141
View of the pin locations for the speed/timing sensor on the P2
(44) 8 VDC supply for the speed/timing sensor
(38) Signal for the primary speed/timing sensor
(39) Signal for the secondary speed/timing sensor

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208 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 142
View of the sensor locations on the 1204E-E44 engine
(1) Primary speed/timing sensor (2) Secondary speed/timing sensor

Illustration 143
View of the sensor locations on the 1206E-E66 engine
(1) Primary speed/timing sensor (2) Secondary speed/timing sensor

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KENR9116-01 209
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 144
Typical example of the speed/timing sensor
(1) 8 VDC Supply (2) Signal

Test Step 1. Inspect the Electrical Repair: Repair the faulty connectors or the
Connectors and the Harness harness and/or replace the faulty connectors or the
harness. Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. place and ensure that the connectors are correctly
B. Inspect the connectors for the speed/timing
sensors. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical If the primary speed/timing sensor must be
Connectors - Inspect”. replaced or the sensor must be reinstalled, refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft Position
C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the Sensor - Remove and Install”. If the secondary
wires in the suspect sensor connector and the speed/timing sensor must be replaced or the
sensor connections at the ECM. sensor must be reinstalled, refer to Disassembly
and Assembly, “Camshaft Position Sensor -
D. Check that the ground connection on the ECM and Remove and Install”.
the negative terminal on the battery are correctly
installed. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
E. Check the ground connection on the ECM for repair has eliminated the fault.
abrasions and pinch points.
F. Check the screws for the ECM connector for the
correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in). Test Step 2. Check for Active Diagnostic
Codes and Recently Logged Diagnostic
G. Check the harness for abrasion and pinch points Codes
from the suspect sensor to the ECM.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
H. Check that the suspect sensor is installed
correctly. Check that the suspect sensor is fully B. Connect the electronic service tool to the
seated into the engine. Check that the sensor is diagnostic connector.
securely latched.
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. If the
Expected Result: engine will start, then run the engine.

The electrical connectors and the cables are correctly D. Use the electronic service tool in order to monitor
installed. active diagnostic codes or recently logged
diagnostic codes.
• The harness is OK. – Proceed to Test Step 2.
• Diagnostic code 190-8 is active or recently
• Not OK logged. – Proceed to Test Step 5.

• Diagnostic code 723-8 is active or recently

logged. – Proceed to Test Step 5.

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210 KENR9116-01
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• Diagnostic code 637-11 is active or recently Repair: If necessary, replace the camshaft.
logged. – Proceed to Test Step 3. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Camshaft -
Remove” and refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
• No active diagnostic codes or recently logged “Camshaft - Install”.
diagnostic codes are displayed.
If necessary, replace the crankshaft timing ring.
– STOP. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft
Timing Ring - Remove and Install” .
Test Step 3. Inspect the Sensors
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
A. Ensure that the speed/timing sensors are correctly logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
seated in the cylinder block and that the retaining repair has eliminated the fault.
bolts are tightened to a torque of 22 N·m (16 lb ft).
Ensure that the speed/timing sensors are not STOP.
• No faults found – Repeat this procedure from Test
Replace any damaged sensors. Refer to Step 3.
Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft
Position Sensor - Remove and Install” or refer to Test Step 5. Measure the Supply Voltage
Disassembly and Assembly, “Camshaft Position at the Sensor Connector
Sensor - Remove and Install”.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Use the electronic service tool to check if the
637-11 diagnostic code is still active. B. Disconnect the speed/timing sensor with the
active diagnostic code.
C. Measure the voltage from terminal 1 on the sensor
• A 637-11 diagnostic code is still active at this connector to engine ground.
time. – Proceed to Test Step 4.
Note: The voltage should read 7.5 to 8.5 VDC.
• A 637-11 diagnostic code is not active at this
time. – Use the electronic service tool to clear all Expected Result:
logged diagnostic codes and verify that the repair
eliminates the fault. STOP. The readings agree with the values that are listed
Test Step 4. Check the Crankshaft
Timing Ring and the Timing Ring on the Results:
• OK – The sensor is receiving the correct supply
A. Remove the primary speed/timing sensor and voltage. Proceed to Test Step 6.
the secondary speed/timing sensor. Refer
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft • Not OK – The fault is in the harness.
Position Sensor - Remove and Install” or refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Camshaft Position Repair: Repair the faulty connectors or the
Sensor - Remove and Install”. harness. Replace the faulty connectors or
the harness. Reconnect all sensor and ECM
B. Use a flashlight in order to check the timing ring connectors. Ensure that all of the seals are
on the camshaft through the camshaft timing hole correctly in place. Ensure that all connectors are
for damage. correctly coupled.

C. Use a flashlight in order to check the crankshaft Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
timing ring for damaged teeth or missing teeth. logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
Ensure that the crankshaft timing ring has not repair has eliminated the fault.
been displaced from the crankshaft.
Test Step 6. Exchange the Sensors
• Found fault with the crankshaft timing ring or the
timing ring on the camshaft A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

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KENR9116-01 211
Troubleshooting Section

B. Exchange the primary speed/timing sensor C. For a 190-8 diagnostic code, remove the wire from
with the secondary speed/timing sensor. Refer P2:38. For a 723-8 diagnostic code, remove the
to Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft wire from P2:39.
Position Sensor - Remove and Install” and refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Camshaft Position D. Remove the wire from terminal 2 of the connector
Sensor - Remove and Install”. for the speed/timing sensor.

C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. E. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough to
reach from the connector for the speed/timing
D. Start the engine. sensor to the P2 connector.

E. Use the electronic service tool to check for active F. Insert one end of the jumper wire into terminal
diagnostic codes. Wait for 30 seconds in order for 2 on the connector for the speed/timing sensor.
diagnostic codes to become active. Insert the other end of the jumper wire into the
terminal for the signal of the speed/timing sensor
Expected Result: on the P2 connector.

One of the following conditions exists: G. Reconnect the P2 connector and the connector
for the speed/timing sensor.
• A 190-8 diagnostic code was previously active. A
723-8 diagnostic code is now active. H. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

• A 723-8 diagnostic code was previously active. A I. Start the engine.

190-8 diagnostic code is now active.
J. Use the electronic service tool to check for active
Results: diagnostic codes. Wait for 30 seconds in order for
diagnostic codes to become active.
• OK – The active diagnostic code is now for the
other speed/timing sensor. Expected Result:

Repair: Perform the following repair: There are no active diagnostic codes.

1. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Results:

2. Disconnect the suspect sensor and remove the • OK – The fault is in the harness.
suspect sensor from the engine.
Repair: Repair the faulty connectors or replace
3. Install a replacement sensor. Refer to the faulty connectors. Repair the faulty harness or
Disassembly and Assembly, “Crankshaft replace the faulty harness. Reconnect all sensor
Position Sensor - Remove and Install” or refer to and ECM connectors. Ensure that all of the seals
Disassembly and Assembly, “Camshaft Position are correctly in place. Ensure that all connectors
Sensor - Remove and Install”. are correctly coupled.

4. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
5. Start the engine. repair eliminates the fault.

6. Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged STOP.

diagnostic codes and verify that the repair
eliminates the fault. • Not OK – The XXX-8 diagnostic code for the
speed/timing sensor is still active. Remove all
STOP. jumper wires and replace all wires to the original
configuration. Proceed to Test Step 8.
• Not OK – The diagnostic code that was previously
active is still active. Proceed to Test Step 7. Test Step 8. Check if the Replacement of
the ECM Eliminates the Fault
Test Step 7. Bypass the Signal Wire for
the Speed/Timing Sensor A. Make sure that the latest flash file for the
application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

B. Disconnect the P2 connector. Disconnect the B. Contact the Perkins Global Technical Support.
connector for the suspect speed/timing sensor.

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212 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair


C. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend

the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.

D. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the

system for active diagnostic codes.


• The fault is eliminated.

Repair: Perform the following procedure:

1. Reconnect the suspect ECM.

2. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,

replace the ECM.

3. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear

all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
the repair eliminates the fault.


• The fault was not resolved with a test ECM. –

Repair: Repeat this diagnostic process. If the
fault persists, the fault may be a damaged timing
ring. Check the timing ring and/or replace the
timing ring. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly,
“Crankshaft Timing Ring - Remove and Install”.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.



Engine Temperature Sensor

Open or Short Circuit - Test

System Operation Description:

This test procedure is used for the inlet

temperature sensor for the Diesel Particulate
Filter (DPF).

This procedure covers the following codes:

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KENR9116-01 213
Troubleshooting Section

Table 108
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Circuit for the DPF Inlet Temperature Sensor
J1939 Description Notes
3242-3 Particulate Trap Intake Gas The ECM detects the following conditions:
Temperature : Voltage Above Normal
The signal voltage for the DPF inlet temperature sensor is greater than
4.7 VDC for at least 4 seconds.

The ECM has been powered for at least 7 seconds.

If equipped, the warning light will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic
code. The engine will be derated.
3242-4 Particulate Trap Intake Gas The ECM detects the following conditions:
Temperature : Voltage Below Normal
The signal voltage for the DPF inlet temperature sensor is less than 0.3
VDC for at least 4 seconds.

The ECM has been powered for at least 7 seconds.

If equipped, the warning light will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic
code. The engine will be derated.

Pull-up Voltage

The ECM continuously outputs a pull-up voltage

on the circuit for the sensor signal wire. The ECM
uses this pull-up voltage in order to detect an open
in the signal circuit. When the ECM detects the
presence of a voltage that is above a threshold on the
signal circuit, the ECM will generate an open circuit
diagnostic code XXXX-3 for the sensor.

If the sensor is disconnected at the sensor connector,

the presence of pull-up voltage at the sensor
connector indicates that the wires from the sensor
connector to the ECM are not open or shorted to
ground. If the sensor is disconnected at the sensor
connector, the absence of pull-up voltage at the
sensor connector indicates an open in the signal wire
or a short to ground. If the sensor is disconnected at
the sensor connector and the voltage at the sensor
connector is different from pull-up voltage, the signal
wire is shorted to another wire in the harness.

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214 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 145
(1) Temperature probe for the DPF inlet (2) DPF inlet temperature sensor

Illustration 146
Typical example of the schematic for the DPF inlet temperature sensor

g02087493 g02112294
Illustration 147 Illustration 148
Typical example of the connector for the DPF inlet temperature A typical view of the pin locations on the P1 connector
(2) 5 VDC sensor supply
(1) 5 VDC Supply (3) Sensor ground
(2) Ground (26) Signal for the DPF inlet temperature sensor
(3) Signal

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KENR9116-01 215
Troubleshooting Section

Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors Note: A diagnostic code that is logged several
And Wiring times is an indication of an intermittent problem.
Most intermittent problems are the result of a
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. poor connection between a socket and a pin in a
connector or of a poor connection between a wire
B. Thoroughly inspect the connector for the DPF inlet and a terminal.
temperature sensor. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Electrical Connectors - Inspect”. Expected Result:

C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the One or more of the diagnostic codes that are listed in
wires that are associated with the temperature Table 108 are active or recently logged.
D. Verify that the latch tab of the connector is
correctly latched. • OK – One or more of the preceding diagnostic
codes are active or recently logged. Proceed to
E. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the Test Step 3.
correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).
• Not OK – None of the preceding diagnostic codes
F. Check the harness for abrasions, for pinch points, are active or recently logged.
and for corrosion.
Repair: Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical
Expected Result: Connectors - Inspect” to identify intermittent faults.

All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly STOP.

connected. The harness is free of corrosion, of
abrasion, and of pinch points. Test Step 3. Check the Supply Voltage at
the Sensor Connector
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
• The connectors and wiring appear to be OK –
Proceed to Test Step 2. B. Disconnect the harness connector for the DPF
inlet temperature sensor.
• There is a fault in the connectors and/or wiring.
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
Repair: Repair the connectors or wiring and/or
replace the connectors or wiring. Ensure that all of D. Measure the voltage between terminals 1 (+5
the seals are correctly installed and ensure that the Volts DC) and 2 (Ground) at the sensor connector
connectors are correctly connected. on the harness. The voltage measurement should
be 5.0 ± 0.2 VDC.
If necessary, perform the “Wiggle Test” on the
electronic service tool. E. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all F. Reconnect the sensor.
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault. Results:

STOP. • The voltage measurement is 5.0 ± 0.2 VDC –

Proceed to Test Step 4.
Test Step 2. Check For Active Diagnostic
Codes • The voltage measurement is not 5.0 ± 0.20 VDC. –
The fault is in the 5 VDC supply wire or the sensor
A. Connect the electronic service tool to the ground wire between the DPF inlet temperature
diagnostic connector. sensor and the ECM.

B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Repair: Repair the faulty harness or replace the
faulty harness.
C. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the
electronic service tool. Check and record any Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
active diagnostic codes. diagnostic codes and verify that the repair
eliminates the fault.
Note: Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the
diagnostic codes to become active. STOP.

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216 KENR9116-01
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Test Step 4. Check that the Diagnostic Repair: Temporarily connect a new sensor to the
Code is Still Active harness, but do not install the new sensor in the
DPF. Use the electronic service tool in order to
A. Connect the electronic service tool to the verify that the repair eliminates the fault. If there
diagnostic connector. are no active diagnostic codes for the sensor,
permanently install the new sensor.
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
C. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
electronic service tool. Check and record any repair eliminates the fault.
active diagnostic codes.
Note: Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the
diagnostic codes to become active. • The 3242-4 diagnostic code is still present – Leave
the sensor disconnected. Proceed to Test Step 7.
Expected Result:
Test Step 6. Create a Short at the Sensor
One of the codes that are listed in Table 108 is active Connector
or recently logged.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Disconnect the connector for the DPF inlet
• A 3242-4 diagnostic code is active at this time – temperature sensor.
Proceed to Test Step 5.
C. Fabricate a jumper wire that is 150 mm (6 inch)
• A 3242-3 diagnostic code is active at this time – long.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
D. Use the jumper to connect terminal 2 to terminal 3
• No diagnostic codes are active – The problem on the sensor connector.
appears to be resolved.
E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
Repair: The problem may have been intermittent.
Carefully reinspect the connectors and wiring. F. Access the “Active Diagnostic Code” screen on
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors the electronic service tool. Check for an active
- Inspect”. 3242-4 diagnostic code.

STOP. G. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

Test Step 5. Create an Open Circuit at the H. Remove the jumper wire. Reconnect the sensor.
Sensor Connector
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
• A 3242-3 diagnostic code was active before
B. Disconnect the DPF inlet temperature sensor from creating the short at the sensor connector. A
the harness. 3242-4 diagnostic code became active after
creating the short at the sensor connector.
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait at
least 30 seconds for activation of the diagnostic Repair: Temporarily connect a new sensor to the
codes. harness, but do not install the new sensor in the
DPF. Use the electronic service tool in order to
D. Access the “Active Diagnostic Codes” screen on verify that the repair eliminates the fault. If there
the electronic service tool and check for an active are no active diagnostic codes for the sensor,
3242-3 diagnostic code. permanently install the new sensor.

E. Remove the electrical power from the ECM. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
Results: repair eliminates the fault.

• A 3242-4 diagnostic code was active before STOP.

disconnecting the sensor. A 3242-3 diagnostic
code became active after the sensor was • A 3242-3 diagnostic code is still active. – Proceed
disconnected – There may be a problem with the to Test Step 7.

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Troubleshooting Section

Test Step 7. Bypass the Signal Wire 3. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend
the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.

B. Disconnect the P1 ECM connector and the 4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the
connector for the DPF inlet temperature sensor. system for active diagnostic codes.

C. Thoroughly inspect the P1/J1 connector. Refer to 5. If the fault is eliminated with the test ECM,
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”. reconnect the suspect ECM.

D. Remove the wire from terminal 3 of the connector 6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
for the DPF inlet temperature sensor. Remove the replace the ECM.
wire from P1:26.
7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
E. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
to reach from the connector for the DPF inlet the repair eliminates the fault.
temperature sensor to the ECM.
F. Insert one end of the jumper into the connector for
the DPF inlet temperature sensor. Insert the other
end of the jumper into P1:26.

G. Reconnect the P1 connector. Reconnect the

Engine Temperature Sensor
connector for the DPF inlet temperature sensor. Open or Short Circuit - Test
H. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

I. Use the electronic service tool to check for active System Operation Description:
diagnostic codes. Wait at least 30 seconds in
order for the codes to become active. Note: Use this procedure for passive temperature
J. Remove the jumper wire and replace all wires to
the original configuration. This procedure covers the following codes:


• The diagnostic code disappears with the jumper

installed – The fault is in the signal wire between
the ECM and the sensor connector.

Repair: Repair the faulty harness or replace the

faulty harness.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.


• The diagnostic code is still active with the jumper


Repair: Perform the following procedure:

1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the

application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

2. Contact the Perkins Global Technical Support.

Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair


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218 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Table 109
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Engine Temperature Sensors
J1939 Description Notes
105-3 Engine Intake Manifold The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
#1 Temperature : Voltage
Above Normal The signal voltage from the intake manifold air temperature sensor is greater than 4.95
VDC for more than 8 seconds.

Engine coolant temperature is above −10 °C (15.0 °F).

The ECM will use the default value of 70 °C (158 °F) for the intake manifold air
temperature. “Voltage High” will be displayed next to the status for “Intake Manifold Air
Temperature” on the electronic service tool.
The engine may show the following symptoms:
Poor stability
Poor cold running
Poor acceleration under load
White smoke
105-4 Engine Intake Manifold The ECM detects the following conditions:
#1 Temperature : Voltage
Below Normal The signal voltage from the intake manifold air temperature sensor is less than 0.2
VDC for more than 8 seconds.

The ECM will use the default value of 70 °C (158°F) for the intake manifold air
temperature. “Voltage Low” will be displayed next to the status for “Intake Manifold Air
Temperature” on the electronic service tool.
The engine may show the following symptoms:
Poor stability
Poor cold running
Poor acceleration under load
White smoke
110-3 Engine Coolant The ECM detects the following conditions:
Temperature : Voltage
Above Normal The signal voltage from the engine coolant temperature sensor is greater than 4.95
VDC for more than 8 seconds.
An active diagnostic code will be generated after 8 seconds. The diagnostic code will be
logged if the engine has been operating for more than 7 minutes.
The ECM will default to 90 °C (194 °F) for engine coolant temperature. “Voltage Above
Normal” will be displayed next to the status for “Engine Coolant Temperature” on the
electronic service tool.
The engine may show the following symptoms:
Poor stability
Poor cold running
White smoke
110-4 Engine Coolant The ECM detects the following conditions:
Temperature : Voltage
Below Normal The signal voltage from the engine coolant temperature sensor is less than 0.2 VDC
for more than 8 seconds.

An active diagnostic code will be generated after 8 seconds. The diagnostic code will be
logged if the engine has been operating for more than 7 minutes.
The ECM will default to 90 °C (194 °F) for engine coolant temperature. “Voltage Below
Normal” will be displayed next to the status for “Engine Coolant Temperature” on the
electronic service tool.
The engine may show the following symptoms:
Poor stability
Poor cold running
White smoke
172-3 Engine Air Inlet The ECM detects the following conditions:
Temperature : Voltage
Above Normal The signal voltage from the air inlet temperature sensor is greater than 4.95 VDC for
at least 8 seconds.

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(Table 109, contd)

Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Engine Temperature Sensors
J1939 Description Notes
172-4 Engine Air Inlet The ECM detects the following conditions:
Temperature : Voltage
Below Normal The signal voltage from the air inlet temperature sensor is less than 0.2 VDC for at
least 8 seconds.
174-3 Engine Fuel The ECM detects the following conditions:
Temperature 1 : Voltage
Above Normal The signal voltage from the fuel temperature sensor is greater than 4.95 VDC for more
than 8 seconds.

The ECM will default to 40° C (104° F) for fuel temperature. “Voltage Above Normal”
will be displayed next to the status for “Engine Fuel Temperature” on the electronic
service tool.
174-4 Engine Fuel The ECM detects the following conditions:
Temperature 1 : Voltage
Below Normal The signal voltage from the fuel temperature sensor is less than 0.2 VDC for more
than 8 seconds.

The ECM will default to 40° C (104° F) for fuel temperature. “Voltage Below Normal”
will be displayed next to the status for “Engine Fuel Temperature” on the electronic
service tool.
412-3 Engine Exhaust The ECM detects the following conditions:
Gas Recirculation
Temperature : Voltage The signal voltage from the Nox Reduction System (NRS) temperature sensor is greater
Above Normal than 4.975 VDC for more than 8 seconds.
412-4 Engine Exhaust The ECM detects the following conditions:
Gas Recirculation
Temperature : Voltage The signal voltage from the NRS temperature sensor is less than 0.2 VDC for more
Below Normal than 8 seconds.

Note: The following conditions must exist before any The troubleshooting procedures for the diagnostic
of the above codes will become active: codes of each temperature sensor are identical. The
temperature sensors have two terminals. The signal
• The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds. line is connected to each sensor connector terminal
1. Terminal 2 is the return line. The signal voltage
• Diagnostic code 168-4 is not active. from terminal 1 of each sensor is supplied to the
appropriate terminal in the P2/J2 connector or the
The ECM will log the diagnostic code. If equipped, P1/J1 connector.
the warning light will come on.
Pull-up Voltage
This procedure covers open circuit diagnostic codes
and short circuit diagnostic codes that are associated The ECM continuously outputs a pull-up voltage
with the following sensors: on the circuit for the sensor signal wire. The ECM
uses this pull-up voltage in order to detect an open
• Coolant temperature sensor in the signal circuit. When the ECM detects the
presence of a voltage that is above a threshold on the
• Intake manifold air temperature sensor signal circuit, the ECM will generate an open circuit
diagnostic code (XXX-3) for the sensor.
• NRS temperature sensor
• Fuel temperature sensor
• Air inlet temperature sensor
The following background information is related
to this procedure:

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220 KENR9116-01
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If the sensor is disconnected at the sensor connector,

the presence of pull-up voltage at the sensor
connector indicates that the wires from the sensor
connector to the ECM are not open or shorted to
ground. If the sensor is disconnected at the sensor
connector, the absence of pull-up voltage at the
sensor connector indicates an open in the signal wire
or a short to ground. If the sensor is disconnected at
the sensor connector and the voltage at the sensor
connector is different from pull-up voltage, the signal
wire is shorted to another wire in the harness.

Illustration 149
Schematic for engine temperature sensors

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Test Step 1. Verify All Active Diagnostic

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector.

B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

Note: Wait at least 30 seconds for activation of the

diagnostic codes.

C. Use the electronic service tool in order to verify if

any of the diagnostic codes that are listed in Table
109 are active or recently logged:
Illustration 150 Results:
Typical view of the P2 pin locations for the temperature sensors
(8) NRS temperature sensor signal • One or more of the diagnostic codes are active or
(9) Coolant temperature sensor signal recently logged. – Proceed to Test Step 2.
(10) Fuel temperature sensor signal
(19) Intake manifold air temperature sensor signal
(56) Fuel temperature sensor and coolant temperature sensor • None of the diagnostic codes are active or recently
ground logged – The fault is intermittent. Proceed to Test
(57) NRS temperature sensor and intake manifold air temperature Step 7.
sensor ground
Test Step 2. Inspect Electrical Connectors
And Wiring
A. Thoroughly inspect the connectors for the
temperature sensors. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.

B. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the

wires in the sensor connector and the ECM
connector that are associated with the active
diagnostic code.

C. Verify that the latch tab of the connector is

correctly latched. Also verify that the latch tab of
g01981035 the connector has returned to the fully latching
Illustration 151
Typical view of the P1 pin locations for the temperature sensors
(3) Air inlet temperature sensor ground D. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the
(17) Air inlet temperature sensor signal correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).

E. Check the harness for abrasions and for pinch

points from the sensor to the ECM.

Expected Result:

All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly

connected. The harness should be free of corrosion,
abrasion, and pinch points.


• OK – Proceed to Test Step 3.

Illustration 152
Typical view of an engine temperature sensor
(1) Signal
(2) Ground

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222 KENR9116-01
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• Not OK – Repair the connectors or the harness Repair: Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical
and/or replace the connectors or the harness. Connectors - Inspect”.
Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place
and ensure that the connectors are correctly Inspect the seals of the connectors for damage.
connected. Use the electronic service tool in order
to clear all logged diagnostic codes and then verify Connect the sensor and verify that the XXX-4
that the repair has eliminated the fault. If the fault diagnostic code returns. If the diagnostic code
has not been eliminated, proceed to Test Step 3. returns, the sensor is faulty.

Test Step 3. Verify That The Diagnostic Replace the sensor.

Code Is Still Active
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. logged diagnostic codes.

Note: Wait at least 10 seconds for activation of the STOP.

diagnostic codes.
• An XXX-4 diagnostic code was active before
B. Access the “Active Diagnostic Code” screen on disconnecting the sensor. The diagnostic code
the electronic service tool and check for active is still active after disconnecting the sensor. –
diagnostic codes. There is a short circuit between the sensor
harness connector and the ECM. Leave the sensor
C. Determine if the diagnostic code is related to an disconnected. Proceed to Test Step 6.
open circuit fault or a short circuit fault.
Test Step 5. Create a Short Circuit
Expected Result: Between the Signal and the Common
Terminals at the Sensor Harness
An XXX-4 diagnostic code or an XXX-3 diagnostic Connector
code is active.
A. Disconnect the suspect sensor connector.
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
• SHORT Circuit – An XXX-4 diagnostic code is
active at this time. Proceed to Test Step 4. Note: Wait at least 10 seconds for the activation of
any diagnostic fault codes.
• OPEN Circuit – An XXX-3 diagnostic code is
active at this time. Proceed to Test Step 5. C. Fabricate a jumper wire 150 mm (6 inch) long.
Crimp a terminal to both ends of the wire.
• An XXX-3 diagnostic code is not active. An XXX-4
diagnostic code is not active – An intermittent fault D. Monitor the “Active Diagnostic Code” screen on
may exist. Proceed to Test Step 7. the electronic service tool before installing the
jumper wire and after installing the jumper wire.
Test Step 4. Disconnect The Sensor In
Order To Create An Open Circuit E. Install the jumper on the engine harness connector
for the suspect sensor. Install one end of the
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. jumper at the sensor signal (terminal 1). Install the
other end of the jumper at the common connection
B. Disconnect the sensor connector of the sensor (terminal 2).
with the XXX-4 diagnostic code.
Note: Wait at least 10 seconds for activation of the
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Voltage Below Normal diagnostic code.

Note: Wait at least 10 seconds for activation of the Results:

diagnostic codes.
• An XXX-4 diagnostic code is active when the
D. Access the “Active Diagnostic Code” screen of the jumper is installed. An XXX-3 diagnostic code is
electronic service tool. Check for an active XXX-3 active when the jumper is removed. – The engine
diagnostic code. harness and the ECM are OK.

Results: Repair: Perform the following repair:

• An XXX-4 diagnostic code was active before 1. Temporarily connect the suspect sensor.
disconnecting the sensor. An XXX-3 diagnostic
code became active after disconnecting the sensor.

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2. If the diagnostic code remains active, replace M. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
the sensor.
N. Use the electronic service tool in order to monitor
3. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear the “Active Diagnostic Code” screen for either the
all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that open circuit diagnostic code for the sensor or the
the repair eliminates the fault. short circuit diagnostic code for the sensor.

4. Clear all logged diagnostic codes. O. Remove the jumper and reconnect the wires that
were previously removed.
P. Reconnect the P1 connector or the P2 connector
• The XXX-3 diagnostic code remains active with and reconnect the connector for the suspect
the jumper in place. – The most probable location sensor.
for the open circuit is in the sensor common or the
sensor signal wire in the engine harness between Results:
the ECM and the sensor. Remove the jumper.
Proceed to Test Step 6. • The diagnostic code disappears when the jumper
is installed. – There is a fault in the wiring harness.
Test Step 6. Bypass the Harness Wiring
between the ECM and the Sensor Repair: Perform the following repair:
1. Repair the faulty harness or replace the faulty
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. harness.

B. If the suspect sensor is the air inlet temperature 2. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
sensor, disconnect the P1 connector and the all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
connector on the air inlet temperature sensor. For the repair eliminates the fault.
all other sensors, disconnect the P2 connector
and the connector on the suspect sensor. STOP.

C. Thoroughly inspect the ECM connectors. Refer to • The diagnostic code is still present when the
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors -Inspect”. jumper is installed

D. Remove the signal wire for the suspect sensor Repair: Perform the following repair:
from the P1 connector or the P2 connector.
1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the
E. Remove the signal wire (terminal 1) from the application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
sensor connector on the engine harness. Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

F. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough to 2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.
reach from the ECM to the sensor connector with
sockets on both ends. Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair
G. Insert one end of the jumper into the ECM
connector. Insert the other end of the jumper into 3. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend
the sensor connector of the engine harness. the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer
to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.
H. Remove the ground wire (terminal 2) from the
sensor connector on the engine harness. 4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the
system for active diagnostic codes.
I. Remove the ground wire for the suspect sensor
from the P1 connector or the P2 connector. 5. If the fault is eliminated with the test ECM,
reconnect the suspect ECM.
J. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough to
reach from the ECM to the sensor connector with 6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
sockets on both ends. replace the ECM.

K. Insert one end of the jumper into the ECM 7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
connector. Insert the other end of the jumper into all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
the sensor connector of the engine harness. the repair eliminates the fault.

L. Reconnect the connector for the ECM harness STOP.

and the sensor connector.

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224 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Test Step 7. Perform the “Wiggle Test”

on the Electronic Service Tool
A. Select the “Wiggle Test” from the diagnostic tests
on the electronic service tool.

B. Choose the appropriate group of parameters to


C. Press the “Start” button. Wiggle the wiring harness

in order to reproduce intermittent faults.

If an intermittent fault exists, the status will be

highlighted and an audible beep will be heard.

Expected Result:


• No intermittent faults were indicated during the

“Wiggle Test”. – The harness and connectors
appear to be OK. If this test has not identified a
fault, return the engine to service. STOP.

• At least one intermittent fault was indicated. –

Repair: Repair the harness or the connector.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.



Ether Starting Aid - Test

System Operation Description:

This procedure covers the following codes:

Table 110

Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Ether Starting Aid Circuit

J1939 Description Notes
626-5 Engine Start Enable Device 1 The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
: Current Below Normal
A low current condition in the output from the ECM to the solenoid for ether injection

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
626-6 Engine Start Enable Device 1 The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
: Current Above Normal
A high current condition in the output from the ECM to the solenoid for ether injection

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.

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When the ambient temperature is between 10 °C

(50 °F) and −25 °C (−13 °F), glow plugs are used
as a starting aid. When the ambient temperature is
below −25 °C (−13 °F), the ether injection system is
used as a starting aid. The ECM controls the ether
injection system.

If there is an active engine shutdown, the ether

injection system is disabled .

A test on the electronic service tool allows the

technician to activate the ether system. The test
is functional when the engine speed is zero rpm.
Access the test via the “Override Parameters” screen
on the electronic service tool.

Illustration 153
Schematic of the ether injection system

Illustration 154
Connector for the ether start valve
(1) Ether solenoid
(2) Solenoid return

Illustration 155
Typical example of the pin locations on the P1 connector
(12) Ether injection signal
(59) Ether solenoid return

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226 KENR9116-01
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If necessary, use the electronic service tool to

perform a “Wiggle Test”.
Breathing ether vapors or repeated contact of
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
ether with skin can cause personal injury. Person-
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
al injury may occur from failure to adhere to the
repair eliminates the fault.
following procedures.
Use ether only in well ventilated areas.

Do not smoke while changing ether cylinders.

Test Step 2. Check for Active Diagnostic
Use ether with care to avoid fires.
Note: Remove the ether canister before you perform
this procedure.
Do not store replacement ether cylinders in living
areas or in the operator's compartment.
A. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector. Refer to Troubleshooting,
Do not store ether cylinders in direct sunlight or
“Electronic Service Tools”.
at temperatures above 49 °C (120 °F).
B. Restore electrical power to the engine ECM.
Discard cylinders in a safe place. Do not puncture
or burn cylinders.
C. Proceed to the “Diagnostic Overrides” screen on
the electronic service tool.
Keep ether cylinders out of the reach of unautho-
rized personnel.
D. Activate the ether injection system. The system
will activate for 10 seconds.
Test Step 1. Inspect the Electrical
Connectors and the Wiring E. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the
electronic service tool. Check and record any
A. Remove electrical power from the ECM. active diagnostic codes.

B. Inspect the connector for the ether injection Note: Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the
solenoid. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical diagnostic codes to become active.
Connectors - Inspect”.
F. Check for a 626-5 diagnostic code or a 626-6
C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the diagnostic code.
wires that are associated with the ether injection
system. Results:

D. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the • Neither diagnostic code is active.
correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).
Repair: The fault may have been caused
E. Check the harness and the wiring for abrasion and by a poor electrical connection. Carefully
for pinch points from the ether injection solenoid inspect the connectors and the wiring. Refer to
to the ECM. Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.

Expected Result: STOP.

All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly • A 626-6 code is active at this time – Proceed to
connected, and the harness and wiring are free of Test Step 3.
corrosion, of abrasion and of pinch points.
• A 626-5 code is active at this time – Proceed to
Results: Test Step 4.

• OK – The connectors and the wiring appear to be Test Step 3. Create an Open at the
OK. Proceed to Test Step 2. Harness Connector for the Ether
Injection Solenoid
• Not OK – The connectors and/or the wiring are
not OK. A. Remove electrical power from the engine ECM.

Repair: Repair the connectors and/or the wiring. B. Disconnect the connector for the solenoid.
Replace parts, if necessary.
C. Restore electrical power to the engine ECM.

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D. Proceed to the “Diagnostic Overrides” screen on F. Proceed to the “Diagnostic Overrides” screen on
the electronic service tool. the electronic service tool.

E. Activate the ether injection system. The system G. Activate the ether injection system. The system
will activate for 10 seconds. will activate for 10 seconds.

F. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the H. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the
electronic service tool. Check for a 626-5 code. electronic service tool. Check for a 626-6 code.

Note: Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the Note: Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the
diagnostic codes to become active. diagnostic codes to become active.

G. Remove electrical power from the engine ECM. I. Remove electrical power from the engine ECM.
Remove the jumper wire from the connector.
Expected Result:
Expected Result:
A 626-5 code is now active.
A 626-6 code is now active.
• A 626-6 code was active before the connector was
disconnected. A 626-5 code became active after • A 626-5 code was active before the jumper wire
the connector was disconnected. was installed. A 626-6 code became active after
the jumper wire was installed.
Repair: Temporarily connect a new solenoid to the
harness, but do not install the new solenoid. Use Repair: The engine harness and the ECM are
the electronic service tool in order to verify that the OK. Temporarily connect a new solenoid to the
repair eliminates the fault. harness, but do not install the new solenoid. Use
the electronic service tool in order to verify that the
If there are no active codes for the ether injection repair eliminates the fault. If there are no active
system, permanently install the new solenoid. diagnostic codes for the solenoid, permanently
install the new solenoid.
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
repair eliminates the fault. logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.
• A 626-6 code was active before the connector was
disconnected. The 626-6 code remained active • A 626-5 code was active before the jumper wire
after the connector was disconnected. – Leave the was installed. The 626-5 code remained active
connector for the solenoid disconnected. Proceed after the jumper wire was installed. – Remove the
to Test Step 5. jumper wire and connect the connector. Proceed
to Test Step 5.
Test Step 4. Create a Short at the
Connector for the Ether Injection Test Step 5. Bypass the Wiring for the
Solenoid Solenoid
A. Remove electrical power from the engine ECM. A. Remove electrical power from the engine ECM.

B. Disconnect the connector for the solenoid. B. Disconnect the P1 ECM connector and the
connector for the ether injection solenoid.
C. Fabricate a jumper wire that can be used to create
a short between terminal 1 and terminal 2 at the C. Thoroughly inspect the P1/J1 connector. Refer to
connector for the solenoid. Crimp connector pins Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.
to each end of the jumper wire.
D. Remove the wire from terminal 1 on the connector
D. Install the jumper wire between terminals 1 and 2 for the ether injection solenoid. Remove the wire
of the harness connector. from P1:12.

E. Restore electrical power to the engine ECM. E. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough to
reach from the connector for the ether injection
solenoid to the ECM.

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228 KENR9116-01
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F. Insert one end of the jumper into terminal 1 on the 4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the
connector for the ether injection solenoid. Insert system for active diagnostic codes.
the other end of the jumper into P1:12.
5. If the fault is eliminated with the test ECM,
G. Remove the wire from terminal 2 on the connector reconnect the suspect ECM.
for the ether injection solenoid. Remove the wire
from P1:59. 6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
replace the ECM.
H. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough to
reach from the connector for the ether injection 7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
solenoid to the ECM. all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
the repair eliminates the fault.
I. Insert one end of the jumper into terminal 2 on the
connector for the ether injection solenoid. Insert STOP.
the other end of the jumper into P1:59.
J. Proceed to the “Diagnostic Overrides” screen on
the electronic service tool. Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test
K. Activate the ether injection system. The system
will activate for 10 seconds.
System Operation Description:
L. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the
electronic service tool. Use this procedure to troubleshoot the relay for the
Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP). Use this procedure if
M. Remove the jumper wires and replace all wires to there is a suspected electrical fault with the EFLP.
the original configuration.
This procedure covers the following diagnostic codes:

• There are no active 626 diagnostic codes when the

jumpers are installed. – The fault is in the wiring
between the ECM and the solenoid connector.

Repair: Repair the faulty harness or replace the

faulty harness.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.


• The diagnostic code is still active with the jumper


Repair: Perform the following procedure:

1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the

application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair


3. If Perkins Global Technical Support

recommends the use of a test ECM, install a
test ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Replacing
the ECM”.

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KENR9116-01 229
Troubleshooting Section

Table 111
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Circuit for the EFLP Relay
J1939 Description Notes
1075-5 Engine Electric Lift Pump for Engine The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
Fuel supply: Current Below Normal
There are no active 168 diagnostic codes.

The ECM is not attempting to power the relay.

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

There is a low current condition in the EFLP relay circuit for more than
2 seconds.

The warning light will come on. The diagnostic code will be logged.
The ECM is unable to activate the relay for the EFLP. The EFLP will not
operate or the EFLP will operate all the time. The engine will not operate.
1075-6 Engine Electric Lift Pump for Engine The ECM detects the following conditions:
Fuel supply: Current Above Normal
There are no active 168 diagnostic codes.

The ECM is attempting to power the relay.

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

There is a high current condition in the EFLP relay circuit for more than
2 seconds.

The warning light will come on. The diagnostic code will be logged.
The ECM is unable to activate the relay for the EFLP. The EFLP will not
operate or the EFLP will operate all the time. The engine will not operate.
The ECM will continue to attempt to activate the relay. If the current is OK for
6 seconds, then the diagnostic code will be cleared.

The following background information is related

to this procedure:

The EFLP is used in order to provide positive fuel

pressure to the high-pressure fuel pump. When the
keyswitch is turned to the ON position, the ECM will
activate the relay for the EFLP. If the engine is not
running, the ECM will deactivate the relay for the
EFLP after 2 minutes.

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230 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 156
Typical schematic for the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP)

E. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the

wires in the ECM connector that are associated
with the EFLP.

F. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the

correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).


• All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly

coupled and/or inserted. The harness is free of
corrosion, abrasion, and pinch points. The fuses
are not blown – Proceed to Test Step 2.

g02138993 • There is a fault with the harness and connectors –

Illustration 157
View of the pin location on the P1 connector for the EFLP Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness
(21) Relay for the EFLP and/or replace the connectors or the harness.
Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors and ensure that the connectors are correctly
and Wiring connected. Replace blown fuses.

A. Check that the fuses are not blown. 1. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not
start the engine. Check for active diagnostic
B. Check the harness for abrasion and pinch points codes.
from the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) back to
the ECM. Check the harness for abrasion and 2. Wait for at least 2 minutes for the EFLP to
pinch points from the EFLP back to the battery. deactivate. Check for active diagnostic codes.

C. Inspect the terminals on the EFLP relay and 3. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.
then inspect the harness connector for the relay.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Note: If a fuse is replaced and the fault reoccurs,
Inspect” for details. continue with this procedure.

D. Inspect the connector for the EFLP. Refer to STOP.

Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”
for details.

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KENR9116-01 231
Troubleshooting Section

Test Step 2. Check for Active Diagnostic Expected Result:

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector. • A 1075-6 diagnostic code was active with the
jumper installed. – There are no faults in the wiring
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. for the EFLP relay.

Note: Do not start the engine. Repair: Perform the following repair:

C. Make a note of any active diagnostic codes. 1. Install a replacement relay.

D. Wait for at least 2 minutes for the Electric Fuel Lift 2. Reconnect the connector for the EFLP relay.
Pump (EFLP) to deactivate.
3. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not
E. Make a note of any active diagnostic codes. start the engine. Check for active diagnostic
4. Wait for at least 2 minutes for the EFLP to
• Diagnostic code 1075-5 is active when the EFLP is deactivate. Check for active diagnostic codes.
switched off. – Proceed to Test step 3.
5. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.
• Diagnostic code 1075-6 is active when the EFLP is
switched on. – Proceed to Test Step 5. STOP.

• An active diagnostic code or a recently logged • A 1075-5 diagnostic code is still active with the
diagnostic code was not displayed. – There may jumper installed – Proceed to Test Step 4.
be a fault with the switched power circuit for the
EFLP. The ECM does not monitor the status of this Test Step 4. Measure the Voltage at the
condition. Proceed to Test Step 9. Relay Connector
Test Step 3. Create a Short Circuit at the A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start
Fuel Lift Pump Relay the engine.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. B. Use a voltmeter to measure the voltage between
Test Point 1 on the harness connector for the
B. Disconnect the connector for the Electric Fuel Lift Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) relay and a suitable
Pump (EFLP) relay. ground. Refer to Illustration 156.

C. Fabricate a jumper wire that is 150 mm (6 inch) Expected Result:

For 12 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
D. Use the jumper wire to connect Test Point 1 to constant 11.0 to 13.5 VDC.
Test point 2 on the harness connector for the
EFLP relay. Refer to Illustration 156. For 24 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
constant 22.0 to 27.0 VDC.
E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start
the engine. Results:

F. Use the electronic service tool to check for an • OK – The voltage is within the expected range.
active 1075-6 diagnostic code. The wiring to the input of the EFLP relay is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
G. Wait for at least 2 minutes for the EFLP to
deactivate. Check for an active 1075-5 diagnostic • Not OK – The voltage is not within the expected
code. range. The fault is in the wiring to the input of the
EFLP relay.
H. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
Repair: Perform the following repair:
I. Remove the jumper. Leave the connector for the
EFLP relay disconnected. 1. Repair the faulty wiring or replace the faulty

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232 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

2. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not C. Inspect the P1/J1 connector. Refer to
start the engine. Check for active diagnostic Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.
D. Disconnect the connector for the Electric Fuel Lift
3. Wait for at least 2 minutes for the EFLP to Pump (EFLP) relay.
deactivate. Check for active diagnostic codes.
E. Measure the resistance between P1:21 and Test
4. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated. Point 2 on the harness connector for the EFLP
F. Reconnect the P1 connector. Reconnect the
Test Step 5. Create an Open Circuit at the connector for the EFLP relay.
Expected Result:
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
The resistance should be less than 10,000 Ohms.
B. Disconnect the connector for the Electric Fuel Lift
Pump (EFLP) relay. Results:

C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start • OK – The resistance is less than 10,000 Ohms.
the engine. There may be a fault with the ECM. Proceed to
Test Step 8.
D. Use the electronic service tool to check for an
active 1075-6 diagnostic code. • Not OK – The resistance is more than 10,000
Ohms. The fault is in the wiring between the ECM
E. Wait for at least 2 minutes for the EFLP to and the EFLP relay.
deactivate. Check for an active 1075-5 diagnostic
code. Repair: Perform the following repair:

Results: 1. Repair the faulty wiring or replace the faulty

• A 1075-6 diagnostic code is still active with the
EFLP relay disconnected. – The EFLP relay is OK. 2. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not
Proceed to Test Step 6. start the engine. Check for active diagnostic
• A 1075-5 diagnostic code became active with the
EFLP relay disconnected. – The wiring for the 3. Wait for at least 2 minutes for the EFLP to
EFLP relay is OK. deactivate. Check for active diagnostic codes.

Repair: Perform the following repair: 4. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.

1. Install a replacement relay. STOP.

2. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not Test Step 7. Check the Wiring between
start the engine. Check for active diagnostic the Relay and the ECM for a Short Circuit
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
3. Wait for at least 2 minutes for the EFLP to
deactivate. Check for active diagnostic codes. B. Disconnect the P1 connector.

4. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated. C. Inspect the P1/J1 connector. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.
D. Disconnect the connector for the Electric Fuel Lift
Test Step 6. Check the Wiring Between Pump (EFLP) relay.
the Relay and the ECM for an Open
Circuit E. Measure the resistance between P1:21 and all the
other pins on the P1 connector.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

B. Disconnect the P1 connector.

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KENR9116-01 233
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Expected Result: Results:

The resistance between P1:21 and all the other pins • There are no active 1075 diagnostic codes – The
on the P1 connector should be more than 10,000 replacement ECM functions correctly.
Repair: Perform the following procedure:
1. Reconnect the suspect ECM.
• OK – The resistance measurements are all more
than 10,000 Ohms. The wiring between the EFLP 2. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
relay and the ECM is not shorted to any other wire. replace the ECM.
There may be a fault with the ECM. Proceed to
Test Step 8. 3. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
• Not OK – One or more of the resistance the repair eliminates the fault.
measurements was less than 10,000 Ohms. The
short is in the wiring between the EFLP relay and STOP.
the ECM.
• Not OK – The fault is still present with the
Repair: Perform the following repair: replacement ECM. Do not use the replacement
1. Repair the faulty wiring or replace the faulty
wiring. Repair: Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

2. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not STOP.

start the engine. Check for active diagnostic
codes. Test Step 9. Check the Fuse
3. Wait for at least 2 minutes for the EFLP to A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait for
deactivate. Check for active diagnostic codes. 5 seconds.

4. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated. B. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Check the
fuse for the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP). Refer
STOP. to Illustration 156.

Test Step 8. Check the ECM Results:

A. Make sure that the latest flash file for the • The fuse is blown. – There is a short in the circuit
application is installed in the ECM. Refer to for the EFLP. Do not replace the fuse at this stage.
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”. Proceed to Test Step 10.

B. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support. • The fuse is not blown. – There may be an open
circuit in the circuit for the EFLP. Proceed to Test
Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair Step 13.
Test Step 10. Disconnect the Relay
C. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend Connector
the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”. A. Disconnect the connector for the Electric Fuel Lift
Pump (EFLP) relay.
D. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes. B. Replace the fuse for the EFLP. Wait for 5 seconds.

E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start C. Check the fuse.
the engine. Check for active diagnostic codes.
F. Wait for at least 2 minutes for the Electric Fuel
Lift Pump (EFLP) to deactivate. Check for active • The fuse is blown. – The fault is in the wiring
diagnostic codes. between Test Point A on the relay and battery+.

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234 KENR9116-01
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Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the Reconnect the EFLP and the relay. Turn the
faulty wiring. Replace the fuse. Turn the keyswitch keyswitch to the ON position to verify that the
to the ON position to verify that the repair repair eliminates the fault.
eliminates the fault.
• The fuse is not blown – The short is in the EFLP
• The fuse is not blown. – Proceed to Test Step 11. or the lead for the EFLP.

Test Step 11. Check the Wiring Between Repair: Replace the EFLP.
the Relay and the Electric Fuel Lift Pump
Reconnect the EFLP and the relay. Turn the
A. Disconnect the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) keyswitch to the ON position to verify that the
relay. repair eliminates the fault.

B. Disconnect the EFLP. STOP.

C. Check the resistance between Test Point B on the Test Step 13. Check the Input Voltage to
harness connector for the relay and a suitable the Relay
A. Disconnect the connector for the Electric Fuel Lift
Expected Result: Pump (EFLP) relay.

The resistance should be more than 10000 Ohms. B. Use a voltmeter to check the voltage between Test
Point (A) on the harness connector for the EFLP
Results: relay and a suitable ground.

• OK – The resistance is more than 10000 Ohms. Expected Result:

The wiring between the relay and the EFLP
is not shorted. Leave the relay and the EFLP For 12 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
disconnected. Proceed to Test Step 12 constant 11.0 to 13.5 VDC.

• Not OK – The resistance is less than 10000 Ohms. For 24 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
The fault is in the wiring between the relay and the constant 22.0 to 27.0 VDC.
Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the
faulty wiring. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position • OK – The voltage is within the expected range.
to verify that the repair eliminates the fault. The wiring between the battery and the EFLP relay
is OK. Proceed to Test Step 14.
• Not OK – The voltage is not within the expected
Test Step 12. Check the Relay for a Short range. The fault is in the wiring between the battery
Circuit and the EFLP relay.

A. Reconnect the Electric Fuel Lift Pump (EFLP) Repair: Perform the following repair:
relay. Leave the connector for the EFLP
disconnected. 1. Repair the faulty wiring or replace the faulty
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait for
5 seconds. 2. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not
start the engine. Check for active diagnostic
C. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Check the codes.
fuse for the EFLP.
3. Wait for at least 2 minutes for the EFLP to
Results: deactivate. Check for active diagnostic codes.

• The fuse is blown. – The short is in the relay. 4. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.

Repair: Replace the relay. Replace the fuse. STOP.

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KENR9116-01 235
Troubleshooting Section

Test Step 14. Check the Voltage at the 3. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.
Connector for the Electric Fuel Lift Pump
A. Reconnect the connector for the Electric Fuel Lift
Pump (EFLP) relay. • Not OK – The fault is in the wiring between the
EFLP and battery-.
B. Disconnect the connector for the EFLP.
Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start faulty wiring.
the engine.
Turn the keyswitch to the ON position to activate
D. Measure the voltage at terminal 1 of the harness the EFLP and confirm that the repair eliminates
connector for the EFLP to a suitable ground. the fault.

Expected Result: STOP.

For 12 V systems, the measured voltage should be a Test Step 16. Bypass the Relay
constant 11.0 to 13.5 VDC.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
For 24 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
constant 22.0 to 27.0 VDC. B. Disconnect the connector for the Electric Fuel Lift
Pump (EFLP) relay.
C. Disconnect the connector for the EFLP.
• OK – The fuel lift pump is receiving the correct
voltage. Proceed to Test Step 15. D. Fabricate a jumper wire that is 150 mm (6 inch)
• Not OK – The EFLP is not receiving the correct
voltage. Proceed to Test Step 16. E. Use the jumper wire to connect Test Point (A) to
Test point (B) on the harness connector for the
Test Step 15. Check the Return Wire for EFLP relay. Refer to Illustration 156.
the Electric Fuel Lift Pump
F. Measure the voltage from terminal 1 on the
A. Disconnect the connector for the Electric Fuel Lift harness connector for the EFLP to a suitable
Pump (EFLP). ground.

B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not start G. Remove the jumper.
the engine.
Expected Result:
C. Measure the voltage from terminal 1 to terminal 2
of the harness connector for the EFLP. For 12 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
constant 11.0 to 13.5 VDC.
Expected Result:
For 24 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
For 12 V systems, the measured voltage should be a constant 22.0 to 27.0 VDC.
constant 11.0 to 13.5 VDC.
For 24 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
constant 22.0 to 27.0 VDC. • OK – The voltage is within the expected range.
There is a fault in the relay.
Repair: Perform the following repair:
• OK – The wiring between the EFLP and battery-
is OK. 1. Install a replacement relay.

Repair: Perform the following repair: 2. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position to activate
the EFLP.
1. Replace the EFLP. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Fuel Priming Pump - Remove and 3. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.
2. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Do not
start the engine.

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236 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

• Not OK – The voltage is not within the expected

range. The fault is in the wiring between the EFLP
and the EFLP relay.

Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the

faulty wiring.

Turn the keyswitch to the ON position to activate

the EFLP and confirm that the repair eliminates
the fault.



Glow Plug Starting Aid - Test

System Operation Description:

This procedure covers the following diagnostic code:

Table 112
Diagnostic Trouble Code for the Glow Plug Starting Aid
J1939 Description Notes
676-6 Engine Glow Plug Relay : Current The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
Above Normal
The engine is not cranking.

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

There is a high current condition (short circuit) in the glow plug start aid
relay circuit for more than 2 seconds.

The warning light will come on. The diagnostic code will be logged. An ECM
that was previously blank will require a total of 2 hours of operation before
the diagnostic code will be logged.
The ECM is unable to activate the relay for the glow plug starting aid. The
glow plugs will not operate or the glow plugs will operate all the time. The
engine may be difficult to start in cold temperatures and the exhaust may
emit white smoke.

The following background information is related The engine is equipped with ether injection. Glow
to this procedure: plugs are used for temperatures that are between
5° C (41° F) and −25 °C (−13 °F). If the ambient
The starting aid is used to improve the engine temperature is below −25 °C (−13 °F), the glow plugs
starting when the engine is cold. With the keyswitch are disabled and ether injection is used.
in the ON position, the Electronic Control Module
(ECM) will monitor the coolant temperature and the “Wait to Start Lamp”
air temperature in the engine intake manifold in order
to determine whether the glow plugs are used. If the This feature may be included as an option.
glow plugs are required, the ECM will energize the
starting aid relay for a controlled period. While the For further information on the wait to start lamp, refer
starting aid relay is energized, power is supplied to to Troubleshooting, “Indicator Lamps”.
the glow plugs. If a “Wait-to-Start” lamp is installed,
the lamp will indicate the “Wait To Start” period. Electronic Service Tool Test Aid

The electronic service tool includes the test “Glow

Plug Start Aid Override Test”. This test will assist the
analysis of the cold starting aid.

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KENR9116-01 237
Troubleshooting Section

Overview of the Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test

This glow plug start aid override test switches on the

cold starting aid when the engine is not running. The
glow plug start aid override test aids the analysis of
the circuit for the glow plug starting aid relay.

Illustration 158
Typical schematic for the glow plug starting aid

C. Inspect the bus bar for the glow plugs. Ensure

that the nuts that secure the bus bar to each glow
plug are tightened to a torque of 2 N·m (17 lb in).
Ensure that the bus bar is not shorted to the

D. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the

wires in the ECM connector that are associated
with the glow plug starting aid.

E. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the

correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).

F. Check the harness for abrasion and pinch points

from the glow plugs back to the ECM.
Illustration 159
View of the pin locations on the P1 connector for the glow plug Results:
(20) Start aid control • All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly
(59) Actuator drive return coupled and/or inserted. The harness is free of
corrosion, abrasion, and pinch points. The fuses
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors are not blown. The bus bar is secured to the glow
and Wiring plugs and not shorted to ground. – Proceed to
Test Step 2.
A. Check that the fuses are not blown.
• There is a fault with the harness and connectors –
B. Inspect the terminals on the glow plug start aid
relay and then inspect the connector on the flying Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness
lead from the relay. Refer to Troubleshooting, and/or replace the connectors or the harness.
“Electrical Connectors - Inspect” for details. Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place
and ensure that the connectors are correctly
connected. Replace blown fuses.

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238 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all 3. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair has eliminated the fault. STOP.

STOP. Test Step 4. Disconnect the Relay at the

Test Step 2. Check for Active Diagnostic
Codes A. Disconnect the P1 connector.

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the B. Inspect the P1 connector. Refer to
diagnostic connector. Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors -
Inspect” for details.
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
C. Remove the wire from P1:20.
Note: Do not start the engine.
D. Reconnect the P1 connector.
C. Use the electronic service tool to select the “Glow
Plug Start Aid Override Test” in order to turn on E. Use the electronic service tool to select the “Glow
the power for the glow plugs. Plug Start Aid Override Test” in order to turn on
the power for the glow plugs.
D. Check for active diagnostic codes or recently
logged diagnostic codes. F. Use the electronic service tool to check for an
active 676-6 diagnostic code.
• Diagnostic code 676-6 is active or recently
logged – Proceed to Test step 3. • A 676-6 diagnostic code is active at this time. –
The wiring for the glow plug start aid relay is not
• An active diagnostic code or a recently logged shorted. Proceed to Test Step 8.
diagnostic code was not displayed. – There may
be a fault with the glow plug switched power circuit • The 676-6 diagnostic code is no longer active. –
or there may be an open circuit in the relay coil The wiring between P1:20 and the ECM is shorted.
circuit. The ECM does not monitor the status of
these conditions. Proceed to Test Step 5. Repair: Perform the following repair:

Test Step 3. Disconnect the Relay 1. Repair the faulty wiring or replace the faulty
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
2. Use the electronic service tool to perform the
B. Disconnect the glow plug start aid relay. “Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test”.

C. Use the electronic service tool to select the “Glow 3. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.
Plug Start Aid Override Test” in order to turn on
the power for the glow plugs. STOP.

D. Use the electronic service tool to check for an Test Step 5. Check the Operation of the
active 676-6 diagnostic code. Glow Plugs
Results: A. Place a suitable clamp-on ammeter on the power
supply wire.
• A 676-6 diagnostic code is active at this time. –
There is a short in the circuit for the relay coil. B. Use the electronic service tool to select the “Glow
Reconnect the relay. Proceed to Test Step 4. Plug Start Aid Override Test” in order to turn on
the power for the glow plugs.
• The 676-6 diagnostic code is not active with the
relay disconnected. – There is a fault in the relay. C. Wait for 20 seconds and then note the reading on
the Clamp-on ammeter.
Repair: Perform the following repair:
Expected Result:
1. Install a replacement relay.
For a 12 V system , the ammeter reading is
2. Use the electronic service tool to perform the approximately 7.0 Amps.
“Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test”.

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KENR9116-01 239
Troubleshooting Section

For a 24 V system , the ammeter reading is E. Measure the resistance between Test Point 1 on
approximately 4.5 Amps. the harness connector for the relay and P1:59.

Results: Expected Result:

• The reading on the clamp-on ammeter is zero. – Each resistance measurement should be less than
There is a fault in the circuit for the glow plugs. 10,000 Ohms.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
• The reading on the clamp-on ammeter is between
zero and the expected reading for the system. – • OK – Each resistance measurement was less than
Proceed to Test Step 9. 10,000 Ohms. Proceed to Test Step 8

• The reading on the clamp-on ammeter is correct. – • Not OK – One or both of the resistance
The glow plugs are operating correctly. STOP. measurements was more than 10,000 Ohms. The
fault is in the wiring between the relay and the
Test Step 6. Create a Short Circuit at the ECM.
Relay Connector
Repair: Perform the following repair:
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
1. Repair or replace any wiring that failed the
B. Disconnect the connector for the glow plug start resistance check.
aid relay.
2. Use the electronic service tool to perform the
C. Fabricate a jumper wire that is 150 mm (6 inch) “Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test”.
3. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.
D. Install the jumper between Test Point 1 and test
Point 2 on the harness connector for the relay. STOP.

E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Test Step 8. Check the ECM
F. Use the electronic service tool to select the “Glow A. Make sure that the latest flash file for the
Plug Start Aid Override Test” in order to turn on application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
the power for the glow plugs. Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

G. Use the electronic service tool to check for an B. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.
active 676-6 diagnostic code.
Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair
H. Remove the jumper. Leave the relay disconnected. time.

Results: C. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend

the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer to
• A 676-6 diagnostic code is not active with the Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.
jumper installed. – Proceed to Test Step 7.
D. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
• A 676-6 diagnostic code is active with the jumper logged diagnostic codes.
installed. – The wiring for the relay coil is OK.
Proceed to Test Step 10. E. Use the electronic service tool in order to perform
a “Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test”.
Test Step 7. Check the Wiring Between
the ECM and the Relay Results:

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. • OK – The replacement ECM functions correctly.
Performing the “Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test”
B. Disconnect the P1 connector. energizes the glow plugs.

C. Inspect the P1 connector. Refer to Repair: Perform the following procedure:

Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors -
Inspect” for details. 1. Reconnect the suspect ECM.

D. Measure the resistance between Test Point 2 on 2. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
the harness connector for the relay and P1:20. replace the ECM.

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240 KENR9116-01
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3. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear C. Switch the probes of the ohmmeter and measure
all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the resistance from Test Point 2 to Test Point 1 on
the repair eliminates the fault. the harness connector for the relay.

STOP. Expected Result:

• Not OK – The fault is still present with the Both resistance measurements should be less than
replacement ECM. Do not use the replacement 10,000 Ohms.
Repair: Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.
• OK – Both resistance measurements are less than
STOP. 10,000 Ohms. Reconnect the glow plug start aid
relay. Proceed to Test Step 11.
Test Step 9. Test the Continuity of the
Glow Plugs • Not OK – One of the resistance measurements
was more than 10,000 Ohms. The fault is in the
A. Disconnect the power supply and remove the bus relay coil.
bar from the glow plugs.
Repair: Perform the following repair:
B. Use a suitable digital multimeter to check
continuity (resistance). Turn the audible signal on 1. Install a replacement relay.
the digital multimeter ON.
2. Use the electronic service tool to perform the
C. Place one probe on the connection for one of “Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test”.
the glow plugs and the other probe to a suitable
ground. The digital multimeter should make an 3. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.
audible sound.
D. Repeat the continuity check on the remaining
glow plugs. Test Step 11. Check the Fuse
Expected Result: A. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF
One or more glow plugs do not have continuity.
B. Check the fuse for the glow plug start aid relay.
Results: Refer to Illustration 158.

• OK – All glow plugs display continuity. Repeat this Results:

procedure from Test Step 1.
• The fuse is blown. – There is a short in the power
• Not OK – One or more of the glow plugs do not circuit for the glow plugs. Do not replace the fuse
display continuity. at this stage. Proceed to Test Step 12.

Repair: Perform the following procedure: • The fuse is not blown – There may be an open
circuit in the power circuit for the glow plugs.
1. Replace any glow plugs that do not display Proceed to Test Step 14.
Test Step 12. Disconnect the Relay and
2. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated. Check the Fuse
STOP. A. Disconnect the glow plug start aid relay.

Test Step 10. Check the Relay Coil for an B. Replace the fuse for the relay.
Open Circuit
C. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. position. Wait for 5 seconds.

B. Measure the resistance from Test Point 1 to Test D. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF
Point 2 on the harness connector for the glow plug position.
start aid relay.
E. Check the fuse.

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Results: • Not OK – The resistance is less than 10,000

Ohms. The wiring between the relay and the bus
• The fuse is blown. – There is a short circuit in the bar is shorted.
wiring between the fuse and the glow plug start
aid relay. Repair: Perform the following repair:

Repair: Perform the following repair: 1. Repair the faulty wiring or replace the faulty
wiring. Reconnect the relay.
1. Repair the faulty wiring or replace the faulty
wiring. Replace the fuse. Reconnect the relay. 2. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON
position. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
2. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON
position. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. 3. Use the electronic service tool to perform the
“Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test”.
3. Use the electronic service tool to perform the
“Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test”. 4. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.

4. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated. STOP.

STOP. Test Step 14. Check the Input Voltage to

the Relay
• The fuse is not blown. – The wiring between the
fuse and the relay is OK. Proceed to Test Step 13. A. Disconnect the connector for the glow plug start
aid relay.
Test Step 13. Check the Wiring between
the Relay and the Bus Bar for a Short B. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON
Circuit position.

A. Disconnect the power supply wire from the bus C. Measure the voltage at Test Point A on the harness
bar. connector for the relay to a suitable ground.

B. Measure the resistance between Test Point B on Expected Result:

the harness connector for the relay to a suitable
ground. For 12 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
constant 11.0 to 13.5 VDC.
Expected Result:
For 24 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
The resistance should be more than 10,000 Ohms. constant 22.0 to 27.0 VDC.

Results: Results:

• OK – The resistance is more than 10,000 Ohms. • OK – The voltage is within the expected range.
The wiring between the relay and the bus bar is not The wiring between the battery and the relay is OK.
shorted. The fault is in the relay. Leave the relay connector disconnected. Proceed
to Test Step 15.
Repair: Perform the following repair:
• Not OK – The voltage is not within the expected
1. Install a replacement relay. Reconnect the range. The fault is in the wiring between the battery
power supply wire to the bus bar. and the relay.

2. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON Repair: Perform the following repair:
position. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
Reconnect the relay. 1. Repair the faulty wiring or replace the faulty
3. Use the electronic service tool to perform the
“Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test”. 2. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
Reconnect the relay.
4. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.
3. Use the electronic service tool to perform the
STOP. “Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test”.

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242 KENR9116-01
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4. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated. 2. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON
position. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
3. Use the electronic service tool to perform the
Test Step 15. Bypass the Relay “Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test”.

A. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF 4. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.
B. Fabricate an 8 AWG jumper wire that is 150 mm
(6 inch) long.

C. Install the jumper wire between Test Point A and

Test Point B on the harness connector for the
Idle Validation Switch Circuit
relay. - Test
D. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON
System Operation Description:
E. Use a clamp-on ammeter to measure the current
on the power supply wire to the glow plugs. This procedure covers the following codes:

F. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the OFF


G. Remove the jumper.

Expected Result:

For a 12 V system , the ammeter reading is

approximately 7.0 Amps.

For a 24 V system , the ammeter reading is

approximately 4.5 Amps.


• The reading on the clamp-on ammeter is correct. –

The fault is in the relay.

Repair: Perform the following repair:

1. Install a replacement relay.

2. Turn the battery disconnect switch to the ON

position. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

3. Use the electronic service tool to perform the

“Glow Plug Start Aid Override Test”.

4. Confirm that the fault has been eliminated.


• The reading on the clamp-on ammeter is zero –

The fault is in the wiring between the relay and the
bus bar.

Repair: Perform the following repair:

1. Repair the faulty wiring or replace the faulty

wiring. Reconnect the relay.

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KENR9116-01 243
Troubleshooting Section

Table 113
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Circuit for the Idle Validation Switch
J1939 Description Notes
558-2 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following condition:
: Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
The signal from the Idle Validation Switch (IVS) is invalid.
2970-2 Accelerator Pedal 2 Low Idle Switch
: Erratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect If equipped, the warning light will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic

If the application is equipped with two throttles, the

engine will use the second throttle until the fault is

If a second throttle is not installed or if the second

throttle has a fault, the following conditions will occur:

• The engine will default to limp home mode.

• If the engine speed is higher than the speed in
limp home mode, the engine will decelerate to limp
home mode.

• If the engine speed is lower than the speed in limp

home mode, the engine speed will remain at the
current speed.

• The engine will remain at this speed while the

diagnostic code remains active.

• All inputs from the faulty throttle are ignored by the

ECM until the fault is repaired.

• All inputs from the repaired throttle will be ignored

by the ECM until the keyswitch has been cycled.

The IVS may be installed. The IVS is required for

mobile applications. The IVS is part of the throttle
position sensor. The IVS is CLOSED when the low
idle is set.

The configuration parameters for the throttle and for

the IVS thresholds are programmed into the ECM.
Use the electronic service tool in order to display
the configuration parameters for the throttle and for
the IVS.

If the IVS operates outside of the programmed range,

then the engine speed may not respond to changes
in the throttle position.

The electronic service tool may be used for the


• If necessary, reset the IVS threshold for an existing


• If necessary, view the IVS change point and reset

the IVS thresholds when a new throttle assembly
is installed.

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244 KENR9116-01
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Illustration 160
Schematic of the IVS circuit

C. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the

electronic service tool. Check and record any
active diagnostic codes.

Note: Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the

diagnostic codes to become active.

Note: A diagnostic code that is logged several

times is an indication of an intermittent problem.
Most intermittent problems are the result of a
poor connection between a socket and a pin in a
connector or of a poor connection between a wire
and a terminal.

Illustration 161
Typical view of the pin locations in the P1 connector for the IVS • A 558-2 or a 2970-2 diagnostic code is active or
(18) Sensor Ground recently logged at this time. – Proceed to Test
(22) Idle validation 1 Step 2.
(40) Idle validation 2

• No diagnostic codes are active – The problem

Test Step 1. Check for Active Diagnostic may have been intermittent.
Codes and/or Recently Logged
Diagnostic Codes Repair: Carefully inspect the connectors and
wiring. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical
A. Connect the electronic service tool to the service Connectors - Inspect”.
tool connector.
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

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KENR9116-01 245
Troubleshooting Section

Test Step 2. Check the Operation of the F. To select the “Throttle status” function on the
IVS electronic service tool, select “Status” function and
then select “Throttles” function.
A. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector. G. The throttle is set in the low idle position.

B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. H. Operate the throttle slowly. The IVS status should
change from CLOSED (ON) to OPEN (OFF).
C. Use the electronic service tool in order to check
the current “Throttle Configuration”. Results:

D. Select the “SERVICE” option from the drop-down • The IVS switch operates within the “Idle Validation
menu of the electronic service tool. Min OFF Threshold” and the “Idle Validation Max
ON Threshold” parameters. – STOP.
E. Select the “Throttle Configuration” option on the
electronic service tool. Select the appropriate • The IVS switch cannot operate within the “Idle
“Throttle Configuration” summary from the menu Validation Min OFF Threshold” and the “Idle
on the left of the screen. The IVS window for the Validation Max ON Threshold” parameters –
throttle will indicate “YES” if an IVS is installed. Proceed to Test Step 8.

F. Select the “Throttle status” function on the Test Step 4. Inspect Electrical Connectors
electronic service tool. Select “Status” function and the Harness
and then select “Throttles” function.
A. Inspect the P1/J1 connectors, the harness
G. The throttle is set in the low idle position. and all of the connectors for the IVS. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”
H. Operate the throttle slowly. The IVS status should for details.
change from CLOSED (ON) to OPEN (OFF).
B. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the
Results: wires in the ECM connector that are associated
with the suspect idle validation switch:
• The IVS state changes from CLOSED (ON) to
OPEN (OFF) – Proceed to Test Step 3. • P1:18
• The IVS does not operate – Proceed to Test Step • P1:22
• P1:40
Test Step 3. Check the IVS Threshold
C. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the
A. Connect the electronic service tool to the correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).
diagnostic connector.
D. Check the harness for abrasion and pinch points
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. from the throttle switch to the ECM.

C. Use the electronic service tool in order to check Expected Result:

the current “Throttle Configuration”.
All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly
D. Select the “SERVICE” option from the drop-down connected and/or inserted and the harness is free of
menu of the electronic service tool. corrosion, abrasion, and pinch points.

E. Select the “Throttle Configuration” option on the Results:

electronic service tool. Select the appropriate
“Throttle Configuration” summary from the menu • No harness or connector problems found –
on the left of the screen. The IVS window for the Proceed to Test Step 5.
throttle will indicate “YES” if an IVS is installed.
Make a note of the “Idle Validation Min OFF • Problems found with harness or connectors.
Threshold” parameters that are displayed in the
“Throttle Configuration” menu of the electronic Repair: Perform the following repair:
service tool. Make a note of the “Idle Validation
Max ON Threshold” parameters that are displayed Repair the connectors or the harness and/or
in the “Throttle Configuration” menu of the replace the connectors or the harness. Ensure that
electronic service tool. all of the seals are correctly in place and ensure
that the connectors are correctly connected.

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246 KENR9116-01
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Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all F. Use the electronic service tool in order to monitor
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the the IVS status. Note the status of the IVS.
repair eliminates the fault.
G. Disconnect the jumper wire.
H. Use the electronic service tool in order to monitor
Test Step 5. Check the Location of the the IVS status. Note the status of the IVS.
Expected Result:
A. Disconnect the IVS harness connector.
When the jumper wire is installed, the IVS state on
B. Install a jumper wire between the IVS connections the electronic service tool throttle status screen will
on the harness. display the ON position.

C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. When the jumper wire is disconnected, the IVS state
on the electronic service tool throttle status screen
D. Install a jumper wire between the IVS connections will display the OFF position.
on the harness. Use the electronic service tool in
order to check for diagnostic codes. Results:

E. Remove the jumper wire that is between the IVS • When the jumper wire is connected, the electronic
connections on the harness. Use the electronic service tool shows the IVS state in the ON
service tool in order to check for diagnostic codes. position. When the jumper wire is disconnected,
the electronic service tool shows the IVS state in
Expected Result: the OFF position.

Connect the jumper wire. The IVS state on the Repair:

electronic service tool will display the ON position.
1. Inspect the harness between the ECM and IVS.
Disconnect the jumper wire. The IVS state on the
electronic service tool will display the OFF position. 2. Locate the fault.

Results: 3. Repair the harness and/or replace the harness.

• With the jumper wire connected, the electronic 4. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
service tool displays the IVS state in the ON all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
position on the throttle status screen. With the the repair has eliminated the fault.
jumper wire disconnected, the electronic service
tool displays the IVS state in the OFF position on STOP.
the throttle status screen. – The IVS is suspect.
Proceed to Test Step 7. • The IVS status that is displayed on the electronic
service tool does not change with the jumper wire
• The IVS status that is displayed on the electronic either removed or installed. – The ECM is suspect.
service tool does not change with the jumper wire
either removed or installed. – The harness and/or Repair: Perform the following repair:
the ECM are suspect. Proceed to Test Step 6.
1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the
Test Step 6. Check the ECM Function application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.
A. Disconnect the P1 connector.
2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.
B. If the IVS 1 is suspect, temporarily remove
P1:22. If the IVS 2 is suspect, temporarily remove Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair
connector P1:40. time.

C. Fabricate a jumper wire. 3. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend

the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer
D. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.

E. Install the jumper wire between the removed 4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the
connector pin on the P1 connector and P1:18. system for active diagnostic codes.

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KENR9116-01 247
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5. If the fault is eliminated with the test ECM, C. Select the “Throttle Configuration” option on the
reconnect the suspect ECM. electronic service tool. Select the appropriate
“Throttle Configuration” summary from the menu
6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM, on the left of the screen. The IVS window for the
replace the ECM. throttle will indicate “YES” if an IVS is installed.
Make a note of the “Idle Validation Min OFF
7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear Threshold” parameters that are displayed in the
all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that “Throttle Configuration” menu of the electronic
the repair eliminates the fault. service tool. Make a note of the “Idle Validation
Max ON Threshold” parameters that are displayed
STOP. in the “Throttle Configuration” menu of the
electronic service tool.
Test Step 7. Check the IVS at the Sensor
D. Select the “Throttle status” function on the
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. electronic service tool. Select “Status” function
and then select “Throttles” function.
B. Disconnect the IVS.
E. Set the throttle to low idle.
C. Set the throttle to low idle.
F. Operate the throttle slowly toward high idle.
D. Check the resistance of the IVS. The raw percentage values for the throttle that
are shown on the electronic service tool should
E. Set the throttle to high idle. increase and the IVS status should change from
CLOSED (ON) to OPEN (OFF) position. Make
F. Check the resistance of the IVS. a note of the raw reading for the throttle when
the IVS reading changes from the CLOSED
Expected Result: position to the OPEN position. Repeat this step
in order to obtain accurate raw percentage
The IVS reading should be less than 10 Ohms at values for the throttle. The noted value should
low idle. be within the previously noted “Idle Validation
Min OFF Threshold” and “Idle Validation Max ON
The IVS reading should be more than 20000 Ohms Threshold” limits.
at high idle.
G. The throttle is set to the full throttle position or the
Results: high idle position.

• The IVS indicates the resistance that is shown in H. Operate the throttle slowly toward low idle. The
the test – No fault is indicated at this time. Recheck raw percentage values for the throttle that are
the harness for intermittent connections. STOP. shown on the electronic service tool should
decrease and the IVS status should change
• The IVS is not functioning correctly. from OPEN (OFF) to CLOSED (ON) position.
Make a note of the raw reading for the throttle
Repair: Replace the IVS or replace the throttle when the IVS reading changes from the OPEN
sensor. Refer to OEM documentation for position to the CLOSED position. Repeat this
information on the throttle sensor. Check the IVS step in order to obtain accurate raw percentage
calibration. values for the throttle. The noted value should
be within the previously noted “Idle Validation
Proceed to Test Step 8. Min OFF Threshold” and “Idle Validation Max ON
Threshold” limits.
Test Step 8. Check the IVS Calibration
Expected Result:
A. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector. The IVS operates within the “Idle Validation Min
OFF Threshold” and the “Idle Validation Max
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. ON Threshold” values that are shown on the
“Configuration” menu of the electronic service tool.

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248 KENR9116-01
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Results: i04335173

• The IVS operates within the “Idle Validation Min Ignition Keyswitch Circuit and
OFF Threshold” and the “Idle Validation Max Battery Supply Circuit - Test
ON Threshold” values that are shown on the
“Configuration” menu of the electronic service
tool. – STOP.
System Operation Description:
• The IVS does not operate within the “Idle Validation
Min OFF Threshold” and the “Idle Validation Max This procedure tests that the correct voltage is being
ON Threshold” values that are shown on the supplied to the Electronic Control Module (ECM).
“Configuration” menu of the electronic service
tool. – Proceed to Test Step 9. This procedure covers the following codes:
Test Step 9. Use the Electronic Service
Tool to Reset the IVS Threshold Limits
The electronic service tool can be used to change
the “Idle Validation Min OFF Threshold” and the “Idle
Validation Max ON Threshold” in order to suit the
type of throttle that is installed. The limits are shown
in the “Throttle Configuration” screen which is located
in the “Service” menu.

A. Refer to Test Step 8 and record the raw value of

the throttle signal when the idle validation switch
changes from the CLOSED position to the OPEN

Note: The default value for the “Idle Validation Min

OFF Threshold” is 21%. The lowest value that should
be set is 5%. The default value for the “Idle Validation
Max ON Threshold” is 25%. The maximum value that
is expected is 28%.

B. Set the “Idle Validation Min OFF Threshold” to 3%

below the raw value that was previously recorded.

C. Set the “Idle Validation Max ON Threshold” to 3%

above the raw value.

D. Enter the new threshold limits into the electronic

service tool. Click “Submit” on the electronic
service tool screen.

E. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position and wait

at least 5 seconds. Turn the keyswitch to the ON

F. Repeat Test Step 8. Check that the IVS operates

within the newly set threshold limits.


• The fault is cleared after programming the new

calculated values. – STOP.

• The fault is not cleared.

Repair: Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.


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KENR9116-01 249
Troubleshooting Section

Table 114
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Ignition Keyswitch and the Battery Supply Circuit
J1939 Description Notes
168-2 Battery Potential / Power Input 1 : This code indicates that the battery circuit for the ECM is intermittent while
Erratic, Intermittent or Incorrect the engine is running.
The ECM detects the following conditions:

Three voltage readings that are below 6 VDC in a period of 7 seconds will be
detected by the ECM. The voltage must then increase to more than 9 VDC.

The keyswitch is in the ON position.

The engine is running.

The engine is not cranking.

The diagnostic code will normally be logged. If the battery voltage

disappears without returning, the ECM will not log this diagnostic code
and the engine will shut down. This shutdown will depend on the length of
time for the occurrence of the fault.
The check engine lamp and the warning lamp may come on.
The engine may experience changes in the engine rpm, and intermittent
engine shutdowns or complete engine shutdowns while the conditions that
cause the diagnostic code are present. The ECM may stop injecting fuel.
This may be dependent on the length of time for the occurrence of the fault.
168-3 Battery Potential / Power Input 1 : This code indicates that the battery circuit to the ECM has excessive
Voltage Above Normal voltage while the engine is running.
The ECM detects the following conditions:

For 24 V systems, the battery voltage to the ECM exceeds 32 VDC for
more than 0.5 seconds.
For 12 V systems, the battery voltage to the ECM exceeds 16 VDC for
more than 0.5 seconds.

The keyswitch is in the ON position.

The engine is not cranking.

The engine has been running for more than 30 seconds.

The ECM will log the diagnostic code. If equipped, the warning lamp may
come on.
168-4 Battery Potential / Power Input 1 : This code indicates that the battery circuit for the ECM has low voltage
Voltage Below Normal while the engine is running.
The ECM detects the following conditions:

For 24 V systems, the battery voltage to the ECM is below 18 VDC for
more than 0.5 seconds.
For 12 V systems, the battery voltage to the ECM is below 9 VDC for more
than 0.5 seconds.

The keyswitch is in the ON position.

The engine is not cranking.

The engine has been running for more than 3 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp may come on. The ECM will normally log the
diagnostic code. If battery voltage disappears without returning, the ECM
will not log this diagnostic code and the engine will shut down.
The engine will derate 100 percent.
The engine may experience changes in the engine rpm, and intermittent
engine shutdowns or complete engine shutdowns while the conditions that
cause this diagnostic code are present.

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250 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

The ECM receives electrical power (battery

voltage) through the wiring that is supplied by the
manufacturer of the application. Unswitched battery+
voltage is supplied through P1: 48, 52, 53, 55, and
57. The battery- is supplied through P1: 61, 63, 65,
67, and 69. The ECM receives the input from the
keyswitch at P1:70 when the keyswitch is in the ON
position or in the START position. When the ECM
detects battery voltage at this input, the ECM will
power up. When battery voltage is removed from this
input, the ECM will power down.

The cause of an intermittent power supply to the

ECM can occur on either the positive side or on the
negative side of the battery circuit. The connections
for the unswitched battery+ may be routed through a
dedicated protection device (circuit breaker).

Some applications may be equipped with an

engine protection shutdown system or an idle timer
shutdown system that interrupts electrical power
to the keyswitch. The engine protection shutdown
system can be an aftermarket device and the idle
timer shutdown system can be external to the ECM.
Some of these systems will not supply power to the
ECM until one of the following conditions is met:

• The engine is cranking.

• The engine oil pressure achieves acceptable limits.
• An override button is pressed.
These devices may be the cause of intermittent
power to the ECM. These devices may also shut
down the engine.

Usually, battery power to the diagnostic connector

is available and the battery power to the data
link connector is independent of the keyswitch.
Therefore, although the electronic service tool can
be powered up, there may be no communication
with the engine ECM. The engine ECM requires the
keyswitch to be in the ON position in order to maintain
communications. The ECM may power down a short
time after connecting the electronic service tool if the
keyswitch is in the OFF position.

For intermittent faults such as intermittent shutdowns

that could be caused by the application wiring,
temporarily bypassing the application wiring may be
an effective means of determining the root cause. If
the symptoms disappear with the bypass wiring, the
application wiring is the cause of the fault. A means
of bypassing the application wiring is explained in this
test procedure. This procedure is especially important
for applications that do not provide dedicated circuits
for the unswitched battery and the connections for
the keyswitch.

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KENR9116-01 251
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 162
Schematic for the ignition keyswitch and battery supply circuit

Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors

and Wiring
A. Thoroughly inspect the battery connections
and the connections to the keyswitch. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”
for details.

B. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the

wires in the ECM connector that are associated
with the following connections:

• P1: 48, 52, 53, 55, 57 (Unswitched Battery+)

g01981196 • P1: 61, 63, 65, 67, 69 (Battery-)

Illustration 163
View of the pin locations on the P1 connector for the ignition • P1:70 (keyswitch)
keyswitch and battery supply circuit
(48) Battery+ C. Use the electronic service tool to perform a
(52) Battery+ “Wiggle Test”.
(53) Battery+
(55) Battery+
(57) Battery+ D. Check the ECM connector for the correct torque
(61) Battery ground of 6 N·m (53 lb in).
(63) Battery ground
(65) Battery ground
(67) Battery ground
E. Check the harness for abrasion and for pinch
(69) Battery ground points from the battery to the ECM, and from the
(70) Ignition key switch keyswitch to the ECM.

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252 KENR9116-01
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Results: Repair: The fault is no longer present. If the fault

is intermittent, refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical
• All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly Connectors - Inspect”.
connected and/or inserted and the harness is free
of corrosion, of abrasion or of pinch points. – STOP.
Proceed to Test Step 2.
Test Step 3. Check the Batteries
• There is a fault with the connectors and/or the
harness. A. Load-test the batteries. Use a suitable battery
load tester. Refer to Systems Operation, Testing
Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness and Adjusting, “Battery - Test” for the correct
and/or replace the connectors or the harness. procedure.
Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place
and ensure that the connectors are correctly Results:
• The batteries pass the load test. For 12 V systems,
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all the measured voltage is at least 11.0 VDC. For 24
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the V systems, the measured voltage is at least 22.0
repair eliminates the fault. VDC – Proceed to Test Step 4.

STOP. • The batteries do not pass the load test. For 12 V

systems, the measured voltage is less than 11.0
Test Step 2. Check for Active Diagnostic VDC. For 24 V systems, the measured voltage is
Codes or Logged Diagnostic Codes less than 22.0 VDC.

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the Repair: Recharge or replace the faulty batteries.
diagnostic connector.
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.
C. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on
the electronic service tool. Check and record STOP.
any active diagnostic codes or logged diagnostic
codes. Test Step 4. Check the Battery Voltage at
the ECM Connector
Note: Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the
diagnostic codes to become active. A. Disconnect the P1 connector from the ECM.

Expected Result: B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

One of the following diagnostic codes is active or Note: For 12 V systems, the measured voltage
logged: should be a constant 11.0 to 13.5 VDC.

• 168-2 Battery Potential / Power Input 1 : Erratic, Note: For 24 V systems, the measured voltage
Intermittent or Incorrect should be a constant 22.0 to 27.0 VDC.

• 168-3 Battery Potential / Power Input 1 : Voltage C. Measure the voltage between P1:48 (Unswitched
Above Normal Battery+) and P1:61 (Battery-).

• 168-4 Battery Potential / Power Input 1 : Voltage D. Measure the voltage between P1:52 (Unswitched
Below Normal Battery+) and P1:63 (Battery-).

Results: E. Measure the voltage between P1:53 (Unswitched

Battery+) and P1:65 (Battery-).
• One of the preceding diagnostic codes is active or
logged – Proceed to Test Step 3. F. Measure the voltage between P1:55 (Unswitched
Battery+) and P1:67 (Battery-).
• No diagnostic code is active.
G. Measure the voltage between P1:57 (Unswitched
Battery+) and P1:69 (Battery-).

H. Measure the voltage between P1:70 (keyswitch)

and P1:65 (Battery-).

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I. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.


• The measured voltage is within the expected

range – The ECM is receiving the correct voltage.

Repair: If an intermittent fault is suspected, refer to

Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.


• The ECM is not receiving the correct voltage or no

voltage was present on P1: 48, 52, 53 55, 57. –
Proceed to Test Step 5.

Test Step 5. Bypass the Application


Batteries give off flammable fumes which can ex-


To avoid injury or death, do not strike a match,

cause a spark, or smoke in the vicinity of a battery.

Do not connect the bypass harness to the battery un-
til all of the in-line fuses have been removed from the
Battery+ line. If the fuses are not removed before con-
nection to the battery, a spark may result.

Note: This bypass harness is only for test

applications. This bypass harness must be removed
before the application is released to the customer.
The bypass harness can be used to determine if the
intermittent problem is caused by interruptions in
power to the ECM or to the keyswitch circuit.

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254 KENR9116-01
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Illustration 164
Schematic for the bypass application harness

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Results:

B. Disconnect the P1 connector from the ECM. • The measured voltage between P2:46 and ground
is +5 VDC. The symptoms disappear when the
C. Connect a bypass harness to the ECM. bypass harness is installed. Also, the symptoms
return when the bypass harness is removed. –
D. Remove the fuses from the Battery+ wire of the The fault is in the wiring for the application that
bypass harness and connect the Battery+ and the supplies power to the ECM. Check for aftermarket
Battery- wires directly to the battery terminals. engine protection switches that interrupt power.

Note: This bypass directly connects the circuit for the Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the
keyswitch to the ECM. The ECM will remain powered faulty wiring.
until the connection to the unswitched battery+ line
is disconnected. Remove the fuses from the in-line STOP.
fuse holder to power down the ECM. Do not connect
the bypass to the battery terminals or do not remove • The measured voltage between P2:46 and ground
the bypass from the battery terminals without first is not +5 VDC.
removing the in-line fuses.
Repair: Perform the following procedure:
E. Use a multimeter to measure the voltage between
P2:46 and ground. The voltage should be +5 VDC. 1. Connect the bypass to another battery and
verify if the fault is resolved. If the fault is
Note: Remove the bypass harness and restore all resolved, the fault is with the batteries on the
wiring to the original condition after testing. application.

2. If the fault still exists, make sure that the

latest flash file for the application is installed
in the ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Flash

3. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

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Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair


4. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend

the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer
to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.

5. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the

system for active diagnostic codes.

6. If the fault is resolved with the test ECM,

reconnect the suspect ECM.

7. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,

replace the ECM.

8. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear

all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
the repair eliminates the fault.



Indicator Lamp Circuit - Test

System Operation Description:

Use this procedure under the following circumstances:

• The lamps are not receiving battery voltage.

• The lamps are not operating correctly.
The following diagnostic lamps are available:

• Shutdown lamp
• Warning lamp
• Wait-to-Start lamp
• Low oil pressure lamp
The electronic service tool can be used as a
diagnostic aid in order to switch the individual lamps
ON and OFF.

Note: The diagnostic aid that switches the lamps

is contained in the “Override” section in the
“diagnostics” menu of the electronic service tool.

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256 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 165
Typical schematic of the circuit for the indicator lamps

B. Thoroughly inspect the lamp connections. Refer to

Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”
for details.

C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the

wires in the P1 connector that are associated with
the indicator lamps.

D. Check the screw for the P1 connector for the

correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).

E. Check the harness for abrasions and for pinch

points from the battery to the ECM.

Illustration 166
Typical example of the pin locations on the P1 connector for the • OK – Proceed to Test Step 2.
indicator lamps
(19) Wait-to-Start lamp • Not OK
(28) Shutdown lamp
(29) Warning lamp
(36) Low oil pressure lamp Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness
(48) Battery (+) and/or replace the connectors or the harness.
(52) Battery (+) Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place
(53) Battery (+) and ensure that the connectors are correctly
(55) Battery (+)
(57) Battery (+)
(61) Ground
(63) Ground Verify that the repair eliminates the fault.
(65) Ground
(67) Ground STOP.
(69) Ground
(70) Ignition keyswitch
Test Step 2. Inspect the Lamp, the Fuse,
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors and the Power Supply
and Wiring
A. Disconnect the lamp from the harness. Inspect the
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. lamp in order to determine if the lamp has failed.

B. Measure the resistance across the two terminals

of the lamp. If the resistance is more than 2000
Ohms, the bulb has failed.
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C. Check the battery by connecting a test lamp Results:

across the terminal of the battery.
• The lamp comes on while the jumper is connected.
Results: Also, the lamp goes off when the jumper is
removed – The circuit for the lamp is functioning
• The lamp has less than 2000 Ohms resistance correctly. Proceed to Test Step 5.
and the power supply is OK. – The lamp appears
to be operating correctly at this time. Proceed to • The lamp did not turn ON. – The lamp circuit is not
Test Step 3. functioning correctly. There is a fault in the harness
between the lamp and the ECM.
• The lamp does not have less than 2000 Ohms
resistance or the power supply is not OK. Repair: Repair the lamp circuit.

Repair: Replace the suspect component or repair Verify that the repair eliminated the fault.
the suspect component. Verify that the repairs
have eliminated the fault. STOP.

STOP. Test Step 5. Check the Voltage at the ECM

Test Step 3. Measure the Input to the A. Disconnect the P1 connector.
Lamp at the Lamp Socket
B. Temporarily disconnect the wire from the P1
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. connector that supplies the suspect lamp.

B. Use the electronic service tool to select the C. Fabricate the jumper wire with a suitable pin for
“override” function in order to switch individual the P1 connector.
lamps ON and OFF.
D. Install one end of the jumper wire into the P1
Note: The “Override” function is contained in the connector socket that is connected to the suspect
“Diagnostics” menu of the electronic service tool. lamp. Connect a voltage test lamp between the
battery+ and the jumper wire.
C. Measure the voltage at the lamp socket.
E. Reinstall the P1 connector to the ECM.
F. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Use the
• The voltage is between 12.0 VDC and 24.0 VDC. electronic service tool to select the override
function in order to switch individual lamps ON
Repair: Replace the bulb. and OFF.

Verify that the repair eliminates the fault. Note: The “Override” function is contained in the
“Diagnostics” menu of the electronic service tool.
If the fault persists, proceed to Test Step 4.
• The voltage is not between 12 VDC and 24 VDC –
Proceed to Test Step 5. • The lamp comes ON – The ECM is operating
correctly. There is a fault in the wiring or the lamp.
Test Step 4. Test the Individual Lamp Repair the wiring or the lamp, as required. Verify
Circuits that the repair eliminates the fault.

A. Disconnect the P1 connector. STOP.

B. Thoroughly inspect the P1 connector. Refer to • The lamp does not come ON – The ECM is faulty.
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.
Repair: Perform the following repair:
C. Temporarily disconnect the wire from the P1
connector socket that is connected to the suspect 1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the
lamp. application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.
D. By using a jumper wire, connect the end of the
removed wire to the battery-. 2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position and observe Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair
the lamp. time.

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258 KENR9116-01
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3. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend

the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer
to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.

4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the

system for active diagnostic codes.

5. If the fault is resolved with the test ECM,

reconnect the suspect ECM.

6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,

replace the ECM.

7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear

all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
the repair eliminates the fault.



Injector Data Incorrect - Test

System Operation Description:

This procedure covers the following codes:

Table 115
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for “Injector Data Incorrect”
J1939 Code Description Notes
651-2 Engine Injector Cylinder #01 : Erratic, Intermittent or The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects an
Incorrect injector code that is incorrect for the engine.
If equipped, the warning lamp will come on.
652-2 Engine Injector Cylinder #02 : Erratic, Intermittent or
653-2 Engine Injector Cylinder #03 : Erratic, Intermittent or
654-2 Engine Injector Cylinder #04 : Erratic, Intermittent or
655-2 Engine Injector Cylinder #05 : Erratic, Intermittent or
Incorrect (1206E-E66 engine only)
656-2 Engine Injector Cylinder #06 : Erratic, Intermittent or
Incorrect (1206E-E66 engine only)

The following background information is related

to this procedure:

Injector codes are codes that are 30 hexadecimal

characters in length that are supplied with each
injector. The code is on a plate on the top of the
injector and a card is also included in the packaging
for the injector. The code is used by the ECM to
balance the performance of the injectors.

Refer to Troubleshooting, “Injector Code - Calibrate”

for further information.

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• OK – One or more of the preceding diagnostic

codes are active. Make a note of any cylinder
numbers with the active diagnostic code. Proceed
to Test Step 2.

• Not OK – None of the preceding diagnostic codes

are active at this time. STOP.

Test Step 2. Check the Injector Code on

any Suspect Cylinders
A. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Electronic Service Tools”.

B. Turn the Keyswitch to the ON position.

C. Select the following menu options on the electronic

service tool in order to obtain the injector codes
Illustration 167
g02131289 from the ECM:
Typical label with an injector code
• “Service”
• “Calibrations”
• “Injector Trim Calibration”
D. Make a note of the injector codes for any suspect

E. If the card that was supplied with the injector is

available for the suspect cylinders, perform the
following procedure:

a. Compare the injector code from the card

with the injector code that was recorded from
Illustration 168
g02132293 the electronic service tool for each suspect
Sequence for recording the injector code

b. If the codes match, then continue with this

Test Step 1. Check for Diagnostic Codes procedure.
That Are Related to this Procedure
c. If the codes do not match, then use the
A. Connect the electronic service tool to the
electronic service tool to input the code from
diagnostic connector.
the card.
B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
d. If the diagnostic code is still active or the card
with the injector code is not available, then
C. Check for active diagnostic codes that are related
continue with this procedure.
to this procedure.
F. Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to
D. Make a note of the active diagnostic codes.
Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism
Cover - Remove and Install”.
Expected Result:
G. Make a note of the injector code that is on the
One or more of the diagnostic codes that are listed
injector in any suspect cylinders.
in Table 115 are active at this time.
Note: Refer to Illustration 168 for the correct
sequence for recording the injector code.

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260 KENR9116-01
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H. Compare the injector code that was recorded

from the injector with the injector code that was
recorded from the electronic service tool for each
suspect cylinder.


• The code on the injector is the same as the code in

the ECM – The injector is incorrect for the engine.

Repair: Replace the injector with the correct

injector for the engine. Refer to Disassembly and
Assembly, “Electronic Unit Injector - Remove” and
refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic
Unit Injector - Install”.


• The code on the injector is not the same as the

code in the ECM

Repair: Use the electronic service tool to input the

correct injector code. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Injector Code - Calibrate” for the correct

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.



Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test

System Operation Description:

This procedure covers the following codes:

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Table 116
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Circuit for the Injector Solenoids
J1939 Description Notes
651-5 Engine Injector Cylinder #01 : The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
Current Below Normal
A low current condition (open circuit) for each of five consecutive attempts to
652-5 Engine Injector Cylinder #02 : operate
Current Below Normal
653-5 Engine Injector Cylinder #03 : Battery voltage above 9 VDC for 2 seconds
Current Below Normal
If equipped, the warning light will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
654-5 Engine Injector Cylinder #04 : The engine will have low power and/or rough running.
Current Below Normal When a “Cylinder Cutout Test” is performed, a faulty electronic unit injector will
indicate a low reading in comparison with the other electronic unit injectors.
655-5 Engine Injector Cylinder The ECM will continue to attempt to operate the electronic unit injector after the
#05 : Current Below Normal diagnostic code has been logged. An open circuit will prevent the operation
(1206E-E66 engine only) of the electronic unit injector.
656-5 Engine Injector Cylinder
#06 : Current Below Normal
(1206E-E66 engine only)
651-6 Engine Injector Cylinder #01 : The ECM detects the following conditions:
Current Above Normal
A high current condition (short circuit) for each of five consecutive attempts to
652-6 Engine Injector Cylinder #02 : operate
Current Above Normal
653-6 Engine Injector Cylinder #03 : Battery voltage above 9 VDC for 2 seconds
Current Above Normal
If equipped, the warning light will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
654-6 Engine Injector Cylinder #04 : The engine will have low power and/or rough running.
Current Above Normal The ECM will continue to attempt to operate the electronic unit injector after
the diagnostic code has been logged. A short circuit will prevent the operation
655-6 Engine Injector Cylinder #05 of the electronic unit injector.
: Current Above Normal
(1206E-E66 engine only)
656-6 Engine Injector Cylinder #06
: Current Above Normal
(1206E-E66 engine only)

An electrical fault can prevent the electronic unit If an open circuit is detected in the solenoid circuit,
injector from operating. An open circuit or a short a diagnostic code is generated. The ECM continues
circuit in the ECM that is unique to one electronic to try to fire the injector. If a short circuit is detected,
unit injector will prevent the individual electronic a diagnostic code is generated. The ECM will
unit injector from operating. An open circuit or a periodically try to fire the injector. If the short circuit
short circuit in common wiring within the ECM can remains, this sequence of events will be repeated
prevent the two electronic unit injectors that share until the fault is corrected.
that common wiring from operating.
“Injector Solenoid Test”
Perform this procedure under conditions that are
identical to the conditions that exist when the fault Use the “Injector Solenoid Test” in the electronic
occurs. Typically, faults with the injector solenoid service tool to aid in diagnosing an open circuit or
occur when the engine is warmed up and/or when a short circuit diagnostic code while the engine is
the engine is under vibration (heavy loads). not running. The “Injector Solenoid Test” will send a
signal to each solenoid. The electronic service tool
These engines have Electronic Unit Injectors (EUI). will indicate the status of the solenoid as OK, Open,
The ECM sends a pulse to each injector solenoid. or Short.
The pulse is sent at the correct time and at the correct
duration for a given engine load and speed. The
solenoid is mounted on top of the fuel injector body.

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262 KENR9116-01
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Illustration 169
Schematic of the circuit for the injector solenoids on the 1204E-E44 engine

Illustration 170
Schematic of the circuit for the injector solenoids on the 1206E-E66 engine

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Illustration 171
View of the pin locations on the P2 connector for the injector
solenoids on the 1204E-E44 engine
(60) Supply (cylinder 1)
(59) Return (cylinder 1)
(52) Supply (cylinder 2)
(51) Return (cylinder 2)
(62) Supply (cylinder 3) g02041293
Illustration 173
(61) Return (cylinder 3)
(50) Supply (cylinder 4) Typical example of the fuel injector
(49) Return (cylinder 4)

Illustration 172
View of the pin locations on the P2 connector for the injector
solenoids on the 1206E-E66 engine
(60) Supply (cylinder 1)
(59) Return (cylinder 1)
(52) Supply (cylinder 2)
(51) Return (cylinder 2)
(63) Supply (cylinder 3)
(64) Return (cylinder 3)
(66) Supply (cylinder 4)
(65) Return (cylinder 4)
(62) Supply (cylinder 5)
(61) Return (cylinder 5)
(50) Supply (cylinder 6)
(49) Return (cylinder 6)

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264 KENR9116-01
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Illustration 174
Typical example of the harness connector for the fuel injectors

Illustration 175
Typical example of the connector in the cylinder head

Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors E. Check the harness and wiring for abrasion and for
and Wiring pinch points from the injectors to the ECM.


Electrical Shock Hazard. The electronic unit injec-

• All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly
connected and/or inserted and the harness is free
tors use DC voltage. The ECM sends this voltage of corrosion, of abrasion and of pinch points. –
to the electronic unit injectors. Do not come in The harness is OK. Proceed to Test Step 2.
contact with the harness connector for the elec-
tronic unit injectors while the engine is operating.
Failure to follow this instruction could result in
• There is a fault in the connectors and/or the
personal injury or death.
Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. A strong and/or replace the connectors or the harness.
electrical shock hazard is present if the keyswitch Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place
is not turned OFF. and ensure that the connectors are correctly
B. Thoroughly inspect the connectors at the cylinder
head. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
Connectors - Inspect” for details. logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.
C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the
wires in the ECM connector that are associated STOP.
with injector solenoids.

D. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the

correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).

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Test Step 2. Use the “Injector Solenoid A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. A strong
Test” electrical shock hazard is present if the keyswitch
is not turned OFF.
A. Start the engine.
B. Disconnect the connector for the suspect injector
B. Allow the engine to warm up to the normal from the cylinder head.
operating temperature.
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
C. Stop the engine.
D. Fabricate a jumper wire 100 mm (4 inch) long with
D. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. terminals on both ends of the wire.

E. Access the “Injector Solenoid Test” by accessing E. Insert one end of the jumper wire into the terminal
the following display screens in order: for the supply to the suspect injector. Insert the
other end of the jumper wire into the terminal for
• “Diagnostics” the return circuit for the suspect injector.

• “Diagnostic Tests” F. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” at least two

• “Injector Solenoid Test”
G. Repeat this test for each suspect injector. Stop
F. Activate the test. the “Injector Solenoid Test” before handling the
jumper wires.
Note: Do not confuse the “Injector Solenoid Test”
with the “Cylinder Cutout Test”. The “Cylinder Cutout Results:
Test” is used to shut off fuel to a specific cylinder
while the engine is running. The “Injector Solenoid • The electronic service tool displays “Current Above
Test” is used to actuate the injector solenoids while Normal” for the cylinder with the jumper wire – The
the engine is not running. harness between the ECM and the cylinder head
is OK. The ECM is OK. Proceed to Test Step 5.
• The electronic service tool does not display
• All cylinders indicate “OK” – There is not an “Current Above Normal” for the cylinder with the
electronic fault with the injectors at this time. jumper wire – There is a fault between the ECM
and the cylinder head. Proceed to Test Step 6.
Repair: Use the electronic service tool to clear
all logged diagnostic codes. Return the engine to Test Step 4. Check the Harness between
service. the ECM and the Cylinder Head for a
Short Circuit

• Not OK - Open – Note the cylinders that indicate

“Open”. Proceed to Test Step 3. Electrical Shock Hazard. The electronic unit injec-
tors use DC voltage. The ECM sends this voltage
• Not OK - Short – Note the cylinders that indicate to the electronic unit injectors. Do not come in
“Short”. Proceed to Test Step 4. contact with the harness connector for the elec-
tronic unit injectors while the engine is operating.
Test Step 3. Check the Harness between Failure to follow this instruction could result in
the ECM and the Cylinder Head for an personal injury or death.
Open Circuit
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. A strong
electrical shock hazard is present if the keyswitch
is not turned OFF.
Electrical Shock Hazard. The electronic unit injec-
tors use DC voltage. The ECM sends this voltage B. Disconnect the connector for the suspect injector
to the electronic unit injectors. Do not come in from the cylinder head.
contact with the harness connector for the elec-
tronic unit injectors while the engine is operating. Note: Cylinder 1 and cylinder 2 share the same
Failure to follow this instruction could result in connector. Cylinder 3 and cylinder 4 share the same
personal injury or death. connector. Cylinder 5 and cylinder 6 share the same

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266 KENR9116-01
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C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Results:

D. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” at least two • Exchanging the harnesses causes the fault to
times. move to another injector – There is a fault with
the suspect injector harness under the valve
E. Repeat this test for each suspect injector. Stop mechanism cover.
the “Injector Solenoid Test” before handling the
jumper wires. Repair: Repair the suspect injector harness or
replace the suspect injector harness under the
Results: valve mechanism cover.

• The electronic service tool displays “Current Below Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
Normal” for the suspect cylinder and the cylinder logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
that shares the same connector. – The harness repair eliminates the fault.
between the ECM and the cylinder head is OK.
The ECM is OK. Proceed to Test Step 5. STOP.

• The electronic service tool does not display • The fault remains on the same injector when the
“Current Below Normal” for the suspect cylinder – harness is exchanged – The injector may be faulty.
Proceed to Test Step 6.
Repair: Replace the faulty injector. Refer to
Test Step 5. Exchange the Injector Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Harness Under the Valve Mechanism Injector - Remove” and Disassembly and
Cover Assembly, “Electronic Unit Injector - Install”.

Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test”.

Electrical Shock Hazard. The electronic unit injec- Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
tors use DC voltage. The ECM sends this voltage diagnostic codes and verify that the repair
to the electronic unit injectors. Do not come in eliminates the fault.
contact with the harness connector for the elec-
tronic unit injectors while the engine is operating. STOP.
Failure to follow this instruction could result in
personal injury or death. Test Step 6. Bypass the Wiring Between
the ECM and the Cylinder Head
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. A strong
electrical shock hazard is present if the keyswitch
is not turned OFF.
Electrical Shock Hazard. The electronic unit injec-
B. Remove the valve mechanism cover. Refer to tors use DC voltage. The ECM sends this voltage
Disassembly and Assembly, “Valve Mechanism to the electronic unit injectors. Do not come in
Cover - Remove and Install” for the correct contact with the harness connector for the elec-
procedure. tronic unit injectors while the engine is operating.
Failure to follow this instruction could result in
C. Disconnect the connector for the suspect injector personal injury or death.
from the cylinder head. Disconnect the connector
from the adjacent pair of injectors. A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. A strong
electrical shock hazard is present if the keyswitch
D. Exchange the two internal harnesses. Refer to is not turned OFF.
Disassembly and Assembly, “Electronic Unit
Injector - Remove” and refer to Disassembly and B. Disconnect connector P2 from the ECM.
Assembly, “Electronic Unit Injector - Install” for the
correct procedure. C. Thoroughly inspect the P2 connector. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.
E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
D. Disconnect the connector for the suspect injector
F. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” at least two from the cylinder head.
E. Remove the supply wire and the return wire for the
suspect injector from the P2 connector. Remove
the supply wire and the return wire for the suspect
injector from the connector on the engine harness.

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Troubleshooting Section

F. Fabricate two jumper wires that are long enough 6. If the fault is eliminated with the test ECM,
to reach from the ECM to the connector for the reconnect the suspect ECM.
suspect injector.
7. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
G. Insert one end of a jumper wire into the terminal replace the ECM.
for the supply to the suspect injector on the P2
connector. Insert the other end of the jumper wire 8. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
into the terminal on the connector for the supply all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
to the suspect injector. the repair eliminates the fault.

H. Insert one end of the other jumper wire into the STOP.
return terminal for the suspect injector on the P2
connector. Insert the other end of the jumper wire
into the return terminal on the connector for the
suspect injector. Mode Selection Circuit - Test
I. Reinstall the P2 connector to the ECM.

J. Reconnect the connector for the suspect injector System Operation Description:
to the cylinder head.
This procedure covers the following code:
K. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

L. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test” at least two



• The fault disappears with the jumper wire

installed – The fault is in the engine harness.

Repair: Repair the faulty harness or replace the

faulty harness.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.


• The fault is still present with the jumper wire

installed – There may be a fault with the ECM.

Repair: Perform the following repair:

1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the

application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair


3. If Perkins Global Technical Support

recommends the use of a test ECM, install a
test ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Replacing
the ECM”.

4. Remove the jumper wires and return all wires to

the original configuration.

5. Perform the “Injector Solenoid Test”.

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268 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Table 117
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Circuit for Mode Selection
J1939 Description Notes
2882-2 Engine Alternate Rating Select : Erratic, The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects a combination of
Intermittent, or Incorrect switch positions for the mode switches that has not been defined.
If equipped, the warning lamp will come on and the ECM will log
the diagnostic code.
The ECM will return the engine to the last good mode selection
or setting.
The engine will start and the engine will default to the previous
mode selection. The engine may operate at reduced speed or
reduced power. This will depend on the mode that is selected.

Use this procedure to check if the mode selector

switch operates correctly.

The mode selector switch inputs provide the operator

with the ability to select a maximum of four different
modes of operation. Different modes of operation
can be used in a particular situation by giving the
operator a means to select the most efficient method
of completing the required work.

Each mode has a single fuel limit map, a rated speed,

and a matched fuel delivery. Each mode also has a
specific droop value for throttle 1 and throttle 2.

Table 118
Mode Switch 2 Switch 1 Enabled

1 Open Open Y/N

2 Open Closed Y/N
3 Closed Open Y/N
4 Closed Closed Y/N

If an open or short circuit condition occurs in the

circuit for switch 1 or switch 2, the mode of operation
will be different to the mode that was selected by
the operator. If the mode of operation is not enabled
on the application, a 2882-2 diagnostic code will
become active.

Illustration 176
Typical schematic for the mode selector switches

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KENR9116-01 269
Troubleshooting Section

Test Step 2. Check the Status of the Mode

Selector Switch
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

B. Connect the electronic service tool to the

diagnostic connector.

C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

D. Monitor the status screen on the electronic service

tool. Cycle the mode switch to the ON position
and to the OFF position.

g02129720 Results:
Illustration 177
View of the pin locations on the P1 connector for the circuit for • The switch status changes as you cycle the mode
mode selection switches. When the switch is in the OFF position,
(62) Mode switch 1 the switch is open. When the switch is in the ON
(64) Mode switch 2 position, the switch is closed.
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors Repair: Verify that the status of the switch changes
and Wiring as the switch is cycled.
A. Turn the keyswitch OFF. STOP.
B. Thoroughly inspect the P1 connector. Thoroughly • The switch status does not change as you cycle the
inspect the mode switch connectors, plugs, mode switches – There is a fault with the circuit for
and interconnections on the harness. Refer to the mode selector switch. Proceed to Test Step 3.
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”
for details. Test Step 3. Insert a Jumper at the
Suspect Mode Switch
C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the
wires in the P1 connector that are associated with A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
the mode selector switches.
B. Perform the following procedure to test the circuit
D. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the of mode selector switch No. 1. Place a jumper
correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in). wire across the contacts of switch No. 1.
E. Check the harness for abrasions and for pinch C. Perform the following procedure to test the circuit
points from the battery to the ECM. of mode selector switch No. 2. Place a jumper
wire across the contacts of switch No. 2.
D. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Monitor
• OK – Proceed to Test Step 2. the status screen on the electronic service tool.
Connect the jumper wire and then disconnect the
• Not OK jumper wire.
Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness Expected Result:
and/or replace the connectors or the harness.
Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place When the jumper wire is connected, the switch
and ensure that the connectors are correctly should be in the CLOSED position.
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the • When the jumper wire is connected, the switch is
repair eliminates the fault. in the CLOSED position.

• – If the fault has not been eliminated proceed to

Test Step 2.

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270 KENR9116-01
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Repair: Verify that the jumper wire has been D. Measure the voltage from P1:62 to a suitable
removed. The suspect mode selector switch is ground.
faulty. Replace the switch and verify that the repair
has eliminated the fault. E. Measure the voltage from P1:64 to a suitable
Expected Result:
• When the jumper wire is connected, the switch is
in the OPEN position – Proceed to Test Step 4. For 12 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
constant 11.0 to 13.5 VDC.
Test Step 4. Measure the Voltage at the
Switch For 24 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
constant 22.0 to 27.0 VDC.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Use the electronic service tool to turn both of the
mode switches to the ON position. • OK – The measured voltages are within the
expected range. There may be a fault with the
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. ECM.

D. Measure the voltage from the input or the output Repair: Perform the following repair:
of each mode switch to a suitable ground.
1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the
Expected Result: application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.
For 12 V systems, the measured voltage should be a
constant 11.0 to 13.5 VDC. 2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

For 24 V systems, the measured voltage should be a Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair
constant 22.0 to 27.0 VDC. time.

Results: 3. If Perkins Global Technical Support

recommends the use of a test ECM, install a
• OK – The measured voltages are within the test ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Replacing
expected range. The wiring between the mode the ECM”.
switches and switched battery+ is OK. Proceed to
Test Step 5. 4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the
system for active diagnostic codes.
• Not OK – One of the measured voltages is not
within the expected range. The fault is in the wiring 5. If the fault is resolved with the test ECM,
between the switched battery+ and the mode reconnect the suspect ECM.
switch with the incorrect voltage.
6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the replace the ECM.
faulty wiring.
7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the the repair eliminates the fault.
repair has eliminated the fault.
• Not OK – One of the measured voltages is not
Test Step 5. Measure the Voltage at the within the expected range. The fault is in the wiring
ECM between the ECM and the mode switch with the
incorrect voltage.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the
B. Use the electronic service tool to turn both of the faulty wiring.
mode switches to the ON position.

C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

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Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair has eliminated the fault.



Motorized Valve - Test

System Operation Description:

This procedure covers the following codes:

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272 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Table 119
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Motorized Valves
J1939 Description Notes
2791-5 Engine Exhaust Gas The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
Recirculation (EGR) Valve
Control : Current Below A low current condition in the output for the NOx Reduction System (NRS) valve
Normal for 2 seconds

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
2791-6 Engine Exhaust Gas The ECM detects the following conditions:
Recirculation (EGR) Valve
Control : Current Above A high current condition in the output for the NRS valve for 2 seconds
The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
2791-7 Engine Exhaust Gas The ECM detects the following conditions:
Recirculation (EGR) Valve
Control : Not Responding The actual position of the NRS valve is different to the desired position of the
Properly NRS valve.

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
649-5 Engine Exhaust Back Pressure The ECM detects the following conditions:
Regulator Solenoid : Current
Below Normal A low current condition in the output for the exhaust back pressure valve for 2

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
649-6 Engine Exhaust Back Pressure The ECM detects the following conditions:
Regulator Solenoid : Current
Above Normal A high current condition in the output for the exhaust back pressure valve for 2

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
649-7 Engine Exhaust Back Pressure The ECM detects the following conditions:
Regulator Solenoid : Not
Responding Properly The actual position of the exhaust back pressure valve is different to the desired
position of the exhaust back pressure valve.

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.

The following background information is related The amount of exhaust gas that is required is
to this procedure: calculated by the software that is contained in the
ECM. The NRS valve is controlled by a PWM signal
from the ECM.
NRS Valve
Exhaust Back Pressure Valve
The NRS valve is used to control the amount of
exhaust gas which is recirculated into the NRS mixer.

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KENR9116-01 273
Troubleshooting Section

The exhaust back pressure valve is used to increase

the exhaust back pressure. As the soot load in the
Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter (CDPF) increases
to more than 100%, the valve begins to close. The
increased exhaust back pressure causes the engine
to work harder and increases the temperature of the
exhaust gases. The increased temperature of the
exhaust gases increases the vaporization of the soot
in the Catalyzed Diesel Particulate Filter (CDPF).

Illustration 178
Schematic for the motorized valves

g02127974 g02511716
Illustration 179 Illustration 180
Typical view of the pin locations on the P2 connector for the Typical example of the connector for the exhaust back pressure
motorized valves valve
(16) Exhaust back pressure valve return (1) Position sensor 5 Volt supply
(32) NRS valve return (2) Position sensor return
(40) NRS valve signal (4) Exhaust back pressure valve return
(46) NRS valve position sensor 5 Volt supply (6) Exhaust back pressure valve signal
(56) NRS valve position sensor return
(58) Exhaust back pressure valve signal

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274 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

B. Connect the electronic service tool to the

diagnostic connector.

C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

D. Monitor the electronic service tool for active

diagnostic codes and/or logged diagnostic codes.


• An XXXX-5 diagnostic code is active or recently

logged for one or more of the motorized valves –
Proceed to Test Step 4.

g02511716 • An XXXX-6 diagnostic code is active or recently

Illustration 181 logged for one or more of the motorized valves –
Typical example of the connector for the NRS valve Proceed to Test Step 5.
(1) Position sensor 5 Volt supply
(2) Position sensor return • An XXXX-7 diagnostic code is active or recently
(4) NRS valve return logged for one or more of the motorized valves –
(6) NRS valve signal
Proceed to Test Step 3.
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors
and Wiring • No Codes – The fault seems to be resolved.
Repair: For intermittent faults, refer to
A. Thoroughly inspect the connectors for the
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.
motorized valves. Refer to Troubleshooting,
“Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.
B. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the
wires that are associated with the motorized
Test Step 3. Measure the Sensor Supply
Voltage at the Valve Connector
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
C. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the
correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).
B. Disconnect the suspect valve from the engine
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
• All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly
connected and/or inserted and the harness is free
D. Measure the voltage at the valve connector from
of corrosion, abrasion, and pinch points – Proceed
the terminal for the 5 V supply of the position
to Test Step 2.
sensor and the sensor common terminal.
• There is a fault in the connectors and/or the Results:

Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness • The voltage from the terminal for the 5 VDC supply
to the sensor common terminal measures 4.84 to
and/or replace the connectors or the harness.
5.16 VDC. – The sensor supply voltage is correct.
Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place
and ensure that the connectors are correctly
Repair: Reconnect the suspect valve. If the
XXXX-7 code is still active, replace the suspect
valve. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly for
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
more information.
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.
Test Step 2. Check for Diagnostic Codes STOP.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
• The sensor supply voltage is out of the nominal
range. – The fault is in the 5 V supply wire or the
ground wire in the engine harness.

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KENR9116-01 275
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Repair: Repair the faulty harness or replace the B. Disconnect the connector for the suspect valve in
faulty harness. order to create an open circuit.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Check for
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the active diagnostic codes on the electronic service
repair eliminates the fault. tool. Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the
codes to be displayed.
Test Step 4. Create a Short Circuit at the
Valve Connector • An XXXX-5 diagnostic code is now active – There
is a short in the valve.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
Repair: Perform the following procedure:
B. Disconnect the connector for the suspect valve.
1. Reconnect the valve.
C. Fabricate a jumper wire that is 150 mm (6 inch)
long. 2. Check for active diagnostic codes on the
electronic service tool. Wait at least 30 seconds
D. Install the jumper between the signal and return in order for the codes to be displayed.
pins on the connector for the suspect valve in
order to create a short circuit. 3. If the XXXX-6 diagnostic code returns, replace
the valve. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly
E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Check for for the correct procedure.
active diagnostic codes on the electronic service
tool. 4. Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair
F. Remove the jumper wire from the connector for eliminates the fault.
the motorized valve.
• Not OK – There is still an XXXX-6 diagnostic code.
• Diagnostic code XXXX-6 is active when the jumper Proceed to Test Step 6.
wire is installed – There is a fault in the valve.
Test Step 6. Bypass the Engine Wiring
Repair: Perform the following repair: Harness
1. Reconnect the valve. A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

2. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Use B. Disconnect the P2 connector and the connector
the electronic service tool in order to check for the suspect valve.
for active diagnostic codes. Wait at least 30
seconds in order for the codes to be displayed. C. Thoroughly inspect the P2/J2 ECM connectors
and thoroughly inspect the connectors for the
3. If the XXXX-5 diagnostic code reurns, replace motorized valves. Refer to Troubleshooting,
the valve. Refer to Disassembly and Assembly “Electrical Connectors - Inspect” for details.
for the correct procedure.
D. Remove the signal wire and the return wire for the
4. Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged suspect valve from the P2 connector.
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair
eliminates the fault. E. Remove the signal wire and the return wire from
the connector for the suspect valve.
F. Fabricate two jumper wires that are long enough
• An XXXX-5 diagnostic code is still active with the to reach from the ECM to the connector for the
jumper installed – Proceed to Test Step 6. suspect valve.

Test Step 5. Create an Open Circuit at the G. Insert one end of a jumper into the plug for the
Valve Connector supply wire on the P2 connector. Insert the other
end of the jumper into the plug for the supply wire
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. on the connector for the suspect valve.

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276 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

H. Insert one end of the other jumper into the plug 7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
for the return wire on the P2 connector. Insert the all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
other end of the jumper into the plug for the return the repair eliminates the fault.
wire on the connector for the suspect valve.
I. Reconnect the P2 connector and the connector
for the suspect valve.

J. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. PTO Switch Circuit - Test

K. Use the electronic service tool in order to check
the “Active Diagnostic Code” screen. Check for
either the open circuit diagnostic code or the short System Operation Description:
circuit diagnostic code for the suspect valve.
Use this procedure under the following circumstances:
L. Remove the jumpers and return all wires to the
original configuration.
• The correct supply voltage to the PTO switches
is suspect.
M. Reconnect the connectors.

• Operation of the PTO switches is suspect.
Note: Some applications may only have one PTO
• The diagnostic code disappears when the jumpers switch.
are installed. – There is a fault in the supply wire
or the return wire between the ECM and the valve. The PTO switches provide the operator with the
ability to select the desired engine speed. Engine
Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the speed will decrease with increasing load. The PTO
faulty wiring. switches can be used to control the engine speed.
Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged The engine has the following options of set speed
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair control:
eliminates the fault.

• Single speed
• No speed (no PTO control)
• The diagnostic code is still present with the jumpers

Repair: Perform the following repair:

1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the

application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair


3. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend

the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer
to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.

4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the

system for active diagnostic codes.

5. If the fault is resolved with the test ECM,

reconnect the suspect ECM.

6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,

replace the ECM.

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KENR9116-01 277
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 182
Schematic for the PTO switches

Expected Result:

All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly

connected. The harness should be free of corrosion,
abrasion, and pinch points.


• OK – Proceed to Test Step 2.

• Not OK
Repair: Repair the circuit.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
Illustration 183 logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
View of the pin locations on the P1 connector for the PTO switches repair eliminates the fault.
(18) Ground
(41) PTO mode - disengage STOP.
(56) PTO mode - ON/OFF
(58) PTO mode - raise/resume
(60) PTO mode - set/lower Test Step 2. Check the “PTO Mode
Switches” on the Electronic Service Tool
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors
and Wiring A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. B. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector.
B. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each wire in the
sensor connector and the ECM connector that is C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
associated with the active diagnostic code. Refer
to illustration 182. D. Observe the status of the PTO switch on the
electronic service tool while the PTO on/off switch
C. Verify that the latch tab of the connector is is cycled.
correctly latched. Also verify that the latch tab of
the connector has returned to the fully latching E. Use the electronic service tool in order to observe
position. the status of the PTO mode switch while the PTO
Set/Lower switch is cycled.
D. Check the screw on the connector for the
Electronic Control Module (ECM) for the correct F. Use the electronic service tool in order to observe
torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in). the status of the PTO switch while the PTO
Raise/Resume switch is cycled.
E. Check the harness for corrosion, abrasion, and
pinch points from the PTO switches to the ECM.

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278 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Expected Result: Test Step 4. Check the Suspect PTO

Result 1 The electronic service tool will show that the
PTO mode ON/OFF switch is in the OPEN condition A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
when the control switch is OFF.
B. Remove the two wires from the suspect switch.
The electronic service tool will show that the PTO Use a suitable jumper in order to join the two
mode ON/OFF switch is in the CLOSED condition wires together.
when the control switch is ON.
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
Result 2 When the PTO mode Set/Lower switch is in
the OFF position the switch should be in the OPEN D. Monitor the status screen on the electronic service
position. tool while the jumper wire is being disconnected
and reconnected.
When the PTO mode Set/Lower switch is in the ON
position, the PTO mode Set/Lower switch should be Results:
in the CLOSED position.
• When the jumper wire is connected, the status
Result 3 When the PTO mode Raise/Resume switch of the PTO switches is “CLOSED”. When the
is in the OFF position, the display screen should jumper wire is disconnected, the status of the PTO
show an OPEN condition. switches is “OPEN”. – The switch is faulty.

When the PTO mode Raise/Resume switch is in Repair: Replace the switch.
the ON position, the display screen should show a
CLOSED condition. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
Results: repair has eliminated the problem.

• OK – The PTO switches operate correctly. STOP. STOP.

• Not OK – Proceed to Test Step 3. • When the jumper wire is connected, the status of
the PTO switches is “OPEN”. When the jumper wire
Test Step 3. Check the Status of the PTO is disconnected, the status of the PTO switches
Mode Disengage Switches is “CLOSED”. – There is a fault with the harness
between the PTO switches and the engine ECM.
A. [Use the electronic service tool in order to observe Proceed to Test Step 5.
the switch status while the “PTO mode disengage
switches” are operated OFF and ON. Test Step 5. Measure the Resistance of
the Cables at the ECM
Note: The PTO mode - disengage switches usually
function by the operation of the brake, clutch, or the A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
operator switch. These switches should be operated
separately for this test. B. Connect the cables to the suspect switch.

Expected Result: C. Disconnect the P1 connector from the ECM.

When the PTO mode is switched ON, the electronic D. Thoroughly inspect the J1/P1 connectors on
service tool will show that the “PTO mode disengage the ECM, the switch connections, and battery
switches” are in the “ENGAGED” position. If the connections. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical
“PTO mode disengage switches” are activated, the Connectors - Inspect” for details.
electronic service tool will show that the “PTO mode
disengage switches” are in the “DISENGAGED” E. Measure the resistance between P1:18 and
position. the appropriate pin on the P1 connector for the
suspect switch. Refer to Illustration 182.
F. Repeat the procedure for each of the PTO mode
• OK – The “PTO mode disengage switches” switches.
operate correctly. STOP.

• Not OK – Proceed to Test Step 4.

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Results: Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair

• The measured resistance is less than ten Ohms
with the switch ON. The measured resistance is 3. If Perkins Global Technical Support
more than 20,000 Ohms with the switch OFF. – recommends the use of a test ECM, install a
Proceed to Test Step 6. test ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Replacing
the ECM”.
• The measured resistance is more than ten Ohms
with the switch ON.The measured resistance is 4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the
less than 20,000 Ohms with the switch OFF – system for active diagnostic codes.
There is a fault with the wires between the suspect
switch and the P1 connector. 5. If the fault is resolved with the test ECM,
reconnect the suspect ECM.
Repair: Repair the wires or replace the wires.
6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all replace the ECM.
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair has eliminated the fault. 7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
STOP. the repair eliminates the fault.

Test Step 6. Test the Engine ECM STOP.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.


B. Disconnect the P1 connector from the ECM. Sensor Calibration Required -

C. By using a suitable pin removal tool, temporarily Test
remove the wires from the suspect switch socket.
By using a suitable pin removal tool, temporarily
remove the wires from the P1:18.
System Operation Description:
D. Insert a jumper wire between the suspect switch
socket and P1:18. Use this procedure to troubleshoot a fault with a
pressure sensor calibration. Also, use this procedure
E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. if any one of the diagnostic codes in Table 120 is
active or easily repeated.
F. Monitor the status screen on the electronic service
tool while the jumper wire is being disconnected
and reconnected.

Expected Result:

The status screen should display an OPEN condition

with the switch in the OFF position.

The status screen should display a CLOSED

condition with the switch in the ON position.


• OK – The ECM is working correctly. STOP.

• Not OK – The ECM is not working correctly.
Repair: Perform the following repair:

1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the

application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

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280 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Table 120
Diagnostic Codes for Sensor Calibration
J1939 Code Code Description Comments
During calibration, the pressure offset must be within
15 kPa (2.2 psi) of the barometric pressure sensor.
Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation
3358-13 During calibration, the pressure offset value is outside the
Inlet Pressure : Out of Calibration
acceptable range.
The code is logged.
During calibration, the pressure offset must be within
15 kPa (2.2 psi) of the barometric pressure sensor.
Engine Intake Manifold #1 Absolute
3563-13 During calibration, the pressure offset value is outside the
Pressure : Out of Calibration
acceptable range.
The code is logged.
During calibration, the pressure offset must be within
15 kPa (2.2 psi) of the barometric pressure sensor.
EGR Outlet Pressure : Out of
5019-13 During calibration, the pressure offset value is outside the
acceptable range.
The code is logged.

The Electronic Control Module (ECM) checks the C. Look for an active -13 code or for a logged -13
signals from certain pressure sensors 12 seconds code.
after the keyswitch is turned to the OFF position.
The key must remain in the OFF position for a Results:
further 2 seconds in order for the ECM to check the
signals from the sensors. During this time, the ECM • There is an active or there is a logged -13 code for
compares the signal from the barometric pressure only one sensor. – Proceed to Test Step 2.
sensor with the signal from the following pressure
sensors: • There is an active or there is a logged -13 code for
more than one sensor. – Proceed to Test Step 3.
• Intake manifold air pressure
Test Step 2. Inspect the Suspect Sensor
• NRS inlet pressure Connector
• NRS outlet pressure A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

The sensor signal must be within the specified range B. Inspect the connector of the suspect sensor. Verify
of the signal from the reference pressure sensor. If, a that there is no moisture.
sensor signal is out of the range the corresponding
fault code becomes active. C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

The offset value is stored in the engine ECM. If the D. Monitor the status parameter for the suspect
requirements are not met for the offset to be checked sensor on the electronic service tool. Wiggle the
against the barometric pressure sensor, the stored wiring at the suspect sensor connector.
value is used.
Test Step 1. Check for Diagnostic Codes
• The value of the status parameter does not remain
A. Establish communication between the steady.
electronic service tool and the ECM . Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Electronic Service Tools”, if Repair: Perform the following procedure.
1. Disconnect the suspect sensor connector.
B. Download the “Product Summary Report”
from the engine ECM before performing any 2. Remove any moisture from the outside of the
troubleshooting or clearing diagnostic trouble connector. Check for moisture and corrosion
codes. inside the connector. Verify that the seals
for the wires are sealing correctly. Refer to
Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the diagnostic Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors -
codes to become active. Inspect”, if necessary.

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KENR9116-01 281
Troubleshooting Section

3. If necessary, repair the connector or replace the 9. If the -13 code is active, replace the sensor.
connector. Verify that the fault is eliminated.

4. Reconnect the connector. Verify that the STOP.

connection is secure.
Test Step 3. Inspect the Connector for
5. Monitor the status parameter for the suspect the Barometric Pressure Sensor
sensor on the electronic service tool. Wiggle the
wiring at the suspect sensor connector. Verify A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
that the signal is steady.
B. Inspect the connector of the barometric pressure
6. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Clear sensor. Verify that there is no moisture.
the -13 diagnostic code. Wait for 20 seconds for
the calibration to complete. C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

7. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. D. Monitor the status parameter for the barometric
pressure sensor on the electronic service tool.
8. Monitor the diagnostic codes on the electronic Wiggle the wiring at the sensor connector.
service tool. Check for an active -13 diagnostic
code for the suspect sensor. Results:

Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the • The value of the status parameter does not remain
diagnostic codes to become active. steady.

9. If the -13 code is active, replace the sensor. Repair: Perform the following procedure.
Verify that the fault is eliminated.
1. Disconnect the connector from the barometric
STOP. pressure sensor.

• The value of the status parameter remains steady. 2. Remove any moisture from the outside of the
connector. Check for moisture and corrosion
Repair: Perform the following procedure. inside the connector. Verify that the seals
for the wires are sealing correctly. Refer to
1. Disconnect the suspect sensor connector. Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors -
Inspect”, if necessary.
2. Check for corrosion inside the connector. Verify
that the seals for the wires are sealing correctly. 3. If necessary, repair the connector or replace the
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors connector.
- Inspect”, if necessary.
4. Reconnect the connector. Verify that the
3. If necessary, repair the connector or replace the connection is secure.
5. Monitor the status parameter for the barometric
4. Reconnect the connector. Verify that the pressure sensor on the electronic service tool.
connection is secure. Wiggle the wiring at the connector for the
barometric pressure sensor . Verify that the
5. Monitor the status parameter for the suspect signal is steady.
sensor on the electronic service tool. Wiggle the
wiring at the suspect sensor connector. Verify 6. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Clear
that the signal is steady. the -13 diagnostic codes. Wait for 20 seconds
for the calibration to complete.
6. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Clear
the -13 diagnostic code. Wait for 20 seconds for 7. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
the calibration to complete.
8. Monitor the diagnostic codes on the electronic
7. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. service tool. Check for active -13 diagnostic
8. Monitor the diagnostic codes on the electronic
service tool. Check for an active -13 diagnostic Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the
code for the suspect sensor. diagnostic codes to become active.

Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the

diagnostic codes to become active.

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282 KENR9116-01
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9. If more than one -13 code is active, replace the

barometric pressure sensor. Verify that the fault
is eliminated.


• The value of the status parameter remains steady.

Repair: Perform the following procedure.

1. Disconnect the connector from the barometric

pressure sensor.

2. Check for corrosion inside the connector. Verify

that the seals for the wires are sealing correctly.
Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors
- Inspect”, if necessary.

3. If necessary, repair the connector or replace the


4. Reconnect the connector. Verify that the

connection is secure.

5. Monitor the status parameter for the suspect

reference sensor on the electronic service
tool. Wiggle the wiring at the connector for the
barometric pressure sensor . Verify that the
signal is steady.

6. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Clear

the -13 diagnostic codes. Wait for 20 seconds
for the calibration to complete.

7. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

8. Monitor the diagnostic codes on the electronic

service tool. Check for active -13 diagnostic

Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the

diagnostic codes to become active.

9. If more than one -13 code is active, replace the

barometric pressure sensor. Verify that the fault
is eliminated.



Solenoid Valve - Test

System Operation Description:

This procedure covers the following codes:

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KENR9116-01 283
Troubleshooting Section

Table 121
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Solenoid Valves
J1939 Description Notes
1076-5 Engine Fuel Injection The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
Pump Fuel Control Valve
: Current Below Normal A low current condition in the output from the ECM to the solenoid for the suction
control valve for 0.6 seconds

There are no active 168 diagnostic codes.

The ECM has been powered for at least 0.25 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
This diagnostic code detects a fault in the circuit for the solenoid in the suction control
valve that is most likely to be an open circuit.
1076-6 Engine Fuel Injection The ECM detects the following conditions:
Pump Fuel Control Valve
: Current Above Normal A high current condition in the output from the ECM to the solenoid for the suction
control valve for 0.6 seconds

There are no active 168 diagnostic codes.

The ECM has been powered for at least 0.25 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
This diagnostic code will detect a fault in the circuit for the solenoid in the suction control
valve. This problem is most likely to be caused by a high side short to ground or a
low side short to power.
1188-5 Engine Turbocharger The ECM detects the following conditions:
1 Wastegate Drive :
Current Below Normal A low current condition in the output from the ECM to the solenoid for the wastegate

There are no active 168 diagnostic codes.

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on once the diagnostic code has been active
for 30 seconds. The diagnostic code will be logged.
The engine will be derated while this diagnostic code is active. After the engine has
been derated, the electronic service tool will indicate “Turbo Protection Derate Active”.
This diagnostic code will detect a fault in the circuit for the solenoid in the wastegate
regulator that is most likely to be an open circuit.
1188-6 Engine Turbocharger The ECM detects the following conditions:
1 Wastegate Drive :
Current Above Normal A high current condition in the output from the ECM to the solenoid in the wastegate

There are no active 168 diagnostic codes.

The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds.

If equipped, the warning lamp will come on once the diagnostic code has been active
for 30 seconds. The diagnostic code will be logged.
The engine will be derated while this diagnostic code is active. After the engine has
been derated, the electronic service tool will indicate “Turbo Protection Derate Active”.
This diagnostic code will detect a fault in the circuit for the solenoid in the wastegate
regulator. This problem is most likely to be caused by a high side short to ground or a
low side short to power.

The following background information is related Electronically controlled wastegate

to this procedure:

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284 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

The engine has a turbocharger with an electronically

controlled wastegate. Typically, the wastegate is a
mechanical valve that is used in the turbocharger
in order to regulate the intake manifold pressure to
a set value.

The control system for the electronically controlled

wastegate precisely regulates the intake manifold
pressure by using a wastegate regulator to control
the wastegate.

The required intake manifold pressure is calculated

by the software that is contained in the ECM. The
ECM uses the wastegate regulator to control the
wastegate in order to provide the precise value
of intake manifold pressure. The solenoid in the
wastegate regulator is controlled by a PWM signal
from the ECM.

Suction control valve for the high-pressure fuel


The high-pressure fuel pump is equipped with a

suction control valve. The suction control valve
precisely controls the amount of fuel that enters the
high-pressure fuel pump.

The amount of fuel that is required is calculated

by the software that is contained in the ECM. The
solenoid in the suction control valve is controlled by a
PWM signal from the ECM.

Illustration 184
Schematic for the solenoid valves

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KENR9116-01 285
Troubleshooting Section

g02126836 g01971875
Illustration 185 Illustration 187
Typical view of the pin locations on the P2 connector for the Typical example of the connector for the wastegate regulator
solenoid valves
(1) Ground
(14) Wastegate return (2) Signal
(24) Wastegate PWM signal
(69) High pressure fuel pump suction control valve PWM signal
(70) High pressure fuel pump suction control valve return

Illustration 188
High-pressure fuel pump for the 1204E-E44 engine
g02126837 (3) Solenoid for the Suction Control Valve (SCV)
Illustration 186
(1) Typical wastegate regulator
(2) Connector for the wastegate regulator

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286 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Test Step 2. Check for Diagnostic Codes

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

B. Connect the electronic service tool to the

diagnostic connector.

C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

D. Monitor the electronic service tool for active

diagnostic codes and/or logged diagnostic codes.


• An XXXX-5 diagnostic code is active or recently

logged – Proceed to Test Step 3.

• An XXXX-6 diagnostic code is active or recently

logged – Proceed to Test Step 4.

• No Codes – The fault seems to be resolved.

Illustration 189
High-pressure fuel pump for the 1206E-E66 engine
Repair: For intermittent faults, refer to
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”.
(4) Solenoid for the Suction Control Valve (SCV)
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors
and Wiring Test Step 3. Create a Short Circuit at the
Solenoid Connector
A. Thoroughly inspect the connectors for the solenoid
valves. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
Connectors - Inspect” for details.
B. Disconnect the connector for the suspect solenoid.
B. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each wire that
is associated with the solenoid valves. C. Fabricate a jumper wire. Install the wire between
the two pins on the connector for the suspect
C. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the solenoid in order to create a short circuit.
correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).
D. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Check for
Expected Result: active diagnostic codes on the electronic service
E. Remove the jumper wire from the connector for
• All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly the solenoid valve.
connected and the harness is free of corrosion,
abrasion, and pinch points – Proceed to Test Step Results:
• Diagnostic code XXXX-6 is active when the jumper
• There is a fault in the connectors and/or the wire is installed – There is a fault in the solenoid.
Repair: Perform the following procedure:
Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness
and/or replace the connectors or the harness. 1. Temporarily connect a replacement for the
Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place suspect component to the harness.
and ensure that the connectors are correctly
connected. 2. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Use
the electronic service tool in order to check
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all for active diagnostic codes. Wait at least 30
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the seconds in order for the codes to be displayed.
repair eliminates the fault.


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KENR9116-01 287
Troubleshooting Section

3. If the fault is eliminated, reconnect the suspect F. Insert one end of the jumper into the plug for
component. If the fault returns, permanently the signal wire on the P2 connector. Insert the
install the replacement component. Refer to other end of the jumper into the connector for the
Disassembly and Assembly for the correct suspect solenoid.
G. Reconnect the P2 connector and the connector
STOP. for the solenoid.

• An XXXX-5 diagnostic code is still active with the H. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
jumper installed – Proceed to Test Step 5.
I. Use the electronic service tool in order to monitor
Test Step 4. Disconnect the Solenoid in the “Active Diagnostic Code” screen. Monitor for
order to Create an Open Circuit either the open circuit diagnostic code for the
suspect solenoid or the short circuit diagnostic
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. code for the suspect solenoid.

B. Disconnect the connector for the suspect solenoid J. Remove the jumper and reconnect the wires that
in order to create an open circuit. were previously removed.

C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Check for K. Reconnect the P2 connector and the connector
active diagnostic codes on the electronic service for the suspect solenoid.
tool. Wait at least 30 seconds in order for the
codes to be displayed. Results:

Results: • The diagnostic code disappears when the jumper

is installed – There is a fault in the wiring harness.
• An XXXX-5 diagnostic code is now active – There
is a short in the solenoid. Repair: Perform the following repair:

Repair: Perform the following procedure: 1. Repair the faulty harness or replace the faulty
1. Temporarily connect a replacement for the
suspect component to the harness. 2. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
2. If the fault is eliminated, reconnect the suspect the repair eliminates the fault.
component. If the fault returns, permanently
install the replacement component. Refer to STOP.
Disassembly and Assembly for the correct
procedure. • The diagnostic code is still present with the jumper
Repair: Perform the following repair:
• Not OK – There is still an XXXX-6 diagnostic code.
Proceed to Test Step 5. 1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the
application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Test Step 5. Bypass the Engine Wiring Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.
2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair
B. Disconnect the P2 connector and the connector time.
for the suspect solenoid.
3. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend
C. Remove the signal wire for the suspect solenoid the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer
from the P1/P2 connector. to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.

D. Remove the signal wire from the connector for the 4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the
suspect solenoid. system for active diagnostic codes.

E. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough to 5. If the fault is resolved with the test ECM,
reach from the ECM to the connector for the reconnect the suspect ECM.
suspect solenoid with sockets on both ends.

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288 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,

replace the ECM.

7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear

all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
the repair eliminates the fault.



Soot Sensor - Test

System Operation Description:

This procedure covers the following codes:

Table 122

Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Circuit for the Soot Sensor
J1939 Description Notes
4783-3 Diesel Particulate Filter 1 Mean The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
Soot Signal : Voltage Above
Normal The signal voltage for the soot sensor is greater than 32 VDC for 60

The warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The ECM will ignore the signal from the soot sensor. The ECM will use the
internal soot model to calculate the soot load.
4783-4 Diesel Particulate Filter 1 Mean The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
Soot Signal : Voltage Below
Normal The signal voltage for the soot sensor is less than 9 VDC for 60 seconds.

The warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The ECM will ignore the signal from the soot sensor. The ECM will use the
internal soot model to calculate the soot load.
4783-9 Diesel Particulate Filter 1 Mean The ECM detects the following conditions:
Soot Signal : Abnormal Update
Rate There is no signal from the soot sensor.

The warning lamp will come on and the ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The ECM will use the last good value for the signal.
4783-12 Diesel Particulate Filter 1 Mean The ECM detects the following conditions:
Soot Signal : Failure
The soot sensor has failed.

The warning lamp will come on and the ECM will log the diagnostic code.
4783-13 Diesel Particulate Filter 1 The ECM detects the following conditions:
Mean Soot Signal : Calibration
Required The soot sensor has not been calibrated by the manufacturer.

The warning lamp will come on and the ECM will log the diagnostic code.
4783-21 Diesel Particulate Filter 1 Mean The ECM detects the following conditions:
Soot Signal : Data Drifted Low
The soot sensor has not received a valid signal from the soot antenna for
at least 60 seconds.

The warning lamp will come on and the ECM will log the diagnostic code.

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KENR9116-01 289
Troubleshooting Section

Table 123
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A T400025 Attenuator 1

The following conditions must exist before any of the

preceding codes will become active:

• The ECM has been powered for at least 60


• There are no active 168 codes.

The following background information is related
to this procedure:

The soot sensor is powered from the switched battery

voltage. A signal is sent by the soot sensor to one
soot antenna. The signal that is received by the other
antenna is sent back to the soot sensor. The signal is
attenuated by the soot in the Diesel Particulate Filter
(DPF). The soot sensor calculates the soot load in
the DPF by measuring the attenuation of the signal.

Illustration 190

B. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors

- Inspect”.

C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the

wires in the ECM connector and the connector at
the soot sensor that are associated with the active
diagnostic code.

D. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the

correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).

E. Check the harness for abrasions and for pinch

points from the sensors back to the ECM.

F. Use the electronic service tool to perform a
Illustration 191 “Wiggle Test”. The “Wiggle Test” will identify
Typical view of the pin locations on the P1 connector for the soot intermittent connections.
(37) CAN C + Expected Result:
(38) CAN C -
(39) CAN C Shield
Make sure that all connectors, pins, and sockets are
correctly installed. The harness should be free of
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors corrosion, abrasions, and pinch points.
And Wiring
A. Thoroughly inspect the connectors for the soot
sensor and the antennas.
• OK – Proceed to Test Step 2.

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290 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

• Not OK • Not OK – The supply voltage is above the

acceptable range for the soot sensor.
Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness
and/or replace the connectors or the harness. Repair: Investigate the cause of the high voltage.
Ensure that all of the seals are in place and ensure Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and Adjusting,
that the connectors are correctly coupled. “Charging System - Inspect”.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all STOP.

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault. Test Step 4. Check for a Low Voltage at
the Soot Sensor
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
Test Step 2. Verify All Active Diagnostic
Codes B. Measure the voltage across pins 1 and 2 on the
soot sensor.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait at
least 10 seconds for activation of the diagnostic C. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
Expected Result:
B. Verify if any of the diagnostic codes that are listed
in Table 122 are active. The voltage is more than 9 VDC.

Results: Results:

• Diagnostic code 4783-3 is active. – Proceed to • OK – The supply voltage is within the acceptable
Test Step 3. range for the soot sensor. STOP.

• Diagnostic code 4783-4 is active. – Proceed to • Not OK – The supply voltage is below the
Test Step 4. acceptable range for the soot sensor.

• Diagnostic code 4783-9 is active. – Proceed to Repair: Perform the following procedure:
Test Step 5.
1. Make sure that any in-line fuses are intact.
• Diagnostic code 4783-12 is active. – Proceed to Replace any blown fuses.
Test Step 6.
2. Check that the supply voltage is adequate.
• Diagnostic code 4783-13 is active. – Proceed to Refer to Systems Operation, Testing and
Test Step 7. Adjusting, “Charging System - Inspect”.

• Diagnostic code 4783-21 is active. – Proceed to 3. If the supply voltage is satisfactory, inspect
Test Step 8. the wiring and the connectors. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Ignition Keyswitch Circuit and
Test Step 3. Check for a High Voltage at Battery Supply Circuit - Test”.
the Soot Sensor
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
Test Step 5. Check the Data Link Between
B. Measure the voltage across pins 1 and 2 on the the Soot Sensor and the Engine ECM
soot sensor.
There is a fault in the data link between the soot
C. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. sensor and the engine ECM.

Expected Result: Results:

The voltage is less than 32 VDC. • The data link is faulty.

Results: Repair: Test the CAN C data link between
the soot sensor and the engine ECM. Refer to
• OK – The supply voltage is within the acceptable Troubleshooting, “Can Data Link Circuit - Test”.
range for the soot sensor. STOP.

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KENR9116-01 291
Troubleshooting Section

Test Step 6. Diagnostic Code 4783-12 is • “Diagnostics”

• “Diagnostic Tests”
If diagnostic code 4783-12 is active, the soot sensor
has a fault. • “DPF Soot Loading Sensor Functional Test”
Results: H. Disconnect the coaxial cables from the attenuator.

• Diagnostic code 4783-12 is active. Results:

Repair: There is a fault in the soot sensor. Replace • The “DPF Soot Loading Sensor Functional Test” is
the soot sensor. successful. – The fault is in a soot antenna.

STOP. Repair: Perform the following procedure:

Test Step 7. Diagnostic Code 4783-13 is 1. Remove the two soot antennas from the DPF.
Active Refer to Disassembly and Assembly, “Soot
Antenna - Remove and Install”.
If diagnostic code 4783-13 is active, the soot sensor
requires a factory calibration. 2. Inspect the soot antennas for damaged or bent
probes. Replace a damaged antenna. If no
Results: damage is found, replace both antennas.

• Diagnostic code 4783-13 is active. 3. Install the two soot antennas. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Soot Antenna -
Repair: The soot sensor requires a factory Remove and Install”. Ensure that the antenna
calibration. Replace the soot sensor. connectors are tightened to a torque of 1.2 N·m
(10.6 lb in).
4. After 60 seconds, confirm that diagnostic code
Test Step 8. Check the Soot Antennas 4783-21 is no longer active

If diagnostic code 4783-21 is active, the soot sensor STOP.

is not receiving a signal from the soot antennas.
• The “DPF Soot Loading Sensor Functional Test” is
Perform the following procedure: not successful. – The fault is in the soot sensor
or a coaxial cable.
Note: If any corrective action is performed, allow
a period of 60 seconds for the diagnostic code to Repair: Replace the soot sensor. Ensure that the
disappear. antenna connectors are tightened to a torque of
1.2 N·m (10.6 lb in).
A. Inspect the coaxial cable. Check each connection
for dirt or water ingress. All connectors must be 1. Repeat the “DPF Soot Loading Sensor
clean and dry before connections are made. Verify Functional Test” and confirm that the test is
that all of the connectors are securely connected. successful.

B. Torque all coaxial connectors to 1.2 N·m STOP.

(10.6 lb in).
C. After 60 seconds, check for diagnostic code
4783-21. Throttle Switch Circuit - Test
D. If diagnostic code 4783-21 is still active, continue
with this procedure.
System Operation Description:
E. Disconnect the coaxial cables from the antennas.
This procedure covers the following codes:
F. Connect the ends of the coaxial cables to Tooling

G. Perform the “DPF Soot Loading Sensor Functional

Test” on the electronic service tool by selecting
the following menus:

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292 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Table 124
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Circuit for the Throttle Switch
J1939 Description Notes
29-2 Accelerator Pedal Position 2 : Erratic, The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following condition:
Intermittent or Incorrect
There is an invalid combination of positions for the multi-position switches.
91-2 Accelerator Pedal Position 1 : Erratic,
Intermittent or Incorrect If equipped, the warning light will come on. The ECM will log the
diagnostic code.

If the application is equipped with two throttles, the Voltage at the throttle inputs to the ECM should be
engine will use the second throttle until the fault is 13.8 ± 0.5 VDC when the throttle inputs are open.
repaired. The voltage should be less than 0.5 VDC when the
throttle inputs are closed.
If a second throttle is not installed or if the second
throttle has a fault, the following conditions will occur:

• The engine will default to the limp home speed.

• If the engine speed is higher than the limp home
speed, the engine will decelerate to the limp home

• If the engine speed is lower than the limp home

speed, the engine speed will remain at the current

• The engine will remain at this speed while the

diagnostic code remains active.

• All inputs from the faulty throttle are ignored by the

ECM until the fault is repaired.

• All inputs from the repaired throttle will be ignored

by the ECM until the keyswitch has been cycled.

Check that the software configuration in the ECM is

correct for a multi-position throttle .

If the engine has an analog throttle with an Idle

Validation Switch (IVS), then refer to Troubleshooting,
“Idle Validation Switch Circuit - Test”.

The throttle switch provides the operator with the

ability to select the desired engine speed. The throttle
switch configuration may be selected between 0 to 4
switches. A multi-position rotary switch may be used.

The throttle switch is typically connected to the four

throttle inputs of the ECM. Each position generates
a specific ON/OFF pattern on the throttle inputs. A
diagnostic code is generated if a pattern that does
not correspond with any of the switch positions is

Once a diagnostic code is generated, the ECM

ignores the throttle input signals. The desired engine
speed is set to low idle if no alternative throttle is

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KENR9116-01 293
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 192
Schematic for the circuit for the throttle switch

E. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the

correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).

F. Check the harness for corrosion, abrasion, and

pinch points from the throttle switch to the ECM.

Expected Result:

All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly

connected. The harness should be free of corrosion,
abrasion, and pinch points.


g01981333 • OK – Proceed to Test Step 2.

Illustration 193
Typical view of the pin locations on the P1 connector for the • Not OK
throttle switch
(18) Switch return Repair: Repair the circuit.
(41) Throttle position switch 1
(56) Throttle position switch 2
(58) Throttle position switch 3 Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
(60) Throttle position switch 4 logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the problem.
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors
and Wiring STOP.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Test Step 2. Check “Throttle Cab Switch
Position” on the Electronic Service Tool
B. Thoroughly inspect the P1 connector and
any other connectors that are included in the A. Connect the electronic service tool to the
application for this throttle switch. Refer to diagnostic connector.
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”
for details. B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the C. Observe the status of the throttle switch and the
wires in the sensor connector and the ECM throttle inputs on the electronic service tool while
connector that are associated with the active you operate the throttle switch in each position.
diagnostic code. Refer to illustration 192.
D. Verify that the latch tab of the connector is
correctly latched. Also verify that the latch tab of • OK – The throttle switch is functioning correctly
the connector has returned to the fully latching at this time.

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294 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Repair: Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Expected Result:

Connectors - Inspect” if the fault is intermittent.
Resistance should be greater than 20,000 Ohms for
STOP. each reading.

• Not OK – Record the suspect input. Proceed to Results:

Test Step 3.
• OK – Proceed to Test Step 5.
Test Step 3. Jumper the Switch Input at
the Throttle Switch Connector • Not OK – There is a short in the harness between
the ECM and the throttle switch.
A. Disconnect the connector for the throttle switch.
Repair: Repair the circuit.
B. Observe the status of the suspect throttle input on
the electronic service tool. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
C. Use a suitable jumper wire to short terminal 1 on repair eliminates the fault.
the throttle switch connector to the terminal for
the suspect throttle input at the throttle switch STOP.
Test Step 5. Check Resistance through
D. Observe the status of the suspect throttle input on the Harness
the electronic service tool.
A. Use a jumper wire to short terminal 1 on the
E. Remove the jumper wire. throttle switch connector to the terminal of the
suspect throttle input at the for the throttle switch
Expected Result: connector.

The status of the suspect throttle input should be B. Measure the resistance between P1:18 and the
OFF when the connector for the throttle switch is terminal for the suspect throttle input at the P1
disconnected. The status should be ON when the connector.
jumper wire is installed.
Expected Result:
Resistance should be less than 10 Ohms.
• OK – The harness and the ECM are OK.
Repair: Replace the throttle switch.
• OK – Proceed to Test Step 6.
Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the • Not OK – There is an open circuit or excessive
repair eliminates the fault. resistance in the harness.

STOP. Repair: Repair the circuit.

• Not OK – Proceed to Test Step 4. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
Test Step 4. Check for Shorts in the repair eliminates the fault.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
Test Step 6. Check the Harness and the
B. Disconnect the P1 connector and the connector ECM
for the throttle switch.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
C. Measure the resistance between engine ground
and the terminal for the suspect throttle input at B. Disconnect the P1 connector and remove the
the connector for the throttle switch. wire for the suspect throttle input from the P1
D. Measure the resistance between the terminal for
the suspect throttle input on the connector for the C. Reconnect all of the connectors.
throttle switch and the remaining terminals at the
connector. D. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

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Troubleshooting Section

E. Observe the status of the suspect throttle input on 3. If Perkins Global Technical Support
the electronic service tool. recommends the use of a test ECM, install a
test ECM. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Replacing
F. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. the ECM”.

G. Disconnect the P1 connector and remove the wire 4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the
from P1:18. system for active diagnostic codes.

H. Fabricate a jumper wire with pins at both ends. 5. If the fault is resolved with the test ECM,
Insert the jumper wire at P1:18 and the suspect reconnect the suspect ECM.
throttle input at the P1 connector.
6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,
I. Reconnect all of the connectors. replace the ECM.

J. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. 7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
Note: Additional diagnostic codes will be generated the repair eliminates the fault.
because P1:18 will no longer be connected to other
sensors and switches. Ignore the codes and clear the STOP.
codes when you complete this test.
K. Observe the status of the suspect throttle input on
the electronic service tool. Valve Position Sensor - Test
L. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

M. Remove the jumper wire from the P1 connector

and reconnect all wires and connectors. System Operation Description:
Expected Result: This procedure covers the following codes:
The status of the suspect throttle input should be
OFF when the throttle input is open. The status
should be ON when the jumper wire is installed.


• OK – There is a fault in the harness between the

ECM and the throttle switch.

Repair: Repair the circuit.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.


• Not OK – The switch signal appears at the ECM.

The ECM is not reading the switch correctly.

Repair: Perform the following repair:

1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the

application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.

Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair


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296 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Table 125
Diagnostic Trouble Codes for the Circuit for the Valve Position Sensors
J1939 Code Description Notes
27-3 Engine Exhaust Gas The Electronic Control Module (ECM) detects the following conditions:
Recirculation Valve Position :
Voltage Above Normal The signal voltage for the position sensor on the NOx Reduction System
(NRS) valve is greater than 4.8 VDC for 0.1 seconds.

The warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The
NRS valve will be fully closed while the code is active.
The engine will be derated.
27-4 Engine Exhaust Gas The ECM detects the following conditions:
Recirculation Valve Position :
Voltage Below Normal The signal voltage for the NRS valve position sensor is less than 0.2 VDC
for 0.1 seconds.

The warning lamp will come on. The ECM will log the diagnostic code. The
NRS valve will be fully open while the code is active.
The engine will be derated.
5625-3 Exhaust Back Pressure The ECM detects the following conditions:
Regulator Position : Voltage
Above Normal The signal voltage for the position sensor on the exhaust back pressure
valve is greater than 4.8 VDC for 0.1 seconds.

The warning lamp will come on and the ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The exhaust back pressure valve will be fully open while the code is active.
5625-4 Exhaust Back Pressure The ECM detects the following conditions:
Regulator Position : Voltage
Below Normal The signal voltage for the position sensor on the exhaust back pressure
valve is less than 0.2 VDC for 0.1 seconds.

The warning lamp will come on and the ECM will log the diagnostic code.
The exhaust back pressure valve will be fully open while the code is active.

The following conditions must exist before any of the The troubleshooting procedures for the diagnostic
preceding codes will become active: codes of each position sensor are identical. The 5
VDC sensor supply provides power to all 5 VDC
• The ECM has been powered for at least 2 seconds. sensors. The ECM supplies 5.0 VDC to terminal “1”
of each valve connector. The sensor common from
• There are no active 3509 codes. the ECM connector goes to terminal “2” of each
valve connector. The sensor supply is output short
• There are no active 168 codes. circuit protected. A short circuit to the battery will
not damage the circuit inside the ECM. The signal
Use this procedure in order to troubleshoot the voltage from terminal 3 of each valve is supplied to
position sensors for the following valves: the appropriate terminal at the P2/J2 ECM connector.

• NRS valve Pull-up Voltage

• Exhaust back pressure valve The ECM continuously outputs a pull-up voltage
on the circuit for the sensor signal wire. The ECM
Each position sensor is part of the associated valve. uses this pull-up voltage in order to detect an open
If the following procedure indicates a fault with in the signal circuit. When the ECM detects the
the position sensor, then the entire valve must be presence of a voltage that is above a threshold on the
replaced. signal circuit, the ECM will generate an open circuit
diagnostic code (XXXX-3) for the sensor.
The following background information is related
to this procedure:

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KENR9116-01 297
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If the sensor is disconnected at the sensor connector,

the presence of pull-up voltage at the sensor
connector indicates that the wires from the sensor
connector to the ECM are not open or shorted to
ground. If the sensor is disconnected at the sensor
connector, the absence of pull-up voltage at the
sensor connector indicates an open in the signal wire
or a short to ground. If the sensor is disconnected at
the sensor connector and the voltage at the sensor
connector is different from pull-up voltage, the signal
wire is shorted to another wire in the harness.

Illustration 194
Typical example of the schematic for the position sensors

g02125940 g02518685
Illustration 195 Illustration 196
Typical view of the pin locations on the P2 connector for the Typical example of the connector for the exhaust back pressure
position sensors valve
(15) Signal for the NRS valve position sensor (1) 5 VDC supply
(16) Signal for the exhaust back pressure valve position sensor (2) Position sensor ground
(46) 5 VDC supply for the valve position sensors (3) Position sensor signal
(56) Ground for the valve position sensors

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298 KENR9116-01
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D. Check the screw for the ECM connector for the

correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).

E. Check the harness for abrasions and for pinch

points from the sensors back to the ECM.

F. Use the electronic service tool to perform a

“Wiggle Test”. The “Wiggle Test” will identify
intermittent connections.

Expected Result:

All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly

coupled and inserted. The harness should be free of
corrosion, abrasions, and pinch points.
Illustration 197
Typical example of the connector for the NRS valve Results:
(1) 5 VDC supply
(2) Position sensor ground • OK – Proceed to Test Step 4.
(3) Position sensor signal

• Not OK
Test Step 1. Verify All Active and Recently
Logged Diagnostic Codes Repair: Repair the connectors or the harness
and/or replace the connectors or the harness.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait at Ensure that all of the seals are correctly in place
least 10 seconds for activation of the diagnostic and ensure that the connectors are correctly
codes. coupled.
B. Verify if any of the diagnostic codes that are listed Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all
in Table 125 are active or recently logged: logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.
• One or more of the preceding diagnostic codes are
active. – Proceed to Test Step 2. Test Step 3. Measure the Supply Voltage
at the Valve Connector
• None of the preceding diagnostic codes are active.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
Repair: If the preceding codes are logged, an
intermittent condition may be causing the logged B. Disconnect the suspect valve from the harness.
codes. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical
Connectors - Inspect”. C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
Perform a “Wiggle Test” by using the electronic D. Measure the voltage at the connector for the valve
service tool in order to identify intermittent from the terminal for the 5 VDC supply to the
connections. sensor ground terminal.
STOP. E. Reconnect the valve to the harness.
Test Step 2. Inspect Electrical Connectors Expected Result:
And Wiring
The voltage from the terminal for the 5 VDC supply
A. Thoroughly inspect the connectors for the valves. to the sensor common terminal measures 4.84 to
5.16 VDC.
B. Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors
- Inspect”. Results:
C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of • OK – The sensor supply voltage is correct.
the wires in the ECM connector and the valve Proceed to Test Step 4.
connectors that are associated with the active
diagnostic code.

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KENR9116-01 299
Troubleshooting Section

• The sensor supply voltage is out of the nominal E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait for at
range. – The fault is in the 5 VDC supply wire or least 10 seconds for activation of the diagnostic
the ground wire between the valve connector and codes.
the ECM.
F. Use the electronic service tool to check the “Active
Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the Diagnostic Code” screen. Check for an XXXX-3
faulty wiring. diagnostic code.

Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged G. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair
eliminates the fault. Expected Result:

STOP. An XXXX-3 diagnostic code for the disconnected

sensor is now active.
Test Step 4. Verify that the Diagnostic
Code is Still Active Results:

A. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait at • An XXXX-4 diagnostic code was active before
least 10 seconds for activation of the diagnostic removing the signal wire. An XXXX-3 diagnostic
codes. code became active after removing the signal wire.

B. Use the electronic service tool to check for active Repair: Perform the following repair:
diagnostic codes. Record all active diagnostic
codes. 1. Disconnect the connector for the valve.

Expected Result: 2. Reconnect the signal wire for the position

sensor. Reconnect the connector for the valve.
One of the diagnostic codes that are listed in Table
125 is active. 3. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Use
the electronic service tool to check for active
Results: diagnostic codes.

• Short Circuit – A XXXX-4 diagnostic code is active 4. If the XXXX-4 diagnostic code returns, there is
at this time. Proceed to Test Step 5. a short in the valve.

• Open Circuit – A XXXX-3 diagnostic code is active 5. Install a replacement valve. Refer to
at this time. Proceed to Test Step 6. Disassembly and Assembly for the correct
• A short circuit diagnostic code is not active. An
open circuit diagnostic code is not active – An 6. Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
intermittent fault may exist. diagnostic codes and verify that the repair
eliminates the fault.
Repair: Use the electronic service tool to perform
a “Wiggle Test”. If faults are indicated, go to the STOP.
appropriate procedure.
• There is still an active XXXX-4 diagnostic code
STOP. with the signal wire removed. – The valve position
sensor is OK. Proceed to Test Step 7.
Test Step 5. Create an Open Circuit at the
Valve Connector Test Step 6. Create a Short Circuit at the
Valve Connector
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Disconnect the connector for the sensor with the
XXXX-4 diagnostic code. B. Disconnect the connector for the valve with the
XXXX-3 diagnostic code.
C. Remove the wire for the position sensor signal
from the harness connector for the valve. C. Fabricate a jumper wire that is 150 mm (6 inch)
D. Reconnect the connector for the valve.

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300 KENR9116-01
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D. Insert one end of the jumper wire into the terminal E. Insert one end of the jumper wire into the plug for
for the valve position sensor signal on the harness the signal wire on the P2 connector. Insert the
connector for the suspect valve. Insert the other other end of the jumper wire into the plug for the
end of the jumper into the terminal for the sensor signal wire on the connector for the suspect valve.
F. Reconnect the P2 connector and the connector
E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. for the suspect valve.

F. Access the “Active Diagnostic Codes” screen on G. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
the electronic service tool and check for an active
XXXX-4 diagnostic code for the suspect sensor. H. Use the electronic service tool in order to monitor
the “Active Diagnostic Code” screen. Check for
G. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. either the open or the short circuit diagnostic code
for the suspect valve position sensor.
H. Remove the jumper.
I. Remove the jumpers and reconnect the wires that
Results: were previously removed.

• An XXXX-3 diagnostic code was active before the J. Reconnect the connectors.
jumper was installed. An XXXX-4 diagnostic code
is active when the jumper is installed. Expected Result:

Repair: Perform the following repair: The diagnostic code disappears when the jumper is
1. Reconnect the connector for the suspect valve.
2. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Use
the electronic service tool to check for active • OK – The diagnostic code disappears when the
diagnostic codes. jumper is installed. There is a fault in the signal
wire between the ECM and the suspect valve
3. If the XXXX-3 diagnostic code returns, there is position sensor.
an open circuit in the valve.
Repair: Perform the following repair:
4. Install a replacement valve. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly for the correct 1. Repair the faulty harness or replace the faulty
procedure. harness.

5. Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged 2. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
eliminates the fault. the repair eliminates the fault.


• The XXXX-3 diagnostic code remains active when • Not OK – The fault is still present with the jumper
the jumper is installed – The valve position sensor installed.
is OK. Proceed to Test Step 7.
Repair: Perform the following repair:
Test Step 7. Bypass the Engine Wiring
Harness 1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the
application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.

B. Disconnect the P2 connector and the connector 2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.
for the suspect valve.
Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair
C. Remove the valve position sensor signal wire time.
from the P2 connector and the connector for the
suspect valve. 3. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend
the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer
D. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough to to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.
reach from the ECM to the connector for the
suspect valve. 4. Use the electronic service tool to recheck the
system for active diagnostic codes.

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KENR9116-01 301
Troubleshooting Section

5. If the fault is resolved with the test ECM,

reconnect the suspect ECM.

6. If the fault returns with the suspect ECM,

replace the ECM.

7. Use the electronic service tool in order to clear

all logged diagnostic codes and then verify that
the repair eliminates the fault.



Water In Fuel Sensor - Test

System Operation Description:

For a 97-15 diagnostic code, refer to Troubleshooting,

“Fuel Contains Water” before returning to this

This procedure covers the following diagnostic code:

Table 126
Diagnostic Trouble Code for the Water-in-Fuel Sensor
J1939 Description Notes
97-3 Water In Fuel Indicator : The ECM detects the following conditions:
Voltage Above Normal
An open circuit in the Water-In-Fuel (WIF) sensor circuit.

The ECM has been powered for less than 5 seconds.

The warning lamp will stay on when the “indicator lamp self check” has been
completed. The ECM will disable the function to detect water in fuel while the code
is active.

Water-in-Fuel Sensor Operation

The WIF sensor is a normally open sensor. During

normal operation, there will be no signal sent from
the WIF sensor to the ECM. If water is detected in
the fuel, the sensor will send a signal to the ECM. If
the signal remains constant for 45 seconds, a 97-15
diagnostic code will become active. This diagnostic
code can also be caused by a short in the WIF
sensor circuit.

Water-in-Fuel Sensor Self Check

When the ignition keyswitch is turned to the ON

position, the switch in the WIF sensor will close for
5 seconds. If the ECM does not detect a signal from
the WIF sensor during this period, a 97-3 diagnostic
code will become active.

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302 KENR9116-01
Troubleshooting Section

Illustration 198
Typical example of the schematic for the WIF sensor

B. Thoroughly inspect the connector for the WIF

sensor and the P1/J1 ECM connector. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Electrical Connectors - Inspect”

C. Perform a 45 N (10 lb) pull test on each of the

wires that are associated with the WIF sensor.

D. Check the screws for the ECM connector for the

correct torque of 6 N·m (53 lb in).

E. Check the harness for abrasions, for pinch points,

and for corrosion.

Expected Result:
Illustration 199 All connectors, pins, and sockets are correctly
Typical view of the pin locations on the P1 connector for the WIF connected. The harness is free of corrosion, of
sensor abrasion, and of pinch points.
(4) 8 VDC supply
(5) Sensor return Results:
(35) WIF sensor signal

• The connectors and wiring appear to be OK –

Proceed to Test Step 2.

• There is a fault in the connectors and/or wiring.

Repair: Repair the connectors or wiring and/or
replace the connectors or wiring. Ensure that all of
the seals are correctly installed and ensure that the
connectors are correctly connected.

Use the electronic service tool in order to clear all

logged diagnostic codes and then verify that the
repair eliminates the fault.


Test Step 2. Check for Active Diagnostic

A. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector.
Illustration 200
Typical view of the connector for the WIF sensor B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.
(1) Signal
(2) Return C. Wait for at least 1 minute.
(3) 8 VDC supply
D. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the
Test Step 1. Inspect Electrical Connectors electronic service tool. Check and record any
And Wiring active diagnostic codes.

A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.

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KENR9116-01 303
Troubleshooting Section

Expected Result: B. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position.

A 97-3 or a 97-15 diagnostic code is active at this C. Wait for at least 1 minute.
D. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the
Note: For a 97-15 diagnostic code, refer to electronic service tool. Check and record any
Troubleshooting, “Fuel Contains Water” before active diagnostic codes.
continuing with this procedure.
Expected Result:
A 97-3 or a 97-15 diagnostic code is active at this
• One of the preceding diagnostic codes is active at time.
this time. – Proceed to Test Step 3.
• Neither of the preceding diagnostic codes are
active at this time. – The fault may be intermittent. • A 97-3 diagnostic code is active. – Proceed to
Test Step 5.
Repair: Refer to Troubleshooting, “Electrical
Connectors - Inspect” to identify intermittent faults. • A 97-15 diagnostic code is active. – Proceed to
Test Step 6.
Test Step 5. Create a Short Circuit at the
Test Step 3. Check the Supply Voltage at Sensor Connector
the Sensor Connector
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
B. Disconnect the WIF sensor from the harness.
B. Disconnect the WIF sensor from the harness.
C. Fabricate a jumper wire that is 150 mm (6 inch)
C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. long.

D. Measure the voltage between pin 2 and pin 3 on D. Use the jumper to connect terminal 1 to terminal 2
the harness connector for the WIF sensor. on the harness connector for the WIF sensor.

Expected Result: E. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait for

at least 1 minute.
The measured voltage should be between 7.5 VDC
and 8.5 VDC. F. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the
electronic service tool. Check and record any
Results: active diagnostic codes.

• OK – The voltage is within the expected range. Expected Result:

Reconnect the WIF sensor to the harness. Proceed
to Test Step 4. A 97-15 diagnostic code is active with the jumper
• Not OK – The voltage is not within the expected
range. The fault is in the 8 VDC supply wire or the Results:
return wire between the WIF sensor and the ECM.
• A 97-3 diagnostic code was active before installing
Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the the jumper. A 97-15 diagnostic code was active
faulty wiring. with the jumper installed. – There is an open circuit
in the WIF sensor.
Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair Repair: Perform the following repair:
eliminates the fault.
1. Install a replacement sensor. Refer to
STOP. Disassembly and Assembly, “Water Separator
and Fuel Filter (Primary) - Remove and Install”
Test Step 4. Check that the Diagnostic for the correct procedure.
Code is Still Active
A. Connect the electronic service tool to the
diagnostic connector.

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304 KENR9116-01
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2. Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged C. Remove the wire from terminal 1 on the harness
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair connector fro the WIF sensor. Remove the wire
eliminates the fault. from P1:35.

STOP. D. Fabricate a jumper wire that is long enough to

reach from the WIF sensor to the ECM.
• There is still an active 97-3 diagnostic code with
the jumper installed. – The sensor is OK. Proceed E. Insert one end of the jumper wire into terminal
to Test Step 7. 1 on the harness connector for the WIF sensor.
Insert the other end of the jumper wire into P1:35.
Test Step 6. Create an Open Circuit at the
Sensor Connector F. Reconnect the WIF sensor to the harness.
Reconnect the P1 connector.
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position.
G. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait for
B. Disconnect the WIF sensor from the harness. at least 1 minute.

C. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait for H. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the
at least 1 minute. electronic service tool. Check and record any
active diagnostic codes.
D. Monitor the active diagnostic code screen on the
electronic service tool. Check and record any Expected Result:
active diagnostic codes.
There are no active diagnostic codes for the WIF
Expected Result: sensor with the bypass installed.

A 97-3 diagnostic code is active with the WIF sensor Results:

• OK – The diagnostic code disappears with the
Results: bypass installed. The fault is in the signal wire
between the WIF sensor and the ECM.
• A 97-15 diagnostic code was active with the WIF
sensor connected. A 97-3 diagnostic code was Repair: Repair the faulty wiring or replace the
active after disconnecting the WIF sensor. – There faulty wiring.
is a short in the WIF sensor.
Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
Repair: Perform the following repair: diagnostic codes and verify that the repair
eliminates the fault.
1. Install a replacement sensor. Refer to
Disassembly and Assembly, “Water Separator STOP.
and Fuel Filter (Primary) - Remove and Install”
for the correct procedure. • Not OK – The diagnostic code is still present with
the bypass wire installed.
2. Use the electronic service tool to clear all logged
diagnostic codes and verify that the repair Repair: Perform the following repair:
eliminates the fault.
1. Make sure that the latest flash file for the
STOP. application is installed in the ECM. Refer to
Troubleshooting, “Flash Programming”.
• The 97-15 diagnostic code is still active with the
WIF sensor disconnected. – The WIF sensor is 2. Contact Perkins Global Technical Support.
OK. Proceed to Test Step 7.
Note: This consultation can greatly reduce the repair
Test Step 7. Bypass the Signal Wire for time.
the WIF Sensor
3. If Perkins Global Technical Support recommend
A. Turn the keyswitch to the OFF position. the use of a test ECM, install a test ECM. Refer
to Troubleshooting, “Replacing the ECM”.
B. Disconnect the WIF sensor from the harness.
Disconnect the P1 connector. 4. Turn the keyswitch to the ON position. Wait at
least 1 minute. Use the electronic service tool to
verify that the repair eliminates the fault.

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KENR9116-01 305
Troubleshooting Section

5. If the fault is eliminated with the replacement

ECM, reconnect the suspect ECM. If the fault
returns with the suspect ECM, replace the ECM.

6. If the fault is still present with the replacement

ECM, do not use the replacement ECM. Contact
Perkins Global Technical Support.


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306 KENR9116-01
Index Section

Numerics Cylinder Is Noisy.................................................... 73
Probable Causes ............................................... 73
5 Volt Sensor Supply Circuit - Test ...................... 154 Recommended Actions...................................... 73


Acceleration Is Poor or Throttle Response Is Data Link Circuit - Test ........................................ 172
Poor ..................................................................... 60 Diagnostic Code Cross Reference ...................... 147
Probable Causes ............................................... 60 Diagnostic Functional Tests................................. 154
Recommended Actions...................................... 60 Diagnostic Trouble Codes ................................... 142
Alternator Is Noisy ................................................. 66 Diesel Particulate Filter Collects Excessive Soot .. 74
Probable Causes ............................................... 66 Diesel Particulate Filter Identification Signal -
Recommended Actions...................................... 66 Test .................................................................... 179
Alternator Problem................................................. 66 Diesel Particulate Filter Temperature Is Low ......... 75
Probable Causes ............................................... 66 Probable Causes ............................................... 76
Recommended Actions...................................... 66 Recommended Actions...................................... 76
Analog Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test ..... 163 Digital Throttle Position Sensor Circuit - Test ...... 183


Battery Problem..................................................... 66 ECM Does Not Communicate with Other

Probable Causes ............................................... 66 Modules ............................................................... 76
Recommended Actions...................................... 67 Probable Causes ............................................... 76
Recommended Actions...................................... 76
ECM Harness Connector Terminals ...................... 36
C Removal and Installation of the Harness Connector
Terminals.......................................................... 36
CAN Data Link Circuit - Test................................ 168 ECM Memory - Test............................................. 192
Coolant Contains Oil.............................................. 67 ECM Will Not Accept Factory Passwords.............. 76
Probable Causes ............................................... 67 Probable Causes ............................................... 76
Recommended Actions...................................... 67 Recommended Actions...................................... 77
Coolant Level Is Low ............................................. 67 Electrical Connectors - Inspect............................ 193
Coolant Temperature Is High................................. 68 Electronic Service Tool Does Not Communicate ... 77
Probable Causes ............................................... 69 Probable Causes ............................................... 77
Recommended Actions...................................... 69 Recommended Actions...................................... 77
Crankcase Breather Ejects Oil .............................. 71 Electronic Service Tools ........................................ 16
Probable Causes ............................................... 71 Optional Service Tools ....................................... 16
Crankcase Fumes Disposal Tube Has Oil Perkins Electronic Service Tool.......................... 17
Draining ............................................................... 72 Required Service Tools ...................................... 16
Probable Causes ............................................... 72 Electronic Troubleshooting ...................................... 5
Recommended Actions...................................... 72 Engine Cranks but Does Not Start ........................ 78
Customer Specified Parameters............................ 45 Probable Causes ............................................... 78
Air Shutoff .......................................................... 46 Recommended Actions...................................... 78
Configurable Inputs............................................ 49 Engine Does Not Crank......................................... 84
ECM Identification Parameter ............................ 45 Probable Causes ............................................... 84
Engine Configuration Parameters...................... 45 Recommended Repairs ..................................... 84
Engine Idle Shutdown ........................................ 45 Engine Has Early Wear ......................................... 85
Engine Rating Parameter................................... 45 Probable Causes ............................................... 85
J1939 Continuous Fault Handling...................... 50 Recommended Actions...................................... 85
Miscellaneous .................................................... 47 Engine Has Mechanical Noise (Knock) ................. 85
Multiple Engines on J1939................................. 46 Probable Causes ............................................... 85
Passwords ......................................................... 50 Recommended Actions...................................... 86
PTO and Throttle Lock Parameters ................... 46 Engine Misfires, Runs Rough or Is Unstable......... 86
Security Access Parameters.............................. 50 Probable Causes ............................................... 86
Speed Control .................................................... 45 Recommended Actions...................................... 86
System Settings ................................................. 50 Engine Overspeeds ............................................... 91
Customer Specified Parameters Table .................. 51 Engine Pressure Sensor Open or Short Circuit -
Customer Specified Parameters Worksheet ......... 54 Test .................................................................... 197

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KENR9116-01 307
Index Section

Engine Shutdown Occurs Intermittently ................ 92 Ignition Keyswitch Circuit and Battery Supply Circuit -
Probable Causes ............................................... 92 Test .................................................................... 248
Recommended Actions...................................... 92 Important Safety Information ................................... 2
Engine Speed Does Not Change .......................... 93 Indicator Lamp Circuit - Test................................ 255
Probable Causes ............................................... 93 Indicator Lamps ..................................................... 18
Recommended Repairs ..................................... 93 Color of Lamps................................................... 18
Engine Speed/Timing Sensor Circuit - Test ......... 204 Flash Codes....................................................... 20
Engine Stalls at Low RPM ..................................... 94 Functions of the Lamps...................................... 18
Probable Causes ............................................... 94 Indicator Lamps ................................................. 18
Recommended Actions...................................... 94 Operation of the Indicator Lamps....................... 19
Engine Temperature Sensor Open or Short Circuit - Injector Code - Calibrate........................................ 39
Test ............................................................ 212, 217 Injector Data Incorrect - Test ............................... 258
Engine Top Speed Is Not Obtained ....................... 96 Injector Solenoid Circuit - Test............................. 260
Probable Causes ............................................... 96 Inlet Air Is Restricted ............................................ 119
Recommended Actions...................................... 96 Inlet Air Temperature Is High ............................... 120
Engine Vibration Is Excessive ............................. 101 Probable Causes ............................................. 120
Probable Causes ............................................. 101 Recommended Actions.................................... 120
Recommended Actions.................................... 101 Intake Manifold Air Pressure Is High ................... 121
Engine Wiring Information ..................................... 31 Probable Causes ............................................. 121
Harness Wire Identification ................................ 31 Recommended Actions.................................... 121
Schematic Diagrams.......................................... 32 Intake Manifold Air Pressure Is Low .................... 122
Ether Starting Aid - Test....................................... 224 Probable Causes ............................................. 123
Event Codes ........................................................ 152 Recommended Actions.................................... 123
Active Event Codes.......................................... 152 Intake Manifold Air Temperature Is High ............. 123
Clearing Event Codes ...................................... 153
Logged Event Codes ....................................... 153
Troubleshooting ............................................... 153 M
Exhaust Has Excessive Black Smoke ................. 102
Probable Causes ............................................. 102 Mode Selection Circuit - Test............................... 267
Recommended Actions.................................... 102 Mode Switch Setup................................................ 40
Exhaust Has Excessive White Smoke................. 104 Engine High Idle Speed (RPM).......................... 41
Probable Causes ............................................. 104 Governor Type ................................................... 41
Recommended Actions.................................... 105 High Idle Speed ................................................. 40
Mode Selection Number .................................... 40
Mode Selection Switch Input 2 and Mode Selection
F Switch Input 1................................................... 40
Number of Switch Inputs.................................... 40
Factory Passwords ................................................ 37 Rated Speed (RPM)........................................... 41
Flash Programming ............................................... 38 Rating Enabled .................................................. 40
Flash Programming a Flash File ........................ 38 Rating Number................................................... 40
Fuel Consumption Is Excessive .......................... 106 Throttle 1 Droop Percentage.............................. 41
Probable Causes ............................................. 106 Throttle 2 Droop Percentage.............................. 41
Recommended Actions.................................... 106 TSC1 Droop Percentage.................................... 41
Fuel Contains Water ............................................ 108 Motorized Valve - Test ......................................... 271
Troubleshooting Procedure.............................. 109 Multiposition Switch Setup..................................... 44
Fuel Pump Relay Circuit - Test ............................ 228 Engine Speed (in RPM) ..................................... 44
Fuel Rail Pressure Problem................................. 109 Input 4, Input 3, Input 2, Input 1 ......................... 44
Probable Causes .............................................. 110 Logical Position.................................................. 44
Recommended Actions..................................... 110 Number of Switch Inputs.................................... 44
Fuel Temperature Is High ..................................... 117 Physical Position................................................ 44
Probable causes ............................................... 118 Physical Position Enabled.................................. 44
Recommended Actions..................................... 118

No Diagnostic Codes Detected ........................... 151
Glossary ................................................................ 12 NRS Exhaust Gas Temperature Is High .............. 124
Glow Plug Starting Aid - Test............................... 236 NRS Mass Flow Rate Problem............................ 127

Idle Validation Switch Circuit - Test...................... 242

This document is printed from SPI². Not for RESALE

O System Overview..................................................... 5
Block Diagram...................................................... 7
Oil Consumption Is Excessive ............................. 130 ECM Lifetime Totals ............................................ 11
Probable Causes ............................................. 130 Electronic Control Circuit Diagram....................... 6
Recommended Actions.................................... 131 Other ECM Functions for Performance............... 11
Oil Contains Coolant............................................ 132 Passwords .......................................................... 11
Probable Causes ............................................. 132 Programmable Parameters................................. 11
Recommended Actions.................................... 132 System Operation ................................................ 9
Oil Contains Fuel ................................................. 133
Measuring Fuel Dilution ................................... 133
Probable Causes ............................................. 133 T
Recommended Actions.................................... 133
Oil Pressure Is Low ............................................. 134 Table of Contents..................................................... 3
Probable Causes ............................................. 135 Test ECM Mode ..................................................... 37
Recommended Actions.................................... 135 Throttle Setup ........................................................ 41
Idle Validation..................................................... 42
Idle Validation Maximum On (Closed)
P Threshold ......................................................... 43
Idle Validation Minimum Off (Open) Threshold .. 42
Power Is Intermittently Low or Power Cutout Is Initial Lower Position Limit ................................. 42
Intermittent......................................................... 136 Initial Upper Position Limit ................................. 43
Probable Causes ............................................. 136 Lower Dead Zone .............................................. 43
Recommended Actions.................................... 136 Lower Diagnostic Limit....................................... 42
Programming Parameters ..................................... 37 Lower Position Limit........................................... 42
PTO Switch Circuit - Test..................................... 276 Upper Dead Zone .............................................. 43
Upper Diagnostic Limit....................................... 44
Upper Position Limit........................................... 43
R Throttle Switch Circuit - Test................................ 291
Troubleshooting Section.......................................... 5
Replacing the ECM................................................ 21 Troubleshooting with a Diagnostic Code ............. 142
Troubleshooting with an Event Code................... 152

Self-Diagnostics..................................................... 22
Sensor Calibration Required - Test...................... 279 Valve Lash Is Excessive ...................................... 141
Sensors and Electrical Connectors ....................... 22 Probable Causes ............................................. 141
1206E-E66 Engine............................................. 27 Recommended Actions.................................... 141
Clean Emissions Module (CEM) ........................ 31 Valve Position Sensor - Test................................ 295
Typical 1204E-E44 Engine................................. 23
Solenoid Valve - Test ........................................... 282
Soot Sensor - Test ............................................... 288 W
Symptom Troubleshooting..................................... 60
System Configuration Parameters......................... 58 Water In Fuel Sensor - Test................................. 301
DPF #1 Soot Loading Sensing System Welding Precaution ................................................. 5
Configuration Code .......................................... 58
“ECM Software Release Date”........................... 59
“Engine Serial Number” ..................................... 58
Factory Installed Aftertreatment #1 Identification
Number ............................................................ 58
“Full Load Setting”.............................................. 58
“Full Torque Setting”........................................... 58
Limp Home Engine Speed Ramp Rate.............. 58
“Rating” .............................................................. 58

© 2011 Perkins Engines Company Limited Printed in U.K.

All Rights Reserved

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