List of Activities: 1. Think, Pair and Share
List of Activities: 1. Think, Pair and Share
List of Activities: 1. Think, Pair and Share
Set a problem or a question around a certain topic, and pair up your students. Give each pair
of students enough time so they can reach a proper conclusion, and permit the kids to
share their conclusion in their voice. This way your students will be engaged,
communicating, and remember more of the class than ever before. This activity is also
applicable in Home Economics.
2. Brainstorming
In Home Economics especially in cookery, this activity is applicable in making new recipes.
Interactive brainstorming is mostly performed in group sessions. The process is useful for
generating creative thoughts and ideas. Brainstorming helps students learn to work
together, and above all, learn from each other.
3. Buzz session
Participants come together in session groups that focus on a single topic. Within each
group, every student contributes thoughts and ideas. Encourage discussion and
collaboration among the students within each group. Everyone should learn from each
other’s input and experiences. As a teacher, you could give your students some keywords
to spark the conversation.
4. Misconception check
Discover students' misconceptions. See if students can identify what is the correct answer
when given a false fact. It’s useful when going over a previous lesson. It encourages
students to think deeply and wager all the possibilities. In Agriculture, most of the students
have misconceptions, you can use this activity to correct it in a fun way!
5. Pair-share-repeat
After a Think-pair-share experience, which I’ve written about in the first interactive learning
lesson idea, you can also ask students to find a new partner and share the wisdom of the old
partnership to this new partner.
Let students brainstorm the main points of the last lesson. Then, pair up your students
and assign them 2 roles. One of them is the teacher, and the other is the student. The
teacher’s job is to sketch the main points, while the student’s job is to cross off points
on his list as they are mentioned and come up with 2 to 3 points that the teacher
7. Wisdom from another
After an individual brainstorm or creative activity, pair students to share their results. Then,
call for volunteers who found their partner’s work to be interesting or exemplary. Students
are often more willing to share the work of fellow students publicly than their work. Of
course, you can always encourage sharing their objectives as well.
8. Exit slips
These are best used at the end of the class session. You’ll ask the students to write for one
minute on a specific question. It might be generalized to “what was the most important
thing you learned today”. Then, you can decide if you are going to open up a conversation
about it in your next class. You can ask them if they still remember what they wrote down.
To assist students with a writing assignment, encourage them to exchange drafts with a
partner. The partner reads the essay and writes a three-paragraph response: the first
paragraph outlines the strengths of the essay, the second paragraph discusses the essay’s
problems, and the third paragraph is a description of what the partner would focus on in
revision if it were her essay. Students can learn a lot from each other and themselves as
Divide the class into groups and let them work on the same topic/problem. Let them record
an answer/strategy on paper . Then, ask the groups to switch with a nearby group and let
them evaluate their answer. After a few minutes, allow each set of groups to merge and ask
them to select the best answer from the two choices, which will be presented to the
complete class.
In groups, students discuss examples of movies that made use of a concept or event
discussed in class, trying to identify at least one way the movie makers got it right, and one
way they got it wrong. Think about movies showing historical facts, geographical facts, and
biographies of famous people …
12. Scrabble
Use the chapter (or course) title as the pool of letters from which to make words, and allow
teams to brainstorm as many words relevant to the topic as possible. You can also actually
play scrabble and ask students to form words from the newly learned vocabulary.
13. Who/what am I?
Tape a term or name on the back of each student. You can also tape it on their forehead.
Each student walks around the room, asking “yes or no” questions to the other students in
an effort to guess the term. Of course, the term has something to do with your lesson topic.