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Yap v. CA GR No. 141529

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Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. 141529 June 6, 2001

FRANCISCO YAP, JR., aka EDWIN YAP, petitioner,



The right against excessive bail, and the liberty of abode and travel, are being invoked to set aside two
resolutions of the Court of Appeals which fixed bail at P5,500,000.00 and imposed conditions on change of
residence and travel abroad.

For misappropriating amounts equivalent to P5,500,000.00, petitioner was convicted of estafa by the Regional
Trial Court of Pasig City1 and was sentenced to four years and two months of prision correctional, as minimum
to eight years of prision mayor as maximum, "in addition to one (1) year for each additional P10,000.00 in
excess of P22,000.00 but in no case shall it exceed twenty (20) years."2 He filed a notice of appeal, and moved
to be allowed provisional liberty under the cash bond he had filed earlier in the proceedings. The motion was
denied by the trial court in an order dated February 17,1999.

After the records of the case were transmitted to the Court of Appeals, petitioner filed with the said court a
Motion to Fix Bail For the Provisional Liberty of Accused Appellant Pending Appeal, invoking the last
paragraph of Section 5, Rule 114 of the 1997 Revised Rules of Court. Asked to comment on this motion, the
Solicitor General opined that petitioner may be allowed to post bail in the amount of P5,500,000.00 and be
required to secure "a certification/guaranty from the Mayor of the place of his residence that he is a resident of
the area and that he will remain to be so until final judgment is rendered or in case he transfers residence, it
must be with prior notice to the court and private complainant."3 Petitioner filed a Reply, contending that the
proposed bail ofP5,500,000.00 was violative of his right against excessive bail.

The assailed resolution of the Court of Appeals4, issued on October 6, 1999, upheld the recommendation of
the Solicitor General; thus, its dispositive portion reads:

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the "Motion to Fix Bail For Provisional Liberty of Accused-
Appellant Pending Appeal" is hereby GRANTED. Accused-appellant Francisco Yap, Jr., a.k.a. Edwin
Yap is hereby ALLOWED TO POST BAIL in the amount of Five Million Five Hundred Thousand
(P5,500,000.00) Pesos, subject to the following conditions, viz. :

(1) He (accused-appellant) secures a certification/guaranty from the Mayor of the place of his
residence that he is a resident of the area and that he will remain to be a resident therein until
final judgment is rendered or in case he transfers residence, it must be with prior notice to the

(2) The Commission of lmmigration and Deportation (CID) is hereby directed to issue a hold
departure order against accused-appellant; and

(3) The accused-appellant shall forthwith surrender his passport to the Division Clerk of Court
for safekeeping until the court orders its return;

(4) Any violation of the aforesaid conditions shall cause the forfeiture of accused-appellant's bail
bond, the dismissal of appeal and his immediate arrest and confinement in jail.

A motion for reconsideration was filed, seeking the reduction of the amount of bail fixed by respondent court,
but was denied in a resolution issued on November 25, 1999. Hence, this petition.

Petitioner sets out the following assignments of error:

The respondent Court of Appeals committed grave abuse of discretion in fixing the bail of the
provisional liberty of petitioner pending appeal in the amount of P5 .5 million.

The respondent Court of Appeals committed grave abuse of discretion in basing the bail for the
provisional liberty of the petitioner on his civil liability.

The respondent Court of Appeals unduly restricted petitioner's constitutional liberty of abode and travel
in imposing the other conditions for the grant of bail.

Petitioner contends that the Court of Appeals, by setting bail at a prohibitory amount, effectively denied him his
right to bail. He challenges the legal basis of respondent court for fixing bail at P5,500,000.00, which is
equivalent to the amount of his civil liability to private complainant Manila Mahogany Marketing Corporation,
and argues that the Rules of Court never intended for the civil liability of the accused to be a guideline or basis
for determining the amount of bail. He prays that bail be reduced to at least P40,000.00, citing the maximum
amount of bail that can be posted for the crime of estafa under the 1996 Bail Bond Guide, or P20,000.00,
equivalent to the amount of bail he posted during the trial of the case.6

On the other hand, the Solicitor General maintains that no grave abuse of discretion could be ascribed to the
Court of Appeals for fixing the amount of bail at P5,500,000.00 considering the severity of the penalty imposed,
the weight of the evidence against petitioner, and the gravity of the offense of which petitioner was convicted
by the RTC. He asserted that the P5,500,000.00 not only corresponded to civil liability but also to the amount
of fraud imputed to petitioner. The Solicitor General further pointed out the probability of flight in case petitioner
is released on bail, it having been established that petitioner was in possession of a valid passport and visa
and had in fact left the country several times during the course of the proceedings in the lower court. It was
also shown that petitioner used different names in his business transactions and had several abodes in
different parts of the country.

As for the conditions imposed by the bail bond, the Solicitor General advanced that all that the Court of
Appeals requires is notice in case of change of address; it does not in any way impair petitioner's right to
change abode for as long as the court is apprised of his change of residence during the pendency of the

Petitioner's case falls within the provisions of Section 5, Rule 114 of the 1997 Rules of Court which states:

SEC. 5. Bail, when discretionary. -- Upon conviction by the Regional Trial Court of an offense not
punishable by death, reclusion perpetua or life imprisonment, the court, on application, may admit the
accused to bail.

The court, in its discretion, may allow the accused to continue on provisional liberty under the same bail
bond during the period to appeal subject to the consent of the bondsman.

If the court imposed a penalty of imprisonment exceeding six (6) years, but not more than twenty (20)
years, the accused shall be denied bail, or his bail previously granted shall be cancelled, upon a
showing by the prosecution, with notice to the accused, of the following or other similar circumstances:

(a) That the accused is a recidivist, quasi-recidivist, or habitual delinquent, or has committed the crime
aggravated by the circumstance of reiteration;
(b) That the accused is found to have previously escaped from legal confinement, evaded sentence, or
has violated the conditions of his bail without valid justification;

(c) That the accused committed the offense while on probation, parole, or under conditional pardon;

(d) That the circumstances of the accused or his case indicate the probability of flight if released on
bail; or

(e) That there is undue risk that during the pendency of the appeal, the accused may commit another

The appellate court may review the resolution of the Regional Trial Court, on motion and with notice to
the adverse party.7

There is no question that in the present case the Court of Appeals exercised its discretion in favor of allowing
bail to petitioner on appeal. Respondent court stated that it was doing so for "humanitarian reasons", and
despite a perceived high risk of flight, as by petitioner's admission he went out of the country several times
during the pendency of the case, for which reason the court deemed it necessary to peg the amount of bail at

The prohibition against requiring excessive bail is enshrined in the Constitution.8 The obvious rationale, as
declared in the leading case of De la Camara vs. Enage,9 is that imposing bail in an excessive amount could
render meaningless the right to bail. Thus, in Villaseñor vs. Abano,10 this Court made the pronouncement that it
will not hesitate to exercise its supervisory powers over lower courts should the latter, after holding the
accused entitled to bail, effectively deny the same by imposing a prohibitory sum or exacting unreasonable

xxx There is grim irony in an accused being told that he has a right to bail but at the same time being
required to post such an exorbitant sum. What aggravates the situation is that the lower court judge
would apparently yield to the command of the fundamental law. In reality, such a sanctimonious avowal
of respect for a mandate of the Constitution was on a purely verbal level. There is reason to believe that
any person in the position of petitioner would under the circumstances be unable to resist thoughts of
escaping from confinement, reduced as he must have been to a state of desperation. In the same
breath as he was told he could be bailed out, the excessive amount required could only mean that
provisional liberty would be beyond his reach. It would have been more forthright if he were informed
categorically that such a right could not be availed of. There would have been no disappointment of
expectations then. It does call to mind these words of Justice Jackson, "a promise to the ear to be
broken to the hope, a teasing illusion like a munificent bequest in a pauper's will." XXX 11

At the same time, Section 9, Rule 114 of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure advises courts to consider
the following factors in the setting of the amount of bail:

(a) Financial ability of the accused to give bail;

(b) Nature and circumstances of the offense;

(c) Penalty for the offense charged;

(d) Character and reputation of the accused;

(e) Age and health of the accused;

(f) Weight of the evidence against the accused;

(g) Probability of the accused appearing at the trial;

(h) Forfeiture of other bail;

(i) The fact that the accused was a fugitive from justice when arrested; and

(j) Pendency of other cases where the accused is on bail.

Thus, the court has wide latitude in fixing the amount of bail. Where it fears that the accused may jump bail, it
is certainly not precluded from installing devices to ensure against the same. Options may include increasing
the bail bond to an appropriate level, or requiring the person to report periodically to the court and to make an
accounting of his movements.12 In the present case, where petitioner was found to have left the country
several times while the case was pending, the Court of Appeals required the confiscation of his passport and
the issuance of a hold-departure order against him.

Under the circumstances of this case, we find that appropriate conditions have been imposed in the bail bond
to ensure against the risk of flight, particularly, the combination of the hold-departure order and the requirement
that petitioner inform the court of any change of residence and of his whereabouts. Although an increase in the
amount of bail while the case is on appeal may be meritorious, we find that the setting of the amount at
P5,500,000.00 is unreasonable, excessive, and constitutes an effective denial of petitioner's right to bail.

The purpose for bail is to guarantee the appearance of the accused at the trial, 13 or whenever so required by
the Court14. The amount should be high enough to assure the presence of the accused when required but no
higher than is reasonably calculated to fulfill this purpose.15 To fix bail at an amount equivalent to the civil
liability of which petitioner is charged (in this case, P5,500,000.00).is to permit the impression that the amount
paid as bail is an exaction of the civil liability that accused is charged of; this we cannot allow because bail is
not intended as a punishment, nor as a satisfaction of civil liability which should necessarily await the judgment
of the appellate court.

At the same time, we cannot yield to petitioner's submission that bail in the instant case be set at P40,000.00
based on the 1996 Bail Bond Guide. (The current Bail Bond Guide, issued on August 29, 2000, maintains
recommended bail at P40,000.00 for estafa where the amount of fraud is P142,000.00 or over and the
imposable penalty 20 years of reclusion temporal). True, the Court has held that the Bail Bond Guide, a
circular of the Department of Justice for the guidance of state prosecutors, although technically not binding
upon the courts, "merits attention, being in a sense an expression of policy of the Executive Branch, through
the Department of Justice, in the enforcement of criminal laws."16 Thus, courts are advised that they must not
only be aware but should also consider the Bail Bond Guide due to its significance in the administration of
criminal justice.17 This notwithstanding, the Court is not precluded from imposing in petitioner's case an amount
higher than P40,000.00 (based on the Bail Bond Guide) where it perceives that an appropriate increase is
dictated by the circumstances.

It militates emphasis that petitioner is seeking bail on appeal. Section 5, Rule 114 of the Revised Rules of
Criminal Procedure is clear that although the grant of bail on appeal is non-capital offenses is discretionary,
when the penalty imposed on the convicted accused exceeds six years and circumstances exist that point to
the probability of flight if released on bail, then the accused must be denied bail, or his bail previously granted
should be cancelled.18 In the same vein, the Court has held that the discretion to extend bail during the course
of the appeal should be exercised with grave caution and for strong reasons, considering that the accused had
been in fact convicted by the trial court.19 In an earlier case, the Court adopted Senator Vicente J. Francisco's
disquisition on why bail should be denied after judgment of conviction as a matter of wise discretion; thus:

The importance attached to conviction is due to the underlying principle that bail should be granted only
where it is uncertain whether the accused is guilty or innocent, and therefore, where that uncertainty is
removed by conviction it would, generally speaking, be absurd to admit to bail. After a person has been
tried and convicted the presumption of innocence which may be relied upon in prior applications is
rebutted, and the burden is upon the accused to show error in the conviction. From another point of
view it may be properly argued that the probability of ultimate punishment is so enhanced by the
conviction that the accused is much more likely to attempt to escape if liberated on bail than before
Petitioner is seeking bail on appeal. He was in fact declared guilty beyond reasonable doubt by the RTC, and
due to the serious amount of fraud involved, sentenced to imprisonment for twenty years --the maximum
penalty for estafa by false pretenses or fraudulent acts allowed by the Revised Penal Code. Although it cannot
be controverted that the Court of Appeals, despite the foregoing considerations and the possibility of flight still
wielded its discretion to grant petitioner bail, the setting of bail in the amount of P5,500,000.00 is unjustified as
having no legal nor factual basis. Guided by the penalty imposed by the lower court and the weight of the
evidence against petitioner, we believe that the amount of P200,000.00 is more reasonable.

Petitioner also contests the condition imposed by the Court of Appeals that he secure "a certification/guaranty
from the Mayor of the place of his residence that he is a resident of the area and that he will remain to be a
resident therein until final judgment is rendered or in case he transfers residence, it must be with prior notice to
the court", claiming that the same violates his liberty of abode and travel.

Notably, petitioner does not question the hold-departure order which prevents him from leaving the Philippines
unless expressly permitted by the court which issued the order.21 In fact, the petition submits that "the hold-
departure order against petitioner is already sufficient guarantee that he will not escape. Thus, to require him to
inform the court every time he changed his residence is already unnecessary."22

The right to change abode and travel within the Philippines, being invoked by petitioner, are not absolute
rights. Section 6, Article III of the 1987 Constitution states:

The liberty of abode and of changing the same within the limits prescribed by law shall not be impaired
except upon lawful order of the court. Neither shall the right to travel be impaired except in the interest
of national security, public safety, or public health, as may be provided by law.

The order of the Court of Appeals releasing petitioner on bail constitutes such lawful order as contemplated by
the above provision.23 The condition imposed by the Court of Appeals is simply consistent with the nature and
function of a bail bond, which is to ensure that petitioner will make himself available at all times whenever the
Court requires his presence. Besides, a closer look at the questioned condition will show that petitioner is not
prevented from changing abode; he is merely required to inform the court in case he does so.

WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. Petitioner's bail pending appeal is reduced from
P5,500,000.00 to P200,000.00. In all other respects, the resolutions of the Court of Appeals, dated October 6,
1999 and November 25, 1999, respectively, are AFFIRMED. No pronouncement as to costs.


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