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Vermicompost Economics

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Economics of Production and Marketing of Vermicompost in Chitwan, Nepal

Article · November 2014

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5 authors, including:

Deepa Devkota Shiv Chandra Dhakal

Nepal Agricultural Research Council AFU


Durga Datta Dhakal Dinesh Dhakal

Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science University of Missouri


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International Journal of Agricultural and Soil Science (ISSN: 2315-9989) Vol. 2(7) pp. 112-117, October, 2014
Available online
Copyright ©2014 International Invention Journals

Full Length Research Paper

Economics of Production and Marketing of

Vermicompost in Chitwan, Nepal
Deepa Devkota1, S. C. Dhakal2, D. Dhakal3, D. D. Dhakal.PhD4, R. B. Ojha5
Technical Officer (Soil Science), National Agriculture Research Council (NARC), Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal.
Asst. Prof. Dept of Agricultural Econ. and Agri-business Mgt., Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur, Chitwan, Nepal.
Asst. Prof. Department of Agricultural Economics, Tribhuwan University, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science.
Prof. Department of Horticulture, Tribhuwan University, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science.
Assist. Prof. Department of Soil Science, Purwanchal University, Himalayan College of Agriculture Science and Technology,
Kalanki, Kathmandu, Nepal.

The information on production and marketing of vermicompost was collected from all the 32
vermicompost producers within the study area and 32 adjacent non-producers were selected through
snowball sampling making the total respondents' size of 64. The non-producers were farmers with few
of them vermicompost users. The total cost of production was Rs. 15.68 per kg compost and was Rs.
0.40 per earthworm. The net profit was Rs. 9.32 per kg. Undiscounted benefit cost ratio for
vermicompost considering total variable cost and gross cost was 4.30 and 2.55 respectively. Financial
viability of average size vermicomposting firm for the economic life of five years was found feasible
with respect to Net Present Value (NPV) Rs. 73997.92, discounted Benefit Cost Ratio (B: C) 1.55,
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 65 % and Payback period 1.72 years. Direct selling of the vermicompost
by producers to the local consumers was observed as the strongest marketing channel. However there
were few instances of marketing through cooperatives and traders as well. Producers' share for
vermicompost marketing through cooperatives was higher i.e. 88 % as compared to marketing through
traders i.e. 71 %. The study revealed that vermicompost production is a highly feasible enterprise from
which the producer can enjoy economic benefits.

Keywords: Vermicompost economics, Vermicompost production, Vermicompost marketing.


Vermicomposting is a simple technology for converting in vermicomposting such as Eisenia foetida, Eisenia
half decomposed organic wastes into organic compost anderi, Lumbricus rebellus, Epiges, Endoges etc. In
with the help of earthworms. On the one hand organic Nepal, Eisenia foetida is the commonly used earthworm
farming is gaining its popularity and on the other hand species for vermicomposting.
organic waste management is becoming a burning Vermicompost is one of the best alternatives among
issue. The best option to merge these is through organic manures as a soil amendment input.
vermicomposting. According to Practical Action Nepal Vermicompost production is a viable option to increase
(2008) organic wastes account for 50 % to 70 % of total farm income but inadequate research and problem
solid wastes which can be managed through analysis activities have been carried out to date in the
vermicomposting to produce organic manure. production, processing and marketing aspects of
Vermicomposting is an effective method of converting vermicompost. At present, vermicompost marketing is
"garbage to gold” (Vermi Co, 2001; Tara Crescent, unorganized with ill-defined marketing channels. Though
2003). Different species of earthworms are used in the sale of this organic input to the fellow farmers and
between some organizations is occasionally evident, its
marketing on a commercial scale is rare. There are no
adequate policy guidelines regarding vermicompost
*Corresponding Author Email: production, processing and marketing from the perspective of commercialization. Both producers and
Devkota et al. 113

consumers will benefit through better identification of Benefit cost ratio (B: C2) = Gross return (Rs.) / Gross
marketing system with low marketing margin and higher cost (Rs.)
producer's share. Thus, identification of appropriate To determine the financial viability net present value,
marketing channels with lower marketing margin and discounted benefit cost ratio, internal rate of return and
higher producer's share would let the producers obtain payback period were calculated for the economic life of
higher benefits from vermicompost production. Hence, five years. For calculating present value of benefit and
this research was carried out to meet following objective: cost the discount rate of 12 % was considered as it is the
 To study the economics of production and marketing interest rate for agricultural loan by Nepalese
of vermicompost in Chitwan, Nepal. government.
 To assess financial viability of average size Marketing margin is the difference between retailer's
vermicomposting firm. price and farm gate price which was calculated as:
 To determine the appropriate marketing channel of Marketing margin = Retailer price (Pr) –Farm gate price (Pf)
vermicompost. Similarly, producer's share is the ratio of price
received by producer to price paid by consumer
expressed in percentage which was calculated using the
Producer's share = (Pf / Pr) ×100%
An interview schedule was prepared for collecting Where,
primary information from both vermicompost producers Pf = Price received by producer or farm gate price (Rs.)
and adjacent non producers. Census survey was done Pr = Price received by retailer or price paid by consumer
that included all the vermicompost producers within the (Rs.)
district. Altogether, there were 32 vermicompost The marketing efficiency was measured empirically
producers within the district at the time of survey. with the help of Acharya's Modified Approach for
Similarly 32 adjacent non producers were selected by Marketing Efficiency (Acharya and Agrawal, 1999).
snow ball sampling. Snow ball sampling is non MME = FP/ (MC + MM)
probability sampling technique in which a respondent Where, MME = Modified measure of marketing efficiency
gives information about other respondents in his or FP = Price received by the producer (Rs.)
contact. Thus, the total respondent size was 64. The MC = Marketing cost (Rs.)
primary and secondary information obtained from the MM = Marketing margin (Rs.)
survey was coded, tabulated and analyzed by using
Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 16.0),
Stata 12 and Microsoft Excel. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
The total cost of production was calculated by
adding total variable cost and total fixed cost. Total Socio-economic characteristics of the respondents
variable cost included cost of organic wastes, cost of
water, labor cost, packaging cost, transportation cost The average age of respondents for producers was
and maintenance cost. Likewise, total fixed cost included about 45 years and for non-producers it was about 48
interest on capital and depreciation cost. Tax payment years. In case of producers, 50 % of the respondents
was not observed among the producers in the study were male and 50 % of them were female whereas for
area. So it was not included as fixed cost item. non-producers 75 % of them were male and 25 % were
According to Dillon and Hardaker (1993) gross female. Most of the respondents had their qualification
margin is the difference between gross return and above School Leaving Certificate (SLC) in both cases.
variable cost incurred. Gross margin was calculated as: The average years of schooling of producers were
Gross margin (Rs.) = Gross return (Rs.) – Total variable slightly more i.e. 8 years than that of non-producers i.e.
cost (Rs.) 7.81 years. Most of the producers were Brahmin (78 %)
Where, followed by Chhetri (19 %) and Indigenous/Ethnic (3 %).
Gross return = Price (Rs.) × Total quantity produced (Kg) Similarly, most of the non-producers were also Brahmin
Total variable cost = Summation of cost incurred in all (75 %) followed by Indigenous/Ethnic (19 %). In both
the variable items cases, most of them followed Hinduism followed by
Similarly, net profit was calculated as: Buddhism. About 88 % of the producers and 75 % of the
Net profit (Rs.) = Gross return (Rs.) – Gross cost (Rs.) non- producers had agriculture as their primary
Where, occupation. Out of total respondents, about 69 % of the
Gross cost (Rs.) = Total fixed cost (Rs.) + Total variable producers and only about 6 % of the non- producers had
cost (Rs.) received training on vermicompost production. The study
The benefit cost analysis was carried out by using revealed that economically active members were about
following formulas: 71 % in case of producers and 80 % in case of non-
Benefit cost ratio (B: C1) = Gross return (Rs.) / Total producers which was higher than district average of
variable cost (Rs.) 61.91 % (DDC, 2013) in both cases. The average land
114 Int. J. Agric. Soil Sci.

holding of producers was more than that of non- of earthworm reared was about 98 thousand. Thus
producers which was 0.48 ha in case of producers and financial viability for vermicompost production was
0.45 ha in case of non-producers. The average livestock determined for a firm with average earthworm numbers
standard unit for producers was 13.42 whereas average for economic life of five years. Cash inflow, outflow and
livestock standard unit for non-producers was 11.02. incremental net benefit with their present values for the
economic life of five years are shown in Table 4.
The variable costs and the benefit were kept
Economics of vermicompost production and constant for each year. The net present value calculated
marketing at 12 % discount rate was around Rs. 74000. Similarly,
discounted benefit cost ratio was 1.55 which means that
Cost of vermicompost production every single rupee of initial investment yields a net
benefit of Rs. 1.55 from vermicompost producing firm
The total cost of vermicompost production was derived with average number of earthworm. The internal rate of
by adding variable cost and fixed cost. Most of the return was 65 % which was very high as compared to
vermicompost producers used the variable inputs required rate of return i.e. 12 %. Higher internal rate of
available at home for vermicompost production. The return was due to the use of home available organic
average variable cost per kg compost was about Rs. 11 wastes and other resources; due to short duration of the
and per earthworm was Rs. 0.25. Likewise, the average enterprise to produce final output i.e. vermicompost gets
fixed cost per kg compost was about Rs. 5 and per ready within 40 to 45 days (Bajracharya and Lakhe,
earthworm was Rs. 0.15. The variable cost and fixed 2013) and due to low initial investment. The payback
cost comprised about 68 % and 32 % of the total cost of period appeared to be 1.72 years (Table 5). The values
production respectively (Table 1). of these all parameters indicated that vermicompost
production is financially viable. But for vermicompost
production at commercial scale all these indicators
Gross margin and Net profit should be studied accordingly.
Shivakumara (2008) in his study about production
Gross margin shows the clear picture on whether or not and marketing of vermicompost in Karnataka, India have
the variable cost incurred in the production process is done the financial feasibility analysis for vermicompost
covered by the value of the product. While calculating production units which revealed that the net present
net profit both variable and fixed costs are considered. value (NPV) was around IRs. 99800 at 12 % discount
The gross margin of vermicompost was around 21 rate. The benefit cost ratio was 3.44 and the internal rate
thousand rupees and the net profit was around 16 of return (IRR) was 38 %. Furthermore, payback period
thousand rupees (Table 2). (PBP) for vermicompost production appeared to be 1.71
years. The net present value and benefit cost ratio for
this study appeared lower as compared to findings made
Undiscounted benefit cost ratio by Shivakumara (2008) but the internal rate of return
appeared much higher for this study. The payback
Any enterprise is considered feasible when benefit cost period was nearly equal for both the studies.
ratio is greater than 1. The undiscounted benefit cost
ratio for vermicompost was calculated by two ways: one
by considering total variable cost (B:C1) and next by Marketing channels and marketed volume of
considering gross cost (B:C2). The study revealed that vermicompost and earthworm
B:C1 was 4.30 and B:C2 was 2.55 (Table 3). This
indicates that vermicompost production is feasible Marketing channel refers to the route through which a
enterprise. commodity passes from the site of production to the site
The undiscounted benefit cost ratio considering total of consumption. Specialized market for vermicompost
variable cost appeared higher as compared to the was not observed in the study area. The major portion of
benefit cost ratio obtained by Reddy et al., (2009) in a vermicompost i.e. 85 % was found to be marketed
study carried out on economics of vermicompost directly from producers to the local consumers. The local
production in Coorg district of Southern Karnataka, India consumers were farmers, researchers, government
which was 1.78 and 1.52 for the vat method and heap agencies and NGO/INGOs. Maximum volume was
method, respectively. marketed to the farmers i.e. 70%. Some consumers
were found to buy vermicompost from cooperatives. Out
of total producers in the study area, only a single
Financial viability of vermicompost producing firm producer was found to sell some portion of produced
with average earthworms in the study area vermicompost to the trader from another district.
No vermicompost trader was found to be involved in
From the study it was observed that the average number the process of marketing within the district. Most of the
Devkota et al. 115

Table 1. Cost of vermicompost production (Rs.) in the study area

Cost items Per kg compost Per earthworm

Average Min Max Average Min Max
Variable cost 10.73 (68.43) 1.94 27.66 0.25 (62.50) 0.01 0.97
Fixed cost 4.95 (31.57) 0.08 16.01 0.15 (37.50) 0.01 0.77
Total 15.68 (100) 2.02 43.67 0.40 (100) 0.02 1.74
Figures in parentheses indicate percentage of cost
Source: Field Survey, 2013

Table 2. Gross margin and net profit analysis of vermicompost production in the study area

Commodity Gross Total Variable Gross Margin Total Fixed Net Profit Net Profit
Return (Rs.) Cost (Rs.) (Rs.) Cost (Rs.) (Rs.) (Rs/kg)
Vermicompost 26816.41 6246.63 20569.78 4290.23 16279.55 9.32
Source: Field Survey, 2013

Table 3. Undiscounted benefit cost ratio of vermicompost production in the study area

Commodity Gross return Total variable cost Gross cost (Rs.) B:C1 B:C2
(Rs.) (Rs.)
Vermicompost 26816.41 6246.63 10536.86 4.30 2.55
Source: Field Survey, 2013

Table 4. Cash flows in vermicompost production

Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 Total
Cost (Rs.) 47078.43 24135.86 24135.86 24135.86 24135.86 24135.86 -
Benefit (Rs.) 0 57675.02 57675.02 57675.02 57675.02 57675.02 -
INB (Rs.) -47078.4 33539.15 33539.15 33539.15 33539.15 33539.15 -
Discount factor (%) 1 0.89 0.80 0.71 0.64 0.57 -
PV of benefit (Rs.) 0 51330.77 46140.01 40949.26 36912.01 32874.76 208206.8
PV of cost (Rs.) 47078.43 21480.92 19308.69 17136.46 15446.95 13757.44 134208.9
PV of INB (Rs.) -47078.4 29849.85 26831.32 23812.8 21465.06 19117.32 73997.92
Source: Field Survey, 2013
INB = Incremental Net Benefit
PV = Present Value

Table 5. Financial viability of vermicompost production unit with average earthworm number in the study area

S.N. Particulars Values

1. Net present value (Rs.) (@ 12 % discount rate) 73997.92
2. Benefit cost ratio (@ 12 % discount rate) 1.55
3. Internal rate of return (%) 65
4. Payback period (Yrs.) 1.72
Source: Field Survey, 2013

produced vermicompost was consumed within the components that determine marketing efficiency. Lower
district and only a very small amount was found to be marketing margin and higher producer's share indicates
disposed to Kathmandu valley market and other districts. efficient marketing. Three marketing channels were
observed for vermicompost marketing in the study area.
They were:
Marketing Cost, Marketing Margin, Producer's Share Producer-seller Consumers (Channel – I)
and Marketing Efficiency Producers Cooperatives (Re.1/kg) Consumers
(Channel – II)
(Rs.0.5/kg) (Rs.2.5/kg)
Marketing margin and producer's share are the major Producer Trader Consumers
116 Int. J. Agric. Soil Sci.


Trader 5% 85% 10% Co-operatives


70% 5% 15% 10%

Farmers Researchers Government NGO/INGOs


Figure 1. Marketing channels and marketed volume of vermicompost within the study area

Table 6. Marketing cost, marketing margin, producer's share and marketing efficiency for vermicompost

Marketing channels
Price received by producer (Rs/kg) 25 22 20
Total marketing costs (Rs/kg) 1.5 2 3
Retailer's price (Rs/kg) - 25 28
Total marketing margins (Rs/kg) - 3 8
Producer's share (%) - 88 71.43
Index of marketing efficiency (MME) - 4.4 1.82
Source: Field Survey, 2013


Figure 1. Marketing channels for vermicompost with
marketing costs in the study area The study on economics of vermicompost production
Channel – I was most common marketing channel and marketing indicated that it is profitable enterprise
followed by channel – II. Channel – III was observed with better net profits and benefit cost ratio. Direct
only for a single producer who sold vermicompost to the marketing of vermicompost from producer to consumer
trader from another district. Marketing costs involved was found to be the strongest marketing channel
cost of packaging materials like plastics, gunny bags etc. however marketing through cooperatives and trader was
and transportation cost. For channel – I total marketing also found in few instances. Marketing through
cost was Rs. 1.5/kg which included Rs. 0.5/kg packaging cooperatives was found to be more efficient as
cost and Re. 1/kg transportation cost. For channel – II compared to marketing through trader because both
total marketing cost was Rs. 2/kg out of which producer producers' share and marketing efficiency index was
bear Re. 1/kg (i.e. Rs. 0.5/kg packaging cost and Rs. higher for former as compared to later. From the
0.5/kg transportation cost) and cooperatives bear Re. financial viability study we can conclude that
1/kg. For channel – III total marketing cost was Rs. 3/kg vermicompost production is feasible enterprise.
out of which producer bear Rs. 0.5/kg (i.e. only Appropriate supply chain of organic waste and cow dung
packaging cost) and trader bear Rs. 2.5/kg. can attract people to produce vermicompost on a large
Transportation cost for producers decreased with the scale. At present context demand for vermicompost is
involvement of intermediaries. For channel – III trader increasing and government is also giving subsidy which
used to collect vermicompost from farm gate so is appreciative. Based on the findings of the study, the
producer did not bear any transportation cost. Channel – following suggestions are made:
II was more efficient because both producers' share and  Cooperative marketing should be promoted.
marketing efficiency index was higher for channel – II as  There should be provision for better market
compared to channel – III (Table 6). information.
Devkota et al. 117

 Organized marketing channel should be established. DDC (2013). "Chitwan district: An introduction", Information and
management center, Chitwan, Nepal.
Dillion JL, Hardaker JB (1993). "Farm management research for small
farmer development", FAO Farm Management Series, Rome. p. 30.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Practical Action Nepal (2008). "Best practices on solid waste
management of Nepalese cities", Practical Action Nepal, PO Box
15135, Pandol Marga, Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Above all, we are thankful to Institute of Agriculture and Reddy BV, Honnaiah C, Reddy PNS, Kale RD, Balakrishna AN (2009).
Animal Science (IAAS), Chitwan, Nepal and Department "Economics of vermicompost production and marketing in Southern
of Agricultural Economics (IAAS). We are particularly Karnataka", Mysore J. Agric. Sci., Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 125-131.
grateful to CQU/IAAS PSLP Bio-waste Management Shivakumara C (2008). "Production and marketing of vermicompost in
Karnataka: A case of Dharwad district", unpublished M.Sc. Thesis.
Project, Australia/Aus-AID which provided necessary University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India.
financial support and assistantship for this research. Tara C (2003). "Vermicomposting. Development Alternatives (DA)
Special thanks should be given to the respondents of the Sustainable Livelihoods".
survey for the valuable information, precious time and Vermi Co (2001). "Vermicomposting technology for waste
management and agriculture: An executive summary". PO Box 2334,
hospitality during the field visit. Grants Pass, OR 97528, USA: Vermi Co.

REFERENCES How to cite this article: Devkota D, Dhakal SC, Dhakal D, Dhakal DD,
Ojha RB (2014). Economics of Production and Marketing of
Acharya SS, Agrawal NL (1999). "Agricultural marketing in India", Vermicompost in Chitwan, Nepal. Int. J. Agric. Soil Sci. Vol. 2(7): 112-
Oxford and IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, India. p. 402. 117
Bajracharya S, Lakhe L (2013). "Gadyauli compostmal" (in Nepali),
Soil science department, Nepal Agriculture Research Center (NARC),
Khumaltar, Lalitpur, Nepal.

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