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This specification covers the requirements for stainless steel bolts, hex cap screws, and studs in various alloys intended for applications requiring corrosion resistance.

Seven groups of stainless steel alloys are covered, including twelve austenitic, two ferritic, four martensitic, and one precipitation hardening.

Supplementary requirements of an optional nature are provided, applicable only when agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.

Designation: F 593 – 02e2

Standard Specification for

Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 593; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

e1 NOTE—Table 2 was editorially corrected in February 2004.

e2 NOTE—Section 4.2 was editorially corrected in October 2004.

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This specification covers the requirements for stainless 2.1 ASTM Standards: 2
steel bolts, hex cap screws, and studs 0.25 to 1.50 in., inclusive, A 262 Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranu-
in nominal diameter in a number of alloys in common use and lar Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels
intended for service applications requiring general corrosion A 276 Specification for Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
resistance. A 342/A 342M Test Methods for Permeability of Feebly
1.2 Seven groups of stainless steel alloys are covered, Magnetic Materials
including twelve austenitic, two ferritic, four martensitic, and A 380 Practice for Cleaning, Descaling, and Passivation of
one precipitation hardening. Stainless Steel Parts, Equipment, and Systems
Group AlloysA ConditionB A 484/A 484M Specification for General Requirements for
1 304, 305, 384, 304 L, (CW) cold workedC Stainless Steel Bars, Billets, and Forgings
18-9LW, 302HQD
2 316, 316 L (CW) cold workedC
A 493 Specification for Stainless Steel Wire and Wire Rods
3 321, 347 (CW) cold workedC for Cold Heading and Cold Forging
4 430E (CW) cold workedC A 555/A 555M Specification for General Requirements for
5 410F (H) hardened and tempered
6 431 (H) hardened and tempered
Stainless Steel Wire and Wire Rods
7 630 (AH) age hardened A 564/A 564M Specification for Hot-Rolled and Cold-
Unless otherwise specified on the inquiry and order, the choice of an alloy from Finished Age-Hardening Stainless Steel Bars and Shapes
within a group shall be at the discretion of the fastener manufacturer (see 6.1). A 582/A 582M Specification for Free-Machining Stainless
See 4.2 for options.
Steel Bars
Sizes 0.75 in. and larger may be hot worked and solution annealed.
When approved by the purchaser, Alloys 303, 303Se, or XM1 may be A 751 Test Methods, Practices, and Terminology for
furnished. Chemical Analysis of Steel Products
When approved by the purchaser, Alloy 430F may be furnished. A 967 Specification for Chemical Passivation Treatments
When approved by the purchaser, Alloys 416 or 416Se may be furnished.
for Stainless Steel Parts
1.3 Supplementary requirements of an optional nature are
D 3951 Practice for Commercial Packaging
provided, applicable only when agreed upon between the
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of the inquiry and
Determine Conformance with Specifications
F 594 Specification for Stainless Steel Nuts
1.4 Suitable nuts for use with bolts, hex cap screws, and
F 606 Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Prop-
studs included in this specification are covered by Specification
erties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners,
F 594. Unless otherwise specified, all nuts used on these
Washers, and Rivets
fasteners shall conform to the requirements of Specification
F 1470 Guide for Fastener Sampling for Specified Me-
F 594, shall be of the same alloy group, and shall have a
chanical Properties and Performance Inspection
specified minimum proof stress equal to or greater than the
2.2 ASME Standards:3
specified minimum full-size tensile strength of the externally
B1.1 Unified Inch Screw Threads
threaded fastener.

For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F16 on contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Fasteners and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F16.04 on Nonferrous Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Fasteners. the ASTM website.
Current edition approved April 10, 2002. Published May 2002. Originally Available from Global Engineering Documents, 15 Inverness Way, East
published as F 593 – 78. Last previous edition F 593 – 01. Englewood, CO 80112.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

F 593 – 02e2
B18.2.1 Square and Hex Bolts and Screws, Including Hex 5. Heat Treatment
Cap Screws 5.1 Alloy Groups 1, 2, and 3 (Austenitic Alloys 303, 303Se,
304, 304 L, 305, 316, 316 L, 321, 347, 384, XM1, 18-9LW, and
3. Ordering Information 302HQ):
3.1 Orders for bolts, hex cap screws, and studs under this 5.1.1 Condition A—When Condition A is specified, the
specification shall include the following: austenitic alloys shall be heated to 1900 6 50°F (1038 6
3.1.1 Quantity (number of pieces of each item and size), 28°C), at which time the chromium carbide will go into the
3.1.2 Name of item (bolt, hex cap screw, stud, etc.), solution, be held for a sufficient time, and then be cooled at a
3.1.3 Size (nominal diameter, threads per inch, length; see rate sufficient to prevent precipitation of the carbide and to
Section 9), provide the specified properties.
3.1.4 Alloy group number (see 6.1), and 5.1.2 Condition CW—When Condition CW is specified, the
3.1.5 Condition (see 4.2). austenitic alloys shall be annealed in accordance with 5.1.1,
3.2 Orders for bolts, hex cap screws, and studs under this generally by the raw material manufacturer and then cold
specification may include the following optional requirements: worked to develop the specified properties.
3.2.1 Forming (see 4.1.2), 5.1.3 Condition AF—When Condition AF is specified, the
3.2.2 Rolled or cut threads (see 4.1.3), austenitic alloys shall be annealed in accordance with 5.1.1
3.2.3 Composition (see 6.2), after all cold working (including heading and threading) has
3.2.4 Corrosion Resistance (see 8.1), been completed.
3.2.5 Finish (see 10.3),
5.2 Alloy Group 4 (Ferritic Alloys 430 and 430F):
3.2.6 Rejection (see 16.1), and
5.2.1 Condition A—The ferritic alloys shall be heated to a
3.2.7 Test report (see 17.2).
temperature of 1450 6 50°F (788 6 28°C), held for an
3.2.8 Supplementary requirements, if any, to be specified on
appropriate time, and then air cooled to provide the specified
the order (see S1 through S8), and
3.2.9 ASTM specification and year of issue. When year of
issue is not specified, fasteners shall be furnished to the latest 5.2.2 Condition CW—When Condition CW is specified, the
issue. ferritic alloys shall be annealed in accordance with 5.2.1,
generally by the raw material manufacturer and then cold
NOTE 1—Example 10 000 pieces, Hex Cap Screw, 0.250 in. −20 3 3.00 worked to develop the specified properties.
in., Alloy Group 1, Condition CW, Furnish Test Report, Supplementary
5.2.3 Condition AF—When Condition AF is specified, the
Requirement S3.
ferritic alloys shall be annealed in accordance with 5.2.1 after
4. Manufacture all cold working (including heading and threading) has been
4.1 Manufacture:
5.3 Alloy Group 5 (Martensitic Alloys 410, 416, and 416Se):
4.1.1 Specifications A 276, A 493, A 564/A 564M, and
A 582/A 582M are noted for information only as suitable 5.3.1 Condition H—When Condition H is specified, the
sources of material for the manufacture of bolts, hex cap Martensitic Alloys 410, 416, and 416Se shall be hardened and
screws, and studs to this specification. tempered by heating to 1850 6 50°F (1010 6 28°C) sufficient
4.1.2 Forming—Unless otherwise specified, the fasteners for austenitization, held for at least 1⁄2 h and rapid air- or
shall be cold formed, hot formed, or machined from suitable oil-quenched, and then reheating to 1050°F (565°C) minimum
material at the option of the manufacturer. for at least 1 h and air cooled to provide the specified
4.1.3 Threads—Unless otherwise specified, the threads shall properties.
be rolled or cut at the option of the manufacturer. 5.3.2 Condition HT—When Condition HT is specified, the
4.2 Condition—The fasteners shall be furnished in the Martensitic Alloys 410, 416, and 416Se shall be hardened and
following conditions, unless specified to be furnished in one of tempered by heating to 1850 6 50°F (1010 6 28°C) sufficient
the optional conditions: for austenitization, held for at least 1⁄2 h and rapid air- or
Condition Furnished Unless Optional Conditions (must
oil-quenched, and then reheating to 525°F (274°C) minimum
Alloy Group Otherwise Specified be specified) for at least 1 h and air cooled to provide the specified
1, 2, 3 CW AF, A, SH properties.
4 CW A
5 H HT 5.4 Alloy Group 6 (Martensitic Alloy 431):
6 H HT 5.4.1 Conditions H and HT—Martensitic Alloy 431 shall be
7 AH none
hardened and tempered in accordance with 5.3.1 and 5.3.2 as
A— Machined from annealed or solution-annealed stock thus retaining the
properties of the original material; or hot-formed and solution annealed. applicable.
AF— Headed and rolled from annealed stock and then reannealed. 5.5 Alloy Group 7 (Precipitation Hardening Alloy 630):
AH— Solution-annealed and age-hardened after forming.
CW— Headed and rolled from annealed stock thus acquiring a degree of cold 5.5.1 Condition AH—Precipitation Hardening Alloy 630
work. Sizes 0.75 in. and larger may be hot-worked and solution- shall be solution annealed and aged by heating to 1900 6 25°F
annealed. (1038 6 14°C) for at least 1⁄2 h and rapid air- or oil-quenched
H— Hardened and tempered at 1050°F (565°C) minimum.
HT— Hardened and tempered at 525°F (274°C) minimum. to 80°F (27°C) maximum, then reheating to a temperature of
SH— Machined from strain-hardened stock or cold-worked to develop the 1150 6 15°F (621 6 8°C) for 4 h and air cooled to provide the
specific properties. specified properties.

F 593 – 02e2
6. Chemical Composition 6.3.1 When performed, product analysis to determine
6.1 Alloy Groups—It is the intent of this specification that chemical composition shall be performed on at least one fully
fasteners shall be ordered by alloy group numbers, which manufactured finished fastener representing each lot. The
include alloys considered to be chemically equivalent for chemical composition thus determined shall conform to the
general purpose use. The alloy groupings are shown as follows. requirements of Table 1 for the specified alloy or alloy group as
The purchaser has the option of ordering a specific alloy, in appropriate, subject to the Product Analysis Tolerance in
stead of an alloy group number, as permitted in 6.2.2. Specifications A 484/A 484M and A 555/A 555M.
Alloy Group Alloys
6.3.2 In the event of discrepancy, a referee chemical analy-
1 304, 304 L, 305, 384, 18-9LW, 302HQA sis of samples from each lot shall be made in accordance with
2 316, 316 L 14.1.
3 321, 347
4 430B
5 410C
7. Mechanical Properties
6 431 7.1 The finished fasteners shall meet the applicable me-
7 630
chanical property and test requirements of Table 2 and Table 3
When approved by the purchaser, Alloys 303, 303Se, or XM1 may be as appropriate for the specified alloy group and condition and
When approved by the purchaser, Alloy 430F may be furnished.
shall be tested for conformance to the mechanical property
When approved by the purchaser, Alloys 416 or 416Se may be furnished. requirements as specified herein.
6.2 Chemical Composition Limits: 7.2 Fasteners having a nominal thread diameter-length com-
6.2.1 Ordering by Alloy Group—Unless otherwise specified bination as follows:
on the inquiry and order (see Supplementary Requirement S4), Thread Diameter, in. Thread Length, in.
0.75 or less 2.25 D or longer
the choice of an alloy from within a group shall be at the Over 0.75 3 D or longer
discretion of the fastener manufacturer as required by his
and a breaking load of 120 000 lbf (535 kN) or less shall be tested full size and
method of fastener fabrication and material availability. The shall meet the full-size tensile (minimum and maximum) and yield strength re-
specific alloy used by the fastener manufacturer shall be clearly quirements in Table 2 for the specified alloy.
identified on any certification required by the order and shall 7.3 Fasteners having a nominal thread diameter-length com-
have a chemical composition conforming to the requirements bination in accordance with 7.2 and a breaking load exceeding
of Table 1 for the specific alloy. 120 000 lbf (535 kN) shall be tested full-size and shall meet the
6.2.2 Ordering by Specific Alloy—When ordered by a spe- full size tensile (minimum and maximum) and yield strength
cific alloy number, the fasteners shall conform to the chemical properties in Table 2. When equipment of sufficient capacity
composition limits of Table 1 for the specific alloy. for such tests is not available, or if excessive length of the
6.3 Product Analysis: fasteners makes full-size testing impractical, use of standard or

TABLE 1 Chemical Requirements

Alloy UNS Alloy Composition, % maximum except as shown

Group Designa-
Carbon Manga- Phos- Sulfur Silicon Chromium Nickel Copper Molybdenum Others
nese phorus
Austenitic Alloys
1 S30300 303 0.15 2.00 0.20 0.15 min 1.00 17.0 to 19.0 8.0 to 10.0 ... 0.60 maxA ...
1 S30323 303 Se 0.15 2.00 0.20 0.060 1.00 17.0 to 19.0 8.0 to 10.0 ... ... Se 0.15 min
1 S30400 304 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 18.0 to 20.0 8.0 to 10.5 1.00 ... ...
1 S30403 304 L 0.03 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 18.0 to 20.0 8.0 to 12.0 1.00 ... ...
1 S30500 305 0.12 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0 to 19.0 10.5 to 13.0 1.00 ... ...
1 S38400 384 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 15.0 to 17.0 17.0 to 19.0 ... 0.50 maxA ...
1 S20300 XM1 0.08 5.0 to 6.5 0.040 0.18 to 0.35 1.00 16.0 to 18.0 5.0 to 6.5 1.75 to 2.25 ... ...
1 S30430 18–9LW 0.10 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0 to 19.0 8.0 to 10.0 3.0 to 4.0 ... ...
1 S30433 302HQ 0.03 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0 to 19.0 8.0 to 10.0 3.0 to 4.0 ... ...
2 S31600 316 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 16.0 to 18.0 10.0 to 14.0 ... 2.00 to 3.00 ...
2 S31603 316 L 0.03 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 16.0 to 18.0 10.0 to 14.0 ... 2.00 to 3.00 ...
3 S32100 321 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0 to 19.0 9.0 to 12.0 ... ... Ti 53 C min
3 S34700 347 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 17.0 to 19.0 9.0 to 13.0 ... ... Cb+Ta 10 3 C min
Ferritic Alloys
4 S43000 430 0.12 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 16.0 to 18.0 ... ... ...
4 S43020 430F 0.12 1.25 0.060 0.15 min 1.00 16.0 to 18.0 0.60 maxA
Martensitic Alloys
5 S41000 410 0.15 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 11.5 to 13.5 ... ...
5 S41600 416 0.15 1.25 0.060 0.15 min 1.00 12.0 to 14.0 0.60 maxA
5 S41623 416Se 0.15 1.25 0.060 0.060 1.00 12.0 to 14.0 Se 0.15 min
6 S43100 431 0.20 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 15.0 to 17.0 1.25 to 2.50 ... ... ...
Precipitation Hardening Alloy
7 S17400 630 0.07 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 15.0 to 17.5 3.0 to 5.0 3.0 to 5.0 ... Cb+Ta 0.15–0.45
At manufacturer’s option, determined only when intentionally added.

F 593 – 02e2
TABLE 2 Mechanical Property RequirementsA
Full-Size Tests Machined Specimen Tests
Stain- Nominal
Alloy Mechanical Tensile Yield Tensile Yield Elon-
less Al- ConditionB Diameter, Rockwell
Property Marking Strength Strength, Strength Strength, gation
loy Group in. Hardness
ksiC ksiD,C ksiC ksiD,C in 4 D, %
Austenitic Alloys

AF F593A ⁄ to 1 ⁄ , incl
14 12 65 to 85 20 B85 max 60 20 40
1 A F593B ⁄ to 11⁄2 , incl
14 75 to 100 30 B65 to 95 70 30 30
(303, 304, CW1 F593C ⁄ to 5⁄8 , incl
14 100 to 150 65 B95 to C32 95 60 20
304 L, 305, CW2 F593D 3⁄4 to 11⁄2 , incl 85 to 140 45 B80 to C32 80 40 25
384, SH1 F593A 1⁄4 to 5⁄8 , incl 120 to 160 95 C24 to C36 115 90 12
XM1, SH2 F593B 3⁄4 to 1, incl 110 to 150 75 C20 to C32 105 70 15
302HQ, SH3 F593C 11⁄8 to 11⁄4 , incl 100 to 140 60 B95 to C30 95 55 20
SH4 F593D 1 ⁄ to 1 ⁄ , incl
38 12 95 to 130 45 B90 to C28 90 40 28

AF F593E ⁄ to 11⁄2 , incl
14 65 to 85 20 B85 max 60 20 40
A F593F ⁄ to 11⁄2 , incl
14 75 to 100 30 B65 to 95 70 30 30
CW1 F593G 1⁄4 to 5⁄8 , incl 100 to 150 65 B95 to C32 95 60 20
G CW2 F593H 3⁄4 to 11⁄2 , incl 85 to 140 45 B80 to C32 80 40 25
(316, SH1 F593E 1⁄4 to 5⁄8 , incl 120 to 160 95 C24 to C36 115 90 12
316L) SH2 F593F 3⁄4 to 1, incl 110 to 150 75 C20 to C32 105 70 15
SH3 F593G 11⁄8 to 11⁄4 , incl 100 to 140 60 B95 to C30 95 55 20
SH4 F593H 13⁄8 to 11⁄2 , incl 95 to 130 45 B90 to C28 90 40 28

AF F593J ⁄ to 11⁄2 , incl
14 65 to 85 20 B85 max 60 20 40
A F593K ⁄ to 11⁄2 , incl
14 75 to 100 30 B65 to 95 70 30 30
(321, 347) G CW1
1⁄4 to 5⁄8 , incl

3⁄4 to 11⁄2 , incl

100 to 150
85 to 140
B95 to C32
B80 to C32
SH1 F593J 1⁄4 to 5⁄8 , incl 120 to 160 95 C24 to C36 115 90 12
SH2 F593K 3⁄4 to 1, incl 110 to 150 75 C20 to C32 105 70 15
SH3 F593L 11⁄8 to 11⁄4 , incl 100 to 140 60 B95 to C30 95 55 20
SH4 F593M 13⁄8 to 11⁄2 , incl 95 to 130 45 B90 to C28 90 40 28
Ferritic Alloys
4 AF F593X ⁄ to 11⁄2 , incl
14 55 to 75 30 B85 max 50 25 ...
(430, 430F) A F593N 1⁄4 to 11⁄2 , incl 55 to 75 30 B85 max 50 25 ...

CW1 F593V ⁄ to 5⁄8 , incl

14 60 to 105 40 B75 to 98 55 35 ...
CW2 F593W ⁄ to 11⁄2 , incl
34 55 to 100 30 B65 to 95 50 25 ...
Martensitic Alloys
5 H F593P ⁄ to 11⁄2 , incl
14 110 to 140 90 C20 to 30 110 90 18
(410, 416, HT F593R 1⁄4 to 11⁄2 , incl 160 to 190 120 C34 to 45 160 120 12
6 H F593S ⁄ to 11⁄2 , incl
14 125 to 150 100 C25 to 32 125 100 15
(431) HT F593T ⁄ to 11⁄2 , incl
14 180 to 220 140 C40 to 48 180 140 10
Precipitation Hardening Alloys
7 AH F593U ⁄ to 11⁄2 , incl
14 135 to 170 105 C28 to 38 135 105 16
Minimum values except where shown as maximum or as a range.
Legend of conditions:
A—Machined from annealed or solution-annealed stock thus retaining the properties of the original material, or hot-formed and solution-annealed.
AF—Headed and rolled from annealed stock and then reannealed.
AH—Solution annealed and age-hardened after forming.
CW—Headed and rolled from annealed stock thus acquiring a degree of cold work; sizes 0.75 in. and larger may be hot worked and solution-annealed.
H—Hardened and tempered at 1050°F (565°C) minimum.
HT—Hardened and tempered at 525°F (274°C) minimum.
SH—Machined from strain hardened stock or cold-worked to develop the specified properties.
The yield and tensile strength values for full-size products shall be computed by dividing the yield and maximum tensile load values by the stress area for the product
size and thread series determined in accordance with Test Methods F 606 (see Table 4).
Yield strength is the stress at which an offset of 0.2 % gage length occurs.

round specimens that meet the “machined specimen test tensile 7.4 Fasteners that are too short (lengths less than that
properties” in Table 2 is permitted. In the event of discrepancy specified in 7.2 (see Test Methods F 606 and Table 4); have
or dispute between test results obtained from full-size finished insufficient threads for tension; or have drilled or undersized
fasteners and standard or round specimens, the referee method heads, drilled or reduced bodies, and so forth, that are weaker
shall be tests performed on full-size finished fasteners. than the thread section, shall not be subject to tension tests but

F 593 – 02e2
TABLE 3 Mechanical Test Requirements for Bolts and StudsA

Item Nominal Length Tensile Load, lbf Full-Size Tests Machined Specimen Tests
Diameters ⁄ in. Diameters Over ⁄
34 34 Wedge Axial Tensile Yield Rockwell Tensile Yield Elongation
and Less in. Tensile Strength Strength Hardness Strength Strength
Square and hex less than 21⁄4 D less than 3D all Option A Option B Option C
bolts and hex 21⁄4 D and longer 3D and longer 120 000 max mandatory mandatory
cap screws over 120 000 Option A Option A Option B Option B Option B

Studs and other less than 21⁄4 D less than 3D all Option A Option B
bolts 21⁄4 D and longer 3D and longer 120 000 max mandatory mandatory
over 120 000 Option A Option A Option B Option B Option B

SpecialsC all all all B B B

mandatory B B B

Where options are given, all the tests under an option shall be performed. Option A, Option B, and Option C indicates manufacturer may perform all Option A (full-size),
all Option B (machined specimen), or all Option C tests whichever is preferred. Option A tests should be made whenever feasible.
Tests that are not mandatory.
Special fasteners are those fasteners with special configurations including drilled heads, reduced body, etc., that are weaker than the threaded section. Special
fasteners having full-size heads shall be tested as specified for studs and other bolts.

TABLE 4 Tensile Stress Areas and Threads per Inch

Nominal Size, in. (D) Coarse Threads–UNC Fine Threads-UNF Thread Series–8 UN
Threads/in. Stress AreaA, in.2 Threads/in. Stress AreaA, in.2 Threads/in. Stress AreaA,
⁄ (0.250)
14 20 0.0318 28 0.0364 ... ...
⁄ (0.3125)
5 16 18 0.0524 24 0.0580 ... ...
3⁄18 (0.375) 16 0.0775 24 0.0878 ... ...
7⁄16 (0.4375) 14 0.1063 20 0.1187 ... ...
1⁄2 (0.500) 13 0.1419 20 0.1599 ... ...

⁄ (0.5625)
9 16 12 0.1820 18 0.2030 ... ...
⁄ (0.625)
58 11 0.2260 18 0.2560 ... ...
3⁄4 (0.750) 10 0.3340 16 0.3730 ... ...
7⁄8 (0.875) 9 0.4620 14 0.5090 ... ...
1.000 8 0.6060 12 0.6630 ... ...

11⁄8 (1.125) 7 0.7630 12 0.8560 8 0.790

11⁄4 (1.250) 7 0.9690 12 1.0730 8 1.000
13⁄8 (1.375) 6 1.1550 12 1.3150 8 1.233
11⁄2 (1.500) 6 1.4050 12 1.5810 8 1.492
Tensile stress areas are computed using the following formula:

As 5 0.7854 D 2
n G2

As = tensile stress area, in.2,
D = nominal size (basic major diameter), in., and
n = number of threads per inch.

shall conform to the hardness (minimum and maximum) 9. Dimensions

requirements of Table 2. 9.1 Bolts and Hex Cap Screws:
8. Corrosion Resistance 9.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, the dimensions shall be in
accordance with the requirements of ASME B18.2.1 for hex
8.1 Carbide Precipitation:
cap screws (finished hex bolts).
8.1.1 Rod, bar, and wire in the austenitic Alloy Groups 1, 2,
and 3, except the free-machining grades, 303 and 303Se, used 9.1.2 When specified, the dimensions of bolts shall be in
to make fasteners in accordance with this specification shall be accordance with the requirements of ASME B18.2.1 (type as
capable of passing the test for susceptibility to intergranular specified), or such other dimensions shall be specified.
corrosion as specified in Practice E of Practices A 262. 9.2 Studs—Dimensions of studs including double-end
8.1.2 As stated in Practice A 262, samples may be subjected clamping and double-end interference shall be as specified by
to the faster and more severe screening test in accordance with the purchaser.
Practice A. Failing Practice A, specimens shall be tested in 9.3 Threads—Unless otherwise specified, the bolts, cap
accordance with Practice E and be considered satisfactory if screws, and studs shall have Class 2A threads in accordance
passing Practice E. with ASME B1.1.

F 593 – 02e2
9.4 Points—Unless otherwise specified, the points shall be 12.2.1 When tested in accordance with the required sam-
flat and chamfered or rounded, at the option of the manufac- pling plan, a lot shall be subject to rejection if any of the test
turer. specimens fail to meet the applicable test requirements.
12.2.2 If the failure of a test specimen is due to improper
10. Workmanship and Finish preparation of the specimen or to incorrect testing technique,
10.1 Workmanship—The fasteners shall have a workman- the specimen shall be discarded and another specimen substi-
like finish, free of injurious burrs, seams, laps, irregular tuted.
surfaces, and other defects affecting serviceability. 13. Significance of Numerical Limits
10.2 Cleaning and Descaling—The fasteners shall be des-
caled or cleaned, or both, in accordance with Specification 13.1 For the purposes of determining compliance with the
A 380. specified limits for properties listed in this specification, an
10.3 Protective Finishes—Unless otherwise specified, the observed value or calculated value shall be rounded in accor-
fasteners shall be furnished without an additive chemical or dance with Practice E 29.
metallic finish. 14. Test Specimens
14.1 Chemical Tests—When required, samples for chemical
11. Sampling
analysis shall be taken by drilling, sawing, milling, turning,
11.1 A lot, for the purposes of selecting test specimens, shall clipping, or other such methods capable of producing repre-
consist of not more than 100 000 pieces offered for inspection sentative samples.
at one time having the following common characteristics: 14.2 Mechanical Tests:
11.1.1 One type of item (that is, bolts, hex cap screws, studs, 14.2.1 Specimens shall be full size or machined in accor-
etc.), dance with 7.2 through 7.4. Machined specimens, when
11.1.2 Same alloy and condition, required, shall be machined from the fastener in accordance
11.1.3 One nominal diameter and thread series, with Test Methods F 606.
11.1.4 One nominal length, 14.2.2 The hardness shall be determined on the finished
11.1.5 Produced from one heat of material, and fastener in accordance with Test Methods F 606.
11.1.6 Heat treated under the same conditions as to time and 14.3 Corrosion Resistance—Test specimens shall be pre-
temperature. pared in accordance with Practices A 262.

12. Number of Tests and Retests 15. Test Methods

12.1 Number of Tests: 15.1 Chemical Analysis—The chemical composition shall
12.1.1 Mechanical Tests—The mechanical requirements of be determined in accordance with Test Methods A 751.
this specification shall be met in continuous mass production 15.1.1 The fastener manufacturer may accept the chemical
for stock. The manufacturer shall make sample inspections as analysis of each heat of raw material purchased and reported on
specified below to ensure that the product conforms to the the raw material certification furnished by the raw material
specified requirements. When tests of individual shipments are producer. The fastener manufacturer is not required to do any
required, Supplementary Requirement S1 must be specified in further chemical analysis testing provided that precise heat lot
the inquiry and order. traceability has been maintained throughout the manufacturing
Acceptance Criteria process on each lot of fasteners produced and delivered
Number of Pieces in Lot Number of Acceptance Rejection 15.2 Mechanical Tests:
Tests Number Number
2 to 50 2 0 1
15.2.1 When full-size tests are to be performed, the yield
51 to 500 3 0 1 strength and wedge tensile strength or axial tensile strength, as
501 to 35 000 5 0 1 required by Section 7, shall be determined on each sample in
35 001 to 100 000 8 0 1
accordance with the appropriate methods of Test Methods
12.1.2 Corrosion Resistance Tests: F 606. Unless otherwise specified, inspection for corro- 15.2.2 Full-size bolts and hex cap screws subject to tension
sion resistance shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s tests shall be tested using a wedge under the head. The wedge
standard quality control practices. No specific method of shall be 10° for bolts 0.750-in. nominal diameter and less and
inspection is required, but the fasteners shall be produced from 6° for bolts over 0.750-in. diameter.
suitable raw material and manufactured by properly controlled 15.2.3 When machined specimen tests are necessary (see
practices to maintain resistance to corrosion. When corrosion Section 7), the yield strength, tensile strength, and elongation
tests are required, Supplementary Requirement S7 must be shall be determined on each sample in accordance with Test
specified in the inquiry and order, except as noted in Methods F 606. Products that have been hot worked shall be 15.2.4 The hardness shall be determined in accordance with
solution annealed and tested to determine freedom from Test Methods F 606. A minimum of two readings shall be made
precipitated carbides. Not less than one corrosion test shall be on each sample, each of which shall conform to the specified
made from each lot. Corrosion tests shall be performed in requirements.
accordance with Practice A 262, Practices A or E as applicable. 15.3 Corrosion Resistance—When specified on the pur-
12.2 Retests: chase order or inquiry, corrosion tests to determine freedom

F 593 – 02e2
from precipitated carbides shall be performed in accordance stainless alloy designation from Table 1. However, marking of
with Practice A 262, Practice A or E as applicable. the stainless alloy designation does not signify compliance
with this specification. The marking shall be raised or de-
16. Rejection and Rehearing pressed at the option of the manufacturer.
16.1 Unless otherwise specified, any rejection based on tests
specified herein and made by the purchaser shall be reported to 19. Packaging and Package Marking
the manufacturer within 30 working days from the receipt of 19.1 Packaging:
the product by the purchaser. 19.1.1 Unless otherwise specified, packaging shall be in
17. Certification and Test Reports accordance with Practice D 3951.
19.1.2 When special packaging requirements are required
17.1 Certificate of Compliance—Unless otherwise specified
by the purchaser, they shall be defined at the time of inquiry
in the purchase order, the manufacturer shall furnish certifica-
and order.
tion that the product was manufactured and tested in accor-
19.2 Package Marking—Each shipping unit shall include or
dance with this specification and the customer’s order and
be plainly marked with the following:
conforms to all specified requirements.
19.2.1 ASTM specification,
17.2 Test Reports—When specified on the order, the manu-
19.2.2 Alloy number,
facturer shall furnish a test report showing the chemical
19.2.3 Alloy/mechanical property marking,
analysis of the fasteners and the results of the last completed
19.2.4 Size,
set of mechanical tests for each lot of fasteners in the shipment.
19.2.5 Name and brand or trademark of manufacturer,
17.3 All certification shall indicate the purchase order num-
19.2.6 Number of pieces,
ber and the applicable requirements of Section 3.
19.2.7 Country of origin,
18. Product Marking 19.2.8 Date of manufacture,
18.1 Individual Products—All products except studs 3⁄8 in. 19.2.9 Purchase order number, and
in diameter and smaller shall be marked with a symbol 19.2.10 Lot number, if applicable.
identifying the manufacturer. In addition, they shall be marked
with the alloy/mechanical property marking in accordance with 20. Keywords
Table 2. The manufacturer may at his option add the specific 20.1 bolts; general use; hex cap screws; stainless; studs


One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the
purchaser in the inquiry and order (see Section 3). Supplementary requirements shall in no way negate
any requirement of the specification itself.

S1. Shipment Lot Testing S2. Additional Tests

S1.1 When Supplementary Requirement S1 is specified on S2.1 When additional tests of mechanical properties are
the order, the manufacturer shall make sample tests on the desired by the purchaser, the test(s) shall be made as agreed
individual lots for shipment to ensure that the product con- upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the time of
forms to the specified requirements. the inquiry or order.
S1.2 The manufacturer shall make an analysis of a ran-
domly selected finished fastener from each lot of product to be S3. Source Inspection
shipped. Heat or lot control shall be maintained. The analysis
of the starting material from which the fasteners have been S3.1 When Supplementary Requirement S3 is specified on
manufactured may be reported in place of the product analysis. the inquiry and order, the product shall be subject to inspection
S1.3 The manufacturer shall perform mechanical property by the purchaser at the place of manufacture prior to shipment.
tests in accordance with this specification and Guide F 1470 on The manufacturer shall afford the inspector all reasonable
the individual lots for shipment. facilities to satisfy that the product is being furnished in
S1.4 The manufacturer shall furnish a test report for each lot accordance with this specification. All inspections and tests
in the shipment showing the actual results of the chemical shall be so conducted so as not to interfere unnecessarily with
analysis and mechanical property tests performed in accor- the operations of the manufacturer.
dance with Supplementary Requirement S1.

F 593 – 02e2
S4. Alloy Control S6. Permeability
S4.1 When Supplementary Requirement S4 is specified on S6.1 When Supplementary Requirement S6 is specified on
the inquiry and order, the manufacturer shall supply that alloy the inquiry and order, the permeability of bolts, hex cap screws,
specified by the customer on his order with no group substi- and studs of Alloy Groups 1, 2, and 3 in Conditions A or AF
tutions permitted without the written permission of the pur- shall not exceed 1.5 at 100 oersteds when determined in
chaser. accordance with Test Methods A 342.
S7. Corrosion Resistance Tests
S5. Heat Control
S7.1 When Supplementary Requirement S7 is specified on
S5.1 When Supplementary Requirement S5 is specified on the inquiry and order, corrosion test(s) shall be performed as
the inquiry or order, the manufacturer shall control the product agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser at the
by heat analysis and identify the finished product in each time of the inquiry or order.
shipment by the actual heat number.
S5.2 When Supplementary Requirement S5 is specified on S8. Passivation
the inquiry and order, Supplementary Requirements S1 and S4 S8.1 When Supplementary Requirement S8 is specified on
shall be considered automatically invoked with the addition the inquiry or order, the finished product shall be passivated in
that the heat analysis shall be reported to the purchaser on the accordance with Practice A 380 or Specification A 967 at the
test reports. option of the manufacturer.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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