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Patient'S Database Management With Security and Wireless Transmission

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Shubhangi Chavan#1, Pranil Shinde*2, Arsiya Maniyar#3

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering
Savitribai Phule Pune University
, ,,
Abstract— This paper illustrates the design and
implementation of an patient’s database management with
efficient transmission of major(threshold) parameters. This
system is aimed at developing a set of modules which can
facilitate the diagnosis for the doctors through tele- 2. DESCRIPTION OF BLOCK DIAGRAM
monitoring of patients record. The medical history of each
patient including medications and medical report are stored PATIENT’S ENTRY:- This block refer to the patient
on a server for easy access. The paper presents a system for which is coming for treatment in hospital. The patient
hospitals to transmit the patient records over remote places may be new or have registered before.
with suitable required information.
NEW ENTRY OR UPDATE:- If Patient is visiting
I.INTRODUCTION first time in hospital then it is
necessary to enter his personal details. This entry
Now a day’s everything is been digitized. In hospitals or updation is done by only authorized
there is lot of data to handle manually and it is very person in hospital.
difficult to carry each and every report while visiting the
hospital .So it is beneficial to store all this data and ADMIN LOG IN:-For security purpose it is necessary
digitize the information. The digitization of the data of that only authorized person have the access to the
the healthcare industry is happening fast. A major result patient’s database. This authorization is given by
of this transformation from paper to electronic record is assingning password to enter the database and update.
proliferation of healthcare data and with that, of course
comes the healthcare database[1]. ENROLLMENT OF FINGERPRINT:- The
Security is essential in dealing with database fingerprint of new user will be enrolled to create their
management. In hospitals, there should be security so database in the system.
that everyone should not have access to the data in the
hospital’s database[2]. There should be authentication so ENTRY OF PATIENT:-All the details about the
that unauthorized person is not allowed to gain any patient such as personal details, doctors detail, reports etc
knowledge about the data[3]. will be entered.


who have already enrolled the fingerprints will directly
can se their reports ,profile etc by just by just placing
their finger on the fingerprint module. The fingerprint
will be recognized by matching it with the enrolled
fingerprint in the database[5].

SEARCH IN DATABASE:-If the fingerprints are

matched then based on the identity , it will search in the
database for the patients detail[4].

DISPLAY:-After the searching is done it will display

the profile of the recognized patient.
This module keeps record of the indoor patients
admitted, new outdoor patients, old outdoor patients
revisiting the hospital for check-up, patients discharged,
METHODOLOGY employees working in the hospital, details of the rooms
issued to the patients, charges of various rooms, room
System Analysis transfers of the patients within the hospital, receipts for
advance and bill payments, etc.
A detailed study of various operations performed by a
system and their relationships within and outside of the Billing:
system was done. Data was collected from the available
files, decision points and transactions handled by the This module is used for managing the billing of
present system[5]. patients including all kinds of charges such as room
charges, doctor charges and other miscellaneous charges
Present System deducting the net advance paid, if any and discount
provided, if any.
The existing system, which is managed manually,
faces many problems, such as difficulty in data storage Login:
and retrieval, data inconsistency, data insecurity, risk of
data loss, wastage of time in maintaining paper work and This module deals with the security matters, user
many more. All the information about the patient’s logons and authentications. It is used to create new users,
treatment is maintained on the patient’s card. When the who can login to the software of hospital and change
patient visits the hospital for treatment, he is given a card password, if a user finds some security problems. Proper
indicating the date of visit, name of the doctor giving the authorization will be done to take care of who is
treatment, check-ups done, name of the disease and accessing the database – Administrator, CMO, doctor,
proper prescription[7]. Thus the card contains complete operator or patient.
history of the patient. When the patient visits the hospital
he has to carry all the reports and card with him.
Disadvantage of this manual system is that the patient
needs to carry his card with him every time. It may be the
case that the patient gets ill on the way, when he is out of
city and may not carry the card with him. In that case he
may have to undergo all the tests again. Thus the
treatment may be delayed. Hence the traditional hospital
management systems are not efficient. The requirement
analysis discovered necessity of having automation and
computerization of the entire working of the system that
would result in reduction of paper work, faster access to
the entire contents, easy and durable storage, ease in the
process of handling accounts like bill payments and
receipts, capability of the software to maintain patient
details, etc[4]. To prevail over all these drawbacks, the
Online Hospital Management Information System has
been developed.

Proposed System

This software automates and manages the working of

hospitals. The database system keeps track of data
required for various departments in a hospital[8]. The
whole project is divided into following modules:
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