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Network and Communication Important Question

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Digital Assignment

1. For each of the following four networks, discuss the consequences if a connection
a) Five devices arranged in a mesh topology
b) Five devices arranged in a star topology
c) Five devices arranged in a bus topology
d) Five devices arranged in a ring topology

2. Transmitter wants to transmit a message 1011 0010 0100 1011 and protect it from
errors using the CRC-8 polynomial x8 + x2+ x1 + 1.

(i) Use polynomial long division to determine the message that should
be transmitted.
(ii) Suppose the leftmost bit of the message is inverted due to noise on the
transmission link. What is the result of the receiver’s CRC calculation? How the
receiver does know that an error has occurred?

. 3. Let’s explore propagation delay and transmission delay. Suppose there are [10]
two hosts, A and B, connected by a fiber optic link with bandwidth R bps.
The physical link’s length is d meters. Assume the propagation speed in the
link is s m/s. At time t=0, Host A begins to send a packet of L bits to Host B.

(i) Express the propagation delay, dprop, in terms of d and s.

(ii) Determine the transmission time of the packet, dtrans, in terms of
L and R.
(iii)Suppose s = 2 x 108 m/s, L = 120 bits and R = 56 kbps. Find the
distance d such that dprop is equal to dtrans.


400 KM 100 KM
In the figure the frames are generated at node A and sent to node C through
node B. Determine the minimum data required between nodes B and C so
that buffers of node B are not flooded based on the following:

 The data rate between A and B is 100kbps

 The propagation delay is 5µs/km for both lines
 There are full-duplex lines between the nodes
 All data frames are 1000 bits long; ACK frames are separate frames
of negligible length
 Between A and B, a sliding window protocol with a window size of 3
is used
 Between B and C, stop and wait protocol is used.
 There are no errors
[Hint: In order not to flood the buffers of B , the average number of
frames entering and leaving B must be the same over a long interval]

5..TCP opens a connection using an initial sequence number(ISN) of 21,000.

The other party opens the connection with an ISN of 11,000. Show the three
TCP segments during the connection establishment.

6. Assume your HR Manager sends an email to Head of IT using his email

client regarding a meeting. Explain how the email will deliver through the
seven OSI layers.

Two PCs are connected to a switch. The IP addresses of the PCs are as
displayed in the diagram. PC ( is connected to port 2 on the
switch and a PC ( is connected to port 3 on the switch.
(i) Does the switch need an IP address for PC1 to communicate with
(ii) If PC1 requires communicating with PC2, What is required from
Is a router required for PC1 to communicate with PC2?

8.A CRC is constructed to generate a 4-bit FCS for an 11-bit message. The
generator polynomial is X4 + X3 + 1.
(i) Encode the data bit sequence 10011011100(leftmost bit is the least
significant) using generator polynomial and give the codeword.
(ii) Now assume that bit 7 (counting from the LSB) in the codeword is in
error and show that the detection algorithm detects the error.

9. A sender needs to send four data items 0x3456, 0xABCC, 0x02BC, and
0xEEEE. Answer the following:

(i) Find the checksum at the sender site.

Find the checksum at the receiver site if there is no error.

10.The distance from earth to a distant planet is approximately 9 × 1010 m.

What is the channel utilization if a stop-and-wait protocol is used for frame
transmission on a 64 Mbps point-to-point link? Assume that the frame size is
32 KB and the speed of light is 3 × 108 m/s.

11.Two neighbouring nodes (A and B) use a sliding-window protocol with a

3-bit sequence number. As the ARQ mechanism, Go-Back-N is used with a
window size of 4. Assuming A is transmitting and B is receiving, show the
window positions for the succession of events:

(i) Before A sends any frames

(ii) After A sends frames 0, 1, 2 and receives acknowledgement from
B for 0 and 1.
After A sends frames 3, 4, and 5 and B acknowledges 4 and the ACK
is received by A.

12. Suppose that Alice is sending Bob a message over the

Internet. Alice’s computer is directly connected to router1
and Bob’s to router2. Router1 and router2 are directly
connected. Thus, Alice’s communication with Bob goes to
router1, then to router2, and finally to Bob’s computer.
Assume the message is small enough that it does not need
to be broken down into smaller units as it is processed by
the lower layers. Illustrate your answer using a diagram.
(i) What happens to Alice’s message as it gets ready to be
transmitted, i.e, as it goes down the protocol stack on
Alice’s computer? Show what happens to the message at
each protocol layer. Is this process called encapsulation or
(ii) What happens to the message as it is processed by
router1? Show what happens at each layer.
(iii)What happens to the message as it is processed by
router2? Show what happens at each layer.

What happens to the message when it arrives at Bob’s computer as it goes up

the protocol stack? Is this process called encapsulation or de-encapsulation?
Show what happens at each layer.

13. Consider the figure below, with three links, each with the specified
transmission rate and link length.

Find the end-to-end delay (including the transmission delays and propagation
delays on each of the three links, but ignoring queuing delays and processing
delays) from when the left host begins transmitting the first bit of a packet to
the time when the last bit of that packet is received at the server at the right.
The speed of light propagation delay on each link is 3x10**8 m/sec. Note
that the transmission rates are in Mbps and the link distances are in Km.
Assume a packet length of 16000 bits. Give your answer in milliseconds.
14.You have network of 10 PCs. Five PCs are connected to one Ethernet hub
and five PCs are connected to second Ethernet hub. Both hubs are connected
to a switch. A router connects your switch to a remote office with an
identical configuration. How many MAC addresses will your switch learn?


(a) The University of VIT is interested to interconnect all its

departments through a mesh network. Assuming that it has to
interconnect 210 computers. Identify the number of connections
(b) A company is interested in establishing a point to point network
with its 6 branches. Identify the number of connections.

(c) We want to send a 1000 KB file in 1KB packets. The distance is

10 kilometres and the signal propagation speed is 2 X 105 km/sec.
The bandwidth is 1.5 Mb/sec. How long will it take to send the file?


(a) The following Hamming coded (single bit correction) string was
received: 010101010111. Is there an error? If yes, in which position?

(b) Given the dataword 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 and the divisor 1 0 0 1 1.

(i) Show the generation of the CRC at the sender site (using binary
(ii) Show the checking of the CRC at the receiver site.(assume no

17.(a) Suppose that a sender and a receiver are using ARQ to perform
reliable data delivery.

In a Go-Back-N ARQ protocol, the window size is 6. Segments with

sequence numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 have been sent. The sender just received
an ACK for segment 1. Segments 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 are waiting to be sent.
Draw the time diagram showing this scenario. Which segment(s) can the
sender send before it must wait for the next ACK from the receiver?
Sometime later, the sender transmitted segments 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, and 26;
however, segment 22 got lost. If Go-Back-N is used, what segment(s) would
the sender have to retransmit? Suppose the same situation as above but
sender and receiver use Selective-Repeat ARQ. What segment(s) would the
sender need to retransmit?

18.Given the 11-bit data word 00101101010, then generate the corresponding 15-bit
Hamming code word by including the redundant bits in the place of powers of 2 of the final
data. After the final data is transmitted to the destination, the data value at bit 7 position is
changed. Detect the error and correct it to obtain the original data. Write the step-by-step
process of sender and receiver.

19.Calculate the latency (from first bit sent to the lat bit received) for the following:
i) 1 Gbps Ethernet with a single store and forward switch in the path, and a
packet size of 5000bits. Assume that each link introduces a propagation delay
of 10 micro second and that the switch begins retransmitting immediately after
it has finished receiving the packet.
ii) 1 Gbps Ethernet with three store and forward switch in the path, and a packet
size of 5000bits. Assume that each link introduces a propagation delay of 10
micro second and that the switch begins retransmitting immediately after it has
finished receiving the packet.
iii) 1 Gbps Ethernet with three store and forward switch in the path, and a packet
size of 5000bits. Assume that each link introduces a propagation delay of 10
micro second and that the switch begins retransmitting immediately after it has
finished receiving the packet. Assume the switch implements cut-through
switching. It is also able to begin retransmitting the packet after the first 128
bits have been received.

20.The following 32 bit of data is transmitted using the 8 bit checksum,

00110010 11101100 00101010 0001001
Engrave the steps involved at the sender side for finding the checksum. Ensure the same data
is received at the receiver side.

21.Design Go back N ARQ ( draw the Sliding window Configuration)for the following
a) For m=3Calculate the Sender Window Size and Receiver Window Size
b) Assume that sender wants to transmit 25 frames.
c) Assume that Frame 8 and 12 are lost during the transmission.
d) Acknowledgement for frame16 and 18 is lost.

22.An organization is granted the block in class C. The administrator wants to
create 32 subnets.

(i) Find the subnet mask.

(ii) Find the number of addresses in each subnet.
(iii)Find the first and last address in the first subnet?
(iv) Find the first and last address in the last subnet (subnet 32).

23. Consider that the network layer of Host A received a segment of size 2500 bytes from its
transport layer. The segment is to be sent to Host B in the link that has a MTU of 1000 bytes.
a) How many fragments will be received by host B? Explain your answer
b) What are the fragment char (identification, offset, and flag)

24.The following shows a routing table of a switch in a virtual- circuit network. (4)

Incoming Outgoing
Port VCI Port VCI
1 14 3 22
2 71 4 41
2 92 1 45
3 58 2 43
3 78 2 70
4 56 3 11

Find the output port and the output VCI for packets with the following input port
and input VCI addresses:
a. Packet 1: 3, 78
b. Packet 2: 2, 92
c. Packet 3: 4, 56
d. Packet 4: 2, 71

25.Consider a user is downloading 1MB audio file as a 32 bit sequence from a FTP
server as follows:
e. 10011001011101100001010100001001
26.We transmit data directly between two servers 6,000 km apart through a geostationary
satellite situated 10,000 km from Earth exactly between the two servers. The data enters this
network at 100Mb/s. (2+2+2)

a. Find the propagation delay if data travels at the speed of light (2.3 × 108 m/s).
b. Find the number of bits in transit during the propagation delay.
c. Determine how long it takes to send 10 bytes of data and to receive 2.5 bytes of
acknowledgment back.

27. Design as well as illustrate a Computer network to connect 2 laboratories across 2 floors
for School of Computer Science & Engineering (SCOPE) in Vellore Institute of Technology
with following specifications and objectives:-

 10 computers per lab
 Interconnect both laboratories using at least 4 relevant networking devices
b). Analyse and validate your design based on the given objectives.
 Cost effectiveness
 Simple fault detection & Recovery
 Reliability
 Performance
28.Suppose a 128 kbps p2p link is set up between earth and a rover on mars. The distance
from the earth to mars (when they are the closest together) is approximately 55Gm (Giga
Meter), and data travels over the link at the speed of light 3X108 m/s

i) Calculate the minimum RTT for the link

ii) Calculate the delay X bandwidth product of the link
iii) A camera on the rover takes pictures of its surroundings and sends these to the
earth. If each image is 5Mb in size, then find out how long an image would
take to reach Mission Control on Earth?
b). Identify the pros and cons of LRC (2D parity). Consider a 32 bits block of data 11100111-
11011101-00111001-10101001 that has to be transmitted. If Longitudinal Redundancy Check
is used find out the transmitted bit streams?

29.You are the network administrator for The company has decided to locate a
small branch office in another city. To support the new location, you will need to subnet the
private IP address range of your boss has given you into several smaller networks to provide
services to each department. The new office location has been assigned the IP
address range.

30.When you set up the new network, you need to configure separate subnets for each
department in the new office. You should allocate the addresses using CIDR notation and
provide each department the minimum number of IP addresses that their needs. The
department at new location requires the following number of computers on their subnets:

IT – 54

HR – 32



Design and show the sub-blocks and give the slash notation for each sub-block. Find out how
many addresses are still available after these allocations.

31.(a) Generate the hamming code for the ASCII character “U” = 1010101. Assume even
parity for the hamming code.

(b) Message frame consists of 1101011011 for which the divisor is 10011. Calculate CRC
and transmitted frame. Also determine the remainder obtained at the receiver if the
transmission is error free.

32.Company ABC has 100 workstations in their head office and the IT manager would like to
assign a subnetwork address for each department. He wants to create 5 subnets using the block and assign the first subnetwork to their servers and the rest for their 100
workstations. How will we compute the subnetwork requirement?

33. An organization has been assigned the network address: and it needs to create
a set of subnets that support up to 25 hosts on each subnet.

(i)What is the maximum possible number of such subnets in the given network?
(ii) Given that there are 25 hosts on each subnet, how much of the address space is
being wasted (in percentage)?

34.Engrave the steps involved at the sender side checksum calculation by assuming each segment is
of 8 bit. Assume that the bits at odd positions in each segment are garbled due to imperfection in
the medium. How the receiver does detects that there is error in the received or not

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