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EOF: The Reliable Choice For Indian "Start-Up" Steel Plants

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EOF : The Reliable Choice for Indian “Start-Up” Steel Plants

Henrique C. Pfeifer
Mini Tech, Brasil
Email :


The steel industry in India has gone through a big change in the past two decades. The
coming years are bringing newer challenges and opportunities. Rich mineral ores are
depleting and scrap availability are increasing. New challenges and opportunities demand
a careful selection of capacities, process routes and technologies. In such scenario the
Energy Optimizing Furnace (EOF) is emerging as a reliable choice for steel makers.

Developed in Brazil, the EOF technology has grown and is now striving to occupy its
position in the iron and steel world, contesting with the established processes of Electric
Arc Furnace (EAF) and the oxygen converter (BOF or LD). Notwithstanding its 25 years
of successful operation at the GERDAU Divinopolis plant in Brazil, delivering more than
42 heats per day and about 600.000 t/y liquid steel and the three efficient units operating
in India, the EOF is still little known. This paper endeavors to present the technology with
its latest achievements and developments.

Actually, with the three units operating in India since the turn of the century, the EOF
experienced a strong evolution and became a reference also in terms of quality steels
used for die-forging, seamless pipes, cold heading, roller bearings etc, approved by the
strictest clients regarding quality control. One of the most remarkable aspects in this
regard is the ultralow phos content (< 0.01 %) which may be reached consistently, without
impairing the high productivity of the furnace - above 36 heats per day, on 330 working
days per year. In time of decreasing quality of iron ores and increasing phos content in
hot metal, this is an important technology. Slag-free tapping is an additional feature
warranting high quality production. Today´s EOF presents itself as a dynamic furnace,
with a high level of automation, and combining two usually antagonistic factors: high
productivity, essential in any modern iron and steel process; and extraordinary quality, a
must in the production of quality steels.

Energy optimization, which bestows the name to the process (“Energy Optimizing
Furnace”) allows the EOF to operate with up to 40 % solid charge, pre-heated in the
process, in addition to 60 % hot metal. This feature outfits the EOF with extraordinary
flexibility regarding charge composiiton. Combined with carbon injection devices, the
proportion of DRI in the charge may rise to 25 % and even more - impossible for the
BOF and only achievable in the EAF, at a high cost of electric energy. The ongoing
evolution of the process, in view of the engineering solutions, warrant growing operational
availability and ease of maintenance.

„Start Up‟ and „Stand Up‟ India

In the past two decades, the steel industry in India has seen vast changes in Technology,
Size, Productivity levels, Energy consumption, etc. With the changing raw material
scenario and demands, the steel producers adopted new process routes, new
technologies and energy efficient equipments, seizing the opportunities and accepting the

The coming years are bringing newer challenges and opportunities in steel industries.

The huge expansion of Chinese steelmaking capacity has brought about a worldwide
excess steel supply. India, however, is today the only country where new steel plants are
needed, especially mini steel plants for long products, to serve local markets. The coming
years are bringing new challenges and opportunities.

The harmful effects of global warming and climate change, depleting rich mineral
resources, power shortage and it’s increasing cost, stagnation in GDP growth, are having
a big impact on the steel plants. Most of the DRI units and mini steel melt shops have
faced closures eventhough the coal prices and scrap prices have dropped drastically.
Some high capacity units are also running at lower production levels due to accumulated
stocks and high costs.

The scrap availability has improved and prices have plunged. This will continue as China
and India will be generating more scrap in the coming years as they are adopting newer
technologies for their basic infrastructure. High quality steel is no more a costly affair and
low quality steel is high on cost. This is a delight to the quality steel producers.

These new challenges and opportunities call for careful selection of capacities, process
routes, technologies and equipment which ensure producing very good quality steel at
low costs, low energy consumption and low project costs. In such scenario, the Energy
Optimizing Furnace is emerging as the reliable choice for steel makers.


Developed about 35 years ago, the Energy Optimizing Furnace or EOF was conceived to
utilize the sensible heat of small and medium sized steel converters in an effective way. It
is a combined blowing basic oxygen steel making process where a mix of hot metal,
scrap and DRI forms the charge. Oxygen is blown through two numbers of submerged
tuyeres and one or two numbers of supersonic lances. Post-combustion of the emerging
gases above the steel bath is done using four numbers of atmospheric injectors and by
air leaking in through the door, thus supplying a part of the heat to the metallic bath and
rest for scrap preheating for the subsequent heat. The tap-hole and tilting mechanism is
designed for efficient slag-free tapping.

The submerged injected oxygen reacts with the carbon of the bath, generating CO
bubbles which promote intense bath agitation, beneficial for reaction kinetics and
temperature homogenization. Once the bubbles leave the bath CO is burnt with the
oxygen from the atmospheric injectors. The projections of liquid metal caused by the
eruption of the CO bubbles promote an extraordinary increase in bath surface, increasing
the exposure to oxygen from the supersonic lances and capturing part of the heat
generated by after-burning, which is drawn to the bath. The combination of these factors
explains the extremely fast decarburizing and temperature rise of the bath, resulting in
blowing times similar to that of the BOF. The possibility of tilting of the furnace, allowing
continuous extraction of slag through the slag door as well as tapping at the very moment
of finishing decarburizing, as well as the instantaneous release of scrap from the scrap
preheater, allow tap-to-tap times of less than 30 minutes - an impossibility for the BOF.

Another edge on the BOF is the flexibility of the EOF to operate with up to 40 % scrap in
the charge or 15 % DRI. These proportions may be even higher if Carbon injection
system is provided.

A further important aspect is the very low investment demanded by the EOF, as
compared to the LD converter, while the conversion cost is comparable to LD
steelmaking. Actually, the possibility of charging a higher amount of DRI to the EOF
reduces its production cost in comparison to the BOF. The investment cost of EOF is
lower than that of EAF, considering the high cost of electrical installations.

Hence EOF is the most suitable equipment for converting the liquid hot metal, scrap and
DRI to steel, especially for heat sizes of 30 t to 80 t, or annual capacities of 0.3 to
0.8 Mt/yr.

The following are the main advantages offered by the EOF.

 Flexibility to a great extent, in terms of metallic charge

 High productivity and furnace availability
 Steel has very good metallurgical properties
 Low tramp elements
 Low inclusions due to continuous flushing of slag during blowing and slag free
 Electric energy consumption is required only for the auxiliaries
 Fast bottom exchange (in less than 3 hours)
 Constructive features of the furnace allow quick and efficient charging of hot metal
and solid charge, as well as fast and precise tapping
 Very low noise level
 Low investment and operating cost
Figure is a 3D presentation of the EOF.
Design in 3D is the most updated
engineering tool, which allows to 8
practically avoid interferences in the detail
engineering, fabrication and erection
stages, eliminating rework and corrections.

 Scrap charging door

 Scrap pre-heater 9
 Sealing system
 Furnace roof 3

 Furnace shell
 Furnace bottom
 Bottom car 5
 Opening to GCP
 Openings for scrap pre-heater by-pass

Recent Performance Data

Table 1 presents the main operating figures of the EOFs in operation, in Brazil and in
India. Figures are averages for the year 2013.

Table 1 - EOF operating figures - 2013 averages

Item Unit GERDAU JSW – Salem
Rated capacity (Liquid Steel) t 43.5 52 45 65
Hot Metal 68 80.5 85 85
Scrap / Pig
Average charge % 18 12 15 15
DRI 14 7.5 - -
Rated capacity ktpa 570 600 450 650
Production 2013 (Finish Steel) kt 538 504.6 370 440
Kind of steel Rebar Quality Quality Quality
Average heats per day (365d/y) h/d 36,1 27.85 25 24
Oxygen consumption Nm3/t LS 61 54 57 60
Bricks 1.60 3.0 2.2 2.6
Gunning Mass kg/t LS 3,68 (2) 5.5 3.6 4.0
Total 5,28 8.5 5.8 6.6
Electric energy consumption (1) kWh/t 45 25 40 44
Average heats per campaign # 1.036 650 850 800
(1) EOF proper (incl. Gas Cleaning, Cooling Water Systems, Alloy Addition, Overhead Cranes)
(2) Includes launder repairs
(3) Result of the improvement in tuyere design

Bench Mark Results

 Heats per shift: 16 heats tapped in a shift at Hospet Steels Ltd, Karnataka, India.
 Heats per day: 42 heats tapped in a day at Hospet Steels Ltd, Karnataka, India.
48 heats tapped in a day at GERDAU Divinopolis, Brazil
 Heats per year: 13.338 heats tapped in a year (2005) at GERDAU Divinópolis, Brazil.
 Heats per campaign: 1.314, at GERDAU Divinopolis (Campaign Nr. 199 - July
2008) a result of the improvement in tuyere design.
 Electrical Energy: 22 units per Ton
 Phosphorous levels: 0.01 %
Design Improvements

 Tuyere design optimized for longer life of refractory.

 Supersonic lance: Optimum Injection speeds and Lance position for effective results.
 Scrap Preheater By-pass: A scrap preheater by-pass provision with control damper is
made to by-pass the hot flue gases to control the scrap preheat temperature and to
maintain suitable pressure in the furnace. This addresses the problems faced, namely
overheating of scrap and positive pressure in the furnace during peak blow period.
 Scrap pre-heater fingers are modified and improved for better cooling and avoiding
 SPH water cooled panels: Tubular construction replacing plate construction for longer
 Gas Cleaning System (Wet): Stainless Steel construction of wetted parts of GCP for
increased life. Improved Venturi design.
 Improved cradle design for smooth quick tilt-back.
 Suitability to charge DRI continuously through weigh-feeders.
 Introduction of Coal injection, which will allow a higher proportion of DRI in the charge.
 Introduction of Lime Injection for better assimilation and reduce slag quantity.
 Fully mechanized and automated system of tapping and taphole closing
 New slag door closing system, allowing to work with higher slag level in the furnace.
 WHRS to utilize waste heat incase SPH is not opted.

Economical Considerations

Considerations on Operating Cost (opex)

 High productivity optimizes fixed cost

 Low energy consumption
 Low cost of operating consumables
 Low maintenance cost
 Waste heat recovery options

Considerations on Capital expenditure (capex)

 Optimally sized to reduce the construction and equipment cost

 High productivity in terms of number of heats reduces heat size
Operating Cost Comparison between EOF - BOF – EAF done by Gerdau Group -

Table 2 presents the Operating Cost Index, in %, of the EOF (GERDAU Divinopolis), BOF
(GERDAU Barão de Cocais) and the best performing EAF of the GERDAU Group in
Brazil (excluding raw materials).

Table 2 - Comparison between EOF-BOF-EAF of plants of a same group

2001 100,0 105,8 124,7
2002 100,0 121,5 129,9
2003 100,0 107,2 131,9
2004 100,0 105,1 143,7
2005 100,0 105,1 142,9
2006 100,0 100,3 139,1
Average 100,0 108,0 135,1


 It may be observed that during the period covered by this survey, total operating cost
(including maintenance) of the BOF was 8 % higher than that of the EOF, while the
cost of EAFs was much higher - of course compensated by the lower raw material
(scrap) cost.
 The Divinopolis EOF is a 43,5 t unit (originally 35 t), while the Barão de Cocais BOF
is a 35 t unit (originally 28 t). Both operate with hot metal from charcoal blast furnaces,
while the BOF charges on average 16 % scrap, the EOF averages 36 % scrap.


EOF is proving itself to be the most suitable option for production capacities up to 0.8
mtpa for converting hot metal and varying proportions of scrap and DRI. The quality and
productivity levels have been appreciable and are still being enhanced by desing
improvemtns. Operation and maintenance is much easier than in case of Converter or

Today the EOF is a proven technology, competing with the classical steel melting
processe, with the advantage of producing the most critical quality steels as a routine.
Low investment cost (capex) and low operating cost (opex), combined with great flexibility
regarding charge mix and low demand of electric energy render the EOF most attractive
for any new steel meltshop. This is especially true in areas where electric energy is
scarce and expensive, and unavilability of scrap. These conditions previal in India

An integrated Mini Steel Plant bsed on mini blast furnaces and an EOF, supported by
ladle furnace and continuous casting machine, presents the following advantages:

 It warrants steel with highest purity.

 It does not depend on availability of a strong electric energy grid
 It presents high yield and productivity
 It demands less capital investment than a BOF plant of same capacity
 It presents a lower operating cost than a plant based on any other technology
 Environmental impact is lower than that of any other melt shop, due to lower noise
level and lower emissions.

Though the number of installations are still few, the coming years will see many
installations coming up with new improvements making it an even better option.

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