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Suvarnprashan The Concept of Ayurveda Immunisation: Pharma Science Monitor 7 (4), Oct-Dec 2016

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Pharma Science Monitor 7(4), Oct-Dec 2016


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Sanap Atul Dnyandeo1*, Varsha Bhaskar Daund2, Somnath lokhande3, J. M. Takalikar4
MD (Ras & B.K) Ayurveda Consultant Mauli Ayurveda Chikitsalaya Beed
B.A.M.S. Ayurveda Consultant Mauli Ayurveda Chikitsalaya Beed
PG Scholar Rasashastra and Bhaishaijyakalpana LRP Ayurved Collage Islampur
Prof. And HOD Rasashastra and Bhaishaijyakalpana LRP Ayurved Collage Islampur

Suvarnprashan is the one of discovery of Ayurved. It deals with the Childs immunity which is
first described in Jatkarma. In present scenario neonatal deaths seen in most of the areas due to
prematurity,asphyxia, pathological infections etc. Now a days immunization schedules widely
accepted from birth of child but there are most of child gets illnesses due to low immune
profile to most of pathological agents other than immunized agents. In that case
Suvarnprashan helps to improve active immunity against those pathogens from first day of life.
KEYWORDS: Suvarnprashan, active immunity, Jatkarma.

Ayurveda, the science of life, is the most rational and scientific amongst the ancient systems of
medicine, provide not only effective cure of diseases but also prevention. In which The
Kaumarbhritya is branch which deals with disease of children. The order of kaumarbhritya
according to their importance is different in Samhitas like in Charak on sixth, Susrut on fifth,
Vaghbhat on second and Kashyap on first priority in Ashtang Ayurved
Infections, asphyxia and prematurity are the leading causes of neonatal deaths. The major cause
of neonatal death is perinatal infections. Though National Vaccination Schedule is implicated,
mortality rate in India is (34 per thousand live births) still high. From the first day of life
vaccination schedule is started but these vaccines are not able to protect the child from common
In Kaumarbhritya for immunisation SUVARNA PRASHANA is one of important contribution
to provide healthy and long life to child. In which first Samskara performed soon after birth is
‘Jatakarma’. In this Samskara, the mixture of Madhu, Ghrita, Suvarna and Medhyadravyas are
fed to the newborn. These Lehana given in the Jatakarma samskara is nothing but the
immunization process.
The maximum development of the brain takes place in first two years of life which can be

Atul et al. / Pharma Science Monitor 7(4), Oct-Dec 2016, 83-87

Impact factor: 3.958/ICV: 4.10 84

assessed by increase in the head circumference of the child 95% at the 21st month of age.
Hence, administration of Medhya Dravayas in this period enhances the development of nervous
Immunization is the process whereby a person is made immune or resistant to an infectious disease
which stimulate the body’s own immune system to protect the person against subsequent infection or
Ayurvedic immunization works on same line as vaccines. According to Ayurveda Ghee and Madhu
mixed in equal quantity acts as poison. This same theory is used in Swarna prashana. Honey and ghee
in equal doses is given at regular intervals. This develops resistance in the body for any type of
poison,in other words it produces active-immunity.
Kashyapsamhita:-Suvarna is rubbed with water and mixed with honey and ghrita.
Charak Samhita:-Only Madhu & Ghrita lehana after cutting the cord and before Stanyapana. Suvarna
is not described for lehana.
 Susrut Samhita:-After jatkarmaMadhu, Sarpi and Anantchurna(suvarna) lehan with
AnamikaAnguli before Snana(gunjapramana- Dalhana).
Other prasha in Susruta Samhita
1. Suvarna, Kustha, Madhu, Ghrita, Vacha
2. Suvarna, Matsyakshi, Sankhpuspi, Madhu, Ghrita
3. Suvarna, Arkapushpi, Vacha, Madhu, Ghrita
4. Suvarna, Kaidarya, Sweta, Durva, Madhu, Ghrita
 AshtangHridaya
 Suvarna with vacha, brahmi, tapya, pathya along with madhu&ghrit.
 Suvarna with dhatri (amalaki).
 Suvarna, shvetvacha, kushtha, arkapushpi.
 Suvarna, matsyaxi, shankha, kaidraya, vacha.
 Bhavprakash&Yogaratnakar:-Same as su.sha.10
 Bhaishajyaratnavali–
 Swarnabhasmaand Churnasof Kustha, Vacha, Haritaki, Brahmiare licked with Madhuand
 Controversies are regarding the dose of the individual content as well as total Lehana.
 Sharangdharsamhita:-

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Impact factor: 3.958/ICV: 4.10 85

 Suvarna bhasmais to be licked with Madhuand Ghrita to the child.

 Same as Bhavaprakasha
Why Lehana ?
 As Lehanais the same concept of route of administration for the children in concern to
palatability, convenience, easy to administer and generally well accepted with no side
 Kashyap has described various lehana in special lehadhyaya which indicates its
importance in child for developing immune power and to fight against infection.
Various lehas described for specific purpose like Samvardhanaghrita for pangu, muka,
badhirachild. (ka.sU.19 )
Duration for Suvarna Prashana
 1 month or 6 months:- Kashyap Samhita
 1 yr:- Ashtang Hridaya
 1 yr or 12 yr:-Dalhana, Bhavprakash
Rasa panchaka-
Rasa: Madhur, tikta, kashaya
Virya: Sita
Vipaka: Madhur
Doshagnata: Tridoshahar
Guna: Guru, Pichhila, Snigdha
Karma: Bruhan, Rasayan, Vishahar, Buddhi-Smritiprad, Hrudya
Rogaghnata: Kshaya, Unmada, Tridoshajajvara, Visha, Shosha
Dosage: Suvarna Bhasma - 1/8 to ¼ Ratti. (15 – 30 mg) (Ra.Ta)
Rasa panchaka-
Rasa –Madhur, Kashaya.
Guna –Ruksha, Shita, Guru (cha.),Laghu(sus), Picchila,Sukshamarganusari, Yogavahi.
Virya –Shita.
Doshaghanata – Vatakarak, Pitta-rakta-kaphashamak.(cha.), Tridoshashamak(sus.)
Karma – Dipana, Varnya, Swarya,Sandhanam, Shodhanam, Ropanam, Chedanam,
Sangrahi, Chakshushaya, Prasadanam.

Atul et al. / Pharma Science Monitor 7(4), Oct-Dec 2016, 83-87

Impact factor: 3.958/ICV: 4.10 86

Rogaghanata– Trishna, Visha, Hikka, Raktapitta, Prameha, Kustha, Krimi, Chhardi,

Shwasa, Kasa, Atisar, Vranasadhankar.
Rasa panchak-
Rasa- Madhur
Guna- Snighdha, Guru, Shita
Virya- Shita
Vipak- Madhur
Doshghanata- Pittaghana
Karma- Agni Bala Aayu Shukra Chakshukar
Rogaghanata- Apasmar, Unmad,Murcha,Shirorog,Karnagog, Netrarog

 Medha (Intellect)
 Agni (digestive power)
 bala (Strengthens the Immune System)
 Aayu vardhana(prolonged life span)
 Mangalakara(brings good virtues in child, positive attitude, optimism, power to
overcome mental and physical hardships, good fate)
 Vrishya(attractive nature and personality)
 Varnya(good complexion)
 Graha baadha nashaka(protect from idiopathic disease)
 If done for30 times then child will be Parama medhavi(extremely intelligent &
 If done for 180 times then child will be shrutadhara (remembers what he hears once -
excellent grasping).
 Our recent immunization concept is vaccine, prevents only those diseases which it
made for.
 Our body can produce immunity itself and vaccine helps to make it faster.
 Modern Science has invented several vaccines for several diseases and it is
continually moving.
 The Suvarnaprashan works on same principle of vaccine (improving immunity) but

Atul et al. / Pharma Science Monitor 7(4), Oct-Dec 2016, 83-87

Impact factor: 3.958/ICV: 4.10 87

provide non-specific immunity i.e. against various diseases.

 Therefore, Suvarnaprashan is a gift of Ayurveda to improve immunity of Child.
1. Kashyapa Samhita of Maharshi Kashyapa, edited by Prof.(Km.)P.V. Tevari, Chaukhamba
visvabharati Varanasi, reprint 2008
2. Charak Samhita, Kashinath Shastri, Dr. G. Pandeya, Vaidya Yadayji Trikamji Acharya,
Reprint edition, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 2009.
3. Sushruta Samhita edited by Anantram Sharma, Choukhamba Surbharati Prakashan,
Varanasi, 1st edition 2001
4. Yogratnakar, Shrilakshmipati Shastri, Choukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 7 th
edition, 2002
5. Bhavaprakash Nighantu of Shri Bhava Mishra, edited by Dr. G. S. Pandey Choukhamba
Bharati Academy, Varanasi, reprint 2002
6. Sharangadhara Samhita, of Sharangadhara, edited by Prof. K.R. S. Murty, Choukhamba
Orientalia, Varanasi , 4th edition 2001
7. Ashtanga Hridaya, Dr. Anna Kunte, K. R. Shastri, 1st edition Reprint, Chaukhamba
Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 2010.
8. Ashtang Sanghrah, Dr. Lal Chandra shastri, Trivedi, 1st edition Reprint, Shree
Baidyanatha Ayurveda Bhavan PVT LTD, Nagapur.
9. Rasataringini of Sadanand Sharma, Shastri K N, Motilal Banarasidas Publications, New
Delhi, 2000, 15,228.

Atul et al. / Pharma Science Monitor 7(4), Oct-Dec 2016, 83-87

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