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Community Health Nursing Final Exam (Total Marks 80) I-Choose The Best Answers: - (25 Marks)

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Fourth Year Benha University

Date: 6 / 1/ 2015 Faculty of Nursing

Time: 3 hour C. H. Ng. Department
Code No. 406
Community Health Nursing Final Exam
(Total marks 80)

I- Choose the best answers: - ( 25 Marks)

1-Which among the following is the primary focus of prevention of cancer?

a- Elimination of conditions causing cancer

b- Diagnosis and treatment
c- Treatment at early stage
d- Early detection
2-During the in-home phase of a home visit, the nurse engages in brief social
interaction with family members. This action:
a-Is not cost effective
b-Is disruptive to the purpose of the visit
c-Should be extended on future visits
d-Allows for establishment of nurse/client rapport

3- After family assessment is made, the next step is to

a-Determine the needs
b- Set priorities
c-Establish goal and objectives
d-Develop plan of action

4- Clarifying the purpose for home visit occurs in

a- Initiation phase.
b- Pre-visit
c- In – home
d- Post visit

5- Which of the following is the most common on-the-job injury among garment
a- Abdominal injury
b- Eye injury
c- Head injury
d- Neck injury
6- Factors contribute to violence include all the following except:
a- Movies often depict people being tortured
b- Participation in violent video games
c- Tolerance and ignorance
d- Political and religious ideology

7- The family dynamic can be influenced by

a- Daily living activities
b- Coping with a chronic medical condition
c- A crisis to family member
d- All of the above.
8- Verbal and physical assault is types of:
a- Community violence
b- Community environment
c- Community diseases
d- Community hazards

9- Health care fraud and abuse is:

a- Withholding of personal care or medication
b- Charging for services not delivered
c- Charging for services delivered
d- Misuse of money or property

10- The following are examples of preventive health services except:

a- Pregnancy and infant care
b- Immunization
c- Family planning
d- Toxic agent control
11- Treatment as a component of community health practice can occur through:
a- Promotion services
b- Indirect services
c- Preventive services
d- Healthy programs

12- Factors affecting the prevalence and incidence of chronic diseases include:
a- Biological factors
b- Environment factors
c- Monitoring health status
d- Life span factors
13- Characteristics of school age period including:
a- Period of play and calm.
b- Period of play and creation
c- Period of hyperactivity
d- Period of recreation
14- Reasons for giving school age special considerations:
a- They constitute a tiny sector of the population.
b- School students are considered a vulnerable group.
c- School students are very creative and curious.
d- School students need promoting adjustment

15-The purpose of conducting a community assessment includes

a- Satisfying one's curiosity about a particular place.
b- Looking for one particular client family you will be visiting.
c- Making travel in the community easier in the future.
d- Determining strengths, weakness, needs, and resources.

16- Objectives of health education include:

a-Promotion of health and prevention of disease
b-Motivate the public to follow sound logic behavior.
c-Change positive traditional beliefs
d-Promote the development &improper use of health services.

17- Community health nurses need to cultivate sets of communication skills which
a- Intrapersonal skills.
b- Persons skills.
c- Interpersonal skills
d- Personal skills.
18- The factors which are affecting on family function include:
a- Previous life style
b- Ergonomic resources
c- Health care system
d- Value and beliefs
19-The features of the disaster are
a- Predictability
b- Unpredictability
c- Non-urgent
d- Argument

20-The importance of counseling all the following except
a- Clarifying problems issues
b- Discussing problem
c- Relieve tension
d- Encouraging sight

21-Which program is an example of secondary prevention?

a- A community-wide nutrition program
b- A control infectious disease
c- Alcoholics anonymous
d- An exercise program for persons

22-Scope of primary health care services include

a- Maternal care
b- Child care
c- Heath education
d- All of the above

23- Activities designed to eliminate or modify risk factors by community health

nurse include except:
a- Quitting smoking.
b- Reducing weight
c- Socioeconomic status
d-Using safety and protective devices.

24- Risk factors of disability include:

a- Consanguinity
b- Constantly
c- Concinnity
d- Consequently

25- The community health nurse should be focused on:

a- Wellness for every individual
b- Economic forces of community
c- Advanced technology
d- Evaluation of the practice

II- Put (T) if the statement is correct and (F) if the statement is wrong (5 Marks)
1 Community based rehabilitation seeks to change negative attitudes of
individuals and society toward disability. F T
2 The most common disposal methods of garbage dumping, burning and
buying F T
3 Counseling relationship ends by the problem solving F T
4 Primary health care is essential health care based on practical scientifically
sound and methods of advanced technology F T
5 Public health mean identification of needs, protection and improvement of
collective health F T

1 2 3 4 5
T f F F F

III- Match the correct answer in column (A) with corresponding answer in
column (B) (5 Marks)

1 Family health a Translation of prepared polices
2 Community based b Considering the broad range of needs that affect
rehabilitation health
3 Assurance c Temporary immediate immunity.
4 Holistic practice d It is opportunities and social integration.
5 Personal protective devices e It is continuing ability to meet interaction with other
social, political, economic and health systems
f Measures applied when the disease advanced to
restore function
g Methods of providing safety in hazardous conditions

1 2 3 4 5
e d a b g

IV- Answer the following (15 Marks)
1- The strategies of community health nurse to control environment are

a- The community health nurse can be involved in environ mental health to:
1-Help protect the public's health from potential threats in the environment.
2-Help protect and promote the health of the environment it self so it can be life and
health enhancing for its human inhabitants.

The strategies nurse's role:

1-Learn about possible environment health threats.
2-Assess clients environment and detect health hazards.
3-Plan collaboratively with citizens and other professionals to devise protective and
preventive strategies.
4-Assist with the implementation of programs to prevent health threes to clients and
the environment.
5-Take action to correct situation in which health hazards exist.
2- Strategies for carrying out disability rehabilitation program are

Social integration of all people with disabilities

Out- reach program which services are provided to people with disabilities by specialists
whovisit the community, or the homes of disabled people

Institution-based rehabilitation, people with disabilities are temporarily removed from their
homes so they can go through a training process under the direction of staff in the

3- Primary illness prevention in the work setting include

- Health promotion
- Health education.

- Good nutrition.
- Rest and exercise.
- Prenatal care for pregnant employees.
Illness prevention:
- Immunization.
- Modification or elimination of risk factors.
- Stress education and management.
Injury prevention
- Safety education.
- Use of safety devices.
- Safe handling of hazardous substance.
- Elimination of safety hazards.
- Good body mechanics.
4-Role of the nurse regarding homeless population are
a- Create a trusting environment. Trust is essential to the development of a therapeutic
relationship with poor or homeless persons. Many clients and families have been
disappointed by their interactions with health care and social systems; they are
now mistrustful and see little hope for change. By the following through and
doing what they say they will do, nurses can establish trusting relationships with

Show respect, compassion, and concern. Poor and homeless clients are defeated so
often by life’s circumstances that they may feel that they do not deserve
attention. Listen carefully and empathize with clients so that they believe that
they are worthy of care. Too often, poor and homeless persons are not treated
with respect and dignity by health and social services workers. Since clients
respond well to nursing interactions that demonstrate respect, it is helpful to

use reflective statements that convey acceptance and understanding of their

Do not make assumptions. A comprehensive and holistic assessment is crucial to

identifying underlying needs. Just because a young mother with three
preschool children misses a clinic appointment does not mean that she does
not care about the health of her children. She may not have transportation,
one child may be sick, or she may be sick find out the reason for the absence
and help solve the problem.

Coordinate a net work of services and providers. The multiple and complex needs of
poor and homeless people make working with them exceedingly challenging.
Developing a coordinated network of providers involves conducting a
thorough assessment of the services area to identify federal, state and local
services available for poor and homeless clients as where are the food banks?
Where can you get clothing? Nurses can identify these services and help link
families with appropriate resources. Nurses serving as case managers can
work with other health care providers and with community members to
advocate for necessary services for homeless clients.

Advocate for accessible health care services. Poverty and homelessness create a
number of barriers that prevent access to health care services. Nurses can
advocate for accessible and convenient locations of health care services.
Neighborhood clinics, mobile vans, and home visits can bring health care to
people unable to access care. Coordinating services at central location often
improves client compliance because it reduces the stress of getting to
multiple places.

Focus on prevention. Nurses can use every opportunity to provide preventive care and
health teaching. Important health promotion topics include child and adult
immunization, and education regarding sound nutrition, foot care, safe sex,

Develop a network of support for yourself. Caring for poor and homeless persons is challenging,
rewarding, and at time exhausting. It is important to find a source of personal strength, renewal,
and hop

5- Phases of disaster management are

a1-Mitigation & prevention: measures put in place to minimize the results from a disaster
during this phase there I no disaster expected or anticipated
The task during this phase is to identify community risk factors, develop and implement
program to prevent disaster from occurring
Examples: building codes and zoning vulnerability analyses public education
2-Preparedness: planning how to respond. It involves improving community and individual
reaction and responses so that effects of disaster are minimized. Disaster
preparedness aimed and involve planning to saves lives, minimize injures and
propriety damage.
Examples: preparedness plans, emergency exercises/ training, warning systems plans for
communication, evacuation, rescur, and victims care
3-Response: initial actions taken as the event takes place. It involves efforts to minimize the
hazards created by a disaster. Examples:
On-side stabilization
Transportation of victims
Treatment at local hospital
Supportive care (food, water, shelter for victims)

4-Recovery: returning the community to normal. The community take actions to rebuild or
restore relocate damage home and business and restore health and economic
vitality to the community, also psychological recovery must be addressed
examples: temporary housing; grants; medical care.

Good luck
Prof. Howida Sadek Abd El Hameed
Assis prof. Hanaa Abd El- Gawed
Assis prof. Mahboba Sobhy
Assis prof. Ebtesamm Mohamed Abd ELaal
Lecturer. Doaa Mohamed Sobh and Samah Saied


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