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Use of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Resilience
and Preparedness Against Adverse Flood Events
Sara Saravi 1, * , Roy Kalawsky 1 , Demetrios Joannou 1 , Monica Rivas Casado 2 ,
Guangtao Fu 3 and Fanlin Meng 3
1 Wolfson School of Mechanical, Electrical & Manufacturing Engineering, Advanced VR Research Centre,
Loughborough University, Loughborough LE11 3TU, UK; (R.K.); (D.J.)
2 School of Water, Energy and Environment, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, UK;
3 Centre for Water Systems, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter,
Exeter, Devon EX4 4QF, UK; (G.F.); (F.M.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +44-(0)-1509-222-938

Received: 12 February 2019; Accepted: 6 May 2019; Published: 9 May 2019 

Abstract: The main focus of this paper is the novel use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in natural disaster,
more specifically flooding, to improve flood resilience and preparedness. Different types of flood have
varying consequences and are followed by a specific pattern. For example, a flash flood can be a result
of snow or ice melt and can occur in specific geographic places and certain season. The motivation
behind this research has been raised from the Building Resilience into Risk Management (BRIM)
project, looking at resilience in water systems. This research uses the application of the state-of-the-art
techniques i.e., AI, more specifically Machin Learning (ML) approaches on big data, collected from
previous flood events to learn from the past to extract patterns and information and understand flood
behaviours in order to improve resilience, prevent damage, and save lives. In this paper, various ML
models have been developed and evaluated for classifying floods, i.e., flash flood, lakeshore flood,
etc. using current information i.e., weather forecast in different locations. The analytical results show
that the Random Forest technique provides the highest accuracy of classification, followed by J48
decision tree and Lazy methods. The classification results can lead to better decision-making on what
measures can be taken for prevention and preparedness and thus improve flood resilience.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; machine learning; flood; preparedness; resilience; flood resilience

1. Introduction
Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and intensity of extreme events, including
flooding. Across the world, flooding has an enormous economic impact and cost millions of lives.
The number of large scale natural disasters have significantly increased in the past few years; this results
in considerable impact to human lives, environment and buildings, and substantial damage to societies.
During these disasters, vast quantities of data are collected on the characteristics of the event via
governmental bodies, society (e.g., citizen science), emergency responders, loss adjusters and social
media, amongst others. However, there is a lack of research on how this data can be used to inform
how different stakeholders are/can be directly or indirectly affected by large scale natural disasters
pre-, during and post-event disaster management decisions. There is a growing popularity and need
for the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques [1] that bring large-scale natural disaster data into
real practice and provide suitable tools for natural disaster forecasting, impact assessment, and societal
resilience. This in turn will inform on resource allocation, which can lead to better preparedness and

Water 2019, 11, 973; doi:10.3390/w11050973

Water 2019, 11, 973 2 of 16

prevention for a natural disaster, save lives, minimize economic impact, provide better emergency
respond, and make communities stronger and more resilient.
The majority of the work done in the area of AI in flooding has been on the use of social media [2]
(e.g., Facebook, Twitter or Instagram) where status update, comments and photo sharing have been
used for data mining to improve flood modelling and risk management [3–5]. The author of [6] has
used Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in flash flood prediction using data from soil moisture and
rainfall volume. Further research [7] has focused on the use of the Bursty Keyword technique combined
with the Group Burst algorithm to retrieve co-occurring keywords and derive valuable information
for flood emergency response. AI has also been used on images provided by citizens affected by
flooding for emergency responders to have situational awareness. In [8], the authors explored the use
of algorithms based on ground photography shared within social networks. Use of specific algorithms
for satellite images or aerial imagery [9] to detect flood extent was also explored. Within this context,
the resolution of the imagery collected is of key relevance to detect features of interest due to the
complexity of the imagery acquired in urban areas [10]. Some studies have focused on the analysis of
high resolution, real-time data processing to derive flood information [11,12].
Overall, the majority of disaster-monitoring methods are based on change detection algorithms,
where the affected area is identified through a complex elaboration on images from pre- and post-event.
Change detection can be applied to the amplitude or intensity, filtered or elaborated versions of the
amplitude [2,13,14]. For example, in [15], a technique based on change detection applied to quantities
related to the fractal parameters of the observed surface was developed to address change detection.
In [16], information extracted from images taken and shared on social media by people in flooded
regions was combined with the embedded metadata within them to detect flood patterns. In this study,
a convolutional inception network was applied on pre-trained weights on ImageNet to extract rich
visual information from the social media imagery. A word embedding was used for the metadata to
represent the textual information continuously and feed it to a bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks
(RNN). The word embedding was initialized using Glove vectors, and finally, the image and text
features were concatenated to find out probability of the sample, including related information about
flooding. Similarly, in [17], an AI system was designed to retrieve social media images containing
direct evidence of flooding events and derive visual properties of images and the related metadata via
a multimodal approach. For that purpose, an image pre-processing including cropping and test-set
pre-filtering based on image colour or textual metadata and ranking for fusion was implemented.
In [18,19], Convolutional Neural Networks and Relation Networks were used for end-to-end learning
for disaster image retrieval and flood detection from satellite images.

2. Methodology
Flood management strategies and emergency response depend upon the type of area affected
(e.g., agricultural or urban) as well as on the flood type (e.g., fluvial, pluvial or coastal). Resilience
measures are generally deployed by governmental agencies to reduce the impact of flooding. The use
of AI to derive flood information for specific events is well documented in the scientific literature.
However, little is known about how AI could inform future global patterns of flood impact and
associated resilience needs.
The main focus of this paper is on the use of AI and more explicitly Machine Learning (ML)
applied to natural disasters involving flooding to estimate the flood type from the weather forecast,
location, days event lasted, begin/end location, begin/end latitude and longitude, injuries direct/indirect,
death direct/indirect and property and crop damage.
The proposed method uses historical information collected from 1994 to 2018, to learn the patterns
and changes in various parameters’ behaviours in flood events and make remarks for the future events.
This paper focuses only on providing an insight on how floods behave differently in terms of damage.
Using the historic data, the models developed adapt to all the changes over time by learning from
past information and can provide high accuracy of classification. The proposed technique is highly
The flood pathways and key variables are first described, and data sourcing and ML techniques
used in this study are then explained, and finally the model evaluation metrics are provided.

2.1. Flood Pathways and Key Variables

Water 2019, 11, 973 3 of 16
An important step in the process is to create influence maps as visual aids to illustrate how
related variables interact and affect each other. Figure 1 indicates an overall causal loop diagram for
full flooding
to usescenario. This map
for estimating includes
any other all the
desired stakeholders
parameters, and their
providing interaction
a detailed i.e., natural
set of historic data.
climate change,combined
This technique man-madewith facilities,
otherbusinesses, public andfrom
proposed techniques governmental
such asand socialimagery,
satellite media.
socialThe season,
media temperature,
information, location
etc. can of the
provide area powerful
a very (highland/inland, coastal/urban),
tool for having insight toand rain/snowfall
flood events and
help affect the levels ofreduce
with preparedness, the sea or river
impact, and andbetterreservoirs. Usage of water by energy suppliers,
decision making.
human/farming water demand
The flood pathways and key can change are
variables thefirst
balance of the and
described, reservoirs and river
data sourcing andwater levels and
ML techniques
indicate a warning
used in this study aresign forexplained,
then flooding. The
and use of social
finally media
the model and public
evaluation awareness
metrics can help tackle
are provided.
the risks of a flooding event. When the flooding occurs, many sectors are affected i.e., road/rail way
2.1. Floodgas/water
damage, Pathways andpipeKey Variables
damage, power cut, farming damage, etc. Emergency response and access to
food Anandimportant
local amenities
step in the process is Grocery
are restricted. to create prices spike
influence mapsdueastovisual
lack ofaids
supply and businesses
to illustrate how related are
affected by physical building damage or lack of human resources. In this loop,
variables interact and affect each other. Figure 1 indicates an overall causal loop diagram for a full public awareness,
emergency responses
flooding scenario. (local/public),
This map includes early
all release of sewerage
the stakeholders system,
and their and sheltersi.e.,
interaction cannatural
help save lives.
There are three states in the diagram in Figure 1: Green refers to normal
change, man-made facilities, businesses, public and governmental sectors, and social media. conditions, amber refers
to caution for a probability of flooding, and red refers to a very high risk or event of flooding.

Figure 1.
Figure An overall
1. An overall causal
causal loop
normalconditions, amber
conditions, refers
amber to
caution for a probability of flooding, and red refers to a very high risk or event of flooding.
to caution for a probability of flooding, and red refers to a very high risk or event of flooding.

The Collation
2.2. Data season, temperature, location of the area (highland/inland, coastal/urban), and rain/snowfall
and Preparation
can affect the levels of the sea or river and reservoirs. Usage of water by energy suppliers, human/farming
waterOne of thecan
demand most important
change requirements
the balance for this research
of the reservoirs and riverwas a detailed
water historic
levels and andainclusive
indicate warning
sign for flooding. The use of social media and public awareness can help tackle the risks of a National
set, which was acquired from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) [20], flooding
event. Whenand Atmospheric Administration
the flooding occurs, (NOAA)
many sectors [21] and
are affected National
i.e., road/railClimatic Data Centre
way damage, (NCDC)
gas/water pipe
[21]. The data used in this study covers the period of 1950 until 2018. However, the
damage, power cut, farming damage, etc. Emergency response and access to food and local amenities data of flooding
events is recorded
are restricted. from prices
Grocery the year 1994due
spike onwards
to lackand is inclusive
of supply of all eventare
and businesses types, i.e., heavy
affected snow,
by physical
building damage or lack of human resources. In this loop, public awareness, emergency responses
(local/public), early release of sewerage system, and shelters can help save lives.
There are three states in the diagram in Figure 1: Green refers to normal conditions, amber refers
to caution for a probability of flooding, and red refers to a very high risk or event of flooding.
Water 2019, 11, 973 4 of 16

2.2. Data Collation and Preparation

One of the most important requirements for this research was a detailed historic and inclusive data
set, which was acquired from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) [20], National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) [21] and National Climatic Data Centre (NCDC) [21].
The data used in this study covers the period of 1950 until 2018. However, the data of flooding events is
recorded from the year 1994 onwards and is inclusive of all event types, i.e., heavy snow, thunderstorm,
fog, hail, flood, high
Water 2019, 11, xwind, etc.
FOR PEER Table 1 summarises the different attributes used to build4models
REVIEW of 16 within
the ML based framework.
thunderstorm, fog, hail, flood, high wind, etc. Table 1 summarises the different attributes used to
Table build models within
1. Description theattributes
of the ML based used
to build models within the ML based framework to inform
The data sets collated were inspected for outliers and [21]
flood resilience and resistance actions (Source: NCDC-NOAA extreme values, [20]).
and FEMA missing data and
redundant information via a bespoke MATLAB application known as Flood Data Aggregation Tool
(FDAT) developed for this purpose by the authors. FDAT removes
Attributes all existing outliers and missing
data and re-orders the data based on specific categories chosen for the implementation of the ML
Begin Date Year, Month, Day
techniques and it converts the alphanumeric and alphabetic data to numeric data using one-hot
End Date Year, Month, Day
Month Name Jan, Feb, March, . . .
State CA, AZ, TX . . .
Table 1. Description of the attributes used to build models within the ML based framework to inform
County/Zone Name Utah, Leon, Beaver, . . .
flood resilience and resistance actions (Source: NCDC-NOAA [21] and FEMA [20]).
Injuries Direct/Indirect Number of direct/indirect injuries
Deaths Direct/Indirect
Attributes NumberDescription
of direct/indirect deaths
Weather Forecast /Flood Cause
Begin Date Heavy snow/Rain, Thunderstorm,
Year, Month, Day Fog/Thunderstorm, hail . . .
Days Lasted End Date Total number of days
Year, Month, Dayevent lasted
Begin/End Location The location where the event started (Name)
Month Name Jan, Feb, March,…
Begin/End Lat/Long Begin/End Latitude and Longitude
State CA, AZ, TX …
Property Damage $
County/Zone Name
Crop Damage Utah, Leon, Beaver,…
Injuries Direct/Indirect Number of direct/indirect injuries
Deaths Direct/Indirect Description deaths
Number of direct/indirect
Event type Heavy
Flashsnow/Rain, flood, . . .
food, Lakeshore
Weather Forecast /Flood Cause
Fog/Thunderstorm, hail…
Days Lasted Total number of days event lasted
The data sets collated were inspected for outliers and extreme
The location where thevalues,
event missing
started data and redundant
Begin/End Location
information via a bespoke MATLAB application known as(Name) Flood Data Aggregation Tool (FDAT)
developed for this purpose Begin/End
by the Lat/Long
authors. FDAT Begin/Endremoves Latitude and Longitude
all existing outliers and missing data and
Property Damage $
re-orders the data based on specific
Crop Damage
categories chosen for the implementation
of the ML techniques
and it converts the alphanumeric Classand alphabetic data to numeric data using one-hot encoding.
The processed dataset Event is then divided into training
type Flash and
food, testing
Lakeshore data sets.
flood, … The training data set is
used to develop the model whereas the testing data set is used to quantify the accuracy of the model
built. A largerThe processed dataset is then divided into training and testing data sets. The training data set is
portion of data is separated for training and the remaining is used for testing and
used to develop the model whereas the testing data set is used to quantify the accuracy of the model
to ensure
A larger portion ofof
accuracy theis classification
data model
separated for training built
and and software
the remaining is usedperformance.
for testing and Figure 2
shows an overview of the overall analytical process employed in this study.
validation to ensure accuracy of the classification model built and software performance. The raw data
Figure 2 collected
shows an overview of the overall analytical process employed in this study. The
is fed to FDAT tool for data cleaning, normalisation, aggregation, and other pre-processing steps. raw data collected
The outputisdata
fed to FDAT tool for data cleaning, normalisation, aggregation, and other pre-processing steps. The
is divided into testing and training data and passed through the ML/data mining tool,
output data is divided into testing and training data and passed through the ML/data mining tool,
the patterns
theare extracted,
patterns and the
are extracted, andmodel is is
the model built,
followed byby analysis
analysis to verify
to verify its quality.
its quality.


Data Model

Data Run FDAT to Extract Model Analysis

Collection Features

Test Data

Figure flow
Figure 2. Work 2. Work flow summarising
summarising the the analyticalsteps
analytical steps followed.
followed.“Data” includes
“Data” both data
includes collation
both data collation
and extraction.
and extraction.
Water 2019, 11, 973 5 of 16

Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 16

Figure 3 illustrates a sample of input data prepared for training, which is an output of the ADAT
Figure All
application. 3 illustrates a sample
the attributes haveofbeen
input data prepared
described prior tofor training,
data whichThe
definitions. is an outputattributes
detailed of the ADAT
application. All the
be found in Table 1. attributes have been described prior to data definitions. The detailed attributes
can be found in Table 1.

Figure3.3. A
Figure A sample
sample of
of input
input data
data prepared

2.3. Machine
Machine Learning—Model
Learning—Model Development
AI isis human intelligence demonstrated
human intelligence demonstrated by bymachines
machinesand andML MLisisananapproach
approach to to achieve
achieve AI.AI.
In this study, the focus will be on supervised ML to learn from historic data,
this study, the focus will be on supervised ML to learn from historic data, find clustered data, and find clustered data,
buildbuild classification
classification modelmodelforfor future
future events.
events. This
This typeofofML
type MLworks
particularly bestbest when
when usedused inin
combination with with historic
historic data
data (results
(results included).
included). For For this
this purpose,
purpose, aa number
number of of data
data mining
mining tools
such as:
as: Weka
Weka [22],
[22], MATLAB
MATLAB[23] [23]and
Orange[24] [24]have
deployed. TheThe reason
reason forfor using
using two
softwares (Weka and Orange) for this purpose is to test more ML techniques with varioustraining
(Weka and Orange) for this purpose is to test more ML techniques with various training
and testing
testing dataset
dataset sizes.
sizes. The
The data
data isis divided
divided into into two
two parts.
parts. The
The first
first will
will bebe used
used for
for training
training and
generating the model, and the second will be used for testing
generating the model, and the second will be used for testing and verification. and verification.
modelswere weredeveloped
developed using different
using ML techniques
different to be able
ML techniques to be to measure and compare
able to measure and
their performance and accuracy and choose the best. These techniques
compare their performance and accuracy and choose the best. These techniques included Random included Random Forest (RF),
ForestJ48 tree,Lazy,
(RF), Artificial Neural
J48 tree, Network
Artificial (ANN),
Neural Naïve Bayes
Network (ANN), (NB), and Bayes
Naïve Logistic Regression
(NB), (LR).
and Logistic
The class for(LR).
Regression the The
model in for
class all the
cases was in
model setallascases
set as(Table
“event1), which
type” included
(Table flashincluded
1), which floods,
coastal floods, lakeshore floods and other kinds of floods. The independent
flash floods, coastal floods, lakeshore floods and other kinds of floods. The independent attributes inattributes in all models
were weatherwere
all models forecast, location,
weather injuries
forecast, direct, injuries
location, injuries indirect, death direct,
direct, injuries death
indirect, indirect,
death property
direct, death
indirect,($) and crop
property damage($)($)and
damage (Table
Two of ($)these ML methods
(Table 1). Two of used i.e.,ML
these RFmethods
and NB, are usedtested in
i.e., RF
both softwares (Weka and Orange) to ensure the accuracy of results.
and NB, are tested in both softwares (Weka and Orange) to ensure the accuracy of results.

2.3.1. Random
Random Forest
Forest (RF)
(RF) [25]
RF [25]
is a is a collaborative
collaborative learning
learning technique.
technique. It isIta iscombination
a combination of the
of the Bagging
Bagging algorithm
algorithm andand
random subspace method and deploys decision trees as the basis for classifier. Each tree is mademade
random subspace method and deploys decision trees as the basis for classifier. Each tree is from
a bootstrap sample from the original dataset. The key point is that the trees are not exposed to
trimming, allowing them to partly overfit to their own sample of the data. To extend the classifiers at
Water 2019, 11, 973 6 of 16

from a bootstrap sample from the original dataset. The key point is that the trees are not exposed to
trimming, allowing them to partly overfit to their own sample of the data. To extend the classifiers at
every branch in the tree, the decision of which feature to divide further is limited to a random sub-data
from the full data set. The random sub-data is chosen again for each branching point.

2.3.2. Lazy
Lazy [25] learning is a ML approach where learning is delayed until testing time. The calculations
within a learning system can be divided as happening at two separate times: training and testing
(consultation). Testing time is the time between when an object is introduced to a system for an action
to be taken and the time when the action is accomplished. Training time is before testing time during
which the system takes actions from training data in preparation for testing time. Lazy learning refers
to any ML process that postpones the majority of computation to testing time. Lazy learning can
improve estimation precision by allowing a system to concentrate on deriving the best possible decision
for the exact points of the instance space for which estimations are to be made. However, lazy learning
must store the entire training set for use in classification. In contrast, eager learning need only store a
model, which may be more compact than the original data.

2.3.3. J48 Decision Tree

A decision tree is an analytical machine-learning model that estimates the target value of a new
test sample data based on several characteristic values of the training data. The nodes within a decision
tree represent the attributes, the branches between the nodes represent the probable values that the
attributes in training data may have, and the terminal nodes represent the final classification value of
the attribute to be estimated.
J48 is an open source Java implementation of the C4.5 algorithm in the Weka data mining tool.
In order to classify a new item, the J48 Decision tree [26] first has to generate a decision tree based on
the training data attributes. Therefore, when it encounters a training set, it categorises the attribute
that separates different samples most clearly. This feature allows most about the data instances to be
classified and contains the highest information gain.
Amongst the possible features, if there is any value for which there is no uncertainty, which the
data instances falling within its category have the same value for the target variable, then that branch
terminates and will be assigned to the target value obtained.

2.3.4. Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)

An ANN [25] is a data processing system that is inspired by the way neurons in biological brain
systems process information, which facilitates a computer to learn from the information provided.
The crucial component of this system consists of a large number of greatly interrelated processing
features (neurones) working uniformly to solve problems. An ANN system is developed without any
precise logic. Basically, an ANN system adapts and changes its configuration based on the pattern
within the information that flows through the network during the learning phase, and very similar
to human beings, it learns by example. An ANN is primarily trained with a large amount of data.
Training involves feeding input data and stating what the output would be. ANN use numerous
principles, including gradient-based training, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, and Bayesian methods.
ANNs are designed to identify patterns in the given information. Particularly classification task
which is to classify data into pre-defined classes, clustering task which is to classify data into distinctive
undefined groups), and estimation task which is to use past events to estimate future ones.
One of the challenges of using ANNs is the time it takes to train the networks, which can be
computationally expensive for more complex tasks. Another challenge is that the ANNs are like a black
box, in which the user can feed in information and receive a built model. The user can modify the
model, but they do not have access to the exact decision-making process.
Water 2019, 11, 973 7 of 16

2.3.5. Naïve Bayes (NB)

NB [25] is a simple learning algorithm that uses Bayes’ rule along with a theory that the features
are provisionally independent given the class. Although this independence theory is usually affected
in practice, NB usually delivers competitive classification precision. NB is commonly used in practice
because of its computational efficiency and many other desirable features such as low variance,
incremental learning, direct prediction of posterior probabilities, robustness in the face of noise,
and robustness in the face of missing values.
NB provides a system to use the information from training data to estimate the future probability
of each class y given an object x. These estimations can be used for classification or other decision
support applications.

2.3.6. Logistic Regression (LR)

LR [25] is a mathematical model for estimation of the probability of an episode happening based
on the given input data. LR provides a tool for applying the linear regression methods to classification
problems. LR is used when the target variable is categorical. Linear regression estimates the data by
defining a straight-line equation to model or estimate data points. LR does not look at the relationship
between the two variables as a straight line. Instead, LR uses the natural logarithm function to find the
relationship between the variables and uses test data to find the coefficients. The function can then
estimate the future results using these coefficients in the logistic equation. LR uses the concept of odds
ratios to calculate the probability. This is defined as the ratio of the odds of an event happening to its
not happening.

2.4. Model Evaluation Metrics

The system has been trained with several different combinations; however, the final system uses
one based on the selected attributes, which was an output of the classifier attribute evaluation from an
ML tool. All ML models developed were validated using evaluation criteria, i.e., confusion matrix [25],
Mean Absolute Error (MAE) [25] and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) [25]. These metrics are used
for summarising and assessing the quality of the ML model.
A confusion matrix summarises the classifier performance with regards to the test data. It is
a two-dimensional matrix, indexed in one dimension by the actual class of an object and in the other
by the class that the classifier allocates, and the cells represent: true positives (TP), false positives
(FP), true negatives (TN) and false negatives (FN) identified in a classification. Multiple measures of
accuracy are derived from the confusion matrix i.e., specificity (SP), sensitivity (SS), positive estimated
value (PPV) and negative estimated value (NPV). These are calculated as follows:

SP = TN / (TN + FP) (1)

SS = TP / (TP + FN) (2)

PPV = TP / (TP + FP) (3)

NPV = TN / (TN + FN) (4)

The MAE is the mean of the absolute value of the error per instance over all samples in the test
data. Each estimation error is the difference between the true value and the estimated value for the
sample. MAE is calculated as follows:
i=1 yest,i − yi

MAE = (5)
where yi is the true target value for test sample i, yest,i is the estimated target value for test sample i,
and n is the number of test samples.
Water 2019, 11, 973 8 of 16

The RMSE of a model with respect to a test data is the square root of the mean of the squared
Water 2019, 11,errors
x FOR over all samples in the test data. The estimation error is the difference between
true value and the estimated value for a sample. RMSE is calculated as follows:

∑ , −2
RMSE = i=1 ( yest,i − yi ) (6)
= (6)

Where yi is is
where thethe
truetrue target
target value
value for test
for test sample
sample i, yest,i, is the, estimated
is the estimated target
target value forvalue for testi,
test sample
and , and
n is the numberis the number
of test of test samples.

3. Model Training
3. Model Training and
and Testing
Testing Results
The original data consisted of 126,315 samples. After removing the outliers and filtering using
ADAT application,
application, 69,558
69,558 instances
instances were
were narrowed
narrowed down
down toto be
be used
used for
for learning.
learning. The data was then
divided into two parts: a larger
larger section (data from 1994 to 2017) for training purposes and the smaller
section (data
(data from
the training
the trainingdata forfor
data event type
event cancan
type be
seen in Figure
be seen in Figure4. 4.

Flash Flood Flood Coastal Flood Lakeshore Flood

Figure 4.
Figure Visual distribution
4. Visual distribution of
of flood
flood types
types in
in training
training data.

The test data

The test data for
for Orange
Orange software
software consists
consists of of 164
164 instances
instances with
with target
target feature
feature ofof “Event-Type”,
of which
which 44 44 instances are coastal
instances are flood, 58
coastal flood, 58 instances
instances are are flash
flash flood,
flood, 5353 are
are flood
flood and
and 99 are
are lakeshore
flood. The test data for Weka software consists of 3478 instances of which
flood. The test data for Weka software consists of 3478 instances of which 100 are coastal flood, 100 are coastal flood, 21042104
flash flood,
are flash 12661266
flood, are are
flood andand
flood 8 are lakeshore
8 are lakeshoreflood. TheThe
flood. testing dataset
testing sizesize
dataset cancan
vary depending
vary depending on
the user desire and performance of the ML software and hardware capabilities.
on the user desire and performance of the ML software and hardware capabilities. Four different Four different types
of MLoftechniques
types ML techniquesin Orange and four
in Orange techniques
and four techniquesin Weka are tested
in Weka andand
are tested evaluated in order
evaluated to be
in order to
able to choose the best performing technique. The techniques tested are
be able to choose the best performing technique. The techniques tested are RF, Lazy, J48 tree, ANN, RF, Lazy, J48 tree, ANN, NB,
NB, LR.andAn LR.overview of theof
An overview model training
the model and testing
training processprocess
and testing is illustrated in Figurein5,Figure
is illustrated which 5, haswhich
implemented in Orange. First, the training data is passed through different
has been implemented in Orange. First, the training data is passed through different classification classification techniques
(i.e., NN, LR,
techniques RF NN,
(i.e., and NB)
LR, RFto build
and NB) the classification models, then models,
to build the classification the models then are tested
the using
models arethe test
data. Finally, the evaluation results are produced and can be analysed and/or
using the test data. Finally, the evaluation results are produced and can be analysed and/or visualized visualized (i.e., confusion
matrix and scatter
(i.e., confusion plot).
matrix and scatter plot).
Water 2019,11,
Water2019, 11,973
x FOR PEER REVIEW 99 of 16
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 16

Figure 5.
5. Visual
Visual overview
overview of the
the model
process inOrange.
Figure 5. Visual overview ofofthe model training and testing process ininOrange.
The resultsof ofthe
modelsand andtheirtheirperformance
performanceare arediscussed
The results
Based on of
the theconfusion
models and their the
matrix, performance
RF model areusing
Orange below.
software classified
Based on the confusion matrix, the RF model using Orange software classified 7 out of 97 instances
out of 9
instances on the
as Lakeshore confusion
Flood, matrix, the RF model using Orange software classified 7 out of
44 9as
as Lakeshore Flood, 49 out of 5349 as out of 53
Flood, 32 as
of 58 as32Flash
out ofFlood
58 asandFlash Flood
44 out and
of 44 as44 out ofFlood
instances as
Coastal Flood Lakeshore Flood,
correctly.classified 49 out
The correctly of 53 as Flood,
classified 32
instancesout of 58
in total as Flash
was 132 Flood and 44 out
(80.49%).toAccording of 44
to as
correctly. The correctly instances in total was 132 (80.49%). According the proportion
Coastal Flood
proportion correctly. The
of the classifications correctly
on the classified instances in total was 132 (80.49%). According to the
of the classifications on the test data, thetest
RFdata, the RF of
was ahead was
allahead of all other techniques.
other techniques. Figure 6 shows Figurethe6
shows the of the classifications
evaluation results on confusion
and the test data, the for
matrix RF was
the ahead
RF modelof all other
based on techniques.
the supplied Figure
test 6
evaluation results and confusion matrix for the RF model based on the supplied test set. Based on the
shows the
Based on the evaluation
confusion results and confusion matrix for the RF model based on the supplied test set.
confusion matrix, the RFmatrix, the RFWeka
model using model using Weka
software software
classified classified
1850 out of 21041850 out ofFlood,
as Flash 2104 as 820Flash
Flood,on the confusion matrix, the RF model using Weka software classified 1850 out of 2104 as Flashas
of 1266 820 out of100
as Flood, 1266 outasofFlood,
100 as100 out ofFlood
Coastal 100 as
and Coastal
six outFlood
of eightandinstances
six out of as eight instances
Lakeshore Flood
Flood, 820 out
Lakeshore Floodof 1266 as Flood,
correctly. 100 out ofclassified
The correctly 100 as Coastal
instances Flood andare
in total six out of eight instances asis
correctly. The correctly classified instances in total are 2776 (79.83%). The2776
MAE(79.83%). TheRMSE
is 0.13 and MAE is
0.13 and Flood correctly. The correctly classified instances in total are 2776 (79.83%). The MAE is
0.27. The RMSE is 0.27. provides
RF technique The RF technique
best results provides best results
as compared to theastechniques
comparedtested to thein techniques
Weka. Figure tested 7
in and RMSE
Weka. Figure is 0.27.
7 The RF technique
indicates a visual provides error
classifier best results
for theasRFcompared
model. to
The thediagram
indicates a visual classifier error for the RF model. The diagram shows the distribution of correctly
Weka. Figure 7 indicates
of correctly a visual
classified classifier
instances error forclusters,
in the
coloured the RF model. The diagram shows thein
classified instances in coloured clusters, where bigger clusters where(shownthe in bigger
crosses) clusters
are the(shown
crosses) are of correctly
the correctly classified instances in coloured clusters, where the bigger clusters (shown in
classified instances and theclassified instances
smaller clusters and the
(shown withsmaller
are the with small squares)
misclassified instances.are
crosses) are the correctly
the misclassified instances.classified instances and the smaller clusters (shown with small squares) are
the misclassified instances.

Figure 6. Evaluation
Figure 6. Evaluation Results
Results for
for Random
Random Forest
Forest model
model in
in Weka.
Figure 6. Evaluation Results for Random Forest model in Weka.
Water 2019, 11, 973 10 of 16
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 16
Water 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 16

Flash Flood Flood Coastal Flood Lakeshore Flood

Flash Flood Flood Coastal Flood Lakeshore Flood
Figure 7.
Figure Visualclassifier
7. Visual classifier error
error for
for Random
Random Forest
Forest model
model in
in Weka.
Weka. The
The crosses
crosses indicate
indicate correctly
Figure 7.instances
classified Visual classifier errorrefer
and squares
squares for to
Random Forest model in Weka. The crosses indicate correctly
classified instances and refer to misclassified instances.
classified instances and squares refer to misclassified instances.
The confusionmatrix
(Weka) correctly
correctly classified
1858 Theof
out confusion
2104 as matrix
Flash result809
Flood, (Figure
out 8)1266
of indicates
as that the
Flood, 99 Lazy
out of model
100 as (Weka)
Coastal correctly
Flood andclassified
six out
1858 out of 2104 as Flash Flood, 809 out of 1266 as Flood, 99 out of 100 as Coastal Flood and six
of eightout of 2104
eight instances as
instances as Flash Flood,
as Lakeshore 809
Lakeshore Flood. out
Flood. The of 1266
Thecorrectlyas Flood,
correctlyclassified99 out of
classifiedinstances100 as
instancesin Coastal
totalwas Flood
was2772 and six
of eight
The MAE instances
MAE waswas0.13 as
0.13and Lakeshore
RMSEwas Flood.
was0.27. The
0.27.The correctly
techniqueprovides instances
providesbetter in total
betterresults was
resultsthan 2772
thanNaïve (79.70%).
The MAE was 0.13 and RMSE was 0.27. The Lazy technique provides better results than Naïve Bayes.

Figure 8. Evaluation Results for Lazy model in Weka.

Figure 8. Evaluation
Figure8. Evaluation Results
Results for
for Lazy
Lazy model
model in
in Weka.
The confusion matrix (Figure 9) shows that the J48 model (Weka) classified 1882 out of 2104 as
The confusion
confusion matrix
matrix (Figure
(Figure 9) 9) shows
shows that
that the
the J48
J48 model
model (Weka)
(Weka) classified
classified 1882
1882 outout ofof2104
Flash Flood, 791 out of 1266 as Flood, 100 out of 100 as Coastal Flood and 0 out of 8 instances as
Flash Flood, 791 out of 1266 as Flood, 100 out of 100 as Coastal Flood and 0 out of 8 instances as
Flood, 791 out of 1266 as Flood, 100 out of 100 as Coastal Flood and 0 out of 8 instances as
Lakeshore Flood correctly. The correctly classified instances in total is 2773 (79.73% rate of success).
Lakeshore Flood
Flood correctly.
correctly. The
The correctly
correctly classified
classified instances
instances in
in total
total is
is 2773
2773 (79.73%
(79.73% rate
rate ofof success).
MAE is
is 0.14
0.14 and
and RMSE
is 0.27;
0.27; the
the J48
J48 technique
technique provides
provides very
very similar
similar results
results to
to Lazy.
The MAE is 0.14 and RMSE is 0.27; the J48 technique provides very similar results to Lazy.
Water 2019, 11, 973 11 of 16
Water 2019,
Water 2019, 11,
11, xx FOR
REVIEW 11 of
11 of 16

Figure 9.Evaluation
Evaluation Resultsfor
Results forJ48
for J48model
J48 modelin
model inWeka.
in Weka.

Based on
Based on the
on the confusion
the confusion matrix
confusion matrix (Figure
matrix (Figure 10)
(Figure 10) result
10) result for
result forthe
for theANN
the ANNmodel
ANN model(Orange),
model (Orange), successful
(Orange), successful
classifications are 7 out of 9 as Lakeshore Flood, 49 out of 53 instances as Flood, 27 out of 58as
classifications are
out of
Lakeshore Flood,
49 out
of 53
instances as
Flood, 2727out
out of
58 asFlash
as Flash
Flood and 44 out of 44 as Coastal Flood correctly. The total of correctly classified instances is 127
Flood and
and 44
44 out
as Coastal
Flood correctly.
correctly. The
The total
total of
correctly classified
classified instances
instances is
is 127
(77.44% rateof
rate ofsuccess).
of success).

Figure 10.Evaluation
10. EvaluationResults
Evaluation Resultsfor
Results forNeural
for NeuralNetwork
Neural Networkmodel
Network modelin
model inOrange.
in Orange.

The NBmodel
NB modelusing
model usingOrange
using Orangesoftware
Orange softwarecorrectly
software correctlyclassified
correctly classifiednine
classified nineout
nine outof
out ofnine
of nineinstances
nine instancesof
instances ofLakeshore
of Lakeshore
Flood, 4545out
out of
of5353as Flood,
as Flood, 2727out
outofof58 as
58 asFlash
Flood and 44
and out
44 of
out 44
of as
Flood, 45 out of 53 as Flood, 27 out of 58 as Flash Flood and 44 out of 44 as Coastal Flood accordingCoastal
as CoastalFlood
Floodaccording to
the resulting
to the
to the resulting confusion
resulting confusion matrix
confusion matrix (Figure
matrix (Figure10). The
(Figure 10). total
10). The of correctly
The total
total of classified
of correctly instances
correctly classified was
classified instances 125 (76.22%).
instances waswas 125
The number
(76.22%). of
The confused
number instances
of confusedas Flash Flood
instances and
as Flood
Flash are of
Flood a slightly
(76.22%). The number of confused instances as Flash Flood and Flood are of a slightly higher higher
Flood are proportion
of a compared
slightly higher
to the ANN compared
proportion based on 164
compared to instances
to the
the ANN based
ANN considered
based on 164
on 164for validation.
instances Correspondingly
considered the confusion
for validation.
for validation. matrix
the that the
the confusion
confusion NB model
matrix showed
showed built
the NB
the Weka
NB model
model software (Figure
built using
built using 11) classified
Weka 1614 out11)
software (Figure
software (Figure ofclassified
11) 2104 as Flash
classified 1614
out of 2104 as Flash Flood, 853 out of 1266 as Flood, 89 out of 100 as Coastal Flood and seven outas
out of 853
2104 out
as of 1266
Flash as
Flood, Flood,
853 89
out out
of of
1266 100
as as Coastal
Flood, 89 Flood
out of 100andasseven
Coastalout of
Flood eight
and instances
seven out of
Lakeshore Flood
eight instances
eight instances as correctly.
as Lakeshore The
Lakeshore Flood correctly classified
Flood correctly.
correctly. The instances
The correctly in total
correctly classifiedwas 2563 (73.69%).
classified instances
instances in The
in total MAE
total was was
was 2563
0.18 and
(73.69%). RMSE
The was
MAE 0.29.
was This
0.18 outcome
and RMSE indicates
was 0.29. that
This the NB
outcome has a very
(73.69%). The MAE was 0.18 and RMSE was 0.29. This outcome indicates that the NB has a very high high
that classification
the NB has a accuracy
very high
when trained on
classification a small data
accuracy when
when settrained
or larger
trained ondata
on set asdata
aa small
small bothset
data software
set or larger
or havedata
larger produced
data as similar
set as
set results when
both software
both software have
produced and tested
produced similar on both
similar results large
results when and
when trained small
trained and data
and tested sets.
tested onon both
both large
large andand small
small data
data sets.
Water 2019, 11, 973 12 of 16
Water 2019,
2019, 11,
11, xx FOR
12 of
of 16

Figure 11.
11. Evaluation
Evaluation Results
Evaluation Results for
Results for Naïve
for Naïve Bayes
Naïve Bayes model
model in
in Weka.

The LR
The LR model
model (Orange)
(Orange) is
is completely
completely disregarded
disregarded as it has
as it has provided
provided as
as small
small as
as 27.44%
27.44% correctly
classified instances
instances (Figure
(Figure 12).

Figure 12.
12. Evaluation
Evaluation Results
Evaluation Results for
for Logistic
Logistic Regression
Regression model
model in
in Orange.

Table 22shows
Table showsthe predicative
the models’
predicative performance
models’ usingusing
performance the MAE
the and
and evaluation metrics.
RMSE evaluation
Table 2. Summary of evaluation metrics of all classification models’ performance in Orange and Weka.
Table 2.
2. Summary
Summary of evaluation metrics
metrics of
of all
all classification models’ performance inin Orange and
and Weka.
Modelof evaluationRMSE classification
MAE models’%performance Orangeinstances
of correctly classified Weka.

Model RMSE MAEOrange

% ofsoftware
correctly classified instances
RF 2.06 Orange software
0.19 80.49
NB RF 2.06
2.52 0.19 0.24 80.49 76.22
ANN NB 2.45
2.52 0.24 0.23 76.22 77.44
LR ANN 5.52
2.45 0.23 0.73 77.44 27.44
LR 5.52 0.73 Weka software 27.44
Model RMSE Weka
MAEsoftware % of correctly classified instances
RF Model 0.27
RMSE 0.13 79.83
MAE % of correctly classified instances
NB RF 0.29
0.27 0.13 0.17 79.83 73.69
Lazy 0.27 0.13 79.70
J48 NB 0.29
0.27 0.17 0.14 73.69 79.73
Lazy 0.27 0.13 79.70
J48 0.27 0.14 79.73
Water 2019, 11, 973 13 of 16

4. Discussion

4.1. Model Performance

This paper takes advantage of historic data (23 years) collected from flood events to classify the
type of the flood that is likely to happen in future. The data was filtered to remove outliers, correct the
missing values, order the data, and more, using ADAT application. 69,558 instances (from years 1994
to 2017) were filtered as an output of the ADAT, which has been used in training the machine and
the remaining 3642 instances (from 2018) were used for testing. 164 instances were used for test data
in Orange software and 3478 instances were used as test data for Weka software with the class of
“Event-Type”. Five types of ML techniques were tested and evaluated in order to be able to choose the
best performing technique. The techniques tested are RF, Lazy, J48 tree, ANN, NB, and LR. Based on the
evaluation metrics resulting from the models, it can be concluded that the best performing technique
used in Orange software (based on the 164 test cases) proves to be the RF, with RMSE result of 2.06,
MAE of 0.19 and correctly classified instance rate of 80.49%, followed by ANN with RMSE result of
2.45, MAE of 0.23 and correctly classified instance rate of 77.44%, NB with RMSE result of 2.52, MAE of
0.24 and correctly classified instance rate of 76.22% and LR with RMSE result of 5.52, MAE of 0.73 and
correctly classified instance rate of 27.44%. The best performing technique used in Weka software
(based on 3478 test cases) proves to be the RF, with RMSE result of 0.27, MAE of 0.1345 and correctly
classified instance rate of 79.83%; followed by J48 with RMSE result of 0.27, MAE of 0.14 and correctly
classified instance rate of 79.73%, Lazy with RMSE result of 0.27, MAE of 0.13 and correctly classified
instance rate of 79.70% and NB with RMSE result of 0.29, MAE of 0.17 and correctly classified instance
rate of 73.69%.
The comparison of the evaluation metrics from the models built using both software tools with
different test data sets indicates that the RF performs best amongst all other techniques followed
by ANN.
Note that the generated model can be used to provide an insight into the number of flooding events.
For example, on using future estimation of weather forecast for the next 10 years from an environment
agency, the built model can provide an understanding of the patterns and number of flooding events,
and type of flood to be expected for that period.

4.2. Awareness, Preparedness and Resilience

The results of most flooding scenarios indicate that the event is a significant threat to people’s lives.
Each of the emergency response elements shown in the influence map (Figure 1) such as emergency
service, health service, community awareness and media coverage serve as a centre for the organisation
of assistance supplies, which involves people who are trained to perform rescue tasks, of which one
is for flood incidents. Flooding may result in the loss of a logistic centre and delay in responding to
rescue operations. In this scenario, other elements must be used for coordination i.e., there may need
to be a collaborative effort amongst response agencies from neighbouring districts and regions to help
bring about normality to the affected areas. Sharing of resources and equipment to deal with a flood
may be required if the local agencies are operating at their absolute capacity. In the UK, there is existing
protocol that agencies adhere to for interagency collaboration and also inter-regional collaboration in
times of crisis.
Flooding of infrastructure such as roads and bridges dramatically affect the ability of road users
to get from a to b. This not only means that people will be unable to access these routes during
a flood, but also that response agencies will be restricted in accessing certain positions, which is clearly
problematic if urgent responses are needed. Even once the water withdraws, the residual deposits
blocks the usage of the roadways and special equipment must be used to clear them. Flooding of
businesses and schools could cause a disruption, preventing employees and students, respectively,
from attending.
Water 2019, 11, 973 14 of 16

4.2.1. Flood Type Awareness and Classification

Based on the results of this study, which classifies flood type, it can be concluded that most
emergency responders can be alerted of flood type that is likely to happen in the area. If emergency
responders are not local to the area, they may not to be aware of what consequences different flood types
can have and what kind of assistance is needed, specific to that flood type. For example, they might
only envision damage to infrastructure and overlook building damages. Therefore, improvement
measures can be taken to train more qualified staff to reduce the impact flooding may have on homes
and other infrastructure.

4.2.2. Preparedness Planning

Depending on the flood type frequently happening to an area, plans can be set to reduce the threat
and impact from flooding at the local level. The plan, called the preparedness plan, categorises the roles
and responsibilities of each stakeholders i.e., emergency responders, firefighters, police, community
and etc. that must take action in case of an emergency situation. By identifying the flood type that
is likely to happen, the situation can be monitored and if it reaches an alarming level, a warning for
evacuation can be issued to the people local to flood-prone areas. Also, the name of the closest shelter
and evacuation route can be provided during an emergency.

4.2.3. Resilience
Bringing human knowledge and AI together is an important way to build resilience. The advantage
of this research is to help comprehend, prioritise, and respond to the potential impact of flooding based
on flood types and protect the community and environment. Flood type classification based on weather
forecast will allow for key decision- makers such as local councils and emergency response agencies to
take action to put in place mitigation measures to decrease the potential impact of an oncoming event.
This is achieved through better understanding of flood types and to make a long-term strategic
plan to prioritise the need for investment based on flood type risk and consequence to reduce impact
on lives, infrastructures, finances, etc. Solutions that are resilient to a variety of flood types can be
made, mitigation measures can be implemented, and prioritising locations which are at higher risk can
be kept under surveillance leading up to an anticipated flood occurrence.

5. Conclusions
This paper describes a robust evaluation of state-of-the-art ML techniques to classify flood type
based on weather forecast, location, days event lasted, begin/end location (name of the place), begin/end
latitude and longitude, injuries direct/indirect, death direct/indirect and property and crop damage to
classify the flood type. The use of ML on historic data in terms of flood type classification is used for
the first time in this study. Extensive historic data has been filtered and used for training and testing
purposes. Several models were built and compared using evaluation metrics i.e., RMSE, MAE and
confusion matrix. The comparison of the evaluation metrics from the models built suggest that the RF
technique outperforms other techniques in terms of RMSE, MAE and confusion matrix (accuracy rate
of 80.49%), followed by ANN (accuracy rate of 77.44%). One of the benefits of this work is that the
same tools and techniques can be used to classify and estimate many other parameters, which have
been used in currently used training set i.e., location, potential financial damage, etc.
This study has focused on flooding as a sub-branch of natural disasters. Nevertheless, there are
many other possibilities to apply AI in natural disasters and help build resilience. Data mining can be
applied to help insurance companies, estimate level of compensations, estimate damage to crops and
buildings, and estimate number of injuries and death in specific areas. By being able to estimate more
accurately and learn from past events, many lessons can be learned and applied in building resilience
against natural disasters. This will also improve public awareness and preparedness, and save lives,
if faced with an adverse natural condition.
Water 2019, 11, 973 15 of 16

A constraint in this study is restrictive access to inclusive data. Most of the big data sets are in the
hands of private companies, and there are no principles for data sharing. Accessing and collecting
these data is difficult and expensive.
The results from this study show for the first time that ML can be used to analyze datasets from
historical disaster events to reveal the most likely events that could occur, should similar events be
experienced in the future. From the literature review, to the best of the authors’ knowledge there is
no equivalent set of data as the NCDC NOAA data from a UK source. It would be advantageous for
the UK environmental agency to provide a detailed historic data from past natural disasters similar
to the NCDC NOAA. This work has proven that the application of ML concept and if such data is
made available from the UK, this ML method can be applied, and more advances can be made within
the UK not only for flooding, but any type of natural disaster (based on provided data type) to help
preparedness, raise awareness and build resilience in disaster management, especially in areas more
prone areas to natural disasters.
The results are highly dependent on data quality and precision. If the data is not reliable or
is “bad” data, the ML is trained on wrong information and therefore the results will be completely
misleading. Missing information or parameter limitation can also adversely affect the model built.
For further study, building a predictive model for future events will be considered. Furthermore,
the use of AI in more natural disaster areas and improving resilience in disaster management, especially
in the UK, is strongly suggested.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.S. and R.K.; Data curation, S.S. and D.J.; Formal analysis S.S. and D.J.;
Funding acquisition, R.K.; Investigation, S.S.; Methodology, S.S.; Project administration, R.K. and G.F.; Resources,
S.S.; Software, S.S.; Supervision, R.K.; Validation, S.S. and D.J.; Visualization, S.S.; Writing–original draft, S.S. and
D.J.; Writing–review & editing, S.S.; R.K.; M.R.C.; G.F. and F.M.
Funding: This research was funded by the EPSRC for funding on BRIM (Building Resilience Into Risk Management),
Ref: EP/N010329/1
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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