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Output in Agri-Fishery Arts: Submitted By: Bugna, Jesselyn Sumiguin Submitted To: Perez, Glorylyn LPT

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Output in
Submitted by: Bugna, Jesselyn Sumiguin
Submitted to: Perez, Glorylyn LPT

Agri Fishery Arts
Agricultural Crop Production

“ If you eat today, thank God. He made a great farmer to sow and harvest your food. “

One of the topics in Agri-Fishery Arts is the agricultural crop production. Agri means “field” and Culture
means “cultivation”. It makes me wonder why it means field and cultivation. Along our discussion, I intercepted
the perception of that through its historical aspects. Agriculture is the mile stone in the history of human
civilization, due to agriculture man settled at particular place. Agriculture is one of the oldest and prime activities
of the human being. It has remained an important source of land. It is also an art of raising plant life from the soil
for the use of mankind.

Crop production is a branch of agriculture that deals with growing crops for use as food and fiber. Crop
production includes grains, cotton, tobacco, fruits, vegetables, nuts and plants. Crop production provides all the
nutrients to the crop plant that are needed and also properly storing them. There are many activities in crop
production and management like, preparation of soil (ploughing, leveling and manuring) sowing of seeds. It
tackled about the procedure on how to take good care of the soil, plants, and vegetables from planting to
harvesting. The difference between farm equipment and farm implement.
At first encounter of its terminologies, it may seem so confusing yet interesting to learn about and got an
idea. It’s just about the use and the user. In terms of the complexity of this maintenance strategy, this topic taught
me how to prevent malfunction and also how to restore good condition of your hand tools even of your agriculture
It also taught me different kinds of hand tools and its uses. Methods on how to prevent and control weeds. It
could be a physical, chemical, biological or crop rotation method. All are still good method to apply in order to
prevent and control weeds. Difference between manure and fertilizer. Between traditional irrigation and modern
irrigation method.
This topic taught me how to prepare a garden bed and soil preparation. I never got an idea since this topic
taught me about types of sowing. I thought it was just a simple dig of soil, bury seed and just wait to see it grow
but I’m wrong. It should be studied further to know. Those are knowledge I gained from this topic. I found peace
and wisdom in nature, in animals, in field, in lakes, in environment.

As a learner from this topic, I can say that I’m now in the position to pick the cream of the crop.
Agriculture-Fishery Arts
“Farming is not just a job. It’s a way of living”

Every time I heard “agriculture” I automatically imagine beautiful rows of vegetables growing in the field,
an abundance of herbs and garlic and braided onions hanging to dry in the barn, fresh wholesome meals, people
who are vigorous and healthy from working outdoors every day, green and tall palm trees, and healthy soil with
alluring flowers. Along our discussion, I found myself surrounded with all those green and nature beauty, seems
like I was at the middle of the forest, inside the heart of the Earth.

But there are other aspects that I can’t even imagine, like pest outbreaks and unexpected frosts/droughts that
can decimate a crop, equipment that’s broken just when you most need it, farmers with frozen fingers and toes
stinging with numbness, planting calendars and the pressure to start things on time, the risk of guessing just when
that is, enduring the blaze of hot sun and pouring sweat, aches and pains that must be ignored in order to get
things done and perhaps worst of all, piles of important unfinished projects with never enough time to complete.
However, as our planet faces environmental problems, such as a growing population, and a billion people who
suffered food insecure, agriculture becomes a significant and exciting field.
The Agri-Fishery strand was designed for hands-on learning and application of skills that are related to
agriculture and aquaculture. The practice of agriculture is also known as "farming", while scientists, inventors and
others devoted to improving farming methods and implements are also said to be engaged in agriculture. It has a
five competencies which are; Agricultural Crop Production, Animal Production, Aquaculture, Fish Captures and
Organic Agriculture.
It had been associated with the production of basic food crops. But as the process of economic development
accelerated, other occupations allied to farming came to be recognized as a part of Agriculture. It doesn’t only
provide foods and raw materials but also employment opportunities to a very large proportion of population. It
gives also essence in our lives even in every individual who prefer environmental money than other business
aspects. As what I’ve observed, agriculture forms as a backbone of any economy. Without a strong agricultural
base, a nation will always find it difficult to sustain its economic growth. This is primarily because it will not be
able to meet the food demands of the economy. Not only does it sustain the state's food requirements but it also
acts as a huge source of employment.

So therefore; Farming is not just a job. It’s a way of living. That’s the Agriculture Fishery Arts really
Animal Production

“ All animals except man knows that the principle business of life is to enjoy it “

Animal Production is the branch of agriculture concerned with animals that are raised for meat, fiber, milk,
eggs, or other products. It includes day-to-day care, selective breeding and the raising of livestock. A process of
rearing animals for getting milk, skin, hides and horns and using them on the farms for agricultural purposes. It
contributes to the nutritional supply for the humanity. It also enhances the income and provides profession to
everyone. It also balances development of economy.

I asked myself during this discussion, “ why people takes time to study the production of animals? “. And
so I realized why – it is because man depends on animals, largely for food and work. Animals provide milk, meat
and eggs as food. They also do lot of heavier work for man. In order to get better outputs, the domestic animals
have to be looked after properly and better high yielding breeds of the animals have to be developed. It’s a cycle
process, give and take system between man and animals. All this is possible only through proper study of animal
production. Another question for myself – “ what was the focus of this topic? “. Along our discussion, I realized
that this topic’s objective is to increase the production of milk, eggs, meat even fish and to utilize the animal
wastes properly.
I never thought that this topic would be so interesting; all I thought about is how to take good care of
animals, just simply feed them and know their varieties or families where they belong. I never thought since it
opened all the ideas about it. Its terminology seems unfamiliar at first yet along our discussion it makes sense, I
understand it clearly and somehow I got an idea about it. We discussed about the Equipment and facilities in
animal production, poultry production. The estimation and calculation of their feeds according to their months old
and the weight of their feeds. The different methods on how animals shall feed. Animal breeding and mating.
Animal nutrition, disease and how it control or cure.

I learned a lot from this topic, include it how they multiply their races, generation to next generation.

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