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Christian Anfinsen Protein Folding

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National Heart Institute

National institutes of Health

Bethesda, Maryland
London l Chapman 6 Hall, Limited

Copyright @ 1959 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

All rights reserved. This book or any part

thereof must not be reproduced in any form
without the written permission of the publisher.

Library of Congrorr Catalog Card Number: 59-11794

Printed in the United Statbs of America


1 he writing of this book has been stimulated
by the excitement and promise of contemporary protein chem-
istry and genetics and by the possibilities of integration of these
fields toward a greater understanding of the fundamental forces
underlying the evolutionary process. It has become, inevitably,
a highly personal volume expressing the experimental and phil-
osophical outlook which has resulted from a process of self-education
in an unfamiliar area of science. As with many biochemists, pure
biology, including genetics, has not been a major exposure in my
education, and the process of learning something about these subjects
has been both a revelation and a struggle. Various kind, and
frequently amused, friends, versed in the complexities of modem
genetics, have sifted through these pages, and I hope that most of
the misinterpretations and frank mistakes have been eliminated.
It has been highly interesting of late to observe how many scientists,
working either in protein chemistry or in genetics, or for that matter
in relatively unrelated fields, have arrived at long-range research plans
that are similar to. my own, down to almost the last detail of experi-
mental planning. This book, therefore, will undoubtedly represent the
point of view of numerous other biologically oriented individuals. On
the other hand, some of the ideas to be discussed are so new and
controversial that for every well-informed reader of this book who,
the result of the dramatic strides taken in the last few years in genetic
in general, approves them there may be another who considers them theory and methodology, and a portion of the discussion in the fol-
nonsense. lowing pages will have to do with the experimental background of
The recent advances in the development of techniques for the study the analysis of genetic fine structure and with the possible significance
of protein structure have made it possible to elucidate the complete of such analysis to the question of protein biosynthesis.
amino acid sequences of a number of rather large polypeptides pos- It is abundantly clear that the metabolic organization of all living
sessing hormonal activity, and nearly complete sequences should soon cells, whether plant or animal, shows a remarkable uniformity. Even
be available for several with enzymatic activity as well, Concomitantly, a cursory examination of the literature of comparative biochemistry
there have been developed methods for the analysis of the finer, and physiology indicates that such biochemical functions as glycolysis,
more subtle, structural aspects of proteins, concerned with folding, proteolysis, and fatty acid degradation, as well as more integrated
intramolecular bonds of various types, and intermolecular interactions. processes such as electromotor activity and active transport through
These advances now begin to enable us to discern the vague outlines membranes, are ubiquitous in nature. Discounting the likelihood of
of macromolecules, in the three-dimensional sense, and to ascribe completely parallel evolution in the plant and animal kingdoms, and
their physical behavior and biological activity to specific covalent and in their major branches, we are led to conclude that, long before
noncovalent structural features. significant specialization, there existed in the waters of the earth vari-
We like to believe that Nature has been extremely wise and effi- ous primeval forms of life which were endowed with representatives
cient in the design of the chemical compounds, however large and of most of, if not all, the important biological processes characterizing
complicated, which make up the structure and machinery of living living things as we know them today. Although it is unlikely that we
things. Thus, although chemical differences are found among the shall ever have more than opinions regarding the origin of life, it
representatives of a given protein as isolated from a variety of species, does seem possible to approach, experimentally, the nature of the
we tend to suppose that such variations, rather than being fortuitous speciation which began when such primeval cells had become estab-
and unimportant irrelevancies, are part of a complicated and highly lished. This approach must involve a backward extrapolation of the
integrated set of variations in all the functionally and structurally information we can obtain on the chemical and genetic factors in
important elements of the cell, the summation of which accounts for organisms chosen from our modem environment.
the unique morphology and phenotypic character of the individual Before examining for the reader the aspects of the mechanism of
organism. evolution that have been particularly illuminated by recent advances
In the last few years, a number of studies have shown that various in biology and chemistry, it has been necessary to outline, in a broad
biologically active molecules may be subjected to considerable degra- sort of way, some of the basic fundamentals of evolution and the
dation without loss of functional competency. It becomes necessary, specific sciences, particularly genetics, that have contributed so essen-
therefore, to consider that the “macromoleculariness” of proteins and tially to its understanding. In the opening chapter, therefore, I have
other large molecules may, in many cases, be concemed not only with collected and rephrased some gleanings from the massive literature
a specific biological property but with other, more subtle, phenomena of morphological evolution to serve as a background for what follows.
of cellular activity and engineering not yet apparent, such as adsorp- In several subsequent chapters is presented further preparatory ma-
tion to surfaces or substrates. We must, perhaps, expect a multiplicity terial dealing with classical and contemporary genetics and with the
of variables in the “natural selection” of variants in molecules, all of basic facts of protein structure. Finally, after some discussion of the
which may, together, determine the biological suitability of a particu- rapidly expanding body of knowledge relating structure to function
lar molecular species. in biological systems, I have considered a few aspects of natural selec-
An understanding of the underlying principles governing the tion in evolution which suggest themselves as a result of contemporary
species specific variations in molecular structure and of the effect of research, as well as some experimental approaches at the molecular
such variations on species characteristics must involve a clarification level.
of the process of translating information present in the genetic ma- This book was written for pleasure, with the desire for self-en-
terial of the cell into the chemical language of enzymes, regulators, lightenment as the major stimulus. Since I cannot help but feel that
and the like. Such considerations are only now becoming possible as
everyone in science must be interested in the evolutionary process as
the central theme of biology, I have listed a number of the original
articles and books which contributed to the subject matter of this
I am greatly indebted to many of my friends and colleagues, includ-
ing Dr. W. F. Harrington, Dr. Daniel Steinberg, Dr. W. Il. Carroll,
Dr. E. D. Kom, and Dr. W. D. Dreyer, who have read and helped
improve various chapters of this book. I should also like to express
my gratefulness to Dr. Bruce Ames for his patient help in connection
with some of the discussions of genetic subjects. My special thanks are
due Professor John T. Edsall of Harvard University and Dr. Michael
Sela of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovoth, Israel, who have
read the entire manuscript and whose suggestions have been invalu-
able in the avoidance of error and in the improvement of style and
organization. Finally, I should like to thank my wife, Florence Anfin- GROUND RULES
sen, for the cheerful and understanding support she gave to a fre-
quently rather morose husband. FOR
Bethesda, Maryland THE READER
May 1959

A prospectus of this book was circulated to a num-

ber of experts by the publisher before the actual job of writing was
begun. The opinions received have been very helpful in establishing
what I hope is the proper slant. One opinion, in particular, expressed
a point of view so similar to my own that I have asked its author, Dr.
William Stein, of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, for
permission to reproduce it here.
It has always seemed to me, and I may be wrong in this, that when an
expert communicates with the relatively non-expert, he has a responsibility
to stay pretty close to the facts. An expert can speculate to other experts
without scruple. They have the equipment to meet him on his own grounds,
evaluate the evidence and accept or reject the speculation as they choose.
The non-expert has no such basis for evaluation. He has to accept rela-
tively uncritically what the expert tells him, and hypothesis and fact soon
become confused in his mind. A plausible speculation-and the speculations
of the true expert are always plausible-can soon masquerade successfully
as gospel. In the present state of our ignorance, I would regard this as
unfortunate. It would seem to me that a book such as this one should aim
to stimulate thought and experiment among practicing scientists, and
should not lull the uninitiated into thinking that we understand more than
we do.
We shall deal, in this book, with many contemporary hypotheses,
some of which are far from general acceptance. Consequently, I
would like to emphasize two points of caution to the reader. First,
simple examples have purposely been chosen to illustrate the presen-
tation of subjects which in fact are sometimes complicated by excep-
tions and inconsistencies. Second, it will be apparent that the author,
like anyone else, has occasionally taken sides.


1 . . . . The Time Scale and Some Evolutionary Principles 1

2.. . . Genes as Determinants of Heredity 15

3.. . . The Chemical Nature of Genetic Material 39

4.. . . The Substructure of Genes 67

5.. . . Protein Structure 98

6.. . . The Biological Activity of Proteins in Relation

to Structure 126

7.. . . Species Variation in Protein Structure 142

8.. . . Genes as Determinants of Protein Structure 164

9.. . . On the Accuracy of Protein Synthesis 185

lo.... The Biosynthesis of Proteins 195

11 . . . . Genes, Proteins, and Evolution 211


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