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Key To Correct Breathing

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The secret science of Breathing, Swara Sastra, was

first revealed to Parvati by Siva who taught Hatha Yoga
also to her. Swara Sastra is a supplement to, but not a
substitute for, the Science of Prana Yama which forms
the fourth Anga or part of Astanga Yoga Sadhana.

As the original Sanskrit work may bot be accessible

to the large English-knowing public, I have ventured to
reveal the secrets of this science in a small booklet.
I have analysed, rearranged and reshaped it so as to make
it applicable to " Man's actions in the ordinary business
of life. 5 ' I have not however tried to give any rationale
in terms of our modern knowledge. The test of the
pudding is in the eating. The test of this science is in the
acting. You can gradually build up your faith in this
science by testing its laws by the logic of your own

The secular utility of this science is as great as its

spiritual value. Its jurisdiction is so vast that it ranges
from self realisation to sexual cohabitation, from law
making to love making or letter writing.

This booklet will be a guide to everyone, whether he

be a saint or shopkeeper, a cabinet minister or a cab
driver. In the beginning you have to make this hand
book as indispensable and as inseparable as your money
purse. Carry this always in your pocket for consultation.
You need not feel guilty or ashamed if you are caught in
that act. In course of time you can master all the details.
You will attain a sort of mechanical perfection. It becomes
as easy as smoking or cycling to act in the correct nadi.

I owe my grateful thanks to Vimarsa Siromani, late

Sreeman G. Rama Kantacharyulu who has written the
Foreword for this little work and encouraged me to get
this printed. The manuscript has been hibernating for
the last decade and a half. The pearl has been locked
up in the shell for an unconscionably long time. It is
Mr. P. L. Sivaram, our District Collector, whose thirst for
knowledge is unquenchable and whose search for it is
indefatigable, that has broken the shell and thrown out the
pearl. But for his encourgement the book might be still
lying in the limbo of the neglected and the forgotten
I thank him with all my heart for having kindly written
his opinion on this book which now ventures to see
the light.


Air is the quickening principle of life in all living

organisms including human beings, and the part it plays
in the economy of life cannot therefore be overstated.
The author of this booklet has laid the educated world
under a deep debt of gratitude by revealing in it, a body
of principles which used to regulate the well-balanced life
of the ancient Rishies assuring them grand success in all
departments of human activity and leading them finally to
the eternal Beatitude which is the ideal of Vedic Faith.

The chief merit of this short work lies in giving us the

key not merely to understand the principles of regulating
the life breaths and obtaining its maximum results, but also
to avoid the pit falls which their breach entails. The
chart he has furnished helps any layman to find out at any
given moment where he stands with reference to an ideally
balanced life, as well as to alter the life breaths so as to
attune them to the ideal life, whenever he happens to
deviate from the same.

The author is an ardent student of Yoga Sadhana in

all its aspects and this booklet is the first of a series of
works he is preparing in the subject. I have no doubt that
the public will derive great benefit from this, his maiden
contribution to the Yogic literature,

Vimarsa Siromani,
(Late.) Sri G. Ramakantacitaryulu.
Author of :

( 1 ) In the temple of truth.

(2) The place of Sankara in Hinduism,

(3) Gita Rahasya Jijnasa,

(4) Nrisimha Stotra Ratna.

(5) Bhagavadavatara Sangraha etc.

FROM LEFT TO RIGHT : (i) Sri M. Sreeramamoorty. (2) Sri K. V. Subba Rao, b.a., f.c.a.,
Auditor, Joint Secretary, A. P. S. N. Academy. (3) Dr. S. S. Rama Rao. (4) Sri P. L.
SIV ARAM, I. A. S„ District Collector. W, Godavary, who released the book. (5) Sri E. Venkata-
ramayya, B. Com., Proprietor, Venkatrama & Co., (6) Sri A. S. Rangacharya, b, a.,
Author. (7) Sri A. Ramakrishna, b. sc., Hons. (m. sc. Statistics) (8) Sri K. Subrahmanya
Sastry, Principal, Sanskrit College (9) Dr. V. V. Gopaeaerishna, m. a. Phd.

" And enterprises of great pith and moment.

With this regard, their currents turn awry
and lose the name of action "

— {Shakespeare).

When God created man, He has set up a mechanism

or apparatus within him, which if rightly and scientifically
handled will make man immune to disease, prevent economic
failure and ward off sorrow and agony of defeat and
frustration. If we cannot find out and make use of this
mechanism within us, we shall be complete wrecks in our
lives in every respect, whether in physical well-being or
economic advantage. Disappointment and defeat lead to
disease and despondency. The knowledge and application
of this secret science of Breathing is an insurance against
failure, disappointment, disease and misery and a guarantee
of success and happiness. Its application gives practical
and tangible results. You will be astonished at the
inexorable precision, surety and inevitability of the results,
I shall only deal with this science as it applies to every
day life from an intensely utilitarian point of view.
Respiration or Swasa :

To have complete knowledge of Swara Sastra, we

— should be well versed in the laws of Respiration. " Kaya
nagara madhythu Marutha Kshithi Palakaha " In the City
of our Body there is the King Air. His Majesty The Air
is the King Emperor of our Body. Ever since the child
comes out of the womb till the man dies, respiration goes
on incessantly knowingly or unknowingly. Breathing in
air is called Inspiration (Inhalation) and breathing out of
air is called expiration (Exhalation). Both inspiration and
expiration constitute respiration. Inspiration is Niswasa
and expiration is Praswasa,

To deal with respiration in all its aspects in detail is

not our purpose here. For healthy living, many modes
of breathing have been prescribed from time to time by
the ancient Rishies as well as the modern physical cultu-
rists. Some essentials are given below.

1. Cultivation of Correct Posture :

Cultivation of correct posture so as to keep the lungs

at their fullest capacity is the first desideratum of a healthy
and successful life. While walking or sitting or singing or
talking, keep your thorax straight and erect without
bending or crouching. This posture keeps the lung capacity
at its maximum. You will gain self-confidence and get
over your inferiority complex.

2. Special E xercises for increasing the Lung

Capacity ;

Vigourous walking and running strengthens the

intercostal muscles and develop your breathing power
on which perhaps your purchasing power also depends to
a large extent. There are sepecial exercises for increasing
the lung capacity. Among Yoga Asanas we have Salabha,
Mayura, Thada and Uddyiana Bandha which greatly
increase the lung capacity with the minimum of expendi-
ture of energy (See Yoga Asanas For Schools and Colleges
by the Author.)

3. Costa! Respiration and Diaphragmatic Respi-

ration :

The cavity of the thorax in which the lungs are

enveloped may be increased in two ways, (a) By pushing
the sternum and the ribs upwards with the help of the
intercostal muscles and the muscles of the neck, (b) By
pressing the diaphragm downwards into the abdominal
cavity making it bulge.

Costa! Respiration :

The respiration in which the ribs and the sternum

play a greater part than the diaphragm is termed as Costal

Diaphragmatic Respiration :

The respiration in which the diaphragm plays a

greater part than the ribs is termed as Diaphragmatic

In diaphragmatic respiration greater quantity of air

is drawn in per each time than in costal respiration and
hence diaphragmatic respiration is prescribed for health
and vigour and in all lung diseases including consumption,
as a preventive and a curative. You can cultivate a
sweet and commanding voice by daily practising diaphra-
gmatic respiration. Lecturers, platform speakers, lawyers,
vocalists, actors, actresses, conversationalists, business
people, lovers (a lover may be rejected for his bad vioce
and for no other reason, Just as the heroine in " A Damsel
in Distress" rejected her lover for no other reason than
that he has grown fat.), should all possess a good voice
which is the Sine-qua-non of success. It gives you self-

How to Practise Diaphragmatic Respiration :

It is very simple and easy provided you are determined

to improve your voice out of all recognition. Lie on
your back in your easy chair in the hot noon, may be in
your bar room or in your own room. Nobody can suspe ct
what you are doing unless your friend also knows the secret,
in which case you become co-practitioners with bonds of
brotherhood. Lie on your back on your bed when you retire
after your day's toil. Take steady and long drawn breaths
by pressing your diaphragm right down into your abdomen
making it bulge. Exhale slowly. Repeat the exercise ten

imes at the start, increase the umber gradually -by adding;;

two per day. You will be lulled into a sweet sleep. It cures
your insomnia also incidentally. You will have good diges-
tion, for the diaphragm gives a gentle massage to the
viscera. It also cures constipation. After a few day's prac-
tice diaphragmatic respiration becomes a habit with you.
You also make it a point to take full deep breaths before
you begin to speak or argue or sing and take full breaths
when you pause and never completely empty your lungs.
Keep them refilled again and again.
Pranayama :

This stands on a higher pedestal than the above men-

tioned modes of respiration. Pranayama is not a breathing
exercise. Through Pranayama the individual controls the
all-pervading Vital Force.

&HTr>&o ^q€> jf© 8>^<g $^y>o tf&fr,

" Chela vatarn chelam chittam nischala nischalam bhavat,

yogi sthanuthva mapnothi thatho vayum niro dhayeth "

(Hattayoga pradipika).
Retention and control of prana or life breath promotes
mental equilibrium and spiritual equanimity leading to the
yogic states of dharana, dhyana and asmadhi. The eight
kinds of Kumbaka Prana yama may be mentioned here to (
arouse the readers curiosity. (1) Surya Bedha (2) Ujjayi
(3) Sitkari (4) Sitali (5) Bastrika (6) Bhramari (7) Murcha
(8) Plavani. The aspirant may practise any one of
these as a preliminary step for purification of Nadies leading )
him to the advanced Prana Yama consisting of Puraka i
(Inhalation) Kumbaka (Retention) and Recheka(Exhalation) ■
in the time ratio of 1 : 3 : 2. For detailed instructions and
guidance, the reader may do well to read Swami Viveka-
nanda's Raja Yoga and Sivananda's Yoga Asanas Section
V, or get himself initiated by a Guru. Please see appendix

No. 1 also. Every Hindu ought to be ashamed of himself,

if he neglects to perform prana Yama thrice daily with
the Gayatri Mantra as enjoined by the Rishies. It gives
you an entire transformation.
Nadies :

Coming to Swara Sastra proper, it deals with the

science of breathing from a different angle. You are
blessed with a nose having two nostrils. You will be
surprised if I tell you that you are not using both of your
nostrils always in your ordinary respiration. You may be
breathing through your left nostril for some time, through
your right nostril for some time or through both of your
nostrils on some rare occasions. You can become aware
of this fact, if you close one of your nostrils. If you
happen to close the nostril through which normal respiration
is going on, you will be suffocated, because the nostril
through which you are breathing is closed and you are not
able to breathe through the other nostril. If you close the
nostril through which you are not breathing, you will find
out that you are freely breathing through the other nostril-
In the same way you can find out if you are breathing
through both of your nostrils. Many eminent doctors
have betrayed their ignorance of these phenomena in

Ida. Pingala and Sushumna :

If you are breathing through your left nostril your

respiration is termed as Ida or Chandra (Moon). Respira-
tion through the right nostril is Pingala or the Surya
(The Sun). If respiration is going freely through both the
nostrils it is termed as Sushumna.

Z*fl Eight Both

Ida Pingala Sushumna

Chandra Surya Brahma

The Moon The Sun

thato^vp SiVananda defineS Nadies as " AsM tube,

tnat carry Prana currents. They cannot be seen by the

S veTs" Th " 0t , the ° rdinary nCTVeS ' arteries

coll C T the three Mdies ^ alon S *e spinal

nZT'™ T Da ° r the Brahma Nadi ru ™ in S "the

^ddle Ida and pingala lying on either side of it. The

respiration currents drawn in through the nose pass along

these nadies, Ida, Pingala and Sushnmna according as they
are drawn through the left or right or both the nostrils.
How to find out which Nadi is playing :

(1) The method of Alternate Closure : Alternately

close the right and the left nostril with the right hand
thumb and the middle finger. You can easily find out
through which nostril you are freely breathing without

(2) Feeling on the back of the palm : Feel the breath

on the back of your palm. The surface is very sensitive.
Slight tilting of the head this and that side will facilitate
detection. By practice you can easily tell through which
nostril you are breathing for the mere wishing without
resorting to the above two methods.

The Laws of Ida and pingala:

These Nadies do not play arbitrarily without any
rale or rhyme. Just as the Ocean has its ebb and tide so
use, these nadies have their ebb and tide. The Seas dance
n delight in the full moon. Inscrutable are the ways of
*od ! The Nadies have their time table and work like a
:lock according to the following laws.

(1) Beginning from Sunrise. Ida and Pingala change

nd alternate for every two and half gadias or one hour.

(2) Ida or Chandra Nadi goes on for the first three

days in the month from sunrise, Suddha Padyami, Vidiya
and Thathiya. During these three days you begin your
day with Ida alternating with Pingala every hour.

(3) On the fourth, fifth, and the sixth day, Suddha

Chaviti, Panchimi and Sashti, you will begin your day
with Pingala and alternate with Ida every hour.

'4) Thus Ida and Pingala mark the sunrise alter-

nately for every three days in the first fortnight (Sukla

(5) During the second half of the month, Pingala

marks the sunrise for the first three days (Bahuia Padyami,
Vidiya, Thathiya) and alternate with Ida for every hour.
Thus Pingala and Ida mark the sunrise for every three
days alternately.

A chart is funrnished herewith for reference by which

you can at once find out which nadi should play during a
particular hour of the day during any day of the month.
How to Read the Chart :

You have to just find out the date. (Thidhi) and the
time of the sunrise. You can know the exact time of
sunrise for any day in The Hindu or any good Calender.
In the Chart hours are counted from sunrise to sunrise.

I shall just work out two examples. Given the time

of sunrise = 7 A. m. ; Date = Suddha Panchami ; Find
out the Nadies at (1) 11 a. m. and (2) 8 p. m.

At 11 a. m. : Deducting the time of sunrise from

11 A. m. you get 11 - 7=4. Look into the fifth horizontal
representing tidhi or date and the fourth perpendieualar
column representing the hour. You get Ida.

Counting 8 p. m. in terms of Railway time from; the

Zero hour to zero hour you get 20 hours. Deducting ■ the
time of sunrise 20-7 = 13. Look into the thirteenth

perpendicular against the fifth horizontaL You , get

Utility ©f Swarasastra :
chart always before yon to fin? 7 l™^™ 1 * kee ? this

drifts ontX :/;L°trx w ^ you T

Actions and their Relation, with the Nadi., •

«ng a nd the most Lm ~ f *"*

*et.on, to be performed while ida is pIay i„g

(1) All peri -n a . nent and puWic works (stb;ra ^

iJLS" " * d ™ °f *P-on or a place

win not be obsessf ■ ■ : * a a sense of

your own ugliness, You will be thoroughly satisfied with

the combing of your crop and tying of your necktie on
which your mood generally depends. Film actors and
actresses should observe this rule and if they begin their
makeup in their left nadi they will soon reach stardom.
If the shop-keeper begins his window-dressing m his left
nadi, he will have good business, As every body has got to
put up some show in his own way, this rule has got
universal utility and application.

(3) Long Journey. Always start in your left nadi.

Nowhere does man reveal himself in his truer and- blacker
colours than in a railway compartment wherein he drops
off completely all social instincts of chivalry, etiquette
courtesy and fellowship. Nowadays one must be an acrobat
or an athlete or a circus chap to be able to scale that
moving fortress of a railway, compartment against the
armed might of a whole band of brutes and the physical
culture is never better appreciated. Death due to suffo-
cation is a common accident in a railway compartment. In
the course of your journey you are always faced with a
grim prospect of some accident from an aircrash to a rick^
shaw clash. You think it a fluke, if you reach your
destination safe. You must ha.e started m your left
nadi without knowing it. One can make a rule of a fluke
by always starting on one's journey in one s left nadi.
Herein lies the secret of a successful journey.

(4) Entrance into a holy place or hermitage {Asrama

Alaya Prevesam.)

(5) Construction of building or a palace (Gnha

Nirmanam.) .

■ (6) Construction of a compound wall.

(7) Digging of wells, tanks, canals, construction of

dams, reservoirs and big projects. All engineers and the
Public Works Department : - from the Monarch or Mims^f
[21 .........
to the Mastri, should all consult this scieuce, lest their

ara*^ theTueuakian

(8) Laying of Parks or Gardens.

(9) Giving of Charity.

t (10 w, PerfOm . anCe ^ Marriage ' Misalliance of any

sort, whether pos lt ive physical repulsion or repugnance or
vague intellectual incompatibility, will become LpoSweK
the marriage is performed in the left nadi of the c'ouple

(11 Wearing new cloths. (Noothana Vastra Dharana)

They will wear well if you wear them in your Ida

m ^T'^* 1 ? eeremoni ^- Santi Karmas.

(13) Taking of medicine (Oushada Seva). The
mherent efficacy of a drug may be of no account, if you do
not take it in your left nadi.

at\ XPei ' imentS - (RaSa y an Perisodhana)

(IS) Approachmg your superiors. From the Viceroy to

the village servant, every one has to obey a certain higher
authonty m bureaucracy. You should be wary in approach
mg your superior^ for I am sure you would not b £r t h e
Insolence of office and the spurns that the patient meri t
of the unworthy takes". Always make it a point to

- - (16) Political Interviews and Conferences Th* f <

of nations and millions of people depend of h J ^

Prime Ministers Meetings

(18) Social reforms.

(19) Constructive schemes of Social advantage.

(20) Heroic deeds of altruism.

Ida nadi is an auspicious nadi for the performance of

Karma Yoga. When the individual goes out into the
wide world for any self-less public service, the Ida should
lead him.

Actions to be performed in Pingala. Performance

of all hard Actions (Kattina Karma):

(1) Learning of black arts (Krura vidyadhyana.)

2) Sexual Cohabitation (Sri Samsarga.) Man's Pingala
and the Woman's Ida should play during cohabitation.
The man should lie on his left side and the woman on her
right side, when the Pingala of the man and the Ida of
the woman will be induced. This is of course the prelimi-
nary posture of embrace which gives the most deisrable
results. This is a clue to success in cohabitation. If
fertilisation takes place when the Pingala of the man and
the Ida of the woman play, they will be blessed with a son
(Puthra Santhana Prapti).

(3) Launching on a sea yoyage. (Nawka Yatra).

(4) Worshipping of cruel Gods and chanting of cruel

Mantras. (Viramantra dhya dhupasana).

(6) Punishing the enemy,

(6) Learning of sciences (Sastra Abhyasam).

(7) Arrival. Always return home in your Pingala.

You will find your wife in a joyful mood and your
children in radiant health, an ideal state of domestic

(8) Sale of cattle (PasU Vikrayam).

(9) Practice of music (Sangita Abhyasa).

(10) Fitting up of any machinery or plant. This is

an important precaution in the industrial age of ours.

(11 Scaling a mountain or a fortrees, getting up

into the higher storeys of a building. (Giri durga prasa-

1.2) Physical exercises {Vyayarnam)

(13) Magical performances (Bhuta Bhetala Yaskhini


■ 14) Six actions (Shat Karmas)

(a) Sacrifice (Yajyam)

(b) Worship (Yajanam)

(c) Learning (Adhyanam)

(d) Teaching (Adhyapakam)

(e) Gift making (Dhanam)

(f) Receiving gifts (Prati graham)

(15) Letter writing (Lekhanam)

(16) Selling and buying (Kraya, vikrayamulu). Buy-

ing and selling either through barter or money are the
two most basic and fundamental transactions in human
relationship and the whole of the present day complicated
economic structure of production, distribution and con-
sumption, is based on and resolves itself into, buying and
selling. When you go a shopping, see that yoa do it in
your right nadi and you will not fall an easy prey to every
imposter that you come across, unlike our friend Moses,
the Vicar's son. One of the main causes of maldistribution
of wealth is perhaps this open practice of swindling and
imposture among individuals and nations which the
political economists call exploitation.

(17) Fighting and War. Evidently the Facist powers

had begun the war in a wrong nadi.

(18; Enjoyment (Bhoga) You should make gala in

your right nadi only to avoid undesirable after effects.

(19) Bathing uSnana)

(20) Taking in food (Ahara)

All these twenty categories of actions should be

performed while pingala or the right nadi is playing.
Actions In Sushumna :

The following actions should be done when the Su-

shumna is playing i.e., when you are breathing through
both of your nostrils.

(1 ) Practice of Astanga Yoga.

(2) Prayer and Japa (Nama Samkirtan)

3 Cursing. If the ancient Rishies were provoked

they u ed to throw out curses as powerful and devastating
Satomicbomb, If you know when toa^B^
. afford to insult you, or pick up a quarrel with you
or look down upon you, with impunity. ... Wntf

(4) Blessing. There cannot be any wishful thinking

so long as you know when and how to think. You can
shower your effective prayerful blessings on the underdog
t7Z contribute V- invisible ^lessj^
qnota of social service. But on that score, you are by no
Lans, absolved .from, and relieved of , your more direct
constructive responsibilities. _

The Sushumna Nadi is a sacred nadi. It is the time

for cessation of all work. You should lay down your -tool*
S^draw all your senses (Indriyas) into the depths o
your soul, tortoise-like and surrender and merge your
Mviduality in the Unity of All Individuals. The
Suhumna plays at rare interval. It generaUy i*k at
twilight (Sandhya Samayam) and m mid^ That s
why performance of Sandya Vandanam is. f^^ 1 ^
in I day, the dawn, the midday and the dusk. We do
Pranayamainthe Sandya vandanan. T* F*~J0«
along the Sushumna nadi and awakens the Ku^ ala ^
Sakt! and draws it upto Brahma Randra When the
Kundalini Sakti reaches Brahma Randra, the state of

vikalpa Samadhi is attained.

Detection of impending calamities and how to avoid
them : ,
If your nadies do not show or tally with those shown
in the chart, it forebodes evil.

(1) if the wrong nadi flows during the first fortnight

in the month, you 'will find yourself suffering fron fever,
before the full moon-day.

nad f I If -uT Se ° 0nd forthi S ht begins with a wrong

•• you will be suffering from cold and allied ailments.

•ti ^^? 0 f0rtnightS ' Wr ° ngnadi flows

dearest bereavements of your nearest and

fortn^ *™ consecutive

rimgnts -° eath Wl11 overtake the man,

How to avert the impending dangers :

We can avert the evil of any degree by diverting the

wrong nadi and inducing the correct one. g
The different ways of changing the Nadies :
ThJ^ ** l 0 ** 1 **^: The Yogies use this method.
They carry the Yoga Danda always. If you want to

i^\r.V*V r 7 the left to thQ *»pS

ime In * ^ left ^ and sit f °r some

r r; * t fe ^ f mmutes y™ to breathe through your

nght nostril. If you want to change your Pi nffa f a and


Your Ida will be induced in a few minutes. By following

the eft armpi for inducing the right nadi and for inducin-
the left nadi, keep the Yoga Danda in the right armpit

knJ 2) ^'"to* °f **<*'• You can extemporise you

knee as a Yoga Danda as it may not be possible to clrry
your Yoga Danda into your office. You dare not I am
sure. In order to induce your Ida, you can sit in your

SS k "^^ fr ° m ^ officer 2^
your nght knee m your right armpit. To induce youf
Pmgala, insert your left knee in your left armpit.
r^! 3) A Lying A Post f e If lie on your left side, your

cWe a tt 1S 1 1' ^ ^ tW ° ° r three to

change the course of your nadi. If you lie on your right

side, your Ida is induced. 6

(4) Ardhametyendra Asmia: Besides achieving your

object, you will indirectly reap other cultural benefits of
this Asana. The technique of this asana is given below in

Starting Position : Sitting cross-legged in the Indian


Count One : Stretching your legs forward.

Count Two : Raising the left knee slightly making a

bridge and placing the right heel below the anus bending
the right leg sideward at the knee joint.

Count Three : Depositing the left foot by the side of

the right thigh and pressing the left thigh to the abdomen.

Count Four : Inserting the left knee in the right

armpit and twisting the trunk and catching hold of the
left ankle with the left hand passing over the back. Retain
the position for a few minutes. Your left nadi is
induced. To induce the right nadi perform the alternate.
This method is not intended for stout and fatty people.

(5) Mechanical Obstrurtion : You can block the

wrong nadi by wax or cotton.

If you find that a wrong nadi is running in you,

you can make use of any one of these five methods and
change the course of your nadi, correct it with reference to
the chart and thus avert the impending ailment or calamity.

How to Induce the Sushumna :

Bastrika ^ranayama : Rapid, powerful and forcible

expirations and inspirations resembling the action of the
bellows, constitute Bastrika Pranayama. Seat yourself
confortably in Padma Asana and practise it. It is very
simple. Begin to expel the air from the lungs with a
hissing sound and -take in deep breaths. You begin to
perspire after some time and both your nostrils will be
cleared and you will breathe freely through both of them.
Now you have got Sushumna.

(2) Paschimottana Asana : This is also very simple,

:ded you have no fat about you. Lie flat on your
back, arms stretching backward horizontal. Take a de^p
breath and raise your trunk, slowly exhaling, bending the
trunk over your legs and catching hold of your toes with
vour fingers, press your forehead to the knees without
raising them from the ground. Retain the pose two or
three minutes. Sushumna will be induced. Repeat this,
if you want, till you are sure.

f 3) Sirsha Asana : This is a topry-turvy pose,

Spread vour towel on your Chitrasana. Lock your fingers^
and then deposit the finger-lock on the soft surface palms
facing upwards and elbows resting down. Resting the head
on V our finger-lock, slowly raise your trunk to a perpendi-
cular position and then stretch your legs straight. Keep
the balance. For a minute or two you will have hard
breathing But after some time your breath will settle
down into a steady peaceful and exhilarating Sushumna.
If y OU can open your Sushumna at will, Eternal
bliss is at your beck and call :
Conclusion :

This Science of Breathing or Swarasastra was taught

bv Siva to Parvati and was kept a secret by me nshies
arid handed down from guru to sishya.

This is essentially a science of Success and perhaps

as great a secret as the astounding secret of the atrocious
atomic bomb.

If this Science is rightly understood and properly

applied it affords the key to individual success resulting
in the ultimate collective good of the World.

Though -

" There is a divinity that shapes our ends,

Rough-hew them how you will "


" Our Remedies oft in ourselves do lie,

Which we ascribe to heaven."


Pranayama Chart. The Gents of Pranayama

lint (NpHmIiu). hiaplnithm (Puraka),

otion (Kumbhaka)
Normal or Kavala or absolu
to be done, without eithe
expiration or Inspiration.

.ion (Rechaka purvaka).


I on I |iiiutiif!ny or Warming,
(j) (2)

Sahita with air or without.



.^IMV„ ll..||. H M.I

1 1 r 1 ■ ■ if- 1 it

uontrll or

Ritintlon :
ill! 2.
Kxpiration :
through the
Lef1 nostril or

Benefits :

Purifies brain

ath Dosha,
estroys ,

be done in
:old season.

Inspiration :

through both
the nostrils
Ida & Pingala
with sound.

Retention :

1" 5 : 3 : 2.
Expiration -
through the
left nostril.

Benefits :
1. Cures phlegm


Inspiration :

With tongue
between the

Retention :
as usual.

Expiration :
through both
the nostrils.

Benefits :
1. Satisfies hun-

i 2. Quenches
2. Cures water i /? . ' ,
... i thirst;


3. Improves
To be done in
cold season.
3. Conquers

4. Destroys


To be done in

hot season.


Inspiration :
With tongue
protruing out |
like a tube
outside this
lips. \

Retention :

as usual.

Expiration *
through both
the nostrils.

Benefits :

1. Satisfies hun-

2. Quenches

3. Kills desires.
To be done in
hot season.



I Inspiration •
\ Inspiration . f

u wh both nostrils
through both i

nostrils f^l^uon:
the sound oi l
a male Bhra-




[ Retention :

Expiration :


Inspiration :

Deep with both

taking in air as to
fill the abdomen
also protruding the
abdominal wall.

With Jalan-
r chest zn&\ Retention: Usual.


chin lock of
the throat.

r *h the
1 Expiration :

through both | mx ]

nostrils wxthj

the sound of l
a female


Expiration : Usual.

Through both
the nostrils.

This is diaphrag-
matic breathing.


Appendix 11(a) first Fortnight Suk.a Paksha-Hours to * :

I = Ida-Left nostril (Cahn dra or Moon) ; P = Pmgala^ ^°i^"_

■ — ■-" ■■ "" _ ^ ~ , o i4 i r. i (I 1 7 I S H V,

PL l

l ]

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1 I



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